Summary A WALK TO REMEMBER One night Landon and his friends got drunk and there was an accident caused by their behavior. Landon and his friends is one of the school's famous group Beaufort, North Carolina. They always do things strange and immoral as drunk. On the other hand there was a girl named Jamie Sullivan has different properties. She was a quiet person, loving and religious. Her father was a minister then it is reasonable if it is down the father. Some young men promised to meet somewhere, to do one attraction for members who want to join their group. Things are less understood, whether for display or just having fun!? They were waiting for their friend. When it comes, their friend was told to jump by the group, from somewhere into the pool. What happened next was unexpected push their friends and fall, eventually injured and unconscious. Those who are under panic and confusion. Then, one of them jumped into the pool and help his friend. When her friend lifted from the pool, they were caught by a guard and being chased. All of his friends managed to escape, except for Landon. Landon is trying to help his friend. Landon eventually taken to the police station. "We are speeding and ended up in the factory. We saw there was a man who was wretched and trying to help ". That is the reason put forward Landon, so he was released without any charges from factory owner. Kelas : XII IPA 2 Absen/Nama Kelompok : (13) Sinta Ria (14) Indra Hadi (15) Bram S (16) Danang



Transcript of Summary A WALK TO REMEMBER.docx

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One night Landon and his friends got drunk and there was an accident caused by their behavior. Landon and his friends is one of the school's famous group Beaufort, North Carolina. They always do things strange and immoral as drunk. On the other hand there was a girl named Jamie Sullivan has different properties. She was a quiet person, loving and religious. Her father was a minister then it is reasonable if it is down the father.

Some young men promised to meet somewhere, to do one attraction for members who want to join their group. Things are less understood, whether for display or just having fun!? They were waiting for their friend. When it comes, their friend was told to jump by the group, from somewhere into the pool. What happened next was unexpected push their friends and fall, eventually injured and unconscious. Those who are under panic and confusion. Then, one of them jumped into the pool and help his friend. When her friend lifted from the pool, they were caught by a guard and being chased. All of his friends managed to escape, except for Landon. Landon is trying to help his friend. Landon eventually taken to the police station. "We are speeding and ended up in the factory. We saw there was a man who was wretched and trying to help ". That is the reason put forward Landon, so he was released without any charges from factory owner.

The next day, Landon goes to church with his mother. Sitting nervously, Landon seen by a girl who was passing choir ministry. Jamie Sullivan, the girl's name. The girl turned out to be a school with Landon. Innocent girl, innocent and unattractive.

While in school, the principal Landon, by works “made time racing” known party school. He is on suspension from school, for his actions. He had to run a variety of duties entrusted to him, as a form of punishment that should be received by mistake. Landon started "duty" as a cleaning service, which was in the school room she was cleaning the floor, on the spot, Jamie Sullivan held a presentation. Their eyes met, save an impression interested and want to know each other. Furthermore, Landon should run another suspension, which teaches children in her off hours. Coming home from school, Jamie Landon that one can start talking with Landon invites pretending offered tickets to buy a computer. Landon when it was not excited.

Kelas : XII IPA 2

Absen/Nama Kelompok : (13) Sinta Ria

(14) Indra Hadi

(15) Bram S

(16) Danang

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As a result of the "duty" to be executable. Landon suddenly angry and Jamie interrupting a 'maybe' trying to help Landon. Apparently old Landon knew Jamie, even since they were in kindergarten. Jamie knows all about Landon, he mentioned all the characteristics and properties of Jamie till now. Landon 'mock' Jamie with his words is not good at hearing. Jamie was speechless and perhaps a little offended. Jamie returned to his seat. Things were going as usual, Jamie Landon with his life and with his life as well.

Drama class is a part that can not be separated from the other parts of the suspension, "task" to be executed Landon. Until one day, they met in drama class. Landon did not like the fact that he had to attend drama classes. Want it or not, happy or not, he should keep doing it. Landon classes with forced drama. After drama class, he had to go home with Jamie, because it is not in his pickup. Landon is pride, shame. But what of the power he had to walk home, this may be a progress for them.

Landon had to work hard to memorize the text plays because he was chosen as the main character. One day, Landon Jamie ventured to say hello, ask for help to teach the dialogue in the play. Jamie wondered, over the years Landon never say hello first, Jamie Landon helped with one condition: Landon must not fall in love with Jamie. That requirement is easy, think Landon. So the show must go on ...

Once upon a time, Landon came home late at night, on the way, he viewew Jamie into the grave, bring binoculars. Jamie asked Landon filled with a big question mark to follow. Jamie went on to explain about the binoculars made. The next day, Jamie asked Landon to meet after school to practice dialogue drama. Landon, who was together with her friends even mocked Jamie by saying, "In your dream". Jamie offended and go home. Landon knew he hurt Jamie, but by necessity, with a heart that offended and hurt. Landon returned angrily, because Jamie refuses to help him anymore. He was confused and decided to reopen memoirs. There was a picture of Jamie. Jamie Sullivan, ambition: to witness a miracle. This is what makes Landon Carter began to change. He became more mature, more patient in teaching. Jamie saw this change.

Until finally, it was time drama performances. When it came to the part where the need to dialogue with Jamie Landon, he forgot the text already memorized. Landon was stunned, he finally declares his feelings for Jamie, with the making up of words that appear real are in staging drama. Whether consciously or not, he's already in love with Jamie. Landon confused, nervous. Sempai at the end of the play, Landon ventured to kiss her. It is not in the script. Jamie was shocked, stunned at the same time. Magical! That's how they feel at the time.

All that happened, between Landon and Jamie make Landon’s friend jealousy, girl of course. But all that does not care about existing Landon is feelings for Jamie. Landon finally declares his feelings for Jamie. She did not immediately believe and trying to hide something from Landon. Jamie just say "prove it". Landon proves that she really loves Jamie. Landon help Jamie when Jamie on defamation in the school with a picture of a girl wearing a bikini but

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wear face Jamie. Landon also proved by requesting permission to invite Jamie Jamie's father dating. Landon desperate to do it, but he knew, the father of Jamie showed displeasure at the attitude towards Landon. Landon took Jamie to a place, where Jamie had never been there. "I love you", Jamie tell Landon. Jamie paused for a moment and told Landon that Landon had promised not to love her. But, in the hearts of Jamie, he felt love and joy. Their relationship continues, without Landon knew that Jamie is actually hiding something from him. After a few moments walk, Jamie finally said, "I have cancer of blood". Landon was shocked, and said, "But you are young and healthy". Jamie said that he had leukemia about 2 years ago, and now she stopped being treated. Jamie went on Landon words "I have to live my life as normal and as good as possible. I do not want people to feel weird to me. I took it well, and then you showed up. I do not need a reason to get angry with God. " Landon disbelief. Jamie ran away.

Landon confused, he went to see his father. Landon family was falling apart. His father and mother have long been separated. This can lead to life Landon turned into a wild and unruly, until he met Jamie. Landon's father confused. The wind is carrying Landon him, asked for his help. Landon's father was a doctor, Landon explained to him about Jamie and Landon's father says that he can not directly help Jamie, without knowing the history of his illness. Landon force his father had to save Jamie. All it takes a long time. Landon left him with a disappointed heart. Landon thought that his father had dumped her and her mother. His father shouted for Landon, but he’s not hear. Landon sad about his relationship with Jamie. He tried to keep heartened and move on.

Finally Jamie apologized because she did not tell the truth from the beginning. Jamie saw Landon sincerity. Jamie scared lose Landon and Landon too. Landon tried to give the best to Jamie, before Jamie died. Seeing Landon struggle, Jamie asked Landon to read quotes from famous people written by his mother in a book. The quote is as follows: "Is that a friend? Single soul residing in two bodies, of Aristotle. "The second quote, from Dolly Parton:" Find out who you are, and do it on purpose. "Psalm 23, which begins with" The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ". Landon came to a part that is underlined by Jamie. It reads: "To you, Lord, my rock, I glow, do not keep silent against me, because, if you remain silent to me, I'm a man who fell into the grave. Listen to my plea, when I cried to you for help, and raised my hand to where you are holy. "Landon tears while reading it. Landon inwardly muttering," I do not know how Jamie has been underlined part for me.

Jamie finally out of the hospital. Jamie said, "Maybe you are an angel sent by God for me. Maybe God has other plans bigger for me, rather than my own plan. As this endless journey, as you sent me because I'm sick. You’re, my angel. "And guess, who would take care of everything until Jamie cured (for a while)? His father Landon. Landon surprise, his father had changed and did not like it used to be. His father would fix the error he had made. Landon went to his father to apologize. This is a turning point for the family to reconcile Landon Carter.

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Jamie Landon trying to realize the dream of the last, which saw the comet. Landon working day and night without stopping to make a pair of binoculars that can be used to see the comet. Landon successfully. He took Jamie to the page, they see the comet. Suddenly Landon holding her hand, looked into her eyes and said: "Would you marry me? '. Eventually the two were married. On the wedding day Jamie recited contained in a letter which reads as follows Corinthians. "Love is patient, love is kind. He was not jealous. He does not boast and is not proud. He did not do that is not polite and not self-seeking. He was not angry and do not keep other people's mistakes. It does not rejoice in iniquity, but because of the truth. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. "That verse has long been a dream of Jamie to pronounce on her wedding day. Dream come true, and according to Landon, Jamie is the purest source of that description.

Four years later, Jamie died but she did not go away. She left a lot of changes in Landon. She made a sloppy Landon life into life full of optimism and motivation, become more meaningful. Landon continues to think of Jamie. "Jamie saved my life. He taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey to the end. I will always miss her. But our love like the wind. I can not see, but can feel it. "Landon mind kept going, remembering the era with Jamie. All that changes lives forever Landon.

Moral Values :

1. Life is not long because God have made fate for His mankind

2. We don’t allow become naughty student because it make our family be stir and shy.

3. Everything we do always have risk so we must keep all behaviors