Surah ham meem as sajdah


Transcript of Surah ham meem as sajdah

Page 1: Surah ham meem as sajdah


SAJDAHفصلت سورة

Page 2: Surah ham meem as sajdah

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Background of the Surah --- Utbah ibn Rabi’ah

• Four attributes of Quran --- Blessing from The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate for our

success, Verses are elaborated, in Arabic language and bearing good news and warnings.

• Woe to those who do not fulfill the right of Allah by committing shirk and the right of the men by

withholding the zakat ---- Reason is denial of Here after.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• The creations in this universe are not only serving various purposes but they are synchronized and

elegant at same time.

• Arrogance and overbearingness of strength and power keep Ad and Thamud away from Iman and

scourge overtook them.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• People will be driven to Hell Fire by push.

• The evidence of man’s eyes, ears and skin after resurrection.

• Witness of Skin --- scientific evidence

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Have good thought and conjectures about our Lord ---- The more we recognize our Lord, more

improvement will be in our actions.

• Good company --- A person is recognized by the company he keeps.

• The law of nature is that every man gets the same sort of friends as he himself is.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4:• Attitude and advice of disbelievers in Makah not to listen to Quran and cause interruption when it

is recited --- Now we say “ Don’t listen to understand otherwise you have to act on it”

• What is the meaning of being steadfast on deen? ---- Profession of faith and then hold on it for

rest of your life, do not associate any one with Allah, sincerely performed the duties enjoined by

Allah faithfully and obediently

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5:• Do good deeds yourself and should invite others to the service of Allah.

• Method of Dawa --- Don’t reply to evil with evil but endure, no retaliation, try to repel evil with good

as it will fail opposition’s plan to provoke you and they might feel ashamed and feel your well

wishing and then leave repugnantness and become close friend.

• Characteristics of Daee --- Patience, avoid anger and recite Taoozat --- Story of Abu Bakr(RA)

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Solution and tips to control anger --- What me and you have to do in that state?

• Quran is a Mighty Book ---- Falsehood may not enter it from the front or from the rear.

• What Quran brings to a believer and disbeliever? ---- Guidance and healing or plug and coverings

for ears and eyes --- What we want it to be?

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 6:• God Who possesses the detailed knowledge of the most minor things cannot remain unaware of

the acts and deeds of anybody.

• Greed in Human nature ---- never content with what he has, never wary of praying for Good i.e. for

prosperity, abundance of provisions, good health, well-being of children

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• At time of hardship act in despair and give up hope --- In time of mercy man thinks he earn it, he

deserves it ---- Turn to Allah during hardships and forgets Him during prosperity.

• Also ask for what is good Hereafter.

• Sign of Allah(SWT) with in us and outside in universe.