2000-2010 Decade Meem Hussain


Transcript of 2000-2010 Decade Meem Hussain

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OUTLINE2000- President Bill Clinton had withdrawn U.S. participation late in 1999 after agreement to participate in 1997.

2001-September 11, 2001 - Islamic fundamentalist terrorists hijack four U.S. airliners and crash them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in New York City.

2002-November 21, 2002 - NATO invites additional members of the former Soviet bloc to join its membership.

2003-December 13, 2003 - Saddam Hussein, former leader of Iraq, is captured in a small bunker in Tikrit by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division.

2004-March 2, 2004 - Mars rover MER-B (Opportunity) confirms to NASA that the area of their landing was once covered in water.2005-August 29, 2005 - Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast, inundating the city of New Orleans with water from Lake Pontchartrain 

2006-November 7, 2006 - In the mid-term elections, both houses of Congress change back to Democratic hands for the first time since 1994.

2007-July 4, 2007 - The fifty star flag of the United States of America becomes the longest flying flag in history after flying over forty-seven years.

2008- Barak Obama gets elected as first African-American president in the history of the United States of America.

2009-June 1, 2009 - The H1N1 virus, named the Swine Flu, is deemed a global pandemic.

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• Political- June 1, 2000 - For the first time since 1851, the United States of America does not participate in a major World's Fair

• Economic-Competition from newer, low-cost retail behemoths such as Wal-Mart, an annual deficit, and the changing personal budget dynamics of its customers lead to its demise.

• Social-The 2000 census enumerates a population of 281,421,906, increasing 13.2% since 1990.

• Tech-Toyota released the Toyota Prius, the first hybrid four-door sedan available in the United States.


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Toyota Prius

 Toyota released the Toyota Prius, the first hybrid four-door sedan available in the United States. Hybrid cars use a gasoline or diesel engine to power a motor. When the power of the motor is not required to move the vehicle, the motor can shut off, saving energy, or can be used to generate electricity that is stored in batteries, and later used to power the car.  Between 2004 and 2009 it is estimated that 1.25 million of these vehicles were sold in the United States.  To this day the Prius is still the most popular vehicle of its kind.

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• Political-September 11, 2001 - Islamic fundamentalist terrorists hijack four U.S. airliners and crash them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in New York City.

• Economic- The dot-com bubble, which had its climax on 10 March 2000 with the NASDAQ peaking at 5132.52, was a period during which “stock markets in Western nations saw their value increase rapidly from growth in the new Internet sector and related fields.

• Social-April 8, 2001 - Tiger Woods becomes the first golfer to hold all four major golf titles simultaneously by winning the Master's tournament in Augusta, Georgia

• Tech-On October 23, 2001 Apple Computers publicly announced their portable music digital player, the iPod, 


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• Political- November 21, 2002 - NATO invites additional members of the former Soviet bloc to join its membership.

• Economy-The market reached lows not seen since 1997 and 1998 by July and September of 2002. The corporate fraud scandals, such as Enron, along with 9/11, were contributors to this loss of investor confidence in the stock market.

• Social– Antonio Meucci is recognized as the first inventor of the telephone by the United States Congress

• Tech-Camera Phones — Introduced to the North American marketplace in 2002, an estimated 80 million camera phones were sold in 2003.


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• Political-March 19, 2003 - The War in Iraq begins with the bombing of Baghdad after the United States coalition fail to gain concessions of Saddam Hussein from power.

• Economy-The cost of these wars is ongoing. Congressional Research Service has approved about $944 billion for the operations overseas. This has been an incredible financial drain on our economy and it is impossible to know what the final cost will be.

• Social-The International Olympic Committee votes in Prague that the Winter Olympic Games are coming selecting Vancouver, Canada as host of the XXI Olympic Games in 2010.

• Tech-DirecTV HD DVR one of the top ten products at the CES 2004 show, this TIVO device took digital video recording to the next level.


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• Political-Nov- 2-04 - President George W. Bush wins re-election over Democratic Senator John Kerry from Massachusetts. He wins 50.7% of the popular vote and 286 votes in the Electoral College.

• Economy-Mar-4 The government launches a $1 billion international bond, more than double the initial plan of $400 million, to meet overwhelming demand from global investors.

• Social-Dec-26-04 - The southeast Asian tsunami occurs following a 9.3 Richter scale earthquake in the Indian Ocean.

• Tech-March 2, 2004 - Mars rover MER-B (Opportunity) confirms to NASA that the area of their landing was once covered in water.


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Tsunami 2004

 The southeast Asian tsunami occurs following a 9.3 Richter scale earthquake in the Indian Ocean.  Two hundred and ninety thousand people die from Sri Lanka to Indonesia, creating one ot the greatest humanitarian tragedies in history.  A worldwide relief effort, led by the United States and many other nations, is mobilized to assist.

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• Political-The War of Terror continues. With elections in Iraq to confirm a new constitution vying with internal terrorism amid the U.S. military presence on October 15.

• Economy-Countries like the United States initially started outsourcing work to China and India because of cheap labor.

• Social-July 24, 2005 - American cyclist Lance Armstrong wins his record 7th straight Tour de FranceTech-YouTube — Created in February 2005, by three former PayPal employees, YouTube was touted as a cutting-edge video sharing service.


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• Political-In the mid-term elections, both houses of Congress change back to Democratic hands for the first time since 1994.

• Economy- In a continuing shift of the retail industry to new platforms, the one billionth song is downloaded from the internet music store, Apple iTunes.

• Social- The population of the United States reaches the milestone of three hundred million, taking only forty-two years to gain one hundred million people since the two hundredth million person was added in 1964.

• Tech-Wii — is a home video game console released by Nintendo.


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• Political- President George W. Bush announces a troop surge of 21,500 for the war in Iraq to stem the violence at the request of new commander General Petreus.

• Economy-A bank run is a type of financial crisis. It is a panic which occurs when a large number of customers of a bank fear it is insolvent and withdraw their deposits.

• Social-The fifty star flag of the United States of America becomes the longest flying flag in history after flying over forty-seven years.Tech-The iPhone – who else, but of course Steve Jobs, CEO for Apple, Inc. to take smartphones to a higher standard


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Apple I-phone

The iPhone – who else, but of course Steve Jobs, CEO for Apple, Inc. to take smartphones to a higher standard. This device, though controversial, is pretty, touchy-feely, and has a tremendous future. Approximately 6.4 million iPhones are active in the U.S. alone. 33.75 milliion of the devices have been sold world-wide to date.

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• Political-Barack Obama, Democratic Senator becomes the first African-American president in the history of the USA.

• Economy-In September, banks withdrew $160 billion from ultra-safe money market accounts.

• Social-Michael Phelps, the United States swimmer from Baltimore, wins his 8th Gold Medal of the Beijing Summer Olympic Games.

• Tech- Amazon Kindle — With the paper-like legibility of electronic ink, long battery life, and the ability to hold thousands of pages, e-book readers were already quite handy in 2008.


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• Political-After a succession of big government spending projects beginning in the Bush administration and expanded under President Obama, 750 grass roots Tea Party protests spring up across the nation.

• Economy-The economic recession continues to deepen as jobless claims climb above 10.0%, reaching 10.2% with October's monthly figures.

• Social-The H1N1 virus, named the Swine Flu, is deemed a global pandemic by the World Health Organization.

• Tech-Android and dubstep goes mainstream


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• Political-On August 31st , the long war in Iraq was “officially’ declared over.

• Economy-By law, the Federal Reserve has a mandate to set monetary policy so as to promote the dual goal of stable prices and maximum employment.

• Social- Dubstep artist Skrillex releases a hit album “My name is Skrillex”

• Apple's iPad hit the market in April