Technology Analytics Process Excellence TAP... · for Leaders in VUCA World Page 15 ... The...

Intelenet Knowledge Services | Our Thinking Technology Analytics Process Excellence March 2018 #3 People and their Roles in VUCA Times Page 06 Success Mantra for Leaders in VUCA World Page 15 Analytics and Differentiated Customer Offerings Page 04

Transcript of Technology Analytics Process Excellence TAP... · for Leaders in VUCA World Page 15 ... The...

Intelenet Knowledge Services | Our Thinking

Technology Analytics Process Excellence




People and their Roles

in VUCA Times

Page 06

Success Mantra

for Leaders in VUCA World

Page 15

Analytics and


Customer Offerings

Page 04

VUCA environments thus become

invitations for inaction – people are

befuddled by the turmoil and don't

act. And to succeed, you must act!“ General George Casey


Chandramouli BPresident and Group Operating Officer, Intelenet

Times are a changing. We are in an era where disruption is the new standard.

Welcome to the world of VUCA!

We are dealing with a world where change is magnified, where the future cannot be predicted,

where the options increase exponentially, and the way we think about such options has changed

significantly. Today, we can no longer solve problems by rigid hierarchical systems and processes.

Harnessing the power of data and creative use of knowledge within our teams is the only way to

survive and excel in today's dynamic environment. As technology has advanced and computing

power has grown exponentially, it has enabled business leaders to uncover hidden trends and

potential solutions buried in their own internal environments.

How can we develop our teams and organizations to be prepared to work effectively with the

VUCA trends of our times?

Today's VUCA environment means that we must focus on what is possible rather than on what is

likely to occur (which is determined by what happened before). In other words, 'strategy' needs to

evolve from resisting it, to working with it.

The consequences of VUCA mind-set defines the environment in which leaders view the current

reality and their organizations' likely future state. It requires a radically different approach to

decision making, to build up the full context to understand the event in entirety. According to a

recent study, about 50 percent of the S&P 500 companies will be replaced over the next 10 years.

Invaders from non-traditional industries and start-ups are increasingly challenging organizations.

Following are ways to help evolve and improve our ability to deal in such complex environments.

These behaviors are easy to implement:

Ask different types of questions | Explore non-linear viewpoints | Develop a systemic vision

Take a holistic view; take a break and view the problem from scratch

In this world which is changing faster and faster, I am excited to introduce the 3rd edition of the

TAP thought paper, which we publish with an intent to share our perspectives in this dynamic

landscape of customer experience.










Technology's Role In Communication Management in VUCA times

Transformation in the field of decision-making is fundamental to ensure its achievement in other fields of interest or activity and decision-making transformation is a condition without which change in other areas would be difficult, chaotic, and even impossible.

Analytics and differentiated customer offerings

Differentiated service is about making a company easier to do business with, anticipating the needs of your customers, and providing customized solutions or offerings suiting individual needs. Customers still expect that same human touch and it's important to see how organizations embrace analytics to offer such differentiated services economically and effectively.

Success Mantra for Leaders in VUCA World

Transition to VUCA world is fast catching up. The world is transforming from an approach based on “planning and problem solving to reduce uncertainty”, to a world where success is achieved by “proactively engaging with uncertainty,” requiring a different set of leadership skillset. Knowing “what to do” when “no one knows what to do” creates the difference in leadership styles. Hence, in this VUCA world, the winners are those who are most adaptable, flexible, and agile learners.

Managing customer experience in VUCA times

In today's ever competing and rapidly changing marketplace, advances in technology and explosive growth in data have given rise to an empowered global consumer. The fast-paced, changing environment that we now live in, is VUCA. We plan for customer journey and experience in business-as-usual scenarios however the real need today is to focus on delivering customer experience when markets are not operating as usual

People and their roles in VUCA times

The contact centers are no longer the “call factories” of the past. They are poised to take on new challenges as the relationship builders, the customer champions, and pulse of opinion for a business.

Analytics and Differentiated Customer Offerings

Aman Chawla

Understanding your customer is becoming more and more a reality given

the massive amount of data available through social media, customer

interactions, sensory captures, e-commerce, CRMs, demographics and so

much more. This information often referred to as “Big Data” can now be

analyzed almost realtime - thanks to the cutting-edge computing power

available with organizations.

In an ever changing and dynamic customer service industry, it's

imperative to get a 360-degree view of your customers and business to

achieve excellence in customer experience and operations.

“Some of the most innovative and significant customer experiences are

driven by different types of customer analysis,” said Gareth Herschel,

research director at Gartner. Analytics, beyond doubt has been embraced

by one & all and a combined study of the number of data points and

historical patterns has enabled organizations to build differentiated

service models; like the famous Amazon recommendation engine. Dell

analyzes social media data to offer personalized promotional offers,

which has almost doubled their conversion rates. Contact Centers on the

other hand are working towards providing differentiated customer

service and experience to their end customers, with advanced analytics

and profiling. There are thousands of such case studies where analytics

has helped organizations to alter their strategy and helped them offer

differentiated and customized customer offerings.


One of the focus areas of

Customer Experience

Management in BPM space is

Interaction and Social Media

Analytics. With billions of

customer interactions and data

available through multiple

channels, organizations need to

understand each customer touch

point to arrive at a 360-degree

view of their customers.

Intelenet was recently recognized by NelsonHall as a leader in Customer

Management Service Analytics. Over the last couple of years, Intelenet

Knowledge Service has succeeded in building pioneering customer analytics

solutions and offerings that are changing the way how we provide differentiated

services to our customers.

A couple of examples:

Predictive Analytics: For one of the global hospitality companies, Intelenet has built

a recommendation engine based on customer behaviors and buying patterns. The

engine creates a dynamic catalogue of existing hotels with suggestions for alternate

properties if the requested hotel is sold out. The tool also builds a real-time demand

and conversion forecast by region. This has enabled the customer services advisors

to offer effective responses in case the requested property is expensive or sold out.

This has led to a significant improvement in customer experience and sale volumes.

Interaction Analytics: Intelenet has also developed an in-house text analytics tool –

'iPrompto' which uses Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to

analyze the text in any form - Complaints, Customer Verbatim, e-mails, webchat,

text for social media etc. Our Interaction Analytics suite also uses Speech Analytics

aided with analytics and CxM capabilities, to uncover hidden insights from

thousands of customer interactions. For one of the leading telecom companies,

Intelenet has analyzed social media customer comments and was able to identify

reasons for customer discomfort.

Differentiated service is about making a company easier to do business with,

anticipating the needs of your customers, and providing customized solutions or

offerings suiting individual needs. Customers still expect that same human touch and

it's important to see how organizations embrace analytics to offer such

differentiated services economically and effectively.


People and their Roles in VUCA Times

Ramneek Rajpal

The VUCA world is all about anticipating, learning,

adapting and delivering in evolving new context.

In this era of VUCA, where technology is disrupting the

nonchalance of assisted channels, customer autonomy,

self-service and automation is the way to go, it is easy

to write the contact center out of the pages of history.

In truth, the contact centre is potentially transforming

from a transaction processing factory into a strategically

important resource. The issue is whether organizations

actually recognize this and respond to it.

The VUCA is not just changing workplaces, but also the

way organizations look at talent and their people. For

example, the evolution of the Internet and the Financial

Crisis of 2008 were events that have shaken up the

existing business eco-system and also changed the way

companies now look at talent. Adversity leads to

developing stronger talent and this is where VUCA

comes in.

The organizations certainly recognize that customers are

more willing to help themselves (as long as it is easy to

do so). However, it is the human advisor that customers

reach out to when self-service fails, when they get

angry or as a last resort. It isn't just about “calls”

anymore, either. The contact centre is fast becoming a

'relationship hub' for omni-channel contact. They are

also the hub for both understanding customer needs

(what is the customer's intent for contacting the

organization) and proactively managing it as “guardians

of the customer experience”. The result is a shift to

complexity, a new set of channel demands and “super

agents” (and “super managers”) who need X-ray vision,

a cloak of invulnerability and the ability to mind read.

Call center Expo, B2C company

In a self-service world, if a

customer needs to call,

you need to get that call right



It is imperative for contact centre professionals to stay relevant to their clients by

providing them with thought-through, cutting-edge and comprehensive advisory

services. This would require contact centre professionals to continuously upgrade

their own skill-sets, be agiler and be “in-sync” with their clients at all times.

At Intelenet, we understand this well and use our TAP™ framework - Technology,

Analytics and Process Excellence – that aims at deploying our core capability to

enable a paradigm shift in managing processes and services. Our TAP framework

allows us to match the pace and impact of the change in today's dynamic

environment to identify and implement transformational projects and agile solutions

for our clients to provide enhanced customer experience, improved efficiency,

reduced costs and also to explore untapped opportunities.

With tools that measure an individual and organization's ability to navigate through

disruption and destruction, we equip the organizations to deal effectively with:

The business of making sense of their data stream and knowledge management

Anticipating and planning for the future

Managing critical processes and resources

Increasing functional responsiveness and modeling

Informing learning loops and process improvements at every level of influence

Building healthy organizational culture and equipping people with necessary

knowledge and skills to optimize the flow of their energy at work

The contact centres are no longer the “call factories” of the past. They are poised to

take on new challenges as the relationship builder, the customer champion and

pulse of opinion for a business. In other words, they are moving from the cold

extremities of the organizational to the beating heart of strategy. And the key to

delivering this is a combination of great people, measures, advanced technologies

and processes – and a touch of the super-hero amongst both, advisors and


It is time to take a leap of faith. Resist the temptation to cling to the past processes

and plan. Create new ones, ones that are more agile and more in tune with your

surroundings. Encourage your people to be Curious, be Innovative. That is the only

way you can beat VUCA.

Technology's Role in CommunicationManagement in Vuca Times

Manav Walia

Whether we examine the number of patents filed globally, sonic barriers breached by

planes, distances traveled or altitudes reached, the accelerative trend is unmistakable and

evident in all walks of life. Do you know, the time span between the release of a new

product and its extinction from the market has been on the decline every year.

Introduction of new technical products aggressively, optimum exploitation of technical

platforms, unthinkable dependencies of cause & effect across the globe is the core of


It is important to place value on questions like how do successful organizations manage to

maximize the adoption of change initiatives despite the high pace and quantum of

changes that impact employees every day? How can decision making process be

expedited to address the ever changing business realities in an organization? Does

investment in technology accompanying innovation benefit organizations to stay ahead?

How does exponential change create business volatility?

Where biggest disruptions have been caused by the use of new technology; technology is

also, immensely responsible as the facilitator to manage change, remotely and directly.


While the use of technology for communication

management is being adopted by organizations in recent

times, it also can also play a distinctive role in managing


1. Deployment of tailor-made training:

Interactive and engaging content: Using concepts of

gamification and role-playing to create highly engaging

and interactive learning content

Ease of use: Using technologies such as cloud and

mobile (app-based content) to provide ease of use to


Scalability and cost-effectiveness: Being highly scalable

with nominal additional charges per additional user

2. Technology's support for managing change remotely:

Technology plays a major role in helping manage change

remotely through collaboration tools such as WebEx and

SharePoint, supporting communications through social

media using platforms such as Yammer, engaging with

stakeholders through video messaging using YouTube,

Zoom, mobile applications, running enterprise-wide polls

or pulse surveys using services such as Poll-Everywhere,

and building and leveraging internal communities through

platforms such as Jive. These platforms play an important

role in engaging with people and aid in information


Methods to use technology in CMS through VUCA:

BI and analytical tools can be used to track the success of change initiatives

Connecting with employees to inform about change, etc. via mobile application for new


Communication throughout a transformation cycle with the employees and

stakeholders via internal social media tools

Cloud-based platforms can be used to provide centralized access to change

management tools, methods and artifacts

Interestingly dilemmas never offer one single great solution. They offer creative minds a

broad range of opportunities. Any of these exponential trends can cause major disruption

to the business environment. Learning to deal with “change” is not enough. Change does

not even begin to describe what is happening in the world today. The time of

transformation is now.


Managing Customer Experience in VUCA Times

Sachin Garg

In today's ever competing and

rapidly changing marketplace,

advances in technology and

explosive growth in data has

given rise to an empowered

global consumer. The fast-paced,

changing environment that we

now live in, is VUCA.




We plan for customer journey and experience in business-as-usual scenarios. However

the real need today is to focus on delivering customer experience when markets are not

operating as usual.

Technology is changing the customers' expectations. Customers have become self-

reliant as they can solve most of the issues. They now contact your CX teams for more

complex problems and are looking for a quick and easy solution. It has, therefore,

become essential for CX teams to ensure that customers have an experience that retains

them as customers.


To be able to survive in VUCA environment, it is imperative for a business to build

customer-centric operating models.

This requires:

Business processes that recognize customer diversity

Delivering a seamless omni-channel experience at every touch point across the

customer life-cycle

Maintaining an active dialogue with customers

Placing the customer at the core of the process

KPI's that can measure customer centricity from outside in

The big question is how can we achieve true customer centricity?

1. Using Data Analytics to recognize customer diversity:

Data analytics and predictive modeling capabilities can be applied to understand:

Behavioral engineering models to unpack the existing risk culture and its

implications, as part of a transition to a more customer-centric and innovative culture

Customer retention analysis — why, where and when you are losing customers

Understand the true drivers of customer satisfaction for every segment. What

attributes of their experience (price, personal attention, response time, service calls,

claims, etc.) will have the most impact on delivering a positive experience?

Identify what is not driving value, as this presents an opportunity to reduce costs.

The ModelKANO




Degree ofachievement


Attractive requirements (delighters) Not expressed Customer tailored Causes customer delight

One Dimensional Requirements (desired quality) Articulated Specified Measurable Technical

Must be requirements (expected quality) Implied Self-evident Not expressed Obvious


2. Harnessing the power of digital

Digital is not the panacea, but is a critical enabler to delivering the experience customers

want. The effective integration of channels across sales and service activities are critical

to delivering a positive, brand-reinforcing customer experience at every touch point in the

customer relationship lifecycle.

This requires engaging channel partners early in the process and communicating a clear

value proposition as essential to successful integration. This could be in the form of leads

generated through digital channels or time-saving customer service activities handled by

the call center. Second, it is imperative that customer information is handed off between

channels with limited consumer effort.

3. Measure the right KPI

Across industries like BFSI, Telecom, e-Commerce, Hospitality, FMCG and Automobile,

every outsourcing process involves understanding processes from the client's perspective

i.e. the design logic. However, as a business evolves, it gets deeper insights into how

customers perceive these processes. This is a classic situation and a moment of truth when

there is a face-off between the customer's experience and the customer's expectations. It

is at this point, that businesses begin to understand whether the processes are 'enablers'

or whether they need to be re-engineered to achieve the desired level of satisfaction and


At Intelenet, we have come across businesses where we have evidenced notable

improvements in the performance on first time resolution accuracy (FTR). However, the

same did not necessarily translate into an equivalent gain in the customer satisfaction

index (CSI). A detailed study to ascertain the reason for the perceptible variance between

FTR and CSAT were conducted which showed that the definition of FTR for certain

businesses was basis the adherence to the defined processes. However, this did not

translate into a definitive resolution for the customer or end - user. Keeping this mind, the

IGS quality team defined and designed a new metric called End User Resolution Accuracy,

an intellectual property of IGS that has led to a complete paradigm shift in our approach

towards customer satisfaction.


E.U.R.A End User Resolution Accuracy)

It’s a true reflection of contact center as an alternate channel for the end to end resolution for our customer

Speedy resolution with less effort is the way forward to build and retain customer loyalty, therefore increasing the end user delight and achieving the business goals of the Bank with less cost

Difference between resolution as per process and resolution as per customer expectation is measured through EURA

The conceptHow does it work?

All cases where resolution is provided as per process, but not as per the end user are analyzed to identify process recommendations and fix gaps



All EURA No cases (where the resolution is not as per customer requirement) are

identified. Senior members in quality review these cases and recommend solutions to

enhance/transform the resolution provided. These recommendations are then reviewed

with the client. They accept or reject these. The ones accepted are taken forward by IGS

and the client. IGS quality team works closely with the client in defining a change in the


The goal of EURA is to minimize the gap between EURA and process FTR/process




FTR average - 93%

Key Process reforms

Instant ATM PIN request(Green PIN)

EURA Performance was@ 27% during inception

ATM card replacementrequest through INB SMS alert registration

Card replacement request from contact center Card dispatch status Transfer of Account status


2015 Following key services ifenabled at contact center


Projected EURA score











Measuring resolution from a customer perspectiveRecommending solutions for improving EURA

EURA launched in 2014

Source of EURA: Transaction Monitoring

Prioritization of all inputs identified as EURA NO (Client & IGS)

Over 1500 process improvement inputs generated with successful closure of 85%










Success Mantra for Leaders in VUCA World

Sumeet Khanna


VUCA is an acronym framed by the US military

college to describe a multipolar world which is

Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous

(VUCA). With the world becoming more

turbulent, companies are becoming more

resilient. Entire business eco-system is being

redefined by VUCA landscape, which made the

prevalent leadership practices inadequate to

sustain in the market.

Transition to VUCA World

Today's business world is similar to a modern

battle field. In a battlefield, VUCA environment

impedes the capability of an army leader to

decipher, decide, communicate and act

effectively. Due to distraction caused by

volatility and uncertainty, some leaders stop

planning and just react to the incident, whereas

some stop acting due to the apprehension of

committing mistakes. Few dig deeper to

understand the complexity and try out

everything to win.

A similar scenario is applicable to 21st century's

business environment, where leaders operate in

a highly competitive, ever-changing market

conditions and high-pressure situations. Over the

years, predicting future is becoming more

difficult, and hence, leaders are seeking for

alternate strategies, structures and techniques to

deal with the “fog of the future”.


Challenges Witnessed by Business Leaders

Leaders are confronted by situations in which it is difficult to forecast, make decisions,

plan and operate efficiently. Some of the key challenges faced by leaders in VUCA

world include:

Continuous and Rapid Evolution of Technology: Constantly emerging new trends are

impacting the business world in ways which are difficult to predict. Technological

advancements in form of automation and digitization has emerged as one of the key

challenge. Automation and digitization are marking processes leaner and faster, which

has been taking the customer's expectation and delivery capabilities to the next level

Other Business & Economic Challenges: Demographic shifts, increase in consumption

of scarce resources, ageing population, shift of economic power from west to the east,

evolving regulations and supply chain disruption are few of the mega trends which are

undeniable and craft challenges for today's leaders

Hence, organizations are investing in training their leaders to operate in a brutal and

ever changing business environment; where the rules of game may change any

moment, just like a battlefield.

Mantras to Thrive in VUCA World

VUCA world requires organizations and leaders to think out of the box and become

agiler if they are willing to survive and succeed. Leaders need to accept that VUCA

landscape is the “New Normal” and they must fine-tune their strategy to play a

winning game in the new world. The key mantras to thrive in VUCA world are:

Clear Vision and Strategy: Whether it is a war field or a business, leaders must

formulate a clear vision which can back judgements and act appropriately to rapidly

unfolding circumstances. Leaders must do their homework on four areas of operating

environment (as mentioned below) to craft an effective vision and strategy.

Intrinsic Environment: Parameters within an organization that shall be controlled by

leaders to accomplish the vision. Such as capital structure, culture etc.

Extrinsic Environment: Parameters outside the circle of direct control and can pose

challenges or offer opportunities. Such as customers, regulators, suppliers

Sphere of Influence: External people whose support is vital to accomplish company's

vision. Such as Head of union

Competitive Edge: Factors that provide the competitive advantage to a company

over competitors. Such as technologies, substitutes

Coordinate & Communicate with Teams: Focus on developing teams which can steer

through VUCA situations. In case of VUCA environment, where the market outlook is

unclear, leaders should develop a strategy and communicate it to all the teams with


underlying logic and values. The strategy is executed through multiple channels such

as e-mails, webinars, launching frequently asked questions sessions, providing

trainings, team meetings, to ensure optimal adoption of the suitable strategy.

Inculcate LEAP Traits: Leaders must develop skill-set (as described below) which may

support them in steering the strategic vision of the company.

Liberal: Leaders must be open to new opinions and adopt new values as the

situation demands

Exuberant: Be filled with energy and passion to engage the employees with other


Agility: Develop competencies such as critical thinking, interpersonal and emotional

preparedness, intuition, situational awareness and learning agility

Partnership: Foster trust-based relationships with internal and external stakeholders

Getting Ready for Future: Leaders must focus on upcoming trends and technologies

which are expected to gain acceptance over the years to come. Investment in market

research shall be helpful to analyze the impact of organization's performance over the

years to come.

Healthy Mind Lives in a Healthy Body: Leaders are human beings. To lead effectively,

leaders must maintain their physical and mental fitness. Formulating a regimen which

enables sufficient exercise, rest and intellectual stimulation can be helpful.

Transition to VUCA world is fast catching up. The world is transforming from an

approach based on “planning and problem solving to reduce uncertainty”, to a

world where success is achieved by proactively engaging with uncertainty, requiring

a different set of leadership skill-set. Knowing “what to do” when “none knows

what to do” creates the difference in leadership styles. Hence, in this VUCA world,

the winners are those who are most adaptable, flexible, and agile learners.



Aman ChawlaSenior Consultant - Interaction Lab & Customer Experience

MBA, Six Sigma GB, Prince 2

Customer experience consultant with 14+ years of experience in Contact Center Operations, Transaction Quality, Cx Management, Interaction Analytics, Change Management, Transition & Compliance.

Sumeet KhannaSenior Analyst – Research & Modelling


Dynamic business research professional with over 5 years of experience in Market Sizing, Industry Tracking, Report Writing, and Data Analysis

Sachin GargPractice Lead - Analytics and Customer Experience

MBA, Six Sigma BB

Flexible and versatile Business Leader with 14+ yrs of experience in BPO/ITES, Data Analytics, Strategic Planning and Business Transformation. He led the TRA audit team and provided expertise into developing solutions.

Manav WaliaConsultant, Customer Experience Management


Management professional with over 12 years of experience in Project Management, Consulting and Transitions, BPMN, Delivery Management, Best Practices Implementation.

Ramneek RajpalSenior Analyst - Customer Experience Management

PGDBM, Six Sigma GB

Management consultant with over 8+ years of experience into Contact Centre Audits, Delivery Management, Transactional Quality, Training, Client servicing and Transition.

About Intelenet Global ServicesIntelenet Global Services is a leading provider of business project management

services across industries including Government, Travel & Hospitality, Telecom,

Finance & Accounting, Healthcare, Utilities & Energy, Banking & Insurance and

Retail & Manufacturing. With more than 55,000 people spread across 70+ global

delivery centres, Intelenet supports over 110 clients across US, UK, Europe,

Middle East & India, in over 50 languages. Intelenet's service capabilities are

customized to cater to unique industry requirements, process mandates and

resource needs. We have consistently been ranked amongst the top leaders in

Nasscom BPO listing and aim to rise higher with our focus on “customer

experience” powered by Consulting, Analytics and Technology.

About Knowledge ServicesIntelenet Knowledge Services is an independent consulting arm of Intelenet

Global Services. Our consultants support projects across multiple domains

globally including Transformational Consulting, Analytics, Research, Customer

Experience Management, Financial Modelling, Strategy, Programme

Management and Resource Optimization spanning a wide range of industry

sectors. Our deep exposure to the outsourcing and contact center services

environment provides us with the required domain knowledge

and expertise to manage complex programmes and transformation

initiatives to deliver exceptional value.

Copyright © 2018Intelenet Global Services

All rights reserved.

Intelenet’s logo is a trademark of Intelenet.

Contact us:[email protected]

Theme for the next edition is

The 3 C's of service demands in the future and the use of the 3 A”s (aces) to address these needs