Survival Rules of My House

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Transcript of Survival Rules of My House

  • 7/27/2019 Survival Rules of My House


    Subject - Prep Moochers: When People think theyre Going to Live Off Your Preparedness Supplies...

    In the Event of a Disaster, When you all knew it was coming, but didnt prepare foryourself. the Following is Provided So You Will Know What is Expected of You Should You Decide to Come to My place!YOU WILL NEED TO BRING: 1. CLOTHING - Nothing fancy - just good, sturdy, easy care clothes. We will probably have to wash by hand and dry on a line, so plan accordingly. There will be no dry cleaning available. Also, bring rain gear. 2. PLAIN BLEACH AND OTHER CLEANERS - Plain bleach will be used in water purification as well as general cleaning. More people means more cleaning to keep a healthy environment. 3. FOOD - No explanation needed. 4. BEDDING OR SLEEPING BAG - I havefloor space - not bed space. I also have two dogs who think anything on the floor is theirs! No, I will not put them outside. 5. WEAPONS, AMMO, FISHING GEAR - There will come a time when we will have to hunt and fish for our food. Weapons and ammo will be locked up for safety. 6. PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE(S), FIRST AID SUPPLIES - You will need your medicines even in the aftermath of a disaster. Be sure to bring plenty because it may be a long time before you get more. Bring all first aid supplies even if it is just a box of band aids. 7. PAPER TOWELS, TOILETPAPER, TRASH BAGS - No explanation needed. 8. SOAP, SHAMPOO, TOOTHPASTE, ETC. -You will need to keep yourself clean. 9. BOARD GAMES, CARDS, A BOOK OR TWO - These will be used during a little downtime before bed or during any other free time that may come available. There may not be any electricity, so don't plan on just watching movies or playing video games.

  • 7/27/2019 Survival Rules of My House


    10. ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF TO HELP MAKE LIFE AFTER DISASTER A LITTLE MORE ENJOYABLE. PLEASE NOTE: EVERYTHING EXCEPT CLOTHING, BEDDING AND PRESCRIPTIONSWILL GO INTO HOUSE STORES FOR EVERYONE'S USE. YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO WORK FOR THE HOUSE EACH DAY. ROOM AND BOARD WILL NOT BE FREE. THE FOLLOWING LIST IS TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT WILL BE EXPECTED OF EACH PERSON. THE WORK INVOLVED WILL DEPEND ON THE NEEDS OF THE HOUSE. 1. DAILY CHORES - These will include, but not belimited to, cooking the meals and cleaning up afterward, washing clothes and hanging out to dry, sweeping the floors, cleaning the bathrooms. 2. HUNTING AND FISHING, AS NEEDED - This will also include cleaning the kill or catch, filletingas needed, and preparing for cooking. The hides will also have to be scraped, salted, and stretched to tan. Sewn together, even small hides can be used to makeclothes. 3. GARDENING, AS SEASON ALLOWS - This will include, but not be limitedto, starting seeds inside in late winter, tilling ground, planting outside, weeding, watering, and harvesting. We may even can or dry any extra vegetables should the crop be good. 4. HAUL WATER AND PURIFY IT - The water will need to be purified before it can be used. 5. CHOP OR GATHER FIREWOOD - When the propane runs out, or to supplement it to make it last longer, we'll cook outside on an open fire, weather permitting. We will have to heat our water this way for washing dishes, general cleaning, bathing, etc. AND ANY OTHER TASK REQUIRED TO HELP THE HOUSE SURVIVE. REFUSAL TO CO-OPPERATE AND FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE HOUSE WILL GET YOUTHROWN OUT ON YOUR ASS. REMEMBER - NO WORK - NO EAT - NO EXCEPTIONS!!


  • 7/27/2019 Survival Rules of My House
