January 2014 | Page 1

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

Table of conTenTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

table of contents

3 | Preface

5 | suPerior court Judge categorical averages

6 | district court Judge categorical averages

individual suPerior court Judge rePorts

10 | Marvin K. blounT iii (3a)

10 | charles h. henry (4b)

10 | Paul c. ridgeway (10a)

11 | Paul g. gessner (10c)

11 | ThoMas h. locK (11b)

11 | carl r. fox (15b)

12 | allen baddour (15b)

12 | ed wilson (17a)

12 | sTuarT albrighT (18c)

13 | w. erwin sPainhour (19a)

13 | v. bradford long (19b)

13 | MarK e. Klass (22b)

14 | c. ThoMas edwards (25a)

14 | richard boner (26b)

14 | bob bell (26c)

15 | Jesse b. caldwell iii (27a)

15 | MarK e. Powell (29b)

individual district court Judge rePorts

district 1

16 | eula e. reid

16 | roberT P. TriveTTe

district 2

17 | darrell b. cayTon Jr.

17 | regina r. ParKer

district 3a

18 | gwyn hilburn

district 4

19 | Paul a. hardison

19 | sarah c. seaTon

district 5

20 | JaMes henry faison iii

20 | Melinda h. crouch

20 | chad hogsTon

district 6b

21 | ThoMas l. Jones Jr.

district 7

22 | Pell cooPer

district 8

23 | beTh heaTh

district 9a

24 | MarK galloway

district 9b

25 | J. henry banKs

district 10

26 | Kris d. bailey

26 | Michael J. denning

26 | MargareT eagles

27 | KeiTh o’brien gregory

27 | ned w. ManguM

27 | louis Meyer

28 | vince roZier Jr.

district 11

29 | caron h. sTewarT

29 | addie rawls

district 12

30 | TalMage (Tal) baggeTT

30 | george J. franKs

30 | david h. hasTy

31 | Toni s. King

31 | roberT sTiehl

district 13

32 | williaM f. fairley

32 | sherry dew Prince

district 14

33 | PaT evans

33 | nancy e. gordon

33 | JaMes T. (JiM) hill

34 | Marcia h. Morey

34 | doreTTa walKer

34 | brian c. wilKs

district 15a

35 | brad allen

district 15b

36 | JosePh (Joe) Moody bucKner

district 16a

37 | regina M. Joe

January 2014 | Page 2

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

Table of conTenTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

table of contents, conTinued

district 16b

38 | J. sTanley carMical

38 | John b. carTer Jr.

38 | herberT l. richardson

district 17a

39 | sTanley l. (sTan) allen

39 | fred wilKins

district 17b

40 | sPencer g. Key Jr.

40 | charles M. (chucK) neaves Jr.

40 | angela b. PucKeTT

district 18

41 | wendy M. enochs

41 | h. ThoMas (ToM) Jarrell Jr.

district 19a

42 | brenT cloninger

42 | williaM g. haMby Jr.

42 | donna h. Johnson

43 | MarTin b. (MarTy) Mcgee

district 19b

44 | scoTT eTheridge

44 | lee w. gavin

44 | Jayrene russell Maness

district 19c

45 | charlie brown

45 | beTh s. dixon

45 | Kevin eddinger

district 20a

46 | scoTT T. brewer

46 | williaM c. (bill) TucKer

district 21

47 | george a. bedsworTh

47 | denise s. harTsfield

47 | lisa v. Menefee

district 22a

48 | h. ThoMas church

district 22b

49 | Mary fowler covingTon

49 | wayne l. Michael

49 | JiMMy laird Myers

50 | rod Penry

50 | carlTon Terry

50 | aPril c. wood

district 23

51 | david v. byrd

51 | Michael d. duncan

district 24

52 | warren hughes

district 25

53 | bob brady

53 | sherri wilson ellioTT

53 | gregory r. (greg) hayes

54 | MarK Killian

54 | roberT a. Mullinax Jr.

54 | aMy sigMon walKer

district 26

55 | donald cureTon Jr.

55 | ricKye McKoy-MiTchell

55 | Paige b. McThenia

56 | regan a. Miller

56 | Theo nixon

56 | MaTT osMan

57 | sean sMiTh

57 | becKy Thorne Tin

district 27a

58 | ralPh c. gingles Jr.

58 | Michael K. lands

district 27b

59 | ali PaKsoy Jr.

district 28

60 | edwin d. clonTZ

60 | susan M. doTson-sMiTh

60 | Julie M. KePPle

61 | ward d. scoTT

61 | PaTricia KaufMann young

district 29a

62 | roberT K. MarTelle

62 | c. randy Pool

62 | laura anne Powell

district 30

63 | KrisTina l. earwood

63 | donna forga

63 | roy wiJewicKraMa

January 2014 | Page 3

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i


norTh carolina bar associaTion

introduction | The Judicial Performance evaluation (JPe) committee of the north carolina bar association is pleased to provide this report summarizing the results of Phase i of its survey of north carolina superior and district court judges elected or appointed to the bench before March 31, 2013, whose terms expire in 2014, as well as special superior court judges. a second survey (Phase ii) will be conducted in March 2014 in which attorneys will evaluate superior and district court judges appointed after March 31, 2013, whose terms expire in 2014 and lawyers who file for election to the superior or district court in 2014.

background | in 2006, the ncba’s administration of Justice committee produced a report noting the lack of information available to members of the public to enable them to cast an informed vote based on a judge’s performance. The report recommended the creation of the JPe committee. The ncba’s board of governors followed that recommendation, and the JPe committee was formed in 2008. The committee was charged with creating and administering a survey by which lawyers could evaluate a judge’s performance. results of the survey could be utilized to provide information for the voting public. The JPe committee is currently led by former district court Judge nancy black norelli and it is comprised of seven retired judges, seven retired attorneys and seven laypersons.

The ncba contracted with bdo usa, llP, a national accounting firm with local offices in raleigh, to conduct the survey. bdo usa served as gate-keeper throughout the survey process, ensuring that only persons meeting the survey requirements were allowed to participate and that those who did participate remained anonymous.

The ncba also employed statistician larry nelson, a well-respected retired member of the faculty at north carolina state university, to evaluate the methodology to ensure that the survey would encourage the most participation possible and generate statistically valid results.

survey details | The survey asked attorneys with an active north carolina law license to rate each included judge with whom the attor-ney had sufficient professional contact to be able to evaluate the judge’s performance in the six categories below, using a scale of 5 (excellent), 4 (good), 3 (average), 2 (below average) and 1 (poor):

1. integrity and impartiality | Judge is fair to all persons, bases decisions on facts and law and refrains from inappropriate ex parte communications;

2. legal ability | Judge demonstrates knowledge of law and rules of procedure and evidence;

3. Professionalism | Judge exercises patience, is courteous to all and attentive to proceedings at hand, fulfills out-of-court duties and responsibili-ties, and upholds the dignity of the office;

4. communication | Judge speaks clearly and understandably, prepares coherent decisions and carefully reviews orders before entry;

5. administrative skills | Judge is punctual and prepared, controls the courtroom appropriately, uses courtroom time efficiently, enforces deadlines appropriately, makes timely decisions and enters orders promptly; and

6. overall Performance | rate the judge’s overall performance.

if the rating attorney felt that his or her knowledge of a particular judge was sufficient to rate some but not all of the qualities, the lawyer indicated “do not know” for the quality or qualities that he or she felt unqualified to rate. as a result, the number of responses for a single judge may vary somewhat among the six categories.

To identify the members of the bench who would be eligible to seek election in 2014, the JPe committee collected information from the north carolina state board of elections and the administrative office of the courts. a total of 134 judges, 21 in superior court and 113 in district court, were included in the survey.

a list was compiled of the more than 20,000 lawyers having an active north carolina law license, and email addresses for approximately 95% of those attorneys were obtained. attorneys with email addresses were able to participate in the survey online via an electronic invitation from bdo usa. attorneys without email addresses; attorneys who notified the ncba that they did not wish to participate online; attorneys working for the government, including judges, clerks of court, district attorneys and public defenders; and members of the ncba’s senior lawyers division were provided a paper version of the survey.

on october 15, 2013, bdo usa distributed the survey electronically to each attorney with a known email address. Paper surveys were mailed with an enclosed business reply envelope addressed to and returned directly to bdo usa, who had exclusive access to manage the survey. all survey responses were directed to bdo usa, who protected confidentiality, ensured that each respondent was an eligible attorney and safe-guarded against the possibility of multiple responses from one individual.

The survey was open for participation from october 15 to november 15, 2013. bdo usa compiled the survey results for Professor nelson, who conducted a statistical analysis. Professor nelson received anonymous raw data from the survey, which did not identify the judges. upon review of the data, Professor nelson reported that the results were statistically valid for each judge included in the survey.

summary of results | The total number of responses per judge varied, reflecting variation in the length of past service of the judge as well as, especially for district court judges, the total number of attorneys who practice in the particular judicial district in which the judge presides. for example, a resident judge in a judicial district with a low number of attorneys may have received what seems to be a low overall number of responses, but the total number of responses constitutes a significant percentage of the total number of attorneys practicing in that judicial district.


January 2014 | Page 4

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i


norTh carolina bar associaTion

Judges not included in rePort | The number of judges included in this report is lower than the number of judges in the survey. results for a judge are not included if the judge is deceased or made a public announcement by december 28, 2013, that he or she will not seek election to any judicial office in 2014. if an omitted judge later decides to file for election, the JPe committee will include the survey results for the judge on the ncba web page and in any subsequent publication reporting the survey results and accessible to the public. a total of 120 judges – 17 in superior court and 103 in district court – are listed in this report.

The reasons for decisions by those judges to retire from the bench vary and do not reflect the rating any judge may have received in the survey.

navigating tHis rePort | The information in this report is set out in two distinct sections.

The first section sets forth the summary results for each judge included in the report. The information in this first section reports the average nu-merical rating given by attorneys for each of the six categories for which the judge was evaluated.

The second section provides detailed results for each judge included in the report. This section reports the total number of attorneys who re-sponded for each judge and a breakdown of the number of responses in each rating (5 to 1) for each category for each judge.

in both sections, the superior court judges are listed first and then the district court judges, in order by the number of his or her judicial district and in alphabetical order within the district for those districts with two or more judges.

PHase ii survey | a separate survey evaluating the qualifications of each (i) non-incumbent candidate who files for election in 2014 and (ii) superior and district court judges appointed after March 31, 2013, whose terms expire in 2014 will be conducted in March 2014 and released in april 2014. Those results, combined with the results in this report, will be compiled in an online voter’s guide that will be posted at

Preface, conTinued

January 2014 | Page 5

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

suPerior courT Judge caTegorical averages

norTh carolina bar associaTion

suPerior court Judge categorical averages

district Judge name integrity & imPartiality legal ability Professionalism communication administrative



3a marvin k. blount iii 4.17 4.06 4.25 4.15 4.19 4.10

4b cHarles H. Henry 4.65 4.54 4.72 4.56 4.44 4.57

10a Paul c. ridgeway 4.72 4.74 4.84 4.76 4.75 4.75

10c Paul g. gessner 4.23 4.24 4.42 4.45 4.42 4.28

11b tHomas H. lock 4.22 4.32 4.45 4.37 4.36 4.29

15b carl r. fox 4.58 4.39 4.60 4.55 4.44 4.50

15b allen baddour 4.04 4.09 4.03 4.08 4.18 3.96

17a ed wilson 4.77 4.68 4.79 4.70 4.68 4.73

18c stuart albrigHt 4.13 4.26 4.30 4.30 4.40 4.18

19a w. erwin sPainHour 4.59 4.71 4.65 4.64 4.66 4.63

19b v. bradford long 4.62 4.51 4.69 4.67 4.65 4.61

22b mark e. klass 4.51 4.25 4.51 4.45 4.40 4.42

25a c. tHomas edwards 4.46 4.28 4.26 4.30 4.27 4.32

26b ricHard boner 4.29 4.27 4.16 4.11 4.25 4.21

26c bob bell 4.38 4.27 4.30 4.25 4.24 4.25

27a Jesse b. caldwell iii 4.55 4.48 4.47 4.51 4.40 4.50

29b mark e. Powell 4.47 4.10 4.45 4.03 4.40 4.23

suPerior courT Judges

January 2014 | Page 6

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

disTricT courT Judge caTegorical averages

norTh carolina bar associaTion

district court Judge categorical averages

district Judge name integrity & imPartiality legal ability Professionalism communication administrative



1 eula e. reid 4.31 4.01 4.48 4.37 4.38 4.22

1 robert P. trivette 4.39 4.41 4.34 4.38 4.41 4.40

2 darrell b. cayton Jr. 4.09 4.28 4.12 4.33 4.33 4.16

2 regina r. Parker 4.63 4.39 4.63 4.56 4.52 4.57

3a gwyn Hilburn 4.53 4.33 4.55 4.42 4.35 4.42

4 Paul a. Hardison 4.29 4.22 4.35 4.35 4.22 4.30

4 saraH c. seaton 4.24 4.22 4.29 4.45 4.38 4.28

5 James Henry faison iii 4.69 4.28 4.83 4.64 4.60 4.60

5 melinda H. croucH 3.94 3.87 4.06 3.88 3.86 3.88

5 cHad Hogston 4.22 4.14 4.39 4.35 4.33 4.22

6b tHomas l. Jones Jr. 4.67 4.58 4.72 4.70 4.66 4.68

7 Pell cooPer 4.64 4.28 4.66 4.36 4.25 4.33

8 betH HeatH 4.60 4.39 4.61 4.48 4.42 4.51

9a mark galloway 4.47 4.43 4.55 4.47 4.38 4.49

9b J. Henry banks 4.22 4.12 4.28 4.28 4.12 4.19

10 kris d. bailey 3.82 3.40 3.80 3.78 3.73 3.63

10 micHael J. denning 4.15 3.94 4.31 4.12 4.09 4.04

10 margaret eagles 4.32 4.24 4.36 4.29 4.29 4.28

10 keitH o'brien gregory 3.74 3.70 3.72 3.85 3.90 3.71

10 ned w. mangum 4.54 4.53 4.61 4.54 4.52 4.55

10 louis meyer 3.95 3.62 4.12 3.94 3.81 3.79

10 vince roZier Jr. 4.44 4.28 4.48 4.42 4.42 4.40

11 caron H. stewart 3.95 3.79 4.15 3.99 3.94 3.90

11 addie rawls 4.29 4.23 4.24 4.36 4.16 4.26

12 talmage (tal) baggett 4.29 3.92 4.17 4.10 4.18 4.14

12 george J. franks 4.44 4.30 4.40 4.37 4.27 4.29

12 david H. Hasty 4.25 4.19 4.24 4.17 3.98 4.20

12 toni s. king 4.64 4.45 4.64 4.63 4.49 4.56

12 robert stieHl 4.16 4.29 4.11 4.02 4.08 4.10

Judicial disTricTs 1 – 12

January 2014 | Page 7

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

disTricT courT Judge caTegorical averages

norTh carolina bar associaTion

district court Judge categorical averages, conTinued

district Judge name integrity & imPartiality legal ability Professionalism communication administrative



13 william f. fairley 4.76 4.68 4.77 4.75 4.71 4.77

13 sHerry dew Prince 4.00 4.08 4.09 4.20 4.28 4.04

14 Pat evans 3.17 3.29 3.10 3.28 3.18 3.19

14 nancy e. gordon 2.94 3.29 2.50 2.89 3.21 2.75

14 James t. (Jim) Hill 4.24 4.18 4.21 4.26 4.26 4.19

14 marcia H. morey 4.28 4.32 4.36 4.31 4.29 4.31

14 doretta walker 3.65 3.36 3.50 3.47 3.55 3.42

14 brian c. wilks 4.21 4.15 4.29 4.26 4.22 4.19

15a brad allen 3.79 3.78 3.76 3.94 4.20 3.85

15b JosePH (Joe) moody buckner 4.23 4.32 4.22 4.33 4.33 4.28

16a regina m. Joe 4.61 4.51 4.69 4.58 4.59 4.59

16b J. stanley carmical 4.80 4.75 4.79 4.79 4.81 4.82

16b JoHn b. carter Jr. 4.56 4.43 4.43 4.49 4.27 4.45

16b Herbert l. ricHardson 4.44 4.33 4.35 4.48 4.54 4.38

17a stanley l. (stan) allen 4.18 4.19 4.13 4.12 4.23 4.18

17a fred wilkins 4.28 4.40 4.34 4.19 4.33 4.32

17b sPencer g. key Jr. 4.48 4.31 4.33 4.31 4.10 4.31

17b cHarles m. (cHuck) neaves Jr. 4.59 4.48 4.58 4.42 4.48 4.53

17b angela b. Puckett 3.61 3.84 3.72 3.71 3.61 3.58

18 wendy m. enocHs 4.28 4.23 4.34 4.26 4.27 4.26

18 H. tHomas (tom) Jarrell Jr. 4.42 4.47 4.45 4.58 4.46 4.48

19a brent cloninger 4.26 3.85 4.13 4.01 4.01 4.08

19a william g. Hamby Jr. 4.23 4.09 4.26 4.16 4.18 4.15

19a donna H. JoHnson 3.46 3.65 3.38 3.53 3.84 3.48

19a martin b. (marty) mcgee 4.32 4.23 4.31 4.14 4.13 4.16

19b scott etHeridge 4.15 4.18 4.08 4.27 4.23 4.14

19b lee w. gavin 4.19 4.03 4.12 4.03 4.01 4.08

19b Jayrene russell maness 4.35 4.22 4.22 4.14 4.30 4.15

Judicial disTricTs 13 – 19b

January 2014 | Page 8

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

disTricT courT Judge caTegorical averages

norTh carolina bar associaTion

district court Judge categorical averages, conTinued

district Judge name integrity & imPartiality legal ability Professionalism communication administrative



19c cHarlie brown 4.30 4.46 4.24 4.40 4.51 4.34

19c betH s. dixon 3.88 3.94 4.00 4.12 4.04 3.93

19c kevin eddinger 4.24 4.27 4.16 4.15 4.09 4.23

20a scott t. brewer 3.20 3.56 3.19 3.45 3.59 3.29

20a william c. (bill) tucker 4.43 4.49 4.40 4.42 4.33 4.41

21 george a. bedswortH 4.40 4.25 4.52 4.34 4.24 4.32

21 denise s. Hartsfield 3.24 3.60 3.29 3.82 3.51 3.42

21 lisa v. menefee 4.51 4.45 4.51 4.51 4.49 4.47

22a H. tHomas cHurcH 4.20 4.14 3.97 4.05 3.89 4.03

22b mary fowler covington 3.59 3.64 3.22 3.64 3.64 3.56

22b wayne l. micHael 4.44 4.44 4.52 4.43 4.41 4.45

22b Jimmy laird myers 4.22 3.49 4.18 3.91 3.78 3.87

22b rod Penry 4.45 4.24 4.46 4.43 4.46 4.41

22b carlton terry 3.92 4.11 3.98 4.05 3.98 3.98

22b aPril c. wood 3.55 3.55 3.42 3.68 3.38 3.51

23 david v. byrd 4.00 4.05 3.92 3.87 3.65 3.92

23 micHael d. duncan 4.73 4.61 4.76 4.73 4.65 4.74

24 warren HugHes 4.47 4.30 4.60 4.57 4.53 4.43

25 bob brady 4.39 4.30 4.45 4.21 4.11 4.25

25 sHerri wilson elliott 4.26 4.18 4.23 4.26 4.25 4.26

25 gregory r. (greg) Hayes 3.60 3.80 3.61 4.00 3.79 3.71

25 mark killian 4.57 4.40 4.61 4.49 4.36 4.48

25 robert a. mullinax Jr. 4.45 4.36 4.44 4.44 4.38 4.44

25 amy sigmon walker 4.12 3.96 3.98 4.08 3.94 3.94

Judicial disTricTs 19c – 25

January 2014 | Page 9

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

disTricT courT Judge caTegorical averages

norTh carolina bar associaTion

district court Judge categorical averages, conTinued

district Judge name integrity & imPartiality legal ability Professionalism communication administrative



26 donald cureton Jr. 4.59 4.35 4.63 4.49 4.39 4.52

26 rickye mckoy-mitcHell 4.42 4.06 4.45 4.30 4.15 4.24

26 Paige b. mctHenia 4.45 4.39 4.52 4.45 4.38 4.45

26 regan a. miller 4.38 4.14 4.38 4.28 4.22 4.26

26 tHeo nixon 3.87 4.04 3.80 3.90 3.96 3.85

26 matt osman 4.06 4.12 3.88 3.92 4.10 4.00

26 sean smitH 3.84 3.95 3.69 3.74 3.90 3.77

26 becky tHorne tin 4.32 4.41 4.35 4.39 4.37 4.35

27a ralPH c. gingles Jr. 4.38 4.27 4.47 4.36 4.32 4.37

27a micHael k. lands 3.42 3.42 3.21 3.19 3.37 3.25

27b ali Paksoy Jr. 4.65 4.41 4.62 4.53 4.53 4.53

28 edwin d. clontZ 3.76 3.34 3.70 3.25 3.42 3.38

28 susan m. dotson-smitH 4.16 3.89 4.07 3.98 3.94 4.00

28 Julie m. kePPle 4.64 4.54 4.73 4.75 4.60 4.70

28 ward d. scott 4.58 4.64 4.52 4.51 4.54 4.54

28 Patricia kaufmann young 3.79 3.93 3.58 3.64 3.68 3.68

29a robert k. martelle 4.23 4.20 4.17 4.24 4.03 4.07

29a c. randy Pool 4.12 4.14 4.09 4.08 4.01 4.11

29a laura anne Powell 4.60 4.56 4.53 4.53 4.46 4.47

30 kristina l. earwood 4.25 3.96 3.95 4.18 4.15 4.09

30 donna forga 4.30 4.01 4.16 4.19 4.13 4.10

30 roy wiJewickrama 4.33 4.23 4.43 4.44 4.31 4.32

Judicial disTricTs 26 – 30

January 2014 | Page 10

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual suPerior courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

individual suPerior court Judge rePorts

3A • MArvin K. Blount iii

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 411230






legal ability 407183






Professionalism 413243






communication 401199






administrative skills 312163






overall Performance 399203






4B • ChArles h. henry

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 239185






legal ability 243162






Professionalism 241197






communication 235161






administrative skills 199127






overall Performance 237167






10A • PAul C. riDGeWAy

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 825670






legal ability 822661






Professionalism 829726






communication 804646






administrative skills 677528






overall Performance 815665






January 2014 | Page 11

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual suPerior courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

suPerior court Judges, conTinued

10C • PAul G. Gessner

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 671392






legal ability 671349






Professionalism 669435






communication 656407






administrative skills 552322






overall Performance 665382






11B • thoMAs h. loCK

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 367208






legal ability 366201






Professionalism 366245






communication 357206






administrative skills 306186






overall Performance 363204






15B • CArl r. Fox

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 899645






legal ability 890535






Professionalism 892647






communication 874592






administrative skills 742452






overall Performance 881567






January 2014 | Page 12

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual suPerior courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

suPerior court Judges, conTinued

15B • Allen BADDour

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 719359






legal ability 717360






Professionalism 717380






communication 698347






administrative skills 575294






overall Performance 709330






17A • eD Wilson

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 362303






legal ability 356269






Professionalism 359302






communication 349269






administrative skills 296220






overall Performance 356282






18C • stuArt AlBriGht

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 627382






legal ability 624348






Professionalism 622389






communication 618354






administrative skills 512305






overall Performance 616351






January 2014 | Page 13

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual suPerior courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

suPerior court Judges, conTinued

19A • W. erWin sPAinhour

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 640502






legal ability 641510






Professionalism 640507






communication 628471






administrative skills 530405






overall Performance 631492






19B • v. BrADForD lonG

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 348262






legal ability 347227






Professionalism 347270






communication 341257






administrative skills 296214






overall Performance 342246






22B • MArK e. KlAss

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 444302






legal ability 441224






Professionalism 441287






communication 435261






administrative skills 379216






overall Performance 439263






January 2014 | Page 14

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual suPerior courT Judge rePorTs

suPerior court Judges, conTinued

norTh carolina bar associaTion

25A • C. thoMAs eDWArDs

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 13388






legal ability 13468






Professionalism 13268






communication 12971






administrative skills 11964






overall Performance 13273






26B • riChArD Boner

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 639369






legal ability 639338






Professionalism 640350






communication 633305






administrative skills 550299






overall Performance 633326






26C • BoB Bell

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 348217






legal ability 351177






Professionalism 348198






communication 345170






administrative skills 296147






overall Performance 352179






January 2014 | Page 15

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual suPerior courT Judge rePorTs

suPerior court Judges, conTinued

norTh carolina bar associaTion

27A • Jesse B. CAlDWell iii

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 534385






legal ability 531336






Professionalism 530368






communication 522359






administrative skills 440280






overall Performance 524353






29B • MArK e. PoWell

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 200126






legal ability 20280






Professionalism 198118






communication 19872






administrative skills 15987






overall Performance 20193






January 2014 | Page 16

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

individual district court Judge rePorts

disTricT courT Judges | district 1

norTh carolina bar associaTion

1 • eulA e. reiD

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7746






legal ability 7830






Professionalism 8053






communication 7641






administrative skills 6436






overall Performance 7736






1 • roBert P. trivette

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8049






legal ability 8047






Professionalism 7949






communication 7644






administrative skills 6137






overall Performance 7844






January 2014 | Page 17

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 2

norTh carolina bar associaTion

2 • DArrell B. CAyton Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8750






legal ability 8652






Professionalism 8649






communication 8453






administrative skills 6640






overall Performance 8649






2 • reGinA r. PArKer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9973






legal ability 9955






Professionalism 9975






communication 9868






administrative skills 8255






overall Performance 9868






January 2014 | Page 18

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 3a

norTh carolina bar associaTion

3A • GWyn hilBurn

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 12898






legal ability 12880






Professionalism 12898






communication 12887






administrative skills 11373






overall Performance 12788






January 2014 | Page 19

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 4

norTh carolina bar associaTion

4 • PAul A. hArDison

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 12579






legal ability 12572






Professionalism 12581






communication 12476






administrative skills 11267






overall Performance 12575






4 • sArAh C. seAton

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9761






legal ability 9556






Professionalism 9663






communication 9666






administrative skills 8857






overall Performance 9661






January 2014 | Page 20

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 5

norTh carolina bar associaTion

5 • JAMes henry FAison iii

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 150119






legal ability 15076






Professionalism 150131






communication 148107






administrative skills 12384






overall Performance 149101






5 • MelinDA h. CrouCh

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10952






legal ability 11044






Professionalism 10952






communication 10845






administrative skills 8436






overall Performance 10844






5 • ChAD hoGston

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10753






legal ability 10744






Professionalism 10659






communication 10556






administrative skills 8747






overall Performance 10648






January 2014 | Page 21

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 6b

norTh carolina bar associaTion

6B • thoMAs l. Jones Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 4841






legal ability 4838






Professionalism 4740






communication 4638






administrative skills 4435






overall Performance 4739






January 2014 | Page 22

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 7

7 • Pell CooPer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8463






legal ability 8352






Professionalism 8564






communication 8551






administrative skills 7645






overall Performance 8552






January 2014 | Page 23

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 8

norTh carolina bar associaTion

8 • Beth heAth

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8462






legal ability 8449






Professionalism 8564






communication 8557






administrative skills 7646






overall Performance 8456






January 2014 | Page 24

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 9a

norTh carolina bar associaTion

9A • MArK GAlloWAy

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 11480






legal ability 11572






Professionalism 11383






communication 11377






administrative skills 10567






overall Performance 11477






January 2014 | Page 25

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 9b

norTh carolina bar associaTion

9B • J. henry BAnKs

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9152






legal ability 9147






Professionalism 9056






communication 9052






administrative skills 8344






overall Performance 8949






January 2014 | Page 26

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 10

norTh carolina bar associaTion

10 • Kris D. BAiley

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 25685






legal ability 25449






Professionalism 25383






communication 25064






administrative skills 20558






overall Performance 24960






10 • MiChAel J. DenninG

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 271133






legal ability 26794






Professionalism 269150






communication 269119






administrative skills 239104






overall Performance 270110






10 • MArGAret eAGles

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 361217






legal ability 357188






Professionalism 360216






communication 352187






administrative skills 308163






overall Performance 357196






January 2014 | Page 27

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 10, conTinued

norTh carolina bar associaTion

10 • Keith o'Brien GreGory

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 312138






legal ability 308116






Professionalism 312133






communication 307134






administrative skills 265120






overall Performance 307123






10 • neD W. MAnGuM

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 364245






legal ability 363233






Professionalism 367258






communication 364240






administrative skills 318195






overall Performance 360236






10 • louis Meyer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 302157






legal ability 302130






Professionalism 301166






communication 294138






administrative skills 258114






overall Performance 297132






January 2014 | Page 28

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 10, conTinued

norTh carolina bar associaTion

10 • vinCe rozier Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 422280






legal ability 422234






Professionalism 428287






communication 419265






administrative skills 364221






overall Performance 422259






January 2014 | Page 29

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 11

norTh carolina bar associaTion

11 • CAron h. steWArt

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10750






legal ability 10739






Professionalism 10755






communication 10748






administrative skills 9840






overall Performance 10643






11 • ADDie rAWls

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 15894






legal ability 15882






Professionalism 15984






communication 15994






administrative skills 14174






overall Performance 15985






January 2014 | Page 30

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 12

norTh carolina bar associaTion

12 • tAlMAGe (tAl) BAGGett

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8443






legal ability 8434






Professionalism 8444






communication 8438






administrative skills 7132






overall Performance 8538






12 • GeorGe J. FrAnKs

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8253






legal ability 8244






Professionalism 8250






communication 8148






administrative skills 7341






overall Performance 8344






12 • DAviD h. hAsty

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7535






legal ability 7532






Professionalism 7536






communication 7529






administrative skills 6324






overall Performance 7631






January 2014 | Page 31

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 12, conTinued

norTh carolina bar associaTion

12 • toni s. KinG

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8866






legal ability 8654






Professionalism 8764






communication 8660






administrative skills 7748






overall Performance 8859






12 • roBert stiehl

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10559






legal ability 10456






Professionalism 10555






communication 10248






administrative skills 8945






overall Performance 10552






January 2014 | Page 32

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 13

norTh carolina bar associaTion

13 • WilliAM F. FAirley

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7663






legal ability 7658






Professionalism 7562






communication 7559






administrative skills 6953






overall Performance 7461






13 • sherry DeW PrinCe

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7538






legal ability 7436






Professionalism 7441






communication 7439






administrative skills 6534






overall Performance 7337






January 2014 | Page 33

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 14

norTh carolina bar associaTion

14 • PAt evAns

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 21263






legal ability 21260






Professionalism 21566






communication 21162






administrative skills 17552






overall Performance 21164






14 • nAnCy e. GorDon

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 26758






legal ability 26676






Professionalism 26841






communication 26649






administrative skills 22658






overall Performance 26843






14 • JAMes t. (JiM) hill

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 247141






legal ability 246116






Professionalism 247132






communication 246129






administrative skills 214111






overall Performance 247121






January 2014 | Page 34

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 14, conTinued

norTh carolina bar associaTion

14 • MArCiA h. Morey

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 269153






legal ability 271151






Professionalism 269165






communication 266146






administrative skills 248135






overall Performance 269145






14 • DorettA WAlKer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 23480






legal ability 23660






Professionalism 23673






communication 23164






administrative skills 19156






overall Performance 23562






14 • BriAn C. WilKs

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 199108






legal ability 20197






Professionalism 201113






communication 196101






administrative skills 17488






overall Performance 19999






January 2014 | Page 35

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 15a

15A • BrAD Allen

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 14773






legal ability 14854






Professionalism 14866






communication 14663






administrative skills 12968






overall Performance 14763






January 2014 | Page 36

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 15b

15B • JosePh (Joe) MooDy BuCKner

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 308187






legal ability 308180






Professionalism 310178






communication 307188






administrative skills 294188






overall Performance 305179






January 2014 | Page 37

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

disTricT courT Judges | district 16a

norTh carolina bar associaTion

16A • reGinA M. Joe

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7657






legal ability 7752






Professionalism 7762






communication 7758






administrative skills 7052






overall Performance 7655






January 2014 | Page 38

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 16b

16B • J. stAnley CArMiCAl

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6657






legal ability 6752






Professionalism 6858






communication 6755






administrative skills 6453






overall Performance 6757






16B • John B. CArter Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 5438






legal ability 5432






Professionalism 5436






communication 5334






administrative skills 4929






overall Performance 5335






16B • herBert l. riChArDson

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6240






legal ability 6335






Professionalism 6338






communication 6444






administrative skills 5435






overall Performance 6438






January 2014 | Page 39

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 17a

17A • stAnley l. (stAn) Allen

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6732






legal ability 6833






Professionalism 6733






communication 6733






administrative skills 6031






overall Performance 6632






17A • FreD WilKins

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6742






legal ability 6843






Professionalism 6843






communication 6838






administrative skills 6339






overall Performance 6841






January 2014 | Page 40

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 17b

17B • sPenCer G. Key Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7544






legal ability 7537






Professionalism 7542






communication 7536






administrative skills 6933






overall Performance 7538






17B • ChArles M. (ChuCK) neAves Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9565






legal ability 9560






Professionalism 9565






communication 9355






administrative skills 8956






overall Performance 9765






17B • AnGelA B. PuCKett

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7428






legal ability 7426






Professionalism 7428






communication 7326






administrative skills 6723






overall Performance 7423






January 2014 | Page 41

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 18

18 • WenDy M. enoChs

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 234131






legal ability 235119






Professionalism 234142






communication 234125






administrative skills 220124






overall Performance 232125






18 • h. thoMAs (toM) JArrell Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 250161






legal ability 250151






Professionalism 250160






communication 248169






administrative skills 226143






overall Performance 247159






January 2014 | Page 42

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 19a

19A • Brent CloninGer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8653






legal ability 8836






Professionalism 8747






communication 8842






administrative skills 8237






overall Performance 8740






19A • WilliAM G. hAMBy Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 14087






legal ability 14075






Professionalism 14188






communication 14075






administrative skills 13172






overall Performance 14176






19A • DonnA h. Johnson

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8531






legal ability 8430






Professionalism 8531






communication 8529






administrative skills 8036






overall Performance 8431






January 2014 | Page 43

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 19a, conTinued

19A • MArtin B. (MArty) Mcgee

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 13287






legal ability 13275






Professionalism 13481






communication 13268






administrative skills 11964






overall Performance 13373






January 2014 | Page 44

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 19b

19B • sCott etheriDGe

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 11061






legal ability 11055






Professionalism 11252






communication 10958






administrative skills 10253






overall Performance 10850






19B • lee W. GAvin

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10863






legal ability 10951






Professionalism 10758






communication 10651






administrative skills 9848






overall Performance 10551






19B • JAyrene russell MAness

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10159






legal ability 10152






Professionalism 10155






communication 10048






administrative skills 9857






overall Performance 9948






January 2014 | Page 45

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 19c

19C • ChArlie BroWn

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9462






legal ability 9264






Professionalism 9463






communication 9467






administrative skills 8967






overall Performance 9464






19C • Beth s. Dixon

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8337






legal ability 8238






Professionalism 8241






communication 8143






administrative skills 7338






overall Performance 8138






19C • Kevin eDDinGer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6237






legal ability 6236






Professionalism 6234






communication 6132






administrative skills 5727






overall Performance 6234






January 2014 | Page 46

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 20a

20A • sCott t. BreWer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 12134






legal ability 12039






Professionalism 12233






communication 12035






administrative skills 11042






overall Performance 11934






20A • WilliAM C. (Bill) tuCKer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8460






legal ability 8556






Professionalism 8562






communication 8557






administrative skills 7349






overall Performance 8255






January 2014 | Page 47

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 21

21 • GeorGe A. BeDsWorth

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 229150






legal ability 228120






Professionalism 229156






communication 226128






administrative skills 209104






overall Performance 228131






21 • Denise s. hArtsFielD

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 30194






legal ability 295104






Professionalism 29691






communication 289130






administrative skills 25692






overall Performance 29792






21 • lisA v. MeneFee

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 275182






legal ability 276174






Professionalism 276187






communication 275185






administrative skills 257176






overall Performance 277179






January 2014 | Page 48

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 22a

22A • h. thoMAs ChurCh

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10459






legal ability 10149






Professionalism 10150






communication 10048






administrative skills 8740






overall Performance 10248






January 2014 | Page 49

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 22b

22B • MAry FoWler CovinGton

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 15253






legal ability 15248






Professionalism 15238






communication 15248






administrative skills 13242






overall Performance 15344






22B • WAyne l. MiChAel

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 148101






legal ability 15095






Professionalism 149102






communication 15095






administrative skills 13786






overall Performance 14895






22B • JiMMy lAirD Myers

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 13176






legal ability 13140






Professionalism 13171






communication 12953






administrative skills 11340






overall Performance 13154






January 2014 | Page 50

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 22b, conTinued

22B • roD Penry

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 12778






legal ability 12865






Professionalism 12780






communication 12777






administrative skills 11567






overall Performance 12775






22B • CArlton terry

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 13161






legal ability 13258






Professionalism 13361






communication 13364






administrative skills 11646






overall Performance 13352






22B • APril C. WooD

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 13045






legal ability 13040






Professionalism 13041






communication 12748






administrative skills 11037






overall Performance 13040






January 2014 | Page 51

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 23

23 • DAviD v. ByrD

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6324






legal ability 6225






Professionalism 6221






communication 6121






administrative skills 5416






overall Performance 6320






23 • MiChAel D. DunCAn

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7053






legal ability 7048






Professionalism 7156






communication 7154






administrative skills 6648






overall Performance 7054






January 2014 | Page 52

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 24

24 • WArren huGhes

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 5339






legal ability 5329






Professionalism 5338






communication 5336






administrative skills 4933






overall Performance 5134






January 2014 | Page 53

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 25

25 • BoB BrADy

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8446






legal ability 8441






Professionalism 8450






communication 8440






administrative skills 7939






overall Performance 8539






25 • sherri Wilson elliott

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8749






legal ability 8743






Professionalism 8841






communication 8646






administrative skills 8143






overall Performance 8946






25 • GreGory r. (GreG) hAyes

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 11135






legal ability 10836






Professionalism 11036






communication 10944






administrative skills 9731






overall Performance 11037






January 2014 | Page 54

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 25, conTinued

25 • MArK KilliAn

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8868






legal ability 8855






Professionalism 8765






communication 8553






administrative skills 7742






overall Performance 8758






25 • roBert A. MullinAx Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10168






legal ability 10057






Professionalism 10062






communication 10061






administrative skills 9149






overall Performance 10163






25 • AMy siGMon WAlKer

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10351






legal ability 10242






Professionalism 10239






communication 10242






administrative skills 9035






overall Performance 10138






January 2014 | Page 55

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 26

26 • DonAlD Cureton Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 203142






legal ability 203109






Professionalism 205151






communication 200123






administrative skills 184108






overall Performance 203130






26 • riCKye Mckoy-mitcHell

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 282183






legal ability 281139






Professionalism 286182






communication 280160






administrative skills 250129






overall Performance 282155






26 • PAiGe B. MctHenia

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 221157






legal ability 220144






Professionalism 222157






communication 221146






administrative skills 201127






overall Performance 220146






January 2014 | Page 56

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 26, conTinued

26 • reGAn A. Miller

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 305192






legal ability 303158






Professionalism 303191






communication 301170






administrative skills 276161






overall Performance 304170






26 • theo nixon

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 280134






legal ability 282143






Professionalism 281122






communication 277124






administrative skills 254117






overall Performance 277118






26 • MAtt osMAn

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 233122






legal ability 230118






Professionalism 233116






communication 230107






administrative skills 212108






overall Performance 228114






January 2014 | Page 57

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 26, conTinued

26 • seAn sMith

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 22694






legal ability 22196






Professionalism 22688






communication 22380






administrative skills 20085






overall Performance 21977






26 • BeCKy thorne tin

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 278172






legal ability 278174






Professionalism 278169






communication 275166






administrative skills 250152






overall Performance 277166






January 2014 | Page 58

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 27a

27A • rAlPh C. GinGles Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 11779






legal ability 11664






Professionalism 11881






communication 11669






administrative skills 10863






overall Performance 11572






27A • MiChAel K. lAnDs

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9029






legal ability 9123






Professionalism 9026






communication 9020






administrative skills 7622






overall Performance 9125






January 2014 | Page 59

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 27b

27B • Ali PAKsoy Jr.

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8164






legal ability 8147






Professionalism 8160






communication 8153






administrative skills 7549






overall Performance 8154






January 2014 | Page 60

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 28

28 • eDWin D. Clontz

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10747






legal ability 10431






Professionalism 10641






communication 10629






administrative skills 9228






overall Performance 10431






28 • susAn M. Dotson-sMith

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 12970






legal ability 12661






Professionalism 12973






communication 12561






administrative skills 11457






overall Performance 12462






28 • Julie M. KePPle

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10780






legal ability 10873






Professionalism 10887






communication 10687






administrative skills 9365






overall Performance 10583






January 2014 | Page 61

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 28, conTinued

28 • WArD D. sCott

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 10980






legal ability 10883






Professionalism 10877






communication 10879






administrative skills 9569






overall Performance 10577






28 • PAtriCiA KAuFMAnn younG

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 12451






legal ability 12247






Professionalism 12443






communication 12241






administrative skills 10638






overall Performance 11938






January 2014 | Page 62

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 29a

29A • roBert K. MArtelle

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 4023






legal ability 4122






Professionalism 4123






communication 4123






administrative skills 3719






overall Performance 4120






29A • C. rAnDy Pool

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 7542






legal ability 7437






Professionalism 7642






communication 7435






administrative skills 6832






overall Performance 7435






29A • lAurA Anne PoWell

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 6045






legal ability 5941






Professionalism 6044






communication 5939






administrative skills 5738






overall Performance 5738






January 2014 | Page 63

Judicial Performance evaluation survey • PHase i

individual disTricT courT Judge rePorTs

norTh carolina bar associaTion

disTricT courT Judges | district 30

30 • KristinA l. eArWooD

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 8145






legal ability 8032






Professionalism 8037






communication 8043






administrative skills 7235






overall Performance 8136






30 • DonnA ForGA

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9256






legal ability 9039






Professionalism 9154






communication 9049






administrative skills 8239






overall Performance 9143






30 • roy WiJeWiCKrAMA

QualiTy number of resPonses

excellent (5)

good (4)

average (3)

below average (2)

Poor (1)

average rating

integrity & impartiality 9757






legal ability 9647






Professionalism 9662






communication 9658






administrative skills 8748






overall Performance 9656




