Tech Project Power Point

Tim Klement Andy Bensen Brittany Lemke Cody Ferguson Michelle Davidsavor


Sharp 3D Technology

Transcript of Tech Project Power Point

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Tim KlementAndy Bensen

Brittany LemkeCody Ferguson

Michelle Davidsavor

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• Phone

• T.V.•YouTube

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• What technologies?• Phone, Laptop, Projector, Etc

• Quadpixel technology• Adding Yellow to color spectrum

• Special feature• Switch back between 2D and 3D

• What influenced Sharp 3D technology• Competition

• Why Sharp 3D technology?• Glasses Free• Images 80% brighter• Pixels Double• No Crosstalk

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• -Based in Japan• -Specialize in

cutting edge research

• -LCD screens• -Opto-Electronics• -3D image display

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• Sharp, 1970

• Space Inspiration

• Research Orientation

• Innovations

• LCD foresight Akira Saeki

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• -Advanced Development Planning Centers

• -Primary research complexes

• VLSI Production Lines

• -Numerous International Branches

• -Sharp UK

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• One of the agencies that need to be considered is the Prudent Press Agency. This agency helps regulate the 3D industry because it has released many movies in 3D in the latest big budget cinemas.

• Everyone is talking about the latest 3D hologram projections, where you don’t even need glasses to see 3D. Some other agencies for 3D gadgets are Mitsubishi 737 TV, Fujifilm Finepix camera, Minoru webcam, Nvidia vision goggles, and Wooo Keitai mobile phone.

• According to Tech Cutting Edge, the U.S. space agency recently funded completetion of the 3-D and zoom-capable cameras by Malin Space Science Systems, Inc, the company which developed the Mastcams. In this article, they state that the zoom lenses would allow for 3 D cinematic video pictures on the surface of Mars. James Cameron, the director of Avatar, is assisting NASA by helping build a 3 D camera for the rover to ride on Mars.

These agencies are regulating this industry by improving new 3 D technologies and making much

advancement through innovation and experimenting complex ideas.

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• The 3D LCD developed by Sharp at this time significantly improves image quality by achieving both high brightness and low crosstalk- thanks to advances in CG-Silicon technology. Advances in CG-Silicon technology have shrunk the wiring width within the LCD panel, allowing more light to pass and doubling the brightness compared to the conventional model.

• Sharp has also developed a non-touchscreen 3D LCD and will start its mass production in the first half of fiscal 2010.

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• The resulting parameters were analyzed in a 3-D parameter plot. The results show that the 3-D modeling technique can be applied to compaction cycles from different tableting machines as different as eccentric and rotary tableting machines (simulated).

• The relation of the data to each other is the same even when the absolute values are different.

• I suggest to make sure to create some sort of copyright for any new 3D technology so people cannot take others ideas or inventions or take credit for someone else’s work.

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•Fade – In/Out?

•Defects – vision, which dimension=better

•Popular – new, upgrade from color tv, better than 2D

•Social life – friends and family

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• Impacts – Environment– Political/Institutional– Social– Technological– Legal– Economical

• Product’s– Competition?– Solution to what problems?– Evolution/Advancements ?

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The pentagon is looking for a 3-D experience for the military troops. Darpa (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) wants two types of surveillance; 1. portable units for active battle 2. and drone- ready systems for unmanned planes, like in the movie Avatar. The agency also wants a new and improved model for obtaining video footage. This 3-D surveillance should be capable to record moving targets as well as scanning and focusing the targets. Darpa believes that this new technology will be able to identify smaller targets better and define the depth perception without grainy footage.

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Sharp's 3D Screen for Mobile Gadgets works without Glasses . (2010, April 2). Taranfx. Retrieved May 2,2010, from Technology Blog FX company website:

Drummond, K. (2010, January 25). Wired . Retrieved April 1, 2009, from Gadgets and Gear: Danger Room website:

Gadget's and Gizmo's: 3D Holographic Projection- The Future of Advertising. (2010, January 12). Prudent Press Agency . Retrieved May 10, 2010, from Prudent Press Agency website:

James Cameron Sending 3-D Cameras to Mars with Next NASA Rover. (2010, April 30). Tech Cutting Edge . Retrieved May 5, 2010, from

Picker, K. M. (2003, July 30). The 3-D Model: Comparison of Parameters Obtained From and by Simulating Different Tableting Machines. In aaps Pharm Sci Tech. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from