Table of nuclides 4.6.1 - Kaye and Laby Online - National Physical

Home | About | Table of Contents | Advanced Search | Copyright | Feedback | Privacy You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Introduction, Index of Parts , References « Previous Section Next Part » 4.6 Radioactive elements 4.6.1 Table of nuclides ‘Table of Isotopes’ by C. M. Lederer and V. S. Shirley (Wiley, 7th ed, 1978) provides a clear and complete compilation of nuclear states and decays, albeit lacking the very latest results. The US National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven maintains the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF), which contains evaluated information on the nuclides. This is updated periodically, and the contents are published in the journal Nuclear Data Sheets, grouped by mass (for mass numbers below 45 publication is in the journal Nuclear Physics). These must be regarded as the definitive references to the present state of data on the nuclides. In compiling the table below, the condensed data provided by the NUDAT file was generally used (courtesy of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency). The nuclei listed are those for which information on both mass and half-life exists. Long-lived isomeric states are included and are indicated by the symbol m following the mass number; in some cases energy measurements are insufficiently precise to determine which of the entries for a particular mass number should be considered as the ground state. Fission isomers have not been included. The second column gives the half-life or the natural abundance in atoms per cent; in certain cases both quantities are relevant. It should be noted that the natural isotopic abundance of elements in the Earth’s crust can vary according to the source, particularly in the case of the lighter elements. The third column summarises the decay modes and principal radiations emitted by radioactive nuclides. Branching ratios (where known) are expressed as a percentage of the total decay events and are quoted to the nearest 1%; branches weaker than 0.5% are excluded. The energy of emitted radiations is expressed in MeV. The possible decay modes are β + , β , β β (double beta decay), α, p (proton emission), n (neutron emission), SF (spontaneous fission), EC (electron capture) and IT (isomeric transition—electromagnetic transition from an isomeric state to the ground state of the same nuclide). Generally the dominant decay mode is listed first; however, direct particle emission modes (α, p, n) are always Table of nuclides 4.6.1 1 of 3 05/12/2010 07:34

Transcript of Table of nuclides 4.6.1 - Kaye and Laby Online - National Physical

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Introduction, Index of Parts, References

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

‘Table of Isotopes’ by C. M. Lederer and V. S. Shirley (Wiley, 7th ed, 1978) provides a clear and complete compilation of nuclear states and decays,albeit lacking the very latest results. The US National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven maintains the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File(ENSDF), which contains evaluated information on the nuclides. This is updated periodically, and the contents are published in the journal NuclearData Sheets, grouped by mass (for mass numbers below 45 publication is in the journal Nuclear Physics). These must be regarded as the definitivereferences to the present state of data on the nuclides. In compiling the table below, the condensed data provided by the NUDAT file was generallyused (courtesy of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency).

The nuclei listed are those for which information on both mass and half-life exists. Long-lived isomeric states are included and are indicated by thesymbol m following the mass number; in some cases energy measurements are insufficiently precise to determine which of the entries for aparticular mass number should be considered as the ground state. Fission isomers have not been included.

The second column gives the half-life or the natural abundance in atoms per cent; in certain cases both quantities are relevant. It should be notedthat the natural isotopic abundance of elements in the Earth’s crust can vary according to the source, particularly in the case of the lighterelements.

The third column summarises the decay modes and principal radiations emitted by radioactive nuclides. Branching ratios (where known) areexpressed as a percentage of the total decay events and are quoted to the nearest 1%; branches weaker than 0.5% are excluded. The energy of

emitted radiations is expressed in MeV. The possible decay modes are β +, β−, β−β− (double beta decay), α, p (proton emission), n (neutron

emission), SF (spontaneous fission), EC (electron capture) and IT (isomeric transition—electromagnetic transition from an isomeric state to theground state of the same nuclide). Generally the dominant decay mode is listed first; however, direct particle emission modes (α, p, n) are always

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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listed first, to distinguish them from emissions following beta decay to particle-unstable daughter states, which are listed after the other decay(thus , β−; 10%n indicates that 10% of the decays consist of β−decay to particle-unstable states which emit neutrons). For β + or β− decay, theenergy quoted is the end-point energy; if there is more than one branch then the most energetic branch (stronger than 0.5%) is always listed first,followed, in order of decreasing energy, by the strongest branch (if different) and any other branch stronger than 20%, up to a total of at mostthree branches. Thus 75% β − (2% 1.5, 35% 1.2, 25% 0.9) indicates that in total 75% of the decays involve β− emission, the highest energy branchhas an end-point of 1.5 MeV but a branching ratio of only 2%, the 1.2 and 0.9 MeV branches account respectively for 35% and 25% of the decays,and the remaining 13% is in weaker unlisted branches. It should be noted that in some cases there is a large number of branches closely spaced inenergy. For α decay, the four strongest branches are listed in order of energy (thus 55% α (25% 5.55, 10% 5.45, 8% 5.40, 7% 5.38) indicates that

55% of all decays are by α emission, including 50% in the four branches listed and 5% in weaker branches). Cases where some of the decays lead

to an isomeric state of the daughter are generally indicated: (88% m) denotes that 88% of all decays lead to an isomeric state.

Immediately after the decay modes, the three strongest γ-rays (if any) emitted during the decay of the daughter(s) to their ground state(s) are

listed in order of strength. Gamma-rays emitted in the IT decay of a daughter which is itself an isomeric state are generally distinguished by thesymbol (m); in such cases if the half-life of the isomeric state is comparable to that of the parent the effective instantaneous branching ratio, listed,is greater than that obtained simply by calculating the probability of a given decay proceeding eventually through this γ-ray. The single entry γindicates that γ-rays are emitted but the branching ratios are unknown. Annihilation radiation (which always follows β + emission), X-rays,

conversion electrons and Auger electrons have not been included.

The fourth column gives the mass excess expressed in MeV, i.e. the difference between the measured atomic mass and A atomic mass units on the12C scale (1 a.m.u. = 931.478 MeV).

The fifth column gives the thermal neutron cross-section in barns (10−28 m2) for various processes indicated as follows: (γ) for (n, γ), (γm) for (n, γ)leading to an isomeric state, (p) for (n, p), (α) for (n, α), (f) for neutron-induced fission and (t) for the sum of all absorption processes.

The sixth column gives the spin (I) and parity (π).

Table of nuclides

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


The Kaye and Laby Table of Nuclides in the 16th edition of the book was over 100 pages long. So as you can imagine it was a very large table. Tominimise browser related problems with such a large page, we have split the table into parts. Please use the links below to view parts of the table.

Part 00 - (Atomic number 000 to 009) Includes Elements: n, H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Part 01 - (Atomic number 010 to 019) Includes Elements: Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K

Part 02 - (Atomic number 020 to 029) Includes Elements: Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu

Part 03 - (Atomic number 030 to 039) Includes Elements: Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y

Part 04 - (Atomic number 040 to 049) Includes Elements: Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In

Part 05 - (Atomic number 050 to 059) Includes Elements: Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr

Part 06 - (Atomic number 060 to 069) Includes Elements: Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm

Part 07 - (Atomic number 070 to 079) Includes Elements: Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au

Part 08 - (Atomic number 080 to 089) Includes Elements: Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac

Part 09 - (Atomic number 090 to 099) Includes Elements: Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es

Part 10 - (Atomic number 100 to 111) Includes Elements: Fm, Md, No, Lr, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111

Some of these entries are very recent and have not yet been evaluated. References for these data are as follows:a S. Hofmann (1995) Zeitschrift fur Physik, A350, 281.b S. Hofmann (1995) Zeitschrift fur Physik, A350, 277.c S. Hofmann (1994) GSI Nachtrichten, 11–94.For recent information on nomenclature of the heaviest elements (>Z ≥ 104), see footnotes to Section 3.1.2.


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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 000 to 009

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: n, H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


0 n 1 10.4 min 100% β− 0.7824 8.071 1+


| top |

1 H 1 99.985% 7.289 0.333 (γ)1+


H 2 0.015% 13.136 0.000 52(γ) 1 +

H 3 12.33 yr 100% β− 0.0186 14.950 < 6 × 10−6 (γ)1+


| top |

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2 He 3 0.000 137% 14.931 5330 (p)1+


He 4 99.9999% 2.424 0 +

He 6 0.807 s 100% β− 3.51 17.592 0+

He 8 0.119 s 100% β− (88% 9.7); 12%n; 88% γ 0.981

31.598 0 +

| top |

3 Li 6 7.5% 14.085 942 (α) 1 +

Li 7 92.5% 14.907 0.045 (γ)3−


Li 8 0.838 s 100% β− 13.1; 100% 2α 20.945 2 +

Li 9 0.178 s 100% β− (65% 13.6); 35% n, 2α 24.954 3−


Li 11 0.0085 s 100% β− (39% 20.4); 61% n 40.9 3−


NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

4 Be 7 53.29 d 100% EC; 10% γ 0.477 15.768 3−


Be 8 7 × 10−17 s 100% 2α 4.941

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Be 9 100% 11.347 0.0076 (γ)3−


Be 10 1.51 × 106 yr 100% β− 0.556 12.607 <0.001 (γ) 0 +

Be 11 13.8 s 100% β− (55% 11.5, 31% 9.37); 36% γ 2.124; 4% γ 6.790;

2% γ 5.852

20.174 1+


Be 12 0.024 s 100% β− 11.7 25.08 0 +

Be 14 0.0042 s β− 40.10 0 +

| top |

5 B 8 0.770 s 100% β + (93% 13.7); 100% 2α 22.920 2 +

B 10 19.9% 12.050 3838 (α) 3 +

B 11 80.1% 8.668 0.006 (γ)3−


B 12 0.0202 s 100% β − (97% 13.4); 2% 3α; 1% γ 4.438


1 +

B 13 0.0174 s 100% β− (92% 13.4); 8% γ 3.684 16.562 3−


B 14 0.016 s 100% β − (5% 20.6, 81% 14.5); 81% γ 6.093; 8% γ 6.726;

3% γ 1.247

23.66 2 −

B 15 0.0088 s β− 28.97

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


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| top |

6 C 9 0.127 s 100% β + (60% 15.4); 100% p, 2α


C 10 19.26 s 100% β + (99% 1.91); 100% γ 0.718; 1% γ 1.022

15.699 0 +

C 11 20.39 min 100% β+ 0.96 10.650 3−


C 12 98.90% 0.0 0.0035 (γ) 0 +

C 13 1.10% 3.125 0.0014 (γ)1−


C 14 5730 yr 100% β− 0.156 3.020 < 10−6 (γ) 0 +

C 15 2.449 s 100% β− (32% 9.76, 68% 4.47); 68% γ 5.298

9.873 1 +


C 16 0.747 s 100% β − (84% 4.65); 100% n 13.694 0 +

C 17 0.20 s β− 21.04

C 18 0.07 s β− 24.92 0 +

| top |

7 N 12 0.0110 s 100% β+ (95% 16.3); 3% α; 3% γ 4.439; 2% γ 3.215

17.338 1 +

N 13 9.965 min 100% β+ 1.20 5.345 1−


N 14 99.63% 2.863 1.8 (p) 1 +

N 15 0.37% 0.101 2.4 × 10−5 (γ)1−


N 16 7.13 s 100% β− (26% 10.4, 68% 4.28); 69% γ 6.129; 5% γ 7.117;

5.682 2 −

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1% γ 2.741

N 17 4.173 s 100% β− (2% 8.68, 38% 4.13, 50% 3.30); 95% n

7.871 1−


N 18 0.62 s 100% β − 9.59; 100% γ 1.980;

63% γ 1.650; 60% γ 0.820

13.12 1 −

N 19 0.29 s β− 15.87

N 20 0.10 s β− 21.9

N 21 0.095 s β−; 84% n 25.2

N 22 0.02 s β−; 35% n 32.0

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

8 O 13 0.0089 s 100% β+ (88% 16.7); 12% p 23.113

O 14 70.61 s 100% β+ (1% 4.12, 99% 1.81); 99% γ 2.313

8.006 0 +

O 15 122.2 s 100% β+ 1.73 2.855 1−


O 16 99.76% − 4.737 0.000 19 (γ) 0 +

O 17 0.038% − 0.809 0.24 (α)5+


O 18 0.20% − 0.782 0.000 16 (γ) 0 +

O 19 26.9 s 100% β− (2% 4.82, 41% 4.62, 57% 3.26); 90% γ 0.197; 50% γ 1.356;

3% γ 1.444

3.332 5+


O 20 13.6 s 100% β − 2.76; 100% γ 1.057 3.796 0 +

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O 21 3.4 s 100% β− (39% 6.45, 31% 4.66); 46% γ 1.730; 15% γ 0.280;

15% γ 3.517


O 22 2.25 s β− 9.44 0 +

O 23 0.08 s β−; 31% n 14.5

O 24 0.06 s β−; 58% n 18.8 0 +

| top |

9 F 17 64.5 s 100% β+ 1.74 1.951 5+


F 18 109.8 min 97% β+ 0.63; 3% EC 0.873 1 +

F 19 100% − 1.487 0.0096 (γ)1+


F 20 11.00 s 100% β− 5.39; 100% γ 1.634 − 0.017 2 +

F 21 4.16 s 100% β− (29% 5.68, 63% 5.33); 70% γ 0.351; 7% γ 1.395

− 0.047 5+


F 22 4.23 s 100% β− (1% 9.36, 59% 5.29); 100% γ 1.274; 85% γ 2.083;

68% γ 2.166


F 23 2.2 s β − 3.4

F 24 0.3 s β − 7.6 « Previous Part Next Part »

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 010 to 019

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


10 Ne 17 0.109 s 100% β+ (1% 13.5, 54% 8.0); 98% p

16.48 1−


Ne 18 1.67 s 100% β+ (92% 3.42); 7% γ 1.041 5.319 0 +

Ne 19 17.22 s 100% β+ 2.22 1.751 1+


Ne 20 90.48% − 7.047 0.037 (γ) 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ne 21 0.27% − 5.737 0.7 (γ)3 +


Ne 22 9.25% − 8.027 0.045 (γ) 0 +

Ne 23 37.2 s 100% β− (67% 4.38, 32% 3.94); 33% γ 0.440; 1% γ 1.636

− 5.156 5 +


Ne 24 3.38 min 100% β− (92% 2.00); (100%% m); 100% γ (m) 0.472; 8% γ 0.874

− 5.95 0 +

Ne 25 0.60 s 100% β− (9% 7.20, 76% 7.11); 96% γ 0.090; 18% γ 0.980;

2% γ 1.069

− 2.06

Ne 26 0.23 s β− 0.44 0 +

| top |

11 Na 20 0.448 s 100% β+ (80% 11.2); 21% α; 80% γ 1.634

6.839 2 +

Na 21 22.49 s 100% β+ (95% 2.52); 5% γ 0.351 − 2.189 3+


Na 22 2.602 yr 90% β + 0.545; 10% EC; 100% γ 1.274

− 5.185 2.9 × 104 (γ) 3 +

Na 23 100%

− 9.532 0.13 (γ); 0.40 (γm) 3+


Na 24 14.959 hr 100% β− 1.39; 100% γ 1.369;

100% γ 2.754

− 8.420 4 +

Na 24 m 0.0202 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.472 − 7.948 1 +

Na 25 59.1 s 100% β− (63% 3.83, 27% 2.86); 15% γ 0.975; 13% γ 0.390;

13% γ 0.585

− 9.360 5 +


Na 26 1.072 s 100% β − (88% 7.50); 99% γ 1.809;

5% γ 1.130; 3% γ 2.541

− 6.90 3 +

Na 27 0.301 s 100% β− (84% 8.0); 84% γ 0.985;

11% γ 1.699

− 5.60 5 +


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Na 28 0.0305 s 100% β− (63% 13.9); 1% n; 37% γ 1.473; 19% γ 2.389;

3% γ 3.087

− 1.1 1 +

Na 29 0.0449 s 100% β− (24% 13.4, 38% 10.8); 22% n; 41% γ 0.055; 36% γ 2.560; 6% γ 1.638


Na 30 0.048 s 100% β − (11% 15.8, 22% 12.3); 30% n; 46% γ 1.483; 11% γ 1.978; 7% γ 0.985

8.2 2 +

Na 31 0.017 s 100% β− (31% 15.4); 37% n; 11% γ 2.244; 5% γ 0.171;

4% γ 2.023


Na 32 0.013 s β−; 24% n 16.6

Na 33 0.0082 s β−; 52% n 21

Na 34 0.005 s β−; 100% n 27

Na 35 0.002 s β−; n 42

| top |

12 Mg 20 0.1 s β+/EC; p 17.57 0 +

Mg 21 0.122 s 100% β+ (16% 12.1, 41% 11.7); 29% p; 51% γ 0.332;

10% γ 1.384


Mg 22 3.857 s 100% β+ (40% 3.18, 54% 3.11); 100% γ 0.583; 60% γ 0.074;

6% γ 1.280

− 0.397 0 +

Mg 23 11.317 s 100% β+ (92% 3.04); 8% γ 0.440 − 5.473 3 +


Mg 24 78.99% − 13.933 0.051 (γ) 0 +

Mg 25 10.00% − 13.192 0.19 (γ)5+


Mg 26 11.01% − 16.214 0.038 (γ) 0 +

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Mg 27 9.458 min 100% β− (71% 1.77, 29% 1.59); 72% γ 0.844; 28% γ 1.014;

1% γ 0.171

− 14.586 0.07 (γ) 1+


Mg 28 20.91 hr 100% β− (95% 0.46); 66% γ 0.031;

53% γ 1.342; 38% γ 0.941

− 15.019 0 +

Mg 29 1.3 s 100% β− (27% 7.49, 21% 5.26, 28% 4.30); 36% γ 2.224;

16% γ 1.398; 15% γ 0.960

− 10.66 3+


Mg 30 0.34 s β−; 71% γ 0.244; 71% γ 0.444;

2% γ 0.688

− 9.1 0 +

Mg 31 0.23 s 100% β− (10% 11.6, 24% 8.33); 2% n; 36% γ 1.613; 31% γ 0.947;

25% γ 1.626

− 3.7

Mg 32 0.12 s β−; 2% n − 1.8 0 +

Mg 33 0.09 s β−; 17% n 5.0

Mg 34 0.02 s β−; n 8.4 0 +

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

13 Al 22 0.07 s β+/EC; p 18.09

Al 23 0.47 s β +/EC; p 6.77

Al 24 2.053 s 100% β+ (8% 8.73, 50% 4.41, 37% 3.34); 96% γ 1.369; 43% γ 7.070; 41% γ 2.754

− 0.055 4 +

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Al 24 m 0.131 s 82% IT; 18% β+ (10% 13.3); 82% γ 0.426; 1% γ 1.369

0.371 1 +

Al 25 7.183 s 100% β+ (99% 3.25); 1% γ 1.612 − 8.915 5 +


Al 26 7.4 × 105 yr 82% β+ 1.17; 18% EC; 100% γ 1.809; 2% γ 1.130

− 12.210 5 +

Al 26 m 6.345 s 100% β+ 3.21 − 11.982 0 +

Al 27 100% − 17.197 0.23 (γ)5 +


Al 28 2.241 min 100% β− 2.86; 100% γ 1.779 − 16.851 3 +

Al 29 6.56 min 100% β− (90% 2.41); 91% γ 1.273;

6% γ 2.426; 4% γ 2.028

− 18.215 5 +


Al 30 3.60 s 100% β− (17% 6.33, 67% 5.06); 65% γ 2.235; 40% γ 1.263;

32% γ 3.499

− 15.89 3 +

Al 31 0.64 s β− − 15.05

Al 32 0.033 s 100% β− (85% 12.9); 12% γ 1.941 − 11.2 1 +

Al 34 0.06 s β−; 27% n − 3.7

Al 35 0.15 s β−; 65% n − 0.7

| top |

14 Si 22 0.006 s β+/EC 0 +

Si 24 0.10 s β +/EC 10.76 0 +

Si 25 0.220 s β +/EC 3.83 5+


Si 26 2.23 s 100% β+ (75% 3.82, 22% 2.99); (100% m); 22% γ 0.829;

3% γ 1.622

− 7.145 0 +

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Si 27 4.16 s 100% β+ 3.79 − 12.385 5+


Si 28 92.23% − 21.492 0.18 (γ) 0 +

Si 29 4.67% − 21.895 0.10 (γ)1+


Si 30 3.10% − 24.433 0.11 (γ) 0 +

Si 31 157.3 min 100% β− 1.49 − 22.95 0.2 (γ) 3 +


Si 32 172 yr 100% β− 0.23 − 24.081 0 +

Si 33 6.2 s 100% β− (4% 4.34, 90% 3.92); 90% γ 1.848; 10% γ 1.432

− 20.49

Si 34 2.8 s β− − 19.96 0 +

Si 35 0.8 s β− − 14.32

Si 36 0.45 s β −; n − 13.3 0 +

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

15 P 26 0.02 s β +/EC 11.3

P 27 0.26 s β +/EC; 6% p − 0.75

P 28 0.270 s 100% β+ (69% 11.5); 98% γ 1.779;

11% γ 4.497; 9% γ 7.536

− 7.161 3 +

P 29 4.14 s 100% β+ (98% 3.92); 1% γ 1.273 − 16.951 1 +


P 30 2.498 min 100% β+ 3.20 − 20.2 1 +

P 31 100% − 24.441 0.17 (γ)1 +


P 32 14.262 d 100% β − 1.71 −24.305 1 +

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P 33 25.34 d 100% β − 0.249 −26.338 1 +


P 34 12.43 s 100% β− (85% 5.37); 15% γ 2.127

− 24.557 1 +

P 35 47.3 s 100% β− 2.34; 100% γ 1.572 − 24.857 1 +


P 36 5.6 s 100% β− (1% 6.49, 57% 3.95); 100% γ 3.291; 70% γ 0.902;

35% γ 1.638

− 20.25

P 37 2.3 s β − − 19.3

P 38 0.64 s 100% β− (43% 10.9, 36% 8.68); 89% γ 1.292; 20% γ 2.224;

12% γ 3.516

− 14.2

P 39 0.16 s β−; 41% n − 12.5

P 40 0.26 s β−; 30% n − 7.0

P 41 0.12 s β−; 30% n − 5.4

P 42 0.11 s β−; 50% n − 0.5

| top |

16 S 28 0.13 s β+/EC 4.1 0 +

S 29 0.187 s β+/EC − 3.16

S 30 1.178 s 100% β + (21% 5.12, 76% 4.44); 78% γ 0.677; 2% γ 2.341

− 14.063 0 +

S 31 2.572 s 100% β+ (99% 4.37); 1% γ 1.266 − 19.045 1+


S 32 95.02% − 26.016 0.53 (γ) 0 +

S 33 0.75% − 26.586 0.35 (γ)3+


S 34 4.21% − 29.932 0.23 (γ) 0 +

S 35 87.51 d 100% β− 0.167 − 28.846 3+


S 36 0.02% − 30.664 0.15 (γ) 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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S 37 5.05 min 100% β− (6% 4.86, 94% 1.76); 94% γ 3.103

− 26.896 7−


S 38 170.3 min 100% β− (12% 2.94, 84% 0.99); 84% γ 1.942; 3% γ 1.746;

2% γ 2.751

− 26.861 0 +

S 39 11.5 s 100% β− (8% 5.50, 68% 5.10); 52% γ 1.302; 44% γ 1.697;

37% γ 0.395

− 23.0

S 40 8.8 s 100% β− (38% 4.38, 62% 4.13); 67% γ 0.212; 34% γ 0.432;

34% γ 0.888

− 22.52 0 +

S 43 0.22 s β−; 40% n − 12.40

S 44 0.20 s β−; 30% n − 11.05 0 +

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

17 Cl 31 0.15 s β +/EC − 7.06

Cl 32 0.298 s 100% β+ (1% 11.7, 60% 9.43, 20% 4.66); 92% γ 2.230; 21% γ 4.772; 4% γ 2.465

− 13.33 1 +

Cl 33 2.511 s 100% β+ (99% 4.56); 1% γ 0.841 − 21.003 3 +


Cl 34 1.526 s 100% β+ 4.47 − 24.440 0 +

Cl 34 m 32.0 min 54% β + (28% 2.49, 26% 1.31); 46% IT; 43% γ 2.127;

41% γ 0.146; 14% γ 1.177

− 24.294 3 +

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Cl 35 75.77% − 29.013 44 (γ)3 +


Cl 36 3.01 × 105 yr 98% β− 0.709; 2% EC − 29.522 < 10 (γ) 2 +

Cl 37 24.23% − 31.761 0.4 (γ); 0.05 (γm) 3 +


Cl 38 37.24 min 100% β− (58% 4.92, 32% 1.11); 42% γ 2.167; 32% γ 1.643

− 29.798 2 −

Cl 38 m 0.715 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.671 − 29.127 5 −

Cl 39 55.6 min 100% β− (7% 3.44, 83% 1.92); 54% γ 1.267; 46% γ 0.250;

39% γ 1.518

− 29.802 3 +


Cl 40 1.35 min 100% β− (9% 7.50, 29% 3.20, 20% 2.94%); 79% γ 1.461; 30% γ 2.840;

15% γ 2.622

− 27.53 2 −

Cl 41 38 s β− − 27.4

Cl 42 6.8 s β− − 24.4

Cl 43 3.3 s β− − 23.1

Cl 45 0.40 s β−; 28% n − 19.53

| top |

18 Ar 32 0.098 s 100% β+ (1% 10.1, 57% 8.96, 23% 5.11)

− 2.18 0 +

Ar 33 0.173 s 100% β+ (18% 10.6, 41% 9.78, 31% 5.05); 39% p; 42% γ 0.811;

1% γ 1.541

− 9.38 1+


Ar 34 0.845 s 100% β+ (94% 5.04); 3% γ 0.666;

1% γ 0.461; 1% γ 3.129

− 18.379 0 +

Ar 35 1.775 s 100% β+ (98% 4.94); 1% γ 1.219 − 23.048 3 +


Ar 36 0.337% − 30.230 5 (γ) 0 +

Ar 37 35.04 d 100% EC − 30.948 3+


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Ar 38 0.063% − 34.715 0.8 (γ) 0 +

Ar 39 269 yr 100% β− 0.565 − 33.241 600 (γ) 7−


Ar 40 99.60% − 35.039 0.66 (γ) 0 +

Ar 41 109.3 min 100% β− (1% 2.49, 99% 1.20); 99% γ 1.294

− 33.066 0.5 (γ) 7−


Ar 42 32.9 yr 100% β− 0.60 − 34.42 0 +

Ar 43 5.37 min 100% β− (30% 4.61; 20% 2.27); 34% γ 0.975; 16% γ 0.738;

13% γ 1.440

− 32.0

Ar 44 11.87 min 100% β−; (2% 2.09, 93% 1.66); 62% γ 0.183; 53% γ 1.703;

30% γ 1.886

− 32.26 0+

Ar 45 21.48 s 100% β− (13% 6.89, 41% 3.18, 23% 2.89); 34% γ 1.020;

33% γ 3.703; 25% γ 0.061

− 29.72

Ar 46 8.4 s 100% β− (3% 5.70, 97% 3.76); 97% γ 1.944; 1% γ 0.288;

1% γ 1.020

− 29.72 0 +

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

19 K 35 0.19 s 100% β+ (19% 10.9, 26% 7.87, 36% 5.28); 51% γ 2.983; 26% γ 2.590; 14% γ 1.751

− 11.17 3 +


K 36 0.342 s 100% β+ (44% 9.81, 42% 5.17); 82% γ 1.970; 32% γ 2.433;

− 17.43 2 +

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30% γ 2.208

K 37 1.226 s 100% β+ (98% 5.13); 2% γ 2.796 − 24.798 3 +


K 38 7.636 min 100% β+ 2.72; 100% γ 2.167 − 28.802 3 +

K 38 m 0.924 s 100% β+ 5.02 − 28.672 0+

K 39 93.258% − 33.806 2.1 (γ) 3 +


K 40 1.277 × 109 yr 0.0117%

89% β− 1.31; 11% EC; 11% γ 1.461

− 33.534 30 (γ) 4 −

K 41 6.730% − 35.558 1.5 (γ)3 +


K 42 12.360 hr 100% β− (82% 3.52); 18% γ 1.525 − 35.020 2 −

K 43 22.3 hr 100% β− (2% 1.82, 91% 0.83); 87% γ 0.373; 79% γ 0.618;

12% γ 0.397

− 36.59 3 +


K 44 22.13 min 100% β− (34% 5.66, 29% 2.35); 58% γ 1.157; 23% γ 2.151;

10% γ 2.519

− 35.81 2 −

K 45 17.3 min 100% β− (5% 4.20, 51% 2.32); 74% γ 0.174; 53% γ 1.706;

14% γ 2.354

− 36.61 3+


K 46 105 s 100% β− (50% 6.37, 28% 2.67); 90% γ 1.347; 28% γ 3.700;

9% γ 3.015

− 35.42

K 47 17.5 s 100% β− (1% 4.63, 81% 4.05); 93% γ 2.013; 80% γ 0.586;

13% γ 0.565

− 35.696 1 +


K 48 6.8 s 100% β− (8% 8.26, 21% 5.20, 21% 4.69); 1% n; 79% γ 3.832;

31% γ 0.780; 17% γ 0.675

− 32.12

K 49 1.26 s β−; 86% n; 2% γ 2.249; 2% γ 4.272 − 30.8

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K 50 0.472 s 100% β− (58% 14.0); 29% n; 9% γ 1.027; 3% γ 4.030; 2% γ 4.880

− 25.5

K 51 0.365 s 100% β− (19% 12.6); 47% n; 11% γ 3.462; 2% γ 3.530

− 22.51

K 52 0.105 s 100% β− (9% 13.4, 39% 7.89, 21% 6.69); 88% n

− 16.52

K 53 0.030 s β−; 85% n − 12.36

K 54 0.01 s β−; n − 5.49

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 020 to 029

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


20 Ca 35 0.05 s β +/EC 4.45

Ca 36 0.1 s β+/EC; 20% p − 6.44 0 +

Ca 37 0.175 s 100% β + (16% 10.6, 47% 5.57); 76% p; 8% γ 1.371

− 13.16 3 +


Ca 38 0.440 s 100% β + (76% 5.59; 21% 4.02); (100% m); 21% γ 1.568;

− 22.059 0 +

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3% γ 0.328

Ca 39 0.860 s 100% β+ 5.51 − 27.275 3 +


Ca 40 96.94% − 34.846 0.4 (γ) 0 +

Ca 41 1.03 × 105 yr 100% EC − 35.137 < 4 (γ)7 −


Ca 42 0.647% − 38.547 0.7 (γ) 0 +

Ca 43 0.135% − 38.408 6 (γ)7 −


Ca 44 2.086% − 41.469 0.9 (γ) 0 +

Ca 45 164 d 100% β− 0.257 − 40.812 <15 (γ)7 −


Ca 46 0.004% − 43.140 0.7 (γ) 0 +

Ca 47 4.536 d 100% β− (19% 1.99, 81% 0.69); 74% γ 1.297; 7% γ 0.489;

7% γ 0.808

− 42.345 7 −


Ca 48 0.187% − 44.214 1.1 (γ) 0 +

Ca 49 8.715 min 100% β− (92% 2.18); 92% γ 3.084;

7% γ 4.072; 1% γ 1.409

− 41.289 3 −


Ca 50 13.9 s 100% β − 3.12; (100% m); 98% γ (m) 0.257; 62% γ 1.519;

52% γ 0.072

− 39.57 0 +

Ca 51 10 s 100% β− (5% 6.42, 26% 4.08); γ − 35.01

Ca 52 4.6 s 100% β− (3% 5.02, 87% 4.06); 62% γ 0.675; 50% γ 0.961;

36% γ 1.636

− 32.5 0 +

Ca 53 0.09 s β−; n − 27.20

| top |

21 Sc 40 0.182 s 100% β+ (19% 9.56, 49% 5.64); 100% γ 3.737; 41% γ 0.755;

25% γ 2.045

− 20.526 4 −

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Sc 41 0.596 s 100% β+ 5.47 − 28.643 7 −


Sc 42 0.681 s 100% β+ 5.40 − 32.121 0 +

Sc 42 m 61.7 s 100% β+ 2.83; 100% γ 0.437;

100% γ 1.525; 99% γ 1.228

− 31.505 7 +

Sc 43 3.89 hr 88% β+ (71% 1.20); 12% EC; 23% γ 0.373

− 36.187 7 −


Sc 44 3.927 hr 94% β+ 1.48; 6% EC; 100% γ 1.157; 1% γ 1.499

− 37.815 2 +

Sc 44 m 58.6 hr 99% IT; 1% EC; 87% γ 0.271;

1% γ 1.002; 1% γ 1.126

− 37.544 6 +

Sc 45 100% − 41.069 17 (γ); 10 (γm)7 −


Sc 45 m 0.318 s 100% IT − 41.057 3 +


Sc 46 83.79 d 100% β− 0.357; 100% γ 0.889;

100% γ 1.121

− 41.758 8 (γ) 4 +

Sc 46 m 18.75 s 100% IT; 62% γ 0.143 − 41.615 1 −

Sc 47 3.345 d 100% β− (32% 0.60, 68% 0.44); 68% γ 0.159

− 44.330 7 −


Sc 48 43.67 hr 100% β− (90% 0.66); 100% γ 0.984; 100% γ 1.312;

98% γ 1.038

− 44.492 6 +

Sc 49 57.2 min 100% β− 1.99 − 46.558 7 −


Sc 50 102.5 s 100% β− (1% 5.33, 88% 3.69); 100% γ 1.121; 100% γ 1.554;

89% γ 0.524

− 44.537 5 +

Sc 50 m 0.35 s 100% IT; 98% γ 0.257 − 44.28

Sc 51 12.4 s 100% β − (28% 5.07, 34% 4.36); 52% γ 1.437; 32% γ 2.144;

15% γ 1.568

− 43.22

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Sc 52 8.2 s 100% β− (24% 6.97); 98% γ 1.050;

39% γ 1.268; 14% γ 1.032

− 40.1 3 +

| top |

22 Ti 40 0.05 s β+/EC − 9.06 0 +

Ti 41 0.080 s 100% β+ (9% 9.8, 24% 6.0); 100% p

− 15.69 3 +


Ti 42 0.199 s 100% β+ (44% 5.98, 55% 5.37); 56% γ 0.611

− 25.121 0 +

Ti 43 0.509 s 100% β+ (90% 5.85); 4% γ 2.29;

3% γ 0.845; 1% γ 2.459

− 29.320 7 −


Ti 44 49 yr 100% EC; 96% γ 0.078;

94% γ 0.068

− 37.548 0 +

Ti 45 184.8 min 85% β+ 1.04; 15% EC − 39.006 7 −


Ti 46 8.0% − 44.125 0.6 (γ) 0 +

Ti 47 7.3% − 44.931 1.7 (γ)5 −


Ti 48 73.8% − 48.487 7.8 (γ) 0 +

Ti 49 5.5% − 48.558 2.2 (γ)7 −


Ti 50 5.4% − 51.426 0.18 (γ) 0 +

Ti 51 5.76 min 100% β− (92% 2.15); 93% γ 0.320;

7% γ 0.929; 1% γ 0.609

− 49.726 3 −


Ti 52 1.7 min 100% β− 1.83; 100% γ 0.124;

18% γ 0.017

− 49.464 0 +

Ti 53 32.7 s 100% β− (3% 4.9, 37% 3.1); 46% γ 0.128; 40% γ 0.228;

25% γ 1.676

− 46.8

Nuclide Natural Decay modes and Mass excess σ Iπ

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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abundanceor half-life

major radiations



| top |

23 V 44 0.09 s β +/EC − 23.8

V 45 0.547 s 100% β+ (96% 6.10); 4% γ 0.040 − 31.88 7 −


V 46 0.422 s 100% β+ 6.03 − 37.075 0 +

V 46 m 0.0010 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.801 − 36.274 3 +

V 47 32.6 min 97% β+ 1.91; 3% EC − 42.004 3 −


V 48 15.97 d 50% β+ 0.70; 50% EC; 100% γ 0.984; 98% γ 1.312; 8% γ 0.944

− 44.474 4 +

V 49 338 d 100% EC − 47.956 7 −


V 50 1.4 × 1017 yr 0.250%

17% β−0.25; 83% EC; 83% γ 1.554; 17% γ 0.783

− 49.219 <60 (γ) 6 +

V 51 99.75% − 52.199 4.9 (γ)7 −


V 52 3.75 min 100% β− (99% 2.54); 100% γ 1.434; 1% γ 1.334

− 51.438 3 +

V 53 1.61 min 100% β − (89% 2.43); 90% γ 1.006;

10% γ 1.289; 1% γ 0.283

− 51.846 7 −


V 54 49.8 s 100% β− (4% 5.22, 66% 2.96); 97% γ 0.835; 80% γ 0.989;

46% γ 2.259

− 49.89 3 +

V 55 6.54 s 100% β− (64% 5.4, 20% 5.1); 73% γ 0.518; 18% γ 0.881;

5% γ 0.921

− 49.15

| top |

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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24 Cr 45 0.05 s β+/EC; p − 19.4

Cr 46 0.26 s 100% β+ 6.58 −29.47 0 +

Cr 47 0.51 s 100% β+ (96% 6.43); 4% γ 0.088 − 34.55 3 −


Cr 48 21.56 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.21; 100% γ 0.308; 96% γ 0.112

−42.818 0 +

Cr 49 42.3 min 93% β+ (12% 1.61, 35% 1.52, 46% 1.45); 7% EC; 53% γ 0.091;

30% γ 0.153; 16% γ 0.062

−45.328 5 −


Cr 50 4.35% − 50.257 16 (γ) 0 +

Cr 51 27.70 d 100% EC; 10% γ 0.320 − 51.447 7 −


Cr 52 83.79% − 55.414 0.8 (γ) 0 +

Cr 53 9.50% − 55.282 18 (γ)3 −


Cr 54 2.36% − 56.930 0.36 (γ) 0 +

Cr 55 3.497 min 100% β− 2.60 − 55.105 3 −


Cr 56 5.94 min 100% β− 1.51; 95% γ 0.083;

45% γ 0.026

− 55.29 0 +

Cr 57 21.1 s 100% β− (74% 5.1); 8% γ 0.083;

8% γ 0.850; 5% γ 1.752

− 52.7

Cr 58 7.0 s 100% β− (1% 3.49, 92% 2.97); 100% γ 0.126; 100% γ 0.683;

25% γ 0.290

− 52.1 0 +

Cr 59 1.0 s β−

Cr 60 0.57 s β− 0 +

| top |

25 Mn 48 0.158 s β+/EC; 100% γ 0.308; 39% γ 1.106; 30% γ 3.676

− 29.21 4 +

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Mn 49 0.38 s 100% β+ (94% 6.70); 6% γ 0.272 − 37.61 5 −


Mn 50 0.283 s 100% β + 6.61 − 42.625 0 +

Mn 50 m 1.75 min 100% β+ (8% 3.68, 66% 3.51, 26% 3.01); 100% γ 0.783;

99% γ 1.098; 69% γ 1.443

− 42.396 5 +

Mn 51 46.2 min 97% β+ 2.19; 3% EC − 48.238 5 −


Mn 52 5.591 d 70% EC; 30% β+ 0.575; 100% γ 1.434; 95% γ 0.936; 91% γ 0.744

− 50.702 6 +

Mn 52 m 21.1 min 97% β+ 2.63; 1% EC; 2% IT; 98% γ 1.434; 2% γ 0.378

− 50.324 2 +

Mn 53 3.74 × 106 yr 100% EC − 54.686 70 (γ) 7 −


Mn 54 312.1 d 100% EC; 100% γ 0.835 − 55.553 <38 (γ) 3 +

Mn 55 100% − 57.708 13 (γ) 5 −


Mn 56 2.579 hr 100% β− (56% 2.85, 28% 1.04); 99% γ 0.847; 27% γ 1.811;

14% γ 2.113

− 56.907 3 +

Mn 57 85 s 100% β− (75% 2.68); 14% γ 0.122;

11% γ 0.014; 6% γ 0.692

− 57.487 5 −


Mn 58 65.3 s 100% β− (4% 4.24, 76% 4.19); 88% γ 0.811; 59% γ 1.323;

21% γ 0.459

− 55.83 3 +

Mn 58 3.0 s 100% β − (97% 6.32) − 55.83

Mn 59 4.6 s β−; 41% γ 0.726; 29% γ 0.473;

24% γ 0.571

− 55.48

Mn 60 51 s β− − 52.9 0 +

Mn 60 1.77 s 100% β− (2% 7.7, 84% 5.7); 85% γ 0.824; 60% γ 1.969;

21% γ 0.493

− 52.9 3 +

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Mn 61 0.71 s 100% β− (74% 6.4); 17% γ 0.629;

8% γ 0.207; 1% γ 0.391

− 52.4

Mn 62 0.9 s 100% β− (42% 9.4, 37% 6.7); 90% γ 0.877; 26% γ 0.942;

25% γ 1.299

− 48.9

Mn 63 0.25 s β− − 47.5

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

26 Fe 49 0.075 s β+/EC; p − 24.6

Fe 51 0.305 s β+/EC; 5% γ 0.237 − 40.22

Fe 52 8.275 hr 56% β+ 0.80; 44% EC; (100% m); 99% γ 0.169; 2% γ (m) 0.378

− 48.33 0 +

Fe 52 m 46 s 100% β+ 4.3; 100% γ 0.930;

93% γ 0.870; 51% γ 0.622

− 41.51

Fe 53 8.51 min 97% β+ (55% 2.72, 41% 2.34); 3% EC; 42% γ 0.378

− 50.943 7 −


Fe 53 m 2.58 min 100% IT; 100% γ 0.701; 87% γ 1.328; 86% γ 1.011

− 47.903 19 −


Fe 54 5.9% − 56.250 2.3 (γ) 0 +

Fe 55 2.73 yr 100% EC − 57.476 3 −


Fe 56 91.72% − 60.603 2.6 (γ) 0 +

Fe 57 2.1% − 60.178 2.5 (γ)1 −


Fe 58 0.28% −62.151 1.3 (γ) 0 +

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Fe 59 44.496 d 100% β− (53% 0.47, 45% 0.27); 57% γ 1.099; 43% γ 1.292;

3% γ 0.192

− 60.661 3 −


Fe 60 1.5 × 106 yr 100% β− 0.18; (100% m); 2% γ (m) 0.059

− 61.406 0 +

Fe 61 5.98 min 100% β− (5% 4.0, 38% 2.8, 27% 2.7); 44% γ 1.205; 43% γ 1.027; 22% γ 0.298

− 58.92

Fe 62 68 s 100% β− 2.02; 100% γ 0.506 − 58.90 0 +

Fe 63 6.1 s 100% β− (80% 6.6); 14% γ 0.995;

5% γ 1.427; 1% γ 1.299

− 55.19

Fe 64 2.0 s β− − 55.86 0 +

| top |

27 Co 53 0.24 s 100% β+ (94% 7.28); 6% γ 1.328 − 42.64

Co 53 m 0.25 s 2% p; 98% β+ 7.43; (98% m) − 39.45

Co 54 0.1932 s 100% β + 7.22 − 48.007 0 +

Co 54 m 1.48 min 100% β+ 4.47; 100% γ 1.407;

98% γ 1.130; 97% γ 0.411

− 47.808

Co 55 17.53 hr 76% β+ (46% 1.50, 26% 1.02); 24% EC; 75% γ 0.931; 20% γ 0.477; 17% γ 1.409

− 54.025 7 −


Co 56 77.27 d 81% EC; 19% β+ (18% 1.46); 100% γ 0.847; 66% γ 1.238;

17% γ 2.598

− 56.037 4 +

Co 57 271.8 d 100% EC; 86% γ 0.122;

11% γ 0.136; 9% γ 0.014

− 59.342 7 −


Co 58 70.82 d 85% EC; 15% β+ 0.48; 99% γ 0.811; 1% γ 0.864;

1% γ 1.675

− 59.844 1900 (γ) 2 +

Co 58 m 9.15 hr 100% IT − 59.819 1.4 × 105 (γ) 5 +

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Co 59 100% − 62.226 17 (γ); 20 (γm)7 −


Co 60 5.271 yr 100% β− 0.318; 100% γ 1.173;

100% γ 1.333

− 61.646 2.0 (γ) 5 +

Co 60 m 10.47 min 100% IT; 2% γ 0.059 − 61.587 58 (γ) 2 +

Co 61 1.650 hr 100% β− (96% 1.26); 85% γ 0.067;

4% γ 0.909; 1% γ 0.842

− 62.897 7 −


Co 62 1.50 min 100% β− (68% 4.15, 26% 3.02); 84% γ 1.173; 15% γ 2.302;

11% γ 1.129

− 61.42 2 +

Co 62 m 13.91 min 100% β− (61% 2.93); 98% γ 1.173;

68% γ 1.164; 19% γ 2.004

− 61.40 5 +

Co 63 27.4 s 100% β− (93% 3.59); 49% γ 0.087;

2% γ 0.156; 2% γ 0.982

− 61.84

Co 64 0.30 s 100% β− (90% 7.31); 10% γ 1.346;

5% γ 0.931

− 59.79 1 +

Co 65 1.25 s β− − 59.16

Co 66 0.23 s 100% β− (80% 7.0, 20% 6.8); 100% γ 1.425; 98% γ 1.246;

23% γ 0.471

− 56.81

Co 67 0.42 s β− − 55.9

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

28 Ni 53 0.05 s β+/EC − 29.4

Ni 55 0.212 s 100% β+ 7.67 − 45.33 7 −


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ni 56 5.9 d 100% EC; 99% γ 0.158;

86% γ 0.812; 50% γ 0.750

− 53.90 0 +

Ni 57 35.60 hr 56% EC; 44% β+ (35% 0.87); 82% γ 1.378; 17% γ 0.127;

12% γ 1.920

− 56.077 3 −


Ni 58 68.08% − 60.225 4.6 (γ) 0 +

Ni 59 7.5 × 104 yr 100% EC − 61.153 92 (t)3 −


Ni 60 26.22% − 64.470 2.9 (γ) 0 +

Ni 61 1.140% − 64.219 2.5 (γ)3 −


Ni 62 3.634% − 66.745 14.5 (γ) 0 +

Ni 63 100 yr 100% β− 0.067 − 65.512 24 (γ)1 −


Ni 64 0.926% − 67.098 1.5 (γ) 0 +

Ni 65 2.520 hr 100% β− (61% 2.14, 28% 0.65); 24% γ 1.482; 15% γ 1.116;

5% γ 0.366

− 65.124 22 (γ) 5 −


Ni 66 54.6 hr 100% β− 0.23 − 66.03 0 +

Ni 67 21 s 100% β− (98% 3.65); 1% γ 1.937 − 63.74

Ni 68 19 s β− − 63.48 0 +

Ni 69 11.4 s 100% β− (5% 4.1, 36% 2.6, 35% 2.5); 41% γ 1.871; 40% γ 0.680;

39% γ 1.213

− 60.5

Ni 71 1.9 s β− − 55.4

| top |

29 Cu 57 0.199 s 100% β+ (96% 7.75); 4% γ 1.112 − 47.35 3 −


Cu 58 3.204 s 100% β+ (82% 7.54); 16% γ 1.455; 12% γ 1.448;

5% γ 0.040

− 51.662 1 +

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Cu 59 81.5 s 100% β+ (57% 3.78); 15% γ 1.302;

12% γ 0.878; 8% γ 0.339

− 56.353 3 −


Cu 60 23.7 min 93% β+ (5% 3.77, 49% 1.98); 7% EC; 88% γ 1.333; 45% γ 1.792; 22% γ 0.826

− 58.344 2 +

Cu 61 3.333 hr 61% β+ (51% 1.22); 39% EC; 13% γ 0.283; 11% γ 0.656;

4% γ 1.185

− 61.982 3 −


Cu 62 9.74 min 97% β+ 2.9; 3% EC − 62.797 1 +

Cu 63 69.17% − 65.578 4.5 (γ)3 −


Cu 64 12.70 hr 43% EC; 18% β+ 0.65;

39% β− 0.58

− 65.423 1 +

Cu 65 30.83% − 67.262 2.17 (γ)3 −


Cu 66 5.088 min 100% β− (93% 2.64); 7% γ 1.039 − 66.256 135 (γ) 1 +

Cu 67 61.83 hr 100% β− (20% 0.58, 22% 0.48, 57% 0.39); 49% γ 0.185;

16% γ 0.093; 7% γ 0.091

− 67.303 3 −


Cu 68 31.1 s 100% β− (33% 4.5, 43% 3.4); 64% γ 1.078; 13% γ 1.262;

2% γ 1.884

− 65.54 1 +

Cu 68 m 3.75 min 84% IT; 16% β− (2% 2.8); 73% γ 0.526; 70% γ 0.085;

17% γ 0.111

− 64.82

Cu 69 2.85 min 100% β− (51% 2.68, 24% 1.67); 23% γ 1.008; 13% γ 0.834;

6% γ 0.531

− 65.74 3 −


Cu 70 4.5 s 100% β− (46% 6.6, 54% 5.7); 54% γ 0.885

− 63.4 1 +

Cu 70 m 47 s 100% β− (30% 4.9, 60% 3.7); 100% γ 0.885; 87% γ 0.902;

− 63.3

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57% γ 1.252

Cu 71 19 s β− − 62.9

Cu 72 6.6 s 100% β− (21% 7.9, 30% 7.2); 68% γ 0.652; 12% γ 1.005;

10% γ 1.658

− 59.9

Cu 73 3.9 s β− − 59.3

Cu 75 1.3 s β−; 4% n − 55.1

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 030 to 039

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


30 Zn 57 0.04 s β+/EC; p − 32.7

Zn 59 0.184 s 100% β + (93% 8.1); 5% γ 0.491;

2% γ 0.914

− 47.26 3 −


Zn 60 2.38 min 96% β+ (20% 3.08, 70% 2.47); 4% EC; 64% γ 0.670; 26% γ 0.061; 11% γ 0.273

− 54.19 0+

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61 89.1 s 100% β+ (66% 4.62); 17% γ 0.475; 8% γ 1.660;

3% γ 0.970

− 56.34 3 −


Zn 62 9.186 hr 92% EC; 8% β+ 0.61; 26% γ 0.041;

26% γ 0.597; 15% γ 0.548

− 61.17 0+

Zn 63 38.47 min 93% β + (80% 2.35); 7% EC; 8% γ 0.670; 7% γ 0.962;

1% γ 1.412

− 62.211 3 −


Zn 64 48.6% − 66.002 0.76 (γ)0


Zn 65 243.9 d 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.329; 51% γ 1.116

− 65.910 5 −


Zn 66 27.9% −68.898 0.9 (γ)0


Zn 67 4.1% − 67.879 7 (γ)5 −


Zn 68 18.8% − 70.006 1.0 (γ); 0.07 (γm) 0+

Zn 69 56.4 min 100% β− 0.91 − 68.417 1 −


Zn 69 m 13.76 hr 100% IT; 95% γ 0.439 − 67.978 9 +


Zn 70


− 69.561

0.08 (γ); 0.009 (γm)


Zn 71 2.45 min 100% β− (55% 2.82, 32% 2.31); 32% γ 0.512; 8% γ 0.910;

4% γ 0.390

− 67.32 1 −


Zn 71 m 3.96 hr 100% β− (89% 1.48); 93% γ 0.386;

62% γ 0.487; 57% γ 0.620− 67.17

9 +


Zn 72 46.5 hr 100% β− (85% 0.30); 83% γ 0.145;

9% γ 0.192; 8% γ 0.016

− 68.131 0+

Zn 73 23.5 s 100% β− (89% 4.3); 6% γ 0.218;

2% γ 0.911; 1% γ 0.496

− 65.41

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Zn 73 m 5.8 s β−; IT − 65.22

Zn 74 96 s 100% β− (25% 2.2, 46% 2.1, 23% 1.5); 70% γ 0.057; 33% γ 0.094; 22% γ 0.144

− 65.71 0+

Zn 75 10.2 s β− − 62.53

Zn 76 5.7 s β− − 62.3 0+

Zn 77 2.08 s 100% β − (3% 7.3); 28% γ 0.189;

20% γ 0.474; 12% γ 1.832

− 58.8

Zn 77 m 1.05 s β−; IT − 58.0

Zn 78 1.5 s 100% β− (38% 5.6); 44% γ 0.225;

28% γ 0.182; 25% γ 0.860

− 57.7 0+

Zn 79 1.0 s β− − 53.8

Zn 80 0.55 s 100% β− (6% 6.6, 36% 5.9, 21% 5.2); 1% n; 45% γ 0.713;

34% γ 0.715; 16% γ 0.965

− 51.9 0+

| top |

31 Ga 62 0.116 s 100% β+ 8.1 − 52.00 0+

Ga 63 32.4 s 100% β+ (55% 4.5); 11% γ 0.637; 10% γ 0.627;

6% γ 0.193

− 56.7

Ga 64 2.63 min 100% β+ (34% 6.14, 26% 2.96, 25% 2.78); 43% γ 0.992; 14% γ 0.808; 13% γ 3.366

− 58.837 0+

Ga 65 15.2 min 89% β+ (3% 2.23, 57% 2.12); 11% EC; 50% γ 0.115;

10% γ 0.061; 8% γ 0.153

− 62.654 3 −


Ga 66 9.49 hr 56% β+ (50% 4.15); 44% EC; 37% γ 1.039; 23% γ 2.752;

6% γ 0.833

− 63.724 0+

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Ga 67 3.261 d 100% EC; 39% γ 0.093;

21% γ 0.185; 17% γ 0.300

− 66.878 3 −


Ga 68 67.63 min 89% β+ (88% 1.90); 11% EC; 3% γ 1.077

− 67.085 1+

Ga 69 60.11% − 69.332 1.7 (γ)3 −


Ga 70 21.14 min 100% β− (99% 1.66); 1% γ 1.039 − 68.905


Ga 71 39.89% − 70.139 4.7 (γ)3 −


Ga 72 14.10 hr 100% β− (10% 3.16, 28% 0.96, 22% 0.67); 96% γ 0.834; 26% γ 2.202; 25% γ 0.630

−68.589 3−

Ga 73 4.86 hr 100% β − (7% 1.52, 79% 1.23); 80% γ 0.297; 11% γ 0.326;

4% γ 0.739

− 69.705 3 −


Ga 74 8.12 min 100% β− (5% 4.8, 50% 2.4); 91% γ 0.596; 45% γ 2.354;

14% γ 0.608

− 68.06

Ga 74 m 9.5 s 100% IT; 75% γ 0.057 − 68.00

Ga 75 126 s β− − 68.466 3 −


Ga 76 29.1 s 100% β− (14% 6.2); 66% γ 0.563;

26% γ 0.546; 16% γ 1.108

− 66.4

Ga 77 13.2 s β− − 66.3

Ga 78 5.09 s 100% β− (12% 7.6, 13% 5.5); 77% γ 0.619; 20% γ 1.186;

18% γ 0.567

− 63.6

Ga 79 3.0 s 100% β− (9% 6.8, 13% 4.6); 24% γ 0.465; 22% γ 0.516;

13% γ 1.187

− 62.7

Ga 80 1.70 s 100% β− (18% 10.4); 1% n; − 59.4

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78% γ 0.659; 48% γ 1.083;

19% γ 1.109

Ga 81 1.23 s 100% β− (4% 8.3, 9% 4.3); 12% n; 37% γ 0.216; 22% γ 0.828;

18% γ 0.711

− 58.0

Ga 82 0.602 s β−; 20% n − 53.4

Ga 83 0.31 s β−; 54% n − 49.7

| top |

32 Ge 61 0.04 s β+/EC; 80% p − 37.9

Ge 64 64 s 82% β+ (18% 3.3, 41% 3.0); 18% EC; 37% γ 0.427; 17% γ 0.667; 11% γ 0.128

− 54.4 0+

Ge 65 30.9 s 100% β+ (15% 5.22, 24% 5.16, 29% 4.57); 28% γ 0.650;

22% γ 0.062; 18% γ 0.809

− 56.4

Ge 66 2.26 hr 76% EC; 24% β+ (7% 1.04); 29% γ 0.044; 28% γ 0.382;

10% γ 0.273

− 61.62 0+

Ge 67 18.9 min 90% β+ (74% 3.03); 10% EC; 84% γ 0.167; 5% γ 1.473;

3% γ 0.911

− 62.656 1 −


Ge 68 270.8 d 100% EC − 66.978 0+

Ge 69 39.05 hr 76% EC; 24% β+ (21% 1.20); 36% γ 1.107; 13% γ 0.574;

12% γ 0.872

− 67.097 5 −


Ge 70 21.23% − 70.561 3.2 (γ); 0.3 (γm)0


Ge 71 11.43 d 100% EC − 69.906 1 −


Ge 71 m 0.020 s 100% IT; 91% γ 0.175 − 69.708 9 +


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Ge 72 27.66% − 72.583 1.0 (γ)0


Ge 73 7.73% − 71.295 15 (γ)9 +


Ge 73 m 0.50 s 100% IT; 10% γ 0.054 − 71.228 1 −


Ge 74 35.94% − 73.423 0.3 (γ); 0.17 (γm)0


Ge 75 82.78 min 100% β− (87% 1.18); 11% γ 0.265;

1% γ 0.199

− 71.858 1 −


Ge 75 m 47.7 s 100% IT; 39% γ 0.140 − 71.718 7 +


Ge 76 7.44% − 73.214 0.06 (γ); 0.10 (γm)0


Ge 77 11.30 hr 100% β− (6% 2.5, 21% 2.1); 54% γ 0.264; 31% γ 0.211;

29% γ 0.216

− 71.216 7 +


Ge 77 m 52.9 s 79% β− (57% 2.86, 21% 2.65); 21% IT; 21% γ 0.216;

11% γ 0.160

− 71.056 1 −


Ge 78 88 min 100% β− (96% 0.68); 96% γ 0.277; 4% γ 0.294

− 71.863 0+

Ge 79 19.1 s 100% β − (60% 4.1, 22% 4.0); 21% γ 0.110; 9% γ 1.506;

3% γ 0.100

− 69.5

Ge 79 m 39.0 s 96% β− ; 4% IT; 3% γ 0.186 − 69.3

Ge 80 29.5 s 100% β− (65% 2.8, 27% 2.5); 27% γ 0.265; 7% γ 0.110;

5% γ 1.564

− 69.38 0+

Ge 81 7.6 s β− − 66.3

Ge 81 m 7.6 s β− − 65.6

Ge 82 4.6 s β− − 65.4 0+

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Ge 83 1.85 s β− − 61.1

Ge 84 1.2 s β− − 58.2 0


NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

33 As 66 0.0958 s β+/EC − 52.07

As 67 42.5 s 100% β+ (39% 5.0); 19% γ 0.123;

9% γ 0.121; 8% γ 0.244

− 56.65

As 68 151.6 s 100% β+ (5% 6.1, 36% 4.6); 78% γ 1.016; 34% γ 0.762;

32% γ 0.651

− 58.88 3

As 69 15.2 min 94% β+ (73% 3.0); 6% EC; 11% γ 0.233; 5% γ 0.146;

3% γ 0.087

− 63.08 5 −


As 70 52.6 min 88% β+ (9% 2.75, 30% 2.15, 35% 2.14); 12% EC; 81% γ 1.040; 22% γ 0.668, 22% γ 1.114

− 64.34 4

As 71 65.28 hr 72% EC; 28% β+ 0.82; 82% γ 0.175; 4% γ 0.500;

4% γ 1.095

− 67.894 5 −


As 72 26.0 hr 88% β+ (16% 3.33, 64% 2.50); 12% EC; 80% γ 0.834;

8% γ 0.630; 1% γ 1.464

−68.228 2 −

As 73 80.30 d 100% EC; (100% m); 10% γ (m) 0.053

− 70.955 3 −


As 74 17.77 d 37% EC; 29% β+ (3% 1.54, −70.861 2 −

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26% 0.94); 34% β− (19% 1.35); 59% γ 0.596; 15% γ 0.635

As 75 100% − 73.035 4.5 (γ)3 −


As 76 26.32 hr 100% β− (51% 2.96, 35% 2.40); 45% γ 0.559; 6% γ 0.657;

3% γ 1.216

− 72.290 2 −

As 77 38.83 hr 100% β− (97% 0.68); 2% γ 0.239; 1% γ 0.521

− 73.918 3 −


As 78 90.7 min 100% β − (32% 4.21); 54% γ 0.614;

17% γ 0.695; 13% γ 1.309

−72.819 2 −

As 79 9.01 min 100% β− (97% 2.1); 9% γ 0.096;

1% γ 0.365; 1% γ 0.527

− 73.639 3 −


As 80 15.2 s 100% β− (56% 5.60, 26% 4.93); 42% γ 0.666; 8% γ 1.645;

4% γ 1.207

− 72.165 1 +

As 81 33.3 s 100% β− (67% 3.86); (3% m); 20% γ 0.468; 9% γ 0.491;

2% γ 0.521

− 72.536 3 −


As 82 19.1 s 100% β− (80% 7.52); 15% γ 0.654;

4% γ 1.731; 2% γ 0.755

− 70.08

As 82 13.6 s 100% β− (13% 5.78, 44% 4.63); 72% γ 0.654; 58% γ 0.344;

39% γ 1.895

− 70.08

As 83 13.4 s β− ; (70% m) − 69.9

As 84 5.5 s 100% β− (51% 9.9); 49% γ 1.455; 21% γ 0.667;

5% γ 2.087

− 66.1

As 84 0.6 s β− − 66.1

As 85 2.03 s β−; 23% n − 63.5

As 86 0.9 s β−; 12% n − 59.3

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As 87 0.73 s β−; 44% n − 55.7

| top |

34 Se 68 1.6 min β+/EC − 54.1 0 +

Se 69 27.4 s 100% β+ (22% 5.8, 26% 5.6); 66% γ 0.098; 25% γ 0.066;

17% γ 0.692

− 56.30

Se 70 41.1 min 70% β+ (33% 1.6; 29% 1.3); 30% EC; 36% γ 0.050; 29% γ 0.426; 9% γ 0.377

− 61.5 0 +

Se 71 4.74 min 96% β+ (30% 3.78, 20% 3.63); 4% EC; 48% γ 0.148; 10% γ 0.830; 10% γ 1.095

− 63.1 5 −


Se 72 8.40 d 100% EC; 58% γ 0.046 − 67.90 0 +

Se 73 7.15 hr 66% β+ (1% 1.65, 65% 1.29); 34% EC; 97% γ 0.361;

71% γ 0.067

− 68.22 9 +


Se 73 m 39.8 min 73% IT; 21% β+ (13% 1.74); 6% EC; 3% γ 0.067;

2% γ 0.254; 2% γ 0.393

− 68.19 3 −


Se 74 0.89% − 72.215 52 (γ) 0 +

Se 75 119.78 d 100% EC; 59% γ 0.265;

58% γ 0.136; 25% γ 0.280

− 72.171 5 +


Se 76 9.36% − 75.254 63 (γ); 22 (γm) 0 +

Se 77 7.63% − 74.601 42 (γ)1 −


Se 77 m 17.36 s 100% IT; 53% γ 0.162 − 74.439 7 +


Se 78 23.78% − 77.028 0.05 (γ); 0.38 (γm) 0+

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Se 79 < 6.5 × 104 yr β− − 75.920 7 +


Se 79 m 3.91 min 100% IT; 10% γ 0.096 − 75.824 1 −


Se 80 49.61% − 77.762 0.53 (γ); 0.08 (γm) 0+

Se 81 18.45 min 100% β− (99% 1.59); 1% γ 0.276

− 76.392 1 −


Se 81 m 57.28 min 100% IT; 10% γ 0.103 − 76.289 7 +


Se 82 8.73% β− β− − 77.596 0.005 (γ); 0+

1020 yr 0.04 (γm)

Se 83 22.3 min 100% β− (3% 3.31, 32% 1.02, 26% 0.97); 70% γ 0.357;

43% γ 0.510; 33% γ 0.225

− 75.343 9 +


Se 83 m 70.1 s 100% β− (31% 3.90, 33% 2.87); 21% γ 1.031; 18% γ 0.357;

16% γ 0.988

− 75.115 1 −


Se 84 3.1 min 100% β− 1.41; 100% γ 0.408;

2% γ 0.499

− 75.95 0 +

Se 85 31.7 s 100% β− (31% 6.2); 46% γ 0.345;

7% γ 1.427; 7% γ 3.397

− 72.42

Se 86 15.3 s 100% β− (2% 5.1, 69% 2.7, 22% 2.4); 43% γ 2.441; 22% γ 2.660; 15% γ 0.048

− 70.5 0 +

Se 87 5.85 s 100% β− (25% 7.2, 22% 5.3); 37% γ 0.243; 35% γ 0.334;

19% γ 0.573

− 66.7

Se 88 1.52 s β−; 1% n; 100% γ 0.159;

82% γ 0.259; 62% γ 1.745

− 63.8 0 +

Se 89 0.41 s β−; 5% n − 59.5

Se 91 0.27 s β−; 21% n − 51.3

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NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

35 Br 70 0.079 s β+/EC − 51.1

Br 70 2.2 s β+/EC − 51.1

Br 71 21.4 s β +/EC; 8% γ 0.261; 7% γ 0.234;

6% γ 0.172

− 56.6

Br 72 78.6 s 100% β+ (24% 7.08); 70% γ 0.862;

17% γ 1.317; 13% γ 0.455

− 59.0

Br 72 7.2 s β+; p − 59.0

Br 72 m 10.6 s β+; IT − 58.9

Br 73 3.4 min 100% β + (25% 3.5, 21% 3.1); 34% γ 0.065; 14% γ 0.700;

12% γ 0.336

− 63.6

Br 74 25.4 min 91% β+ (2% 5.26, 18% 2.64); 9% EC; 78% γ 0.635 (double);

18% γ 0.219; 7% γ 2.615

− 65.3

Br 74 46 min 90% β+ (6% 5.5); 10% EC; 108% γ 0.635 (double);

36% γ 0.728; 9% γ 1.269

− 65.3 4

Br 75 96.7 min 72% β+ (4% 1.99, 52% 1.70); 28% EC; 88% γ 0.287; 7% γ 0.141; 4% γ 0.428

− 69.14 3 −


Br 76 16.2 hr 55% β+ (6% 3.93, 26% 3.37); 45% EC; 74% γ 0.559;

16% γ 0.657; 15% γ 1.854

−70.291 1 −

Br 76 m 1.31 s 100% IT − 70.188

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Br 77 57.04 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.34; 23% γ 0.239; 22% γ 0.521;

4% γ 0.297

− 73.237 3 −


Br 77 m 4.28 min 100% IT; 14% γ 0.106 − 73.131 9 +


Br 78 6.46 min 92% β+ (81% 2.55); 8% EC; 14% γ 0.614

− 73.455 1 +

Br 79 50.69% − 76.070 8.6 (γ); 2.4 (γm)3 −


Br 79 m 4.86 s 100% IT; 76% γ 0.207 − 75.863 9 +


Br 80 17.68 min 92% β− (85% 2.00); 2% β+ 0.85; 6% EC; 7% γ 0.616; 1% γ 0.666

− 75.891 1 +

Br 80 m 4.421 hr 100% IT; 39% γ 0.037 −75.805 5 −

Br 81 49.31% − 77.978 0.3 (γ); 2.4 (γm)3 −


Br 82 35.30 hr 100% β− (99% 0.44); 84% γ 0.777;

71% γ 0.554; 43% γ 0.619

−77.499 5 −

Br 82 m 6.13 min 98% IT; 2% β− 3.14 −77.453 2 −

Br 83 2.40 hr 100% β− (99% 0.93); (100% m); 1% γ 0.530

− 79.010 3 −


Br 84 31.8 min 100% β− (33% 4.65); 42% γ 0.882;

15% γ 1.898; 7% γ 3.928

− 77.78 2 −

Br 84 m 6.0 min 100% β− 2.2; 100% γ 0.424;

98% γ 0.882; 97% γ 1.463

− 77.46

Br 85 2.90 min 100% β− (96% 2.57); (100% m); 3% γ 0.802; 2% γ 0.925;

1% γ 0.919

− 78.61 3 −


Br 86 55.1 s 100% β− (15% 7.6, 50% 3.3); 64% γ 1.565; 21% γ 2.751;

10% γ 1.362

− 75.64

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Br 87 55.6 s 100% β− (18% 6.8); 3% n; 22% γ 1.420; 8% γ 1.476;

6% γ 1.578

− 73.86 3 −


Br 88 16.5 s 100% β− (13% 9.0); 6% n; 63% γ 0.775; 13% γ 0.802;

5% γ 1.441

− 70.7

Br 89 4.40 s 100% β− (39% 8.1); 13% n; 6% γ 1.098; 4% γ 0.953;

4% γ 0.998

− 68.4

Br 90 1.92 s 100% β− (15% 10.3); 25% n; 38% γ 0.707; 11% γ 1.362;

8% γ 0.655

− 64.7

Br 91 0.541 s β−; 18% n − 62.0

Br 92 0.34 s β −; 33% n − 57.2

Br 94 0.07 s β −; 30% n − 48.8

| top |

36 Kr 71 0.097 s β+ 9.1 − 46.5

Kr 72 17.2 s 91% β+ (12% 3.9, 31% 3.7, 44% 3.6); 9% EC; 35% γ 0.415;

29% γ 0.310; 16% γ 0.163

− 53.9 0 +

Kr 73 27 s 100% β+ (17% 5.5, 26% 5.4); 1% p; 66% γ 0.178; 19% γ 0.063; 15% γ 0.455

− 56.9

Kr 74 11.5 min 86% β+ (5% 2.1, 26% 1.9, 35% 1.8); 14% EC; 31% γ 0.090;

18% γ 0.203; 10% γ 0.297

− 62.13 0+

Kr 75 4.3 min 99% β + (1% 3.77, 40% 3.76, 37% 3.74); 1% EC; 67% γ 0.133;

21% γ 0.155; 8% γ 0.153

− 64.21

Kr 76 14.8 hr 100% EC; 39% γ 0.316;

21% γ 0.270; 20% γ 0.046

− 68.97 0 +

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Kr 77 74.4 min 80% β+ (41% 1.86, 33% 1.71); 20% EC; (8% m); 81% γ 0.130;

37% γ 0.147; 4% γ 0.312

− 70.19 5 +


Kr 78 0.35% − 74.147 6 (γ); 0.2 (γm) 0 +

Kr 79 35.04 hr 93% EC; 7% β+ 0.61; 13% γ 0.261; 9% γ 0.398; 8% γ 0.606

− 74.445 1 −


Kr 79 m 50 s 100% IT; 27% γ 0.130 − 74.315 7 +


Kr 80 2.25% − 77.894 7 (γ); 5 (γm) 0 +

Kr 81 2.13 × 105 yr 100% EC; 4% γ 0.276 − 77.697 7 +


Kr 81 m 13 s 100% IT; 67% γ 0.190 − 77.506 1 −


Kr 82 11.6% − 80.592 14 (γ); 14 (γm) 0 +

Kr 83 11.5% − 79.982 180 (γ) 9 +


Kr 83 m 1.83 hr 100% IT; 5% γ 0.009 − 79.940 1 −


Kr 84 57.0% − 82.430 0.04 (γ); 0.09 (γm) 0 +

Kr 85 10.76 yr 100% β − 0.69 − 81.477 1.7 (γ)9 +


Kr 85 m 4.480 hr 79% β− 0.84; 21% IT; 75% γ 0.151; 14% γ 0.305

− 81.172 1 −


Kr 86 17.3% − 83.262 0.003 (γ) 0 +

Kr 87 76.3 min 100% β− (31% 3.89, 41% 3.48); 50% γ 0.403; 9% γ 2.555;

7% γ 0.845

− 80.706 5 +


Kr 88 2.84 hr 100 β− (14% 2.91, 67% 0.52); 35% γ 2.392; 26% γ 0.196;

13% γ 2.196

− 79.688 0 +

Kr 89 3.15 min 100% β− (23% 5.0); 20% γ 0.221;

17% γ 0.586; 7% γ 0.904

− 76.72

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Kr 90 32.3 s 100% β− (29% 4.39, 65% 2.61); (12% m); 39% γ 1.119; 35% γ 0.122; 31% γ 0.539

− 74.95 0 +

Kr 91 8.57 s 100% β− (9% 6.4, 16% 6.3); 44% γ 0.109; 19% γ 0.507; 8% γ 0.613

− 71.37

Kr 92 1.840 s 100% β− (2% 6.2, 88% 4.8); 64% γ 0.142; 60% γ 1.219;

15% γ 0.813

− 68.65 0 +

Kr 93 1.29 s 100% β− (6% 8.5, 20% 5.7); 3% n; 40% γ 0.253;

24% γ 0.324; 20% γ 0.267

− 64.2

Kr 94 0.20 s β−; 6% n − 62.5 0 +

Kr 95 0.78 s β− − 57.5

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

37 Rb 74 0.0649 s β+/EC − 51.7

Rb 75 19.0 s β +/EC; 79% γ 0.179; 11% γ 0.187;

10% γ 0.672

− 57.21

Rb 76 39.1 s 100% β + (1% 6.3, 46% 4.8); 47% γ 2.571; 43% γ 0.424;

8% γ 0.356

−60.53 1

Rb 77 3.75 min 100% β+ (15% 4.3, 27% 4.2); 57% γ 0.067; 22% γ 0.179;

10% γ 0.393

−64.92 3 −2

Rb 78 17.7 min 86% β+ (8% 6.1, 16% 2.3); 14% EC; 63% γ 0.455;

−66.98 0

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13% γ 0.693; 11% γ 0.562

Rb 78 m 5.74 min 86% β+(13% 5.2); 4% EC; 10% IT; 81% γ 0.455;

38% γ 0.664; 13% γ 1.110

−66.88 4

Rb 79 22.9 min 82% β+ (11% 2.2, 41% 1.7); 18% EC; 23% γ 0.688; 15% γ 0.183; 12% γ 0.505

−70.84 5 +


Rb 80 34 s 100% β + (73% 4.70, 21% 4.08); 25% γ 0.617; 2% γ 0.640;

2% γ 0.704

−72.18 1 +

Rb 81 4.576 hr 71% EC; 29% β+ (27% 1.02); 64% γ 0.190; 23% γ 0.446;

5% γ 0.510

−75.46 3 −


Rb 81 m 30.5 min 98% IT; 2% β+ (1% 1.30); 5% γ 0.086; 1% γ 0.050


9 +


Rb 82 1.273 min 95% β + (83% 3.37); 5% EC; 13% γ 0.777

−76.20 1 +

Rb 82 m 6.472 hr 78% EC; 22% β + (1% 2.67, 19% 0.80); 84% γ 0.777; 62% γ 0.554;

38% γ 0.619

−76.12 5 −

Rb 83 86.2 d 100% EC; 45% γ 0.520; 29% γ 0.530; 16% γ 0.553

−79.05 5 −


Rb 84 32.77 d 70% EC; 26% β + (13% 1.66);

4% β−0.89; 69% γ 0.882;

1% γ 1.898

−79.748 2 −

Rb 84 m 20.26 min 100% IT; 60% γ 0.248;

36% γ 0.464; 30% γ 0.216

−79.284 6 −

Rb 85 72.17% −82.164 0.43 (γ); 0.05 (γm) 5 −


Rb 86 18.63 d 100% β−(91% 1.77); 9% γ 1.077

−82.744 2 −

Rb 86 m 1.017 min 100% IT; 98% γ 0.556 −82.188 6 −

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Rb 87 4.75 × 1010 yr 27.83%

100% β− 0.27 −84.593 0.12 (γ) 3 −


Rb 88 17.78 min 100% β− (78% 5.32); 21% γ 1.836;

14% γ 0.898; 2% γ 2.678

−82.601 1.0 (γ) 2 −

Rb 89 15.15 min 100% β− (25% 4.50, 35% 2.22, 33% 1.27); 58% γ 1.032; 43% γ 1.248; 13% γ 2.196

− 81.709 3 −


Rb 90 158 s 100% β− (53% 6.59); 28% γ 0.832;7% γ 1.061; 6% γ 4.366

− 79.350 0 −

Rb 90 m 258 s 97% β− (16% 5.86); 3% IT; 94% γ 0.832; 17% γ 1.375;

14% γ 3.317

− 79.243 3 −

Rb 91 58.4 s 100% β− (25% 5.77); 34% γ 0.094;

13% γ 2.564; 10% γ 3.600

− 77.786 3


Rb 92 4.51 s 100% β− (51% 8.12); 33% γ 0.815;

6% γ 0.570; 6% γ 2.821

− 74.81 0 −

Rb 93 5.7 s 100% β− (59% 7.44); 3% n; 12% γ 0.433; 5% γ 0.213; 4% γ 0.986

− 72.69 5 −


Rb 94 2.702 s 100% β− (4% 9.5, 31% 7.9); 10% n; 87% γ 0.837; 87% γ 1.309; 32% γ 1.578

− 68.52 3

Rb 95 0.377 s 100% β− (6% 8.7, 9% 5.8); 9% n; 49% γ 0.352; 15% γ 0.204;

15% γ 0.281

− 65.81 5 −2

Rb 96 0.203 s 100% β− (20% 11.0); 14% n; 78% γ 0.815; 8% γ 0.692;

7% γ 0.813

− 61.15 2 +

Rb 97 0.172 s 100% β− (3% 10.3, 15% 9.7); 25% n; 26% γ 0.167; 21% γ 0.585; 11% γ 0.601

− 58.29 3


Rb 98 0.114 s 100% β− (55% 12.4); 14% n; 25% γ 0.144; 6% γ 1.693;

− 54.09

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6% γ 2.172

Rb 98 m 0.096 s β−; n − 53.82

Rb 99 0.059 s β−; 15% n − 50.86

Rb 100 0.051 s β−; 6% n − 47.4

Rb 101 0.032 s 100% β− (28% 11.5); 31% n; 69% γ 0.271; 21% γ 0.252;

19% γ 0.112

− 44.2

| top |

38 Sr 77 9.0 s 100% β+ (3% 6.0, 78% 5.9); 86% γ 0.147; 9% γ 0.160;

7% γ 0.145

− 57.9

Sr 78 2.5 min β+/EC − 63.5 0 +

Sr 79 2.25 min β+/EC − 65.3

Sr 80 106 min 85% EC; 15% β+ (13% 0.96); 39% γ 0.589; 10% γ 0.175;

7% γ 0.553

− 70.19 0 +

Sr 81 22.3 min 96% β+ (12% 3.0, 29% 2.7); 4% EC; 35% γ 0.154; 31% γ 0.148; 18% γ 0.443

− 71.47

Sr 82 25.55 d 100% EC −75.998 0 +

Sr 83 32.41 hr 77% EC; 23% β+ (10% 1.23); 30% γ 0.763; 17% γ 0.381

(double); 4% γ 0.418

−76.781 7 +


Sr 83 m 4.95 s 100% IT; 87% γ 0.259 −76.522 1 −


Sr 84 0.56% −80.641 0.3 (γ); 0.6 (γm) 0 +

Sr 85 64.84 d 100% EC; 96% γ 0.514 −81.099 9 +


Sr 85 m 67.63 min 87% IT; 13% EC; 84% γ 0.232;

13% γ 0.151

−80.860 1 −


Sr 86 9.86% −84.518 0.2 (γ); 0.8 (γm) 0 +

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Sr 87 7.00% −84.875 16 (γ)9 +


Sr 87 m 2.803 hr 100% IT; 82% γ 0.389 −84.486 1 −


Sr 88 82.58% −87.916 0.058 (γ) 0 +

Sr 89 50.53 d 100% β − 1.49 −86.211 0.42 (γ)5 +


Sr 90 28.78 yr 100% β − 0.55 −85.942 0.9 (γ) 0 +

Sr 91 9.63 hr 100 β − (29% 2.69, 25% 1.38, 35% 1.11); 33% γ 1.024;

24% γ 0.750; 8% γ 0.653

−83.652 5 +2

Sr 92 2.71 hr 100% β − (4% 1.89, 96% 0.50); 90% γ 1.384; 4% γ 0.953;

3% γ 0.430

−82.923 0 +

Sr 93 7.423 min 100% β − (3% 4.11, 15% 2.47); 66% γ 0.590; 23% γ 0.876;

22% γ 0.888

−80.160 5


Sr 94 75.3 s 100% β − (1% 3.51, 98% 2.08); 94% γ 1.428; 2% γ 0.704;

2% γ 0.724

−78.836 0 +

Sr 95 23.90 s 100% β− (56% 6.09); 23% γ 0.686;

5% γ 2.717; 4% γ 2.933

−75.05 1 +2

Sr 96 1.07 s 100% β− (1% 5.42, 92% 4.48); 77% γ 0.122; 72% γ 0.809;

12% γ 0.932

−72.88 0 +

Sr 97 0.42 s 100% β− (2% 6.7, 45% 5.2); 28% γ 1.905; 24% γ 0.954;

13% γ 0.652


Sr 98 0.653 s 100% β− (4% 5.9, 70% 5.3); 73% γ 0.119; 39% γ 0.445;

31% γ 0.428

−66.38 0 +

Sr 99 0.271 s 100% β− (30% 8.4); −62.15

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16% γ 0.125; 14% γ 0.536;

9% γ 1.198

Sr 100 0.202 s β−; 1% n −60.2 0 +

Sr 101 0.118 s 100% β− (35% 9.7); 2% n; 18% γ 0.128; 11% γ 1.125;

9% γ 0.511

− 55.9

Sr 102 0.069 s 100% β− (2% 8.8, 35% 8.6, 21% 7.5); 5% n; 53% γ 0.244;

18% γ 0.150; 13% γ 0.254

− 53.5 0 +

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

39 Y 80 35 s 100% β+ (24% 7.59, 20% 7.00, 20% 6.41); 100% γ 0.386;

39% γ 0.595; 20% γ 1.185

− 61.2

Y 81 72.4 s 100% β+ (95% 4.5); 1% γ 0.079;

1% γ 0.124

− 65.95

Y 82 9.5 s 100% β+ (74% 6.8); 25% γ 0.574;

10% γ 0.602; 2% γ 0.737

− 68.18 1 +

Y 83 7.08 min 100% β+ (76% 3.4); (2% m); 19% γ 0.036; 6% γ 0.490

(double); 6% γ 0.882

− 72.37

Y 83 m 2.85 min 93% β+ (51% 3.2, 30% 2.8); 7% EC; (100% m); 20% γ 0.422; 8% γ 0.495

− 72.31

Y 84 4.6 s 100% β+ (65% 5.5, 35% 4.7); 35% γ 0.793

− 74.23 1 +

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Y 84 m 40 min 91% β+ (3% 5.2, 26% 3.2); 9% EC; 99% γ 0.793; 75% γ 0.974; 56% γ 1.040

− 74.73

Y 85 2.68 hr 84% β+ (37% 2.00, 43% 1.50); 16% EC; 60% γ 0.506;

9% γ 0.914; 1% γ 0.410

− 77.85

Y 85 m 4.86 hr 58% β+ (52% 2.26); 42% EC; 23% γ 0.232; 5% γ 2.124;

4% γ 0.767

− 77.83 9 +2

Y 86 14.74 hr 68% EC; 32% β+ (2% 3.14, 12% 1.22); 83% γ 1.077;

33% γ 0.628; 31% γ 1.153

− 79.28 4 −

Y 86 m 48 min 99% IT; 1% β+ 1.48; 94% γ 0.208; 1% γ 0.627; 1% γ 1.077

− 79.06

Y 87 79.8 hr 100% EC; (100% m); 90% γ 0.485; 82% γ(m) 0.389

− 83.014 1 −2

Y 87 m 13.37 hr 98% IT; 1% β+ 1.22; 1% EC; 78% γ 0.381

− 82.633 9 +2

Y 88 106.65 d 100% EC; 99% γ 1.836;

94% γ 0.898; 1% γ 2.734

− 84.294 4 −

Y 89 100% − 87.703 1.3 (γ); 0.001 (γm) 1 −2

Y 89 m 16.06 s 100% IT; 99% γ 0.909 − 86.794 9 +2

Y 90 64.10 hr 100% β− 2.28 − 86.488 2 −

Y 90 m 3.19 hr 100% IT; 97% γ 0.203;

91% γ 0.480

− 85.806 7 +

Y 91 58.51 d 100% β− 1.55 − 86.349 1.4 (γ)1 −2

Y 91 m 49.71 min 100% IT; 95% γ 0.556 −85.793 9 +2

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Y 92 3.54 hr 100% β− (86% 3.61); 14% γ 0.934; 5% γ 1.405; 2% γ 0.561

−84.833 2 −

Y 93 10.10 hr 100% β− (90% 2.88); 7% γ 0.267;

2% γ 0.947; 1% γ 1.918

−84.245 1 −2

Y 93 m 0.82 s 100% IT −83.486

Y 94 18.7 min 100% β− (41% 4.92, 40% 4.00); 56% γ 0.919; 6% γ 1.139;

5% γ 0.551

−82.348 2 −

Y 95 10.3 min 100% β− (64% 4.45); 16% γ 0.954; 7% γ 2.176; 6% γ 3.576

−81.214 1 −2

Y 96 5.34 s 100% β− (96% 7.07); 2% γ 1.750

−78.30 0 −

Y 96 9.6 s 100% β− (75% 7.1, 25% 5.5); 89% γ 1.751; 60% γ 0.915;

56% γ 0.617


Y 97 3.76 s 100% β− (40% 6.6, 26% 3.4); 18% γ 3.288; 14% γ 3.401;

7% γ 1.997


Y 97 m 1.21 s 100% β− (34% 6.1, 45% 5.1); 92% γ 1.103; 71% γ 0.161;

55% γ 1.091


Y 98 0.548 s 100% β − (18% 8.9, 37% 4.7); 36% γ 1.223; 17% γ 2.941;

15% γ 1.591


Y 98 m 2.0 s >80% β − (3% 8.6, 50% 5.6); <20% IT; 80% γ 1.223;

63% γ 0.621; 53% γ 0.648

− 72.52

Y 99 1.47 s 100% β − (30% 7.5, 25% 6.9); 1% n; 44% γ 0.122; 20% γ 0.724;

11% γ 0.575


Y 100 0.735 s β−; 1% n −67.29

Y 100 0.94 s β− −67.29

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Y 101 0.448 s β−; 2% n −64.6

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

23 of 23 05/12/2010 08:10

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 040 to 049

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


40 Zr 81 15 s β+/EC; 100% p −58.8

Zr 82 32 s β+/EC −64.2 0 +

Zr 83 44 s β+/EC; 6% γ 0.105;

5% γ 0.255; 5% γ 0.474


Zr 84 25.9 min β+/EC −71.4 0 +

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Zr 85 7.86 min β+/EC; 45% γ 0.454; 27% γ 0.416; 5% γ 1.198

−73.15 7 +2

Zr 85 m 10.9 s 90% IT; 10% β+/EC; 84% γ 0.292 −72.86

Zr 86 16.5 hr 100% EC; 96% γ 0.243; 22% γ 0.029; 6% γ 0.612

−77.98 0 +

Zr 87 1.68 hr 84% β+ 2.26; 16% EC; 3% γ 1.227; 1% γ 1.210;

1% γ 1.024

− 79.348

Zr 87 m 14.0 s 100% IT; 96% γ 0.201; 27% γ 0.135

− 79.012

Zr 88 83.4 d 100% EC; 97% γ 0.393 − 83.626 0 +

Zr 89 78.41 hr 77% EC; 23% β+ 0.90; 100% γ 0.909; 1% γ 1.712

− 84.871 9 +2

Zr 89 m 4.18 min 94% IT; 5% EC; 1% β+ 0.89; 90% γ 0.588; 6% γ 1.507

− 84.283 1 −2

Zr 90 51.45% − 88.770 0.011 (γ) 0 +

Zr 90 m 0.809 s 100% IT; 84% γ 2.319;

16% γ 0.426; 4% γ 0.133

− 86.451 5 −

Zr 91 11.22% − 87.893 1.2 (γ)5 +2

Zr 92 17.15% − 88.457 0.2 (γ) 0 +

Zr 93 1.53 × 106 yr 100% β− (2% 0.09, 98% 0.06); 98% γ 0.030

− 87.120 < 1.3 (γ) 5 +2

Zr 94 17.38% − 87.268 0.05 (γ) 0 +

Zr 95 64.02 d 100% β− (1% 0.89, 44% 0.40, 54% 0.37); 55% γ 0.757;

44% γ 0.724

− 85.659 5 +2

Zr 96 2.80% − 85.442 0.023 (γ) 0 +

Zr 97 16.90 hr 100% β− (86% 1.92); 95% γ 0.743; 5% γ 0.507;

3% γ 1.148

− 82.950 1 +2

Zr 98 30.7 s 100% β− 2.24 − 81.28 0 +

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Zr 99 2.1 s 100% β− (1% 4.2, 33% 3.63, 63% 3.58); 55% γ 0.469;

49% γ 0.546; 27% γ 0.594

− 77.79

Zr 100 7.1 s 100% β− (49% 3.3, 32% 2.8); 31% γ 0.504; 19% γ 0.400

− 76.59 0 +

Zr 101 2.1 s β− − 73.38

Zr 102 2.9 s 100% β− (58% 4.6, 25% 4.0); 14% γ 0.600; 11% γ 0.535;

9% γ 0.065

− 71.77 0 +

Zr 103 1.3 s β−; γ − 68.29

Zr 104 1.2 s β − − 66.3 0 +

| top |

41 Nb 83 4.1 s β+/EC − 56.2

Nb 84 12 s 100% β+ (77% 8.34, 23% 7.61)

− 61.5

Nb 85 20.9 s β+/EC − 66.9

Nb 86 88 s 100% β+ (2% 6.4, 19% 4.5); 98% γ 0.752; 78% γ 0.915;

37% γ 1.003

− 69.6

Nb 87 2.6 min β+/EC; 100% γ 0.201;

73% γ 0.471; 37% γ 1.067

− 74.18

Nb 87 3.7 min 96% β+ 3.64; 4% EC; (100% m); 96% γ (m) 0.201;

26% γ 0.135

− 74.18

Nb 88 14.5 min β+/EC; 100% γ 1.057; 98% γ 1.083; 80% γ 0.503


Nb 88 7.8 min 94% β+ (7% 5.5, 37% 3.6); 6% EC; 89% γ 1.057;

54% γ 1.083; 46% γ 0.399


Nb 89 1.18 hr 81% β + (12% 2.6, 65% 2.1); 19% EC; (100% m); 100% γ(m)


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0.588; 85% γ 0.507;

7% γ 0.770

Nb 89 1.9 hr 75% β+ (74% 3.3); 25% EC; 3% γ 1.627; 3% γ 1.833;

3% γ 3.093


Nb 90 14.60 hr 51% β+ 1.50; 49% EC; (98% m); 93% γ 1.129;

82% γ(m) 2.319; 67% γ 0.141

−82.659 8 +

Nb 90 m 18.81 s 100% IT; 64% γ 0.122 −82.534 4 −

Nb 91 680 yr 100% EC −86.640 9 +2

Nb 91 m 60.86 d 93% IT; 7% EC; 3% γ 1.205;

1% γ 0.105

−86.536 1 −2

Nb 92 3.47 × 107 yr 100% EC; 100% γ 0.561;

100% γ 0.935


Nb 92 m 10.15 d 100% EC; 99% γ 0.934;

2% γ 0.913; 1% γ 1.848


Nb 93 100% −87.210 1.15 (γ)9 +2

Nb 93 m 16.1 yr 100% IT − 87.179 1 −2

Nb 94 2.03 × 104 yr 100% β− 0.47; 100% γ 0.871;

98% γ 0.703

−86.368 15 (γ); 0.6 (γm)

Nb 94 m 6.263 min 99% IT; 1% β− 1.22; 1% γ 0.871 −86.327 3 +

Nb 95 34.975 d 100% β− 0.160; 100% γ 0.766 −86.783 <7 (γ)9 +2

Nb 95 m 86.6 hr 94% IT; 6% β− (3% 1.16); 24% γ 0.236; 2% γ 0.204

−86.547 1 −2

Nb 96 23.35 hr 100% β− (96% 0.75); 96% γ 0.778;

58% γ 0.569; 48% γ 1.091

−85.606 6 +

Nb 97 1.227 hr 100% β− (98% 1.28); 98% γ 0.658; 1% γ 1.025

−85.608 9 +2

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Nb 97 m 58.1 s 100% IT; 98% γ 0.743 −84.865 1 −2

Nb 98 2.86 s 100% β− (57% 4.59, 20% 3.85); 13% γ 0.787; 6% γ 1.024;

3% γ 0.645

−83.528 1 +

Nb 98 m 51.3 min 100% β− (4% 3.16, 28% 1.99); 93% γ 0.787; 74% γ 0.723;

18% γ 1.169


Nb 99 15.0 s 100% β− 3.4; 91% γ 0.138;

43% γ 0.098

− 82.33 9 +2

Nb 99 m 2.6 min 100% β− (65% 4.0); 7% γ 0.098;

4% γ 2.641; 3% γ 2.852

− 81.96 1 −2

Nb 100 1.5 s 100% β− (50% 6.3); 46% γ 0.536;

9% γ 0.160; 9% γ 0.529

− 79.93 1 +

Nb 100 m 2.99 s β−; 97% γ 0.536; 65% γ 0.601;

24% γ 1.281

− 79.45

Nb 101 7.1 s β− − 78.95

Nb 102 1.3 s β− − 76.35 1 +

Nb 102 4.3 s β−; 79% γ 0.296; 41% γ 1.633;

30% γ 0.552

− 76.35

Nb 103 1.5 s β− − 75.24

Nb 104 4.8 s β−; 1% n − 72.26

Nb 104 m 0.92 s β− − 72.05

Nb 105 2.95 s β− − 70.9

Nb 106 1.02 s β− − 67.3

Nb 107 0.33 s β− − 64.0

| top |

42 Mo 87 13.4 s β+/EC − 67.4

Mo 88 8.0 min β+/EC − 72.8 0 +

Mo 89 2.04 min 100% β+ (80% 4.6); 6% γ 0.659;

4% γ 0.844; 4% γ 1.273

− 75.005

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Mo 89 m 0.19 s 100% IT − 74.618

Mo 90 5.67 hr 75% EC; 25% β+ 1.08; 78% γ 0.257; 64% γ 0.122; 6% γ 0.203

− 80.170 0 +

Mo 91 15.49 min 94% β+ 3.4; 6% EC − 82.208 9 +2

Mo 91 m 65.0 s 50% IT; 44% β+ (6% 4.0, 21% 2.5); 6% EC; (50% m); 48% γ 0.653; 24% γ 1.508;

19% γ 1.208

− 81.555 1 −2

Mo 92 14.84% − 86.809 <190 (γ) 0 +

Mo 93 3.5 × 103 yr 100% EC − 86.805 5 +2

Mo 93 m 6.85 hr 100% IT; 100% γ 0.685;

99% γ 1.477; 58% γ 0.263

− 84.380 21+


Mo 94 9.25% − 88.413 <0.02 0 +

Mo 95 15.92% − 87.709 14 ( γ)5 +2

Mo 96 16.68% − 88.792 0.5 (γ) 0 +

Mo 97 9.55% − 87.542 2 (γ)5+


Mo 98 24.13% − 88.113 0.13 (γ) 0 +

Mo 99 65.94 hr 100% β− (82% 1.21); (87% m); 12% γ 0.740; 6% γ 0.181;

5% γ 0.141

− 85.967 1+


Mo 100 9.63% − 86.186 0.20 (γ) 0+

Mo 101 14.61 min 100% β− (13% 2.6, 20% 0.76); 22% γ 0.590 (double);

19% γ 0.192; 13% γ 1.012

− 83.513 1+


Mo 102 11.3 min 100% β− (94% 1.0); 4% γ 0.148;

4% γ 0.212; 1% γ 0.224

− 83.56 0 +

Mo 103 67.5 s β− −80.76

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Mo 104 60 s β−; 73% γ 0.069 (double);

14% γ 0.036; 9% γ 0.055

−80.37 0 +

Mo 105 35.6 s 100% β− (2% 5.0, 9% 4.9); 25% γ 0.085; 19% γ 0.077;

15% γ 0.148


Mo 106 8.4 s β− −76.27 0 +

Mo 107 3.5 s β− −72.9

Mo 108 1.5 s β− −71.5 0 +

Mo 109 0.53 s β− −66.5

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

43 Tc 90 8.7 s 100% β+ (22% 8.2, 78% 7.2); 78% γ 0.948

−71.0 1 +

Tc 90 m 49.2 s 100% β+ (5% 6.1, 40% 5.7) −70.5

Tc 91 3.14 min β+/EC; (1% m); 14% γ 2.451;

9% γ 1.640; 8% γ 1.605


Tc 91 m 3.3 min β+/EC; (98% m); 51% γ 0.503;

4% γ 0.928; 3% γ 1.328


Tc 92 4.23 min 88% β+ (86% 4.1); 12% EC; 100% γ 0.773; 100% γ 1.510;

80% γ 0.329

− 78.94

Tc 93 2.75 hr 91% EC; 9% β+ (7% 0.81); 57% γ 1.363; 21% γ 1.520; 7% γ 1.477

−83.607 9+


Tc 93 m 43.5 min 78% IT; 21% EC; 1% β + 1.62; 59% γ 0.392; 14% γ 2.645;

2% γ 1.492

−83.216 1−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Tc 94 293 min 89% EC; 11% β+ 0.81; 100% γ 0.703; 100% γ 0.871;

96% γ 0.850

−84.158 7 +

Tc 94 m 52.0 min 70% β+ (68% 2.44); 30% EC; 94% γ 0.871; 6% γ 1.869;

5% γ 1.522


Tc 95 20.0 hr 100% EC; 94% γ 0.766;

4% γ 1.074; 2% γ 0.948

−86.018 9+


Tc 95 m 61 d 96% EC; 4% IT; 63% γ 0.204;

30% γ 0.582; 27% γ 0.835

−85.979 1−


Tc 96 4.28 d 100% EC; 100% γ 0.778; 98% γ 0.850; 82% γ 0.813

−85.819 7 +

Tc 96 m 51.5 min 98% IT; 2% EC; 2% γ 0.778;

1% γ 1.200

−85.785 4 +

Tc 97 2.6 × 106 yr 100% EC −87.222 9+


Tc 97 m 90.5 d 100% IT −87.125 1−


Tc 98 4.2 × 106 yr 100% β− 0.40; 100% γ 0.652;

100% γ 0.745

−86.429 0.9 (γm)

Tc 99 2.11 × 105 yr 100% β− 0.29 −87.324 20 (γ)9+


Tc 99 m 6.01 hr 100% IT; 89% γ 0.141 − 87.181 1−


Tc 100 15.8 s 100% β− (93% 3.20); 7% γ 0.540;

6% γ 0.591

− 86.017 1 +

Tc 101 14.22 min 100% β− (90% 1.3); 88% γ 0.307;

6% γ 0.545; 3% γ 0.127

− 86.34

Tc 102 5.28 s 100% β− (93% 4.53); 7% γ 0.475;

1% γ 0.469; 1% γ 0.866

− 84.569 1+

Tc 102 m 4.35 min 98% β− (2% 3.42, 35% 1.81); 2% IT; 87% γ 0.475; 27% γ 0.628;

− 84.569

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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16% γ 0.630

Tc 103 54.2 s 100% β− (34% 2.65, 30% 2.31); 18% γ 0.346; 17% γ 0.136;

7% γ 0.563

− 84.601 5+


Tc 104 18.3 min 100% β− (18% 5.3); 89% γ 0.358; 16% γ 0.531; 15% γ 0.535

− 82.49

Tc 105 7.6 min 100% β− (5% 3.6, 12% 3.4); 16% γ 0.143; 14% γ 0.108;

11% γ 0.322

− 82.35

Tc 106 36 s β− − 79.79

Tc 107 21.2 s 100% β− (22% 4.7); 21% γ 0.103;

9% γ 0.177; 8% γ 0.106

− 79.2

Tc 108 5.17 s β−; 82% γ 0.242; 14% γ 0.466;

11% γ 0.708

− 76.3

Tc 109 0.87 s β− − 74.9

Tc 110 0.92 s β− − 71.6

Tc 111 0.30 s β− − 68.9

| top |

44 Ru 90 13 s β+/EC − 65.5 0 +

Ru 91 9 s β+/EC − 68.4

Ru 91 m 7.6 s IT; β+/EC − 68.4

Ru 92 3.65 min 63% β+ (44% 2.8); 37% EC; 96% γ 0.214; 92% γ 0.259;

65% γ 0.135

− 74.4 0 +

Ru 93 59.7 s 97% β+ (89% 5.3); 3% EC; 6% γ 0.681; 1% γ 1.435

− 77.27

Ru 93 m 10.8 s 78% β+ (6% 5.7, 23% 4.5, 37% 4.3); (78% m); 22% IT; 38% γ 1.396; 26% γ 1.111;

22% γ 0.734

− 76.54

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ru 94 51.8 min 100% EC; (100% m); 75% γ 0.367; 25% γ 0.891; 2% γ 0.525

− 82.57 0 +

Ru 95 1.643 hr 86% EC; 14% β+ (13% 1.21); (3% m); 70% γ 0.336; 21% γ 1.097; 18% γ 0.627

− 83.451 5+


Ru 96 5.54% − 86.073 0.29 (γ) 0 +

Ru 97 2.9 d 100% EC; 86% γ 0.216; 10% γ 0.325; 1% γ 0.569

− 86.113 5+


Ru 98 1.86% − 88.225 < 8 (γ) 0+

Ru 99 12.7% − 87.617 7 (γ)5+


Ru 100 12.6% − 89.219 5 (γ) 0+

Ru 101 17.1% − 87.950 3 (γ)5+


Ru 102 31.6% − 89.099 1.2 (γ) 0+

Ru 103 39.26 d 100% β− (1% 0.77, 92% 0.23); − 87.260 3+


(100% m); 91% γ 0.497;

6% γ 0.610; 1% γ 0.557

Ru 103 m 0.0017 s 100% IT; 91% γ 0.211; − 87.022 11−


5% γ 0.213

Ru 104 18.6% − 88.093 0.32 (γ) 0+

Ru 105 4.44 hr 100% β− (3% 1.79, 48% 1.19); − 85.932 0.4 (γ)3+


(28% m); 47% γ 0.724;

18% γ 0.469; 16% γ 0.676

Ru 106 373.6 d 100% β− 0.039 − 86.326 0.15 (γ) 0+

Ru 107 3.75 min 100% β− (68% 3.0); 11% γ 0.194 − 83.7

(double); 5% γ 0.848;

4% γ 0.463

Ru 108 4.55 min β− − 83.8 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ru 109 34.5 s 100% β− (2% 4.2, 23% 2.2); − 80.7

22% γ 0.206; 20% γ 0.226;

14% γ 0.359

Ru 110 14.6 s 100% β− (70% 2.8); 25% γ 0.112; − 80.2 0+

1% γ 0.166

Ru 111 2.12 s β−; 100% γ 0.304; 78% γ 0.212; − 77.0

28% γ 0.844

Ru 112 1.75 s β− − 76.0 0+

Ru 113 0.80 s β−; 100% γ 0.263; 31% γ 0.212; − 71.6

24% γ 0.658

Ru 114 0.57 s β− − 70.5 0+

Ru 115 0.40 s β− − 66.4

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

45 Rh 94 25.8 s 100% β+ (4% 6.1, 94% 5.9); γ − 72.9

Rh 94 70.6 s 100% β+ (18% 7.1, 27% 6.4, − 72.9

30% 6.1); γ

Rh 95 5.02 min 77% β+ (49% 3.1); 23% EC; −78.34

72% γ 0.942; 21% γ 1.352;

6% γ 0.678

Rh 95 m 1.96 min 88% IT; 9% β+ (8% 3.8); 3% EC; −77.80

80% γ 0.543; 8% γ 0.788;

2% γ 3.407

Rh 96 9.90 min 67% β+ (9% 3.3, 22% 2.5); −79.63

33% EC; 100% γ 0.833; 96% γ

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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0.685; 75% γ 0.632

Rh 96 m 1.51 min 60% IT; 37% β+ (10% 4.6); −79.57

3% EC; 39% γ 0.833; 9% γ

1.098; 7% γ 1.692

Rh 97 31.1 min 58% β+ (48% 2.1); 42% EC; − 82.59

74% γ 0.422; 12% γ 0.840

9% γ 0.879

Rh 97 m 44.3 min 75% EC; 20% β+ (9% 2.6); − 82.33

5% IT; 47% γ 0.189; 14% γ

2.246; 12% γ 0.422

Rh 98 (g) 8.7 min 89% β+ (75% 3.38); 11% EC; − 83.17

94% γ 0.653; 5% γ 0.745;

5% γ 1.817

Rh 98 (m) 3.5 min β+ /EC; 96% γ 0.653; 78% γ − 83.17

0.745; 9% γ 1.144

Rh 99 16.1 d 95% EC; 5% β+ (1% 1.08); − 85.519

33% γ 0.528; 30% γ 0.353;

29% γ 0.090

Rh 99 m 4.7 hr 93% EC; 7% β+ 0.80; 70% γ − 85.455 9+


0.341; 12% γ 0.618; 11% γ 1.261

Rh 100 20.8 hr 95% EC; 5% β+ (3% 2.6); − 85.59 1 −

78% γ 0.540; 35% γ 2.376;

21% γ 1.553

Rh 100 m 4.6 min 98% IT; 2% EC; 2% γ 0.540; − 85.59

1% γ 0.687

Rh 101 3.3 yr 100% EC; 73% γ 0.127; 71% γ − 87.41 1−


0.198;13% γ 0.325

Rh 101 m 4.34d 94% EC; 6% IT; 94% γ 0.307 − 87.25 9+


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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5% γ 0.545; 1% γ 0.127

Rh 102 207 d 65% EC; 15% β+ (11% 1.3); − 86.82

20% β− (18% 1.1); 39% γ

0.475; 5% γ 0.070; 4% γ 0.628

Rh 102 m 2.9 yr 100% EC; 95% γ 0.475; − 86.68 6

56% γ 0.631; 44% γ 0.697

Rh 103 100% − 88.024 135 (γ); 10 (γm)1−


Rh 103 m 56.11 min 100% IT − 87.984 7+


Rh 104 42.3 s 100% β− (98% 2.45); 2% γ 0.556 − 86.952 40 (γ) 1 +

Rh 104 m 4.34 min 100% IT; 48% γ 0.051; 3% γ − 86.823 800 (γ) 5 +

0.097; 2% γ 0.078

Rh 105 35.36 hr 100% β− (75% 0.57); 19% γ 0.319; − 87.849 11 000 (γ);7+


5% γ 0.306 5000 (γm)

Rh 105 m 40 s 100% IT; 20% γ 0.130 − 87.719 1−


Rh 106 29.80 s 100% β− (79% 3.54); 20% γ 0.512 − 86.365 1+

10% γ 0.622; 2% γ 1.050

Rh 106 m 130 min 100% β− (2% 1.7, 85% 0.9); − 86.228

86% γ 0.512; 30% γ 1.047;

29% γ 0.717

Rh 107 21.7 min 100% β− (13% 1.5, 64% 1.2); − 86.86 7+


66% γ 0.303; 9% γ 0.392

5% γ 0.312

Rh 108 16.8 s 100% β− (55% 4.4, 23% 4.0); − 85.1 1+

43% γ 0.434; 15% γ 0.619;

5% γ 0.497

Rh 108 6.0 min 100% β− (16% 3.1, 62% 1.6); − 85.1

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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88% γ 0.434; 60% γ 0.581;

49% γ 0.947

Rh 109 80 s 100% β− (16% 2.58, 66% 2.26); − 85.02 7+


54% γ 0.327; 8% γ 0.178;

8% γ 0.426

Rh 110 3.2 s 100% β− (43% 5.4, 40% 5.0); γ − 82.9 1 +

Rh 110 28.5 s 100% β− (4% 4.5, 28% 2.6, − 82.9

57% 2.5); 91% γ 0.374;

42% γ 0.546; 26% γ 0.688

Rh 111 11 s β − − 82.3

Rh 112 3.8 s β−; γ − 79.7 1 +

Rh 112 6.8 s β−; 87% γ 0.349; 49% γ 0.561; − 79.7

39% γ 1.099

Rh 113 2.7 s β−; 17% γ 0.190; 16% γ 0.409; − 78.7

4% γ 0.220

Rh 114 1.85 s β−; 87% γ 0.333; 48% γ 0.520; − 76.0 1+

31% γ 0.619

Rh 115 0.99 s β− − 74.1

Rh 117 0.44 s β− − 69.2

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

46 Pd 94 9.0 s β+ /EC − 66.3 0+

Pd 95 13.3 s β+ /EC; 90% γ 1.351; 61% γ − 68.2

0.717; 44% γ 0.382

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pd 96 122 s 66% EC; 34% β+ (23% 1.5); − 76.18 0+

65% γ 0.125; 50% γ 0.762;

18% γ 0.500

Pd 97 3.1 min 66% β+ (15% 3.5); 34% EC; − 77.8

58% γ 0.265; 28% γ 0.475;

14% γ 0.793

Pd 98 17.7 min 95% EC; 5% β+ 0.74; 58% γ − 81.30 0 +

0.112; 20% γ 0.662; 14% γ


Pd 99 21.4 min 54% EC; 46% β+ (34% 2.11); − 82.19

(97% m); 73% γ 0.136;

15% γ 0.264; 7% γ 0.673

Pd 100 3.63 d 100% EC; 45% γ 0.084 − 85.221 0+

36% γ 0.075; 8% γ 0.126

Pd 101 8.47 hr 95% EC; 5% β+ 0.78; − 85.430

(100% m); 19% γ 0.296;

12% γ 0.590; 6% γ 0.270

Ph 102 1.02% − 87.918 3.4 (γ) 0 +

Pd 103 16.99 d 100% EC; (100% m) − 87.471 5+


Pd 104 11.14% − 89.393 0.6 (γ) 0 +

Pd 105 22.33% − 88.415 20 (γ)5+


Pd 106 27.33% − 89.907 0.29 (γ); 0+

0.013 (γm)

Pd 107 6.5 x 106 yr 100% β− 0.03 − 88.374 5+


Pd 107 m 21.3 s 100% IT; 69% γ 0.215 − 88.159 11−


Pd 108 26.46% − 89.523 8.3 (γ); 0.2 (γm) 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pd 109 13.701 hr 100% β− 1.03;(100% m); − 87.605 5+


4% γ (m) 0.088

Pd 109 m 4.696 min 100% IT; 56% γ 0.189 − 87.416 11−


Pd 110 11.72% − 88.345 0.19 (γ); 0.04 (γm) 0 +

Pd 111 23.4 min 100% β− (95% 2.1); (99% m); −86.03 5+


1% γ 0.070; 1% γ 0.580;

1% γ 0.650

Pd 111 m 5.5 hr 73% IT; 27% β− (7% 2.2); − 85.86 11−


(23% m); 34% γ 0.172;

8% γ 0.070; 5% γ 0.391

Pd 112 21.03 hr 100% β− 0.28; 27% γ 0.018 − 86.33 0 +

Pd 113 93 s β−; γ − 83.7

Pd 113 100 s ? − 83.7

Pd 114 2.42 min 100% β−; (92% 1.5); 5% γ 0.127; − 83.46 0+

5% γ 0.232; 2% γ 0.359

Pd 115 25 s β− − 80.6

Pd 115 m 50 s 92% β−; 8% IT − 80.5

Pd 116 11.8 s β− 86% γ 0.115; 14% γ 0.101; − 80.14 0+

14% γ 0.178

Pd 117 4.3 s β− − 76.5

Pd 117 m 0.019 s 100% IT; 59% γ 0.169; 11% γ − 76.3

0.035; 4% γ 0.097

Pd 118 2.4 s β− − 75.8 0 +

Pd 119 0.92 s β− − 72.1

Nuclide Natural Decay modes and Mass excess σ Iπ

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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abundanceor half-life

major radiations



| top |

47 Ag 96 5.1 s β+ /EC; 8% p; 92% γ 1.416; − 64.4

88% γ 0.684; 81% γ 0.326

Ag 97 21 s β+ /EC − 70.8

Ag 98 47 s 100% β+ (11% 6.3, 21% 5.1); − 73.0

100% γ 0.863; 85% γ 0.679;

53% γ 0.571

Ag 99 124 s 88% β+ (30% 4.1); 12% EC; − 76.76

65% γ 0.264; 14% γ 0.832;

13% γ 0.806

Ag 99 m 10.5 s 100% IT; 98% γ 0.343; − 76.25

36% γ 0.164

Ag 100 2.01 min 89% β+ (5% 5.4, 33% 3.1); − 78.17

11% EC; 99% γ 0.666; 78% γ

0.751; 24% γ 0.773

Ag 100 m 2.24 min β+ /EC; IT; 86% γ 0.666; − 78.15

15% γ 1.694; 13% γ 0.751

Ag 101 11.1 min 69% β+ (36% 2.9); 31% EC; − 81.19 9+


53% γ 0.261; 10% γ 0.588;

10% γ 0.667

Ag 101 m 3.1 s 100% IT; γ − 80.92 1−


Ag 102 12.9 min 78% β+ (20% 3.6); 22% EC; − 82.08 5+

91% γ 0.557; 58% γ 0.719;

17% γ 1.745

Ag 102 m 7.7 min 39% β+ (6% 4.3); 12% EC; − 82.07 2+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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49% IT; 48% γ 0.557; 10% γ

1.835; 7% γ 2.055

Ag 103 65.7 min 73% EC; 27% β + (8% 1.6, − 84.79 7+


15% 1.3); 31% γ 0.119;

28% γ 0.148; 13% γ 0.267

Ag 103 m 5.7 s 100% IT; 21% γ 0.134 − 84.65 1−


Ag 104 69.2 min 85% EC; 15% β+ (2% 1.9, − 85.114 5+

5% 1.0) 93% γ 0.556; 66%

γ 0.768; 25% γ 0.942

Ag 104 m 33.5 min 57% EC; 43% β+ (40% 2.7); − 85.107 2+

91% γ 0556; 4% γ 1.239;

2% γ 2.277

Ag 105 41.29 d 100% EC; 41% γ 0.345; − 87.078 1−


30% γ 0.280; 11% γ 0.645

Ag 105 m 7.23 min 100% IT − 87.053



Ag 106 23.96 min 59% β+ (53% 1.9); 41% EC; − 86.941 1+

17% γ 0.512

Ag 106 m 8.46 d 100% EC; 88% γ 0.512; − 86.851 6+

30% γ 1.046; 29% γ 0.717

Ag 107 51.84% − 88.407 37 (γ); 0.3 (γm)1−


Ag 107 m 44.3 s 100% IT; 5% γ 0.093 − 88.314 7+


Ag 108 2.37 min 97% β− (96% 1.66); 3% EC; − 87.605 1+

2% γ 0.633; 1% γ 0.434

Ag 108 m 420 yr 91% EC; 9% IT; 91% γ 0.434; − 87.496 6+

91% γ 0.723; 90% γ 0.614

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ag 109 48.16% − 88.721 86 (γ); 4.7 (γm)1−


Ag 109 m 39.6 s 100% IT; 4% γ 0.088 − 88.633 7+


Ag 110 24.6 s 100% β− (95% 2.89); 5% γ 0.658 − 87.459 1+

Ag 110 m 249.8 d 99% β− (30% 0.53, 67% 0.084); − 87.341 82 (γ) 6+

1% IT; 94% γ 0.658; 72% γ

0.885; 34% γ 0.937

Ag 111 7.45 d 100% β− (92% 1.04); 7% γ 0.342; − 88.217 3 (γ)1−


1% γ 0.245

Ag 111 m 64.8 s 99% IT; 1% β− 1% γ 0.060; − 88.157 7+


1% γ 0.245

Ag 112 3.13 hr 100% β− (54% 4.0, 21% 3.3); − 86.62 2

43% γ 0.617; 5% γ 1.388;

3% γ 0.607

Ag 113 5.37 hr 100% β− (85% 2.0); γ − 87.04 1−


Ag 113 m 69 s 64% IT; 36% β− (10% 1.7, − 87.00 7+


16% 1.3); 18% γ 0.316;

11% γ 0.392; 10% γ 0.298

Ag 114 4.6 s 100% β− (78% 5.0); 20% γ − 84.96 1+

0.558; 2% γ 0.576; 1% γ 1.301

Ag 115 20.0 min 100% β− (60% 3.1); 18% γ 0.229; − 84.95 1−


4% γ 0.213; 4% γ 0.473

Ag 115 m 18.0 s 79% β−; 21% IT − 84.91 7+


Ag 116 2.68 min 100% β− (26% 5.5); 76% γ 0.513; − 82.76

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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12% γ 2.478; 11% γ 0.700

Ag 116 m 8.6 s 94% β− (20% 5.6, 31% 3.1); − 82.68

88% γ 0.513; 58% γ 0.706;

27% γ 1.029

Ag 117 73 s β− 23% γ 0.135; 10% γ 0.338; − 82.25

8% γ 0.157

Ag 117 m 5.34 s 94% β−; 51% γ 0.135; 42% γ − 82.22

0.387; 22% γ 0.298

Ag 118 3.8 s 100% β− (15% 7.1, 33% 6.6, − 79.58

24% 3.9); 52% γ 0.488;

18% γ 2.789; 16% γ 3.224

Ag 118 m 2.0 s 59% β− (9% 6.1, 15% 4.0); − 79.45

41% IT; 58% γ 0.488; 41%

γ 0.677; 11% γ 1.059

Ag 119 2.1 s 100% β− (4% 5.1, 38% 4.3); − 78.59

13% γ 0.626; 12% γ 0.366;

11% γ 0.399

Ag 119 6.0 s β− − 78.59

Ag 120 1.23 s β−; γ − 75.77

Ag 120 m 0.32 s 63% β−; 37% IT; γ − 75.57

Ag 121 0.78 s 100% β− (15% 6.1, 20% 4.9); − 74.6

32% γ 0.315; 20% γ 0.353;

9% γ 0.501

Ag 122 0.56 s β− − 71.8

Ag 122 1.5 s β− − 71.8

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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| top |

48 Cd 98 9.2 s 77% β+ (3% 3.02. 62% 2.62); − 67.9 0 +

23% EC; 78% γ 0.347;

66% γ 1.176; 44% γ 0.107

Cd 99 16 s β+ /EC − 69.9

Cd 100 49.1 s 56% β+ (1% 2.6, 42% 1.9); − 74.3 0 +

44% EC; 66% γ 0.937;

7% γ 0.140; 6% γ 0.583

Cd 101 1.2 min 74% β+ (9% 4.4); 26% EC; − 75.7

47% γ 0.098; 11% γ 1.723;

8% γ 1.259

Cd 102 5.5 min 72% EC; 28% β+ (1% 1.51, − 79.7 0+

23% 1.39); 63% γ 0.481;

13% γ 1.037; 10% γ 0.505

Cd 103 7.3 min 66% EC; 34% β+ (11% 3.1); − 80.65

12% γ 1.462; 6% γ 1.449;

5% γ 1.080

Cd 104 58 min 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.47; (100% m); − 83.98 0 +

47% γ 0.084; 20% γ 0.709;

6% γ 0.559

Cd 105 55.5 min 73% EC; 27% β+ 1.69; (85% m); − 84.34 5+


5% γ 0.962; 4% γ 0.347;

4% γ 1.302

Cd 106 1.25% − 87.135 < 1 (γ) 0 +

Cd 107 6.50 hr 100% EC; (100% m); 5% γ(m) − 86.990 5+



Cd 108 0.89% − 89.253 1.1 (γ) 0 +

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Cd 109 462.6 d 100% EC; (100% m); 4% γ (m) − 88.507 700 (γ) 5+



Cd 110 12.49% − 90.351 11 (γ); 0.1 (γm) 0 +

Cd 111 12.80% − 89.254 24 (γ)1+


Cd 111 m 48.5 min 100% IT; 94% γ 0.245; 29% − 88.858 11−


γ 0.151

Cd 112 24.13% − 90.581 2 (γ) 0+

Cd 113 9 × 1015 yr 100% β− 0.32 − 89.050 20 600 (γ)1+



Cd 113 m 14.1 yr 100% β− 0.58 − 88.786 11−


Cd 114 28.73% − 90.021 0.30 (γ); 0.04 (γm) 0+

Cd 115 53.5 hr 100% β− (63% 1.11, 33% 0.58); − 88.091 1+

2 (100% m); 46% γ (m) 0.336;

27% γ 0.528; 8% γ 0.492

Cd 115 m 44.6 d 100% β− (97% 1.62); 2% γ 0.934; − 87.910 11−


1% γ 1.291

Cd 116 7.49% − 88.720 0.05 (γ); 0 +

0.025 (γm)

Cd 117 2.49 hr 100% β− (21% 2.21, 32% 0.63); − 86.416 1+


(94% m); 28% γ 0.273;

18% γ 0.344; 18% γ 1.303

Cd 117 m 3.36 hr 100% β− (1% 2.7, 48% 0.66, − 86.280

21% 0.57); (1% m); 26% γ

1.997; 23% γ 1.066; 15% γ 0.564

Cd 118 50.3 min 100% β− 0.7 − 86.71 0+

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Cd 119 2.69 min 100% β− (10% 3.5, 20% 1.9); − 83.94 3+


37% γ 0.293; 17% γ 0.343;

11% γ 1.610

Cd 119 m 2.20 min 100% β− (1% 3.2, 27% 1.9, 21% −83.79

1.8%) 25% γ 1.025; 23% γ 2.021;

18% γ 0.721

Cd 120 50.8 s β− − 83.97 0 +

Cd 121 13.5 s 100% β− (4% 3.9, 12% 2.8); − 81.0

50% γ 0.324; 17% γ 1.040;

13% γ 0.349

Cd 121 m 8.3 s 100% β− (2% 4.1, 20% 3.0); − 80.7

21% γ 2.059; 19% γ 1.021;

14% γ 0.988

Cd 122 5.3 s β− − 80.6 0+

Cd 123 2.1 s β− − 77.5

Cd 123 1.9 s β− − 77.5

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

49 In 101 16 s β+ /EC − 68.4

In 102 24 s β+ /EC; γ − 70.6

In 103 65 s 92% β+ (43% 4.8); 8% EC; − 74.61

55% γ 0.188; 14% γ 0.721;

10% γ 0.740

In 104 1.8 min β+ /EC; 100% γ 0.658; 99% γ − 76.1

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0.834; 29% γ 0.878

In 104 m 15.7 s 80% IT; 20% β+ /EC; − 76.0

In 105 5.07 min 72% β+ (24% 3.6); 28% EC; − 79.49

41% γ 0.131; 16% γ 0.260;

9% γ 0.604

In 105 m 48 s 100% IT; 94% γ 0.674 − 78.82

In 106 6.2 min 75% β+ (6% 3.2, 29% 2.5); − 80.62 7+

25% EC; 100% γ 0.633;

92% γ 0.861; 48% γ 0.998

In 106 m 5.2 min 89% β+ (31% 4.9); 11% EC; − 80.59

92% γ 0.633; 17% γ 1.715;

11% γ 0.861

In 107 32.4 min 66% EC; 34% β+ (26% 2.3); − 83.57 9+


47% γ 0.205; 12% γ 0.506;

10% γ 0.321

In 107 m 50.4 s 100% IT; 94% γ 0.678 − 82.89 1−


In 108 58 min 74% EC; 26% β+ (5% 1.56, − 84.11 7+

16% 1.30); 100% γ 0.633;

100% γ 0.875; 41% γ 0.243

In 108 m 40 min 53% β+ (35% 3.50); 47% EC; − 84.08 2+

76% γ 0.633; 12% γ 1.986;

9% γ 3.452

In 109 4.2 hr 95% EC; 5% β+ 0.79; − 86.487 9+


74% γ 0.204; 6% γ 0.624;

4% γ 1.149

In 109 m1 1.34 min 100% IT; 94% γ 0.650 − 85.837 1−


In 109 m2 0.21 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.678; 80% − 84.385

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γ 1.428; 21% γ 0.404

In 110 4.9 hr 100% EC; 98% γ 0.658, 93% γ − 86.4 7+

0.885; 68% γ 0.937

In 110 m 69.1 min 62% β+ (61% 2.3); 38% EC; − 86.3 2+

98% γ 0.658; 2% γ 2.129;

2% γ 2.211

In 111 2.805 d 100% EC; 94% γ 0.245;

− 88.391 9+


90% γ 0.171

In 111 m 7.7 min 100% IT; 87% γ 0.537 − 87.854 1−


In 112 15.0 min 44% β− 0.66; 34% EC; 22% − 87.995 1+

β+ (21% 1.56); 5% γ 0.617;

1% γ 0.606

In 112 m 20.56 min 100% IT; 13% γ 0156 − 87.838 4+

In 113 4.3% − 89.368 3.9 (γ); 8 (γm)9+


In 113 m 1.658 hr 100% IT; 64% γ 0.392 − 88.976 1−


In 114 71.9 s 99% β− 1.98; 1% EC − 88.571 1 +

In 114 m 49.51 d 96% IT; 4% EC; 15% γ 0.190; − 88.381 5+

4% γ 0.558; 4% γ 0.725

In 115 4.4 × 1014 yr 100% β− 0.50 − 89.539 40 (γ); 81 (γm1);9+


95.7% 81 (γm2)

In 115 m 4.486 hr 95% IT; 5% β− 0.82; 46% − 89.203 1−


γ 0.336

In 116 14.10 s 100% β− (99% 3.28); 1% γ 1.293 − 88.252 1+

In 116 m1 54.41 min 100% β− (52% 1.01, 34% 0.87); − 88.125 5+

84% γ 1.294; 56% γ 1.097;

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29% γ 0.417

In 116 m2 2.18 s 100% IT; (100% m1); 37% − 87.962 8 −

γ 0.163

In 117 43.2 min 100% β− 0.74; 100% γ 0.553; − 88.945 9+


87% γ 0.159

In 117 m 116.2 min 53% β− (35% 1.77); 47% IT; − 88.630 1−


19% γ 0.315; 16% γ 0.159

In 118 5.0 s 100% β− (95% 4.2); 5% γ 1.230; − 87.232 1+

1% γ 0.528

In 118 m1 4.45 min 100% β− (1% 2.2, 25% 2.0, − 87.172 5+

63% 1.3); 96% γ 1.230;

82% γ 1.051; 55% γ 0.683

In 118 m2 8.5 s 99% IT; 1% β−; 22% γ 0.138; − 87.032 8 −

1% γ 0.254; 1% γ 1.051

In 119 2.4 min 100% β− (8% 2.2, 92% 1.5); − 87.733 9+


99% γ 0.763; 16% γ 0.024

In 119 m 18.0 min 94% β− 2.6; 6% IT; 2% γ 0.311 − 87.422 1−


In 120 3.08 s 100% β− (81% 5.3); 19% γ 1.173; − 85.8 1+

2% γ 2.040; 1% γ 0.704

In 120 46.2 s 100% β− (3% 4.1, 20% 3.1, − 85.8

48% 2.2); 96% γ 1.171; 55% γ

1.023; 33% γ 0.864

In 120 47.3 s 100% β− (4% 2.8, 84% 1.9); − 85.8

100% γ 1.171; 97% γ 1.023;

81% γ 0.197

In 121 23.1 s 100% β− 2.4; 87% γ 0.926; − 85.84 9+


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8% γ 0.262; 7% γ 0.657

In 121 m 3.9 min 99% β− (26% 3.7, 69% 3.6); − 85.53 1−


1% IT; 20% γ 0.060; 1% γ

1.041; 1% γ 1.102

In 122 1.5 s 100% β− (69% 6.4); 29% γ 1.140; − 83.6 1+

3% γ 1.013; 3% γ 2.759

In 122 10.3 s 100% β− (32% 4.3, 28% 3.1); − 83.6

100% γ 1.140; 59% γ 1.001;

20% γ 1.190

In 122 m 10.8 s 100% β− (9% 4.0, 76% 2.9); − 83.4 8 −

100% γ 1.140; 98% γ 1.001;

88% γ 0.104

In 123 6.0 s β−; (100% m); 63% γ 1.131; − 83.42

32% γ 1.020; 3% γ 0.619

In 123 m 47.8 s 100% β− (50% 4.7, 50% 4.6); − 83.10

(100% m); 38% γ 0.126

In 124 3.17 s 100% β− (20% 6.0, 25% 4.0); − 81.06 3+

68% γ 1.132; 22% γ 3.214;

21% γ 0.998

In 124 m 2.4 s 100% β− (12% 5.2, 20% 3.8, − 80.87

50% 3.7); 100% γ 1.132; 52%

γ 0.970; 47% γ 1.073

In 125 2.33 s 100% β (1% 4.9, 85% 4.1); 76% γ − 80.42

1.335; 10% γ 1.032; 8% γ 0.618

In 125 m 12.2 s 100% β− 5.4; 88% γ 0.188 − 80.24

In 126 1.63 s β− − 77.8

In 126 m 1.5 s 100% β− (18% 7.1, 24% 4.9); − 77.7 3+

56% γ 1.141; 22% γ 3.345;

15% γ 0.970

In 127 1.15 s 100% β− (2% 5.8, 80% 4.9); − 77.01

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68% γ 1.589; 9% γ 0.646;

8% γ 0.805

In 127 m 3.76 s 100% β− (14% 6.5, 70% 6.2); − 76.85

77% γ 0.252; 6% γ 0.948;

6% γ 3.074

In 128 0.80 s β−; n − 74.0 3+

In 128 m 0.7 s β−; n − 73.9 8 −

In 129 0.63 s β− − 73.0

In 129 m 1.23 s β− − 72.8

In 130 0.32 s 100% β− (8% 10.2, 90% 6.1); − 70.0 1

1% n; 74% γ 1.905; 61% γ

0.130; 60% γ 1.221

In 130 m1 0.55 s β −; γ − 70.0

In 130 m2 0.55 s β −; γ − 69.6

In 131 0.27 s β − − 68.5

In 131 0.32 s β − − 68.5

In 131 0.35 s β − − 68.5 1 −


In 132 0.20 s 100% β − (16% 8.9, 30% − 63.2

8.8, 48% 6.4); 6% n; 62% γ

0.375; 61% γ 4.041; 49% γ 0.299

In 133 0.18 s β − − 60.3

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

29 of 29 05/12/2010 08:11

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 050 to 059

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


50 Sn 103 7 s β +/EC − 67.1

Sn 104 20.8 s β +/EC; 56% γ 0.133; 42% γ − 71.7 0 +

0.913; 16% γ 0.401

Sn 105 31 s β +/EC − 73.24

Sn 106 2.1 min 85% EC; 15% β + (4% 2.13, 9% − 77.45 0 +

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1.39); γ

Sn 107 2.90 min β +/EC; γ − 78.47

Sn 108 10.30 min 99% EC; 1% β + 0.7; 64% γ − 82.05 0 +

0.396; 46% γ 0.273; 23% γ 0.669

Sn 109 18.0 min 93% EC; 7% β + (1% 1.8); − 82.63 5

2 (25% m1); 30% γ 1.099; 28%

γ (m) 0.650; 12% γ 1.321

Sn 110 4.11 hr 100% EC; 100% γ 0.283 −85.83 0 +

Sn 111 35.3 min 69% EC; 31% β + 1.4; 3% γ 1.153; − 85.943 7+

2 2% γ 1.915; 1% γ 0.762

Sn 112 0.97% − 88.658 0.7 (γ); 0.3 (γm) 0 +

Sn 113 115.1 d 100% EC; (100% m); 64% γ (m) − 88.330 1 +2

0.392; 2% γ 0.255

Sn 113 m 21.4 min 91% IT; 9% EC; 1% γ 0.077 − 88.253 7+


Sn 114 0.65% −90.560 0.12 (γ) 0 +

Sn 115 0.36% −90.034 30 (γ)1+


Sn 116 14.53% − 91.526 0.14 (γ) 0 +

0.006 (γm)

Sn 117 7.68% − 90.399 2.3 (γ)1+


Sn 117 m 13.60 d 100% IT; 86% γ 0.159; 2% γ 0.156 − 90.084 11−


Sn 118 24.22% − 91.654 0.21 (γ); 0 +

0.01 (γ)m

Sn 119 8.58% − 90.068 2 (γ)1+


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Sn 119 m 293.1d 100% IT; 16% γ 0.024 − 89.978 11−


Sn 120 32.59% − 91.103 0.14 (γ); 0 +

0.001 (γm)

Sn 121 27.06 hr 100% β − 0.39 − 89.203 3+


Sn 121 m 55 yr 78% IT; 22% β − 0.36; 2% γ 0.037 − 89.197 11−


Sn 122 4.63% −89.846 0.001 (γ); 0 +

0.18 (γm)

Sn 123 129.2 d 100% β − (99% 1.40); 1% γ 1.089 − 87.820 11−


Sn 123 m 40.08 min 100% β − 1.26; 86% γ 0.160 − 87.795 3+


Sn 124 5.79% − 88.237 0.004 (γ); 0 +

0.13 (γm)

Sn 125 9.64 d 100% β − (83% 2.35); 9% γ 1.067; − 85.898 11−


4% γ 0.822; 4% γ 1.089

Sn 125 m 9.52 min 100% β − (98% 2.05); 100% − 85.870 3+


γ 0.332; 1% γ 1.404

Sn 126 105 yr 100% β − 0.25; (100% m); 37% − 86.02 0 +

γ 0.088; 10% γ 0.064;

9% γ 0.087

Sn 127 2.10 hr 100% β − (22% 3.2); 38% γ 1.114; − 83.50

19% γ 1.096; 11% γ 0.823

Sn 127 m 4.13 min β −; 90% γ 0.491; 5% γ 1.348; − 83.50

4% γ 1.564

Sn 128 59.1 min 100% β − (84% 0.66); (100% m); − 83.33 0 +

59% γ 0.482; 28% γ 0.075;

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17% γ 0.557

Sn 128 m 6.5 s 100% IT; γ − 81.24

Sn 129 2.4 min β − − 80.62

Sn 129 m 6.9 min β − − 80.59

Sn 130 3.72 min 100% β − (15% 1.5, 85% 1.1); − 80.13 0 +

70% γ 0.193; 59% γ 0.780; 36%

γ 0.070

Sn 130 m 1.7 min β −; 100% γ 0.145; 49% γ 0.899; − 78.18

Sn 131 39 s β − − 77.38

Sn 131 61 s β − − 77.38

Sn 132 39.7 s 100% β − (99% 1.8); 49% γ 0.341; − 76.61 0 +

48% γ 0.086; 45% γ 0.899

Sn 133 1.44 s 100% β − (85% 7.8); 12% γ 0.962; − 71.2

1% γ 5.150

Sn 134 1.04 s β −; 17% n − 67.2 0 +

| top |

51 Sb 108 7.0 s β +/EC − 72.5

Sb 109 17.0 s 95% β + (3% 5.4, 32% 4.4, 22% − 76.25

4.3); 5% EC; 32% γ 0.925;

24% γ 1.062; 20% γ 0.665

Sb 110 23.0 s 93% β + (7% 6.07, 17% 5.08, 19% − 77.5 3 +

4.33); 7% EC; 92% γ 1.212;

31% γ 0.985; 13% γ 1.243;

Sb 111 75 s 87% β + (22% 3.9, 41% 3.4); 13% − 80.8

EC; 71% γ 0.154; 42% γ 0.489;

10% γ 1.033

Sb 112 51.4 s 90% β + (61% 4.8); 10% EC; − 81.60 3 +

96% γ 1.257; 14% γ 0.991;

4% γ 0.670

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Sb 113 6.67 min 69% β + (1% 2.8, 60% 2.4); − 84.42 5+


31% EC; 80% γ 0.498; 15% γ

0.332; 3% γ 0.941

Sb 114 3.49 min 79% β + (61% 3.6); 21% EC; − 84.7 3 +

99% γ 1.300; 17% γ 0.888;

7% γ 0.327

Sb 115 32.1 min 67% EC; 33% β + 1.5; 98% γ − 87.00 5+


0.497; 1% γ 0.489; 1% γ 1.237

Sb 116 15.8 min 50% EC; 50% β + (39% 2.39); − 86.819 3 +

85% γ 1.294; 25% γ 0.932;

14% γ 2.225

Sb 116 m 60.3 min 78% EC; 22% β + (21% 1.4); − 86.436 8 −

100% γ 1.294; 72% γ 0.973;

52% γ 0.543

Sb 117 2.80 hr 98% EC; 2% β + 0.56; 86% γ 0.159 − 88.644 5+


Sb 118 3.6 min 74% β + (73% 2.63); 26% EC; − 87.998 1 +

2% γ 1.229; 1% γ 1.267

Sb 118 m 5.00 hr 100% EC; 100% γ 1.230; − 87.786 8 −

98% γ 1.051; 93% γ 0.254

Sb 119 38.2 hr 100% EC; 16% γ 0.024 − 89.475 5+


Sb 120 15.89 min 59% EC; 41% β + 1.66; 2% γ 1.171 − 88.423 1 +

Sb 120 5.76 d 100% EC; 100% γ 1.172; 99% γ − 88.423 8 −

1.023; 87% γ 0.197

Sb 121 57.36% − 89.591 5.9 (γ); 0.06 (γ m)5+


Sb 122 2.70 d 97% β− (26% 1.98, 67% 1.42) − 88.327 2 −

3% EC; 69% γ 0.564; 4% γ

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0.693; 1% γ 1.257

Sb 122 m 4.21 min 100% IT; 54% γ 0.061; 19% γ − 88.163 8 −


Sb 123 42.64% − 89.223 4.1(γ); 0.04 (γm1);7+


0.02 (γ m2)

Sb 124 60.20 d 100% β − (23% 2.30; 51% 0.61); − 87.619 17 (γ) 3 −

98% γ 0.603; 47% γ 1.691;

11% γ 0.723

Sb 124 m1 93 s 75% IT; 25% β − (24% 1.17); − 87.608 5 +

25% γ 0.498; 25% γ 0.603;

25% γ 0.646

Sb 124 m2 20.2 min 100% IT; (100% m) − 87.582 8 −

Sb 125 2.73 yr 100% β − (14% 0.62, 40% 0.30); − 88.258 7+


29% γ 0.428; 18% γ 0.601;

11% γ 0.636

Sb 126 12.4 d 100% β− (20% 1.9, 29% 0.5); − 86.40

100% γ 0.666; 100% γ 0.695;

84% γ 0.415 (double)

Sb 126 m1 19.0 min 86% β− (81% 1.9); 14% IT; 86% − 86.38

γ 0.415; 86% γ 0.666; 82% γ


Sb 126 m2 11 s IT − 86.36

Sb 127 3.85 d 100% β− (2% 1.49, 23% 1.11, −86.705 7+


34% 0.90); 35% γ 0.686; 25% γ

0.473; 15% γ 0.784

Sb 128 9.01 hr 100% β− (19% 1.9); 100% γ 0.743; − 84.61 8 −

100% γ 0.754; 61% γ 0.314

Sb 128 m 10.4 min 96% β− (78% 2.4); 96% γ 0.743; − 84.59 5 +

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96% γ 0.754; 89% γ 0.314

Sb 129 17.7 min β− − 84.62

Sb 129 4.40 hr 100% β− (11% 2.3, 25% 0.7); − 84.62 7+


43% γ 0.813; 20% γ 0.915; 18%

γ 0.545

Sb 130 39.5 min 100% β− (18% 2.8); 100% γ 0.793; − 82.33

100% γ 0.839; 78% γ 0.331

Sb 130 6.3 min 100% β− (3% 3.4, 36% 2.2); 100% − 82.33

γ 0.839; 86% γ 0.793; 41%

γ 0.182

Sb 131 23 min 100% β− (7% 2.9, 27% 1.2); 44% − 82.02

γ 0.943; 25% γ 0.933; 22%

γ 0.642

Sb 132 2.79 min 100% β− (21% 3.8); 99% γ 0.974; − 79.73

86% γ 0.697; 15% γ 0.990

Sb 132 4.10 min 100% β− (40% 3.6); 100% γ − 79.73

0.697; 100% γ 0.974; 66% γ


Sb 133 2.5 min 100% β− (6% 2.8, 54% 1.2); 43% − 79.0

γ 1.096; 19% γ 0.818; 13% γ


Sb 134 0.85 s β− − 74.0

Sb 134 10.4 s 100% β− (43% 6.8, 57% 6.1); − 74.0

100% γ 1.279; 97% γ 0.297;

57% γ 0.706

Sb 135 1.71 s β− ; 16% n − 70.3

Sb 136 0.82 s β− ; 24% n − 65.1

Nuclide Natural Decay modes and Mass excess σ Iπ

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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abundanceor half-life

major radiations



| top |

52 Te 107 0.004 s 70% α 3.83; 30% β+/EC − 60.6

Te 108 2.1 s 68% α 3.32; 32% β+/EC − 65.8 0 +

Te 109 4.6 s 4 % α 3.09; 96% β+/EC − 67.62

Te 110 18.6 s β+/EC − 72.30 0 +

Te 111 19.3 s β+/EC − 73.47

Te 112 2.0 min β+/EC; γ − 77.3 0 +

Te 113 1.7 min 84% β + (27% 5.1); 16% EC; − 78.3

22% γ 0.814; 13% γ 1.018;

12% γ 1.181

Te 114 15.2 min β +/EC; 100% γ 0.090; 67% − 81.8 0 +

γ 0.084; 43% γ 0.727

Te 115 5.8 min 53% β + (4% 3.7, 15% 2.4); − 82.4 7+


47% EC; 30% γ 0.724; 23% γ

1.327; 23% γ 1.381

Te 115 m 6.7 min β +/EC; IT; 34% γ 0.770; 18% γ − 82.3

0.724; 13% γ 1.072

Te 116 2.49 hr 99% EC; 1% β + 0.4; 31% γ 0.094; − 85.3 0 +

3% γ 0.629; 2% γ 0.103

Te 117 62 min 73% EC; 27% β + (24% 1.8); − 85.11 1+


65% γ 0.720; 16% γ 1.716; 11%

γ 2.300

Te 117 m 0.103 s 100% IT; 95% γ 0.274; 10% γ − 84.81


Te 118 6.00 d 100% EC − 87.65 0 +

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Te 119 16.03 hr 98% EC; 2% β + 0.63; 84% γ − 87.182 1+


0.644; 10% γ 0.700; 4% γ 1.750

Te 119 m 4.70 d 100% EC; 66% γ 0.154; 66% γ − 86.921 11−


1.213; 28% γ 0.271

Te 120 0.095% − 89.39 2.0 (γ); 0.3 (γm) 0 +

Te 121 16.8 d 100% EC; 80% γ 0.573; 18% γ − 88.551 1+


0.508; 1% γ 0.470

Te 121 m 154 d 89% IT; 11% EC; 81% γ 0.212; − 88.257 11−


3% γ 1.102; 1% γ 0.037

Te 122 2.59% − 90.307 2 (γ); 1 (γm) 0 +

Te 123 1.3 × 1013 yr 100% EC − 89.171 420 (γ)1+



Te 123 m 119.7 d 100% IT; 84% γ 0.159 − 88.924 11−


Te 124 4.79% − 90.525 7 (γ); 0.04 (γm) 0 +

Te 125 7.12% − 89.024 1.6 (γ)1+


Te 125 m 58 d 100% IT; 7% γ 0.035 − 88.879 11−


Te 126 18.93% − 90.067 0.9 (γ); 0.13 (γm) 0 +

Te 127 9.35 hr 100% β − (99% 0.69); 1% γ 0.418 − 88.286 3400 (γ)3+


Te 127 m 109 d 98% IT; 2% β − − 88.198 11−


Te 128 31.70% − 88.992 0.20(γ); 0 +

0.015 (γm)

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Te 129 69.6 min 100% β − (88% 1.47); 16% γ 0.028; − 87.006 3+


8% γ 0.460; 1% γ 0.487

Te 129 m 33.6 d 64% IT; 36% β − (33% 1.60); 3% − 86.901 11−


γ 0.696; 1% γ 0.730

Te 130 33.87% − 87.348 0.3 (γ); 0.02 (γm) 0 +

Te 131 25.0 min 100% β − (59% 2.10, 22% 1.65); − 85.206 3+


69% γ 0.150; 18% γ 0.452; 5% γ


Te 131 m 30 hr 78% β − (4% 2.43, 37% 0.45); − 85.024 11−


38% γ 0.774; 21% γ 0.852;

14% γ 0.794

Te 132 3.20 d 100% β − 0.22; 88% γ 0.228; 15% − 85.22 0 +

γ 0.050; 2% γ 0.116

Te 133 12.5 min 100% β − (21% 2.7, 28% 2.3); − 82.97

62% γ 0.313; 27% γ 0.408; 11%

γ 1.333

Te 133 m 55.4 min 82% β − (4% 3.3, 17% 0.7); − 82.64

18% IT; 55% γ 0.913; 19% γ

0.648; 16% γ 0.864

Te 134 41.8 min 100% β − (42% 0.7, 43% 0.6); − 82.43 0 +

29% γ 0.767; 22% γ 0.210;

21% γ 0.278

Te 135 19.0 s 100% β − (50% 6.0, 25% 5.4); − 77.9

37% γ 0.604; 10% γ 0.267;

8% γ 0.870

Te 136 17.5 s 100% β − (4% 5.1, 38% 2.4, 21% − 74.46 0 +

1.9); 1% n; 22% γ 2.078; 19% γ

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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0.334; 18% γ 0.579

Te 137 2.49 s β −; 3% n − 69.5

Te 138 1.4 s β −; 6% n − 66.1 0 +

| top |

53 I 110 0.65 s 17% α (3.44); 83% β+/EC; 11% p; − 60.5

1% α

I 111 2.5 s β +/EC − 65.1

I 112 3.42 s β +/EC − 67.1

I 113 6.6 s β +/EC − 71.1

I 114 2.1 s β +/EC − 72.8

I 115 1.3 min β +/EC − 76.4

I 116 2.9 s 97% β + (89% 6.7); 3% EC; 8% γ − 77.6 1 +

0.679; 1% γ 0.540

I 117 2.22 min 75% β + (73% 3.2); 25% EC; − 80.6

75% γ 0.326; 20% γ 0.274;

5% γ 0.662

I 118 13.7 min 85% β + (8% 5.4, 36% 4.8); 83% −81.1 2 −

γ 0.606; 10% γ 0.545; 9% γ 1.339

I 118 8.5 min 60% β + (5% 3.2, 22% 2.3); γ − 81.1

I 119 19.1 min 51% β + (46% 2.1); 49% EC; − 83.8 5+


87% γ 0.258; 3% γ 0.636;

2% γ 0.321

I 120 81.0 min 78% β + (19% 4.4, 37% 3.8); − 83.77 2 −

22% EC; 73% γ 0.560; 11% γ

1.523; 9% γ 0.641

I 120 53 min 63% β + (41% 3.50); 37% EC; − 83.77

100% γ 0.560; 87% γ 0.601;

67% γ 0.615

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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I 121 2.12 hr 90% EC; 10% β + 1.0; 84% γ − 86.27 5+


0.212; 6% γ 0.532; 1% γ 0.599

I 122 3.63 min 78% β + (67% 3.2); 22% EC; 18% − 86.073 1 +

γ 0.564; 1% γ 0.693; 1% γ 0.793

I 123 13.2 hr 100% EC; 83% γ 0.159; 1% γ − 87.937 5+



I 124 4.18 d 77% EC; 23% β + (11% 2.14); −87.368 2 −

61% γ 0.603; 10% γ 0.723;

10% γ 1.691

I 125 60.14 d 100% EC; 7% γ 0.035 − 88.846 890 (γ)5+


I 126 13.02 d 55% EC; 1% β + 1.13; 44% β− −87.916 2 −

(8% 1.25, 32% 0.86); 34% γ

0.389; 33% γ 0.666; 4% γ 0.754

I 127 100% − 88.982 6.2 (γ)5+


I 128 24.99 min 93% β − (76% 2.13); 7% EC; − 87.736 1 +

17% γ 0.443; 2% γ 0.527

I 129 1.57 × 107 yr 100% β − 0.15; 8% γ 0.038 − 88.507 9 (γ) , 18 (γm)7+


I 130 12.36 hr 100% β − (1% 1.18, 48% 1.04, − 86.897 18 (γ) 5 +

47% 0.62); 99% γ 0.536; 96% γ

0.669; 82% γ 0.739

I 130 m 9.0 min 84% IT; 16% β − (14% 2.5); 16% γ − 86.857 2 +

0.536; 1% γ 0.586

I 131 8.04 d 100% β − (89% 0.61); 81% γ − 87.457 80 (γ)7+


0.364; 7% γ 0.637; 6% γ 0.284

I 132 2.295 hr 100% β − (19% 2.1); 99% γ 0.668; − 85.72 4 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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76% γ 0.773; 18% γ 0.955

I 132 m 1.39 hr 86% IT; 14% β − (9% 1.5); − 85.60

86% γ 0.022; 14% γ 0.600;

14% γ 0.773

I 133 20.8 hr 100% β − (1% 1.5, 83% 1.2); 87% − 85.89 7+


γ 0.530; 5% γ 0.875; 2% γ 1.298

I 133 m 9 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.647; 100% − 84.25

γ 0.912; 4% γ 0.073

I 134 52.6 min 100% β − (12% 2.4, 31% 1.3); − 83.99 4 +

95% γ 0.847; 65% γ 0.884; 15%

γ 1.073

I 134 m 3.69 min 98% IT; 2% β − 2.5; 79% γ 0.272; −83.67 8 −

10% γ 0.044; 2% γ 0.847

I 135 6.57 hr 100% β − (1% 2.2, 24% 1.4, − 83.82 7+


22% 1.0) 29% γ 1.260; 23%

γ 1.132; 10% γ 1.678

I 136 83.4 s 100% β − (3% 6.9, 29% 5.6, 34% − 79.55 2 −

4.3); 67% γ 1.313; 25% γ 1.321;

10% γ 2.290

I 136 m 47 s 100% β − (5% 5.9, 70% 5.7); − 78.91

100% γ 0.382; 100% γ 1.313;

78% γ 0.197

I 137 24.5 s 100% β − (45% 5.9); 7% n; 13% γ − 76.51

1.218; 5% γ 0.601; 4% γ 1.303

I 138 6.49 s 100% β − (28% 7.8, 30% 7.2); − 72.29

6% n; 56% γ 0.589; 9% γ 0.875;

4% γ 2.262

I 139 2.29 s β −; 10% n; γ − 68.9

I 140 0.86 s β −; 9% n; 91% γ 0.377; 59% γ − 64.3

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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0.458; 16% γ 0.937

I 141 0.43 s β −; 21% n − 61.7

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

54 Xe 111 0.7 s α − 54.5

Xe 112 2.7 s 1% α 3.21; 99% β +/EC − 60.1 0 +

Xe 113 2.74 s β +/EC; 4% p − 62.1

Xe 114 10.0 s β +/EC − 67.2 0 +

Xe 115 18 s β +/EC; 100% p − 68.7

Xe 116 56 s β +/EC − 73.1 0 +

Xe 117 61 s β +/EC − 74.2 5


Xe 118 3.8 min β +/EC − 78.0 0 +

Xe 119 5.8 min β +/EC − 78.8

Xe 120 40 min 97% EC; 3% β + (2% 0.9); 30% γ − 81.81 0 +

0.025; 9% γ 0.073; 7% γ 0.178

Xe 121 40 min 55% EC; 45% β + (21% 2.8); 13% − 82.51 5


γ 0.253; 11% γ 0.133; 8% γ


Xe 122 20.1 hr 100% EC; 8% γ 0.350; 3% γ 0.149; − 85.1 0 +

2% γ 0.417

Xe 123 2.08 hr 77% EC; 23% β + (18% 1.5); − 85.26

49% γ 0.149; 15% γ 0.178;

9% γ 0.330

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Xe 124 0.10% − 87.659 140 (γ); 28 (γm) 0 +

Xe 125 16.9 hr 99% EC; 1% β +; 55% γ 0.188; − 87.191

29% γ 0.243; 6% γ 0.055

Xe 125 m 57 s 100% IT; 62% γ 0.111; 20% γ − 86.938


Xe 126 0.09% − 89.174 3 (γ); 0.5 (γm) 0 +

Xe 127 36.4 d 100% EC; 68% γ 0.203; 26% γ − 88.319

0.172; 17% γ 0.375

Xe 127 m 69.2 s 100% IT; 69% γ 0.125; 38% γ − 88.022


Xe 128 1.91% − 89.860 < 8 (γ); 0.5 (γm) 0 +

Xe 129 26.4% − 88.698 21 (γ)1+


Xe 129 m 8.89 d 100% IT; 8% γ 0.040; 5% γ 0.197 − 88.462 11−


Xe 130 4.1% − 89.881 < 26 (γ); 0.5 (γ m) 0 +

Xe 131 21.2% − 88.428 85 (γ)3+


Xe 131 m 11.9 d% 100% IT; 2% γ 0.164 − 88.264 11−


Xe 132 26.9% − 89.292 0.4 (γ); 0.05 (γ m) 0 +

Xe 133 5.243 d 100% β − (99% 0.35); 38% γ 0.081 − 87.659 190 (γ)3+


Xe 133 m 2.19 d 100% IT; 10% γ 0.233 − 87.426 11−


Xe 134 10.4% − 88.125 0.27 (γ); 0 +

0.003 (γ m)

Xe 134 m 0.29 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.846; 94% γ − 86.166 7 −

0.880; 68% γ 0.233

Xe 135 9.14 hr 100% β − (96% 0.91); 90% γ 0.250; − 86.51 2.7 × 106 (γ)3+


3% γ 0.608

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Xe 135 m 15.29 min 100% IT; 81% γ 0.527 − 85.98 11−


Xe 136 8.9% − 86.429 0.26 (γ) 0 +

Xe 137 3.818 min 100% β − (67% 4.18, 30% 3.72); − 82.383

31% γ 0.455; 1% γ 0.849

Xe 138 14.08 min 100% β − (5% 2.8, 20% 2.3, 33% − 80.11 0 +

0.7); 32% γ 0.258; 20% γ 0.435;

17% γ 1.768

Xe 139 39.7 s 100% β − (16% 5.0, 22% 4.5); − 75.69 3−


56% γ 0.219; 22% γ 0.297;

20% γ 0.175 (double)

Xe 140 13.60 s β −; 20% γ 0.805; 12% γ 1.414; − 72.99 0 +

8% γ 0.622

Xe 141 1.73 s β −; 24% γ 0.909; 16% γ 0.119; − 68.32 5+


10% γ 0.106

Xe 142 1.22 s β − − 65.5 0 +

Xe 143 0.30 s β − − 61.6 5−


Xe 144 1.2 s β − − 59.3 0 +

| top |

55 Cs 114 0.57 s β +/EC; 7% p − 54.7

Cs 115 1.4 s β +/EC − 59.7

Cs 116 0.70 s β +/EC − 62.3

Cs 116 3.8 s 100% β + (29% 8.8); 95% γ 0.394; − 62.3

76% γ 0.524; 30% γ 0.615

Cs 117 6.5 s β +/EC − 66.3

Cs 117 8.4 s β +/EC − 66.3

Cs 118 14 s β +/EC − 68.3 2

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Cs 118 17 s β +/EC − 68.3

Cs 119 43.0 s 100% β + (28% 5.4); 30% γ 0.176; − 72.2 9+


26% γ 0.225; 17% γ 0.258

Cs 119 30.4 s β +/EC − 72.2 3


Cs 120 57 s β +/EC − 73.82

Cs 120 64 s β +/EC − 73.82 2

Cs 121 155 s 90% β + (49% 4.4); 10% EC; − 77.11 3


15% γ 0.154; 8% γ 0.240; 4%

γ 0.427

Cs 121 m 122 s 60% β + (15% 4.3); 23% EC; − 77.04 9


17% IT; 30% γ 0.179; 24% γ

0.196; 12% γ 0.460

Cs 122 21.0 s 95% β + (46% 6.4, 36% 6.0); − 78.14 1 +

5% EC; 48% γ 0.331; 4% γ

0.512; 3% γ 0.818

Cs 122 0.36 s 100% IT − 78.14

Cs 122 4.5 min 76% β + (29% 4.9); 24% EC; −78.14 8 −

94% γ 0.331; 79% γ 0.497;

63% γ 0.639

Cs 123 5.87 min 72% β + (41% 3.1); 28% EC; 15% γ 0.097; 8% γ 0.597; 3% γ 0.307

− 81.07 1+


Cs 123 m 1.6 s 100% IT − 80.91

Cs 124 30.8 s 91% β + (54% 4.9, 27% 4.5); 9% − 81.74 1 +

EC; 40% γ 0.354; 4% γ 0.493;

4% γ 0.915

Cs 124 m 6.3 s 100% IT; 44% γ 0.212; 42% γ − 81.28

0.090; 41% γ 0.097

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Cs 125 45 min 62% EC; 38% β + (26% 2.0); − 84.11 1+


25% γ 0.526; 9% γ 0.112; 5% γ


Cs 126 1.64 min 82% β + (49% 3.8, 25% 3.4); 18% − 84.35 1 +

EC; 41% γ 0.389; 5% γ 0.491;

5% γ 0.925

Cs 127 6.25 hr 96% EC; 4% β + (1% 1.1); 58% γ − 86.24 1+


0.412; 16% γ 0.125; 4% γ 0.462

Cs 128 3.62 min 69% β + (53% 2.9); 31% EC; 27% −85.928 1 +

γ 0.443; 2% γ 0.527; 1% γ 1.140

Cs 129 32.06 hr 100% EC; 31% γ 0.372; 23% γ −87.506 1+


0.411; 3% γ 0.549

Cs 130 29.21 min 53% EC; 45% β + 2.00; 2% β− −86.853 1 +

0.44; 4% γ 0.536

Cs 130 m 3.46 min 100% IT; 35% γ 0.080; 7% γ −86.690 5 −

0.051; 5% γ 0.148

Cs 131 9.69 d 100% EC −88.076 5+


Cs 132 6.479 d 98% EC; 2% β − 0.83; 98% γ −87.171 2 +

0.668; 2% γ 0.464; 1% γ 0.630

Cs 133 100% −88.086 27 (γ ); 2.5 (γm)7+


Cs 134 2.062 yr 100% β − (70% 0.66, 27% 0.089); −86.906 140 (γ ) 4 +

98% γ 0.605; 85% γ 0.796;

15% γ 0.569

Cs 134 m 2.91 hr 100% IT; 13% γ 0.128; 1% γ 0.011 −86.767 8 −

Cs 135 2.3 × 106 yr 100% β − 0.21 −87.662 9 (γ )7+


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Cs 135 m 53 min 100% IT; 100% γ 0.787; 96% γ − 86.029 19−



Cs 136 13.16 d 100% β− (13% 0.68, 70% 0.34); − 86.354 5 +

100% γ 0.819; 80% γ 1.048;

42% γ 0.341

Cs 136 m 19 s β−; IT −86.354 8 −

Cs 137 30.1 yr 100% β− (6% 1.18, 94% 0.51); − 86.556 0.11 (γ)7+


(94% m); 85% γ(m) 0.662

Cs 138 32.2 min 100% β− (4% 3.9, 44% 2.9); −82.90 3 −

76% γ 1.436; 31% γ 0.463;

30% γ 1.010

Cs 138 m 2.91 min 81% IT; 19% β− (15% 3.4); 19% − 82.82 6 −

γ 0.463; 19% γ 1.436; 15% γ


Cs 139 9.27 min 100% β− (82% 4.21); 8% γ 1.283; − 80.710 7+


2% γ 0.627; 1% γ 1.421

Cs 140 63.7 s 100% β− (40% 6.2); 49% γ 0.602; −77.05 1 −

8% γ 0.908; 4% γ 1.200

Cs 141 24.94 s 100% β− (57% 5.2); 8% γ 0.049; − 74.47 7+


5% γ 0.562; 4% γ 1.194

Cs 142 1.70 s 100% β− (56% 7.3, 21% 6.0); 27% −70.54 0 −

γ 0.360; 13% γ 1.326; 9% γ


Cs 143 1.78 s β−; 2% n; 13% γ 0.196; 8% γ − 67.75 3+


0.232; 7% γ 0.306

Cs 144 1.01 s β−; 3% n − 63.37 1

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Cs 145 0.59 s β−; 14% n; 20% γ 0.175; 11% γ 0.112; 11% γ 0.199

− 60.21 3+


Cs 146 0.343 s β−; 13% n − 55.70 1 −

Cs 147 0.225 s β−; 43% n − 52.3

Cs 148 0.158 s β− − 47.6

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

56 Ba 117 1.75 s β+/EC − 57.2

Ba 119 5.4 s β+/EC − 64.5

Ba 120 32 s β+/EC − 69.0 0 +

Ba 121 30 s β+/EC − 70.4 5


Ba 122 2.0 min β+/EC − 74.5 0 +

Ba 123 2.7 min β+/EC − 75.6

Ba 124 11.9 min β+/EC − 79.1 0 +

Ba 125 3.5 min β+/EC − 79.6

Ba 125 8 min β+/EC − 79.6

Ba 126 100 min 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.7; 20% γ 0.234; − 82.8 0 +

8% γ 0.258; 6% γ 0.241

Ba 127 12.7 min 54% β+ (37% 2.4); 46% EC; − 82.79

12% γ 0.181; 9% γ 0.115;

2% γ 0.066

Ba 128 2.43 d 100% EC; 15% γ 0.273 − 85.47 0 +

Ba 129 2.23 hr β+/EC − 85.08 1+


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ba 129 m 2.17 hr β+/EC − 85.07

Ba 130 0.106% − 87.291 9 (γ); 2.5 (γm) 0 +

Ba 131 11.8 d 100% EC; 44% γ 0.496; 29% γ

0.124; 20% γ 0.216− 86.714



Ba 131 m 14.6 min 100% IT; 55% γ 0.108;

1% γ 0.079− 86.526



Ba 132 0.101% − 88.447 7 (γ); < 0.5 (γm) 0 +

Ba 133 10.5 yr 100% EC; 62% γ 0.356; 34% γ 0.081; 18% γ 0.303

− 87.570 1+


Ba 133 m 38.9 hr 100% IT; 18% γ 0.276; 2% γ 0.012 − 87.282 11−


Ba 134 2.42% − 88.965 2 (γ); 0.16 (γm) 0 +

Ba 135 6.59% − 87.867 6 (γ); 0.014 (γm)3+


Ba 135 m 28.7 hr 100% IT; 16% γ 0.268 − 87.599 11−


Ba 136 7.85% − 88.903 0.4 (γ); 0.01 (γm) 0 +

Ba 136 m 0.308 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.819; 100% γ − 86.872 7 −

1.048; 31% γ 0.164

Ba 137 11.23% − 87.732 5 (γ) 3+


Ba 137 m 2.552 min 100% IT; 90% γ 0.662 − 87.070 11−


Ba 138 71.70% − 88.272 0.36 (γ) 0 +

Ba 139 83.1 min 100% β− (70% 2.31, 30% 2.14); − 84.924 6 (γ)7−


24% γ 0.166

Ba 140 12.75 d 100% β− (24% 1.00, 38% 0.99, − 83.27 1.6 (γ) 0 +

24% 0.45); 24% γ 0.537; 14% γ

0.030; 6% γ 0.163

Ba 141 18.27 min 100% β− (4% 3.2, 25% 2.6); 46% − 79.73 3−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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γ 0.190; 25% γ 0.304; 23% γ


Ba 142 10.6 min 100% β− (4% 1.9, 22% 1.1, − 77.85 0 +

46% 1.0); 21% γ 0.255; 14% γ

0.895; 14% γ 1.204

Ba 143 14.33 s β−; 25% γ 0.211; 16% γ 0.799; − 73.98 5−


12% γ 0.980

Ba 144 11.5 s β− − 71.84 0 +

Ba 145 4.3 s β−; 17% γ 0.097; 8% γ 0.544 − 68.12 5−


(double); 7% γ 0.092

Ba 146 2.22 s β− − 65.06 0 +

Ba 147 0.893 s β−; 11% γ 0.167; 5% γ 0.105; − 61.5

5% γ 0.196

Ba 148 0.61 s β−; 29% γ 0.056; 4% γ 0.134; 4% − 58.1 0 +

γ 0.416

Ba 149 0.356 s β− − 54.3

| top |

57 La 120 2.8 s β+/EC; 100% p − 58.4

La 121 5.3 s β+/EC − 62.9

La 122 8.7 s β+/EC − 65.1

La 124 29 s β+/EC − 70.2

La 125 76 s β+/EC − 73.8

La 126 1.0 min β+/EC − 75.1

La 127 3.8 min β+/EC − 78.0

La 127 5.0 min ? − 78.0

La 128 5.0 min 76% β+ (5% 5.0, 19% 3.4); − 78.8

24% EC; 87% γ 0.284; 54%

γ 0.479; 15% γ 0.644

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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La 129 11.6 min 62% β+ (12% 2.7, 16% 2.4); − 81.36

38% EC; 25% γ 0.279; 17% γ

0.111; 8% γ 0.254

La 129 m 0.56 s 100% IT; 24% γ 0.068; 4% γ − 81.19 11−



La 130 8.7 min 72% β + (17% 4.3, 23% 3.8); − 81.6 3

28% EC; 81% γ 0.357; 26%

γ 0.551; 17% γ 0.908

La 131 59 min 75% EC; 25% β+ (5% 1.9); 23% − 83.75 3+


γ 0.108; 18% γ 0.418; 16% γ


La 132 4.8 hr 58% EC; 42% β+ (9% 3.7, 14% − 83.74 2 −

3.2); 76% γ 0.465; 16% γ 0.567;

9% γ 0.663

La 132 m 24.3 min 76% IT; 20% EC; 4% β+ (1% 1.8); − 83.55 6 −

49% γ 0.136; 22% γ 0.465;

12% γ 0.663

La 133 3.912 hr 94% EC; 6% β+ 1.0; 3% γ 0.279; − 85.5 5+


2% γ 0.302; 1% γ 0.290

La 134 6.5 min 63% β+ (61% 2.7); 37% EC; − 85.25 1 +

5% γ 0.605

La 135 19.5 hr 100% EC; 2% γ 0.481 − 86.67 5+


La 136 9.87 min 64% EC; 36% β+ 1.8; 2% γ 0.819 − 86.03 1 +

La 137 6 × 104 yr 100% EC − 87.13 7+


La 138 1.05 × 1011 yr 66% EC; 34% β− 0.26; 66% γ − 86.531 57 (γ) 5 +

0.090% 1.436; 34% γ 0.789

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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La 139 99.910%

− 87.238 8.9 (γ) 7+


La 140 1.678 d 100% β− (5% 2.16, 19% 1.68, − 84.327 2.7 (γ) 3 −

44% 1.35); 95% γ 1.596; 44% γ

0.487; 23% γ 0.816

La 141 3.92 hr 100% β− (98% 2.4); 2% γ 1.355 − 82.98

La 142 91.1 min 100% β− (16% 4.5, 18% 2.1); −80.027 2 −

47% γ 0.641; 13% γ 2.398;

10% γ 2.543

La 143 14.2 min 100% β− (84% 3.2); 2% γ 0.620; − 78.20

2% γ 0.621; 2% γ 0.644

La 144 40.8 s 100% β− (10% 5.2); 94% γ 0.397; − 74.94

39% γ 0.541; 22% γ 0.845

La 145 24.8 s 100% β− (15% 4.1); 11% γ 0.070; − 73.02

4% γ 0.118; 4% γ 0.356

La 146 6.27 s 100% β − (18% 6.6, 28% 6.4); 64% − 69.20 2 −

γ 0.258; 8% γ 0.925; 6% γ 0.702

La 146 10.0 s 100% β− (4% 6.0, 22% 5.5, 31% − 69.20

5.4); 93% γ 0.258; 81% γ 0.410;

31% γ 0.515

La 147 4.02 s 100% β− (51% 4.9); 12% γ 0.118; − 67.25

7% γ 0.186; 5% γ 0.438

La 148 1.05 s 100% β− (15% 5.9); 56% γ 0.158; − 63.8

9% γ 0.760; 9% γ 0.990

La 149 1.2 s β−; 100% n − 61.3

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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| top |

58 Ce 126 50 s β+/EC − 71.1 0 +

Ce 127 32 s β+/EC − 72.3

Ce 128 6 min β+/EC − 75.9 0 +

Ce 129 3.5 min β+/EC − 76.5

Ce 130 25 min β+/EC − 79.6 0 +

Ce 131 5 min β+/EC − 79.7

Ce 131 10 min β+/EC − 79.7

Ce 132 3.51 hr 100% EC; 77% γ 0.182; 11% γ 0.155; 5% γ 0.217

− 82.4 0 +

Ce 133 4.9 hr 96% EC; 4% β+ (1% 1.8); 39% γ 0.477; 21% γ 0.510; 19% γ 0.058

− 82.5 9−


Ce 133 97 min β+/EC; 45% γ 0.097; 16% γ 0.077; 11% γ 0.558

− 82.5 1+


Ce 134 75.9 hr 100% EC − 84.8 0 +

Ce 135 17.7 hr 100% EC; 42% γ 0.266; 24% γ 0.300; 19% γ 0.607

− 84.64 1


Ce 135 m 20 s 100% IT; 73% γ 0.213; 21% γ 0.082; 21% γ 0.150

− 84.20 11


Ce 136 0.19% − 86.50 6 (γ); 1.0 (γm) 0 +

Ce 137 9.0 hr 100% EC; 2% γ 0.447; 1% γ 0.011 − 85.91 3+


Ce 137 m 34.4 hr 99% IT; 1% EC; 11% γ 0.254 − 85.66 11−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ce 138 0.25% − 87.57 1.1 (γ); 0.015 (γm) 0 +

Ce 139 137.64 d 100% EC; 80% γ 0.166

− 86.97 < 500 (γ) 3+


Ce 139 m 54.8 s 100% IT; 92% γ 0.754 − 86.22 11−


Ce 140 88.43% − 88.088 0.6 (γ) 0 +

Ce 141 32.50 d 100% β− (30% 0.58, 70% 0.44); − 85.445 29 (γ)7−


48% γ 0.145

Ce 142 11.13% − 84.542 0.95 (γ) 0 +

Ce 143 33.04 hr 100% β− (35% 1.40, 48% 1.11); 43% γ 0.293; 12% γ 0.057;

− 81.616 6 (γ)3−


6% γ 0.665

Ce 144 284.89 d 100% β− (77% 0.32, 20% 0.18); − 80.441 1.0 (γ) 0 +

11% γ 0.134; 1% γ 0.080

Ce 145 3.01 min 100% β− (6% 2.5, 66% 1.7); − 77.11

59% γ 0.724; 13% γ 0.063; 9%

γ 1.148

Ce 146 13.5 min 100% β− (97% 0.7); 56% γ 0.317; − 75.73 0 +

21% γ 0.218; 8% γ 0.134

Ce 147 56.4 s β−; 7% γ 0.269; 5% γ 0.093; − 72.19

4% γ 0.374

Ce 148 56 s β−; 17% γ 0.270; 17% γ 0.292; − 70.4 0 +

13% γ 0.121

Ce 149 5.2 s β− − 66.80

Ce 150 4.0 s β− − 65.0 0 +

Ce 151 1.02 s β− − 61.7

Ce 152 3.1 s β− − 59.8 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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| top |

59 Pr 128 3.2 s β+/EC − 66.3

Pr 129 24 s β+/EC − 70.1

Pr 130 40.0 s β+/EC − 71.3

Pr 131 1.7 min β+/EC − 74.5

Pr 132 1.6 min β+/EC − 75.3

Pr 133 6.5 min 72% β+ (40% 3.4); 28% EC; − 78.0 5


14% γ 0.134; 12% γ 0.316;

10% γ 0.074

Pr 134 17 min β+/EC −78.7 2 −

Pr 134 11 min β+/EC − 78.7

Pr 135 24 min 52% β+ (7% 2.7, 17% 2.6); 48% − 80.9 3


EC; 27% γ 0.296; 14% γ 0.083;

13% γ 0.213

Pr 136 13.1 min 57% β+ (4% 3.5, 40% 3.0); 43% − 81.37 2 +

EC; 76% γ 0.552; 52% γ 0.540;

19% γ 1.092

Pr 137 1.28 hr 75% EC; 25% β+ 1.68; 2% γ 0.837; 1% γ 0.434; 1% γ 0.514

− 83.20 5+


Pr 138 1.45 min 75% β+ (74% 3.4); 25% EC; − 83.14 1 +

2% γ 0.789; 1% γ 0.688

Pr 138 m 2.1 hr 76% EC; 24% β+ (23% 1.7); −82.77 7 −

100% γ 0.789; 100% γ 1.038;

80% γ 0.303

Pr 139 4.41 hr 92% EC; 8% β+ 1.11 − 84.84 5+


Pr 140 3.39 min 51% β+ 2.37; 49% EC; 1% γ 1.596 − 84.700 1 +

Pr 141 100% − 86.026 7.6 (γ); 3.9 (γm)5+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pr 142 19.12 hr 100% β− (96% 2.16); 4% γ 1.576 − 83.798 20 (γ ) 2 −

Pr 142 m 14.6 min 100% IT −83.794 5 −

Pr 143 13.57 d 100% β− 0.93 − 83.078 90 (γ)7+


Pr 144 17.28 min 100% β− (98% 3.00); 1% γ 0.697; − 80.760 0 −

1% γ 2.186

Pr 144 m 7.2 min 100% IT − 80.701 3 −

Pr 145 5.984 hr 100% β− (97% 1.8); 1% γ 0.676; − 79.636 7+


1% γ 0.748

Pr 146 24.2 min 100% β− (44% 4.2, 25% 2.2); − 76.76

48% γ 0.454; 16% γ 1.525;

8% γ 0.736

Pr 147 13.4 min β−; 14% γ 0.078; 13% γ 0.315; − 75.47

10% γ 0.641

Pr 148 2.27 min β−; 61% γ 0.302; 6% γ 1.358; − 72.5 1 −

5% γ 1.023

Pr 148 m 2.0 min β−; 95% γ 0.302; 50% γ 0.451; − 72.4

40% γ 0.698

Pr 149 2.26 min β−; 11% γ 0.138; 10% γ 0.109; − 70.99

10% γ 0.165

Pr 150 6.2 s β− − 68.00 1

Pr 151 18.9 s β−; 13% γ 0.880; 12% γ 0.189; − 66.8

11% γ 0.485

Pr 152 3.2 s β− − 64.2

Pr 153 4.3 s β− − 62.4

Pr 154 2.3 s β− − 59.1

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 060 to 069

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


60 Nd 129 4.9 s β+/EC; p − 62.9

Nd 130 28 s β+/EC − 67.0 0 +

Nd 131 24 s β+/EC − 68.2

Nd 132 1.8 min β+/EC − 71.9 0 +

Nd 133 70 s β+/EC − 72.6

Nd 133 2 min β+/EC − 72.6

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Nd 134 8.5 min β+/EC; γ − 76.0 0 +

Nd 135 12.4 min 65% β+ (5% 3.5, 15% 3.3); 35% − 76.2 9


EC; 52% γ 0.204; 23% γ 0.041;

15% γ 0.441

Nd 135 5.5 min β+/EC − 76.2

Nd 136 50.7 min 95% EC; 5% β+ 1.0; 32% γ 0.109; − 79.16 0 +

19% γ 0.040; 10% γ 0.575

Nd 137 38.5 min 72% EC; 28% β+ (11% 2.4); − 79.70 1+


17% γ 0.076; 13% γ 0.581;

10% γ 0.307

Nd 137 m 1.6 s 100% IT; 64% γ 0.234; 57% γ − 79.18 11−


0.178; 34% γ 0.108

Nd 138 5.04 hr 100% EC; 3% γ 0.326 − 82.0 0 +

Nd 139 29.7 min 75% EC; 25% β+ (24% 1.8), 7% γ − 82.06 3+


0.405; 3% γ 1.074; 2% γ 0.669

Nd 139 m 5.50 hr 85% EC; 3% β+ (2% 1.9); 12% − 81.83 11−


IT; 40% γ 0.114; 35% γ 0.738;

26% γ 0.708

Nd 140 3.37 d 100% EC − 84.47 0 +

Nd 141 2.49 hr 98% EC; 2% β+ 0.79; 1% γ 1.127 − 84.203 3+


Nd 141 m 62.0 s 100% IT; 91% γ 0.757 − 83.446 11−


Nd 142 27.1% − 85.960 19 (γ) 0 +

Nd 143 12.18% − 84.012 325 (γ)7−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Nd 144 2.3 × 1015 yr 100% α 1.83 − 83.758 3.6 (γ) 0 +

Nd 145 8.30% − 81.442 42 (γ)7−


Nd 146 17.2% − 80.935 1.4 (γ) 0 +

Nd 147 10.98 d 100% β− (81% 0.80); 28% γ − 78.156 440 (γ)5−


0.091; 13% γ 0.531; 2% γ 0.319

Nd 148 5.76% − 77.418 2.5 (γ) 0 +

Nd 149 1.72 hr 100% β− (6% 1.57, 28% 1.48, − 74.385 5−


22% 1.15); 26% γ 0.211;

19% γ 0.114; 11% γ 0.270

Nd 150 5.64% − 73.693 1.2 (γ)0 +

Nd 151 12.4 min 100% β− (1% 2.36, 11% 1.59); − 70.956

43% γ 0.117; 16% γ 0.256;

15% γ 1.181

Nd 152 11.4 min β−; 32% γ 0.279; 22% γ 0.250; − 70.16 0 +

8% γ 0.016

Nd 153 28.9 s β− − 67.2

Nd 154 25.9 s β− − 65.9 0 +

Nd 155 8.9 s β− − 62.7

Nd 156 5.5 s β− − 60.6 0 +

| top |

61 Pm 130 2.2 s β+/EC − 56.4

Pm 132 6.3 s β+/EC; 88% γ 0.213; 23% γ − 61.9

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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0.397; 12% γ 0.610

Pm 133 12 s β+/EC − 65.6

Pm 134 24 s β+/EC − 67.1

Pm 135 49 s β+/EC − 70.2

Pm 136 107 s β+/EC; 90% γ 0.374; 50% γ 0.603; − 71.3

31% γ 0.858

Pm 137 2.4 min β+/EC; 40% γ 0.178; 35% γ 0.109; − 74.0

30% γ 0.234

Pm 138 10 s β+/EC − 75.1 1 +

Pm 138 3.24 min β+/EC − 75.1

Pm 139 4.15 min 69% β+ (53% 3.5); 31% EC; − 77.54

15% γ 0.403; 4% γ 0.368; 4% γ


Pm 139 m 0.18 s 100% IT; 40% γ 0.189 − 77.35

Pm 140 9.2 s 89% β+ (84% 5.0); 11% EC; 5% − 78.38 1 +

γ 0.774; 3% γ 0.477; 2% γ 1.205

Pm 140 (m) 5.95 min 66% β+ (63% 3.2); 34% EC; −78.38 7 −

100% γ 0.774; 100% γ 1.028;

92% γ 0.420

Pm 141 20.90 min 52% β+ (51% 2.7); 48% EC; 5% − 80.47 5+


γ 1.223; 2% γ 0.194; 2% γ 0.886

Pm 142 40.5 s 78% β+ (77% 3.9); 22% EC; 3% − 81.09 1 +

γ 1.576; 1% γ 0.641

Pm 143 265 d 100% EC; 39% γ 0.742 − 82.970 5+


Pm 144 363 d 100% EC; 99% γ 0.618; 99% γ − 81.425 5 −

0.696; 42% γ 0.477

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pm 145 17.7 yr 100% EC; 2% γ 0.072; 1% γ 0.067 − 81.278 5+


Pm 146 5.53 yr 66% EC; 34% β− (31% 0.80); − 79.458 8400 (γ) 3 −

65% γ 0.454; 34% γ 0.747;

23% γ 0.736

Pm 147 2.6234 yr 100% β− 0.22 − 79.052 96 (γ); 72 (γm)7+


Pm 148 5.370 d 100% β− (55% 2.47, 33% 1.01); − 76.87 2000 (γ) 1 −

22% γ 0.550; 22% γ 1.465; 12%

γ 0.915

Pm 148 m 41.29 d 95% β− (1% 1.02, 21% 0.70, − 76.74 < 1.1 x 104 (γ) 6 −

48% 0.42); 5% IT; 95% γ 0.550;

89% γ 0.630; 33% γ 0.726

Pm 149 53.08 hr 100% β− (96% 1.07); 3% γ 0.286 − 76.073 1400 (γ)7+


Pm 150 2.68 hr 100% β− (5% 3.5, 26% 2.3); 68% − 73.61

γ 0.334; 18% γ 1.325; 16%

γ 1.166

Pm 151 28.40 hr 100% β− (5% 1.19, 42% 0.84); − 73.398 < 700 (γ)5+


23% γ 0.340; 8% γ 0.168; 7%

γ 0.275

Pm 152 4.1 min 100% β− (64% 3.5, 28% 3.4); 16% − 71.27 1 +

γ 0.122; 2% γ 0.841; 2% γ 0.961

Pm 152 m 7.52 min 100% β− (23% 3.3, 60% 1.8); −71.10 4 −

78% γ 0.245; 45% γ 0.122;

31% γ 0.340

Pm 152 m 13.8 min β− − 71.10

Pm 153 5.4 min 100% β− (63% 1.9, 23% 1.8); γ − 70.67 5−


Pm 154 1.73 min 100% β− (12% 3.0, 59% 1.8); − 68.4

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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19% γ 2.059; 13% γ 0.840; 13%

γ 1.476

Pm 154 2.68 min 100% β− (21% 3.9, 21% 1.9); − 68.4

30% γ 0.185; 20% γ 1.440

(double); 15% γ 0.082

Pm 155 48 s β− − 67.1

Pm 156 26.7 s β− − 64.4 4

Pm 157 10.9 s β− − 62.4

Pm 158 4.8 s β− − 59.4

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

62 Sm 131 1.2 s β+/EC; 100% p − 51.3

Sm 132 4.0 s β+/EC; p − 56.0 0 +

Sm 133 2.9 s β+/EC; 100% p − 57.7

Sm 134 11 s β+/EC − 62.1 0 +

Sm 135 10 s β+/EC; 100% p − 63.5

Sm 136 43 s β+/EC; 39% γ 0.115; 6% γ 0.404; − 67.3 0 +

6% γ 0.875

Sm 137 45 s β+/EC − 68.1

Sm 138 3.0 min β+/EC − 71.5 0 +

Sm 139 2.57 min 74% β+ (28% 4.1); 26% EC; 37% γ 0.274; 29% γ 0.307;

8% γ 0.596

− 72.1

Sm 139 m 10.7 s 94% IT; 6% β+ 4.7; 37% γ 0.190;

36% γ 0.155; 36% γ 0.267

− 71.6

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Sm 140 14.8 min 76% EC; 24% β+ 2.0; 15% γ 0.225

(double); 5% γ 0.140; 2% γ 0.340

− 75.4 0 +

Sm 141 10.2 min 53% β+ (21% 3.13, 20% 3.09); 43% γ 0.404; 38% γ 0.438;

7% γ 1.293

− 75.94 1+


Sm 141 m 22.6 min 71% EC; 29% β+ (7% 3.1); 74% γ 0.197; 40% γ 0.432; 20% γ 0.777

− 75.77 11−


Sm 142 72.49 min 94% EC; 6% β+ 1.1 − 78.99 0 +

Sm 143 8.83 min 56% EC; 44% β+ (43% 2.42); 2% γ 1.057; 1% γ 1.515

− 79.526 3+


Sm 143 m 66 s 100% IT; 90% γ 0.754 − 78.772 11−


Sm 144 3.1% − 81.975 0.7 (γ) 0 +

Sm 145 340 d 100% EC; 12% γ 0.061 − 80.660 < 220 (γ)7−


Sm 146 1.03 × 108 yr 100% α 2.46 − 81.000 0 +

Sm 147 1.06 × 1011 yr 15.0%

100% α 2.23 − 79.276 57 (γ) 7−


Sm 148 7 × 1015 yr 11.3%

100% α 1.96 − 79.346 2.4 ( γ) 0 +

Sm 149 13.8% − 77.146 4.0 x 104 (γ)7−


Sm 150 7.4% − 77.060 104 (γ) 0 +

Sm 151 90 yr 100% β− (99% 0.076) − 74.587 1.5 x 104 (γ) 5−


Sm 152 26.7% − 74.773 206 ( γ) 0 +

Sm 153 46.27 hr 100% β− (21% 0.81, 44% 0.71, 35% 0.64); 31% γ 0.103; 5% γ 0.070; 1% γ 0.097

− 72.569 420 (γ)3+


Sm 154 22.7% − 72.465 8 (γ) 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Sm 155 22.3 min 100% β− (92% 1.52); 75% γ 0.104; 4% γ 0.246; 2% γ 0.141

− 70.201 3−


Sm 156 9.4 hr 100% β− (52% 0.69, 45% 0.42); 23% γ 0.088; 20% γ 0.204;

13% γ 0.166

− 69.37 0 +

Sm 157 8.07 min β− − 66.9

Sm 158 5.51 min β− − 65.4 0 +

Sm 159 11.2 s β− − 62.4

Sm 160 9.6 s β− − 60.4 0 +

| top |

63 Eu 136 3.9 s β+/EC − 57.0

Eu 136 3.2 s β+/EC − 57.0

Eu 137 11 s β+/EC − 60.7

Eu 138 12.1 s β+/EC − 62.3

Eu 139 17.9 s β+/EC; 31% γ 0.155; 31% γ 0.267; 25% γ 0.190

− 65.6

Eu 140 1.5 s β+/EC − 67.0 1

Eu 140 0.125 s β+/EC − 67.0

Eu 141 40.0 s 85% β+ (63% 4.9); 15% EC; 9% γ 0.394; 6% γ 0.385; 3% γ 0.383

− 69.98 5+


Eu 141 m 2.7 s 87% IT; 11% β+ (10% 4.8); 2% EC; 2% γ 0.096; 1% γ 0.394;

1% γ 0.883

− 69.88 11−


Eu 142 2.4 s 94% β+ (78% 7.0); 6% EC; 15% γ 0.768; 2% γ 0.890; 2% γ 1.287

− 71.6 1 +

Eu 142 1.22 min 81% β+ (70% 4.8); 19% EC; 100% γ 0.768; 92% γ 1.023;

87% γ 0.557

−71.6 8 −

Eu 143 2.63 min 72% β+ (62% 4.1); 28% EC; 8% γ 1.107; 3% γ 1.537; 2% γ 1.913

− 74.38 5+


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Eu 144 10.2 s 87% β+ (80% 5.3); 13% EC; 10% γ 1.660; 2% γ 0.818;

1% γ 2.423

− 75.65 1 +

Eu 145 5.93 d 98% EC; 2% β+ 1.64; 66% γ 0.894; 15% γ 0.654; 15% γ 1.659

− 78.000 5+


Eu 146 4.59 d 94% EC; 6% β+ (5% 1.47); 98% γ 0.747; 43% γ 0.633;

37% 0.634

− 77.125 4 −

Eu 147 24.1 d 100% EC; 27% γ 0.197; 23% γ 0.121; 10% γ 0.678

− 77.555 5+


Eu 148 54.5 d 100% EC; 99% γ 0.550; 72% γ 0.630; 21% γ 0.611

−76.24 5 −

Eu 149 93.1 d 100% EC; 4% γ 0.277; 4% γ 0.328;

2% γ 0.023

− 76.455 5+


Eu 150 35.8 yr 100% EC; 96% γ 0.334; 80% γ 0.439; 53% γ 0.584

− 74.800 5

Eu 150 m 12.8 hr 89% β− 1.01; 10% EC; 1% β+

1.27; 4% γ 0.334; 3% γ 0.407

− 74.758 0

Eu 151 47.8% − 74.663 5900 (γ); 3300

(γm1); 4 (γm2)



Eu 152 13.54 yr 72% EC; 28% β− (8% 1.48, 14% 0.70); 28% γ 0.122; 27% γ 0.344; 21% γ 1.408

− 72.899 1.3 x 104 (γ) 3 −

Eu 152 m1 9.274 hr 72% β− (68% 1.87); 28% EC; 15% γ 0.842; 12% γ 0.963;

7% γ 0.122

− 72.853 0 −

Eu 152 m2 96 min 100% IT; 70% γ 0.090; 1% γ 0.018; 1% γ 0.077

− 72.751 8 −

Eu 153 52.2% − 73.378 312 (γ) 5+


Eu 154 8.592 yr 100% β − (10% 1.85, 37% 0.57, 28% 0.25); 40% γ 0.123; 34% γ

− 71.748 1340 (γ) 3 −

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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1.275; 20% γ 0.722

Eu 154 m 46.0 min 100% IT; 37% γ 0.068; 25% γ 0.101; 14% γ 0.036

− 71.591

Eu 155 4.68 yr 100% β− (13% 0.25, 28% 0.17, 50% 0.15); 33% γ 0.087; 22% γ 0.105; 1% γ 0.045

− 71.829 4000 (γ) 5 +


Eu 156 15.19 d 100% β− (32% 2.45, 29% 0.49); 10% γ 0.812; 8% γ 0.089;

8% γ 1.231

− 70.096 0 +

Eu 157 15.18 hr 100% β− (48% 1.31, 22% 0.89); 23% γ 0.063; 17% γ 0.411;

11% γ 0.371

− 69.472 5 +


Eu 158 45.9 min 100% β− (24% 3.4, 21% 2.4); 25% γ 0.944; 14% γ 0.977; 11% γ 0.079

− 67.22

Eu 159 18.1 min 100% β− (25% 2.57); 7% γ 0.068;

4% γ 0.071; 3% γ 0.079

− 66.06 5 +


Eu 160 38 s β− − 63.6 1

Eu 161 26 s β− − 61.8

Eu 162 11 s β− − 59.1

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

64 Gd 137 7 s β+/EC; 100% p − 51.5

Gd 139 5 s β+/EC; p − 58.5

Gd 140 16 s β+/EC − 62.5 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Gd 141 14 s β+/EC; 54% γ 0.216; 17% γ 0.336;

17% γ 0.526

− 63.5

Gd 141 m 24.5 s 89% β+/EC; 11% IT; γ − 63.2

Gd 142 70.2 s β+/EC − 67.4 0 +

Gd 143 39 s 83% β+ (67% 4.62); 17% EC; 75% γ 0.259; 19% γ 0.205;

10% γ 0.464

− 68.5

Gd 143 m 112 s 66% β+ (16% 4.6); 34% EC; 84% γ 0.272; 16% γ 0.588;

11% γ 0.799

− 68.3

Gd 144 4.5 min β+/EC − 72.0 0 +

Gd 145 23.0 min 67% EC; 33% β+ (5% 3.0, 13% 2.3); 34% γ 1.758; 33% γ 1.881;

10% γ 1.042

− 72.95 1 +


Gd 145 m 85 s 94% IT; 4% β+ 4.1; 2% EC; 82% γ 0.721; 6% γ 0.330;

6% γ 0.387

− 72.20 11 −


Gd 146 48.27 d 100% EC; 47% γ 0.155; 44% γ 0.115; 44% γ 0.116

− 76.10 0 +

Gd 147 38.06 hr 100% EC; 63% γ 0.229; 34% γ 0.396; 20% γ 0.929

− 75.367 7 −


Gd 148 75 yr 100% α 3.18 − 76.278 0 +

Gd 149 9.4 d 100% EC; 49% γ 0.150; 29% γ 0.299; 23% γ 0.347

− 75.135 7


Gd 150 1.79 × 106 yr 100% α 2.73 − 75.771 0 +

Gd 151 124 d 100% EC; 6% γ 0.154; 6% γ 0.243;

3% γ 0.175

− 74.199 7 −


Gd 152 1.1 × 1014 yr 0.20%

100% α 2.14 − 74.718 735 (γ) 0 +

Gd 153 241.6 d 100% EC; 30% γ 0.097; 21% γ 0.103; 3% γ 0.070

− 72.893 3.6 × 104 (γ) 3 −


Gd 154 2.18% − 73.717 8.5 (γ); 0.05 (γm) 0 +

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Gd 155 14.80% − 72.081 6.1 ×104 (γ)3 −


Gd 156 20.47% − 72.546 2 (γ) 0 +

Gd 157 15.65% − 70.834 2.54 × 105 (γ)3 −


Gd 158 24.8% − 70.701 2.2 (γ) 0 +

Gd 159 18.56 hr 100% β− (62% 0.97); 11% γ 0.364;

2% γ 0.058

− 68.572 3 −


Gd 160 21.86% − 67.953 0.77 (γ) 0 +

Gd 161 3.7 min 100% β− (5% 1.64, 84% 1.54); 60% γ 0.361; 23% γ 0.315; 14% γ 0.102

− 65.517 3 ×104 (γ) 5 −


Gd 162 8.4 min 100% β− (5% 1.1, 95% 0.9); 51% γ 0.442; 43% γ 0.403; 5% γ 0.039

− 64.2 0 +

Gd 163 68 s β− − 61.6

Gd 164 45 s β − −59.3 0 +

| top |

65 Tb 140 2.4 s β+/EC; p −51.8

Tb 141 3.5 s β+/EC; 17% γ 0.293; 16% γ 0.344; 15% γ 0.198


Tb 141 7.9 s β+/EC −55.6

Tb 142 0.60 s β+/EC; 25% γ 0.515; 2% γ 0.853;

2% γ 1.399

−57.4 1 +

Tb 142 m 0.303 s β+/EC; IT −57.1

Tb 143 12 s β+/EC −61.0

Tb 143 21 s β+/EC −61.0

Tb 144 1 s β+/EC; γ − 62.8

Tb 144 m 4.25 s 66% IT; 34% β+/EC; 66% γ 0.284; 19% γ 0.743; 11% γ 1.002

− 62.4

Tb 145 29.5 s 61% β+ (9% 4.6, 26% 3.0); 39% EC; 39% γ 0.258; 37% γ 0.988;

− 66.2

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23% γ 0.537

Tb 146 8 s β+/EC; 10% γ 1.971 − 67.9 1 +

Tb 146 23 s β+/EC − 67.9 5 −

Tb 147 1.7 hr β+/EC; 100% γ 1.152; 43% γ 0.694; 27% γ 0.140

− 70.88

Tb 147 m 1.83 min β+/EC; 79% γ 1.397; 14% γ 1.798; 1% γ 0.997

− 70.83

Tb 148 60 min β+/EC; 84% γ 0.784; 20% γ 0.489;

12% γ 1.079

− 70.68 2 −

Tb 148 m 2.20 min β+/EC; 100% γ 0.784; 95% γ 0.632; 92% γ 0.882

−70.59 9+

Tb 149 4.13 hr 16% α 3.97; 76% EC; 8% β+ (1% 2.3, 4% 1.4); 30% γ 0.352; 27% γ 0.165; 19% γ 0.389

−71.499 1 +


Tb 149 m 4.16 min β+/EC; γ −71.463 11 −


Tb 150 5.8 min β+/EC; 100% γ 0.638; 70% γ 0.650; 42% γ 0.438


Tb 150 3.5 hr 70% EC; 30% β+ (8% 3.6, 14% 3.0); 72% γ 0.638; 15% γ 0.496;

4% γ 0.793


Tb 151 17.609 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.71; 28% γ 0.287; 26% γ 0.252; 24% γ 0.108

−71.633 1


Tb 151 m 25 s 94% IT; 6% EC; 6% γ 0.380; 3% γ 0.831; 2% γ 0.522


Tb 152 17.5 hr 82% EC; 18% β+ (8% 2.8); 65% γ 0.344; 9% γ 0.271 (double);

9% γ 0.586


2 −

Tb 152 m 4.2 min 79% IT; 20% EC; 1% β+ 0.94; 60% γ 0.283; 21% γ 0.344;

19% γ 0.411

−70.27 8+

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Tb 153 2.34 d 100% EC; 31% γ 0.212; 7% γ 0.171; 6% γ 0.110

−71.322 5 +


Tb 154 21.5 hr 100% EC; 26% γ 0.123; 11% γ 1.274; 8% γ 0.722

−70.15 0

Tb 154 m1 9.0 hr 78% EC; 22% IT; 30% γ 0.123;

22% γ 0.248; 20% γ 0.540

−70.15 3 −

Tb 154 m2 22.7 hr 98% EC; 2% IT; 79% γ 0.248;

69% γ 0.347; 46% γ 1.420

−70.15 7 −

Tb 155 5.32 d 100% EC; 32% γ 0.087; 25% γ 0.105; 7% γ 0.180

−71.26 3 +


Tb 156 5.35 d 100% EC; 67% γ 0.534; 41% γ 0.199; 31% γ 1.222

−70.102 3 −

Tb 156 m1 24.4 hr 100% IT; 74% γ 0.050 −70.052

Tb 156 m2 5.3 hr IT; EC −70.014

Tb 157 99 yr 100% EC −70.772 3 +


Tb 158 180 yr 83% EC; 17% β− 0.84; 44% γ 0.944; 20% γ 0.962; 12% γ 0.080

−69.480 3 −

Tb 158 m 10.5 s 100% IT; 1% γ 0.110 −69.370 0 −

Tb 159 100% −69.542 23 (γ) 3 +


Tb 160 72.3 d 100% β− (29% 0.87, 45% 0.57); 30% γ 0.879; 26% γ 0.299; 25% γ 0.966

−67.846 525 (γ) 3 −

Tb 161 6.88 d 100% β− (5% 0.59, 66% 0.52, 26% 0.46); 23% γ 0.026; 17% γ 0.049; 10% γ 0.075

− 67.471 3 +


Tb 162 7.60 min 100% β− (1% 1.6, 98% 1.4); 80% γ 0.260; 43% γ 0.808;

39% γ 0.888

−65.68 1 −

Tb 163 19.5 min 100% β− (9% 1.3, 35% 0.8); 26% γ 0.351; 24% γ 0.390;

− 64.70 3 +


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23% γ 0.495

Tb 164 3.0 min β−; 25% γ 0.169; 23% γ 0.755;

21% γ 0.215

− 62.1

Tb 165 2.11 min β−; 13% γ 1.179; 7% γ 0.539;

7% γ 1.292

− 60.6

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

66 Dy 141 0.9 s β+/EC − 44.8

Dy 142 2.3 s β+/EC; 4% γ 0.182 − 51.0 0 +

Dy 143 3.9 s β+/EC − 52.9

Dy 144 9.1 s β+/EC; γ − 57.2 0 +

Dy 145 13.6 s β+/EC; 13% γ 0.578; 12% γ 0.640;

10% γ 0.804

− 58.8

Dy 146 29 s β+/EC; 15% γ 0.280; 11% γ 0.241;

9% γ 2.157

− 62.9 0 +

Dy 146 m 0.15 s 100% IT: γ − 62.9

Dy 147 40 s β+/EC − 64.3 1 +


Dy 147 m 55 s 65% β+/EC; 35% IT − 63.6 11 −


Dy 148 3.1 min β+/EC; 96% γ 0.620; 1% γ 0.178;

1% γ 1.247

− 68.00 0 +

Dy 149 4.21 min 89% EC; 11% β+ (3% 1.8); 23% γ 0.101; 18% γ 1.777; 15% γ 0.790

− 67.9

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Dy 150 7.17 min 36% α 4.23; 64% β+/EC; 64% γ 0.397

− 69.32 0 +

Dy 151 17.9 min 6% α 4.07; 92% EC; 2% β+; 19% γ 0.386; 18% γ 0.049; 14% γ 0.546

− 68.764 7 2

Dy 152 2.38 hr 100% EC; 98% γ 0.257 − 70.127 0 +

Dy 153 6.4 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.9; 11% γ 0.081;

11% γ 0.100; 11% γ 0.214

− 69.152 7


Dy 154 3 × 106 yr 100% α 2.87 − 70.40 0 +

Dy 155 10.0 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.85; 70% γ 0.227; 3% γ 0.185; 3% γ 1.090

− 69.17 3 −


Dy 156 0.06% − 70.536 33 (γ) 0 +

Dy 157 8.14 hr 100% EC; 92% γ 0.326; 2% γ 0.182; 1% γ 0.083

− 69.434 3 −


Dy 158 0.10% − 70.418 43 (γ) 0 +

Dy 159 144.4 d 100% EC; 2% γ 0.058 − 69.176 3 −


Dy 160 2.34% − 69.682 56 (γ) 0 +

Dy 161 18.9% − 68.064 600 (γ)5 +


Dy 162 25.5% − 68.189 194 (γ) 0 +

Dy 163 24.9% −66.389 124 (γ) 5 −


Dy 164 28.2% −65.976 1040 (γ) 0 +

1610 (γm)

Dy 165 2.334 hr 100% β− (83% 1.29); 4% γ 0.095;

1% γ 0.362; 1% γ 0.633

−63.621 3600 (γ) 7 +


Dy 165 m 1.257 min 98% IT; 2% β− 0.88; 3% γ 0.108; 2% γ 0.515; 1% γ 0.361

−63.513 2000 (γ) 1 −


Dy 166 81.6 hr 100% β− (5% 0.49, 92% 0.40); 14% γ 0.082; 1% γ 0.054;

1% γ 0.426

−62.593 0 +

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Dy 167 6.20 min 100% β− (3% 2.1, 82% 1.8); 48% γ 0.570; 28% γ 0.259; 25% γ 0.310


Dy 168 8.5 min β− −58.5 0 +

Dy 169 39 s β− −56.0

| top |

67 Ho 144 0.7 s β+/EC; p −45.7

Ho 146 3.6 s β+/EC; 100% p −52.2

Ho 147 5.8 s β+/EC; p −56.3

Ho 148 2.2 s β+/EC; 7% γ 1.678 −58.4 1 +

Ho 148 9.6 s β+/EC; 83% γ 1.688; 59% γ 0.661; 19% γ 0.504

−58.4 6 −

Ho 149 30 s β+/EC −61.9

Ho 149 21 s 71% β+ (8% 4.0, 58% 3.9); 29% EC; 82% γ 1.091; 11% γ 1.073; 7% γ 1.584


Ho 150 26 s 59% β+ (53% 3.7); 41% EC; 100% γ 0.653; 100% 0.803; 93% γ 0.394


Ho 150 72 s β+/EC; γ −62.2

Ho 151 35.2 s 22% α 4.52; 46% β+ (39% 3.6);

32% EC; 63% γ 0.527; 9% γ 0.775; 6% γ 0.210


Ho 151 m 47 s α 4.60; β+/EC −63.68

Ho 152 161.8 s 12% α 4.39; 88% β+/EC; 87% γ 0.614 (double); 12% γ 1.098;

10% γ 0.838

−63.75 2 −

Ho 152 m 49.5 s 11% α 4.45; 89% β+/EC; 109% γ 0.647 (double); 101% γ 0.614

(double); 88% γ 0.683

−63.59 9 +

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Ho 153 2.0 min 59% EC; 41% β+ (34% 2.8); 67% γ 0.296; 5% γ 0.637;

4% γ 0.689

−65.02 11 −


Ho 153 m 9.3 min β+/EC −64.955 1 +


Ho 154 11.8 min β+/EC; 84% γ 0.335; 15% γ 0.412;

13% γ 0.873


Ho 154 3.25 min β+/EC; 94% γ 0.335; 79% γ 0.412;

55% γ 0.477

− 64.65 8 +

Ho 155 48 min α 3.94; β+/EC; 11% γ 0.240; 5% γ 0.045; 4% γ 0.136

− 66.06 5 +


Ho 156 56 min β+ /EC; 55% γ 0.267; 51% γ 0.138;

11% γ 0.366

− 65.6

Ho 157 12.6 min β+/EC; 22% γ 0.280; 17% γ 0.341;

7% γ 0.193

− 66.89 7 −


Ho 158 11.3 min β+/EC − 66.20 5 +

Ho 158 m1 27 min >81% IT; < 19% β+/EC − 66.13 2 −

Ho 158 m2 21 min β+/EC − 66.02

Ho 159 33.05 min 100% EC; 111% γ 0.046 (double);

36% γ 0.121; 24% γ 0.132

− 67.338 7 −


Ho 159 m 8.3 s 100% IT; 40% γ 0.206; 5% γ 0.166 − 67.132 1 +


Ho 160 25.6 min 100% EC; 47% γ 0.728; 27% γ 0.879; 26% γ 0.962

− 66.39 5 +

Ho 160 m1 5.02 hr 65% IT; 35% β +/EC; 28% γ 0.728; 19% γ 0.879; 17% γ 0.962

−66.33 2 −

Ho 160 m2 3 s ? − 66.22

Ho 161 2.48 hr 100% EC; 27% γ 0.026; 4% γ 0.103; 2% γ 0.077

− 67.207 7 −


Ho 161 m 6.76 s 100% IT; 45% γ 0.211 − 66.996 1 +


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Ho 162 15 min 96% EC; 4% β+ (2% 1.12); 8% γ 0.081; 4% γ 1.320; 1% γ 1.373

− 66.050 1 +

Ho 162 m 67.0 min 62% IT; 38% β+/EC; 29% γ 0.185; 23% γ 1.220; 11% γ 0.283

−65.944 6 −

Ho 163 4570 yr 100% EC − 66.386 7 −


Ho 163 m 1.09 s 100% IT; 78% γ 0.299 − 66.088 1 +


Ho 164 29 min 60% EC; 40% β− (28% 1.01); 2% γ 0.073; 2% γ 0.091

− 64.990 1 +

Ho 164 m 38 min 100% IT; 11% γ 0.037; 7% γ 0.057 − 64.850 6 −

Ho 165 100% − 64.907 61 (γ); 4 (γm)7 −


Ho 166 26.83 hr 100% β− (50% 1.85, 49% 1.77); 7% γ 0.081; 1% γ 1.379

− 63.079 0 −

Ho 166 m 1200 yr 100% β− (3% 1.31, 76% 0.073); 73% γ 0.184; 58% γ 0.810;

55% γ 0.712

− 63.073

Ho 167 3.1 hr 100% β− (17% 1.01, 42% 0.34); 56% γ 0.347; 24% γ 0.321;

5% γ 0.238

− 62.291 7 −


Ho 168 3.0 min 100% β− (2% 2.5, 69% 1.9); 37% γ 0.741; 35% γ 0.821; 19% γ 0.816

− 60.26 3 +

Ho 169 4.7 min β−; 21% γ 0.788; 11% γ 0.853;

10% γ 0.761

− 58.81 7 −


Ho 170 2.76 min β−; 37% γ 0.258; 36% γ 0.932;

24% γ 0.182

− 56.25

Ho 170 m 43 s β− −56.13 1

Ho 171 53 s β− −54.7

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NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

68 Er 147 2.5 s β+/EC −47.3

Er 148 4.6 s β+/EC; 9% γ 1.312; 7% γ 0.244;

7% γ 0.315

−52.0 0 +

Er 149 10.7 s β+/EC −55.0

Er 149 m 10.8 s β+/EC; IT −54.2

Er 150 18.5 s β+/EC; γ −58.1 0 +

Er 151 23.5 s β+/EC −58.5

Er 152 10.3 s 90% α 4.80; 10% β+/EC; 9% γ 0.179


0 +

Er 153 37.1 s 53% α 4.67; 47% β+/EC −60.7

Er 154 3.7 min β+/EC; 32% γ 0.027 −62.62 0 +

Er 155 5.3 min β+/EC −62.22

Er 156 19.5 min β+/EC; 18% γ 0.035; 3% γ 0.030;

1% γ 0.134

−64.1 0 +

Er 157 18.7 min β+/EC; 24% γ 0.053; 14% γ 0.391;

10% γ 0.121

−63.42 3 −


Er 158 2.24 hr β+/EC; 11% γ 0.072; 7% γ 0.387;

3% γ 0.249

−65.3 0 +

Er 159 36 min 92% EC; 8% β+ (3% 1.5); 33% γ 0.624; 23% γ 0.649; 10% γ 0.206

−64.570 3 −


Er 160 28.58 hr 100% EC −66.06 0 +

Er 161 3.21 hr 100% EC; 64% γ 0.827; 12% γ 0.211; 4% γ 0.593

−65.20 3 −


Er 162 0.14% −66.346 19 (γ) 0 +

Er 163 75.0 min 100% EC −65.177 5 −


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Er 164 1.61% −65.952 13 (γ) 0 +

Er 165 10.36 hr 100% EC −64.530 5 −


Er 166 33.6% −64.933 5 (γ); 15 (γm) 0 +

Er 167 23.0% −63.298 660 (γ)7 +


Er 167 m 2.27 s 100% IT; 42% γ 0.208 −63.090 1 −


Er 168 26.8% −62.998 2.7 (γ) 0 +

Er 169 9.40 d 100% β− (55% 0.35, 45% 0.34) −60.930 1 −


Er 170 14.9% −60.117 5.8 (γ) 0 +

Er 171 7.516 hr 100% β− (2% 1.49, 94% 1.07); 64% γ 0.308; 29% γ 0.296; 21% γ 0.112

−57.727 280 (γ) 5 −


Er 172 49.3 hr 100% β− (3% 0.48, 48% 0.36, 48% 0.28); 45% γ 0.610; 42% γ 0.407; 3% γ 0.068

−56.491 0 +

Er 173 1.4 min 100% β− (23% 2.2, 63% 1.3); 54% γ 0.895; 48% γ 0.199; 47% γ 0.193


Er 174 3.3 min β− − 52.3 0 +

| top |

69 Tm 147 0.56 s 10% p; 90% β+/EC − 36.7

Tm 148 0.7 s β+/EC; γ − 39.9

Tm 149 0.9 s β+/EC − 44.5

Tm 150 2.3 s β+/EC; γ − 47.0

Tm 151 4.1 s β+/EC − 51.2

Tm 151 5 s β+/EC − 51.2

Tm 152 5.2 s β+/EC; γ − 51.9

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Tm 152 8.0 s β+/EC − 51.9

Tm 153 1.48 s 91% α 5.11; 7% β+ (5% 5.2);

2% EC; 6% γ 0.299; 2% γ 0.766;

1% γ 0.965

− 54.2

Tm 153 m 2.5 s 95% α; 5% β+/EC − 54.2

Tm 154 3.30 s 90% α 5.03; 10% β+/EC − 54.7

Tm 154 8.1 s 44% α 4.96; 56% β+/EC − 54.7

Tm 155 32 s <6% α; > 94% β+/EC − 56.73

Tm 156 84 s β+/EC − 56.98 2 −

Tm 156 19 s α 4.46 − 56.98

Tm 157 3.5 min β+/EC −58.9 1 +


Tm 158 4.0 min 71% β+ (7% 5.5, 22% 5.3); 29% EC; 62% γ 0.192; 17% γ 0.335;

8% γ 1.150

− 58.9 2 −

Tm 158 20 s ? − 58.9

Tm 159 9.2 min β+/EC − 60.7 5


Tm 160 9.4 min β+/EC; 36% γ 0.126; 13% γ 0.729; 9% γ 0.264

−60.5 1 −

Tm 160 m 75 s 85% IT; 15% β+/EC; 9% γ 0.264;

7% γ 0.126; 2% γ 0.376

− 60.4 5

Tm 161 33 min β+/EC; 25% γ 0.046; 20% γ 1.648;

10% γ 0.084

− 62.1 7 +


Tm 162 21.7 min 89% EC; 11% β+ (1% 3.8, 3% 3.7); 7% γ 0.812; 6% γ 0.798

(double); 5% γ 0.228

−61.55 1 −

Tm 162 m 24 s 82% IT; 12% EC; 6% β+ (2% 3.6); 82% γ 0.125; 7% γ 0.067

− 61.48 5 +

Tm 163 1.810 hr 100% EC; 19% γ 0.104; 12% γ 0.069; 11% γ 0.241

− 62.738 1 +


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Tm 164 2.0 min 60% EC; 40% β+ (29% 2.9); 7% γ 0.091; 2% γ 1.155; 1% γ 0.769

− 61.99 1 +

Tm 164 m 5.1 min 80% IT; 20% EC; 15% γ 0.208;

10% γ 0.315; 8% γ 0.240

−61.99 6 −

Tm 165 30.06 hr 100% EC; 36% γ 0.243; 16% γ 0.297 (double); 10% γ 0.806

− 62.938 1 +


Tm 166 7.70 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 1.9; 19% γ 0.779; 17% γ 2.052; 16% γ 0.184

−61.89 2 +

Tm 167 9.25 d 100% EC; 41% γ 0.208; 5% γ 0.057; 2% γ 0.532

− 62.550 1 +


Tm 168 93.1 d 100% EC; 53% γ 0.198; 49% γ 0.816; 23% γ 0.448

−61.319 3

Tm 169 100% −61.280 105 (γ)1 +


Tm 170 128.6 d 100% β− (76% 0.97, 24% 0.88); 3% γ 0.084

−59.802 92 (γ) 1 −

Tm 171 1.92 yr 100% β− (98% 0.096) −59.217 160 (γ)1 +


Tm 172 63.6 hr 100% β− (29% 1.87, 36% 1.79); 7% γ 0.079; 6% γ 1.094; 6% γ 1.387

−57.382 2 −

Tm 173 8.24 hr 100% β− (2% 1.29, 76% 0.89, 22% 0.83); 88% γ 0.399; 7% γ 0.461; 1% γ 0.063


Tm 174 5.4 min 100% β− (83% 1.2) −58.37

Tm 175 15.2 min 100% β− (24% 1.9, 36% 0.9); 92% γ 0.366; 87% γ 0.992; 86% γ 0.273


Tm 176 1.9 min β−; 45% γ 0.190; 34% γ 1.069;

22% γ 0.382


Tm 177 85 s β− −47.7

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 070 to 079

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


70 Yb 151 1.6 s β+/EC −42.0

Yb 152 3.1 s β+/EC; γ −46.6 0 +

Yb 153 4.2 s 50% α; 50% β+/EC −47.3

Yb 154 0.40 s 98% α 5.33; 2% β+/EC −50.2 0 +

Yb 155 1.7 s 84% α 5.20; 16% β+/EC −50.7

Yb 156 26.1 s 10% α; 90% β+ /EC; 73% γ 0.115 −53.41 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Yb 157 38.6 s 1% α 4.50; 99% β+/EC −53.6

Yb 158 1.57 min β+/EC; 54% γ 0.074 −56.02 0 +

Yb 159 1.4 min β+/EC −55.9

Yb 160 4.8 min 96% EC; 4% β+ (3% 1.16); 42% γ 0.174; 20% γ 0.216; 9% γ 0.140

−58.2 0 +

Yb 161 4.2 min β+/EC; 34% γ 0.078; 26% γ 0.600; 14% γ 0.631

−57.9 3 −


Yb 162 18.9 min 100% EC; 40% γ 0.163; 34% γ 0.119; 3% γ 0.576

−59.9 0 +

Yb 163 11.1 min 78% EC; 22% β+ (11% 2.3); 10% γ 0.860; 7% γ 0.064; 2% γ 0.123

−59.4 3 −


Yb 164 76 min 100% EC; 1% γ 0.041 −61.0 0 +

Yb 165 9.9 min 91% EC; 9% β+ 1.6; 34% γ 0.080;

6% γ 0.069; 2% γ 0.118

−60.18 5 −


Yb 166 56.7 hr 100% EC; 15% γ 0.082 −61.589 0 +

Yb 167 17.5 min 100% EC; 55% γ 0.113; 23% γ 0.106; 21% γ 0.176

−60.596 5 −


Yb 168 0.13% −61.575 2300 (γ) 0 +

Yb 169 32.03 d 100% EC; 44% γ 0.063; 36% γ 0.198; 22% γ 0.177

− 60.371 3600 ( γ) 7 +


Yb 169 m 46 s 100% IT − 60.347 1 −


Yb 170 3.05% − 60.770 11 (γ) 0 +

Yb 171 14.3% − 59.314 49 (γ)1 −


Yb 172 21.9% − 59.262 0.8 (γ) 0 +

Yb 173 16.12% −57.558 17 (γ)5 −


Yb 174 31.8% − 56.951 69 (γ) 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Yb 175 4.19 d 100% β− (87% 0.47); 7% γ 0.396;

3% γ 0.283; 2% γ 0.114

− 54.702 7 −


Yb 176 12.7% − 53.501 2.9 (γ) 0 +

Yb 176 m 11.4 s > 90% IT; < 10% β−; 88% γ 0.293; 86% γ 0.389; 77% γ 0.190

− 52.451

Yb 177 1.911 hr 100% β− (55% 1.4, 21% 1.2); 20% γ 0.151; 6% γ 1.080; 4% γ 1.241

− 50.996

Yb 177 m 6.41 s 100% IT; 77% γ 0.105; 12% γ 0.227

− 50.665

Yb 178 74 min β−; γ − 49.705 0 +

Yb 179 8.1 min β−; 100% γ 0.613; 43% γ 0.352;

27% γ 0.654

− 46.5

| top |

71 Lu 151 0.085 s p − 31.0

Lu 152 0.7 s β+/EC − 34.1

Lu 154 0.96 s β+/EC − 40.0

Lu 155 0.07 s 79% α 5.66; 21% β+/EC − 43.0

Lu 155 m 0.0026 s α − 41.2

Lu 156 0.5 s 75% α; 25% β+/EC − 43.8

Lu 156 0.18 s 95% α; 5% β+/EC − 43.8

Lu 157 5.4 s 6% α 5.00; 94% β+/EC − 46.7

Lu 158 10.4 s <2% α 4.67; > 98% β+/EC − 47.5

Lu 159 12.3 s β+/EC − 49.8

Lu 160 36.1 s β+/EC − 50.5

Lu 160 40 s β+/EC − 50.5

Lu 161 72 s β+/EC − 52.6

Lu 162 1.37 min β+/EC − 52.9

Lu 162 1.5 min β+/EC − 52.9

Lu 162 1.9 min β+/EC − 52.9

Lu 163 238 s β+/EC; γ − 54.8

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Lu 164 3.14 min β+/EC − 54.7

Lu 165 10.7 min β+/EC; γ − 56.26 1 +


Lu 165 12 min ? − 56.26

Lu 166 2.65 min β+/EC; 77% γ 0.228; 41% γ 0.338;

31% γ 0.368

− 56.11

Lu 166 m1 1.4 min 58% β+/EC; 42% IT; 15% γ 0.228; 13% γ 0.102; 11% γ 0.285

− 56.08

Lu 166 m2 2.12 min >80% β+/EC; < 20% IT; 23% γ 1.427; 16% γ 2.099; 15% γ 1.257

− 56.07

Lu 167 51.5 min 92% EC; 8% β+ (1% 2.1, 2% 2.0); 14% γ 0.030; 9% γ 0.239; 4% γ 0.213

− 57.47 7+


Lu 168 5.5 min β+/EC; γ − 57.09

Lu 168 m 6.7 min >95% β+/EC; < 5% IT; 28% γ 0.199; 20% γ 0.979; 15% γ 0.896

− 56.87 3 +

Lu 169 34.06 hr 100% EC; (51% m); 23% γ 0.961;

21% γ 0.191; 10% γ 1.450

− 58.078 7+


Lu 169 m 160 s 100% IT − 58.049 1−


Lu 170 2.00 d 100% EC; 9% γ 0.084; 8% γ 1.280;

6% γ 2.042

− 57.31 0 +

Lu 170 m 0.67 s 100% IT; 1% γ 0.045 − 57.22 4 −

Lu 171 8.24 d 100% EC; 48% γ 0.740; 14% γ 0.019; 11% γ 0.667

− 57.834 7+


Lu 171 m 79 s 100% IT − 57.763 1−


Lu 172 6.70 d 100% EC; 63% γ 1.094; 50% γ 0.050; 30% γ 0.901

− 56.741 4 −

Lu 172 m 3.7 min 100% IT − 56.699 1 −

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Lu 173 1.37 yr 100% EC; 19% γ 0.272; 11% γ 0.079; 5% γ 0.101

− 56.886 7+


Lu 174 3.31 yr 100% EC; 6% γ 0.076; 5% γ 1.242 − 55.575

Lu 174 m 142 d 99% IT; 1% EC; 12% γ 0.045;

7% γ 0.067; 1% γ 0.273

− 55.404

Lu 175 97.41% − 55.171 7 (γ); 16 (γm) 7+


Lu 176 3.78 × 1010 yr 2.59%

100% β− 0.60; 94% γ 0.307; 86% γ 0.202; 13% γ 0.088

− 53.394 2000 (γ); 3 (γm) 7 −

Lu 176 m 3.635 hr 100% β− (39% 1.3, 61% 1.2); 9% γ 0.088

− 53.271 1 −

Lu 177 6.734 d 100% β− (79% 0.50); 11% γ 0.208;

6% γ 0.113

− 52.394 7+


Lu 177 m 160.4 d 78% β− 0.15; (78% m1); 22% IT; 58% γ (m) 0.208; 37% γ (m)

0.228; 30% γ (m) 0.379

− 51.424 23−


Lu 178 28.4 min 100% β− (62% 2.0, 28% 1.9); 6% γ 0.093; 5% γ 1.341; 1% γ 1.310

− 50.34 1

Lu 178 m 23.1 min 100% β− (82% 1.1); (100% m1); 97% γ (m) 0.426; 94% γ (m)

0.325; 82% γ (m) 0.214

− 50.12

Lu 179 4.59 hr 100% β− (87% 1.4); 11% γ 0.214 − 49.11

Lu 180 5.7 min 100% β− (2% 2.8, 80% 1.5); 42% γ 0.408; 25% γ 1.200; 22% γ 1.106

− 46.69

Lu 181 3.5 min 100% β− (14% 1.9, 68% 1.1); 22% γ 0.652; 16% γ 0.206; 15% γ 0.575

− 44.8

Lu 182 2.0 min β−; γ − 41.6

Lu 183 58 s 100% β− (20% 3.3, 45% 2.3); 25% γ 1.125; 17% γ 1.057; 8% γ 0.168

− 39.8

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

5 of 23 05/12/2010 08:19

Lu 184 20 s β− − 36.1

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

72 Hf 154 2 s α; β+/EC − 33.4 0 +

Hf 155 0.89 s α; β+/EC − 34.6

Hf 156 0.025 s α 5.88 − 38.2 0 +

Hf 157 0.110 s 91% α 5.74; 9% β+/EC − 39.0

Hf 158 2.9 s 46% α 5.27; 54% β+/EC − 42.4 0 +

Hf 159 5.6 s 12% α 5.09; 88% β+/EC − 43.1

Hf 160 13 s 2% α 4.78; 98% β+/EC − 46.1 0 +

Hf 161 17 s α; β+/EC − 46.5

Hf 162 37.6 s β+/EC − 49.18 0 +

Hf 163 40.0 s β+/EC − 49.4

Hf 164 111 s β+/EC − 51.8 0 +

Hf 165 76 s β+/EC − 51.7

Hf 166 6.8 min β+/EC; (100% m); 41% γ 0.079;

5% γ 0.342; 5% γ 0.408

− 53.8 0 +

Hf 167 2.05 min β+/EC; γ − 53.5

Hf 168 26.0 min β+/EC − 55.3 0 +

Hf 169 3.24 min β+/EC; 84% γ 0.493; 10% γ 0.370; 4% γ 0.124

− 54.81

Hf 170 16.0 hr 100% EC; 33% γ 0.165; 23% γ 0.621; 19% γ 0.120

−56.2 0 +

Hf 171 12.1 hr β+/EC − 55.4

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Hf 172 1.87 yr 100% EC; (100% m); 20% γ 0.024;

11% γ 0.126; 5% γ 0.067

− 56.39 0 +

Hf 173 23.6 hr 100% EC; 83% γ 0.124; 34% γ 0.297; 13% γ 0.140

− 55.3 1−


Hf 174 2 × 1015 yr 0.162%

α 2.50 − 55.851 560 (γ) 0 +

Hf 175 70 d 100% EC; 87% γ 0.343; 2% γ 0.089; 2% γ 0.433

− 54.488 5−


Hf 176 5.21% − 54.582 24 (γ) 0 +

Hf 177 18.61% − 52.892 370 (γ); 0.96 (γm1);

2 × 10 −7 (γm2)



Hf 177 m1 1.08 s 100% IT; 74% γ 0.208; 47% γ 0.228; 38% γ 0.379

− 51.577 23+


Hf 177 m2 51.4 min 100% IT; (100% m1); 78% γ 0.277;

72% γ 0.295; 68% γ 0.327

− 50.152 37−


Hf 178 27.30% − 52.446 30 (γ); 53 (γm1) 0 +

Hf 178 m1 4.0 s 100% IT; 97% γ 0.426; 94% γ 0.326; 82% γ 0.213

−51.299 8 −

Hf 178 m2 31 yr 100% IT; (100% m1); 89% γ 0.574;

71% γ 0.495; 65% γ 0.217

− 50.000 16 +

Hf 179 13.63% − 50.475 41 (γ); 0.45 (γm) 9+


Hf 179 m1 18.67 s 100% IT; 94% γ 0.214; 3% γ 0.161 − 50.100 1−


Hf 179 m2 25.1 d 100% IT; 69% γ 0.454; 40% γ 0.363; 28% γ 0.123

− 49.369 25−


Hf 180 35.10% − 49.791 13 (γ) 0 +

Hf 180 m 5.5 hr 100% IT; 94% γ 0.332; 83% γ 0.443; 82% γ 0.215

− 48.649 8 −

Hf 181 42.4 d 100% β− (93% 0.41); 81% γ 0.482;

43% γ 0.133; 15% γ 0.346

− 47.416 40 (γ) 1−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Hf 182 9 × 106 yr 100% β− 0.10; 80% γ 0.270;

7% γ 0.156; 3% γ 0.114

− 46.062 0 +

Hf 182 m 61.5 min 58% β− (9% 0.89, 38% 0.43); 42% IT; 42% γ 0.344; 35% γ 0.224;

22% γ 0.507

− 44.889 8 −

Hf 183 1.07 hr 100% β− (25% 1.6, 68% 1.2); 66% γ 0.784; 38% γ 0.073; 27% γ 0.459

− 43.29

Hf 184 4.12 hr 100% β− (49% 1.1, 36% 0.7); 45% γ 0.139; 35% γ 0.345;

14% γ 0.181

− 41.50 0 +

| top |

73 Ta 157 0.005 s α 6.22 − 30.0

Ta 158 0.037 s 93% α 6.05; 7% β+/EC − 31.4

Ta 159 0.6 s 80% α; 20% β+/EC − 34.8

Ta 160 1.5 s 34% α; 66% β+/EC − 35.9

Ta 161 2.7 s 5% α 5.15; 95% β+/EC − 39.0

Ta 162 3.52 s β+/EC − 40.1

Ta 163 11.0 s β+/EC − 42.6

Ta 164 14.2 s β+/EC; 74% γ 0.211; 22% γ 0.377;

14% γ 0.605

− 43.3

Ta 165 31 s β+/EC − 45.9

Ta 166 34.4 s β+/EC; 53% γ 0.159; 28% γ 0.312;

10% γ 0.810

− 46.3

Ta 167 1.4 min β+/EC − 48.5

Ta 168 2.4 min 71% β+ (27% 5.5); 29% EC; 36% γ 0.124; 27% γ 0.262;

9% γ 0.750

− 48.6

Ta 169 4.9 min β+/EC; γ − 50.4

Ta 170 6.76 min 67% β+ (43% 4.7); 33% EC; 21% γ 0.101; 16% γ 0.221; 9% γ

− 50.2

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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0.987 (double)

Ta 171 23.3 min β+/EC; γ − 51.7

Ta 172 36.8 min 71% EC; 29% β+ (6% 3.6); 54% γ 0.214; 17% γ 0.095; 15% γ 1.109

− 51.5

Ta 173 3.1 hr 93% EC; 7% β+ (4% 1.7); 18% γ 0.172; 6% γ 0.070; 5% γ 0.090

− 52.5 5


Ta 174 1.05 hr 76% EC; 24% β+(6% 2.7, 17% 2.5); 58% γ 0.207; 16% γ 0.091;

5% γ 1.206

− 51.9 3

Ta 175 10.5 hr 99% EC; 1% β+; 13% γ 0.207;

11% γ 0.267 (double); 11% γ 0.349

− 52.5 7 +


Ta 176 8.09 hr 99% EC; 1% β+; 25% γ 1.159;

12% γ 0.088; 6% γ 0.202

− 51.5

Ta 177 56.56 hr 100% EC; 7% γ 0.113; 1% γ 0.208 − 51.726 7+


Ta 178 9.31 min 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.9; 7% γ 0.093;

1% γ 1.341; 1% γ 1.351

− 50.5 1 +

Ta 178 2.36 hr 100% EC; (100% m1); 97% γ (m)

0.426; 94% γ (m) 0.326; 82% γ (m) 0.213

− 50.5

Ta 179 1.79 yr 100% EC − 50.365 7+


Ta 180 8.152 hr 86% EC; 14% β− (11% 0.71); 4% γ 0.096; 1% γ 0.104

− 48.939 560 (γ) 1 +

Ta 180 m 1.2 × 1015 yr 0.012%

? − 48.864 9 −

Ta 181 99.99% − 48.444 20 (γ); 0.01 (γm2) 7+


Ta 182 114.4 d 100% β− (4% 0.59, 40% 0.52, 21% 0.44, 29% 0.26); 41% γ 0.068;

35% γ 1.121; 27% γ 1.221

− 46.436 8700 (γ) 3 −

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ta 182 m1 0.283 s 100% IT − 46.420 5 +

Ta 182 m2 15.8 min 100% IT; 49% γ 0.172; 37% γ 0.147; 25% γ 0.185

− 45.916 10 −

Ta 183 5.1 d 100% β− (2% 0.66, 92% 0.62); (5% m); 27% γ 0.246; 11% γ 0.108; 11% γ 0.354

− 45.299 7+


Ta 184 8.7 hr 100% β− (86% 1.2); 72% γ 0.414;

43% γ 0.253; 32% γ 0.921

− 42.84

Ta 185 49 min 100% β− (27% 1.8, 70% 1.7); 26% γ 0.178; 23% γ 0.174; 4% γ 0.244

− 41.40

Ta 186 10.5 min β−; 50% γ 0.198; 42% γ 0.215;

38% γ 0.511


NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

74 W 158 0.001 s α − 24.4 0 +

W 159 0.007 s α − 25.7

W 160 0.08 s α 5.92 − 29.7 0 +

W 161 0.41 s 82% α 5.78; 18% β+/EC − 30.6

W 162 1.39 s 47% α 5.54; 53% β+/EC − 34.3 0 +

W 163 2.8 s 41% α 5.38; 59% β+/EC − 35.1

W 164 6.4 s 3% α; 97% β+/EC − 38.38 0 +

W 165 5.1 s β+/EC − 39.0

W 166 18.8 s 56% EC; 44% β+ (42% 3.3); 32% γ 0.126; 3% γ 0.225; 2% γ 0.173

− 41.90 0 +

W 167 19.9 s β+/EC − 42.4

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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W 168 53 s β+/EC − 44.8 0 +

W 169 76 s β+/EC − 44.9

W 170 4 min β+/EC − 47.2 0 +

W 171 2.38 min β+/EC: γ − 47.1

W 172 6.7 min β+/EC − 49.0 0 +

W 173 8.0 min β+/EC − 48.7

W 174 31 min 100% EC − 50.2 0 +

W 175 34 min β+/EC − 49.6

W 176 2.5 hr 100% EC − 50.7 0 +

W 177 135 min 100% EC; 60% γ 0.115 (double);

16% γ 0.186 (double); 13% γ 0.427

− 49.7

W 178 21.6 d 100% EC − 50.4 0 +

W 179 37.5 min 100% EC; 19% γ 0.031 − 49.31

W 179 m 6.4 min 100% IT; 9% γ 0.222 − 49.08

W 180 0.12% − 49.647 30 (γ) 0 +

W 181 121.2 d 100% EC − 48.256 9+


W 182 26.3% − 48.250 21 (γ) 0 +

W 183 14.28% − 46.369 10 (γ) 1−


W 183 m 5.2 s 100% IT; 19% γ 0.108; 8% γ 0.099;

7% γ 0.053

− 46.060 11+


W 184 30.7% − 45.709 1.7 (γ); 0.002 (γm) 0 +

W 185 75.1 d 100% β− 0.43 − 43.393 3−


W 185 m 1.67 min 100% IT; 6% γ 0.066; 4% γ 0.132;

3% γ 0.174

− 43.196 11+


W 186 28.6% − 42.515 38 (γ) 0 +

W 187 23.72 hr 100% β− (30% 1.31, 55% 0.63); 27% γ 0.686; 22% γ 0.480; 11% γ 0.072

− 39.910 64 (γ)3 −


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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W 188 69.4 d 100% β− (99% 0.35) − 38.673 0 +

W 189 11.5 min β− −35.5

W 190 30 min 100% β− 0.95; 39% γ 0.158; 11% γ 0.162

− 34.3 0 +

| top |

75 Re 160 0.0008 s 91% p; 9% α − 11.6

Re 161 0.01 s α 6.28 − 21.2

Re 162 0.10 s >3% α 6.12; < 97% β+/EC − 22.7

Re 163 0.26 s 64% α; 36% β+/EC − 26.3

Re 164 0.9 s 58% α 5.78; 42% β+/EC − 27.5

Re 165 2.4 s 13% α 5.50; 87% β+/EC − 30.9

Re 166 2.8 s α − 32.1

Re 167 6.1 s 1% α; 99% β+/EC − 34.9

Re 168 6.9 s α; β+/EC − 35.9

Re 169 12.9 s β+/EC − 38.6

Re 170 8.0 s β+/EC; 86% γ 0.306; 57% γ 0.156;

51% γ 0.413

− 39.0

Re 171 15.2 s 65% β+ (25% 4.8); 35% EC; 16% γ 0.568; 10% γ 0.102; 8% γ 1.066

− 41.4

Re 172 15 s β+/EC − 41.7

Re 172 (m) 55 s β+/EC − 41.7

Re 173 2.0 min β+/EC − 43.7

Re 174 2.40 min β+/EC − 43.7

Re 175 5.8 min β+/EC − 45.3

Re 176 5.3 min 55% β+ (16% 4.4, 25% 4.1); 45% EC; 48% γ 0.240; 25% γ 0.109;

4% γ 0.849

− 45.0 3

Re 177 14 min β+/EC; 8% γ 0.197; 7% γ 0.080;

6% γ 0.084

− 46.3

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Re 178 13.2 min 67% EC; 33% β+ (11% 3.5, 15% 3.3); 45% γ 0.237; 23% γ 0.106;

9% γ 0.939

− 45.8

Re 179 19.5 min 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.9; (27% m); 28% γ 0.430; 27% γ 0.290; 13% γ 1.680

− 46.62

Re 180 2.44 min 93% EC; 7% β+ 1.8; 90% γ 0.903;

22% γ 0.104; 10% γ 0.825

− 45.84

Re 181 19.9 hr 100% EC; 56% γ 0.366; 20% γ 0.361; 6% γ 0.639

− 46.46 5+


Re 182 64.0 hr 100% EC; 26% γ 0.229; 22% γ 0.068; 22% γ 1.121

− 45.45 7 +

Re 182 12.7 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 1.7; 38% γ 0.068;

32% γ 1.121; 25% γ 1.222

− 45.45 2 +

Re 183 70 d 100% EC; 23% γ 0.162; 8% γ 0.046; 3% γ 0.292

− 45.813 5+


Re 184 38.0 d 100% EC; 38% γ 0.792; 38% γ 0.903; 17% γ 0.111

− 44.220 3

Re 184 m 169 d 75% IT; 25% EC; 13% γ 0.105;

11% γ 0.253; 9% γ 0.217

− 44.032 8

Re 185 37.40% − 43.826 112 (γ) 5+


Re 186 90.64 hr 93% β− (74% 1.07, 19% 0.94); 7% EC; 8% γ 0.137

− 41.933 1 −

Re 186 m 2.0 × 105 yr 100% IT; γ − 41.784

Re 187 4.35 × 1010 yr 62.60%

100% β− 0.003 − 41.222 74 (γ); 2.8 (γm) 5+


Re 188 16.98 hr 100% β− (71% 2.12, 26% 1.97); 15% γ 0.155; 1% γ 0.478;

1% γ 0.633

− 39.022 < 2 (γ) 1 −

Re 188 m 18.6 min 100% IT; 22% γ 0.064; 11% γ 0.106; 5% γ 0.092

− 38.850

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Re 189 24.3 hr 100% β − (64% 1.01); 6% γ 0.217;

5% γ 0.219; 4% γ 0.245

− 37.985 5+


Re 190 3.1 min 100% β− (98% 1.8); 48% γ 0.187;

28% γ 0.558; 26% γ 0.224

− 35.58

Re 190 m 3.2 hr 54% β− (2% 2.8, 17% 1.5); 28% γ 0.187; 15% γ 0.605; 14% γ 0.558

− 35.46

Re 191 9.8 min β− − 34.36

Re 192 16 s β− −31.8

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

76 Os 162 0.002 s α − 7.3 0 +

Os 164 0.04 s 98% α; 2% β+/EC − 20.8 0 +

Os 165 0.065 s >60% α 6.16; < 40% β+/EC − 21.9

Os 166 0.18 s 72% α; 28% β+/EC − 25.7 0 +

Os 167 0.83 s 67% α 5.84; 33% β+/EC − 26.7

Os 168 2.2 s 49% α; 51% β+/EC − 30.13 0 +

Os 169 3.4 s 11% α (2% 5.58, 9% 5.56); 89% β +/EC

− 30.9

Os 170 7.1 s 12% α; 88% β+/EC − 33.93 0 +

Os 171 8.0 s 2% α; 5.25; 98% β+/EC − 34.6

Os 172 19 s β+/EC − 37.2 0 +

Os 173 16 s β+/EC − 37.5

Os 174 44 s β+/EC − 40.0 0 +

Os 175 1.4 min β+/EC − 39.9

Os 176 3.6 min β+/EC − 42.1 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

14 of 23 05/12/2010 08:19

Os 177 2.8 min β+/EC; γ − 41.9

Os 178 5.0 min β+/EC − 43.5 0 +

Os 179 6.5 min β+/EC − 43.0

Os 180 21.5 min 100% EC; 17% γ 0.020 − 44.4 0 +

Os 181 105 min 98% EC; 2% β+ (1% 1.6); 44% γ 0.239; 20% γ 0.827; 13% γ 0.118

− 43.5 1−


Os 181 m 2.7 min 95% EC; 5% β+ 1.8; 100% γ 0.145; 28% γ 0.118; 4% γ 1.119

− 43.5

Os 182 22.1 hr 100% EC; 52% γ 0.510; 34% γ 0.180; 7% γ 0.263

− 44.54 0 +

Os 183 13.0 hr 100% EC; 90% γ 0.382; 21% γ 0.114; 9% γ 0.168

− 43.5 9+


Os 183 m 9.9 hr 85% EC; 15% IT; 49% γ 1.102;

22% γ 1.108; 6% γ 1.035

− 43.3 1−


Os 184 0.02% − 42.259 3000 (γ) 0 +

Os 185 93.6 d 100% EC; 81% γ 0.646; 7% γ 0.875; 5% γ 0.881

− 42.813 1−


Os 186 2 × 1015 yr 1.58%

100% α 2.76 − 43.003 80 (γ) 0 +

Os 187 1.6% − 41.224 320 (γ) 1−


Os 188 13.3% − 41.142 5 (γ) 0 +

Os 189 16.1% − 38.993 25 (γ); 3 × 10 −4 (γm)



Os 189 m 5.8 hr 100% IT − 38.962 9−


Os 190 26.4% − 38.714 4 (γ); 9 (γm) 0 +

Os 190 m 9.9 min 100% IT; 99% γ 0.616; 98% γ 0.503; 95% γ 0.361

− 37.009

Os 191 15.4 d 100% β− 0.14; (100% m); 29% γ(m) 0.129

− 36.401 380 (γ) 9−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

15 of 23 05/12/2010 08:19

Os 191 m 13.10 hr 100% IT − 36.327 3−


Os 192 41.0% − 35.892 2.0 (γ) 0 +

Os 192 m 5.9 s >87% IT; < 13% β−; 61% γ 0.569; 57% γ 0.206; 52% γ 0.453

− 33.877

Os 193 30.5 hr 100% β− (55% 1.14); 4% γ 0.139;

4% γ 0.460; 3% γ 0.073

− 33.405 38 (γ) 3−


Os 194 6.0 yr 100% β− (24% 0.097, 76% 0.055); 5% γ 0.043

− 32.442 0 +

Os 195 6.5 min β− −29.7

Os 196 34.9 min β−; 6% γ 0.408; 5% γ 0.126; 3% γ 0.315

− 28.30 0 +

| top |

77 Ir 166 0.005 s α − 13.5

Ir 167 0.005 s α − 17.4

Ir 169 0.4 s α 6.13 − 22.2

Ir 170 1.1 s 75% α; 25% β+/EC − 23.5

Ir 171 1.5 s α − 26.4

Ir 172 2.1 s 3% α; 97% β+/EC − 27.5

Ir 173 3.0 s 2% α 5.67; 98% β+/EC − 30.2

Ir 174 4 s β+/EC − 31.0

Ir 175 4.5 s α 5.39 − 33.5

Ir 176 8 s 2% α 5.12; 98% β+/EC − 34.0

Ir 177 30 s β+/EC; 10% γ 0.184; 9% γ 0.148;

5% γ 0.075

− 36.1

Ir 178 12 s β+/EC − 36.4

Ir 179 4 min β+/EC − 38.1

Ir 180 1.5 min β+/EC − 37.8

Ir 181 4.9 min β+/EC; 100% γ 0.108; 52% γ 1.640; 46% γ 0.319

− 39.4

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ir 182 15 min β+/EC − 39.0

Ir 183 57 min 94% EC; 6% β+ (1% 2.2, 2% 1.9); 10% γ 0.393; 7% γ 0.229; 6% γ 0.088

− 40.1 5−


Ir 184 3.09 hr β+/EC; 68% γ 0.264; 31% γ 0.120;

26% γ 0.390

−39.5 5 −

Ir 185 14.4 hr β+/EC − 40.2 5−


Ir 186 16.64 hr 95% EC; 5% β+ (3% 1.9); 64% γ 0.297; 42% γ 0.137; 34% γ 0.435

− 39.17 5 +

Ir 186 2.0 hr 93% EC; 7% β+ (2% 2.7); 27% γ 0.137; 21% γ 0.767; 18% γ 0.630

− 39.17 2 −

Ir 187 10.5 hr 100% EC; 5% γ 0.913; 4% γ 0.401;

4% γ 0.427

− 39.7 3+


Ir 188 41.5 hr 100% EC; 30% γ 0.155; 19% γ 2.215; 18% γ 0.633

− 38.333 1 −

Ir 189 13.2 d 100% EC; (8% m); 6% γ 0.245;

4% γ 0.070; 1% γ 0.059

− 38.46 3+


Ir 190 11.78 d 100% EC; 52% γ 0.187; 40% γ 0.605; 34% γ 0.519

− 36.7

Ir 190 m1 1.2 hr 100% IT − 36.7

Ir 190 m2 3.3 hr 94% EC (94% m); 6% IT; 93% γ (m) 0.617; 92% γ (m) 0.503;

90% γ (m) 0.361

− 36.5

Ir 191 37.3% − 36.715 310 (γ); 645 (γm1);

0.2 (γm2)



Ir 191 m 4.94 s 100% IT; 29%, γ 0.129 − 36.544 11−


Ir 192 73.83 d 95% β− (48% 0.68; 42% 0.54); 5% EC; 83% γ 0.317; 48% γ 0.468,

30% γ 0.308

− 34.843 1400 (γ) 4

Ir 192 m1 1.45 min 100% IT − 34.786 1

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Ir 192 m2 241 yr 100% IT − 34.688

Ir 193 62.7% − 34.544 110 (γ); 6 (γm) 3+


Ir 194 19.15 hr 100% β− (85% 2.25); 13% γ 0.328;

3% γ 0.294; 1% γ 0.645

− 32.539 1 −

Ir 194 m 171 d β−; 97% γ 0.483; 93% γ 0.329;

62% γ 0.601

− 32.349

Ir 195 2.5 hr 100% β− (13% 1.12, 26% 1.02, 57% 0.99); 10% γ 0.099; 2% γ 0.211; 1% γ 0.130

− 31.700 3+


Ir 195 m 3.8 hr 95% β− (35% 0.96, 38% 0.40); 5% IT; 10% γ 0.099; 9% γ 0.320;

9% γ 0.433

− 31.600 11−


Ir 196 52 s 100% β− (80% 3.2); 19% γ 0.355; 10% γ 0.779; 5% γ 0.447

− 29.46

Ir 196 m 1.40 hr 100% β− (80% 1.2); 97% γ 0.394; 96% γ 0.521; 94% γ 0.356

− 29.05

Ir 197 5.8 min β− − 28.29 3+


Ir 197 m 8.9 min β− − 28.18 11 −


Ir 198 8 s β− − 25.8

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

78 Pt 169 0.002 s α − 12.6

Pt 170 0.006 s 75% α; 25% β+/EC − 16.6 0 +

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Pt 171 0.025 s 99% α; 1% β+/EC − 17.7

Pt 172 0.10 s 98% α; 2% β+/EC − 21.2 0 +

Pt 173 0.34 s 84% α 6.21; 16% β+/EC − 22.1

Pt 174 0.90 s 83% α 6.03; 17% β+/EC − 25.32 0 +

Pt 175 2.52 s 64% α (5% 6.04, 54% 5.96, 5% 5.83); 36% β+/EC

− 26.0

Pt 176 6.33 s 38% α 5.75; 62% β+/EC − 28.9 0 +

Pt 177 11 s 7% α (5% 5.52, 2% 5.46); 93% β+/EC

− 29.4

Pt 178 21.0 s 8% α 5.44; 92% β+/EC − 32.0 0 +

Pt 179 43 s β+/EC − 32.2 1−


Pt 180 52 s β+/EC − 34.4 0 +

Pt 181 51 s β+/EC; γ − 34.3 1−


Pt 182 2.2 min β+/EC − 36.2 0 +

Pt 183 6.5 min β+/EC − 35.7 1−


Pt 183 m 43 s β+/EC − 35.7

Pt 184 17.3 min β+/EC; 27% γ 0.192; 23% γ 0.071;

23% γ 0.548

− 37.4 0 +

Pt 185 71 min β+/EC − 36.5

Pt 185 m 33.0 min β+/EC; γ − 36.4

Pt 186 2.0 hr 100% EC; 70% γ 0.689; 6% γ 0.612; 2% γ 0.367

− 37.8 0 +

Pt 187 2.35 hr 99% EC; 1% β+; 9% γ 0.106;

6% γ 0.110; 6% γ 0.202

− 36.8 3−


Pt 188 10.2 d 100% EC; 19% γ 0.188; 19% γ 0.195; 8% γ 0.381

− 37.827 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pt 189 10.9 hr 100% EC; 9% γ 0.721; 8% γ 0.094;

8% γ 0.608

− 36.49 3−


Pt 190 6.5 × 1011 yr 0.01%

100% α 3.16 − 37.331 150 (γ) 0 +

Pt 191 2.9 d 100% EC; (1% m); 14% γ 0.539;

8% γ 0.409; 6% γ 0.360

− 35.701 3−


Pt 192 0.79% − 36.303 8 (γ); 2 (γm) 0 +

Pt 193 50 yr 100% EC − 34.487 1−


Pt 193 m 4.33 d 100% IT − 34.337 13+


Pt 194 32.9% − 34.787 1.4 (γ); 0.1 (γm) 0 +

Pt 195 33.8% − 32.821 27 (γ) 1−


Pt 195 m 4.02 d 100% IT; 11% γ 0.099; 3% γ 0.130;

2% γ 0.031

− 32.562 13+


Pt 196 25.3% − 32.671 0.7 (γ); 0.04 (γm) 0 +

Pt 197 18.3 hr 100% β− (11% 0.72, 81% 0.64); 17% γ 0.077; 4% γ 0.191

− 30.446 1−


Pt 197 m 95.4 min 97% IT; 3% β− 0.71; (3% m); 11% γ 0.347; 2% γ 0.279; 1% γ 0.053

− 30.046 13+


Pt 198 7.2% − 29.932 3.3 (γ); 0.4 (γm) 0 +

Pt 199 30.8 min 100% β− (63% 1.7); 15% γ 0.543;

6% γ 0.494; 5% γ 0.317

− 27.43 15 (γ) 5−


Pt 199 m 13.6 s 100% IT; 85% γ 0.392, 3% γ 0.032

− 27.01

Pt 200 12.5 hr 100% β− (19% 0.7, 46% 0.6); 13% γ 0.076; 3% γ 0.136; 3% γ 0.244

− 26.63 0 +

Pt 201 2.5 min β − − 23.75

| top |

79 Au 173 0.06 s α 6.72 − 12.9

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Au 174 0.12 s α − 14.3

Au 175 0.20 s α 6.44 − 17.2

Au 176 1.3 s α; β+/EC − 18.5

Au 177 1.18 s α 6.11; β+/EC − 21.4

Au 178 2.6 s α 5.92; β+/EC − 22.5

Au 179 7.5 s 22% α 5.85; 78% β+/EC − 25.0

Au 180 8.1 s 2% α 5.98; 98% β+/EC − 25.8

Au 181 11.4 s 2% α (1% 5.63, 1% 5.48); 53% EC;

45% β+; 4% γ 0.079; 4% γ 0.199; 4% γ 2.022

− 27.9 5 −


Au 182 21 s β+/EC; 46% γ 0.155; 18% γ 0.265;

7% γ 0.855

− 28.4

Au 183 42.0 s 59% EC; 41% β+ (3% 4.6); 9% γ 0.161; 6% γ 0.214; 5% γ 0.313

− 30.2

Au 184 53 s β+/EC − 30.1 3 +

Au 185 4.3 min β+/EC − 31.8 5 −


Au 185 6.8 min β+/EC; γ − 31.8

Au 186 10.7 min 53% β+ (17% 5.1); 47% EC; 100% γ 0.192; 41% γ 0.299; 17% γ 0.765

− 31.6 3 −

Au 187 8.4 min 96% EC; 4% β+ (1% 2.6); 7% γ 1.332; 3% γ 0.915; 3% γ 1.408

− 32.9 1 +


Au 187 m 2.3 s 100% IT; 1% γ 0.020; 1% γ 0.101 − 32.8 9 −


Au 188 8.84 min β+/EC − 32.5 1

Au 189 28.7 min β+/EC; 100% γ 0.713; 63% γ 0.813; 55% γ 0.448

− 33.6 1 +


Au 189 m 4.6 min 96% EC; 4% β+ 1.8; 59% γ 0.166;

12% γ 0.321

− 33.4 11 −


Au 190 42.8 min 93% EC; 7% β+ (4% 2.8); 71% γ − 32.89 1 −

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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0.296; 23% γ 0.302; 9% γ 0.598

Au 191 3.18 hr 100% EC; 17% γ 0.586; 7% γ 0.278; 7% γ 0.284

− 33.87 3 +


Au 191 m 0.92 s 100% IT; 61% γ 0.253; 16% γ 0.012; 13% γ 0.241

− 33.60

Au 192 4.94 hr 95% EC; 5% β+ (3% 2.5); 58% γ 0.317; 22% γ 0.296; 6% γ 2.237

− 32.79 1 −

Au 193 17.7 hr β+/EC; 10% γ 0.186; 7% γ 0.256;

4% γ 0.268

− 33.43 3 +


Au 193 m 3.9 s 100% IT; 66% γ 0.258; 4% γ 0.220 − 33.14 11 −


Au 194 38.02 hr 98% EC; 2% β+ (1% 1.5); 60% γ 0.329; 10% γ 0.294; 6% γ 1.469

− 32.30 1 −

Au 195 186.1 d 100% EC; 11% γ 0.099; 1% γ 0.130

− 32.594 3 +


Au 195 m 30.5 s 100% IT; 68% γ 0.262; 2% γ 0.200 − 32.275 11−


Au 196 6.183 d 92% EC; 8% β− 0.26; 87% γ 0.356; 23% γ 0.333; 7% γ 0.426

− 31.166 2−

Au 196 m1 8.1 s 100% IT − 31.081 5+

Au 196 m2 9.7 hr 100% IT; 43% γ 0.148; 37% γ 0.188; 8% γ 0.168

− 30.570 12−

Au 197 100% − 31.165 98.7 (γ) 3+


Au 197 m 7.73 s 100% IT; 71% γ 0.279; 3% γ 0.130; 1% γ 0.202

− 30.756 11−


Au 198 2.694 d 100% β− (99% 0.96); 96% γ 0.412; 1% γ 0.676

− 29.606 2.5 × 104 (γ) 2−

Au 198 m 2.30 d 100% IT; 77% γ 0.215; 69% γ 0.097; 65% γ 0.180

− 28.794

Au 199 3.139 d 100% β− (14% 0.45, 66% 0.29); 37% γ 0.158; 8% γ 0.208

− 29.119 30 (γ) 3+


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Au 200 48.4 min 100% β− (79% 2.3); 19% γ 0.368;

11% γ 1.225; 3% γ 1.263

− 27.28 1

Au 200 m 18.7 hr 82% β− 0.61; 18% IT; 73% γ 0.368; 73% γ 0.498; 72% γ 0.579

− 26.29 12−

Au 201 26 min 100% β− (86% 1.27); 1% γ 0.167;

1% γ 0.517; 1% γ 0.613

− 26.41 3+


Au 202 29 s 100% β− (90% 3.3); 10% γ 0.440;

2% γ 1.125; 2% γ 1.306

− 24.4

Au 203 53 s β− − 23.15 3+


Au 204 39.8 s β−; 91% γ 0.437; 25% γ 1.511;

24% γ 0.692

− 20.7

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

23 of 23 05/12/2010 08:19

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 080 to 089

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


80 Hg 175 0.02 s α (6.86) − 8.2

Hg 176 0.03 s α (6.75) − 11.9 0+

Hg 177 0.130 s 85% α (6.58); 15% β+/EC − 13.0

Hg 178 0.26 s 50% α (6.43); 50% β+/EC − 16.32 0+

Hg 179 1.09 s 53% α (6.29); 47% β+/EC − 17.1

Hg 180 3.0 s 49% α 6.12; 51% β+/EC − 20.2 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Hg 181 3.6 s 36% α (32% 6.01, 2% 5.93,

2% 5.92); 64% β +/EC

− 20.7 1


Hg 182 11.3 s 15% α 5.87; 85% β+/EC − 23.5 0+

Hg 183 8.8 s 25% α (23% 5.91, 1% 5.84, 1% 5.83); 75% β+/EC; 1% γ 0.071;

1% γ 0.087

− 23.7 1−


Hg 184 30.6 s 1% α 5.54; 83% EC; 16% β+ (1% 2.3, 11% 2.2); 64% γ 0.236;

58% γ 0.156; 10% γ 0.295

− 26.3 0+

Hg 185 49 s 6% α 5.65; 94% β+/EC − 26.1 1−


Hg 185 m 21 s 54% IT; 46% β+/EC − 26.0 13+


Hg 186 1.38 min 94% EC; 6% β+ (5% 1.64); 63% γ 0.112; 55% γ 0.252; 4% γ 0.192

− 28.5 0+

Hg 187 2.4 min β+/EC − 28.1 13+


Hg 187 1.9 min β+/EC; γ − 28.1 3−


Hg 188 3.25 min 99% EC; 1% β+ 0.9; 63% γ 0.067;

4% γ 0.190; 3% γ 0.083

− 30.2 0+

Hg 189 7.6 min β+/EC − 29.7 3−


Hg 189 8.6 min β+/EC − 29.7 13+


Hg 190 20.0 min 100% EC; 68% γ 0.143; 5% γ 0.172; 3% γ 0.155

− 31.4 0+

Hg 191 49 min β+/EC − 30.69

Hg 191 50.8 min 99% EC; 1% β+ 2.2; γ − 30.69 13+


Hg 192 4.9 hr 100% EC; 50% γ 0.275; 7% γ 0.157; 5% γ 0.307

− 32.06 0+

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Hg 193 3.8 hr β+/EC − 31.09 3−


Hg 193 m 11.8 hr 92% EC; 1% β+ 1.2; (93% m); 7% IT; 61% γ (m) 0.258; 25% γ 0.408; 14% γ 0.573

− 30.95 13+


Hg 194 520 yr 100% EC − 32.26 0+

Hg 195 9.9 hr 100% EC; 7% γ 0.780; 6% γ 0.061;

2% γ 0.585

− 31.07 1−


Hg 195 m 41.6 hr 54% IT; 46% EC; (46% m); 31% γ (m) 0.262; 7% γ 0.560; 2% γ 0.388

− 30.89 13+


Hg 196 0.15% − 31.852 3000 (γ): 110 (γm) 0+

Hg 197 64.14 hr 100% EC; 18% γ 0.077; 1% γ 0.191

− 30.566 1−


Hg 197 m 23.8 hr 93% IT; 7% EC; (7% m); 34% γ 0.134; 5% γ (m) 0.279

− 30.267 13+


Hg 198 9.97% − 30.979 2 (γ); 0.02 (γm) 0+

Hg 199 16.87% − 29.572 2200 (γ) 1−


Hg 199 m 42.6 min 100% IT; 52% γ 0.158; 14% γ 0.374

− 29.039 13+


Hg 200 23.10% − 29.529 < 60 (γ) 0+

Hg 201 13.10% − 27.688 8 (γ) 3−


Hg 202 29.86% − 27.370 4.9 (γ) 0+

Hg 203 46.61 d 100% β− 0.21; 81% γ 0.279 − 25.292 5−


Hg 204 6.87% − 24.716 0.4 (γ) 0+

Hg 205 5.2 min 100% β− (97% 1.54); 2% γ 0.204 − 22.312 1−


Hg 206 8.15 min 100% β− (54% 1.3, 42% 1.0); γ − 20.97 0+

Hg 207 2.9 min β−; γ − 16.3

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| top |

81 Tl 179 0.16 s α (6.56) − 8.0

Tl 179 0.001 s α (7.20) − 8.0

Tl 183 6.9 s β+/EC − 16.2

Tl 183 m 0.06 s α − 15.7

Tl 184 11 s 2% α (1% 6.16, 1% 5.99); 98% β+/EC

− 17.0

Tl 185 m 1.8 s α; IT − 19.0

Tl 186 27.5 s β+/EC − 20.1

Tl 186 m 2.9 s 100% IT; 80% γ 0.374 − 19.7

Tl 187 51 s β+/EC − 22.2

Tl 187 m 15.6 s β+/EC; IT − 21.9

Tl 188 71 s β+/EC − 22.4

Tl 189 2.3 min β+/EC − 24.5

Tl 189 m 1.4 min β+/EC − 24.2

Tl 190 2.6 min β+/EC; 79% γ 0.416; 11% γ 0.625;

9% γ 0.684

− 24.5

Tl 190 3.7 min β+/EC; 91% γ 0.416; 82% γ 0.625;

24% γ 0.840

− 24.5

Tl 191 5.22 min β+/EC − 25.9 9


Tl 192 9.6 min β+/EC − 26.0

Tl 192 10.8 min β+/EC − 26.0

Tl 193 21.6 min β+/EC − 27.5 1


Tl 193 m 2.1 min 75% IT; 25% β+/EC; 67% 0.365 − 27.1

Tl 194 33.0 min β+/EC − 27.1 2−

Tl 194 32.8 min 85% EC; 15% β+ (2% 2.63, 6% 2.52); 99% γ 0.428; 99% γ 0.636;

76% γ 0.749

− 27.1

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Tl 195 1.16 hr 99% EC; 1% β+ 1.7; 11% γ 0.564;

10% γ 0.884; 8% γ 1.364

− 28.3 1+


Tl 195 m 3.6 s 100% IT; 92% γ 0.384; 1% γ 0.099

− 27.8 9−


Tl 196 1.84 hr 86% EC; 14% β+ (1% 3.5, 11% 3.1); 84% γ 0.426; 12% γ 0.611;

10% γ 0.635

− 27.5 2−

Tl 196 m 1.41 hr 96% β+/EC; 4% IT; 2% γ 0.275 − 27.1

Tl 197 2.84 hr β+/EC; 13% γ 0.426; 7% γ 0.152;

5% γ 1.411

− 28.40 1+


Tl 197 m 0.54 s 100% IT; 91% γ 0.386; 31% γ 0.222

− 27.79 9−


Tl 198 5.3 hr 99% EC; 1% β+; 82% γ 0.412;

11% γ 0.676; 10% γ 0.637

− 27.52 2−

Tl 198 m 1.87 hr 56% β+/EC; 44% IT; 28% γ 0.283; 3% γ 0.260; 1% γ 0.261

− 26.98 7+

Tl 199 7.42 hr 100% EC; 12% γ 0.208; 12% γ 0.455; 9% γ 0.247

− 28.14 1+


Tl 200 26.1 hr 100% EC; 87% γ 0.368; 30% γ 1.206; 14% γ 0.579

− 27.073 2−

Tl 201 72.91 hr 100% EC; 11% γ 0.167; 3% γ 0.135 − 27.21 1+


Tl 202 12.23 d 100% EC; 91% γ 0.440; 1% γ 0.520 − 26.01 2−

Tl 203 29.52% − 25.784 11 (γ) 1+


Tl 204 3.78 yr 97% β− 0.76; 3% EC − 24.369 22 (γ) 2−

Tl 205 70.48% − 23.846 0.10 (γ) 1+


(RaE") Tl 206 4.20 min 100% β− 1.53 − 22.278 0 −

Tl 206 m 3.74 min 100% IT; 93% γ 0.453; 90% γ 0.687; 86% γ 0.266

− 19.635

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(AcC") Tl 207 4.77 min 100% β− 1.42 − 21.049 1+


Tl 207 m 1.33 s 100% IT − 19.701 11−


(ThC") Tl 208 3.053 min 100% β− (49% 1.80, 22% 1.52, 25% 1.29); 99% γ 2.615; 85% γ 0.583; 23% γ 0.511

− 16.774 5

Tl 209 2.20 min 100% β− (99% 1.83); 100% γ 1.567; 97% γ 0.465; 84% γ 0.117

− 13.65

(RcC") Tl 210 1.30 min β−; 99% γ 0.800; 79% γ 0.296;

21% γ 1.316

− 9.26

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

82 Pb 182 0.06 s α − 6.87 0 +

Pb 183 0.30 s 94% α; 6% β+/EC − 7.7

Pb 184 0.55 s α − 11.0 0 +

Pb 185 4.1 s 100% α (18% 6.49, 52% 6.41,

15% 6.34, 12% 6.29)

− 11.6

Pb 186 4.79 s α 6.34 − 14.6 0 +

Pb 187 15.2 s α; β+/EC − 14.9

Pb 187 18.3 s 2% α 6.07; 98% β+/EC − 14.9

Pb 188 24.2 s 22% α; 48% EC; 30% β+ (19% 3.5); 49% γ 0.185; 29% γ 0.758

− 17.8 0 +

Pb 189 51 s β+/EC − 17.8

Pb 190 1.2 min 1% α 5.58; 77% EC; 22% β+ (1% 3.1, 6% 3.0); 34% γ 0.942; 18% γ

− 20.4 0 +

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0.079; 12% γ 0.059

Pb 191 1.33 min β+/EC − 20.3

Pb 191 2.18 min β+/EC − 20.3

Pb 192 3.5 min 96% EC; 4% β+ (2% 2.2); 47% γ 1.195; 18% γ 0.608; 14% γ 0.168

− 22.6 0 +

Pb 193 5.8 min β+/EC − 22.2

Pb 194 12.0 min 99% EC; 1% β+; 19% γ 0.582;

16% γ 0.204; 16% γ 1.519

− 24.3 0 +

Pb 195 15 min β+/EC − 23.8 3−


Pb 195 m 15 min 87% EC; 13% β+ (4% 2.8); 100% γ 0.384; 44% γ 0.394; 24% γ 0.878

− 23.6 13+


Pb 196 37 min 100% EC; γ − 25.4 0 +

Pb 197 8 min 96% EC; 4% β+ (2% 2.6); 50% γ 0.386; 13% γ 0.375; 13% γ 0.761

− 24.8 3−


Pb 197 m 43 min 79% EC; 2% β+ (1% 2.3); 19% IT; 74% γ 0.386; 25% γ 0.223; 25% γ 0.388

− 24.5 13+


Pb 198 2.40 hr 100% EC; 36% γ 0.290; 19% γ 0.365; 18% γ 0.173

− 26.1 0 +

Pb 199 90 min 98% EC; 2% β+ (1% 1.6); 46% γ 0.367; 10% γ 0.353; 8% γ 1.135

− 25.27 3−


Pb 199 m 12.2 min 93% IT; 7% β+/EC; 18% γ 0.424 − 24.84 13+


Pb 200 21.5 hr 100% EC; 38% γ 0.148; 4% γ 0.236; 4% γ 0.257

− 26.28 0 +

Pb 201 9.33 hr 100% EC; 79% γ 0.331; 10% γ 0.361; 7% γ 0.946

− 25.30 5−


Pb 201 m 61 s 100% IT; 54% γ 0.629 − 24.67 13+


Pb 202 5.25 × 104 yr 100% EC − 25.96 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pb 202 m 3.53 hr 90% IT; 10% EC; 92% γ 0.961;

86% γ 0.422; 50% γ 0.787

− 23.79 9 −

Pb 203 51.87 hr 100% EC; 81% γ 0.279; 3% γ 0.401;1% γ 0.681

− 24.810 5−


Pb 203 m1 6.3 s 100% IT; 71% γ 0.825; 6% γ 0.820 − 23.985 13+


Pb 203 m2 0.48 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.839; 83% γ 0.259; 51% γ 0.874

− 21.861 29−


Pb 204 1.4% − 25.132 0.66 (γ) 0 +

Pb 204 m 67.2 min 100% IT; 99% γ 0.899; 96% γ 0.912; 89% γ 0.375

− 22.946 9 −

Pb 205 1.52 × 107 yr 100% EC − 23.793 5−


Pb 206 24.1% − 23.809 0.006 (γ) 0 +

Pb 207 22.1% − 22.476 0.71 (γ) 1−


Pb 207 m 0.805 s 100% IT; γ − 20.843 13+


Pb 208 52.4% − 21.772 0.0005 (γ) 0 +

Pb 209 3.25 hr 100% β− 0.64 − 17.638 9+


(RaD) Pb 210 22.3 yr 100% β− (16% 0.063, 84% 0.017); 4% γ 0.047

− 14.752 0.5 (γ) 0 +

(AcB) Pb 211 36.1 min 100% β− (91% 1.38); 4% γ 0.405;

4% γ 0.832; 2% γ 0.427

− 10.494 9+


(ThB) Pb 212 10.64 hr 100% β− (12% 0.57, 83% 0.34); 43% γ 0.239; 3% γ 0.300; 1% γ 0.115

− 7.571 0 +

Pb 213 10.2 min β− − 3.2

(RaB) Pb 214 26.8 min 100% β− (9% 1.03, 41% 0.74, 46% 0.68); 36% γ 0.352; 19% γ 0.295; 8% γ 0.242

− 0.188 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

8 of 23 05/12/2010 08:20

| top |

83 Bi 187 0.035 s α − 6.1

Bi 187 m 0.008 s α − 6.0

Bi 188 0.044 s α; β+/EC − 7.3

Bi 188 0.21 s α; β+/EC − 7.3

Bi 189 0.68 s > 50% α; < 50% β+/EC − 9.8

Bi 190 6.2 s 68% α (1% 6.82, 1% 6.73, 66% 6.46); 32% β+/EC

− 10.7

Bi 190 6.3 s 82% α; 18% β+/EC − 10.7

Bi 191 12 s 60% α (2% 6.64, 58% 6.31); 40% β+/EC

− 13.0

Bi 191 m 0.15 s > 50% α 6.88; < 50% β+/EC − 12.8

Bi 192 37 s 18% α (1% 6.25, 17% 6.06); 82% β+/EC

− 13.5

Bi 192 m 39.6 s 9% α (1% 6.08, 8% 6.05); 91% β+/EC

− 13.4

Bi 193 67 s 5% α 5.90; 95% β+/EC − 15.7

Bi 193 m 3.2 s 90% α; 10% β+/EC − 15.4

Bi 194 106 s β+/EC − 16.0

Bi 194 92 s β+/EC − 16.0

Bi 194 125 s β+/EC; 99% γ 0.965; 97% γ 0.575;

73% γ 0.280

− 16.0

Bi 195 183 s β+/EC − 17.9

Bi 195 m 87 s 33% α 6.11; 67% β+/EC − 17.5

Bi 196 4.6 min β+/EC − 18.0

Bi 196 5 min β+/EC − 18.0

Bi 197 m 5.2 min 55% α 5.78; 45% β+/EC − 19.1

Bi 198 11.9 min β+/EC; γ − 19.5

Bi 198 m 7.7 s 100% IT; 39% γ 0.249 − 19.3

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Bi 199 27 min β+/EC; 14% γ 0.425; 7% γ 0.842;

6% γ 0.837

− 20.9 9−


Bi 199 m 24.7 min 99% β+/EC; 1% IT − 20.2

Bi 200 36.4 min 89% EC; 11% β+ (3% 2.9); 100% γ 1.026; 98% γ 0.462; 91% γ 0.420

− 20.40 7 +

Bi 200 m1 31 min > 90% β+ /EC; < 10% IT; 91% γ 1.027; 38% γ 0.462; 22% γ 0.420

− 20.20

Bi 200 m2 0.40 s 100% IT − 19.97

Bi 201 108 min 98% EC; 2% β+; 24% γ 0.629;

11% γ 0.936; 11% γ 1.014

− 21.47 9−


Bi 201 m 59.1 min > 93% β+/EC; < 7% IT − 20.62 1+


Bi 202 1.72 hr 100% EC; 99% γ 0.961; 84% γ 0.422; 61% γ 0.657

− 20.80 5 +

Bi 203 11.76 hr 100% EC; 30% γ 0.820; 15% γ 0.825; 13% γ 0.897

− 21.58 9−


Bi 204 11.22 hr 100% EC; (13% m); 98% γ 0.899;

82% γ 0.375; 59% γ 0.984

− 20.73 6 +

Bi 205 15.31 d 100% EC; 33% γ 1.764; 31% γ 0.703; 16% γ 0.988

− 21.084 9−


Bi 206 6.243 d 100% EC; 99% γ 0.803; 66% γ 0.881; 41% γ 0.516

− 20.052 6

Bi 207 32.2 yr 100% EC; (83% m); 98% γ 0.570;

74% γ (m) 1.064; 7% γ 1.770

− 20.079 9−


Bi 208 3.68 × 105 yr 100% EC; 100% γ 2.610 − 18.894 Bi 209 100% − 18.282 0.024 (γ);




(RaE) Bi 210 5.013 d 100% β− 1.16 − 14.815 0.05 (γ) 1 −

Bi 210 m 3.04 × 106 yr 100% α (55% 4.95, 40% 4.91, 1% 4.58, 4% 4.57); 50% γ 0.266;

28% γ 0.305; 4% γ 0.650

− 14.544 9 −

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

10 of 23 05/12/2010 08:20

(AcC) Bi 211 2.14 min 100% α (84% 6.62, 16% 6.28);

13% γ 0.351

− 11.873 9−


(ThC) Bi 212 60.55 min 36% α (10% 6.09, 25% 6.05, 1% 5.77); 64% β− (55% 2.25); 7% γ 0.727; 1% γ 0.785; 1% γ 1.621

− 8.142 1

Bi 212 m1 25.0 min 67% α (35% 6.34, 26% 6.30, 5% 6.01); 33% β−

− 7.892

Bi 212 m2 7.0 min β− − 6.232

Bi 213 45.59 min 2% α 5.87; 98% β− (66% 1.42,

31% 0.98); 26% γ 0.440

− 5.244 9−


(RaC) Bi 214 19.9 min 100% β− (20% 3.3); 45% γ 0.609;

15% γ 1.120; 15% γ 1.764

− 1.22 1 −

Bi 215 7.6 min β− 1.71

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

84 Po 192 0.034 s 99% α 7.17; 1% β+/EC − 8.0 0 +

Po 193 0.26 s α − 8.3

Po 193 0.36 s α − 8.3

Po 194 0.44 s 100% α 6.85 − 11.0 0 +

Po 195 4.5 s 75% α; 25% β+/EC − 11.1

Po 195 m 2.0 s 90% α; 10% β+/EC − 10.9

Po 196 5.5 s α − 13.5 0 +

Po 197 56 s 44% α 6.28; 56% β+/EC − 13.5

Po 197 m 26 s 84% α 6.38; 16% β+/EC − 13.2

Po 198 1.76 min 70% α 6.18; 30% β+/EC − 15.5 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Po 199 5.2 min 12% α 5.95; 88% β+/EC; γ − 15.3 3−


Po 199 m 4.2 min 39% α 6.06; 59% β+/EC; 2% IT; γ − 15.0 13+


Po 200 11.5 min 15% α 5.86; 80% EC; 5% β+

(4% 1.7); 34% γ 0.671; 20% γ 0.618; 9% γ 0.434

− 17.0 0 +

Po 201 15.3 min 2% α 5.68; 98% β+/EC; γ − 16.57 3−


Po 201 m 8.9 min 3% α 5.79; 43% EC; 14% β+ (8% 3.3); 40% IT; 57% γ 0.967; 26% γ 0.412; 7% γ 0.418

− 16.15 13+


Po 202 44.7 min 2% α 5.59; 98% β+/EC; 51% γ 0.689; 14% γ 0.316; 7% γ 0.791

− 17.97 0 +

Po 203 35 min 93% EC; 7% β+ (4% 2.3); 55% γ 0.909; 19% γ 0.894; 19% γ 1.091

− 17.35 5−


Po 203 m 1.2 min 95% IT; 5% β+/EC; 51% γ 0.641 − 16.71 13+


Po 204 3.53 hr 1% α 5.38; 99% EC; 30% γ 0.884;

28% γ 0.270; 24% γ 1.016

− 18.37 0 +

Po 205 1.66 hr 98% EC; 2% β+ (1% 1.7); 37% γ 0.872; 29% γ 1.001; 26% γ 0.850

− 17.56 5−


Po 206 8.8 d 5% α 5.22; 95% EC; 33% γ 1.032;

24% γ 0.286; 24% γ 0.511

− 18.21 0 +

Po 207 5.80 hr 99% EC; 1% β+; 59% γ 0.992;

28% γ 0.743; 17% γ 0.912

− 17.169 5−


Po 207 m 2.8 s 100% IT; 100% γ 0.814; 45% γ 0.268; 34% γ 0.300

− 15.786 19−


Po 208 2.898 yr 100% α 5.12 − 17.492 0 +

Po 209 102 yr 100% α (20% 4.89, 79% 4.88, 1% 4.62); 1% γ 0.261

− 16.390 1−


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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(RaF) Po 210 138.4 d 100% α 5.30 − 15.977 < 0.03 (γ); < 0.0005 (γm)

0 +

(AcC' ) Po 211 0.516 s 100% α (99% 7.45, 1% 6.89);

1% γ 0.570; 1% γ 0.898

− 12.457 9+


Po 211 m 25.2 s 100% α (7% 8.88, 2% 7.99, 91% 7.27); (91% m); 2% γ 0.900

− 10.995

(ThC') Po 212 2.99 × 10−7 s 100% α 8.78 − 10.394 0 +

Po 212 m 45.1 s 100% α (97% 11.65, 1% 9.08, 2% 8.52); 3% γ 2.610; 2% γ 0.570

− 7.472

Po 213 4.2 × 10−6 s 100% α 8.38 − 6.676 9+


(RaC') Po 214 1.64 × 10−4 s 100% α 7.69 − 4.493 0 +

(AcA) Po 215 1.781 × 10−3 s 100% α 7.39 − 0.542 9+


(ThA) Po 216 0.145 s 100% α 6.78 1.760 0 +

Po 217 < 10 s > 95% α; < 5% β− 5.84

(RaA) Po 218 3.10 min 100% α 6.00 8.351 0 +

| top |

85 At 194 0.18 s α − 0.8

At 196 0.3 s α 7.06 − 3.9

At 197 0.35 s 44% α 6.96; 56% β+/EC − 6.2

At 197 m 4 s 84% α 6.71; 16% β+/EC − 6.1

At 198 4.9 s α; β+/EC − 6.7

At 198 m 1.5 s α; β+/EC − 6.6

At 199 7.2 s 90% α 6.64; 10% β+/EC − 8.7

At 200 43 s 35% α (14% 6.47, 21% 6.41); 65% β+/EC

− 8.9

At 200 m 4.3 s 10% α 6.54; 80% IT; 10% β+/EC − 8.7

At 201 89 s 71% α 6.34; 22% EC; 7% β+ (1% 4.4, 6% 4.2)

− 10.7

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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At 202 181 s 12% α (4% 6.23, 8% 6.14); 44% β+ (24% 4.9, 20% 4.5); 44% EC; 87% γ 0.675; 81% γ 0.570;

41% γ 0.441

− 10.8

At 202 m 1.5 s IT − 10.4

At 203 7.4 min 31% α 6.09; 69% β+/EC; 69% γ 1.034; 67% γ 0.639; 59% γ 1.002

− 12.3 9−


At 204 9.2 min 4% α 5.95; 72% EC; 24% β+

(3% 3.8, 6% 3.2); 94% γ 0.684;

90% γ 0.516; 67% γ 0.426

− 11.90

At 205 26.2 min 10% α 5.90; 81% EC; 9% β+

(4% 3.5); 31% γ 0.719; 9% γ 0.669; 6% γ 0.629

− 13.05 9−


At 206 30.0 min 1% α 5.70; 81% EC; 18% β+ (5% 3.5, 9% 3.1); 98% γ 0.701;

86% γ 0.477; 48% γ 0.396

− 12.49

At 207 1.80 hr 9% α 5.76; 90% EC; 1% β+; 44% γ 0.814; 19% γ 0.588; 13% γ 0.301

− 13.29 9−


At 208 1.63 hr 1% α 5.64; 96% EC; 3% β+

(1% 2.4); 98% γ 0.687; 89% γ 0.660; 49% γ 0.178

− 12.56 6 +

At 209 5.41 hr 4% α 5.65; 96% EC; 91% γ 0.545;

84% γ 0.782; 64% γ 0.790

− 12.902 9−


At 210 8.1 hr 100% β+/EC; 99% γ 1.181; 79% γ 0.245; 47% γ 1.483

− 11.995

At 211 7.214 hr 42% α 5.87; 58% EC − 11.674 9−


At 212 0.314 s 100% α (82% 7.68, 16% 7.62, 1% 7.08)

− 8.640

At 212 m 0.119 s 100% α (32% 7.90, 66% 7.84,

1% 7.39); 67% γ 0.063

− 8.418

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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At 213 1.25 × 10−7 s 100% α 9.08 − 6.60 9−


At 214 5.6 × 10−7 s 100% α (99% 8.82, 1% 8.48) − 3.403 1 −

At 214 m1 2.7 × 10−7 s 100% α 8.88 − 3.344

At 214 m2 7.6 × 10−7 s 100% α (99% 8.78) − 3.171 9 −

At 215 10−4 s 100% α 8.03 − 1.269 9−


At 216 3 × 10−4 s 100% α (97% 7.80, 2% 7.68, 1% 7.47)

2.231 1

At 217 0.0323 s 100% α 7.07 4.383 9−


At 218 1.6 s 100% α (4% 6.75, 90% 6.69, 6% 6.65)


At 219 56 s 97% α 6.28; 3% β − 10.52

At 221 2.3 min β− 16.7

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

86 Rn 198 0.05 s α; β+/EC − 1.2 0 +

Rn 199 0.62 s 95% α 6.99; 5% β+/EC − 1.6

Rn 199 0.3 s α; β+/EC − 1.6

Rn 200 1.06 s 98% α 6.91; 2% β+/EC − 4.0 0 +

Rn 201 7.0 s 80% α (78% 6.72, 2% 6.59); 20% β+/EC

− 4.2

Rn 201 m 3.8 s 90% α 6.77; 10% β+/EC − 3.9

Rn 202 9.9 s 70% α 6.64; 30% β +/EC − 6.3 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Rn 203 45 s 66% α (64% 6.50, 2% 6.43);

34% β+/EC

− 6.2

Rn 203 m 28 s 80% α 6.55; 20% β+/EC − 5.9

Rn 204 1.24 min 68% α 6.42; 32% β+/EC − 8.0 0 +

Rn 205 170 s 23% α 6.26; 77% β+/EC − 7.8

Rn 206 5.7 min 62% α 6.26; 38% β+/EC; 40% γ 0.498; 38% γ 0.325; 24% γ 0.387

− 9.2 0 +

Rn 207 9.3 min 23% α 6.13; 65% EC; 12% β+ (4% 3.2); 45% γ 0.345; 14% γ 0.747;

12% γ 0.403

− 8.67 5−


Rn 208 24.4 min 62% α 6.14; 38% β+/EC; 7% γ 0.427; 5% γ 0.251; 3% γ 0.350

− 9.7 0 +

Rn 209 28.5 min 17% α 6.04; 77% EC; 6% β+

(2% 2.5); 50% γ 0.408; 23% γ 0.746; 15% γ 0.337

− 8.97 5−


Rn 210 2.4 hr 96% α 6.04; 4% EC; 2% γ 0.458;

1% γ 0.571; 1% γ 0.649

− 9.62 0 +

Rn 211 14.6 hr 27% α (9% 5.85, 17% 5.78, 1% 5.62); 73% EC; 45% γ 0.674;

33% γ 1.363; 29% γ 0.678

− 8.780 1−


Rn 212 23.9 min 100% α 6.26 − 8.682 0 +

Rn 213 0.0250 s 100% α (99% 8.09, 1% 7.55) − 5.722

Rn 214 2.7 × 10−7 s 100% α 9.04 − 4.34 0 +

Rn 214 m1 7 × 10−10 s α − 2.90 6+

Rn 214 m2 7 × 10−9 s α − 2.72 8 +

Rn 215 2.3 × 10−6 s 100% α 8.67 − 1.193 9+


Rn 216 4.5 × 10−5 s 100% α 8.05 0.231 0 +

Rn 217 5.4 × 10−4 s 100% α 7.74 3.634 9+


Rn 218 0.035 s 100% α 7.13 5.199 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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(An) Rn 219 3.96 s 100% α (79% 6.82, 13% 6.55, 8% 6.43); 11% γ 0.271; 6% γ 0.402

8.828 5+


(Tn) Rn 220 55.6 s 100% α 6.29 10.590 < 0.2 (γ) 0 +

Rn 221 25 min 22% α (18% 6.04, 2% 5.79, 2% 5.78); 78% β −; 22% γ 0.186; 5% γ 0.150; 3% γ 0.217

14.42 7


(Rn) Rn 222 3.824 d 100% α 5.49 16.367 0.7 (γ) 0 +

Rn 223 23.2 min β− 20.2 7


Rn 224 107 min β− 22.5 0 +

Rn 225 4.5 min β− 26.5 7−


Rn 226 6.0 min β− 29.0 0 +

Rn 227 22.5 s β− 33.2

| top |

87 Fr 201 0.05 s 100% α 7.39 3.8

Fr 202 0.34 s 97% α 7.25; 3% β+/EC 3.1

Fr 203 0.55 s 95% α 7.13; 5% β+/EC 1.0

Fr 204 2.1 s 80% α (56% 7.03, 24% 6.97); 20% β+/EC


Fr 205 3.85 s 100% α 6.92 − 1.3

Fr 206 15.9 s 88% α 6.79; 12% β+/EC; 12% γ 0.575

− 1.4

Fr 206 m 0.7 s α − 0.9

Fr 207 14.8 s 95% α 6.77; 5% β+/EC; 2% γ 0.665

− 3.0 9−


Fr 208 59.1 s 90% α 6.64; 7% EC; 3% β+ (1% 4.20); 10% γ 0.636; 7% γ 0.779;

5% γ 0.325

− 2.71 7 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Fr 209 50.0 s 89% α 6.65; 11% β+/EC − 3.83 9−


Fr 210 3.18 min 60% α 6.54; 40% β+/EC − 3.40 6 +

Fr 211 3.10 min > 80% α 6.54; 2% β+ 3.0; < 18% EC; 20% γ 0.540; 11% γ 0.918;

7% γ 0.281

− 4.20 9−


Fr 212 20.0 min 43% α (10% 6.41, 10% 6.38, 4% 6.34, 16% 6.26); 53% EC; 4% β+ (2% 2.5); 46% γ 1.275; 43% γ 0.228; 14% γ 1.186

− 3.60 5 +

Fr 213 34.6 s 99% α 6.78; 1% EC − 3.572 9−


Fr 214 0.0050 s 100% α (93% 8.43, 5% 8.36, 1% 7.94, 1% 7.61)

− 0.98

Fr 214 m 0.0034 s 100% α (46% 8.55, 51% 8.48, 1% 8.05, 1% 7.71)

− 0.86

Fr 215 8.6 × 10−8 s 100% α 9.36 0.292 9−


Fr 216 7.0 × 10−7 s 100% α 9.01 2.96

Fr 217 2.2 × 10−5 s 100% α 8.32 4.29 9−


Fr 218 0.001 s 100% α (93% 7.87, 5% 7.57, 1% 7.54)


Fr 219 0.020 s 100% α (99% 7.31, 1% 6.97) 8.609 9−


Fr 220 27.4 s 100% α (61% 6.68, 12% 6.63, 6% 6.62, 10% 6.57); γ

11.456 1 +

Fr 221 4.9 min 100% α (83% 6.34, 1% 6.24, 15% 6.13); 12% γ 0.218

13.266 5−


Fr 222 14.2 min 100% β − (7% 2.1, 33% 1.9, 55% 1.7); 51% γ 0.206; 13% γ 0.111;

2% γ 0.242

16.38 2 −

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

18 of 23 05/12/2010 08:20

(AcK) Fr 223 21.8 min 100% β− (67% 1.10); 36% γ 0.050;

9% γ 0.080; 3% γ 0.235

18.381 3


Fr 224 3.30 min 100% β− (16% 2.8, 42% 2.6); 33% γ 0.216; 16% γ 0.132; 10% γ 0.837

21.62 1

Fr 225 4.0 min β− 23.84 3−


Fr 226 48 s 100% β− (27% 3.5, 34% 3.3); 25% γ 0.254 (double); 16% γ 0.186;

2% γ 1.323

27.2 1

Fr 227 2.47 min 100% β− (20% 2.4, 52% 1.8); 39% γ 0.090; 30% γ 0.586; 15% γ 0.064

29.59 1+


Fr 228 39 s 100% β − (23% 4.14); 18% γ 0.474

(double); 6% γ 0.141; 6% γ 0.410

33.1 2 −

Fr 229 50 s β− 36.2

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

88 Ra 206 0.24 s α 3.5 0 +

Ra 207 1.3 s 90% α (1% 7.18, 89% 7.13);

10% β+/EC

3.5 0 +

Ra 208 1.3 s 95% α 7.13; 5% β+/EC 1.7 0 +

Ra 209 4.6 s 90% α (89% 7.01, 1% 6.96);

10% β+/EC

1.8 5−


Ra 210 3.7 s 96% α 7.02; 4% β+/EC 0.42 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

19 of 23 05/12/2010 08:20

Ra 211 13 s > 93% α 6.91; < 7% β+/EC 0.80 5


Ra 212 13.0 s 85% α 6.90; 15% β+/EC − 0.23 0 +

Ra 213 2.74 min 80% α (36% 6.73, 39% 6.62, 5% 6.52); 20% β+/EC; 6% γ 0.110;

1% γ 0.215

0.31 1−


Ra 213 m 0.0021 s 99% IT; 1% α 8.47; 99% γ 0.546;

95% γ 1.063; 44% γ 0.161


Ra 214 2.46 s 100% α 7.14 0.08 0 +

Ra 215 0.0016 s 100% α (96% 8.70, 1% 8.17, 3% 7.88)


Ra 216 1.8 × 10 − 7 s 100% α 9.35 3.269 0 +

Ra 217 1.6 × 10 − 6 s 100% α 8.99 5.86

Ra 218 2.6 × 10 − 5 s 100% α 8.39 6.63 0 +

Ra 219 0.010 s 100% α (31% 7.98, 1% 7.72, 66% 7.68, 2% 7.23); 66% γ 0.316;

1% γ 0.214; 1% γ 0.592


Ra 220 0.025 s 100% α (99% 7.46, 1% 7.00);

1% γ 0.465

10.25 0 +

Ra 221 28 s 100% α (30% 6.76, 20% 6.67,

34% 6.61, 8% 6.59); 9% γ 0.149;

2% γ 0.093; 2% γ 0.174

12.938 5+


Ra 222 38.0 s 100% α (97% 6.56, 3% 6.24);

3% γ 0.324

14.303 0 +

(AcX) Ra 223 11.44 d 100% α (9% 5.75, 53% 5.72, 26% 5.61, 9% 5.54); 14% γ 0.269; 6% γ 0.154; 4% γ 0.324

17.232 130 (γ); 0.7 (f) 3+


(ThX) Ra 224 3.66 d 100% α (95% 5.69, 5% 5.45); 4% γ 0.241

18.804 12(γ) 0 +

Ra 225 14.9 d 100% β− (31% 0.37; 69% 0.33); 30% γ 0.040

21.988 1+


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

20 of 23 05/12/2010 08:20

(Ra) Ra 226 1600 yr 100% α (94% 4.78, 6% 4.60); 4% γ 0.186

23.662 13(γ) 0 +

Ra 227 42.2 min 100% β− (36% 1.30, 28% 1.28); 16% γ 0.027; 5% γ 0.300; 4% γ 0.303

27.172 3+


(MsTh1) Ra 228 5.75 yr 100% β− (60% 0.04) 28.936 36 (γ) 0 +

Ra 229 4.0 min 100% β− (98% 1.8) 32.7 5


Ra 230 93 min β− 34.7 0 +

Ra 232 250 s β− 41.1 0 +

| top |

89 Ac 209 0.1 s 99% α 7.59; 1% β+/EC 8.9

Ac 210 0.35 s 96% α 7.46; 4% β+/EC 8.6

Ac 211 0.25 s 100% α 7.48 7.1

Ac 212 0.93 s 97% α 7.38; 3% β+/EC 7.24

Ac 213 0.80 s α 6.10

Ac 214 8.2 s 89% α (48% 7.21, 41% 7.08);

11% β+/EC


Ac 215 0.17 s 100% α 7.60 5.97 9−


Ac 216 3 × 10−4 s 100% α (90% 9.07, 10% 8.99) 8.06

Ac 216 3 × 10−4 s α 8.06

Ac 217 6.9 × 10 − 8 s 100% α 9.65 8.69 9−


Ac 218 1.1 × 10 − 6 s 100% α 9.21 10.82

Ac 219 1.2 × 10 − 5 s 100% α 8.66 11.54 9−


Ac 220 0.0261 s 100% α (24% 7.85, 13% 7.79,

21% 7.68, 23% 7.61)


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

21 of 23 05/12/2010 08:20

Ac 221 0.052 s 100% α (70% 7.65, 20% 7.44,

10% 7.38)14.50

Ac 222 5.0 s 98% α (92% 7.01, 6% 6.97);

2% β+/EC


Ac 222 m 63 s 88% α (13% 7.00, 13% 6.89,

24% 6.81, 13% 6.75); 10% IT;

2% β+/EC


Ac 223 2.10 min 99% α (31% 6.66, 44% 6.65, 14% 6.56, 3% 6.47); 1% EC; 1% γ 0.084; 1% γ 0.099; 1% γ 0.191


Ac 224 2.9 hr 9% α (2% 6.21, 1% 6.20, 2% 6.14,

2% 6.06); 91% EC; 53% γ 0.216; 26% γ 0.131

20.204 0−

Ac 225 10.0 d 100% α (51% 5.83, 27% 5.79

(double); 9% 5.73 (double), 4% 5.64); 2% γ 0.100 (double);

1% γ 0.150


Ac 226 29.4 hr 83% β− (24% 1.12, 49% 0.89); 17% EC; 27% γ 0.230; 18% γ 0.158; 6% γ 0.254


(Ac) Ac 227 21.77 yr 1% α 4.95 (double); 99% β−

(54% 0.04)

25.848 890 (γ) 3−


(MsTh2)Ac 228 6.15 hr 100% β− (10% 2.08, 31% 1.17); 27% γ 0.911; 16% γ 0.969;

11% γ 0.338

28.890 3

Ac 229 62.7 min β− 30.9

Ac 230 122 s 100% β− (40% 2.90, 20% 2.85); 8% γ 0.455; 5% γ 0.508; 4% γ 1.244


Ac 231 7.5 min 100% β− (12% 1.78, 80% 1.45); 34% γ 0.282; 28% γ 0.026; 27% γ 0.307


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Ac 232 119 s 100% β− (15% 3.80); 15% γ 0.665;

9% γ 1.899; 5% γ 1.959


Ac 233 145 s β− 41.6

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 090 to 099

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element: Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


90 Th 212 0.03 s α 12.0 0 +

Th 213 0.14 s α 12.1

Th 214 0.10 s α 7.7 10.7 0+

Th 215 1.2 s 100% α (40% 7.52, 52% 7.40, 8% 7.33)


Th 216 0.028 s α 7.92 10.27 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Th 216 m 1.8 × 10 − 4 s 3% α 9.91; 97% IT 12.30

Th 217 2.5 × 10 − 4 s α 9.25 12.16

Th 218 1.1 × 10 − 7 s α 9.67 12.35 0+

Th 219 1.05 × 10 − 6 s α 9.34 14.45

Th 220 9.7 × 10 − 6 s α 8.79 14.65 0+

Th 221 0.0017 s 100% α (39% 8.47, 56% 8.15; 5% 7.73)


Th 222 0.0028 s α 7.98 17.18 0+

Th 223 0.60 s 100% α (10% 7.46, 52% 7.32, 9% 7.31, 22% 7.29); 5% γ 0.140;

4% γ 0.057; 4% γ 0.152


Th 224 1.05 s 100% α (79% 7.17, 19% 7.00, 1% 6.77); 9% γ 0.177; 1% γ 0.410

19.98 0+

Th 225 8.72 min 90% α (8% 6.80, 13% 6.50, 39% 6.48, 14% 6.44); 10% EC; 23% γ 0.321; 5% γ 0.246; 4% γ 0.306


Th 226 30.6 min 100% α (76% 6.34, 23% 6.23, 1% 6.10); 3% γ 0.111; 1% γ 0.242

23.183 0+

(RdAc) Th 227 18.72 d 100% α (24% 6.04, 24% 5.98,

20% 5.76, 8% 5.71); 12% γ 0.236; 8% γ 0.050; 7% γ 0.256

25.803 200 (f)

(RdTh) Th 228 1.913 yr 100% α (71% α 5.42, 28% 5.34);

1% γ 0.084

26.749 < 120 (γ); < 0.3 (f)


Th 229 7340 yr 100% α (7% 5.05, 10% 4.90, 56% 4.85, 9% 4.81); 8% γ 0.011; 4% γ 0.194; 3% γ 0.211

29.581 60 (γ); 30 (f) 5+


(Io) Th 230 7.54 × 104 yr 100% α (76% 4.69, 23% 4.62) 30.858 23 (γ); < 0.001 (f)


(UY) Th 231 25.52 hr 100% β− (35% 0.31, 37% 0.29); 15% γ 0.025; 7% γ 0.084; 1% γ 0.090

33.812 5


(Th) Th 232 1.405 × 1010 yr 100% α (78% 4.01, 22% 3.95) 35.444 7.4 (γ) 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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100%Th 233 22.3 min 100% β− (30% 1.244, 50% 1.237);

19% γ 0.008; 3% γ 0.029; 3% γ 0.086

38.729 1500 (γ); 15 (f)



(UX1) Th 234 24.10 d 100% β− (73% 0.20); (100% m); 5% γ 0.063; 5% γ 0.093 (double)

40.607 2 (γ ) 0 +

Th 235 7.2 min β− 44.25

Th 236 37.5 min β− 46.7 0+

| top |

91 Pa 215 0.014 s α 17.7

Pa 216 0.20 s 80% α (56% 7.87, 24% 7.81);

20% β+/EC


Pa 217 0.0049 s α 8.34 17.02

Pa 218 1.2 × 10 − 4 s α 18.60

Pa 219 5.3 × 10 − 8 s α 9.90 18.5 9−


Pa 221 5.9 × 10 − 6 s α 20.3 9−


Pa 222 0.0043 s α 21.94

Pa 223 0.0065 s 100% α (45% 8.20, 55% 8.01) 22.31

Pa 224 0.95 s 100% α 7.49 23.78

Pa 225 1.7 s 100% α (70% 7.25, 30% 7.20) 24.31

Pa 226 1.8 min 74% α (38% 6.86, 34% 6.82, 1% 6.73); 26% EC


Pa 227 38.3 min 85% α (43% 6.47, 10% 6.42, 13% 6.42, 8% 6.40); 15% EC; 6% γ 0.065; 1% γ 0.085; 1% γ 0.110


Pa 228 22 hr 2% α (6.12); 98% EC; 17% γ 0.911; 14% γ 0.463; 11% γ 0.965


Pa 229 1.50 d 100% EC 29.887

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Pa 230 17.4 d 92% EC; 8% β− 0.51; 29% γ 0.952; 8% γ 0.918; 6% γ 0.455

32.168 1500 (f)

(Pa) Pa 231 3.28 × 104 yr 100% α (11% 5.06, 20% 5.03,

25% 5.01, 23% 4.95); 10% γ 0.027; 2% γ 0.300; 2% γ 0.303

33.422 200 (γ); 0.02 (f)



Pa 232 1.31 d 100% β− (1% 1.29, 74% 0.32, 25% 0.29); 42% γ 0.969; 20% γ 0.894;

11% γ 0.150

35.924 460 (γ); 700 (f)

Pa 233 26.967 d 100% β− (4% 0.57, 40% 0.23, 28% 0.16); 39% γ 0.312; 7% γ 0.300;

4% γ 0.341

37.485 19 (γ); 20 (γm);

< 0.1 (f)



(UZ) Pa 234 6.70 hr β−; 20% γ 0.131; 15% γ 0.883;

12% γ 0.946

40.334 4

(UX2) Pa 234 m 1.17 min 100% β− (98% 2.27); 1% γ 1.001 40.408

Pa 235 24.4 min 100% β− 1.4; (100% m) 42.33

Pa 236 9.1 min 100% β− (10% 3.1, 47% 2.4); 37% γ 0.642; 10% γ 0.688; 6% γ 1.763

45.3 1

Pa 237 8.7 min 100% β− (19% 2.3, 24% 1.7, 52% 1.4); 34% γ 0.854; 16% γ 0.865; 15% γ 0.529


Pa 238 2.3 min β− 50.9

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

92 U 222 10 − 6 s α 24.5 0 +

U 225 0.05 s α 7.88 27.2

U 226 0.5 s α 27.17 0 +

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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U 227 1.1 min 100% α (20% 7.06, 14% 6.91, 50% 6.86, 16% 6.74); 20% γ 0.247;

4% γ 0.310; 3% γ 0.259


U 228 9.1 min 97% α (68% 6.68, 28% 6.59, 1% 6.44); 3% EC; 2% γ 0.093

29.21 0+

U 229 58 min 20% α (13% 6.36, 4% 6.33,

2% 6.30, 1% 6.22); 80% EC


U 230 20.8 d 100% α (67% 5.89, 32% 5.82);

1% γ 0.072

31.600 25 (f) 0 +

U 231 4.2 d 100% EC; 12% γ 0.026; 7% γ 0.084; 1% γ 0.017

33.78 400 (f)

U 232 68.9 yr 100% α (68% 5.32, 32% 5.26) 34.587 75 (γ) 77 (f) 0+

U 233 1.592 × 105 yr 100% α (84% 4.82, 13% 4.78, 2% 4.73)

36.915 46 (γ); 530 (f) 5+


(UII) U 234 2.45 × 105 yr 0.0055%

100% α (71% 4.77, 28% 4.72) 38.141 100 (γ); < 0.7 (f)


(AcU) U 235 7.038 × 108 yr 0.720%

100% α (5% 4.60, 55% 4.40, 17% 4.37, 6% 4.22); 62% γ 0.020;

58% γ 0.186; 11% γ 0.144

40.915 98 (γ); 583 (f) 7−


U 235 m 25 min 100% IT 40.916 1+


U 236 2.342 × 107 yr 100% α (74% 4.49, 26% 4.45) 42.441 5 (γ); < 0.07 (f)


U 237 6.75 d 100% β− (42% 0.25, 51% 0.24); 35% γ 0.059; 21% γ 0.208; 2% γ 0.026

45.387 440 (γ); < 0.35 (f)



(U1) U 238 4.468 × 109 yr 99.275%

100% α (79% 4.20; 21% 4.15) 47.305 2.7 (γ); < 4 × 10−6 (f)


U 239 23.45 min 100% β− (25% 1.26, 70% 1.19); 48% γ 0.075; 4% γ 0.044

50.570 22 (γ); 14 (f) 5+


U 240 14.1 hr β− 52.711 0+

U 242 16.8 min β− 58.8 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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| top |

93 Np 227 0.51 s α 32.4

Np 229 4.0 min α 6.89; EC 33.74

Np 230 4.6 min α; EC 35.22

Np 231 48.8 min 2% α; 98% EC; 10% γ 0.371;

4% γ 0.348; 3% γ 0.264


Np 232 14.7 min 100% EC; 52% γ 0.327; 33 γ 0.820; 24% γ 0.867


Np 233 36.2 min 100% EC; 1% γ 0.312 38.0

Np 234 4.4 d 100% EC; 19% γ 1.559; 12% γ 1.528; 10% γ 1.602

39.952 900 (f)

Np 235 396.2 d 100% EC 41.039 150 (γ) 5+


Np 236 1.54 × 105 yr 87% EC; 13% β−; 32% γ 0.160;

7% γ 0.104

43.37 2500 (f)

Np 236 m 22.5 hr 52% EC; 48% β− (40% 0.54); 1% γ 0.642

43.43 1

Np 237 2.14 × 106 yr 100% α (47% 4.79, 25% 4.77, 8% 4.76, 6% 4.64); 15% γ 0.029;

12% γ 0.086; 1% γ 0.095

44.868 176 (γ); 0.02 (f)



Np 238 2.117 d 100% β− (28% 1.25, 50% 0.26); 28% γ 0.984; 20% γ 1.029; 10% γ 1.026

47.451 2100 (f) 2 +

Np 239 2.357 d 100% β− (2% 0.71, 45% 0.44, 41% 0.33); 27% γ 0.106; 14% γ 0.278; 11% γ 0.228

49.306 36 (γ); 32 (γm) 5+


Np 240 61.9 min β−; 25% γ 0.566; 24% γ 0.974;

18% γ 0.601


Np 240 m 7.22 min β− 52.32 1

Np 241 13.9 min 100% β− (69% 1.3, 30% 1.1); 3% γ 0.175; 1% γ 0.054; 1% γ 0.133


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Np 242 2.2 min β− 57.4

Np 242 5.5 min β− 57.4

Np 243 1.8 min β− 59.92

| top |

94 Pu 232 34.1 min 20% α (12% 6.60, 8% 6.54);

80% EC

38.35 0 +

Pu 233 20.9 min 100% EC; 100% γ 0.235; 90% γ 0.535; 39% γ 0.500


Pu 234 8.8 hr 6% α (4% 6.20, 2% 6.15); 94% EC 40.335 0 +

Pu 235 25.3 min 100% EC; 2% γ 0.049 42.16

Pu 236 2.858 yr 100% α (69% 5.77, 31% 5.72) 42.879 170 (f) 0+

Pu 237 45.2 d 100% EC; 3% γ 0.060 45.090 2500 (f) 7−


Pu 237 m 0.18 s IT 45.236 1+


Pu 238 87.74 yr 100% α (71% 5.50, 29% 5.46) 46.160 540 (γ); 18 (f) 0+

Pu 239 2.411 × 104 yr 100% α (73% 5.16, 15% 5.14,

12% 5.11)

48.584 269 (γ); 748 (f)



Pu 240 6563 yr 100% α (73% 5.17, 27% 5.12) 50.122 290 (γ); 0.06 (f)


Pu 241 14.35 yr 100% β− 0.02 52.952 360 (γ); 1010 (f)



Pu 242 3.733 × 105 yr 100% α (78% 4.90, 22% 4.86) 54.713 19 (γ); < 0.2 (f)


Pu 243 4.956 hr 100% β− (59% 0.58, 21% 0.50); 23% γ 0.084; 8% γ 0.025; 4% γ 0.034

57.751 87 (γ); 200 (f) 7+


Pu 244 8.1 × 107 yr 100% α (81% 4.59, 19% 4.55) 59.802 1.7 (γ) 0+

Pu 245 10.5 hr 100% β− (12% 1.23, 51% 0.95); 25% γ 0.327; 5% γ 0.308; 5% γ 0.560

63.18 150 (γ)

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Pu 246 10.84 d 100% β− (27% 0.33, 73% 0.15); 25% γ 0.044; 24% γ 0.224; 18% γ 0.016

65.39 0 +

Pu 247 2.3 d β− 69.4

| top |

95 Am 232 79 s α; β+/EC 43.4

Am 234 2.6 min α; β+/EC 44.3

Am 237 73 min 100% EC; 47% γ 0.280; 8% γ 0.438;

4% γ 0.474

46.6 5


Am 238 98 min 100% EC; 28% γ 0.963; 23% γ 0.919; 11% γ 0.561

48.42 1 +

Am 239 11.9 hr 100% EC; 15% γ 0.278; 11% γ 0.228; 4% γ 0.210


Am 240 50.8 hr 100% EC; 73% γ 0.988; 25% γ 0.889; 2% γ 0.099


Am 241 432.7 yr 100% α (85% 5.49, 13% 5.44; 1% 5.39); 36% γ 0.060; 2% γ 0.026

52.931 530 (γ); 54 (γm);

3.2 (f)



Am 242 16.02 hr 83% β − (37% 0.66, 46% 0.62); 17% EC

55.463 2100 (f) 1 −

Am 242 m 141 yr 100% IT 55.512 2000 (γ); 7000 (f)

5 −

Am 243 7370 yr 100% α (87% 5.28, 11% 5.23, 1% 5.18); 68% γ 0.075; 6% γ 0.044;

1% γ 0.118

57.169 4 (γ); 71 (γm);

0.2 (f)



Am 244 10.1 hr 100% β− 0.39; 66% γ 0.744; 28% γ 0.898; 16% γ 0.154

59.877 2300 (f)

Am 244 m 26 min β− 59.965 1600 (f) 1 +

Am 245 2.05 hr 100% β− (76% 0.89); 6% γ 0.253 61.891

Am 246 (g) 39 min 100% β− 1.20; 53% γ 0.679; 36% γ 0.205; 25% γ 0.154


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Am 246 (m) 25.0 min 100% β− (7% 2.34, 37% 1.30); 28% γ 1.079; 25% γ 0.799;

17% γ 1.062

64.99 2

Am 247 23 min 100% β− (76% 1.5, 24% 1.4); 23% γ 0.285; 6% γ 0.226


| top |

96 Cm 238 2.4 hr α; 90% EC 49.38 0+

Cm 239 2.9 hr 100% EC 51.1

Cm 240 27 d 100% α (71% 6.29, 29% 6.25) 51.702 0+

Cm 241 32.8 d 1% α 5.94; 99% EC; 71% γ 0.472;

4% γ 0.132; 4% γ 0.431

53.700 1+


Cm 242 162.8 d 100% α (74%, 6.11; 26% 6.07) 54.800 16 (γ); < 5 (f) 0+

Cm 243 29.1 yr 100% α (5% 6.06, 6% 5.99, 73% 5.79, 12% 5.74); 14% γ 0.278;

11% γ 0.228; 3% γ 0.210

57.177 130 (γ); 620 (f)



Cm 244 18.10 yr 100% α (76% 5.80, 24% 5.76) 58.449 15 (γ); 1 (f) 0+

Cm 245 8500 yr 100% α (1% 5.53, 1% 5.49, 93% 5.36, 5% 5.30); 10% γ 0.175; 3% γ 0.133

60.998 370 (γ); 2150 (f)



Cm 246 4730 yr 100% α (82% 5.39, 18% 5.34) 62.614 1.2 (γ); 0.14 (f) 0+

Cm 247 1.56 × 107 yr 100% α (14% 5.27, 6% 5.21, 71% 4.87, 5% 4.82); 72% γ 0.402; 3% γ 0.278; 2% γ 0.288

65.528 57 (γ); 82 (f) 9−


Cm 248 3.40 × 105 yr 92% α (75% 5.08, 17% 5.03);

8% SF

67.388 3 (γ); 0.4 (f) 0+

Cm 249 64.15 min 100% β− (96% 0.89); 2% γ 0.634;

1% γ 0.560

70.746 2 (γ) 1


Cm 250 9700 yr α; β−; SF 72.99 0+

Cm 251 16.8 min 100% β− (73% 1.42); 11% γ 0.543;

2% γ 0.530; 1% γ 0.390


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


| top |

97 Bk 240 4.8 min EC 55.6

Bk 242 7 min 100% EC 57.8

Bk 243 4.5 hr 100% EC 58.683

Bk 244 4.4 hr 100% EC 60.70

Bk 245 4.94 d 100% EC; 29% γ 0.253; 2% γ 0.381; 1% γ 0.385

61.809 3−


Bk 246 1.80 d 100% EC; 61% γ 0.799; 11% γ 0.035; 6% γ 1.081

64.1 2

Bk 247 1380 yr 100% α (17% 5.71, 13% 5.69, 45% 5.53, 7% 5.50); 40% γ 0.084;

30% γ 0.265


Bk 248 23.7 yr 70% β− (45% 0.86, 20% 0.82); 30% EC; 25% γ 0.042; 5% γ 0.551

68.11 1

Bk 248 9 yr α 68.11

Bk 249 320 d 100% β− 0.126 69.842 750 (γ) 7+


Bk 250 3.217 hr 100% β− (5% 1.78, 83% 0.75); 45% γ 0.989; 36% γ 1.032;

5% γ 1.029

72.951 < 350 (γ); 960 (f)

2 −

Bk 251 55.6 min β− 75.22

| top |

98 Cf 239 39 s ? 58.3

Cf 240 1.1 min 100% α (70% 7.59, 30% 7.55) 58.0 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Cf 241 3.8 min 10% α 7.34; 90% EC 59.2

Cf 242 3.5 min α; EC 59.32 0+

Cf 243 10.7 min 14% α (4% 7.17, 10% 7.06); 86% EC


Cf 244 19.4 min α 61.460 0+

Cf 245 45.0 min 36% α (33% 7.14, 3% 7.08);

64% EC


Cf 246 35.7 hr 100% α (79% 6.75, 21% 6.71) 64.087 0+

Cf 247 3.11 hr 100% EC; 88% γ 0.030; 20% γ 0.042; 1% γ 0.294


Cf 248 334 d 100% α (82% 6.26, 18% 6.22) 67.237 0+

Cf 249 351 yr 100% α (3% 5.95, 3% 5.90, 82% 5.81, 5% 5.76); 66% γ 0.388;

15% γ 0.333; 3% γ 0.253

69.717 500 (γ); 1640 (f)



Cf 250 13.08 yr 100% α (85% 6.03, 15% 5.99) 71.167 2000 (γ) 0+

Cf 251 898 yr 100% α (12% 6.02, 27% 5.85, 35% 5.68, 5% 5.63); 18% γ 0.177;

6% γ 0.227; 1% γ 0.285

74.129 2900 (γ); 4900 (f)



Cf 252 2.645 yr 97% α (82% 6.12, 15% 6.08);

3% SF

76.030 20 (γ); 32 (f) 0+

Cf 253 17.81 d 100% β− (88% 0.29) 79.296 18 (γ); 1300 (f)

Cf 254 60.5 d 100% SF 81.34 5 (γ) 0+

| top |

99 Es 243 21 s 30% α (4% 7.94, 26% 7.90); 70% EC


Es 244 37 s 4% α; 96% β+/EC 66.0

Es 245 1.1 min 40% α (2% 7.78, 32% 7.73, 5% 7.70, 1% 7.65); 60% EC


Es 246 7.7 min 10% α 7.36; 90% β+/EC 67.9

Es 247 4.6 min 7% α; 93% EC 68.55

Es 248 27 min 100% EC 70.29

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Es 249 102.2 min 1% α 6.78; 99% EC; 40% γ 0.380;

9% γ 0.813; 3% γ 0.375

71.11 7


Es 250 2.22 hr 1% α; 99% EC; 13% γ 0.989;

11% γ 1.032; 6% γ 0.829

73.3 1

Es 250 8.6 hr <3% α; > 97% EC; 73% γ 0.829;

22% γ 0.303; 20% γ 0.349


Es 251 33 hr 100% EC; 2% γ 0.178; 1% γ 0.034;

1% γ 0.153


Es 252 472 d 76% α (61% 6.63, 10% 6.56; 2% 6.48, 1% 6.05); 24% EC; 18% γ 0.785; 14% γ 0.139; 2% γ 0.924


Es 253 20.47 d 100% α (90% 6.63, 1% 6.62, 7% 6.59, 1% 6.54)

79.007 6 (γ); 180 (γm)



Es 254 275.7 d 100% α (93% 6.43, 2% 6.42, 3% 6.36, 1% 6.35); 2% γ 0.063

81.994 28 (γ); 2000 (f)

Es 254 m 39.3 hr 98% β− (18% 1.17, 55% 0.48); 2% IT; 28% γ 0.649; 24% γ 0.694;

12% γ 0.689

82.072 2 +

Es 255 39.8 d 8% α (7% 6.30, 1% 6.26);

92% β−84.08 55 (γ)

Es 256 25 min β− 87.2

Es 256 7.6 hr β− 87.2

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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You are here: Chapter: 4 Atomic and nuclear physics Section: 4.6 Radioactive elements SubSection: 4.6.1 Table of nuclides Part: Table - Atomic Number 100 to 111

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4.6 Radioactive elements

4.6.1 Table of nuclides

Table of nuclides

Jump to Element:Fm, Md, No, Lr, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111

NuclideZ A

Naturalabundanceor half-life

Decay modes andmajor radiations

Mass excess(MeV)


100 Fm 242 8 × 10 − 4 s SF 68.4 0+

Fm 243 0.18 s α 8.55 69.4

Fm 244 0.0037 s SF 69.0 0+

Fm 245 4 s α 70.0

Fm 246 1.1 s 92% α (71% 8.24, 21% 8.20);

8% SF

70.12 0+

Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Fm 247 9 s α 71.5

Fm 247 35 s 76% α (23% 7.93, 53% 7.87);

24% EC


Fm 248 36 s 99% α (79% 7.87, 20% 7.83);

1% EC

71.89 0+

Fm 249 2.6 min 15% α; 85% EC 73.5

Fm 250 30 min 90% α (75% 7.43, 15% 7.39);

10% EC

74.06 0+

Fm 250 m 1.8 s IT 75.06

Fm 251 5.30 hr 2% α; 98% EC; 2% γ 0.881; 1% γ 0.406; 1% γ 0.453


Fm 252 25.39 hr 100% α (84% 7.04, 15% 7.00, 1% 6.90)

76.814 0+

Fm 253 3.0 d 12% α (5% 6.94, 1% 6.90, 1% 6.85,

3% 6.68); 88% EC; 88% γ 0.050;

3% γ 0.272

79.339 1+


Fm 254 3.240 hr 100% α (85% 7.19, 14% 7.15, 1% 7.05)

80.900 < 76(γ) 0+

Fm 255 20.07 hr 100% α (94% 7.02, 5% 6.96, 1% 6.89); 1% γ 0.058; 1% γ 0.081

83.788 26 (γ); 3400 (f) 7+


Fm 256 158 min 8% α (7% 6.92, 1% 6.87); 92% SF 85.482 < 45 (γ) 0+

Fm 257 100.5 d 100% α (1% 6.76, 3% 6.70, 94% 6.52, 2% 6.44); 11% γ 0.241; 9% γ 0.179; 1% γ 0.062

88.585 3000 (f)

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101 Md 247 3 s α 76.1

Md 248 7 s 20% α (5% 8.36, 15% 8.32); 80% β+/EC


Md 249 24 s α 8.03; β+ /EC 77.3

Md 250 52 s 7% α (2% 7.83, 5% 7.75); 93% β+/EC


Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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Md 251 4.0 min α; >90% β+/EC 79.1

Md 252 2.3 min α; >50% β+ /EC 80.6

Md 254 10 min 100% EC 83.5

Md 254 28 min 100% EC 83.5

Md 255 27 min 8% α (7% 7.33); 92% EC; 18% γ 0.060; 8% γ 0.430; 7% γ 0.282


Md 256 76 min 9% α (1% 7.49, 6% 7.20, 1% 7.14); 91% EC


Md 257 5.3 hr 10% α (8% 7.06, 2% 7.03); 90% EC 89.0

Md 258 60 min 100% EC 91.8

Md 258 55 d 100% α (28% 6.79, 72% 6.72) 91.8

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102 No 251 0.8 s α 82.8

No 252 2.3 s 73% α (55% 8.42, 18% 8.37);

27% SF

82.86 0+

No 253 1.7 min α 8.01; EC 84.3

No 254 55 s 90% α (78% 8.09; 12% 8.05);

10% EC

84.71 0+

No 254 m 0.28 s IT 85.21

No 255 3.1 min 61% α (28% 8.12, 7% 8.08, 7% 7.93, 5% 7.77); 39% EC; 3% γ 0.187


No 256 3.3 s 100% α (80% 8.43, 20% 8.39) 87.79 0+

No 257 25 s 100% α (19% 8.32, 26% 8.27, 55% 8.22)


No 258 0.001 s 100% SF 91.4 0+

No 259 58 min 75% α (11% 7.61, 17% 7.53, 29% 7.50, 10% 7.46); 25% EC


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103 Lr 253 1.3 s 90% α (50% 8.80, 40% 8.72); 10% SF


Lr 254 13 s 78% α (50% 8.46, 28% 8.41); 22% β+/EC


Lr 255 22 s 85% α (34% 8.41, 51% 8.36); 15% β+/EC


Lr 256 28 s > 80% α (17% 8.52, 12% 8.48,

33% 8.43, 18% 8.39); < 20% β+/EC


Lr 257 0.65 s 100% α (82% 8.86, 18% 8.80) 92.7

Lr 258 4.3 s > 95% α (24% 8.62, 45% 8.60,

20% 8.57); < 5% EC


Lr 259 5.4 s > 50% α 8.45; < 50% SF 95.8

Lr 260 3.0 min 75% α 8.03; EC; SF 98.1

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104 255 1.5 s 48% α (10% 8.77, 34% 8.72, 5% 8.63); 52% SF


256 0.0067 s 2% α 8.81; 92% SF 94.23 0+

257 4.7 s 80% α (17% 9.01, 12% 8.95, 17% 8.77, 11% 8.62); 2% SF; 18% EC


258 0.012 s 13% α 9.06; 87% SF 96.3 0+

259 3.1 s 93% α (37% 8.87, 56% 8.77); 7% SF


260 0.0201 s 2% α; 98% SF 99.0 0+

261 65 s 90% α 8.28; SF; EC 101.2

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105 257 1.3 s 82% α (25% 9.16, 25% 9.07, 33% 8.97); 17% SF; 1% β+/EC


258 4.4 s 67% α; 33% β+/EC 101.6

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258 20 s β+/EC 101.6

260 1.5 s 95% α (18% 9.13, 27% 9.08, 50% 9.05); 5% SF


261 1.8 s > 50% α 8.93; < 50% SF 104.2

262 34 s 26% α (2% 8.67, 4% 8.53, 20% 8.45); 71% SF; 3% β+/EC


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106 259 0.5 s 90% α; 10% SF 106.6

260 0.004 s 50% α; 50% SF 106.6 0+

261 0.23 s 95% α; 5% SF 108.1

263 0.8 s 30% α; 70% SF 110.1

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107 261 0.012 s 95% α; 5% SF 113.3

262 0.10 s 80% α; 20% SF 114.7

262 m 0.008 s >70% α; <30% SF 115.0

264a 0.5 s α 115.6

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108 264 8 × 10 − 5 s α 119.7 0+

265 0.002 s α 121.1

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109 266 0.003 s α 128.4

268a 0.1 s α 128

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110 269b 2 × 10 − 4 s α

271c 0.001 s α

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111 272a 0.002 s α

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Table of nuclides 4.6.1

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