Taming Big Data in the Reverse Logistics Supply Chain

How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability Taming Big Data


Best-in-Class companies capture, analyze and share repair and return data. But, not knowing what to look for and how to use the information could leave you drowning in Big Data. Major points of this presentation include: What type of data is valuable Identifying and prioritizing trends Benefits of analyzing and sharing data

Transcript of Taming Big Data in the Reverse Logistics Supply Chain

Page 1: Taming Big Data in the Reverse Logistics Supply Chain

How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Taming Big Data

Page 2: Taming Big Data in the Reverse Logistics Supply Chain

How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

According to Aberdeen’s Study:Key Trends in Returns Management (April 2013)

Best in Class Companies:

Capture customer and product specific returns and repair data

Analyze returns and repair data overtime

Systematically share data with other business teams (design, manufacturing)

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

According to Aberdeen’s Study:Best Practices in Returns, Refurbishment and Repair (April 2012)

Best in Class Companies exhibited:

4.9% average decrease in total repair/ refurbishment costs over the previous 12 months

1.3% average decrease in cost per RMA over the previous 12 months

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Benefits of capturing and analyzing repair data are:

Internal for the Repair Depot :

Improve repair yield

Improve testing and repair processes

Reduce Out of Box Failures

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Benefits of capturing, analyzing, and sharing repair data are:

External for the organizations they support – OEMs, Field Service:

Improved efficiency in returns process

Reduction in redundancy of service calls to solve the problem

Reduction in seed stock

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

You could drown in “Big Data” if you don’t know what you are looking for

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Profitability

Repair Provider, Field Service Organizations and Manufacturers benefit from the capture and analysis of a variety of data:

Tracking component level failures improves quality

Tracking whole unit failures leads to reduced service costs and increased customer satisfaction

Building a repair history overtime reduces costs

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Tracking failures at the component level and reporting trends to design and manufacturing improves quality:

However, you have to know what you are looking for…

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

At first glance, resistors appear to be main issue with quality, but when you dig deeper, you notice a trend with the capacitors

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability


How many field service technicians does it take to fix a light bulb?

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability


Tracking and sharing the root cause of failures for both field service parts and whole systems can arm field technicians with a better knowledge base to perform onsite diagnosis. Improved first call resolution will reduce costs associated with repeat service calls while positively affecting customer satisfaction.

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Tracking cause of failures for whole units leads to improved accuracy in field service diagnosis and therefore reduces costs of No Fault Founds while increasing customer satisfaction

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Another benefit of tracking No Fault Founds is that the temptation to “shotgun” the repair in the field is reduced. Armed with data in failure trends, field service technicians know what to test for and only pull those items and send them in for repair.

This process avoids unnecessary shipping and processing of non-failing parts. It also reduces the required seed stock to support operations.

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Tracking Out of Box Failures and making corrective actions to repair processes help increase yield and customer satisfaction

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Building a repair history overtime reduces No Fault Founds and repair volume while producing higher yield and therefore reduces costs

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

Take Aways:

As you improve the type of data you collect and utilize the findings you will become more efficient in repair and returns management

It is important to continue collecting data over time because of new product introductions and new technical staff

Sharing data across multiple departments improves quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability

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How Actionable Repair Data Can Improve Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Profitability

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View our Reporting Sample: Renova Repair Reporting

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