Survay results


Transcript of Survay results



-This result shows that everyone that took my survey was between 17 and 19 years old which means I need to make my horror movie trailer mostly appeal to that age range.

-I can see what will be more appropriate for this age range by seeing my other results and deciding what the most popular choices was. I will this to find out a bit more about my target audience and what is required to satisfy them.

this shows that my target audience is slightly more to the female side. but if I average it its roughly 50/50. This shows that the horror genre is appealing to both male and females. My target audience is both male and female.

The results show that most of my target audience are students. I will need to take into consideration what appeals to this area of people most.

I then asked these questions to get to know a bit more about my target audience so I know what kind of people I need to appeal to the most.

I then went on to ask what my target audience what their favourite type of horror movie was and slasher was the favourite. From this I have found out that my target audience mostly prefer the slasher theme, so to make an effective trailer I will need to do a slasher type horror them. Supernatural was also reasonably popular, so some type of supernatural effects would help it be more successful.

-Here are what some of the people said about what they expect from a horror movie. It is popular that the audience like being on the edge of their seat, and to be scared often to keep them interested. It is also important to ass blood and gore because this makes it more realistic for the audience.

-My results also show that my audience think its important for the antagonists to be unique and scary for the audience . So I know I need to make the antagonists particularly scary and original which is important for the horror genre.

From this question, I have found out that the horror genre is the most popular choice. Action is also a popular choice. So I think a slashed themed horror would be most appropriate because this can have action and the conventional features of a horror movie. This would be the most appealing choice for my target audience.

From this I have found out that my target audience want to know what roughly what the story is from a trailer to make it more interesting and a good storyline. They also think if the trailer makes you jump then it will be a successful and effective film. Many said that they think showing the antagonist here and there makes the trailer more effective because it shows what the victims in the movie will be trying to avoid or having a conflict with which is useful to whet the audiences appetite.

Some also said they like to see a good storyline, a good storyline for a horror is one of the most important things as many horror movies have a similar storyline so to make something original would make a horror movie trailer more adequate and effective.

I asked what they think makes an effective horror movie trailer. Many said to show a good story line is important so people want to watch the movie, but the story shouldn’t be completely given away because the mysterious side to a horror movie is what keeps the audience on the edge of their seat. Also some said that showing some of the scary parts with the antagonist is important.