Tai Lieu Maple 02

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Transcript of Tai Lieu Maple 02

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    HM S .

    1) nh ngha mt hm s.C php: > f: = x > f (x) ;m s x a ta dng l > f(a); .

    V d :

    m s 2 3 5y f x x x .

    +Nh o Maple:> f:= x -> x^2-3*x+5;

    :=f x x2 3x 5

    +Tnh gi tr m s1 2

    3; ;

    3 5

    x x x .

    > f(-3),f(1/3),f(-2/5);

    , ,2337




    { n ta hi1 37 2 159

    3 23; ;3 9 5 25

    f f f }.

    2) Xc nh hm sf t mt biu thc p(x).C php: > f: =unapply(p,x); .

    V d :

    Cho bi 2sin 3 2p x x x .

    + Thnh l m s o bi>p:=sin(3*x)-2*x^2;

    :=p ( )sin 3x 2x2

    > f:=unapply(p,x);

    :=f x ( )sin 3x 2x2

    + Tnh gi tr m s18

    x :

    > f(Pi/18);





    3) Hm s hp ca hm s f v hm s g{f(g(x))}.C php: > (f@g)(x); .

    V d :

    Cho hai hm s 2; 2 3y f x x y g x x .

    + Nh m s n vo Maple:

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    > f:=x->x^2;g:=x->sqrt(2*x+3);

    :=f x x2

    :=g x 2x 3

    m s 1h x f g x :

    > h1:=(f@g)(x);:=h1 2x 3

    m s 2h x g f x :

    > h2:=(g@f)(x);

    :=h2 2x2 3

    4. Hm s nf x _{f(f(f(x)), n ch }.

    C php : > (f@@n)(x);.

    V d :

    Cho hm s21

    xf x


    Tm cc hm s3 4

    ; ;f f x f x f x .

    +Nh m s

    > f:=x->x/sqrt(1+x^2);

    :=f xx

    1 x2 +Tm cc hm s

    - m s> f1:=(f@@2)(x);


    1 x2 1x2

    1 x2

    Lm g> simplify(sqrt((denom(f1))^2)):f1:=numer(f1)/(%);


    1 2x2

    - m s> f2:=(f@@3)(x);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng



    1 x2 1x2

    1 x2


    ( )1 x2 1 x2

    1 x2

    Lm g

    > simplify(sqrt((denom(f2))^2)):f2:=numer(f2)/(%);


    3x2 1

    - m s(4)

    (x);> f3:=(f@@4)(x):



    4x2 1

    Qua cc k n chng ta c th21

    n xf x


    5. Hm s cho bi nhiu cng thc.m s ng th dng th k


    V d 1:

    Xt hm s2

    2 1 2

    2 1 2

    x xy f x

    x x.

    (Bi t

    +C th m s n trong Maple b> f:=proc(x) if x f(-1);


    > f(-5/2);4

    V d :

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    Xt hm s2

    2 2

    1 1

    xy f x

    x x



    1 ; 0,5 ; ; 1 ; 22

    f f f f f .

    (Bi t

    + Nh m s o Maple:> f:=proc(x)if x>=-1 and x=1 then sqrt(x^2-1)end ifend proc;

    f xroc ( ):=if then elif then end ifand-1 x x 1 2 x 4 1 x ( )sqrt ^x 2 1

    end proc + Tnh cc gi tr m s> f(-1);


    > f(0.5);3.0

    > a:=sqrt(2)/2:f(evalf(a));


    > f(1);0

    > f(2);


    C th ngh m s m

    piecewise theo c php sau:

    >piecewise(cond1, f1, cond2, f2, );

    V d :

    Xt hm s2

    2 2

    1 1

    xy f x

    x x.


    1 ; 0,5 ; ; 1 ; 22

    f f f f f .

    (Bi t

    m s> f:=x->piecewise(x=0,x^2-x);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    :=f x ( )piecewise , , ,x 0 2x 0 x x2 x

    + Tnh cc gi tr m s

    > f(sqrt(2)/2);1




    @Nh : dng th m cho b

    th m s ng th

    t proc(x) ifthen.

    II m s .1). V th hm sy f x .

    C php: > plot( f,x,opts );> plot( f,x=x0..x1,y=y0..y1,opts );

    - f: l bi

    - options: cc thu

    - x0.. x1: kho n tr

    - y0..y1: kho n tr

    * Color: Mu c cc t :

    New Color Name(s) Old Color Name(s) RGB (0-255)

    ----------------- ---------------- ---------------

    "AliceBlue" - [240, 248, 255]

    "AntiqueWhite" - [250, 235, 215]

    "Aqua","Cyan" "cyan" [ 0, 255, 255]

    "Aquamarine" - [127, 255, 212]

    - "aquamarine" [112, 219, 147]

    "Azure" - [240, 255, 255]

    "Beige" - [245, 245, 220]

    "Bisque" - [255, 228, 196]

    "Black" "black" [ 0, 0, 0]

    "BlanchedAlmond" - [255, 235, 205]

    "Blue" "blue" [ 0, 0, 255]

    "BlueViolet" - [138, 43, 226]

    "Brown" "brown" [165, 42, 42]

    "Burlywood" - [222, 184, 135]

    "CadetBlue" - [ 95, 158, 160]"Chartreuse" - [127, 255, 0]

    "Chocolate" - [210, 105, 30]

    "Coral" - [255, 127, 80]

    - "coral" [255, 127, 0]

    "CornflowerBlue" - [100, 149, 237]

    "Cornsilk" - [255, 248, 220]

    "Crimson" - [220, 20, 60]

    "DarkBlue" - [ 0, 0, 139]

    "DarkCyan" - [ 0, 139, 139]

    "DarkGoldenrod" - [184, 134, 11]

    "DarkGray","DarkGrey" - [169, 169, 169]

    "DarkGreen" - [ 0, 100, 0]

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    Khm ph ng


    "DarkKhaki" - [189, 183, 107]

    "DarkMagenta" - [139, 0, 139]

    "DarkOliveGreen" - [ 85, 107, 47]

    "DarkOrange" - [255, 140, 0]"DarkOrchid" - [153, 50, 204]

    "DarkRed" - [139, 0, 0]

    "DarkSalmon" - [233, 150, 122]

    "DarkSeaGreen" - [143, 188, 143]

    "DarkSlateBlue" - [ 72, 61, 139]

    "DarkSlateGray","DarkSlateGrey" - [ 47, 79, 79]

    "DarkTurquoise" - [ 0, 206, 209]

    "DarkViolet" - [148, 0, 211]

    "DeepPink" - [255, 20, 147]

    "DeepSkyBlue" - [ 0, 191, 255]

    "DimGray","DimGrey" - [105, 105, 105]

    "DodgerBlue" - [ 30, 144, 255]

    "Feldspar" - [209, 146, 117]

    "Firebrick" - [178, 34, 34]

    "FloralWhite" - [255, 250, 240]

    "ForestGreen" - [ 34, 139, 34]

    "Fuchsia","Magenta" "magenta" [255, 0, 255]

    "Gainsboro" - [220, 220, 220]

    "GhostWhite" - [248, 248, 255]

    "Gold" - [255, 215, 0]

    - "gold" [204, 127, 50]

    "Goldenrod" - [218, 165, 32]

    "Gray","Grey" - [128, 128, 128]

    "Green" - [ 0, 128, 0]

    "GreenYellow" - [173, 255, 47]

    "Honeydew" - [240, 255, 240]

    "HotPink" - [255, 105, 180]"IndianRed" - [205, 92, 92]

    "Indigo" - [ 75, 0, 130]

    "Ivory" - [255, 255, 240]

    "Khaki" - [240, 230, 140]

    - "khaki" [159, 159, 95]

    "Lavender" - [230, 230, 250]

    "LavenderBlush" - [255, 240, 245]

    "LawnGreen" - [124, 252, 0]

    "LemonChiffon" - [255, 250, 205]

    "LightBlue" - [173, 216, 230]

    "LightCoral" - [240, 128, 128]

    "LightCyan" - [224, 255, 255]

    "LightGoldenrod" - [238, 221, 130]

    "LightGoldenrodYellow" - [250, 250, 210]

    "LightGray","LightGrey" - [211, 211, 211]

    "LightGreen" - [144, 238, 144]

    "LightPink" - [255, 182, 193]

    "LightSalmon" - [255, 160, 122]

    "LightSeaGreen" - [ 32, 178, 170]

    "LightSkyBlue" - [135, 206, 250]

    "LightSlateBlue" - [132, 112, 255]

    "LightSlateGray","LightSlateGrey" - [119, 136, 153]

    "LightSteelBlue" - [176, 196, 222]

    "LightYellow" - [255, 255, 224]

    "Lime" "green" [ 0, 255, 0]

    "LimeGreen" - [ 50, 205, 50]

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    Khm ph ng


    "Linen" - [250, 240, 230]

    "Maroon" - [128, 0, 0]

    - "maroon" [142, 35, 107]

    "MediumAquamarine" - [102, 205, 170]"MediumBlue" - [ 0, 0, 205]

    "MediumOrchid" - [186, 85, 211]

    "MediumPurple" - [147, 112, 219]

    "MediumSeaGreen" - [ 60, 179, 113]

    "MediumSlateBlue" - [123, 104, 238]

    "MediumSpringGreen" - [ 0, 250, 154]

    "MediumTurquoise" - [ 72, 209, 204]

    "MediumVioletRed" - [199, 21, 133]

    "MidnightBlue" - [ 25, 25, 112]

    "MintCream" - [245, 255, 250]

    "MistyRose" - [255, 228, 225]

    "Moccasin" - [255, 228, 181]

    "NavajoWhite" - [255, 222, 173]

    "Navy","NavyBlue" - [ 0, 0, 128]

    - "navy" [ 35, 35, 142]

    "OldLace" - [253, 245, 230]

    "Olive" - [128, 128, 0]

    "OliveDrab" - [107, 142, 35]

    "Orange" - [255, 165, 0]

    - "orange" [204, 50, 50]

    "OrangeRed" - [255, 69, 0]

    "Orchid" - [218, 112, 214]

    "PaleGoldenrod" - [238, 232, 170]

    "PaleGreen" - [152, 251, 152]

    "PaleTurquoise" - [175, 238, 238]

    "PaleVioletRed" - [219, 112, 147]

    "PapayaWhip" - [255, 239, 213]"PeachPuff" - [255, 218, 185]

    "Peru" - [205, 133, 63]

    "Pink" "pink" [255, 192, 203]

    "Plum" - [221, 160, 221]

    - "plum" [234, 173, 234]

    "PowderBlue" - [176, 224, 230]

    "Purple" - [128, 0, 128]

    "Red" "red" [255, 0, 0]

    "RosyBrown" - [188, 143, 143]

    "RoyalBlue" - [ 65, 105, 225]

    "SaddleBrown" - [139, 69, 19]

    "Salmon" - [250, 128, 114]

    "SandyBrown" - [244, 164, 96]

    "SeaGreen" - [ 46, 139, 87]

    "Seashell" - [255, 245, 238]

    "Sienna" - [160, 82, 45]

    - "sienna" [142, 107, 35]

    "Silver" "gray","grey" [192, 192, 192]

    "SkyBlue" - [135, 206, 235]

    "SlateBlue" - [106, 90, 205]

    "SlateGray","SlateGrey" - [112, 128, 144]

    "Snow" - [255, 250, 250]

    "SpringGreen" - [ 0, 255, 127]

    "SteelBlue" - [ 70, 130, 180]

    "Tan" - [210, 180, 140]

    - "tan" [219, 147, 112]

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    Khm ph ng


    "Teal" - [ 0, 128, 128]

    "Thistle" - [216, 191, 216]

    "Tomato" - [255, 99, 71]

    "Turquoise" - [ 64, 224, 208]- "turquoise" [173, 234, 234]

    "Violet" - [238, 130, 238]

    - "violet" [ 79, 47, 79]

    "VioletRed" - [208, 32, 144]

    "Wheat" - [245, 222, 179]

    - "wheat" [216, 216, 191]

    "White" "white" [255, 255, 255]

    "WhiteSmoke" - [245, 245, 245]

    "Yellow" "yellow" [255, 255, 0]

    "YellowGreen" - [154, 205, 50]

    * style (ki : g point line patch.

    * axes (d ) : g c d boxed, frame, none, normal* coords (lo bipolar, cardioid, cassinian, elliptic,hyperbolic, invcassinian, invelliptic, logarithmic, logcosh, maxwell, parabolic, polar,rose, tangent.* numpoints = n :s numpoint = 50.* thickness y c* linestyle : kiG solid, dot, dash, dashdot, longdash, spacedash, spacedot . Mc ki , ta c n

    t n.

    *view=[xmin..xmax, ymin..ymax] : cc kho n tr trth .

    * title:* tickmarks = [a,b]: gi n

    V d :

    V m s siny x .

    T m s sin ; sin ; siny x y x y x

    (Bi t

    + V m s siny x trn kho g 2 ;2 :

    >plot(sin(x),x=-2*Pi..2*Pi,title="Do thi ham so y=sin(x)tren khoang [-2Pi; 2Pi]");

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    + V m s siny x trn kho 2 ;2 :

    >plot(-sin(x),x=-2*Pi..2*Pi,title="Do thi ham so y=-sin(x)tren khoang [-2Pi; 2Pi]");

    + V m s siny x trn kho 2 ;2 :

    >plot(abs(sin(x)),x=-2*Pi..2*Pi,color=black,title="Do thiham so y=|sin(x)| tren khoang [-2Pi; 2Pi]");

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng



    2..2,color=black,tickmarks=[10,10],title="Do thi ham soy=sin|x| tren khoang [-2Pi; 2Pi]");

    V d :

    V m s 3 3 2y x x trn kho -7; 7].


  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    Nh : Chng ta nh n tr qu l n kh

    th dng

    V n tr rng v tr>plot(x^3-3*x+2,x=-7..7,y=-6..6);

    +N n 2 tr Maple m -10..10 cn ty . Do


  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    @ chng ta nh rng chng ta

    c ph thm cc kho y m .

    * Cng c th v mt tp hp im theo tham s c ta dng [f(t), g(t)]:V d :V sin ;cosM n n v 0..20n .

    > li:=[[sin(n),cos(n)] $n=0..20];li [ ],0 1 [ ],( )sin 1 ( )cos 1 [ ],( )sin 2 ( )cos 2 [ ],( )sin 3 ( )cos 3 [ ],( )sin 4 ( )cos 4, , , , ,[:=

    [ ],( )sin 5 ( )cos 5 [ ],( )sin 6 ( )cos 6 [ ],( )sin 7 ( )cos 7 [ ],( )sin 8 ( )cos 8, , , ,

    [ ],( )sin 9 ( )cos 9 [ ],( )sin 10 ( )cos 10 [ ],( )sin 11 ( )cos 11 [ ],( )sin 12 ( )cos 12, , , ,

    [ ],( )sin 13 ( )cos 13 [ ],( )sin 14 ( )cos 14 [ ],( )sin 15 ( )cos 15 [ ],( )sin 16 ( )cos 16, , , ,

    [ ],( )sin 17 ( )cos 17 [ ],( )sin 18 ( )cos 18 [ ],( )sin 19 ( )cos 19 [ ],( )sin 20 ( )cos 20, , , ]

    + V n:

    ( th nh trn, mu xanh)>plot(li,x=-2..2,y=-2..2, style=point, symbol=circle,color=blue);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    c hnh m

    trong h coords=polar m s


    1100 2 sin 7 cos30



    t t

    r t


    m s> s := t->100/(100+(t-Pi/2)^8):r := t -> s(t)*(2-sin(7*t)-cos(30*t)/2):

    + V m s>plot([r(t),t,t=-Pi/2..3/2*Pi],numpoints=2000,coords=polar,axes=normal);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng



    *V m s sin 4y x (hnh hoa tm cnh) trong h


    V nhiu th trn cng mt h trc.Ch m s n cng m .

    C php:

    >plot( [f,g,h], x=x1..x2, y=y1..y2, [optf, optg, opth]); .

    V d :

    V m s cosy x (mu xanh_ki y l 2) v

    m s cosy x ( nh trn) trn cng

    m>plot([cos(x), abs(cos(x))], x=-6..6,y=-2..2,

    color=[blue,red],style=[line,point], symbol=circle,thickness=2, tickmarks=[10,10]);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    V th hm s cho bi nhiu cng thc:V d : (Bi t

    V m s2

    1 1

    3 1

    x xy

    x x.

    + L m s> f:=proc(x) if xplot(f,-5..5,-5..6);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    2). V th ng.Gi l : > with(plots):

    m s ,y f x m .

    C php: > animate(plot, [f(x,m),x=a..b],m=m1..m2,option);.

    Sau khi nh n mn hnh c hnh d

    +Chng ta nh play (

    +Mu o ta ch nt stop ( ).+


    +Cn trong khi kch ho play

    ho play.

    V d :

    Kh m s 2y mx .

    + Nh o Maple:> with(plots):animate( plot, [m*x^2,x=-4..4], m=-3..3 );

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    Trong cu l n ta cho 3; 3m n xu n mm hnh

    3m .

    @N h m ta nh stop

    r , m

    m hi n mn hnh (khung nhn ).

    + C th chm b sung

    thm trong cu l n trace = n (n+1 l s m).> animate( plot, [m*x^2,x=-4..4], m=-3..3, trace=7,frames=50 );

    Sau khi nh k :

    b) V y f x ;M x f x chuy .

    C php: >animatecurve(f(x),x=a..b, option); .

    V d :

    V m s cos2y x v 2 ; 2x .

    > with(plots):animatecurve(cos(x),x=-2*Pi..2*Pi,frames=50);

    + Sau khi nh

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng



    Ghi ch: n ta c khai bo frames=50 n

    trong qu trnh chuy S frames cng l ng th


    III. M m shm sGi l : > with(Student[Calculus1]):1) Tm im cc tr ca hm s.C php: > ExtremePoints( f,x,opts );

    > ExtremePoints( f,x=a..b,opts );> ExtremePoints( f,a..b,opts );

    - f: l hm s x;- a..b: l kho- opts: l numeric. N true) th [a..b]=[-10..10], n

    khng khai bo maple m false.

    V d : Tm cc m s 4 34 2 1f x x x x .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x^3-4*x^2+2*x+1;`Cac diem cuc tri cua ham so:`;ExtremePoints( f,x );

    :=f x3 4x2 2x 1

    Cac diem cuc tri cua ham so:









    2) Tm im ti hn ca hm s.C php: > CriticalPoints( f,x,opts );

    > CriticalPoints( f,x=a..b,opts );> CriticalPoints( f,a..b,opts );

    - f: l hm s x;

    - a..b: l kho

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    - opts: l numeric. N true) th [a..b]=[-10..10], n

    khng khai bo maple m false.

    V d : Tm cc m s1

    1y f x x

    xtrn t

    n.> with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x+1/(x-1);`Cac diem toi han cua ham so:`;CriticalPoints( f,x );

    :=f x1

    x 1

    Cac diem toi han cua ham so:

    [ ], ,0 1 2

    V d : Tm cc i m s2


    x xtrn t

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=(x+1)/(x^2-x);`Cac diem toi han cua ham so:`;CriticalPoints( f,x );

    :=fx 1

    x2 x

    Cac diem toi han cua ham so:

    [ ], , ,1 2 0 2 1 1

    N 1;1 n:

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=(x+1)/(x^2-x);`Cac diem toi han cua ham so:`;CriticalPoints( f,x=-1..1 );

    :=fx 1

    x2 x

    Cac diem toi han cua ham so:

    [ ], ,0 2 1 1

    3) im un ca th hm s.C php: > InflectionPoints( f,x,opts );

    > InflectionPoints( f,x=a..b,opts );> InflectionPoints( f,a..b,opts );

    - f: l hm s x;

    - a..b: l kho

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    - opts: l numeric. N true) th [a..b]=[-10..10], n

    khng khai bo maple m false.

    V d : Tm honh m s

    4 2

    2 3y f x x x .> with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x^4-2*x^2+3;`Hoanh do cac diem uon cua do thi ham so:`;

    T:=InflectionPoints( f,x):T;

    a:=eval(f,x=op(1,T)):b:=eval(f,x=op(2,T)):`Toa do cac diem uon`;{(op(1,T),a)};{(op(2,T),b)};

    :=f x4 2x2 3

    Hoanh do cac diem uon cua do thi ham so:





    Toa do cac diem uon

    { },3




    { },3




    4) Tip tuyn ca th hm s.C php: > Tangent( f,x=c,a..b,opts );

    > Tangent( f,c,a..b,opts );

    - f: l hm s-

    - a..b l m

    N Maple s kho -1..c+1.

    - opts l m : functionoptions, output,pointoptions, showfunction, showpoint, showtangent, tangentoptions, title,


    * functionoptions: l m u /c m s f, )c Theo m mfl m u

    * output: l line slope(h plot* pointoptions: l m u /hnh d ,) cTheo m m n mu xanh(blue).

    * showfunction: true ho false. N true th m s

    true khi khai bo showfunction.

    *showpoint: true ho false. N true th ti

    v c true khi c khai bo showpoint.

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    * showtangent: true ho false. N true th ti

    true khi c khai bo showtangent.* tangentoptions: l m u /hnh d ,) c ti ptuy m u


    *title: l chu nh v

    c The Tangent to the Graph of f(x) = f(x) at the Point (c,f(c)).

    *view: = [DEFAULT or a..b, DEFAULT or c..d a..b l kho

    gi n tr nh; c..d l kho n tr

    V d : Vi nh ti m s 3 3 1y f x x x t


    2x .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x^3-3*x^2+1:`PT Tiep tuyen`;`y`=Tangent(f,x=1/2);

    PT Tiep tuyen





    + N 0 0,5x , th s

    > f:=x^3-3*x^2+1:`PT Tiep tuyen`; `y`=Tangent(f,x=0.5);

    PT Tiep tuyen

    y 2.25x 1.500

    + N

    (Khai bo thm option: output = slope)

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x^3-3*x^2+1:`He so goc`=Tangent(f,x=1/2,output=slope);

    He so goc-9


    + N nh, ta th

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x^3-3*x^2+1:Tangent(f,x=1/2,output=plot,pointoptions=[color=red],title="Ttuyen cua d/thi h/so f(x) tai x=1/2",view=[-1..2,DEFAULT]);

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    Khm ph ng


    5) ng tim cn ca th hm s.C php: > Asymptotes( f,x,y,opts );

    > Asymptotes( f,x=a..b,y,opts );> Asymptotes( f,a..b,y,opts );

    - f: l hm s

    - a..b l kho ng khai bo_n

    - y: l tn bi n, ngang,)

    V d : Tm cc m s2 3 1


    x xy f x


    > with(Student[Calculus1]):Tc:=Asymptotes((x^2-3*x+1)/(x - 1), x):`Tiem can xien:`=op(1,Tc);`Tiem can dung:`=op(2,Tc);

    Tiem can xien: ( )y x 2

    Tiem can dung: ( )x 1

    V d : Tm cc ti m s 2y f x x x .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=sqrt(x^2+x);`------------`;Tcan:=Asymptotes(f, x);

    :=f x2 x


  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    :=Tcan ,y x1

    2y x



    m s k : [ ] !

    Ch m s 3 1y x .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=x^3+1;`------------`;Tcan:=Asymptotes(f, x);

    :=f x3 1


    :=Tcan [ ]

    V d : Tm cc m s2



    2 1

    x xy

    x xtrn kho

    0;5 .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):f:=(x^2+x+1)/(2*x^2-x-1);`------------`;Tcan:=Asymptotes(f, x=0..5);

    :=fx2 x 1

    2x2 x 1


    :=Tcan ,y1

    2x 1

    6) ng i xngca th hm s f(x) qua ng thng y x.C php: > InversePlot( f,x,opts );

    > InversePlot( f,x=a..b,opts );> InversePlot( f,a..b,opts );

    - f: l hm s

    - a..b l kho n tr nh c- opts : l

    V d : V m s 2xy y x .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):InversePlot(2^x,x=-1..3,lineoptions=[color=black,thickness=2], title="Do thi hamnguoc cua h/so y=2^x");

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    V d : V m s m s 2 1y x 1.5;1.5 .

    > with(Student[Calculus1]):InversePlot(sqrt(x^2-1),x=-1.5..1.5,lineoptions=[color=black,thickness=2],title="Do thi hamnguoc cua h/so f(x)");

    6) Gi tr nh nht v gi tr ln nht ca hm s.* Gi tr l nh m s :

    C php: > maximize( f,x);> maximize( f,x=a..b);

    * Gi tr m s :

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    C php: > minimize( f,x);> minimize( f,x=a..b);

    - m gi tr


    V d

    Tm gi tr gi tr m s 3 23 9 35y x x x trn

    4;4 0;5 ?

    (Bi t _SGK Gi , B

    + Nh m s o Maple:> y:=x^3-3*x^2-9*x+35;

    :=y x3 3x2 9x 35

    + Gi tr m s 4; 4 :>minimize(y,x=-4..4);


    + Gi tr m s 4; 4 :


    + Gi tr m s 0; 5 :


    + Gi tr m s 0; 5 :


    C th m s 4;>plot(y,x=-4..5);

  • 8/9/2019 Tai Lieu Maple 02


    Khm ph ng


    * Mu m s o ta c th

    sung thm t

    Ch>maximize(y,x=0..5,location);,40 { }[ ],{ }x 5 40

    K n cho bi max 5 40y y .

    Cn trn 4;4 :

    >maximize(y,x=-4..4,location);,40 { }[ ],{ }x -1 40


    max 1 40y y .

    V d :

    Tm gi tr m s2


    y x xx


    (Bi t

    + Tm trong Maple nh sau:>minimize(x+2/(x-1),x>1,location);

    ,2 2 1 { }[ ],{ }x 2 1 2 2 1

    K 1

    2min 2 2 1


    x2 1x .

    V d :

    Tm gi tr gi tr 1 4A x x .

    (Bi t o)

    + Nh 1; 4 .


    :=A x 1 4 x

    :=gtnn ,3 { },[ ],{ }x 1 3 [ ],{ }x 4 3

    :=gtln ,2 3 { },{ }x5

    22 3

    Qua k qu n cho ta bi

    - gi tr 3 1 4x x ;- gi tr 2 3 6 5

    2x .