Synopsis of Catch Us if u Can

Synopsis of Chapter 1 Rory and his grandfather are waiting to see Dr Nicol, their family doctor at the doctor’s waiting room. Rory calls his grandfather as Granda. Granda cannot sit still. He goes off to smoke his pipe and comes back. Granda walks over to the noticeboard. There is an old woman sitting beside it. Rory asks Granda to sit still. A young girl about sixteen years old comes in with a baby in her arms. Granda stands up and opens the door for her. Granda asks Rory to help to take her bag. Granda likes the baby and starts talking to it. The young girl giggles and says the baby name is Lorelei. Granda then asks if the young girl calls her baby after Marilyn Monroe and she is confused. The young girl again says that her baby’s name is Lorelei and not Marilyn. Granda is good about films and Marilyn Monroe is one of his favourites.



Transcript of Synopsis of Catch Us if u Can

Synopsis of Chapter 1 

         Rory and his grandfather are waiting to see Dr Nicol, their family doctor at the doctor’s waiting room. Rory calls his grandfather as Granda. Granda cannot sit still. He goes off to smoke his pipe and comes back. Granda walks over to the noticeboard.

         There is an old woman sitting beside it. Rory asks Granda to sit still. A young girl about sixteen years old comes in with a baby in her arms. Granda stands up and opens the door for her. Granda asks Rory to help to take her bag. Granda likes the baby and starts talking to it. The young girl giggles and says the baby name is Lorelei. Granda then asks if  the young girl  calls her baby after Marilyn  Monroe  and   she   is   confused.   The   young   girl again   says   that   her   baby’s   name   is   Lorelei   and   not Marilyn.   Granda   is   good   about   films   and   Marilyn Monroe is one of his favourites.

        Suddenly the old woman smells smoke. The young girl also smells it as well. She jumps up and shouts that Granda is on fire. Everyone in the doctor’s waiting room sees that Granda’s pocket  is burning.  Then the smoke alarm begins  to wail.  The receptionist  rushes to them yet Granda is still smiling. Rory grabs a vase filled with flowers from the receptionist’s counter and throws the water all over Granda. 

         Dr Nicol  is  surprised to see Mister McIntosh wet. Granda complains that Rory is trying to drown him. Rory says   that   it   is   not   the  first  time  his   grandfather   sets something on fire. Dr Nicol likes Granda and Rory; both are   like  double   act   that   always  makes  him   laugh.  Dr Nicol is glad that he has a grandson like Rory who looks after him and reminds him to take his medicine. Dr Nicol tries to get Rory a home help. Rory agrees that a home help will  be  a  good  idea but  Granda does not   like   it. Granda’s memory is getting bad from worse. He leaves shoes   in   the   fridge   and  milk   at   the   bottom   of   the wardrobe. Rory needs help to look after his grandfather who is very forgetful nowadays.

Catch Us If You Can

Chapter 2  


          Rory’s grandfather likes to keep his homework ‘somewhere safe’ and Rory is trying hard to locate his homework. Granda remembers putting it in Rory’s school bag when he is putting the rubbish down the chute. Rory’s guess is right when he finds a bag of eggshells and potato peelings in his school bag. He imagines his homework lying among the rubbish.

           Rory does not know how to tell to his teacher, Mrs Foley. Darren Fisher, Rory’s best friend suggests to him by saying that aliens take it away.

Rory’s other classmates gather around him at the playground trying to help him too. His friends like Granda and his stories. Granda is almost arrested for shoplifting when a hanger with a suit on it gets caught in the belt of his raincoat and he walks out of the shop without noticing it. 

          Rory confesses to Mrs Foley about the loss of his homework. Mrs Foley asks about Granda’s condition and if he is coming to Parents’ Night. Granda never misses it before. Mrs Foley asks Rory to stay back and do the homework. However, Rory cannot stay back because Granda is making lunch and is waiting for him to have lunch together. 

           Rory runs out of the playground towards his flats. He buys two hot pies, one for him and one for Granda. Granda does not cook at all; in fact Rory has to bring him lunch every day. Rory has to make sure Granda takes his medicine too. Granda is old now and Rory thinks that he has the responsibility to look after him.

Catch Us If You CanChapter 3


               Mr Hood, Rory, Darren and Mary Bailey are at the field where football practice is going on. Mr Hood asks Rory to be in the football team. Rory refuses as he has to look after his Granda. Darren and Mary quarrel. Mr Hood drags Mary to the headmaster's office. Darren again suggests Rory to

be on the team. Rory states the same reason. Darren thinks that Rory's Granda should be in a home and Rory is angry about it. Granda always talks about Rachnadar, the local old people's hospital to Rory. His Granda would rather die than to live there. Darren's mother tells Darren that Rory's Granda will be better there. Rory runs off before Darren could say another word. Granda only has Rory and Rory only has granda as his kin. 

               Rory tries his best to coach Granda on how to behave as Parents' Night is coming up soon. He wants to reassure Mrs Foley that Granda has all his marbles. One day, Rory comes home to discover that Granda mistakenly peels a bag of apples and cuts them into chips. Granda thinks that the apples are potatoes! Granda also tries to help with the cooking but he leaves the electric rings switch on and burns out a pot. 

               That night Rory and Granda are watching television when Granda watches Rory closely. Rory is thinking about his father. Granda is angry at the mention of Rory's father. Granda and Granny have spoilt him too much. He gets what he wants as a child. When he is tired of them, he throws them aside. He treats Rory's mother in the same way. Rory's father leaves Rory's mother and Rory when he is a baby. Granda does not want to talk about Rory's father. Granda only has a son, none other than Rory! 

Catch Us If You CanChapter 4


          Rory and his Granda walk to the school on Parents' Night. Granda wears slippers and they go back home again to change so they are the last to arrive. There are many parents waiting patiently in queue. Darren comes and greets Granda. Granda looks around ans asks where Holy Foley is. Granda then goes to the toilet on his own.  He does not want Rory to accompany him. Rory is worried about Granda. Luckily Granda steps back into the classroom. It is Rory's turn and Mrs Foley talks to Granda about Rory's homework. Granda leans forward and says that Mrs Foley indeed has moustache, just as what Rory has told him!    


           Suddenly, Mrs Foley smells that something is on fire. Clouds of smoke is billowing from the pocket of Granda's coat hanging on a hook. Then Mrs Foley's coat, pale green with a little matching scarf is on fire too because it is beside Granda's coat. People walk out of the classroom into the playground as the caretaker ushers them. 

        Granda goes to the toilet earlier to take a puff. Then he puts his pipe in his pocket but he forgets about it. However, Granda finds the whole thing funny and exciting just like other boys feel. Luckily, Darren's father helps to put out the fire. Mrs Foley looks at Granda angrily.

Chapter 5 

        Darren and Rory's other friends are delighted with Granda's attempt to 'set the school on fire' and they exaggerate on it. Granda admits that it must have been his fault. Darren's mother is worried that it might happen again maybe in the middle of the night at Rory's home. She thinks that Rory should not shoulder such big responsibility. He should be playing football! Rory confirms it will not happen as he hides Granda's pipe before he goes to bed. 

          Meanwhile, Val Jessup, the social worker comes to see Granda and Rory. She is sent by Dr Nicol. Val Jessup is trying to organise a home help who comes in at lunchtime and prepares food for Granda. She will also make sure Granda takes his medicine. With the home help, Rory dreams of joining the football team again. 

        Val Jessup makes Granda thinks of Grace Kelly, a beautiful film star just because both have fair hair! Granda tucks Rory into bed and Rory thinks life will be better as they have a social worker now. 

       Mrs Foley asks Rory about things at home. Rory tells that now they have a social worker and will have a home help soon. One day after school, Rory runs for the bakery and two hot pies. The baker tells Rory about his flats which is on fire. Rory rushes to his flats. His neighbour, Mrs MacKay scolds Granda for causing the fire. Rory is very angry with her. He tries to defend his Granda. Rory throws himself at her and tries to kick her. The policemen stop him.


        One policeman informs Rory that Granda is in hospital now but he will be all right. Rory recalls that he hides his Granda's pipe. However, the policeman tells Rory that Granda leaves the chip an on and forgets about it. this causes the fire. Rory is perplexed as he does not know what is his Granda doing with a chip pan. 

Chapter 6 

        A policewoman brings Rory to the hospital to visit Granda. Granda suffers from smoke inhalation and he does not look too good. When Rory sees Granda, he has drips and needles attached and monitors beeping all around him. His face is covered with an oxygen mask. Rory is very worried about his Granda's condition. Rory prays hard for Granda to wake up soon. 

        Val Jessup comes into the room. She believes Granda is going to be all right. She brings sandwiches for Rory from the hospital canteen. Val Jessup asks Rory to stay at the children's home at Castle Street as his flat is burnt. Rory thinks of Darren's house but his house is too crowded. The children's home is a nightmare for Rory and he does not want to go there. However, Rory does not have a choice. He knows that Granda will feel better if he is being taken care of. Rory follows Val Jessup's car to the children's home at Castle Street.


Chapter 8 

        Rory wakes up and he is ready to go to the hospital. Tom and Jackie also get ready for their different school. Tony informs them that breakfast is ready. The boys take the breakfast together with Tess who looks unkempt and Nellie, the woman who looks after Tess. Tess glares at Rory. She asks how long Rory is going to stay, hopefully long enough for her to thump him.

        Tess boards a taxi to her private tutor. The children leave for school. Val Jessup comes. Meanwhile Tony phones the hospital and Rory gets to know that Granda is awake. He even tries some breakfast. Rory reaches the hospital and he races towards Granda's room. Rory leaps on to the bed. Granda hugs Rory closely. 

        Granda tells Rory about the incident. He plans to make some chips on the chip pan to go with the pies. He then tries looking for potatoes in the wardrobe. That is all Granda can recall. Granda asks if Rory stays with Mrs MacKay or Val Jessup for the night. Rory hesitates, saying he stays in Val Jessup's spare room at her house. Granda is agitated as he guesses that Rory is taken to Castle Street. 

        Granda insists to get out of bed. Luckily the nurse and Val Jessup calm him down. Rory promises to Granda that he stays in Castle Street until only Granda is out from the hospital. He will not stay there forever. Granda pities Rory and he cannot wait to be discharged from the hospital. 

Chapter 9 

        Val Jessup takes Rory back to his flat. Rory witnesses the damages in his flat; the blackened walls, the smoke-damaged furniture and curtains. Val Jessup puts Rory's clothes into a rucksack. Rory slips the bottle of Granda's medicine into his rucksack. Rory plans to repaint his flat but Val Jessup asks him to drop the idea for the meantime. Rory cannot bear to stay long at Castle Street because of Tess who is aiming at him. Her anger and violence scare Rory a lot. 

        One day, Tess swears at Rory and tries to strangle him. Tony and Nellie stop her and haul her out of the kitchen. Nobody wants Tess; her mother in prison, her aunts shun her and no foster parent will tolerate her hot temper. Tess is angry and sad at the same time. 

        Rory visits Granda every day after school. Granda says John Wayne (who has died) comes to visit him. The fact is Granda watches a John Wayne's movie on television! Val Jessup has something important to talk to Rory. She will pick him up after school as usual and talk to him about it.       

Chapter 10        Mrs Foley is concerned about Rory and asks him about his stay in Castle Street. She organises flowers to be sent to Granda from Rory's class. Rory confides in Mrs Foley about his anxiety for Tess. He is scared of Tess. Mrs Foley then calls Val Jessup and talks to her about Rory.


        Darren reveals to Rory that Mrs Foley may want to foster him as what his mother tells him. Darren assures that Mrs Foley is a nice person; she is worried about Rory being in Castle Street, she always has secret conversations with Val Jessup and she is a Christian. At the same time, Rory's Granda is not doing as well as Rory thinks. Rory is shocked to hear the news. The idea to be fostered by Mrs Foley brings Rory out in cold sweat. Rory is worried when he thinks of it. 

        Rory knows he will not have a home if Granda does not get better. Rory runs straight to hospital after school. Rory goes into Granda's room but Granda is not there. Rory's horrible thought is that Granda is dead! 

Chapter 11 

        Rory is agitated and sad, thinking that Granda is dead. He yells as loud as he can. A staff nurse comes into the room. She asks one nurse to call Val Jessup and the other to help calm Rory. Rory struggles to free himself. When the staff nurse tells Rory that Granda is not dead, Rory stops struggling. 

        Staff Nurse Maureen asks Nurse Long to bring some sandwich and orange juice for Rory while they wait for Val Jessup to arrive. Granda once says that he likes Nurse Long for she has beautiful red hair like Rhonda Fleming. Rory then tells Granda that he is too old for her. Granda thinks age is not a probelm, just like for Sean Connery.

Meanwhile, Val Jessup will bring Rory to Granda. Rory goes to Staff Nurse Maureen's office to wait for Val Jessup. 

        Val Jessup arrives at the office when Rory is just finishing up a hot sausage roll. Rory suspects something odd. Rory wants to know where Granda is. Val Jessup says that Rory is too young to take the responsibility of Granda. Finally Rory knows that Granda is no more in the hospital. He has been assessed by doctor and it has been decided that he is just not fit enough. Granda is put in Rachnadar now! 

Catch Us If You CanChapter 12


        Granda is sitting on a bed. He is crying bitterly. Rory runs to him. Granda pleads Rory to take him away. He does not want to stay at Rachnadar. It is a place they put old folk that nobody wants. 

        Granda feels letting Granny down for allowing Rory to stay in Castle Street. Granda becomes more agitated. The nurses give him something to make him fall asleep. 

        Meanwhile, Tess is throwing her tantrum in the children's home. She yells at everybody. Rory cannot take it anymore and he quarrels with her. Rory nearly punches Tess as he holds back his hand. However, Tess shows no mercy and punches him on his nose. Tony and Nellie stop the fight and drag Tess away. Tess curses Rory.


        Rory fears that Granda is suffering in Rachnadar. He tells to Val Jessup that Granda is dying as days pass. Granda feels that nobody cares about him. He wants to run away if only he were younger. Rory keeps thinking on what Granda says. Finally he decides to run away with Granda!            

Catch Us If You CanChapter 13


        Rory prepares for three days for The Great Escape. He confides in Darren about his plan. Darren suggests that they go to his mother's caravan. Darrens sneaks Rory the spare key to his mother's caravan. It is dead secluded and no one will find them there. Darren promises to keep it a secret. 

        Granda grows more quiet and confused each day. Darren asks Rory to act fast. Rory cannot tell his plan to Granda because he is so deaf. He just whispers to Granda that everything is going to be all right. He asks Granda to wait and see. Rory's plans are: 

1. Val Jessup drops Rory at Castle Street.2. Rory picks up two rucksacks.3. Rory sneaks into the hospital.4. Rory and Granda creep out from the hospital.5. They catch a late-night train.6. They reach Darren's mother's caravan.7. They spend lots of days down there with Darren. 

        Then, Val takes Rory to visit Granda that night. She has coffee with the nurses. It is like a dream. Rory grabs the chance immediately. He puts Granda's teeth, hearing aids and other things into the rucksack. Granda is confused. Rory tells Granda that he is going to get him out of Rachnadar. They are going to escape from that place!