Survey (compiled) edited


Transcript of Survey (compiled) edited

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Respondents’ Details in General

Gender of respondents Age groups of respondents

13 to 20

20 to 28

28 to 35

35 to 60










410Number of people



75 85 95



Number of people

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The products that respondents buy in general.

First Analysis:

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Product(s) that you buy (Please tick more than 2 choices if












Health products

Sports Equipments

Car Accessories



Others(not listed)

I do not buy things online

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Analysis:From the statistics shown, the highest percentage age group that

shops online are those ages from 13-20 years of age. By looking at the pie chart given above, shoes and fashion

accessories are in trend amongst the younger generation hence it has the highest percentage.

While products such as cosmetics, health products, sports equipment and car accessories are below average.

Whilst foods and other not listed are moderate, as popular food culture amongst Bruneians are on the rise. For example, food bloggers from ‘Facebook’ or online ‘Cup cake’ shops are very popular among the younger generation.

There is a moderate percentage of 12 percent of those who do not buy goods online, reason being, they do not own or have access to credit/debit cards for making payments. Also, some may be skeptical and fears the dangers towards online shopping. For example, frauds, stolen credit cards and malicious items that may be sent to their home address unknowingly.

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Second Analysis:The total cost that respondents are willing to fork out.

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42 42

Number of people willing to spend

No. of People

The above chart shows that most people (48) are willing to spend between $1 to $50 for online shopping. This was because more than half of our surveyors are between the age 13 to 20, hence dependent on parents for allowances. 17 people are willing to spend above $100 for their desired goods. An equal 42 people are willing to spend any at amount and cannot afford to spend for online shopping. Lastly, 32 people are willing to spend between $51 to $100.

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Third Analysis:Online shopping websites that respondents visit.

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The two popular options

are ‘private blogs’ and

‘Ebay’. It does not come as

a surprise since Facebook

(FB) is a popular platform

for online shopping today

as to start selling it does

not require any amount of

capital. This concept is also

true for Ebay. All websites

provided in the list except

for the last option has a

variety of products to offer

and are user-friendly i.e

browse product items for

free before purchasing,

more updated information

regarding products,

estimation of shipping costs

upon payments.







Online websites that re-spondents visit in percent-


QQEstore blogs/pages (FB inclusive)


Ebay Others (Not listed)I do not browse on-line shopping web-sites

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The reasons why online shopping is preferred.


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Reasons for E-Shopping No. of people

Cheaper 59

More convenient 38

More varieties 66

Products which cannot be found locally 87

Better quality products 24

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The most common reason why people buy stuffs online is because there are some products from overseas which cannot be found in their own country.

For example: Handbags, perfumes, shoes, clothes and etc. However, there are certain disadvantages such as:

1) The products might be broken during the process of exportation and upon arrival it might not be useable.

2) The price might not suit the type of product due to the seller taking profits from the sales.

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MORE CONVENIENT Some people to buy things online because it is more convenient. It is more convenient due to:

1) Customers do not have to go to shops but instead they just have to go online and buy things straight away.

2) Instead of paying the items in cash, when they buy things online, they pay via credit or debit cards.

However, there are certain disadvantages:

1)The products such as outfits or shoes might not fit the customers.

2)The actual products might not look the same as the picture shown.

3)The products might be broken when it arrived.

4)The seller might mistaken the customer’s orders and the customer might get a different product instead.

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There are more products to be offered when it comes to shopping online.

However, some of the wanted goods by the consumers are not affordable, and the price might not suit the quality of the products.

Since the customers cannot see or touch the products directly, it might be made of bad quality and the size might not be the same as what the customers expect.

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Some of the customers believe that the products sold online have a better quality in production than products sold locally.

Unfortunately, sometimes not all the products’ quality are good, some of them are even in bad conditions thus the buyers cannot see it because they are not looking and touching the product directly.

Some sellers might lie to the customers about the grade of the product’s quality just so that the customers want to pay more.

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It is true that buying things online might give the customers some benefits, however there are also certain drawbacks when it comes to e-shopping.

It might be cheap, but it might not be in a good condition. It might be convenient, but the picture of the product might be

different than the actual product. It might be of a good quality, but the price might not be

affordable. There might be more choices for the customers, but it might not

be what the customers expect the product to be.

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The respondents’ expectations in online shopping.

Fifth Analysis:

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This is bar chart showing a number of people classified according to their expectation from this online shopping activity.

From this statistics we can see that customers/ respondents expect that online shopping can offer them a reasonable price followed by quality. Only minority of them claim that this online shopping give them advantage on accessing their products. Lastly, only 25 people have a different expectation from the list given.

70 7934 25


Number of People

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Sixth Analysis:

The preferred payments from local purchases.

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Preferred payment

Q: Preferred payments if Item(s) bought from local Premises?

1. Cash payment on the spot.2. Bank in cash via ATM machines3. Credit/debit card4. Others (not listed)

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Cash Payment

Bank In

Credit/ debit card


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Pie chart shows that most people preferred cash payment on the spot. Why?

Reliable, safe and prevent being cheated by fake sellers.

Convenient and might able to get bargains from seller.

Able to have face to face conversation, product checking, check for faulty, expiry dates and etc.

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Only 9 preferred to chose ‘Bank in via ATM machines’ as preferred payments. This may be due to:

Sellers might be fake, not reliable. It is not convenient, time consuming for

travelling to the bank to bank in money to seller.

Increase of worrisome, and anxious for the product order arrive since it needs some time to have the products to the buyer.

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39 choose credit/debit cards as the payment options. Reasons being:

Easy payment. Convenience. Do not have to travel to meet up with

sellers, sellers can send item(s) by courier services.

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Seventh Analysis:The preferred choice of payments for overseas purchases.

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Q: Preferred payment if item(s) bought from international premises?

Credit/ Debit Card 79 people

Paypal 44 people

Others (Not listed) 58 people

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Prefered Payment Methods For Items


Credit/Debit Card





*Pie chart is showing the results in percentage, not as the number of people who picked the option.

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Data Analysis

From the survey results, it was identified that majority (44%) of the people preferred to pay their items bought through credit or debit cards.

The least number of people (24%) chose paypal.

About 32% of the rest preferred other methods which were not mentioned.

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Credit or Debit Card vs PaypalItems Paypal Credit Card

Visa Yes Yes

Master Yes Yes

Discover Yes Yes

American Express Yes Yes

Non-USA Credit Card Yes No

Debit Card Yes No (Yes if has VISA, Master Logo)

e-Check Yes No

Instant PIN Delivery Yes, 99% time Yes, 99% time

Account Required Not Required

First Order Very complicatedif you don't have a Paypal


Very easy

Return Orders Very easy Very easy

Fee Completely free to ALL buyers

Completely free to ALL buyers

Billing Information seller NEVER see yourcredit card numbers.

The seller knows your credit card information

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Credit or Debit Card vs Paypal₰ Credit card is being preferred more because

creating an account is not necessary.

₰ It also has easier ‘first order’ compared to the complications from Paypal

₰ However, some may prefer to pay by Paypal because it is available everywhere.

₰ The plus side of Paypal is that the seller will never know the buyers’ credit card details and information as opposed to paying directly by credit/ debit card.

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Modes of delivery for items bought domestically (Brunei) preferred by respondents.

Eighth Analysis:

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How would you like your item(s) to be delivered to you within local (Brunei) areas?

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Means of Delivery

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Via Post Office

Via Delivery From the Seller (Paid)

On the Spot Payment


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Tabulation of Data

Means of Delivery Number of People

Post Office 37Delivery From the Seller 43

On the Spot Payment 82

Others 19

Total 181

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Graph Display





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As you can see from the table and graph, customers prefer to have their goods delivered on the spot during payment.

The respond is equivalent to 82 people, out of 181 responses we got.

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It is just natural for people to get insecure and picky about paying for their goods and getting them.

What if it was broken? What if the seller is actually the most wanted criminal? What if they are being tricked?

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Choosing this method of payment is actually convenient for both customers and sellers since they get to pick the time and place to meet.

It is also best applied for the customer to check their packages, if they are broken or not. Especially when the sellers have stated a non-refundable policy.

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It has the probability of 80% to keep the clients and sellers from getting themselves tricked and wasting their money and time.

After all, it goes like the saying, “No money, no honey.”

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The second highest choice is actually delivery from the seller which is equal to 43 people.

Sometimes, customers are hectic with their schedules and at times, sellers are actually lenient and they charge nothing from the delivery.

It is only best if the clients are familiar to who they are making business with.

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The only downfall is that the shopper have to be really careful if it is a first time deal. He or she might never know if the seller is tricking them or not.

Some initiatives to be made are to do some background check on the sellers, see reviews from other customers, get contact details or pay deposit first rather than paying the whole price.

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The number of people who prefer to use post office as a mean of delivery is 37 people.

It is the most secure way to transport customers’ goods since it is under the authorities. Moreover, using post office services can go overseas too.

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However, there are rules when it comes to post office. There is the immigration officer, checking customers’ packages. Making sure things bought are legit, invading people’s privacy.

If clients bought supplements, they have to hold the packages longer to be examined by doctors to make sure there are no harmful drugs.

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Other than that, post office services in Brunei are really slow.

The whole process also is a hassle too, buyers have to have for a letter to clarify that they need to go to the post office, to fetch their packages. And mostly, the time is not convenient for buyers who work or study.

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19 people out of 181 respondents agreed on the choice others.

This basically summarize other means such as passing it onto a 2nd a degree friend or using other posting services like DHL, FedEx or TNT.

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The fact that this has the lowest number of choices. It implies that, people are just impatient and they rather pay the things and get them straight away.

Just like how the highest choice is. Moreover, using non-government posting services are pretty expensive here in Brunei.

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Modes of delivery preferred from overseas

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This survey result shows that 28 individuals preferred using the normal airmail. As for the registered air mail 56 people had chosen this option. 78 people wanted their items or packages through express shipping companies such as FedEx and DHL. And 19 out of 181 individuals chose other methods as their preference of delivery methods.

Registered air mails might take a longer time for the item to arrive. Despite of this, it seems that some individuals are tolerable as 28 people chose this in the survey. This goes to show that their items ordered online might be insignificant or they have the patience. As for registered airmail, it is quite similar to registered airmails. However, it allows the buyer to track the movements of their packages. 78 people prefer to use express shipping to have their goods delivered. Express shipping allows goods to arrive much faster compared to the airmails. Furthermore, the express shipping companies allow safety and tracking on the packages ordered.

Normal Airmail

Registered Airmail



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90





Options for receiving overseas orders