svaka-* FIGURE THEVIRGIN OF Wisely. · 2017. 12. 17. · tho ,,paper belng the work of T. P. A. men...

ThoRoliablo Storo. Evory arliclo aa ronro- Hotitorl. svaka-* Tlio Bost Storo Bocatiso i t 'savos you monoy. Our proeressivovmethodsjiave won forus a most enviablo repntatjon. as a wide awake, up-to-dato store, Wo aro raaking now fneiids oyoty day, because wo aro accomrnodating and our prices aro lower than elsewhero. Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. Hore Designs, Largest Stock, Prettiest Effects, and Lowest Prices. GoCarts from $3.75 to $30.00. Come and seo them. We eave you money. Mattings. Because wo imported our own inattings, wo aro ablo to give youl Better Goods For Less Money Than Other Stores. Honarch Refrigerator. Fire King Oas Ranges. Wickless Oil Stoves. 1900 Washing Machines Iron Beds, China Closets, Chiffoniers, National FeltMattresses, Victorine Springs m and Broad Sts. ROTHERT & CO. 4th and Broad StSj_ RELIABLE CREDIT QIVERS._ FARM LABOR ISSCARCE Annual Sprlng Exodus of Ne- groes Has Begun in Klng George County. (Speclal to The Tlmfi-DI-p-tch.) IIEATHSVIl-LE, VA., March 21.-The local electlon to be held here next fall ls recelvlng a great deal of attentlon Just now. In aplte ot tho fact that the tlmo for electlon ls ho far off the subject la belng pretty warmly dlscusaed, and, us stated ln thla corrospondenee some tlmo ngo, asplrants for tho varlous ofllces to he nilcd hy eloctlon this comlng fall are not few hy any meani). Some of the inost promlnent men Inthla county wlll be can¬ didates for Bomo of the offlces, and they do not lntend to keop it a secrct untll tlio campalgn opens, but wlll announco thelr candldacy early this sprlng. Soveral popular Domocrats have tholr eyes on tho ofllce of tho Commonwealth's Attorney, and wlll' ln the near futuro Jnfonn tho voters that thoy wlll bo candl- dnles. Indicatlons show that thoro wlll iilso be a rod-hot flght for tho Sheriff's (itllce, and as for tho numerous dlstrlct oillces.Just leo of the ponco, supervlsors niiil ovorsor of the poor. A largo number of tho young colored women and men aro leavlng the Northern ,\*eck ench week to work |n tho Northern 3tates, and the homo supply wlll be much Vss nnd tho demand much greater than ever beforo, and about nothlng ls thero more uncortalnty at thla tlme than about the help ln tho home and on the farm. A potltlon has beon preaented to Judge Beale, requestlng hlm to order a local .-iptlon electlon for Marshall Dlstrlct, Hichmond county. lloni Hoyd T. Smlth, after 'a weclt's itay nt tho natlon's capltal, has returned home. Mr. \V. C. Snow^Is In Baltlmoro. Tho parsonnge at Farnham, Klchmond county, was tho. scene of a very protty woddlng 011 Thursday, when Miss Carrle H'arrlson hecame tho brlde ot Clarence Dawson. Bov. Rlchard Edwnrds was tho oflloiatlnjj mlnlster. Both are from Rlchmond county. Mlss Rdnn M'ell nnd Mrs. Julla Dlck- prson, of Farnham, are vlsltlng frlonds li^AVnshlngton. Mlss Vlola Wllliams, of Beedvlllo, I3 Hpondlng this weok In Bnltimore. Mrs. I.ews Courtney nnd daughtor, Mlss Faiinlo, aro guests at tho home of Mr. A. K. C'rnlln. Tho Washlngton Farm Near Fredericks¬ burg. I-.MItor of tho Tlmes-Dlspatcli: Slr,.ln a recent communlcatlon ln your puper, ontltled "Tho blrthplnco of Cenrgo Washlngton.wrltten by Mr. (ioorge W. Bealo, ho sald that "Mr. Washlngton (fathor of Georgo) had been ln tho hahlt of removlng hls famlly du¬ ring a portlon of each year to a home whlch ho had estuhllshed In Stnftord county near FTedericksbtirg called "Trnv- olers Uost". wna not Mr. Bealo mls- tuken and was It not "Forry Fnrm," opposlte Fredorloktiburg ln Stafford county thnt Augustlno Washlngton owned anrl whore ho dlod.and not Trav¬ elers Rost, whlch Colonel Bnrgess Bull Inherltod from hls grandfnthor, Mnjor Jiimos Bnll ln 1751, and held untll somo- timo lator tlian 17S0? INQTJIBKH. A friend of ours answers this quory ns follows: .Mr. Bealo ls mlstaklng ln namlng W'nshlngtnn House opposlln Frederlcks- hiirg "Triurolers Kest." Tho farm upon whlch Augustlno Wnshlngton dled |n 174*1.umi whloh ho devlsed to hls son, Ceorgo wos ln what Is now Stafford but wns thnn Klng Georgo county, on ihe northern shoro of tho Biippahanock Imniedlutely opposlte to tho Fredericks¬ burg wliurves. Tlio Northern Neck trnveler pursuod a hlghway crosslng tho rivnr nt Fredericksburg. Tho "Wunhlng-' tou fnrm Iny upon both sldes of this ru.'iil tn the Forry extondlng somo dls- t'un'eo up tho rlvcr. perhups us fnr us tho iHii'thrrn nluitment of the rallroad brldgo includlng u smnll fnrm owned by James Ing of tho brklgn on tho Forvoy of tlie hiet csutury. e Sfii'Oral mllos below thn forry wns qn estato whlch 1 havo peisonully known for sovoral yenrs as "Travelers Best". When 1 Crsi romombor lt was the rosldeneo of ,}Obq fi Olfty ** *-V?a2.'"-y Sgotch gent}Q- man who llved upon what was probably origlnally a part of "Travelers Rest" In a house known as Eastwood about a mlle or two from tho rtvor. In the orlglnal orgonlzatlon of the coun- ,/os' o^f- ,Startord and Klng George they were hoth bounded on tha east by West- moreland county.Stafford extendlng westward along the Potomac and Klng Goorge westward along the Rappahan- ock. TheGoneral Assembly ln 1770 changed tho, boundary llnes.maklng tho lower part of tho countles the county of Klng Georgo and tho western part the county of tafford. The eostern boundary of Stafford on the Rappahanock was Mud¬ dy Creek.and Immedlately west upon the rlver was tho Snowden estate upon whlch my mothor was born.ond whlch my grandmothcr Inherlted from hor fa¬ ther Capt. Thomas Cusson. After' her marrlage lt wos the home of herself nnd husband, Wllllam Alexander who was born on tho upper Potornac near thc present clty of Alexandrla. A slnglo fnrm.owned when I flrst rcmomber by Mr. John Strother and after her death by hor brother George F. Strother Inter- vened by Snowden nnd Travelers Rest and tho western boundary of Travelers Best was at lcast three or four mlles below' tho Washlngton farm. ln my boyhood tho Wnshlngton farm was owned hy a Baptlst preacher thu Rov. Thomas Teadale. I remember when Howe or hls rcprcHentatlvo -vlslted Fredericksburg and gatnerod matcrlal for his Hlstory of Vlrglnla whlch was publlshed ln lS4,*i. and I have no doubt read his statement as found on pago 4S2 was as nccurate as could'have been mnde then from all ac- cesslve aources of informatlon. R .IL.Bhr B. R. H. BIG T. P. A. EDITION ON MAY 6TH NEXT Tho speclal T. P. A. edltlon of The Tlmes-Dlspatch, whlch wlll be lssued May 6th, wlll bo one of the most wldoly read papers ever prlntod ln Rlchmond. Tho followlng resolutlons brlng clearly beforo the publlc tho character and scopo of the publlcatlon: Whereas, Post "A," (Rlchmond) Vlr¬ glnla Dlvlslon, Travelers' Protective Ajj- soclatlon of Amerlca, wlll publlsh a "Speclal T. P. A. Edltlon" of Tho Timos- Dispatch on May 6, 1(103, this Issue of tho ,,paper belng the work of T. P. A. men rini for tho benefit of tho commer¬ clal Interests of Rlchmond, and Whereas, an extra largo edltlon of Tho "Tlmes-Dlspatch" wlll he publlshed and thoroughly clrculated throughout the en- tire United States, through the medlum of the varlous posts ond the Natlonal Con¬ ventlon. whlch will bo hold nt Indlanapo- 11s, Ind., therefore be lt Resolvod, That the Advertlslng Com¬ mlttee of the Rlchmond Chnmber of Ccim- mcrce endorse this "Spoclal T. P. A. Edltlon" of "The Tlmes-Dlspatch" as an agency whlch may be used to good ail- vantage in advertlslng Richmond and all Its commerclal Interests, and, further, commends to the mnnufacturer, whole- saler and merchant, in whatever llne, ln Rlchmond, this excellent medlum of advertlslng for thelr favorablo conaidera- tlon. WINNERS IN THE SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH WANT COLUMN PROVERB CONTEST Another Contest To-Day.Seven Cash Prices.What is the Proverb ? See Want Pages. "No man can serve two mosters," waa tho proverb used ln Inst Sunday's Tlmes- Dlspatch want eolumn proverb contest, nnd the seven prlzos wero awarded as follows: First prlze, $2 ordor.Mrs. Yeager. No. 2210 Kost Broad, clty. Second prizo, $1 order.Mrs. Henry P. Andorson, Box No. 155, East Badford. Vn. Thlrd prize, 50 cont order.Miss M. B. Punn, No. 332 Hlnton Street, Petersburg, Va. Fourth prlze, 50 cent order.J. A. Cole- mnn, Enonvlllo, Va Flfth prlze, 50 cont order.Mlss Nora Conko,' Scottsville, Va. Slxth prlze, 50 cent order.Mlss Helen Flournoy, Charlotte Courthouse, Va. Soventh prlze, 50 cent order.Mlss Mary F. Wymnn, Scott3\'lllo, Va, Correct answers woro nlsrj recSIved from tho following named contestnnts, vlz.: RICHMONP. VA., J. S. Rnow, Thomas Curtls, Mrs. 13, P. Mnnn, Thomas A. Murphy, ,si Nora Tholl. Mlss V, O. Baskett, Curtls Charlton. Mrs. J. G. Rlce. Dalsy Hnneook, Mrs. Wm. A. Street, B A. Wills, .Mrs. C. H. Talley, A. McWUllams, Miss R. T. Tnlloy, A. V. Peoch, 'Jhurles Paiirona, Mrs J. XV. Turner, D. U. Jolinston, Mlss Clevio Stngg, Mrs II Ij Wilklnson, Cllfton Denrhiirt, John B, Penrhart, Mary B. Pugh, R- Ij. Mllhan, Hoster C, Tnhb, Mlss N. I.. Brown, Thomas J. Carroll, Mlss Poulse Bragg, Mlss A. B. Buflln, Rmma Austln, Mlss B. A. Johnston.Mrs. W. XV. Turner, Mrs. 11. A. Talloy, IJora Pugh, Mlss Mnbel Cosb,y, Oralntm, Mrs. N. B. Bond, Mrs. L. P, Itoane, Melvyn McKlnley, Mrs. A. JV Smlth, Davld Turner. 0, E. Babinoau, R. A. Plttmmer, Mra. W, H. Turner, Mlss B. R. Austln, M. E. Taylor, U, A. B. Mrs. M. XV, Olass, Ralolgh P. Glass. NOTTOWAY, VA. V. B. Atklnson, 8. K. Atklnson, Ertw, S. Peane, Chnrlos F. Penno, Mlss M. Robertson, iJesslo Robertson. P, r,, Diutn, 0. II- Hardy, M. P, Atklnson. Mrs XV A Robertson, HAMPPEN-SIPNEY, VA. W. B. Panghorno, Hunter Mann, J. M. flrahnm, R. C. Oraham, PF, WITT, VA. J, O, Crawfnrd, Mrs. J. O, Crawford, A (i, Butterworth, lulla H Butterworth, RELFIBI.D. VA. Mlss Pucy Macllne. - M'KK.NNBY. VA. Cyrus Punn, Mnrlo M. Punn, 1. (1. W'ooldrldge, SOOTTSVH/L.B. VA. Junies F. (iarret, M. T. Heath. Lotlle Plits. Mli-s S. I.. Coolfei \V, Sjcott ijeath, Mjss M. A_.'C, PETERSBURG, VA. £ G.-Strachan, R. A Plurnmer. J-fllo L Dunn, Mlss M. Ii. Diinn, B. G. Strachan, James S Rltchle, Mlsa L, O, Dabnoy*. Mrs. M. J, Dabnov, EHthor Dabney, Mlss Ruth Dabney, SSVANSBORO, VA. Mlss M. ti", Owens, Clalro Dorsot, BL.ACICSTONE. VA. Mrs. C. B. Hnrdy. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Georglo Dunn. FORKVIDLE, VA J. N. Dau'ls, P. h. Htibbnrd, NEW B10RNE, N. C. BoboiL S. Carraway. NEW CANTON, VA. Miss J,ottlo M. Pltts,Mlss Annlo Bhodes, Mlss Phob. Mnble, Mlss Mnblo PItts CARTERSVn.LE, VA. Mr_, J. H. Rhodes, PROSPEOT, VA. Mrs. Thomas Cocks, Mary Crew, TjINDSAY,'' VA. Mrs. C, F. Johnston, NORFODK. VA. J. II. Gregory. SMYTH COUNTY, VA. W. A. Scott, Rov. I,,evl Brown, Mlss Olilo Wassurh, ENONVIL/I.E, VA. Mrs. Early Coloman.Mrs P. Coloman, Blancho Coloman, Llllan Coleman, J, Leo Coloman, Frank R, C'olemnn, ASHLAND, VA, S. J. Hall. .. DINVYtlDDIE, VA, Alma Harrls, Laura Harrls, T. ju, Netherlands, John G. Neblott Mary Bblsseau, FIvUVANNA, VA. Mastor Paul E. Haden WAI,DROP, VA, E. J1. Mlohlo, SEVEN ISLANDS, VA. T. S, Tutwllor, I.oona C, Tutwllor, Mrs. C. E. Tutwller, Another provcrb contest wlll bo found ln to-dny's witnf cnlumns, Tho pron'oi«h Is eomposod of elghtoon lotters, whlch nre scattered throughout the llttlo ads. In tho want pugos. Sovon prlzes wlll be nwardod tho' wlnnors. Seo tho niunos of tho wlnners nnd thoso desru'vlng speclul men tlon In Th« Timos-Plspatch wunt coliinin. f'artoon contest In nnotho colunin. Jf you nro seokiiiy success. ndvertl_o ln Tho Tlnii's-nisputch wnnt eojiimns. Tho llttlo ads. aro r.enu by over 100,000 roudors dally, who aro ovor nnxlous to supply thelr wants. und thelr wunls wlll he suppllod by Hupplylng your wnnts through tho grentcst wnnt uuppllrr lu the ontlro South. Jf vou arn noi_ nn ud- vortlser, bo a, roadQr, Vou slicm'tf be botlj, ' FIGURE OF THEVIRGIN One of Life Size for the Now Cathedral Hore. BE OF CARRARA MARBLE Tho Modolllng Hns Just Boen Com- j pleted In Boston by Snmuol J. Kltson, the Famous Sculptor. Samuol J. Kltson, the famous sculptor of Boston, has Just comploted the mod¬ olllng of a notablo llfo-slze fltfure of tho Vlrgln, to bo cut lt) Carrara marblo for the new Sacrod Henrt Cathedral now bo¬ ing eroctod ln this clty. This Is the flrst ono of b!x flg-urea whlch Mr. Kltson has beon commissloncd to make for this great cathedral, and thoy liavo all beon donated by Mrs. Thomaa F. Ryan, of Flfti) Ave- nuo, Now York oity. Mrn. Ryan ls the wlfe of tho multl-mllllonalro street rail¬ way magn.ato. BEAUTIFUL CONCEPTION.' This fltatuo, whlch Sculptor Kltson hos Just comploted, doplcts tho Vlrgln as "Our Lady of Lourdes," and the sculp- tor'd conceptlon Is beautiful. Thero ls a splrit of sanctlty about the flguro whlch ls dlfllcult to descrrbo.n splrltual feollng In tho altltudo, ln the faeo and flgtire throughout, whlch could only be caught by one deeply Imbued wlth tho motlve ond Blgniflpanco of tho subject. The foce Is llfted ln devout appeal, and tho cx- STATUE OF THE VIRGIN. pression has ln It somethlng that con only bo called dlvlhe. Thore ls the qulet beauty of repose nnd confldence ln that face, too. This looks slmpln enoun'i, but lt ls a dlfllcult poso to model whoro the noek Ii; naturally thrown Into so much proml- nence. But the nrtlst appears to Iwvo beon little trmihled by this problom, for ho hns emphaslr.ed both the poso of the head and neck and the expresslon by tho manner In whlch tho drapery is arranged' over nnd behind both. Tho drapery on thn whole flguro hnngs slmply In long llnes and folds, whlch fol- low the poso and enhanoo tho artlstlc foellng of tho entlro deslgn. AYONDKRFIH, FACE. The hands nre brought upward" In prayerfiil appoal and polnt upwnrd, oar- rying thn attenllon to that wonderfttl faeo In a subtle ninnner, and leadlng one unconsclously to a contemplatlon of thc rellgloiiH feellng wllh whlch that fnco ls Imbued. It Is nll well dono, nnd tho modolllng of tho faeo, neck and hands Is oxqulslto. Tho drapory ls troated In a broudor mnn- nor. The sculptor has given form to that vlslon of Bornadotte Soublrous, who, In an ecstaUc moinent. saw the Vlrgln nonr tho little sprlng at Lourdes, whloh has slnce become bo famous as a slirlne. Rlchmond's new cathedral wljl have some splendld nrt work wlthln Its snnc- tvarv This is being done Jn tho splrit which Is eeeltlng lu tho Cathollc Church to mnke oach sacretl odlfteo chni-actoristlo and to got ftwny from tho palntod "stock" flgures whlch for fo mnny yeara havo been lmported from Franco, Itnly, and Germany. _ wm HBrn ¦ __w__nnij MANUFACTUBER OF Is ono of tho Greateat llenlern of tho Slck on Etirtli. Curos all Dls0»308 p»" n" Olmrge. 1 cuio nll Ul-eusos that arn known to thu human mco oi no ohargo, no mattor what your dlseuse. slokiies.- or ufflktloii may bo. und restore .vou to porfeet ilealth. 1 cuio tho followlng dlsoases: Henrt niHeasti, ('onsumiitlon. Bloo.l. Kl'lnci' Llvi-t". Blad¬ der. .Strlctiiro. Plles n "inv forn). Vertlgo. Quinsy, Soro Thronl. l.unus. DyBPepBM, liidlgeHthin. ConstlnallOll. Uhoumutlsm ln any fuiin, Piiiiisuml Aohos Ot nny kjiul, C'plus, B-ouohlu Troubles, Soiv». bkln Db'wisps, all it.-lilnv sontiuttons. ull '.oimilu couiplulnts, I.a 1Grlppe,nQr I'liouinuiila; Ulcers. Ciirbuiicli's. Ituiu, Cancer. thv worsl forms wlthout the use or kn fo or histr inif n s Ec'aenia, P-nples on faeo and lodv' 1)1 uU-te- of Kldneys or Brlght's Dlsouse of iho Kldneys. 1 cure iinv dls- easo no inatter of what nnturo. All veu- nrent sii'i .>" .' "iwoiaitv. Metllclnn sout to nnv iiiilivs-* by exnress. For full p_>rtl- eiila soul a two-cont stitmn t,;r unswor, &«?& WM Oiroud Street. Rlchmond Va. mi Wisely. It is a simple matter.this of making your rcaclingfcotint. | Much read ing does tmt make a man woll read; but WISE reading does. All votir readlng mav be made ot value it you havo tho' ENCYCLOP/Vf'.niA BRITANNICA at your elbcnv. Tho ncwspapcrs recently have been full of the Venezuelan dispute. Do you know what countries border on Venezuela, or what rivcrs water it? Turn for a few moments to BRITANNICA' and rcfresh your memory. You will find a splendid short history of Venezuela, Thc United States and Great Britain have appofnted com- missioners to settle thc dispute about the Alaskan boundary and gold-ficlds. BRITANNICA has the LATEST maps on the subject. , , r Ask Britannica Anything When you read your evenlng paper or magailne you aro conatantly, atrlklno somo subject of general Interest. Make all thla readlna4mean aome- thlno to you by looklng lt tip In BRITANNICA, The practlce wlll be enjoyablo, and It wlll oertalnly make youfwell read. BRITANNICA marks the boundary between muoh readlng and wlaa- readlng. ' Ask It ANYTHINQI It la The Great Question-Answerer ln POLITICS, SCIENCE, ART, HISTORY, BIOQRAPHY, TRADES andtPRO- FE8SI0NS, Would you oompare the two great polltloal partlea of England wlth thOM of Amorloa? You wlll flnd here apoolal artlolea by the foremoat atatesman and thoso beat quallfled to speak, Do you wlsh to rend the atory of the evolutlon of the locomotlvo, or ther prooress In electrlcal Invontlon? BRITANNICA o'vea you the flnal word. Do you desire to ground youraelf In Law or Theology? Turn to, BP.I-' TANNICA. J 1,100 5Igned Articles. ln connectlon wlth the thousands of general aubjecta treated, thero^aro 1,100 slgnod articles by the world'e greatest aoholara, atatesmen, Jurlatai.and speclallsta In every branch of human knowledge and aohlevoment. The,result la a splendid referenoa library, TWICE THE SIZE o^any other oyolopaedla, and ao far eurpaaslng them all In aoope and authorilly aa to be easily the "klng of lta trlbe." Then get tho bo3t help avallable and turn your muoh readlng Intoiwleo readlng. You can secure BRITANNICA at leaa than HALF PRIOE, and on .pay- manta whlch mean an outlay of only TEN CENTS A DAY, If you Send the Enquiry Coupon NOW! It will bring full particulars and handsome spedmen pagcs without cost. But do not delay. Cut out the coupon before you lay aside this paper and send lt to us, IF. USED PROMPTLY it will not only entltle .you to the Half-Price OfTer, but also to'a special bookcase forthold- inc- thc books. fa-. WHAT IS SAID OF IT. "It ls without a peer ln tho -whole noble army of enoyolopaedlaa.".LT- -^heB-_S.&dik Britannica ls klnu of Its trlbe."-PROF. DAVED. 1 mod .In/ttiooloBv, ethlcB, BOOiolOKj', curves and funotlons, archl- - tecttireart-n I tlio way un, perhaps, to the orlpln of aome flne ^~.¦ L,»i nn rnlneaa metaonyslcs. Whether for edunatlon or S^ fflmStion" no nufn X om. haa thls book wlll ever let hlmselt, i^5_=s L'r lil" children be without constant accoss to it, It another de-¦ SS^5 SL «m and the ark hnd room for but ono seoular book, thla ^==7 Uf^beySSdI'nny doubt¦ the one."-Clement Batea, Judgo of Court, £==" clnclnnatl, Olilo, Weight Over 200 Pounds. BOOKCASE FREE. A limited numbor of Bookeases will be given free of chargo to RICHHOND TirjES-DI$PATCH reaclers who respond promptly. ' The Coupon below will be known as tne UooKcase Coupon and should he mailed at once. CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO-DAY. 31 Volumcs In All. 25 Volumes Nlnth Edltlon, 5 Volumcs American Additlons. 1 Volurne (Itiidc to Systcmatlc Reacl- ings of the Whole Work.* SECURES THIS ENTIRE SET OF THE Hew 20th Gontury Editioit You con pay thc balttnce nt the rate of only 1 Oc a duy for a .short tlme. THE AMERICAN HEWSPAPER ASSOCIflTION, i\ » e i.,-«na-lrRlrlo- 0<& 12th St«. N. W. Washlngton D. C. Washingfon Savlngs BanlcBlflg.,. r Please aond me free of chnrge sample pages and full par- ticulnrs of your Enoyclopaedia ofl'er. (Bookcase Coupon). Name.._._.-.Street- Town.. Staie., RICHMOND TIME-DISPATCH. (Wrltten for tho Sunday Tlmes-Dlspatch.) Courtooua Rendor: Of a truth thnt ilelectablo portlon of real estato whlch ls called "Old Vlrglnla" Is (Uly tormed "God's Country." Dld you ever hear of nny ono leavlng Vlrglnla wlthout a return tlcket? So here comoth l'ogashliis and iilngoth concoriilng "Olo Vlrglny." » Sun It shlnos frotn pure dellght, Floods tho world wlth ruys of llght, Down ln Olo Vlrglny, Flowors bloom, so fresh nnd sweot, Llko a curpot 'neath your feet, FIllS tho land wlth Incenso sweot, Down ln Olo Vlrglny, Don't hnvo much of snow und leo, Sutmners always pool nnd nloe, Down lu Olo Vlrglny, But tho sprlng I lovo tho best, Autunin, too, ln color dressed, And rlght horo I'll tako iny rest, Down iu Olo Vlrglny. And such good thlngs! Com brond pono That sUiiids ln a class nlouu, Down in Olo Vlrglny, Sweet mlnt lulop, fl'QSty bowl DooUonlng wlth slraWM of (JOlU, Klndor wnrins you to tho soul, Down ln Olo Vlrginy. Young mon huihtlug up tho Stato, Maklng hor lo ruiilt (Irat Rle, Down i" Olo Vlrglny, Old mon woaring honio Sptin, Vetorana who saw Bull Kuu, G110H.S wo lovo 'cm, oypry ono, Down in Olo Vlrglny. And our (fall.! Thoy oan't ho b-al, Just ns protty as thoy'ro -WCCL, Down <u oio Vli|,'lny, 13yoB oC brown and eyes of bluo, Ch'oeka thut vie tho ponchea h.UC lfl/ich man'a j;ot a khI tor two), Down In Olo Vfrglny, When at Inst lenve thln wnrlcl Aud Icnoclc at thoso tfiitos of I'eurl Pav from Olo Vlit?iny. To the portor I wlll say; "CJIvp me- a return ehook, pray, Ho I dnn pot li.'u-lc home somo day, IJnwn lu Old Virgiuy." Who ever thou doest, do hlm wlth ull thy iiiislu. Out nf tho Uoop. Thpl'o o'rico wiis an ulii inairied Oyster, .Who had weclded u '"hini from a t'lolsier; lf sho "rowecl up salt rlvor," Not iv word ili.l ho glvo h-r. And iiih't, it groatly rojofccd hor, Then !p of th i-uji lu crlPi It's Ih'IIci- to have liet>n Interrupteil utul'or tlie nilBiJeloa; than n-.'vn- to havo heeii thero ul ull. Not Bybry ono you hear llVouo ditya u»lft> |n« ln u tiiieel nuuiner has a limtliig im- iH-ciimont ln hls speeuli, lt'* lu»t enrlnij colds. fjQ i.ero nro a fow Hnoa to P.o»- tle Sprlng: Oh ouh. thou gontlo MpriiiKi And atilloh wlnter lift; ,, oii Lud, I'ni golng i" sneow a;;uln, Wlioro ls my iuiiidlion-lil.-r.' Soon, soon wlll plosorn nuc| Tlio vioied ud Uio I'oso; tl'll nover i-haimo so sonn ogatii My wlmlcr iinil'-r Plotljos), Tho stunly I'aiiuoi- lilmts ijld tmnijii u4 hls suuushj (I wonder whon my fladdel shlr* Wlll cub In Irom tho waah?) And so tho sprlng cubs on, Each llowor puds ad plowe. Whllo I stand lost ln wonder desp Atl plow, ad plow my doze. t, 4 « . * « . « . V Tho Early Blrd wlll yawn bofore nlght, * . . ? * *. .. . ¦; Prldo ) icth beforo Soclnl Appendlcltls. * i . * * * * . Yours tlll next tlme, PEGA6HXUS. FROM DR. STRANGE St. Pnul's Rector Wrltes of Athens and Hls Own lmproved Htalth. (Sitoclnl to Tlio Tlraog-DlipatchO WVLM'INGTON, N. C, Maroh'_l.-Th« frllowlng extrnct from a recent lette< from Rov. Robert Straugo, D. IV, recto* of Sl. llnul's Eplscopal Church, Rldh« inond, to n friend ln this clty, wlll bo roaif. wlth much Interest by rcaders of Th<. Tiniorf-Dlspntch. When wrltten Drt Strango wus on route to Constantlnoplt nml on tho Sea of Mnrtnoru. He wrltes: "l thought vou would appreclate il Hna from Athons or its vlclnlty. I spont yes* tertlay nnd tho day boforo ln that cradlej of classla nrt nnd llterattiro, Wo haoj lovely wont her, iiiul l rcvcled ln the mem- orles ot" tho dlstant past. Thlnk of Btantt-. Ing whoro Doinostliones- flluindored wlthj clcnuont tonguo; of walklng through halls bulldctl by Phldeus under tho orders nt IMlclos: of strolllng over tho grotuul whoro onco tho beautiful grove grew llt whloh 1'lato taught; ot giulng on tha Hav of Sultimla und thlnklng on thu nilHlily Imttlo inugtil wlth ThenilHtoeleif und tho Greeka, Xorxos wnnHiIng witli loaiful oyes hls ilylug Perslun shlps; ol sliling on tho I'artliotion, the most hoau* lilnl temple, nitlstlcully oonsldorcd. oVflR bullt bv man. uiul watolilng. whon nn th< helKhtS of Iho famous Acropolls. the sun BlllklDB to rest ovor tho Bay of Eluslaj oi" walldag tho stroota and KtoppltiK ofl) tho corners. whoro Socrutba wnlkod an4 talko.l; of looking down on tho clty n._> tho slmdows doepenod and tho lighla be¬ gan 10 twlnklo fioin Muih inn, niedltat* hg oo tho vlslt hero ot tho great Apostla, t tho Geiltllos. 1 saw tho son rlsti thi.H no.niliu,' ovor ho plahns of nncient 'lioy. Wo havo boon ste.imlng all th>{ mornhijf through the Darda.uoll.s, aud wo ar» «»w out lu tho Sea of Mnrmora, on our wi.y. to Constaiitlnoplo. I am havlng- n do-, ytfnt tiip aml aivi rogalnlng my health, vlgor. |ooklr-H forward toi takinjc ua iuuk ngnln ln Aprll, turnngey ihiia |l o been at all l't I'tlchnwud,"

Transcript of svaka-* FIGURE THEVIRGIN OF Wisely. · 2017. 12. 17. · tho ,,paper belng the work of T. P. A. men...

  • ThoRoliabloStoro.

    Evory arlicloaa ronro-

    Hotitorl. svaka-* Tlio BostStoroBocatiso i t'savos youmonoy.Our proeressivovmethodsjiave won forus a most enviablo repntatjon. as awide awake, up-to-dato store, Wo aro raaking now fneiids oyoty day,because wo aro accomrnodating and our prices aro lower than elsewhero.

    Baby Carriagesand Go-Carts.

    Hore Designs,Largest Stock,

    Prettiest Effects,and Lowest Prices.

    GoCarts from$3.75 to $30.00.

    Come and seo them. We eaveyou money.

    Mattings.Because wo imported our own

    inattings, wo aro ablo to give youlBetter Goods

    For Less MoneyThan Other Stores.

    Honarch Refrigerator.Fire King Oas Ranges.Wickless Oil Stoves.1900 Washing Machines

    Iron Beds, China Closets, Chiffoniers, National FeltMattresses, Victorine Springsm and Broad Sts. ROTHERT & CO. 4th and Broad StSj_



    Annual Sprlng Exodus of Ne-groes Has Begun in Klng

    George County.(Speclal to The Tlmfi-DI-p-tch.)

    IIEATHSVIl-LE, VA., March 21.-Thelocal electlon to be held here next fall

    ls recelvlng a great deal of attentlon Justnow. In aplte ot tho fact that the tlmofor electlon ls ho far off the subject la

    belng pretty warmly dlscusaed, and, usstated ln thla corrospondenee some tlmongo, asplrants for tho varlous ofllces tohe nilcd hy eloctlon this comlng fall arenot few hy any meani). Some of the inost

    promlnent men Inthla county wlll be can¬didates for Bomo of the offlces, and theydo not lntend to keop it a secrct untlltlio campalgn opens, but wlll announcothelr candldacy early this sprlng.Soveral popular Domocrats have tholr

    eyes on tho ofllce of tho Commonwealth'sAttorney, and wlll' ln the near futuroJnfonn tho voters that thoy wlll bo candl-dnles. Indicatlons show that thoro wllliilso be a rod-hot flght for tho Sheriff's(itllce, and as for tho numerous dlstrlct

    oillces.Just leo of the ponco, supervlsorsniiil ovorsor of the poor.A largo number of tho young colored

    women and men aro leavlng the Northern,\*eck ench week to work |n tho Northern3tates, and the homo supply wlll be muchVss nnd tho demand much greater thanever beforo, and about nothlng ls theromore uncortalnty at thla tlme than aboutthe help ln tho home and on the farm.A potltlon has beon preaented to Judge

    Beale, requestlng hlm to order a local.-iptlon electlon for Marshall Dlstrlct,Hichmond county.lloni Hoyd T. Smlth, after 'a weclt's

    itay nt tho natlon's capltal, has returnedhome.Mr. \V. C. Snow^Is In Baltlmoro.Tho parsonnge at Farnham, Klchmond

    county, was tho. scene of a very prottywoddlng 011 Thursday, when Miss CarrleH'arrlson hecame tho brlde ot ClarenceDawson. Bov. Rlchard Edwnrds wastho oflloiatlnjj mlnlster. Both are fromRlchmond county.Mlss Rdnn M'ell nnd Mrs. Julla Dlck-

    prson, of Farnham, are vlsltlng frlondsli^AVnshlngton.Mlss Vlola Wllliams, of Beedvlllo, I3

    Hpondlng this weok In Bnltimore.Mrs. I.ews Courtney nnd daughtor, Mlss

    Faiinlo, aro guests at tho home of Mr.A. K. C'rnlln.

    Tho Washlngton Farm Near Fredericks¬burg.

    I-.MItor of tho Tlmes-Dlspatcli:Slr,.ln a recent communlcatlon ln

    your puper, ontltled "Tho blrthplnco ofCenrgo Washlngton.wrltten by Mr.(ioorge W. Bealo, ho sald that "Mr.Washlngton (fathor of Georgo) had beenln tho hahlt of removlng hls famlly du¬ring a portlon of each year to a homewhlch ho had estuhllshed In Stnftordcounty near FTedericksbtirg called "Trnv-olers Uost". wna not Mr. Bealo mls-tuken and was It not "Forry Fnrm,"opposlte Fredorloktiburg ln Staffordcounty thnt Augustlno Washlngtonowned anrl whore ho dlod.and not Trav¬elers Rost, whlch Colonel Bnrgess BullInherltod from hls grandfnthor, MnjorJiimos Bnll ln 1751, and held untll somo-timo lator tlian 17S0?

    INQTJIBKH.A friend of ours answers

    this quory ns follows:.Mr. Bealo ls mlstaklng ln namlng

    W'nshlngtnn House opposlln Frederlcks-hiirg "Triurolers Kest." Tho farm uponwhlch Augustlno Wnshlngton dled |n174*1.umi whloh ho devlsed to hls son,Ceorgo wos ln what Is now Staffordbut wns thnn Klng Georgo county, onihe northern shoro of tho BiippahanockImniedlutely opposlte to tho Fredericks¬burg wliurves. Tlio Northern Necktrnveler pursuod a hlghway crosslng thorivnr nt Fredericksburg. Tho "Wunhlng-'tou fnrm Iny upon both sldes of thisru.'iil tn the Forry extondlng somo dls-t'un'eo up tho rlvcr. perhups us fnr us thoiHii'thrrn nluitment of the rallroad brldgoincludlng u smnll fnrm owned by JamesIng of tho brklgn on tho Forvoy of tliehiet csutury. e

    Sfii'Oral mllos below thn forry wns qnestato whlch 1 havo peisonully known forsovoral yenrs as "Travelers Best". When1 Crsi romombor lt was the rosldeneo of,}Obq fi Olfty ** *-V?a2.'"-y Sgotch gent}Q-

    man who llved upon what was probablyoriglnally a part of "Travelers Rest" Ina house known as Eastwood about amlle or two from tho rtvor.In the orlglnal orgonlzatlon of the coun-

    ,/os' o^f- ,Startord and Klng George theywere hoth bounded on tha east by West-moreland county.Stafford extendlngwestward along the Potomac and KlngGoorge westward along the Rappahan-ock. TheGoneral Assembly ln 1770 changedtho, boundary llnes.maklng tho lowerpart of tho countles the county of KlngGeorgo and tho western part the countyof tafford. The eostern boundary ofStafford on the Rappahanock was Mud¬dy Creek.and Immedlately west upon therlver was tho Snowden estate uponwhlch my mothor was born.ond whlchmy grandmothcr Inherlted from hor fa¬ther Capt. Thomas Cusson. After' hermarrlage lt wos the home of herselfnnd husband, Wllllam Alexander whowas born on tho upper Potornac nearthc present clty of Alexandrla. A slnglofnrm.owned when I flrst rcmomber byMr. John Strother and after her death byhor brother George F. Strother Inter-vened by Snowden nnd Travelers Restand tho western boundary of TravelersBest was at lcast three or four mllesbelow' tho Washlngton farm. ln myboyhood tho Wnshlngton farm was ownedhy a Baptlst preacher thu Rov. ThomasTeadale. I remember when Howe or hlsrcprcHentatlvo -vlslted Fredericksburg andgatnerod matcrlal for his Hlstory ofVlrglnla whlch was publlshed ln lS4,*i. andI have no doubt read his statement asfound on pago 4S2 was as nccurate ascould'have been mnde then from all ac-cesslve aources of informatlon.

    R .IL.BhrB. R. H.


    Tho speclal T. P. A. edltlon of TheTlmes-Dlspatch, whlch wlll be lssuedMay 6th, wlll bo one of the most wldolyread papers ever prlntod ln Rlchmond.Tho followlng resolutlons brlng clearly

    beforo the publlc tho character and scopoof the publlcatlon:Whereas, Post "A," (Rlchmond) Vlr¬

    glnla Dlvlslon, Travelers' Protective Ajj-soclatlon of Amerlca, wlll publlsh a"Speclal T. P. A. Edltlon" of Tho Timos-Dispatch on May 6, 1(103, this Issue oftho ,,paper belng the work of T. P. rini for tho benefit of tho commer¬clal Interests of Rlchmond, andWhereas, an extra largo edltlon of Tho

    "Tlmes-Dlspatch" wlll he publlshed andthoroughly clrculated throughout the en-tire United States, through the medlum ofthe varlous posts ond the Natlonal Con¬ventlon. whlch will bo hold nt Indlanapo-11s, Ind., therefore be ltResolvod, That the Advertlslng Com¬

    mlttee of the Rlchmond Chnmber of Ccim-mcrce endorse this "Spoclal T. P. A.Edltlon" of "The Tlmes-Dlspatch" as anagency whlch may be used to good ail-vantage in advertlslng Richmond and allIts commerclal Interests, and, further,commends to the mnnufacturer, whole-saler and merchant, in whatever llne, lnRlchmond, this excellent medlum ofadvertlslng for thelr favorablo conaidera-tlon.


    PROVERB CONTESTAnother Contest To-Day.Seven Cash Prices.What is the

    Proverb ? See Want Pages."No man can serve two mosters," waa

    tho proverb used ln Inst Sunday's Tlmes-Dlspatch want eolumn proverb contest,nnd the seven prlzos wero awarded asfollows:First prlze, $2 ordor.Mrs. Yeager. No.

    2210 Kost Broad, clty.Second prizo, $1 order.Mrs. Henry P.

    Andorson, Box No. 155, East Badford.Vn.Thlrd prize, 50 cont order.Miss M. B.

    Punn, No. 332 Hlnton Street, Petersburg,Va.Fourth prlze, 50 cent order.J. A. Cole-

    mnn, Enonvlllo, VaFlfth prlze, 50 cont order.Mlss Nora

    Conko,' Scottsville, Va.Slxth prlze, 50 cent order.Mlss Helen

    Flournoy, Charlotte Courthouse, Va.Soventh prlze, 50 cent order.Mlss Mary

    F. Wymnn, Scott3\'lllo, Va,Correct answers woro nlsrj recSIved

    from tho following named contestnnts,vlz.:

    RICHMONP. VA.,J. S. Rnow, Thomas Curtls,Mrs. 13, P. Mnnn, Thomas A. Murphy,

    ,si Nora Tholl. Mlss V, O. Baskett,Curtls Charlton. Mrs. J. G. Rlce.Dalsy Hnneook, Mrs. Wm. A. Street,B A. Wills, .Mrs. C. H. Talley,A. McWUllams, Miss R. T. Tnlloy,A. V. Peoch, 'Jhurles Paiirona,Mrs J. XV. Turner, D. U. Jolinston,Mlss Clevio Stngg, Mrs II Ij Wilklnson,Cllfton Denrhiirt, John B, Penrhart,Mary B. Pugh, R- Ij. Mllhan,Hoster C, Tnhb, Mlss N. I.. Brown,Thomas J. Carroll, Mlss Poulse Bragg,Mlss A. B. Buflln, Rmma Austln,Mlss B. A. Johnston.Mrs. W. XV. Turner,Mrs. 11. A. Talloy, IJora Pugh,Mlss Mnbel Cosb,y, Oralntm,Mrs. N. B. Bond, Mrs. L. P, Itoane,Melvyn McKlnley, Mrs. A. JV Smlth,Davld Turner. 0, E. Babinoau,R. A. Plttmmer, Mra. W, H. Turner,Mlss B. R. Austln, M. E. Taylor,U, A. B. Mrs. M. XV, Olass,Ralolgh P. Glass.

    NOTTOWAY, VA.V. B. Atklnson, 8. K. Atklnson,Ertw, S. Peane, Chnrlos F. Penno,Mlss M. Robertson, iJesslo Robertson.P, r,, Diutn, 0. II- Hardy,M. P, Atklnson. Mrs XV A Robertson,

    HAMPPEN-SIPNEY, VA.W. B. Panghorno, Hunter Mann,J. M. flrahnm, R. C. Oraham,

    PF, WITT, VA.J, O, Crawfnrd, Mrs. J. O, Crawford,A (i, Butterworth, lulla H Butterworth,

    RELFIBI.D. VA.Mlss Pucy Macllne. -M'KK.NNBY. VA.

    Cyrus Punn, Mnrlo M. Punn,1. (1. W'ooldrldge,

    SOOTTSVH/L.B. VA.Junies F. (iarret, M. T. Heath.Lotlle Plits. Mli-s S. I.. Coolfei\V, Sjcott ijeath, Mjss M. A_.'C,

    PETERSBURG, VA.£ G.-Strachan, R. A Plurnmer.J-fllo L Dunn, Mlss M. Ii. Diinn,B. G. Strachan, James S Rltchle,Mlsa L, O, Dabnoy*. Mrs. M. J, Dabnov,EHthor Dabney, Mlss Ruth Dabney,SSVANSBORO, VA.Mlss M. ti", Owens, Clalro Dorsot,

    BL.ACICSTONE. VA.Mrs. C. B. Hnrdy.

    NEWPORT NEWS, VA.Georglo Dunn.

    FORKVIDLE, VAJ. N. Dau'ls, P. h. Htibbnrd,

    NEW B10RNE, N. C.BoboiL S. Carraway.NEW CANTON, VA.

    Miss J,ottlo M. Pltts,Mlss Annlo Bhodes,Mlss Phob. Mnble, Mlss Mnblo PIttsCARTERSVn.LE, VA.Mr_, J. H. Rhodes,PROSPEOT, VA.

    Mrs. Thomas Cocks, Mary Crew,TjINDSAY,'' VA.

    Mrs. C, F. Johnston,NORFODK. VA.J. II. Gregory.

    SMYTH COUNTY, VA.W. A. Scott, Rov. I,,evl Brown,Mlss Olilo Wassurh,

    ENONVIL/I.E, VA.Mrs. Early Coloman.Mrs P. Coloman,Blancho Coloman, Llllan Coleman,J, Leo Coloman, Frank R, C'olemnn,

    ASHLAND, VA,S. J. Hall. ..

    DINVYtlDDIE, VA,Alma Harrls, Laura Harrls,T. ju, Netherlands, John G. NeblottMary Bblsseau,

    FIvUVANNA, VA.Mastor Paul E. Haden

    WAI,DROP, VA,E. J1. Mlohlo,

    SEVEN ISLANDS, VA.T. S, Tutwllor, I.oona C, Tutwllor,Mrs. C. E. Tutwller,Another provcrb contest wlll bo found

    ln to-dny's witnf cnlumns, Tho pron'oi«h Iseomposod of elghtoon lotters, whlch nrescattered throughout the llttlo ads. Intho want pugos. Sovon prlzes wlll benwardod tho' wlnnors.Seo tho niunos of tho wlnners nnd

    thoso desru'vlng speclul men tlon In Th«Timos-Plspatch wunt coliinin. f'artooncontest In nnotho colunin.

    Jf you nro seokiiiy success. ndvertl_oln Tho Tlnii's-nisputch wnnt eojiimns.Tho llttlo ads. aro r.enu by over 100,000roudors dally, who aro ovor nnxlous tosupply thelr wants. und thelr wunls wlllhe suppllod by Hupplylng your wnntsthrough tho grentcst wnnt uuppllrr luthe ontlro South. Jf vou arn noi_ nn ud-vortlser, bo a, roadQr, Vou slicm'tf bebotlj, '


    One of Life Size for the NowCathedral Hore.


    Tho Modolllng Hns Just Boen Com-j pleted In Boston by Snmuol J.

    Kltson, the FamousSculptor.

    Samuol J. Kltson, the famous sculptorof Boston, has Just comploted the mod¬olllng of a notablo llfo-slze fltfure of thoVlrgln, to bo cut lt) Carrara marblo forthe new Sacrod Henrt Cathedral now bo¬ing eroctod ln this clty. This Is the flrstono of b!x flg-urea whlch Mr. Kltson hasbeon commissloncd to make for this greatcathedral, and thoy liavo all beon donatedby Mrs. Thomaa F. Ryan, of Flfti) Ave-nuo, Now York oity. Mrn. Ryan ls thewlfe of tho multl-mllllonalro street rail¬way magn.ato.

    BEAUTIFUL CONCEPTION.'This fltatuo, whlch Sculptor Kltson hos

    Just comploted, doplcts tho Vlrgln as"Our Lady of Lourdes," and the sculp-tor'd conceptlon Is beautiful. Thero ls asplrit of sanctlty about the flguro whlchls dlfllcult to descrrbo.n splrltual feollngIn tho altltudo, ln the faeo and flgtirethroughout, whlch could only be caughtby one deeply Imbued wlth tho motlveond Blgniflpanco of tho subject. The foceIs llfted ln devout appeal, and tho cx-


    pression has ln It somethlng that cononly bo called dlvlhe.Thore ls the qulet beauty of repose nnd

    confldence ln that face, too.This looks slmpln enoun'i, but lt ls a

    dlfllcult poso to model whoro the noekIi; naturally thrown Into so much proml-nence. But the nrtlst appears to Iwvobeon little trmihled by this problom, forho hns emphaslr.ed both the poso of thehead and neck and the expresslon by thomanner In whlch tho drapery is arranged'over nnd behind both.Tho drapery on thn whole flguro hnngs

    slmply In long llnes and folds, whlch fol-low the poso and enhanoo tho artlstlcfoellng of tho entlro deslgn.

    AYONDKRFIH, FACE.The hands nre brought upward" In

    prayerfiil appoal and polnt upwnrd, oar-rying thn attenllon to that wonderfttlfaeo In a subtle ninnner, and leadlngone unconsclously to a contemplatlon ofthc rellgloiiH feellng wllh whlch that fncols Imbued.

    It Is nll well dono, nnd tho modolllngof tho faeo, neck and hands Is oxqulslto.Tho drapory ls troated In a broudor mnn-nor. The sculptor has given form to thatvlslon of Bornadotte Soublrous, who, Inan ecstaUc moinent. saw the Vlrgln nonrtho little sprlng at Lourdes, whloh hasslnce become bo famous as a slirlne.Rlchmond's new cathedral wljl have

    some splendld nrt work wlthln Its snnc-tvarv This is being done Jn tho splritwhich Is eeeltlng lu tho Cathollc Churchto mnke oach sacretl odlfteo chni-actoristloand to got ftwny from tho palntod "stock"flgures whlch for fo mnny yeara havobeen lmported from Franco, Itnly, andGermany.

    _ wm HBrn ¦ __w__nnijMANUFACTUBER OF

    Is ono of tho Greateat llenlern of tho Slckon Etirtli. Curos all Dls0»308 p»" n" Olmrge.1 cuio nll Ul-eusos that arn known to thuhuman mco oi no ohargo, no mattor whatyour dlseuse. slokiies.- or ufflktloii may bo.und restore .vou to porfeet ilealth. 1 cuiotho followlng dlsoases: Henrt niHeasti,('onsumiitlon. Bloo.l. Kl'lnci' Llvi-t". Blad¬der. .Strlctiiro. Plles n "inv forn). Vertlgo.Quinsy, Soro Thronl. l.unus. DyBPepBM,liidlgeHthin. ConstlnallOll. Uhoumutlsm lnany fuiin, Piiiiisuml Aohos Ot nny kjiul,C'plus, B-ouohlu Troubles, Soiv». bklnDb'wisps, all it.-lilnv sontiuttons. ull '.oimilucouiplulnts, I.a 1Grlppe,nQr I'liouinuiila;Ulcers. Ciirbuiicli's. Ituiu, Cancer. thvworsl forms wlthout the use or kn fo orhistr inif n s Ec'aenia, P-nples on faeo andlodv' 1)1uU-te- of Kldneys or Brlght'sDlsouse of iho Kldneys. 1 cure iinv dls-easo no inatter of what nnturo. All veu-nrent sii'i .>" .' "iwoiaitv. Metllclnn soutto nnv iiiilivs-* by exnress. For full p_>rtl-eiila .« soul a two-cont stitmn t,;r unswor,&«?& WM Oiroud Street. Rlchmond Va.

    mi Wisely.It is a simple matter.this of making your rcaclingfcotint. |

    Much read ing does tmt make a man woll read; but WISEreading does.

    All votir readlng mav be made ot value it you havo tho'ENCYCLOP/Vf'.niA BRITANNICA at your elbcnv. Thoncwspapcrs recently have been full of the Venezuelan dispute.Do you know what countries border on Venezuela, or whatrivcrs water it? Turn for a few moments to BRITANNICA'and rcfresh your memory. You will find a splendid shorthistory of Venezuela,

    Thc United States and Great Britain have appofnted com-missioners to settle thc dispute about the Alaskan boundaryand gold-ficlds. BRITANNICA has the LATEST maps onthe subject. , , r

    Ask Britannica AnythingWhen you read your evenlng paper or magailne you aro conatantly,

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