TERM TWO FRI 29 June Grade 5/6 President Gabrielle Marchetti Vice President Jeremy Schreurs Treasurer Jeremy Schreurs Community Gabrielle Marchetti, James Henry Building and Grounds James Henry OSHC Monique Dawson SCHOOL COUNCIL Policies Marg Weymouth Community Partnerships Monique Dawson, Jane Scammell Members Madeleine Aikenhead, Petra Stock DET Marg Weymouth, Trevor Strolla, Ivana D’Aprano www.brunswicksouthps.vic.edu.au our values the moral fibre which guides our culture CONSTANT LEARNING MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY COMPASSION SENSE OF POSSIBILITY Please send enquiries to [email protected] marked attention to the relevant convenor. 29 june 2018 issue 9 NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE LE NOTIZIE DI TREVOR, SPECIALISTS, BSPS NOTICES ,COMMUNITY NOTICES Sibling Enrolments now open JUNE FRI 29 Last Day of term 2.30 Finish JULY MON 16 Curriculum Day (Student Free) TUES 17 Term 3 commences TUE 31 School Council Meeting AUGUST MON 13-WED 15 3/4 Camp Mt Evelyn THURS 16 Science Day CALENDAR DATES ASSEMBLY DATES 56 Brunswick Road BRUNSWICK EAST 3057 . t 9380 1231 . e [email protected]

Transcript of TERM TWO WHAT’S INSIDE -...


FRI 29 June Grade 5/6

President Gabrielle MarchettiVice President Jeremy SchreursTreasurer Jeremy SchreursCommunity Gabrielle Marchetti,James HenryBuilding and Grounds James Henry OSHC Monique Dawson


Policies Marg WeymouthCommunity Partnerships Monique Dawson, Jane ScammellMembers Madeleine Aikenhead, Petra StockDET Marg Weymouth, Trevor Strolla, Ivana D’Aprano



Please send enquiries to [email protected] marked attention to the relevant convenor.

29 june 2018 issue 9




Sibling Enrolments now open


FRI 29 Last Day of term 2.30 Finish

JULYMON 16 Curriculum Day (Student Free)

TUES 17 Term 3 commences

TUE 31 School Council Meeting

AUGUSTMON 13-WED 15 3/4 Camp Mt Evelyn

THURS 16 Science Day



56 Brunswick Road BRUNSWICK EAST 3057 . t 9380 1231 . e [email protected]


DI TREVORWhat a wonderful

community event! The weather was kind,

and even the rain we had didn’t dampen our spirits! The vast majority of our school community were present and it was even lovely to see a few prospective families in the crowd. In true BSPS spirit the Winter Solstice Festival defined everything great about our magical school community.

Highlights of the event were, without a doubt, the Haunted House (and the screams of delight/fear), the musical performances from our students, some signature dance moves witnessed in the Silent Disco and the gasps of surprise from our magician. The culinary crew were at it again and, as we do at BSPS, all palettes were catered with a wonderful selection of food and drinks.

It goes without saying that an event this massive requires thorough and careful coordination. The organising committee worked seamlessly to bring everything together, down to the finest detail. Further evidence of the huge impact that collaboration has on our school community. Thank you to Jane Scammell, Angela Nicholas, Simone Gregurke, Simon Hall, Stephen Nowicki, Mary-Ellen Jordan, Dan Ziffer and Vicky Wilson.

The many days of cooking, preparing, moving, collecting and planning this event is a huge contribution to our school and for your commitment, we are very grateful. There were countless others involved in various ways leading up to and on the day of the event. I couldn’t even begin to name all the volunteers and supporters, but please accept our thanks. The success of the event speaks for itself!

We’d love to hear some feedback from our community about the Winter Solstice Festival and the organising committee have prepared a parent and a student feedback survey. Click the appropriate link to help make next year’s event even better!

Parents and carers feedback

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T8TYKQTstudent feedback


rePorts & student Led conferencesYour child’s report for Semester 1 was sent home this week and we hope you spent some time reading through your child’s achievements and celebrating their success in learning. Student reports provide parents and caregivers with clear, comprehensive and consistent information about your child’s progress in all areas of learning. Reports also outline a child’s next steps and how the school will support them to reach these next stages of learning. Please remember: some areas of the curriculum are not assessed until the end of the year, allowing your child to have a full year of learning before being assessed against the curriculum.

This year we introduced Student Led Conferences to further build learner agency in our students at BSPS. We want to give our kids increased responsibility and ownership over their learning and learning goals. This is to support them to develop into independent, life-long learners. Please see the page 8 for instructions on booking your child’s Student Led Conference session on tuesday 31st July or Wednesday 1st august.

A ‘Student-Led Conference’ is an authentic way to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, actions and decisions. This process demonstrates to your child that we all support their learning in partnership, we acknowledge and value their accomplishments and respect their own view of themselves as learners. We surveyed parents after the conferences in Term 1 and we were overwhelmed with the positive feedback received. Some of you indicated you’d like more time with your child’s teacher and, this semester, we have managed to increase the length of each session to 15 minutes. The extra time may not seem like much, but with 332 students, it’s an extra commitment from our teaching staff.

congratuLations term 2 Learning Legendsterm 2 - Week 9

� Foundation - Freddie, Taylor, Giovita � Grade 1/2 - Milo, Ivy, Yaman, Sava � Grade 3/4 - Anatole, Oscar O, Maleki, Max J

� Grade 5/6 - Ada, Charlie � Specialist - Sebastin Y, Leonardo G � Staff- Maree, Sarah

term 2 - Week 10 � Foundation - Flora, Olive, Edith � Grade 1/2 - Bastin, Indiah, Noah R, Yusuf

� Grade 3/4 - James B, Xahra, Eddy, Harriet

� Specialist - Milo, Hinda, Ty � Staff- Mary, Jo, Daniele

Please note that you are always welcome to arrange a time to meet with your child’s teachers outside of these times. Our staff are very accommodating in meeting these requests within the working week.

bsPs buiLding fundThe BSPS Building Fund has a tax deductible donation status. If you wish to help the school with a donation, you can do so before 30 June 2018. For those who have already donated throughout the year, thank you.

Brunswick South Primary School

BSB: 063 228 Acc #: 1001 8837

Library WorksLast week a Work Safe Inspector attended the school to inspect and report on the work being carried out to reinstate water damage to the library. The Inspector met with the sub-contractor and school representatives following an inspection of the work and discussion with the sub-contractor and has advised that the work is being conducted to the required safety standards and risks being managed correctly. WorkSafe does not intend to take any further action.

We are hoping the remaining work will be

completed in the library over the holiday break and be ready to use again early next term.

staff neWsThe engagements continue this year at BSPS and we are very excited to hear about Steffie’s engagement last weekend. Milly was engaged before she joined us at BSPS, but is officially celebrating her engagement this coming weekend. Congratulations to you both!

curricuLum dayPlease remember that the first day of Term 3 is a Student Free Day and the first day back for students is tuesday 17th July.

This term has been a very busy one and it’s hard to believe we are at the half-way mark for 2018. It’s a privilege to work and learn at our school and I often stop and remind myself how lucky I am to be part of such a wonderful community. Together we really do work together to change the lives of our kids for the better – in partnership, we make a great team!

Have a safe holiday break and take some much deserved time out. Don’t forget, the winter break is a perfect one for a pyjama day or two!

See you next term,


dear parents and carers,

the dance incursion program ended on friday 22nd of June, and all of the students had a wonderful time participating.

during the dance incursion students worked in teams, pairs and individually towards learning dance steps, combination figures and choreographies of a dances such as hip-hop, jive and disco. During the five-week dance program, students explored, developed and incorporated their own dance moves into the choreographies for the dance styles in preparation for their 15 minutes of dance “fame” where they had to showcase what they had learned to their older and younger peers.

i would like to acknowledge and thank bree from ‘kinect2dance” for her energy, drive and determination in helping students discover the fun and the challenges of learning dance, and for bringing an engaging, active and powerful dance incursion to bsPs, enriching further the bsPs Performing arts Program.

daniele Vitali


Gli alunni della Brunswick South Primary School si cimetano nell'arte culinaria per un giorno. Piccoli italiani crescono!

Impariamo insieme a fare la pasta!

Lo Strathmore Secondary College al Calabria Club

Per maggiori informazioni sulle speciali promozioni per le scuole visitare il sito internet: www.ilglobo.com.au/school-subscriptionsInviateci articoli e foto delle vostre attività scolastiche legate alla lingua e cultura italiana all'email [email protected]

o per posta all'indirizzo: PO Box 250, Brunswick West, VIC 3055

Giovedì 21 giugno 2018IL GLOBO38 In classe

La rubrica dedicata alle scuole che insegnano l'italiano

Una riflessione scritta in italiano da Asmida, una studentessa della scuola bilingue di Brunswick South

Anche quest’anno, il 31 maggio la Brunswick South Primary School ha festeggiato la sua ani-ma italiana con una giornata a tema di grande successo per studenti, insegnanti e genitori. Ol-tre alle tante attività organizzate dalla scuola, per celebrare l’anniversario della Repubblica Italiana, gli studenti si sono uniti ai festeggiamenti di do-menica 3 giugno presso la chiesa di Santa Brigida a North Fitzroy e hanno cantato l’inno nazionale italiano. In tantissimi hanno partecipato anche a un torneo organizzato dal Melbourne Victory Football Club dimostrando la loro passione per il nostro sport nazionale.

Per quanto riguarda le attività della festa italiana, gli studenti della Brunswick South si sono cimentati nell’antica tecnica del mosaico. In gruppi di età diverse, hanno poi imparato le parole e ballato con le azioni della canzone "Gioca Jouer" e si sono sfi dati in una gara di scioglilingua, sia in italiano che in inglese.

L’intramontabile ‘sopra la panca la capra campa, sotto la panca la capra crepa’ ha messo in diffi coltà anche i bambini più tenaci ma mai quanto il nostro Apelle, fi glio di Apollo. Per chi non ne avesse avuto abbastanza, c’erano anche tigri contro tigri a dar pane per i loro denti.

L’ultima attività della giornata ha deliziato tutti: fare pasta all’uovo con la Signora Tascone è ormai quasi un rito per la scuola di Brunswick South. Prima di mettere letteralmente le mani in pasta, i bambini hanno ascoltato una storia che li ha avvicinati alla data del 2 giugno.

Di origini italiane, la signora Tascone ha raccontato, vestita da carabiniere come i suoi collaboratori, una storia di unità nazionale, par-lando di autodeterminazione di un popolo che ha scelto la democrazia come proprio sistema di governo. Subito dopo, tutti si sono rimboccati le maniche e hanno preparato la pasta all’uovo.

Condividendo una macchina per fare la pasta ogni due studenti e un impasto umido per ta-gliatelle, i bambini si sono divertiti tantissimo nel preparare la sfoglia e poi lunghe strisce di pasta all’uovo. Ognuno ha portato a casa un vassoio che poi ha incontrato sughi diversi per tutti i gusti, di cui parlare il giorno dopo a scuola.

Come tradizione vuole, per pranzo tantissime pizze sono state distribuite ai bambini della scuo-

Nel mese di aprile, gli studenti dell'Anno 7 dello Strathmore Secondary College hanno avuto l’opportunità di passare una piacevole giornata al Calabria Club di Bulla (Victoria).

Grazie all’impegno volontario dei membri del club, i ragazzi sono stati coinvolti in svariate at-tività: calcio, bocce, tarantella e la preparazione di diversi tipi di pasta fresca.

Inoltre, studenti e insegnanti hanno potuto gustare un delizioso pranzo a base di pasta, pizza, formaggi e olive e, a fi ne giornata, non poteva di certo mancare un bel gelato artigia-nale per tutti!

È stata davvero una giornata coinvolgente e divertente, gli studenti sono rimasti entusiasti e hanno avuto modo di apprezzare e conoscere più da vicino la cultura italiana.

Ringraziamo di cuore tutti i membri del Ca-labria Club per la loro gentilezza, disponibilità e simpatia.

ELISA BUGIANTELLA (Assistente di italiano allo Strathmore Secondary College) Gli studenti dell'Anno 7 dello Strathmore Secondary College al club di Bulla

I bambini imparano a fare la pasta fresca

la bilingue e per merenda un gelato. A sentire i commenti dei bambini, sembra che neppure in Australia si possa prescindere da queste delizie per festeggiare l’Italia!

Ecco alcune testimonianze che i bambini della Brunswick South Primary School ci hanno mandato:

“Mi piace la scuola perché le cose che faccia-mo in italiano sono molto divertenti; abbiamo appena imparato come dire che ore sono in italiano. Lo sai che ci sono tre diff erenti modi di dire che ore sono? Sono le sei meno un quarto, le cinque e tre quarti e le cinque e quarantacin-que! Noi impariamo canzoni in italiano come Volare e Gioca Jouer; è divertente imparare così.” Peggy, 10 anni

“Questo anno noi andiamo Italia con la scuola. E' una esperienza fantastica perché noi possiamo andare in Italia alla nostra età. Tanti studenti vanno in altri paesi in scuola seconda, noi siamo fortunati. Noi andiamo tante città e monumenti famosi, vedere tanto e mangiare pizza, gelato e pasta.” Kevin, 11 anni

"Mi piace il nostro programa bilingue, nel-le altre scuole hanno un’ora di italiano ogni settimana. Noi invece impariamo in italiano matematica / leggere / scrivere / scienze / arte / arti performative. Mi piace tanto!" Alice, 10 anni.

Il ministro Merlinoe il console visitanola prima scuola bilingue del Victoria

Durante la settimana all ’insegna della cultura italiana, la scuola bi-lingue del Victoria ha ricevuto la visita da parte del ministro statale dell’Istruzione, James Merlino e del console generale di Victoria e Tasma-nia, Pierluigi Trombetta.

Una giornata speciale, ormai con-siderata una ricorrenza visto che il ministo ci tiene molto ad andare a trovare gli studenti ogni anno, soprattutto da quando, nel 2017, la Brunswick South Primary School (BSPS) è diventata ufficilamente la prima scuola bilingue italiana del Victoria.

Dopo una breve introduzione alla giornata da parte del preside Trevor Strolla e una veloce visita alla scuola, molti invitati, genitori e studenti si sono riuniti nell'ascoltare il discorso del ministro e del console.

Merlino ha iniziato in italiano dan-do il buongiorno a tutti gli alunni che hanno risposto in coro: "Buongiorno ministro Merlino!".

Poi ha continuato spiegando ai bambini in cosa consiste il suo lavoro, i progetti per il futuro (scuole verti-cali, ecc.) ma soprattutto ci ha tenuto a specificare quanto fosse orgoglioso di aver partecipato alla realizzazione del programma bilingue alla BSPS, in quanto italiano d'origine (il padre è nato a Salina, in Sicilia).

Tanti complimenti sono stati di-stribuiti anche al corpo docenti per l'arduo lavoro svolto durante l'anno.

Infine la parola è stata passata al console Trombetta, in visita per la pri-ma volta alla scuola, che si è definito davvero colpito dall'organizzazione, dall'impegno di tutto il personale e ovviamente dagli studenti.

D'obbligo un ringraziamento al mi-nistro Merlino per la determinazione e i magnifici risultati e, in aggiunta, ha condiviso qualche dato sullo stu-dio della lingua italiana in Australia (circa 300mila studenti) e di quanto potrà aprire porte sulla vita lavorativa futura di molti studenti.

Il ministro Merlino e il console Trombetta poco prima del discorso ufficiale


Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions.

Simply enter the code and press "Go"

Enter your details Select the teachers you wish to see Select the appointment times that suit your family best When you click FINISH, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically. If you do not receive your email immediately – Check your junk mail folder AND make sure you have spelled your email address correctly

You can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au at any time, and change your interviews - until the bookings close on Monday 30th July at 3:30pm.

Dear Parents/Carers, On Tuesday 31st July and Wednesday 1st August, we will hold our Student Led Conferences for Semester 2. Appointments can be made between 4-7pm on either of these days. Bookings must be finalised before Monday 30th July at 3:30pm, as this event will close. For parents that do not have internet access, please contact the office on 9380 1231 to make a booking.

You may change your bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address, you used when you made your original booking. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date, should contact the school directly on: 9380 1231 We would love to hear what you think about online booking. If you get time, click on the “contact us” button on the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and leave some feedback - anonymously if you wish, but please include the school’s name and suburb.



After School Art at BSP

Mondays and Thursdays 3:30-5pm Run by Primary Teacher, Visual Artist and BSP parent Louella.

WHERE: School art room.

WHO: Multi age sessions – Foundation to Year 6. Siblings can attend together.

COST: $25 per session. Includes all materials and fruit snack.

To book call Louella 0411033864

or email [email protected]

Programs Run During Term:

Moreland City Libraries Winter 2018


LEGO Builders Build, create, connect and have fun with our LEGO collection. This is a monthly after school program for school-aged children.

4 pm, Wednesdays at Brunswick Library.

Code Club Australia* Learning to program a computer is an important skill. Come along to our fun weekly workshops.

The Digital Shift* The Digital Shift is a fun-filled, collaborative workshop exploring digital programming from robotics to stop motion movie-making. Bookings essential. BEE BOTS 4-5 pm, Thursdays at Coburg Library

STOP MOTION ANIMATION 4-5 pm, Thursdays at Glenroy Library

EDISON ROBOTS 2 4-5 pm, Wednesdays at Fawkner Library

SCRIBBLEBOTS FAMILY SCIENCE NIGHT 6.15 pm, Thursday 16 August at Glenroy Library

Brunswick Library 33 Sydney Road, Coburg

Phone: 9389 8600

Fawkner Library 77 Jukes Road, Fawkner

Phone: 9355 4200

Campbell Turnbull Library 220 Melville Road, West Brunswick

Phone: 9384 9200

Glenroy Library 737 Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy

Phone: 8311 4100

Coburg Library Cnr Victoria & Louisa Streets, Coburg

Phone: 9353 4000

Register online: moreland.vic.gov.au

*All participants are required to hold a Moreland City Libraries membership card with internet access.

4 pm, 3rd Tuesday of the month at Fawkner Library

4 pm ,1st Thursday of the month at Campbell Turnbull Library

Join a Book Club @ Brunswick Library Junior Book Club For ages 10-12 years (during school term) 4:30-5:30 pm, 1st Tuesday of the month

Loveya Book Club For ages 13+ (during school term) 4:30-5:30 pm, 1st Thursday of the month

These are community book groups facilitated by Brunswick Bound Bookstore. For enquiries phone 9381 4019.


Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is also one of the world’s oldest languages with a written history and culture of over 4000 years. Year 7 students will now have the opportunity to

study Spanish or Chinese (Mandarin) at Coburg High School.

Chinese (Mandarin)

Newlands & East Coburg Neighbourhood Houses

July School Holiday Programs

What's your plan for the upcoming school holiday? If you are going to be around, come to our

school holiday programs for children aged 6-17.


20 Murray Rd. Coburg North / 8528 2332 / [email protected]

Wednesday July 4th Concertina Bookbinding Creations for Kids

Learn to make your own book with local artist Fern Smith for school holiday fun!

6-7 years old: 10am-12pm Book now

8-12 years old: 2-4pm Book now

$20 (Full) / $15 (Concession)

Friday July 6th


Multi-sport and fitness program designed to provide kids with a fun and social environment to

develop their fitness, strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, confidence and passion to be

active and healthy. The program also aims to introduce children to a wide range of sports,

including Soccer, Hockey, Tennis, AFL and circuit-based exercises. The program is led by a

qualified instructor from Active Moreland Leisure Centres, run by YMCA on behalf of the

Moreland City Council.

5-8 years old: 11am – Midday

9-12 years old: Midday – 1pm


Book now

HoLiday stoP motion animation WorksHoPIs a 3 hr class on the 6/7 at 10:30 am - 1:30 pm at the Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre in Carlton. It is limited to 5 places and suitable for kids 9+. All kids must have an accompanying adult who is excited about participating themselves.

Here is the event link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/stop-motion-animation-workshop-for-kids-9-and-their-older-person-tickets-47047555505

Moreland City Library Free Events Registrations essential online at moreland.vic.gov.au/read-more or

phone 9353 4000 Short story writing competition Writers of all ages are invited to enter Moreland City Libraries’ 2018 story writing competition. Write a story in 500 words or less, themed around a place or suburb in Moreland that is funny or inspiring. Entry forms are available at all Moreland Libraries or you can download a copy from our website. Entries close Friday 27 July Writing workshop for teenagers and adults 11 am – 2.30 pm, Saturday 14 July Brunswick Library Author and experienced writing workshop facilitator, Sydney Smith, will share her tips to help develop your writing skills. This workshop will be divided into two segments with a break. Tea and coffee will be provided. Limited places. Because of her, we can! – celebrating NAIDOC Week 7.30 pm, Monday 9 July Brunswick Library Rachael Hocking is a Warlpiri woman with roots in the Northern Territory and Victoria. A graduate of Brunswick Secondary College, with a Bachelor in Communication (Journalism) from RMIT, she is now a reporter and video-journalist for NITV’s news and current affairs team and co-host for the channel’s flagship show, The Point. Rachael will tell us about the women who have empowered, inspired and enriched her life. Financial counselling 7.30 pm, Thursday 12 July Glenroy Library Having difficulty paying debts or struggling with living costs? Julie Davis is a financial counsellor with Moneycare, Salvation Army. She can help with budgeting and taking steps to take control of your finances. A personal experience of depression and recovery 7 pm, Monday 16 July Coburg Library Have you ever wondered what happens in a mental health hospital or what an episode of severe depression feels like? Kim Hodges, author of Girl over the edge, will talk about her experiences in a raw, honest and confronting way. She will challenge beliefs and attitudes to reduce the stigma around mental illness.

Brunswick Secondary College’sproduction of

20–21July 7:30pm

The Clocktower Centre


9243 9191Book, Music & Lyrics by

Lionel BartOrchestral arrangement by William David Brohn

By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd, exclusive representative of Cameron MacKintosh and the Southbrook Group


on sale