Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey January 2014

Transcript of Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

January 2014

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Methodology

• Survey developed by the Food Industry University Coalition. • Students were invited to participate in the survey by members of

the Food Industry University Coalition. • The majority of the students in the survey were full-time, and

consisted of 40% seniors and 25% juniors. • Primary student majors were in food marketing, business,

agribusiness, and marketing, as well as smaller numbers of other majors.

• Survey administered in fourth quarter of 2013/early 2014 by the Retail Feedback Group.

• Online survey completed by 322 students. Results reported using this base of students, unless noted otherwise.


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Sources of Information About Jobs and Career Opportunities


College Professors

Jobs/ Internships

Career Fairs & Company Visits

Families & Relatives

College Courses

23% 32% 27% 35% 22%



Written Materials

Career Counselor

Career Center

63% 60% 43%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Useful Job Info/Career Opportunities Associated with Degree Program

Received Through University Program Enrolled In

Students Indicating:

A Substantial Amount = 39%

A Reasonable Amount = 44%

Not Much = 15%

None = 2%


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Expected Starting Salary Upon Graduation


Less than $30,000

$30,000 - $49,999

$50,000 - $74,999

$75,000 - $99,000

$100,000 or more

2% 35% 50% 11% 2%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Importance of Job Factors when Considering an Employer


% Very Important

Opportunities for Long-Term Career Advancement 89%

Competitive Salary and Benefits 79%

Work-Life Balance 78%

Company/Industry Stability 75%

Leadership Opportunities 69%

Gender and Racial Equality 56%

Flexible Work Policies 49%

Mentorship Opportunities / Access to Mentor 47%

Defined Career Path 39%

Contribution to Community 36%

Contribution to Environment / Sustainability 30%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Career Interest in Food Manufacturers/CPG vs Supermarket Industry


Extremely Interested

Very Interested

Interested Somewhat Interested

Not Interested

All Students 5% 9% 19% 29% 38%

Food Industry Work Experience

8% 13% 29% 23% 28%

No Food Industry Work Experience

3% 7% 29% 17% 44%

Extremely Interested

Very Interested

Interested Somewhat Interested

Not Interested

All Students 12% 23% 24% 26% 16%



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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Student Perceptions of Industries


Positive Neutral Negative Positive Neutral Negative

Career Advancement Opportunities

65% 26% 9% 46% 30% 25%

Opportunities for Developing Skills

65% 27% 8% 49% 34% 17%

Benefits 62% 32% 6% 46% 35% 20%

Equal Opportunities for Women and Minorities

57% 35% 9% 55% 37% 8%

Salary Levels 55% 32% 12% 36% 33% 31%

Working Hours 49% 31% 21% 36% 30% 33%

Physical Working Conditions 43% 33% 24% 30% 41% 29%

Prestige 42% 29% 30% 22% 31% 47%

Food Manufacturers & CPG Companies

Supermarket Industry

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Degree Needed for Career








68% 12% 20%

41% 37% 22%

52% 27% 21%

48% 37% 16%

37% 37% 26%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Perceptions of Supermarket Industry


Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

Equal Opportunities for Women / Minorities

58% 6% 63% 10% 50% 7%

Opportunities for Developing Skills

58% 10% 61% 16% 43% 18%

Benefits 57% 16% 51% 20% 43% 20%

Career Advancement Opportunities

53% 17% 56% 17% 40% 29%

Salary Levels 46% 20% 44% 27% 31% 34%

Working Hours 42% 30% 37% 44% 36% 28%

Physical Working Conditions 39% 21% 31% 31% 30% 28%

Prestige 30% 37% 29% 46% 18% 47%

Interest in Supermarket

Industry Career

With Food Industry

Work Experience

No Food Industry

Work Experience

Note: Table excludes “neither negative or positive” responses

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Study Highlights Career Aspirations – Likelihood of Working in Position


Very Likely

Not Too Likely

Very Likely

Not Too Likely

Very Likely

Not Too Likely

HQ Advertising/Marketing Position 67% 6% 59% 10% 52% 15%

HQ Buyer/Merchandising Position 50% 10% 52% 14% 33% 27%

Regional Manager 43% 18% 36% 23% 32% 35%

Store Manager of Single Store 30% 37% 30% 42% 18% 54%

HQ HR/Training Position 28% 33% 26% 40% 18% 43%

In-Store Department Manager 23% 43% 21% 52% 14% 61%

HQ Logistics/Transportation Position 22% 35% 21% 46% 16% 45%

HQ Finance/Accounting Position 18% 56% 15% 58% 21% 52%

HQ Security/Loss Prevention Position 9% 62% 4% 72% 9% 66%

HQ IT Position at Supermarket’s 8% 66% 4% 78% 6% 71%

Interest in Supermarket

Industry Career

With Food Industry

Work Experience

No Food Industry

Work Experience

Note: Table excludes “somewhat likely” responses

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Detailed Study Findings


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Sources of Information about Different Jobs and Career Opportunities


Substantial Amount

Reasonable Amount

Not Much None

College Professors 35.1% 40.1% 20.5% 4.3%

Current/Past Jobs or Internship Experience

32.3% 36.3% 19.6% 11.8%

Career Fairs/Company Visits 26.7% 42.9% 21.1% 9.3%

Family & Relatives 23.0% 43.8% 26.7% 6.5%

College Courses 22.4% 51.6% 22.4% 3.7%

Career Center 16.1% 41.3% 30.1% 12.4%

Career Counselor 10.9% 29.2% 37.3% 22.7%

Written Materials (Brochures, Guides, etc.)

6.2% 30.4% 47.8% 15.5%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Sources of Information - Different Jobs & Career Opportunities

• The top five sources, in terms of providing a “substantial amount” of information are: – College professors (35%) – Current/past jobs or internships (32%) – Career fairs/company visits (27%) – Family/relatives (23%) – College courses (22%)

• Sources providing the lowest “substantial amount” of information include: – Written materials (16%) – Career counselor (11%) – Career center (6%)


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Useful Job Info/Career Opportunities Associated with Degree Program Received Through University Program Enrolled In


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Job/Career Information Through University Program

• A “substantial amount” of useful information about different jobs and career opportunities associated with a degree program was received through their university program by 39% of students. An additional 44% indicated they received “a reasonable amount” of information.

• On the other hand, 17% said they received “not much” information or “none” through their university program.


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Importance of Job Factors when Considering an Employer


Very Important

Somewhat Important

Not Too Important

Opportunities for Long-Term Career Advancement

88.5% 10.6% 0.9%

Competitive Salary and Benefits 78.9% 19.6% 1.6%

Work-Life Balance 78.3% 20.2% 1.6%

Company/Industry Stability 74.8% 22.7% 2.5%

Leadership Opportunities 68.9% 28.9% 2.2%

Gender and Racial Equality 55.6% 27.6% 16.8%

Flexible Work Policies 49.4% 46.6% 4.0%

Mentorship Opportunities/Access to Mentor 46.9% 44.4% 8.7%

Defined Career Path 38.8% 48.8% 12.4%

Contribution to Community 36.0% 51.6% 12.4%

Contribution to Environment /Sustainability 30.1% 51.9% 18.0%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Importance of Job Factors when Considering an Employer

• The “very important” job factors to students when considering an employer are: – Opportunities for long-term career advancement (89%) – Competitive salary and benefits (79%) – Work-life balance (78%) – Company/industry stability (75%) – Leadership opportunities (69%)

• The factors with the highest percentage of “not too important” marks are: – Contribution to environment/sustainability (18%) – Gender and racial equality (17%) – Contribution to community (12%) – Defined career path (12%)


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Expected Starting Salary Upon Graduation


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Expected Starting Salary Upon Graduation

• Half of the students surveyed expect their starting salary to range between $50,000 - $74,999 annually.

• Another 35% expect between $30,000 - $49,999, while 11% expect $75,000 - $99,999.

• Very few expect less than $30,000 (2%) or $100,000 or more (2%).


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Interest in Career in Supply Side of Food Industry


The "supply side" of the food industry consists of companies engaged in the production, processing, packaging, distribution and marketing of food and consumer goods. These companies could be described as manufacturers, suppliers or vendors. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Kellogg's, or Hormel fall within this category, as well as many smaller food and consumer packaged goods companies, brokerage firms, and sales and marketing firms such as Advantage, Acosta and Crossmark.

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Interest in Career in Supply Side of Food Industry

• Of the students in the survey, 35% are “extremely” or “very” interested in a career in the supply side of the food business.

• Another 50% are either “interested” or “somewhat interested” in a supply side career.

• Just 16% indicate “not interested.”


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Degree Needed for Career in Food Manufacturing and CPG Industry


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Need Degree for Career in Food Manufacturing and CPG Industry?

• Fully 68% of students surveyed believe a college degree is required to have a successful career in the food manufacturing and CPG industry.

• Of the remaining students, 20% are unsure and 12% believe a degree is not required.


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Perceptions of Food Manufacturers and CPG Companies


Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

Neither Negative

or Positive

Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Career Advancement Opportunities 29.8% 35.4% 25.8% 8.1% 0.9%

Opportunities for Developing Skills 28.0% 37.3% 27.0% 6.5% 1.2%

Equal Opportunities for Women and Minorities

27.6% 29.2% 34.5% 6.2% 2.5%

Benefits 16.1% 46.0% 32.3% 5.3% 0.3%

Prestige 16.1% 25.8% 28.6% 25.5% 4.0%

Physical Working Conditions 12.7% 30.1% 33.2% 22.4% 1.6%

Salary Levels 12.4% 42.9% 32.3% 11.2% 1.2%

Working Hours 10.6% 37.9% 30.7% 19.3% 1.6%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Perceptions of Food Manufacturers and CPG Companies

• The areas with the highest “very positive” marks as it relates to perceptions of food manufacturers/CPG companies are: – Career advancement opportunities (30%) – Opportunities for developing skills (28%) – Equal opportunities for women/minorities (28%)

• On the other hand, areas with the highest “somewhat” or “very” negative marks include: – Prestige (30%) – Physical working conditions (24%) – Working hours (21%)


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Interest in Career in Supermarket Industry


No Experience Working in Food Industry (N=207)

Worked in Food Industry (N=115)

Extremely Interested

3.4% 7.8%

Very Interested 6.8% 13.0%

Interested 29.0% 28.7%

Somewhat Interested

16.9% 22.6%

Not Interested 44.0% 27.8%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Interest in Career in Supermarket Industry

• Overall, just 5% of students are “extremely” interested and 9% “very” interested in a career in the supermarket industry.

• When comparing students who have some experience working in the food industry versus those who do not, the numbers change slightly. – Among students with prior experience, 8% are “extremely” and 13%

“very” interested in a career in the supermarket industry. – Among students without prior experience, just 3% are “extremely”

and 7% “very” interested.

• Across all students, 38% are “not interested” in a career in the supermarket industry. This goes up to 44% among those without experience and drops to 28% among those with work experience in the food industry.


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Degree Needed for Career in Supermarket Industry


Interested in Supermarket

Career (N=199)

No Experience Working in

Food Industry (N=207)

Worked in Food Industry (N=115)

Yes 51.8% 37.2% 47.8%

No 27.1% 37.2% 36.5%

Not Sure 21.1% 25.6% 15.7%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Need for Degree for Career in Supermarket Industry

• Overall, 41% of students think a degree is required to have a successful career in the supermarket industry, while 37% do not think it is required and 22% are not sure.

• Among those expressing an interest in a supermarket career, 52% believe a degree is required.

• Considering those with work experience in the food industry, 48% think a degree is required.

• Turning to those without work experience in the food industry, 37% believe a degree is required (but the largest percent of “not sure” is also found among this group at 26%).


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Perceptions of Supermarket Industry All Students


Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

Neither Negative

or Positive

Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Equal Opportunities for Women and Minorities

23.6% 31.1% 37.3% 6.8% 1.2%

Opportunities for Developing Skills 14.9% 34.2% 33.5% 15.8% 1.6%

Career Advancement Opportunities 12.7% 32.9% 29.5% 21.4% 3.4%

Benefits 10.6% 35.1% 34.5% 18.0% 1.9%

Physical Working Conditions 8.7% 21.4% 40.7% 26.4% 2.8%

Working Hours 8.1% 28.3% 30.4% 25.5% 7.8%

Salary Levels 6.2% 29.5% 32.9% 28.9% 2.5%

Prestige 5.6% 16.5% 31.4% 35.7% 10.9%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Perceptions of Supermarket Industry Students with Interest in Supermarket Industry Career


N=199 Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

Neither Negative

or Positive

Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Equal Opportunities for Women and Minorities

27.6% 30.2% 36.2% 6.0% 0.0%

Opportunities for Developing Skills 20.6% 37.7% 32.2% 9.0% 0.5%

Career Advancement Opportunities 17.1% 36.2% 30.2% 15.6% 1.0%

Benefits 15.1% 41.7% 27.1% 14.6% 1.5%

Physical Working Conditions 11.6% 27.1% 40.2% 20.1% 1.0%

Working Hours 10.1% 32.2% 27.6% 22.6% 7.5%

Salary Levels 8.5% 37.2% 34.2% 19.1% 1.0%

Prestige 8.5% 21.1% 33.2% 31.7% 5.5%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Perceptions of Supermarket Industry Students With Food Industry Work Experience


N=115 Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

Neither Negative

or Positive

Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Equal Opportunities for Women and Minorities

27.8% 34.8% 27.8% 8.7% 0.9%

Opportunities for Developing Skills 18.3% 42.6% 23.5% 13.9% 1.7%

Career Advancement Opportunities 18.3% 37.4% 27.0% 15.7% 1.7%

Benefits 15.7% 35.7% 28.7% 17.4% 2.6%

Physical Working Conditions 12.2% 18.3% 38.3% 26.1% 5.2%

Working Hours 11.3% 25.2% 20.0% 26.1% 17.4%

Salary Levels 10.4% 33.9% 28.7% 25.2% 1.7%

Prestige 10.4% 18.3% 25.2% 35.7% 10.4%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Perceptions of Supermarket Industry Students Without Food Industry Work Experience


N=207 Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

Neither Negative

or Positive

Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Equal Opportunities for Women and Minorities

21.3% 29.0% 42.5% 5.8% 1.4%

Opportunities for Developing Skills 13.0% 29.5% 39.1% 16.9% 1.4%

Career Advancement Opportunities 9.7% 30.4% 30.9% 24.6% 4.3%

Benefits 7.7% 34.8% 37.7% 18.4% 1.4%

Physical Working Conditions 6.8% 23.2% 42.0% 26.6% 1.4%

Working Hours 6.3% 30.0% 36.2% 25.1% 2.4%

Salary Levels 3.9% 27.1% 35.3% 30.9% 2.9%

Prestige 2.9% 15.5% 34.8% 35.7% 11.1%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Perceptions of Supermarket Industry – Positive Perceptions

• The areas with the highest “very/somewhat” positive perceptions, while it varies in degree, are the same across students with an interest in a career in the supermarket industry, as well as among those with and without food industry work experience. These areas are: – Equal opportunities for women and minorities – Opportunities for developing skills – Career advancement opportunities – Benefits


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Perceptions of Supermarket Industry – Negative Perceptions

• The factor with the highest “somewhat/very negative” percentage, across all groups, is prestige (47% overall).

• Other negatively perceived factors are: – Salary levels – Working hours – Physical working conditions – Career advancement opportunities (highest among

students without work experience in food industry) – Benefits (highest among both those with and without work



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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Career Aspirations in Supermarket Industry All Students: Likelihood of Working in Position


Very Likely Somewhat Likely

Not Too Likely

Advertising/Marketing Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 54.3% 32.6% 13.0%

Buyer/Merchandising Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 40.1% 37.9% 22.0%

Regional Manager Overseeing a Number of Stores 33.5% 36.0% 30.4%

Store Manager of a Single Store 22.4% 28.3% 49.4%

Human Resources/Training Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 21.1% 37.0% 41.9%

Finance/Accounting Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 18.6% 27.0% 54.3%

Logistics/Transportation Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 17.4% 37.3% 45.3%

In-Store Department Manager (produce, meat, etc.) 16.1% 26.1% 57.8%

Security/Loss Prevention Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 7.1% 24.5% 68.3%

IT Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 5.0% 21.4% 73.6%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Career Aspirations in Supermarket Industry Students With Interest in Supermarket Industry Career:

Likelihood of Working in Position


N=199 Very Likely Somewhat Likely

Not Too Likely

Advertising/Marketing Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 67.3% 26.6% 6.0%

Buyer/Merchandising Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 49.7% 40.2% 10.1%

Regional Manager Overseeing a Number of Stores 43.2% 39.2% 17.6%

Store Manager of a Single Store 30.2% 32.7% 37.2%

Human Resources/Training Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 27.6% 39.7% 32.7%

In-Store Department Manager (produce, meat, etc.) 22.6% 34.7% 42.7%

Logistics/Transportation Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 22.1% 42.7% 35.2%

Finance/Accounting Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 17.6% 26.6% 55.8%

Security/Loss Prevention Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 9.0% 28.6% 62.3%

IT Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 7.5% 26.6% 65.8%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Career Aspirations in Supermarket Industry Students With Food Industry Work Experience:

Likelihood of Working in Position


N=115 Very Likely Somewhat Likely

Not Too Likely

Advertising/Marketing Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 59.1% 31.3% 9.6%

Buyer/Merchandising Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 52.2% 33.9% 13.9%

Regional Manager Overseeing a Number of Stores 35.7% 41.7% 22.6%

Store Manager of a Single Store 30.4% 27.8% 41.7%

Human Resources/Training Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 26.1% 33.9% 40.0%

Logistics/Transportation Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 20.9% 33.0% 46.1%

In-Store Department Manager (produce, meat, etc.) 20.9% 27.0% 52.2%

Finance/Accounting Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 14.8% 27.0% 58.3%

Security/Loss Prevention Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 3.5% 24.3% 72.2%

IT Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 3.5% 18.3% 78.3%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Career Aspirations in Supermarket Industry Students Without Food Industry Work Experience:

Likelihood of Working in Position


N=207 Very Likely Somewhat Likely

Not Too Likely

Advertising/Marketing Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 51.7% 33.3% 15.0%

Buyer/Merchandising Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 33.3% 40.1% 26.6%

Regional Manager Overseeing a Number of Stores 32.4% 32.9% 34.8%

Finance/Accounting Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 20.8% 27.1% 52.2%

Human Resources/Training Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 18.4% 38.6% 43.0%

Store Manager of a Single Store 17.9% 28.5% 53.6%

Logistics/Transportation Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 15.5% 39.6% 44.9%

In-Store Department Manager (produce, meat, etc.) 13.5% 25.6% 60.9%

Security/Loss Prevention Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 9.2% 24.6% 66.2%

IT Position at the Supermarket’s Headquarters 5.8% 23.2% 71.0%

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Career Aspirations in Supermarket Industry – Likelihood of

Working in Position: Highest Likelihood

• The positions registering the highest percentage of students (30%+) indicating as “very likely” to work in are: – Advertising/Marketing position at supermarket’s HQ – Buyer/Merchandising position at supermarket’s HQ – Regional manager overseeing a number of stores – Store manager of single store (students with interest in

supermarket career; students with food industry work experience)


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Key Findings Career Aspirations in Supermarket Industry – Likelihood of

Working in Position: Lowest Likelihood

• The positions registering the highest percentage of students (50%+) indicating as “not too likely” to work in are: – IT position at the supermarket’s HQ (all students) – Security/loss prevention position at supermarket’s HQ (all students) – In-store department manager (both students with and without food

industry work experience) – Finance/accounting position at supermarket’s HQ (all students) – Store manager of a single store (student without food industry work



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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Worked in the Food or Supermarket Industry Past or Current


In Past Current

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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Food Industry Work Experience (Base: Past or Current Workers)


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Survey Respondents Demographic Composition


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Survey Respondents School Statistics


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Survey Respondents University Attending


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Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

Supermarket Industry Student Career Survey

January 2014