Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

Tates Creek Current February 2015 Jesus is the Way

Transcript of Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

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Tates Creek Current

February 2015Jesus is the Way

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Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2

Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 [email protected]

Visit Onlinewww.tatescreek.orgfacebook.com/tatescreekcc

Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Meal - 5:45 pm Oasis Classes - 6:45 pm

Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop

Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley


Feature Article 10-11 “Jesus is the Only Way Out”

In Every Issue 3-9 Minister Articles 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 13 Oasis Menu16-19 Devotional thoughts each week 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 22 December Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar

Ministry News 14 Pit Crew 15 Missions Moment

Events 20

Announcements 21 Sunday School Class Information

MissionTates Creek Christian Church exists to win

people to Christ (evangelism), build up believersin faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement),

to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).

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In John 14, Philip asked Jesus the question, “How can we know the way?” Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” (NASB). Jesus provides the only way to God the Father. How do we help people discover Jesus? How do we show people Jesus? One way to show people the way to God the Father, through Jesus Christ His Son, is through service. Jesus said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve” Mark 10:45. Jesus lived a life of service ~ always serving people and helping people. One of the great things that I love about Tates Creek Christian Church is the many ways our people serve others. Tates Creek has a very strong committed core of people. These people do not just serve the members of this congregation, but also serve out in the community.

For example, I just learned a few weeks ago that the Grass Roots Sunday School class stocks the snacks for the Fourth Floor Hospice Unit at St. Joseph hospital. There is a room on that wing for the families of people in Hospice to go to for a break. This Sunday School Class stocks the snacks for that room once a month. What a beautiful way to serve people! What a wonderful time to minister to people who are going through a very difficult time!

Here is a small list of the many areas where Sunday School Classes, Small Groups, and individuals are serving: (not exhaustive)Psalm 82:3 Mission ~ supporting an orphanage in LiberiaRoom In The Inn ~ two Thursdays a month, Tates Creek provides overnight housing and meals for homeless people.God’s Pantry ~ this ministry provides food for people.Julius Marks Elementary ~ tutoring, flower garden, prayer time with Teachers.Single Parents Night OutAlcoholic Anonymous BreakfastTurkey Give Away ~ Center Parkway NeighborhoodCollecting Medicine Bottles for HaitiChurch Under The Bridge ~ providing a worship service and food for homeless folks.

These are just a few and I know there are many more. If you are not part of a Sunday School Class or a Small Group, please check the brochure rack located near the Information Center to learn where you can connect.

Let’s bring people to Jesus! ~Tommy [email protected]

Tidbits from Tommy

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Senior Adults Many years ago, as I was doing graduate level studies, I went to a university in Kansas to take a graduate level course in order to complete my Master’s degree. The university administration told me that I needed to be “adopted” by a graduate department at the university in order to be allowed to take any courses at

that level. Thinking the natural department to be adopted by would be the school of religion, I approached the department head with my request. Once I was in his office I quickly found I was in the wrong place. Covering his bookshelves were books on every major religion and what seemed to be an over-abundance on Taoism. What I found lacking were books on Christianity and particularly the Bible. Along with that, I was quickly informed that my prior education was not up to par with the expectations of his department. Now, as I was immediately adopted by another department at the same university, I had to conclude that my transcripts were not what was lacking in this man’s requirements. It was instead his assumption that my Christian education was insufficient. I remember the words of the Apostle Paul coming to mind as I left his office; “professing to be wise they have become fools.” Brothers and Sisters, we live in a culture that increasingly thinks we are ignorant because we believe in the Gospel, the simple truth that Jesus is the way, the only way, to the Father. Just as that professor attempted to malign my Christian education, there are those who would cast a disparaging eye toward us in this culture because we believe that simple truth. Well, I will tell you that I never lost an ounce of confidence then, and those disparaging looks still don’t shake me in the least. Again, like the Apostle Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes….” (Romans 1:16)

The words of a favorite song of mine tell my story.Jesus died to take my sins away.

I can still remember when, He changed my life way back then,and the cross is just as real to me today.

I still believe in the power of the blood Jesus shed on Mt. Calvary.I still hold to the hope that He’s gone to prepare a dwelling place for me.

I still cling to the promise that there is still forgiveness for the lost.I still hold, I still hope, I still cling to the old rugged cross.

Tell me, is that your story too?

In Him, ~Bro. Kim [email protected]

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Finding Our Way I have enjoyed a pretty good sense of direction for most of my life. In fact, sometimes if time is not a factor, I will get off of the interstate highways and travel along old state and national routes to my destination. One can really enjoy the local “flavor” that way. AND, I love reading maps. I recently purchased a new 2014 road atlas from AAA to keep in the trunk of my car. Now, I do own a smartphone with

a “map app” and use it often to locate a place of business or a potential route, but trying to get a look at “the big picture” is difficult on that small screen. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology and the ways in which it can make our lives easier and more efficient, but I really enjoy seeing the entire route on a big map. Just think how long it took to prepare

these maps before our current methods. I should note that I do not enjoy folding maps...who does...but an atlas is a great way to organize maps in one big book. Of course, GPS (global positioning system) is amazing technology via our sophisticated satellite systems. But as we have seen on TV, it is not perfect. Turning right rather than “bearing” right could land one in a lake! I remember being in Cincinnati with a friend a few years ago and we were using his GPS system. We had already missed one turn and ended up in a “not so nice” neighborhood and when looking for a restaurant downtown, the GPS said to follow a certain route when I blurted out, “I don’t care what the GPS says, turn left here. The restaurant is right over there!” And, who doesn’t use Google Maps or MapQuest to print out directions to find our way to a new place we want to explore? I find getting around in Lexington a challenge, as many do, since several streets go in various directions and change names. But as we live here longer, we learn our way around town. It is important for us to be able to find our way in life, too! So many are lost and going in the wrong direction. Sometimes, we are trusting the directions given to us by people who deliberately lead us in the wrong way. The Scriptures point us to Christ. We will never be lost if our compass is pointing to Him and we follow His directions. I find it interesting that the early Church was referred to as, “The Way”. (Acts 9:2) ~ Don [email protected] 5

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Don’s Dynamics

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I am directionally challenged. To me, GPS is one of the greatest inventions known to man. I wouldn’t try to go to any unknown destination without written directions or a GPS unit of some sort for fear of becoming completely lost! This relates to my faith in that I must rely completely on

Jesus, his example, his Spirit, and his Word to guide me in my life. When I try to follow any other guide, I always end up lost. When I think about what Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”, I think of Jesus as “The Way” in a few different senses. The first is that Jesus literally has provided a bridge between earth and Heaven. He has provided us access to the Father through his death, burial, and resurrection. We are sons and daughters of the one true King. So Jesus is literally “The Way” in the sense that he has brought us back into a right relationship with God. Jesus is the way in which God saw fit to redeem us and bring us back to himself. Jesus is also “The Way” in that He has provided us a better “way” to live life. A way of life that is different than a worldly life. In fact, in the book of Acts, we see that even the first century folks, specifically Saul (Paul) and the Pharisees, were calling Christianity “the Way” (Acts 9:2). It must have been obvious this group of first century Christians were living in a different way than the people around them. Jesus’s way is certainly better than our way! Lastly, Jesus is “The Way” in that we must follow Him. He literally shows us “the way.” I’m sure many of us have tried our own way only to fall on our faces and realize we are lost, but we come back and follow Him because we know He is leading us in the right direction. Jesus made a way for us, He showed us the way, and He is still leading the way for us. If we simply follow Him, we will end up at the right destination.

In His Service, ~Mike [email protected]

College Ministry

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Student Ministry If there is one thing that teenagers are asked to think about more than any other, it’s this question: “What are you going to do with your life?” Every adult involved in the teenager’s life is busy trying to get them to think about the future, preparing themselves for a successful life down the road. Even as a youth minister, I am guilty at times of looking past my students in the present and projecting them into the future. The reason this is such a dangerous thing to do to students is that they are typically trying to find out who they are. Personal identity is the main

struggle of youth, and many times teenagers aren’t allowed that room. We try to place them on the (career) path we think they should go, even before they are confident in who they are. But, of course, God’s ways are different from ours.

“Happy are those who keep His decrees, with all their heart they seek Him, And who also do no wrong. In His Ways they walk.”

Psalm 119:2-3

So our first task with our youth should not be to get them into college, but it should be to teach them God’s ways. In a time of life when peers and new influences seek to drag youth away from God, we must provide the alternative. “Happy is the man who does not walk in the advice of the wicked, or stand in the Way of sinners, or sit in the seat of scoffers” (Psalm 1:1). In fact, the idea that following Jesus involves passing on a way of life is central to the Church’s identity in Acts. Paul mentions in his trial defence that he persecuted those who followed “The Way” (Acts 22:4, see 9:2). When Priscilla and Aquila heard a fiery young preacher in Apollos, who didn’t understand fully “The Way”, they took him aside and instructed him further (Acts 18:25-26). And that is our task with the youth that God gives to us. We must pass on Jesus not just as a matter of personal belief, but as a way of life. The path God sets before us is nothing less than a total life change.

Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad [email protected]

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Traveling in the right direction has sometimes been a challenge for me. Several times I have been driving and missed my turn. Other times I simply didn’t use the directions I had with me. Still other times I didn’t even take directions. Allow me to share my stories with you.

The first story about losing my way happened when I was in middle school. A friend and I wanted to stay after school to go for a run. My friend wanted to stay to actually exercise. I, of course, wanted to stay so I could run over to see a girl and call it running. We received the permission needed to stay after, went for a run, stayed a little too long at the girl’s house (her fault), and returned back to school to catch our ride. When we arrived, though, my older brothers weren’t around. I looked everywhere for them before calling home to ask for help. My mom answered (excited I was alive, but not so excited I was late) and informed me my brothers were already home. She followed with simple directions “start running home” and then hung up. HOME WAS 7 MILES AWAY! I knew I was in trouble and for a variety of reasons decided to take a route through the country. Being a trained Boy Scout I followed the North Star (to go East). It didn’t end well and 2.5 hours later my run ended being chased by a friend’s dog in the dark. I called home again and this time my mom said, “Stay there! Before we call for another police search, we will come get you!” The second story isn’t nearly as funny, but don’t judge me. It was the day after Terah and I were united in marriage. Our honeymoon journey would take us to Myrtle Beach for an amazing week away! However, when we started our journey we quickly learned that I hadn’t packed a map or printed off any directions. I knew it was southeast of where we were so I convinced Terah to trust me. We drove straight to the beach and arrived at 1 am. Terah was asleep so she didn’t know how many times we drove the same road looking for the hotel. It was then I learned there is a difference between North Myrtle Beach, where we were supposed to be, and Myrtle Beach. The truth in both stories– none of us can find our way! We are all lost without Jesus! We all might have different strategies, but there is only ONE WAY to where we all want to go. When Jesus was preparing to die for all of us, He sat down with his disciples to comfort them. He wanted them to know something really important and He needed them to listen. He said, “I am the

way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”- John 14:6

~ Matt [email protected]

Childrens Ministry

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Preschool MinistryCritterland News

Technology is a wonderful gift sometimes, isn’t it? Before we had cell phones (I am just old enough to remember a time without them), I was trying to find a friends house at night. It was in the middle of the country, and I was on a back road with no street lights or signs of any kind. I was fairly sure I had taken a wrong turn, and I had no map or any idea of where I was or what direction I was going. Without a GPS or a phone to call my friend, the only thing I could do was go back to the beginning, check my directions, and see what was wrong. I thought for sure that what was given to me was incorrect, but as I began the drive for the 2nd time, I realized I had missed a step and it was really my fault. I finally made it, and humbly joked about my mistake. I really needed a phone that night, and I don’t leave home without it now if I take a trip somewhere unfamiliar. We talked to the children last month about how much we need Jesus in our lives. We need Him for comfort, security, love, friendship, and most importantly, for direction to Heaven. Without Him, we have no hope of reaching our final destination, and will be forever lost.

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12)

~ Lesley [email protected]

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On July 24, 2002, disaster struck the Quecreek coal mine in Somerset, Pennsylvania. A poorly documented underground reservoir was breached and within minutes fifty million gallons of water gushed through the walls and flooded the entire mine. Incredibly, nine men found

refuge 240 feet underground in a cramped, partially flooded chamber where they waited for more than three days. They knew that since the air supply was limited their survival was unlikely, but a frantic rescue effort was unfolding above. Mine officials determined exactly where the trapped men would be if they had fled to the highest point underground. Painstakingly they drilled a small hole 240 feet straight down to that spot and then lowered a microphone to determine if the men were still alive. When they heard movement and voices below an official asked what would later prove to be a laughable question, “Are you the nine trapped miners?” One of them quipped, “Well there’s no one else walking around down here!” When the news that the men were still alive

reached the surface, family members and the citizens of Somerset were euphoric. However, it was one thing to communicate with the trapped men, it was still another to rescue them before it was too late. Another much larger shaft had to be drilled, wide enough to lower a 22 inch rescue capsule that could lift the men to safety. Even though a drill bit broke, delaying the procedure, the rescue workers were finally able to lower a cage down to where the men had languished in

fear and anticipation for seventy seven hours. At 2:45 a.m. on July 28, 2002 the last of the nine men was pulled to safety and the entire nation rejoiced. Can you imagine one of those trapped men asking, “Is this the only way out?” Or saying, “Getting into that narrow capsule frightens me, I‘m going to see if I can’t make it on my own.” Of course not! Every trapped miner was elated to have a way out and snatched the opportunity.

Jesus is the Only Way Out

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The Psalmist wrote, “The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me;

I was overcome by trouble and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the LORD: “O LORD, save me!” The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The LORD protects the simple-hearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. For you, O LORD, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before the LORD

in the land of the living.” (Psalm 116:3-9) Like those miners, spiritually we are all hopelessly trapped – “dead in trespasses and sins.” But God planned a dramatic rescue from the foundation of time and at just the right time and exactly the right place He descended into our world and provided a way of escape through the atoning death of Jesus on the cross. Hebrews 2:3 asks, “How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?” How ludicrous for anyone to ask, “Isn’t there another way out?” Or to protest, “It makes me uncomfortable to make a confession of my faith and be baptized in front of people. I’m going to rely on my own efforts to get out.” Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias, suggests that people who object to Jesus being the only way do so not because there is only one way but because it its God’s way not their way. If God had prepared two ways to salvation they’d be upset there weren’t three. David suggested there was only one logical response to God’s compassionate and merciful rescue. “How can I repay the LORD for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD. I will fulfill my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people.” (Psalm 116:12-14)

~ Bob Russell

Written on April 13, 2014, reprinted with permission.www.bobrussell.org

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Jesus is the Only Way Out cont.

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As a self-test of sorts, I recently tried to go through an entire day without utilizing the privilege of prayer. Needless to say, it was harder than I thought it would be and by day’s end, found myself exhausted from trying to avoid praying, not to mention, painfully lonely. I discovered that prayer is as much second nature to me as breathing but unlike breathing, it is a gift that I never take for granted.

Growing up in a loving Christian minister’s home, I was virtually surrounded by positive examples of what it means to lead a productive and healthy prayer life and how vital it is to the Christian walk. As I left the protective cocoon of my younger days and began to face the realities of life, my prayer life also transitioned from the immature “I want” and “I need” to prayers of thankfulness and praise to the Lord who continually sustains through all trials. Entering the senior phase of my life, I’ve discovered that just as we never cease to grow in our faith, our view of prayer also matures. I’ve been quite humbled by this revelation that has blessed me with a contentment and peace I would not have thought possible.

What does prayer mean to me? It is my outlet for praising and adoration, my comfort in times of sorrow and discouragement, my stabilizer when all seems out of control and my “hot line” to the Savior who never fails or leaves me. How rich I am!!

~ Mary Brown

Concerning PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics

February1 Those who struggle with addictions2 Luke 19:10 3 Judy Fish with CMF4 TCCC can be “The Way” 5 Brad Haggard and the Middle/High Schoolers6 Newly elected Congress members7 Recent loss of loved ones8 Those dealing with depression9 Acts 2:3810 Syversons in Mexico11 Small Groups12 TCCC office/admin13 Hope Center14 Unbelieving children15 Homeless Veterans 16 John 4:4217 Williams in Brooklyn, New York18 Vision for TCCC19 Mike Allen & College grp20 Room in the Inn21 Marriages of 50+ years 22 Nursing home residents23 John 14:2324 Weeks in Ethiopia25 Sunday School classes26 TCCC facilities staff27 Church Under the Bridge28 Praying together

The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.

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Communion Serving Schedule

February 1Elders: Stan Stack, Nick WallenDeacons: Ed Hall, Greg KastenAshland Terrace: Keith WertzHome Comm: Cory Wilson, Steve Mullins, Jonathan CliftonSat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle FieldsSun Prep after 1st Srv: Jenny FowlerClean-up after 1st Srv: Ray/Christi AlbensiSun Prep after 2nd Srv: Jenny FowlerClean-up after 2nd Srv: John CombsPrayer Team: Mary Robey, Kevin HickeyFebruary 8Elders: Danny Branham, Stan StackDeacons: David Martin, Keitz WertzAshland Terrace: Greg KastenHome Comm: Stuart Kearns, Keith Wertz, Greg KastenSat Comm Prep: Teresa PendletonSun Prep after 1st Srv: Dale KistlerClean-up after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma GoodeSun Prep after 2nd Srv: Dale KistlerClean-up after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma GoodePrayer Team: Nathan Young, Laura Mullins

February 15Elders: George Heaton, Danny BranhamDeacons: Terry Morrison, Stuart KearnsAshland Terrace: Henry EvansHome Comm: Chris Lee, Bill Burke, Greg WheelerSat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda JohnsonPrep after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette CorumClean-up after 1st Srv: Teresa PendletonPrep after 2nd Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette CorumClean-up after 2nd Srv: Teresa PendletonPrayer Team: Jerry Brooking, Beth KesslerFebruary 22Elders: Larry Hitchner, George HeatonDeacons: Steven Clem, Jonathan CliftonAshland Terrace: Bill BurkeHome Comm: Lucas Moore, Steven Clem, Craig MartinSat Comm Prep: Kathy HicksSun Prep after 1st Srv: Teresa PendletonClean-up 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette CorumSun Prep after 2nd Srv: Teresa PendletonClean-up 2nd Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette CorumPrayer Team: Mary Adkins, Gina Runyon

February Oasis MealsFebruary 4 ~ Spaghetti w/sauce, Salad, Garlic Bread, DessertFebruary 11 ~ Tomato or Chicken Noodle Soup, 1/2 Ham Sandwich, Crackers, DessertFebruary 18 ~ Pork Loin, Parsley Potatoes Broccoli Casserole, Rolls, DessertFebruary 25 ~ Roasted Turkey Breast, Cornbread Dressing, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Rolls, Dessert

Salad is available as an alternate meal when it is not a part of the meal being served.

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What God is doing in a partnership between a public school and a church is something ONLY He can plan and orchestrate. For the past four years the partnership between Julius Marks Elementary and TCCC has continued to grow. This year alone there are 8 tutors going to JME on a weekly basis from our church. At Christmas time gifts were given to 15 kids and 6 families received Christmas baskets. In August, 250 backpacks were given away, but this year we personally handed the backpacks to the kids and families at the school’s back to school night. The latest incredible event ended with a LEX 18 news story “Ornaments for Orphans” where 1st, 2nd, and 5th graders made ornaments to sell. All proceeds went to the orphanage in Liberia that a group of people from TCCC started. This financial and spiritual support ministry is called Psalm 82:3 Mission. The end result was over $800 given directly to the children! It’s what God is doing, but for the past couple years we wondered if there was something we could be a part of that would get kids from JME into our church for more personal relationships and sharing Jesus with them! In September, we asked about this idea and soon the new guidance counselor, Dustin Robinson, replied with a great need for a BOYS ONLY mentor group for preteen boys. Through October, November, and December, I met and prayed with school and community partners, and together we watched God move to start a new group called “Pit Crew.” We asked teachers to identify boys from the school that could use a program like this and they gave us 13 names. Then, just before Christmas I met with the boys and told them they had a chance to be a part of something new as a team. Together, the counselor and I, challenged them to “step up” and accept the challenge. We encouraged them by telling them they were special. I wish I would have had a camera to record their reactions. Boys that may not have had much confidence, sat up straight in their chairs, and puffed out their chest. To be asked was an honor to them. So– running every Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 pm is Pit Crew! It’s a ministry built on I Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” We are still looking for men who will accept the challenge. We have 3 dedicated mentors and a couple Jr. Mentors (high schoolers) on the team, but are open to more. It’s not a ministry for the medium commitment. It’s a ministry for men who want to commit to making a real difference in 16 weeks for a young boy or

group of boys trying to find their way. Oh yeah, we’re also building race cars!

~ Matt Lee

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Pit Crew

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New Missionary Family At its January 4 meeting, the TCCC Missions Ministry Team recommended that TCCC help support through prayer and finances Tyler and Katie Selby, CMF missionaries to Nekempte, Ethiopia. The Elders approved the recommendation at their meeting on January 5. Katie is from McCook, Nebraska, and Tyler from Columbia, Maryland. They are both graduates of Emmanuel Christian Seminary where they met. Katie is also a graduate of Manhattan Christian College in Kansas, and Tyler is a graduate of Milligan College. Katie was introduced to missions ministry in India and Tyler in Uganda and the Ivory Coast. They believe that God joined them together and is calling them to Ethiopia to serve His Church there. As Tyler and Katie write: We will minister primarily in the town of Nekempte. There, we hope to assist the church in two main ways: first, by helping to establish a college student ministry, both to disciple students in the church as well as to reach out to students in the town of Nekempte. Second, we hope to start a business as mission project by opening a café or bakery on the church property in Nekempte. It is our desire that these two ministries will complement one another and create opportunities through which God will be able to bless the people of Nekempte. We felt the call of God to Nekempte because of how God had been preparing us through the work we are doing in Johnson City. Currently, we serve international students in Johnson City through a ministry Katie began 2 ½ years ago, and Tyler operates a home-based bakery which is heading into its third season at the Johnson City Farmer’s Market. We have been humbled to recognize the ways in which God has folded our lives here in Johnson City into his larger plan. It is our privilege to join God’s works among the Ethiopian people, and we are thankful and blessed to have the support of the wonderful community at Tates Creek Christian Church. We are expecting our first child in May, and we look forward to meeting you!

~ Tyler & Katie Selby

Missions Moment Selby Family

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Devotional Thought Week 1JESUS IS THE LAMB OF GOD ~ John 1:19-51

The scriptures tell us that without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin. There must be an atonement for sin. In the Old Testament, God established an annual Day of Atonement. Each year the High Priest would offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people.

The Book of Hebrews explains that “The Law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming”, not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.

When Isaac asked his father, Abraham, where is the lamb for the burnt offering? His father replied, God himself will provide the lamb. How right and prophetic he was!

Lambs by nature are weak, defenseless animals. They make no alarming sounds when danger approaches. Jesus became the perfect atonement for sin for all time. The Apostle Peter states that “We are not redeemed with silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”

The world needs to hear this Good News! Even a non-Christian, Mahatma Gandhi recognized the significance of Christ when he said, “A man who was completely innocent, offered himself for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.”

Jesus Christ, the perfect Lamb of God! What a Savior! What a future!

~ Ron Fey Small Group Leader Crusaders Class Teacher

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Devotional Thought Week 2JESUS IS THE LORD ~ John 9

One of the more common phrases in Christian publications, sermons, and conversations is “Jesus is Lord”. At times, this saying can be so common, we may not give it a second thought. But have you stopped to think what this really means? Or, more importantly, have you truly let Jesus become the Lord of your life? John Chapter 9 is the story of Jesus enabling a grown man, blind at birth, to

see. Jesus spit into the dirt to make a mud paste. He put that paste on the man’s eyes and told him to go specifically to the Pool of Siloam to wash. This he did and was given his sight. Many of his neighbors and others soon saw that he could see and thought he was someone else. Others asked him what had happened and he willingly shared what Jesus did for him.

People took the blind man before the Pharisees to show them the healed man. Of course they asked the man when this occurred and how it had happened. The man was happy to report that a man named Jesus had done this and when. The Pharisees then spent a lot of time trying to say the man was never blind. But when that became futile, they switched their arguments saying there was no way Jesus could have healed the man. Later, Jesus encountered the now seeing man. Jesus asked him if he believed in the Son of Man. The man wanted to know who that was so he could believe. As soon as Jesus told the man that He himself was the Son of Man, he began worshipping Jesus. Have you taken an inventory of all the things Jesus has done for you? We all are the beneficiaries of knowing and understanding God through the life and words of Jesus. We all also have the opportunity of someday having Jesus usher us through the gates of Heaven. I am sure that He has done many things for you as well. If these things are not obvious to you, take some time to review your life to identify when Jesus walked beside you or carried you forward and blessed you. How do you react to this, possibly, newly found knowledge? Are you like the former blind man who worshipped Jesus upon the discovery of who He was. Do you make Him the Lord of your life through that worship? Or are you like the Pharisees and go to great efforts to discredit those wonderful things He has done for you or to give the credit to someone or something else? My prayer for all people is that they, one day, will be able to experience the joy of the blind man through their worship of Jesus and allow Him to become the Lord of their lives. ~ Michael Mirre Elder Servants for Christ Class Teacher

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JESUS IS THE GOOD SHEPHERD ~ John 10:1-18 Shepherds have always played an important role in God’s plan of salvation. Many of the great men He has called and spoken through have been shepherds. We know that Abel kept his flocks while Cain worked the soil, and the Lord looked with favor upon his offering. Abraham and

Lot had flocks and herds. We are told that Isaac became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he had so many flocks and herds that the Philistines envied him! When Pharaoh asked Joseph’s brothers their occupation, they reported that they were shepherds as their fathers before them, and they came to Egypt with Jacob and their flocks. Later when Moses flees to Midian, he tends the flocks with Jethro when the Lord calls him from the burning bush. Of course, there is King David. Samuel comes to the house of Jesse to anoint the Lord’s chosen. When none of the seven sons are chosen, Jesse reveals that there is one more, the youngest, tending the sheep. When the boy David arrives, the Lord has Samuel rise and anoint him and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. He would be king! There is the birth of Jesus, announced not to priests or kings, but to shepherds on a hillside by not one angel, but by a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God! So, it is no surprise that Jesus would use these familiar word pictures to help us visualize the relationship he desires to have with us. As our good shepherd, Jesus would not leave the herd when the wolf attacked. Rather, he would lay down his life to save the life of the sheep. Lay it down of his own accord, only to take it back up again. Ah, but the wolf never gives up. The wolf is still after the sheep today. Circling the herd. Looking for the weak lamb. The good shepherd calls the sheep by name, but we have to listen! Spend time with the shepherd, so that you will know his voice, and take care of your fellow lambs. God Bless.

~ Charles Byers Deacon Reach Class Teacher

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18

Devotional thought Week 3

Page 19: Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

JESUS IS THE SERVANT ~ John 13:1-20“Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. The evening meal was being served..” John 13:1-2

Christian Service - An Intimate Labor of Love Picture the intimacy of the evening in the upper room. The hands of Jesus calloused from his years as a carpenter gently breaking the bread and pouring the wine. Jesus’ hands pushing back from the table and rising to remove his outer garment. Jesus wrapping a towel around his waist, moving to his disciples. Kneeling to wash their dirty feet. A job

reserved for the lowliest of servants or left undone. Had any of the disciples thought to wash the feet of Jesus? The hands of Jesus pouring water from pitcher to basin, rinsing the soil and sand from each disciple’s feet and tenderly wiping them dry again. It was an intimate act of service. An example to his beloved just as it is an example to us, His beloved. Followed by the command, (v15) “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (v17) Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them”.

Do we? Does the world recognize us by our love and service? The Savior of all mankind made Himself a servant to show His love, we must do no less. Workers in Christ’s service are all around us here at TCCC, workers reflecting Christ’s love to the world and growing God’s kingdom. It is found in the sweet faces of the nursery workers, the efforts of men who host the homeless, the gifts that send missionaries to the field, the hands that prepare meals for the bereaved, the list goes on and on. The desire for intentional service in the name of Jesus requires us to yoke ourselves to Jesus and allow him to set the pace. Allow him to complete the work through us. A Labor of Love sharing the truth about Jesus.

~ Becky Child Women’s Ministry Team Leader

19Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Devotional thought Week 4

Page 20: Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

Requirements to serve in any children’s ministry position:1. At least 1 week per month commitment. This can be served in one month blocks, 2 week rotation, or 1 Sunday each month.2. Successful Background Check and Child Protection Policy training. 3. Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus and desire to help children grow spiritually. 4. At least 18 years of age (youth positions are also available upon request)

~ Volunteers are needed in Critterland during the 11:10 hour.(Contact Lesley at 859-967-3909 or [email protected].)

~ Volunteers are needed in Uptown as well. (Contact Matt at 859-537-2634 or [email protected].)

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road

New Sermon Series

Children’s Ministry Volunteers


Senior Adult EventsAdult Bible Study

Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Room 200A

Better With Age Club Thursday, February 19

10:30 am ~ Fellowship HallBring soup, sandwiches, salad,

or dessert to share.

Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship

February 9, 2015Broadway Christian Church

Ladies Night

Meal ~ 5:45 pm, Program ~ 6:45 pm

Van will leave TCCC at 5:15 pm

Jesus is the WayFebruary 8 - March 1

Jesus is the Lamb of GodJohn 1:19-51

Jesus is the LordJohn 9

Jesus is the Good ShepherdJohn 10:1-18

Jesus is the ServantJohn 13:1-20

Page 21: Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

21Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Looking to Go Deeper?Class Location/Time Contact EmailEarly Bird Adult Class 114/8:30 Phillip Broaddus [email protected] Alpha-Omega (College) Sr. Min. Office/9:50 Mike Allen [email protected] in Action 200C/9:50 Charles Slone [email protected] 304/9:50 Ron Fey [email protected] Class 108/9:50 Mary Brown [email protected] of Believers 104/9:50 David Eversole [email protected] 200D/9:50 Kevin Kennedy [email protected] News 300/9:50 David Martin [email protected] & Truth Fellowship Hall/9:50 Bruce Carpenter [email protected] Roots 301/9:50 Tim Abner [email protected] Bound 114/9:50 Kevin Mattingly [email protected] the Word 103/9:50 Dallous Reed [email protected] Bible 200AB/9:50 Mike Critchfield [email protected] 34:3 (Career) 106/9:50 David Feltner [email protected] 110/9:50 Kent Mason [email protected] for Christ 200E/9:50 Danny Branham [email protected] Room 112/9:50 Terry Morrison [email protected] Workers 107/9:50 Stan Stack [email protected] of Faith 103/11:10 Kim Beckwith [email protected] 200E/11:10 Charlie Byers [email protected]

Tates Creek Christian Church is a body that believes in Sunday School! On most Sundays you will find about 80% of those attending a worship service also attend a Sunday School class. The purpose of Sunday School is to Reach People with the Gospel of Christ, Teach People to Understand and Apply the Word of God, and Minister to People with the Love of God. Sunday School is a place for you to get know a group of people and be known. Classes are offered for all ages on Sundays at 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 AM. Need help finding a class? The adult classes are listed on this page. You can also visit the Information Center on the second floor on Sunday to receive assistance in finding a class. Finally, you may also use the email addresses listed here to gain info on a particular class. Find out more and join today!

Page 22: Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

Sunday School Average Attendance

December 2014YouthInfants 7Walkers 72 - 5 Year Old 14 Elementary 51Middle & High School 49

AdultAlpha/Omega 8Ashland Terrace 8Christians in Action 23Crusaders 54Early Bird 8:30 am 3Faith 14Fellowship of Believers 16FOCUS 19Generations of Faith 25Good News 22Grace & Truth 72Grass Roots 17Heaven Bound 12In The Word 18Open Bible 61Psalm 34:3 3Reach 14Seekers 10Servants for Christ 27Upper Room 14Willing Workers 35

Miscellaneous 5Officers 3

Total 607

December Worship Attendance & Giving

Total General Fund 7th 772 $42,208.14th 751 $28,177.21st 744 $30,561.28th 635 $37,680.

IndebtednessMortgage Balance, Dec. 31 $1,405,474.

Monthly Payment (Jan. 1) $262,888. Principal $8,855. Interest $4,033. Add’l Principal $250,000.

To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at www.tatescreek.org and click on “Giving”.

% of Dollars Given Online16%

General Fund Report2014 Budgeted Need per week $29,407.2014 Average per week $27,939.

December Total Income $138,626.December Total Expenses $122,480.Net Excess $16,146.

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22

Funds Totals for Dec.

Deacons’ Fund $1,744.“What If...” $243,502.

Page 23: Tates Creek Christian Church Current February, 2015

23Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

New Members

Janet works as a pharmacist and has lived in Lexington for many years. She has been attending Tates Creek with her husband and son for 4 years. Janet was baptized in 1972 after she attended vacation Bible school at Northern Heights Christian Church. Her favorite Bible passage is Psalm 23. She said, “It is very reassuring knowing that we are in God’s care.” Help us continue to encourage and serve with this family.

Janet WilsonTransfer, December 8

Nathaniel SpencerBaptized December 14

Jacob & Renee JonesTransfer, December 7

Jacob and Renee have lived in Lexington since 2003 and have been worshipping with us for the last two months. Jacob is an information technician and a Children’s Minister. Renee stays at home to home school their son, James. They both had strong christian influences when they were young and strive to do the same as they help and encourage others. Be sure to welcome Jacob, Renee, and James as they continue to serve with us.

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Calendar ~ February 20151 Monthly Ministry Teams

2 Elders’ Meeting, 6 pm, 200D

5 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh5 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm

6 Grace & Truth Social, 6:30 pm, FH

7 & 21 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102

9 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Broadway CC9 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104

10 MOPS, 9 am, FH10 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm

12 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH12 Rachel Circle, 6:30 pm, Olive Garden

14 Willing Workers Social, 12 pm, FH

16 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh

19 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH

24 MOPS, 9 am, FH

26 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH

Weekly ActivitiesSunday Evening:Rejoicing Ringers, 4:30 pm, CREvening Worship, 6:30 pm, WCAdult Small Groups, various times and locations

Monday Evening: Orchestra rehearsal, 6:15 pm, WC

Tuesday Evening:Pit Crew, 3:30 pm, UPVictory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH

Wednesday:Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AWorship Team, 5:30 pm, WCOasis Meal, 5:45 pm, MMCHigh School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303Oasis Classes, 6:45 pm, various roomsWorship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC






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