· .T W" v$ri :,&-,. V. ,. . JS; . S&J ATTACKED BT A GANC. A nmler r Maine...

.T W" :,& v$ri - , . V . ,. . JS; . S&J ATTACKED BT A GANC. A nmler r Maine I.timtartnen Attack m It l'nrty ir rrrnrliHifti and c;- -t Vhrppf. Atr.t-.A- , Me., July m. r.vrticular linvc j'JA reached he?c ef a hero battle, In 1 which about seventy-fiv- e 7110a wrre, omraaed. nd which took place u the afternoon ami .Vftfor- - tif f 1 lV,rri? ...ttr, ,,..r... .ih..i-- . tt... i fri-'!i,nr...,n- v. River. A V cavalaie ' i :f teams belomrmc to a hirire party of ! rrenrhmen, were movant nrtb alow; the ' T.ver road. At spoilt twe o'clock it the afternoon tlrsSrcai was attacked by a.ouii; ' ?L !!urtVrn iT dri'r,rT' wh" - braunj, assailants maie , v n Miiiilen rrsh .th clnh for we.ijKiP5, and drove o.1 the lu -- . ,. Wj.lML .! ...... . .. ' - the eoiih-n- t as tli-- T Mf vahr-- - cast lot-- , in -- uch places where pu a V-- .i Hn-ioci-M 'KhT- -- at th ''.env-- i nine awav farmers were paving ;rhty haT dollar- - a ton for Vr: U.n -- nano. I do Vwfced :ny n-- W: Harry 111. ot pretend to ay ilia', woo! Wle is j 0, hU .. ict. m i-- n w, hrht, iujli lo Jann :ts an active fcnfliT. HI-..v- ns heart n.uM ftot fa-- i,'. ;. , .,Mih.r-ih- 1 l'V h.. !. uwS I sruve a!i my tru: H touuilii f .ji..iJtiU H-- e. T.h, ,..e Marry of nitrogen, b itn in th wr.(. ami the The hre:".hr.en were'iit.t ell -- Ttici. lut 'oine -- uipr.;". aim. as uwm th-- y MKt:alhf4l and Static a sav-g- e charge, dreoinpo-- ' vcrvi-'j- n in tie -- oil and One ul H"Mi had -- ; 'nlver and 4ie han". led niak id imron availabi", the much it -- o wei' ihat three, -- of it.i five Mints fjook larirr .foa!ititw,,f it vvhici can be ivrtally -- jndiiic otre man and plied to t.ix- - -- oil. an account of its low cnpnliri; another. The rir men then :tli.. fa-ilv hri'j" it kjIo favorable :;IK,U"iit of bv fanner-- . It is tin-r- e v,nt.ti j, ;"a rt,.v.irJlli,m U,r various W. ' and ,. '. '. tin-lahor- preparation for penaaticnt . . . . j ..U.1U uni: m l-- u .itTtt oi iirar.i. a hlKit ;? ii in t!i-i- r iraudi did soin execution, hnt the woiinii it infiieti ere slight. Tin i ext man in fail was Robert "liean, a lumherman. wince head was .split jen hy an-a- wiehled fcr an infuriated Kmiehman. lie wiil prohaW'.. die. Another ri -- r dnvei. pursued at tb- - point of . pistol, leaped Ivwii a bank twenty feel r:s:litoward th- - river, faul injr nri. The fi;'it continued with varying tazre and uea sional lull- - until ten o'eh-- . nnrht. '1 ne overturned 'Aairons v.erc tswd as harneadi. i T4.d the fort v.:is several tMiw eapiun-- d and Ti1: ,"r. nVS! M,e WTe"i"1 of iuuibernra were -- tretrhed .... ?... f.M ,. t. ,. . i..., f.... ... - v ' 444 wiiir t'lLtii'i in.di ii; eompletely disahl-- L Tim remaining tin as desperatel a x ihe otit-- et and the strnirirle did not i ' .ill only one re- mained on his feet. I. and his wouubi ouirades were made prisoner-- , ami are now in custody at the r.irl... Resides thoe whose injuries are desrnbt-i- l above, another still lies insensible and in a er.tieal eonde 1h.ii fioin tiiu tjllerts "A a Mow on the head with a elub. Riides the damage r wkciii.s and personal injuries received tin l'"riiiohineii lost a larire quantity of jirov-de- r. THE MICHIGAN STRIKES. l'litktirtoii SeiiI . I.ttrtre I".rr; tf Mft t' litat SajjuiHW. KatS'.mnaw. Mu it., .lulj 14- .- KislS" three I'uikerloii detectives arrived ot: c earlv tram thi- - ii'ornui" all armed wa'i -- i....i..... ..t i ...- -. Jilt IITl-- 4 i tilt" .(Ulll 4W Jt;UMII HM. were at ome swm in. The .Mayor mi pro-iatiiati- oii in which he stat'-- d he u) ' calleit mioii the Suite and c.tiutx authotitie- - for aid, ami bc.Vt ed amtile ' , aiiaimemeiit- - had been terfe-l- to insure piotec-li- A jnojteitx. It is lepiirted that three :n jiaipc's f Stat- - tioops with a ir.itlmr irm have been otdeind. The btnkers tlir.t.-i- . U sei'e p e waterworks ami shut oS to. Mtpply. and a b inn- - of men armed u. t! idles were sent up Pi liroteet the winks, The striken weJe peatly incensed at the ntiiH taken hy the authoritie- - ami Iu th. jrjs!iic of antKHl dt:leetivcs. A larire iuin her p'tbeemen have been fiv-or- in and all on the spee'v have been prohibite.t It is beli.-xe- d that 'liiere i- - ample foiee i the two ciiies to pres-i- v. :.lej. Toit s: of Pinkerbm - inn are Mtaliomd n this side of the mer. am: sev- enteen more will arrive inon uur. RoUi mililai y are undei j.nns Jtept.-sentativ- e G'.nrrv, leaderof ihestrll-ei- s stated in the priice station this mortiiur :hat i uniess me i iiiKeriou men wi-i- u leiii.oeu i lie woiliU not ie iesiiisiiiit; km jiiiou tiuiej. The Mi tke It stiil on and no -- tep- havr been i iken at ts is entl of the river tookum I towaid an adjt-ime- ut. The sttikei- - ha-.- i ooilteiltetl 1 1 U'N. selves With llOldlUi; llieet- - iturs in which speeches were made de- - iioiim-ini- r the j.ction of the authorities in briitiim the detectives from hica-ro- . . .otiii.-eini- i: uitieratiou and advi-u- m the i men to stand hrni. Meetings aie culletl 1oi also. 1: is ditln-iil- t a.t thi inomeiit to pieiln-- t the ont-oiu- T.i ot i thiee uitil own."i: have aniioimced a 4i-- ter 1 liiiualioii to -- tiiit their mills ! bhoiihl they dn-- o tloiible mav lesult. ' A PENNSYLVANIA SHOWER. A Storm In th .llleclieny Valley Q)m-- h Civ.-t- t limn. ;;.. I'M iset i;..u. 1'a.. .lulv It. ShortVibe- - r..... .i..,. i.. ....,.....,,. t... v u..rrii..n-Y.i'5..i- - i was vi.sib-,- 1 hv ..v.e id th-- " most a's ; onusev.-- i known in that section. Huiiji f lell in lonvnts f.v-- an hour: the wind Mew fa.htinicaue, aiidt.humiei and Iiuhtinii; was ' u K.Kirs- - d j;ieal damage h..vv Im-c- revived ttoia xaihni- - point-aloi- ir the ( Allegheny Kixe: between this eity .am TiiusviUe. At llarmoiisviile lightnim; Mt.uck the telegraph othee killing tu-tn- tl .lames Me Felly, aged twelve year-- , v.nd iteiidetiug uneoiis'-ioii- s the operator, Jiiss Mary Har.Ielt. Taie biaidiac was i.aitly 'WJeeked. Mi-- s Hi xlett was reiuoveil to a leiKhbornig d .soon revived. H.'.e va- - not serioiisp mimed. At 1'ieep.irt i four and one-hal- f niches ot rain lell i i.n i hoti;. Hooding cellars, yards and streets and the West JViuisvlvaiua and RulJu lUKiieh toads with v.atrr to the depth of -- everal feet. The .Packs in .sonic shave been washed w ay and in othets ti-.- e debris is p b-t- l live feet high. Tiain- - have heen MopjHil in all dueetions. At lbles Matkiii a fieight tniiu rati into a laud sie and was hadlv wteeked. hat no one was ia iined so far as known.. PeteiV (reck ne-- . Lttarhluirt; i- - swulleit hevotid its hank- - audi .uiram rctun.ed A- - plant at J.earhbuig i- - underwater ami the Joss will reach tlmusami am The los- - in grain ..ion! hay alone in ithis and siuioiuidiiig districts is something il carl al lu contemplate. Tlnre in Iletrolt, iPKTUoir. Mu ii., duly thieves j tuave not Pettoit, as a.iyoars from the fifth c:w. an wiucli i.m.ur -- miu iif valuables vveie "ecarcx. ihe last ease aftemooiu UT-Jr-ini: the ale .lem- - of family. tic ihoine of J. !. Chandler, on Unuij- - -- street v.i- - 1 .. a. &ff.f . . . nitered and jcwi'iry vanirti j; c-i- m wa - taken. It is.piihably the work of the -- aim- . ranc'nf cnviks .who have Swr. qaarteied . iere for Jat month, ami nl.o are 1k--t oiuinc famous t r their isdtteness. The ipolice have cioae fieir utaios:..leep the tuiatter-stvre- t. Siity I'rnioim I'oUimi$, i SuWKvVKt'. lui-- s. -- 'itlv The report , CT-oe- rl iirmu'M 1 Mor.vT dly 14. Dr. said maralac thit General iiant food when osfced how boars ! 2u4 the evieeinly felt f - .,tte tn fn into de-- ...,... ... twi.t v.e ,,..-..- 1 ! Jt -.- - .l .1 ti. :.. is.t I nvrni- - yn.i i "" . . ir c'ocame, and mi, hri"hnand his spirits irriproved. las ; jeea tlie case every Monday rfioraia-- r !our 'he nian is food eateously. his liquid liuiBai ki-d- ay any epparaas WOOL WASTE. ap-eHV- et, catht-um- s Value a A Farmer K- - jMTrJcner. There i a. Inrjre qtian i:y of wool waste thrown awav :n the neighborhood of town :mI cities where wool factories ir uifnifo.f 1 Iiivii weires rtf " 'tons of it. damped into swasip ' , . i i,0'Jii :in1 j:ar',:"c heaps in va- - u,," - " -- t. s f irnt.iiiini in l. ciiTimar Uiii wit i the nxre active and cotJ. foft'lizer. Tbfre an v.oobMi manufacturers h:r;r a hijrh and just ajprcia-tionv.- f v.fud'Ua.-t- o. ani refu-- e to -- ell it, bu: -- . a'l bev make upon their T1kii farminir in iVmi-ylvan- ia m-e:r- - :i''tj I in ain to purcha-e- . iii- - wa.-t- e from tl.f lactone-- , having si.ii m :uitjti;iib-- t'ip to Luroin: prc-iiuj-- 1v bHv imieh it wa-- i u--- d 7id rs-- i. iwt i rouimon m Kejrrinid. ' ii'-r- e jn;13- - i- - -- o highly allied. It b:rt n special value for r:ts-- . becan-- e -- 5f rit--l- ow mid gradual deeomjtositior. :tln very rea-o- n why Manufacturer eem-to ilesp-d- ; it. Rut Manufaetarer if lie wiil kindlt pertait me to s:p -- . in hi- - remark- - about the rua.-- e in the v. 'o! was e An ma! oil- - .e. as a n:ie. free from nitrojren. con-i-ti- n ol hvdroirrn and owe-en- . nd nv nitrogen thev mav contain mil-- 1 exist whatever impurity mav be mixed with them. I believe the oii cliielh ii-e- d !jor "reasinjr wool is veotab'le a h.w ipiality of olixe oil and! 21 ifcrtii-taiii- s any nitrogen, it inns: Ik- - ery little, indee I. Rut tin-wo- is rich in nitrogen. ;is I liav- - said, ami h r- - well wtirth the iiouhle of "alhi-rit!"- ' it hv the r- -- ...i (,.r , i'trJl.. ! illlJI fclll ( J lilt iiimiim -- fc able to pnn'iire it. Tin liber of wool wa-- p- are short, and laiueh of it t:..n-i-t- s of lu-- t. It heat- - vry nritj!dlv, and when euiirO-t"- il with tvie ioI in a ' , . .. (.1. .1 !... I..A ., .ttli.. t kill llfltllil . T . n I4 rtMMJl ) flil " lw IkJ"-'- i tt. b--- such i- - m exjier.enee t. it. Thi- - mailer - erv apropo-- - Mo the whole -- abject of the u-- e of waste matt- er-, which are largely neleoteil by tanner- - iu this count r. 1 uifl mc.utiou a lew of them. I'iie -- oot tn-ii- i the -- tft oonl ii-- ed in the loeilJt'e w here tlii-fuef- is" burned is excecdiuly rich i in uitroiren and other u-e- ll mutter t.he :i:iimouia water of jras 'works i into brook -- .and rivnr-- . by tons and ton-- : the .te from tannerie.-- : fKJtn de wotys; from t lauhter-Jn.u-es- ; the Mi"piiiiTs and weepiii""-oflh- e street-- , raid tiie of niht sod from vill:ir. and twn- - all iue-- e are larjjeiv iiejjiecie i. mm iicrniilieil to liecome pe- -t winch :us' latal to tin ItUO.ic health J a ease of a f.irmer, 1 vine; near n town oi ...m. iiihabunts. who pavs .:;.h. a ve-,- r for the of rathenae; mat- - ters e-e trom faelorie- - and ools. and wiio keer--a w:i";on and two men busy con-tanl- iv iu iii"; them to his farm near bx. lie told me lie nro. t at .r..opn a for it fieibled him to ): a :;.P- - actv farm xvit'i a juolit of more than f"'.o :m ;icre. A trcuttunil En'tm.u; m G itfi't man. SLOTH AND DILIGENCE. liiteii-H- e "ariiiiiit;. If I'n.-erot- eil lut Xli- ueiitli- I'ri.ilu.-tiv- e ot lle- -t K-n- 't-. a soil on both -- is state I to be plowinjr ihe . nr.uci' down lo where the rent.- - can t '- - ' '5- - 1:'-- P' 1('h''- - ' U'il lo ha correct iu the ca-- e of potatoes. eilit inches i- - very deep plowitiir ii j jura-iirc- d air.iiiist th" land sid- of the i iul-r.,- v : ipiite correct, however, ill .wh.it1 j, t bt.lM, ,..,jjt.,l intensive agriculture. lor spe.-ia- l crops, as pota'oe- - ip.d otiier tubei-- . bulb- - an-- l ";arJi-- crop- - ciii-r-a- ll if alwav- - conneeliou hetvv manuiLzi";. In jreneral ajrrieintuie deep plowing is an epk led swindle, except in -- o.lf- and ssitiiatioiis. As to its teasiblity. eerv lanner must decide l"tr hiai-ei- f. Nev-crib-'ie- s-, upon the ipie-tio- ti of uorkiui; :. -- oil :! both -- ide- there csn be no doubl a- - lo the value It is the action of tiiejnr. heat, moisture and lro- - up u si'tl that unlocks its inherent terlii.SA. and al.-- i continually add- - lerti'iiv frua .thatirrat re-e- n ur of plan fasid. the .uliao-;her- e. Thi- - may ea-il- y lei:nder-stoodwiie- Ji vve teflecl that all 2n:iii" pi ri-ha- ble altimatelv iiud their w.iv into the atiao-pher- c. to b1 atrain and T . ts ttuiii"; ivct'in-r-aled- , wiiile a oil hard or suxdeu ioto .its natural -- hap. A the soil .t-- liiut h sink's In keepiti"; it mellow ud "permeable to the air. It al-- o ilcstrov s .weed- -, ami tint- - renders the -.-- il eb-a- u and ivviv ot weed-- . l et naked sumaicr taliow .tie; is myw but little practiced. for tin-rea-- oa: that it is vvmu Ktix i.Tf tlnakiair and readiair farmer tai.ct asl::ided -- oil pither- - lertilitv fast- er tihua.onc exnosed to t'ie sua Xevc-r- - , , , . tiiiv-- , unei .ui.ini.- - ....v.. ...i-- v ....j, ii t'io1 - u. afler ear. endeavor to plav lr soil or three times iroiu h-.-- v,t tiir.e to the next "oodiu;r. tha- - acco:npli-- h I wo ends, t.iev k.ll ihe weed- - that titherwi-- . would stmt! "Wanip ;lhe wheat sown sacce-.-s.vel- y jo,:ir In car. o add -o- tae-whn: i the lert:ht by the thoroairh ruen. wiiik t the weeds n,rni.d"a,,.r me so:l is -- cJl "farther on .vn.ous depletion, a tie taoh- - cni in hi iu . ue sun. ia. e . . m. . ,, t nal ly c:trried )a as ncir cuies. it :aay indeed be callc--d intensive farmiap; if sappieaienteu wna a tarse iiroportioa inatiieiotis oil and gas deirieks wore wa-h- e. to the eatlii. lu t'li-tilow- a stieain. Kirkpatnck (.'o.- - ife-a-t a tod kept permeab'e to ii: ana" many Jars. lull nnn tiie the 14. tre-- 1 -- ueli the tat. now urt aaany others are uvms. etuitn- - m me'. tio'a, Tiuv are all victlat- - of ) I'hG tarruer. howwr. who ii. a rich from eat inj: dried beef mule from .L-eas- ed ?0.j raws c irv voar a6 vear3LM; The sickness is hy ..0- - x ;o . ,iu h bv 'clean car.. va- - the . jinc :uii ::a :ute.ive A doc wa civcti .some of tw ,.. - 3n" queMiouatidditsl-- t ltert't:mu works so:l from ffec& - aud tai- - -- ysteia oi rn m.r caJtare may ro i .vrtliu: Mc'GitECOt'.XV., t nas-e- d many patient slept, ftiiauu- - ....;; i,u. iiiroiizu ine as and swallowed without IVrtUlT coe? !" in larrelv .Know jirivilce iu ay.ii-tirt- v work- - 'tvvo TEMPERANCE. LOST HARRY HALE. Tirn? a uns-li- t Mnj mora tcben tli- - rrin1n? corn Marked furrow throuirh the vak. When friend- - met lit main t ine weddhwr fe-- t Of the blithe-otr.- c FUrry Hale. Quouv? f. Hurry. loved Harrj '. Jy- -t Harrr Mule: ct. Wll. rfrU u. a .., . Uw,iBi,, Til' n tiii-fci-- - day to '.I Iruin -- hop 'lofr. Irin5- - iutfi inj -- ur liarry nnu O. 5 cjr. and pnjed, while all xivht he TiJi-morn'a- r -- tar- rr-- -- pale. "Tor a 1'cihii cluilii hound l- -t tlu OJ uij unci- - K:tid Hurry Hai-- . .oor.i'.Vne with 'Orel, 'nuttth Slit- - fre-- h. rreoa -ol . Oli-- t e lo iKv ml- -' i In a drunkard - xruv y tVr od wjlkxr tre- - j Tlie laKl my lo- -t Hult.. No-.- r. d and Pnf- - by tifi. cokl srny ilone i IikhIiii'ii., orrtAiiur villi: 'TJmh- - :ne -i- - a: fi.i h' tl'- - I ce-ie- d bar that reeS.-- l ny nbn liar. Ha . STORY TOLD B A BOTTLE. J Why It Treferreil ll-.-.- t. our Vlnsr to Klnr Ar-oln!- . i i "I 111 havr t rht- - of Miniethttw , comli.rt.ibie " Tom llaraabv. t Tom iSarnab wa- - not a member of aav , rempvrnncc soen-.- v vhati-ver- . and hart tie , . dl-h- f. to the ta-t- e ot lupnir. Not tliat he u- - a dnnkin-- r man. Oh. d ar. no! Nt-i- wii dtunl: in hi- - life: nncr v.-- n lv mr- - coin- - b Iwiuor. Hut ll-well. Pt;l! a mc of -- omethln eomlortable -- truck Tom m a ph-a-a- l.Kht, hts jruueraliy look ii when it did. i To mcht it wa- - etdd an 1 ehllly and jrlcwjiry, arrl tie- - md rrtt:iel the idiuner and criiuei! tlowi: the eh.tnney. and made a tjan-ht-o- t It-e- U aloiur the -- tieet; and T..m. who wa- - not -- erv :ond d could not hev himsi: '" ,M'0'-- or uiaaz.nii anil there wa- - no one to wiir wi. mm me r-iii-iii on iioote. -- 'tnol to be the mo-- : iiatnial thifit' in the worlil. "A t'ln ! -- oiiieihimr coiidortahle ' ai.l Tom. "and a biM-tiit- , and then I 11 turn " in Then Tom went t xhe-hie- t to bok for a ii-m-- 1 in wli'cli li Itruittlii- - nercviir h.pior !nr the roiiilortntile -- oinettiiu:? ir.ui the cor iter -- tote, and -- j. il m un uitoer-be- lf a vre.-- . little with a tut hdv iuk! a lon o-c- hicti ; Intd nothiiuriiiit. and -- melled ot nothuur. and he -- et it UlKUl the table, wime he -- 'ur.d the Ure and the k.-t- t . n, that eivorj thin? miL'ht be on h .Mr- -, loin iroui nomf. nun loin u-i- . Li.i n Mir hinivo tit liiiitdtlf ltt .t. tt i hi- - Ul - befoie the tove. rakliur It, when he lieani si 11 wa- - 11 mint. liir-nw- ' frc.-tn- : but it had uvi a irtiu!l ounlI he -- tuiteil iI...t . " !. oiod tltttxtw 111 tt-- . Ut I llL(i UI- - litll,tlltJk ; an-wi-r- ed: (ml me" Ami tiimiiimr tn hl feet. Tom ptcrful htiuint' a'.out. f.r there wa- - n ..niiir , in tie- - room tlait ouirht to inn had a oiee , but hlm-ell-n- ot ecu u kitt.r or eanarv birth ) S5"oii"hi.Ckm,.w-- l r.'in iihl the'volc-- e ' And thi- - tune Tom iar it e.ime from the tirieen bottle. , "llaneed if It Isn't the bottle :' said Tom. "I- - It -- p. nt. or what ' ' ' Ami th bottiiin.-wer.-- d t "Ve-- . wor-- e liu-k- . It i- - pirlt- - Hall -- plrlt-. I Uki. ::n, rum and brand u hl-k- j- .and ai- - ' iohoi:, "(th. that kind"' -- aid Tom t. ..J.7;...".''"!":... U'. ". b.....Y" pin:4Hi"i ii i iu-i- .in. i fiir Jinn fin they hd me .such a i te that iw- - -i- mi-hed; ye.u-- s mid join wile trot me mid put hlc. cd v ine-jii- in me Niee. -- Inn p. vuiejrar. Una never d.l vor-- e than true -- ime t.oor catitia-'- e eater the ... i... ..... i .i . . . .. . '' " " " " " '. ,"V 1 . ma.b-reii- t tunrur bottle, mi. here I in- n- cmiii! t. have one ot tin- - deu- - back. 1 know, "u'nu" Ju awuy x,rt ' '!j; r,'"1t;!',;,l.,.tk;,r , t,",,. who had crown u-- et : tie- - pin- - uomeiion oi a linking ttotiie. unii tin: not mlnil tt at ah by tin- - time. hi- - head Miaelv. "hurht there "he s.i.d. "It's everedhurlv I e to have wife awn, but you are .r loobsh to talk on do. What harm - then in a moderate drink' All vou'dlmi! wouldu t hint i. tlj. Vou've hiteiiiiiKto - "I haven't been to anv'bodv." -- aid the bottle "I ve lormed m own eom-lu-'.in- s I her.- - a-- a t me when I thought a- - von do. It wa- - when I waii brand new bottle a ailt label. 'It. -- i Hi'Haml Ion. on me. and mv owner, fie liijiioi c-r. td; un- - out ol my ea-- e and hoil-- me to .lark It.uker, who. ju-- t -- ;.'! ;:i i rit.liir lie -- lure. ; Rei-e- . ,1.h-i- . - he. 'tin- - ill help jou keep Oinstnui- - "Thank . mi d .laek: and oil J went un- - i d.-- r In.-- in m. ' "And Miere in a brteht mom, with a prettv vriic .tud a no- - old e,ramttn!!ier and imo etinmu? Iltl.e bub o lo .ktn;r on. he upet;e- - me. "v tun a inee -- m.-IR -- -- pretty ' v.ite "And then he made omi' in!l lemon and - anil ihe all drank -- nine, and h.Kkeit nt tht hjrht -- lutniij." through my ' cteen -- ide- and the fill tube! on me. And tue old trrandlattiei -- aid the ilr.uS; had pone to , lo- - head, and he -- hould liaveto It- - earr.isl up tau and the iauirhcd at that, It was -- ueli a c.K.d Joke "i liken mv-e- ii then ami vsitat was in ' .me I "llefore I wa emptv the first rrme I felt plea-i- sl to be sneh a tavor.te a- - I w.i- - "Ah. dear. I wa- - tilled uj. aaln. and aain. li:ii acaiti: and alter awhile 1 bewail to --- e t tiluir ehauiug about me. Tie- - wilc-im- -e w a- - not -- o bright ; the old trrandlntlier m-- ei latighetl. the babv - toe-we- re out; and one da .Itu-- -- lairtrereil in. took me up. drank the drop from me and tumbieJ ttiio a ih.iir. Tie- - w bewail to rv "Oh. Jack " -- a- -- In- Mh. .luekt ho- - I hale that dreadlul Lottie We wax- - -- o happy betote it eame into the hoii-- el ".--lit bmmeii ua but I knew it ;i. lae spoit in un--li- e mean: ", oiive -t our pluee. .lark," - she lm- - ehau.-ei- l on ib.n t love me anv more on ioti cate tor Jiiv ehtldtvn. It - all that but tic "Itut .laek wa- - mo tip- -j to c,ee what .he He -- taj.'sered oi t- - the table, tinik me t the nei-- and earmM me to a li.pior -t- on-There tae put another evil into aie Tliat one drove the turtuture out of tk" hou-- e: ! hit it was pawned Then lite bit the hnu-- e it-t- vf and were itv .mr in a ee.air -- omewhere. le tisit; In washing. . -- oir.e ot the motie -- he earJKid went lor timr-- . ev It -- p:rt- to till me "l.dti t I lontiie iiii-cl- l- One u;eb. I sat ot: the table aml-u- w the oid uiandtelher Hnii.' iut ami Jai k drunk on the I.cvurit! the toot ot tlie IkhI I) dtt t 1 1 e un -- e.f Jtr.edto .topple olt.'hiit I eouldti t luattxe it J over .btittleiiM de-i- re to Mita-- ti it. 1 UkI Put It vas in. ij,.-- . Happt leti.- - cut r!:t.v,isuijiie Lottie- -, innocent wate- - Itiitties have t ecu broken whin ilic mo- -t ..kciI to hei. no tloub! tint I. wtto im.i ix-.u- n a .th.el tnjr-pii- tot devil-- , lasted ..... i., ..,..,1 . ,.,,. ti... ..11 ...-,- . i,...i ...v ...t. 'i.iitrr t jrat. jinn ius poori...iirnier lft'i a oiai-- tlie -- otiit- how. One Jark went -- n .ik nr out of tie hou-- e a bundle under one arm and me under the 1 t..c-r- . '1 he bundle rr.- Ji.-J- ie - mourn. tar die-- - lor h-- r father Me 1 ik it .it a p.iw::--ho- p :.ud pavrisj it tor i mo.ich li Ji.l nie tw.e.- - The pvur vvctai: I Aie er had a dis.eiit rire-- - anin. , "Site a.- - m rajs rie wa hunrry. I't ' -- n Jack eltitt-- h her liantl and wr-tvrli- the iimiieii'"d earuoii tr eln.dreii t. bretid It-m- r it- - and then 1:0 eft with me. Think of it: I lsvtl to aid nd al-e- t h tn. and r err -- av ti mrs atmut me that Mere verj uatutvl. -- et- itu'iltnt t.hed.du'1 know how I liHtt- -i t.'- - dev nom-'- nt w,tjt use in hi- - ;m cket nij nevk -- 'irkiitsoiit I'pctme the proprietor .tv Jars lt.irki-r.- saj - he. vby doc", jou ;i troua '" "He ua to hav hitn there, you -- ee a rufnuzl jcn-atut- with ti- - toe- - out and a biMck e-ii- a brot.-- n 110-- 0. He:-.s- 3 to lw cai ed Hand- -t ee Jack Uatker beicrt- - he look toilt.imriue Tim... or that. "Nou lu uvoktvl up with a lur-erab- le. abjic whttic Co iunuo irh an empty Inittle on a . rhr-.s:ma-- ee es he You ditln : tt-- o to .... a ....... u .. .... t rt..-- . .,,. ... ,,T ..w.!-- - there. -- Happy riirtstraa- - saal he. a be stay- - scred in, Haip Chr:ttnai. oid ;nr." Hannrr said she tih. this dreadful of meadow aad the l"hat notice to lie jsear round. saiJ.XaVe , p.ttlc :o put a drunken nam 'IributiC rase. He an-wer- ed her vrith oath. 'A ajfcedy ireaM 1 vrai craas bear you talk. sW he. And the poor wrann aa- - ered: "Oh.s-yo- a Heaven '. are yoo ever obr: Oh. Jack. Jack! -- Arri then he at Iit He tcx by the neck and eat her over the nead "ith inc. TbfCJiri ntnl :h- - ihor por-- d oxer hfC t,rea-- t ami .er the lac- - o! l bahy , upon tt It niirll with vtwouC J At art he L'.'n tnewyrad. . . m TlT ftr CTfW mhf .:- - I vb a "" ? 'Hi ft mv- - Lreat i rn. 'Lrt ni" i ' liruW'T. inf. rnunnrnt" Hut n-- r fair tlwh vu'icaliiliopuip.bTl- - ww li hrt.krr . linfi i m n ua; ""i. Tii-- -i -- ... ' Ihnit'nn vrVsl rtH ftir.Y fft ni f"M . 1 - a . .l ..... .. . i .. ....!. JI'k.a. i IITB. ST' IT fl..-r.-X IIS... !.' i.. t M uih. a.i - i :k ra tau.j.i- - Thf a.r wu-wtt-- th It- - He stai'BTr.-- JLKt c imiu.'rfii- - w ...n.--- jr At !r?:?: r' :; iwf n tj.cpand usK-- h they bad riven , "'Urcn-n,- , -- Hallo: hBUu! ' a Hir. - fawwH irf; h!r . !. .. ... U..-- V. mnAri.t Tfl c.minc.tat 4 I -- ImT- i-- at 1hoc t. Lo pr-aeji- t i ni aiy u u m"i-- r Then lie Tott f.n- - t-- p .nor-- . ?pv-- h enj-- h' H- - n:hrouj. the tain ice eudurthe Wler -- 'Ihent: I. oiy tairable ca- reer t- - rtlet. "Tt:'-- a ill a We iny-- U. and there va. i rr t r;- - ii. m ueck. NiTi tin tif 1 knew it wa- - brnt.a daylight, artl I .. tfcilinr n the water -T-,:!..- .rNew Ii-r.- .trt4irtel lOV He cl4JrvI oT the de ot k Uml. u.iO cnuirh: uie , "TV"- - a- - man drrse.l hem !a: -- ll you -- e.. h.m- - fi.Hht- - -V- t-v am I be Kr- -t 'He h- - ilruak. and ni- - iit- - v e so! ua uijue. ih ; tier. Mown in me - ,ir over tie I "ay. I 1U JfUIIflO-!l- ! till- - tttlf tC HiU the Junk IIMttl . 1 w rvM. End mud' ai'Rint :n wlH In the lunk -- eo x. umI.-v- . (t Bt--- t The -- .vuter hal WH-n- d tliebkniO oC of me I i:..l no -- mt-.-o: and u.oiu- - oouic yur w.le. What nlt-- . tint IxuOe" tlu -- Just 1 wan How much tor U ..AlM ,,,,,,. t.hjin., h,.r iolsr ceuts tai i home -- he hru:?ht ' M ip.--- r f vn-i-l- terun ca'n." ifi i Aari ' eip.vfsl iiotnltiK el, but. W- e- tlie c!er -- dijI. -- he put viu.-sr.i- r in nie-ii- ee M,UI. IIKk-ii- i r. s-ct- u-h d l.- - iH-- n a e,Ml re.'orm.-- d tM.tlle eor -- line And ' now ou "u vi.u h.-- r ht.- - rouic '" lM,t ln' '''" '1?M "P'rtl- hiio me For jieaven - -- iik.- urenK ai- - nr--t. i con t wan: .to U-- anoth. r h'.ii-eho- h! " in: -- ban t " -- a;d Tom i.Mraaby. 7-r- r you iro back on jour .-lf. I ieve ou to and .netrar: and I think ill tuukt u UIIMil t!OIU? Oi-l.-- e "KiSht. -- a ! the iKittle. I And -- o the bottle -- uuiil -- ti'l the on Mr- - ilitrnabj - dje--e- r: and Tom Ilarnubj 1 st.U a -- old-r man. Viicny. Httahl. BILLY, THE GOAT. 'He YVace an KnVcttntl Wur .Aralift tit fatl-- e of III- - IliarM.-- e sbttine. No'.erhad regimental iroat beet more attentive lo dtlTie- - thai! Was Itiliv. .t aril. parade and roll-cal- l. Hidv w:h ,,. or in t!i f..r.. II.. ti.-"i- l: - - -- Mllich ill the regiment a- - the men And when the met over- - "Town bo thev were - had leisure, r . II 1 I .1 I a:? iney nan in aonauaace. mcy loutni :,, i;ii.- - lw.-.rn- - .. t.bitfeUr.w .c t'.... found him a ready comrade in lut. ... H fed, well "Tooined. Well h'.u-e(- l. well cared for m eterv wav, I'.dlv - lot annui"; goats wa- - indeed a happy one. I'ut. a hi- -! pride jroeth before a fall: and Hilly was to be no exception to the rule. Rilh had not merely the riht of en- try to the lnesroom, but was always a welcome irue-- t there, and received many a daintv mor.-- el from the friendly ban - of the men. One evenin- - how'uver, i: ! r- - I ha ppeiid that ( 'orporal Price, out of n " int ,,f lh'u,rhtie-- s iai-ciii- ef. proposed, that Iklly should partake ol the lbpiids as vveila.-o- f the -- olid- of the Ilie-s- -. ihle TI,e su.-tio- n wa-:- .t one -- Ol.eil .Ipctu , and the men ea-rl- watched I'idvs lirst biuiKm.-alteinp- i. ('orporal Prie. coaxinirly h'-l- d oat hi eup. :.iim t.illv. alter a su-picji- u- said, cpiailed oil' the Another and vet another of the men ottered liiilv a dr nk. an lavitaticu not think of lieclnrn";. Kinalh. the lai'i:e earthen ves-- el w '.it-I- t held tne be- -r at the head of the table wa- - placed apnn the floor: Ii.llv wa- - dir.-cie.- I p( he p him-el- t. which In- - proceeded to Io wnh -- ueii hearty irootl-w.- il that he to the iateas-- . amn-faie- ut of the aiea. 1 am to nave lo acKtiow - e ie I.elple-sl- y, aatai-takabl- y ict-ctxi- - eated. I siiall no' :itttnit to ib'-cri- b- Sailiet it to say that the next niorn'ae; I'.illy was for lae iit- -t time ab-e- at trotn roll-cal- l, and did not put in appearance all dav. Nothine. could tempt him to leave the -- table. When a -- ecoad day I roajxht a repeti- tion of th" and a -- eemid eveniajr iae-- s commeaeeil without Rillv ptittiiiir m ati appearance. (.'orjKir.i.' Price wa- - directed to brine; the de-ert- et oeicire a eoai't-iuaiii- ai ot inc men a Ilie wv.i. ..,-- . t,.-- .. 1.1,. .t:n:..i... 1 ', t. itn vtin- - ir uiiiiuiii). j inn - :i";cd to induce Rillv to leave his lair at all: an ! it wa- - only by dratrtrhii: h:ni by am:a force he could pl iiim ia-i- b the door ot the room which had been the e of his orjries two injriit- - In.- - fort. Rifh"- - appearance wa- - rreetod with a cheer, bat s.idiy ehaaired vveie hi- - look-- . Hi-on- ce Jlos-- y crat had an un- - kempt anpearaace. wh.le one- - jiroad and erect head wa- - lowered in -- hame, "'Come, Rillv. take a drink"' said the S'.reanl at the head of the table. The words -- eeate.l to roast the ant- - mal. lie Httetl his head, hi- - eve hi tip. hi- - fore-Iic- beat the floor. Then with a snort, a ru-- h and ab mad. I Hy bat- - te I fail aaia-- t the lare earthe-- a vts - -el eoata aaie; the men's , venitts: allovv- - aace of a e. breakiair it into a thousand jiieee-- . and delutriii"; not oalv the table, but the mea who -- at near. Tnea. with hi- - head iiiR-- f eteil he -- talked rml majestieally oat of the room. And ir." said the corporal , to me ia iwiliair the iacubat. "Ililly's wa- - the be- -: bi'i-ribbo- a lect.ire I e.ei , hs:eaiI to l"Jiotf' s (jicu I'lipcr. c .at :o J:,t1ni;jlll,thlS.J,.,,1V. .r b tati.watohavolipoUDaed. of iid lit trf-- l dirt be an air of semi-re-p- o tabtl'ty. t;o In'forc .lastict Foote xestcrday eharjrctl with -- teal 112 lawyer, lat-- r hr cradaaPsI bar x a chroaic win-k- v drinker, and. ItK-k- . no -- loucbt .Ia-:ic- e Foote seat hit: to b'ri Jewell oa a hac CJtt.ajo aa. - is tzxlil tliar w1m th .. ,. .... .... A' -- !'- --- u on it-i- r e.utrauioa Thf. colored people Kalei:h. Csroliaa. are a Teraeraace societr. in rwV.n.r and rm-- y t. ., . H UVU . VUUJT kit. I. ... .ut. l.Vt.1.' ...-.- A Jl t.tV AtB tt tT K'.JL.-- . ou Temocianeis. pob X of I HOME, PARM AND GARDEN. Tlie Indiana I5un-- a of f T th-i- t un !erdm:ninr decn ac- - tbrs teadeacv to ualarial aiea;e- - innmn- - a,.,. j"ftrn,, ' Hor-e- - are srrneralir loan o; laaip . .. i it i. i. ..r rMv t rinnir in inrwi ran ii; Mi n zi&iiirrik&A .i . ..m. . . it k w lariu ocra viis.i a oatle hrntne- - wiil Wor. 'woatler w:ti t- - !.. Trmu - ( ocoannt CoVie: cup of nsrar. . .. on"-hs- il JUp tiJ tmr.rr. two :., oae- - half cup of m:lk. one and oae-ba- lf rt; of flour, on-a- nd of powder. - Tk Houstko d. -- Tr pa- -r u-- od ia the rrf of the hen hou-- e to kwp n lnUi warm in wiaivr mi J free from hoe in ttallnIr. nud - luhh apjrorei ii.W-- C h have li-- ed iu A. 1". Ttmcx. Mo- - iu:te?. the-- - and other pe: wHl n-- t en;- -r a room ia which tlae ca tr-o- d plant crowin!?:. or. if tb-- y eater it thev are 'oo found dead beneath the leave.-- . Chicago htr-ai- d. Currant and roo-el-rr- v b-- he should i; pninel crv yar. If tttT art. nruned in tree form thev w.H brftr larirerand liner friii., ami the ! will not be so apt to aiJueW. A. In -- eltinj: out cabbujre or tomato plant- - it pa-- - well, eien in held culture. t twist or wrap a piei-- e itf paper abont tie- - -- tela- and fa-- Pa it with a -- lone or a f -- oil i'lant- - s0 treaPtl re , s.ab- - from the cat worai. Albany Jour- - i tt(l -- Jo make the plara orchard a 5nc- - , ce-- a require- - watchfulness oa the pail of the orchard i- -t: not unit mn-- t the -- i I Ik- - kept :n rioJ con l:tKa, but me.i-ur.- -- inii-- l bo taken to protect the iniit from de-traeti- oa b the cur-ech- o. Tins in-.'- et a xery ii:ibe .It one to de-tro- v or eoa'.rol. Im-c- i, re-ort- el to lo protect the oanr fmit, nut they are. mo-- t of them. s hthonou- - and re pure -- o marh wateh- - fulne that oliry tlie lbOt are -- aee-fal in tln-i- r innt .V. )'. Tiitu.i. , The A'jricnltnr -- ays that rrtlier eat bnuid ami '. honey tliau brcrrd and batter. One' pound of honey will a- - as twe ' pound- - of iiutt'T. and ha-- . bn!e-- . the , advar.tac of beiue; more hea'thv plea-a- nt ta.-ti- n it alwax- - remain.- - ITCHid. While U'ltPT SoOIl Ut'COIlH'i ran- - !'!. Honev eat-e- oa wheat hread is verv to health. Jt is a com nion expression that honev l- - iuxnrv. haxttiir nothing to do with the life-jrr- v- ! t anp principle. l in- - i- - an rror noaev is in one of the no-- I coacentxati-- d lorua.. COUNTRY HOUSES. The Two Iltoicer Knvlron Thriii Water lipiil ali.l Vtr .llttrr. The two .'real danirer- - of hoa-e- - are pollution of tie water -t- ip-ply :ad of the air by c oatact xvith wa-- t matter. Uvvuer- - of property an- - left -- to build their and be-sto- w thc.r. rarba-- e an ignorance and itnlob-nc- e prompt, with no oilieial -- upert.-ioti. and the con-crueii- ce i- - that some of the loeln- -t -- pots are tP-s- .. ol lou tett-r- . hphthei a ami V. In choo-m- ir a -- uuiaier home prefer- - ence -- lioiiiu ne jfiven :o a riricn ox e;rav.-ll- or and -- oil. c'ax hold- ing L- b- -- urlac water t.o lonj ami lu.iklii"; tin a.riiamp Where there is plumb'.!!"; iu the house the w.i-le-pip- es -- houiil be at hfty feet from tin well, lest tJie ground. iutdtrat.-- d wit putr.fv hilt orraiiic matter, the l iiu! th Wh-r- e waste-pipe- - or n p(oI are near the well, wherever surface washing- - can it - far -- aler to -u- ti-titute rain-wate- r f.r ook-i- nr dr.nkinir pnrptsit- - than to u-- e Wijll-wate- r. if toe roof and "all re kept clean, ainl Lie rata-wa'e- r code tad -- lored. win can be cisjlv and cheapo done, the -- upph w 11 l siilb-cie- at and healthful 1 1 is. i ...; .,. i.,.-- . i .. .i:..i :.... iiui i i. iJ woo i. 'i.oiiiiu. then eod. and afterward aerate it. Ii tiller- - are a-e- d for juiriheatjoa the mu-- t be taken apart and the -- train rs carcfullv wa-he- tl aa.l dried at least oace a foriatjrfit. otherw.-- e th . tliesaml niul charcoal r-t- a.n ti"; orjranie inipuntie.--: itnpurt-ine- ; a tate to the water. No kitchen slops, either from witsh- - tub- - or in. thrown upon the ground or into that otti dram tKj oft.-- n found at back hint Hoarder- - Uy place where th s untidine-- s exist.-- , ilrjaai" wa- -t le-t.-r- -ia the hot sun. and thosaturatd "round "ives fortli meeiise lit lor Rielebnb. tol .7, the- -. All hoa-eho- ld vva-t- e -- aouid removed a- - fa-- t a- - it gather- - and lihtlv buried. In the dark laitoratory the f earth aoxuuis m i- - lamed alone to -- weet whoie-om- e a-e- s. I.aua, and pant-- n thrive oa what 1 tatal to I man Hut if this can nor be done, then the kitchen waste -- hould be burned two i or three time- - a day. No -- tandin;: pail , of trarbap -- hould he allow. 1 to lii'- - and tbiile th frnraat a:r. 'Hie coad.tioti of the cellar i- - far more important than that ot the pnr'.or. la iiht room.-- ibrt is eoniparativeiy hariale . la dark place-i- : lark- - in;: danjre". No old wood, no vejri'ta- - bl no rabbih of any kind, shoald be allowed to curalier the cellar, wl'tn. -- aoald have a war-p!oi- f and a;r-:ih- . tloor. to prevent e;roaad-ai- r aa I -- r. from risia; 10 th- - livin- - room-- . Hal thi-- " alnx-- l n'-- v r found in l.oa-- - to nnt. is uec -- sary that all criiar door-a- mi windows should in daily ojiened for free circ-alat'- oa of a:r. lUnittnn.. rv Tt..? frtt.-.i- lt .tn Vtttli Dampne. is a ready vehicle ford -- ea.-c a- - well a- - a fruitful catt--e for it. tifiilKi wiiym rf lt 1. fii vtti t 7f headaches, ashing boae-- . or imtsble temper-- . short, eternal vijilaa.-- e is the once cf hbertv from deae. fr ni ,ther Voltaire said tear - aata:jaa waaid de-tro- y a lock ' fhep if adaiai-tere- d w:th tae pr- - ouantifv of arenie. (ioin? to t .e 1 .: :n .. 1 . 1 ; ;r .i.. ruutiut m -- wuua .- - saa:tarv conoiaoas -- .r o-- - o.- - aeslect lliseat jr- - ia- -t sja; vi-ita- Ua of coadttJi :alar. o I.rpho.d. are oraaiprexn:. And -- 31 of -- amtner reto-e- e- tna l?t' j"".' ii0,,'d eoa.-Mie-v whether. taroi'ca neecict-snvii- 5. icr .r not ex A ' The wapr from eave-p:p- es. if not J saved in a c stern, -- hould b carried - YilI:axn Iratnmoad. an old jrray- - ' far fro,a tie h. u-- e in d man, throa";h whose rap aad that ther will be no eontijraoa- - srfa ame here early yr erday nior.ui.j: ,. a , ril.!lL. L -- J"h. pvjotice. hoveTter. ot ra-t- ; g .11 me but that w.-t-- e pap..rj, :uul It.. from :he l.imi.j)0,, ..,,,.. fl . lQ ,; fr . aaaiher of pile.were s.e. at Mec--.i- eo JUe- - wl after wheat. ,o de- - "d." ..u dllin iJJJak raa.l boxe-f- or the -- tatajis, Dniinmond Canl- e- -- errant,- h ave rhunaro lvc. tivsir. .the efceit of hul-ih- e vvMeat plele-ih-- r. ,oil that toner &: later the nje He hit meaam-- t tidnv- -. :o injury, j-- of cood familv. Jeanied. able but pnmin ..f x ?.s o- - vr'. whnve- - f .the disaster was. aot know a .until ithis soil, however nth. :no?t tv.rely Mie- - g 1 .nm-- t have a puard.aaderi I ..jj. He "arar aot -- o a:c tnev fall. ia-:e- ad of takia-W- ra to the eiorxir.?. Fallr sixty jhtsoii. b- - all re maib-- . 'Uerei-v- m iateiis'v , lt ,jB ttra- - -- neh a .tterdav. a- - aotf i'hwf .1 us of th Territorv of I'tah. coiatKist pit or barnia'-tr7-f- n- If thev Mrs.-6hroir.-- are except the intensity wa'.V He irradtta'ed from of the ft-te- m .; ?i ie are oat of ,!t:ht ther are oa: of airad. wife of Mcaie.-ie- e ph; sician, ditvsi yestor'-- 1 thi-syst- eai ssf fanuinir evenuaily Io.-e- .- f.Tr.:1". ' .3" Ji,,.!J. Ut A 'rJ P, ". law colleue- - earlv in life, and made a oil the - -- M tK..,,,:.,!.- - vr.:tR-,- . day a puwumir.g tr ftVd-tatt- le x,'endc.i i.tnriu.atictt bowoU oon-idoa- ;! tb, uie. ipparently ibs mderaiitely i;ertti.njr traced d siicet-s-f- al from t: e uhca la either. live dollar JtUcr O Ir "ntrlitn ...-.- - . of North mission -- m jmcI. rT rt r.,. ....... tt-,- , St. .t. - V.L. Vt t t tT. ?ta:iS u A. I ' drain- - i r h iwu ail of b- - of i- - a s. A m la th ?l of a' a the ot tne animals. ixsis.Mi.aa et Mr Joik- -' t?arasilv aAvisetl bvaa o.hccr to eraatv czxr.tL Hat if we pa: a '"I':1"' "!v "- -, " i;., ""- - rould bare tra iwtifrif I had. in adoar their rh:-k- v liasks on tae roaad. aa faith ia country air. to th' u,e aj " ,n -- 1:?1 tw " l"t..Iua"Vs.e . -- :tie for you. .tack ihirkcr." that in c oa-- - aence of foilowa." hi constat rcruojr aad tale "c d 1mUO oae fanujn.r aa the poor .ta-rren-- d home. Oh. the . tu naconimonir rc-o- d e,ui -- ton, .t is .ikcIt that ir ! -- , , , n uu tur-- 1 " ,HCUCrt; " eiife!j.ari-Bioa- iu Ire- - rreal alkali plas where w3rer r,.' rerr little nrobabihtr a ConiKXion. Oouglas this had a nt.cht, tihd bL- - Dorfor an .- -o inj-ii- i- mut no nioniiug ne teas for weeks. sick lakinp .has wlw faring .ih CfMitrt Harr n' put rvad -- iiundiiif llu lath with lie evil lMat.itul wiiii picture Chrtit-itoe- k Chicago fleir fctUe uml Jifide iiv more proudly mitral at thai the orrantaair rtt,... iitC Izcii icietapcraccu." Itmip Various device-ha- e would a i.ioil tin-- r or coatamiaate perfeftlv tin a itioi-tar- e saper?tt a? ??aJr Whisky. p'p-hair- ed ie-- n of lrora xaarKei. a more ui-- , r.n.t.i-.uc:ns- t. - . ;. ... .... . , - -- s hp irns vrrr siet .!-- ..! ihery ma MnJ ' aau ana tae.c i- - a rreit tetMDta- - , ,.iL. I!n vit; i.-r- t niri.'-i-i itin mar nn' w mi nmi. ...... .;,.. - ,t.., "..".. : r r i. .? - . . . . .. . . . .... ...., naiiT ctsiiit xier. jus iau.ii oi aaoiaer oauy uoa iO inXV. aiai lavor lewr. S3t to carry dayl came u nr- -t oa aU ' m a an tbiak to fcS:'"& cruet that the is ,. Go-;- el &nd :be evili One oat-h- alf t- - :l (Ha:rU' ;o far and country and .should eoaxe it. and u-e- ie le the ol itP-- r ami temp' xs is it as o! Victim ice e,i. ... -- UUSijiaie j chaar Kl- a- I- - for ia- - itork. 'ytr's Xzzar. rrTrytwly' Alr-ltr-k. j. or.j"Trxr aa it I I1 l o ajt itR't"iintmnj dT tf u mmr ytJ alltr rora o iif wau- - " Jar Farther eaver"Hn f ! t,acj iy ),.L rwr..n. ikarieinr to n ttmu. incrwuM M" . 1r. r.n-v- W: I brmtr rf -- - Wl vth a rile, h m- -i r. . j , . . .. i -.- - j "I "ri inhj; qj. tm. .-- rirU: !! t f -- n'l -q- -:r . .lat n Yaakc trV tw- -. h'. v. Wra." miv, w - . w jTt" Dr uz lnitm p: SaU de jrW f i, fcn-j,x- an tod buItrV-- ; f . n4. flT oatea ! rvt, it wd U.U js- - drik. UltVWr. rtA . . fcrrA !trr,rirl3LrH-l'HPrvtT- l a rofoneaafcr aktn th ! tt tJ cr. J -- Bo-. iat' a- - ll !?" Tftm!r th u- - hr.V- - hi t f.' rri- - d.l.' Ttora bd lurtiwr to rxphua Uo" i th !orr tl tke lKk. otioxt, to . b. h I nek- - 2h rr,K.i4 -- LfK.k ft n Uyoa lAorrdM't Vpwt hjt xaw mwt- - . r- -. . tup. luU of md ttJer A. k. d. it. i V- - .... w ."O. -- . TlMr nzrf m craul buibt I acle rb-- . b hdsr e.rythwx -- iwjdr by prmzu. ; Tke mr hke dw m& r-- U a wy pmwrrlul thing. lui poT and eUlcHBicy ure : not tvevai ferralent to birus iiad J pretend. PhiHiii 'ir. a-q-.. Im rr-fc- lH at tke l:.itJ -- 'at- Hot. 1 .NV. Yrk r. and t enrasvi m num fulnptiil..r th Ne" yjrk u .w nhokli !rivLJ r'itad. k i one uphrajdnt lr r. dmstw.hl rUir tho vr.t a phriciAn. lor eomni:dttir Mrh et.tha-o.ti- c tn a retncly . curxl I' m 1 bnsit dM-- e ethi jkr- - t a;o. He Mild- - "Sir. bm the ar.tcl pro- - ' .w,n- - itk Kn iitt .i arMav ul ol Tear- - km thins tktci rurr thi- - tumble di.rlr , no. t4- -t tmvi thre no ntwake aHocl it ht t! . Wanwr t rvle rarf t a w,.!,Ur .. eft'-- , ti w pre;iMratin. That mrlr ut a: "air-Knikt.- " Ikui. evrry ck app.y n 1 thie !.-- t explain-wh- y it hf 1 n hi r !tdmd.-- v d ti;cMi-u- il ! hrrt. -- -' .; l'rd hf f.aii.K uf Biraa Itur.ul ioMp. Tut. ahTinaa awd the hrj.tinnt itutt W a hatd lot. Thev li hy hk and crxMk. CV.Kacw. JvurHtil. - - - "Ii havitiea raUllnchui"." d therur witi a cull tird lohlK tall. HVrliy .Uaivr- - Pi k I '- - Ti m itii.M'iii. t iioe- - en r lu 1 mlnut. J' i.k-M- t Sulfur tntp ht.w- - Rtwl l'utia.-- . K v.i:ui tt Coii.s Ht.M.iv kkLiIIkI emt-- ltui.iou. A evn.'.i: l- - lite n waiter. It crrie lforr it. - i.arl 7V.v-- . ItVrii;. fr aftiietetl with Sire Ks, u Ir lac rhomtwon'b Kyo Waior. lru1ii j.i lt- - "VViiaT 1 r.inrl! n I thr poet i bv the s;liAir reardd un inaan.'v. -- A. Y- - lUrvtd. Pon't hunk, and hi. i, nml t t I I'r airr ttarrh Rru... A con v IT, However pr, n.n liiui'a uatcli and chain. - (..!- - t unr. THE GENERAL MARKETS :s5w K ".N- - s I ITV lu x "J CATTMSlM-plni- r Meets Jl i :. i. Nat e eo. - o . Itliti-h.-r- t' M.H-r- - .i 2& 4 o i llOt.s (i.HNl to ehou-- e hea 4 ntv 4 I. t-- ht a o 4 o whi:t-.- n r rsl ft No '4 r-- l :o No Milt m 14 iICN-N- o '- - .r OAT No r icvr.-- No : 0-r- l 4.'. l"I.l"IC I'anev. j..r ?nek SI trt. : r. II V -- Urv bni.-- d s to w. Itt'TTKIl hu ee ereaniery It . p. "HI. rreaui 11 Kii- - riii'iri It c. rultK-Ha- it. 1V. !' - sliouuler- - 4 lit n tft f t.Mtn Mmf 0 ku . i m I . Jt u a h.1 W -- . V, I'i IT ATi ilLsWl'.i hi. lou 'f 4 ' st i.'tris. , ntf Mi-.t- - 4 S A lluteher- - Mi'T. 4 TA 6. 4 NI Hi Put lilt- - . .. . 4 IO t 4 V. i Mir.l'P- - Fair u ctnttev r:. 4 ?' I l.o-- -- I'hofce t to 4. 10 Win: i m ,. 1 tt-'- I otN -- No t o 4 o.T No 2 ... 5. x i:-- No r t a xiti.r.v !i ;c JJI l" Kti TtHHtiTJ... l 1. lidth m -- t. Vi rorroN-atddti- wr !tt H l' 4 I'HUAf.O. I" VTri.r. 'tond So eholc:.-IIii- i 4 ."5 H r. p. - pHokuit Hod M iplir i UH i in 2 12. 4 .r. , W inter hunt .. : u WHKAT No. 2tl 4 M No 3 n . No. " pttHtr .. wl 1 rOKN-N- o. 2 41 OATS No. 2 21 tt 31 V'I K t i;t 4 ;r, : N'KW VOItK. ( ATTI.l HitHtrt-Him.- S 4 M r, in oikI to rhe" 4 M H Uti f owttMtn to c!4 :w 4 t- to eWoWe 4 14 4 '.I WHI. AT- - No. "trod tV4 1 lo ( Mi .V rex, v, l,Ts-- M i'li ra mad r. . t II 4& (4 11 Ul PirTHohKl'M 1 r. B -- 2 W' 0-- . .a 1 A- - r.n'3: , f.-'J- . (-- VC I V" "V ' I IT fiT- - . . rs ss " i YSS- - & I J VVi 4C' r- - X ' pPiQw;P C,'-- ft A 3 .X s. twjjri.-i- 4 PARSONS' - Earr irrA2A,?irr.25 ia 0TX TZZ.i. tt so I Sad tif-n- . l - rg ny ta-tl- r I so v.rrr J irsAiMi. r t: BOSS P COLLAR PftP Of UVC A.MI UIIHLK :ro :.;oxs soas TExrrra. .t - ' - rrtxir tui r. cr WltVr. rxr Jf tl . Jr-limn- Uxrse siXeri sn an j& x lU5nliaf Xtti -. . sr i ti jy axizZ- - lLTEK C l KT1 . Xalwrn. W I -- ' 5 tut; TU-- r Ni rrtl 3 UZkA I TUUfl -- ."urV 7 i 1'Il.I 1., Ock aottt rCcU Ot o,. It boalJ T- - Cf'itlr Known h th multitude ol i1wbn f a 7Uy jkm- - tr-nm-rUtT-rHm -.- rpfcl ,!,t. l th w TW bkl U-rf- iM- iwiwr lwc the il - m-- t frrt Jr?v t,. J tbe rrtiun r"H. re Wcl vumsi. s.n.n. wu1 ptn-- . !", rrptHM. .. t f i rt te. nr iti m' klHl minimi n.-'- - - utJK. h.r -- l iHwms -r dn nrf - tMUl brtHi. br.Vnc VftO OMWB. J iw tire hrr n5liU imm r aiww "Wo .MTaMti 1 niiv TtaMf U) c; c viu wnw- - . --- -- . . . . ..! I. km illk IA US H. 1Z dct-- ti CiXf -- rrx. " ."C.wt Y""'S M'' ,s,, The Voir h-B- . ,oC Urh. - l.. otfwr to h4 JMrel4il-- l Kt-n- m- - tah Hci Twl thr S&MTtur AmMTK o. tr.l S. - da . W IJ :""J sS3t-- J - .U. " ilt . aJ- - rr. .1'.:,. .--, kiath. f fcV4 - 'i,niWTW-- - - - - rr- -. t, Uh-- at hkx fw UJrad ja Fpktwt. ) tv w C fc U otmj " "JlZL? iEm J""- - T.r - ! W-- d or wrT7 drrmU into r c Pjr f' tmrnd !ttl -- . Y tw nnlr. or t ""' Ta .. zl tJurly d. r.Pb-- t . t . --. trmws l-- tir Uiif" mwna - - ltel A- -. trji -- trwt. !. N. Y TW i y . Nlv A .kk jo4btlitv- - . . .. . tCOHIf tiAhlhNlJ ( JYumtnj. 1r H "thr lil unicnAnT rrc-- jdi u .".J t." e Vct. CANCER of the TONGUE. A Case Hesemblma Thai ol Genera! Crat. ;w - r s., in-r- rtkhi .4. m lw - in !.' twJJ u; ft Vurll, ! U lr el l l1-- . "' .Mwnlr .4-si'- f nuiiCHi.xtS'xi " b. -f H.T lfl kwiNw'SJaPl' U "Wik I tutuUliM e I T.d. 4 lw ! ' (,t,, ..t.l t ! U k IHl .1oli S. V). I NM-kr- l.KHi-- s ..r. M- - lollln f ..-- . ...-r- .l IU lUiI MMWM.ys. .4 I trjrf. air. In tHf ctK . hi W. f ' ! fmit kfc.t-.-- l.ffc A b ! I r4r. ! It ! t I.l Ki .'! Ht4l !" ti'.S l ' rT,ijJnr 4 n Aim 11 f I . I m !... 'r. II. .il M 1 ' r. f U,ia.irt. WiHl" 1 " .!' .! I -- , w Mli.- - UAUl kl'iUlk I ' ': f. My 4, ts 7rr I - 'iKMrtiiu ''"' Tl: r - 'rn ( lirr X Aj . s , ', W ItU M JOYOUS, HAPPY CHILDREN " "rr4 tl. t f tt fc T !' U r A " f - - r m ' t t . tr i tt i. akc vwvi t c t- - . Jwvst I rt WlLHOFT'S FEVER ANO AGUE TOHiC A rran'.l fr . ' ru,l j tnkitlAl t'ia.. t "i tJll bllla kit. f '. V- - rr im! Ate; I.jJ I III CI. ... lBtrrHiitit ltm).it. It Ik . tolll0t frtrt. 1 mU t.JT Ii.)!- - It l it H ti'l t out tvl nlkf rr t'l, iiwt U f otl-rifi- i Nf ra. - ji-i-rt'j teat. . CHAM. r. ttlvtCLCR. Prop., Ch en to. It-- . LE PAGES LIQUID CLUE n It wt i Mi ' -- 1. 1 c ". C.OID Ml. At t W. v.. tt r T U,Ki.t., x .u ,.i. . uui'ii AHt"nCCii teiC:3ctd,Gfcc!r.;'.". rntLLo LADYIGEKTS,.:; ( t il o 4 V SIhim lKHtir4Nr'C st r-- t fi - LAnuLfi; iv. ;. Apr.l MllVril AMI Mill Urr oM ' 1 ' Mn m ikt ... yuu,u...j w z.iuiui . et.. EDOCATIOSAL, I? V l.I. . -- e fc ! lhf"l .t. lit.' . -' if f MK Jwtt l.t (i 4 (jt 01 pa, l i'.i' t "tu mi t u.r r 1 1t I r im. 1 lx.tti. f"kK4W- - BUYflttT It STRAHOHS jVJTi t- -. ft That Minds WSe, it Says Stnrly. "o thi vwrfu' Eczumn 1 hnd, boforo I bait h ' rnt. in Scotland. I vnu mikmz covored vrt' irup.ifOM, vrher I 8tw nn iiaveirtKjtricttt o' Ayer's Sarsaparilla ia n. GlaBow piper. Tho lich-i- n fatrly drove Jti: rntd, but I took Uto Sfvr.vijvirilliL, a likr? rmvgic. Man, xc -- srroubt ft rir?K-:- t euro." -- iverhi Tr ce I w trtMfctl ! !. Ii-- t. Hhcl M'hl Wd7 I ! wit ret ihrjr m nrhf U t& mt A-r- i 5WfnwrJi ojirly ',, - .hiti Ldmwnt. lfc ! rt Froie Frm'., tr--u IN. 14. I hove Ul lo Jy Iuhmi. Trhn-- h 1 ttiUr4 trmhlj . A ir fentffcr r ud lrr flmilorfjr zSMUM. I fi nmr Hum bIHn . 1jm in- - !JT. Trro, (of Frn. FVt . '.! t& turn: - Take Ayr' Smr-Jtrrt- o. d cooKmmi it for a jr. !. rwmth f Wm tt cjaijj ; VmmI. b&d " rmd"n l1m?l cosinrel t umr. 1 toooW tnH a ?VjeaiH! rjVi : iV--i' )oti tfrwe wooalro fat vZGel voor reordj. I hi tmA hVtMfh rr" rar lnvi- - .ml I trMmC n& mr- - vtin-U- j t Arrt f&ffmrt1k. T. it. ui... J. .S' 'FILLS . S" . 3T 3r 5? - a ivs mrri.r.Li-- . jtAixxi. X Krt.1 Tor T - I t ?T" , Zr T M fa 3. & l- - EA1 ti..f,lww, 9 rarr-- z. a. jcmssoa . ax. jz?vz. R. U. TtlT xt - ' uiwri e i-- r 2o UtiA .V.X JL- -f. . mto rilC WKITI.VO TO AUTXJCTXE. O4oaoy ri ! Ayer's Sarsapariiia, C- -tj Zj - .1U St bj Z rwcCM' Z'rlw Zi r. ttU. si-rr- rs Iiim jrtfi ra-- " Utt wluuv Ukrr oa.iu lfl ril- - rlM. trr trmm wrrr FW V ' 1 L'J'i- -i V -- T. . .. :--j- jft. V 1 i a t : r X

Transcript of · .T W" v$ri :,&-,. V. ,. . JS; . S&J ATTACKED BT A GANC. A nmler r Maine...

Page 1: · .T W" v$ri :,&-,. V. ,. . JS; . S&J ATTACKED BT A GANC. A nmler r Maine I.timtartnen Attack m It l'nrty ir rrrnrliHifti and c;--t Vhrppf. Atr.t-.A-, Me.,



,. V . ,. .

JS; .



A nmler r Maine I.timtartnen Attack m Itl'nrty ir rrrnrliHifti and c;- -t Vhrppf.Atr.t-.A- , Me., July m. r.vrticular

linvc j'JA reached he?c ef a hero battle, In 1

which about seventy-fiv- e 7110a wrre, omraaed.nd which took place u the afternoon ami

.Vftfor- - tif f 1 lV,rri? ...ttr, ,,..r... .ih..i-- . tt... i

fri-'!i,nr...,n- v. River. AV cavalaie


:f teams belomrmc to a hirire party of !

rrenrhmen, were movant nrtb alow; the 'T.ver road. At spoilt twe o'clock it theafternoon tlrsSrcai was attacked by a.ouii; '

?L !!urtVrn iT dri'r,rT' wh" -

braunj, assailants maie , vn Miiiilen rrsh .th clnh for we.ijKiP5, anddrove o.1 the lu

-- . ,. Wj.lML .! ...... . .. ' -the eoiih-n- t as tli-- T Mf vahr-- -

cast lot-- , in -- uch places where pu a V-- .i Hn-ioci-M 'KhT- -- at th ''.env-- i

nine awav farmers were paving ;rhty haTdollar- - a ton for Vr: U.n -- nano. I do Vwfced :ny n-- W: Harry 111.

ot pretend to ay ilia', woo! Wle is j 0, hU .. ict. m i-- n w, hrht,iujli lo Jann :ts an active fcnfliT. HI-..v- ns heart n.uM ftot fa--

i,'. ;. , .,Mih.r-ih- 1 l'V h.. !. uwS I sruve a!i my tru:H touuilii f .ji..iJtiU H-- e.T.h, ,..e Marryof nitrogen, b itn in th wr.(. ami the

The hre:".hr.en were'iit.t ell -- Ttici. lut 'oine -- uipr.;". aim. as uwmth-- y MKt:alhf4l and Static a sav-g- e charge, dreoinpo-- ' vcrvi-'j- n in tie -- oil andOne ul H"Mi had -- ;'nlver and 4ie han". led niak id imron availabi", the muchit --o wei' ihat three, -- of it.i five Mints fjook larirr .foa!ititw,,f it vvhici can be

ivrtally -- jndiiic otre man and plied to t.ix- - -- oil. an account of its lowcnpnliri; another. The rir men then :tli.. fa-ilv hri'j" it kjIo favorable

:;IK,U"iit of bv fanner-- . It is tin-r- e

v,nt.ti j, ;"a rt,.v.irJlli,m U,r variousW. ' and ,.

'. '.tin-lahor- preparation for penaaticnt. . . .

j ..U.1U uni: m l-- u .itTtt oi iirar.i. ahlKit ;? ii in t!i-i- r iraudi did soin execution,hnt the woiinii it infiieti ere slight.Tin i ext man in fail was Robert "liean, alumherman. wince head was .split jen hyan-a- wiehled fcr an infuriated Kmiehman.lie wiil prohaW'.. die. Another ri -- r dnvei.pursued at tb- - point of . pistol, leapedIvwii a bank twenty feel r:s:litoward th- -

river, faul injr nri. The fi;'itcontinued with varying tazre and ueasional lull- - until ten o'eh-- . nnrht. '1 neoverturned 'Aairons v.erc tswd as harneadi. i

T4.d the fort v.:is several tMiw eapiun-- d andTi1: ,"r. nVS! M,e WTe"i"1

of iuuibernra were -- tretrhed.... ?... f.M ,. t. ,. . i..., f.... ...- v ' 444 wiiir t'lLtii'i in.di ii;eompletely disahl-- L Tim remaining as desperatel a x ihe otit--et andthe strnirirle did not i ' .ill only one re-

mained on his feet. I. and his wouubiouirades were made prisoner-- , ami are

now in custody at the r.irl... Resides thoewhose injuries are desrnbt-i- l above, anotherstill lies insensible and in a er.tieal eonde1h.ii fioin tiiu tjllerts "A a Mow on the headwith a elub. Riides the damage r

wkciii.s and personal injuries received tinl'"riiiohineii lost a larire quantity of jirov-de- r.


l'litktirtoii SeiiI . I.ttrtre I".rr; tf Mft t'litat SajjuiHW.KatS'.mnaw. Mu it., .lulj 14- .- KislS"

three I'uikerloii detectives arrived ot: cearlv tram thi- - ii'ornui" all armed wa'i

-- i....i..... ..t i ...- -.Jilt IITl-- 4 i tilt" .(Ulll 4W Jt;UMII HM.

were at ome swm in. The .Mayor mi

pro-iatiiati- oii in which he stat'--d he u) '

calleit mioii the Suite and c.tiutx authotitie- -

for aid, ami bc.Vt ed amtile',

aiiaimemeiit- -

had been terfe-l- to insure piotec-li- A

jnojteitx. It is lepiirted that three :njiaipc's f Stat- - tioops with a ir.itlmr irmhave been otdeind. The btnkers tlir.t.-i- .

U sei'e p e waterworks ami shut oS to.Mtpply. and a b inn- - of men armed u. t!idles were sent up Pi liroteet the winks,The striken weJe peatly incensed at thentiiH taken hy the authoritie- - ami Iu th.jrjs!iic of antKHl dt:leetivcs. A larire iuinher p'tbeemen have been fiv-or-

in and all on the spee'v havebeen prohibite.t It is beli.-xe- d that 'liierei- - ample foiee i the two ciiies to pres-i- v.

:.lej. Toit s: of Pinkerbm - inn areMtaliomd n this side of the mer. am: sev-

enteen more will arrive inon uur.RoUi mililai y are undei j.nnsJtept.-sentativ- e G'.nrrv, leaderof ihestrll-ei- s

stated in the priice station this mortiiur :hat i

uniess me i iiiKeriou men wi-i- u leiii.oeu i

lie woiliU not ie iesiiisiiiit; km jiiiou tiuiej.The Mi tke It stiil on and no -- tep- havrbeen i iken at ts is entl of the river tookum


towaid an adjt-ime- ut. The sttikei- - ha-.- i

ooilteiltetl 1 1 U'N. selves With llOldlUi; llieet- -

iturs in which speeches were made de--

iioiim-ini- r the j.ction of the authorities inbriitiim the detectives from hica-ro- . .

.otiii.-eini- i: uitieratiou and advi-u- m the i

men to stand hrni. Meetings aie culletl1oi also. 1: is ditln-iil- t a.t thiinomeiit to pieiln-- t the ont-oiu- T.i ot i

thiee uitil own."i: have aniioimced a 4i-- ter 1

liiiualioii to -- tiiit their mills !

bhoiihl they dn-- o tloiible mav lesult. '


A Storm In th .llleclieny Valley Q)m-- h

Civ.-t-t limn. ;;..I'M iset i;..u. 1'a.. .lulv It. ShortVibe- -

r..... .i..,. i.. ....,.....,,. t... v u..rrii..n-Y.i'5..i- - i

was vi.sib-,-1 hv ..v.e id th-- " most a's ;

onusev.-- i known in that section. Huiiji f

lell in lonvnts f.v-- an hour: the wind Mewfa.htinicaue, aiidt.humiei and Iiuhtinii; was

'u K.Kirs- - d j;ieal damage h..vv

Im-c- revived ttoia xaihni- - point-aloi- ir the (

Allegheny Kixe: between this eity .amTiiusviUe. At llarmoiisviile lightnim;Mt.uck the telegraph othee killing tu-tn- tl

.lames Me Felly, aged twelve year-- , v.nditeiidetiug uneoiis'-ioii- s the operator, JiissMary Har.Ielt. Taie biaidiac was i.aitly

'WJeeked. Mi-- s Hi xlett was reiuoveil to aleiKhbornig d .soon revived. H.'.eva- - not serioiisp mimed. At 1'ieep.irt

i four and one-hal- f niches ot rain lell i hoti;. Hooding cellars, yards and streets and

the West JViuisvlvaiua and RulJulUKiieh toads with v.atrr to the depth of--everal feet. The .Packs in .sonic

shave been washed w ay and in othets ti-.- e

debris is p b-t- l live feet high. Tiain- - haveheen MopjHil in all dueetions. At lblesMatkiii a fieight tniiu rati into a laud sieand was hadlv wteeked. hat no one was iaiined so far as known.. PeteiV (reck ne-- .

Lttarhluirt; i- - swulleit hevotid its hank- - audi

.uiram rctun.edA--

plant at J.earhbuig i- - underwater ami theJoss will reach tlmusami am

The los- - in grain ..ion! hay alone inithis and siuioiuidiiig districts is somethingil carl al lu contemplate.

Tlnre in Iletrolt,iPKTUoir. Mu ii., duly thieves j

tuave not Pettoit, as a.iyoars from thefifth c:w. an wiucli i.m.ur -- miu

iif valuables vveie "ecarcx. ihe last easeaftemooiu UT-Jr-ini: the ale

.lem- - of family. tic ihoine of J.!. Chandler, on Unuij- -

-- street v.i- - 1

.. a. &ff.f . . .

nitered and jcwi'iry vanirti j; c-i- m wa -taken. It is.piihably the work of the -- aim- .

ranc'nf cnviks .who have Swr. qaarteied .

iere for Jat month, ami nl.o are 1k--t

oiuinc famous t r their isdtteness. Theipolice have cioae fieir utaios:..leep thetuiatter-stvre- t.

Siity I'rnioim I'oUimi$, i

SuWKvVKt'. lui-- s. -- 'itlv The report ,

CT-oe- rl iirmu'M 1

Mor.vT dly 14. Dr.

said maralac thit General

iiant food whenosfced how boars !

2u4 the evieeinly felt f

- .,tte tn fn into de--...,... ...twi.t v.e ,,..-..- 1 !

Jt -.- -

.l .1 ti. :.. is.t I

nvrni- - yn.i i"" . .ir c'ocame, and mi,

hri"hnand his spirits irriproved. las ;

jeea tlie case every Monday rfioraia-- r

!our 'he nian is foodeateously. his liquid

liuiBai ki-d- ay any epparaas


ap-eHV- et,

catht-um- s

Value a A Farmer K- -


There i a. Inrjre qtian i:y of woolwaste thrown awav :n the neighborhoodof town :mI cities where wool factoriesir uifnifo.f 1 Iiivii weires rtf

"'tons of it. damped into swasip '

, . ii,0'Jii :in1 j:ar',:"c heaps in va- -

u,," -" -- t. s f irnt.iiiini in l.

ciiTimarUiii wit i the nxre active andcotJ. foft'lizer.

Tbfre an v.oobMi manufacturersh:r;r a hijrh and just ajprcia-tionv.- f

v.fud'Ua.-t- o. ani refu-- e to -- ell it,bu: -- . a'l bev make upon their

T1kii farminir in iVmi-ylvan- ia m-e:r- -

:i''tj I in ain to purcha-e- .iii- - wa.-t-e from tl.f lactone-- , havingsi.ii m :uitjti;iib-- t'ip to Luroin: prc-iiuj--1v

bHv imieh it wa-- i u--- d 7id

rs-- i. iwt i rouimon m Kejrrinid.' ii'-r- e jn;13- - i- - -- o highly allied. It b:rt

n special value for r:ts-- . becan-- e --5f rit--l- ow

mid gradual deeomjtositior. :tlnvery rea-o- n why Manufacturer eem-to

ilesp-d- ; it. Rut Manufaetarerif lie wiil kindlt pertait me to

s:p -- . in hi- - remark- - about the rua.-- e

in the v. 'o! was e An ma! oil-- .e. asa n:ie. free from nitrojren. con-i-ti- n ol

hvdroirrn and owe-en- . nd nvnitrogen thev mav contain mil--1 exist

whatever impurity mav be mixedwith them. I believe the oii cliielhii-e- d !jor "reasinjr wool is veotab'le ah.w ipiality of olixe oil and! 21 ifcrtii-taiii- s

any nitrogen, it inns: Ik- - erylittle, indee I. Rut tin-wo- is rich innitrogen. ;is I liav- - said, ami h r-- wellwtirth the iiouhle of "alhi-rit!"- ' it hv ther- -- ...i (,.r , i'trJl..! illlJI fclll ( J lilt iiimiim -- fc

able to pnn'iire it. Tin liber of woolwa-- p- are short, and laiueh of itt:..n-i-t- s of lu-- t. It heat- - vry nritj!dlv,and when euiirO-t"- il with tvie ioI in a', . ..(.1. .1 !... I..A ., .ttli.. t kill llfltllil . T .n I4 rtMMJl ) flil " lw IkJ"-'- i tt.b--- such i- - m exjier.enee t. it.

Thi- - mailer - erv apropo-- - Mo thewhole -- abject of the u-- e of waste matt-

er-, which are largely neleoteil bytanner- - iu this count r. 1 uifl mc.utioua lew of them. I'iie -- oot tn-ii- i the -- tftoonl ii-- ed in the loeilJt'e w heretlii-fuef-

is" burned is excecdiuly rich i

in uitroiren and other u-e- ll muttert.he :i:iimouia water of jras 'works i into brook -- .and rivnr--. by tonsand ton-- : the .te from tannerie.-- :fKJtn de wotys; from t lauhter-Jn.u-es- ;

the Mi"piiiiTs and weepiii""-oflh-e

street-- , raid tiie ofniht sod from vill:ir. and twn- - alliue--e are larjjeiv iiejjiecie i. mmiicrniilieil to liecome pe- -t winch :us'latal to tin ItUO.ic health J aease of a f.irmer, 1 vine; near n town oi

...m. iiihabunts. who pavs .:;.h. a ve-,- r

for the of rathenae; mat- -

ters e-e trom faelorie- -

and ools. and wiio keer--a w:i";onand two men busy con-tanl- iv iuiii"; them to his farm near bx. lie toldme lie nro. t at .r..opn a

for it fieibled him to ): a :;.P--

actv farm xvit'i a juolit of more thanf"'.o :m ;icre. A trcuttunil En'tm.u; m

G itfi't man.

SLOTH AND DILIGENCE.liiteii-H- e "ariiiiiit;. If I'n.-erot- eil lut Xli-

ueiitli- I'ri.ilu.-tiv- e ot lle- -t K-n- 't-.

a soil on both -- is state I

to be plowinjr ihe .

nr.uci' down lo where the rent.-- can t

'-- ' '5- - 1:'--

P'1('h''- - ' U'il lo ha

correct iu the ca-- e of potatoes.

eilit inches i- - very deep plowitiir ii j

jura-iirc- d air.iiiist th" land sid- of the i

iul-r.,- v : ipiite correct, however, ill .wh.it1j, t bt.lM, ,..,jjt.,l intensive agriculture.lor spe.-ia- l crops, as pota'oe- - ip.d otiiertubei-- . bulb- - an-- l ";arJi-- crop- - ciii-r-a- ll

if alwav- - conneeliou hetvvmanuiLzi";. In jreneral ajrrieintuie

deep plowing is an epk ledswindle, except in -- o.lf- and

ssitiiatioiis. As to its teasiblity. eervlanner must decide l"tr hiai-ei- f. Nev-crib-'ie- s-,

upon the ipie-tio- ti of uorkiui;:. --oil :! both -- ide- there csn be nodoubl a- - lo the value It is the actionof tiiejnr. heat, moisture and lro- - up usi'tl that unlocks its inherent terlii.SA.and al.--i continually add- - lerti'iiv frua.thatirrat re-e- n ur of plan fasid. the.uliao-;her- e. Thi- - may ea-il- y lei:nder-stoodwiie- Ji

vve teflecl that all 2n:iii"pi ri-ha- ble altimatelv iiud their w.ivinto the atiao-pher- c. to b1 atrain and

T .ts ttuiii"; ivct'in-r-aled- ,

wiiile a oil hard or suxdeu ioto.its natural -- hap.

A the soil .t--

liiut h sink's In keepiti"; it mellow ud"permeable to the air. It al-- o ilcstrov s.weed- -, ami tint- - renders the -.-- il eb-a- u

and ivviv ot weed-- . l et naked sumaicrtaliow .tie; is myw but little practiced.

for tin-rea-- oa: that it is vvmu

Ktix i.Tf tlnakiair and readiair farmertai.ct asl::ided -- oil pither- - lertilitv fast-

er tihua.onc exnosed to t'ie sua Xevc-r- -

, , , .

tiiiv-- , unei .ui.ini.-- ....v.. ...i-- v ....j,iit'io1-u. afler ear. endeavor to plavlr soil or three times iroiuh-.-- v,t tiir.e to the next "oodiu;r.

tha- - acco:npli-- h I wo ends, t.ievk.ll ihe weed- - that titherwi-- . wouldstmt! "Wanip ;lhe wheat sown sacce-.-s.vel- y

jo,:ir In car. o add -o- tae-whn:

i the lert:ht by the thoroairhruen. wiiik t the weeds

n,rni.d"a,,.r me so:l is -- cJl "farther on

.vn.ous depletion, a tie taoh- - cniin hi iu . ue sun. ia. e

. . m. . ,, t

nal ly c:trried )a as ncir cuies. it :aayindeed be callc--d intensive farmiap; ifsappieaienteu wna a tarse iiroportioa

inatiieiotis oil and gas deirieks wore wa-h- e. to the eatlii. lu t'li-tilow- a

stieain. Kirkpatnck (.'o.- - ife-a-t a tod kept permeab'e to ii: ana"






tre-- 1

-- ueli



urt aaany others are uvms. etuitn- - m me'.tio'a, Tiuv are all victlat- - of ) I'hG tarruer. howwr. who ii. a richfrom eat inj: dried beef mule from .L-eas-

ed ?0.j raws c irv voar a6 vear3LM;The sickness is hy ..0- -

x ;o . ,iu h bv 'clean car.. va- -the .jinc:uii ::a :ute.iveA doc wa civcti .some of tw ,.. -

3n" queMiouatidditsl-- t ltert't:mu works so:l

from ffec& - aud tai- - --ysteia oi rnm.r caJtare may ro i .vrtliu:

Mc'GitECOt'.XV., t

nas-e-dmany patient


i,u.iiiroiizu ine


and swallowedwithout









ay.ii-tirt- v

work- -




Tirn? a uns-li- t Mnj mora tcben tli- - rrin1n?corn

Marked furrow throuirh the vak.When friend- - met lit main t ine weddhwr

fe-- tOf the blithe-otr.- c FUrry Hale.

Quouv? f. Hurry. loved Harrj '.

Jy- -t Harrr Mule:

ct.Wll. rfrU u. a .., . Uw,iBi,,

Til' n tiii-fci-- - day to '.I Iruin -- hop 'lofr.Irin5- - iutfi inj --ur liarry nnu

O. 5 cjr. and pnjed, while all xivht he

TiJi-morn'a- r -- tar- rr-- -- pale."Tor a 1'cihii cluilii hound l- -t tlu

OJ uij unci- - K:tid Hurry Hai-- .

.oor.i'.Vne with 'Orel, 'nuttth Slit-- fre-- h. rreoa-ol .

Oli-- t e lo iKv ml- -' i

In a drunkard - xruv y tVr od wjlkxr tre- - j

Tlie laKl my lo- -t Hult..

No-.- r. d and Pnf- - by tifi. cokl srny ilonei IikhIiii'ii., orrtAiiur villi:

'TJmh- - :ne -i- - a: fi.i h' tl'- - I ce-ie- d bar thatreeS.-- l ny nbn liar. Ha .


Why It Treferreil ll-.-.- t. our Vlnsr toKlnr Ar-oln!- . i


"I 111 havr t rht- - of Miniethttw ,

comli.rt.ibie " Tom llaraabv. t

Tom iSarnab wa- - not a member of aav,rempvrnncc soen-.- v vhati-ver- . and hart tie ,


dl-h- f. to the ta-t-e ot lupnir. Not tliat he u- -

a dnnkin-- r man. Oh. d ar. no! Nt-i- wiidtunl: in hi- - life: nncr v.-- n lv mr- -

coin- - b Iwiuor. Hut ll-well. Pt;l! a mcof -- omethln eomlortable -- truck Tom m

a ph-a-a- l.Kht, hts jruueraliy look iiwhen it did.

iTo mcht it wa- - etdd an 1 ehllly and jrlcwjiry,

arrl tie- - md rrtt:iel the idiuner and criiuei!tlowi: the eh.tnney. and made a tjan-ht-o- t

It-e- U aloiur the -- tieet; and T..m. who wa- - not--erv :ond d could not hev himsi:'" ,M'0'-- or uiaaz.nii anil there wa- - no one towiir wi. mm me r-iii-iii on iioote.-- 'tnol to be the mo-- : iiatnial thifit' in theworlil. "A t'ln ! -- oiiieihimr coiidortahle '

ai.l Tom. "and a biM-tiit- , and then I 11 turn"in

Then Tom went t xhe-hie- t to bok for aii-m-- 1 in wli'cli li Itruittlii- - nercviir h.pior!nr the roiiilortntile -- oinettiiu:? ir.ui the coriter -- tote, and -- j. il m un uitoer-be- lf a vre.-- .

little with a tut hdv iuk! a lon o-c- hicti ;

Intd nothiiuriiiit. and -- melled ot nothuur. andhe -- et it UlKUl the table, wime he -- 'ur.d theUre and the k.-t- t . n, that eivorj thin?miL'ht be on h

.Mr- -, loin iroui nomf. nun loinu-i- . Li.i n Mir hinivo tit liiiitdtlf ltt .t. tt i

hi- - Ul - befoie the tove. rakliur It, when helieani si 11 wa- - 11 mint. liir-nw- '

frc.-tn- : but it had uvi a irtiu!lounlI he -- tuiteil

iI...t . " !. oiod tltttxtw111 tt-- . Ut I llL(i UI- - litll,tlltJk;

an-wi-r- ed:

(ml me"Ami tiimiiimr tn hl feet. Tom

ptcrful htiuint' a'.out. f.r there wa- - n ..niiir ,

in tie- - room tlait ouirht to inn had a oiee ,

but hlm-ell-n- ot ecu u kitt.r or eanarvbirth )

S5"oii"hi.Ckm,.w-- lr.'in

iihl the'volc-- e '

And thi- - tune Tom iar it e.ime from thetirieen bottle. ,

"llaneed if It Isn't the bottle :' said Tom."I- - It -- p. nt. or what ' ' '

Ami th bottiiin.-wer.-- d t

"Ve-- . wor-- e liu-k- . It i- - pirlt- - Hall -- plrlt-. I

Uki. ::n, rum and brand u hl-k- j- .and ai- - '

iohoi:,"(th. that kind"' -- aid Tom

t. ..J.7;...".''"!":... U'. ". b.....Y"pin:4Hi"i ii i iu-i- .in. i fiir Jinn finthey hd me .such a i te that iw- --i- mi-hed; ye.u-- s mid join wile trotme mid put hlc. cd v ine-jii- in me Niee.-- Inn p. vuiejrar. Una never d.lvor-- e than true -- ime t.oor catitia-'- e eater the... i... ..... i .i . . . .. .

' ' " " " " "'. ,"V 1 .ma.b-reii- t tunrur bottle, mi. here I in- n-cmiii! t. have one ot tin- - deu- - back. 1 know,

"u'nu" Ju awuy x,rt ''!j; r,'"1t;!',;,l.,.tk;,r ,

t,",,. who had crown u-- et : tie- - pin- -uomeiion oi a linking ttotiie. unii tin: notmlnil tt at ah by tin- - time. hi- - headMiaelv.

"hurht there "he s.i.d. "It's everedhurlv I

e to have wife awn, but you are.r loobsh to talk on do. What harm -

then in a moderate drink' All vou'dlmi!wouldu t hint i. tlj. Vou've hiteiiiiiKto


"I haven't been to anv'bodv." -- aidthe bottle "I ve lormed m own eom-lu-'.in- s

I her.- - a-- a t me when I thought a- - von do.It wa- - when I waii brand new bottle aailt label. 'It. -- i Hi'Haml Ion. on me. and mvowner, fie liijiioi c-r. td; un- - out ol myea-- e and hoil-- me to .lark It.uker, ju-- t -- ;.'! ;:i i rit.liir lie -- lure. ;

Rei-e- . ,1.h-i- . - he. 'tin- - ill help joukeep Oinstnui- -

"Thank . mi d .laek: and oil J went un- - i

d.-- r In.-- in m. '

"And Miere in a brteht mom, with aprettv vriic .tud a no- - old e,ramttn!!ier andimo etinmu? Iltl.e bub o lo .ktn;r on. he

upet;e- - me."v tun a inee -- m.-IR -- -- pretty '

v.ite"And then he made omi' in!l lemon

and - anil ihe all drank -- nine, andh.Kkeit nt tht hjrht -- lutniij." through my '

cteen -- ide- and the fill tube! on me. And tueold trrandlattiei -- aid the ilr.uS; had pone to ,

lo- - head, and he -- hould liaveto It- - earr.islup tau and the iauirhcd at that,It was -- ueli a c.K.d Joke

"i liken mv-e- ii then ami vsitat was in '

.me I

"llefore I wa emptv the first rrme I feltplea-i- sl to be sneh a tavor.te a- - I w.i- -

"Ah. dear. I wa- - tilled uj. aaln. and acaiti: and alter awhile 1 bewail to --- e

t tiluir ehauiug about me. Tie- - wilc-im- -e

w a- - not -- o bright ; the old trrandlntlier m-- eilatighetl. the babv - toe-we- re out; and oneda .Itu-- -- lairtrereil in. took me up. drank the

drop from me and tumbieJ ttiio a ih.iir.Tie- - w bewail to rv

"Oh. Jack "-- a- -- In- Mh. .luekt ho- - I

hale that dreadlul Lottie We wax-- -- o happybetote it eame into the hoii-- el

".--lit bmmeii ua but I knew it ;i. laespoit in un--li- e mean:", oiive -t our pluee. .lark," - shelm- - ehau.-ei-l on ib.n t love me

anv more on ioti cate tor Jiiv ehtldtvn.It - all that but tic

"Itut .laek wa- - mo tip- -j to c,ee what .heHe -- taj.'sered oi t- - the table, tinik me

t the nei-- and earmM me to a li.pior -t- on-There

tae put another evil into aie Tliatone drove the turtuture out of tk" hou-- e:

! hit it was pawnedThen lite bit the hnu-- e it-t- vf and were

itv .mr in a ee.air -- omewhere. le tisit; Inwashing. . -- oir.e ot the motie -- he earJKid wentlor timr-- . ev It -- p:rt- to till me

"l.dti t I lontiie iiii-cl- l- One u;eb. I satot: the table aml-u- w the oid uiandtelher Hnii.'

iut ami Jai k drunk on the I.cvurit! the tootot tlie IkhI I) dtt t 1 1 e un --e.f Jtr.edto.topple olt.'hiit I eouldti t luattxe it J over.btittleiiM de-i- re to Mita-- ti it. 1 UkI Put Itvas in. ij,.-- . Happt leti.- - cutr!:t.v,isuijiie Lottie- -, innocent wate- - Itiittieshave t ecu broken whin ilic mo- -t ..kciI tohei. no tloub! tint I. wtto im.i ix-.u- n tnjr-pii- tot devil-- , lasted.....i., ..,..,1.,.,,. ti... ..11 ...-,- . i,...i...v ...t. 'i.iitrr t jrat.jinn ius poori...iirnier lft'i a oiai-- tlie -- otiit-how. One Jark went -- n .ik nr out oftie hou-- e a bundle under one arm andme under the 1 t..c-r- . '1 he bundle rr.- Ji.-J- ie

- mourn. tar die-- - lor h-- r father Me 1

ik it .it a p.iw::--ho- p :.ud pavrisj it tor i

mo.ich li Ji.l nie tw.e.- - The pvur vvctai: I

Aie er had a dis.eiit rire--- anin. ,

"Site a.-- m rajs rie wa hunrry. I't '

-- n Jack eltitt--h her liantl and wr-tvrli- the

iimiieii'"d earuoii tr eln.dreii t. bretidIt-m- r it-- and then 1:0 eft with me. Think of it:I lsvtl to aid nd al-e- t h tn. and r err -- avti mrs atmut me that Mere verj uatutvl. --et-itu'iltnt t.hed.du'1 know how I liHtt- -i t.'- - dev

nom-'- nt w,tjt use in hi- - ;m cket nij nevk-- 'irkiitsoiit I'pctme the proprietor

.tv Jars lt.irki-r.- saj - he. vby doc",jou ;i troua '"

"He ua to hav hitn there, you-- ee a rufnuzl jcn-atut- with ti-- toe- - out anda biMck e-ii- a brot.-- n 110-- 0. He:-.s- 3 to lwcai ed Hand- -t ee Jack Uatker beicrt- - he looktoilt.imriue Tim... or that.

"Nou lu uvoktvl up with a lur-erab- le. abjicwhttic

Co iunuo irh an empty Inittle on a .

rhr-.s:ma-- ee es he You ditln : tt-- o to.... a ....... u .. .... t rt..-- . .,,. ... ,,T ..w.!-- -

there.-- Happy riirtstraa- - saal he. a be stay- -

scred in, Haip Chr:ttnai. oid ;nr."Hannrr said she tih. this dreadful

of meadow aad the l"hat notice tolie jsear round. saiJ.XaVe , p.ttlc :o put a drunken nam

'IributiC rase. He an-wer- ed her vrith oath.'A ajfcedy ireaM 1 vrai craas bear

you talk. sW he. And the poor wrann aa--ered:"Oh.s-yo-a Heaven '. are yoo ever obr: Oh.

Jack. Jack!--Arri then he at Iit He tcx by

the neck and eat her over the nead "ith inc.TbfCJiri ntnl :h- - ihor por-- d oxerhfC t,rea-- t ami .er the lac- - o! l bahy ,

upon tt It niirll with vtwouC J

At art he L'.'n tnewyrad.. .mTlT ftr CTfW mhf .:- - I vb a ""? 'Hi ft mv- - Lreat i rn. 'Lrt ni" i '

liruW'T. inf. rnunnrnt" Hut n-- r fair tlwhvu'icaliiliopuip.bTl- - ww li hrt.krr

.linfi i m n ua; ""i. Tii-- -i -- ... 'Ihnit'nn vrVsl rtH ftir.Y fft ni f"M. 1 - a . .l ..... .. . i .. ....!. JI'k.a. iIITB. ST' IT fl..-r.-X IIS... !.' i.. t M uih. a.i - i

:k ra tau.j.i-- Thf a.r wu-wtt-- th It--He stai'BTr.-- JLKt c imiu.'rfii-- w ...n.--- jr At

!r?:?: r' :;iwfn tj.cpand usK--h they bad riven ,

"'Urcn-n,- , -- Hallo: hBUu!'

a Hir. -

fawwH irf; h!r .!. .. ... U..-- V. mnAri.t Tflc.minc.tat 4 I -- ImT- i-- at 1hoc t. Lopr-aeji- t i ni aiy u u m"i-- r

Then lie Tott f.n- - t-- p .nor-- . ?pv-- h

enj-- h' H- - n:hrouj. the tain ice eudurtheWler-- 'Ihent: I. oiy tairable ca-

reer t- - rtlet."Tt:'-- a ill a We iny-- U. and there

va. i rr t r;-- ii. m ueck.NiTi tin tif 1 knew it wa- - brnt.a daylight,

artl I .. tfcilinr n the water-T-,:!..- .rNew Ii-r.-

.trt4irtel lOV He cl4JrvI oT the de otk Uml. u.iO cnuirh: uie ,

"TV"- - a- - man drrse.l hem !a:-- ll you -- e.. h.m- - fi.Hht---V- t-v am I be Kr- -t 'He h- - ilruak. and

ni- - iit-- v e so! ua uijue. ih ;

tier. Mown in me - ,ir over tie I "ay.I 1U JfUIIflO-!l- ! till-- tttlf tC HiU the JunkIIMttl. 1 w rvM. End mud' ai'Rint :n wlH

In the lunk -- eo x. umI.-v- . (t Bt---tThe --.vuter hal WH-n- d tliebkniO oC of me I

i:..l no -- mt-.-o: and u.oiu-- oouicyur w.le.What nlt-- . tint IxuOe" tlu --Just

1 wan How much tor U..AlM ,,,,,,. t.hjin., h,.r iolsr ceuts tai i

home -- he hru:?ht 'M ip.---r f vn-i-l- terun ca'n." ifi iAari ' eip.vfsl iiotnltiK el, but. W- e-

tlie c!er -- dijI. -- he put viu.-sr.i- r in nie-ii- ee

M,UI. IIKk-ii- i r. s-ct- u-h d l.- -

iH-- n a e,Ml re.'orm.-- d tM.tlle eor -- line And 'now ou "u vi.u h.-- r ht.- - rouic'" lM,t ln' '''" '1?M "P'rtl- hiio me Forjieaven - -- iik.- urenK ai- - nr--t. i con t U-- anoth. r h'.ii-eho- h!

" in: -- ban t " -- a;d Tom i.Mraaby. 7-r- r

you iro back on jour .-lf. I ieve ou toand .netrar: and I think ill tuukt u

UIIMil t!OIU? Oi-l.--e

"KiSht. -- a ! the iKittle. I

And -- o the bottle -- uuiil -- ti'l theon Mr-- ilitrnabj - dje--e- r: and Tom

Ilarnubj 1 st.U a -- old-r man. Viicny. Httahl.


'He YVace an KnVcttntl Wur .Aralift titfatl-- e of III- - IliarM.-- e sbttine.

No'.erhad regimental iroat beet moreattentive lo dtlTie- - thai! Was Itiliv. .taril. parade and roll-cal- l. Hidv w:h

,,. or in t!i f..r.. II.. ti.-"i- l:- - - -

Mllich ill the regiment a-- the menAnd when the met over- -

"Town bo thev were - had leisure,r . II 1 I .1 I

a:? iney nan in aonauaace. mcy loutni:,, i;ii.- - lw.-.rn- - .. t.bitfeUr.w .c t'....found him a ready comrade in lut....

H fed, well "Tooined. Well h'.u-e(- l.

well cared for m eterv wav, I'.dlv -

lot annui"; goats wa- - indeed a happyone. I'ut. a hi- -! pride jroeth before afall: and Hilly was to be no exceptionto the rule.

Rilh had not merely the riht of en-try to the lnesroom, but was always awelcome irue-- t there, and received manya daintv mor.--el from the friendly ban -of the men. One evenin- - how'uver, i: !

r-- I

ha ppeiid that ( 'orporal Price, out of n

" int ,,f lh'u,rhtie-- s iai-ciii- ef. proposed,that Iklly should partake ol the lbpiidsas vveila.-o- f the -- olid- of the Ilie-s- -. ihleTI,e su.-tio- n wa-:- .t one -- Ol.eil .Ipctu ,

and the men ea-rl- watched I'idvslirst biuiKm.-alteinp- i.

('orporal Prie. coaxinirly h'-l- d oat hieup. :.iim t.illv. alter a su-picji- u-

said, cpiailed oil' theAnother and vet another of the menottered liiilv a dr nk. an lavitaticu

not think of lieclnrn";. Kinalh.the lai'i:e earthen ves-- el w '.it-I- t held tnebe- -r at the head of the table wa- - placedapnn the floor: Ii.llv wa- - dir.-cie.- I p(he p him-el- t. which In- - proceeded to Iownh -- ueii hearty irootl-w.- il that he

to the iateas-- . amn-faie- ut of theaiea. 1 am to nave lo acKtiow -

e ie I.elple-sl- y, aatai-takabl- y ict-ctxi- -

eated.I siiall no' :itttnit to ib'-cri- b-

Sailiet it to say that thenext niorn'ae; I'.illy was for lae iit- -t

time ab-e- at trotn roll-cal- l, and did notput in appearance all dav. Nothine.could tempt him to leave the --table.

When a -- ecoad day I roajxht a repeti-tion of th" and a -- eemideveniajr iae-- s commeaeeil without Rillvptittiiiir m ati appearance. (.'orjKir.i.'Price wa- - directed to brine; the de-ert- et

oeicire a eoai't-iuaiii- ai ot inc men a

Iliewv.i. ..,-- . t,.-- .. 1.1,. .t:n:..i... 1 ',t. itn vtin- - ir uiiiiuiii). j inn -

:i";cd to induce Rillv to leave his lair atall: an ! it wa-- only by dratrtrhii: h:niby am:a force he could pl iiim ia-i- b

the door ot the room which had beenthe e of his orjries two injriit- - In.- -

fort.Rifh"- - appearance wa- - rreetod with

a cheer, bat s.idiy ehaaired vveie hi- -

look-- . Hi-on- ce Jlos-- y crat had an un- -

kempt anpearaace. wh.le one- -

jiroad and erect head wa- - lowered in-- hame,

"'Come, Rillv. take a drink"' saidthe S'.reanl at the head of the table.

The words -- eeate.l to roast the ant- -

mal. lie Httetl his head, hi- - eve hi tip.hi- - fore-Iic- beat the floor. Then witha snort, a ru-- h and a b mad. I Hy bat- -

te I fail aaia-- t the lare earthe-- a vts--el eoata aaie; the men's , venitts: allovv- -aace of a e. breakiair it into a thousandjiieee-- . and delutriii"; not oalv the table,but the mea who -- at near. Tnea. withhi-- head iiiR--f eteil he -- talked

rml majestieally oat of theroom.

And ir." said the corporal ,

to me ia iwiliair the iacubat. "Ililly'swa- - the be- -: bi'i-ribbo- a lect.ire I e.ei ,

hs:eaiI to l"Jiotf' s (jicu I'lipcr.


.at :oJ:,t1ni;jlll,thlS.J,.,,1V.

.r btati.watohavolipoUDaed.




trf-- l

dirt be an air of semi-re-p- o

tabtl'ty. t;o In'forc .lastictFoote xestcrday eharjrctl with -- teal 112

lawyer, lat--r hr cradaaPsIbar x a chroaic win-k- v

drinker, and. ItK-k- . no -- loucbt.Ia-:ic- e Foote seat hit:

to b'ri Jewell oa a hacCJtt.ajo aa.


is tzxlil tliar w1m th.. ,. .... .... A'-- !'-

---u on it-i-r e.utrauioa

Thf. colored people Kalei:h.Csroliaa. are a Teraeraacesocietr. in rwV.n.r and

rm-- y t. ., .H UVU . VUUJT kit. I. ... .ut. l.Vt.1.' ...-.- A Jl t.tV AtB tt tT K'.JL.--.

ouTemocianeis. pob

X ofI


Tlie Indiana I5un-- a off T th-i- t un !erdm:ninr decn ac-- tbrs

teadeacv to ualarial aiea;e- - innmn- -a,.,. j"ftrn,, '

Hor-e- - are srrneralir loan o; laaip. ..i it i. i. ..rrMv t rinnir in inrwi ran ii;Mi n zi&iiirrik&A

.i . ..m. . .it k w lariu ocra viis.i aoatle hrntne- - wiil Wor. 'woatler w:tit- -

!.. Trmu

( ocoannt CoVie: cup of nsrar.. ..

on"-hs- il JUp tiJ tmr.rr. two :., oae--half cup of m:lk. one and oae-ba- lf rt;of flour, on-a- nd

of powder. - Tk Houstko d.--Tr pa- -r u-- od ia the rrf of the

hen hou-- e to kwp n lnUi warmin wiaivr mi J free from hoe in ttallnIr.nud - luhh apjrorei ii.W-- C hhave li-- ed iu A. 1". Ttmcx.

Mo- - iu:te?. the--- and other pe:wHl n-- t en;- -r a room ia which tlae catr-o-d plant crowin!?:. or. if tb-- y

eater it thev are 'oo founddead beneath the leave.--. Chicago htr-ai- d.

Currant and roo-el-rr- v b-- he

should i; pninel crv yar. If tttTart. nruned in tree form thev w.H brftrlarirerand liner friii., ami the !

will not be so apt to aiJueW. A.

In -- eltinj: out cabbujre or tomatoplant- - it pa-- - well, eien in held culture.t twist or wrap a piei-- e itf paper abonttie-- -- tela- and fa-- Pa it with a -- lone ora f -- oil i'lant- - s0 treaPtl re ,

s.ab-- from the cat worai. Albany Jour- -itt(l

-- Jo make the plara orchard a 5nc-- ,

ce-- a require- - watchfulness oathe pail of the orchard i- -t: not unitmn-- t the -- i I Ik- - kept :n rioJ con l:tKa,but me.i-ur.- -- inii-- l bo taken to protectthe iniit from de-traeti- oa b the cur-ech- o.

Tins in-.'- et a xery ii:ibe .It oneto de-tro- v or eoa'.rol.

Im-c- i, re-ort- el to lo protect theoanr fmit, nut they are. mo-- t of them.

s hthonou- - and re pure -- o marh wateh- -

fulne that oliry tlie lbOtare -- aee-fal in tln-i- r

innt .V. )'. Tiitu.i. ,

The A'jricnltnr -- ays thatrrtlier eat bnuid ami '.

honey tliau brcrrd and batter. One'pound of honey will a- - as twe '

pound- - of iiutt'T. and ha-- . bn!e-- . the ,

advar.tac of beiue; more hea'thvplea-a- nt ta.-ti-n it alwax- - remain.--ITCHid. While U'ltPT SoOIl Ut'COIlH'i ran- -

!'!. Honev eat-e- oa wheat hread isverv to health. Jt is a comnion expression that honev l- - iuxnrv.haxttiir nothing to do with the life-jrr- v-

! tanp principle. l in- - i- - an rror noaevis in one of the no-- I coacentxati-- d



The Two Iltoicer Knvlron ThriiiWater lipiil ali.l Vtr .llttrr.

The two .'real danirer- - ofhoa-e- - are pollution of tie water -t- ip-ply

:ad of the air by c oatact xvith wa-- tmatter. Uvvuer-- of property an-- left --

to build their and be-sto-w thc.r.

rarba-- e an ignorance and itnlob-nc- e

prompt, with no oilieial -- upert.-ioti.

and the con-crueii- ce i- - that some of theloeln- -t -- pots are tP-s-

.. ol lou tett-r- .

hphthei a ami V.

In choo-m- ir a -- uuiaier home prefer--ence -- lioiiiu ne jfiven :o a riricn oxe;rav.-ll- or and -- oil. c'ax hold-

ing L- b- -- urlac water t.o lonj amilu.iklii"; tin a.riiamp Wherethere is plumb'.!!"; iu the house thew.i-le-pip- es -- houiil be at hfty feetfrom tin well, lest tJie ground.

iutdtrat.-- d wit putr.fv hilt orraiiicmatter, the l iiu! thWh-r- e waste-pipe- - or n p(oI arenear the well, wherever surfacewashing- - can it - far-- aler to -u- ti-titute rain-wate- r f.r ook-i- nr

dr.nkinir pnrptsit-- than to u-- eWijll-wate- r. if toe roof and "all re

kept clean, ainl Lie rata-wa'e- r code t.iltad -- lored. win can be cisjlv andcheapo done, the -- upph w 11 l siilb-cie- at

and healthful 1 1 is.i ...; .,. i.,.-- .

i .. .i:..i :....iiui i i. iJ woo i. 'i.oiiiiu.then eod. and afterward aerate it. Iitiller- - are a-e- d for juiriheatjoa themu-- t be taken apart and the -- train rscarcfullv wa-he- tl aa.l dried at leastoace a foriatjrfit. otherw.-- e th

. tliesaml niul charcoal r-t- a.n

ti"; orjranie inipuntie.--: itnpurt-ine- ;a tate to the water.

No kitchen slops, either from witsh- -

tub- - or in. thrown uponthe ground or into that otti dram tKjoft.-- n found at back hintHoarder- - Uy place where th suntidine-- s exist.-- , ilrjaai" wa- -t le-t.-r- -ia

the hot sun. and thosaturatd "round"ives fortli meeiise lit lor Rielebnb. tol.7,the- -. All hoa-eho- ld vva-t- e -- aouidremoved a- - fa--t a- - it gather- - and lihtlvburied. In the dark laitoratory the


earth aoxuuis m i- - lamed aloneto -- weet whoie-om- e a-e- s. I.aua,and pant-- n thrive oa what 1 tatal to I

man Hut if this can nor be done, thenthe kitchen waste -- hould be burned two i

or three time- - a day. No -- tandin;: pail ,

of trarbap -- hould he allow. 1 tolii'- - and tbiile th frnraat a:r.

'Hie coad.tioti of the cellar i- - farmore important than that ot the pnr' iiht room.-- ibrt is eoniparativeiyhariale . la dark place-i- : lark- -

in;: danjre". No old wood, no vejri'ta- -

bl no rabbih of any kind, shoald beallowed to curalier the cellar, wl'tn.-- aoald have a war-p!oi- f and a;r-:ih- .

tloor. to prevent e;roaad-ai- r aa I -- r.

from risia; 10 th- - livin- -

room-- . Hal thi-- " alnx-- l n'-- v rfound in l.oa-- - to nnt. is uec -- sarythat all criiar door-a-mi windows shouldin daily ojiened for free circ-alat'- oa ofa:r.

lUnittnn.. rv Tt..? frtt.-.i- lt .tn VtttliDampne. is a ready vehicle ford --ea.-c

a- - well a- - a fruitful catt--e for it.tifiilKi wiiym rf lt 1. fii vtti t

7f headaches, ashing boae-- . or imtsbletemper-- .

short, eternal vijilaa.-- e is theonce cf hbertv from deae. fr ni,ther Voltaire said tear -

aata:jaa waaid de-tro- y a lock 'fhep if adaiai-tere- d w:th tae pr- -ouantifv of arenie. (ioin? to t .e1 .: :n .. 1 . 1 ; ;r .i..ruutiut m -- wuua .- -

saa:tarv conoiaoas -- .r o-- -

o.- -

aeslectlliseat jr- -

ia- -t sja;

vi-ita- Ua ofcoadttJi:alar. o

I.rpho.d. are oraaiprexn:. And-- 31 of -- amtner reto-e- e- tna

l?t' j"".' ii0,,'d eoa.-Mie-v whether.taroi'ca neecict-snvii- 5. icr .r not ex

A ' The wapr from eave-p:p- es. if notJ saved in a c stern, -- hould b carried -

YilI:axn Iratnmoad. an old jrray- -'far fro,a tie h. u-- e in d

man, throa";h whose rap aad that ther will be no eontijraoa- - srfa

ame here early yr erday nior.ui.j: ,. a , ril.!lL. L--J"h. pvjotice. hoveTter. ot ra-t- ; g .11 me but that w.-t-- e pap..rj, :uul It.. from :he l.imi.j)0,, ..,,,.. fl . lQ ,; fr .

aaaiher of pile.were s.e. at Mec--.i- eo JUe-- wl after wheat. ,o de-- "d." ..u dllin iJJJak raa.l boxe-f- or the -- tatajis, Dniinmond Canl- e- -- errant,- h ave rhunaro lvc.tivsir. .the efceit of hul-ih- e vvMeat plele-ih-- r. ,oil that toner &: later the nje He hit meaam-- t tidnv--. :o injury, j-- of cood familv. Jeanied. able but pnmin ..f x ?.s o-- vr'. whnve- -

f .the disaster was. aot know a .until ithis soil, however nth. :no?t tv.rely Mie- - g 1 .nm-- t have a puard.aaderi I ..jj. He "arar aot --o a:c tnev fall. ia-:e- ad of takia-W- ra to theeiorxir.?. Fallr sixty jhtsoii. b-- all re maib-- . 'Uerei-v- m iateiis'v , lt ,jB ttra-- -- neh a .tterdav. a-- aotf i'hwf .1 us of th Territorv of I'tah. coiatKist pit or barnia'-tr7-f- n- If thev

Mrs.-6hroir.-- are except the intensity wa'.V He irradtta'ed from of the ft-te- m.; ?i ie are oat of ,!t:ht ther are oa: of airad.wife of Mcaie.-ie-e ph; sician, ditvsi yestor'-- 1 thi-syst- eai ssf fanuinir evenuaily Io.-e-.- f.Tr.:1". ' .3" Ji,,.!J. Ut A 'rJP, ". law colleue- - earlv in life, and made a oil the - -- M tK..,,,:.,!.-- vr.:tR-,- .

day apuwumir.g

tr ftVd-tatt- le

x,'endc.ii.tnriu.atictt bowoU

oon-idoa- ;!

tb,uie.ipparently ibs




siicet-s-f- al

from t: euhca la dollar

JtUcr O

Ir "ntrlitn...-.- - .

of North

mission -- m jmcI.

rT rt r.,. ....... tt-,- ,St. .t. - V.L. Vt t t tT.






drain- -




iwu ail


b- -


i- - a


A m






the ot tne animals. ixsis.Mi.aa et Mr Joik- -' t?arasilv aAvisetl bvaa o.hccr to eraatv czxr.tL Hat if we pa: a'"I':1"' "!v "- -, " i;., ""- -

rould bare tra iwtifrif I had. in adoar their rh:-k- v liasks on tae roaad. aa faith ia country air. to th'u,e aj " ,n -- 1:?1 tw " l"t..Iua"Vs.e .-- :tie for you. .tack ihirkcr." that in c oa-- - aence of foilowa." hi constat rcruojr aad tale

"c d 1mUO oae fanujn.r aa the poor .ta-rren-- d home. Oh. the . tu naconimonir rc-o- d e,ui -- ton, .t is .ikcIt that ir! -- , , ,n uu tur--1 " ,HCUCrt; " eiife!j.ari-Bioa- iu Ire-- rreal alkali plas where w3rer r,.' rerr little nrobabihtr a


Oouglas thishad a nt.cht, tihd



an .--o

inj-ii-i- mutno nioniiug ne


weeks. sick lakinp.has
















picture Chrtit-itoe- k









at thaithe


rtt,... iitC



Various device-ha- e




tin-- r




itioi-tar- e





p'p-hair- ed

ie-- n

oflrora xaarKei. a more ui-- , r.n.t.i-.uc:ns-t. - . ;.... .... . , - --shp irns vrrr siet .!-- ..! ihery ma MnJ ' aau ana tae.c i- - a rreit tetMDta- - , ,.iL. I!nvit; i.-r-t niri.'-i-i itin mar nn' w mi nmi. ...... .;,.. - ,t.., "..".. : r r i. .? - . . . . .. . . ..... ...., naiiT ctsiiit xier. jus iau.ii oi aaoiaer oauy uoa iO inXV. aiai lavor lewr. S3t

to carry dayl came u nr--t oaaU ' m a

antbiak to







Go-;- el &nd:be evili


oat-h- alf

t- -

:l (Ha:rU'

;o far




.should eoaxe



u-e- ie




itP-- r



xs isit





e,i....-- UUSijiaie


chaar Kl-a- I- - for ia-- itork.'ytr's Xzzar.

rrTrytwly' Alr-ltr-k.

j. or.j"Trxr aa it I I1 l oajt itR't"iintmnj dT tf u mmr ytJalltr rora o iif wau-- " Jar

Farther eaver"Hn f ! t,acjiy ),.L rwr..n. ikarieinr ton ttmu. incrwuM M"

. 1r. r.n-v- W: I brmtr rf-- -

Wl vth a rile, h m--ir. . j , . . .. i -.- - j"I "ri inhj; qj. tm. .--

rirU: !! t f --n'l -q--:r . .lat n YaakctrV tw- -. h'. v. Wra."

miv, w - . w jTt"Dr uz lnitm p: SaU de jrW f

i, fcn-j,x- an tod buItrV--; f .

n4. flT oatea ! rvt, it w d U.U js- -

drik. UltVWr. rtA . . fcrrA

!trr,rirl3LrH-l'HPrvtT- l a rofoneaafcraktn th ! tt tJ cr. J

-- Bo-. iat' a- - ll !?"Tftm!r th u- - hr.V- - hi t f.' rri--

d.l.' Ttora bd lurtiwr to rxphua Uo" i

th !orr tl tke lKk. otioxt, to .

b. h I nek-- 2h rr,K.i4-- LfK.k ft n Uyoa lAorrdM't Vpwt

hjt xaw mwt- - . r- -. .

tup. luU of md ttJer A. k. d. it. iV- - .... w."O. --.

TlMr nzrf m craul buibt I acle rb-- . bhdsr e.rythwx -- iwjdr by prmzu. ;

Tke mr hke dw m& r-- U a wypmwrrlul thing. lui poT and eUlcHBicy ure :

not tvevai ferralent to birus iiad J

pretend.PhiHiii 'ir. a-q-.. Im rr-fc-lH at tke

l:.itJ -- 'at- Hot. 1 .NV. Yrk r. and t

enrasvi m num fulnptiil..r th Ne"yjrk u .w nhokli !rivLJ r'itad. k i

one uphrajdnt lr r. dmstw.hl rUirtho vr.t a phriciAn. lor eomni:dttirMrh et.tha-o.ti- c tn a retncly .curxl I' m 1 bnsit dM-- e ethi jkr--


a;o. He Mild- - "Sir. bm the ar.tcl pro-- '

.w,n- - itk Kn iitt .i arMav ol Tear-- km thins tktci rurrthi- - tumble di.rlr , no. t4- -t

tmvi thre no ntwake aHocl it ht t! .

Wanwr t rvle rarf t a w,.!,Ur ..eft'-- , ti w pre;iMratin. That mrlr ut a:"air-Knikt.-" Ikui. evrry ck app.y n 1

thie !.-- t explain-wh- y it hf 1 n hi r!tdmd.--v d ti;cMi-u- il ! hrrt. ---' .;

l'rd hf f.aii.K uf BiraaItur.ul ioMp.

Tut. ahTinaa awd the hrj.tinnt itutt Wa hatd lot. Thev li hy hk and crxMk.

CV.Kacw. JvurHtil.- - -

"Ii havitiea raUllnchui"." d therurwiti a cull tird lohlK tall. HVrliy .Uaivr--

Pi k I '- - Ti m itii.M'iii. t iioe-- en r lu 1 mlnut.J'i.k-M- t Sulfur tntp ht.w- - Rtwl l'utia.-- . K

v.i:ui tt Coii.s Ht.M.iv kkLiIIkI emt-- ltui.iou.

A evn.'.i: l- - lite n waiter. It crrielforr it. - i.arl 7V.v-- .


fr aftiietetl with Sire Ks, u Ir lacrhomtwon'b Kyo Waior. lru1ii j.i lt--

"VViiaT 1 r.inrl! n I thrpoet i bv the s;liAir reardd un inaan.'v.--A. Y-- lUrvtd.

Pon't hunk, and hi. i, nml t t I

I'r airr ttarrh Rru...A con v IT, However pr, n.n

liiui'a uatcli and chain. - (..!- - tunr.

THE GENERAL MARKETS:s5w K ".N- - s I ITV lu x "J

CATTMSlM-plni- r Meets Jl i :. i.Nat e eo. - o .Itliti-h.-r- t' M.H-r- - .i 2& 4 o

illOt.s (i.HNl to ehou-- e hea 4 ntv 4

I. t--ht a o 4 owhi:t-.- n r rsl ft

No '4 r-- l :oNo Milt m 14

iICN-N- o '-- .rOAT No ricvr.-- No : 0-r- l 4.'.

l"I.l"IC I'anev. j..r ?nek SI trt. : r.II V -- Urv bni.-- d s to w.Itt'TTKIl hu ee ereaniery It . p."HI. rreaui 11

Kii- - riii'iri It c.

rultK-Ha- it. 1V. !' -

sliouuler- - 4 litn tft f

t.Mtn Mmf 0 ku .i m I . Jt u a h.1 W -- . V,

I'i IT ATi ilLsWl'.i hi. lou 'f 4 '

st i.'tris., ntf Mi-.t- - 4 S Alluteher- - Mi'T. 4 TA 6. 4 NI

Hi Put lilt-- . .. . 4 IO t 4 V.

i Mir.l'P- - Fair u ctnttev r:. 4 ?'I l.o-- -- I'hofce t to 4. 10

Win: i m ,. 1 tt-'-

I otN -- No t o 4

o.T No 2 ... 5.x i:-- No r ta xiti.r.v !i ;c

JJI l" Kti TtHHtiTJ... l 1.

lidth m -- t. VirorroN-atddti- wr !tt H l' 4

I'HUAf.O.I" VTri.r. 'tond So eholc:.-IIii- i 4 ."5 H r. p.

- pHokuit Hod M iplir i UH i in2 12. 4 .r. ,

W inter hunt .. : uWHKAT No. 2tl 4 M

No 3 n .

No. " pttHtr . . wl 1

rOKN-N- o. 2 41OATS No. 2 21 tt 31

V'I K ti;t 4 ;r, :

N'KW VOItK.( ATTI.l HitHtrt-Him.- S 4 M r, in

oikI to rhe" 4 M H Utif owttMtn to c!4 :w 4 t-

to eWoWe 4 14 4 '.IWHI. AT- - No. "trod tV4 1 lo( Mi .V rex, v,l,Ts-- M i'li ra mad r. . t

II 4& (4 11 UlPirTHohKl'M

1 r. B -- 2

W' 0--..a 1

A- - r.n'3: ,

f.-'J- . (--VC I V" "V 'I IT fiT--. . rs ss "

i YSS-- &I J VVi 4C' r- - X '


C,'-- ft A 3 .X s.


PARSONS'- Earr irrA2A,?irr.25 ia0TX so I Sad tif-n- . l - rgny ta-tl- r I so v.rrr J



Of UVC A.MI UIIHLK:ro :.;oxs soas TExrrra..t - ' - rrtxir tui r. crWltVr. rxr Jf tl . Jr-limn-

Uxrse siXeri sn an j& xlU5nliaf Xtti -. . sr i ti jyaxizZ-- lLTEK C l KT1 . Xalwrn. W I

--' 5 tut; TU-- r Nirrtl 3 UZkA ITUUfl

-- ."urV7i 1'Il.I 1., Ock aottt rCcU Ot o,.

It boalJ T- - Cf'itlr Known

h th multitude ol i1wbn f a 7Uyjkm-- tr-nm-rUtT-rHm


,!,t. l th w TW bkl U-rf-iM-

iwiwr lwc the il - m-- t frrt Jr?v

t,. J tbe rrtiun r"H. re Wclvumsi. s.n.n. wu1ptn-- . !", rrptHM. .. tf i rt te. nr iti m'klHl minimi n.-'-


- utJK.h.r -- l iHwms -r

dn nrf -tMUl brtHi. br.Vnc

VftO OMWB. J iwtire hrr n5liUimm r aiww

"Wo .MTaMti 1 niiv TtaMf U) c; cviu wnw- -.

--- --.

. . . ..! illk IA US H. 1Z

dct-- ti CiXf --rrx."

."C.wtY""'S M'' ,s,,

The Voir h-B- . ,oC Urh.- l..otfwr to h4 JMrel4il-- l Kt-n- m-


tah Hci Twl thr S&MTtur AmMTKo. tr.l S. - da . W I J:""JsS3t-- J - .U. " ilt . aJ-


rr. .1'.:,. .--, kiath.f fcV4 - 'i,niWTW-- - - - -

rr- -. t,Uh-- at hkx fw UJrad jaFpktwt. )tv


C fc U otmj ""JlZL? iEm

J""- - T.r- ! W-- d or wrT7drrmU into r c Pjr f'tmrnd !ttl -- . Ytw nnlr. or t ""' Ta .. zltJurly d. r.Pb--t . t . --.trmws l-- tir Uiif" mwna - -

ltel A- -.trji

-- trwt. !. N. Y

TW i y . NlvA .kk jo4btlitv- -

. . .. .tCOHIf tiAhlhNlJ ( JYumtnj.

1r H "thr lil unicnAnT rrc--

jdi u .".J t." e Vct.

CANCER of the TONGUE.A Case Hesemblma Thai ol Genera! Crat.

;w - rs., in-r-rtkhi .4. m lw - in !.' twJJu; ft Vurll, ! U lr el l l1--. "'.Mwnlr .4-si'- f nuiiCHi.xtS'xi "b. -f H.T lfl kwiNw'SJaPl' U "Wik

I tutuUliM e I T.d. 4 lw ! '(,t,, ..t.l t ! U k IHl .1oli S. V). I

NM-kr- l.KHi-- s ..r. M- - lolllnf ..--. ...-r- .l IU lUiI MMWM.ys. .4 I

trjrf. air. In tHf ctK . hi W. f ' !

fmit kfc.t-.-- l.ffc A b ! Ir4r. ! It ! t I.l Ki .'! Ht4l!" ti'.S l '

rT,ijJnr 4 n Aim 11 f I . Im !... 'r. II. .il M 1 ' r.f U,ia.irt. WiHl" 1 " .!' .! I -- ,w Mli.-- UAUl kl'iUlk

I ' ': f. My 4, ts7rr I - 'iKMrtiiu ''"'Tl: r - 'rn ( lirr X Aj .

s , ', W ItU

MJOYOUS, HAPPY CHILDREN" "rr4 tl. t f tt fc T

!' U r A " f - - rm ' t t . t r i tti. akc vwvi t c t-- . Jwvst I rt

WlLHOFT'S FEVER ANO AGUE TOHiCA rran'.l fr . 'ru,l j tnkitlAl t'ia.. t "i

tJll bllla kit. f '.V- - rr im! Ate; I.jJI III CI. ... lBtrrHiitit ltm).it.

It Ik . tolll0t frtrt. 1 mUt.JT Ii.)!- - It l it H

ti'l t out tvl nlkf .Ms.ttrr t'l, iiwt U fotl-rifi- i Nf ra. - ji-i-rt'j teat. .

CHAM. r. ttlvtCLCR. Prop., Ch en to. It-- .


It wti Mi

' -- 1. 1 c ".C.OID Ml. At tW. v.. tt r T

U,Ki.t., x .u ,.i. . uui'ii AHt"nCCiiteiC:3ctd,Gfcc!r.;'.". rntLLo

LADYIGEKTS,.:;( t il o 4 V

SIhim lKHtir4Nr'C

st r-- t fi -LAnuLfi; iv. ;.

Apr.l MllVril AMI Mill UrroM ' 1 ' Mn m ikt ...yuu,u...j w z.iuiui . et..

EDOCATIOSAL,I? V l.I. . --e fc ! lhf"l .t.lit.' . -' if fMK Jwtt l.t (i 4 (jt 01 pa, l i'.i' t

"tu mi t u.r r 1 1tI rim. 1 lx.tti. f"kK4W- -


ft That Minds WSe, it

Says Stnrly. "o thi vwrfu'Eczumn 1 hnd, boforo I baith ' rnt. in Scotland. I vnu mikmzcovored vrt' irup.ifOM, vrher I8tw nn iiaveirtKjtricttt o'

Ayer's Sarsaparillaia n. GlaBow piper. Tho lich-i-n

fatrly drove Jti: rntd, but Itook Uto Sfvr.vijvirilliL, a

likr? rmvgic. Man, xc--srroubt ft rir?K-:-t euro."

--iverhi Tr ce I w trtMfctl !!. Ii-- t. Hhcl M'hl Wd7 I !

wit ret ihrjr m nrhf U t& mtA-r- i 5WfnwrJi ojirly ',, -

.hiti Ldmwnt. lfc ! rtFroie Frm'., tr--u IN. 14.

I hove Ul lo Jy Iuhmi.Trhn-- h 1 ttiUr4 trmhlj . A ir fentffcr rud lrr flmilorfjr zSMUM. I finmr Hum bIHn . 1jm in- - !JT.Trro, (of Frn. FVt . '.! t& turn:- Take Ayr' Smr-Jtrrt- o. d cooKmmiit for a jr. !. rwmth f Wm

tt cjaijj ; VmmI. b&d " rmd"nl1m?l cosinrel t umr. 1 toooW tnHa ?VjeaiH! rjVi : iV--i' )oti tfrwe wooalrofat vZGel voor reordj. I hi tmA

hVtMfh rr" rar lnvi- - .ml I trMmC n&mr- - vtin-U- j t Arrt f&ffmrt1k. T. it.

ui... J.

.S''FILLS. S" .

3T3r 5? -a ivs mrri.r.Li-- . jtAixxi.

X Krt.1 Tor T- I t ?T" , Zr T M fa3. & l- - EA1 ti..f,lww, 9rarr-- z. a. jcmssoa . ax. jz?vz.

R. U.TtlT

xt - ' uiwrie i-- r 2o UtiA

.V.X JL- -f. . mto


Ayer's Sarsapariiia,C- -tj Zj - .1U St bj Z rwcCM' Z'rlw Zir.



Iiim jrtfi ra--"






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1L'J'i- -i V -- T. . ..

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