Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos

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  • 8/7/2019 Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos


    cthU~nUmvesosClhulhu Mythos WQ$ first revealed n a group af related sierles by heconwrlle, H. P . Lovecraft. Beginning with "The Call 01 cthufhu" InTales, Lovecraf t began referring In his horror stories to a panthe'onngs known 0$ tho Old Ones, who hod de$cBPded to Earth from thein preehumon t lrnes, First worshtped by Ihe nen-humen races of IheIhe Old Ones were later benlshed or locked owoy by the elder'h e elder gods do not enter into the stcrles much, and their Identity 15

    They le ft the Old Ones weakened. but not destroyed. Whenoweored. he found troces of the older clv lllzotions and remnonts ofre.humon roc&.. RellglaM grew up around the Old Ones and legends

    return to power-especially around Clhulhu. Bits of thewere discovered and tronscribed Into books, extremely dangerous

    friends (who Included Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap long,Bloch, R.obel'1 E. Howard and August Derleth), wrote stor ies Ihol

    I" " wllh Ihe discovery of pre-human relics, th e revival of onclernot Ike conseqllences of finding a "torbldden book" dealing withl d Ones ond Ihelr ecreis. No greal effort w05 mode 10 keep these

    ,00,l$ lenl wl'lh each ether. After Lovecroft's deeth In 1937, Augustded Afkhom House publishing company 10 repri'" hts WOfU_also wrote 0 number of stories dealing with LoyecroHlon themes or

    on fragments of Loyecroft's writings. Since Ihen a nurnber ofge,aulhors, outstondlng among whom are lin Certer, ROrMey Comp.o . n d Brion Lumley, hove wrllten slorl $ based on the growing Crhulhu

    f th e creatures preserued here were introduced by the earlier. . lo~eaafl. Derlelh and Smith. Derleth introduced the concept of a

    99ebelween the Old Ones and the forces of good. tevecrcfr's originalWOS far less sanguine -all of his gods were evll and chcotlc, andmankind could eJipecdrom Ihem was Ind iffe.rence.~ave no. read any .stories in the Clhulhu trodlllon, Slorl wilh Love-

    self. Mony of his storles areslrolgh, supernatural tales and do nOIw i l t ! the Old Ones, but "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Whlsperer In Dark-. "At Ihe Mountains of Madness", "The Dunwlcn Horror". and "TheOut of Time" glye Ihe fla of his wor Then read the Iml enveings of Derl thand the modern wrilers. Forlunately, most of thesedSere gatnered Into collections of loyecrafrs work ond published in

    0 men, and particularly of non-humon creotores, keep alNe the wor-0 1 Ihc Greal Old Ones and anxiously await the t return to power. Varl-evll,moglc.users and priests, desirous of superhuman powers, expert-wlln some of the forbidden books Isucn es The Necronomicon) andonolly unleash some horror on' ihemselves or their surroundin.9s.

    ly ~eaklrg tne name 0 " one of the Old Ones results n a 5% chanceli the g od named will near, for iheae dellle! ere quue attuned 10 ' Ihli!Materiol Plane_ II Ihe god doe~ hear lis nome spoken, II will appear

    l1f!empt to ktllthe being so rash as 10 speak Its nome (some of Iheer gcx!swill send minion!; to accomplish ihls),

    creatura.sof nolure are very sensitive 10 rhe presence of all crecteres ofClhvlhu Mylnos. They InstlncHvely call out their worning sounds andif cny of Ihe Old Ones or Ihelr minions come within range of their


    magical control, + 2 or betterweopon to hit, regeneral/on

    MAGIC RESISTANCE: 80%SIZ.: L (100' loll)ALIGNMENT: Choo,ic ellllWORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Chq01ic evilSYM.BOL: Image of e,nullIVPLANE: Prime Material P/qneCLERIC/DRUID: NIl ~~~i!!flGt-ITElt As 16+ HDmonsterMAGICUSER/ILLUSIONIST: 20th levelmogicuserTHIEF/ASSASSIN: NT IMONK/BARD' NilPSIONIC ABILlTY: I5:25(+7.+14) 1:20 W:23 0:20 C:25 CH:-7Clhulhu is 0 bloated humanoid form 100 feel high with an octopold headand a foce of lentacie-like ellle, " has scoly, rubbery skin, and prodigioushends.cnd feel with curved tolons. A polr of folded bot.llke wlng~ prolr'udefrom belween lis shoulders."Pn'nglui mglw'nofn Cthulhu fl'lye" wogn'nogl Iblogn," -"In his no usen R'lyeh cleod Cthulhu wails dreaming." R'lyeh is a g,eo! sunken city ofnon-Euclidian geometry hidden somawherebeneeth the-ccecn, So bizarre:Is its construction rhot anyone entering Ihe cily (which occasionally risesabove the weves) must make soylng throws 0'1 +4 oga nsl feor ondInsonity. Cthulhu Iles 11\a huge. stone structure seo_led wltn the Elder Sign(q .v:).lf tne seal I broken and InB god releesed, eve.ryol\e (ond/or BYo.ry-nlng) In a radius of 100 miles must make a saving throw ogainsl dealh orgo Insane. This Insanity 1051$ for a number of menths equal to the creo-lure's Intelligence.

    Cthulhu usually attack, beth physically and pslanlcolly. He can regenerate10 hit points per melee. tound_ He le/oports up to one-half mile at will andIs tOlol ly immune 10 the efiecis cf worer, cold. and vacuum. He con coil upfrom Ihe sea 10-100 of the Deep Ones. He will retreat Into his ialr If can-framed with on lnrcct Elder Sign, cnother of the Old Ones (such as Haslur).or sorne natural cctcstrophe, such os the re-slnk.lng of the city of R'lyen tmothe 580.Cltwlnu I. s served by the Deep Ones as well as nis humor; worshipers, whoof len Inle.rbreed with Inc ClhoJlhu's cull is usuallv hidden andsecret , and Is dedlcaled )0 bringing about Cthulnu's relu,n and conquest ofIheworld.


  • 8/7/2019 Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos


    CTHULHU MYTHOSAZATHOTH (the center of the universe)GreorergodAR.MOR ctASS: -2MOVE:. NoneHIT POINTS: 400NO. OF ATIACKS: 20OAMAGE/ATIACK: 318 (x 20)SPECIAL ATTACKS: NilSPECiAL DEFENSES; InsoniryMAGIC RESISTI.\NCE: 95%SIZE: L (inconceivable)AUGNMENT: Choorlc neurrolWORSHIPER'S ALIGN: ChooHe

    (neurrol or evil)SYMBOL: Seven-po njed trorPLANE: AsrralCLERIC/DRUID: NilFIGHTER: As 16-1 HD monsterMAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: N ilTHIEF/ASSASSIN: NUMONK/BARD: N ilPSIONIC ABIUTV: VIS:25 (+7, +14) 1:- W;- 0:20 C:2S CH:-7A1alholh Is a blind, mindless. amorphous moss Ihe she of a star, floating01 Ihe cenrer of the unlverse on Ihe ostrcl plane. It is attended by sorellnecreatures rhot provide an eerie rnusic, like Ihe sound 01 Idiot flul" players.Az:aII1Olh is somewhol solid neor Ihe center, and con be alla.cked there, bUIII will defend IISelf with ils many pseudopods if so atlacked. Any creaturec;omlng within 1.000 rntles of A,OtnOt" must save vs, spells 01 --6 or go perrnonenllv mad.Those who wo!ship Azothoth worship insanity, ond Azolholh's clerics arethemselves i!\llane." is unknown how A7.arholh grant. powers 10 Its clerics,or even if Azothoth is aware of Ihem [which is doubtful).



    These 910nl furry bOI-like creotures have humanoid legs Inat enable Ihem10 stand llke men. They can be summoned by clerics of Hestur Ihrough useof a gore spell (1-4 Byaknee will appear). They are able 10 feleporttnroughoul Ihe Prime Moleriol Plane 01 will, carrying bumcn beings withthem on their bocks or In Iheir lolon&. Thoy are Inteiligeni. elepothlc, andwill obey those who corry he Elder Sign or who appeal successfully 10Hosrur.

    CTHUGA (master of the fire element)CTHULBV MYTHOS

    GrearergodARMOR CLASS: ~MOVE: 36"HIT POINTS: 400NO. Of ATIACKS: 2DAMAGE! ATI ACK: 3.:30>'330SPECIAL AlTACJ(S: See belowSPEClAl DEFENSES: See belowMAGIC RESISTANCE: 5096SIZE: L (40 yard radius)ALIGNMENT: Choolle evilWORSHIPER'S AliGN: choorfc evilSYMBOL: FlomePLANE: Elemenlal Plane of FireCLERIC/DRUID: See belowFIGHTER: As 16-1 HD monsterMAGtC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: See

    belowTHIEF/ASSASSIN: NilMONK/BARD: N ilPSIONIC ABILITY: I5:2.5(+7,+14) 1:12 W:IB 0:25 C:25 CH:-IThis crealure resembles a flaming amoeba with tentacles thor oppeorJobtflomes emonoling from 1 1 5 body. The heot of Clhuga's body does S . , 5 1 1points of damage to all wllh n 100 yards of It, ond it ottccks with fire ~pelbat the some 'time It cannot be controlled. and is Immune 10 all heel onGcold ollocks. It Is able to cost any fire spell e n any lYpe as a 30tn level s p a 'coster, 01 Ihe role cf two per round. While costing fire spell., 1 1 also IOlh!!,OUI with IWO of its tentacles per melee round; these do 330 pain Is o Jdamage each. IImoves as 0 blink dog ond cnernpts to des1roy everythln9within ony area to which It is svmmoned. Wh~n appearing In any IOCOIo n ,it. fir5t ccr I.TOsumrnon 120 of its flame creatures. CJhugo can only btstruck by + 3 weapons or better as all others mell when touchIng hlm,Tha creature nos a direct connection wllh Ihe Prime Malerial Plane b y WO~of a Palace of Fire Ihal it has erected In on active volcano. Tnls palacesaid TObe filled wllh trea~ure resistant 10 flame and heol: gems, c.ertol~magic items, and the like.


    or better weapon ro I);,MAGlC RESISTANCE: 10~INTELLIGENCE: AverageALIGNMENT: Choo"c evilSIZE: L (30' rod/us)PSIONIC ABILITY: VI .fVEl /X.P. VALUE: VI I/I ,950 + 14

    per hpThese creatures appear to be smaller versions of their master. Their b o < I 1 ~rcdlote 10 points of heat damage to 011who come within 20 yards of themand Ihey call cost a single heat roy from Ineir body every melee round IhCl1does 220 points of damage If it hits. One of therr funcllons 15 to dPpecJ'when the god 5 supposed 10 appear bulls 100 busy Or chooses nOI to c.orne.


  • 8/7/2019 Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos


    LHU MYTHOS(followers of Cthulhu)

    Rare,APPEARING:I r o oRClASS: 312"/124"

    4 H DlAIR: 90%TYPE:Z0F ATTACKS; '20T r

    1411-4 (+2) orweapon fyp~ATTACKS:NilDEFENSES:NilSionoard

    Average 10veryChaollc evilM (6')ABILtTYNilloek/Oefem;e Modes: NilVALUE: '11160 + .< I per itp

    Ones are humo.nold, amphibious men-Ilsh, cold-bloodedluresof great streng.lh (18). They con ettock with Iheir c1owed,bedhonds,or wield weapons. They have Infravislon aswell os normalThey live near the land on eeecn shelves ond ore able 10I rovel 10atany Hme and for as long es they wish.

    navebeen known 10 Inrerocr with e...11humans and interbreed with. Thi~re.vlts In h\imon-oppeoring offspring who undergo 0gradualofter the age of 21Ihol cousesthem to become 05 Ihe Deepwho spownad them. The Deep One. are soulless and oppcrentlvDfIoi.erecrorespromote evil in preparation of Cthulhu's relurn. They docollecting treasures from the sea and using them as funds to spreadtJltofCrhulhu and the Old Ones.

    A T R A C EN C Y : V e r y rareAPPEARING:1-/0- ClASS, 5IS'OIWP0INT5: B H D

    TYPE:N il0f IT A C J

  • 8/7/2019 Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos


    CTHULHU MYTHOSIthoqua, the Wind Walker, appears as a cloud of fog or snow, huge buthuman In ahape wlth blazing red eyes ..When seen passing overhead, onegel$ the Illusion of IWO bright stars c lose together.Ilhaqua Is worshiped by the natives of the for Nortn because of hl5 dblilly10 control weather (triple the range and effecls). His worshipers propitiatehim- with hurncn sacr ifices, wh ch he carries off, no one knows where.Years 101er. fneir frozen bodies are sometimes found buried I" snow drlfls.Itnoquo will olso pursue end copture anyone who seas or an"oys him, ormeddles wllh his worshtpers Or their stone olrors in the foresl. Sometimeshis. VICIIIJlS return 10 earth ollve .but Ihey never survive long as Ihey diefrom slronge unncrurcl causes.II s known Ihdl lthoque serves Hoslur In special mlsslan$ of greol im-parlance.

    M1GO (the Fungi from Yuggoth)FREQUENCY; Very tareNO. APPEARING: 212ARMOR C lA S S ; 4MOVE; 15"/30"HIT Dlef/POINTS; 5 HD0/ 0 IN LAIR; 40')6TREASURE TYPE: Ni lNO. OF ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/18SPECIAL ATTACKS; N ilSPECIAL RESISTANCE: Immune tocold, dark. and vacuumMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardINTElLIGENCE~ LowALIGNMENT; Chaotic evilSIZE: L (6' long, 8' loll)PSIONIC ABJlITY: 90

    Allock/Defense Modes: C, 0/F , G. HLEVEVX.P.VALUE; 1V/240 + 5 perhp

    These red, bat-winged crectures sornewhot resemble lobsters In Ihat Iheyhave many legs, feelers. and eyeslolk~, and foreorms thaI end In greolp ncers Though they appear 10 be crusrececns, th"y are odually funguscreatures. M -Go are immune 10 Ineeffects of cold, dark, and vacuum, andcan fly across Inlerstellar spoce. They cannot speak, bUI communicate byclicking thalr pincers.NYARLATHOTEP (the crawling chaos, the messenger ofthe gods)lesser g o oARMOR ClASS: 2MOVE: IS"HIT POINTS: 200NO. OF ATTACKS~ 2DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-30SPEOAl ATTACKS; See belowSPKlAL DEFENSES: See belowMAGIC RESISTANCE: < ? S %SIZE:: VariableALIGNMENT; Chaotic evilWORSHIPER'S ALIGN; Chaotic evilSYMBOL; Faceless sphInxPLANE: Astral PlaneCLERIC/DRUID: 12th level Tn e a r nFIGfiTER: 15th level fighterMAGIC-USER/IllUSIONIST: 131h level

    In eachTHIEF/ASSASSIN: ISIh level essesstnMONlVBARO: NilPSIONIC ABILITY; VS; 19(+3, 7) 1:20 W: 12 0: 19 C:20 CHI19Nyarlalhalep appears as a loll dark man, His appearance In Ihe world Issoid 10 foretell the relv'n of Ihe Old Ones from Ihelr imprisonment. Hecharms humans, humanoids. and non-magical animals by his me're

    CTHULHUpresence (good alignmenl , save 01 4; evil (lllgnmeol, seve ot-4) T h g i lfalling under his spell either obey him or behove In a purely c h i l O I ' !manner. Thus his progress ecross the face of the lend is followed by~'WOf, moss murder, suicide, and insanity. No non-sentlent creature CCI Iharm him, eilen If contro lled,The god Is believed by some sludenls of the occult to hove varioln gulJei.including a red bal-lik.e form with Ihree evil eyes. He con call up anof wild beosts or mindie~ humans wlthln on hour's notice (1-100 of tEach ilrne Nyarlolholep h t r s on enemy. he drains 3-30 hil painls from 'tnwhich lemporarlly odd 10 his hi point Iotol for one 'uti iurn. There ilP!chance Ihol a cO'll/nuo/light spell wlll dr It6 Ihis being off lnro thePlone.


    AltacVOefense Modes: B, C. OfAlllEVEVX.P. VALUE: VI/SSO + 10 per

    hpThese crectures are barrel-shaped cylinders with membranoustop of Ihe body is a head covered by 3-lnch wiry cillo of many'have 5 red-lrlsed, 910bed eyes. At Ihe lap of Ihelr " ' e o c b are 5rentocles, and 01 the bose of Iheir bedles are 5 powerfullenlacles IJ~ IIIlocomotion.The Prlmordral Ones are oClUolly on ellen race of h,gh t(llell genctl gil:odveneed science. They hole 0 1 1 other Iypes of i,nlelligenc8'! end ,deslToy Ihem I f possible, slriking with three of their powerful woikirlttentacles i f no odvonced weaponry IIavailable.SHOGGOTHFREQUEN

  • 8/7/2019 Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos


    NIGGURATH (block goal of the woods with a thov-sondyoung)

    / ll JR C lASS : .4Nan~l T P O i N T S : A O O. O F AnACI

  • 8/7/2019 Deities & Demigods - Cthulhu Mythos



    Yog-Sotl1oth exists on the qstrol plene, He has Ihe abili ty 10 enter the unl-V B " ' ' ' at any pain! in spece ond any porrn in time. His ostrcl shope appearses o congeries 01 rrldescent globes like giant soap bubbles. When h'e tokesshope on the Prime Material Plane .ho 15 perrtv maier 01 ond porlly ostroland appeors Q.50 gigantic moss of feelers, legs, ond siolked orgo.n.s. In Ihl~shape he Will more with human beings, producing the Spawn of Yog-Sothoth (see "The Dunwlch Horror", by H. p. t.ovecroft), He is highly inlelll-gent and extremely chootlc and unpredictable. He con go'e In and out oftime and spoce any of Ihe Spawn or sublect races of the Old Ones, one permelee round, Yog-Solholh is no' svblect 10 lhe lows of spoce and lime andcan, fa! example, appear 01 various paris of the universe simultaneously.TH E ElDR SLGNThis small grey (sometimes greenish) stone in the shape of a five-pain ledstar is a powerful protectlon agoinst all rmnrons of the Old Ones. The Iruepaten I Elder Signs are few in number and incredibly ancient, haVing beenmode by the elder gods. They have the following powers: Ihey are 100%prcrectlon ogoinsl psionic attacks; Ihey are a torce thot will drlv" off all5hoggo,l1., Byok.llIl1t, Flame Creotures, Deep Ones, and Mi-Go, when$trongly presented; and while Ihey will not stop the persistent efforts ofany of Ihe more powerful moslers, Ihey will provide a +6 prolectionagoinst their cnocks (as orjng of protection).The flder Signs me highly resistant 10destruction - armor closs -2, brokenonly by magic Or by Incredible force. The Elder Sign Was used by the eldergod.$ 10 seol off those places where the Greal Old Ones were imprisonedat where they had a chance of "breaking through" In force 10 the prtmeMalerial Plane.


    Th e Necronomicon Is 0 powerful and perilous magicol lome 01 oncien'origins. It waS originally wriifan by Abdul Alhozred, a greal magiC-userknown 10some as "tile Mod Arob", After len years alone In Ihe desert hewrote a book coiled AI Azif - words used 10 denote the noclurnal sounds


    of Insecls which may be Ihe voices of demons. Alhazred was IOler ~eitedIn the streets of 0 desert CitY by tnvlslble demons and devoured horribly.infronl of mony witnesses. Those who have sludied hi. wrilings have some-tlrnes met a fate nearly 0 . terrible. The book was banned and alilmolll l1cop les were destroyed, but a few translaled edilions, retilled Th eNecronomteo, 5 1 1 1 l exisl.The book gives a description of Ihe pre-human wo:r5hlp of the Old One .their bonlshment by the elder gods, and thelr Immlnenl relurn. T h e revelo-nons of cosmic horror contained within its pages are so intense that there IIa 40% probcbrllrv of characters below level 5 changing olignmenl iochootlc (d6, 1-3) or going mod (4~). This probabil ity decreases by S% lo tevery level of Ihe reader above 4th,II would appear rhor spells are given for summoning 0110 Ihe Old 0"01and Ihelr minions, and some spells for their control and dllrmissol, el-Ihough the.e loner are '101 alway" effective. Tne spell. are very long andcomplicaled, ond nol entirely comprehensible wuf',out long !tud~ d~d re-search. In foet, ,0"1~mogic-use", of 18 Inlel1lgence a chence 01under!ttandlng (and '-hereby using) 'hem, and thai chance Is only 5%"..rlevel, slarling 01 the 61h level. Many of Ihe spells require thot Ihe "5 011 beright", and can only ,ake plcce 01 cerlaln times of rbe year or In certainplaces. Attempting to casl any of Ihe grealer summoning spells will r~uhIn a slralghl30% chance of the ccsrer going Insane. The spells don't alwayswork; In particular Ihey of'en fall to protect the ",oglc-user from the Ihl"~he or she has called from the outer darkness. Such unfortunates ore rorelyseen ogoln, although simulocro or zomble-ltke lrnnctlcns sometimes ap-pear.In addition to The Necrooomicon, Ihere are a number of other mogicalboob giving Information on Ine Old Ones and Ihelr minions, Inch.rdln;:The Book of Eibon, Ihe Celaeno FragmenlS, Cufres des Goules by theCcrnre d'Erletre, De Vermis MysterJJ.s by Ludvlg Prinn, Ihe Ohol Chan~, thoPnokot[c Monusaipts, and Unousprechlichen Ku/len by Von Jurut, Most ofthese are hlstorles, but some have powers similar 10, bUI less"r than, T heNecronomlcan Itself. These lesser bO