Syllabus KY

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Transcript of Syllabus KY

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY



    "Earning higheeducation is the binvestment one c

    make with no throf ever beingbankrupted." ~


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  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY



    The world is a bookand those who do nottravel read only one


    ~Augustine H.

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY


    Grading Rubric for Essays and Analysis Papers:I will grade your written responses for content, critical thinking

    (analysis), turn-in time, and stylistics (mechanics). The percentage

    equivalent of the total maximum 50 points will depend on the

    assigned essay or analysis and thus will be reported with the


    Content- 20


    Time- 10Stylistic- 10

    Grading is based on a plus/minus bases as follows:

    93-100= A 80-82 = B- 66-69 = D+

    90-92 = A- 76-79 = C+ 63-65 = D

    86-89 = B+ 73-75 = C 60-62=D-

    83-85 = B 70-72 = C- Below 60=F


  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY


    Course Requirements and GradingPrerequisite: Appropriate skill level demonstrated through the English

    placement process or satisfactory completion of English 28 or English 363 with a

    grade of C or better. This course cannot be taken for Pass/No Pass.

    Gradingis based on the following assignments and activities:

    (The percentages show the % of your overall grade.Total percentage sums up to is 100%)

    Attendance and active participation in class discussions5% of your

    overall grade. The class meets twice a week and a lot of materials are

    introduced and discussed in class; thus, class attendance is very important.

    Homework assignments- total of15%There will be various homework

    assignments; it is important that you complete all the assignments.

    Online Discussions- 20%. We have a discussion Board on the course website

    and there will be discussion questions posted through the course. You need torespond to at least 5 questions that I will post and respond or reflect upon your

    peers posts (at least 5). A total of 10 responses are needed (5 to my questions

    and 5 to your peers responses) to earn the full credit.

    In class group work assignmentstotal of5%There will be 5 in class

    group work assigned; students need to attend and participate to get credit for

    the group assignments.

    Test and in-class essay writing- total of30%. There will be 2 in-class test

    questions and essay writing each will count to 15% of your grade. The dates

    will be announced beforehand and we will have a preview preparation.

    Final Project (research paper and Presentation)-25% Your essay and

    research will be showcased on a website/blog site or through the PowerPoint

    slides of your presentation.

    Extra credit options may be available- There will be extra credit questions

    in the tests and/or on the Discussion Board of the course website. Also,

    attending workshops at the Writing Center will also be considered for extra

    credit. The details on the earned points and percentage on the extra credit

    options will be discussed in class.


    Please understand that completassignments in a timely manner

    participating in class activitiesimportant to your grade!

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY


    Wisi mattis xleo suscipit nec amet, nisl fermentum tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in,

    sed ligula. In sodales suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat, quia tellus convallis eros rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing

    posuere et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie, amet gravida suspendisse morbi, amet maecenas, a maecenas mauris

    neque proin nisl mollis. Suscipit nec nec ligula ipsum orci nulla, in posuere ut quis ultrices, lectus eget primis vehicula velit hasellus

    lectus, vestibulum orci laoreet inceptos vitae, at consectetuer amet et consectetuer.

    Congue porta scelerisque praesent at, lacus vestibulum et at dignissim cras urna, ante convallis turpis duis lectus sed aliquet, at

    tempus et ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec hamenaeos dignissimos imperdiet, luctus ac eros sed massa vestibulum, lobortis adipiscing

    praesent. Nec eros eu ridiculus libero felis.

    Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus vestibulum commodo nisl, luctus augue amet quis aenean maecenas

    sit, donec velit iusto, morbi felis elit et nibh. Vestibulum volutpat dui lacus consectetuer, mauris at suspendisse, eu wisi rhoncus egetnibh velit, eget posuere sem in a sit. Sociosqu netus semper aenean suspendisse dictum, arcu enim conubia leo nulla ac nibh, purus

    hendrerit ut mattis nec maecenas, quo ac, vivamus praesent metus eget viverra ante. Natoque placerat sed sit hendrerit, dapibus

    velit molestiae leo.

    Student Success Strategies

    Networking:We will be using a course Website and Face Book Closed Group site

    (please be informed that only class members will have access to this Face Book site

    and all the posts will be seen only by the class/group members. None of yourpersonal posts on your personal Face Book will ever be seen on this Group site.)

    The Course Website and the Face Book Closed Group site are for academic

    purposes only and every post should be relevant to the course. This is a great

    opportunity to integrate technology into classroom. Thus, we will utilize these sites

    for course relevant discussions, for sharing insights and concerns, for networking,

    helping each other, creating a strong student agency/class team, and for accessing

    assignments and learning about announcements if anyone misses the class. All the

    announcements and assignments will be stated in class as well as posted on the

    Website and on our Face Book site.

    Special Circumstances and Disability Statement:For any academic

    accommodation please see me after class or during my office hours to discuss the

    necessary arrangements. Also, if you have emergency, medical information, or any

    concern that I should be aware of, please let me know as soon as possible. For

    support services, specialized instructions, additional time for tests, and other

    educational accommodations needed for your academic success contact

    Services for Students with Disabilities(SSD) at 818 947 2681.


    Maecenas Quis Dolor

    Sociis mauris in integer,

    dolor netus non dui aliq

    sagittis felis sodales,

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    cras. Interdum at. Eget

    habitasse elementum est,

    purus pede class. Quam a

    ligula risus lectus dapib


    Sodales nulla

    Ante auctor


    wisi, dolor

    lacinia eros


    dis, sodales.

    Lacus nunc

    Feugiat at. In

    orci ligula


    luctus, sed

    dolor, ut diam


    Ut facilisis

    Ante in dui

    ac, turpis

    donec, fusce,

    quasi amet

    urna tempor

    amet sit.

    Cras vol

    Mattis j

    massa se

    odio feu


    Quam ac

    est dapi

    Male suadaQuis Dolor

    Set Ipsum



    Note: Cheating and Plagiarism will no

    tolerated. Students suspected of violat

    will be warned and referred to academaffairs for possible suspension.

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY


    Academic Honesty Policy Plagiarism:Students are expected to abide with ethicalstandards set forth by the institution. See LAVC Schedule of Classes: Student Conduct and

    Disciplinary Action. Plagiarism is the representation of expression of ideas from published or

    unpublished work(s) as well as from internet sites or from others (other students) as ones own.

    Students are encouraged to cite the sources to avoid plagiarism.


  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY



    Holidays and Important days

    Spring 2013 semester: Feb 4 - June 3

    Feb. 4: First Day of Class

    Feb. 18: Add & refund deadline, Drop w/o W deadline

    Feb 15-18: Pesidents Day

    March 28-April 5: Spring Break

    April 1: Cesar Chavez DayMay 3-5: Withdrawal Deadline

    Ma 27: Memorial Da

  • 7/28/2019 Syllabus KY


    Campus Resources for Students

    Library (818.947.2425): Check out books, articles,

    dictionaries and thesaurus

    The Writing Center (818. 947.2810): The center

    provides tutoring, workshops, handouts, books,

    dictionaries as well as reading and writing lab courses

    (Engl. 67, Engl. 68)

    EOPS Tutoring Center (818.947.2338): The center

    offers free tutoring for EOPS members

    The Learning Center (818.947.2744): Helpful

    resources and tutors for general subjects

    SSD -Services for Students with Disabilities

    (818. 947. 2681): SSD provides support services,

    specialized instruction, and educational

    accommodations to students with disabilities so that

    they can participate as fully and benefit as equitably

    from the college experience as their non-disabled




    You can never beoverdressed orovereducated. Osc
