Ten Unexpected Secrets Ive Found On Linked In

Ten Unexpected Secrets I Found On


I didn\'t know exactly what to expect when I began my Linked In Journey, but here are the Top 10 secrets I\'ve gained!

Transcript of Ten Unexpected Secrets Ive Found On Linked In

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Ten Unexpected Secrets I Found On

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Relationships: I have been blown away by the quality of professional individuals who have made Linked In their professional networking home. The high quality, very personable, and responsive people I have had the opportunity to get to know on Linked In, has been off the charts. Both employed and unemployed individuals who are seeking to improve their employment status. I am a highly relational person and always have been, and to find all these new relationships has totally enriched my personal and professional life.


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Recommendations: I have received recommendations like you never get to hear while you’re still living. In your eulogy, that is where most of the comments about your life, sacrifices, service and friendships surface. I had no idea people felt about me the way they have communicated in my recommendations. To say they have been a huge source of encouragement and inspiration would be an understatement of immense proportions. The journey down Linked In Parkway has been worth the price of the ticket if for no other reason than recommendations alone.


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Research: Once the social and professional networking journey began, I can’t ever see it coming to an end. People will always need employment, and companies will always need quality people. Linked In offers one of the most remarkable tools anywhere, in that they provide a search engine with over 40 million people in the data base, from all corners of the world, every race, religion, and industry group. Everyone is seeking to improve the quality of their life and work by being a part of something unique. You literally can find the proverbial needle in the hay stack with the research capabilities on Linked In. WOW!


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Resumes: Every profile is a resume or a picture of your professional life over the past ten to twenty years. The more you put into building your profile, the more remarkable results you will receive from it. You may not be in the job market today, but tomorrow may be a different story. You may want consulting opportunities, reference checks, or information in a given industry or country. Your profile (digital resume) it the ticket to send you all around the world. It is as accurate as the individuals are who are filling out their professional information.


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Recruiting: I had no idea how many recruiters were present in one networking site as there are on Linked In. Well in excess of 500,000 recruiters are listed and working on Linked In. If you do need an opportunity, the place above every other place to get noticed is Linked In. Recruiters from every corporate environment imaginable and from all over the globe are found on Linked In.


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Resources: There are professionals that do everything under the sun, and have all the answers to the questions you thought you would have to ask God one day. I say that because anything you need or could possibly think of can be found in the resources of 135,000,000 professional individuals. Most are willing to assist you in your quest for information or desire for inspiration. You truly have the world at your fingertips if you desire it.


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Results: If results are important to you or your company, then Linked In is the hub for results. Need people? They’re here! Need advice? It’s here! Need jobs? They’re here! Need information? Need data? Need Money? Need relationships? They’re all here! Within a level or two of you, you will find someone who knows someone who can verify, produce, or gain the results you need in any given field of expertise. Results are very close by on Linked In.


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Rewards: You are rewarded for your attention to detail with your profile, recommendations, connections, and relationships. If you are seeking the rewards before serving other’s needs, you will find that will not get you very far on Linked In. Putting the needs of others ahead of your own needs, will result in tremendous rewards being offered to you. People go out of their way to help people, who help people. The rewards of Linked In are almost immeasurable in terms of relationships, opportunities of service, and yes even professional opportunities. It’s the principal of give and receive. If you give you will receive!


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Referrals: Nothing is more satisfying than having a colleague, friend or even a competitor refer new business to you. Referrals are the ultimate compliment any of us can receive from someone else. Referrals are abundant on Linked In, if you take your work and relationships seriously, and are diligent about performing your service at the highest possible standards of excellence. Linked In is the referral factory for anyone desiring to expand their company presence.


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Remuneration: Everyone desires to be paid a fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work. On Linked In you can utilize the group’s discussion boards to verify a fair wage levels, ideas, frustrations, idea exchanges, polling questions, and a myriad of other usages. Nothing is quite as satisfying as gaining a new client, job, or consulting gig resulting from Linked In. The remuneration can be staggering if you know the secrets and intricacies of the new social and professional media available to everyone today
