Tambuli 2006-12-v4

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 6 Holiday Issue 2006 -JUDGED THE MOST OUTSTANDING NEWSLETTER FOR THE 3Q 2006

    Twinning agreement brings the world closer together

    TambuliOfficial Publication of The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber (Jaycees), Inc

    Renewal of agreement with JCI MAKATI

    Five years ago, the chapter signed a sisterhood agreement with the MakatiJaycees during the term of thenPresident Pepet Macachor. The event waswitnessed by Gov. Krizteen Dulay and Sen. Jocelyn Bernal.

    Today, we are fortunate to have2007 President Louie Cale visit New Yorkand renew our agreement with JCI-Makati. Signing this agreement was2006 President Vivian Velasco , 2007 President-elect Gary Abasolo andPast President/Ambassador Richard Aguinaldo , on behalf of 2007 NewYork State International Affairs Vice President Willi Gamboa. The signingtook place at the residence of Ambassador Richard Aguinaldo where chapter members gathered to celebrate the birthdays of Amb. Richard,Past Presi-dent/Amb. George Daco and Mrs. Khristine Aguinaldo.

    It should be noted that this is the first signing of a twinning agreement in our home turf. Prior to this, the twinning agreements were signed during the2002 JCI World Congress in Las Vegas. In his message to our chapter,President Louie presented a proposal for our joint project for 2007. It in-volves online contribution of financial resources to benefit civic and charitableorganizations in the Philippines. We will report more on this project uponreceipt for the formal proposal. (To Page 2)

    Dear Friends,

    Heres wishing you all a wonderful holiday. May you take

    the time to reflect on the many blessings you have receivedand the accomplishment during the year. We look forwardto having you join us for another year as we continue todevelop leaders and impact our communities.

    Best WishesThe Officers and Members ofThe Philippine New York Jaycees

    A Brand new Start with JCI PATEROS BALUT

    Last month during the visit of Membership Services VP Gary Abasolo to tPhilippines, he was able to meet up with some amazing Jaycee membersfrom the Philippines. He also experienced for the first time the Twinningceremony. This ceremony binds two organizations together in a specialrelationship that focuses on sharing information, ideas, and project assis-tance. This year the chapter is proud of renewing our ties with theJCI-Manilena chapter, the JCI-Makatichapter and initiating our new ties withJCI-Pateros Balut.

    Background about Pateros 1

    Pateros is a municipality in Metro Manila in the Philippines. This small tois famous for its duck-raising industry and especially for producing balut, Filipino delicacy that is boiled duck egg. Pateros is bordered by Pasig Citythe north, Makati City to the west, and Taguig to the south.

    Pateros is the smallest among the cities and municipalities in Metro Manilboth in population and in land area, but it is the second most densely populated at around 27 thousand people per square kilometer after Manila.


    The name of the Pateros most likely came from its duck-raising industry. TTagalog word (of Spanish origin) for duck is pato and pateros means duckraisers. An equally viable theory, though less known is that the name also

    came from the town's small shoe-making industry. The Tagalog word for shoe is sapatos and shoe-makers are called sapateros.

    1 From Wikipedia

    Signing of the Twinning agreement in Xanders Bar, Manila withmembers of the JCI-Pateros Balut members led by incoming President

    Marvin Labrador and Incoming chapter President Gary Abasolo.

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    Tambuli 2006 VOL. XXXII No. 6 Holiday Issue

    Message from JCI-Pateros Balut That brotherhood of men transcends the sovereignty of nations. This JCItenet is a true when it was first said more than half a century ago as it istoday. The sisterhood of JCI Pateros Balut, Inc and Phil-New York Jayceesmarked a symbolic beginning of a fruitful projects and ideas in accordance inour JCI tenets.

    Our joint project Toy Drive will be a great support in our flagship projectPamaskong Handog ng JCI Pateros Balut, Inc. in sharing our blessings tothe indigent kids in Pateros. Thank you for choosing our community to be therecipient of your kindness. I wish that you could be with us in this event. Our beloved Philippines need leaders like us.

    My Best regards to all the members of Phil-New York Jaycees!!! Mabuhaytayong lahat!!! Maligayang Pasko atManigong Bagong Taon!!!

    JCI Mem. Charles Marvin A. Labrador 2007 Local Organization President, JCIPateros Balut, Inc.

    Message from JCI-ManilenaDear Philippine-New York JCI Members:

    In behalf of JCI-Manilena, we wish to greet you Advance Merry Christmasand a Prosperous 2007! You guys have always been dear and special tous. As we complete a year of working together, we want you to know howmuch we appreciate the sisterhood we have and many thanks for emailingthe activities you have as it inspires us to bring back to the community theblessings we have. Wishing you much love, joy and many blessings to JCI-Philippine New York.

    JCI Mem. JEANINE DE JESUS,2006 Chapter President, JCI-Manilea

    (From Page 1 Makati Twinning) Accompanying President Louie is2007 Ambassador for JCI-Makati, EdLayson . Ed is now residing in New York and will serve as his chaptersofficial representative in future joint projects. We are looking forward tohaving a successful relationship in 2007.

    Pres Louie Cale presented with token gifts from the chapter.

    Back row: Jen Gonzales, Sen. Cri-Cri Ramos, Ken Viola, Sen. Jocelyn Bernal,Paul Buenafe, Sen. Ner Martinez, Ray Villaflor, Amb. George Daco, Amb. RichardAguinaldo. Seated: Amb. Ed Layson, JCI Makati Pres Louie Cale, Pres. VivianVelasco, Pres-elect Gary Abasolo and Reyangelo Honrade

    PROUD TO BE A JAYCEE MOMBy Maria B.A. Dulay I was asked to share my thoughts about the prestigious Junior Chamber (Jaycees) organization and how I see it through my daughter Krizteen.

    Well let me start by saying Parents look at their children as their pride an joy, from the time they are born till they become professionals. Of coursduring the in between years, children need a lot of love, guidance, sacrificand understanding from their parents. In my case, the Jaycees played asignificant role in making Krizteen My Pride & Joy. Let me share mystory..

    I moved my family to the United States in 1994 to fill an executive positioan organization based in New York City. Krizteen, my eldest daughter, whwas 18 years old at the time didnt want to leave her friends, school, and thlife that she had back home. Our move, for her, as she would say, wasback to square one. Her first year at St. Johns University was very intimdating. She had to go through a long period of adjustment, but with her abilities, strong determination and dedication, she succeeded with flyingcolors. Though she was academically fulfilled, I still saw the sadness andthe emptiness in her face.

    Then, came the JAYCEES. It was December 1998, while attending aChristmas show presentation Paskong Handog, organized by the Philip-pine-New York Jaycees, her face lit up as if she had found something thatshes been looking for. That night she told me, Mom, Id like to join theJayceesand the rest is history.

    History I say because it was during Krizteens Jaycee Presidency in 2002,when the aftermath of September 11 took place. Team motto: Challengthe Future was appropriate during the times. It was really a big challengfor her and her Team-physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. Programs & activities were overwhelming, not to mention the frequent hostinJaycees officials and guests from the different states and around the worldvisiting New York City to see the devastating World Trade Center. Seeithe Jaycees work was astonishing for me. The support, unity, camaraderieunderstanding and determination to accomplish their work are so much fel

    CHAPTER MISSIONThe Philippine New York Junior chamber is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training thrbusiness programs, community projects and social interactionCHAPTER VISIONThe Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginaprograms that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 2

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    Tambuli 2006 VOL. XXXII No. 6 Holiday Issue

    among the members and advisors especially during those challenging times.Their long working hours, sleepless nights and unending travels were allworth it, for the experiences they have gained and friendship they have madeare incomparable to any other. And in the process of all their hard work,they were recognized as one of the top Jaycee chapters in the United States.

    The Jaycee activities have fun times and real business times. They followthe protocol of proper business, from the way they conduct elections, meet-

    ings, conventions, activities, etc. I know, because I have had the privilegeto attend some of these activities and supported them from the time mydaughter joined the Jaycees in 1999 and will continue to support until I amable.I love the Jaycees, not only do they make me feel young when I am withthem, but I always enjoy their activities and share their successes. Unlikeother organization, I see the Jaycees as a solid training ground for youngprofessionals. With their planned programs and activities, they help developa well-rounded personality of each individual member. Not only am I proudto see my daughter grow professionally over the years, but I truly believe thatit was the Jaycees training of leadership, and gift of friendship that makeKrizteen and all Jaycees what they areLeaders of Today . Continue thegreat work!

    INDIVIDUALLY SPEAKINGVicky Chang, 2007 Individual Devt Vice Pres

    I cannot believe 2006 will be concluding in a few weeks, but it has been anincredible year for our chapter. We have done outstanding projects and wonnumerous awards, and I am proud to have been part of the journey.

    As, the year comes to a close, I look back on 2006 knowing that I haveworked with individuals who strive improve themselves and be leaders in thecommunity. I think our chapter is very fortunate to have members who are

    excited to be a part of the Jaycee experience and past members (i.e. PastPresidents and advisors) who care and want to continue to create futureleaders.

    As incoming Individual Development Vice President, I hope to learn evenmore about the Jaycees and share my experience with all members. Holdinga VP position will be new to me, but I know that this will be an opportunity for me to grow and be one of many stepping stones in becoming a good leader.

    I wish all members and their families Happy Holidays and get ready for 2007.

    Get It? The Philippine New York Jaycees Does!(Our Heartfelt Thanks to a Fantastic Organization)

    Following a flock of birds; ordering the special of the day; ordering the samthing on the menu as your friend. These take little effort. These take littlethought. No sweat! Leading the flock of birds, weighing the choices on thmenu, or looking into the ingredients of the meals before making a selectiotakes some thinking especially when others are looking to virtually uncditionally mimic your choices.

    Leadership is a responsibility. It requires a certain amount of fearlessnessand it requires taking calculated risks. More importantly, leaders do not aif the action or the cause is popular. They do not ask if it is something thawould bring them fame and fortune. They do not even ask who else sup-ports the cause or the action. And they do not question the measure of difficulty or the time frame needed to achieve the objective. They only aswill it make a difference? Will I make a difference?

    Building Futures Together, Inc. is a very small nonprofit charitable organition, which began operating in New York City in 1997. It has very little: istarted with absolutely no seed money; it had no funds, nor a long list of

    donors to count on, no public relations or marketing consultants to promotit. But with a big heart and a bigger ambition, it started anyway to atteto eradicate poverty in Samar, the poorest province in the Philippines,through three-prong programs applied simultaneously, one community at atime. These three-prong programs are: livelihood, education and health.

    There is no one important who sits on the Board of Building Futures To-gether. There are no celebrities; no corporation of any size supports it; theare no media stars who lend their names to the organization; it does nothave any church or religious backing, and no political powerhouse figureseven know it exists. It does not even have a working website (though one under construction). The members of the Board are simply friends of thefounder who believe in and support the goals and objectives of BuildingFutures Together.

    Building Futures Together holds an annual fundraiser Walk for PovertyThis 3.5K walk takes place on the third Saturday of September every year.The Walk for Poverty began with one walker in 1999. But on its sixth yeathe 2005 Walk for Poverty, the walkers increased more than tenfold!

    When this small nonprofit began its mission to eradicate poverty in Samarno one knew what or who Samar was or even where it was. But beginningon its sixth year, in 2005, more people began to know what and whereSamar is. When this small nonprofit began its mission to eradicate povertSamar, people did not have an understanding of how brutal poverty can beBut beginning on its sixth year, in 2005, people began to see and understanthe insidiousness of poverty as the most debilitating and cruel disease knowto mankind. Poverty in the poorest of the poor communities become a chiright of passage to a doomed life. Poverty there is many parents legacy totheir future generations of children!

    What happened in 2005? Someone GOT IT! The Philippine New YorkJaycees GOT IT!!!! In 2005, The Philippine New York Jaycees (through tleadership of Ms. Christina Corcuera and Ms. Vivian Velasco) took a verybold step even as the likes of an HSBC or a Trump or a Bloomberg or aMetroBank or a PNB did not or would not do it decided to partner withBuilding Futures Together in its effort to raise awareness, raise funds, andraise support by joining the Walk for Poverty.

    CHAPTER MISSIONThe Philippine New York Junior chamber is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training thrbusiness programs, community projects and social interactionCHAPTER VISIONThe Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginaprograms that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 3

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    Tambuli 2006 VOL. XXXII No. 6 Holiday Issue

    Of course, the action taken by The Philippine New York Jaycees was notentirely without its detractors. There were a few within the membership whofelt joining the Walk for Poverty was a waste of time. After all, this smallnonprofit was not in the spotlight nor the limelight! And why Samar? was aquestion inevitably raised by the detractors.

    But the leaders prevailed, supported by a majority of its members who notonly partnered for the Walk but in fact brought renewed energy and commit-

    ment to the cause of Building Futures Together.

    While The Philippine New York Jaycees may not have increased the fundsraised substantially, they did a greater good. Their support put the focus onSamar, brought the focus on poverty, brought focus on the programs that doprovide relief to poor communities and individuals in Samar. In fact in theyear 2005, the funds raised by The Philippine New York Jaycees allowedBuilding Futures to hire a Program Administrator for a year and a half tomonitor its livelihood program. And because of this it was able to launch theNanays Garment Center, wherein eight mothers (nanays) who previouslyhad no income at all, now have a sustainable one. The Philippine New YorkJaycees get it! They get what leadership is truly all about. They are to beapplauded and thanked for the role they play in making the world a littlebetter and just a little more gentle.

    On behalf of the members of the Board, our heartfelt thanks and gratitude toThe Philippine New York Jaycees. What a fantastic civic organization!

    Loudette N. Avelino,Founder and President,Building Futures Together, Inc.


    To my fellow Jaycees,

    I would like to express my gratitude for allowing me to serve you as the Man-agement Development Vice President for 2006, and to share with you, in theshortest possible way enough to capture everything what I have learnedin one year of being your MDVP.

    Being the number two in the line of command has brought me tremendouspride, intensive experience and extensive knowledge in both Jaycee andnon-Jaycee way. I have mastered my organizational skills, management and

    social skills. I have even mastered my skills in anger management, friend-ship and pro-activeness! In a gist, I have grown psychologically, mentally,socially and emotionally, in such a big way, in a matter of one year.

    On a professional note, I have leaped in my career due mainly to what Jacees has taught me from interviewing skills to my achievements as MDVP and as a Jaycee, all the way to the good references Jaycees hamade it possible for me to achieve great heights because the C.O.O. of o

    company (my boss) has probably seen that I am capable. I am capable omaking things happen because Jaycees provides me with the traininground to make things happen!

    On a personal note, the people I have met and friends I have discovered arpeople that will stay in my life forever. The twins that Ive met how myears ago have become the sisters that will always be a part of my life; tdeeper bond that my husband and I now share is partly due to our time tgether as a Jaycee, allowing us to know each other more and more eacday, not just as a couple but as co-workers in the Jaycee business; and thpals that I hang out with, even those who I fight with over emails and phoare now permanent fixtures in my life.

    MDVP might be the most challenging VP position there is but with the port and guidance of our very able President, Vivian Velasco, our VPs Ga

    Jaime, Florina and Patrick, Board Members and Advisers, and all of Jaycee Members, my tasks as an MDVP, how difficult it may seem, becameasier to deal with and accomplish. All the hardships and sacrifices wereworth it!

    So once again, I thank you all for trusting me to be your MDVP and to next MDVP, Florina Monroy, I believe that you will be a great successor that you will also Make Things Happen.

    Cheers! Elaine Magalona-Dayoan, Management Development VP 2006


    Congratulations Team 2006 on a great year! The countless awards receive

    by our chapter this year have shown that all the blood, sweat and tears haspaid off. Our chapter is now even stronger under the leadership of PresideVivian Velasco. She has raised this chapter to a new level that one would proud to reach. A leader is only as good as the people they lead, whichbrings me to the unbelievable efforts of the Vice Presidents, Advisors, StaMembers, and all the Members in general have made this a year to remember. Who would have thought that 2,160 minutes of board meetings andoverpriced snacks and drinks at Caf Manhattan would carry us through thyear? Thank you everyone for making this year a successful one.

    Sincerely, Almor F. Dayoan, 2006 Rated-R TreasureR

    Tambuli Staff Sen. Jocelyn Bernal, Editor

    Contributors: Sen. Ner Martinez, Pres Jeanine De Jesus,Pres. Marvin Labrador, Vicky Chang, Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    Almor Dayoan, Bambie Gison

    Photos: Jocelyn Bernal, Elaine Dayoan,Reggie Rosales & Ner Martinez

    CHAPTER MISSIONThe Philippine New York Junior chamber is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training thrbusiness programs, community projects and social interactionCHAPTER VISIONThe Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginaprograms that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 4

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    Tambuli 2006 VOL. XXXII No. 6 Holiday Issue


    By Bambie Gison, 2007 Intl Affairs Vice President I always dreamt of representing my country in the world stage. I nurtured thisdream in oratorical and pagents in my elementary and high school years. Asthe daughter of a diplomat, I grew up in different countries--from the States,Middle East and parts of South Asia. After moving around so often , I learnedhow to make myself confortable in new environment. In each place , I havefelt at home. Fortunately, the right people always come around to guide meand welcome me in the new environment.

    Meeting different people and learning their cultures, history and the conductof relations between nations were in many significant ways a fulfillment of these dreams. As a member of the Philippine Foreign Service assigned atthe Philippine Mission to the United Nations here in New York, I have a greataffinity with the Jaycees because we share the same vision of actively par-ticipating in the social and cultural life of people.

    It's a honor for me to be a Jaycees member. Not only because I belong to aprestigious organization but I am also continously learning. When I wasasked by MDVP Ms. Elaine Dayoan and Ms. Aprille Piamonte to co-chair amajor project, the Spooktacular Halloween Jam, I was ecstatic.

    As a new member this is a chance to share the same training in negotiationsand bonding. In this undertaking, preparation is crucial and bonding is essen-tial. This means also that we must have the patience of Job. We started byseries of negotiations. We explore every concern and every interest of everymember and search for possible leverages to cater to those interests. Wedraw on the bonds of friendship that we developed and I am proud that everymember of the Jaycees gave his/her time and effiort to make the event asuccess. I can proudly say that I belong to an organization possessed andobsessed in achievements.

    I urge my fellow Jaycess to become more engaged, get more involved withour projects. Our future is guaranteed only by the degree of our personalinvolvement and commitment.

    Governors Excursion to Mohegan SunNovember 12 , Connecticut

    2007 Officers Strategic Planning RetreatDecember 1-3 Poconos, PA

    Members Awards Lef t: Hector Concepcion - Outstanding Member Right:Ken Viola receivea citation for Outstanding member and project chairman. Below: Sen. CriRamos (Presidential Adviser)

    The Jaycee CreedWe BelieveTthat faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life.That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nationsThat economic justice can best be wonby free men through free enterpriseThat government should be of laws rather than of men.That earths great treasure lies in human personality And that service to humanity is the BEST WORK of LIFE!

    CHAPTER MISSIONThe Philippine New York Junior chamber is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training thrbusiness programs, community projects and social interactionCHAPTER VISIONThe Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginaprograms that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 5

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    Tambuli 2006 VOL. XXXII No. 6 Holiday Issue

    Final Board Meeting for 2006Mandarin Court, Dec 11


    n Loving Memory Please remember Amb. George Daco in your prayers after the loss of hfather, Benjamin C. Daco who passed away in the Philippines. As he gothrough the pain of losing a loved one, may he find comfort and supporfrom us, his Jaycee family.

    Members Anniversary Months (As of Jan 1, 2006)

    JAN Hector Concepcion, Ted Martinez, Dr. Arnil Neri, Natalie Chin Aprille Piamonte

    FEB Mabel Arenas, Christina Corcuera, Vivian Velasco, ReyangeloHonrade, Reggie Rosales, Marjorie Rosales

    MAR Arnold de Jesus, Luis Pedron, Jun Chua, Jude Tan, Mike Temp

    APRIL Jocelyn Bernal, Vicky Chang, Almor Dayoan, Elaine MagalonDayoan, Krizteen Dulay, Tom Panzone, Joe Valdez

    MAY Jaime Torrejon, Joseph Tieng Jr

    JUNE Patrick Villavert, Phil Peredo, Bambie Gison, Theresa TamayoGrace Paet, Jimmy Laforteza, Ken Viola, Catherine Demenus

    AUG Ares Ebreo, Florina Monroy, Catherine RomualdezRay Villaflor, Paul Buenafe, Jonathan Olivares, Jennifer GonzaRuben Rafaelov

    SEPT Gary Abasolo , Willi Gamboa, Bettina Bagatsing

    OCT Richard Aguinaldo, Jericho Luna, Cheryll Arroyo,Jhoanna Caballeros

    NOV Joey Silayan

    CHAPTER MISSIONThe Philippine New York Junior chamber is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training thrbusiness programs, community projects and social interactionCHAPTER VISIONThe Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginaprograms that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 6