Sustainability Statement Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire ... · Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire...

1 Sustainability Statement Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application Prepared by: Oliver Morris 5 th Floor 81 Southwark Street London SE1 0HX email: [email protected] Date of current issue: 08/09/2015 Our Ref: 1268 Hoar Cross Sus.Strategy TL-1509- 08om.doc Prepared for: Paul Brundell Ecofriendly Development Company 1 Lyric Square Hammersmith W6 0NB P/2015/01284 Received 08/09/2015

Transcript of Sustainability Statement Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire ... · Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire...

Page 1: Sustainability Statement Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire ... · Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application Prepared by: Oliver Morris 5th Floor 81 Southwark Street London ...


Sustainability Statement Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

Prepared by: Oliver Morris 5th Floor 81 Southwark Street London SE1 0HX email: [email protected] Date of current issue: 08/09/2015 Our Ref: 1268 Hoar Cross Sus.Strategy TL-1509-08om.doc

Prepared for: Paul Brundell Ecofriendly Development Company 1 Lyric Square Hammersmith W6 0NB

P/2015/01284Received 08/09/2015

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Prepared by: Oliver Morris

Signature: OM

Quality Assured by: Chris Hocknell

Signature CH

Revision Number Issue Date Issued by

Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3

21.05.2015 07.09.2015 08.09.2015



This report is made on behalf of Eight Associates. By receiving the report and acting on it, the client - or any third party relying on it - accepts that no individual is personally liable in contract, tort or breach of statutory duty (including negligence).

Issue Status Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 4  

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6  Policy Context ...................................................................................................................... 7  Energy and CO2 .................................................................................................................... 9  Materials and Waste .......................................................................................................... 16  Water Management .......................................................................................................... 18  Biodiversity and People ..................................................................................................... 19  Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 24  Appendix 1 ......................................................................................................................... 25  Appendix 2 ......................................................................................................................... 26  

Contents Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Executive Summary Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

Executive Summary The Thorney Lane, Hoar Cross residential scheme comprises the development of three new build homes in East Staffordshire. The proposed scheme aims to be carbon neutral in line with the overarching national policy such as the 2008 Climate Change Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050, over 1990 baseline levels. National Policy carbon budgets have been devised to ensure reaching this overarching target is manageable. The UK is currently in the 2nd of 4 proposed budget periods in which this period (2013-2017) proposes a 29% reduction in CO2 emissions over 1990 levels to keep in line with meeting the legally binding 2050 target of reducing emissions by 80%. The aspiration for the scheme is to drive sustainable design and inspire low carbon developments that will contribute in meeting the UK’s 80% CO2 reduction target by 2050. This Sustainability Statement has been provided as evidence to the local authority of the actions being taken to demonstrate the development’s holistic approach to sustainable design and construction. It provides a summary of the contribution that the design will make to creating a more sustainable development, drawing on information provided by specialist consultants and design reports and identifying key features intrinsic to achieving a carbon neutral home. The design team will endeavour to construct the development so that it achieves that following sustainability standards:

- 100% improvement over Building Regulations Part L 2013 to demonstrate compliance with national policy to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.

- At least a 40% reduction in typical water use rates through implementation of water efficiency and reuse measures.

- A sustainable materials procurement policy and an efficient waste strategy on site including at least 85% of waste to be diverted from landfill.

- The inclusion of sustainable transport options such as cyclist facilities and a home office to allow the occupants to work from home.

- Protection and enhancement of ecology on site including birds and bat boxes and the appropriate actions to ensure protected species including, but not restricted to, bats and great crested newts.

- An emphasis on local supply and labour to encourage employment opportunities and to offer a diverse, self-sustaining environment.

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Executive Summary Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

In summary, the key measures incorporated to meet planning requirements and to ensure the development can be considered low carbon address the following key areas of sustainable design and construction:

- Energy and CO2

- Materials and Waste

- Water Management

- Biodiversity and People

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Sustainability Introduction The design team has ample experience in delivering schemes that are deemed to be highly sustainable, either through the formal ratings such as Code for Sustainable Homes, BREEAM or SKA, as well as skills in Passivhaus Design and recognition by peers in the industry for exemplar sustainable developments. The Hoar Cross scheme is not required to comply with Code for Sustainable Homes following the Government’s Deregulation Bill issued in March 2015. To reflect the holistic nature of the scheme and to demonstrate the commitment of sustainable development to East Staffordshire Council however, the scheme will meet demonstrate how it exceeds national benchmarks in achieving energy performance improvements and goes beyond the previously recognised Code for Sustainable Homes level 5 standards. As well as the significant improvements to energy performance standards the scheme will also consider the following aspects:

Economic Provision of additional housing in an area of need, and the use of local labour to boost employment.

Social Community engagement during development design to ensure the building matches the needs of the local populous. Alleviating fuel poverty in the region as well as the shortfall in new, quality build households is also addressed.

Ecological Improvement of nesting and foraging for bats and birds through introduction of native planting within the sites and adequate protection of protected and priority species.

Description of Site The site is located in the hamlet of Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire approximately Lanes, 300m East of Pur Brook and 200m West of Locker’s Rough (see appendix 1). The development comprises the new build of three detached properties (see appendix 2). The aspiration for the scheme is to significantly improve the existing site and it’s immediate environment by providing an efficient and inclusive development which meets the policy recommendations of East Staffordshire Council.

Introduction Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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National Context: The 2008 Climate Change Act

The UK Government is committed to reducing the UK’s carbon emissions by 80% over 1990 levels through the Climate Change Act 2008. Achieving truly sustainable design and construction and forwarding the green agenda within the construction industry across the UK is inherent to meeting these emission targets. This development aims to do both of these. To help monitor carbon reductions and to plot progress being made for future plans and investments in the UK’s low-carbon economy, intermediary targets have been established. The UK is currently in the second of four established carbon budgets, in which a 29% in CO2 emissions is required by the end of 2017 to ensure that the UK remains on course for meeting the 80% reduction by 2050. Concurrent with reducing CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050 is the 2010 European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive policy targets. These set the objective of ensuring 20% of energy consumption is generated from renewable sources by 2020 whilst also reducing Europe’s carbon footprint by 20%. Moreover they stipulate that all new buildings are to be nearly zero carbon by 2020. Ensuring a fabric first approach with a strong consideration for renewable energy production aligns with both the UK’s Climate Change Act and the European Commission’s 2020 targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The Zero Carbon Initiative Until June 2015, the Zero Carbon Policy was part of the Government’s broader strategy and encompassed issues such as fuel poverty, affordable housing solutions and energy security alongside the commitments of the Climate Change Act. The Zero Carbon Policy required all new homes from 2016 to be built so that their carbon emissions could be deemed ‘negligible’. Three core components were required for a home to be considered as ‘Zero Carbon’; 1. Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard (FEES) must be met. For detached

properties, the standard is 46 kWh/m2, which requires a comprehensive building design that comprises an energy efficient building fabric and services.

2. Emissions arising from a dwelling’s heating, cooling, hot water use, fixed lighting and ventilation systems must fall within the required limits. For detached households the recommended limit is 10 kg CO2(eq)m2/year.

3. Any remaining CO2 emissions from regulated energy sources must then be reduced to zero.

The target CO2 reduction identified for the Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire development is a 141.2% reduction over 2013 Building Regulations which specifies low and zero carbon technologies and decentralised energy in the development. Whilst this initiative is no longer part of the government’s strategy for reducing domestic energy consumption within the UK, this report demonstrates that the development at Hoar Cross meets the ‘Zero Carbon Home’ criteria.

Policy Context Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Local Context: East Staffordshire Planning Policies

The document specifies the main design principles and sustainability objectives for the development which are intended to align with the objectives of the East Staffordshire Borough Council Local Plan, these objectives are highlighted below:

• Housing: To provide a suitable mix of decent housing available and affordable to everyone

• Economy: To achieve a prosperous and diverse economy, encourage high and stable levels of employment and sustain economic competitiveness

• Transportation: To reduce the need to travel, encourage more sustainable modes of transport and make best use of existing transport infrastructure

• Climate change, energy and air quality: To reduce the causes and impacts of climate change, improve air quality, promote energy efficiency and encourage the use of renewable energy

• High quality design and sustainability: To encourage sustainable design and practice and create a high quality built environment

• Green Infrastructure and Open Space: To protect, enhance and provide new Green Infrastructure assets

• Town centre: To sustain the vitality and viability of Burton and Uttoxeter town centres

• Rural Communities: To sustain vibrant rural communities • Flood risk: To reduce and manage the risk of flooding which would be

detrimental to the public well-being, the economy and the environment • Use of land: To deliver more sustainable use of land in more sustainable

locations • Natural Resources: To ensure the prudent use of natural resources and the

sustainable management of existing resources • Quality of Life: To improve the quality of life, including the health, safety and

well being of those living and working in the borough • Landscape quality: To protect, maintain and enhance the character and

appearance of the landscape and townscape quality, maintaining and strengthening local distinctiveness and sense of place

• Biodiversity and Geodiversity: To promote biodiversity and geodiversity through protection, enhancement and management of species and habitats

• Water Quality: To protect and enhance water quality of the Borough’s rivers whilst maximising their carrying capacity through achieving sustainable water resource management

• Countryside and Historic Environment: To protect and enhance landscape character, historic buildings, archaeological sites and cultural features of importance to the community. And to protect and maintain all vulnerable assets (including built and historic).

Policy Context Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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The Energy Hierarchy: The proposed scheme has followed the energy hierarchy that is illustrated below: This methodology widely used in accordance with meeting the Sustainable Design and Construction (SPG), has been adopted for the scheme using a ‘Lean’, ‘Clean’, and ‘Green’ approach in addressing East Staffordshire’s Sustainability Appraisal. A summary of the savings in carbon emissions are shown below.

Minimum Building

Regulations Part L 2013

Be Lean: Energy

efficiency measures

Be Clean: Clean energy generation

Be Green: Renewables

Total Carbon emissions (kg CO2/yr)

84,960 82,740 - -10,040

Carbon emissions savings (kg CO2/yr)

- 2,210 - 94,990

Reduction in carbon emissions over previous stage (%)

- 2.6% - 112.1%

Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Be Lean (Energy Efficiency) Low carbon principles feature throughout the conceptual design of the scheme. The energy strategy follows the ‘energy hierarchy’ by looking foremost at delivering significant CO2 savings through passive design and better practice energy efficiency measures. Passive energy efficiency measures have been considered to reduce the energy demands of the properties within the Hoar Cross development. Passive efficiency measures are those that reduce energy demand, for example, the use of insulation to reduce the heat required to keep a building warm. Passive energy efficiency measures that have been considered for the proposed development include:

• High insulation levels and high performance windows and doors; • Low building air permeability; • Ensuring that all pipework and ductwork is well insulated; • Optimising glazing arrangements to make best use of the sun’s energy whilst

minimising the risk of overheating.

Be Clean (CHP) There is not an existing heating network near the site at the current time, or any expectation that one will be developed, therefore only local CHP has been considered. Due to the nature of the development, installing CHP units will not be cost effective. CHP is most favourable for use in district heating systems where there is a constant and significant demand for heat. The proposed development will not meet these requirements; therefore CHP would not be the optimal solution and has been rejected for this reason.

Be Clean (Heating and Cooling) Having reduced energy demand through energy efficiency, the efficient delivery of the remaining energy demands has been considered with reference to the heating and cooling hierarchy which is summarised as:

1) Minimise internal heat generation through energy efficient design

2) Reduce the amount of heat entering the building in summer (e.g. shading and fenestration)

3) Manage the heat within the building through thermal mass, room height and green roofs

4) Passive ventilation

5) Mechanical ventilation

6) Active cooling systems (ensuring the lowest carbon option)

Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Be Clean (Heating and Cooling) The development aims to ensure high quality design and sustainability and will consider featuring the following measures: Minimising internal heat generation

- Energy efficient equipment: This will help reduce internal heat gain, improving the effectiveness of natural ventilation and reducing cooling loads.

- LED lighting: low energy lighting to reduce lighting power consumption to a minimum.

Reducing the amount of heat entering the building in summer

- Orientation of the building: A large proportion of the units proposed within the scheme will be orientated South West so high efficiency glazing could be specified on front facing facades to reduce solar gains. Shading could also be optimized to avoid reducing daylighting or increasing the requirement for electric lighting.

- Heat transfer: Maximisation of insulation to result in high performance u-values, beyond those required by Building Regulations. The build-ups would prevent the penetration of heat as much as practically possible.

- Air permeability: A reduced air permeability rate of 3 m3/(hr.m2) @ 50 pa to minimise uncontrolled air infiltration. This will require careful attention to detailing and sealing.

Manage the heat within the building through thermal mass and room height

- Room heights: High ceilings are traditionally used in hot climates to allow thermal stratification so that occupants can inhabit the lower cooler space, and to decrease the transfer of heat gain through the roof. The proposed building will have floor to ceiling heights of approximately 2.4m. As the roof will be well insulated, there will also be minimal penetration of heat through the roof.

Passive Ventilation

- Although mechanical ventilation has been included within the conceptual design to ensure the circulation of clean air in properties, openable windows will be specified to facilitate natural ventilation. Cross ventilation will also be achieved by opening windows on two facades and ensuring there is a clear path for airflow.

- Night time cooling will also be utilised. This will work in tandem with high thermal mass materials specified. The larger temperature differential that exists between internal and external temperatures at night will allow effective stack ventilation and purging of heat accumulated within the structure during the day.

Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Be Clean (Heating and Cooling) Mechanical ventilation - Fan powered ventilation: a whole house mechanical ventilation systems will

be specified which will feature separate supply and extract fans. Heat recovery elements will also be specified to reduce energy demand, optimal performance will be achieved by the reduced air permeability rate of 3 m3/(hr.m2) @ 50 pa.

Active cooling systems

- Air conditioning units will be available by virtue of installing air source heat pumps, however, energy efficiency measures have substantially reduced the demand for cooling. The energy demand of the properties have subsequently been reduced, optimising the development’s performance.

Be Green (Suggested LZC Technologies)

A range of Low Zero Carbon (LZC) technologies have been considered for the development, with photovoltaic panels and air source heat pumps being included within the conceptual design. Eleven PV array systems of 16 kWp each will generate CO2 savings of 75.21 tonnes per year across the whole scheme. Installing air source heat pumps within each unit also reduces CO2 emissions of the scheme by 9.89 tonnes per year.

Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Total Carbon Emissions: To ensure the site can be confirmed as being a low carbon development, both the regulated and unregulated emissions of the development must be quantified and demonstrated. The total emissions for the scheme are shown below.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions – Regulated and Unregulated (Tonnes CO2/yr)

Regulated Emissions

Unregulated Emissions

Total Emissions

Baseline: Part L 2013 67.92 17.04 84.96

Be Lean: After demand reduction 65.71 17.04 82.74

Be Clean: After CHP 65.71 17.04 82.74

Be Green: After Renewable energy -27.07 17.04 -10.04

Energy Strategy Summary An assessment has been carried out on the potential to reduce energy and hence CO2 emissions from the Hoar Cross project. The target reduction has been set at 125% relative to Part L 2013 to ensure the scheme is low carbon. Energy efficiency is the first approach to reaching the target reduction. Through carrying out option appraisals on the facade design and building services a specification has been established that will achieve a 2.6% reduction in overall CO2 emissions. Due to the locality of the scheme it has not been deemed viable to specify CHP technology. Numerous measures have been considered to optimise the development’s energy performance whilst also ensuring the wellbeing and quality of life of occupants. The recommended PV panels and specification of air source heat pumps combined with the energy efficient design should achieve a 141.2% reduction in Regulated CO2 emissions, and a 112.1% reduction in total emissions (regulated and unregulated). These stages are summarised in the figure on the following page. (Note that the increase in emissions associated with the use of District Heating is not necessary, as this approach is not being adopted).

Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Energy and CO2 graph:

The development has included exemplary sustainable design and energy efficiency measures within the conceptual design so that the Hoar Cross development can be considered to be a true low carbon development, exceeding all national energy performance standards for residential schemes.

Energy and CO2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application








Baseline - Part L 2013 Building Regulations

Be Lean Be Clean Be Green






n (



es C



The Energy Hierarchy

Part L 2013 Minimum

112% total carbon emission reduction

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Materials and Waste Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Materials and Waste Introduction Sustainable material sourcing and waste management will be considered throughout the life of the project and into occupation to ensure the scheme’s environmental footprint is minimised as far as possible.

Materials Selection and Sourcing

Image from sibleygrove wood flooring

The development consists of entirely new build elements. New construction materials will be selected, where feasible, with a low environmental impact. In addition, materials will be sustainably procured and sourced, with prioritization of local suppliers and manufacturers to encourage growth in economic activity within East Staffordshire. The manufacturing industry is still a dominant employer despite being in steady decline over the last decade so sourcing locally should achieve additional economic benefits for the area. The Green Guide for Specification is a reference tool, providing guidance on the relative environmental impacts for a range of different building elemental specifications, based on Life Cycle Assessment and using the Environmental Profile Methodology. The design team has expressed an intention to follow the Green Guide to Specification to help specify materials with a low environmental impact, where feasible. In addition, the design team have considered responsible sourcing of materials used on site. This will include, where feasible, non-timber elements to be ISO 14001 or BES 6001 certified and timber to be sourced from FSC or PEFC certified sources. All timber will be 100% sustainably sourced.

Waste Management – Construction Waste

It will be the objective for the Hoar Cross development to exceed minimum legislative requirements for waste management by setting a number of challenging targets, to be included as part of the Site Waste Management Plan. The targets relate to minimising waste generation (excluding excavation and hazardous waste) and to divert waste from landfill through reuse and recycling. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to put in place procedures to ensure 85% of construction waste is diverted from landfill.

Waste Management – Operational Waste

Dedicated waste storage and recycling facilities for end users are proposed to encourage recycling.

Material and Waste Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Water Management Introduction The Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire design proposals recognise the need to create a scheme that is efficient and adaptable to future changes in climate.

Water Conservation

Image from

The project team endeavours to achieve a significant reduction in water use for the development in Hoar Cross over typical performance. Water efficient sanitary fittings will be considered within the developments to reduce the water consumption of dwellings. Indicatively this may include low flow shower heads and taps, with toilets being dual flush and baths not exceeding specific overflow limits. A rainwater recycling system that serves the WCs will also be consdiered alongside these fittings to effectively eliminate the WC’s potable water consumption and achieve a 40% reduction over typical water use rates.

Flood Risk and Sustainable Drainage The sites are located within Flood Zone 1 on the Indicative Floodplain Map produced by the Environment Agency. Zone 1 is defined as an area with little or no risk to flooding where the annual probability of flooding with defences where they exist: River, tidal & coastal is <0.1% i.e. less than 1 in 1000 years. As the sites are being built of greenfield land, attenuation measures have been included in the conceptual design to manage the risk of flooding. Mitigation- measures could also include the specification of attenuation tanks to ensure surface water run-off following construction will not be detrimental to the environment, public well-being and the economy. A flood risk assessment will be produced to ensure the development has taken all appropriate measures and will not be at risk of flooding from all sources. Following the recommendations of this assessment will ensure the overall post-development flood risk remains low.

Water Management Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Biodiversity and People Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Biodiversity and People Introduction The proposed development will promote the protection of ecological features and commit to enhance the biodiversity on site. In addition the development will respect the needs of neighbours and future occupants by creating a secure, inclusive and adaptable development.

Land Use and Ecology Habitat Survey An ecological assessment of the scheme has been carried out with specific reference to priority species, including great crested newts, present in several ponds within the survey area, and bats, due the location of the site and presence of mature trees within proximity of the site boundary. An initial desk study was undertaken to obtain existing records of protected species and to identify statutory and non-statutory sites within a 2km radius of the site. Both the Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside (Magic) and Staffordshire’s Ecological Records were consulted for this. An ecology survey was subsequently conducted by a Suitably Qualified Ecologist using the Standard Phase 1 Habitat Survey methodology. The survey was carried out prior to any works being done at the site. The site visit was undertaken in optimal conditions for a habitat survey (August) and it was also possible to assess the development for risk of protected species. The survey represented the site’s existing ecology prior to the commencement of initial site preparation works, i.e. before RIBA stage 5, Construction to Practical Completion, and after RIBA stage 1, Design Brief. As per the ecology report, the following mitigation measures have been recommended: Ecological protection

- Ground works should be carried out over the winter period as this is the time amphibians are unlikely to be dispersing to and from ponds.

- General good working practice should be adhered to for minimising disturbance to faunal species such as badgers, such as sloping of trenches to allow animals to escape should they enter.

- Lighting should be ‘bat friendly’ and recommended by the Bat Conservation Trust.

- Vegetation clearance should be timed to avoid the bird breeding season, which runs from March to September (inclusive).

- The majority of hedgerows should be retained with any removal being replaced on a ‘like for like’ basis.

- Temporary storage of plant and/or machinery should be on hardstanding off site.

Biodiversity and People Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Ecological enhancement

- New hedgerows are recommended along the outer boundary of the development area to help compensate for the loss of bat foraging habitat.

- A traditional bird box should be installed on a tree along the perimeter of the site.

- A sparrow terrace should be installed on the wall of one of the dwellings, with a red brick front to blend in with the development.

The protection and enhancement measures proposed for the development will ensure that any loss of vegetation is suitably mitigated. Implementing these measures should ensure a positive ecological impact on the site area. For more details of the protection and enhancement measures for the site and the results of the desk study and ecology appraisal, please refer to the separate preliminary ecological appraisal report that should accompany this strategy, ref: Proposed Development off Thorney Lanes in Hoar Cross, Staffordshire, issued by EMEC Ecology.

Biodiversity and People Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Construction Environmental Management

Environmental impacts of the construction works will be mitigated as far as possible. This could include the incorporation of a number of the following:

- Contractor following environmental management system processes (under ISO14001), including the development of a construction environmental management plan (CEMP) specific to the sites.

- Training and site induction of all site operatives - Monitoring of energy, water and transport to and from site during

construction. - Management of waste on site and minimisation of air pollution - Following best practice pollution guidance from the Environment Agency - Ensuring all site timber is responsibly sourced in line with the UK

Government’s Timber Procurement Policy.

Considerate Constructors

The scheme will be registered under the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) and is targeting at least 35 out of 50 points, including 7 points within each section of the scheme. The CCS scheme aims to recognise and encourage construction sites that are managed in an environmentally and socially considerate, responsible and accountable manner

Occupant Wellbeing Architectural and engineering proposals have been designed to ensure the wellbeing of occupants in terms of levels of fresh air, thermal comfort and reduction of overheating, access to natural light, good lighting levels internally and externally, acoustic performance and access to safe drinking water. The building services strategy has been carefully considered in order to balance the need for energy-smart, low carbon technologies with the need for adequate and controllable ventilation, heating and cooling. Overall, the development will promote health, wellbeing and community engagement within the local community.

Biodiversity and People Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Sustainable Transport Full details of the site’s existing and proposed enhancement to transport links are included in the Travel Plans, which will be submitted as part of the planning application.

Accessibility and Security Image from:

Design proposals have taken into consideration external and internal accessibility. This includes vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian access to the sites. For more detailed information please refer to the Design and Access Statement which is being submitted as part of the outline planning application. Creating a secure but fully accessible development is a key part of the development. To ensure this is achieved, the design team will seek to engage with a local crime prevention design advisor to understand the key principles of “Secured by Design” within all elements of the scheme. Lifetime Homes are ordinary homes incorporating 16 Lifetime Home Standard Design Criteria. Consideration has been given to Lifetime Homes criteria in the form of car parking width and access from parking, doorway and hallway and wheelchair accessibility. An entrance level WC is proposed and level access throughout the scheme will be specified where possible. The incorporation of the Lifetime Homes principles will ensure the dwellings are adaptable and user friendly for people with reduced mobility. This is deemed to be an integral feature of this development as the East Staffordshire area will experience in the ageing population over the coming decades. The safe, efficient and sustainable movement of people and goods will be encouraged throughout dwelling and the surrounding site and external areas. Home office facilities will be provided within the dwelling in order for the occupant to work from home and reduce the need for road transport.

Biodiversity and People Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Conclusion: This Sustainability Statement has responded to East Staffordshire’s Sustainability Appraisal requirements. In summary the scheme has considered each of the following components of sustainable design and construction:

• Identify the annual probability of flooding of the developments from all sources;

• Select traditional materials to maintain an appropriate aesthetic;

• Ensure that there is no net loss of biodiversity as a result of the scheme;

• Follow best practice policies in terms of air, water and ground pollution and appoint a contractor who will register for the Considerate Constructors Scheme;

• Aim to source local labour throughout the construction phase;

• Implement a site waste management plan;

• Incorporate Lifetime Homes principles to provide accessibility;

• Be of high build quality, will surpass the minimum Building Regulations for water using fittings and source materials ethically and sustainability;

• Will reduce energy consumption by targeting improved u values and airtightness, low energy lighting and energy display devices. This will ensure the building can be considered a low carbon development;

• Provide a valuable habitat for flora and fauna.

Conclusion Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Appendix 1: Location map

Appendix 1 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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Appendix 2: Proposed development

Appendix 2 Hoar Cross, East Staffordshire Outline Application

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