Teer Predictions

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Transcript of Teer Predictions

TEER PREDICTIONSTarget Prediction Chart00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0911 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1922 23 24 25 26 27 28 2933 34 35 36 37 38 3944 45 4647 48 4955 56 57 58 5966 67 68 6977 78 7988 8999

Dreem Moment Result.Cutting wood by cutter or wood bringing to home-1, 57, 61, 67Tools like cutter, snigger, hammer, chopper-07, 17, 27, 47,67,71,87,Husband and wife fighting each other-03, 08, 13,37,40,73,Doing Sex or finding naked- 17, 40, 53,59,60,83,Boar displacing by lady-46Market or fair-18, 28, 38,52,58,62,Paying money to somebody-00, 14, 15, 20,25,35,50Bathing at pond or lake- 08, 18, 28,48,78,98,Bathing at hand pump or ring well-02, 20, 25,52,53,60,Drain, Small river, well, water luggage-00, 01,02,80,90Snake or Ilea fish-09, 17, 37,57,77,99Travelling by big or small car- 08, 14, 18,52,64,68,74,78,98,Travelling by aeroplane- 23, 43,53,63,68,73,83,93,Walking on the road-0, 1 endingFootpath or bricked road-19, 61, 71, 91,Maruti car or van- 21, 24,54,62,64Rickshaw, cycle, bike-52, 53, 54, 58,60,62,68Claiming in a house-52, 54, 58,62,64,68Reading or going to school- 5 endingMeet with god or goddess-09, 13, 29, 89,Book, pen, paper-00, 02, 05 and 3 endingEarthquake-00, 07, 08, 14,41,75,95,Ghost or evil dream- 15, 23,45,55,59,75,85,95,Dead man on dream- 9 house and 9 endingSports or playing some game-00, 27, 40,50,57,60,Sour fruits like tamarind, Mango etc.- 00,03,11,12,13,23,32,43,53,63,70,73,79,93Paddy field or planting paddy- 24,38,52,54,64,68,74,Calling or talking at mobile- First two number like 98, 96, 94 and last two numberPumpkin or Bottle gourd-28, 35, 48,53,58,68,78,88,98,Oven or fireplace-12, 31,63,66,68,Fire- 0 endingBamboo stick or any stick -0 or 1 endingTaking or eating some food or rice- 01, 02, 05,15,16,45,75,85,95,Child taking milk from mother- 02,03,05,12,20,52,53Cow, goat, buffalo- 04,08,09,12,18,19,22,24,34,42,54,72,74,84,94,97

Living ThingsFemale-5, Male-6, Child-2, 3Cow-4,Tiger-9, Dog-4,5,6, Horse-8, Elephant-9, Lion-9, Boar-14,15,44,45,75,78,85 Snake-1,7,9, Bird-2, Snail-00, Turtle-9, Crab-6,2, Spider-6,12, Honey Bee-74,24,14,04,94, Police-78,7,8, Insect-37,21PlantsBig tree-8, 9, Small tree-2, 3, 8, Banana-11, 3, Jack Fruit-4, Papaya-1, 12, Orange-8, 9, Chilli-1, 2, Bamboo shoot.1, 11,Other ItemsHand pump-2,3,7,17,18,20,71, Wood cutter-06,16, Pond-4,7, Water Carrier-8, Lake-6, Boat-3, rice chopper-8, Big River-8, Cooking pan-2, Shoe-8, Train-9, Temple-1,2,9, Big car-8, Small car-4, Umbrella-1, Pencil-7,77,79, Oven one-03, Oven two-6,