Summer 2012 Edition

The Class of 2012 Commencement Page 2 Presentation of Awards Page 5 RWDC National Champions Page 12 Spring Fine Arts Page 17 Sports Banquets Pages 24 & 25 Alumni News Page 30–36


Xavier Today Middletown, CT High School Magazine

Transcript of Summer 2012 Edition

Page 1: Summer 2012 Edition

The Class of 2012Commencement Page 2

Presentation of Awards Page 5

RWDC National Champions Page 12

Spring Fine Arts Page 17

Sports Banquets Pages 24 & 25

Alumni News Page 30–36

Page 2: Summer 2012 Edition

“You must risk

and trust to

change, grow,

and mature

into the man

God created

you to be.”

Carlo Fiore `12

June 2012Dear Members of the Xavier Community,

By the time this letter arrives in your hands another year at Xavier will have drawn to a close. As I am writing these words we have already wished God’s blessings on two-hundred and ten graduates of the Class of 2012, our underclassmen are preparing for their week of final exams, and we are all looking forward to the change of pace that summer will offer.

Again this year God has blessed Xavier High School with many fine accomplishments achieved through the dedication of faculty, administrators, coaches, staff and students working together each and every day. We can look with pride on the outstanding college acceptances of our new graduates and the $6.2 million in scholarships they earned, our three National Merit Finalists and eight Commended students, the accomplishments of our football, wrestling, golf, ultimate frisbee, and engineering teams, and the countless hours of service performed by our students and faculty, including our service trip to Costa Rica, the first-ever Xavier service trip outside the country, and we have a service trip to West Virginia planned for this summer. Underlying all of these fine stories is the day-to-day life of our school, the hours faculty spend preparing quality classes, the time administrators devote to planning and overseeing a quality academic program, counselors devoting hours of time one-on-one with students, and all the devoted efforts of coaches, campus ministers, office staff personnel, and our maintenance and grounds staff to make Xavier the fine Catholic school it is.

We are proud of the young men who come through our doors each day, and who over the years learn and live the meaning of our motto of Be A Man. At our retreat for juniors this year senior Carlo Fiore in his talk explained the meaning of that motto very well when he said that, “You must risk and trust to change, grow, and mature into the man God created you to be.” For our students, indeed for all of us, this is a life-long goal.

And of course all of us at Xavier remain grateful to those of you who support us in so many ways through your contributions to our annual fund, your membership in our St. Francis Xavier Society, and presence at our Auction and Golf Tournament, and it is this support which helps make possible financial aid to almost thirty percent of our families and completion of projects such as replacement of all of the original windows in our building to be completed this summer and significant upgrades to our technology infrastructure. Thanks also to those of you who devoted so many hours of your time through your involvement in the Home and School and Alumni Associations.

As you read in the following pages about some of the people and events making Xavier such a special place, know that your help made all of them possible by your ongoing support.

God bless each of you for all you do for Xavier.

Sincerely in Christ,

Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X.Headmaster


a message from the


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What’s Inside

On the cOver:

Helicopter flown by Greg Ginnetti `86 — photo by Peter Caruso `86All the real skill was in the flying…

Greg Ginnetti wrote: “I fly Airplanes for work and helicopters primarily recreationally but at times in support of business activity. There’s a heliport in Wallingford that permits aircraft rental. They have a Sikorky 300

(aka Hughes 300 or Schweizer 300) piston helicopter which is perfect for taking pictures. We didn’t intend to take pictures of Xavier — the opportunity presented itself as we were returning from overhead Pete’s parents and my house. It was nice to stop by Xavier during business hours to see things more like we remember it.”

Pages 2–10

Page 27 Page 31

Page 13

Page 17

30th Alumni Golf Classic June 29Independence Day – School Closed July 4Xavier Leadership Institute (XLI) August 12–16Orientations begin, Check the Website August 23Faculty/Staff Retreat – School Closed August 27

Faculty/Staff Meetings – School Closed August 28No Classes, Offices Close at Noon August 31Labor Day – School Closed September 3Classes Resume for All Students September 4 Columbus Day – School Closed October 8

CHeCk THe XAvIer CAlendAr reGulArly AT:

Calendar Items

The Magazine for Xavier High School

Summer, 2012

John GuerinEditor, “Xavier Today”

Director of Communications

Margaret GaleanoDesigner

Office Of AdvAnceMent

Matthew Strekel ’99Director of Advancement

Michael tommasi ’67Director of Annual and Planned Giving

Joseph Lane ’95Assistant Director for Alumni Relations

Karen BrownAdvancement Associate

Xavier Today,the Xavier High School magazine,

is published three times a year by Xavier High School.

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(860) 347-6079

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PhOtO creditS:

Amy Brough

karen Brown

Stephen dunn

John Guerin

Hartford Courant

donna Jaskot

kathryn lee

new Haven register

Marcia Passavant

Snapshot Photography

Br. John Sullivan

Jun Wu

Xavier yearbooks

Others as available and noted

Xavier Today

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2 Xavier Today


raduation morning we were blessed with a clear blue sky and comfortable temperatures as the 210 members of the Class of 2012 became the newest Xavier Alumni.

Brother Thomas Ryan, C.F.X. once again acted as our Master of Ceremonies for the Commencement Exercises. Brother Thomas

Fahey, C.F.X., Xavier’s Director of Admissions, offered the invocation and his Excellency, Bishop Michael Cote, the spiritual leader of the Norwich Diocese joined the Class of 2012, their parents, guardians, relatives, friends, guests, teachers, counselors, and staff at Xavier High School’s forty-sixth commencement exercise.

Welcoming the crowd, Brother Ryan said, “At last evening’s Baccalaureate

Mass the Gospel reading proclaimed by Father Galvin was from St. John. In it Jesus offers a special prayer for his disciples: “Holy Father, keep them that you have given me in your name, so that they may be one just as we are one. When I was with them, I protected them. As you sent me into the world, so I now send them into the world. Consecrate them in the truth.” This morning’s commencement will be the final time that these 210 young men, our graduates, will be one. It is the final time that they will be together as a class. Not a time for sadness, though, but a time for rejoicing. Like the disciples, it is time for them to disperse and go into the world and to follow their destinies. For the past four years Xavier has tried to teach them the truth of the school motto: Be a Man. May these fine young men remain consecrated to that truth every day of their lives. Then, no matter where their futures take them, they will always remain as one, the Class of 2012.”

Salutatorian for the Class of 2012 formally

welcomed all to this forty-sixth commencement. Sherif Eldirany, the son of Ahmed and Amal of Glastonbury, is ranked number two in his graduating class. He exhibited academic excellence early on when he received the Brother Celestine Award at the end of his freshmen year. Induction into both the National and French Honors Societies followed in sophomore year. He has served, respectively, as Archivist and President of those organizations. His PSAT scores in junior year earned him the enviable distinction of a National Merit Semi-Finalist and then Finalist. Sherif was a guiding spirit behind the founding of Mu Alpha Theta, the Math Honor Society, and has served as its Vice-President the past two years. He holds the distinction of being Xavier’s highest scorer on the varsity math team and the third highest scorer in the Math League. And after school he exchanges the graphing calculator for the racquet as he has been a four year member of our tennis squad. Our acclaimed Jazz Band has also benefitted from his talents as a trombonist. One of his teachers wrote this in a college recommendation: “Sherif has boundless intellectual curiosity, and he investigates scientific and mathematical phenomena using the Socratic Method. In fact, he reminds me of the famous sculpture, the Thinker, in that he quietly uses his intellect to rationalize the answers he vocalizes in class. He is unique, respectful, and intellectually stimulating. And if I make a silly mistake in class due to haste, he corrects me without reservation; such is his confidence and ability.” Accepted at Cornell, Northeastern, and Tufts, Sherif will attend UCONN as a member of its Honors Pre-

Med program. He is a UCONN Presidential Scholarship Award winner.

Xavier’s Principal Mr. Brendan Donohue then called forth the members of the Class of 2012 for the conferring of diplomas by Bishop Cote.

There was one award this year for a member of our staff who at the close of the school year will complete twenty-five years of service to Xavier. The inscription reads: “In appreciation for twenty-five years of dedicated service to Xavier High School.” Please offer your congratulations to Mrs. Donna Jaskot.Mrs. Donna Jaskot

Bishop Michael Cote

Continued on page 4 >


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The Xavier loyalty and Service Award, the most prestigious the school confers, is presented to a member of the graduating class who is

chosen by the recommendation of the faculty and staff. loyalty and service are qualities that the school strives to teach all its young men as they are crucial to the success of the school’s mission statement. The choice is based on the consistency and quality of the student’s service to the Xavier community and the passion and perseverance he has displayed in his commitment to all aspects that make up the experience of a Xavier High School student.

Such a student is one of the school’s most valuable assets. Brother ryan said, “This morning’s recipient of the loyalty and Service Award epitomizes everything for which this award stands. He completely understands Xavier’s motto and philosophy and is able to articulate it as he did so well when giving tours to visiting parents or welcoming 8th grade shadows or giving talks at freshmen and sophomore retreat days. He was an outstanding Peer Minister who could relate to any student. He displayed a comfort level and maturity when dealing with students and adults that was far beyond his years. And he will bear with pride and for all time the title of Xavier’s first Peer Minister rapper. The jury may still be out on whether his proclivity to rap; his musical prowess on the guitar, piano, or ukulele; or his ability to offer a rendition of O Suzanna on the harmonica helped to make Sophomore Saturdays a little less tedious, but there is no hesitation in stating that his CCd teaching, his CyO coaching, and his phenomenal student mentoring made him an incredibly impressive young man of whom Xavier is most proud. Fleet of foot on our Indoor and Outdoor Track teams, golden-tongued on Model Court, justly proud of his national Honor Society

membership and consistent appearance on honor roll listings; he also was an attentive student in the back parking lot when Mr. Cerreta felt compelled to offer him a crash course on how to back up a truck.

Our director of Campus Ministry offered these words about our honoree: “A great young man who gave us a great year in Peer Ministry. There are not enough hours in a day to tell all the stories of his positive effect on others.” This young man’s commitment and selflessness will be sorely missed. Xavier’s loss is Syracuse university’s gain. It is my pleasure to announce the 2012 recipient of the Xavier loyalty and Service Award, the son of James and lynn of Southington, James W. Coleman Jr. X

The Xavier Loyalty and Service Award

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Victor c. Wu

Sherif A. eldirAny

4 Xavier Today

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of the Diocese of Norwich and Brother Brian both offered their congratulations and best wishes to the graduates and challenged them to use what they have learned as they continue into their futures.

Continuing with the ceremony, Brother Ryan said, “It is customary at each commencement exercise to invite the highest ranking member of the graduating class to give the valedictory address, the formal farewell to the school on behalf of his classmates. The Valedictorian for the Class of 2012 is Victor C. Wu, the son of June and Fay of Durham. As one would expect, Victor’s academic credentials as the number-one ranked senior in his class are extraordinary: Bishop Hines Scholarship recipient, Brother Celestine Award winner, Vice-President of both the National and Latin Honor Societies, National Merit Semi-finalist and Finalist, Math Honor Society member and Mu Alpha Theta Secretary, Connecticut Association of School’s Governor’s Scholar Award, Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship recipient, Envirothon Team Captain, and Debate Team Captain. How often can a high school boast that one of its students received a perfect score of 2400 on his SAT exam and perfect scores of 800 on three SAT subject tests?

Coupled to his academic credentials is yet another major achievement – his four years of herculean dedication to the Ryken Service Society for which he served as Vice President for the past two. He spearheaded this year’s March Can Madness that brought in 6,820 cans for the Amazing Grace Food Pantry. The school total for the year was 14,000. However, statistics don’t necessarily reveal the full person. I would like to quote briefly from college recommendations written by his teachers and counselors: ‘Victor is possessed of an extraordinary analytical mind, an artistic temperament, and seemingly unquenchable curiosity. He relentlessly probes the why of everything we read and study. And he does it all while maintaining an appealing innocent and a disarming eccentric sense of humor that is infectious and lighthearted.’ “In his sophomore year when Victor first joined the Envirothon Team, he anchored his team’s oral presentation with his solid public speaking skills. That year the topic was water conservation, and Victor addressed the judges on the composting system of saving water. Not every speaker can manage to captivate the attention of a panel of judges with a discussion of the alternative to the flush toilet, but Victor certainly did.” “His love of learning makes his academic potential infinite.” Accepted to the University of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore, Northwestern, Duke, Dartmouth, UCONN, and Brown, Victor will follow his infinite academic potential at Harvard University in the fall.”

Two impressive statistics about the Class of 2012: As of this past Friday, its members have collectively received $43,650 in local scholarships and a record-breaking six point two millions dollars in college grants and scholarships for the next four years.

Following the commencement benediction by Brother Fahey, Brother concluded the ceremony by saying, “And finally, a few minutes ago you heard Brother Brian end his remarks to the graduates with a sentence he uses every Monday at the close of the school-wide morning prayer – “God bless your day.” To the graduates, and speaking for everyone else on this stage, I would simply add: “God bless your lives, each and every day.” X

Commencement 2012Continued from page 3

the Xavier Valedictorian, english, and Science Awards Victor c. Wu

the Xavier Salutatorian, religion, Mathematics, and Science Awards Sherif A. eldirAny

the Brother John collins campus Ministry Award cArlo l. fiore

the Xavier english Award GreGory d. BroWn

the Xavier Spanish Award Alec t. lAMo

the Xavier latin Award SAMuel J. MAGAziner

the Xavier french Award JeAn-Pierre zreik

the Xavier Social Studies Award MASon A. PASSAVAnt

the Xavier Business Award JonAthAn n. lococo

the Xavier Visual Arts Award zAchAry A. clArk

the Xavier Music Award AndreW W. Moeller

the Xavier Performance Arts Award MAttheW d. durlAnd

Commencement Honors 2012

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At the Baccalaureate Mass, our Graduation liturgy, Principal Mr. Brendan donohue shared publicly some of the honors awarded to the members of our Graduating class and Headmaster Brother Brian davis, C.F.X. presented

the awards on behalf of the donors.

This year, three of our seniors have been named NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS. In addition, seven of our seniors have been named NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED STUDENTS.

COMMENDED: Gregory D. Brown, Jason Y. Cain, Kristof B. Fogarasi, Nathanial O. Luther, Samuel J. Magaziner, Emmett F. McConville, Robert W. Peterson, and Colm F. Smith.

FINALISTS: Sherif A. Eldirany, Mason A. Passavant and Victor C. Wu.


The BROTHER CELESTINE MEDAL is awarded each year to students who, upon the completion of the academic year, have an overall final average of A with no final average grade less than an A- in their major subjects. This prestigious award, which a student can be given only once during his four years at Xavier, is the highest academic tribute that the school bestows. The award is named after Brother Celestine Killigrew who taught history and Religion at Xavier in the early 1960’s and died as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. In the previous three years, 19 members of the class of 2012 have earned this honor. Gregory D. Brown, Tyler L. Ceste, Christopher J. Dibble, Sherif A. Eldirany, Kristof B. Fogarasi, Andrew P. Gonzalez, Samuel J. Magaziner, John F. Marriott III, Emmett F. McConville, Kyle S.McLaughlin, Mason A. Passavant, Miraj M. Rahematpura, Daniel Ramirez, Michele D. SchianoDiCola, Colm F. Smith, Alex Thongsythavong, Victor C. Wu and Conor H. Zawilinski.

In addition to those nineteen students, three more members of the class of 2012 are being recognized for having earned this honor this past school year. Timothy J. Muyano, David J. Pugliese and Jean-Pierre Zreik. Continued on page 6 >

2012 Xavier Graduation LiturgyPRESENTATION OF AWARDS

THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT has recognized three seniors who received merit scholarships and will be attending UCONN in the fall: PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARS AWARD to Sherif A. Eldirany and ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS to Rowan S. Lucey and Ryan B. Villanueva.

THE JAMES V. TILLONA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP has been established in loving memory of Jamie Tillona, a proud member of the Xavier High School Class of 1996. Jamie was a loving son and brother who through his loyal and sincere friendships brought happiness to those whom he encountered. This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior who, through his academic success, and his commitment to the Xavier community, best exemplifies the hopes and aspirations, which were held for Jamie. This year’s recipient is Rowan S. Lucey.

THE DAVID HANFORD BRANDT SCHOLARSHIP has been endowed by the family of David who was a member of the Xavier class of 1986 and is awarded to a student who is recognized as the most outstanding MYARC volunteer. The recipient this year is Michele D. SchianoDiCola.

THE THOMAS A. CLOUTIER, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP has been established by the friends and family of Thomas A. Cloutier, Jr. of Westbrook, a member of the class of 1992. This scholarship is presented to a student who has demonstrated the qualities of hard work and determination, and who has served as an example of dedication to his classmates. This year’s recipient is Matthew J. DeKoeyer.

THE PETER DALTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP is endowed by the parents of Peter, who was a member of the Xavier class of 1987. It is awarded to a senior who best exemplifies the characteristics that we all hope to find in a Xavier Man. This year the recipient is Emmett F. McConville.


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PRESENTATION OF AWARDSContinued from page 4

THE GEORGE V. KEITHAN, SR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP has been established by Mr. and Mrs. George V. Keithan, Jr. of the class of 1981. The scholarship is awarded to a senior who has been accepted into an engineering program at an accredited college or university in Connecticut. The first recipient of this scholarship is Daniel A. Wohlmuth.

THE MARK SCHAEFER SCHOLARSHIP is given in memory of Mark Erwin Schaeffer, son of Mr. & Mrs. Otto E. Schaefer of North Branford, who was member of Xavier’s class of 1979. The intent of this scholarship is “to reward an all-around Xavier MAN, a scholar and an athlete who has actively demonstrated that he has realized that a Xavier education is a Christian education, one that requires service and dedication to one’s fellow human beings.” This year’s recipient is Dylan C. Woods.

St. Mary’s Parish of Portland sponsors THE ANNUAL REVEREND JAMES T. BUTLER SCHOLARSHIP, which is awarded to the graduating parishioner who best exemplifies the ideals of Xavier High School. Alan J. Cosenza is this year’s recipient.

Each year MARC Community Resources recognizes members of the senior class for their dedication to the intellectually disabled. This year’s recipients of the MARC BOOK AWARD are Geoffrey M. DeVille and Michael A. Killen.


THE FOREST CITY COUNCIL NO. 3, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, annually presents an award to a senior who has achieved excellence in the area of religion and its’ practice as exemplified through Campus Ministry Service. This year the recipient is Jean-Pierre Zreik.

THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR GREATER NEW HAVEN through the WILLIAM and MARION TITTEL FUND has awarded scholarships recognizing academic success to Ryan T. Bott and Ryan W. Verde.

Each year THE HADDAM VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE SERVICE awards two scholarships in memory of Alfred Lundgren, a long-time volunteer medical responder with Haddam Ambulance, to a senior pursuing a profession in the medical field. Xavier’s recipient of this award is Michael R. Malz.

Michael is also the recipient of a scholarship from HADDAM PUBLIC HEALTH, INC. and received the Haddam Club 60 Scholarship.

THE CIVITAN CLUB OF MIDDLETOWN is proud to recognize Matthew R. Newton as the winner of the 2012 Civitan Senior Award for Community Service.

THE MIDDLETOWN LODGE NO. 771 BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS has awarded the Sal Salafia Community Service Award to Victor C. Wu.

COMCAST has awarded the LEADERS and ACHIEVERS SCHOLARSHIP for exemplary academic achievement, community service, and leadership to Victor C. Wu. Victor has also been the recipient of THE NATIONAL MERIT TRAVELERS EMPLOYEES CLUB SCHOLARSHIP, the CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS GOVERNOR’S SCHOLAR AWARD, and the BIG Y SCHOLARSHIP.

THE 2012 PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARDS PROGRAM on behalf of President Obama, has awarded Brian C. Morrone with THE PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD in recognition and appreciation for commitment to strengthening our Nation and for making a difference through significant volunteer service in their community and their country.

Continued on page 8 >

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Comcast Leader and AchieverVictor Wu was one of the 45 Connecticut high school seniors recognized

at the Connecticut State Capitol. They each received $1000 college scholarships through the Comcast leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program for their dedication to academics, leadership and community service.

After attending Comcast leaders and Achievers Scholarship ceremony victor received a tour of the legislative Office Building courtesy of State representative Matthew lesser who serves the 100th Assembly district - durham, Middlefield and part of Middletown. Pictured are Secretary of State denise Merrill presenting victor an autographed copy of “State register and Manual” with rep. lesser by his side. X

Good Citizen AwardOn April 16, Xavier senior Mason Passavant (2nd from left) was one of

six local high school students invited to attend the annual Good Citizen Award ceremony in the Middletown Council Chambers with Mayor daniel drew (center). The students were honored with this award at an official ceremony lead by local dAr members. The Good Citizen Award is given annually to one member of each respective high school’s senior class. The award is given on a merit basis including completion of a questionnaire, essay, scholastic record, and a letter of recommendation. The students selected must have the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. This year’s award recipients included students from Mercy, Xavier, Middletown, vinal, Cromwell, Coginchaug and Portland. X

The photo credit: Judy Moeckel, Wadsworth DAR. We received this photo and information from the Wadsworth Chapter of the CT DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution).

Senior PromMay 5, 2012 Glastonbury Hills Country Club

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8 Xavier Today

THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD ACADEMY by the virtue of the authority of the Commandant of the Coast Guard has tendered an appointment as cadet in the United States Coast Guard to Andrew W. Moeller. Andrew’s father, Commander William Moeller, United States Coast Guard, presented the citation to his son.

THE PRESIDENTIAL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE is presented each year to seniors in recognition of excellent academic achievement. President Obama has asked that we offer his congratulations upon presentation of the certificates. Blake T. Bibisi, Michael J. Bighinatti, Ryan T. Bott, Gregory D. Brown, Jason Y. Cain, Tyler L. Ceste, Geoffrey M. DeVille, Christopher J. Dibble, Matthew J. DiBella, Sherif A. Eldirany, Kristof B. Fogarasi, George D. Gilbert, Connor J. Giorgio , Andrew P. Gonzalez, Taylor J. MacKinnel, Samuel J. Magaziner, Sean R. Marinan, Jr., John F. Marriott III, Zachary E. Matunas, Emmett F. McConville, Kyle S. McLaughlin, Douglas A. McNeil, Andrew W. Moeller, Andrew S. Moore, James E. Morelli, Timothy J. Muyano, Stefan S. Opalacz, Mason A. Passavant, David J. Pugliese, Miraj M. Rahematpura , Daniel Ramirez, Steven M. Romanelli, Stephen M. Russo, Brendan C. Salka, Michele D. SchianoDiCola, Andrew C. Sherer, Colm F. Smith, Brendan D. Sullivan, Alex Thongsythavong, Peter J. Tomasiello, Alex J. Torres, Ryan W. Verdi, Akshay Vig, Ryan Anthony B. Villanueva, Victor C. Wu, Jean-Piere Zreik.

THE CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS has awarded a certificate in recognition of the demonstration of those qualities of SCHOLARSHIP, LEADERSHIP, SERVICE AND CHARACTER which earned these students election to the NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Tristan J. Avelis, Blake T. Bibisi, Michael J. Bighinatti, Gregory D. Brown, Ryan T. Bott, Jason Y. Cain, Zachary A. Clark, James W. Coleman, Jr., Matthew S. Craig, Ryan S. Craig, Matthew J. DeKoeyer, Troy S. DeLeon, Geoffrey M. DeVille, Christopher B. Dibble, Matthew J. DiBella, Sherif A. Eldirany, Timothy R. Fagan, John P. Finnegan, Carlo L. Fiore, Kristof B. Fogarasi, John D. Ganey, Giordano J. Gentile, George D. Gilbert, Connor J. Giorgio, Andrew P. Gonzalez, Thomas J. Hutton, Alexander M. Kasinskas, Mitchell S. Kendrioski, Michael A. Killen, Nicholas E. Kinsman, Julian G. Klimas, Alec T. Lamo, Jonathan N. Lococo, Rowan S. Lucey, Taylor J. MacKinnel, Samuel J. Magaziner, Mark J. Mallon, Jr., Michael R. Malz, Jonathan C. Manacchio, Michael P. Manion, Sean R. Marinan, Jr., John F. Marriott III, Michael F. Mastroianni, Zachary E. Matunas, Nicholas S. Mazzotta, Dillon R. McCarthy, Emmett F. McConville, Kyle S. McLaughlin, Colin W. McNamara, Douglas P. McNeil, Andrew W. Moeller, Andrew S. Moore, James E. Morelli, Christopher J. Muckle, Timothy J. Muyano, Stefan S. Opalacz, Kyle H. Owens, Mason A. Passavant , David J. Pugliese, Miraj M. Rahematpura, Daniel Ramirez, Steven M. Romanelli, Stephen M. Russo, Giovanni H. Sabato, Connor B. Sabia, Brendan C. Salka, Charles J. Scheid, Michele D. SchianoDiCola, Andrew C. Sherer, Colm F. Smith, Russell L. Stevens, Brendan D. Sullivan, Alex Thongsythavong, Peter J. Tomasiello, Alex J. Torres, Geoffrey J. Vartelas, Ryan W. Verdi, Akshay Vig, Ryan Anthony B. Villanueva, John W. Voelker, Jake T. Whalen, Shane E. Wilcox, Joel P. Williams, Daniel A. Wohlmuth, Eric L. Woodford, Dylan C. Woods, Victor C. Wu, Marcel S. Zajac, Matthew M. Zampini, Conor H. Zawilinski, Frank R. Zimmitti, Jean-Piere Zreik.

THE CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS has awarded a certificate FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP to two of our seniors and they are: Kristof B. Fogarasi and Timothy J. Muyano.

PRESENTATION OF AWARDSContinued from page 6

Continued on page 10 >

THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY has awarded its Distinguished Scholar Award in recognition of Leadership, Academic Achievement, and Community Involvement to Kristof B. Fogarasi. Kristof was also the recipient of the ST. MARY OF CZESTOCHOWA LADY’S GUILD SCHOLARSHIP and the BIG Y SCHOLARSHIP.

THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE recognizes student-athletes for exemplary display of sportsmanship, ethics and integrity. This year’s recipients are: Andrew P. Gonzalez and Geoffrey J. Vartelas.


The JOHN PHILLIP SOUSA BAND AWARD is an award given to a senior “in recognition of outstanding achievement and interest in instrumental music, for singular merit in loyalty and cooperation, and for displaying those high qualities of conduct that school instrumental music requires.” The 12th recipient of the Sousa Band Award is Dillon R. McCarthy.

The LOUIS ARMSTRONG JAZZ AWARD is presented to a senior “in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of jazz as demonstrated through superior musicianship, character, and individual creativity. Our recipient of the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award is Michael J. Weber.

Each year a number of our young men are selected through an interview process to serve the Xavier community as PEER MINISTERS under the leadership and guidance of our Director of Campus Ministry, Mrs. Hoisl. These young men play an integral part in our freshman and sophomore retreat programs, our prayer services and liturgies. David R. Brennan, John F. Cappiello, Zachary A. Clark, James W. Coleman, Jr., Alan J. Cosenza, Aaron R. Deegan, Troy S. DeLeon, Carlo L. Fiore, Giordano J. Gentile, Alexander M. Kasinskas, Mitchell S. Kendrioski, Michael A. Killen, Nicholas E. Kinsman, Rowan S. Lucey, Brett P. Madore, Mark J. Mallon, Jr., John F. Marriott III, Timothy J. Muyano, Stefan S. Opalacz, Alexander E. Organek, Mason A. Passavant, Robert W. Peterson, David J. Pugliese, Ryan W. Verdi, Tyler J. Withycombe, Gregory W. Woods II, Jean-Piere Zreik.

THE MICHAEL D. SCHILKE MATHEMATICS AWARD has been established by Barbara and David Schilke in memory of their son, Michael, a gifted and popular member of the class of 1985. This award is presented to an outstanding senior mathematics student. The recipient of the 26th MICHAEL D. SCHILKE AWARD is George D. Gilbert.

Special Recognition Over the past few months, several of our seniors have received special recognition and we would like recognize their accomplishments.

The SCHOLAR LEADER AWARD was presented by The Southern Connecticut Athletic Conference to Mason A. Passavant and Jean-Pierre Zreik.

Additionally, two of our students were given the CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS ART AWARD. They are Andrew W. Moeller for the Performing Arts and Zachary A. Clark for the visual arts.

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college Apparel Day

The theme adopted for May 10th was College Apparel Day. Seniors were given the opportunity to wear sweatshirts

or t-shirts of the colleges that they plan to attend or have considered. We captured a sampling of the attire in the halls during the third lunch wave.

Best of luck next year gentlemen! X

At the beginning of each school day Xavier begins

with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. For those facing the front of the school, the American flag and the flag of the diocese of norwich are displayed on the pole next to the front parking lot. For the past year, senior (and Columbian Squire) Chris Bartolotta from Clinton has taken on the duty of raising the flags. It is a task that is not typically noticed except for the fact that the flags fly proud and true as testimony to the dedication to the job he took on. We all should be grateful to Chris and thank him if given the opportunity.

As Chris is graduating, we are hoping that another of the Columbian Squires will take on this important job and help us to proudly display the colors of our country and the emblem of our diocese.

Thanks again, Chris! X

thanks chris Bartolotta `12

Graduation Practice and Senior Picnic

T he Class of 2012 gathered in the kohs Gym to go through their first rehearsal for the Graduation ceremony. In addition to being led through the various steps of the event itself,

members of the administration provided helpful hints and suggestions to make the day as special as possible for the new graduates and their families. They were also addressed by the guidance department who are still gathering final college and scholarship information for the 210 members of the senior class. Choral director Mr. elligers rehearsed the seniors in the singing of the Xavier Alma Mater.

Mr. Phil Franklin `73, president of the Xavier Alumni Association, spoke to the seniors as they would become members of the Alumni in less than a week. He pointed out that “you will become members of a fraternity that is made up of teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and just about any occupation and profession you can think of. your class will bring the total number of men who have graduated from Xavier High School to over 8,000. We look forward to you bringing new ideas as well as your participation and support in keeping Xavier strong for years to come.”

As has become a tradition with the Alumni Association, a picnic lunch was prepared for the seniors following rehearsal. Carey Hewitt `74 and Dan Pickett `86 were manning the grill while under the careful supervision of Phil Franklin `73 and Xavier’s Assistant director for Alumni Affairs Joe Lane `95. While the day’s weather wasn’t the bright sunshine that would have been ideal for a picnic lunch, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hotdogs and other fixings were prepared and served in the auxiliary gym. Several fathers of seniors and a few of their brothers who are also Xavier Alumni were able to take time to join the seniors for the picnic. X

Page 12: Summer 2012 Edition

Falcon Achievement AwardIn addition to its reputation as a school which promotes excellence in academics and service to the community, Xavier has earned an equally fine reputation in athletics, a reputation based not solely on wins and losses, but on the spirit and sportsmanship demonstrated by our scholar-athletes. The FALCON ACHIEVEMENT AWARD has been created to recognize a senior who, during his athletic career, has represented the very best that athletics stand for at Xavier. In the opinion of his coaches, the administration, and faculty, this years’ recipient is a young man who embodied, in the athletic arena, those qualities of loyalty, commitment, sportsmanship and hard work, which characterize our fine scholar-athletes. Michael F. Mastroianni.

PRESENTATION OF AWARDSContinued from page 8

10 Xavier Today

The NEW HAVEN REGISTER “YOUTH OF THE YEAR” AWARD has been awarded to Mark J. Mallon, Jr.

David J. Pugliese received the CIAC SCHOLAR-ATHLETE AWARD.


The WADSWORTH CHAPTER DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION “GOOD CITIZEN AWARD” which recognizes high school seniors who exemplify the qualities of a good citizen: dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism, was awarded to Mason A. Passavant.

THE IBM WATSON SCHOLARSHIP has been awarded to Gregory D. Brown.



Andrew S. Moore has been awarded the ARTISTS FOR WORLD PEACE SCHOLARSHIP.

THE KIWANIS FOUNDATION OF MIDDLETOWN has awarded a scholarship to Sean P. Ostroski.


MacKenzie C. Sullivan is the recipient of the BRIAN A. ASELTON


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Xavier Today 11

Owen Kosmaczewski `14, Troop: 608, Hamden, CT. In choosing an eagle Project, Owen reached out to Saint rita School in Hamden which he attended from Pre-k through 8th grade. He planned and led a crew to paint an accent wall in each of the nineteen classrooms. The accent wall helps direct student’s focus within the room, and to bring new life to the appearance of the school. Over seventy five people — scouts, family, Saint rita alumni, knights of Columbus members, fellow Xavier students and others — helped him get the job done in one weekend. He solicited support and donations from local businesses and restaurants for supplies and food for the work crew. He also tried to reduce the purchases of new materials like ladders, tarps, brushes and paint trays by borrowing as much as possible to lower the project’s impact environmentally.

Connor Neary `12, Troop 39 in Marlborough. Connor’s eagle Project was a Community Book drive. Gently used books were collected, sorted and distributed to several worthy beneficiaries. Books were collected

for the local elementary school whose library and teachers have managed with zero-based budgets for the past two years and were unable to buy any new books to supplement their collection. Connor’s Book drive surpassed his goal of 1,500 books by collecting and distributing 6,253 books! Books were also distributed to several Hartford non-profits which provide services and literacy programs targeted to at-risk and under-served kids in Hartford. everybody Wins Connecticut was the largest recipient of books donations, with nearly 3,000 books. Several hundred books were given to Hands on Hartford for one-on-one literacy programs. Over 1,000 books were given to Betances School in Hartford, a school whose previous library consisted of less than thirty books for more than 300 elementary students.

Zachary Newton `11 became an eagle Scout in Troop 16, Middeltown last June. Zak, a Xavier alum, started Scouting 12 years ago, achieved 30 merit badges, was selected as an Honor Camper, received the Order of the Arrow and participted in a week-long national youth leadership training. He also participated in the St. Pius Peer Mentoring Ministry Team and attended an Appalachian Mission program in kentucky. For his project Zak designed a patio and garden around the Peace Pole at St. Pius Church on Westfield Street. The space includes four benches and forms a mediation and prayer center. Photo Credit - Cathy Branch Stebbins

Giovanni Sabato `12 from troop 41, Middletown, CT was awarded the rank of eagle Scout on August 10, 2011. He was also awarded the Certificate of recognition to eagle Scout by the national Society of the Sons of the American revolution for outstanding achievement in exceptional leadership and citizenship. His eagle Scout project was to install a Statue of St. Francis for Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Middletown. The statue had been donated years prior but lacked the funds and personnel to install it. Giovanni raised the funds to install the statue on a significant foundation according to code and turned the area into a prayer garden with flowers and a park bench. The parish has expressed its gratitude to Giovanni in glowing terms. X

Nicholas Kinsman `12 of Troop 8 in east Hampton was awarded the rank of eagle Scout at an eagle Court of Honor in november at First Church of Christ, Congregational in east Haddam. nick’s eagle leadership Project was designing, purchasing and installing a larger church sign with constructed berm, garden landscaping and lighting on the front lawn of First Church. The larger sign enables passing motorists to safely read its welcoming messages and improves First Church communication with the east Haddam community. Following dozens of meetings with town and historic district officials, nick led a team of 14 volunteers to complete the Project and raised $5,218 to cover expenses. In recognition of nick’s achievements, Governor dannell Malloy proclaimed november 26, 2011 as “nicholas kinsman day” in Connecticut.

Christopher P. Casey II `12, a member of Boy Scout Troop 256 in Berlin, CT, became an eagle Scout in January 2012. For his eagle Scout project, Chris repaired the kneeler feet on the pews at St. John Church in Middletown where Chris’ family have been members for 100 years. Scouts, leaders, parents and family volunteered over 268 hours to complete this project. In addition to earning 40 merit badges, Chris also received the Catholic scout awards Ad Altare dei and Pope Pius XII emblem Award.

Ethan Damuck `13 of east Haddam earned the rank of eagle on Feb 29th, 2012. ethan began scouting at age 6 and has achieved the eagle rank at age 16. His project benefited east Haddam Historical Museum and consisted of five handmade benches and the planning and implementing of the museum entrance landscaping. The project was supported by the museum, local businesses, durham vFW , Moodus Sportsmans Club and family/friends. As an active member of Boy Scout venture Crew 169 ethan has been elected to be the vP and webmaster.

Mr. David Applegate

`98 (Xavier Science

and Math teacher),

participated in Owen’s

Eagle Court of Honor.

Page 14: Summer 2012 Edition

12 Xavier Today

Xavier’s two engineering teams travelled to Washington D.C. in April to participate in the Real World Design Challenge

(RWDC) national competitions in Aviation and Surface Transportation.

PTC (Nasdaq: PMTC), a Founding Member of the Real World Design Challenge (RWDC), officially announced that Team Xavier representing Xavier High School won the 2011-2012 National Finals Competition in Surface Transportation. PTC and the RWDC partners congratulate Team Xavier for designing a next generation motor coach that enhances fuel efficiency.

Surface Transportation team members:Jeff Witz `13 of New BritainTyler Cusack `13 of ClintonJohn Reidy `13 of NorthfordMark Breault `13 of IvorytonBrian Wilcox `14 of MarlboroughMark Capel `15 of East HaddamStephen Bruno `15 of North BranfordUnofficial members who helped are

Numad Cheema `15 of Rocky Hill and Anthony Plochocki `15 of Berlin.

Aviation team members:Chris Muckle `12 of MadisonJohn Voelker `12 of SouthingtonMiraj Rahematpura `12 of MiddletownAndrew Moeller `12 of NorthfordGiovanni Sabato `12 of MiddletownMario Chris `13 of StorrsZach Ziobrowski `13 of Cheshire

team Xavier Wins the 2011-2012 real World design challenge for Surface transportation

The above photo was taken during a “practice run” of their presentation here during Spring Break. State Senator Len Suzio attended the practice run for both teams and presented moderator Mr. Michael Humphreys `04 and the teams with an Official Citation from the Connecticut General Assembly offering “Congratulations on this remarkable achievement which shows your commitment to excellence in engineering.”

The RWDC Surface Transportation Challenge was introduced this year for the first time as a Pilot Program. Over the past four years, thousands of teams have participated in our Real World Design Challenge Aviation competition and for the past three years Xavier’s Aviation team has won the State competitions and

represented Connecticut in the National competitions, last year winning the National competition.

This year RWDC added the new Challenge focused on surface transportation and automotive design. Students were required to design a motor coach for enhanced fuel efficiency. There were 55 submissions in this new category and just one large national competition with judging done virtually. Team Xavier received a free trip to Washington, DC to present their work at the National Finals of the Aviation competition. The team delivered a 15 minute PowerPoint presentation on their work to the whole group at the 4-H Center on Saturday. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood presented the trophy to the team at the National Air and Space Museum. X

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This spring we have received more good news about the academic achievements of our students that have led to community recognition here

in Connecticut and reaching the International level. Here we are reporting about two seniors: Miraj Rahematpura `12 (Middletown) and Christopher Muckle `12 (Madison), and two juniors: Mario Chris `13 (Storrs) and Nicholas Zoccoli `13 (Berlin).

In the History day State competition Mario Chris and Miraj Rahematpura participated in the Connecticut State level of History day on April 28th and won 2nd place in Senior Group Website category. Their placement qualified them to participate at the national History day competition from June 10-14. “each year roughly 2,400 students and their parents and teachers gather at the university of Maryland, College Park for the week-long event. These enthusiastic groups come from all over the united States, Guam, American Samoa, department of defense Schools in europe, and even Shanghai, China.”

class night/Parent Program Welcomes class of 2016

In March the Class of 2016 Class night/Parent Program was held. This was the second year that Xavier hosted the event. 8th Graders were

treated to an evening that resembled the “class nights” that are organized each year for students at Xavier. The 8th Graders mingled with Ambassador Club students in the gym and and other areas where they had the opportunity to play basketball, ping pong, air hockey, foosball, and video games among other activities. The students were given T-Shirts designed for the class of 2016. The pizza and cake seemed to be pretty well received, too.

Parents gathered in the dining Hall where they were welcomed by director of Admissions Brother Thomas Fahey, C.F.X., and Headmaster Brother Brian davis, C.F.X. offered an opening prayer. Principal Mr. Brendan donohue and Academic dean for freshmen Mr. david Sizemore then were joined by other faculty and a group of students for informational sessions that were presented to parents to familiarize them more with Xavier and what their sons could expect over the next four years.

Pictures of the event are courtesy of Brother John Sullivan, C.F.X. and Mrs. donna Jaskot. X

recognition of Student engineering and history Achievements

Mario Chris and Nicholas Zoccoli received letters announcing that they were awarded the Certificate of Merit from CT division of the Society of Women engineers (SWe). That honor is awarded to high school juniors who show excellence

in math and science courses at school as well as extracurricular engineering activities. Mario was able to attend the presentatin ceremony to accept the award.

On the first weekend in May, Miraj Rahematpura, Christopher Muckle, and Mario Chris won a silver medal at the International Sustainable World energy engineering environment Project (I-SWeeeP) Olympiad held in Houston, Texas. Their project was titled The Falcon Tip: Testing the viability of Adaptive Winglets to Improve Fuel efficiency on Midsize Commercial Airliners using Computational Fluid dynamics. They had qualified for this competition by winning the 1st Place Award for Physical Sciences as a Senior High Team in the Connecticut Science Fair held earlier at Quinnipiac university. X

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14 Xavier Today

Students ranked nationally in Le Grand concours

Connor Gilbert `15 Edouard Nicaise `13 J.P. Zreik `12

Administrators for the Day

Headmaster for a day Nicholas Napolitano`14 (Guilford),

Principal for a day Michael Cronenberg `15 (Middletown) and dean of Students for a day Nicholas Indorf `15 (Wallingford) administered to the needs of the school during their term of office (May 15, 2012). They offered morning and afternoon announcements; checked on student activity throughout the school; had meetings with their permanent counterparts; and reviewed plans for the future of the school among their many important duties. They were “appointed” to their positions as a result of the winning bids by their parents at this year’s Gala Auction and Mardi Gras celebration held in February.

Jobs well done gentlemen! X

language department Chair Mr. ryan Brodeur told us that “…Edouard Nicaise `13, Connor Gilbert `15 and J.P. Zreik `12 all scored in the top 10 ranks statewide for the

national French Grand Concours 2012. They were honored at a statewide ceremony held at Southington High School.”

Here are their state and national rankings, respectively:level nAMe (HOMeTOWn) TeACHer STATe nATIOnAl

3A e. nicaise (Hamden) Mrs. Wargo 3 51A C. Gilbert (northford) Mr. Brodeur 8 93A J.P. Zreik (Wallingford) Mrs. Wargo 10 12

The national French Contest/le Grand Concours is an annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. Students of French in grades 1-12, in all 50 states and abroad, take a written test and compete against students with similar educational background. X

Students Get Perspective on vietnamVeteran speaks to Modern uS history class...

Michael del Monaco, a veteran of the vietnam War was a guest speaker in Mr. Sizemore’s

Modern uS History class in May. He was joined in his presentation by Ted Aub, Connecticut State Coordinator for the national league of POW/MIA Families.

Mr. del Monaco is the current Sr. vice Commander and incoming Commander of veterans of

Foreign Wars, Major raoul lufbery Post 591in Wallingford, CT. He spent the first part of his presentation disspelling some myths about vietnam and the late 1960s and early 1970s to help give students a first hand account of what a veteran actually saw and lived through during that tumultuous period.

Mr. Aub provided them with some facts that are still with us today. For example, there are now 1,666 Americans listed by the defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (dPMO) as missing and unaccounted-for from the vietnam War. The number of Americans announced as returned and identified since the end of the vietnam War in 1975 is now 917. Another 63 uS personnel, recovered post-incident and identified before the end of the war, bring the officially listed total recovered and identified to 980. Of the 1,666 still missing or otherwise unaccounted-for from the vietnam War, 90% were lost in vietnam or in areas of laos and Cambodia under vietnam’s wartime control. X

LATIN I: SIlver MAXIMA CuM lAude: Timothy Brough `15 (Wethersfield) Christopher Lobianco `15 (Hebron) Timothy Morris `15 (durham) Scott Mason `15 (Wallingford)

MAGnA CuM lAude: Rory Noone `15 (Guilford) Ethan Rodrigues `15 (Middletown)

LATIN II: GOld SuMMA CuM lAude: John Kessler `14 (killingworth) Mark Capel `15 (east Haddam)

SIlver MAXIMA CuM lAude: Seamus McGinley `14 (Chester) Owen Kosmaczewski `14 (Hamden) Angus Lamont `14 (Hamden)

MAGnA CuM lAude:Rodolfo Valentini `14 (Marlborough) Joseph Braun `14 (durham)

CuM lAude: Robert Morrison `14 (Centerbrook)

LATIN III: GOld SuMMA CuM lAude:Mark Breault `13 (Ivoryton) Emmett Coughlin `13 (Portland) Matthew Manzione `13 (Middletown)Trevor Root `13 (Middlefield)

SIlver MAXIMA CuM lAude:Joseph DiBella `13 (Old Saybrook)Michael Purcell `13 (Cheshire)

MAGnA CuM lAude:Max Tylki `13 (Wethersfield) Peter Strom `13 (Portland)

POETRY IV: GOld SuMMA CuM lAude:Colm Smith `12 (east Hampton)

SIlver MAXIMA CuM lAude:David Pugliese `12 (Middletown)

MAGnA CuM lAude:Samuel Magaziner `12 (essex)

CuM lAude:Thomas Harrington `12 (killingworth)

volumus vos gratulatione!Congratulations to the following students who received recognition for their performance on the National Latin Exam.

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Xavier Today 15

On May 17th the sky was crystal clear and with no signs of the previous two weeks’ rains it was time to welcome

grandparents of freshmen for our second Grandparents Day of the year. In December our Freshman Grandparents Day event was completely “sold out.” We received the maximum number of reservations possible for the breakfast and Mass seating. So in May we welcomed over 60 grandparents who were unable to join us earlier.

The grandparents were greeted by members of the Ambassadors Club and other student volunteers along with the staff of the Office of Advancement that annually hosts these events for Grandparents. The students ushered the visitors into the St. Joseph’s dining hall where they were treated to a breakfast with their grandsons. Director of Advancement Matthew Strekel `99 introduced sophomore Noah Lyke (Higganum), a two-year member of our Riflery Team, who said grace on behalf of the assembly.

After the meal, Mr. Strekel recognized members of the administration and Advancement Office who were present and then introduced Headmaster Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X. to address the gathering.

In his presentation Brother Brian said that he hoped that the grandparents and parents can say that the freshmen “feel welcome here, have made new friends and adjusted to the amount and type of quality work we expect of them.” Brother continued, “I know that you are a very important part of your grandson’s lives. and your interest in his Xavier experience is very important to him. Some of you are helping to raise your

Grandparents Day Waitlist Leads to Second Event

grandson, some provide transportation for him, perhaps a place to go after school, and I know some of you are assisting with tuition and other expenses. All of us here at Xavier are very grateful to those of you who have been supporting us through your donations to our annual fund or to our ad book drive.”

After this very social hour, the grandparents were escorted to the Arthur M. Kohs gymnasium where Mass for the Feast of the Ascension was celebrated for the entire school. Reverend Gregory Galvin, Vocation Director for the Diocese on Norwich was celebrant. Music was provided by the school chorus. After Mass, grandparents were offered a tour of the school by the student volunteers.

As Brother Brian said, “thanks to all of you for being here and God Bless your day.” X

Freshman Stained Glass Windows

The freshman Stained Glass Window assignment is a cross curricular project. It began as ‘The Brother Harold Accelerated Curriculum

Stained Glass Window project’ and now is extended to all freshmen.Students write an essay about the three most important things in their life, based on their beliefs (Faith in God, love for family, Trust in friends, Freedom through music, etc.). They design three symbols that represent those beliefs (for example God = Cross, Sports = lacrosse stick, Music = musical notes). Those three symbols together form a picture. The design is outlined on plexiglass and color is added. everyone’s squares are mounted together to form a huge inspirational window display. X

Brian Morrone `12 recognized for volunteer Service

Brian Morrone `12, of Wallingford has been

honored for his exemplary volunteer service with a President’s volunteer Service Award. The award, which recognizes Americans of all ages who have volunteered significant amounts of their time to serve their communities and their country, was presented by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program on behalf of President Barack Obama. Brian participated in the Spirit of Community program this year as a representative of Xavier.

Brian earned his award by his involvement in the Hear My voice Movement. He told us, “The organization exists to help the victims of bullying. We want to make sure they know that they are never alone, and there are always others there to help them along their path to happiness. We want to make sure their cries for help are heard, and answered as well. I want to save lives. I want to prevent bullying in the schools. I want to make a difference. I want to be the change that this world needs in order to progress, and I will make sure I do everything in my power to try and stop bullying, once and for all.”

Principal Brendan donohue is shown congratulating Brian and presenting him with a certificate acknowledging the award. X

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16 Xavier Today

Freshmen/Sophomore Semi-FormalApril 28, 2012 at Xavier in Kohs Gymnasium

“Anything Goes” Well received

This year three audiences enjoyed the Mercy/Xavier musical production “Anything Goes” in the Mercy High School auditorium.A large cast and crew from both schools put weeks of hard work into this

popular production. Mason Passavant, of Middletown, played the lead role of Billy Crocker opposite kendra Oates of Wethersfield, who was reno Sweeney. Two other key characters were Moonface Martin played by Brendan Sullivan of Old Saybrook and Alexis Quattrini of Westbrook, cast as Bonnie leTour.

We hope you had a chance to enjoy it in person!Other Xavier cast members included Ryan Moynihan of Middletown

(elisha Whitney), Mike Criscuolo of Branford (Steward), Angus Lamont of Hamden (reporter), Matt Durland of east Haddam (Sir evelyn), Seamus McGinley of Chester (Bishop Henry T. dobson), Matt Blanchard of Portland (Ching), Cole Bruni of new Britain (ling), Nicholas Maturo of Middletown (Purser) and Jesse Ferrara of killingworth (Ship’s Captain).

Great job one and all! X

head Start Music Awareness Day

In April a group of Xavier’s student musicians took the time to visit the Idella Howell Child development Center, a Head Start Center here in Middletown.

Xavier has had a long-standing relationship with the Head Start program over the years. On this occasion it was Music Awareness day and our students took their instruments from room to room in the center and gave the 3 to 5 year-olds a chance at some hands-on experience with the instruments. In one case senior Alex Organek was on the floor with his baritone horn providing the air flow while the children took turns pushing the valves to change the notes.

The finale had everyone outside for a sing-along. Senior Greg Woods held the hands of 5 year old twins while the musicians played and everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” Greg then became the maestro leading a rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” as all participated. It was a fun day for all and probably as much a learning experience for our students as it was for the Head Start children.

Photos courtesy of music teacher Mr. Chris dresko. X

Josh Gosselin `13 earns Superior Musicianship Award

At the High School Jazz Festival at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston in March, both the Jazz ensemble and the Jazz Combo did very well with their

performances and received great feedback from the judges but did not place in the top three.

Xavier junior Josh Gosselin of Wethersfield won awards at both performances for the outstanding soloist in the group. He also won the Superior Musicianship award for the best soloist in the entire category (Class S2).

Big bands, combos, and vocal jazz ensembles performed and competed throughout the day. All ensembles are adjudicated by a panel of Berklee’s top faculty and received a written critique of their performance. Top-ranked ensembles were awarded partial scholarships to Berklee’s Five Week Summer Performance Program, and individual students were invited to audition for tuition scholarships towards the full-time program or our Five Week Summer Performance Program. X

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Xavier’s Fine Arts Department presented its Spring Fine Arts Night made up of a Pops Concert and Art Exhibit.

In the afternoon, Xavier’s Concert Band, String Ensemble, Chorus and Jazz Ensemble presented a few of the pieces that they would perform in the full evening concert at Xavier. The concert theme was “Fuego del Alma” (Fire of the Soul) and the evening’s performance included many more pieces of music also featuring the Latin theme.

Ms. Jayne Vitale, Chair of Xavier’s Fine Arts Department, presented awards commending the works of student artists:

Outstanding effort and achievement in completing the AP Studio Art portfolio: Zachary Clark `12 (East Hampton)

Special recognition of seniors who have demonstrated excellence and will pursue visual arts on the college level: Andrew Moore `12 (Middletown) and Patrick Colavecchio `12 (Colchester)

Special recognition of an intermediate level student who excels in painting: Neal Krupa `13 (Essex)

Special recognition of an intermediate student for landscape painting: Mark Duggan `14 (Glastonbury)

Special recognition of senior Christopher Muckle `12 (Madison) for his contributions with a photography portfolio collection

Recognition of a student on the beginning level with achievement in drawing: James Kern `15 (Essex)

Spring Fine Arts Applauded

The concert featured the Xavier Jazz Band and Chorus under the direction of Mr. Erik Elligers, Assistant Director; the Xavier Concert Band and String Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Christopher J. Dresko, Director of Music.

The Art Exhibit on display in the front foyer of the school featured paintings and drawings prepared by students from the visual arts classes.

The concert photos were taken during the preview performance presented to the complete student body in the afternoon. X

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18 Xavier Today

In an ongoing effort to increase support for those who are in

need of help for daily necessities, The ryken Service Society looked to generate more support through a “March Madness Can Competition.” ryken members went into each homeroom daily to obtain a can count of new donations, tallied and posted the results on a tri-fold bracket in the main hallway.

In the end 6,820 cans were collected and Mr. elligers homeroom took the championship trophy with a total of 1,612 cans.

March 26–30, 2012: Xaverian Missions/Spirit Week. What’s it all about anyway? Is it the “crazy sock day,” “sweatshirt day” or “college apparel

day?” Is it about the winner of the March Madness Can Competition or the Intramural Basketball Champion? Is it the Spirit Week Assembly or the winner of “Change Wars?” How do the Xaverian Missions get worked in to the mix?

In the first two days of our annual Xaverian Missions/Spirit Week, members of the ryken Service Society made a presentation to all the religion classes in the school Chapel. They included quotes from the “Fundamental Principles of the Xaverian Brothers” combined with descriptions of where the Xaverian Brothers are active across the globe. They interspersed this with an explanation of “change wars” and how it (or something similar) is being done in all 13 of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools in the uS.

If you get the message, it would seem that Xaverian Missions/Spirit Week

Mission and Spirit Week – Why?

ryken March Madness can competition

Honorable mention went to Mr. Brodeur’s homeroom with 1,220 cans and a very big “thank you” to all who

participated during the competition. each month through the “Be a Man, Bring a Can” campaign, Xavier has

become one of the largest regular donors to the Amazing Grace Food Pantry in Middletown. X

is about everything mentioned above and much more. It really depends on whether you want to be involved.

Xaverian Brothers founder Theodore James ryken “looked upon his original vocation as being such a conversion, through which he fell in love with the service of God.”

If you allow yourself to be formed by Godthrough the common, ordinary, unspectacularflow of everyday life,you will gradually experiencea liberation and a freedom never before imagined.

Stand ready to answer God when He asks you if you are available for Him to become more present in your life and through you to the world. X

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Xavier Today 19

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Vocations for the Diocese

of Norwich, helped to arrange for the Theatre of the Word, Incorporated to present their play “The Call” to the Xavier students, faculty and staff. Four very talented members of the cast presented the play which as promised was “”neither preachy, nor cheesy, nor boring...”

The photo and following information from their website may give you an idea of what they presented in “The Call.”

How can we hear the voice of God when the world keeps screaming at us, “Sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll” ? How can we hear our heart’s desire amid the clamor of a culture of death? How can we follow the call of

“the call” Performed at Xavier

Xavier’s Students for life made their presence felt last week as they joined in the rally to protest the Health and Human Services (HHS) Mandate in

Hartford. Students for life is an activity where students examine issues such as euthanasia, suicide, abortion, capital punishment, poverty, pollution, war, materialism, and other issues concerning life. The core group sponsors and organizes guest speakers, debates, and annual participation in the national right To life March in Hartford, CT. X

Xavier’s Annual Blood Drive

The Xavier science department annually hosts a Blood drive as one more way of giving back to our community. Once again this year, the kohs

Gymnasium was converted into a donation center. All of our students participate in community service. The Blood drive is just one example of how we ask them to be a role model for others.

Mr. rajbir Jaswal, science department chair and chairman of the blood drive said, ‘Our goal today is to gather 57 units of blood. Student turnout has been steady this morning.” A number of teachers stopped in during their free periods to donate as well. Mr. Jaswal added, “I would really like to thank all the volunteers for their help. I would also like to send my sincere appreciation to the Cafeteria staff for the hospitality and their support.” By day’s end, Mr. Jaswal reported that we had indeed met our goal of the 57 units!

Checking in with red Cross personnel they told us that “each unit typically allows us to help three people.” So the drive should benefit more than 150 individuals. In addition to donating blood, volunteers registered donors, served after-donation refreshments and helped out in other ways. X

Xavier Alumni named new england Scholars at Uconn

We know of at least four Xavier Alumni who were honored this year at UConn’s 19th Annual Scholars

Day Ceremony in the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts. Gregory Breuer `08 of Cromwell, Andrew Brown `10 of Durham, Zachary Cosgrove `10 of Madison and Nicholas Morse `09 of Portland were among those honored as distinguished undergraduate students for their academic accomplishments.

Undergraduate students at all University of Connecticut campuses who earned at least 12 calculable credits for both the Spring 2011 and Fall 2011 semesters and who earned at least a 3.7 semester grade point average for each semester were named New England Scholars. This year 1,400 scholars were honored. In recognition of this achievement, each recipient received a silver pin to mark the occasion.

Congratulations! X

Students For Life Participate in rally

God when we bury our heads in the sands of sterility? How can a play be about all these things—and also be a comedy?

Join our hero Sam in his wild adventure of discernment. Will he discover his vocation and thereby the meaning of his life? Or will the tempter Scratch convince him just to keep on keeping on—devoted to the world, the flesh and the devil?

The Theater of the Word Mission is “To bring Christ to the World by way of the dramatic arts.”

The Theater of the Word Incorporated is named after the ‘Theater of the Word’, Karol Wojtyla’s (later to become Pope John Paul II) drama troupe, the clandestine theater company of Nazi-occupied Poland. X

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20 Xavier Today

The Xavier community gathered in the Kohs Gymnasium on Holy Thursday for a Lenten Prayer Service prepared by the Peer Ministers.

“This week we as Catholics join together in Holy Week prayer experiences that help us remember the deeper meaning of this week, the week before Easter Sunday, the week that Jesus suffered and died for our sins. Today Holy Thursday is the day Jesus celebrated the last supper with his friends the apostles. He washed their feet and sat down at the table to break bread with them. This was the first Eucharistic Celebration the first mass as we know it. It was after this supper that Jesus went to the garden to pray, for he knew what was about to happen. It was here he was to be handed over to be crucified and die for all our sins. So, we will begin our prayer service today with Jesus in custody condemned to death being sent to carry his cross.

“We are focusing this prayer service on the wood of the cross personifying it giving it life

What must it have felt like to be that cross?What must it have felt like to be the pivotal material that

brought every prophecy to light?“Lord, open our ears today to hear the story of your suffering

and death in a new way. Help us to hear it in a way that makes us stop and think about your ultimate sacrifice help us to hear it in a way that makes us feel it personally. Help us to hear it in a way that causes us to change for the better this Easter Sunday. We pray with open ears and open hearts that the spirit of your love helps us to grow as people of faith and hope.”

At the conclusion of the peer ministers’ re-enactment,

Lenten Prayer Service

Headmaster Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X. thanked them and Director of Campus Ministry Mrs. Andrea Hoisl. In his remarks Brother Brian offered the following: “What thoughts were running through the minds of the Apostles and the loyal women who stood at the foot of the cross when the Jesus they had been with for three years has been cruelly executed?

You see, the thing is we know the ending of the story. They did not. What doubts were possibly in their minds, what fear for their futures? It seems to me we can reflect on those times in our own lives when we fear for our own futures, when we may doubt or question our faith, when we act in ways that are contrary to what we say we believe. But we know the end of the story.

We know that Jesus lived, died and rose again for love of us, and that as with the repentant thief executed by Jesus’ side that God’s love and forgiveness is always there for us. And that is the cause for our Easter Alleluias, our rejoicing in all that our God did and continues to do for us.

May God bless each of you in this Easter season with a renewed confidence in God’s presence in your lives and in the lives of your loved ones as we join together in Easter Joy.” X

American Studies Field TripJim Royce `99 told us “my native American Studies class

took a trip to the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and research Center on the Mashantucket Pequot reservation. Having worked there in the past as an archaeologist, I was able to arrange for the head archaeologist of the museum (kevin McBride) to give the kids a “behind the scenes” tour of the archaeology labs and a peek at a site currently under excavation on the reservation. It was a great trip and the kids really seemed to love it! Attached is a picture of kevin showing us the site. I worked there as an archaeologist during the field seasons of 2002 and 2006, mostly helping to excavate prehistoric native American and colonial American sites. Most of my work was done out in the field but I definitely logged my share of hours in the labs that the students got to see. roy Schmaling was the second chaperone on the trip, no students from any of his classes went but having our department’s teacher of the Connecticut History elective definitely helped to round out the experience for our students that did go. X

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Xavier Today 21

About 65 members of the junior class and the dozen or so faculty,

staff and administrators spent a weekend in March at Junior retreat in litchfield. The Junior retreat is a voluntary activity that is strongly encouraged in our Campus Ministry program. Conducted by a pastoral team of faculty members, and a senior Peer Minister, this two and a half day program places emphasis on the role of faith and trust in others throughout one’s life. This retreat is a pivotal point for juniors developmentally.

The retreat was held in the northwest corner of Connecticut at the Wisdom House retreat and Conference Center in litchfield. As a country retreat and conference center, Wisdom House spans 54 acres of meadows, woods and brooks. Indoor and outdoor sanctuary areas and labyrinth encourage meditation, prayer and creative thinking.

The unseasonably warm weather provided for a very comfortable environment for the juniors and adults to expend some energy between the contemplative moments of the retreat. X

Faith Deepens at Junior retreat

Junior PromMay 12, 2012 at Xavier in St. Joseph Hall

Page 24: Summer 2012 Edition

22 Xavier Today

Brian Wendry `85, director of rowing Programs at riverfront recapture, Inc. shared the following information with us.

Colm Smith `12, a member of riverfront recapture’s Boys’ varsity A 4+, earned an invitation to uS rowing’s youth national Championship in Oak ridge, Tn, June 8–10. He was part of a five-person boat that captured 3rd in the Grand Final at this weekend’s northeast Junior regional Championship in Worcester, MA. This was the first time a riverfront boat qualified for the youth national Championship.

uS rowing’s northeast Junior regional Championship was comprised of 337 entries from 34 different clubs from six states and took place over two

Colm Smith `12 Earns Invitation to National RegattaA member of riverfront recapture’s Boys’ Varsity A 4+...

days on lake Quinsigamond. Most crews rowed in heats on Saturday and those placing in the heats moved onto Sunday morning Semi Finals; crews that made it through the Semi’s moved onto the afternoon Grand Finals.

Members of the Boys’ 3rd place, national Championship qualifying varsity A 4+ were coxswain Madeline Halsey (Hall), Colm Smith (Xavier, Middletown), leland Bergen (Hall), Jack Flege (Conard), and Will Corban (Watkinson); they were coached by riverfront’s Assistant rowing director, Chris Hayes.

We would also like to thank the Hartford Courant for allowing us to use the photo by Stephen dunn. X

The Riverfront Recapture Spring Junior Racing Team will be competing in the upcoming US Rowing Youth National Championships from June 8-10th in Oak Ridge, TN. This is the first time a Riverfront crew team has qualified for Nationals. In photo, the 5-person team, from left to right: coxswain Maddie Halsey of West Hartford, facing aft, Jack Flege of W. Hartford, Leland Bergen of W. Hartford, Will Corban of Manchester, and Colm Smith of East Hampton take their racing shell out on the Connecticut River Tuesday afternoon for a practice session.





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) Freshmen Reflection AfternoonXavier Peer Ministers led a retreat program that gave

participating freshmen an opportunity to explore different aspects of their lives. The retreat began informally with freshmen and peer ministers gathering for a snack and conversation. They then went to Xavier’s chapel for an opening prayer and introduction to the program as it would unfold.

There were break out sessions where small groups met to discuss the three main topics: School-Life, Social-Life and Spiritual-Life and finding the balance necessary to be successful as the freshmen move toward their sophomore year. A simple dinner was provided and the overall atmosphere seemed to be very relaxed while maintaining a focus on the topics at hand. X

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Xavier Today 23

BASKETBALL Coach Michael KohsCoaches Award: Bryant Etuka `12 (Middletown)Senior Award: Connor Landers `12 (durham)Most valuable Player Award: Jovan Santos-Knox `12 (Middletown)

ICE HOCKEY Coach Scott GaineyMost Improved Player Award: Shane Baldwin `13 (Southington)Coaches Award: Dan Dupont `13 (Wallingford),

Bryan Stanton `14 (West Hartford)Most valuable Player Award: Jack Gethings `14 (Wallingford)Senior Award: Dakota Caron `12 (Cheshire)

INDOOR TRACK Coach Dave KraszewskiTop newcomer: Jack O’Hara `15 (Cromwell)Most Improved runner: Sabastion Herrera `13 (Ivoryton)Coaches Award: Dillon McCarthy `12 (Old lyme)Most valuable runner: Dave Pugliese `12 (Middletown)Senior Award: Russell Stevens `12 (Colchester)

RIFLERY Coach Aaron KingMost Improved Shooter Award: John Paul Morello `13 (Middletown)Coaches Award: Stephen Lonczak `14 (Meriden)George Mcclean Award: Noah Lyke `14 (Higganum)Most valuable Shooter Award: James Stanley `12 (Cheshire)Senior Award: David Mazotas `12 (Marlborough)

SWIMMING & DIVING Coach Leandra Manos Most Improved Swimmer Award: Nevin Sanchez `15 (Middletown)High Point Award: Matthew Lyons `13 (Old Saybrook)rookie Of The year Award: Mike Pimer `15 (northford)Coaches Award: A.J. Cosenza `12 (Portland)Most valuable Swimmer Award: Spencer Beaulieu `13 (Portland)Senior Award: Kris Fogarasi `12 (Middletown)The next two swimming awards were presented following the general session in

the Swimming and diving break-out session (photo below right). Outstanding Athlete Award: Greg Brown `12 (durham) and

Stephen Russo `12 (Wallingford)

The teams then proceeded to separate areas in the school where the coaches presented end of season letters and certificates to all team members.

The Wrestling team’s special awards were presented at a separate banquet held on April 29th. (See Page 25.)

Special thanks to Mrs. karen Brown for the photos from the Winter Sports Awards night. X


Ice Hockey

Indoor Track


Swimming & Diving

Swim & Diving

Winter Sports Awards Night

director of Athletics Mr. Tony Jaskot `69 welcomed players, family and friends to the Winter Sports Awards program in the kohs Gymnasium, “We are here to honor our players from Basketball, Ice Hockey, Indoor

Track, riflery, Swimming and Wrestling. I want to honor our Coaches as well. These sports provide an after school classroom with lots of learning, including morals, values, work ethic, and discipline.” Tony then announced each individual Head Coach who presented the Team Special Awards. recipients were photographed with their coach, Headmaster Brother Brian davis, C.F.X. and Principal Brendan donohue.

Page 26: Summer 2012 Edition

24 Xavier Today

More than 350 attended a banquet in March to honor Xavier’s 2011 State Championship football team at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Cromwell. each

player and coach of the team was presented with a championship ring that was provided through the generosity of donors and sponsors for this special event.

Mr. larry McHugh, President of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce and Xavier’s first football coach (1963–1983), was the Master of Ceremonies for the event. Middletown Mayor dan drew presented the team with a Proclamation from the City and 9th district State Senator Paul doyle offered congratulations from the State of Connecticut.

Headmaster Brother Brian davis, C.F.X. offered welcoming remarks. Mercy High School Principal Sister Mary McCarthy, rSM led the opening and closing prayers. director of Athletics Tony Jaskot `69 recognized all the coaches and players for the teams second consecutive undefeated season (13–0).

Head Coach Sean Marinan `80 also thanked and recognized the cheerleaders from Mercy High School for their continued support during games. Mercy has provided cheerleaders for Xavier since the two schools were initially founded in 1963.

The banquet was also the opportunity for Coach Marinan to present the Football Special Awards for the season. The players are listed with their graduation year and town of residence.

2011 Football Special Awards Celebrate a Perfect Season

lArry MCHuGH SenIOr leAderSHIP AWArd: To the senior player that has put the needs of the team first and his personal goals second. Who has provided leadership on and off the field by the example of his actions, effort and play: Sean Marinan Jr. `12 (Higganum)

MOST vAluABle PlAyer FOr THe deFenSe: Ryan Jacobucci `12 (Portland)

MOST vAluABle PlAyerS FOr THe OFFenSe: Pat D’Amato `12 (Wethersfield) and Mike Mastroianni `12 (durham)

MOST IMPrOved: To the player who has shown the greatest improvement in his play/effort since the previous season: Ryan Craig `12 (Glastonbury)

TOny JASkOT CHAMPIOn OF THe yeAr AWArd: The player whose effort in games and or practice has been an essential reason for the success of the team. These efforts have usually gone unnoticed by the fans, media and others outside the team: Andrew Vadasz `12 (Middletown)

kevIn HOlder unSunG HerO AWArd: The players whose unselfish effort and play was responsible for the success of the team. usually their role in the success of the team has been over looked by the media, fans and others outside the team: Sean DiFilippo `12 (killingworth) and Jake Whalen `12 (durham)

CuSTOM CArPeT SPIrIT, HuSTle And deSIre AWArd: The player whose passion and excitement for the game has been exemplified in their positive, never say die attitude, constant hustle and unselfish desire to help the team: Jovan Santos-Knox `12 (Middletown) X

Page 27: Summer 2012 Edition

Xavier Today 25

On April 29th, family, friends and supporters gathered at Xavier

for the Wrestling Championship Banquet celebrating the team’s Class ll State Championship, State Open Championship and their ranking as Connecticut’s #1 Wrestling Team. each team member received a momento bag which included championship rings that were purchased for the team through the donations of the event sponsors.

In addition to the congratulatory remarks from Headmaster Brother Brian davis, Principal Brendan donohue, director of Athletics Tony Jaskot `69 and Head Coach Mike Cunningham and others, Master of Ceremonies Brother Thomas Fahey guided the participants through the festivities. Photos from the event were made possible by Mrs. Amy Brough.

Coach Cunningham also used the occasion to announce the 2011-2012 Individual Wrestling Awards for the team:

Most valuable Wrestler Sean Marinan Jr. `12 (Higganum)

nick Ciarcia Career Achievement Award Tyler Cunningham `12 (east Berlin)

Most Improved Jake Whalen `12 (durham)

Ironman Award Alex Kasinskas `12 (Meriden)

Coaches Award Drew Pichnarcik `12 (Cheshire)

Senior Award Ryan Butler `12 (Berlin)

Team Man Award Matt DiBella `12 (Old Saybrook)

Best Technician Elliott Antler `13 (Hebron)

Wrestling Banquet and Awards

Among the many special achievements of this year’s team, senior Sean Marinan Jr. and junior Elliot Antler were Xavier’s two top finishers in the new england Wrestling Championships final rounds in Providence. Sean finished first in the 220 lb class with a decision over eric Tucker of Masuk. elliot placed third in the 170 class by defeating Geoffrey Grant of vergennes, vT. Sean is only the second Xavier wrestler to ever take first in the new england Tournament. The first was Nick Ciarcia in 1999.

In a quote from the Hartford Courant “Xavier, the 2012 State Open champion, came in sixth as a team, but senior captain Sean Marinan took home the 220-pound title. Marinan faced his State Open finals opponent, eric Tucker of

Class LL State Championship, State Open Championship and Connecticut’s #1 Wrestling Team

Masuk, in the new englands final, scoring a takedown in the second overtime period to win.”

“This feels so great,” Marinan said. “To finish off my career like this, in the last match I’ll ever wrestle ... I finished it off right.” X

Allstate Wrestling BanquetAt the Allstate Wrestling Banquet Xavier came away with more honors:

• Team of the year: Xavier (ll and State Open Champions)

• State Coach of the year: Mike Cunningham

• Academic All State: Tyler Cunningham, 4th time Elliot Antler, 3rd time Sean Marinan Jr., 3rd time

Alex Kasinskas Jake Whalen

New England Champions

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26 Xavier Today

Senior Student Athletes Commit to College Teams

We learned that Patrick Colavecchio `12 (Colchester) signed a national letter of Intent to play ball for the Pace university Setters next year in the northeast-10 Conference. We captured this picture of Patrick with his parents, daniel and Catherine Colavecchio, and head coach richard Magner at the varsity baseball senior day ceremony in May

Head footbal coach Sean Marinan `80 also wanted to let us know that four more members of the State Championship team have announced their plans for next year. running back Mike Mastroianni, who received the Falcon Achievement Award for his spirit and sportsmanship, will be attending and playing for Sprinfield College. Michael also was named Most valuable Player for the Offense along with Pat d’Amato at this year’s Football awards banquet. Coach also told us that running back Matt Craig will be going to St. lawrence and his brother line-backer Ryan Craig will be going to Assumption. ryan was presented with the Most Improved Award for his contributions to the team this year. Xavier defensive end Sean Marinan Jr. has been accepted at uConn and will join the football team as a preferred walk-on. Sean received the larry McHugh Senior leadership Award for his role on the Championship football team this year. He also won 1st Place in the new england Wrestling Championships in the 220 lb class.

Senior Kyle Buschmann from east Haddam has been playing golf for over 12 years including this year helping Xavier to perhaps its finest season. kyle recently made his college plans official when he signed a national letter of Intent to play division I golf at Bryant university in rhode Island. He has been playing golf at Xavier since freshman year and his scoring average has improved from 42 to 39 through his junior year. kyle was also nominated for the Jack kelly Sportsmanship Award, sponsored by the CTPGA Junior Golf Association. Academically, kyle has been a regular member of the honor roll and in his junior year received honors 3 out of 4 marking periods and achieved a GPA of 3.23.

Xavier senior Brett Madore of Bristol signed a national letter of Intent with Stonehill College to play division II baseball in the northeast 10 conference. Brett has played baseball at Xavier since he was a freshman. As a sophomore he played on the varsity team as a middle infielder. One of Brett’s biggest highlight’s while a member of Xavier baseball was being featured in the Connecticut edition of eSPn High School Magazine as an All State Top Position Player “as a dominant two way player you will see Brett as a starting short stop and a relief pitcher.” Brett is looking forward to college ball while pursuing a degree in Criminology. X

Xavier senior Connor Landers has committed to play baseball at Sacred Heart university in Fairfield, CT. Connor is a right hand pitcher, a 4 year member of the baseball team with three years on varsity and serving as a Captain this year. He was also a 4 year member of the basketball team and received the Senior Award. Connor also achieved honor roll status numerous times while at Xavier and was named to the Principal’s list in his freshman and sophomore years. Connor said he ‘is looking forward to playing college baseball at Sacred Heart while pursuing a degree in Physical Therapy.’

This past november, senior Geoff Vartelas signed a national letter of Intent to attend and play golf at Penn State university. At Xavier, Geoff is the current co-captain of the golf team and received the team’s “Most valuable Player” award his freshman, sophomore and junior years. He has also received All-State honors as well as recognition at the All-Area level. Academically, Geoff has obtained

honor roll status numerous times and has been a member of the national Honor Society since his sophomore year. At Penn State, Geoff will be enrolled in the Smeal College of Business.

Mike Mastroianni

Matt and Ryan Craig

Sean Marinan Jr.

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Xavier Today 27

Our varsity ultimate Frisbee team travelled to Somers,

CT on June 3rd to defend their Championship in The new england Championship Tournament, sanctioned by uSA ultimate. Head coach david Applegate `98 provided the following summary of the day.

In the new england tournament, Xavier started the day with a win over Casco Bay with a score of 11-5. The first half of the game was a give and take with no team pulling ahead. Xavier brought it to the half and came out strong in the second half shutting Casco Bay out to take the first game of the day. In the second game against Fryeburg, Xavier continued the momentum gained in the previous game getting to half quickly with a score of 6-1. Maintaining the pressure Xavier finished strong with a score of 11-3.

The third game of the day was against Middletown and in the 6th match-up of the season, the team faltered and lost the game with a

Ultimate Frisbee - New England Champs Again!Xavier defended their title and are new england champions for 2012!

score of 11-7. With a morning record of 2-1, this put Xavier into the championship bracket where they first faced Chase Collegiate, the team they lost to in the State tournament. Fueled by the loss to Middletown, Xavier came out with all pistons firing and easily took the game to half with a score of 6-1. The second half continued in much the same way and Xavier got vindication for the loss

This year Xavier’s Golf team achieved its best team finish in

Xavier school history in the division I Golf – State Tournament at Tallwood Country Club in Hebron. The team finished in a tie for 2nd place in the division. Four seniors combined for a score of 302. Xavier scores were: Geoff Vartelas `12 from Cromwell 71 (Medalist runner-up), Geoff DeVille `12 from durham 75, Kyle Buschmann `12 from east Haddam 77 and Tyler Ceste `12 from Wallingford 79.

Xavier Golf earned its third SCC Championship this year and its first since 2008. At the SCC tournament, Xavier scorers were seniors Geoff Vartelas 73, Geoff DeVille 76, Kyle Buschmann 79, and sophomore Bryan Stanton from West Hartford 79. Xavier’s first SCC Championship was in 2002. X

Best Golf Team Finish in Xavier School History

incurred at states. For the championship game, Xavier

faced none other than Middletown again. The beginning of the game was close with teams trading points up to a 4-4 game. Then Xavier kicked it into high gear. Taking the game to half and not stopping until the game was called due to weather with a score of 10-4 Xavier. With a record of 4-1 and the final win over Middletown, Xavier

defended their title and won the title of new england Champions for 2012!!

The leading scorers for the day were Andrew Moeller with 9 points, followed closely by Corey Danko with 8 points and Joe Braun with 7, Mike Bighinatti led the team in assists with a total of 15 assists in the game. defensively, Zac Camner led with 11 pass blocks. X

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28 Xavier Today

The Spring Sports Awards were presented on June 14th as our magazine was being sent to print. We didn’t have

photos available but wanted to share the names of the award winners with you. Please see the article and pictures as they appear on our website. Congratulations to all these student athletes!

BASEBALLCoach: Richard Magner `69Senior Award: Tyler Cardi `12 (Middletown)High Batting Average: Matt Albanese `13 (east Haddam)Best Pitcher: Connor Landers `12 (durham)

CREWCoach: Peter BelmonteSenior Award: AJ Cosenza `12 (Portland)Most valuable: Mike Malz `12 (Higganum)Most Improved: Charles Papagiannopoulos `14 (east Haddam)Coaches Award: Kyle Powell `12 (Berlin)Most Committed: Mario Panaccione `13 (Old Saybrook)

GOLFCoach: Michael Kohs `84Senior Award: Kyle Buschmann `12 (east Haddam)Most valuable: Geoff Vartelas `12 (Cromwell)Most Improved: Geoff DeVille `12 (durham)

LACROSSECoach: Scott BasileSenior Award: Rowan Lucey `12 (lyme)Most valuable: Dylan Woods `12 (essex)Most Improved: Eric Phelan `12 (Cheshire)Coaches Award: Sam Izzarelli `12 (Amston)defensive MvP: Jack Ganey `12 (lyme)

OUTDOOR TRACK AND FIELDCoach: David KraszewskiMost valuable: DeAngelo Berry `13 (ellington)Best in Track: Dave Pugliese `12 (Middletown)Best in Field: Matt Manzione `13 (Middletown)Most Improved: Peter Strom `13 (Portland)Coaches Award: Charlton Ortega `13 (north Haven)Top newcomer: Jake Dobos `15 (northford)Senior Award: Russell Stevens `12 (Colchester)

SAILINGCoach: Mr. Hayes and Mrs. CharpentierSenior Award: David Mazotas `12 (Marlborough)Most valuable: Eric Woodford `12 (Westbrook)Most Improved: Shane Baker `13 (Southington) and

Edouard Nicaise `13 (Hamden)Coaches Award: Matthew Lyons `13 (Old Saybrook)

TENNISCoach: Matt Haywood `04Senior Award: Alex Thongsythavong `12 (new Britain)Most valuable: George Gilbert `12 (Portland)Most Improved: Ryan Villanueva `12 (rocky Hill)Coaches Award: Rob Borea `15 (Wethersfield)

ULTIMATE FRISBEECoach: David Applegate `98Senior Award: Michael Bighinatti `12 (Cromwell)Most valuable: Zac Camner `13 (Hamden)Most Improved: Joe Braun `14 (durham)Coaches Award: Mason Passavant `12 (Middletown and durham) and

Andrew Moeller `12 (northford)Spirit of the Game: Giovanni Sabato `12 (Middletown)

VOLLEYBALLCoach: John Post `04Most valuable: Greg Woods `12 (Middletown)Most Improved: Kevin Berger `14 (Glastonbury)Senior Award: Mike Killen `12 (Wallingford)Coaches Award: Dalton Whitman `12 (Meriden)

Spring Sports Awards

earlier this year, Xavier squeaked into second place over north Haven in the riflery State Championships (having to determine second place by a tie

breaker) at 951 points. Xavier lost the state championship for the fourth year in a row to Suffield Academy.

Jim Stanley `12 was, once again, our top shooter with 197 and was awarded number one shooter in the state with a season average of 195.33. David Mazotas `12 swept in with career high 195 and Stephen Lonczak `14 tied his career high with a 190. William Andrews `13 and Peter Fiasconaro `12 rounded out our top 5 shooters at the championship.

Jim Stanley `12 Top Shooter in State

The rest of the varsity team, with alternates, included Rider Doolittle `13, John Yusza `14, Brian Day `12, Jordan Greenhalgh `13, Taylor MacKinnel `12, Noah Lyke `14, Jeffrey Witz `13 and John Paul Morello `13. X

Page 31: Summer 2012 Edition

A Message from the Director of Advancement

Xavier Today 29

Congratulations to the Class of 2012 — our

newest alumni! I also want to thank their parents for their continued financial and volunteer support. Thanks also to so many of you who showed up for our first-ever Parent Reception and made it such a wonderful success. As we continue to move forward, we will be developing a more full and robust parent program at Xavier. Please take advantage of it and let us know how we are doing.

Many of our alumni will be

returning during the month of June for Reunions. Those classes that end in a 2 or 7 will be celebrating with their own events and celebrations. I encourage all of you to come back to see familiar faces and new spaces on campus. Rather than hold one large event for all alumni to come back to, we thought that it would be more fun to put together individual class reunions. So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive and I look forward to seeing so many of you back at Xavier!

I recently spent some time with Mark Wooding `99 as he dropped by Xavier to say “hello.” I probably haven’t seen Mark since graduation in May of 1999. It was great to reconnect with him, and we had fun reminding each other that I am a few pounds heavier and he is a few hairs lighter since high school. You can pick right up where you left off with him 13 years ago. Mark and I were talking about commencement

speakers and he mentioned Eric Greitens, who was the speaker at Tufts University this spring. Mr. Greitens is a 38-year old US Navy Seal and Rhodes Scholar. Mark quoted Mr. Greitens, “The best definition I have ever heard of a vocation is that it’s the place where your great joy meets the world’s great need. ... We need all of you to find your vocation. To develop your joys, your passions, and to match them to the world’s great needs.”

I have been thinking quite a bit about those words, and how they really describe Xavier and all that we do here. While we do not specifically ask the young men here to pick a vocation (religious, mechanical, or otherwise) during their four years, I do believe that we ask them to develop themselves, their joys, their passions, and find where they are needed in the world. It is about looking beyond yourself, beyond your immediate community, to see where you are needed. Christ is

calling you to “Be A Man.” The question is: Where?

Finally, during his remarks Mr. Greitens also said “ ‘What kind of service can I provide? What kind of positive difference can I make in the lives of others?’ If you work every day to live an answer to that question, then you will be stronger.” With these words in mind, I want to thank two alumni. Phil Franklin `73 and Jim Killen `78 will be stepping down as presidents of the Alumni Association and Home & School Association, respectively. The two of them have offered over 50 years of service to Xavier. While they are not gone forever I wish them the best in their future adventures. You will both always be able to come back home to Xavier. We are forever grateful for your service.

Have a wonderful, safe, and joy-filled summer!

Matthew L. Strekel `99Director of Advancement

Command Sergeant Major (CSM) John M. Botti graduated from

Xavier in 1972. On May 18th, John was among those honored for his service at the Armed Forces Day Luncheon held at the Aqua-Turf in Southington. He enlisted in the US Army in 1975, went to basic training at Ft. Dix, NJ, and to advanced individual training at the Academy of Health Sciences, Ft. Sam Houston, TX where he received his diploma as a Medical Corpsman. He received his Emergency Medical Technician Certificate from City Colleges of Chicago in 1977, and graduated from the Connecticut Department of Correction Academy in 1990. He is a graduate of the US Army Sergeants Major Academy, NRC 2002, where he served as Class President. Among his many deployments, he twice served in Iraq.

His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with I OLC, Army Commendation Medal with 6 OLCs, Army Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Army Of Occupation Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals, NATO Medal, Combat Action Badge, Expert Field Medic Badge and the German Schutzenschnur (Bronze) Badge.

Command Sergeant Major John Botti `72, US Army ReserveCommand Sergeant Major Botti has more than 22 years of

state service and is a Health Program Associate at the Connecticut Department of Public Health. He recently lost his beloved wife and companion for 36 years, Dagmar B. (Barrett) Botti originally from Berlin, Germany. CSM Botti has more than 37 years of military service and has plans to retire during the next few months.

We join in thanking John and all the members of the armed forces for their service. X

Command Sergeant Major John Botti `72 is shown with members of his family including on the left his aunt, Xavier’s school nurse, Mrs. Tina Loomis.

CSM Botti with Mayor Dan Drew

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30 Xavier Today

With classes coming to a close in June and the seniors having graduated two weeks earlier, Academic Dean

and Social Studies teacher David Sizemore `86 wanted to find a creative way to provide an alternate assessment for his remaining student in the US History (1945-Present) class. He challenged Harry Bradley `13 to develop a review game based on what was covered in the course presented in the “Jeopardy” format.

Mr. Sizemore recruited four members from the Class of 1999 to compete. The contestants are on staff: Brian Fitzgerald (Spanish), James Markham (Science), James Royce (Social Studies) and Matthew Strekel (Director of Advancement). Mr. Sizemore said, “As your former teacher (for most of you), I will be the host, much in the same light as the movie “The Emperor’s Club” with

Class of `99 in Jeopardy

Kevin Kline. There will be a prize for the winner (appropriately a gift certificate to the 99 Restaurant) as well as complimentary turtle wax for the runners-up.”

Harry produced the show by coming up with the questions as well as working on the technology pieces that were needed to have the “Jeopardy” board transposed on the white board. The topics ranged from politics, sports, television, and more.

As the contestants took their places at the student desks, it was as if they were transported in time to 13 years ago, and were preparing to take a year-end test. It’s too bad that the studio audience wasn’t larger to enjoy the competition. We won’t give you a final tally of right and wrong answers. But we will announce that Mr. Royce was the winning contestant.

Mr. Sizemore also said that “This project was of course good for Harry as he continued to evaluate the events and issues that have transformed our society since 1945.”

Good project and good fun! X

Xavier Alumnus Phil Murphy `75 was honored in April

by the Mid-eastern Athletic Conference (MeAC) and inducted into their Hall of Fame.

Before going to South Carolina State university (SCSu) and then the los Angeles rams and St. louis Cardinals, Phil was a key member of Xavier’s football & track and field programs.

The first two pictures are from his senior yearbook and give just a glimpse of the impact that he had on both teams. Phil has been inducted into Xavier’s Hall of Honors (1996) and the Middletown Sports Hall of Fame and Museum (1995).

The following is from a press release that we received from SCSu.

Murphy said he was pleased with his pending induction and gave credit to his SC State coaches and teammates and his high school coach. “It’s a great honor,’ Murphy

Phil Murphy `75 among MEAC Hall of Fame Inductees

said, “and it’s a testament to all the great teams I played on and the teammates I played with. I also play tribute to all the great coaches I had from high school through college. I owe a great deal of gratitude to Coach larry McHugh and the staff at Xavier High School and Coach Willie Jeffries and his staff at SC State.”

Murphy earned the top defensive accolade in the MeAC as a senior in 1979 when he was named defensive Player of the year (SCSu photo). That same year, he was named an All-MeAC First Team selection, American Football Coaches Association (AFCA)

I-AA All-American, Sheridan Broadcasting network (SBn) All-American, kodak First Team All-American, Associated Press Third Team little All-American and defensive MvP of the Senior Bowl. In

1980, he was chosen in the third round of the national Football league draft by the los Angeles rams and went on to a productive pro career.

He was also a standout thrower in track and field for the Bulldogs.

Murphy holds the school record in the shot put at 57-2 ft. His mark in the event was also an MeAC outdoor track and field record from 1979-2007. Murphy was a four-time MeAC outdoor track and field champion in the shot put and two time MeAC outdoor track and field champion in the discus. He was inducted into the SC State Athletic Hall of Fame in 1998 and named to the school’s Centennial (1907-2007) Football Team. He is also in the Xavier High School Hall of Honors and the Middletown Sports Hall of Fame.

Pictured at left is Phil with Michael Jordan in 1989 during a special presentation.Congratulations Phil! X

Page 33: Summer 2012 Edition

Xavier Today 31

In a show of support that crossed political boundaries, Middletown’s

City Council approved Mayor Dan Drew’s appointment of William N. McKenna (Xavier, 1988) as the City’s Chief of Police.

For the past seven months, Bill McKenna has held the post of Acting Chief, a position he had been appointed to by former Mayor Sebastian Guiliano `70. One comment from Bill’s prepared statement was quoted several times during the meeting. “Breaking down barriers instead of breaking down doors is what is needed to get the backing of our community.” He said that his goal is “making this the best police department in the state” and saw his role as chief “to insure that Middletown is as safe, if not safer, that any community in the country.”

On May 10, 2012, the official appointment ceremony of Middletown’s new Chief took place at Mercy High School. Middletown Mayor Dan Drew swore in the Chief (pictured above) standing with his wife and three children, the youngest being held by City Councilman Tom Serra who was the Master of Ceremonies. It was a community celebration attended by City Council members, past and present politicians, other dignitaries, Police, Fire Fighters, family and friends.

In his comments, Chief McKenna thanked his family for their support. He also heaped praise on the men and women of the Police and Fire Departments for their dedication and commitment to making Middletown a great community for people to live, work and play. He said of his appointment and goals, “It’s not about me, it’s about we...” as he indicated that he is not afraid or ashamed to ask for help and using all the talents

Bill McKenna `88 — Middletown’s New Chief of Policeand abilities of those around him to complete his work.

Representing Xavier were Headmaster Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X., Director of Admissions Brother Thomas Fahey, C.F.X., Brother J. Robert Houlihan, C.F.X., Director of Annual and Planned Giving Mr. Michael Tommasi `67 and numerous Xavier alumni and families who were friends of the McKenna family.

In one of the lightest moments of the ceremony, Chief McKenna said, “Sister Mary (Mercy High Principal Sr. Mary McCarthy), you’ve been a friend of our family since before I was born. But now there will be no more “Billy boy” from now on it will be “Chief Billy boy.””

Congratulations again Chief McKenna! X

We were able to catch this photo of the new Chief with his father and mother, Bill and Pat McKenna, both who have had a long and proud history with Xavier and Mercy High Schools.

A cademic dean david Sizemore `86 was taken out of the building in handcuffs but with a big smile on his face.

david had agreed to participate in the Muscular dystrophy Association (MdA) lock-up program. In this nation-wide program local business and community leaders agree to be “arrested” for having a “big heart” to raise funds for people with neuromuscular diseases.

david told us” This year, members of the local MdA chapters have looked for area school administrators who are willing to be “locked up” for the cause. As many of you know, I’m always game for a challenge, so I threw my hat in the ring. In order to avoid going to “jail” my goal is to bring bail money with me.”

Well the Middletown Police showed up on our doorstep and took the willing participant away to be “jailed” at the Canoe Club in Middletown. We are pleased to report that he was able to “plea bargain” his way to freedom having raised over $1,200 for this worthy cause.

But we must tell you that this event will definitely go on his record!Good job! X

Dave Sizemore `86 Goes to Jail for a Good Cause...

Page 34: Summer 2012 Edition

32 Xavier Today

To: My Fellow Alumni Subject: Year End Reflections and Farewell

In past letters, I have encouraged you to support our school through donations of time, talent and treasure. Reflecting on the past year, we have accomplished many things to help advance the mission of Xavier:

• Inaspecialappeal,weraisedfundstoprovideour students assignment planners for this year

• WerevivedourClassContactprogramandhaveplanstocontinuetoexpand this program

• Weconductedtwoverysuccessfulraffles,raisingover$30,000forXavier’s Annual Fund

• WeestablishedastrategicplanfortheAlumniAssociationtoguidethe future of the Association

• WeengagedalumsatXLI,talkingwithourseniorclassaboutthemeaning of leadership and shared in the celebration of mass.

After 30 years of volunteering in many roles for Xavier, I am bringing my “career” here to a close. I felt it was time for me to pursue some other opportunities and for others to step in where I am leaving off. I want to be clear, however, that I still support the school and encourage you to do the same.

I have talked with many alumni about Xavier, their support for the school and, in many cases, their discontent with the school. While I’m always pleased to discuss support for Xavier, I’m always amazed about the reasons alums have for not supporting Xavier. They talk about “differences” they had with a teacher, a decision of an administrator or a coach or even a Brother. Some of these bad feelings go back 10, 20, 30, 40 years or even longer.

As alumni of Xavier, we all share a common background whether we are from the class of 1967 or the class of 2012. We all have lived, helped shape and been shaped by “the Xavier experience” – our tradition of excellence in education, athletics, spirituality and social learning. To those alums who continue to focus on differences from the past, please Put Them Behind You! Focus your energy on what we can DO for the students of Xavier versus an incident that occurred when you were a teenager. Let’s put the positive energy of our alumni together, leave our differences behind and focus on our common background and Xaverian heritage. Step up and be counted among those who demonstrate their support for Xavier; be one of the “Alumni Helping Future Alumni.”

Finally, we welcome the class of 2012 to the ranks of the alumni. We wish you the best of luck in your continued education, as a member of the military or in the working world. We look forward to seeing you on your next visit to the school.

Thank you for taking the time to read this note. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at Xavier.


Phil Franklin, Class of 1973President, Xavier Alumni Association

Reflections and Farewell

How fortuitous it was to receive a package from

Wesleyan University Press. On opening it, there was an item neatly wrapped in plain brown paper—a modest-sized paperback book. What made this such a timely arrival was its title “Fly Fishing in Connecticut — A Guide for Beginners” by Kevin Murphy. It was fishing season in Connecticut and the news stations had been featuring stories on this year’s trout stocking programs throughout the state.

This is the third book by Kevin Murphy that we’ve been pleased to share with you. Xavier alumnus Kevin Murphy `67 and a 1971 graduate of Villanova University worked at the Hartford Courant through the 1970s and then ran a successful building business until 2000. Today, an independent historian who lives in Rocky Hill, Kevin writes full time and has penned two other books on Connecticut History: “Water for Hartford, The Story of the Hartford Water Works and the Metropolitan District Commission,” and “The Crowbar Governor, The Life and Times of Morgan Gardner Bulkeley.”

Of the new book, Tom Brokaw says, “I’ve often waded into the ancient streams of Connecticut on a pristine summer or autumn day and thought, ‘This is trout heaven with a New England accent.’ Fly Fishing in Connecticut is the next best thing to landing a tiny mayfly on a promising riffle on one of the many promising streams of the Nutmeg State.”

The Wesleyan University Press writes, “In this book, a long-time resident and devoted fly fisherman imparts a wealth of knowledge about fly fishing in Connecticut. Kevin Murphy teaches novice anglers about the state’s trout hatcheries and stocking programs, the differences between brook, brown, and rainbow trout, and offers instructions on the basics of fly fishing. The reader finds the essentials in fly fishing gear, stream tactics, and casting. Would-be anglers gain a glimpse into the history of fishing in the state, plus tips on stream conservation, fly fishing etiquette, regulations, and safety. Most importantly, anglers will find a veritable road map to Connecticut’s best trout streams and rivers. The book offers suggestions for lodging in prime fly fishing locations and a few mouth-watering recipes for cooking one’s catch. Whether you’re in the market for that first pair of waders, thinking of tuning up your casting technique, or just want to know where the fish are biting, this is the book to read.”

The book is just about 100 pages long and is available from many outlets, both in print and in eBook versions. Sit back and enjoy the book and maybe get out to one of those quiet waterways and have a try at some fly fishing yourself. X

Kevin Murphy `67Has a Fishy Tale

Page 35: Summer 2012 Edition

Xavier Today 33

1960sClass year 1967:

Michael Tommasi, [email protected]

or Francis (Fran) Pawlowski [email protected] 505-722-5871

196745th reuniOn… • Friday, June 15 – ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Lyman Orchards • Saturday, June 16 – MASS, Xavier Chapel, 4pm Reunion Dinner, Dining Hall, 5pm

Class year 1969: Tom Tokarz [email protected]

Stan Koba `69, Howell (new Jersey) High School’s Supervisor of Social Studies, Scholar’s Center for the Humanities, and Music, was named the Barnes and noble national Teacher of the year. His name was submitted for entry in a glowing essay written by a social studies student of Mr. koba’s in the Scholars Center for the Humanities.

1970sClass year 1970: Gary Giannelli

[email protected] or David W. O’Brien [email protected]

Class year 1971: Peter Etzel [email protected] or Dr. Robert Jakubiec [email protected]

Class year 1972: Paul Morello [email protected]

More Alumni News…

197240th reuniOn… • Friday, October 12 – TAILGATING PARTY at the Vet’s Park before the Xavier vs Hand football game • Saturday, October 13 – GOLF OUTING in AM followed by REUNION DINNER, 7pm First and Last Tavern, Main St. Middletown, $50 per person

Class year 1973: Rev. Greg Woods [email protected]

Class year 1974: Carey Hewitt [email protected]

Class year 1975: Thomas Sweeney [email protected]

Class year 1976: Atty Chris Smith [email protected]

Class year 1977: Atty. Donald Hubbard [email protected] or Ray Quintin [email protected]

197735th reuniOn… • Saturday, June 16, 2012 reunion gathering at the Xavier: Reunion Dinner at 5pm in the Dining Hall

Class year 1978: Jeff Del Favero [email protected]

Class year 1979: Atty. John Wolter [email protected]

1980sClass year 1980: Thomas J. Byrne

[email protected]

Class year 1981: Rich Smith [email protected] or Atty. Mark Ryan [email protected]

1982Class year 1982: Erik Robinson

[email protected]

30th reuniOn… • Saturday, November 24 6pm at Xavier (more details to come)

`82 Reunion Contacts: Paul Bruni [email protected] and Greg Pitruzzello [email protected]

Class year 1983: Joe Biega [email protected]

Class year 1984: Jeff Muzio [email protected] or Sal Pepitone [email protected]

Class year 1986: Edward (Ted) Wiegand [email protected] or Dan Pickett [email protected] or Dr. Chris Coppola [email protected]

198725th reuniOn… • Friday, October 12 – TAILGATING PARTY at the Vet’s Park before the Xavier vs Hand football game • Saturday, October 13 – Reunion gathering possibly off campus More information to follow.

Class year 1987: Paul Costello [email protected] or Kevin Moravek [email protected]

Class year 1988: James Truscinski [email protected]

Christopher Barnum `88 tells us, “I am currently working for an Architectural and engineering firm based in San Francisco. I live in Sacramento with my wife of ten years and our sons Theodore and eli (middle name Xavier). In our spare time we own and operate a 70 acre farm and vineyard in the Sierra foothills with 18 acres of Barbera vines. Our free time is consumed by soccer, skiing, hiking, drinking wine, cooking and all other good stuff.”

Jim Foley `88 graduated from Stetson university in 1993 and after playing professional soccer from 1994 to 1997 in the uSl (united Soccer leagues) and MISl (Major Indoor Soccer league), “my wife and I moved to Franklin Tn. We have 2 daughters, Alayna, 8 and Hannah 5. I currently am the executive director, Provider Services for Optum Insight. We provide financial and clinical software, technology and services to hospitals, health systems and insurance companies all around the world.”

1990sClass year 1990: Gregg Lallier

[email protected]

199220th reuniOn… • Saturday, June 16, 2012 at Xavier 1pm Reunion Cookout

Class year 1992: Joseph Geremia [email protected] or Matt Dunn [email protected]

Class year 1993: Andy Mule [email protected] or Stephen Bayley [email protected]

Class year 1994: Rev. Thomas Franks [email protected]

you may email your news to your Class Contact as listed or email it to [email protected]. visit our Class Contact page on the website under Advancement & Alumni if you would like to be a Class Contact for your graduating class.

Barry J. Hartnett `69 is Senior Principal engineer for Parts, Materials and Process engineering at Orbital Sciences Corp. in Chandler, Arizona. Barry was Cross Country captain in his senior year and we were looking at a yearbook photo when he responded, “OMG I have put on a few pounds since then and a lot of gray hairs. I compete in sporting clay competitions and here is a picture from last year’s southwest championship.” Barry was also on our riflery squad which received full team recognition in his senior year.

Continued on page 34 >

Page 36: Summer 2012 Edition

34 Xavier Today

Class year 1995: Joseph Lane [email protected]

Chris Jakubiec `95 met President Obama at Plume, the restaurant where Chris is the executive chef. Plume is in The Jefferson Hotel just four blocks north of the White House. The photo above was submitted by Dr. Bob

Jakubiec `71 who also told us that Chris recently got engaged and a May 2013 wedding is planned in vA.

199715th reuniOn… • Reunion Cookout on Saturday, June 23, 2012, 3pm at Xavier $35 per person

Class year 1997: Christopher Mashia [email protected] or [email protected]

Andre Gagne `97 attended uCOnn for 3 semesters and then pursued emergency management and disaster operations. He tells us, “I helped with the inception of the CT-1 disaster Medical Assistance Team (dMAT), a Federal medical team which deploys to major federal declared disasters. I was logistics Section Chief for a Mobile Medical unit in Cameron, lA

for Hurricane rita and have been deployed on many other disasters, including supporting operations in nyC for September 11th, the earthquake in Haiti, and the tornado in Joplin.” Andre and his wife, Jenn are now living in Charlotte, nC, with their “90 pound son,” a Husky/Shepard named Hammy. Andre is a firefighter and Strategic Planner for Odell Fire department, located just outside Charlotte city limits and is pursuing a Master’s degree in emergency Operations and disaster Management from American Military university. He is also Owner and Chief Operations Officer for next level readiness, an emergency management and disaster response company providing consultation, response, products and services to hospitals, schools, banks and anyone else who requires emergency planning. (

Class year 1998: David Applegate [email protected]

Class year 1999: Matt Strekel [email protected]

2000sClass year 2000: Joe Branciforte

[email protected] Joe recently sent some Class of 2000 alumni updates:

Chris Dion `00 has been recently hired by the nCAA as their Social Media Coordinator. He and his wife kristin will be moving to Indianapolis, In.

Christopher Gavigan `92 graduated from the university of California, Santa Barbara with a double major in environmental Science and Business, and extensive Masters degree training in Psychology from uClA. Christopher lives in Santa Monica with wife and actress, Jessica Capshaw, and their two children luke and eve (and one on the way). Christopher recently has founded and launched The Honest Company, an excited suite of healthy, non-toxic, beautifully designed products for babies and families, with founding partners Jessica Alba and Brian lee. As the former CeO / executive director of Healthy Child Healthy World, Christopher shaped Healthy Child to be one of the most credible and trusted organizations in the environmental and children’s health field.

Mike Hansen `00 and his wife luisa welcomed their daughter deborah Adele Hansen in the early morning hours of May 30th, 2012.

Jacob Kravitz `00 recently became engaged to Cristal Chan.

Kevin Lacz `00 and his wife lindsey just celebrated their son Grady’s 2nd Birthday on May 22nd. kevin and lindsey also recently made a move from Middlefield, CT to Winston Salem, nC where kevin will be attending Wake Forest’s School of Medicine in the PA Program.

Ken Pendelton `00 announced his engagement to Shauna eadie over Memorial day Weekend.

Class year 2001: Michael Nichols [email protected]

Doug Presutti `01 tells us that he “ran the Chicago marathon this past fall and raised money for the ronald Mcdonald House (and that) Former XHS teammate, Brad Gordon `01, ran the marathon also.”

200210th reuniOn… • Reunion Cookout on Saturday, June 23, 2012, 3pm at Xavier $35 per person

Class year 2002: Ryan McKinney [email protected]

Class year 2005: Brent Jacobs [email protected]

Matt Vibberts `09 recently shared some of his experiences. “Over this

past spring break, I traveled to Haiti for my second time on an ASB (Alternative Spring Break) trip through the newman Campus Ministry Community at virginia Tech. It was beautiful to see the authentic life throughout Haiti, especially out in some of the remote villages. It puts a new perspective on the first world ‘realities’ we live by in the States. This trip was rather special to me, not only because I led it but because our group stopped at Maison Fortune Orphanage to spend a night with the children and Xaverian Brothers. I was extremely excited to meet Br. Harry and Br. Bill and had a great conversation post dinner. (See photo of Br. Harry and myself outside the Orphanage.) I remember at Xavier I had heard about the Brothers in Haiti, but figured I’d never see them. The world definitely felt a lot smaller that day.

“I’m currently attending virginia Tech working on an Architecture degree. In 2010, I was the student leader for virginia Tech’s 2010 Solar decathlon europe entry, which won 1st place in the Madrid, Spain competition. now I’m involved with the next House of the Future of Tech’s which will culminate

in a 2015 nyC expo. last semester, we designed a radio station in Haiti with the Global Architecture Brigades (GAB), a chapter my colleague and I started last year. This semester, we participated in a competition to design a community health center in Honduras and ranked in the top 3 out of 15!

“I am currently the Assistant Student Campus Minister for the newman Community for the next calendar year. I was discerned by my fellow students to assist in leading hundreds of students to learn more about themselves and their faith. I will have the opportunity to give back and teach others what the newman Community has given and taught to me over the last several years. I am honored to take on this responsibility of assisting others to find growth in their faith and in themselves. I will be helping the Student Campus Minister in running council meetings several times a week, organizing our Sunday masses, participating in many of the weekly events to facilitate growth in Faith, Service and Community (the three pillars of the newman Community at vT).

“next year I will be studying in riva, Switzerland for the fall semester and in Chicago for the spring semester. Xavier has established a strong foundation that I have based all my success off of and for that I am very grateful for the experiences I have from my four years at Xavier High School.” X

Matt Vibberts `09 Reflects on Alternative Spring Break Trip

More Alumni News…Continued from page 33

Page 37: Summer 2012 Edition

Xavier Today 35

What’s New?Summer 2012

name ___________________________________________________ Class year ________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________

Phone # Home _____________________________ Work __________________________

email _____________________________________________________________________

employed by _______________________________________________________________

Position ___________________________________________________________________

College/university attending __________________________________________________

Major/degree ______________________________________________________________

neWS ____________________________________________________________________






Signature __________________________________________ date __________________

Have you moved, changed jobs, married, earned a degree, had a baby and not let us know? Well, we’d like to hear from you. Please take a minute to fill out the form below so that we may update our records and let your fellow alumni know how (and where) you are.

Mail to: John Guerin, Xavier High School, 181 Randolph Rd., Middletown, CT. 06457. Email: [email protected]. Or call: (860) 347-6079

20075th reuniOn… • Reunion Cookout on

Saturday, June 23, 2012, 3:00pm at Xavier $35 per person

Class year 2007: Matt Fahey [email protected]

Nick Naumann `07 graduated in May from Seton Hall university’s Stillman School of Business with a degree in finance/Management. He was the captain of the Pirate’s division 1 Big east swim team and was named to the Big east All Academic team. nick is employed by Fidelity in Fairfield, CT., as a Financial representative.

Drew DiSalvo `08 represented Maine Maritime Academy at the united States Intercollegiate lacrosse Association’s (uSIlA) north/South All-Star Game. drew wrapped up his career at the top of the heap in points at Maine Maritime with 232. His 122 goals are second in Mariners’ history, while his 110 assists mark the career record. He is the only player in Maine Maritime history to reach the 100-assist plateau. drew was named the north Atlantic Conference’s (nAC) Player of the year each of the last three seasons, and was the nAC

rookie of the year as a freshman. The Marine Transportation Operations major graduated from Maine Maritime on May 5th.

Joshua Kiehl `08: We received the following article in the north Haven Citizen, “Cadet Joshua kiehl of north Haven has been named to the Presidents list at the Citadel, The Military College of Charleston, S.C., for academic achievement during the fall 2011 semester. The President’s list is the most distinguished awards list on which a student can be placed. It indicates excellence in academic and military duties. The President’s list is a combination of the dean’s list and the Commandants distinguished Service list, which is composed of cadets who contribute the most to their companies and who have excellent military and academic records. kiehl is a history major and a member of romeo Company.

Will Biestek and Adam Tomasiello, both Xavier `09s, played against each other in a north Carolina region - nCCGA (national Collegiate Club Golf Association) Club Golf Scramble Tournament. Will currently attends High Point university and Adam is the President of the Club Team at duke

university. Adam told us, “While my pairing beat Will’s pairing, High Point came out on top in the match beating all of the other schools present. We just thought it was an excellent example of a small world scenario where Xavier Falcon Alums meet up!”

Stevenson university Junior Tyler Reid (Xavier `09) earned Honorable Mention All-America honors on attack after leading the 2012 nCAA division III Men’s lacrosse Championship with 13 goals and 17 points. A preseason

Honorable Mention All-America selection by Inside lacrosse, he finished second on the team with 33 goals this season and third with 47 points.

Tyler Naumann `10 is a sophomore at Seton Hall university, majoring in Finance. He was named to the dean’s list for the fall semester and selected for the Big east All-Academic Team for the Pirate’s division 1 swim team.

Joshua Etheridge `11 made the dean’s list for the spring semester of 2012 at northeastern university Bouvé College of Health Sciences in Boston. Joshua is majoring in Pharmacy.

Sean Nelson `11 plays volleyball for the lewis university Flyers in romeoville, Il (just south of Chicago). Sean has seen playing time during the regular season and is on the short end of the bench as a middle blocker. The Flyers are graduating two players in his position, and he hopes to be on the starting lineup for the 2013 season. The lewis men’s volleyball program is d1 and made the nCAA Final Four (seeded #3) where they played uSC (seeded #2). uSC took the semi-final match 3–1. X

In March, Sergeant Charles Pickett `85 was recognized

at the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce Breakfast meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cromwell. Chamber President Larry McHugh introduced him saying, “Sgt. Pickett has returned to Connecticut after five years in the U.S. Army and combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The son of the late State Senator John Pickett and grandson of State Senator Charles Arrigoni, Pickett joined the Army Corp of Engineers at age 39 as a bridge crew member and combat engineer. He graduated from Xavier High School in 1985 and with an English degree from UConn in 1991, where he worked as an editor and sportswriter for the student newspaper, “The Daily Campus.” Pickett is applying to Masters Degree and Teaching Certification programs, serving as a section sergeant with the Army National Guard in New London and has joined the American Legion Post 75 in Middletown, while rebuilding his civilian life.”

While at Xavier, Charles was the indoor and outdoor track captain in 1985 and also was sports editor for the yearbook and newspaper. We captured this picture of Charles with his brother Dan (1986 Xavier grad) at the conclusion of the breakfast. X

Welcome Home to Sgt. Pickett `85

Page 38: Summer 2012 Edition

36 Xavier Today

Kenneth Joseph Bontatibus, II `93 age 36, of Surprise, Arizona passed away on April 24, 2012. After graduation from Xavier, ken received his Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice at the university of new Haven. ken worked in many occupations including several years as store security for Stop and Shop Markets, as an appraiser for Progressive

Insurance, and as a Police Officer for the veterans Administration Healthcare facility in West Haven, CT. Within a few years he began his career with the Bureau of Prisons in danbury, CT. and then transferred to his present location at the Federal Prison in Phoenix, AZ. ken loved cycling, mellow jazz, and collectibles. He enjoyed and learned from those around him, had a great smile and wit, loved to find and create humor, was always willing to share ideas, experiences and reach for understanding. He had a great work ethic and treated others with respect and humanism. He made a difference for people and will be really missed by those with whom he shared his time here. He was a man of faith who regularly attended St. Clare Catholic Church where he cherished the Mass.

Marc Allen Clodfelter `91, age 38, passed away suddenly, on April 29, 2012, at his residence in Boston MA. He followed his own path and touched all that were lucky to know him on his journeys. It’s not tears that fed Marc’s soul but the laughs and love from all that were lucky enough to know him. Marc’s favorite saying was “love loves love”. After graduating

from Xavier in 1991, he attended Salve regina university rI. Before moving to Boston, Marc lived in destin Fl, and nashville Tn. Marc will also be missed by a large circle of friends he called his “Boston family”. Memorials were held in both nashville ‘Marc Clodfelter day’ and Boston MA. His friends and family will miss his self-effacing and humorous ordeals, adventures and his “Marcism situations.” Marc loved his adopted home of Boston, his Boston red Sox, Bruins, squirrels, compassion for others and family. While at Xavier, Marc participated in camera club, prom committees, SAdd, yale Frontiers of Applied Science, XlI and other activities.

Kenneth Bontatibus II ’92 Yearbook Photo

Marc Clodfelter `91 Yearbook Photo

Raymond Jacobs `77 Yearbook Photo

Raymond Jacobs `89 Yearbook Photo

Brendan Murphy `70 Yearbook Photo

Anne (Coughlin)Riordan 1972 Yearbook Photo

Jeffrey Partyka `75 Yearbook Photo

Regina Dodenhoff, 89, of Middletown, died Monday, March 19, 2012 at Apple rehabilitation Center in Cromwell. She was the mother of Henry dodenhoff, III `69, dr. robert dodenhoff `72 and deacon edward F. X. dodenhoff `75. She was the grandmother of Midshipman Michael dodenhoff, uSn `09 and robert dodenhoff, Jr. `12.

Azelio “Sal” M. Guerra, former Mayor of West Haven, 87, died February 24, 2012 at naples, Fl. Community Hospital after a brief illness. Sal was elected Mayor of West Haven and served from 1985-1989. In lieu of flowers, donations in the memory of his beloved grandson Bryan Chvisuk `90 may be sent to the Bryan e. Chvisuk Memorial Scholarship, Xavier High School, 181 randolph road, Middletown, CT 06457.

We received the following memorial tribute from ed Haydon `75, “On April 3rd of 2012, Helen Haydon Butler, 98, of Middletown passed away after nearly a century of giving love and being loved. Among the many who were touched by Aunt Helen’s life are Steve `73, ed `75, rich `77, Chris WWHS `81 Haydon and Chrissy Fragola Mercy `81.”

Raymond Jacobs `77, age 53, of Middletown died March 10, 2012 at yale new Haven Hospital. He was the father of Brent Jacobs `05. A life-long Middletown resident, ray was employed with the City of Middletown’s Park and recreation department. He will always be remembered as an avid uCOnn fan. While at Xavier, ray was a member

of the varsity football team and played club hockey in his senior year. He as also participated in intramurals and softball in his junior and senior years.

Paul C. Klapp `89, age 41, of Guilford died suddenly on April 23, 2012. After graduating from Xavier Paul attended northeastern university in Boston, Ohio State university and Quinnipiac university. Most recently he graduated from Gateway College and had been working at yale new Haven radiology dept. Paul loved nature, and enjoyed spending his free time hiking

and fishing. He was kind and always helpful to others.

Brendan J. Murphy `70, author and journalist, age 59, of Washington, dC and Wethersfield, died April 5, 2012 at home with his family and friends after a long illness. He was the brother of kevin Murphy `67. Brendan was director of the u.S. voice of America Broadcast Service to the African nation of Zimbabwe. He had been a reporter for the Cape

Cod Times and for the rome and Paris bureaus of united Press International. He also worked for the u.S. Agency for International development as a writer. He was the author of two books: Butcher of lyons, about nazi klaus Barbie; and Turncoat, true story of a British spy who betrayed the French resistance. He co-authored a recent book on the history of the Boy Scouts, the Scouting Party. While at Xavier, Brendan was a member of the national Honor Society, a national Merit commended student, an editor of the kestrel, participant in the drama club, Mercy/Xavier musicals, intramurals, Jv soccer and the Wesleyan student program. After Xavier, he graduated from Boston College, and the journalism graduate program at Boston university. He moved to Paris to teach journalism and later taught news reporting in Tunisia and other countries. He created a non-profit organization that collected used computers to send to African newspapers.

Jeffrey M. Partyka `75, age 55 of South yarmouth, MA passed away suddenly on May 16, 2012, in Florida. He was the brother of lee M. Partyka `70. Jeffrey was very active within his family’s business, Partyka Chevrolet Inc. of Hamden and loved volunteer work. He spent many hours volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and Animal Welfare. Jeffrey was

beloved by all who knew him and will be dearly missed.

Francis (Fran, Franny) T. Patnaude, 86, passed away peacefully in his own bed and at home on Tuesday, May 8, 2012. He was with his family when he took his last feisty breath in this world. Franny was the father of Fran Patnaude `70 and Steve Patnaude `73 and the grandfather of Matt Hancock `07.

John B. Perry, 83, of Middletown, died February 12, 2012 following a short illness at Middlesex Hospital with his family by his side. He was the father of John A. Perry `70 and robert d. Perry `72.

A. Diane Piasecki, 78, of riviera Beach, Fl, died April 18, 2012. She was the mother of robert Piasecki `74 & richard Piasecki `75.

David Frederick Post, 58, of Middletown died on May 19, 2012 after a long and courageous battle with Prostate Cancer, surrounded by his loving family. david was the father of our head volleyball coach John david Post `04.

Anne (Coughlin) Riordan, 86, of Middletown died Friday March 23, 2012 at her home. She was the mother of Charles “Chip” riordan `73, John riordan, Jr. `76, and Timothy riordan `82. Anne had taught chemistry at Xavier from 1970 - 1972 and prior to her retirement, she taught at Mercy High School from 1973 to 1993.

Anthony J. Vitale, 67, passed away on May 8, 2012 after a long illness. He was the brother of Ms. Jayne vitale, Chairperson of our Fine Arts department.

Page 39: Summer 2012 Edition

SFXXaverian Founders’ Colleagues

$25,000 and above

Mr. David Annelli

Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Hetherington `81

Mr. and Mrs. George V. Keithan, Jr. `81

Xaverian Leadership Colleagues $15,000 - $24,999

Mr. Brian D. Bowen `80

Ryken Heritage Council $10,000 - $14,999

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brayman

Headmaster’s Council $5,000 - $9,999

Dr. and Mrs. Guy Carbone

Mr. John Dalton

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Del Favero

Mr. John W. Hannen, Jr. `74

Brother J. Robert Houlihan C.F.X.

Mr. and Mrs. Benedict LaTorre

Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. MacLean


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Patton `82

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Prichard

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Taillie

Principal’s Circle $2,000 - $4,999


Chief Ed Brymer (Ret.) and

Attorney Geraldine A. Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Byrne, `80

Mr. and Mrs. Damian Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carta `70

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Charpentier


Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham

Mr. Todd R. Darling `85

Mr. Jeffrey R. Del Favero `78

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin DesRosiers

Mr. Kevin DiGenova `03


Dr. Robert A. Frank `79

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Franklin `73

Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Gastler `74

Mr. Robert D. Guere `81

Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Johnson, `78


2011–2012 Saint Francis Xavier Society MembersAs of june 11, 2012

Please check our website after the 4th of july for the complete list for the fiscal Year.

Gifts of $1,000 or more paid during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) automatically qualify the donor for membership. The list of members will be published on our website and in our Annual report, usually published in October. Donors may request to be anonymous.

Thank you one and all for your generous support.

SFX Society Blesses Xavier

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Keefe, `86

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kilpatrick

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Manuel III

Dr. Stan Opalacz `72 and

Dr. Kayoko Kondo

Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Rutan III, `70

Mr. and Mrs. David Schilke

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Serrano

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shane

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith `76


Mr. Richard C. Turek `70

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Yandow

Falcon Circle $1,000 - $1,999

Mr. Carl J. Appellof `69

Mr. David J. Applegate `98

Mr. Geoffrey P. Astle `02

Mr. Ian Boccaccio `94

Dr. Gregory Bonaiuto `84

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Borea

Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Brown, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Bulgini III `84

Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Burke

Mr. Richard D. Cadorath `68

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Camner

Attorney and Mrs. Christopher Carrozzella

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chmielewski `68


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Cizauskas

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Coates `69

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crowell

Mrs. Melissa Crowell

Mr. John P. Custy `70

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. D’Aquila `83

Mr. Steven A. DeMartino `87

Mr. Jeffrey A. Dooley `81

Mr. Peter M. Etzel `71

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Farrington

Dr. Miklos Fogarasi and Dr. Ildiko Toth

Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Fredericks

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Garabedian

Mr. John P. Giaimo `83

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies

Mayor and Mrs. Sebastian N. Giuliano, `70

Mr. Joseph J. Guerra II `84

Mr. William J. Hannigan `77

Mr. Edward A. Haydon `75

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hutton `83

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jenkins `85

Mr. David J. Johnson, `06

Mr. James R. Joyce `83

Mr. Lawrence R. Judge `96

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kalber

Mr. and Mrs. William Kiley, `82

Mr. Kenneth C. Landy and

Ms. Teresa J. Opalacz

Mr. Peter J. Langevin

Attorney and Mrs. Dennis R. LaVette

Attorney and Mrs. Peter W. LaVigne, `71

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Leone `73

Mr. and Mrs. David Lohr

Mr. John F. Lomartra `73

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Macol

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mahar

Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Marinan `80

Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Mitchill, Jr., `93

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mondani, Sr. `75

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monea, `75

Mr. Jeffrey S. Muzio `84

Dr. Timothy O’Brien `97

Mr. Paul Orsina

Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh Pandurangan

Mr. Lee M. Partyka `70

Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pekar

Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson

Mr. Michael Picard `83

Mr. Mark P. Picard `86

Mr. and Mrs. John Rajpolt, `81

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ricciuti

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rondo


Dr. Perry Sangalli, President

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Sarpu `79

Dr. John Shine

Mr. and Mrs. David Sizemore `86

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Stoney

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Strekel `00

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sweeney `75

Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Tommasi, Jr. `75

Mr. James Truscinski `88

Mr. and Mrs. William Voelker

Mr. and Mrs. Danny Williams

Mr. David J. Winicki `84

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wrang, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wrinn `71

Corporate Partners

Thank you to the companies that

have qualified for membership

through their generous individual

contributions or by generously

matching the gifts of their employees

Aetna Foundation Matching Gift


Bank of America Matching Gifts


Biega’s Home For Funerals

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

Chestelm Health & Rehabilitation


Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC

General Re Corporation

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Moody’s Corporation

NexGen Solutions

Novartis US Foundation

Raytheon Company Matching Gifts

for Education Program

Saybrook Charitable Trust

The Capital Group Companies

The Catholic Foundation of the

Diocese of Norwich

The Hartford

The Ray and Pauline Sullivan


Travelers Community Connections

United Technologies

Page 40: Summer 2012 Edition

Xavier also presented a special award to the eighteen alumni fathers of the graduating seniors who are themselves Xavier graduates. Brother Brian presented the younger of the two graduates with a ribbon on which hangs a medal of the Xavier seal. Engraved on the back of the medal are the names of both father and son as well as their years of graduation.

2012 Xavier Legacy – Sons of Alumni

Patrick J. D’Amato, Jr. Patrick J. D’Amato Sr. `79

Geoffrey M. DeVille Geoffrey T. DeVille `80

Robert M. Dodenhoff Jr. Robert M. Dodenhoff `72

Nicholas E. Erlacher Carl R. Erlacher `84

Timothy R. Fagan Daniel T. Fagan `88

Ian P. Fitch Robert B. Fitch III `82

George D. Gilbert David J. Gilbert `80

Thomas J. Hutton Thomas C. Hutton `83

Michael A. Killen James A. Killen `78

Joseph R. Lentini Joseph L. Lentini `83

Sean R. Marinan Jr. Sean R. Marinan `80

John F. Marriott III John F. Marriott `81

Nicholas S. Mazzotta Mario J. Mazzotta `85

Michael R. Mischke Kevin R. Mischke `74

Stefan S. Opalacz Dr. Stanislaus Opalacz `72

Peter J. Tomasiello John J. Tomasiello `72

Brian F. Witherell Timothy W. Witherell `78

Gregory W. Woods II Gregory W. Woods `73


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