Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization

Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization Author: Chamika Porage (880926) Autumn 2020 Statistics, Second Cycle and 15.0hp Subject: Independent Project I, ST433A Örebro University School of Business Supervisor: Olha Bodnar Examiner: Ann-Marie Flygare

Transcript of Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization

Page 1: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization

Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization

Author: Chamika Porage


Autumn 2020

Statistics, Second Cycle and 15.0hp

Subject: Independent Project I, ST433A

Örebro University School of Business

Supervisor: Olha Bodnar

Examiner: Ann-Marie Flygare

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Sustainability has become a global trend due to the remarkable growth of the

demand for sustainable practices when controlling the risks associated with ESG

(Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects worldwide. Hence, the socially

responsible investors (or ESG investors) are curious to know whether investing in

portfolios containing sustainable assets would create better investment

opportunities compared to the portfolios consisted of both sustainable and non-

sustainable assets. In this study, mean-variance spanning tests that are based on

classical optimal portfolio theory, are performed to examine whether there is a

statistically significant difference between the minimum variance frontier of

sustainable stocks and the minimum variance frontier comprising both the

sustainable and non-sustainable stocks in OMXC25 index. For the analysis,

weekly returns of fifteen stocks of OMXC25 index are used over a three year

period from 2017 to 2019. Statistically significant results of the performed mean-

variance spanning tests suggest that inclusion of unsustainable stocks will

statistically significantly improve the performance of the portfolio compared with

a portfolio of sustainable stocks solely in the OMXC25 index of the Danish

capital market.

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This is a master‟s degree thesis worth 15 credits (ECTS) at Örebro University.

I am extremely grateful to my supervisor Olha Bodnar for her excellent guidance,

advices, and support during this process and for introducing this project to me.

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CML Capital Market Line

ESG Environmental, Social and Governance

ETF Exchange Traded Fund

LM Lagrange Multiplier

LR Likelihood Ratio

MVP Minimum-Variance Portfolio

OMXC25 OMX Copenhagen 25

OMXS30 OMX Stockholm 30

SR Socially Responsible

SRI Socially Responsible Investment

TP Tangency Portfolio

UK United Kingdom

US United States

W Wald

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List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ v

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... v

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Thesis objective and project outline .............................................................................................. 2

2 Literature Review ....................................................................................................................................... 3

3 Theoretical framework and methodology .................................................................................................. 4

3.1 Optimal portfolio theory ..................................................................................................................... 4

3.1.1 Minimum Variance portfolio ....................................................................................................... 5

3.1.2 Tangency portfolio ....................................................................................................................... 5

3.1.3 Two fund-Theorem ...................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Sustainability....................................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Mean-variance spanning tests ............................................................................................................. 7

3.3.1 The multivariate regression model ............................................................................................... 7

3.3.2 Model assumptions of the multivariate regression model ............................................................ 8

3.3.3 The maximum likelihood estimators of B and .......................................................................... 8

3.3.4 Hypothesis testing ........................................................................................................................ 9

3.3.5 Asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests ................................................................................... 9

3.3.6 Spanning test for small samples ................................................................................................ 10

3.3.7 The goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate normality. ................................................................ 10

3.4 Simulation study for robustness analysis .......................................................................................... 10

4 Data description ....................................................................................................................................... 11

5 Analysis and results ................................................................................................................................. 14

5.1 Screening........................................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 Results of mean-variance spanning tests .......................................................................................... 15

5.3 Checking for normality ..................................................................................................................... 18

5.4 Simulation study for robustness analysis .......................................................................................... 20

6 General discussion and conclusion .......................................................................................................... 22

6.1 Limitations of the study .................................................................................................................... 23

6.2 Improvements/ suggestions for future research ................................................................................ 23

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7 References ................................................................................................................................................ 24

A Appendix ................................................................................................................................................. 26

List of Tables

Table 1 : Company, sector, ticker symbol, total ESG Score and total ESG risk rating of twenty five

stocks of OMCX25 index. .......................................................................................................................... 12

Table 2 : Number of test and benchmark assets under four screening criteria ........................................... 15

Table 3 : The test statistics and their corresponding p-values of Likelihood Ratio test (LR-test), Wald test

(W-test) and Lagrange Multiplier test (LM-test) on the weekly returns in OMCX25 index for three year

period from 2017 to 2019. .......................................................................................................................... 15

Table 4 : The p-values of asymptotic and exact mean-variance spanning tests on the weekly returns for

different values of T, N, K.. ...................................................................................................................... 17

Table 5 : Test statistics and p-values of the generalized Shapiro-Wilk‟s test and Mardia‟s test for

normality of weekly returns. ....................................................................................................................... 18

Table 6 : The probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true for the asymptotic mean-variance

tests, for normally distributed and t-distributed residuals using 1000 simulations for T=157 weekly

returns. ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

List of Figures

Figure 1 : The plot (a) indicates the distribution of total ESG score of fifteen stocks of OMXC25 index

and the plot (b) shows the number of assets falling under five categories of the total ESG risk ratings. ... 14

Figure 2 : Chi-squared QQ-plots of residuals from regression models for checking normality ................. 19

Figure 3 : Power curves for three spanning tests for rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true for

significance level α = 0.05 for N=2, K=13 and T=157. The left power plot is from the simulation of

multivariate normal distribution and the right power plot depicts the simulation from multivariate t-

distribution .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Figure 4 : Power curves for three spanning tests for rejecting null hypothesis when H1 is true for

significance level α = 0.05 for N=2, K=13 and T=157. The left power plot is from the simulation of

multivariate normal distribution and the right power plot depicts the simulation from multivariate t-

distribution .................................................................................................................................................. 21

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Harry Markowitz, the pioneer of the modern portfolio theory, theorized the construction of

optimal portfolio on risk-averse investors. Portfolio optimization is defined as the maximization

of the expected return for particular level of market risk or minimization of the risk for particular

level of market return. “Do not put all your eggs in one basket” is one of the famous phrases that

financial advisers give their investors as the first advice on portfolio diversification.

Diversification strategy minimizes the risk associated with portfolio construction.

Sustainability has become an increasingly significant aspect among global investors due to

increasing pressure and growing community concerns on issues such as climate conditions, labor

condition and human rights, energy use and conservation, waste management, cultural heritage,

natural resources etc. As a result, asset managers and asset owners are making allowances for use

of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) information or so called three dimensions of

Socially Responsible (SR) criteria when making their management and investment decisions in

portfolio construction.

The global trend towards “Responsible” and “Sustainable” finance has changed the attitude of

investors to balance the risk and return of their investment by “doing the right thing”. As stated

by KPMG in 2019, the estimated value of $30tn sustainable investing assets are managed

globally and it is 34% increase in two years. Further, it revealed $78bn of net inflow in

worldwide ESG strategies in 2018 and $400bn growth in ESG ETFs was forecasted over the next

decade. Moreover, it was indicated that Europe had 48.8% of sustainable investment relative to

total managed assets in 2018.

“Every dark cloud has the silver lining” is the best quote to describe the global financial crisis in

2008 and its impact on the rapid growth of ESG related sustainable investment around the

world during the last decade. Before 2008, many financial markets were not interested with ESG

principles. However, those financial institutions were accused after the crisis and they were

strongly requested to revise the capital allocation. As a result, investors were attracted to the

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responsible and sustainable investment as reasonable number of long term investors desired to

mitigate risk associated with standard ESG performance.

As financial experts predicted, the current COVID-19 crisis would be a milestone of sustainable

investing due to the unstoppable interest of investors towards the ESG investing. Therefore it is

vital for investors to examine whether there are opportunities to gain positive returns on

sustainable investment.

1.2 Thesis objective and project outline

The primary objective of this study is to investigate whether the returns are statistically

significantly different between more sustainable stocks and all other stocks in OMXC25 index.

The findings of the study would provide contribution not only for the asset managers and asset

owners but also for the academic literature on financial markets.

The outline of the thesis is structured as follows. Analysis and summary of previous research on

this subject is discussed under the literature review in chapter 2.

Chapter 3 explains the theoretical framework and the methodology of the thesis. The total ESG

scores and total risk ratings from Sustainalytics are used to identify the sustainable stocks and the

Minimum Variance Portfolio (MVP) is used to reach the optimal portfolio.

Chapter 4 consists of description of data, the source of the data and variable definitions. For this

task, weekly stock returns in OMXC25 index are collected from Yahoo finance over three year

period from 2017 to 2019.

Lastly, the readers may find interesting analysis and results in Chapter 5 and the final chapter of

the thesis is a general discussion and conclusions. Thesis findings are summarized with the

limitations of the study and suggested improvements for future research.

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2 Literature Review

Socially responsible investment (SRI) has become one of the very fashionable industries not only

among the investors but also the academics all over the world due to its growth sensitivity to

ESG issues. Accordingly, many researchers on this subject have set their main objective to

compare the financial performance between ethical and conventional funds.

Bauer, Koedijk, and Otten (2002) applied a multi-factor model of Carhart (1997) to identify

slightly noticeable significant differences in risk-adjusted returns between ethical and

conventional funds for the period 1990-2001 for a database consisting 103 German, UK and US

ethical mutual funds. Additionally, they found that these differences were insignificant after

controlling for common factors such as size, book to market and momentum. When explaining

the fund performance, they illustrated that the performance of ethical indices were worse than the

standard indices and “German and US funds under-perform while UK ethical funds out-perform

their conventional peers.”

Ortas, Moneva, and Salvador (2012) conducted their study in order to investigate whether social

and environmental processes influence the performance of SRI indexes compared to their official

benchmarks in terms of risk-adjusted returns and systematic risk levels. They found that

differences obtained by the SRI indexes and benchmarks are statistically insignificant. Moreover,

compared to the benchmarks, the results depicts that higher systematic risk were associated with

SRI indexes and that higher systematic risk is influenced by higher screening intensity.

As demonstrated in Pena and Cue Corte‟s (2017) study, there is no financial return sacrifice with

ethical investment policies. In their study, they considered 330 US and European SRI mutual

funds over the period 2003-2014 to identify the relationship between risk-adjusted performance

and screening strategies. Furthermore, the results depict a curvilinear relationship between

screening intensity and performance in US and Scandinavian mutual funds. According to the

study, it is evident that types of screening activities significantly influence the risk-adjusted

return. Finally, they concluded that positive screening impacts lower performance of the global

sample and for US funds since the funds are financially affected by meeting superior ESG


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Anane (2019) has applied Markowitz mean-variance framework for a dataset consisting of 30

constituents of Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks over the period 2008-2018 and identified

that portfolio returns are higher for the selected stocks based on environmental and governance


However, Wong‟s (2020) study is the most related and recent literature for this thesis. The

researcher has used mean-variance spanning tests for data consisting of weekly and monthly

returns of 21 constituents in OMX Stockholm 30 (OMXS30) index over the period 2008-2019.

The aim of the study was to investigate “..whether the differences between the efficient frontiers

of considered more sustainable assets and the efficient frontier of all 21 assets are statistically

significant.” After applying the mean-variance spanning tests with four screenings, statistically

non -significant differences between the efficient frontiers was obtained and the study concludes

that there is no need to include unsustainable assets into portfolio. A similar performance can be

reached when the portfolio consists of sustainable assets only.

3 Theoretical framework and methodology

This chapter comprises two sections. In the first section, theoretical background and some

concepts of the thesis are discussed and the second section contains the method that is used in the


3.1 Optimal portfolio theory

This thesis is mainly based on optimal portfolio theory. An investor may always look into a

portfolio, a combination of financial investments containing both risky and risk-free assets such

as stocks, bonds, mutual funds etc that maximize expected return with minimum risk level.

Hence, the process of analyzing and assessing the assets in portfolio is known as “the portfolio

analysis” and a collection of risky or risk-free financial assets that produce the maximum

expected return for a given level of acceptable risk is referred to as “the optimal portfolio”. The

“efficient frontier” is the combination of optimal portfolios which are expected to offer the

highest returns for the given level of risk. Generally, the portfolio risk is measured by the

volatility of returns. Therefore, investors are interested to examine the optimal portfolio through

mean-variance analysis.

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3.1.1 Minimum Variance portfolio

Minimum Variance Portfolio (MVP) is the portfolio of risky assets with the lowest variance for

the rate of expected return among all feasible portfolios.

Let us consider the portfolio of N risky assets.

Thus the vector of portfolio weights can be written as

w = (w1, w2, w3,…….wN)T , where wi indicates the weight of i

th risky asset.

Since the sum of the weights of N risky assets is 1,

wT1N=1, where 1N is a size N vector of ones.

The vector of expected returns of N risky asset is

µ = (µ1, µ2, µ3, …….µN)T

and the covariance matrix of the N risky assets



where Vij indicates the covariance between the returns of the ith

and jth

risky assets for

i=1,2,3,…,N and j=1,2,3…,N and V is symmetric and positive semi-definite matrix.

To find the MVP, the minimization problem is constructed as

subject to the constraint wT1N =1

The minimization problem is solved using the Lagrange multiplier method and the weights of the

MVP is obtained as

3.1.2 Tangency portfolio

The tangency portfolio (TP) is important with the presence of the risk free assets in the portfolio.

Generally, combinations of the tangency portfolio with risk free assets are selected by investors

that use mean-variance analysis. The capital market line (CML) graphically reflects the

portfolios that optimally combine risk and return and the slope of the CML is referred to as the

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Sharp ratio. The portfolio of risky assets that maximizes the Sharp ratio is called the tangency

portfolio or in other words the most efficient portfolio, TP is created as a result of the intercept

(0, Rf) of CML and the efficient frontier. The expected return of the risk free assets is

symbolized as Rf and its standard deviation is zero.

Let us assume the feasible portfolio P of N risky assets and and are the expected return and

the standard deviation of portfolio P respectively. And also µ, w and V are the vector of expected

return, the vector of the weights and the covariance matrix respectively, as mentioned in the

3.1.1 section. Then the Sharp ratio is,


To find the weights of TP, the maximization problem is constructed as

√ subject to the constraint w

T1N =1

After solving the maximization problem, the weights of the TP is obtained as

3.1.3 Two fund-Theorem

Let the weights of the two different portfolios constructed by N risky assets that lie on the

minimum- variance frontier be two vectors of size N and denoted by w1 and w2. The expected

return of two portfolios are denoted µ1 and µ2, where µ1 ≠ µ2. Then w3, the weights of the third

portfolio that lies on the minimum frontier with expected return µ3 can be obtained by the

weights (w1 and w2) and the expected returns (µ1 and µ2) of two known portfolios by the

following formula

where ⁄

3.2 Sustainability

The concept of sustainability is mainly comprised of Environmental, Social and Governance

(ESG) factors. Socially responsible investors use the ESG concept to screen their investment.

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Environmental (E): The environmental criteria emphasize the protection of environment.

Furthermore, it discusses the company‟s attitude and actions towards environmental risks

associated with pollution and waste, climatic changes, natural resources, energy

efficiency etc.

Social (S): The social criteria concentrate on people and relationships. Civil rights, labour

standards, Community affairs, Gender and diversity are among the social characteristics

of ESG factors

Governance (G): The Governance criterion consists of standards such as board

composition, audit committee, Executive compensation, bribery and corruption etc for

managing a company.

Socially responsible investors, or in other words ESG investors consider that company‟s ESG

information is important in portfolio construction.

3.3 Mean-variance spanning tests

Kan and Zhou‟s (2012) research paper on mean-variance spanning tests is the main reference for

this section and the notations and the technique mentioned by Kan and Zhou‟s in their paper are

closely followed in this thesis.

3.3.1 The multivariate regression model

Let us assume a dataset of returns of Y, of K+N assets over T time points. Then the regression


Y= XB + E

where, Y=[

] , X=[

] , B= [

] , E=[


The matrix Y is a matrix of the size TxN of the returns of N test assets over time points

t=1,2,….,T. The matrix X is a matrix of size Tx(K+1), the first column consists of ones and Rt

denotes the other columns that contain the returns of K benchmark assets, for t =1,2,….,T. Also,

B= [α,β]T is the parameter matrix of size (K+1) x N where α and β are constants over time, α is a

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vector containing N intercepts and is a KxN matrix. Moreover, E is a TxN matrix of

disturbances, where is a vector of disturbances at time point t for t =1,2,….,T.

3.3.2 Model assumptions of the multivariate regression model

1. T ≥ N+K+1, this implies the existence of an inverse of the matrix XTX

2. The disturbances for t =1,2,….,T, conditioned on the returns of K benchmark assets

Rt for t =1,2,….,T are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) and follow

N(0N, ) that is multivariate normal distribution with a mean vector comprising only

zeros, of size N and a covariance matrix . Thus, E is distributed as N(0TxN,IT ⊗ ),

where 0TxN is a zero matrix of size TxN and ⊗ indicates the Kronecker product.

3.3.3 The maximum likelihood estimators of B and

The unconstrained maximum likelihood estimators of B and matrices can be obtained by:

[ ]

= [ ]

( )

( )

The distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of B conditioned on the K benchmark

assets is obtained as follows, assuming that the disturbances, are i.i.d and follow N(0N, )

|X ~ N [B, ⊗ ]

and the vectorization of T conditioned on X is also normally distributed as

vec( T)|X ~ N [vec (B

T), ⊗ ]

Additionally, under the normality assumption, T follows N-dimentional central Wishart

distribution with T-K-1 degrees of freedom and covariance matrix ,

T WN (T-K-1, )

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3.3.4 Hypothesis testing

H0: There is no difference between the minimum-variance frontier of the K+N assets and the

minimum variance frontier of K assets,


where [ ] and and = 0 imply testing that TP and MVP of

the K+N assets have zero weights in N assets, respectively.

Let us write , where [

] is a matrix of size 2x(K+1) and [

] is a

matrix of size 2xN.

The estimator = A + C = [ ] produces the maximum likelihood estimator of ,

and the vectorization of T is normally distributed as

vec ( T)| X ~ N [vec ( ),( ⊗ ] with = TA A


Moreover, the matrix H is defined as

Let be the two eigen values of the matrix where ≥ 0.

3.3.5 Asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests

The following tests are taken from Kan and Zhou‟s (2012) study.

The asymptotic likelihood ratio test (LR- test) can be expressed as

LR = T [ ] = T ∑

Secondly, the asymptotic Wald test (W- test) can be expressed as

W = T

Thirdly, the asymptotic Lagrange multiplier test (LM-test) can be obtained from

LM = T ∑

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3.3.6 Spanning test for small samples

If the sample is not sufficiently large, the results of asymptotic tests will be misleading. If so, a

monotone transformation of the likelihood ratio test is proposed.

Hence, when N 2 and T > K+N, the exact distribution of the test statistic under H0 is F-

distribution with the degrees of freedom 2N and 2(T-K-N).

(√ ) (

) ~F 2N, 2(T-K-N )

3.3.7 The goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate normality

The normality assumption of the multivariate regression model is examined using the

generalized Shapiro-Wilk‟s test, Mardia‟s test and graphical chi-squared QQ-plots.

The null- hypothesis of the generalized Shapiro-Wilk‟s test is that the tested data are normally

distributed and Mardia‟s test checks for both multivariate skewness and multivariate kurtosis. In

R, the two packages referred to as „mvShapiro test‟ and „MVN‟ perform the generalized Shapiro-

Wilk‟s test and Mardia‟s test, respectively. The chi-squared QQ-plot is a graphical approach to

check multivariate normality and the plot should reflect approximately a straight line, if the data

are multivariate normal.

3.4 Simulation study for robustness analysis

In this thesis, a simulation study is designed to examine the robustness of non-normality of the

asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests. The residuals are simulated from a multivariate normal

distribution and a multivariate t distribution in order to study the deviation of the performance of

spanning tests for i.i.d but non-normally distributed residuals.

A simulated sample of E and ϵt is defined as E* and ϵt*, respectively for t=1,2…..T and the steps

of the simulation procedure are as follows. It should be noted that the steps 2 to 6 are same for

both the simulations from multivariate normal and multivariate t-distribution.

1. Firstly, each row of ϵt* for t=1,2…..T, is simulated from N (0N, and from the

multivariate t- distribution with five degrees of freedom and covariance matrix to

produce the matrix E* for both multivariate normal and multivariate t-distribution,

respectively. can be any Nx N positive semi-definite matrix and in this study Σ is

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defined as a matrix with same correlation ( and standard deviations drawn from

the Uniform (0.1,0.5) distribution.

2. Using the formula Y*= XB+E*, the new returns of the test assets (Y*) are obtained. In

this study, the matrix X is generated from the normal/t-distribution in each simulation run

and the matrix B of size Nx(K+1) is drawn from Uniform distribution and then it is

modified to the null hypothesis, that is the first row should be zero and the column sum

should be the vector of ones.

3. As mentioned in section 3.3.3, the maximum likelihood estimators of B and are

computed using X and Y*. The new eigen values are obtained as in section 3.3.4.

4. The asymptotic spanning tests are performed using the obtained eigen values (refer

section 3.3.5)

5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated to have 1000 simulations.

6. For each spanning test, the number of times that the null hypothesis is rejected at 5%

significance level is counted. Then the each count is divided by 1000 to get the actual

probabilities of rejecting the null hypothesis when H0 is true.

4 Data description

In this thesis, primarily, a dataset of weekly returns of fifteen stocks in OMXC25 index is used

for three year period from January 2017 to December 2019. The OMXC25 index is a market-

weighted price index, which contains the largest and most traded stocks on Nasdaq Nordic

Exchange Copenhagen.

Firstly, a dataset containing total ESG scores and the total ESG risk ratings for twenty five

companies of OMXC25 index is obtained from Yahoo Finance.

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Table 1 : Company, sector, ticker symbol, total ESG Score and total ESG risk rating of twenty

five stocks of OMCX25 index.

Company Sector Ticker Symbol Total ESG



ESG risk


1 AMBU Health care AMBU-B NA NA

2 Bavarian Nordic Health care BAVA NA NA

3 Carlsberg Group Food, beverage, tobacco CARL-B 18 Low

4 Chr. Hansen Health care CHR 19 Low

5 Coloplast Health care COLO-B 13 Low

6 Danske Bank Banks DANSKE 29 Medium

7 Demant Health care DEMANT NA NA

8 DSV Panalpina Industrial goods and services DSV 16 Low

9 FLSmidth & Co. Construction and material FLS NA NA

10 Genmab Health care GMAB 27 Medium

11 GN Store Nord Health care GN NA NA

12 ISS Industrial goods and services ISS 15 Low

13 Jyske Bank A/S Banks JYSK NA NA

14 Lundbeck Health care LUN 23 Medium

15 Maersk (class A) Industrial goods and services MAERSK-A NA NA

16 Maersk (class B) Industrial goods and services MAERSK-B 22 Medium

17 Novo Nordisk Health care NOVO-B 22 Medium

18 Novozymes Health care NZYM-B 21 Medium

19 Orsted Utilities ORSTED 21 Medium

20 Pandora A/S Consumer products and services PNDORA 12 Low

21 Royal Unibrew Food, beverage, tobacco RBREW NA NA

22 Rockwool International Construction and material ROCK-B NA NA

23 SimCorp Technology SIM NA NA

24 Tryg Insurance TRYG 21 Medium

25 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Energy VWS 16 Low

According to table 1, it is observed that twenty five stocks of OMXC25 belong to twenty four

distinct companies since the company Maersk has a Class A share and a Class B share. And also

the majority, 40% of the stocks of OMXC25 belongs to the health care sector.

The Yahoo finance provides company‟s total ESG score and total ESG ratings which is powered

by Sustainalytics, the prominent independent global provider of ESG research and ratings.

Company‟s total ESG score is an overall score and it measures the unmanaged risk level of the

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company. The range of total ESG score is from 0 to 100, with 0 indicating no unmanaged ESG

risks and 100 indicating the highest unmanaged risk level driven by ESG factors. Therefore, it is

obvious that a company with lower ESG score attracts investors who are interested in sustainable


Moreover, the five categories of the total ESG risk ratings is created using the total ESG score as

a company with ESG score; 0-10 denotes negligible risk, 10-20 low risk, 20-30 medium risk,

30-40 high risk and the final category 40-100 represents severe risk. However, ten stocks are

excluded after some data cleaning due to missing values of company‟s ESG information in

Yahoo Finance and the final dataset of weekly return is consists of 15 stocks out of 25 stocks of

OMXC25 index.

Secondly, the weekly closing prices for fifteen stocks from 2017 to 2019 are obtained from

Yahoo finance to calculate weekly returns. Each stock is consisted of 157 observations for given

three year time period.

Furthermore, the asset based screening procedure and mean-variance spanning tests are used to

analyze if there exist a statistically significant difference between the efficient frontier of the

sustainable stocks and the efficient frontier of all fifteen stocks. The screening method contains

four categories as 10%, 25%, 50% and one other category refer to as “All”. The stocks are

screened based on the 90th

, 75th

and 50th

percentiles of total ESG scores to obtain 10%, 25% and

50% screening respectively. The test assets of the 10% screening are observed by screening all

the stocks with greater than the 90th

percentile of the total ESG score while the remaining stocks

are considered as benchmark assets. Therefore, it is obvious that those benchmark assets are

more sustainable compared to the test assets. Likewise all the stocks with higher than 75th



percentiles of total ESG score are screened as the test assets and the rest of the stocks are set

as benchmark assets of 25% and 50% screening respectively. Moreover, the stocks are screened

on the total ESG risk rating to obtain the forth screening category which is referring to “All”.

The purpose of introducing “All” category is to perform screening on all fifteen stocks with the

stocks from medium to severe total ESG risk rating. In this category, all the stocks with a total

ESG risk rating from medium to severe are screened as test assets and the remaining assets

(assets with negligible and low total ESG risk rating) are set as benchmark assets.

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Additionally, some notations are used throughout the thesis. The number of test assets and the

number of benchmark assets are indicated as N and K respectively, and T denotes the length of

the time series.

The statistical software R (version 3.6.1) is used for data analysis in this study (R codes used in

the thesis are available in Appendices).

5 Analysis and results

5.1 Screening

In this thesis, the screening is based on the total ESG score and the total ESG risk rating.

a.) Total ESG score

b.) Total ESG risk rating

Figure 1 : The plot (a) indicates the distribution of total ESG score of fifteen stocks of OMXC25

index and the plot (b) shows the number of assets falling under five categories of the total ESG

risk ratings.






1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29






Total ESG score







Negligible Low Medium High Severe






Total ESG risk ratings

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The plot (a) illustrates the range of the distribution of total ESG scores, which is from 12 to 29.

From plot (b), it can be seen that the total ESG risk ratings are from low to medium for all fifteen

stocks and there is no stock belongs to negligible, high or severe ESG risk ratings.

The 10% screening is based on the assets higher than the 90th

percentile of the distribution of

total ESG scores. Hence, there are two test assets for 10% screening as the 90th

percentile of the

distribution of total ESG score is 25.4. Likewise, 75th

, 50th

and 25th

percentile of the distribution

of total ESG score are 22, 21 and 16 respectively. Table 2 reveals the number of test and

benchmark assets falling under four screening criteria used throughout this thesis.

Table 2 : Number of test and benchmark assets under four screening criteria

Screening Number of assets

N (Test ) K ( Benchmark)

10% 2 13

25% 3 12

50% 7 8

All 8 7

The results of three asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests on the weekly returns in

OMXC25 index are summarized in table 3.

5.2 Results of mean-variance spanning tests

Table 3 : The test statistics and their corresponding p-values of Likelihood Ratio test (LR-test),

Wald test (W-test) and Lagrange Multiplier test (LM-test) on the weekly returns in OMCX25

index for three year period from 2017 to 2019.

Asymptotic tests

LR-test W-test LM- test

Screening N K T LR p-value W p-value LM p-value

10% 2 13 157 12.66 0.0131 13.11 0.0108 12.24 0.0157

25% 3 12 157 13.48 0.0360 13.99 0.0298 13.01 0.0429

50% 7 8 157 26.55 0.0220 28.13 0.0137 25.10 0.0335

All 8 7 157 49.76 2.50E-05 55.89 2.53E-06 44.58 0.0002

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According to table 3, it is interesting to note that all three asymptotic tests on 10%, 25% and 50%

screening are statistically significant at 5% level or in other words statistically significant

difference between two efficient frontiers are discovered. Additionally, when all unsustainable

stocks (stocks with medium, high or severe total ESG risk rating) are screened, the null

hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of significance indicating that the seven sustainable stocks do

not span the fifteen assets at any significance level. Thus, it is evident that the difference between

the minimum-variance frontier of all the fifteen stocks and each of the minimum-variance

frontiers of the smaller number of stocks which are considered as more sustainable are highly

statistically significant in OMXC25 index. The rejection of the null hypothesis means that it is

not enough to consider only sustainable assets in the Danish capital market. The inclusion of

unsustainable stocks will statistically significantly improve the performance of the portfolio. This

is an interesting result, since the opposite was observed in the Swedish capital market where it is

enough to invest into the sustainable assets only (Wong 2020).

Furthermore, three asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests and an exact mean-variance

spanning LR test are performed on fifteen stocks of different dimensions and different shorter

series of observations. In table 4, three series of observations of 50, 100 and 157 are used and

exact mean- variance spanning LR test would be more appropriate in order to obtain accurate

results for fairly small samples as well. To construct the first row of table 4, initially, two stocks

with the highest ESG score are excluded as test assets. Secondly, the first two stocks from the

remaining thirteen stocks are obtained as benchmark assets (K=2). Then four spanning tests are

performed over three series of observations of 50,100 and 157.

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Table 4 : The p-values of asymptotic and exact mean-variance spanning tests on weekly returns

for different values of T, N, K.

Asymptotic tests Exact test




50 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.002

100 4.96E-05 1.02E-05 0.000 7.45E-05

157 9.19E-09 4.08E-10 1.21E-07 1.46E-08


50 0.011 0.006 0.018 0.023

100 0.019 0.014 0.024 0.026

157 8.47E-05 3.52E-05 0.000 0.000


50 0.011 0.006 0.020 0.041

100 0.021 0.016 0.026 0.036

157 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004


50 0.072 0.054 0.092 0.192

100 0.037 0.032 0.043 0.069

157 0.013 0.011 0.016 0.022



50 0.001 1.46E-05 0.008 0.002

100 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.002

157 8.48E-08 1.46E-09 2.04E-06 1.74E-07


50 0.001 0.000 0.009 0.007

100 0.019 0.010 0.034 0.034

157 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001


50 0.229 0.176 0.287 0.482

100 0.253 0.225 0.281 0.367

157 0.184 0.160 0.208 0.245



50 3.57E-09 2.92E-26 0.001 4.52E-07

100 1.25E-12 4.70E-23 2.55E-07 2.95E-11

157 2.39E-22 6.31E-40 3.16E-13 6.41E-21


50 3.70E-05 4.09E-11 0.013 0.002

100 8.63E-08 3.77E-12 3.78E-05 1.51E-06

157 9.75E-15 8.70E-23 8.26E-10 2.33E-13

As shown in table 4, when considering N=2, all four spanning tests for all dimensions over three

series of observations are statistically significant at 5% level except two situations. When K=13

and T=100 the exact LR test is significant at 10% level and when K=13 and T=50 all the

asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests are statistically significant at 10% level while the exact

Page 24: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


mean-variance spanning test is insignificant. However, the results of asymptotic tests may be

misleading when the sample size is small.

Moreover, when N=5 and K= 10, it is interesting to note that all four spanning tests over three

sample sizes are statistically insignificant. Furthermore, it can be seen that all the tests are highly

statistically significant for all the dimensions over three sample sizes when the number of test

stocks is ten (N=10).

5.3 Checking for normality

When working with models, it is important to verify that the normality assumption of the

residuals in the multivariate regression model since the mean-variance spanning tests are based

on the multivariate regression model. Therefore, the generalized Shapiro-Wilk‟s test, Mardia‟s

test and graphical chi-squared QQ-plots are used to verify the normality assumption. Apart from

the normality, it should also be noted that the residuals are assumed to be independent and

identically distributed, homoscedastic and mean vector comprising only zeros in multivariate

regression model.

Table 5: Test statistics and p-values of the generalized Shapiro-Wilk‟s test and Mardia‟s test for

normality of weekly returns.

Generalized Shapiro-Wilk's

test Mardia's test

Screening Test

statistic p-value

Test statistic

for skewness p-value

Test statistic

for kurtosis p-value

10% 0.9424 < 2.2e-16 999.48 7.24E-43 20.03 0.000

25% 0.9481 < 2.2e-16 726.64 2.29E-26 18.12 0.000

50% 0.9412 < 2.2e-16 324.00 1.14E-20 20.97 0.000

All 0.9318 < 2.2e-16 276.97 1.90E-22 24.04 0.000

As indicated in table 5, both the generalized Shapiro-Wilk‟s test for normality and Mardia test

for both skeweness and kurtosis are highly significant. Hence, the null hypothesis of the

normality is rejected and it can be concluded the presence of non-normal residuals for the used

regression model.

Page 25: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


(a) 10% screening (b) 25% screening

(c) 50% screening (d) All screening

Figure 2 : Chi-squared QQ-plots of residuals from regression models for checking normality

Furthermore, as per figure 2, it is obvious that the squared Mahalanobis distances of all the Chi-

squared QQ plots are considerably deviated from the straight line and it also confirms the

violation of normality assumption.

Therefore, the simulation study is designed in order to investigate the robustness of the non-

normality of the asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests. In this study, new weekly returns of

the test assets are simulated by simulating residuals from both the multivariate normal and the

multivariate t-distribution.

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5.4 Simulation study for robustness analysis

Table 6 : The probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true for the asymptotic mean-

variance tests, for normally distributed and t-distributed residuals using 1000 simulations for

T=157 weekly returns.

Multivariate Normal


Multivariate t-


Screening N K LR W LM LR W LM

10% 2 13 0.074 0.082 0.067 0.075 0.081 0.067

25% 3 12 0.075 0.078 0.070 0.074 0.089 0.067

50% 7 8 0.061 0.091 0.047 0.073 0.093 0.061

All 8 7 0.09 0.129 0.061 0.093 0.119 0.064

As shown in table 6, it is obvious that the probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis under the

multivariate normal distribution are quite similar to corresponding probabilities from

multivariate t-distribution. Also, the probabilities from Wald test are higher compared to the

corresponding Likelihood Ratio test and Lagrange Multiplier test. However, for each asymptotic

spanning test, the probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true are slightly higher

than the expected 5% level of significance, but less than the 10% level of significance except for

the Wald test with all screening. Therefore, it can be concluded that getting the type 1 error is a

bit higher than the expected 5% level of significance level, if the residuals are i.i.d and non-

normal. However, these probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true will be lower if

we increase the number of simulations.

Furthermore, the power curves for three spanning tests are plotted for two scenarios of rejecting

null hypothesis when H0 is true and rejecting null hypothesis when H1 is true at significance

level, α = 0.05. The following plots depict the comparison between the simulations from

multivariate normal and multivariate t-distribution for newly simulated 157 weekly observations

for 10% screening when the number of test asset is 2 and the number of benchmark assets is 13.

Page 27: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


(a) Multivariate normal distribution (b) Multivariate t-distribution

Figure 3 : Power curves for three spanning tests for rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true for

significance level α = 0.05 for N=2, K=13 and T=157. The left power plot is from the simulation

of multivariate normal distribution and the right power plot depicts the simulation from

multivariate t-distribution.

According to figure 3, it is evident that the power curves of three spanning tests are coincided.

The power curve from multivariate normal distribution is a bit smoother than the multivariate t-


(a) Multivariate normal distribution (b) Multivariate t-distribution

Figure 4 : Power curves for three spanning tests for rejecting null hypothesis when H1 is true for

significance level α = 0.05 for N=2, K=13 and T=157. The left power plot is from the simulation

of multivariate normal distribution and the right power plot depicts the simulation from

multivariate t-distribution

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As indicated from figure 3, figure 4 also reveals the overlapping power curves for three

asymptotic spanning tests for rejecting null hypothesis when H1 is true. Although, the shapes of

curves are quite similar, the curves from the multivariate normal simulation are smoother than

the curves from multivariate t-distribution.

6 General discussion and conclusion

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there is a statistically significant difference, if

an investor would prefer invest in a portfolio containing more sustainable assets than the

portfolio consisting of both sustainable and unsustainable assets in OMXC25 Index. The total

ESG score and the total risk rating are collected from Yahoo finance as company‟s ESG

information. However, ten stocks are removed out of twenty five stocks of OMXC25 index due

to the inaccessibility of ESG information. Therefore, a dataset of weekly returns of fifteen stocks

in OMXC25 index for three year period from 2017 to 2019 is used for the analysis in this thesis.

In this study, Likelihood Ratio test, Wald test and Lagrange Multiple test were used as mean-

variance spanning tests under the four screening categories referred to as “10%”, “25%”, “50%”,

and “All” to investigate possible statistical significant difference between the minimum variance

frontier of more sustainable assets and the minimum variance frontier of all assets containing

both sustainable and unsustainable assets. It should be noted that these mean-variance spanning

tests are based on the multivariate regression model assuming that the residuals are multivariate

normal and i.i.d.

Interestingly, it is evident that all three asymptotic mean-variance spanning tests based on four

screening criteria results in statistically significance for fifteen stocks of OMXC25 index, or in

other words it reveals a statistically significant difference between the minimum variance frontier

containing more sustainable stocks and the minimum variance frontier consists of both

sustainable and non-sustainable stocks. Hence, it can be assumed that the investor may have

opportunity to improve his investment by adding more unsustainable stocks to the portfolio

rather than maintaining a portfolio of sustainable stocks solely.

Furthermore, the normality assumption of the residuals is tested using the generalized Shapiro-

Wilk‟s test, Mardia‟s test for skewness and kurtosis and graphical representation of Chi-squared

Page 29: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


QQ plot. The results of the normality tests indicate that the normality assumption of the

residuals in multivariate regression model is violated. Therefore, the simulation study is designed

to examine the robustness of the non-normality assumption in residuals, by simulating new

weekly returns of the test assets. The residuals are simulated from multivariate normal and

multivariate t-distribution in order to simulate new weekly returns. The results depict that the

probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis when H0 is true for asymptotic mean-variance tests are

bit higher than the expected significance level of 0.05 for i.i.d and non-normal residuals. And

also the power curves illustrate that the power of the tests become little weaker when the

residuals are i.i.d and non-normal, compared to the normal and i.i.d residuals.

As mentioned in the literature review, this study is closely related to Wong‟s (2020) study. In her

study, she obtained non-significant difference between the efficient frontier of more sustainable

stocks and the efficient frontier containing both sustainable and non-sustainable stocks of twenty

one stocks in OMX Stockholm 30 index over the period 2008-2019 using monthly and weekly

returns. Therefore, she concluded that there is no opportunity for investor to make higher returns

by adding unsustainable stocks into the portfolio containing more sustainable assets. However, in

this study significant difference between the corresponding efficient frontiers were found. Hence,

investors may have better opportunities, if they would add unsustainable stocks into their

constructed portfolios of sustainable stocks in OMX Copenhagen 25 index. And also, comparing

the results of these two studies one may assume that the stocks in OMXS 30 are more sustainable

than the stocks in OMXC25.

6.1 Limitations of the study

When considering the ESG information, ten out of twenty five stocks in OMXC25 index are

removed due to the unavailability of ESG information which is a limitation of the study.

Therefore, the results may differ, if this limitation could be avoided.

6.2 Improvements/ suggestions for future research

In this study, weekly data of OMXC25 index is analyzed solely. It might be better to consider

other time frequencies such as daily and monthly when performing the spanning tests.

Additionally, this study has found a significant difference between the efficient frontier

containing sustainable assets and the efficient frontier consisted of both sustainable and non-

Page 30: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


sustainable assets in OMXC25 index. Then, it is important to calculate the positive or negative

investment returns caused by the constructed sustainable portfolios in OMXC25 index due to

that significant difference between the efficient frontiers. Sometimes, one may be interested to

know whether this significant difference is caused due to the TP or MVP and it will also be an

interesting topic for a future study.

Moreover, socially responsible investors would be interested to compare the Nordic OMX

indices to make investment decisions on ESG investments. Therefore, this study can be extended

as a comparison of all the Nordic OMX indices to investigate the indices that may have better

investment opportunities towards sustainable investment.

Finally, it can be observed that the assumptions of performed spanning tests are violated in most

of the cases. In this study, the simulation study is designed only for the robustness analysis to the

non-normal assumption of mean-variance spanning tests. Thus, the simulation study can be

extended as the robustness analysis for other model violations such as heteroscedasticity and


7 References

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5. Herzel, S., Nicolosi, M. and Starica, C., 2012. The Cost of Sustainability in Optimal

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6. Kan, R., and Zhou, G., 2012. Tests of Mean-Variance Spanning, Annals of Economics

and Finance, 13(1), pp. 139-187.

7. KPMG, 2019.The numbers that are changing world. Revealing the growing appetite

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9. Ortas, E., Moneva, J.M., and Salvador, M., 2012. Do social and environmental screens

influence ethical portfolio performance? Evidence from Europe. BRQ Business Research

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11. Wong, V., 2020, Statistical Aspects of Sustainability in Optimal Portfolio Theory,

[online] Available


0_4_report.pdf>[Accessed 03 December 2020].

Page 32: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


A Appendix

A.1 R code for screening criteria


#calculating percentiles


quantile(x,probs =c(.25,.5,.75,.9) )

A.2 R code for importing data from excel and convert into data matrix


weeklyret <- read_excel("D:/Orebro University/fall 2020/Master Thesis 1/weeklyret.xlsx")


A.3 R code for test statistics and their corresponding p-values of asymptotic mean-variance

spanning tests when T=157, N=2 and K=13 (table 3)

#N=2,K=13 and T=157

#creating Y

AD1 <- M[,-c(1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)]

#creating X

BD1 <- M[,-c(5,7)]

#creating beta hat

CD1 <- solve(t(BD1)%*%BD1)%*%t(BD1)%*%AD1

# creating sigma

SD1 <- (1/157)*t(AD1-BD1%*%CD1)%*% (AD1-BD1%*%CD1)

#creating A

XD1 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1),nrow =2, ncol

= 14, byrow= TRUE)

#creating C

YD1 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1), nrow =2,ncol = 2,byrow = TRUE )

#creating theta

OD1 <- (XD1%*%CD1) + YD1

#creating G

GD1 <- 157*(XD1%*% solve(t(BD1)%*%BD1)%*% t(XD1))

#creating H


# eigen value matrix

ED1<- HD1%*%solve(GD1)


# Asympotic ratio tests

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# test statistics are calulated after obtaining the eigen values

#LR Test

LR1= 157*(log(1.0562141944)+log(1.0001600834))


#critical value



pchisq(LR1,2*2,lower.tail = FALSE)

# Asymptotic Wald test

W1= 157*(0.0562141944+0.0001600834)


pchisq(W1,2*2,lower.tail = FALSE)

# Asymptotic LM test

LM1= 157*((.0562141944/1.0562141944)+(.0001600834/1.0001600834))


pchisq(LM1,2*2,lower.tail = FALSE)

A.4 R code for simulation study

A.4.1 R code for calculating the actual probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis under the

multivariate normal distribution (table 6)


#portfolios dimension and sample size: N=2 and K=13 and Ts=747




#Number of repetitions in the simulation study: B=1000


#Model parameter \Sigma and B

#\Sigma can be theoretically any N\times N positive definite matrix. One can also take it from

the empirical study.

#Here, we define Sigma as a matrix with the same correlations \rho=0.6 and standard deviations

drawn from

#the uniform distribution on [0.1,0.5]

# matrix of standard deviations:


#correlation matrix



#covariance matrix

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#To generate the matrix of residuals E, we will also need the square root of Sigma. It is obtained

as the Cholesky root


## a - parameter used to model under H1, where the first row in B is obtained by replacing the

first row in B by

## the row whose all elements are a. The case a=0 corresponds to H0.



#Similarly, we also compute the covariance matrix of X needed in the simulation


#correlation matrix



#covariance matrix



# we will also have mean vector for X, which we generate from the uniform distribution on [-

0.5,0.5] here


#### Two matrices used in the computation of the test statistics

#creating A

A <- cbind(c(1,0),rbind(rep(0,K),rep(-1,K)))

#creating C

C <- rbind(rep(0,N),rep(1,N))

#p-values of three tests will be saved in a three r\times a_l matrices called "results_LR",

"results_W", "results_LM".




for (j in 1:a_l) {

#Matrix B: N \times K+1 is drawn here from the uniform distribution (result B0: N \times K+1),

and then modified to

#correspond to the alternative hypothesis, that is it first row should have all elements "a" and

#the column sum should be the vector of ones.

#We can also take B0 from the empirical study and then modified it to get matrix B.


Page 35: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization



for (i in 1:r)


########Generation of data matrix Y consist of generating X and E

# generation of E: Ts \times N as independent sample from the multivariate normal distribution



# generation of tX: Ts \times K as independent sample from the multivariate normal distribution



# matrix X is obtained from tX by adding the vector of ones at the beginning


#Computation of Y


#######Computation of test statistics

#Estimation of B:


#Estimation of Sigma


#Computation Theta

Theta <- A%*%hB + C

#Computation G

G <- Ts*A%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*% t(A)

#Computation H


# Computation of the eigenvalues of HG^{-1}

lambda<- eigen(H%*%solve(G))$values

#LR Test

LR<- Ts*sum(log(1+lambda))


#Wald test

W<- Ts*sum(lambda)


# LM test

LM<- Ts*sum(lambda/(1+lambda))




Page 36: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


######Computation of actual probabilities of rejection the null hypothesis for significance level



#Matrix res_dec consist of test decision: 1 -- rejection, 0 -- non-rejection




##Actual probability of rejection:





#### figure

pdf("H1-alpha-nor.pdf", height=5.5, width=7)

plot(c(a,a,a),c(prob_LR,prob_W,prob_LM), type="n", main="", xlab=expression(a),

ylab="Empirical power ", ylim=c(0,1),cex=1.5, lwd = 1.6, axes=T,frame=T)

lines(a, prob_LR, lty=1, col="black", lwd = 1.6)

lines(a, prob_W, lty=2, col="red", lwd = 1.6)

lines(a, prob_LM, lty=3, col="green", lwd = 1.6)

legend("topleft", lty=c(1,2,3), col=c("black","red","green"), c("LR","W", "LM"), lwd = 1.6)

A.4.2 R code for calculating the actual probabilities of rejecting null hypothesis under the

multivariate t-distribution (table 6)


#portfolios dimension and sample size: N=2 and K=13 and Ts=747




#degrees of freedom fort-distribution


#Number of repetitions in the simulation study: B=1000


#Model parameter \Sigma and B

#\Sigma can be theoretically any N\times N positive definite matrix. One can also take it from

the empirical study.

Page 37: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


#Here, we define Sigma as a matrix with the same correlations \rho=0.6 and standard deviations

drawn from

#the uniform distribution on [0.1,0.5]

# matrix of standard deviations:


#correlation matrix



#covariance matrix


#To generate the matrix of residuals E, we will also need the square root of Sigma. It is obtained

as the Cholesky root


## a - parameter used to model under H1, where the first row in B is obtaned by replacing the

first row in B by

## the row whose all elements are a. The case a=0 corresponds to H0.



#Similarly, we also compute the covariance matrix of X needed in the simulation


#correlation matrix



#covariance matrix



# we will also have mean vector for X, which we generate from the uniform distribution on [-

0.5,0.5] here


#### Two matrices used in the computation of the test statistics

#creating A

A <- cbind(c(1,0),rbind(rep(0,K),rep(-1,K)))

#creating C

C <- rbind(rep(0,N),rep(1,N))

#p-values of three tests will be saved in a three r\times a_l matrices called "results_LR",

"results_W", "results_LM".



Page 38: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization



for (j in 1:a_l) {

#Matrix B: N \times K+1 is drawn here from the uniform distribution (result B0: N \times K+1),

and then modified to

#correspond to the alternative hypothesis, that is it first row should have all elements "a" and

#the column sum should be the vector of ones.

#We can also take B0 from the empirical study and then modified it to get matrix B.



for (i in 1:r)


########Generation of data matrix Y consist of generating X and E. The factor sqrt((d-2)/d)

ensures that

########the covariance matrix is the same as in the normal distribution.

# generation of E: Ts \times N as independent sample from the multivariate t-distribution



# generation of tX: Ts \times K as independent sample from the multivariate t-distribution




# matrix X is obtained from tX by adding the vector of ones at the beginning


#Computation of Y


#######Computation of test statistics

#Estimation of B:


#Estimation of Sigma


#Computation Theta

Theta <- A%*%hB + C

#Computation G

G <- Ts*A%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*% t(A)

#Computation H


# Computation of the eigenvalues of HG^{-1}

Page 39: Sustainability in Portfolio Optimization


lambda<- eigen(H%*%solve(G))$values

#LR Test

LR<- Ts*sum(log(1+lambda))


#Wald test

W<- Ts*sum(lambda)


# LM test

LM<- Ts*sum(lambda/(1+lambda))




######Computation of actual probabilities of rejection the null hypothesis for significance level



#Matrix res_dec consist of test decision: 1 -- rejection, 0 -- non-rejection




##Actual probability of rejection:





#### figure

pdf("H1-alpha-t5.pdf", height=5.5, width=7)

plot(c(a,a,a),c(prob_LR,prob_W,prob_LM), type="n", main="", xlab=expression(a),

ylab="Empirical power ", ylim=c(0,1),cex=1.5, lwd = 1.6, axes=T,frame=T)

lines(a, prob_LR, lty=1, col="black", lwd = 1.6)

lines(a, prob_W, lty=2, col="red", lwd = 1.6)

lines(a, prob_LM, lty=3, col="green", lwd = 1.6)

legend("topleft", lty=c(1,2,3), col=c("black","red","green"), c("LR","W", "LM"), lwd = 1.6)