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    TambuliOfficial Publication of The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), Inc



    Volume XXXI Issue No. 5 WINTER 2005

    A Year End CelebrationThe Annual Distinguished Service Award and Presidential Gala

    The Crowne Plaza LaGuardia will be the site of the 2005 PresidentialGala. The gala has traditionally been the last chapter event for theyear and is utilized by the President as an opportunity to thank allthose who have made this year successful. This year, the AnnualDistinguished Service Award will also be given to a non-Jaycee whohas contributed to our community. This event is chaired by MDVPJoe Valdez and is expected to be attended by Jaycees andnumerous community leaders. We are also expecting Consul

    General Cecille Rebong and Deputy Consul General Millie Sta. MariaThomeczek to join us for the festivities.

    Chapter elections, Thursday Oct 13TRS Suites, New York, NY

    The 5th Business meeting for the year was the annual election ofofficers of the chapter held at TRS Suites in midtown Manhattan.Close to 20 members showed up to elect the next set of officers for2006. Congratulations to TEAM 2006. Under the able leadership ofPresident-elect Vivian Velasco, we can look forward to a successfulyear ahead. President Vivian Velasco Management Devt VP Elaine M. Dayoan

    Communication Devt VP - Ted Martinez Membership Services VP - Gary Abasolo Individual Devt VP-Patrick Villavert International Affairs VP - Florina Monroy Treasurer - Almor Dayoan Auditor - Arnold De Jesus Directors - Hector Concepcion, Jericho Luna, Joe Valdez,

    Richard Aguinaldo Chairperson of the Board - Christina Corcuera Tambuli Editor - Jocelyn Bernal Pres. Advisers : Ner Martinez, Jocelyn Bernal, Cristina Ramos

    Board Advisers :Tito Serge, George Daco, Nick Luna

    Jaycees raises $600 for Strides AgainstBreast Cancer on Sunday, October 16, 2005

    Team Jaycee raised over $600 to benefit Breast Cancer researchand awareness. Initially, there was some concern about joining thiswalk so soon after the Walk for Poverty but the team members knewat least one person who had gone through the pain and suffering ofthis disease which made it easier to participate. Joining Ares Ebreo,Christina Corcuera and Jocelyn Bernal were Cristina Ramos and

    Annie Ortiz.

    This 5 mile walk around Central Park was easy to do and quite fun.What made it even more special was seeing breast cancer survivorsand their family and friends joining the walk to celebrate beating thedisease and showing hope to others who may still be fighting for theilives.

    We thank all of our donors who allowed us to exceed our Teamexpectation of $500. Jocelyn would like to specially thankJoseRamos, Arnie Rosario, Nelsie Parrado, Cora and Kits Reyes,Gheng Pingol, James Curran, Tiglao Management Co, Judy

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 5 - Tambuli Winter 2005

    Arteche-Carr, Kathy Lanfear (Southern Saratogo Chapter),James Curran (KenTon Jaycees), Ken Ton Jaycees, RonNapierkowski and one anonymous donor. Thank you also toJPMorgan Chase for their matching gift.

    Ares would like to thank Ted Martinez, Janine Becko, ElaineMagalona-Dayaon, Jotis Persaud, Mitch Bernarsh, Maria Snow

    and one anonymous donor.

    Christina Corcuera thanks Cristina Tabije, Natalie Lee, RichardTedeschi and one anonymous donor for their generosity.

    NYC Marathon - Nov 2005By Vicky Chang

    This year was my first NYC Marathon attendance, and it turned out tobe a great day. When Ares asked me to be there at 11am, I firstthought too early for me. However, it turned out to be a beautifulday and a lot of fun. Handing out water to the runners with fellowJaycees was a great way to bond, and the whole marathon

    atmosphere was positive and upbeat. At the end of the day I wasexhausted, but it felt good to know that the exhaustion resulted insomething good.

    This project was chaired by new member Florina Monroy andAres Ebreo..

    Featured members of the month:A Personal Introduction-Jericho A. LunaHi, my name is Francis Jericho A. Luna but people call me Echo. , Ifinished college at FEU Philippines. I am 21 which I guess makesme the youngest Jaycee member. I have been in New York for only6 months and this is going to be my home from now on. I amworking in a company which sells educational materials to local andinternational college students.

    Uprooting myself from a life I have always known was difficult but Ihave no regrets with my life. First was my childhood, I was raised inthe Philippines and my fondest memories were playing with mychildhood friend in the streets. Being a street kid opened my eyes towider spectrum of life I realized how simple life can be. I learned tobe thankful for all that I had. In my young mind and I guess even in

    the minds of most Filipinos, we appreciate any thing that we have inlife, no matter how small or simple.

    And then I moved to big city of New York. As I met my father, pastpresident of the Jaycees, my eyes were opened even further. Irealized that we can live life as simple as it can be and yet still haveeverything. My father always said to me that the world is big, exploreit and widen your horizons. I am just amazed at how life can be, itwe just have to take each opportunity

    For me, being a Jaycee member will really widen and expand my lifeI am glad to be one of the newest members of the Philippine NewYork Jaycees. Thank you for the people who got me into thisorganization that might open my perspective and make me a betterperson.

    Jericho Luna withCristina Ramos, Nick

    Luna and MichelleMadrazo

    The chapter is pleasedthat Jericho hasaccepted the positionof Board director for2006.

    Patrick Villavert-balancing family and Jaycees

    Patrick Villavert joined the chapter in July 2002 after witnessing theJaycees in action during the 2002 Philippine Independence Daycelebration in New York City. Just after attending his first Jayceemeeting, Patrick volunteerd immediately to be a member of the 2002NYSJC GALS Convention Committee chaired by PP Jocelyn Bernal.

    In 2003, Patrick held his board Board position . He was appointed bythen President Willi Gamboa as the chapters website programmanager. Later that year, he stepped up to the plate when theMSVP position became available. Patrick held the MSVP positionand was re-elected in 2004.

    Patrick is self-employed. His company, Villavert LLC, is a full servicewebsite design firm based in Jersey City, NJ. Patrick has beenworking as a website developer since 2000/ He is popularly knownfor his work on PINOYONBOARD.com, an online magainze and B2Bbusiness directory.

    Patrick is 30 years old, a Leo. He resides in Jersey City and ismarried to Rachel and they have two energetic sons. He is a full-

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 2

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 5 - Tambuli Winter 2005

    time parent to Emmanuel (6 years old)and Gabriel (5 years old). Patricktakes enjoys taking his kids to schooleveryday and picking them up at theend of a school day. He is also activein all school related activities such asfield trips and yes, even homework.

    In the summer time, Patricks hobbiesare brisk walking in the park andplaying tennis. In the wintertime,Patrick is focused on improving his skills in entertainment journalism.

    We are pleased to welcome back Patrick to the team of 2006Individual Development VP.

    Simbang Gabi-Dec 16, 2005The Dec 16 mass at the Philippine Center is destined to be one thatmany young people will remember. For the first time in many years,the Philippine New York Jaycees has spearheaded the efforts ofputting together a Simbang Gabi specifically for young people.Having a separate Simbang Gabi for young people provides anopportunity to bring a bit of Filipino culture to young Fil-Ams who arenot familiar with this holiday tradition.

    With our partners, Diverse City Theater, Collaborative Opportunitiesfor Raising Empowerment (CORE, Inc.), Filipino American HumanServices Inc. (FAHSI) and Kalusugan, this Simbang Gabi willshowcase the talents and cooperative spirit of the sponsoringorganization. Each sponsoring organization will handle a portion ofthe mass and reception and we expect a high turnout. All are

    welcome to join us for this first event Simbang Gabi for youngprofessionals.

    Please mark your calendars: Friday, December 16, 2005 at thePhilippine Center, 556 Fifth Avenue, between 45th and 46th Street.For more information, please contact Project chairman JaimeTorrejon at 201-618-9424

    Mediocre Film, Finest AudienceBy Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    On November 15, 2005, Phil-NY Jaycees showed the meaning ofcamaraderie, once again, when the officers, directors, board advisers

    and members attended the FanclubX.com film making contest at theImaginasian Theater. On the same night, Phil-NY Jaycees receivedan award from FanclubX.com for its role in community service anddevelopment, and as an appreciation for the Jaycees role insupporting other organizations like FanclubX.

    What was deeply appreciated was the fact that the Jaycees camethrough, once again, to support us Almor Dayoan, Darwin Ignacio,and myself its members, in this artistic endeavor. Although I wasdeeply discouraged and upset with my mediocre film, PresidentChristina, Director Krizteen, Incoming Directors Jericho and Hector,

    Adviser Ner and Incoming President Vivian, showed that they are thefinest audience by encouraging us to do and feel better. For that,

    Almor and I thank you for all the support. You guys, are the best!

    Luis Pedron, Darwin Ignacio, Vivian Velasco, Hector

    Concepcion, Krizteen Dulay, Jericho Luna, Antero

    Martinez, Almor Dayoan and Pres. Christina Corcuera.

    Breaking newsBreaking News

    On Tuesday, December 6, Elaine and Almor joined round 2 of theFilm-making competition. They were recognized with the Blue

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 3

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 5 - Tambuli Winter 2005

    Ribbon Award of Merit for Editing their submission entitled Stroke ofStress

    Fellow Jaycee member Darwin Ignacio and his team members JohnEntada and Genevieve Javellana won the Special Jury Prize SilverRibbon Award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing for theirsubmission entitled Pagbabalik


    Greetings to

    celebrantsNovember -VivianVelasco, Alice AbasoloDecember -PPGeorge Daco, PPRichard Aguinaldo, PPKrizteen Dulay

    Good luckto DirectorAresEbreo who has relocated back toChicago. He is planning to openup his own business. PastIDVP/Sen. Lorii Abela hosted abon voyage party at PhoebesTavern. Chapter members thenmoved on to 46 Grand for an

    after party where other members joined in the celebration.

    Congratulations NYS Jaycees Award

    WinnersDuring the last state Convention, the Chapter garnered threeawards which we are proud of.1. Outstanding Local Project Jaycees Summer Picnic.

    This was chaired by Hector Concepcion and KrizteenDulay.

    2. Outstanding Local Project Sixth Annual Walk forPoverty. This was chaired by Arnold De Jesus, VickyChang, and Vivian Velasco

    3. Outstanding Chairman Planning Guide Sixth AnnualWalk for Poverty

    Save the Date!!!New York State Jaycees Outstanding Farmer/2005 Year EndCelebration & 2006 Inauguration Convention will be held onJanuary 13-15, 2005 in Poughkeepsie New York.

    Early Registration before Jan 8 - $10Late Registration after Jan 9 $20

    Friday night party $10Saturday luncheon $15Saturday Dinner $30Saturday night party $10Full Early registration $75Full Late Registration $85

    Hotel Information: Best Western Inn & Conference Center2170 South Road, Route 9, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601Phone: 845-462-4600 Fax: 845-462-3228Rooms must be reserved by Dec 23 and please mention thatyou are part of the NYS Jaycees block.Please make check payable to The New York State JayceesMail registration form to NYSJC c/o Kim Stanton, 4 HarrisonSt, Binghamton, NY 13905 phone 607-797-2263

    Please nominate our deserving projects, project

    chairman, vice president, member, chapter

    president and chapter for our State Awards.Deadline is December 20th

    . Please see

    www.newyorkjaycees.org for more information.

    Editorial StaffJocelyn Bernal, Editor, Contributors: Vicky Chang,

    Elaine Magalona-Dayoan,Ares Ebreo (photos), Jude Tan (photos)

    On behalf of allofficers and

    members of thePhilippine NewYork Jaycees, we

    wish you allHappy Holidays.May you have a

    blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 4
