Supp. Lesson - The Holy Spirit Sustains the Church as She Grows (CLE 7 - CSQC)

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Transcript of Supp. Lesson - The Holy Spirit Sustains the Church as She Grows (CLE 7 - CSQC)

  • 1. CLE Grade 7 Prepared by: Mr. Arvin C. Lising The Holy Spirit Sustains the Church As She Grows: The Early Christian Community After Jesus

2. D To understand how the apostles carried out the work of spreading the Church. M To point out how the members of the Church can continue the mission of Jesus even as she faces difficulties at the present. W To pray for the strength to help the Church face the challenges of the present times. Objectives: 3. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 4. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 5. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 6. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 7. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 8. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 9. A Filipino Hero for the Filipino Youth 10. What did you learn from the story of Efren Peaflorida? How do you feel about Efren Peafloridas service to the poor? In what ways can you be a hero to the needy persons in your community? Comprehension Table 11. Scripture Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. (Matthew 12. JOURNEYS OF PAUL ANAGRAM aemn - alup - dorsw - ejssu - cchhru - ails - cirhst - cprsuy - yaelms - afhit - amen Paul word sJesus Churc h sail Chris tCypru sElyma sfait h 13. The Word of God 14. Did you Know? The key event in Lukes account of Pauls missionary journey is the experience of Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia. Paul was favorably received when he preached in the synagogue, and many were converted to the faith. Paul and Silas were thrown into prison. Though they have been flogged, beaten and wounded, they felt like praising God. In the silence of the night, the prison guards and the prisoners were listening to them. In the middle of their praising, an earthquake occurred which set the events for them to be freed. For three years, Paul had wanted to evangelize 15. Prayer to St. Paul the Apostle O Glorious Saint Paul, after persecuting the Church you became by God's grace its most zealous Apostle. To carry the knowledge of Jesus, our divine Savior, to the uttermost parts of the earth you joyfully endured prison, scourgings, stonings, and shipwreck, as well as all manner of persecutions culminating in the 16. Prayer to St. Paul the Apostle Obtain for us the grace to labor strenuously to being the faith to others and to accept any trials and tribulations that may come our way. Help us to be inspired by your Epistles and to partake of your indomitable love for Jesus, so that after we have finished our course we may join 17. Church Teaching The Holy Spirit is the prinicipal agent of evangelization. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Incarnation was accomplished. It was in the power of the Holy Spirit that Christ carried out his evangelizing work and His first gift to the Church after His resurrection was the Holy Spirit. A dramatic outpouring of this Spirit took place on Pentecost, inaugurating the Churchs 18. Closing Prayer The Litany of the Holy Spirit Leader: Promise of God, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Ray of Light, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Author of all good, All: Grant us hope. 19. Closing Prayer The Litany of the Holy Spirit Leader: Source of life-giving water, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Consuming fire, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Ardent love, All: Grant us hope. 20. Closing Prayer The Litany of the Holy Spirit Leader: Spiritual balm, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Spirit of love and compassion, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Spirit of wisdom and understanding, All: Grant us hope. 21. Closing Prayer The Litany of the Holy Spirit Leader: Spirit of counsel and fortitude, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Spirit of knowledge and truth, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Spirit of peace and reconcilation, All: Grant us hope. 22. Closing Prayer The Litany of the Holy Spirit Leader: Spirit of transformation and renewal, All: Grant us hope. Leader: Spirit of justice and clemency, All: Grant us hope. 23. Prayer: O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and 24. TRIALS TRIUMPH S 25. Questions: How was Paul welcomed in Jerusalem? What was the content of Pauls preaching? Why couldnt Paul be unjustly condemned? How did Jesus inspire Paul in the face of trials? 26. Did you know? Being a Roman citizen, Paul invoked his right to fair trial regarding his case. He still had his old friends taking pity on him and giving him warning on what might happen to him. The occurrence of the vision of Christ consoling Paul and assuring him that he will be His witness in Rome prepares us for the journey of Paul and the Gospel when it reaches Rome. Paul experienced for himself the scenarios Jesus mentioned about what is going to happen if one is to follow Jesus closely. 27. The Word of God 28. Did you know? Though he didnt belong to the original Twelve, Paul earned the title Apostle because of his hard work in having the Gospel preached to as many groups of people as possible, and brought them to the faith. Because of this, he was as the Great Missionary and the Apostle to the Gentiles. Like Jesus, Paul experienced persecution for his beliefs, but kept on doing his missionary work even in the face of imminent death. Eventually, he died as a martyr for the Church 29. The Word of God 30. The Word of God 31. Prayer in Times of Trouble Lord, in every need let me come to You with humble trust saying, "Jesus, help me." In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations, Jesus, help me. In hours of loneliness, weariness, and trials, Jesus, help me. In the failure of my plans and hopes; in disappointments, troubles, and sorrows, Jesus, help me. When others fail me and Your grace alone can assist me, help me. When I throw myself on Your tender love as a father and savior, Jesus, help me. 32. Prayer in Times of Trouble When my heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good come from my efforts, Jesus, help me. When I feel impatient and my cross irritates me, Jesus, help me. When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely, Jesus, help me. Always, always, in spite of weakness, falls, and shortcomings of every kind, Jesus, help me and never forsake me. Amen. 33. A Timeline of Church History 34. Pauls Missionary Journeys 33 AD The conversion of St. Paul 45-49 AD First Missionary Journey Route: Antioch, Cilicia, Cyprus, Salamis, Paphos, Attalia, Perga, Antioch of Pisidian, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe Returned to Antioch (of Syria) then to Jerusalem 49-50 AD Attends the council of Jerusalem (See Disagreements in the Church) 50-52 AD Second Missionary Journey Route: from Antioch, through Cyria and Cilicia, Lystra, Phrygia and Galatia, Traos, Philippi (city in Macedonia), Thessalonica (leading city in Macedonia), Berea, Athens, Corinth (stayed 1 years), Ephesus, Caesarea Returning to Antioch 53-58 AD Third Missionary Journey Route: From Antioch, went through regions of Galatia and Phrygia 35. Pauls Missionary Journeys Macedonia to Greece Traos (Paul raises Eutyches from the dead Acts 20:7-12) Assos, then Mitylene, Chios, Samos, and arrived in Miletus Tyre to Ptolema, Caesarea and Jerusalem (final destination of his missionary trip) 57-64 AD Arrest in Jerusalem and Journey to Rome Gets arrested in Jerusalem Appeals to be tried in Rome as he invokes his right as a Roman citizen Stays in prison in Caesarea for two years (57-59 AD) Reiterates his appeal to be tried in Rome. Appeal granted (59 AD) Travels to Rome and gets shipwrecked in the island of Malta along the way (59-61 AD) Arrives in Rome, and is given limited freedom as a soldier 36. Persecution under the Emperors 64 AD A fire breaks out in Rome. Christians get blamed upon the instigation of Nero Caesar. Christian persecution in the Empire begins. 64-67 AD A number of prominent Christian leaders killed including St. Peter (Crucifixion In- The-Walls) and St. Paul (Beheaded Outside-The- Walls) as persecution begins. The followers of the Apostles continue the mission despite the death of the original followers of Jesus (Early Church Fathers and Apologists). Some of the known figures of this period are: St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Polycarp 37. Persecution under the Emperors Christians begin to hide in catacombs and worship in secret using the tombs as presiding tables for the Eucharist. Christian monograms used as symbols of communication to guard against Empire spies: a)Chi-Rho the initials of Christ (C=Chi & R=Rho) b) ICHTHUS (fish) their belief about Jesus (Ieosus Christos Theou Uios Soter Jesus Christ, Gods Son, our Savior) c)dove symbol of peace d)anchor symbol of hope e)phoenix symbol of the Resurrection Persecutions against the Christians last for 300 years. 38. Constantines Edict of Milan 286 AD Emperor Diocletian splits the empire into two (East & West). 307 AD The rise of Constantine as Emperor of the West. 312-313 AD Constantine is converted to the faith. He issues the Edict of Milan together with Licinius, Emperor of the East, making Christianity a tolerated religion in the whole of the Empire. 324 AD Constantine reunites the splintered empire into one by defeating the Eastern Emperor Licinius. Christianity then becomes the state religion as this is one of his first acts as 39. The Growth of the Church As Emperor Constantine rules the united empire in 324 AD, there was unprecedented growth in the Church. The beginning of the Patristic Period as theologians begin to rise as they systematized the teachings into doctrine and propositions. Some of the known theologians are St. Augustine, Tertullian, Origen, St. Ambrose, St. Jerome and St. Cyril of Jerusalem. There were four important centers in the Christian world: Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Rome. 40. Heresies in the Church Heresies beliefs that go against the official teachings of the Church promoted by the leadership of the Church. Some known heresies include Arianism, Adoptionism, Manicheaism, Docetism, and Monophysitism. Often heresies are settled and 41. Disagreements in the Church Disagreements in the Church reflect her as a human institution that opens her to the divine guidance of the Holy Trinity. Often disagreements and heresies are often settled through the holding of councils to settle disputes that arose out of these. First Council was held in Jerusalem in 49-50 AD. The issue was the full acceptance of the Gentiles to the faith despite not knowing and becoming Jews first. St. Paul took to the defense of the Gentiles stressing that salvation by confessing that Jesus is Lord is offered to all, and as such not require the Gentiles to become Jews first before being accepted in the community. St. Peter accedes to the idea of St. Paul while 42. Disagreements in the Church Since then, other councils had been held to settle disputes or even address the state of the Church and its traditions and teaching in relation to the signs of the times. Some of the known Councils of the Church are Nicaea-Constantinople, Chalcedon, Ephesus, Trent, Vatican I and Vatican II. The Church continues to live and grow from the ancient times to the present as the Holy Spirit continues to guide and strengthen the Church through these councils. 43. Church Teaching The Church, like a stranger in a foreign land, presses forward amid the persecutions of the world and the consolations of God announcing the cross and the death of the Lord until He comes. But, by the power of the Risen Lord, she is given strength to overcome in patience and in love, her sorrows and her difficulties, both those that are from within and those that are from without, so that she may reveal in the world, faithfullythe mystery of the Lord untilit shall all be manifested in 44. How do we show patience and understanding? Respect other peoples property. Respect the privacy of the person. Learn to forgive. Respect the ideas and opinions of others. 45. Prayer To The Holy Martyrs Glorious champions of Jesus Christ, who have fought the battle of martyrdom and have exchanged this bitter struggle for the peace of the angels in heaven, turn your eyes on me, a poor creature beset on all sides by spiritual dangers. Amid these troubles, I call to mind your great renown. You saints who overcame bodily torment to take heaven by storm, who vanquished the pleasures of the world and who set your eyes on 46. Prayer To The Holy Martyrs Add to the glory of your triumph by your intercession with God, so that I too may gain victory over the corruption of this world and its empty pomp. Blessed warriors, what comfort, what inspiration and joy it is for us to praise you and follow in your footsteps. Your names and memories are held sacred. You who are true champions of God, hasten to help us in our weakness. Give me the strength to reach the heavenly kingdom where I may rejoice