Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM

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Transcript of Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM

  • 8/16/2019 Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM







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  • 8/16/2019 Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM


    In the midst of all this, another purpose is accomplished: to help you synthesize what students

    have learned in prior business courses. Dealing with the grand sweep of how to manage all

    the pieces of a business makes strategic management an integrative, capstone course in which

    you reach back to use concepts and techniques covered in previous courses. For perhaps the

    first time students will see how the various pieces of the business puzzle fi t together and why

    the different parts of a business need to be managed in strategic harmony for the organization

    to operate in winning fashion.

    Course Objectives


    To develop your capacity to think strategically about a company, its present business

     position, its long-term direction, its resources and competitive capabilities, the caliber of

    its strategy, and its opportunities for gaining sustainable competitive advantage.

    2.  To build your skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of industries and

    competitive situations and especially, to provide you with a stronger understanding of the

    competitive challenges of a global market environment.3.


    To give you hands-on experience in crafting business strategy, reasoning carefully about

    strategic options using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and making sound

    strategic decisions.

    4.  To acquaint you with the managerial tasks associated with implementing and executing

    company strategies drill you in the range of actions managers can take to promote

    competent strategy execution, and give you some confidence in being able to function

    effectively as part of a company’s strategy-implementing team.

    5.  To integrate the knowledge gained in earlier core courses in the business school

    curriculum, show you how the various pieces of the business puzzle fi t together, and

    demonstrate why the different parts of a business need to be managed in strategicharmony for the organization to operate in winning fashion.


    To heighten your awareness of how and why ethical principles, core values, and socially

    responsible management practices matter greatly in the conduct of a company’s business.


    To develop your powers of managerial judgment, help you learn how to assess business

    risk, and improve your ability to make sound business decisions and achieve effective


    Learning Method


    This is a participant course and requires student to involve and being a center of learning process under the student-centered learning or SCL paradigm.

      Students are required to prepare their self before the class by invest their time in reading

    the topic in text book and the other assigned reading.

      Students are required to be active in class discussion and share their idea and comment

    from different perspective of business they involve in practices.

  • 8/16/2019 Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM


      Student will divided into several groups and each group will prepare case study analysis,

     presentation and discussion.

      Student must attend mid and final exam.

      Each student must prepare final individual project in form of paper relate to company

    decisions about growth strategy, competitive strategy, execution of strategy and using



    Short assignment is assigned to student and will be collected before class start.

      Plagiarism is not allowed and often results from careless note-taking from other resources

    during writing process, with intentionally unwilling, or unintentionally forget to put

    references around student original word.

    Text books


    Thompson, A.A., Peteraf, M.A., Gamble, J.E., and Strickland III, A.J. 2012. Crafting and

    Executing Strategy: Concept and cases. 18E. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill-Irwin



    Barney.J.B. 2011. Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. 4th

     edition. Upper

    Sadle River. NJ. Pearson Education. Inc.

    Cases in TPGS :


    Afrigator: A Killer Start-up in Africa


    Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages


    Competition in the Golf Equipment Industry in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255


    Dell Inc. in 2008: Can It Overtake Hewlett-Packard as the Worldwide Leader in Personal


    5.  Atlassian: Supporting the World with Legendary Service


     Nintendo’s Strategy in 2009: The Ongoing Battle with Microsoft and Sony

    7.  TomTom: New Competition Everywhere!


    Apple Inc. in 2010


    Google’s Strategy in 2010


    Research in Motion: Managing Explosive Growth


    Problems at China Airlines

    12. Canadian Solar


    Cemex’s Cost of ‘Globalised’ Growth—The Cash Crunch?


    Corona Beer: Challenges of International Expansion


    Globalization of Komatsu: Digging Out of Trouble


    PepsiCo’s Diversifi cation Strategy in 2008

    17. Adidas in 2009: Has Corporate Restructuring Increased Shareholder Value?


    Robin Hood

    19. Shangri-La Hotels

    20. Toyota Motor Company: Losing its Quality Edge?


    Starbucks’ Strategy and Internal Initiatives to Return to Profi table Growth

    22. Rhino Capture in Kruger National Park

  • 8/16/2019 Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM



    Coca-Cola India’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy


    Detecting Unethical Practices at Supplier Factories: The Monitoring and Compliance Challenges

    Course Schedule

    No Date Discussion Topics Sources

    1 3 Mar 2014 What Is Strategy and Why Is It Important? TPGS Ch. 1

    2 4 Mar 2014 

    Charting a Company’s Direction: Vision and

    Mission, Objectives, and Strategy 

    TPGS Ch. 2 

    3 7 Apr 2014 

    Evaluating a Company’s External Environment TPGS Ch. 3

    Case No. 2

    4 8 Apr 2014 

    Evaluating a Company’s Resources, Capabilities,

    and Competitiveness 

    TPGS Ch. 4

    Case No. 11 

    5 21 Apr 2014  The Five Generic Competitive Strategies – Which

    One to Employ? 

    TPGS Ch. 5

    Case No. 1 

    6 22 Apr 2014 

    Strengthening a Company’s Competitive Position,

    Strategic Moves, Timing, and Scope of Operations 

    TPGS Ch. 6

    Case No. 9 

    7 28 Apr 2014 

    Mid Exam

    8 12 Mei 2014  Strategies for Competing in International Markets TPGS Ch. 7

    Case No. 15

    9 13 Mei 2014  Corporate Strategy: Diversification and the Multi-

     business Company 

    TPGS Ch. 8

    Case No. 17 

    10 2 Jun 2014 

    Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility,

    Environmental Sustainability, and Strategy 

    TPGS Ch. 9

    Case No. 23 

    11 3 Jun 2014 

    Building an Organization Capable of Good Strategic

    Execution People, Capabilities, and Structure 

    TPGS Ch. 10

    Case No. 21 

    12 16 Jun 2014 

    Managing Internal Operations: Actions that Promote

    Good Strategic Execution 

    TPGS Ch. 11

    Case No. 20 

    13 17 Jun 2014 

    Corporate Culture and Leadership: Keys to Good

    Strategy Execution 

    TPGS Ch. 12

    Case No. 19 

    14 25 Jun 2014 

    Final Exam

  • 8/16/2019 Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM


    Grading Plan/Performance Evaluation

    Your course grade will be based on the following components and percentage allocation:

    Class Participation and Case



    Presentation of Case Analysis and



    Individual Project Paper 20

    Midterm Exam 25

    Final Exam 25

    Class Participation and Case Discussion

    Due to the fact that class participation and case discussion counts as a factor in determining

    your overall grade in the course, each student MUST contribute significantly to in-class

    analysis and discussion of the cases. Each student is expected to be an active participant in

    topic delivered by lecturer and also in case discussions and to offer meaningful analysis and

    convincing arguments for the position you stake out. Your grade on class participation is

    something to be earned by contributing your assessments and judgments to the discussion.

    Merely coming to class and listening to the discussion is not sufficient; attendance is not

     participation. You should, therefore, make a conscientious effort to be sufficiently prepared

    to make intelligent, timely comments regarding the managerial issues raised in the topics

    delivered and the cases—this entails reading the topics delivered and the assigned cases

     before the class started and preparing several pages of notes to the assignment questions for

    topics delivered and the case.

    Presentation of Case Analysis and Quiz

    Student will divided into several groups and each group will prepare case study analysis,

     presentation and discussion. Each group must prepare 2 to 5 pages of resume of cases that

    consist of case background, main issues, theory related, and group analysis and suggestion.

    The case will be presented by the group in front of class for maximum 30 minutes and thenfollowed by discussion for maximum 30 minutes. The printed resume of case and power

     point presentation will be collected by lecturer before presentation start.

    Individual Project Paper

  • 8/16/2019 Syllabus of Strategic Management of UGM


    Each student will evaluate the growth strategy of a private company they will select in the

    first few weeks of the course. For each stage of the company’s growth they will examine

    company decision about strategy, execution, team, and capital. They will identify what the

    company did well and what it could have done better. And they will make recommendations

    on how company can sustain profitable growth.

    Students may choose companies they work for, local private companies or well-knowngrowth companies where a great deal has been written about their early years of growth as

     private companies. Students are expected to integrate appropriate framework and concepts

    from the course into a document with up to 15 pages of written text plus exhibits. The paper

    is submitted to academic officer on the last day of the final exam.

    The paper can also be enriched by other articles from reputable management journal. All of

    references must be recognized in the paper. List of references and tables are placed in


    Contents of the paper are consist of executive summary, company background, main issues,

    theoretical findings, analysis, conclusion and suggestion.