Team Genare

Hi Family & Friends: It's Michael John – if I haven't caught up with you recently – I'm alive and well, and yes, California is amazing. Funny thing is that when you start to get older and experience new stories from other people in this world, you start to take greater notice and admiration for those who dedicate a lot of their time for others. Many of which do not even have time of their own, but it's what keeps them going every day. I really wish I could honor those people in some way, because often they are not recognized enough. My boss out in California dedicates at least once a week to the Special Needs program at the local school. His 3 daughters join him every Saturday morning without fuss, and they have recently adopted me as a volunteer. It's so rewarding, but so tough to make time with all of our lives consumed with our jobs, kid's sports, family, and other activities. I think about all of the Brothers at CBA where I attended high school, whom I've had the honor to work service projects with – these men have dedicated their entire lives to helping others with no means to financial reciprocation. This is their calling… For me personally, I thought about my Aunt and Uncle, and my cousin Genare… For many of you that have met Genare, he is the high point for me at family parties and during the holidays. Every single time Genare greets me, he reminds me of what all of us are seeking in life…"Michael John is happy?" he asks me. Over and Over until I tell him "yes". Joy lights up in his face…and mine too. As we grew up – showing up at those family events, we introduced our friends to Genare. He is our rock. However, not many people understand the staggering statistics surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorders – of which Genare has been



Transcript of Team Genare

  • Hi Family & Friends: It's Michael John if I haven't caught up with you recently I'm alive and well, and yes, California is amazing. Funny thing is that when you start to get older and experience new stories from other people in this world, you start to take greater notice and admiration for those who dedicate a lot of their time for others. Many of which do not even have time of their own, but it's what keeps them going every day. I really wish I could honor those people in some way, because often they are not recognized enough. My boss out in California dedicates at least once a week to the Special Needs program at the local school. His 3 daughters join him every Saturday morning without fuss, and they have recently adopted me as a volunteer. It's so rewarding, but so tough to make time with all of our lives consumed with our jobs, kid's sports, family, and other activities. I think about all of the Brothers at CBA where I attended high school, whom I've had the honor to work service projects with these men have dedicated their entire lives to helping others with no means to financial reciprocation. This is their calling For me personally, I thought about my Aunt and Uncle, and my cousin Genare For many of you that have met Genare, he is the high point for me at family parties and during the holidays. Every single time Genare greets me, he reminds me of what all of us are seeking in life"Michael John is happy?" he asks me. Over and Over until I tell him "yes". Joy lights up in his faceand mine too. As we grew up showing up at those family events, we introduced our friends to Genare. He is our rock. However, not many people understand the staggering statistics surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorders of which Genare has been

  • diagnosed with at a young age. 1 in 68 children 1 in 42 boys More than 3.5 million Americans A cost of ~$236 billion annually for support and services And these numbers are not scaling in a positive way. Through my journey to the west coast, I've encountered colleagues of mine who have young children who have been recently diagnosed as well. There is so much uncertainty surrounding the disorder, but it is the countless sacrifice from their family members of whom I would love to recognize. April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day, and I feel we should start to really begin to recognize these individuals and their family members who deal with such challenges each and every day. We need to raise more awareness for Autism, and all disability disorders worldwide. Memorial Day weekend (May 23rd), my family and I will be running in the Spring Lake 5 back in New Jersey. We are going to be wearing these blue tank top shirts as we run. I ask that regardless if you can or cannot join us to support all of those who are running, that you donate to our cause and we'll give you a shirt! I want the entire town of Spring Lake to know I'm running for Genare and the entire Valiant family. I want the entire town to know that I'm running for all families who are dealing with such a mystifying disability. They are not alone. They should not be alone. We have the power to influence all who believe in the cause and I ask that you do the same for my cousin and all of those alike. Not because you love me, not because you think it's a great thing to do but because you want to do it. Because you recognize the sacrifices these families make for their loved ones each and everyday.

  • We can make a huge impact with just selling a few cool tee shirts. I hope on the morning of May 23rd, when I begin my first mile, that all who receive a shirt wear it proudly wherever you are, and remember who we are recognizing. Not just those children/adults like Genare, but the families who sacrifice their "normal" life to help make their loved one's better. I want to thank you for the time simply reading my long winded email and in the event you would like to receive a shirt please let anyone you know in the Galeo household your size and how many you would like to order. I will be ordering the shirts April 10th. I ask to help us cover the cost by donating $15 for a shirt. If you want to contribute more, we will not shy away. All proceeds are going to Autism New Jersey. I plan on surprising the President of the organization, who happens to be my Uncle, with the check the same day of the race. Love you all, Michael John