Super power gayatri the icon deity of demigods, avataras and rishis ashok n rawal 24th september 201



In the New Era what should be the level of faith, hope, tradition, activities of human society? On what basis should it be executed is the question that has to be decisively answered. It is not enough to ward off just the undesirable elements in our psyche. These agitations that will follow when blind beliefs are destroyed, will have to be dealt with via sacred faith. No doubt good health, education, income, security are necessary and none will oppose earning all this, but if we get stuck at the level of material comforts, all problems cannot be solved.

Transcript of Super power gayatri the icon deity of demigods, avataras and rishis ashok n rawal 24th september 201

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In the science of worship and meditation with reference to science of spirituality and religion Super Power Gayatri reigns supreme. There are many reasons for this. One of the reasons is that in this Super Mantra in seed form resides principles of human culture and sacred ideals. It can be called the smallest text of 24 letters in the entire world. In it in a gist dwells wisdom of religion and spirituality. While describing these 24 letters what is most required for human progress and good management that itself is the Mantra of divine intelligence and farsightedness. All problems in human life appear because of a vile brain. Daily in this world clouds of danger that manifest are but a creation of salty ocean of vile thinking. Viveka or farsighted thinking reigns supreme. In this world there is nothing more important than a sacred brain. This fact makes the Goddess of divine intellect called Super Power Gayatri supreme.

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Gayatri is a sacred intellect. In this Super Mantra a prayer is made to Almighty God for a sacred intellect. In its 24 letters 24 priceless messages reside and they are symbols of a sacred intellect. In this teaching such foundations dwell that by imbibing them one's viewpoint gets positively transformed. Further that spiritual ignorance manifesting due to illusion gets destroyed which is the root cause of strife and problems appearing in our life day in and day out. Creation of Super Mantra Gayatri has been done via such a scientific foundation that by imbibing it secret energy centers dwelling in it opens fully and in our psyche starts flowing the waterfall of piousness. In Gayatri dwells extraordinary divine energy that can gather in the psyche Prana Energy spread out in the cosmos via its intense magnetic power. Due to all these reasons Gayatri is a sure shot method to destroy a vile intellect. Definitely along with it other types of sorrow too get overcome. Goddess Gayatri is an imperishable eternal light. Due to it the darkness of a vile intellect gets warded off and the soul attains its natural state. It is for attaining bliss in the sacred peaceful lap of purity personified mother earth that it has arrived.

Man is the inheritor and prince of Almighty God. The soul is a part of the divine cosmic soul or God. All qualities and grandeur of his divine father dwell in man. The energy present in a flame torch is present in a spark of fire too. Despite this we find that mankind is leading a very lowly stature of life. Despite being potentially divine he lacks divine wealth.

God is truth manifest but we all his children are immersed in delusion. God is divine consciousness whereas we humans are immersed in spiritual darkness. God is divine bliss incarnate whereas we are immersed in sorrow and face harassment. What is the reason for this state? It is a question worth pondering over.

When God's indestructible prince has come in this world akin to his divine father's beautiful garden for merriment and sport then why is it that his life's journey instead of being divinely blissful is filled with sorrow and poverty? It is worth cogitating over this.

Fire is hot and illumined but when a burning coal starts cooling down ash starts covering it. In this coal covered with ash the above 2 qualities cannot be seen. Coal that has cooled down and is covered by ash is neither hot nor illumined. It remains dark, ugly and a pile of ash. This lowly state of a burning coal is that ash that has covered it from all sides. If this ash covering it is removed fire dwelling within it starts blazing again and it now possesses the qualities of heat and light.

Almighty God is Sat-Chit-Anand (existence-consciousness-bliss) in nature. He oozes with divine bliss. His son (soul) hence too must be bliss personified.

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While enjoying bliss of life in this divine garden he must experience bliss only. It is the ash of a vile intellect that creates poverty and sorrow bang opposite to the other by hiding this reality. Just as ash by covering coal fully rests far away from its natural state in the same manner this vile intellect hides the soul's state of purity, piousness and supreme bliss. As a result man lives a life that is demeaning and poverty stricken.

It is this vile intellect that is none other than Maya, demonic nature and spiritual ignorance. The more this covering covers man's mental arena to that extent he remains sorrowful. The more dirt sticks to our body the more we feel itchy and smell foul odor from it. The lesser this covering lesser is the itchy feeling and foul odor. If in our body tainted foreign poison does not gather no disease attacks it. But the more these distortions the more the body becomes diseased. This vile intellect is like dirt gathering on the body or like poisonous alien elements in the blood. And as a result of this itchy feeling, foul odor, diseases and other type of discomforts like pain, worry, tension, restlessness and harassment get created.

World humanity is sorrowful because of many hardships faced by them. Some of them are pained by diseases, some are sad because of poverty and the married life of many is stressful. Some are worried regarding their children, their business accrues losses, advancement fails, suspicion lurks regarding failure and there is fear with reference to court cases and enemy attacks. Friends break each others' trust and hence are worried. Events of breaking away from friends and relatives manifest. Such sorrow crops up day in and day out. Just like ones personal life there is no dearth of strife in the arenas of religion, spirituality, economic, social, political and international. Even if a person is very cautious then too taints spread out in society and mismanagement breaks apart their peace. Thus the goal of living a life of bliss and peace is not achieved.

Sorrow could be personal or collective yet its cause is singular i.e. a vile tainted intellect. In this world material means exist in such a big measure that by playing with these 'toys' one's entire life can be lived joyously. Humans possess priceless bodies, brains and sense organs. So much bliss can be attained in more commonplace things and circumstances that in comparison to it heaven seems lowly. But despite possessing all this people are very sad and stressed out. There is no attraction of life, people pass time waiting for death to engulf them. The mind and psyche daily are burning with worry and tension, fear, demeaned state and restlessness. As a result one has to endure strife similar to what is described in Indian Mythology called Puranas.

This world is as beautiful as a painting. In it not even an iota of ugliness exists. This world is a place for divine blissful sports. In it there is no place

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for worries and fear of any sort. This life is a ceaseless stream of divine bliss. In it there is no cause for undergoing sorrow. In this mother earth that is more nectarine than even heaven dwell all principles that helps the bud called the mind to bloom forth. The designing of this human body rare even for demigods to attain has been created so beautifully that via its mere touch it renders commonplace objects very beautiful. Almighty God's prince i.e. the living soul has arrived in this world to enjoy bliss. God has sent all mankind here by giving them a chariot that is the body, servants in the form of sense organs and a minister that represents the brain. Almighty God has sent mankind in this world akin to heaven so that he can see its beauty and taste nectar that pours from every pore of it. But it is this vile human brain that has created obstacles in this great goal of God and rendering heaven into hell.

Healthiness is our natural state. Illness is unnatural and this error gets created. Birds and animals follow nature in a natural way. They do not fall sick. They are always healthy and joyful. But man invites illness by eating, sleeping etc in an unnatural way. If man too follows nature's laws he shall never fall ill. Similarly our sacred intellect too is natural. It has been given by God, it is divine, it is there right from birth and a companion of our life. At the time of sending us in this world God gives us Kamadhenu or wish fulfilling cow or a sacred intellect so that man can attain all facilities and joyous comforts. But we err, because we dwell in illusion due to spiritual darkness by getting enmeshed in Maya or spiritual ignorance and renouncing a pious intellect imbibe a vile tainted brain and by acting unnaturally we invite illnesses. Similarly we invite a vile tainted brain. The moment this witch comes all of life's situations become lopsided. Wherever a vile tainted brain dwells there the human state reeks with chaos, worries, desires, lowliness, cowardice etc

If we don colored spectacles all objects appear colored. Of course! The objects actually are not of that particular color. Despite this all objects and our surroundings appear like the colored spectacles. By donning the spectacles of a tainted intellect our brain gets deluded. It is hence that the otherwise straightforward situations and incidences give us pain. The main course of action of Super Mantra Gayatri is to awaken Ritambhara Prajna or divine intellect after warding off a vile intellect. Added to this Super Mantra Gayatri possesses one more specialty wherein in it there dwells the confluence of word science and musical note based wisdom. No other Mantra possesses it. Great Yogis interested in spiritual practices and men of austerities have tested, applied and experienced it. On its basis they have noted its comparative supremacy. By getting impressed with it they have given a prime spot to Super Mantra Gayatri and its Super Energy. Regarding this many descriptions can be found in holy scriptures:

Gayatrya na param mantra na bijam pranavadhikam.

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Gayatrya na param japyam gayatrya na param tapaha.

Gayatrya na param dhyanam gayatrya na param hutam.

Havishyam ghritam sanyuktam gayatri mantra purvakam.

............................Vishwamitra Kalpa

Apart from Super Manta Gayatri there is no better Mantra. There is nothing greater than it like Japa or Mantra chanting, austerities and meditation. Apart from Gayatri Yajna there no superior Yajna.

Gaytri paradevateti gahita brahmaiva chidrupini.


Gayatri is called Paradevata or supreme than demigods. That consciousness manifest Gayatri is noe other than Almighty God.

In the epic Mahabharat Bhishma Pitamaha says:

Param sidhimavapnoti gayatri mutamam pathet.

That person who chants the greatest Gayatri Mantra attains supreme Sidhi or material and spiritual success.

Ashtadashasu vidyasu mimansati gariyasi.

Tatopi tarkashastrani puranastebhya ai vach.

Tatopi dharmashastrani tebhyo gurvi shrutirdwij.

Tatopyupanishacchreshtha cha tatodhika.

Durlabha sarva mantreshu gayatri prnavanvita.

.........................Brihat Sandhyabhashya

Amongst the 18 types of sciences Mimansa or Karmakand (rites and rituals) is great. Logic and Viveka or farsighted discrimination are greater than Karmakand (rites and rituals). The glory of Puranas or Indian Mythology is

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greater than Nyaya scriptures. Vedas are superior than Puranas or Indian Mythology and religious scriptures. The utility value of Upanishads that describe the Vedas is greater than that of Vedas. Super Energy Gayatri is greater than Upanishads. Amongst all Mantras Pranav or Om and Gayatri together reign supreme.

Gayatrim yaha parityajya chanyamantramupasatey.

Na safalyamavapnoti kalpa koti shatairapi.

.........................Brihat Sandhyabhashya

Those who worship Mantras other than Gayatri Mantra they do not atain desired success even after 100 million Kalpas.

Japatam juhyatam chaiva nityam cha prayatatmanam.

Rishinam paramam japyam guhya metannaradhipa.


For ceaseless Japa or Mantra chanting and for doing fire rituals called Havan great Rishis' supremely sacred Mantra is Gayatri.

Gayatri sarvamantranam shiromani taya sthita.

Vidhanamapi tenaitam sadhayetsarva sidhaye.

Trivyahriti yutam devimonkara yuga samputam.

Upasya chaturo vargana sadhayedyo na sondhakaha.

Devya dwijatwamasadhya hitwa chintamanim karat.


Amongst all Mantras and sciences Gayatri is a crest jewel. Via it all spiritual practices can be done pertaining to our sense organs. That person who does not attain Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha via this worship/meditation is one who has a blind intellect. If a person does worship/meditation of other

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Mantras even though Gayatri is accessible certainly is foolish. It is like throwing away a touch stone that fulfills our desires and searches for other less valuable jewels. Such a one is stupid.

Gayatri vedajanani gayatri lokapawani.

Na gayatryaha param japyametadvijnaya muchyatey.

......................Karma Purana

Gayatri the mother of Vedas is one that purifies the most in the entire world. Great scholars opine that that there is no other greater Japa than Super Mantra Gayatri.

Savitryastu param nasti shodhanam sarvakarma.

.......................Agni vridha chastambi

Nothing is better than Gayatri for sanctifying all actions.

Ashtadashasu vidyasu mimansati gariyasi.

Tatopi tarkashastrani puranastebhya ai vach.

Tatopi dharmashastrani tebhyo gurvi shrutirdwij.

Tatopyupanishacchreshtha cha tatodhika.

Durlabha sarva mantreshu gayatri prnavanvita.

...................Skandpurana Kashikhand (9/49/50)

In comparison to Mimansa scriptures, Tarka scripture is more important, in comparison to Tarka scripture Purana scripture is more important, in comparison to Purana scripture Tarka Dharma scripture is more important, in comparison to Dharma scripture Tarka Veda scripture is more important, in comparison to Veda scripture Tarka Upanishad scripture is more important and in comparison to Upanishad scripture Gayatri is more important.

Kuryadanyannava kuryadanushthanadikam tatha.

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Gayatri matra nishthastu krityakrityo bhavedwijaha.

........................Gayatri Mantra

Whether a Dwij carries out other Anushthans (rites) or not, whether he worships and meditates or not, yet he becomes glorified if he worships and meditates on Super Mantra Gayatri.

Saptakoti mahamantra gayatri prayakaha smritaha.

Adidevamupasantey gayatri vedamataram.

.......................Gayatri Kalpa

Amongst millions of Mantras the chief Mantra is Gayatri. It is worshiped and meditated on by demigods like Brahma etc. it is Gayatri that is the root of all Vedas.

Ityukta cha mahadevi mulaprakritirishwari.

Antardhanam gata sadyo bhaktya devairabhishtuta.

Tataha sarvey swargavan tu vihaya padapankajam.

Samyagaradhayamasurbhagvatyaha paratparam.

Trisandhyam sarvada sarvey gayatrijapatatparaha.

Yajnabhagadibhihi sarvey devim nityam sishevirey.

Na vishnupasana nitya vedenokta tu kutrachit.

Na vishnudiksha nityasti shivasyapi tathaiva cha.

Gayatryupasana nitya sarvavedaiha samirita.

Yaya vina twadhahapato brahmanasyasti sarvatha.

Tavata kritakrityatvam nanyapeksha dwijasya hee.

Gayatrimatranishnato dwijo mokshamvapnuyat.

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Kuryadanyam na va kuryaditi praha manuhu swayam.

....................Devi Bhagwat (12/8/84 to 91)

Vyasji said:

At first Goddess gave directions and then disappeared from sight. After this all demigods gave up their ego and spiritual ignorance and started worshiping and meditation on that Supreme Divine Energy.

All of them got immersed in doing Gayatri Mantra chanting along with Trikal Sandhya. They started giving Yajna portion. Worship and meditation on Vishnu and Shiva is not permanent. Vedas say that Gayatri worship and meditation is permanent. A Brahmin devoid of Gayatri is said to be a sinner and he undergoes a downfall. No other worship and meditation method gives good results like Gayatri. Only by doing Gayatri worship and meditation does one get Moksha or salvation. Such a one need not do any other type of worship and meditation. Lord Manu has spoken similarly:

Ashtadashasu vidyasu mimansatigariyasi.

Tatopitarkashastrani puranastebhya eva cha.

Tatopidharmashastrani tebhyo gurvishrutirdwij.

Tatopyupanishachhreshtha gayatri cha tatodhika.

Durlabhasarvamantreshu gayatri pranavanvita.

Na gayatryadhikam kinchittrayishu parigiyatey.

Na gayatrisamo mantro na kashisadrishi puri.


Amongst 18 sciences Mimansa is quite a huge science. Bigger than it is Tarka science. Bigger than it is Puranas and bigger than it is Dharma science and bigger than it is Shruti. O Dwij! Bigger than it is Upanishad and superior to it is Gayatri. Nothing is more superior than it. Gayatri along with Pranav or Om is rare amongst all Mantras. In Vedatrayi nothing is more supreme than Gayatri. There is no Mantra greater than Gayatri. There is no Mantra comparable to Gayatri and there is no city like Kashi.

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Gayatri vedajanani gayatri brahmanaprasuha.

Gataram trayateyasmad gayatri tena giyate.

Vachyavachak sambandhogayatrayaha saviturdwayoha.

Vachyoso savita sakshad gayatri vachika para.

Prabhavenaivagayatryaha kshatriyaha kaushikovashi.

Rajarshitwaparityajay brahmarshipadamiyivan.

Samarthyam prap chatyucchairanyadbhuvanasarjaney.

Kim kim na dadyadgayatri samyagevamupasita.

Gayatri is the mother of Vedas. Gayatri gives birth to Brahmins because they chant it and protect it. Hence it is called Gayatri. Gayatri and Savita complement each other. God Savita is Vachya and Gayatri Para is its Vachika. Due to the influence of Gayatri Kaushik (Vishwamitra) of Kshatriya or soldier class became Brahmarshi from Rajarshi. Also he had learnt the science of making buildings. Man can attain just about anything by doing Gayatri meditation and worship.

In comparison to other Mantras Gayatri reigns supreme and it is also said that by worshiping only one Beej or seed one gets benefit of studying Vedas. In comparison to other Mantras one cannot negate Gayatri's supremacy. Following is the proof of this:

Sarvesham japasooktanamruchancha yajusham tatha.

Samnam chaikaksharadinam gayatri paramo japaha.

..................Vridha Parasher Smriti (4/4)

In Vedas there are so many types of worship-meditation, Mantras, Japa, Sookta, Omkar etc and in comparison to them Gayatri reigns supreme.

Ashtadashasu vidyasu mimansatigariyasi.

Tatopitarkashastrani puranastebhya eva cha.

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Tatopidharmashastrani tebhyo gurvishrutirdwij.

Tatopyupanishachhreshtha gayatri cha tatodhika.

.....................Skandpurana, Kashi Khanda (1/49-50)

Amongst 18 sciences Mimansa is quite a huge science. Bigger than it is Tarka science. Bigger than it is Puranas and bigger than it is Dharma science and bigger than it are Vedas. O Dwij! Bigger than it is Upanishad and superior to it is Gayatri.

Sarvesham japasooktanamrichanch yajusham tatha.

Samnam chikaksharadinam gayatri paramo japaha.

Tasyashchaiva tu omkaro brahmana ya upasitaha.

Abhyastu paramam japyam trailokyepi na vidyatey.

.................Brihat Parasher Samhita

Amongst all Sooktas Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda and everything else like Pranav etc Gayatri is said to be supreme. Brahmaji had meditated on that Omkar which is a part of it. There is nothing in the 3 worlds that is worth chanting than these 2.

Puranam samhitashastram smritishastram tathaiva cha.

Gayatryaha parmeshani sadaartham brahmasammitam.

The true meaning of Puranas, Samhita science and Smriti scriptures is offered by Brahman.

Sangashcha chaturovedanadhityapi savangayat.

Savitrim yo na janati vrutha tasya parishramaha.

...................Yogi Yajnavalkya

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Even if one studies all Vedas along with Ang and Upang yet if he does not know Gayatri his efforts go in vain that must be undestood by us.

Gayatrim chaiva vedanshcha tulayam samatolayat.

Veda ekatra sangastu gayatri chaikataha smruta.

................Brihad Yogi Yajnavalkya (4/80)

When Brahma the creator placed the 4 Vedas in one pan of a weighing scale and Gayatri in the other pan, he noted that Gayatri was much heavier than the Vedas.

Over here the essence is that while comparing the mother and her children the glory of the mother is much more. Keeping in mind all these specialties Gayatri is said to bestow the 4 fruits viz. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha and that it wards off our sins, sorrow, harassment etc. Spiritual practices pertaining to it is said to be supremely great.

Maharshi Vyas says:

Gayatrayeva tao yogaha sadhanam dhyanamuchyate.

Sidhinam sa mata maata nataha kinchid brihataram.

.............................Skand Purana

It is Gayatri that is penance, Gayatri is Yoga and Gayatri is the biggest meditation and spritual practices. There is no other spiritual practice that gives such type of success.

Lord Manu too has concluded thus:

Saivitryastu parannasti

...................Manu (2/3)

Gayatri is supremely great. There is nothing greater than it.

In Manu Smriti text that great spiritual philosophy and worship-meditation's deep import has been written about at every step of it.

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Japyenaiva tu sansidhyed brhmano natrasanshayaha.

Kuryadanyannam va kuryanmaitro brahman uchyate.

...................Manu (2/87)

Gayatri worship-meditation is said to be the substratum of all Sidhis. Whether a Gayatri devotee executes other Anushthans or not yet by behaving in a friendly manner with all he attains Brahman. This is because due to his Mantra chanting his psyche becomes sacredly pure like Brahman or divine cosmic consciousness.

Purvam sandhyam japanstishthetsavitriyamarkadarshanat.

Paschimam tu samaseenaha samyagrihakshavibhavanat.

...................Manu (2/10)

O beloved son! In the morning before the sun rises a devotee that stands and does Mantra chanting and in the evening till the stars are seen in the sky he sits to do Japa or Mantra chanting attains both material and spiritual grandeur.

Apam samipey niyato naityakamvidhimasthitaha.

Savitrimpyadhiyati gatwaranyamsamahitaha.

...................Manu (2/104)

By doing meditation-worship on Gayatri seated on the shore of a lake in a jungle far away from noisy cities one attains mental concentration and benefit of untold peace.

Gayatri matra saropi varamvipra suryantrataha.

Nayantritastrivedopi sarvanshi sarvavikriya.

...................Manu (2/118)

A self controlled person doing Gayatri worship is greater than a Veda chanting Brahmin eating everything and selling off all.

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Etadaksharmetam cha japan vyahriti purvikama.

Sandhyorvedavidvipro veda punyena yujyate.

...................Manu (2/78)

A self controlled person doing Gayatri worship at dawn and dusk along with Omkar and Vyahriti attains Vedic wisdom automatically.

Yodhitehanyahanyetam trini varshanyatandritaha.

Sa brahma parambhyeti vayubhutaha khamamurtimana.

...................Manu (2/82)

That devotee who without lethargy continuously and regularly for 3 years does Gayatri Mantra chanting understands very well consciousness that resides in air and cosmic space and attains the credentials to attain Almighty God (Self or God Realization).

In the Bhagwad Geeta (10/35) it is said:

Gayatri chhandasamaham

Amongst Chhandas (poetic meter) I (God) am Gayatri Chhanda.

Gayatri paradevateti gadita brahmaiva chidrupini.

........................Gayatri Purashcharan

Gayatri is the supremely great deity and it is also said that it is divine consciousness manifest Brahman.

Gayatri va idam sarva bhutam yadidamkincha.

.....................Chandogya Upanishad

This entire cosmos is Gayatri manifest.

Gayatri pratyagbrahmaikyabodhika.

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....................Shankar Bhashya

Gayatri connotes direct wisdom of non dual Brahman (God).

In scriptures and Puranas or Indian Mythology there are many examples of such proofs given above wherein Gayatri is called the mother of Indian Culture and supreme icon deity worth worshiping. Not only this but that those not worshiping Gayatri are rebuked. The above mentioned proof is very important. As long as it was imbibed our country India was a crest jewel from both the material standpoint. When Super Power Gayatri was ignored later our country's foundation experienced a downfall. In order to strengthen it, it is mandatory that Gayatri devotion spreads out in the entire world.



Gayatri is called the mother of Indian Culture and Yajna is called Indian Religion's divine father. It is called mother of Vedas, mother of deities and mother of the entire cosmos. Right from the Vedas to religious scriptures all divine knowledge is said to be the amplification of Gayatri's seed letters. Yoga practices and energy streams of austerities have emerged from Himalaya Mountains in the form of Gayatri. The great results of its spiritual practice bestows on us Amrit or immortal nectar, Kalpavriksha or the wish fulfilling tree, Kamadhenu or the wish fulfilling cow and divine bliss. These

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are 5 boons given by 5 chief deities. Because of this mystery its one form is created with 5 faces. In Super Energy Gayatri reside hidden, material powers and infinite storehouse of soul based glories. The theory of attaining Sidhis via spiritual practices can be directly perceived by doing Gayatri worship systematically. Even in material world dire situations it proves to be a great boon. This primordial energy Mother Gayatri if taken recourse to never does one experience hopelessness.

Gayatri Mantra has 24 alphabets or letters. Spiritual seers had identified that divine energy residing in seed form in these letters that are known as 24 Avataras, 24 Rishis, 24 energy streams and 24 Sidhis or Divine Powers. With the help of worship-meditation on it Devarshi, Brahmarshi and Rajarshi attained a high status.

Anoraniyan mahato mahiyan

This itself is a Super Power. Gayatri Mantra is a small body made from 24 alphabets or letters. In it a full storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. There is nothing in this cosmos which does not dwell in Gayatri. Its high stature spiritual practices are quite difficult and special in nature but alongside it is straightforward too that in any situation it can be successfully with ease. It is hence that everyone without exception can use it and is universal in nature. Women, men, children or senior citizens and without communal differences can worship it and based on their faith in it they can accrue benefits.

The 4 Vedas have been created in the form of description of the 4 legs of Gayatri. Hence it is called Mother of Vedas. For description of Jnana or divine wisdom other scriptures and Puranas have been created. Indian Spiritual Philosophy and knowledge-wisdom are manifestations of the seed in the form of Gayatri. With the help of its worship-meditation and devotion great citizens of ancient India had become akin to deities and hence Gayatri is called Mother of Demigods too.

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Gayatri is called Tripada or 3 legged. It is believed that this Tripada energy has spread everywhere and is described in the form of 3 bodies, 3 worlds, 3 Gunas, Traitbrahma, 3 deities, 3 energies and 3 Kalas (time). Its 3 fruits or results are immortal nectar, touch stone and the wish fulfilling tree. Spiritual

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seers have told us about the 3 boons and 3 blessings of Tripada. In these 3 reside material wealth and spiritual grandeur. In the Atharvaveda 7 fruits have been described viz. life span, life force, children, animals, fame, wealth and Brahmavarchas or divine aura and these are found in the periphery of immortal nectar, touch stone and the wish fulfilling tree.

Everyone wishes that grandeur in the realms of Adhibhautik, Adhidaivik and Adhyatmik increases and that lack of any type and obstacles are warded off. All facilities and comforts dwell in this periphery. Difficulties maybe many but in reality they come in the realms of Adhibhautik, Adhidaivik and Adhyatmik. These are symbolically called immortal nectar, touch stone and the wish fulfilling tree. Scriptural seers say that these 3 divine glories are attained due to the divine grace of Goddess Mother Gayatri. Those people that possess ethically earned prosperity and ooze with sacred qualities are called deities. Divinity is conjoined to habits and inner nature and not to external appearance. It is tested via inner qualities, activities and nature. Demigods dwell in heaven. It can also be said that wherever demigods dwell there the atmosphere becomes heavenly.

Gayatri is called the presiding deity of heaven. One more name of her is Kamadhenu or the wish fulfilling cow. By drinking its milk demigods attain divinity. There are 3 streams of joyous comforts of demigods. They are: Immortal nectar, touchstone and wish fulfilling tree. With the help of immortal nectar demigods get Adhyatmik grandeur, with the help of the touchstone they get Adhibhautik grandeur and with the help of the wish fulfilling tree they get Adhidaivik grandeur. It has been said that via devotion to Tripada Gayatri it is possible to attain all 3 grandeurs.

Immortal nectar is that matter that on drinking it a person becomes immortal. Old age and death leave such a person forever. They remain young all the time and their psyche drips with bliss and zest. It is believed that immortal nectar rests in heaven. Demigods are known to drink it. Those benefits accrued by demigods in heaven are attained by a Gaytri devotees. The existence of matter like immortal nectar is not found in earth where living beings dwell. On earth everything takes birth, they grow and change too. It is due to growth that youth and old age arrive. Transformation and death are nothing but that which has become old is created again. This natural creation's cycle goes on and on.

It is the physical body that becomes old and then dies. Lest we accept that our existence is not the body but is the soul then definitely one experiences that he is deathless and immortal. Even children are overjoyed to remove old clothes and wear new clothes instead. Hence how can a God or Self Realized person undergo fear of death? Right since time immemorial to the end it remains youthful. It never undergoes childhood or old age. Sorrow and lack

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too give pain to the body but via Gayatri meditation-worship one gets inspiration, direction and facility to attains immortality. It is hence that it is called Kamadhenu or wish fulfilling cow. It is said that Kamadhenu is immortal in nature. Demigods on drinking it become glorified. By drinking it bad sentiments stay far away. No qualities like envy, anger and revenge are seen. As a result one is saved from selfish desires and lack of peace. A Gayatri devotee always oozes with bliss, zest and enthusiasm.

This immortality or Amaratva and divinity are synonymous. In comparison to human beings demigods are said to be more powerful, prosperous and contented. It is the principle of deities to desire to give beneficial things and continue doing so. People drinking the nectar of God or Self Realization are never greedy to use things for themselves. Whatever they get they prefer to give it away to those in need. Hence even if things are less the soul is completely self fulfilled. It has no desire or wish to attain anything. If we get true experience of it the face always exhibits contentment and peace. Such people all called Jivanmuktas or liberated while alive. They are termed deities of earth and in the areas they contact they create an environment of heavenly bliss. These are the signs of people attaining immortality.

Paras or touchstone is that if touched a black, ugly and cheap metal like iron turns into gold or we can say that it becomes a metal that is beautiful, expensive and ever shining. The so called existence of Paras is suspicious. Till date none have attained it yet the Paras of spirituality in the form of honest effort dwells in this world for a great length of time. Those touching it overcomes life full of poverty, rushes ahead with speed and reaches the peak of development.

The first step regarding efforts is mental in nature. They are identified as creative inner potentials like power of resolve, daring, hope, zest etc. Its second step can be seen by our eyes in the form of alertness and zeal. Lethargy and indolence are wicked demons that curse us with backwardness. When a person gets attacked by them he leads a demeaned regressive life of poverty and lowliness of the soul. Over and above lethargy and indolence is the third demon in the form of lack of self control.

When the touchstone of effort is imbibed by the inner self they after kicking the taint make a resolve to shoo them away. The state of inertness and semi consciousness is shaken up in order to ward it off. It creates a new way of living life. Sacred ideals are neo created. This inner transformation that is ushered in by efforts is called the touchstone of supremacy, advancing enterprise and a strong will power. Wherever it manifests there diseased state, weakness, poverty, sadness etc run far away.

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Gayatri means one that protects our Prana or vital force. 'Gaya' means Prana or vital force and 'Tri' means one that protects us. Prana or vital force connotes effort. When inner enterprise and practical hard work combine so as to use it for high stature great goals then in every realm its miraculous results can be noted. The touchstone is given due importance because by overcoming the lowliness of iron into greatness of gold. Efforts of the spiritual touchstone plays a similar role. Via Gayatri devotion one gets divine light and daring gets awakened. Keeping this in mind one can say that this inner transformation has found a touchstone called Paras. No doubt symbolism rests in it but there is no place for overstatement here.

A pure sacred inner personality is believed to be like a Kalpavriksha or a wish fulfilling tree. Kalpavriksha is found in heaven. It is said that those who sit beneath it and makes a wish, it gets fulfilled. From the symbolic standpoint it is but a description of a pure sacred inner personality. Gayatri is called the Goddess of a sacred radiant intellect. If she is worshiped properly God gives that devotee the boon of a sacred radiant intellect. The first influence of this boon is seen in the form of a pure sacred inner personality. Those who reap such success they must understand that they have attained the good fate of sitting under the Kalpavriksha or a wish fulfilling tree and attaining what he wishes for. Demigods are desire free. All their desires get fulfilled o their own. They never have to endure the burden of hardships. Such a glorious inner state is called Sidhi (success) of Kalpavriksha or a wish fulfilling tree.

Man's requirements are very less. His stomach is small and the combined production of this hands and brain is so much more that in a short time and efforts his physical bodily needs get fulfilled easily. If the lifestyle of Indians is adhered to and one remains content in accruing apt nutrition for his family then the burden on his head full of unnecessary desires shall not increase any longer. In order to fulfill then correct or wrong means shall not be taken recourse to. No longer need one get worried every day. Requirements get fulfilled by ones efforts. The net of mental desires is nothing but increasing wrong desires and remaining restless to immediately fulfill them. That for which unruly people each moment remained stressed and fall at the feet of gods and goddesses for such selfish desires, people with divine intellect stay far away from them. By taking recourse to a pious intellect, by limiting their desires, by making efforts for that which is apt they march ahead in life with fair ease. It is easy for such people to remain desire free and get joy while sitting under the Kalpavriksha or a wish fulfilling tree. In a nutshell we must accept that a pious intellect itself is a Kalpavriksha or a wish fulfilling tree. The root aim of Gayatri devotion exactly is this. The more one gets its blessings the more one gets benefits of the touchstone-Paras, immortal nectar or Amrit and wish fulfilling cow or Kamadhenu. Thus by leading a life of demigods despite dwelling in the human body they attain bliss of heaven and Moksha or salvation.

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Gayatri is called soul power and Divine Wisdom. It is comparable to a pot of immortal nectar. Super Mantra Gayatri oozes with soul welfare and the substratum and guidance for attaining God vision. Those devotees that imbibe it drink immortal nectar and in the true sense of the term become deathless and immortal like deities. It is hence that it is called a pot of immortal nectar.

The fourth name of Gayatri is wish fulfilling cow or Kamadhenu and the fifth is Brahmastra or divine weapon. Wish fulfilling cow or Kamadhenu means giving nourishment like a loving mother, development and the boon of both material and spiritual prosperity. Brahmastra or divine weapon means by throwing it downfall, dire situation and obstacles get powdered to pulp and thus get warded off. Anyone that truly takes recourse to Gayatri has to the last letter experienced those Richas or verses of Atharvaveda wherein Super Energy Gayatri is said to bestow the boon of a long life, vital or life force, performing feats, children, cooperative family, sacred fame, means, grandeur and Brahmavarchas or soul energy.

In the 24 alphabets of Super Mantra Gayatri that is sacred wisdom's presiding deity and concrete Ritambhara Prajna or Divine Wisdom rests the gist of rendering high in stature mankind's thinking process and character. In the spiritual practice of this Super Energy all foundations, directives and methods of Yoga practices and austerities are known to reside. With its help those undergoing its spiritual practices attain apt benefits of Ridhi-Sidhis or material and divine powers. In order to attain heaven and salvation that is the high stature of soul progress taking help of the root basis of Gayatri's philosophy is incomparable.

Every human being adhering to spirituality must definitely take help of Gayatri. As per Indian religion and spirituality Sandhyavandan is included in daily worship and devotion. In Sandhya method the spot enjoyed by Gayatri is like the spinal cord of our body. Indian religion has 2 symbols wherein one is Shikha or pigtail and other is Sutra (Yajnopaveeta) or sacred thread. Both are images of Gayatri. There is a tradition of hoisting the flag of Gayatri's divine wisdom on the highest peak of the head and wearing on the shoulder Gayatri Mantra's 9 words i.e. 9 threads and 3 Vyahvrittis represented by 3 knots called Yajnopaveeta or the sacred thread. The brain is the basis of knowledge and body that of actions. Both in the form of Shikha or pigtail and other is Sutra (Yajnopaveeta) or sacred thread Gayatri has been reinstated. Rishi texts direct that the management and usage of both must be executed as per inspirations residing in the 24 alphabets of Gayatri. The name of Gurumantra has been given as Gayatri. When studies and Vedic studies, Sutra (Yajnopaveeta) or sacred thread etc Sanskaras commence Gayatri initiation is given. Other Mantras are called Deva, Sadhana, Sampradaya etc Mantras but the beginning less Gurumantra is Gayatri only. This very Gurumantra was given to Lord Rama by Guru

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Vasishtha and Lord Krishna was given the same by Rishi Sandipan. Via Maharishi Vishwamitra Lord Rama attained Bala Atibala energies by doing spiritual practices of it. Maharishi Vishwamitra too became a Brahmarishi from a Rajarshi via the above effect.

LORD MANU says that there is no other Mantra apart from Gayatri that can make us purer. One can attain Almighty God if one regularly does Gayatri Japa or chanting for 3 years continuously. Those Dwijas that do Gayatri Japa or chanting in 3 or Trikal Sandhya attains the fruit of studying the Vedas. Whether one does any other spiritual practice or not but if one chants Gayatri only one attains Sidhi or material and spiritual success. A devotee that chants Gayatri 1000 times daily gets liberated from sins akin to a snake shedding its old skin. That Brahmin failing to do Gayatri Japa or chanting is rebuked.

SHANKH RISHI opines that Gayatri saves those who have fallen in the ocean of hell by catching hold of their hands. Nothing is more supreme than it in heaven and earth. One that knows Gayatri definitely attains heaven.

MAHARISHI VYAS says that just as honey is the essence of flowers, Ghee or clarified butter is the essence of milk so too Gayatri is the essence of all Vedas. If one succeeds (Sidhi) in Gayatri practices it becomes akin to the wish fulfilling cow or Kamadhenu. River Ganga purifies our body and Gayatri manifest Divine Ganga purifies our soul. One who ignores Gayatri and takes up other spiritual practices is like one giving up a delicious cake and becoming a foolish poor beggar. Nothing is more supreme than Gayatri if we wish to attain success and reap rich dividend by doing penance.

BHARADWAJ RISHI says that Brahma and other deities too performed Gayatri worship-meditation. It bestows God or Self Realization. Because of Gayatri the vile qualities of those who act unethically get destroyed. A person devoid of Gayatri is more impure than a lowest caste Shudra.

NARADJI says that Gayatri is Bhakti or devotion manifest. It is beyond doubt that wherever Gayatri or Bhakti manifest dwells there Lord Narayana too resides.

VASHISHTHAJI opines that if a person whose IQ is very low, who walks on a tainted path and one without sharp brain skills does Gayatri Mantra chanting he attains a high status due to its positive influence. Later post death he attains higher divine worlds. Those with sacred qualities and in a balanced manner does Gayatri worship attains soul benefits.

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GAUTAM RISHI says that the fount of Yoga is Gayatri. It is via Gayatri that other Yoga practices are executed.

MAHARISHI UDDALAK says that Almighty God's terrific divine aura dwells in Gayatri. Those who imbibe this aura his prosperity becomes unlimited.

DEVAGURU BRIHASPATI opines that the primordial creator of divinity and immortality is Gayatri. After attaining it nothing else remains to be attained.

SHRINGI RISHI says that the primordial source of knowledge and science is Gayatri. Nothing is greater than it in this cosmos.

CHARAK RISHI opines that those who while observing celibacy do Gayatri worship and devour fresh Amla fruit lead a very long life.

YOGIRAJ YAJNAVALKYA tells us that Gayatri and Vedas with 6 parts were placed in the 2 pans of a weighing scale. Know that Gayatri was heavier. The gist of Vedas are Upanishads and the gist of Upanishads is Gayatri along with Vyahritis. Gayatri is the Mother of Vedas and destroys our sins. There is no other Mantra in heaven and earth apart from Gayatri that renders us more sanctified. There is no other pilgrim spot like River Ganga, there is no other demigod than Keshav and similarly there is no other Mantra more supreme than Gayatri and in future too it will remain thus. One who understands Gayatri becomes the knower of all knowledge, spiritual and highly learned. If a Brahmin does not daily worship Gayatri but is a knower of Vedas know he is like a low caste Shudra. All his hard effort goes down the drain. A person ignorant of Gayatri strays far away from true Brahmin hood and becomes sinful instead.

PARASHER says that amongst all Japa or Mantra, Suktas and Vedic Mantras Gayatri is supreme. When Vedas are compared to Gayatri the latter's weight age is infinitely more. By doing Gayatri Japa devotedly one attains Moksha or salvation and one gets purified both within and without. If a person studies Vedas, scriptures, Puranas and Itihas but is without Gayatri one must not call him a Brahmin.

ATRI MUNI says that Gayatri purifies and sanctifies the soul. Due to its divine influence very intense taints and vileness get destroyed. That person who understands the principle of Gayatri very well does not require any other joy in this world.

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The opinion of all Rishis is one as described above. This proves that any Rishi may harbor difference of opinion regarding other topics but for Gayatri they all had equal faith. All of them in their spiritual practices gave 1st spot to Gayatri. There are thousands of verses in scriptures, texts, Smritis, Puranas etc that throw light on Gayatri's greatness and spiritual practices. If all these are collected a huge Gayatri Purana can be made.

Spiritual great men of the 20th century too have accepted the importance of Gayatri just like Rishi-Munis of ancient eras. Today's era is that of high intellect, logic and proof.

MAHATMA GANDHI used to say that Super Mantra Gayatri is useful for curing diseases and soul advancement too. If with a cool calm psyche Gayatri is chanted all dire situations get warded off.

LOKMANYA TILAK says that Indian citizens have been enmeshed in many types of bondages. It shall not go away simply via political struggle. For it the soul shall have to be illumined and as a result what is right and wrong shall become clear. Thus people shall give up the tainted path so as to walk the path of true greatness.

MADANMOHAN MALVIYAJI the great man had said that amongst the priceless jewels given to us by great Rishis of yore the jewel of Gayatri Mantra is much more beautiful. Due to it the intellect gets purified and God's divine light illumines our soul. With the help of this light so many souls have been liberated from material bondage. Gayatri possesses the power to elicit faith in Almighty God. Along with this it wards off material lack too. That Brahmin who does not daily chant the Gayatri Mantra is at fault because he has given up his religious duties.

RABINDRANATH TAGORE says that there is a Mantra that awakens entire India and it is so easy that in one breath it can be chanted. And that Mantra is called Gayatri. In practicing this Mantra there is no place for dry arguments and difference of opinion.

YOGI AUROBINDO GHOSH at many places has directed regarding Gayatri. He has shown that Gayatri possesses such divine energy that can execute important tasks. With reference to spiritual practices he ordained many to chant Gayatri Mantra.

SWAMI RAMKRISHNA teaches us thus:

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I tell people that there is no need to do long term spiritual practices. Instead do this small spiritual practice of Gayatri. By chanting Gayatri Mantra one attains huge Sidhis (success). This Mantra is small but its power is limitless.

SWAMI VIVEKANANDA says that one must ask for something from a king that is equivalent to his glory. It is most apt to ask for a pious intellect from Almighty God. When God is pleased with us he bestows on us a pious intellect. A pious intellect shows us the true path of life and via sacred activities all types of happiness are attained. Those that advance on the path of great activities never lacks any type of joy. Gayatri is a Mantra of a pious intellect and hence it is the crest jewel amongst all Mantras.

ADI GURU SHANKARACHARYA informs us that it is beyond the capacity of humans to describe the greatness of Gaytri. To possess a pious intellect is such a great thing that it cannot be compared to any other task of this world. That divine intellect which gives divine sight to attain God or Self Realization gets inspiration from Gayatri. The latter is the primordial Mantra. It has incarnated as an Avatar to destroy our sins and augment gentlemanliness.

SWAMI RAMTIRTHA has said that the biggest task is to attain Lord Rama. The aim of Gayatri is to overcome desires and attain Rama. Only those whose intellect is sacred attains God. Gayatri all the time says that the intellect should be so sacred that it feels Lord Rama to be greater than worldly desires.

MAHARISHI RAMAN teaches that in Yoga Sciences Mantra Science is very powerful. Due to Mantra energy extraordinary success is attained. Gayatri is such a Mantra that with its help one can attain both material and spiritual prosperity.

SWAMI SHIVANANDA opines that if one does Gayatri chanting at Brahmamuhurat (4 am to 6 am) the psyche and heart become sacred, the body becomes very healthy and the character becomes humble. Since the brain becomes subtle it attains farsightedness. Ones memory power evolves very well. In trying times via Gayatri one gets divine help. Via this one can attain God or Self Realization.

T SUBARAO the renowned Self Realized person from Southern India says that Gayatri is the divine nature of Lord Savita Narayana. Since it is Primordial Energy it is called Gayatri. In the Bhagwad Geeta scripture it is described as 'Adityavarna'. The very 1st part of Yoga practices is to do Gayatri devotion.

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SWAMI KARPATRI says that those who have the credentials for Gayatri must daily and regularly chant it. For Dwijas Gayatri Japa or chanting is very important.

SWAMI VIDYANANDJI who used to give discourses on the Bhagwad Geeta scripture says that Gayatri sanctifies our intellect. In life there is no greater benefit than a sanctified intellect. Hence it is the mother of a real big benefit.

DR RADHAKRISHNAN says that if we cogitate over the universal prayer of Gayatri we shall get proof of how it truly gives great benefits. Gayatri is a prayer that starts a stream of a new life in us.

MAHATMA SARVADANANDJI a member of Arya Samaj says that right since world creation the Lord has been worshiped via Gayatri. SWAMI DAYANANDA too as per this tradition has said that we must do Sandhyavandan and study the Vedas. By doing this our psyche gets sanctified and because the intellect becomes pure human life becomes beneficial for both oneself and others too. The more one harbors faith and trust in such sacred activities to that extent spiritual ignorance and other such harassments get destroyed. That devotee who does Gayatri Mantra chanting with devotional love and with regularity for him it is a boat that helps him cross over the sea of material bondage and a road to attain Soul Divine Wisdom.

SWAMI DAYANANDA the founder of Arya Samaj was a devoted follower of Gayatri with total faith. Swamiji told the King of Gwalior that Gayatri Purashcharan is indeed much greater than a Shrimad Bhagwat Saptah discourse. He had shown the correct method of Gayatri chanting in Jaipur to Sachidananda, Hiralal Rawal, Ghodal Singh etc. Before commencing a discourse in Multan he chanted the Gayatri Mantra and he also said that this Mantra is supreme amongst all other Mantras. The root of all 4 Vedas is Gurumantra Gayatri and right since creation of this world Rishis-Munis have continuously chanted it. Swamiji had conducted its Anushthan at many places. In it around 40 Brahmins were called. This Japa or Mantra chanting continued for 40 days.

Prof R Srinivas a high stature member of Theosophical Society said that in the thinking trend of Hindu Religion Gayatri Mantra is most powerful than others. Its connotation is very farsighted and is full of mysterious import. This Mantra has many meanings. Its effect on people with varied mindsets to is different. In it one can notice a power to gather together all visible and invisible, high and low, humans and demigods etc with a mysterious cord. When a devotee having credentials to execute Gayatri Mantra chanting does it by understanding its mysterious import, concentrating the mind and heart and chants it with pristine purity it establishes a bond with the great

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conscious energy dwelling in the sun. Wherever such a person chants this Mantra there on himself and in the nearby surroundings a cosmic spiritual effect manifests itself. It is this divine effect is a great spiritual blessing. It is therefore that our ancestors prayed for this incomparable power to Gayatri Mantra.

In the above quotes right from Vedas-Upanishads to great saintly people have in unison accepted that in Gayatri resides all principles that by sanctifying a person's inner foundation he is made happy and well advanced both materially and spiritually. One sided progress never lasts long. This Super Mantra Gayatri possesses extraordinary specialties. Only that Yoga can said to be complete if it ushers in well being from the standpoint of individual needs to social needs, this world and the next etc. All such teachings dwell in Gayatri worship-meditation. Almighty God divinely wishes that along with an individual's advancement both entire society and the world reach peaks of glory. This process is fulfilled by Gayatri worship-meditation.

In this world 2 energies are at work. One is conscious and the other is inert. Inert objects appear steady but within it too movement exists. If we see superficially sand, mountains, lake etc are steady but in it creation, growth and changes take place. If it is seriously taken note of one can clearly see all creatures think and do something or the other daily for their activities. Similarly matter's visible and invisible mobility can shake up the world. The cosmic macrocosm like earth, innumerable planets and stars with great speed move on their axis and elliptical path. Due to their magnetic pull they all are bound to each other. Not only this but that in their inner area strange movements occur swiftly. To matter is conjoined mobility in an inseparable manner. It is hence that their existence remains untarnished. Matter has been created due to terrific activity and hence objects get created and changed too. This mobility of matter/objects is called Apara Prakriti.

The atom is the smallest unit of objects. Its combined and gigantic humungous form is the cosmos. This inert energy has so far been studied a bit but it is not possible to describe consciousness in the same way. But because of this energy so many creatures are seen alive. By itself the body of creatures is created from so many chemicals but its inner consciousness is very original. It is not created from material energy but due to its own influence it influences the body and surroundings too. This itself is called consciousness. Consciousness has 2 qualities wherein one is will and the other is faith. Will is called sentiment and thinking is called intellect. One is the inner soul and the other is called brain. At the root of thoughts created by the brain dwells its home, faith, description and the combined inspiration that is at work. A living creatures consciousness is called Para Prakriti.

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That science which describes and analyzes inert matter is called Material Science. That science which describes and analyzes consciousness is called Spiritual Science. Gayatri overflows with both subtle energies that are material and spiritual in nature. The atom is the smallest unit of matter. Its combined form is the cosmos. In the name of microcosm and macrocosm that smallness and gigantic nature can be understood. The conscious nature of living beings is called the soul and its cosmic form is called divine cosmic soul or Almighty God. Due to activity that dwells in the cosmos atoms get affected. This can also be explained in another way that the combined consciousness of atoms create upheavals and movements in the cosmos. It also can be said that in the arena of consciousness the soul gets boons from Almighty God or else the combined consciousness of all souls Almighty God gets created.

Gayatri is said to be the source of Para and Apara Prakriti. In the spiritual realms it is mainly seen as Divine Aura. It is the manifest form of Almighty God. It comfortably carries a devotee to Brahmanirvana or salvation. In the Devi Bhagwat scripture this has been further clarified:

Parabrahma swarupa cha nirvanpadadayini.

Brahma tejomayi shakti saadhishthatra.

Gayatri is God incarnate and giver of Nirvana or salvation. It is the presiding deity of Divine Aura and Divine Energy.

What exactly is Gayatri? Consciousness' Manasarovar (lake) spread out in the entire cosmos is called Gayatri. It works as divine knowledge and divine sentiments in creatures and in material objects it works as creation and activity of change. Its fount is divine consciousness.

This cosmos' evolution and propagation has taken place from one focal point only. This has been accepted both by western scholars and Indian philosophers. As per the opinion of leading astronomers too that initially when world creation took place there was only one great element. In it an explosion occurred wherein objects started flowing like a river. As a result this cosmos became full of planets and galaxies. In this materialism based belief matter does have place but since consciousness does not have it, it appears as incomplete.

The research of Indian scholars is much more important. We too have a belief that during world creation only divine consciousness with Satatattva (existence) was there. In its navel area gushed forth 'Ekoham bahusyama' i.e. may I become many from one. That itself became its will power and world

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manager became well known as Super Divine Power. It is called Gayatri. In spiritual terminology this divine energy gets classified as Sata, Rajas and Tamas. In Gayatri Super Science this itself is called Hreem or power of wisdom or Goddess Saraswati, Shri or means or Goddess Lakshmi and Kleem or predominating with energy or Goddess Kali. Due to the union of Almighty God and Prakriti a mixed Rajas existence got created and it is called Jiva or living being. Just as a son has chromosomes of both parents similarly a living being has existence of both his father and mother. In a major way a child lives with the help of its mother. It is more conducive for the child's nature. This fact has been experienced seriously by Indian spiritual seers. It is hence that Gayatri worship and meditation has been given so much importance. Since it includes devotion, action, wisdom, detachment etc Gayatri's spiritual philosophy helps both in this world and the next.

Subtle Prakriti is that which got created that after emerging from Primordial Energy Gayatri got classified a Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali. The rivulet of all pervasive energy is much subtler than the 5 elements. Just as in the flow of a river when water bangs with wind a gurgling sound is produced similarly from the energies of subtle Prakriti (nature) 3 types of sound emerges. In the Sata flow Hreem, from the Rajas flow Shree and from Tamas flow Kleem sound emerges. Subtler than this is Brahman's Om sound flow. Devotees undergoing Naadyoga spiritual practices in deep meditation hear these sounds. With its aid they attain Brahman or Almighty God.

In ancient times our revered ancestors viz. Rishi-Munis via their sharp divine eye had unfolded this subtle principle of science. They used up their entire life to search and succeed in it. As a result in comparison to present day material science they succeeded in attaining n fold more benefits. They placed their own rights on the subtle flow of Adishakti or Primordial Energy. It is quite clear that from within the human body varied energies manifest. Via Yoga our Rishi-Munis awakened energy centers, Chakras (subtle plexus), glands, 7 goddesses of Tantriks, lights and magnetic eddy fields hidden in various parts of the body. Due to this awakening an energy flow manifested and these were conjoined to various streams of Adishakti or Primordial Energy as and when required. Since the electricity of both is similar they would mix with each other. They would give and take the conversation etc between these centers. Similarly by awakening secret centers dwelling in Tandra (drowsiness) of the body we create a bond with energy centers of subtle nature at that time a relationship is created between Adishakti or Primordial Energy and man. Due to this relationship man starts understanding the mysteries dwelling in Adishakti or Primordial Energy. As a result man as per his will uses it to attain benefits because whatever exists in this world is present in Adishakti or Primordial Energy. Hence this bonded energy too can create a relationship with all objects of the world and various means.

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Today's scientists in order to create a bond with gross nature by remaining within limits of the 5 elements use up expensive machines, electricity, steam, gas, petrol etc and thus do some scientific research. The benefit attained from this is quite miniscule. This solution is full of hard work and takes up a lot of time. In it is the uselessness of taints, breaking things and changes. Work has to go on continuously in order to set up technology, protect it and produce things. To change its place of work is very difficult. All this trouble was not faced by Indian scientists of Yoga Science. Without taking help of any machinery, without using fuel like petrol/gas they by establishing a bond with centers of their subtle body and subtle nature executed such wondrous tasks that its great potential is beyond the ken of today's modern material scientists.

The basis of these Sidhis or divine powers is spiritual practices. A person via spiritual practices by advancing his inner nature credentials (Paatrata) attains benefits of that super power. This super power by proving the 3 Prakritis or nature viz. Sata, Rajas and Tamas manifests as wisdom, activity and worship of God in human life. Thus such a devotee becomes wise, active and truly wealthy.

That person who via Gayatri spiritual practices makes efforts to advance spiritually, mentally and soul wise they by awakening potentials dwelling within them and by placing authority on them renders them so useful just like today's scientists who after placing their authority on electricity, atoms and other energies have rendered them useful for service to mankind. Those energies and material wealth noted in this material world they in the inner world manifest as spiritual wealth. The spiritual energy of Gayatri manifests such good destiny for its devotee.

Anyone can benefit at least a wee bit via Gayatri spiritual practices. Special benefits accrue from worship with desires, influence of Beej Mantras, Anushthan and Purashcharanas. Due to it so many hardships of the devotee get warded off and the sequence of attained desired results goes on. Such benefits and miracles are seen often but they take place at a lower level. It is certainly nothing big that certain hardships get overcome and certain success was attained. Such benefits are accrued even by material efforts. The true benefit of worship-meditation is to render the inner soul infinitely powerful. Along with this akin to the sandalwood tree not only oneself becomes fragrant but that renders other trees and plants around it quite fragrant. In order to get such a high stature benefit man akin to a real Brahmin has to imbibe those qualities, actions and inner nature. Only then that infinite storehouse is attained for which Divine Wisdom exhorting Brahmins inspires them to attain that storehouse.

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In Super Mantra Gayatri divine powers overflow but it manifests only in pious character devotees. When River Ganga descended on earth from heaven in order to hold it Lord Shiva by spreading out his matted locks created a foundation for the 1st manifestation. Pleased with Bhagiratha's austerities River Ganga gave him the boon of it incarnating on earth. But River Ganga also said that lest no foundation was in place while it descended on earth it shall pass by earth and enter hell. Thus earth denizens would not benefit at all. When this requirement was fulfilled by Lord Shiva River Ganga successfully descended on earth. The same condition holds true for Super Power Gayatri. In order to imbibe it a powerful foundation is compulsory. And this requirement is fulfilled only by those devotees that ooze with true great Brahmin qualities, actions and sacred inner nature. Such Brahmins can imbibe the Super Energy of Mantras within themselves and via it uplifts both individuals and society too.

Devadhinam jagatsarvam mantradhinashcha devataha.

Te mantra brahmanadhinastasyad viprohi devata.

....................Matsya Purana

This entire world is under the reign of demigods. All demigods are reigned by Mantras. Mantras are used by Brahmins and hence true Bramins too are demigods.

Maharishi Vashishtha was a deity of such an earth. He possessed Kamadhenu (wish fulfilling cow) or the Super Power of Gayatri. When he had to wage a war against King Vishwamitra the king's huge army had lost this war. At that time the king uttered thus:

Dhig balam kshatriya balam, brahmatejo balambalam.

It means fie upon material might and it is lowly and useless. True strength dwells in the divine aura of Brhmins. That itself is the power of Mantras, it is true might etc and after saying thus King Vishwamitra gave up his kingdom so as to do penance in order to attain a true Brahmin's strength.

In scriptures of yore there are many examples of the nature, action and usage of Gayatri Divine Energy. Many times this energy has exhibited its own true nature and deities and Rishis in the form of prayers by eulogizing its inner nature have described it. Based on this description one can know that in this world where and in what manner Gayatri Energy Principle is being used.

Gayatri paradevateti kathita brahmaiva chidrupini

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This Gaytri is much bigger than other deities as is being said by all. This Gayatri with divine consciousness is Almighty God only.

Gayatri tu param tattvam gayatri parama gatihi.

.................Brihad Parashar (5/4)

Gayatri is the supreme Divine Principle and it is the ultimate goal.

Gayatri sa maheshani parabrahmatmika mata.

..................Rudra Tantra

This Gayatri itself is Almighty God and Maheshwari (consort of Lord Shiva).

Gayatri paradevateti kathita brahmaiva chidrupini.

...................Gayatri Purashcharan Padhati

It is Gayatri that is supreme deity, consciousness in nature and Almighty God himself.

Tadaksharam tatsaviturvarenyam prajna cha tasyaha prasrita para sa.


It is imperishable God, it is tatsaviturvarenyam divine intellect and an all pervasive Para or Divine Energy.

Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shakti rupena sansthita

Namastastyay namastastyay namo namaha

Indriyanamadhishthatri bhutanam chakhileshu ya

Bhuteshu satatam tasyay vyaptai devyay namo namaha.

..................Markandeya Purana

I bow down to that Super Power which dwells as energy in all creatures, is the presiding deity of the 5 sense organs and manages the 5 elements.

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Gayatri va idam sarvabhutam yadidam kim cha vagvai gayatri vagva idam sarva bhutam gayatim cha trayate cha.

Ya vai sa Gayatriya vav sa yeyam prithivyasya heed sarvam bhutam pratishthitametameva natisheeyatey.

..................Chandogya Upanishad (3/12/1/2)

Gayatri dwells in all 5 elements. Whatever dwells here is Gayatri manifest. Speech is Gayatri. It describes and protects via speech. This earth too is Gayatri in which all creatures reside.

Sesha chatushpada shadvidya gayatri tadetadrachabhyanutanam.

Etavanasya mahima tato jyaya shwa purushaha.

Padosya vishwabhutani tripadsyamritam diveeti.

..................Chandogya Upanishad (3/12/5)

This Gayatri has 4 legs and 6 categories. Its greatness is limitless. That 3 legged Param Purusha dwells in the soul oozing with immortal nectar and divine light. One of its leg is a contented world.

Gayatri's consciousness based flow works in the form of a sacred and divine intellect. Wherever it resides there true Brahminhood and divine qualities rain down. Along with this divine glories conjoined to soul power too increase in the devotee.

Gayatri is said to be the Mantra of true Brahmins. But this does not mean that apart from Brahmins people of other castes cannot do Gayatri spiritual practices. In fact its true meaning is that those who yearn to fully benefit from this Super Power they must not merely do Mantra chanting and austerities but that in their social transactions in this world too must manifest true sacred Brahmin qualities. To the extent one's character is pure and sacred to that extent radiant benefits of Super Mantra Gayatri can be availed. Even little amount of worship executed by a person with a glorious character gives extraordinary benefits. As against this a person with a lowly character may execute sacred tasks for his entire life yet he shall fail to accrue any benefit. Lest we augment true Brahmin qualities within us then all those benefits mentioned in scriptures regarding Gayatri worship can be really attained by us.

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Gayatri Japa or Mantra chanting gives important benefits. In order to give a glimpse of this we are giving many proofs of it thus:

Sarvesham vedanam guhyopanishatsarbhutam tato gayatrim japet.

....................Chandogya Parishishtam

Gayatri is the gist of all Vedas and mystery based Upanishads and hence we must do Gayatri chanting every day.

Sarvavedasarabhuta gayatraystu samarchana.

Brahmadayopi sandhyayam tam dhyayanti japanti cha.

.................Devi Bhagwat Skand 16; Chapter 16/15

The worship-meditation of Gayatri is the essence of all Vedas. Even deities like Brahma etc do Gayatri meditation and Japa or chanting at dawn, noon and dusk.

Gayatri matra nihnato dwijo mokshamapnuyat.

.................Devi Bhagwat Skand 16; Chapter 8/10

Those Brahmins who meditate and worship Gayatri attain salvation.

Ehikamushkikam sarvam gaytri japato bhavet.

.....................Agni Purana

Those that chant Gayatri attain all joys that are both material and spiritual in nature.

Yodheetehanyahanyetam trini varshanyatandritaha.

Sa brahma parambhuyeti vayubhutaha ivamurtiman.

........................Manu Smriti

That person who daily chants Super Mantra Gayatri for 3 years he definitely attains Almighty God and as per his wish he travels like wind does.

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Kuryandanyanna va kuryat iti praha manuhu swayam.

Akshaymokshamvapnoti gayatrimantrajapanat.


In this manner Manu himself has said that whether you worship other deities or not but via Gayatri Mantra chanting a Dwij attains salvation.

Omkar sahita japan tam cha vyahritipurvakam.

Sandhyayorvedavidvipro veda-punyena muchyatey.

.....................Manu Smriti (2/78)

That true Brahmin who does Japa of Om and Gayatri Mantra with Vyahriti attains the fruits of studying Vedas.

Gayatri japate yastu dwikalam brahmanaha sada.

Asatprarihitopi sa yati param gatim.

...............Agni Purana

That Brahmin who always does Gayatri Mantra chanting both at dawn and dusk but takes donations in an inapt manner, even so he attains salvation.

Sakridapi japedvidwan gayatrim paramaksharim.

Tatkshanat sambhavetsidhirbrahmasayujyamapnuyat.

.................Gayatri Purashcharan 28

Even if a scholar chants Gayatri with supreme alphabets even once he immediately attains success and also attains Sayujya salvation with Brahma.

Japyenaiva tu sansidhayet brahmano natra sanshayaha.

Kuryadanyatra va kuryanmaitro brahman uchyatey.

.....................Manu 97

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Whether a Brahmin does anything or not even so he can attain Sidhi or success via Gayatri only.

Nasti ganga samam tirtha na devaha keshavatparaha.

Gayatryastu param japam na bhutam na bhavishyati.

.................Vra.Yo.Yajnavalkya 102-7/8

There is no pilgrim spot akin to River Ganga, there is no greater deity than Keshava and till today no greater Japa than chanting of Gayatri Mantra exists and shall not manifest in future too.

Sarveshamjapasuktanamruchashcha yajusham tatha.

Samnam chaukaksharadinam gayatri paramo japaha.

.................Vru.Parashar Smriti Chapter 4/4

Amongst all Japa Suktas Rig, Yaju and Sama Vedas and one alphabet Mantras Gayatri Mantra reigns supreme.

Yatha madhu cha pushpebhyo ghritam dugdhadrasatpayaha.

Evam hi sarvavedanam gayatri saar uchyatey.


Just as the essence of flowers is honey, of milk is Ghee or clarified butter, of juices is Paya similarly Gayatri Mantra is the essence of all Vedas.

Tadityarichaha samo nasti mantro vedachatushtaye.

Sarvey vedashcha yajnashcha danani cha tapas cha.

Samani kalaya prahurmunayo na tadityarichaha.


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In all 4 Vedas there is no Mantra comparable to Gayatri Mantra. Great Munis opine that all Vedas, Yajnas, charity and austerities are not even 1 Kala measure of Gayatri Mantra.

Somadityanvayaha sarvey raghavaha kurvastatha.

Pathanti shuchayo nityam savitrim paramam gatim.

....................Mahabharat Anu.Parva Chapter 15/78

O Yudhishthira! All Suryavanshi, Chandravanshi, Raghuvanshi and Kuruvanshi clans daily after their ablutions chant the Gayatri Mantra.

Ekaksharam param brahma pranayamaha parantapaha.

Savitrayastu parannasti pavanam paramam smritam.

...................Manu Smriti 2/83

Om is Almighty God. Pranayam is supreme austerities and there is no other Mantra like Gayatri that sanctifies everyone.

Gayatrayaha paramam nasti divi cheha na pavanam.

Hastatranapradandevi patatam narakarnavey.

...................Shankh Smriti 2/83

There is no Mantra or anything either on earth or heaven like Gayatri that can save a person diving in the sea of hell by catching hold of his hands. It sanctifies us too.

In the Gayatri Samhita too it is said:

Yatha purvasthitamchaiva na dravyam karya-sadhakam.

Mahasadhantopyasmannajno labham tathapnutey............80

Just as one cannot carry out activities merely by possessing wealth only similarly a foolish person cannot attain benefits of this great spiritual practice.

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Sadhakaha kurute yastu tantrashakterapavyayaha.

Tam vinashayati saiva saaiva samoolam natra sanshayaha............81

That devotee who misuses Mantra Energy the latter totally destroys him.

Satatam sadhanabhiryo yati sadhaktam naraha.

Swapnavasthasu jayantey tasya divyanubhutayaha............82

That person who regularly is engaged in spiritual practices so as to attain discipleship such a person gets divine experiences in dream.

Safalaha sadhako lokey prapnuteynubhavan navan.

Vichitran vividhashchaiva sadhunasidhyanantaram............83

In this world a successful devotee after attaining success due to spiritual practices attains newer and strange types of experiences.

Bhinnabhirvidhibhi budhaya bhinnasu karyapanktisu.

Gayatrayaha sidhimantrasya prayogaha kriyate budhaiha..........84

A wise person for varied tasks succeeds first in Gayatri Mantra chanting so as to use it with Viveka or farsighted discrimination using varied methods.

In this manner in scriptures at many places one finds a description of great benefits of Gayatri Mantra chanting. It has nothing to do with singing praises just like that. Attaining success via Mantras and attaining both material and spiritual benefits is quite scientific in nature. In pages after this we shall see that via Mantras and via the energy of cosmic divine consciousness what type of benefits accrue.

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Gayatri is a root and inseparable energy of Almighty God. It is not any independent god or goddess but is an active portion of Almighty God. Brahman or cosmic divine consciousness is without any shape or form, it is beyond thoughts, it is beyond the ken of the human brain and is a witness but because its mobility is consciousness in nature it is worth worshiping. Further one gets desired results of worshiping and meditating on it.

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In Indian spiritual scriptures there is a description of many gods and goddesses. Mention has been made there of their varied forms and varied names and shapes. All these gods and goddesses are but different forms of the divine energy of Almighty God. Just as speech lies in the tongue, vision in eyes, brain in the intellect, strength in hands and mobility in legs similarly innumerable divine energies of God are given different names as different deities. In order to render them divinely energized varied types of exercises of varied organs are executed. But a person understanding the true reality focuses his mind on the root life force of the human body, digestion, purification of blood etc because by watering its root all leaves and branches by themselves remain lush green. Different worship rites of deities too is quite useful. There accrues no loss yet a farsighted person just like watering the root focuses his vision on the root divine energy and after rendering strong and nourished the seemingly different parts so as to attain all benefits which they shower on a true devotee.

The basis of all divine energies is Almighty God's energy. It is this Almighty God's energy that is called Gayatri. In the divine principle it is divine energy Gayatri that manifests mobility. Due to this all parts and demigods attain nourishment. Hence spiritual seers take recourse to the chief shelter and that which is attained only after roaming here and there aimlessly is got from one place itself. By doing worship/Arti of so many deities little benefit is accrued but n fold benefits are attained when we worship the root divine energy. Gayatri is the root and divine energies are its branches and sub branches. That energy too gets its energy from the root center and thus becomes capable. By this energy it gives a devotee desired boons. This fact has been described in Indian Mythology/Puranas and scriptures in such a way that all deities worship Gayatri and pray to it and whatever it attains from this humungous storehouse is shared in its region.

Sarvavedasarbhuta gayatrayastu samarchana.

Brahmadayopi sandhyayam tam dhyayanti japanti cha.

.....................Devi Bhagwat 16/16/15

Gayatri worship-meditation is the gist of Vedas. Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh etc along with Sandhya worship Gayatri.

Previously we have said that varied sparks of Almighty God are known as divine energies. The number of demigods is unlimited. It is said that there are 3.2 million deities but amongst all deities only 3 are said to be major ones viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Via their power of creation, propagation and destruction this world's life, growth and transformation take place.

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Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh do not have their own energy. It is but a loan taken from Primordial Energy called Adishakti Goddess. The moon does not have its own shine. It shines because of the sun's aura. The reflection of this aura appears as the shining of moon. This fact has been described in Skand Purana as a discourse and examples thus:

Sarvashaktihi paravishno rigyajuhu sam sanjnita.

Saipa trayitapatyanho jagatashcha hinasti ya.

Saishayvishnuhu sthitim sthityam jagataha palanodyataha.

Rigyajuhu samabhutantaha savitwijaha! Tishthati.

Goddess Primordial Energy called Adishakti that manifests this world in the form of creation, propagation and destruction is an independent energy and has names called Rig, Yaju and Sama. By itself in 3 fold form manifests in this world carries out creation, propagation and destruction.

Masi-masi kheryam yastatra tatrahi sa para.

Trayi mayi vishnu shaktirnasthanam karotivai.

Richaha stuvanti purvahaney madhyahaney cha yajunshi vai.

Brihadrathantaradini samanyangakshayey ravau.

Anga saisha trayi vishno rigyajuhu samasanjnita.

Vishnu shakti swasthanam sadaditye karoti sa.

Gayatri is 3 fold image since Brahma imbibes Rajoguna for creation, Vishnu imbibes Sattvaguna for propagation and Mahesh imbibes Tamoguna for merging this world in Gayatri. Also by becoming Rig, Yaju and Sama in Savita Gayatri dwells there. In the morning Rig eulogizes the sun, at noon it is Yaju and at dusk Brihadrathantar etc Sama Shrutis. It resides in the sun and is Vedatrayi.

Na kevalam raveha shaktivaishnavi sa trayimayi.

Brahmatha purusho rudrastrayamettrayimayam.

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Evam sa sattviki shaktivaishnavi ya trayimayi.

Adya saptaganastham tam bhaswantamadhitishthati.

This is not merely energy of sun's Vishnu form but that it is 3 fold in nature viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. In this manner this 3 fold Adishakti or Primordial Energy dwells in the sun with its 7 Gunas.

In the Devi Bhagwat Purana a detailed description of the deep import of Goddess Super Power Gayatri. It is the icon deity of all gods and goddesses and the crest jewel amongst all Mantras. Right since time immemorial it has been highly praised and its worship-meditation is said to be a major one. In scriptures this very description is found and via demigods unveiling the mystery of its worship-meditation that very Super Power Gayatri is believed to be their icon deity. Truly the center of all energies is this Super Mantra Gayatri. Via its worship-meditation right from humans to deities it is proved that all attain wellness.

Tasmannaham swatantrosmi shaktyadhinosmi sarvatha.

Tameva shaktim satatam dhyayami cha nirantaram.

Nataha parataram kinchijjanami kamalodbhava.

Lord Vishnu while eulogizing the energy manifest Goddess once told Brahma, born from a lotus flower that I am not independent. I am at the service of energy of this Goddess. Due to the might of her energy I have the capacity to do many things. Hence I ceaselessly meditate on her because O Brahmaji-seated on a lotus flower! Apart from her I do not know anyone.

Tena chapyahamuktosmi tathaiva munipungava.

Tasmattwamapi kalyanapurusharthaptihetavey.

Asanshayam hridambhoje bhaja devipadambujam.

Sarvam dasyati sa deviyadyadishtam bhavettava.

Devarshi Naradji told Vyas Muni that O supreme Muni! Brahmaji alsji also had informed me about the powerful energy of that Goddess. Hence you too in order to make full efforts without harboring any doubt devote yourself to this Goddess in the lotus-heart. By devoting yourself at her hallowed feet she will fulfill all your desires.

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Chintayantu mahamamayam vidam devim sanatanim.

Sa vidhasyati naha karyam nirguna prakritihi para.

Brahmaviyam jagaddhatrim sarvesham jananim tatha.

Maya sarvamiha vyaptam trailokyam sacharacharam.

One day Brahma told the deities who were facing sorrow that they must meditate on Mahamaya Sanatani Goddess. She that is divine Nirguna (beyond all qualities) in nature shall fulfill all your tasks. She is Divine Wisdom, one that nourishes us Divine Mother of all. She pervades all the worlds whether animate or inanimate.

The other name of Gayatri is Savitri. In scriptures at some places it is called Savitri and at others it is called Gayatri. When it is applied in the spiritual realm it is called Gayatri and if it is applied in order to increase material comforts and grandeur it is called Savitri. Due to differences in types of applications the names given to it too are different. At the root basis it is the description of only one great element. Since she oozes with divinity she is called Goddess and since she is the fount of all types of grandeur she is called Goddess. To utter one word again and again it appears strange. Hence from the standpoint of facility of literature and beauty names like Gayatri, Savitri, Goddess etc have been given. Taking the aid of that Super Power demigods become capable of doing their tasks.

Mantranam chaiva savitri papanashey harismritihi.

Ashtadash puraneshu devi bhagawatam yatha.

Amongst all Mantras Savitri is supreme. Just as by remembering Almighty God one's sins get destroyed and amongst 18 Puranas Bhagwat reigns supreme similarly Savitri is supreme.

Na gayatrayaha parodharmo na gayatrayaha parantapaha.

Na gayatrayaha samo devo na mantrogayatrayaha paraha.

Gataram trayate yasmad gayatri tenasochyatey.

Nothing is more supreme than Gayatri. There no greater penance than Gayatri. There are no deities greater than Gayatri and Gayatri is supreme

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amongst among all Mantras. Those who sing or chant Gayatri he is protected by Savitri. Hence it was named Gayatri. nshanka

Yasyaha prabhavamakhilam nahin vedadhata no va harirnagirisho nahin chapyanantaha. Anshanshanka apichatey kimutanyadevastasyai namostu satatam jagadambikayaiyha.

That Goddess whose total influence is not known to Brahma, Hari, Shiva and anyone else, they do not know even one portion of it, then what to say of other deities? We eternally bow down to this world mother.

Many times Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva after eulogizing Divine Mother Gayatri have accepted that the basic foundation of their potential is this Super Power. Such writings are found at many places.

Devi twamasya jagataha kil karanam hi jnatam maya sakalavedavachobhiramva. Sankhya vadanti purusham prakritim cha mam tam, chaitanya bhavarahitam jagatashcha kartrim. Kim tadrashasi kathamatra jagannivasashchaitanyatavirahita vihitasvayadya. Natyam tanoshi saguna vividhaprakaram no vettikopi tanukrutyavidhanyogam. Dhyayanti yam muniganaha niyatam trikalam sandhyeti nam parikalpya guna sureshi. Budhirhibodhakarana jagatam sada twam shrishchasi devi satatam sukhada suranam. Kirtistatha matidhritihi kil kantireva, shradha ratishcha sakaleshu janeshu mataha.

Brahmaji while eulogizing Goddess Savitri says:

O Goddess! You are the cause of the entire world and I got this wisdom from all Vedas. Sankhya sect talks of Prakriti Purusha and shows that she is the creator without consciousness leanings. Is this true? If yes how did you reside in this world devoid of consciousness? Despite you having name and form you execute varied divine actions. None can know the laws of your Yoga. Munis meditate on you all the time i.e. in past, present and future. Hence your name is imagined as Sandhya. You are the blissful divine grandeur of wise deities since in this world you bestow wisdom. O Mother! You are fame, intellect, steadfastness, faith and zeal.

Nataha param kil vitarkshataiha pramanam praptam maya yadiha dukhagatim gatena. Twam chaitra jagatam jananiti satyam nidralutam vitarta harinatra drishtam. Twam devi sarvam vidushamapi durvibhavya vedopi nunamkhilarthataya na veda. Yasmatvadudbhavmasau shrutirapnuvana pratyakshmevasakalam tava karyametat. Kastai charitramakhilambhuvi veda dhiman naham harirnach bhavo na surastathanye. Jnatum kshamashcha munayo na mamatmajashcha

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durvachai eva mahima tava sarvalokey. Yajneshu devi! Yadi nam na te vadanti swaheti veda vidusho havaney krutepi. Na prapnuvanti satatam makhabhagadhein devastvameva. Vividheshwapi vrittipasi.

Myself facing so many sorrowful situations arguing in hundreds of ways did not find any proof greater than this. Hari going to sleep saw that you are the Divine Mother of the entire world. O Goddess! Your true nature is not understood even by great spiritual seers and scholars. Even Vedas do not know you fully. This Shruti too has manifested from you. Where can one find a highly intellectual person on planet earth that knows your true inner nature? I too do not know it. Even Vishnu and Shiva do not know it. Even other deities do not know it. Munis and my sons too are incapable. None can describe your deep import and greatness. In Yajnas people knowing the Vedas say Swaha regarding your name. Lest they fail to do this then despite doing Havan or fire ritual demigods do not get their share. The inner nature of deities is yourself only.

Jananti ye na tava devi! Param prabhavam dhyayanti tey hariharavapi mandachittaha. Jnatam mayadya janani! Prakatam pramanam yadvishnurpyatitaram vivashodyashetey. Dhanyasta eva bhuvi bhaktiparastavandyau tyaktvanyadeva bhajanam twayi leenabhavaha. Kurvanti devi! Bhajanam sakalam nikamam jnatva samast jananim kil kamadhenum. Twam shaktireva jagatamakhilaprabhava twannirmitam cha sakalam khalubhavamatram. Twam krisey nijavinirmitamoha jaley natyey yatha viharatey swakritey natovai. Vishnuhu swayam prakatitaha prathamam yugadaudatta cha shaktirmalakhalurakshanaya. Nat cha sarvamakhilam vivashikrutodya yadrochatey tava tathamba karoshinunam.

While describing Savitri Brahma says O Goddess! Those do not know about your infinite divine influence they after leaving you due to a weak brain meditate on Hara and Hari and worship them too. On this earth there are such type of people who leave others in order to meditate and devote themselves to you only. O such good fortunate one, you indeed are glorified. O Goddess! After looking upon you as everyone's Divine Mother and one that fulfills our desires the entire world worships and meditates on you. You have created this entire cosmos. It is your divine energy that resides in it. Like an actor you pervade it. You have manifested Vishnu for propagating this world and given him divine energy. He acts as per your divine wish.

From where did Lord Vishnu get energy to perform his tasks? Its description is that one day he got inspired from within to perform a Yajna. At that time from the Yajna manifested the divine aura of Gayatri and she via a celestial voice gave a boon so as to render Lord Vishnu powerful. It is well known that worship-meditation of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna is in vogue and they were Avataras of Vishnu only.

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Ekasminsamaye vishnu vaikunthey sansthitaha pura.

Sudhasindhusthitam deepam samsma manimanditam.

Yatra drishtva mahamaya manashchasaditaha shubhaha.

Yajnam kartu manashchakrey ambikaya ramapatihi.

Juhuvustey havihi kamam vidhivatparikalpit.

Krutetu vitatey homey vaguvacham sharirini.

Vishnum tada samabhashyam suswara madhurakshara.

Vishno twam bhava devanam hareyhey shreshthamaha sada.

Twam janaha pujayishyanti varadastwam bhavishyasi.

Avatareshu sarveshu shaktistey sahacharini.

Bhavishyati mamanshena sarvakaryaprasadhini.

Sadhayishyasi tatsarva mahattadvaradanataha.

Sastwaya navamantavya sarvada garvaleshataha.

Pujaniya prayatnena mananiya cha sarvatha.

Once, Vishnu was dwelling in Vainkuntha. At that time in the ocean of milk he saw a stage decorated with precious jewels and from there itself he got the Mantra of the Great Goddess. Then in the heart of Rama's Lord an inspiration via the Goddess manifested to do a Yajna. Methodically with Parikalpit Havi he did a Havan or fire ritual. After doing it in great detail a celestial voice was heard. Whatever the Goddess spoke in a nectarine voice was heard by Vishnu. The celestial voice said: O Vishnu! I am very pleased. I give you a boon that you shall become supreme amongst demigods that are greater than Hari too. People shall worship you and due to my grace you shall be able to shower boons. In order to ward off the burden of earth you shall become an Avatar and in it my divine energy shall accompany you. In the form of my portion it shall fulfill all tasks. I give you a boon that it shall complete all tasks. Hence out of arrogant pride do not insult it. You must always honor it.

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With his own words Vishnu is describing the divine import of the Goddess:

Jnatam mayakhilamidam twayi sannivishtam tvattosti sambhavalayavapi mataradya. Shaktishcha tesya karaney vinatprabhava jnatadhuna sakalalokamayiti nunam. Vistiryaya sarvamakhilam sadasadvikaram sandarshayanshcha vikalam purushaya kaley. Tatvaishcha shodashbhireva cha saptabhishcha bhasindrajalamiva naha kila ranjanaya.

O Divine Mother! I have understood perfectly that this entire cosmos dwells in you and due to you only it gets created and merged in you later. In its creation your divine energy is very potent. I have now known that definitely all worlds dwell in you. While propagating this world full of true and false nature you show your confounded form to the Purusha. One sees a mesh with 16 and 7 elements for your divine sports.

Vidya twameva nanu budhimatam naranam shaktistwameva kil shaktimatam sadaiva! Twamkirti kanti kamalamal tushtirupa muktiprada viratireva manushyalokey. Gayatrayami prathamvedakala twameva swaha swadha bhagwati sagunardhamatra. Amnaya eva vihito nigamo bhavya sanjivanaya satatam surapurvajantam.

Lord Vishnu tells Goddess Savitri:

The wisdom of highly intellectual people is you only and those that are powerful their power too is yourself. In this world of mortals it is you who are fame, radiance, softness, nature of satisfaction, you are also glory that gives salvation and the 1st Kala Gayatri of Vedas is you only. You are Goddess in the form of Swaha, Swadha, Saguna and Ardhamatra. For the bliss of deities and ancestors you have created the jurisdiction of Nigamas.

Lord Shiva while describing Savitri says:

Bhuvim vihaya tavantakasevanam ka ihavancchati rajyamakatakam. Trutirasau kila yati yugantata na nikatam yadi tenghrisaroruham. Tapasi ye nirata manuyomalastava vihaya padambujapujanam. Janani tey! Vidhina kil vanchitaha paribhavo vibhavey parikalpitaha. Na tapasa na damena samidhina na cha tatha vihitaiha kratubhiryatha. Tava padabja paraganishevanadbhavati muktiryajebhavasagarat.

O Divine Mother! Say which is that fool that prefers to rule over the entire world at the expense of gaining your company in this world. It means in comparison to the deep import of serving residing close to you to attain a kingdom is verily lowly. Such mistakes give sorrow for many eras. Those Munis or deep thinkers leave your divine shelter so as to perform ceaseless

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penance it appears O Divine Mother! That good destiny has left them and also as far as glory is concerned that too leaves them. Despite doing austerities, going into trance and performing Yajnas they fail to cross the ocean of material bondage. One can succeed in it only if one takes your divine shelter.

Evam satyayugey sarve gayatri japa tatparaha.

Taar hrillekhayo chapi japey nishnatmanasaha.

Na vishnupasana nitya vede nokta tu kutrachit.

Na vishnudeeksha nityasti shivasyapi tathaiva cha.

Gayatrayupasana nitya sarvavedaiha samirita.

Yaya bina twadhaha pato brahmansyasti sarvatha.

Tavata kritakrityasya nanyapeksha dwijasya hi.

Gayatrimatra nishnato dwijo mokshamvapnuyat.

Yunjannanyana va kuryaditi dwijo praha manuhu swayam.

Vihaya taam tu gayatrim vishnupasti parayanaha.

Shivaivasti rato vipro narakam yati sarvatha.

Tasmadadyayuge rajan gayatrijapatatparaha.

Devi padambujarata asansarve dwijottamaha.

In the Golden Era or Satyuga everyone zealously chanted Super Mantra Gayatri. In other eras too everyone was a past master in Mantra chanting. No where in the Vedas has it been said that meditation-worship on Lord Vishnu is ceaseless. In fact only Gayatri meditation-worship is ceaseless as clearly mentioned in the Vedas. Without it Brahmins face a total downfall. For Brahmins Gayatri chating is quite enough. They need not harbor any other hope. Only a Brahmin, a master in Gayatri meditation-worship attains salvation that is the supreme goal of human living. Lord Manu has said that whether a Brahmin, a master in Gayatri meditation-worship does anything else or not, he has no requirement of it at all. Brahmins that give up Gayatri

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meditation-worship and instead worship only Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva definitely enters hell. Hence O King! Hence in Golden Era or Satyuga everyone was immersed in chanting Super Mantra Gayatri. All Brahmins would attain bliss in doing Gayatri meditation-worship.

In this manner Super Mantra Gayatri is said to be the icon deity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva etc. Not only this but that Gayatri is said to be the root fount of all sciences, knowledge, wisdom and energies.

Sarvavedodaghritaha saro mantronyaha samudahritaha.

Brahmadidevai gayatri paramatma samiritaha.

Over here Super Mantra Gayatri is said to be the essence of all Vedas. Gayatri is said to be Almighty God himself.

In Gayatri Manjari it is said that one day Goddess Parvatiji had asked Lord Shiva about his icon deity. At that time he had replied that he regulary did Gayatri meditation-worship.

In Gayatri Manjari it is said:

Gayatrim yo vijanati sarvam janati sa nanu.

Janatyetam na yastasya sarvaha vidyastu nishfalaha...........43

Those that know Gayatri know everything else. Those that do not know it all their knowledge goes down the drain.

Gayatrayaiva tapo yogaha sadhan dhyanamuchyate.

Sidhirjananam sa mata, nataha kinchit brihattaram..........44

Gayatri is believed to be austerities, Yoga, means, meditation and the Mother of all Sidhis. Nothing else is more capable than Gayatri.

Gayatri sadhana lokey na kasyapi kadapi hi.

Yati nishfalatametat dhruvam satyam hi bhutaley.........45

None's Gayatri spiritual practices go in vain. This is the indomitable truth of planet earth.

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Prapsyanti paramam sidhim jnasyantye tu ye janaha.

Gupta manum rahasyam yat parvati twam pativratam........46

O Goddess Paravati! Those that know this sacred mystery shall attain Super Sidhi or success.

All scriptures say that Gayatri is the icon deity of all divine energies. After taking shelter of Gayatri meditation-worship that has manifested right since world creation and is said to be supreme a person can attain full benefits of material and spiritual glories and grandeur.