Sustaintable Development Environment & Economic

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  • 7/29/2019 Sustaintable Development Environment & Economic



    *Unlike traditional societies, modern economies

    have only recently acknowledged the need tomanage scarce natural resources in a prudent

    manner because human welfare ultimately

    depends on ecological services.

    *Ignoring safe ecological limits will increase the

    risk of undermining long-run prospects for


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    *The environmental sustainability focuses on the

    overall viability and health of living systems

    *It defined in terms of a comprehensive, multi-scale,

    dynamic, hierarchical measure of resilience, vigor

    and organization.

    *Resilience/Recovery is the potential of a system

    state to maintain its structure/function in the face of


    *Resilience is also related to the ability of a system toreturn to equilibrium after a disruptive shock.

    *Petersen et al (a researcher) arguethat theresilience of a given ecosystem depends on the

    continuity of related ecological processes at bothlarger and smaller spatial scales.

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    *Adaptive capacity is an aspect of resilience thatreflects a learning element of system behavior inresponse to disturbance.

    *Natural systems tend to be more vulnerable to rapidexternal changes than social systems the lattermay be able to plan their own adaptation.

    *Sustainability may understood also in terms of the

    normal functioning and longevity of a nested

    hierarchy of ecological and socioeconomic systems,ordered according to scale.

    *Sustainable development demands compensation for

    opportunities foregone by future generations, because

    todays economic activity changes biodiversity in waysthat will affect the flow of vital future ecological


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    *The SLDI Code (sustainable project

    development) Sustainable Development Matrix

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    *Planet (Environmental Capital)

    *Model Nature The purest and most valuable form ofenvironmental stewardship is to model our natural systems

    throughout our projects. All the sustainable technology andintelligence necessary can be found by understanding and

    modeling our natural biological systems. This can be

    accomplished through the study of natures best ideas and

    then imitating these designs and processes to solve human

    problems. Further, human beings have an innate andevolutionarily based affinity for nature. Connecting projects

    to nature equals success from an environmental, social and

    economic context.

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    *Energy Flows Capturing and leveraging ournatural energy systems through renewable

    energy sources and biological materials is thenature of this principle. Minimizing the amount

    of non-renewable energy and pollutants used

    throughout the product manufacturing, use,

    maintenance and reuse is vital to achieving

    best practices with the Energy Flows guidingprinciple.

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    *Humans and Nature Co-exist Byincorporating natural principles and practices,

    projects can deliver a sustainable imprint thatnot only has lower impact, but no impact and

    restorative impact. Humans have the

    capacity to restore the natural systems to

    greater health through effective planning,

    implementation and management. For asustainable future, humans must effectively

    integrate with nature, not separate from it.

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    *Economic progress is evaluated in terms of welfare

    (or utility) measured as willingness to pay for goods

    and services consumed.

    *The modern concept underlying economicsustainability seeks to maximize the flow of income

    that could be generated while at least maintaining

    the stock of assets/capital which yield this income .

  • 7/29/2019 Sustaintable Development Environment & Economic


    *Many argue that unrestrained economic growth is

    unsustainable, and point out practical limitations in

    applying the economic sustainability rule without

    additional environmental and social safeguards.

    *Problems arise in defining the kinds of capital to bemaintained (for

    example, manufactured, natural, human and social

    capital have been identified) and their


    *Often, it is difficult to value these assets and the

    services they provide, particularly in the case of

    ecological and social resources.

    *Even key economic assets may be overlooked e.g.,

    where non-market transactions dominate.Uncertainty, irreversibility and catastrophic collapse

    also pose difficulties


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    *Examples on Economy Sustainability:

    *Economic growth occurs when there is a rise in the

    volume of goods and services produced in a country from

    year to year.

    * It is a good thing because high economic growth.

    1. The country is using as much resources as it has.

    2. Since its producing so much, lots of people are


    *Due to the two reasons the living standards will be highin the country. However, there are problems, which why

    sustainable development project is being launched.

    * It caused really high economy growth and its bad for the

    people since everyone has more money and increase

    more in spending. At last, inflation occurred.


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    *Inflation meaning the prices of goods and services


    *Another problem is the trade position. If a country

    has high economy growth, it naturally has strong

    currency like Europe countries.

    *Higher Value of currency meaning the products

    from the country is more expensive to other


    *For example, Australia produced a lot of wool, inorder to buy wool from Australia, people have to

    swap money into AUD. E.g, instead of 1 AUD : 3

    RM, it becomes 1 AUD : 3.3 RM.

    *Therefore, the price will rise since the demand for

    it is high

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    *Economy growth will increase rapidly in Australia

    and more people is buying the more Australia things

    which cause price of AUD to increase.*This will be bad in long term because it becomes

    more expensive to trade AUD to use for Australia

    products. In the end people want to trade with

    Australia will be less.

    *In conclusion high economic growth in the long

    term can be bad for the country so economic

    growth need to be sustainable.

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    *The SLDI Code (sustainable project

    development) Sustainable Development Matrix

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    *Profit (Economic Capital)

    *Create Value Maximizing economic value forall stakeholders is vital to the success, and

    overall sustainability, of every project.

    Efficient and effective means of production,

    distribution, and consumption have a direct

    economic impact on success both to the

    direct financial beneficiaries and society at


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    *Eliminate Waste The budgeting and costcontrol practices throughout the project are

    vital to optimizing sustainability. By developing

    and following proven best practices in

    budgeting, scheduling, bid/contractmanagement, and asset management, returns

    can be substantively improved.

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    *Recognize Interdependence By including all ofthe stakeholders with a variety of intereststhroughout the project planning and design process,and by expanding the scope of interest beyond theconfines of a specific project to include neighboringcommunities, government, the local watershed, and

    beyond, project teams are well on the way towardachieving the optimal economic and environmentalreturns on investments. Over the longer-term, therecan be no economic capital without preserving andmaximizing environmental and social capital.

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