TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia...


Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia...

Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



SOBRIETY & HEALTH.................................................................3


MANAGING WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS...................................5

SUPPORTING THE BENEFITS.....................................................6

ABOUT THE PROGRAM..............................................................7

PRODUCTS & PRICE...................................................................8

OPTIONAL EXTRAS....................................................................9

OUR STORY...............................................................................10

HOW TO PURCHASE ...............................................................11

Page 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



You want to improve your mood and overall mental health

You could benefit from a month of sobriety if you identify with any of the following statements:

You want to save money

You feel dependent on Alcohol

You feel pressured to drink in social situations

You want to lose weight

You have trouble sleeping

You want to improve gut health

You suffer from depression and/or anxiety

Alcohol consumption has negative effects on your body. Even if you are not addicted or a heavy drinker, just a month of sobriety can help reverse some of these negative effects and help improve your overall health.

Taking a break from drinking can also have positive mental health results and can help you to feel comfortable in social situations without the enhancement of alcohol.

To help you in sobriety journey, be it a month or longer, we have created our On The Wagon 30 day kit to help you acheive your goals. The program consist of supplements that are tailor made to help with the process of sobriety and enhance the benefits of quitting alcohol and reduce the harm and discomfort of withdrawal.

Page 4: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



CLOCK 12-24 Hours Detoxification beginsWithin just a day of sobriety you will begin to detoxify your body from the negative effects of alcohol.

Blood sugar normalisesAlcohol consumption can affect normal and healthy blood sugar levels, and so within just 24 hours you should experience normal blood sugar levels.

Withdrawal SymptomsIt is likely you may experience symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol such as : sweating, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

See our section on ‘Managing withdrawal symptoms’ to see how you can avoid and manage any potential symptoms.

CLOCK 1 Week Sleep improvesWithin 1 week you should see your quality of sleep improve.

HydrationAlcohol consumption can cause dehydration and so as you detoxify your body of alcohol you should start to feel more hydrated.

CLOCK 2 Weeks Weight lossYou may notice weight loss thanks to cutting out all the hidden calories in alcohol and drinks.

Blood pressure stablisationDrinking alcohol can lead to raised blood pressure and within 3-4 weeks of sobriety you should see your blood pressure normalise.

CLOCK 3-4 Weeks

Page 5: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



InsomniaWhen withdrawing from Alcohol, whether you are a frequent user or not, it can be hard to fall asleep and get a good quality of sleep.

Symptom managementTo mitigate the withdrawal symptoms that can sleep cycles, we have included our 'Relax & Sleep complex' in the program. It contains adaptogens that help to support the adrenal system and redule stress in the body, thus helping fight insomnia and restless nights.

AnxietyFor some people, Alcohol is greatly tied to feeling comfortable in social situations and so it is common to experience some anxiety during the early stages of sobriety.

Symptom managementThere are many reasons why you may experience an increase in anxious feelings during withdrawal from alcohol. To ease this uncomfortable feeling we have included the 'Relax & Sleep' complex to help you unwind without the need to consume alcohol. Our 'Serotonin Plus' contains ingredients that help to regulate mood.

DepressionAlcohol use is often linked to depression, but sometimes you can experience serotonin imbalance during the first few weeks of sobriety, due to withdrawal from the substance as well as social factors.

Symptom managementSerotonin is an important mood regulator and so we have included in the program 'Serotonin Plus', which helps promote stable mood. This is important during the sobriety process as mood can often fluctuate due to withdrawal from alcohol.

Sugar cravingsWhen you try to kick an alcohol addiction or dependency it can often be easy to fill the space with another dependency. Sugar cravings are often increased during the withdrawal process which can cause negative health problems.

Symptom managementIncuded in the program is our Rave not Crave' complex, which contains C'hromium which helps to reduce sugar cravings and may improve blood glucose control.

Page 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



Gut healthAlcohol comsumption has harmful effects on normal healthy gut bacteria. This can lead to gut and bowel problems and so cutting out alcohol han help improve these issues.

Benefit supportThe optional add-on product 'Gut Right' works to increase the important good bacteria in your gut while decreasing bad bacteria.

Weight lossAlcohol and common alcoholic drinks can have large amounts of hidden calories. Cutting out alcohol can trigger weight loss as you will likely be decreasing excessive caloric intake.

Benefit supportTo help you get the most out of your sobriety, we have included ingredients that will assist with weight loss. The program includes our 'Rave not Crave' complex which helps increase energy and reduce sugar cravings, two things that are great to help weight loss. We also have the optional add-on product 'Weight loss RX' which contains Berberine, among others which all work together to support weight loss and overall health.

Improved sleepCutting out alcohol can help you get more consistent and restful sleep, meaning that within 1 week you should see improvements in your sleep patterns.

Benefit supportTo help make sure you experience improved sleep during your sobriety process we have included our 'Relax and Sleep complex' to help you feel calm, relaxed and able to stick to a regular and restful sleep pattern.

Improved MoodAlcohol is known to be a depressive subtance and so comsumption can often lead to anxiety and depression. Cutting out alcohol, even for a short period, can lead to improved mood and can aid in the management of mood disorders.

Benefit supportCutting out Alcohol can have a great positive effect on mood. We have included 'Serotonin Plus' in the program to help regulate mood as well as our 'Relax & Sleep' complex to help you relax and get a great nights sleep, which will make a big difference to mood.

Liver DetoxAlcohol is toxic to the liver, and this stress can be dangerous to your overall health and function.

Benefit supportOur 'Antioxidant complex' contains a powerful blend of ingredients to support healthy liver function. This will aid in the detoxification of your body and help you feel all the benefits of sobriety.

Page 7: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



The “ON THE WAGON Sobriety Survival Kit” is a combination of medical grade vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other sourced ingredients compounded by our Pharmacist to combat or assist the following:

Check-Circle Assist Serotonin Imbalance Check-Circle Reduce Sugar Craving Check-Circle Reduce Anxiety & Mood Check-Circle Improve Relaxing & Sleep Check-Circle Improved Gut Health Check-Circle Assist Weight Loss

The 1-month program consists of 4 products jam-packed with com- plex medical grade ingredients to assist you through the first month of sobriety without the added side effects. There are two add on op- tions individually designed to add benefit for specific goals while en- joying an alcohol-free break.

These goals are:

Increased Weight Loss Improved Gut Health

Page 8: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss




$2955-HTP and L-Tryptophan help your body to produce serotonin which is an important mood regulator. B6 is add-ed into this formula to work synergistically with L-Tryptophan to enhance energy levels.


N-Acetyl Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, CoQ10 and Ascorbic Acid, this is a powerful blend of antioxidants to support healthy liver function. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) enhances the production of glutathione (the master anti-oxidant). It also prevents liver damage by neutralising free radicals and reducing heavy metal toxicity. CoQ10 is an antioxidant used by cells for energy. Alpha Lipoic Acid is one of the best free radical scavengers and improves oxygenation of every cell in the body. Ascorbic Acid helps to fuel the immune system so it can perform at an optimal level.



Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are two “must-have” adaptogens that help to support the adrenal system and reduce mental stress in the body. GABA provides a calming effect and helps with feelings of stress and anxious-ness. Magnesium glycinate is essential for muscle recovery and relaxation to help you achieve a restful sleep. Zinc and P5P are essential nutrients in the body and help with mood regulation, muscle relaxation and immune system support.


Energy + stress control + reduce sugar cravings capsule.B1 is vital for maintaining healthy muscles and nerves. B2 is essential for energy production and the formation of healthy red blood cells. B3 converts carbohydrates to fat for use as energy and improves joint mobility. B5 helps to metabolism protein and produces red blood cells and steroid hormones. B6 is an important part of the healthy functioning of the nervous system and produces neurotransmitters like serotonin. B7 improves the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue. Methylcobalamin is the most active form of B12 and has a variety of uses in the body. It supports the nervous system, synthesises melatonin to improve sleep quality and converts homocysteine to methionine. This conversion forms the super-antioxidant glutathione. Chromium helps to reduce sugar cravings and may improve blood glucose control.


Page 9: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



Weight Loss RXThis is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss and sugar control). The medical grade dose is designed to get results while combined with a fitness regime and calorie controlled diet.

ModbioticTM is a unique complex of polyphenols, polysaccharides, glucans, lectins and other compounds that modulate microbes toward an anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity pro-file through combinations of antibacterial, antifungal and anti-parasitic actions that reduce excessive firmicutes and increase deficient bacteroidetes.

Gut Right




Page 10: TABLE OF CONTENTS€¦ · Weight Loss RX This is a blend of L-Carnitine, chromium, garcinia cambogia and Berberine (berberine has a big buzz around it at the moment for weight loss



I’m sure we all have our own relationship with alcohol or know someone with a relationship with alcohol. For me, it was a habit of fulfilling that 5.30pm after work destress with a couple of glasses of wine while cooking dinner or watching TV. This habit is at least 20 years old and the thought of going a period of time alcohol-free, scared the hell out of me. So I embarked on 40 days alcohol-free and if I knew then what I know now I would not only have managed that time better, but I would have really capitialised on the time of being alcohol-free.

What I learnt from the experience combined with the research we now have, managing the experience of someone going cold turkey after a habitual relationship with alcohol has led to the development of this program. We have identified several key points from experience along with our Pharmacists, Doctors, Scientists and client feedback, have developed a program to help anyone wanting to take a break from alcohol, without some of the identified side effects.

Darren Chief Executive Officer ”