Task 4 final images review work sheet potrait

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Selection of final images & review (P4, M4, D4) Image No: 1

Transcript of Task 4 final images review work sheet potrait

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Selection of final images & review (P4, M4, D4)

Image No:











Theme or focus of image & reasons for choiceThe Theme and focus for my images was to get images of a band which looked like they woiuld be good enough for a music magazine, my over all idea was to take photos of the band when they weren’t expecting it so it doesn’t look as set up,To make all of my photos look as natural as possible,I made most of them apart from number 10 look autumny as I felt it suited the image better and I made the last photo look wintery because when I added the autumny effects it didn’t look right.

• The main focis of photo one is the two people in the fore ground.• The main focus from image nymber two is also the people in the fore ground.• The main focus from images number three is each of the band members.• The main focus from images four is again all of the members.• The main focus of images number five is all of the members.• The main focus of number six is one of the member looking to the right.• The main focus of images number seven is another member looking to the left.• The main focus of number eight is one of the members looking directly at the

camera.• The main focus of number nine is one of the members looking to the left of the

camera.• The main focus of number ten is the two members closest to the camera.

Techniques usedWhen I took all of my photos there was many things I had to think about such as rule of thirds, aperture an shutter speed so I got my photos to look the way I had imagined them, the camera setting from the majority of these photos was the same as due to the lighting in the setting there was no need to change any.Strengths & suggested improvementsThe streghnts of my photos are:

• The placemnt of the vand members.• The colour• The way I edited them.

The weakness of my images are:

• Some of the photos are slightly out of focus.• Some members are blocking the view of other in a few images.

• Some images could have been a bit brighter.Editing detailsIn most of the photos all I did was change the saturation, contrast and brightness to make them look better in some I added an effect called variation which adds more of a certain colour to the images, black and whiter effect and sepia to make them all look the way I felt was best.

Capture LogSetting Shutter Speed ISO ApertureAll manual 1. 1/250 sec

2. 1/250 sec3. 1/250 sec4. 1/320 sec5. 1/250 sec6. 1/640 sec7. 1/500 sec8. 1/500 sec9. 1/200 sec10. 1/ 400 sec

1) Iso – 2002) Iso – 2003) Iso – 2004) Iso – 2005) Iso – 2006) Iso –2007) Iso -2008) Iso -2009) Iso – 20010) Iso - 200

1. f/4.22. /4.23. f/5.34. f/4.25. f/86. f/6.37. f/5.68. f/4.29. f/5

10. f/5