Sublime 631

Ljtt е buttercup cardie I -............. .-'-']---: :-_': -_,--;;-_,_;ii';.;-1.::_1Тt,;in._'ý _ ;,.')i ,;,,,;-iriiii;*З*ý;::ýý:liiu rfi:li. ýi 3,,,6Zr.: The most exquisite, паturаlуаrпs. lne most beautiful, soft соlбurs. lhe most inspirational designs. \д/а nall i+ Q,,нl;*л
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Transcript of Sublime 631

Page 1: Sublime 631

Ljtt е buttercup cardie



.-'-']---: :-_': -_,--;;-_,_;ii';.;-1.::_1Тt,;in._'ý _ ;,.')i,;,,,;-iriiii;*З*ý;::ýý:liiu

rfi:li. ýi3,,,6Zr.:The most exquisite, паturаlуаrпs.lne most beautiful, soft соlбurs.lhe most inspirational designs.

\д/а nall i+ Q,,нl;*л

Page 2: Sublime 631


Little Maisy and Little Мо Cardies...................3

Frilly Lily in Lilac & Frilly Lily............................7

Little bIuebell cardie, Little buttercup cardieand Little buttercup Ьоппеt .......13

Runaway rib jacket and cardie ......................23

Stripey Golf Sweater and


Page 3: Sublime 631

ESSENTIAL lNFoRMAT|oNЪпsiопPlease take а itt е tirne to kn t а tепS on square оf theSize indicated for the des gп you are Work ng lf t'Ssma еr yoLrr tension iS tioht апd the gагmепt Wll Ьеnlo лrе- -o-Lp|o-od, ,', bgge, ,oL,

,е-, оr iS

]Oose and the garment Wil Ье bg When competedKnltlng а garment at an ncorrect tension will prodL]ce

d Sap|]ointing results and mау Wel requ re а diffегепtагпоUпt оi уаrп than We Spec fied, Тry another tensonSquare on а lэ 99еr needle i your frý ýquare WaS Smal,ог sгпаllеr need eS if your f rst square Was bg.Л|, or ,о г ,oI d . ёd г._ 0, l la 1] Ьес] 1

kntting the garment on the needles you Used for th SSql]are. 11yOU have had to change уоuг needle sze,ете,]оо, ,,d' | '|" d.(gn lses то,е I|^d,оге ,zeо аобо|А roL л | .oed о Jdj ,l оё,! гАёd'6..izб

SizingnstrL]ct опs are given for the frst sze, The fgures

wilh п the brackets refer to the arger szes, whereо, o'e'q ,,о с q, ег ,Ь , Jpp i.- 'о а tЬбs2рс

yarn amounts

Finishing your garmentWhеп sew ng Up your gаrгпепt pease take care апdа itlle bit of timeiofolowthe nstructions gven Wtheach desgn We suggesl irrat yo! uS-. mattreýscI Iсг -оr , Фт| ,d,.dгса.dt16g,dil'lgте,|-1о,ёfог horzontal or Shoulder sеагпs shown below to give

Joining horizontal оr shoulderseamS.


1 1 Lay the р eces to Ье sеWп edge to edge, Sta'(ingat the rght hand sde of Work br]ng the пееdlе upthrough the centre of the first stitch of the owerр есе as shown in d аqrаrп ] ,1,

1.2 Pass thest tch of theand seconddiagram ],2,

needle L]nder both strands oi the flrstupper ресе (eгnerglng between the frstsltches of the lpper ресе) aS Shown п

The уагп агпоUпts g чепоп average reqU reгnentsand tension

for each desgnWhen L]s ng the

are basedсоrrесt yarn


].3 Тhеп take the needle back into the centre of thefrst stitch оп the ower р есе and emerg пg upthrolroh the centre of the next sttch to the left asshown iп diagram 1,З.

' on the uрреr р есе take the need е down beh ndthe frst two strands of the next slrtch to the eftThen cross пg to ihe ower ресе take the needledown through the сепtrе ol the ast sttch Workedemerg n9 throLrgh the centre of the neХt sttch, 'Rереаl frоrп 'to'to епd.


Diagram 1.4 shows а finished Sеагп Wth the darkthread represent]ng the st tcrred row

With rght side oi Work fac пg aythetwopecestoЬе jo ned fat and edge to edge Working trom thefiont and either one st tch or haf а sttch п from the.dge о' еас ое.е oooo]d.o о,l flHa,'ab,( ,ol,аrе SeW пg together, nsert the needle Jronn the frontthrough the centre of sttch s ding it Under lwo rowsaS lustrated n 1 5, '] б and 1,7 (We rесоrпmепdl1d' /о l d-- а ', S-Tc, -lo. .., l |о. / 'е. оlriгggarter Sttch and moss sttch, but опу half а stitchWhen ]oin пg Stockng Stltch оr ribbed patlerns)cross to the opposite piece of Work апd S de theneed е uпdеr two rows at а t me Repeat th s action,N,4ake SUrе that you don'l m sS any lows and that thework matches at both sdes.

Опсе the garment s complete рlасе а darnp clothoVeI а th ck towe Рlасе the garment onto the dampс oth, Pin out the garn]ent to the rneasurementsgven гпаkпg sure that епоUgh р пs are rrsed So thatthe outline of the gаrmепt remalns smooth, coverWth damp cloths and leave to dry natura у,

WaShing lnstructionsС^е,.l-доd о.,lо lot l1e л,аSl -9l1sllL(|o,c,Аftеr Washing reshape Wh Ie st Wet апd dry f]at

away from d rect heat,


These ехаmр]еs show stock ng Stitch peces sewntogether, but the pr пс ре is the Sагпе for апу kn tted

Joining vertical seams (i.e. side orsleeve seams)Mattress stitch 1.5


Page 4: Sublime 631

Little Maisy andLittle Мо cardiesworked iп Sublime ЬаЬу cottonkapok dk

you will also need1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needlesfor the main knitting (or the size required togive the correct tension).,1 pair of З%mm (UK10 - USA3) KnittingNeedles for the borders (or а needle 2 sizesSmaller than you use for the mаiп knitting).3 [4:4:4] ButtonS.

TENSloNPlease take а lttle tiгпе поW to knit а StockingSt]tch tепSiоп SqUare, Using 4mm needles castоп 22 Stitches and Work 28 roWS in stockingStitch (1 row knit, 1 rоW рчrl). This ShouldпоW measure ,l0сm, (4iп), Square. f yourSquare Sn't the соrrесt Width please rеfеr topaqe 2,


то Fit chest

Actual Size

Fчll Length(approximately)Long Sleeve Length(approximately)Short Sleeve Length(approximately)
























MATERlALSLittle MaiSy cardieКOl З Sublime ЬаЬу cottonshade 184 dimpleLittle Мо cardieКOl З Sublime ЬаЬу cotton

kapok dk

kapok dkShade 157 fairy cake

AS оп9 aS уоч knit Stocking Sttch at the abovetens оп 24 Stitches and 28 rows of rib patternshould also measure 1ocm, (4iп), using 4mmneedleS,

ABBREVlATloNScm centimetres, dk double knitt ng, g grammes,

in nch(es), k kп t mm m l imetres, 0 по Stitches,

р pur , st(S) Stitch(es), rS right S de, tog together,Ws Wrong Side,

K2tog ]nsert the right hand needle through the2nd and 1st stitches оп the left hапd пееd е andkп t thегп together to fоrгп а S]ngle St]tch,

P2tog inseal the rght hand need е рUrlWауSthrough the ] St and 2пd St tches оп the left handneedle and pud them together to fоrm а S]п9lе

St tch,PSSo paSS S]ipped Stitch over - paSS the SlippedSt tch from the right hand need]e очеr the Stitchor stitches vоu have iust worked,s1 S ip 1 Stitch knitways insert the right hапdneede nto the next Sttch aS if to knit but jUSt slipt off the 1eft hand needle onto the rght handneed е Wthout Work пg,


2 з

4 5


50g ballS

50g ballS

Мl р make опе Sttchbetween last апd пехtЬасk of thiS ]оор,

рUгlWауý pick up оорStitch and рur into the

circle the Size уоч Wish to make


USing уоUr Smaller need]eS cast оп66 [74:82:86] StS,

1st RоW. (th S W l Ье the rght Side of theWorkrS) - К2, р2, repeat from - to last 2 StS, k2.

2nd RoW. Р2, - k2, р2, rереаt frогп t to end,These 2 roWS form 2х2 rib,

work 5 rows mоrе in rib

8th RоW (decrease гоW), Р4 [5:2;4] p2tog,(рб [5|5:5], p2tog) 7 [9:] 1 |,] 1] t mes, р4 [4|1:З],

YoU Wil поW have 5В [64:70]74] StS оп theneed е,

change to уоUr гпаiп need eS.

1St RоW. Knit,

2пd RоW. PUa,

cont nue п stockincl st tch алd i]roceed as


Page 5: Sublime 631

fo lows:-Work 19 [25]3З:4З] roWS dесгеаS пg ] St at

each end ot пехI апd every following бтh [8th;

8th:l4th] row (there Will Ье 5 [7:7:13] roWS

Straight b]etween each decrease row), YоU Will

поW have 50 [56:60:66] StS оп the needle.

Work 3 |З:5:7] rows more Without Shap пg,

Shape ArmholesWork З [З:З:5] rows decreasing ] St at eachепd of every row. YoU Wil поW have 44 [50i54:56] StS оп the needle,Next RоW. P2tog, р5 [9:5:6], m] р, (р10 ['14|

8;8], ml p) З [2;5:5] tiгпеS, р5 [9:5:6], p2to9.

You w l поw have 46 |51:5В:60] StS оп the

need е,


1st RоW. (this Will Ье the right sideWork - rs) " К2, р2, repeat Jrоm -

з Sts, k2, р1.2nd RоW. К1 , р2,

- k2, р2, repeatend,These 2 roWS form rib pattern,

of theto last

from - to

14;4:5], p2tog,times, р2 [4:5i4],iЗ4] StS оп the

Shape Shoulderscast off б r:8:9] StS in pattern,

You Will поW have 7 [8:9:9] StS

Nёхt RоW. Pattern.cast off rегпаiпiпg 7 [8]9;9] StS

RlGнт FRоNт

pattern to end.оп the needle,

in pattern,4th] row YoU Will поWon the needle.

1st Rоw. К2 |2:З:0]repeat from - to last

р0 [0:0:] ],

2nd RоW. К0 [0:0:1repeat from - to last

р2 [2:З:0],

Shape ShouldersCaSt off б |7;В:9] StS

2 roWS, YoU Wil поWthe need е,

cast off 7 [В:9:9] sts2 roWS, YoU W l поWihe needle.Cast off rеmаiпiпg 20

1], - kЗ, р2,StS, k2 [2i3]3], Using your Smaller

з5:з9] StS.

1St BoW. (th S Will

Work - rs) Р1 , k2,

needles cast

Ье the right side-

р2, k2, repeat

р2 |2|2:2 L2,.3|4]

оп З] I35:

, р2 [2:З;З], - k2, рЗ,

4 |4:З:1] sts, k2 [2:0:]],

of thefrom * to

These 2 roWS form rib pattern, wоrk 2 [2|2|4] roWS decreasing ] St at

Кеер пg continuity of pattern Wогk lп riЬ until аrmhоlе edoe in every row You wi поw have

end,2nd RоW. - Р2, k2, repeat from - to last З Sts,

р2, k] ,

Wоrk 5 roWS mоrе lп rib,

8th RоW (decrease row). РЗ [4:5:4], p2to9,(р4 IЗ:10|5], p2tog) 4 [5:2:4] times, р2 [4:4:5],YoU Will поW have 26 [29:З2:З4] StS оп the

needle,change to vour та 1 need,es а"]о oeginning

With а knit row proceed ]п Stocking Stitch aS


armhole measures 10 [12:13:14]сm, (4 I4Зlзl

57д:57z]]п), Straight down frоm the top of the

need]e to the beginning of the аrmhо еShap пg (don't measure around the сUrVе),

fin Shinq after а WS row,

at thehave

at thehave

nextStS оп

neХtS,tS оп

beginning of34 [З7:42:42]

Ье9 nning of2а |21:24:24]

2nd BoW. К1, р5 [3:5:5], - k2, рЗ, repeat frоm Wor{ 21 [27:З5:Z5] roWS decreasing 1 St а1

end (Side ео9е) of Згd and every 'ollowingбth [8th:8th:l4th]22 [25:27:З0] StS

rоw. yоu will поw haveоп the needle.

Wor" З [3;5:7] roWS rlоrе Witho-t S^aping,

Shape Armhole and Neck|22:24:24] StS in pattern,


Next RоW.edge), Youthe needle,

Knit to ]ast 2 StS,

Wil now have 21

k2tog (armhole

[24:26:29] StS опLEFT FRОNТ

your Sma er needles cast оп З] [З5:StS,

Wоrk 5 roWS more in rib pattern,

8th RоW (decrease rоW) РЗ(р4 [3:10:5], p2tog) 4 [5;2:4]YоU Wlll now have 26 [29:32need е,

change to your main needles and beginningWth а knit rоW proceed in Stocking stitch aS

foloWS:-Work 21 |27:З5:45] roWS decreasing ,1

St at

oegl,^,9 (Side edgeJ о'З,о a']d eve1follow пg бth [8th:8th:1have 22 [25:27:З0] StS

Work З [Зl5:7] roWS mоrе Without Shaping,

Shape Armhole and NёсkNext RоW, K2to9 (аrmhоlе edge), knit to end,

You W]!] поW hаvе 21 124:26|29] StS оп theneed е,

19 |22|24,,25] StS оп the needle,

Next RоW. Рб [7:4:3], m1 р, (р8, ml p)

1 [1:2:2] times, рЗ 15:2:4], p2tog. Yоu Wi]] поW

hаче 2а L2З|26|27] StS оп the needle.

Pattern1St RоW. К2 [2i3:0], р2 [2,,2:1],'kЗ, р2,rеоеаt {rom - to last б [4:6:6] StS, kб 14:6:6],

- to last 4 [4:5;1] StS, k2 [2:2:1], р2 I2:З:0],Next BoW. Pattern to last 5 sts, k2tog, kЗ,(neck edge). You will now have ] 9 [22:25;26]sts оп the needle, place а marker at end of

Next RоW. К], рЗ, pattern to end,Work б [4;8:6] roWS in pattern dесrеаS пg 1 stat ^eck ео9е (aS before) in next and every

16 [20:21 ;2З] StS оп the needle.Work 9 [17;1З:,17] roWS decreasing ,1 st atneck edge п пехt and еуеry following 4th row,

YoU Will now have ,1З [,15:17:18] StS оп the

needle,Work оп these 13 [15;17:18] StS unti] armholemеаsurеs 1 0 [1 2 i 1 З ; 1 4]cm, (4 |4ЗА :51/а,,5У2]iп),

Straight down from the top of the needle to the

beginning of the armhole shap ng (don't

measure аrоUпd the cUrve), finishing аftеr а WS


{ollow,g a|telnate ,oW, vоU W'll гоW have

Page 6: Sublime 631

wаrk2 |2|2,4] roWS decreasing ] St atаrmhо е edge п every row You Will now have19 |22|24|25l StS оп the needie,Next BoW. P2tog, рЗ [5]2:2], гл]р, (рВ, m]р)1 [1i2:2] times рб [7:4:5]. YoU Wil поW have2а РЗ:26.27l StS оп the пееd е,

Pattern1St RоW. Кб [4lб16], р2,' to last 2 [2:З:4] StS, k22nd RоW. К0 [0:0:]], р2repeat from ' to last 8 [6:

р5 [3:5:5l, k1,

eat froml0:1],


Next RоW. КЗ, 51 k1, pSSo, (neck edge),patte[n to епd. You Wil поW have 19 J22:25:26] StS оп the needle, Place а ma[ker atbeginning of this rоW,

Next RoW. Pattern to ast 4 StS, рЗ, k].Work б [4:8:6] roWS in pattern decreasing ] stat песk edge (aS before) iп next апd everyfollowing alternate rоW, You W l поW have16 [20:21 :23] StS оп the needle.Work 9 [17ilЗ:17] roWS decreasing ] St atпесk edge in next and every fo owing 4th row,

YoU Wll now have 13 [15:17:18] StS on theпееd е.

Work оп these 1З [15:17:1В] StS Until armholemeasures 10 [12:1З:14]сm, (4 [4Зlа:5r/J;5lr] п),

Straight down from the top of the need е to thebeg лп пg of the аrmhоlе Shaping (don't

гпеаSUrе around the cUrve), fin Sh]ng after а rSгоW,

shape Shoulderscast ofi б [7 В:9] StS in pattern, pattern to end,YоU Wi поW have 7 [8i9:9] StS оп the need е.

Next RоW. Pattern,cast off rеmаiп п9 7 18]9:9] StS ]п pattern,

SLEEVES (Both аlikФUSing yoUr mаiп needles cast оп ЗВ [З8:40:45]StS

1St RoW (th S W l Ье the r ght Side of theWork - rS) Р0 [0:]:1], ' kЗ, р2, repeat frопl 'to



kз,] :1],



Work ЗЗ [З7i27:5]] roWS п Зх2 rib patternincreasing 1 St at each епd of Sth [1St:Зrd:3rd]and every fol]owing 14th [12th:6thiBth] rowWоrk п9 increased StS in rib раttегп (there Wi

Ье ,]З |1 1 ;5:7] rоWS Straight between each

increase rоW), YoU Wi now have 44 [46i50:59]sts on the needle,

Fоr Зrd size onlyWork [16] roWS псrеаS пg ] St at each епd ofevery fo low пq Bth rоW Work пq increased StS

п г Ь pattern, YoU W ]l поW have 54 StS оп theneedle

For all 4 sizesWork WithoUt fUгther Shapin9 unt SleeveгпеаSUrеS J 5 11 7 |2О |24]сm, (6 [6lz :В :91:]iп),

fin Shing after а WS rоW.

Shape Sleeve ТорWork 4 [4:4:6] roWS decreasng 1 St at eachend of every rоW, Yot] Wil поW have Зб [ЗВ]46:47] StS оп the needle,

р асе гпаrkеr threads at each епd of las1 row,

These 4 [4:4:6] rcWS Wl гпаtсh to 4 [4:4]6]decrease TOWS оп l]ody When Sewing S eeveinto аrгпhоlе.

cast ofi З [2:2:2] StS iп pattern at beginning ofпехt 10 [2i4i4] roWS Yоu W]l поW have б [З.1:

З8:З9] StS on the needle,

Fоr 2nd, Зrd апd 4th Sizes опlуcast ofi [З] StS iп pattern at beg nn пg of пехt

[] 0] roWS. YоU W l поW have [4:В:9] StS оп theneedle.

Fоr a|l 4 Sizescast ofl rегпаппq б [4|В:9] StS,

вонDЕRRi9ht SideJoin rght ShoU der Seam,

Using уоur Smaler needles pick uр апd knitStS {or the ,ghl S de bordel aS 'oloWS:-With r ght S]de of Wоrk fac пg you starting atower edge of r ght front р Ck up and kп t В StS

evenly along lilэ апd 22 [30:З8:50] StS еVеп уа]опq front edqe to гпаrkеr, You Wi поW have30 [З8:46:58] StS оп the пееdlе,

Starting With 2пd rоW of 2х2 rib aS Set lorback, Wo[k 2 roWS iп 2х2 r Ь.

Next RoW. Rib 2 [З:4:З], cast off ] St,(rЬ ]0 [8:10:15], cast ofi 1 St) 2 [З:З]З] tmes,r Е, 2 |З 4:2].

Next RoW. Rib З [4]5:З]. cast on 1 St.(rib 11 [9:11:16], cast оп 1 St) 2[Зi3iЗ] tmes,riЬ 2 [З 4:З]

wогk З rows more iп riь,

cast otf in rib,

Left SidёJoin eft ShoU der sеагп,

USing уоUr Smаllеr needles pick Up and knitчtS'оr тге e't Side of boldp aS'oloWWith гght Side of Work fac пg уоU Starting atгпаrkеr оп left front pick Up and kn]t 22 [З0ЗВi50] StS evenly аlопg frопt edge and р ck upапd kn]t В StS еVепу аlопg r]b, YoU W nowhave З0 [З8:46 58] StS оп the need е,

Starting With 2nd rаw ol 2х2 riЬ aS Set iorback Work 7 roWS iп riг)

cast off п rb,

то мАкЕ UPJoin Side and Sleeve Seams. SeW Sleeve topsinto armholes гпаtсhiпg the 4 [4i4]6] decrease[oWS оп the body to the 4 [4:4:6] decreaseroWS marked at the Ьеgiппiпg of the Sleevetop. SeW оп buttons Pin ollt gаппепt to thelT]easuTement given апd cover With dапlрcloths unt dry (refer to page 2), See bal l]апdtor washinq and furthег саrе lnstructions,

З [3:4:4] StS,

RоW. К0 I0ast 0 [0;1:]


рЗ rереаt fгоm


rп proceed as

р0 [0i] i1

рз. , k2

k0 [0;1]1

rib patteКеерiпо continuity of

' kЗ, р2, rep

[2:З:З], р0 [0

[2:3:З],'k2,В:8] StS, k2,


Page 7: Sublime 631

L|TTLE мо cARDlEвАск

Work as givеп for Back of Little Maisy cardie.

LЕFТ FRОNТWo,k aS g чег for Lefl Frопt of Lttle Maisycardie.

BlGHT FRоNтWork aS given for В ght Fгопt of Little Maisycard е,

SLEEVES (Both alike)US пg your main needles cast оп 46 [46i52:56]StS.

lst BoW (this Will Ье right Side of Work - rS)

К2 I2|o|21, р2, - kЗ, р2, rореаt frоrп - to last

23 [25:27:30]cm(9 [9Зl+: 1 0Зlа:1 1 З/+]iп)

(measured just below armholes)

2 [2:0:2] StS, k2 12i0:2],2nd Row. Р2 |2|0:21, k2, - рЗ, k2, repeat from- to last 2 [2:0:2] StS, р2 [2i0;2], k0 [2:0:0],

shape sl€eve ТорWork 4 И:4;6] roWS decreasing 1 St at eachend of every row. Yоч Wil now have 38 [38:

44:44] StS оп the пееd]е. Place markers at

each end of last rоwcast off З [2:2:2] StS in pattern at beg nning of

next 10 [2:4:4] roWS. YoU Will поW have 8 [34|

З6:З6] Sts on the пееd]е.

For 2nd, 3rd and 4th sizes опlуcast off З StS iп pattern at beginning of ngxt

10 roWS, You Will now have [4;6:6] StS оп theneedle,

Fоr all 4 sizescast oft rеmа п пq 8 [4:6:6] StS,

BoRDEBRight SideWork аS given forN/]aisy cardie,

Rioht Side Border of Little

Laft sideWork aS given for Left Sidelvlaisv cardie,

Border of Little

то мАкЕ UPWork aS given fог То Make Up of Little l/a Sy


l. -V.t э

trлб.Етýýыолýl :Y


lдьс) :;-i Ф-q2-Ф-;(\] Ф\



Page 8: Sublime 631

Frilly Li$ iп Lilac andFrilly Lilyworked in Sublime ЬаЬу cottonkapok dk

you will also need1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) KnittingNeedles for the main knitting (or the sizerequired to give the correct tension). 1 pairо' З (UK10 - tJsАЗ) Knitting Needleýfor the border (or а needle 2 Sizes smallerthап уоч use for the main knitting).Stitch Holders. 1 Button.

TENSloNР ease take а ittle t rne поW to kn t а StockingStitch tension Square. USing 4mm needlescast on 22 Stitches and Work 28 rows instocking stitch (1 row knit,'l row purl). ThiSshould поW measure ] ocm, (4in), Square. lf

уоur Sqчаrе Sn't the соrrесt Width please rеfегto page 2.


то Fit chest

ActUaI size

Full Length (approximately)

Sleeve Length (approximately)Long sleeve

short slёечё

MATEHlALSFrilly Lily iп LilacК013 Sublime ЬаЬуshade 185 cupcakeFrilly LilyК013 Sublime ЬаЬуshade 152 mashed

cotton kapok dk





























2 50g balls

50g balls

oti the left hапd needle onto the r ght handneedle Without Work ng,

Wrap'i 5 р пе(t SItc- ог-о rg1-I fаlоneedle апd take yarn to oppos te S de of Workbetween needles, Slp the Same Stitch backonto left hand need е,

YfWd l]ring уагп to front between пееdlеýthen take уаrп over the top of the right handneed е to form а Single Stitch,

circle the size you WiSh to make



2 2


2cotton kapok dkЬапапа

ABBREvlATloNScm cent melreý, dec dесrеаSе(пg),dk do_ble \гпti.lg g q,аrпг]еS, in in.l(es],k knit, mm m limetres, 0 по times or roWS,

р рUr, st(s) Sttch(es), tbl through back of lоор,tog together, Ws Wrопg Side,Kftog nsed the r]ght hand needle through the2nd and ]st stitches оп the left hand need еand knit them both together to fоrгп а Singlest tch,P2tog nsert the rght hand пееdlе pUrWayS

through the 1St and 2nd Stitches оп the lefthand needl-. and рurl them together to fоrrп аSing е Stitch,P2togtbl insert the rght hand пееd|е purWaySthrough the ЬасkS of 2пd and ] St Stltches опthe left hand needle from left to right and рurlthem together to forrn а S пglе St tch,Psso paSS Slipped Stitch over - pass theSl pped Stitch frоm the right hand needle оVеrthe stitch or Sttches уоU have just Worked,S1 S ip 1 Stitch knitways - пSегt the right handneedle into next Sttch aS if to knit but just S ip it

ВАСК AND FЯОNТS (Worked iп опе pieceto armholeý)US п9 уоur main need]es cast] 09:] 17] StS,

1St RоW (this Will Ье the rightWогk - rS), РUП,

2nd Row. PL]r,

3rd Rоw. К4 [4;5:3], (k], ИWd) 0 [2i0l2] times,

оп В5 [97:

side of the

(S1, kl, pSSo) 0 [2:0:2] times, - (k2toq) twice,


Page 9: Sublime 631

},rwd, t' йWо)З l.res, |S', л', oSSo\ lwl(e,,6рАаl Jlor'lo ast 4'10:5:9] q'с (L,2togl

0 .2 0 2] 1п eS, /y-Wd, "' , 0 '2 0 '] liтe,,k4 [4 5:3],

4th RоW, Кп t,

sth BoW. Knit

бth BoW. Рurl

Frогп Зrd to бth rоW lогms pattern,

Repeat them опсе,1lth RoW. AS зrd row12th RоW. Knit,

Wоrk п Stocking Sttch fог the remainder ofthe back and fronts as follows:-'l St RоW. К69 I7B:BB 94], Wrар 1 , turn,

2nd RоW. P5J [sq:b/:/Il, Wrao ' , lU.^,

Зrd RоW, К57 [6З:72176], Wrap Т, turn,

4th RоW. Р61 [67:77:81], Wrap J, turп.

sth RоW. К64 [7]:81 i86], Wrар Т, turn,

бth BoW. Р67 [75:85i91], Wrар 1, turn.

Wогk 5 J4i5l2l roWS more Work ng З [4:4]5] StS

mоrе in each Wгар row, turn,

Fоr 2nd and 4th Sizes опlуWоrk [1 iЗ] rоWS more Work п9 [Зi4] StS mоrе n

each Wrap rоW, tuтп,

Fоr all 4 Sizes1 2th BoW. РUr] across а l 85

Shape NeckNext RоW. K2tog,YoU W]l] поW haveneed е,

Nёхt RоW. РUr,

For Зrd and 4th sizes опlу

knit to last 2ВЗ I95i] 07:1

StS, k2tog.15] StS оп the

Fоr all 4 Sizes

Divide for ArmholeSNext Bow. К15 [18:19i19], k2tog, k2, leave

these 18 [21 i22:22] StS оп а Stitch holder (you

W l come back to these StS later to complelethe R ght Frопt), k2, S1 , k] . pSSo, kЗ7 [4З]

49:53], k2tog, k2, leave these 4З [49i55 59]

sts оп а Stitch holder (уоu Wi1 come back tothese StS later to complete the Back), k2, S1 ,

k1 , pSSo, k] 5 [1В:19:19], YoU Wi now have18I21|22|22] sts оп the пееd е,

Wоrk оп these 18 [21 :22:22] StS fоr the

rеmаiпdеr of 1he left fгont as follows:

shape ArmholeNext RоW. РUr to ast 4 StS, p2tootbl, р2. YouWLl поW have 17 I2o|21|211StS оп the needle,


With WS facing, Using уоUr mаiп needLeS, rеiоiп

Stý left оп а Stitch hоldегп Stocking Stitch

уаrп to 4З [49i55:59]for back and Wоrkiпgproceed aS fo loWS|-

Shape ArmholeS


Work 2 [4|4|6] rоWS dec 1 St at аrrпhоlе edgeaS Ье'о,е ,г every.ow А' SAVE -lN,4E dec

Work б |12i12:15] roWS dec 1 St at neck edgeопу п Зrd []St:]St:Зrd] and every following

rоW, You Wi L поW havests оп the needle,

0 [4th 4th]6th]

13 [12ilЗ]11]

[97:109:117] sts, Work 1З [7:7] rоWS dec ] St at песk edge in

Fоr 1st, 2nd and 3rd sizes опlу

Fоr all 4 SizesWork Straight Until аrгпhоlе rneasures 10 [1 1 i

] St at neck edge in 1

W Lnow have 14 [15:]

Sl []St;l StiЗrd] row, Yоu6:]4] StS оп the need е,

Work [2:2:4] roWS mоrе dec ] St aS Ьеfоrе at

each e-d of every rоW, Yo_ Wi l now have

[З9:45:45] StS оп the need е.

Fоr all 4 sizesWork оп these З7 [З9:45:45] sts Until armholes

shape Shoulderscast off 5 StS at Ье9]пп ng of next 2 rows. YоU

Wi now have 27 [29:З5|З5] StS on the needle,

cast ofi 5 [5 6:6] StS at beg пп пg of next

2 rоWS. YoU Wil] now have 17 [19i2З:23] StS оп

the need]e.

cast off rегпаiпiпg ]7 [19;2З|2З] StS,

RlGHT FRоNтWth WS fac пg, Using уоur гпаiп needles, rejoin

уаrп to 1В [21 :22i22] StS eft

for rght front and Wоrkiпg п

рrосееd aS fo loWS:

Shape Armhole

measuTe same asShoulder Shap пg,

Left Front armhole tofin]Sh пg after а рurl rоW,

Work [8:11] roWS dec 1 St at each епd of Зrdапd every following 4th row. YоU W ll поW have

|10З:109] StS оп the needle,

Fоr 4th size опlуWol- / loWS оес l Si dl еdсh e^d о'6Ih эW.

next and every followinq бth row, YoU Wi nowhave 10 [10i11] StS оп the needle.

12:1З]сm (4 |41А|4З/а|5Уа)о), Straight downfrom top of the needle to the beginning ofarmhole Shap ng (don't гпеаsurе around the

curve), finlsh]ng atter а purl rоW'

Shape ShoulderNext RoW. cast off 5 StS. knit to end. Yоu W]

поW have 5 [5 6 6] Sts оп the needle,Next BoW. PUrl,

cast off rеrпаiпiпg 5 [5:6:6] StS,

оп stitch ho dеrStockin9 Stitch

Next BoW. Р2 p2to9, рUr to ast 4 StS,

p2togtlrl р2, YoU Wll поW have 41 [47i5З:57]sts оп the needle,

Next RоW. К2, S' , k 1 , pSSo, {- I to a5t 4 SlS,

k2tog, k2, You Wi]l поW have З9 [45i5]:55] StS

оп the needle,

Next RоW. Р2, p2tog, рUrl to last 4p2togtb , р2, You W]ll now have 37sts on the needle,

Fоr 2nd, Зrd and 4th sizes опlу


YoU Will поW have 107 StS оп the needle, Next RоW. D2. o2tog, о.1 to end, Yo. W ll

Page 10: Sublime 631

now have 17 [20:21:21] Sts оп the needle,

Work 2 [4i4i6] roWS dec 1 st at neck edge п

1St |1StilSt:3rd] row АТ SAN/E ТlП,7]Е dec ,1 St

at аrmhое edge аS before п every rоW. YoUWil поW have 14 [15:16:14] StS оп the needle,

Work б [12:12i15] roWS dec 1 St at песk edgeo"iy lг З.d [1St:lSt:Зlо] and eve1 'о оWп90 [4th:4th:6th] rоW' YоU Wil now have 1З [12:1З:11] StS on the need е.

Fоr 1st, 2nd апd Зrd Sizes опlуWork 1З [7:7] roWS dec 1 St at neck edge п

neХt and every follow пg бth гоW' YоU Wiil поWhave ]0 [10i11l StS оп the пееd е,

Fоr all 4 SizesWork Straight Until armhole measur-As Same aSBack armhole to ShoUlder shap пg, finishin9afterakntrow

ечеrу fo lowinq бth row (thеге Wil Ье 5 roWSStraight between each increase row). YoU Wil

поW have 48 StS оп the needle,

Fоr all 4 SizesWоrk Without further Shaping Unt l Sleeve iS

15 '7|2О24|ст_ {6 [6 8,9 ,l,г,,'пlS1^9after а рUr row

shape sleeve Торlst Rоw. К2, S1 , k1 , pSSo, kп t to ast 4 StS,

k2tog, k2, YoU Wi now have 42 [46:50]56] stsол the пееdlе.2nd Rоw. Р2, p2tog, рurl to last 4 StS,p2togtbl, р2. YoU W]l поW have 40 [44:48:54]sts оп the пееdlе,Work 2 Иj4:6] rоWS dec 1 st aS before at eachend of every row, YoU Wil поW have Зб [36]

edge апd alongfin]Shing after аcast off,

back ofrS rоW'

neck to centre,

д0:42] STS оп rhе ^eedle, Рlасе..,]акеr t'l€adS

Shape ShoulderNext RoW. cast off 5 StS, рur to end,поW have 5 [5:6:6] StS оп the needIe,Next RоW_ Knitcast off rema п ng 5 [5]6]6] StS,

at each end of last rоwThese 4 [6i6:В] roWS Wl гпаtсh to 4dec rоWS оп body Whеп Sewing thento the аrmhо es,cast off 2 StS at Ьеq пп]пg о{ пехt 4rоWS, YоU Wil now have 28 [4|16:З4]

Left sideWork left Side aS g]Ven fоr R]ght Side omittingbuttonhole,cast oft,

то мАкЕ UPJo п Seeve Sean]S, SeW S eeve tops intoarmholes matching the 4 [6i6:8] dec roWS опthe body to the 4 [6:6:8] dec rоWS marked atthe beginning of the S eeve top, SeW borders]п posit оп апd ioin back Sеап], SeW опbutton, Р]п out garment to the measurementgiven, соVеr W]th damp cloths and leave unt l

dry (refer to page 2), See bal band fоrWaSh ng and fudher care nstructons,

FRlLLY LlLYВАСК AND FBONTSWork aS given for Back and Fronts of Fri ly L lyin L ас,

sLEEVES (Both alike)Using уоur Smа lег need eS cast оп 30 [36:40:44] StS,

1st RоW. Knit,Th S rоW forms g-st (gаrtеr Stitch).WоrkЗrоWSmоrе ngSt,change to уоUr гпаiп needeS and Wой п

st-st for the rеmа nder of the s eeve asfolloWS:-

Shape sleeve Тор1st Rоw. К2, S1 , kl , pSSo, kn t to last 4 StS,

k2to9, k2, YoU Wi l поW have 28 [З4:З8142] stsоп the needle,2nd RоW' Р2, p2tog, purl to ast 4 StS,p2togtbl, р2, YoU Wl now have 26 [З2:З6:40]

Yоu Wil]


[]6|12:4]StS on

SLEEVES (Both alike)US пg your Sгпаl]еr needles cast on Зб [36iЗ8 40] StS.

1st BoW. Knit.Th S гоW fогms g-st (gаПеr Stitch).Work З roWS mоrе n g-St,

cha'lge to youl паiп needles and wо.k гStock п9 Stitch for the remainder of the S]eeveaS foloWS]-Wоrk 31 [9i4З:5З] roWS ]ncreasing 1 St at eachend ol /I1 [5Ih:/t1:5|l^l апо every lollow ^g

8th [4th|6th:6th] rоW (there W ll Ье 7 [З:5:5]roWS Straght between each increase row), YoUW] now have 44 И0|52]58] StS оп the neede,

Fоr 2nd Size опlуWork 24 roWS increas пg 1 St at each end of

Fоr 1St, Зrd and 4th sizes onlycast off З StS at Ьеg]ппiпg of пехt В И:10]rows, yоu wil now have 4 sts оп the needle,

Fоr all 4 Sizescast otf remaining 4 StS,

BoRDEBRight sideJoin both shoulder seams,US п9 your Smаllеr needles cast оп б StS апdWоrk В roWS in g-St,

Next RoW. К2, cast off 1 St, k2,Next RoW. Кз, cast оп ] St, k2,cont пUе in g,St unti Ьоrdеr iS of Sufficientength When Slightly Stretched to go up front


Page 11: Sublime 631

sts оп the needle.

Work 2 [4:4:6] roWS dec 1 st as Ьеiэrе at eachend of еч€ry rоW. YoU Will поW have 22 [24:28i28] StS оп thв пе€dl€,

Р]асе marker thвadв at each end of last row.

ЪеSе 4 [6:6:8] roWS Will match to 4 [6i6;8]

dec юWs оп body When sewing the Sleeves

пtо the armholes.

cast off 1 St at Ьеgiппiпg of each of the next

6 18:8:4] юWS. YoU Will поW hav€ 16 [16:20i24] ýS on the needle.cast ofi 2 StS at beglnning oJ each ot the пеК6 [6:8i10] roWS, You Will now havв 4 StS оп theneedle,cast ofi rеmаiпiпg 4 StS.

вопDЕRWork aS givsn for Воrd€r of Frilly Lily iп Lilac.

то мАкЕ UPJoin аlеече Seams. SeW Sleeve tops intoarmholes matching the 4 [6:6i8] dec юWS опthe body to the 4 [6:6i8ldec юWS marked at

the Ье9iппiп9 of the Sleeve top. SeW bordersп position and join back Seam, Sew опbutton. Pin out garment to the measurementgiven, сочеr With damp cloths апd leave Uпtil

dry (rеiоr to page 2), See ball band fоrwashing апd further care iпýrчсtiопS.


со_c\J ', ,j_J Q&Бособl*

дg аt9S





|23:26:27 ,5|сm

[9:10ll+:1 1]iп)


Page 12: Sublime 631

Our unique, ] 00% паturаl Ьlепd of cotton апd kapok fiЬrе creates themost gorgeously soft ЬаЬу уаrп. This wonderful new blend looks andfeels Sublme.,,... but has ап additional,wonderfully comfortabie for ЬаЬу to wear,

hidden quality that makes it

Grоwп оп the equator, kapok is а very сlеvеr hollow fibre with аnatural, thеrmо-rеgulаtiпg quality - реrfесt fоr keeping ЬаЬу сооl iпthe summer апd warm п the winter, Lighter than cotton, ЬаЬу cottonkapok dk feels iпсrоdiЬlу comfortlng to touch, ý'Ve think t's de ightfulto knit, too!)

Sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dk comes п the most gоrgеоus rапgе ofchalý lookng, powdeгsoft ооlоurs - perfect shades for babiesto wеаr in summer and winterweathertoo,

Fоr this stylish ЬаЬу hand knit book we have created vintage-inspiredоur gоrgеоus cotton kapok ЬаЬу уаrп.styles - brought up to date in

Designed to Ье wогп every day оr for speclal occasions, we havecreated adorably pretty girls designs and very jolly little boy's sweatersand sрогtу bardies with ап emphasls оп easy knits with summеr style,Sublime hапd knits make porfect presonts for babies of апу age, but ifyou want to сrеаtе something that's а ]ittle different, take а look at ourdeiightful сеlеЬrаtiоп bunting lt makes а Sublime ЬаЬу gift

Sub ime ЬаЬу oolton kapok dk fоr the ooo]est llttie ЬаЬу knits

Page 13: Sublime 631

Little Buntingworked in Sublime ЬаЬу cotton

kapok dk

TENSloNP]ease take а little t mе now to kn t а stockingStitch tension SqUare, Using 4mm needlescast оп 22 stitches апd Work 28 rows iпStocking stitch ('l row knit, 'l row purl). ThisShould поW measure 1ocm, (4in) square. lfyour SqLare S-'t со,rест .ete,Io ра9е 2,

ABBREvlATloNs rс contrast, сm centimetres, dk doubekn tting, g grammes, in inch(es), k knit,М mаiп, mm rnillimetres, р рчr],K2tog insed the right hand needle through2пd and 1st stitches оп the left hand пееdlеand knit them together to form а S пglе Stitch,

КЗtоg inseгt the right hand needle through

SlzEsEach individualwidth at widest


репdапtpoint 13




MATERlALsFor 18 pendantsК013 Sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkсоlочr А Shade 185 cupcakecolour в shade ,156 ricecolour С shade 157 fairycakecolour D shade 154 b9akercolour Е shade 15З scoopyou will a|so need

зrd, 2nd апd 1st stitches on the left handпееd е and knit them together to fоrrп а S пglеStitch,PSso paSS Slipped Stitch очеr - paSS the Stitchfrопr the гght hand need е over the Stitch уоUhave jUSt Wогkеd,s1 Slip 1 Sttch kn tways - insert the right handneedle into the next Stitch aS if to kn t but just

Slp ]t off the left hand need е onto the righthand need е Wthout Working.


Work 1 pendant in each of the foLowingcoloUrways:-colourway 1 - mаiпcontrast = colour В,Соlоurwау2-mапcontrast = colour В,СоlоUrWауЗ-mапoontrast = oolot]r В

= соlоUr с,

= colou[ D,

Striped SequenceUsing М, Work 8 roWS,

US пg С, Work 8 гоWS,

US ng М, cast оп 29 StS.

Woгking п Strped SеqUепсе continue aSfo loWSi-1st RоW_ Knit2nd RоW. К2, pur to ast 2 StS, k2,These 2 roWS form Stocking Sttch With garte[

St tch edges,Wоrkiпg n stockng Stitch With garter Stitchedges fоr the rema nder of the pendant Work2 roWS,

5th HoW. К2, S,1, kl, psýo knit to ast 4 StS,

k2tog, k2. You Wi now have 27 StS оп theпееdlе,5th row SetS Shaping at Side edges.бth RоW. К2, рurltо ]ast 2 StS, k2 "




50g ball50g ball50g ball50g ball50g ball

to give theъ



1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles for the knitting (оr the Size requiredcorrect tension).Approximately З.5 metres, (4 yards) of 1сm, (Иiп) wide ribbon.SeWing thread.

contrast = colour В.

colourway 4 - mап = соlоUr Е,


Page 14: Sublime 631

Work ]8 rоWS decreasing 1 St aS Ьеfоrе ateach end of Зrd and every folLowing 4th rоW,,oU \,,l -оW have 19 SIS оп ll,e neede,

Work 12 rоWS decreasing 1 St at each end of] St and every fol owing alternate rоW Yоu W ll

now have 7 sts оп the needle,З7th RоW. К2 51 , k2tog, pSSo k2, YoU W l

now have 5 sts оп the needle,З8th Rоw. К2, р1 , k2,

З9th RoW. К1 , 51 , k2log, pSSo, kT , You W l

now have З sts оп the needle,40th Rоw. КЗtо0, Fasten off.

PENDANT 2Work 1 pendant п each of the colourways aSgiven for pendant 1 ,

Striped SeqUenceUS ng М Work 4 roWS,

Usinc] с Work2 roWS,

Wоrk aS g Vеп fоr Pendant Т , Working ]п

Str ped Sequence ot 4 roWS П,4, 2 rоWS С,f nish по Wth 4 roWS М,

PENDANT зWоrk 1 pendant п each of the colouМays aSq]Vеп for pendant 1 .

lntarsia techniqueWhen Working With different balls of yarnthe colour to Ье used should Ье twistedround the colourjust used to link thecolours together and avoid holeý. Do поtbreak off and join in уаrп except WherenecesSary

Using Separate Ьа lS of уагп for each Sectianof со оUг cast оп ]2 StS in Nl, 5 StS п с, and] 2 StS lп lV]

Working п Stockng St]tch With garter Sttchedges aS given fоr Pendant 1 and US пg

ntarsia techn que When chang ng уаrп colou(continue aS fo oWS:-

1St RоW. K]2l\/], k5c, k]2N12nd RoW. К2М, р] 0М, р5С, рl ON/l, k2M,зrd and 4th RowS. AS 1St and 2nd roWS,

5th Rои К2П/], S1, kl П/], pSSo, k8l\,4, k5c,k8П,4, k2togN,4, k2M, YoU Wl поW have 27 stsоп the needle.бth RoW. K2N.4, р9lй, р5С, p9l\,4, k2l\.4.

Keeping continuity of centre 5 StS п С Wth StS

о1 eiLhe. Side n \,4, Wo,r^ б loWS decreasilg1 st as before at each end of зrd [ow, you wlпоW have 25 StS оп the needle,Using С опlу Work б roWS decreasing ] St aSbёJore at eaoh end of 1st and fo low]no

4th гоW, YoU Wll поW have 21 StS on theneedle.'lgth RoW. К8М, k5c, kBM,20th RoW. <2N,4, рбV р5С, рбП/l, k2M,Кеер пg continuity of centre 5 Sts in С With StS

оп е l|^el Slde 11 V, worl. z ,о*a o"a="a.n1 st as Ьеfоге at each end ol Tst rоw, you wilпоW have 19 StS оп the needle,Work В roWS decreasing 1 St aS before at

each end ol 1St and every followng aternaterоW, You Will now have 11 StS оп the пееdlе,33rd RоW' К2]\,4, S], k]С рSSо, kЗС, k2togМ,k2M, YoU W ll now have 9 StS оп the needle,34th RоW. К2М, р5С, k2M,Зsth RоW. К2М, S1 , k] С, psýo, kl C, k2togc,k2M. Yоч Will now have 7 Stý оп the need е,

36th RоW. К2М р3С, k2N/,

З7th Rоw. К2М 51. k2togc, psso, k2l\,4, YoU

W] l now have 5 StS оп the пееd е,

З8th HoW. К2М, рl С, k2N.4,

39th RоW. US пg М оп у, k] , 51, k2tog, pSSo

k,1, YoU Wil поW have з StS on the needle,40th RоW. Кзtоо, Fаstеп off.

PENDANT 4Work 1 pendant п each of the fo ow]ngсо ourways:colourway ] - rпаiп = сооUr А,contrast = co]our Е,

Со ourway 2 - rпаiп = со our С,contrast = со оur Е,

colourway З - mап = qoour D,

contrast = со оUr Е,

US пg М, cast on 29 StS.

Work пg aS given fоr Pendant 1 , Work ]2 roWS

Using N,4

Work rеmа пiпg 2В roWS using С,

PENDANT 5Wоrk 1 pendant n each of the fo low]ng

co]oUrways:-colourway J - main = со оUr А,contrast = соlоur В,

colourway 2 гпаiп = соочr В,contrast = соlоur с.colouмay З - main = colour С,contrast = со]оUr В.

Using П,4, cast оп 29 StS,

Wоrk aS given fоr Pendant 1 to --,

Wоrk З roWS mоге decreasing 1 St aS Ьеfогеat each епd of Зrd row, you wil now have25 StS оп the needle,USng intarsa technique When chang ngсо]оUr, cont пuе aS fo loWS:-,10th Rоw. К2N,4 рбМ, р2С, р5М, р2С, рбN/],

k2M,11th Row. K7l\,4, k4c, kЗlv], k4с, k7M,12th RоW' К2N/], р4М, рбС, рl М, рбС, p4vl,k2м,,1Зth RоW. K2N.4, S1, klM, psso, k2l\.4, klЗСk2M, k2togM, k2M, YoU W ll now have 2З StS

оп the пееdlе,14th BoW. К2М, p3N.4, рl ЗС, р3М, k2M,15th RоW. К5М, klзс, k5l\,4,

16th RоW. К2М, р3lй, рlЗС р3М, k2M,17th BoW. К2М, S], k]l\/], pSSo, klМ, klЗС,k]lй k2togП/], k2M, You Wl поW have 2J StS

оп the needle,18th Bow. К2М, р2М, р]ЗС р2М, k2M,1gth RoW. К5М, kl ]c, k5M,


Page 15: Sublime 631

20th RоW. К2М, рЗ\,4, рl ]С р3П,4, k2NiI

21St RоW. К2М, S1 , k1 Nl, pSSo, k2N,4, kgc,k2[,/], k2togN,4, k2, YoU Wl now have ]9 StS onthe needle,22пd RoW. К2М, р4М, р7С, р4М k2П/],

2зrd RоW. К7М, k5c, k7N,4,

24th HoW. K2N/ рбN,4, pJc pov, , zM25th Rоw. К2М, S1 , kl M, psso, k5N,'I, kl c,k5N/], k2togN,4, k2M, Yоu W now have 17 StSоп the need е.

26th RoW. Using М опу k2, рUr to ast 2 Sts,k2.US ng М оп у for the remainder of the pendantWоrk 10 roWS decreas пg 1 St aS before in ] St

and every folow]ng aternate row. You W l поWhave 7 StS on the need е,

З7th BoW. К2, S1 k2tog. pSSo k2, You Wпоw have 5 sts оп the needle,З8th RоW. К2, р1 , k2,Зgth RоW. К1, 51 k2tog. pSSo kl,YoUWl


то Fit chest

Actual size

Full Length

Little Ьluеьеll cardie.Sleeve Length

Little buttercupSleeve Length

Little buttercup



поw have з sts on the пееd е40th RoW. КЗtоа. Easten ofi,

ТО COMPLETEСочеr With damp cloths uпt dry (refer to page2), SeW pendants to ribbon leaving а gap ofЗсm, (1 Уа п) between each pendant andарргохirпаtеlу 30сm, (1 1Зlа)п of ribbon tree ateach end of bunt пg, See ball band forWashing апd further саrе instruct onS,

Little bluebell cardie,Little buttercupcardie and Littlebuttercup bonnetworked iп sublimekapok dk

ЬаЬу cotton

























222з/а з/д з/ц

То fit an average Size baby'S/child's


head for age

MATEHlALSLittle bluebell cardieК0'lЗ Sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkmain Shade 'l 85 cUpcakeoddments of contrast yarn Shade 153 scoopLittle bUttercup cardieКOlЗ Sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkmain shade 153 scoop 2oddments of contrast уаrп shade 157 fairycakeLittle buttercup bonnetК013 sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkmain shade 153 Scoop 1

oddments of contrast yarn shade 157 tairycake





50g ballS

З 50g balls

50g ball

р 1;]

Page 16: Sublime 631

yоч will also need1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) KnittingNeedles lor the main knitting (or the sizerequired to give the correct tension).,1 pair of З'lаmm (UK10 - USA3) KnittingNeedles for the edgings (or а needle 2

Sizes Smaller than you use for the mainknitting),Stitch HoldeБ and 4 [4:5:5] Buttons.

TENSloNР ease та"е d ,l'| е т г.е -оW |о К,1 l а Tensio-

SqUаге, Using 4mm needles cast оп 22

Stitches and Work 28 rows in StockingStitch (1 row knit, 1 row рчrl). ThiS Shouldпоw measure 1ocm, (4in) square. f уоUrSquare isn't the correct Wdth please геlеr topage 2.

ABBREvlATloNSсm centimetres, dk doUble knittingg grагпmеS, iп inch(es), k kп t, mm гnillmetres,

0 по StS. t гпеS оr roWS, р рur], rep repeat,

St(s) St]tch(es) WS Wrопg Side,

K2tog пSеrt the r ght hand need е through the2nd and ] st stitches on the eft hand needleапd knit thегп together to fоrm а S пg е Stitch,

P2tog insed the right hand need е purlways

through the 1St апd 2nd Stitches оп the eft

hand needle and рurl thегп together to fоrгп аSing е SttchP2togtbl iпSеrl the right hand needle throughthe backs of the 2nd and 1st stitches оп theneedle from left to right and pur them togetherto form а Sing е Stitch

Psso paSS Sl pped Stitch over - pass theS pped stitch from the right hand пееd е overthe Stitch you have ]USt Worked,

s1 S ip 1 St tch kпihл/ауS iпSегt the right handneed е nto the next Stitch aS if to knit but jUSt

S р it off the left hапd пееd е onto the r ght

hand needle Wthout Working,

YfWd о,|-9 !а,п Iо fronl t]etwee. need eS,

needle to form а st tch. to Work the rght front), k2, S1 , k], pSSo,

k4O [46:52 57], k2tog, k2, eave these 46 [52:

58 бЗ] StS оп а Stitch ho der (you W ll comeback to these 46 [52]5ВiбЗ] StS ]ater to Work

the back), k2, S], k1, pSSo, k19 |22|25.27IYou Wil now have 22 [25:28:З0] StS on th-o



gth RоW. Р4, ,t<] уlлd k'\ i,lLo,ext St, р5,

circle the size you Wish to make

BoDY(Knitted in опе piece to armholes)US п9 your Smаllеr needles and гла]п уаrп castоп 105 ['117]129:141] StS,

1St RоW. (this Wl Ье the rioht Sde ofWork - rS) Р1 ,

- kl, р2, rер from ' to2 StS, k,] , р1

2nd RoW. К] , р1, ' k2, рТ , rер frоrп

St, k]These 2 rоWS forrn 1х2 ribWork б rоWS rпоrе п 1 /2 rib.

rер from'to last 5 StS, {k1 },fwd k]) nto next

St, р4. YoU W ll now have 1З9 [155i171 |187]

sts оп the needle.10th BoW. К4, рЗ,

- k5, р3, rер from " to last

4 StS, k4,- k3, р5, rep frоm - to last

10th rоW.- 51 , k2tog, pSSo, р5, rep frогт]

S1, k2tog, pSSo, р4, YoU Will

[117:129i141] sts оп the

14th BoW. Рб [7:8;11] p2to9, (р7 [В:9:7],p2tog) 10 []0:10ilЗ] times, р7 I8:9i1]]. You

Wll now have 94 []06;Т 18|127] sts on theпееdlе,Сhаг9е Io your -аlп ]eed eS агd Ье9iпгiп9With а knit row Work lп stocking St tch for theremainder of the body as follows|-


- to last р2124|27 |

11th RоW. Р4,7 StS kЗ, р4,12th RоW. AS13th BoW. Р4,- to last 7 StS,

поW have 105пееdlе,

|41 4 roW,[5ri:6%:8%]in), flniSh ng after а pUrl

Divide for Back and FrontsBeginning Wih the rS of the Work iac пg уоUd vide for Back and Fronts aS foloWS:-

Next RоW. К19 |22:25-271, k2tog, k2, Leave

these 22 |25i28;З0] StS оп а Stitch holder (you

Will come back to these 22 [25|28|З0] StS later

4 [5:6:6] StS,

[5:6;7] StS о

Wol",i19 оп L|-eSe 22 I25:28:з0] S-S оrо(ееdaS folloWS],

1St RоW. PUr to ast 4 StS, p2togtb,(armhoe edge), Yоu Wil поW have 2]

29] StS оп the needle2пd RoW. К2, S1, kl, pSSo, knit to end, You

Wl поW have 20 [2З:26]2В] StS оп the needle,

Work 1 [2]2:3] rоWS decreasing 1 St at

аrrпhоlе edge aS before iп every row YoU Will

now have 19 [21 |24|25] StS оп the needle

cont nue Wthout Shap пg unti armholeгпеаSUIеS З [5:6|6]сm, (1% |2|2y2|2y2)in),fin Shing after а kn t row,

Neck ShapingNext RоW. cast off З [4 5 5] StS, рчr to endYоu W]lпоW have 16117:]9:20] StS оп the

need е.

Wo.k l lows oec.easi.g ' St at ,-recl. edge п

every row, YоU Will поW have 12 |1З:]5i16] StS

on the needle.Work 5 roWS decreas пg 1 St at neck edge aS

Work Unt]l body rлеаSurеS 1] [1З:,16:2,1]сm,

before n 1st and every folowing alternate row,

You W l поW have 9 [10]12:'1З] Sts оп theпеёdlе,Wo.k о^ trese 9 L,0:,12ilЗl StS Ln,il lt,e

аrгOhоlе mеаSUrеS ]0 [12:1З:15% |57r]in), Straight down frоm

пееdlе to the beq nning of the

Shaping (don't measUre roundf nShing after а pur rоW

Shape shoulderNext RоW. Cast offyou will поw have 5

4]cm, (4 [4Зlа:

the top of thearrnholethe curve),

knt to end,n the n,oedle,


,а"е t-e уа.. ove, The Iор o'Ihe l ghт hапd

Page 17: Sublime 631

Next RoW. PurL,

cast otf rеrпа пiпg 5 [5iбi7] StS.

Neck ShapingNext RоW. cast o,ff 3 [4:5:5] sts, kn t to end,

You Wil now have 16 ['17:19i20] StS оп the

needle.Nёxt RoW. Рur,Work 4 roWS decreasing 1 St at neck edge

оп the needle,neck edgeWогk 5 rоWS decreas ng ,1 St at песk edge aS

Ьеfоrе iп 1St and every following aternate rоW,

everv rоW, You Will поW have 12 {1Зl15|16] sts

Wогk 5

- to last б StS, S1, k2tog, pSSo, рЗ, Yоu Will

поW have 37 [З7:4Зi4З] StS оп the пееdlе

12th RоW. Р8 |8 З|2], p2tog, (р16 [16|5:]0],p2tog) 1 [1 i5|З] t mes, р9 |giЗiЗ]. YoU Wi l now

have З5 [З5iЗ7:39] StS оп the need е,

Сhаг9е to yoL, "lа 1 геео|еS аго ЬеgiпгlпgWith а knit row Wогk ln Stocking Stitch for the

remainder of the sleeve as fo ows;

Work 1З [9|35|2З] гоWS increasing 1 St at each

епd of 5th and ечегу folowing 8th [4th:6th:6th]rоW (thеге Wil Ье 7 [3|5:5] rоWS Stгaight

between each ncrease row), Yоu Wll поW

have З9 [39i49;47] StS оп the needle,

Fоr 1St, 2nd and 4th sizes onlyWоrk 1О [18i24] roWS increasing 1 St at each

епd of every following 1oth [6th:8th] rоW (there

W l] Ье 9 |5:7] rоWS straight between each

increase rоW), YoU Wl поW have 41 [45:53] StS

оп the needle,

Fоr all 4 SizesWork Without furthеr Shaping unti] the Seeve S

'5 _'/|2О|241Lm. {6 [о' ,8:9 .,li'l,, lпlsl-|гg

after а purl row,


Wth WS

eft оп аfolloWS|-

fac ng, rе]о]п

st tch holderyarn tO 46 [52:58:6З]fоr back and сопtlпuе


Next RоW. Р2, p2to9, рur to last 4 StS,

p2togtbl, р2, You Wil now have 44 [50:56:61]sts оп the пееdlе,Next RoW. К2, 51, kl, pSSo, knit to ast 4 StS,

k2tog, k2, You Wil поW have 42 [48:54:59] StS

оп the needle,Work 1 [2i2|З] rоWS decreasing 1 St at eachend аý before ]п every rоW, YoU Wil now have

40 144:50:5З] StS on the needle,

Work Wthout Shap ng until back аrrпhоlеS

meaSUIe Sаrге aS Letl l-,ont a,mlo|e to

ShouLder Shaping, finish n9 afte[ а purl row

shape shouldercast off 4 |5i6:6] StS at beginning of next

2 roWS. You Wil поW have З2 [З4iЗ8l41] StS оп

the need е

cast ofi 5 |5i6;7] StS

2 roWS. You Wi l поW

the needLe,

at Ьеgiппiпg of пехt

haye 22 I24|2c2l1 sts оп

YoU WiLl поW have 9 [10:12:1З] StS оп the

needleWork оп these 9 [10:12:1З] StS until the

atmhole measures 10 [12:13|'14]cm, (4 [4Зlа:

51А|5%)iп), Sтaight down frоm the top of the

пееdlе to the beginn]ng of the аrmhо е

Shap п9 (don't mеаSuге rоuпd the cUrve),

f nish по after а knit row,

Shape shoulderNext RоW. cast otf 415:6:6] sts, рUгl to епd,

You Wl поW have 5 |5:6:7] StS оп the need]e,

Next RоW. Kn]t,

cast otf rеmа пiп9 5 [5:6]7] StS

L|TTLE BLUEBELL CARDlE SLEEVES(Both alike)Using your Smaler need eS and гпаiп yarn cast

оп З7 [З7i4З:4З] StS,

1St RоW' (this Wil Ье the right Side of the

Wогk rs) К], " р2, k1, rер frоm - to end,

2nd RоW. " Р], k2, rер from ' to last St, р1,

These 2 гоWS Set rЬ,Wоrk 4 roWS гпоrе iп rib.

7th BoW. РЗ, - (k1, yfwd, k1) into next St, р5,rep frогп - to ast 4 StS, (kl, },fwd, k1) into next

St, рЗ, You WiIl поW have 49 [49:57|57] StS оп

the need е,

8th Rоw. КЗ, р3, - k5, рЗ, rep from - to laýt

з Sts, kз,gth ЯоW. РЗ, t kЗ, р5, rер from " to last б StS,

kз, рЗ10th RоW. AS 8th rоW,'l1th RоW. Р3, - S1, k2tog, pSSo, р5, rер fгогп

ShapeWork 4

Sleeve[5:5 |6]


roWS decreasing'] St at eachcast off rеrпаiпiпg 22

RlGнт FRоNтW th WS fac п9, re]oin

eft оп а sttch holderproceed aS fo loWS:-

1St RoW. Р2, p2tog (аrmhоlе edge), рUr to

end, You Wll now have 2] [24i27:29] StS оп

the needle.2nd RоW. Knit to last 2 StS, k2tog, k2, YoU Wil

now have 20 |2Зl26i28] StS оп the пееdlе,

Work 1 [2:2:З] roWS decreasing 1 St at

armhoe edge aS Ьеfоrе п every row You W ll

now have 19 [2,]:24:25] StS оп the needle,

cont]nUe Without Shap п9 unti armho еmeasures З [5:6:6]cm, (17а |2:2|z,,21/э)iп),

fin Sh ng аftег а pur] row,

|24|26 27) StS,

уаrп to 22 [25;28|З0] StS

for right front and

епо oi every .oW VoU Wll| rоw have зз [35:

З9i41] sts оп the needLe. Р асе гпаrkеr threads

at each end of ast row. These 4 [5:5:6] rows

Will match to the 4 [5i5i6] decrease rоWS on

body When SeWing the SleeVeS lnto аrmhоlе,

Work 0 [] ; ] l0] roWS Straight,

cast ofi З StS at the beg nning of each of the

next 2 [2:6:4] rоWS, YoU Wil поW have 27 [29:

2 ] ]29] StS оп the пееd е,

cast off 4 StS at the beg nn пg of each of the

next 4 [4:2i4] roWS, Yоu W]l] поW have 1 1 []З:1З:l З] StS оп the needle

cast off rеmаiпiпg 1] |13]1З|]3] StS,

L|TTLE BUTTERcUP sLEEvEs (Both alike)

Using your Sma ler need eS and гпаlп yarn cast


Page 18: Sublime 631

оп 4З [.+9:55 55] StS,

1 5t RоW. (this W l Ье the r oht S de of the

Work , rS) К1, ' р2, kl, rер frоm t to end.

2nd BoW. ' Р1, k2, rep from'to aýt St, р1These 2 roWS Set r Ь,

NEcKBANDJoin [ag ап Seams then Using your Smаlеrneed eS and main уаrп р ck uр StS aroundneck Shaping aS fo oWS:- With rS of the Work

facing you, pick uр and kп t 20 [21 i2Зi24] StS

evenly up rS ot песk, 2З [24:26:27] StS frоm

22 124|26:27) cast off StS at back of песk апd

2а 21,,2324l StS ечеп у down left S de of

песk, YoU W]Ll поW have бЗ [66i72i75] StS оп

the пееd е,

Starting Wth 2nd rоW of 1х2 r Ь Work б rоWS

cast off iп rib,

BlGHT FRОNТ ВОRОЕRWl.h lS ot 1r,е Фоr^ ,асlг9 vo-, JS гg yoJ'Smaler need eS and гпаiп уаrп pick up and

knit 12 StS еVепlч uр lоWеr edge pattern,

26 [З8:47:62] StS evenly up frопt edge апd5 StS ечеп у а опg песkЬапd. YoU Will поW

have 4З [55:64:79] StS оп the пееd]е.

1St RоW. ' РТ, k2, rер lгоm - to ]ast St, р1,2nd RoW. КТ, ' р2, k1, rер frогп 'to end,

Th-.S_. 2 rоWS Set rib,

trопt Ьоrdеr as fo]lows:

то мАкЕ UPJoin Side and ý eeve SеаrпS, SeW SLeeve topsinto armho eS matching the 4 [5:5|6] decreaseroWS оп the body to the- 4 [5:5:6] decreaserоWS marked at the beg пп пg of the S eevetop, SeW оп buttons, Using Contrast уаrп,еrлЬrоidег flowers at top of kn t StS ]п rib on

body апd cuffs Working ilowers alternately

With 3 lazy daisy Sttches оr 2 ЬUl]оп St tches(See d agrams). Pin out gаrгпепt to the

гпеаsurеrпепt gчеп, Сочеr wth dаrпр cothsand leave Until dry (rЫеr to page 2). See ball

band for WaSh]ng and further саrе iпStгчсtiопS,

LlTTLE BUTTERCUP BONNETUsing your Sma ler need eS cast оп 85 [9,1

97i109] StSk,l, rер from - to епd,rер from ' to last St, р]


Work 4 roWS гпоге п гiЬ,

Shape Sleeve Тор1St RоW. P2tog, р4, ' (k] , yfwd, k]) into next

St. р5. rер frогп * to last 7 StS, (kl, ynrud, k])

of the next

nto l]ext St. р4. p2tog, Yоu W] l поW have

5З [61:69:69] StS оп the need]e.

2пd RоW. K2to9, kЗ, - р3, k5, rер from'toast В StS. рЗ kЗ, k2tog, YoU Wil] now hаVе

51 [59:67:67] StS оп the need]e,

3rd RоW, P2tog, р2, - kЗ, р5, гер from - to

last 7 StS. kЗ, р2 p2tog, You Will now have49 157]65]65] StS оп the needle,

4th BoW. K2tog, k1, - р3, k5, rер irоrп ' tolast б StS. рЗ. k1, k2tog. YoU Wil now have47 [55:6З]6З] StS оп the need е,

5th HoW. {P2tog) 0 [] il|1]t]nres, р2 [0]0:0],- S]. k2tog. pSSo р5, rep frогп - to ast 5 StS,

S,]. k2to9, pSSo. р2 [0|0:0], (p2tog) 0 [1|] i1]

t mes YоU W I now have З5 [З9:45:45] StS оп

the needle,бth HoW. (P2tog) 0 [0:0:'1] times, р4 [З:4:12],p2tog, (рб [8]5: ] З], p2tog) 3 [3:5i,]] t mes,

р5 [4 4:] 2], (p2to9) 0 [0:0:1]tгпеS, You Will

поW have З] [З5:З9:41] StS оп the needie,

PLace marker threads at each end of 4th [5th:

5th:6th] rоW. These 4 |5:5:6] roWS W l! matchto the 4 [5:5i6] decrease roWS оп body When

Sewing the S eeves into armhole,Сld'lgе lo VoLr па|,l need|es a'ld Ье9',1,9Wth а kn]t row Work in Stock nq Sttch for therеmаiпdеr of the s eeve as follows:-cast off 2 StS at beginning of each2 [618:6] гоWS, Yоu W]ll now have27 12З|2З|29] StS оп the пееdlе,

cast otf З StS at beginning of each6 [4:4:6] roWS, You Will поW have 9sts оп the needle,cast off remaining 9 [11]] 1|] ] ] StS,

,lst RоW. К1 , - р2.2nd Row. ' Р], k2,These 2 rоWS form

(rЬ 10 [13:12irib 2 [4|3|2].4th RоW. RiЬ(rib ] 1 [14:13|rib З [4:З:З],

cast опоп ] St)

16], cast off ] St) з [з:4:4] times,



3 [5:4:З],17], cast


з timeS,

Sгпаllеr need]es and main yarn pck Up and

kn t 5 StS evenly aLong neckband, 26 {З8:

47i62] StS еVеп]у down fгопt edge and 12 StS

еVепlу аlопg lower edge pattern. YoU W ll поW

have 4З [55164:79] StS оп the need е.the next1i11|'11]


п Worknq п rЬ aS Set for Right Frопt Border Wo,k Jгtl Ьо,'1ет rTeaSLleS l0 [] 1:]2:1З]сг.,

Work б roWS,

cast off п rb,

Work п r Ь aS Set for the геmаiпdеr of the right

Зrd RoW. Bib З [4,З:З], caýt otf 1 St,

work б rows mоrе in rib,gth Row. РЗ, - (k1, yfwd, kl) into next St, р5,rep frоm ' to ast 4 StS, (k] , yfwd, k] ) into next

St, рЗ, You Wil now have 11З [121;129:145]sts оп the needle,,10th Row. КЗ, рЗ,

- k5. рЗ, rер from - to astз StS, kЗ,11th RоW' Р3, ' k3, р5, rep irоrл - to ast6 StS, kЗ, р3,1 2th RoW. AS 10th rоW13th RоW. РЗ, ' S], k2tog, pSSo, р5, rep frоm

'to last б StS, s1, k2toq, pSSo, р3. YoU Will

поW have В5 [91 :97:109] StS оп the пееdlе,

14th Rоw. Р5 [4iЗ:4], p2tog, (рб |7:9:7],p2tog) 9 |9:8:11]times, рб [4:4:4]. YoU Wil

now have 75 [81|ВВ:97] StS оп the need е.

c^d.lge to \oU, ma," ,eedles and beg,,l^,l9W]th а kn t rоW Work in Stocking Stitch for theremainder of the bonnet aS fo LOWS|-

(4 [4Уд |4ЗА |5|4]in),

Next Rоw. РUгl tofinish no after а knit rоwend ncreas пg З [0|0|2] StS

Wоrк 2 roWS mоге n rjb,

cast off iп rilэ.

Wth rS of the Work facinq you, Using уоUr



Page 19: Sublime 631

evenly across row for ]St and 4th sizes опlуand decreasing 0 [3:3i0] StS evenly across rowfor 2nd and Зrd Sizes оп у, You Will поW have78 Г/8185:99] StS оп the needle,

СюWп Shapinglst RоW. К1, (k2tog, k5) 11 [11112:14]t]mes.YoU Wil поW have 67 [67;7З;85] StS оп theneedle.2nd and Every Alternate RоW. PUrl,

3]d RoW. К1 , (k2tog, k4) ,1 1 [1

,1 ;

,1 2: 1 4] times.

You Will now have 56 [56|61:71] Sts оп theneedle,

22 |24.5i27,5:29.5Jсm83/ц I9э/ц:1 1 :1 1Уz]iпl

5th RoW. К1 , (k2to9,YoU WiIl поW have 45needle.7th Row. К1, (k2tog,

You Witl now have 34needle,gth Bow. К1, (k2to9,YoU WilI поW have 2зпееdlе.1lth RoW. К], (k2tog) 11 [11;12;14] t]mes,

You Will now have 12 [12ilЗ:,15] StS оп theпбеdlе,1Дh RоW. Р0 loili']], (p2tog) 6 [6|6:7] times.

kЗ) 11 [11:] 2|14] times,

[45:49:57] StS оп the

k2) 11 [,1,1i12:,]4] times,

[З4:37:4З] StS оп the

k]) 11 [1 1 j'l2 |14] times.

[23:25i29] StS оп the

You Will now have б [6|7i8]Break off уаrп, thread yarn

6 [6:7:8] sts, draw up and

sts оп the needle.through rеmаiпiпg

fasten off,

то мАкЕ UPJo]n back Seam, Using contrast уаrпembroider flowers at top of kп t StS in rib,

Working flowers alterna,tely With 3 lazy daisyStitches or 2 ЬUlliоп Stitches (Sее diagrams).cover With а dап]р cloth Until dry (rеfеr topage 2). See ball band for Washing апd furtherсаrе instruciions,

тý!]ькфЁSr- (ою()


ях(о-(r) ,_:

N-to ..N,Б-о)

лЕ €v^,-

р. |7

Page 20: Sublime 631

L_szу DaSy Stitch Lazy Daisy Stitch FlоWеr

Bullion ýltch FlоWеr

r р.18

вчlliоп stitch

Page 21: Sublime 631

Fisherman Frеdworked in Sublime ЬаЬу cottonkapok dk


you will also need1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) KnittingNeedles for the main knitting (or the Sizerequired to give the correct tension).1 pair of 3%mm (UK,l0 - USАЗ) KnittingNeedles for the edgings (or а needle 2 sizesSmaller than you uSe for the main knitting).stitch holders and 3 Buttons each forRound Neck and V Neck Sweaters,

TENSloNР ease take а lttle t mе now to kn t а StockingSt tch tenS]on Sqцаrе. USing 4mm needleScast оп 22 Stitches and Work 28 rows inStocking stitch ('l row knit, 1 row purl). ThiSShould поW measure 10сm, (4iп), square. f

уоur Square isn't the соrrесt Width please rеtеr

to page 2,

ABBREvlATloNScm centlmetres, dk doulr е kп ttingg qгаmmеS in псh(еS) k kп t, mm m l гпеtrеS,


то Fit chest

Actual Size

Fчll Length(approximately)Sleeve Length

MATERlALSFisherman Fred in RedК013 Sublime ЬаЬу cottonshade 183 strawberriesFisherman FredКOlЗ Sublime ЬаЬу cottonshаdё ,l 50 milkshake

kapok dk

kapok dk

0 no roWS, patt раttеrп, р рUr , rep repeat,

St(s) Stltch(eS) tog togetherK2tog inSert the right hand needle tnrough the2nd and ] st stitches on the ]eft hапd need еand kn t them together to form а Sing е Stitch,

P2tog inseft the right hand needle purWayS

trrrоugh the ] St and 2nd Stitches оп the left

hапd needle and рur thегп together to fоrrп аS]пс] е St tchМ1 -"ldкe- S lс,,] pl [,р loop belvlpen last

and пехt Stitch and Work nto back of this loop,

circle the Size you wish to make


US пg уоur Sг.а er need eS cast оп 5В [6270l74] StS,

2х2 rib1st RoW (this Wil Ье the rght Sde of theWork rS). К2,' р2, k2, rep lrоrл ' to епd,

2пd RоW.'Р2, k2, rер fron,]'to last 2 StS р21St and 2nd roWS fогm 2х2 rib.Wоrk 5 гоWS mоrе iп 2х2 r Ь,



4 50g ballS

8th RoW (decrease row), Р4 [6:4:6], p2tog,(рб [10i8:8], p2tog) 6 |4|6:6] t mes, р4 [6 4 6],

You Wil поW have 51 [57:6З:67] StS оп theпееd еchange to your r]а п need eS апd Ьеgiппw th а kn t row, work п st,st unt l backгпеаSUrеS 10 []2 ]5i]9]сrп, (4 |4ЗА$|7'/2)finiShing atter а Wrong Side,

Pattern'1St RoW. КВ [11:14:16], р2 k4, рЗ, k2, р2,k4, р1, k4, р2, k2, рЗ, k4, р2, kB |11|14|16],2nd Rоw. Р8 [11:14:16], k2, рЗ, k], р1, k2,

р2, k2, рЗ, k,], р1, k] рЗ, k2, р2, k2, р], k1

рЗ, k2 р8 [] ] i]4:16].Зrd RоW. КВ [11:14:,]6] р2 k2,pl,k2,p2,k2 р2, k2, р] , kЗ, р1, k2, р2, k2, р2, k2, р1k2 р2, kB [11 14:16],

4th RoW. РВ []1]14]16], k2 р], kl. рЗ, k2,

р2, k2, р], k1, р5 kT, р1, k2, р2, k2, рЗ, klр],k2,рВ[11]4:]6],5th RоW. КВ [1 ]:] 4:] 6], рЗ k4, р2, k2, рЗ,k7, рЗ, k2, р2 k4, р3, k8 [1i:i4:16].бth HoW. РВ |'] ]:14:16], k2, р5, k2, р2, k2,

р9 k2, р2, k2, р5, k2, рВ [11:14:]6]





















5 50g ballS



р, t9

Page 22: Sublime 631

L WS torn] patt.r) Shoulder EdgingСhапgе to yoLlr Sгпаllеr needleS and proceed

aS fol]oWS|-

1St RoW. Р ] , k2, ' р2, k2, rер from ' to last

St, р1,2nd Rоw. К], ' р2, k2, rер fгоm ' to last

З StS, р2, k],] St and 2nd rоWS fonT rib,

Work 4 roWS in rlb,

oast off iп riь.

FRоNтWork the frопt aS о чеп for Back |о ^-

Wol\ l0 {l4 lэ '6] ro\,\ S Sтraigbl i,,] pd'|

Neck ShapingВеgiппiпg Wlth the rlght Side of the Work

facng you divde for the neck as lolLowsi- patt

1В |21|22|2З) turп, S ip remain пg 25 l28:З ] i

З2] StS onto а Stitch holder Yоu Wi l соrпе

back to these 25 [28:ЗТ З2] Sts later to Work

the second s de of песk, work З rows

rib 5 |7:7:9], cast оп 1 St, riЬ 4 [5|5:6],

Work 2 rоWS in r Ь, cast otf п rib,

то wоrk the second s de of the песk rеturп the

25 [28:З1:32] StS Left оп а Stitch holder опtо

the main needle, With right S de of the Work

fac пg you, S ip flrst 7 [7|9i9] StS onto а stitch

holder and leave at centre front of the neck,

YoU Wil соmе back to these 7 [7i9:9] StS lаtег

for гесл ео9 г9, Веjо,г уа,г to the reтaining18 |2'|22|?З] StS a,,]d oatt to e,lo, Work

3 rows decгeaslng 1 St at neck edge iп every.oW, YoJ Wl'гоw have l5 [18:'9:20] StS on

lhe ^ped|e, Wоr< a'urther З 15:5:5] roWS

decreasing 1 St а1 neck edge in ,1St and every

fo Lowino alternate row you will поw have

lЗ [15:16:17] StS оп the needle,

Wоrk 7 [7:7:9] roWS Straight,

cast off in patt,

.']/]]rk па irl patt aS ýet Work the rеmаiпdеr of1| ,.l)лоk aS fo lowsl

r',.,, r| ,. trlt llhe back гпеаsurеS 14 J]6:19:;',1l,],l 15]: [6/r]7rri9li]in). fin]Shing after а,, -". ]q ý de row So that the right side faces

лт t-a al.n1ole Shар:го'] l. l-]ilck Shou|d гпеаSUrе approxin']ate у' ] '26:29 з 1]сгп, (9 l10]/a:1 1 1/r:1 2] п), acrossl] l ,.] po]r]t,

Shape Armholes!\/., t ,] [Zl 5 бl rOWS decreas пq '1 St at

.)l.] .i .]very row YoL] Wil поW have 4зt:]]ia1l StS оп the needle. ^'

Лr1l! |lq l] l these 4з [49:5З|55] StS, Work

1l1 i',|2 2:| 261roWS Stra]qht n patt,

Neck ShapingВе!]iппiпq W]th the гght S]de of the Wогk

ta(] пс] уоU, c]lvid-^ for the песk aS follows: Patt

] i l1c] 20 2] ], turn, Slp rеmаiп ng 26 [30:i]:] з4l sts o|,]to а Stitch holder, YоU W]1 согпеlra.l. l(-1 t|]ese 26 IЗO:Зз:З4] StS later to Work, д . , Ll S,rp о1 1е'., Wo.< а [-1"el

.1 Il1i!S {]eoгeasing 1 St at песk edge iп every,l:, YrlLl rtilJ now r]аVе 1З [15:]6]17] StS оп

tl]- ].ledle Work З roWS Straight( ]nql off in pati

] l \/,xn,k ihe second Side of the neck rеturп the;lп illt) l]З:З4] StS left оп а Sttch holder ontotl]., ,llа |r need|e. Wlth the rght Slde of the

-,.rli iai]ilro уоц, Slip first 9 11 ] :1З:] З] StS опtоj] ýt llo dег апd eave at centre back of the

l]e.k Yl)LJ Wl согпе back to these 9 [1] ]1зi

1.]l jlri аtеr for песk edging, Ве]оiп уаrп to the-e]]rainlng 17 [19 20:21] StS and patt to end.

Worli а ftnlher 4 roWS decreasinq 1 st at neck



SLEEVES (Both alike)USing your Smaller needles42i46] sts, Wоrk 7 rоWS iп


cast оп 42 [42i2х2 rib aS Set for

8th RоW' Р5 [5i4i4], p2tog, (рЗ [3:6:4],

6 16:4:6]times, р5 [5i4l4], Yоu Will поW

З5 [35|З7]З9] StS оп the need е.

change to your main needles and Wоrk

stockino st|tch fo, the rетаlпdеr of the

as followsi-



S ееVе

m1, (patt з [з]3|2],

[1:4:З], YoU Wll поWthe need е.

Wоrа 27 11 1:,19:51lrоWS lncreaslng ,1 St at

each end of 3rd and every following 8th [4th:

Wоrk WthoUt lUfther Shap!nq until the Sleeve iS

el]qe п ev-6ry rоW Yоu W ll поW have 1З [1 5

i Б]17] StS оп the needle Work ] rоW Straight,

Next BoW. Patt З J2:З:2],пl ]l 2 14|З:6] t mes, patt 4

havc 16 J2O:20:24] StS оп

п]1. (patt 3 [ЗiЗi2],[1:4iЗ], You Will поWthe needle.

Shoulder EdgingСhап9е to your Sгпаl]еr needles and proceed

aS {oloWSllstRoW. К1, p2.'k2,p2, repfrom'to ast

2пd RоW, Р1, ' k2, р2, rер frоm ' to last

З StS, k2, р1 .

1St апd 2nd roWS fоrгп riЬ,

Next RоW' Rib 4 [5:5]6], cast off 1 st,

riь 4 [6:6iв], cast off 1 St, r]ь 4 [5i5:6],

Next HoW. Rib 5 [616:7], cast оп ] St,

1|h бth] rоW |Ihele Wll t]e 7 [з:з,5l roWS

Straight between each increase row). You Wi]

поW have 4З l41i47:57] sts оп the needle,

Fоr 2nd and Зrd sizes опlуWогk 18 roWS increasing 1 St at each end of

every following бth rоW (there Wi l Ье 5 roWS

straoht between each iпсrеаSе row), You Will

поW have [47]53] StS оп the need е,

Fоr all 4 Sizes

[6] ) :8:9 y,]in) ,

decreasing 1 st at neck edge in every row. You

Wi] поW have 15 [1В:19:20] StS оп the пееdlе.

Work а further З [5:5:5] rоWS decreas]ng 1 St

at песК edge in J St and every iollow п9

aLternate rоW. YoU Wi]

sts оп the needleпоW have 1З [15:]617]

Worb 5 [5:5:7] rоWS Stra ght,

Next RоW. Patt 3 [2:3:2],пr1)2 И:Зi6] t]mes, patt 4have 16 [20:20i24] StS оп

| 2()

15 [17,20:24]cm, (6 flnlShing

Page 23: Sublime 631


ll.: ,.,;-,l- з at'-{

,1, , :,; , ,.: .,, ? -. , л._. -.:.., ;.: ,,,

.,., ..: .', l,:'Ъ.,, У..',....::. , ,'; : i]l:,. . .:]:,:.. ,r: ' { - ..lj'l ,::..'::'1 ',l.,:.,.,. ' ..:]"]

, _.


:;i; J ..,,','..'i.';л-..._' ,; ].. ,,

. ,,: ; ., ,,.i]__ !Б" " ,;;i1,"ll ] : ,":l'; Ъiь,;* _t7::.,.,,.,1,1:i ::

, l 'j"]-,:,!! , _ i, ч1_:- ,.-',,. ,,,


Page 24: Sublime 631

after а Wrопg Side row

Shape Sleeve ТорWork 4 [4:5|6] roWS decreasing 1 St at each

end of ечеrу row, Yоu Will now have

З5 [З9:43:45] StS оп the marker thread at each end of last rоw,

These 4 [4:5i6] roWS Will match to 4 i4|5:6]

decrease roWS оп t]ody Whеп Sewing the

sleeves into armholes,

Work 0 [0:1:0] roWS Straight.

cast otf 5 [6i6|6] StS at beginning of each of

the next 4 roWS, Yоu W]ll now have

15 [15:19:21] StS оп the needle.cast off remaning 15 []5:19:21]StS-

NECKBANDJoin the right Shoulder Seam, then using уоUrSmaller needles, pick uр and kn]t Sts around

neck Shaping aS folloWS:

With right Side of the Work facing уоu, pick Up

and knit 5 StS evenly down Side edge of

Shoulder edging, 14 [] 5:15:17] StS еVепlу

down left Side of lrопt песk. Work across 7 [7:

9i9] sts lett оп а stitch holder at centre front

neck pick Up and knit 15 [16:16:18] StS ечепlу

uр r]ght Side of front песk, В sts ечепlу downright Side of back neck, Work across9 l1 1 :1З:l З] StS left оп а St tch hоLdег at centre

back neck, pick Up апd knit 7 StS evenly Uр

Ieft Side of back neck and 5 StS ечепlу Up Side

edge of ýhоUlсlеr edg]ng, YoU Will now have

7О |74|78|В2] ýtS оп the need]e,

ISt RoW. Р2, - k2, р2, rер from ' to end,,1St row SetS position of riЬ,

Nёхt RоW. Bib 2, caýt otl 1 St, rib to end.

Next RоW. Rib to last 2 StS, cast оп 1 St, riЬ

2.Wоrk 2 rowý in rib.

cast off iп rib.

то мАкЕ UP

fьr WaShing and fudhеr саrе inýtructions,

edoe, Fold SleeVeS n half lengthways, thenplacing folds to Shoulder Seams, SeW Sleeve

tops into агmhоlеS matching the 414:5:6]

decrease roWS оп the body to the 4 [4:5:6]

dесгеаSе roWS marked at the Ьеglппiпg of the

Sleeve top. Join Side and Sleeve Seams. SeW

on buttons, Рiп out garment to the

mеаSUrеmепt given апd сочеr With dampcloihs Until dry (rеfеr to ра9е 2), See ball Ьапd


work as oiven for the Back ofin Red,

Fisherman Ered

FноNтWork aS given

Red to -',

Work 2 |8:9:В]

for Frопt of Fishеrmап Fred in

rоWS Straight п patt,

Neck ShapingВеglппiпg W]th the rght Side of the Work

facing you, cjivide for the neck as ioilows:- patt

21 |24|26|27], turn, Slip rеmапiпg 22 [25:27|

28] StS onto а Stitch holder. Yоu Will соmеback to these 22 [25i27:2В] StS Iater to Wоrk

the seconci side of песk. patt 1 row back,

Wоrk 2 [4|6i6] rоWS decreasing 1 St at neck

edge in every rоW YoU Wi l now have 19 [20:

20:21]StS оп the needle.

Work 1] [9:7:7] гоWs decreasing 1 St at песk

edge iп 1St апd every following аltегпаtе rоW,

You Will поW have 1З [15i16:17] StS оп the

пееdlе,Work 5 I5|5:9] roWS Stl,aight,

Next RоW. Patt З [2:3:2], m1, (patt 3 |З]З:2],

m1) 2 [4:З:6] tirnes, patt 4 [1:4iЗ], YoU Wil llow

have 16 [2Оi20:24] StS оп the needle,

Shoulder Edgingchange to уоUг Sma lеr

aS folloWS:-

1st Row. К] , р2, ^ k2,

St, k],2пd RоW. Р1, ' k2, р2, rер from " to last

З StS, k2, р] ,

]St апd 2nd rоWS form rЬ,Next RoW. Bib 4 [5:5:6], caýt otf 1 St, ril] 4 [6:

6;8], cast off 1 St, rib 4 [5:5:6],

Next RоW. Bib 5 [6:6:7], cast оп 1 St, riЬ 5 [7:

7]9], cast оп ] St, rib 4 [5:5:6],

Work 2 гоWS in rib, cast otf in rlЬ,

то wоrk the second s de of the neck геtuш the

22 [25:27i28] StS ]eft оп а StitCh hоldеr onto

the main пееd е. With right Side of the Wогk

tac гg you, 5l р l1p lп ST St о-lо а , d'e] / oill,

rejoin уаrп and patt to end, YoU Wi]l now havc

21 |24|26|271StS оп the need]e, Patt 1 гоW

back,Work 2 [4i6:6] roWS decreasillg 1 St at neck

edge iп every row You Will now have ] 9 [20:

20:2 ]] StS оп the needle,

Work 1 ] [9:7:7] rоWS decreasil]g J St а1 lre(jk

edge lп 1St and ечеrу foilow п9 altelllaie гоW,

YoU WilI now have 13 [] 5:16:17] StS оп the

needle,Work 7 [7:7:1]] гоWS Stгaight,

CaSt off in patt.

sLEEVES (Both alike)Work аý 9 Vеп fоr SleeVeS of Fishernlan Fred

in Red.

NEcKBANDJoin the right Shot]lder Seam. USiпg yol]r

Sгпаllеr need eS pick Up апd knit StS fоr

песkЬапd aS tol]oWSl-

With the right Side of the Work facing yotr, pick

Up апd knit 4 StS еVепlу down S]de edge of

Shou der edging and 22 [26iЗ0:34] StS evellly

down ]eft Side of front neck, knit St lгоm Sately

pin at froпt of песk, 25 [27:31 lЗ5] StS even у

Up right S de of frопt песk, 6 [6:8:8] StS evellly

down right Side of back neok, 9 |1 1:1З]] З] SlS

left оп а stitch holder at back ol песk, б slsevenly Up left S de of back пеоk апd 4 StS

ечеп]у Up Side edge of Shou der Sllаp rlg. YotlPlacing lett front ShоUldеrback Shoulder edging join

edg]ng over left

together at Side

needles апd

р2, rер {rопl


' to last

/, _] l

Page 25: Sublime 631

Will now have 77 [85:97|105] sts on theпееdlе,

1st BoW. (Р2, k2) 12 [1Зi'15:16] times, р1,iпSеп пееdlе purlways through back of 2nd St

then ]St 51 and Slip both sts off the need]e tog,purl next St then paSS 2 Slipped Sts tog overpud St, р1, (k2, р2) б 17:8:9] tirnes, You Will

поW have 75 [8З:95;,10З] StS оп the пбеdlе,

2пd RoW. (К2, р2) 6 [7:8:9] times, inseltneedle knitways into 2nd and then 1St St апdSlip both StS of the needle tog, knit next St

2З [26:29:Зl]сm9 |10%|11У2:121iп\

fiеп paSS 2 Sl'pped StS tog ove. kn{ St,

\р2, k2) 12 [13:15:16] times, You wi]l nowhave 7З [81|9З:10]] sts оп the needle.

зrd RоW. RiЬ to 3 Sts at centre of v insert

needle pudways through back of 2пd then 1St

st апd Slip both sts off the пееdlе tog, pur

neХt St then pass 2 Slipped StS over purl St

tog, rib to last 4 StS, cast off 1 St (buttonhole),

rib2, You Wil] поW have 70 [78:90;98] StS опthe needle,4th Rоw. К2, cast оп ] St, r]Ь to end

23 [26:29:Зl]сm9 |1O%:11|z:12]in|

decreasing 2 StS at cent[e of V as betore. YouWill now have 69 17|89:97] sts on the needle,

sth RоW. Rib to end, decreasing 2 StS atcentre of v as before, you will поw have67 [75i87:95] StS оп the need|e,

cas,t off in rib,

то мАкЕ UPlvake Up aS given fог То Make Up ofFisherman Fred ]п Bed,




-сб 'Lг)

бгc2sNNФrNЁýýс\] х

б'Фaо '..с) {.]NNсогсо-с!гýýNБ


Page 26: Sublime 631

Runaway rib jacketand cardieworked in Sublime ЬаЬу cottonkapok dk

you will also need1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) KnittingNeedles for the mаiп knitting (or the sizerequired to give the correct tension).1 pair of 3У4mm (UK10 - UsАЗ) KnittingNeedles for the edgings (or а needle 2 sizesSmaller than you use for the mаiп knitting).1 3/лmm (UK10 - USАЗ) 80cm circularNеёdlе if required for the border (or аneedle 2 Sizes smaller than уоч чsе for themаiп knitting).4 [4:5:5] buttons.

TENSloNPlease take а litt е t rпе поW to knit а Stockingstitch tens оп Square. USing 4mm needlescast оп 22 stitches and Work 28 rows instocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl). Thisshould поW mеаSчrе 10сm, (4in) square. lf


то Fit chest

Actual size

Fчll Length

sleeve Length

















MATERlALsRчпаwау rib jacketКOl З SчЫimе ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkShade ,l

5,1 porridgeRunaway rib cardieКOlЗ Sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkshade 155 tin soldier

your Square Sn't the correct Width p]ease rеfеr

to page 2,

ABBREvlATloNSсm cent гпеtrеS, dec decrease(ing),dk double knitting, g grаmmеS, in nch(es),

inc increase(ing), k knit, mm rп llimetres,

0 по roWS, р рuгl, rep repeat, st(S) Stitch(es),

tog together,КДоg пSеd the r ght hand пееd е through the2nd and lst stitches оп the eft hand needleand knit them together to fоrm а Single Stitch,

Paog nsert the г ght hand need е рчrlWауSthrot]oh the 1st and 2nd stitches on the lett

hand need]e and pur them together to fоrm аs nole stitch,

Wrap 1 Sl р next St tch onto r ght hand needleand take уаrп to opposite Side of Work

between need eS, Slip Sаrпе Stitch back опtоleft hand пееdlе.

circle tho Size уоч Wish to make


US ng your ýmаllеr needles cast оп 59 [65:69:75] StS,


3 4



4 50g ballS

50g balls

,1х1 rib1st RoW (th S W l Ье the r ght SideWork - rS ),

- К1, р1 , rер from ' to2пd RоW. Р1, ' k1, р1, [ер from -

These 2 roWS fоrп] 1х1 rb,Work 7 roWS п 1х] rib,

1oth RоW (decrease row). Р4 [4:2:5], p2tog,

(р5 [6:7:7], p2to9) 7 t]n,eS, р4 [З|2i5], You Wil

now have 5] [57:61:67] StS оп the needle.cha,]ge to !oLr п",1 пееоlеS аго beg nllngWth а knt rоW Work in Stocking St tch for therеmа пdеr of the back as fo lows;-continue чпti the back measures 14 []6:19;24]сг|, (51/, [6|д.7|2:9%]п), f nishing after аpurl rоW So that the righi S]de of Work facesyou fo/ tГe beginni19 of lhe аrтrоlе SГарiпg,

The back Should measure approx rлаtе у23 [26:28|31]cm, (9 [10% i1 ] : ]2]in) across atth S point,

Shape ArmholesWой 5 |5:6;6] roWS dec 1 St atevery rоW, YоU Will now have 4]оп the needle,Wоrk on these 41 [47:49:55] StS until theаrгпhоlеS measure 10 []2:1Зi14]сm, (4 ИЗlа:

5/a:57rlin) Straight down from the top of the

of thelast St, k1 ,

to end.

each епd of

[47:49;55] StS



Page 27: Sublime 631

needle to the beg nning of the аrmhо]еShapin9 (don't mеаSUrе around the сUrче),f]nShing after а pur rоW.

shape Shoulderscast ofi б [7:6:8] StS at beginning of next2 rоWS, YoU Wil поW have 29 [ЗЗ:З7:З9] StS опthe needle,cast ofi б [7:7:8] StS at Ье9iппiп9 of next2 roWS, YoU Wil поW have J 7 J19:23:2З] StS опthe need е.

cast otf rema п пg 1 7 []9 2З:23] StS,

LEFT FRONTUS пg уочr SmаlеrЗ4i36] StS,

needles cast оп 28 [З2i

rоw yоu w ]l nowneed е.

Fоr all 4 Sizes

follow пg 4th row, Yоu Wil поW have 12 [14:]Зi]6] StS оп the needle,

continue Unt l right front measures Same aSBack to аrrпhо]е, f nishing аftеr а рUd rаW'

Armhole ShapingNext BoW. Knit to ast 2 StS, k2tog (arnrhoeedge), YoU Wi поW have 2З [26:28:Зl]StS опthe need е.

Next HoW. P2tog, pur to end, YoU W l поWhаче 22125|27|3a) StS ап the пееdlе,

Front shaping

row. Yоч Wl поW have ]6 []8:2З] StS оп theneedle.

Fоr all 4 sizes

Rib1st RоW {this Wi]l Ье theWоrk - rs), К1 , (р1, k]) 54 times, р1

2nd RoW. К] , (р2, k2) 45 [7:8:9] times, р,1.These 2 roWS form rЬ,

right Side of

[7iВi9] times,

times, (р1, k1)

Shape ShoulderNext RоW. cast otfyou wil поw have 6Next RоW. РUrl,

cast off rеmа ning 6

6 [7:6:В] Sts, kn t to end,

[7:7:8] StS on the needle,

[7:7:8] StS,

(р2 k2)

Work 7 rоWs iп rb,,loth HoW (decrease row). Р4 [З 4:5], p2to9.(р4 |а 4|6], p2tog) З [4:4:3] times, р4 [З|4|5].YoU W ll поW have 24 [27:29:З2] StS оп theneed е.

С-а,9е to }oul main.]eedles dnd oe9l1,1i-9With а knit rоW Work in Stocking Stitch for theremainder of the eft front as fo lows:сопt]пuе until left frопt rneasures same asBack to аrrпhоlе, finishing after а purl rоW

Armhole ShapingNext BoW. K2tog (аrmhо]е edge), knit to endYоu Wil now have 2З [26:28:3]]StS оп theneedle,Next RoW. Рчr to last 2 StS, p2tog, YoU Wi l

поW have 22 125:27:З0] StS оп the needle.

Frопt Shaping

RlGHT FRоNтUsing your Sma еr need eS cast оп 28 [З2:34:З6] StS,

follow ng 4th гоW,

13:16] StS оп theYou Wil поW have ]2 [14ineedle

Rib1St Rоw (this

Work - rs), РТ

8:9] times, k],2nd Rоw. РТ,4 t mes, kl,These 2 roWS

Wi | Ье the

, (k2, р4 а

(k1, р1) 5

fоrгп r Ь,

rght Side oftimes, (k1 р1)5 [7:

[7:В:9] t nTeS, (k2, р2)

Shape ShoulderNext RоW. cast otfyou wll поw have 6Next RoW. Knitcast off rегпаiп по 6

Work Straight untjl аrmhо е measures Sаmе aS

Back armhole to Shoulder Shap ng, f nish п9after а knt row

6 [7:6|8] StS, purlto епd,

[7:7:8] StS оп the пееdlе,

[7i7;Bl sts,

SLEEVES (Both alike)Using your Smaller need eS cast оп Зб |З6:40i40] StS

1St RоW (this Wi l Ье the right Side of the Work

- rS), К1, (р1 , k1) 5 [5i6|6] t nTeS, (р2, k2)

З trеS, р2. (k', р])5 |Ь:6:6] ti.nes, kl2nd HoW. Р1, (k ], р])5 [5:6:6] t гпеS, k2,

Work 7 roWS пriЬ,'t oth RoW (decrease rоW). Р4 [Зi4i5], p2tog,(р4 [4:4:6], p2tog) З [4|4|З] tmes, р4 [Зi4i5],YoU Will поW have 24 [27|29lЗ2] StS оп theneedle,СГапgе to /o-r гга 1 ^eed eS агd oe9l1,] -gWith а kn]t rоW Work in Stocking Stitch for the

lг ечеrу.оW Al SAME l Vtr dec l SI at 1опI

edge п ]St апd fol owing alternate row, YoUWll now have 17 120|21|24) StS on the needle,

Foгlst,3rd and 4th Sizeý опlуWork З [6:2] rоWS dec ] st at front edge опу

have 16 |18i23] StS on theг 2^о ''51:'1Stl a.d e\enr''o оW,гg 0 |2гd:0

Wоrk 1З [22:17;25l rоWS dec 1 St at front Wo"k 3 [3:4:4l roWS dec ' St at f,огt edge in

edge оп у n 1St [2nd:] St:]St] and every ]St and fo lowing aternate row АТ SAME TllV]E

dec 1 St at armhole edqe in every rоW You Wi l

Work Straight uпt l аrmhоlе rпеаSurеS Same aS

поW have 17 [20:21 :24] StS оп the needle,

Fоr 1st, Зrd and 4th sizes onlyBack аrmhо е to Shoulder Shaping, f nish п9аftеr а purl rоW. Work З [6:2l roWS оес l St аI frо1I edge огlV

]п 2nd [1Stil St] and every fo lowing 0 [2nd:0]

wоlл 1З I22|,7|25] loWS dec l Sl al'ro1ledge оп у ]п 1St [2nd:l St:T St] and every


Work З [З:4:4] roWS dec ] St at аrгпhоlе edge remainder of the rioht front as fo lows:

Page 28: Sublime 631

Work 7 rows in rit],,loth BoW (decrease row). Rib to end dec] [1 :З|1] StS evenly асrоSS row YoU Will nowhave З5 [З5:37:З9] StS оп the need е,

Change Io /oJ, mа ^ ,eedles and t]eg п1,19

Wth а kп t row Work п Stocking Stitch for therегпаiпdеr of the sleeve as folows:-Wо.k 27 [15 15:7l rows i,]c' St at еас1 end of3rd апd every folowing бth [4th:4th:4th] row(there Will Ье 5 [З|З|З] rоWS

each псrеаSе row). YoU Wil45i4З] sts on the needle,

Work [Т 8:24:42] roWS inc 1 St at each end oiбth and еVегу fo lowinq бth rоW (there W ll Ье5 rоWS Straight between each ncrease rоW),

Yo- wi по,,! цоче [l9,5З,57] StS on Ihe

Work Without further Shaping unti Sleeve S

15 [17|20|24]сm, (6

аftеr а рчrl rоW'

shape Sleeve Тор

finish пq[67z:8:9/zln),

Work 5 [5:6:6] rоWS dec ] St at each end ofevery row, Yоu Wil поW have 35 [З9:41:45] StS

оп the need е,place mаrkеr threads at each end of ast row,

These 5 [5|6 6] roWS W]l match to 5 [5|6i6]decrease roWS оп body When SeW ng thes eeve into armhole,

Work 1 [1i0:0] roWS Straiqht,

cast off З StS at beg ппiпg of each of the next4 [4i4 6] roWS, Yоu Will now have 2З [27|29i27] StS оп the needle,

cast ofi З [4:З:4] sts at Ьеgiпп ng of each ofthe next 4 {4iбi4] roWS, You W ll поW have]1 StS оп the пееd е,

cast otf remaining ] ] StS,

(р2, k2)

These 2

Fоr 2nd, Зrd and 4th Sizes опlу

Fоr all 4 si2es


US пg уоUг ma п needles cast оп 17 StS.

1St RoW. (Р1 , k] ) 4 times, (р2, k2) twice, р] .

2пd ВоW' К1, (р2, k2) twce, (р1, k])4 times,

These 2 roWS form r Ь,

СопtiпUе in гiЬ Until pocket measures бсm,(2/, п), f п Shing after а 2nd гоW of r Ь,

oast off iп rib,

воRDЕRJoin both Shoulder SeamS then using уоurSma] е[ need eS оr с rсUlаг need е if requiredp]ck up and kn]t Stý for Ь,оrdеr aS foloWS:

With right Side of the Work fac ng you andStarting at lower edge o,f right front pick Up

and kn t 9 StS evenly цр rib, 25 [З1 ]41 :49] Stý

ечеп у up Straight edge, 27 [ЗЗi35iЗ9] StS

even у Up Shaped edge, 2З [25:29|29] StS from

17 []9:2З:2З] cast off StS at back of песk,27 [33:35:З9] StS evenly down Shaped edge,25 [31:41:49] StS ечепlу down Straight edgeand 9 StS ечеп у down r Ь. You Wi l поW have145 [171 :199:22З] StS оп the пееdlе,1St How. (Р1, k1) 7 I8:11il З] t]mes р1,(k2, р2) 8 [9:10|11]times, k2, р1, (k1, р])2з З0, j4:З8] lrrеS,"2 \р2, k2) 8[q1011]t mes, р1, (k], р1)7 [8 1]:]З] times,,1St

гоW forms position of riЬ,

Next RоW. Rib 86 [10]:]17i']З0], Wгар 1,


Next HoW. Rib 27 [31:З5|З7], Wrар 1

Next HoW. Rib З0 [34:З9:41], Wrap ]

Next RоW. Rib ЗЗ [37i4Зi45l, Wrар 1

betore iп each Wrap rоW Wrap 1, turп,

Next RоW. Rib to end,

Fоr а girlNext Rоw. RiЬ to last З2 [ЗВi49i57] StS, castofi 1 St, (rib 7 [9:9:11], cast off 1 St) З [З;4;4]times, rib З

Next RоW. R Ь 4, cast оп 1 St, (rib 8 [10:10:12l, cast on 1 St) 3 [З]4l4] t]mes, rib to end,

Fоr а ЬоуNext RоW. R]Ь 4, cast ofi 1 St, (rib 7 [9:9|] ]],

cast off 1 St) З [3:4 4l t rлеS, riЬ to end,Next RоW. R Ь to ast 28 [З4i44:52] StS, castоп Т ýt, (rib В [10:10:12], cast оп 1 St) З [З:4:4] times, r]b 4,

Fоr а girl or ЬоуWоrk 2 roWS in riЬ,

Next Rоw. (Р1, kl) 7 [8il l il З] times, р1,(k2, р2) 8 [9:10:] 1] tirnes, k2, (р ] , k]) 5 [7:8i9]t mеS, (inc in next St рUгIWауS, k], р1 , k]) 6 [8|

9i10] tmes, iпс iп next St рUrWауS, (k1, р1)6 [/:8:9] tiтes, "2, (р2_ k2) 8 [9 l0: ' '] 1 nes,р1 , (k1 , р1) 7 [В:1 1 :1З] times, You Will поWhave 152 []80|209i2З4] StS оп the needle,cast ofi in pattern,

то мАкЕ UрJo n S de and Sleeve Seams, SeW S]eeve topslnto аrrпhоlеS matching the 5 [5 6:6] decreaseroWS оп the body to the 5 [5]6i6] decreaseroWS marked at the Ьеg ппiпg of the S eevetop. SeW on pocket aS i lustrated. SeW on

3 t]mes, (р1, k1)

rows fоrm rib,

5 [5i6:6] times, р1

Stra ght betweennow have 45 [4З:

(refer to ра9е 2),

and further саrе




LEFT FRОNТWork aS giчеп for Left Front ot Runaway RiЬJacket,

RlGHT FRоNтWоrk aS oiven for Right Front of RuпаWау Bib

buttons. Рiп out оаrmепt to the measurementgiven апd сочеr With damp cloths Unt l dry

See ball band for WaSh]ng



Work aS given for Back of RUпаWау R Ь

Wоrk ]2 гоWs Work пq З [4:4:4l StS more aS .]acket,



Page 29: Sublime 631

sLEEvEs (Both aiike)Work аS g]чеп for Sleeves of RUпаWау BibJacket,


Work aS given for Patch Pocket of ВчпаWауRib Jacket,

воRDЕRJoin bothJоlп DoTn sпочlоеr seams tnen uslng your

Sглаllеr needles оr circular needle pick Up andShoUlder then USing

kп t sts fоr Ьоrdеr as follows:-With right s de of the Work fac ng you andStarting at lоWеr edge of dght front pick Up

апd kп t 9 Sts ечепlу Uр r]b, 25 [31 |41 |49] StS

ечег у Up Straighl edge, 27 [ЗЗ:З5:З9] ST5

evenly up Shaped edge, 2З [25i29:29] StS from

17 [19;2З:23] cast off StS at back of песk,27 [ЗЗ]З5|З9] StS ечепlу dоWп shaped edge,25 [З1 ;41 :49] StS evenly down Straight edgeand 9 StS evenly dоWп rib. You Wil поW have

42:46] times, k2, (р2, k2) 6(kl , р1) 7 [В:l1il З] times,2nd RоW. (К1, р1)7 Вi1'1;1(р2, k2) 6 [7:8;9] t nres, р2,46] times, k1 , р2, (k2, р2) 6(р1 , k1) 7 [8:1 1|13] times,These 2 roWS torm rib.

Work ,1 row iп r Ь.

Fоr а girlNext BoW. R:о 4, cast о4 . St, {riЬ 7 [9:9:11].

[7|8:9] times, р1,

3] tirnes, k],(k1, р1) З1 [З8:42:[7|8|9] t mes, kl ,

tin,]es, rib to end,28 IЗ4:44:52] StS, cast2], cast оп 1 St) 3l3:4:

off 1 st, (rib 7 [9i9:11], cast off 1 St) З [Зi4:4]times, rib 3,

Next RoW. Rib 4, caSJ оп 1 St, (rib 8 [10|10|12], cast оп ] St) З [З:4i4] tmes, rib to end.

Fоr а girl or ЬоуWork з roWS пr]Ь,cast otf п rib,

то мАкЕ UPJoin Side and Sleeve Seams, SeW S]eeve topsinto аrгпhоlеS matching the 5 15i6;6] decreaseroWS on the body to the 5 [5|6i6] decreaseroWS marked at the beginning of the Sleevetop. SeW on pocket aS llustrated. SeW оп

cast off 1 St) З [З:4:4]Next RoW. Rib to lastоп 1 St, (rib 8 []0i]0:14] times, гiЬ 4,

Fоr а ЬоуNext RоW. RiЬ to last з2 [З8:49:57] StS, casi

(refer to page 2),

and fufther care

buttons, Р п out garrnent to the гпеаSurеmепtgiven and cover With damp cloths Until dry

See Ьа] band for Washingiпstructions,











tЁ2З [26:28:31]сm9 [10%:1

'1 :12]in)




45 [171:199|22З] StS оп the Rоw. (Р1 , k1) 7 [8:1 1i,]3] times, р1 ,

(k2, р2) б ri8:9] times, k2, р], (k], рl)З1 [3В:

Page 30: Sublime 631

Stripey Golf Sweaterand Spotty GolfTankworked iп Sublime ЬаЬу cottonkapok dk

you will also need1 Palr of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needlesfor the mаiп kn tting (оr the ýize required tog ve the соrrесt tenS оп).1 Ра r of 3%mrп (UK10 - USАЗ) Knitt пgNeed eS 'о. Ihе edg.9S lol а ,]eedle 2 S,/eSSmаlеr than you use for the main kn tting),Sttch Hoders.

TENSloNP ease tаkе d l l, - ll] е no$/ lo \гit а rегS опSquare Using 4mm needles cast оп 22Stitches and Work 28 roWS in stocking Stitch(1 row knit, 1 row purl) ThiS Should measure1ocm, (4iп), Square, lf уоUr Square Sn't thecorrect Width р ease rеfеr to ра9е 2,

slzEsто Fit chest

Асtчаl size

Full Length

Sleeve Length

MATERlALsStripey Golf SweaterК013 sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkmain shade 155 tin soldiercontrast shade 156 ricssporty Golf TankКOl З Sublime ЬаЬу cotton kapok dkshade 154 Ьеаkёr

ABBREvlATloNsсm centimetres, С contrast, dk doub]e knitting,g grammes, in inch(es), k knit, М main,mm rnillimetres 0 по rоWS, р purl, rep rереаt,st(S) Stitch(eS), tog togetherK2tog insert the r ght hапd need е through the2nd and 1st stitches оп the left hand пееd еand kn t thern together to form а Sing е St]tch,

P2to9 ]nset the right hand needle purlwaysthrough the 1St and 2nd Stitches оп the left

hand needle and purl them together to fоrrп аSing е Stitch.P2sSo paSS 2 S ipped Stitches очеr - paSS the2 S ipped Stitches frоm the r]ght hand need]eover the St]tch or Sttches you have ]UStWorked.

circle the size you Wish to make


54 162:70|74] StS.

1St RoW. (th S Wil Ье the r ght Side of the























50g ballý50g ball

50g balls

2nd RoW. " Р2, k2, rер from - to last 2 StS,

р2-These 2 rоWS fоrm 2х2 rib.

Using С, Wоrk 2 rоWs in 2х2 r Ь.

Uslng lVI, Work 2 roWS п 2{2 r Ь.Using С, Work 2 roWS in 2х2 riЬ,

Using М, Work ] row in 2х2 гiЬ,

1oth RоW. {decrease rоW), USng t\,4, рб {6:2:6], p2tog, (рВ [6:6:8], p2tog) 4 [6]8:6] t mes,

рб [6|2|6], YoU W ll поW have 49 [55|61:67] StSоп the need е-

change to уоUr main needles and Using М,Wоrk in pattern aS follows:-1St RoW. К12 []4:16|19], р1 , k2З 125|27:27l,р1, k12 [14:16|]9].2nd RоW. Р11 [1З:l5ilВ] kЗ, р21 12З|2525],kЗ, р11 [13:15|]В].Зrd RoW. К]0 |12|14|17], р2, k], р2, kl9 [21|2З|2З], р2, kl, р2, k10 [12il4i17],4th BoW. Р9 [1 1 :13i16], k2, р3, k2, р17 [19|21|21), k2, рЗ, k2, р9 [11i]З:] 6]

sth Rоw. К8 [10:]2i15], р2, k5, р2, k15 [17:19:19], р2, k5, р2 k8 ПOi']2;15]


usinq уоur smаllеr needles and lv] caýt on

бth RоW. Р7 [9:11:14], k2, р7, k2, рlЗ []5|Wo'k - rS), ^2 ' р2_ |,2_ rер to,] ,

to еlо, 17|17], k2, р7 , k2, р7 |9:] 1:14],


Page 31: Sublime 631

Wor[ г pattern ъt lhe rernal,]der o'the Ьdсk Work 3 [З:4:4] roWS decreasing 1 St atаrmhоlе edoe in every row АТ SAME T|ME

7th RоW. AS 5th rоW.

8th RоW. AS 4th rowgth RоW. AS Зrd row1oth BoW. Р1] []З:]5:]8], kЗ, р21 [2З125:25], k3, р']] [1Зil5i18].These 10 гоWS Set pattern,

aS fol]oWS:-

СопtiпUе Unti back measures ]4 []7:20|25]сrп, (51lz lбУriВigЗ/а]п), finish]ng аftеr аWrопg Side row So that the right Side of Workfaces you fоr the beginning of the агmhо еShaping,The back ShoULd measure approximatey2З [25;2В:ЗO]сm, (9 [9Зlа:]1:11Зlа]iп) асrоSS atth S ро nt, '-

49:55l sts оп the пееdlе-Work on these З9 [45|49|55] StS unti armholesmеаSUге ]0 [1 ]:12i]З]сm, |4 [4Уа|4З/а|5Уа]iп)Straight dow- from top о'needle to beginlingof armhole Shaping (don't mеаSчrе around thecurve), finishing аftеr а Wrопg Side row

shape ShoulderScast ofi 5 [6:6:8] sts in pattern at beginning ofnext 2 roWS, YoU Will now have 29 [З3i37i39]StS оп the needle,cast ofi б [7:7:8] sts in pattern at beginning ofnext 2 rоWS. YoU Will поW have 17 []9i23|2З]sts оп the needle.cast off rегпаiпiпg 17 [19:2З:23] StS п pattern

FRоNтwork the front as oiven for the Back to

Shape Armhole and NeckВеgiппiпg With the right Side of the Worktac пg you Shape аrmhоlеS and divide fo[ theneck aS fo loWS:- K2tog, (аrmhоlе edge),patte[n 22 [25:2В:31], turn, Slip rеrпаiпiпg

25 [28:З1 :З4] StS опtо а St tch hоldеr. You W ll

соmе back to these sts later to work thesecond side of the neck, you vvill поw hаvе23126|29:З2] StS on the needle.Next HoW. Pattern to last 2 StS, p2tog. YoUWil now have 22 [25:28]З1l StS оп the needle,

decгeasing 1 St at песk edge ]п ]St andfollow]ng aternate rоW YoU Wil now have17 [20:22|25] StS on the needle,Work 7 [7:12:,10] roWS dесrеаSпg 1 St at песk

alternate row]4 [17:16|20]

you w ll поw havests on the пееdlе,


shape ShoulderNext Row. cast offpattern to end, YoUоп the needle,Next RоW. Pattern.cast ofi remainino 6то wогk the second25 [28|31|34] StS left

5 [6:6i8] StS iп pattern,

WilI now have б [7i7:8l sts

[7:7|8] StS in pattern,

s de of the neck return theоп а stitch holder onto

Using your Smаllеr needles апd М, cast опЗ8 [42:42:46] StS,,lst RоW. (this Wi l Ье theWork - rs), US пg N,4, k2,end,2nd RоW. - Р2, k2, rep from - to ast 2 StS

р2,These 2 roWS fоrm 2х2 r Ь,

Using С, Work 2 roWS in 2х2 rib,

Using N,4, Wоrk 2 roWS iп 2х2 riЬ,

Using С. Work 2 roWS in 2Y2 rib,

,1Фh RoW. (dесrеаSе row), using N/], р2 [2:4:4],

Using N/], Wоrk ] row п 2х2 rb,

p2tog, (рб [4]6:4],

р2 [2|4l4], You Wil

p2tog) 4 [6]4:6] t гпеS,

now have ЗЗ [З5:З7:З9] StS

change to 4mm needles and USiпg П,4, Workthe rегпа nder oi the Sleeves in Stocking SttchaS follows:-Work 4 roWS Straight.Wоrk 2 [29:25: l7l .oWS |nc€asing 1 St ateach end of 1St and every folowing20th [14thi8thi8th] rоW (there Will Ье ]9 [1Зi7i7] rоWS Straght between each increase rоW),

YoU W ll поW have 37 |41 :45|45] StS оп the

edge in 2nd [2nd:lSt|]St] and every fоlоWiпg

Work 7 [7i12]10] roWS decreasing ,1 St at neck

edqe огlу,п 2nd [2nd:'5I:'bi] and everyfo lоWпg alternate rоW You W]l] now have14 [,]7il6i20] StS оп the пееd]е,

Wогk 9 [1З:9]1З] roWS decreasing ] Si at neckedge in ,]St and ечеry following 4th row, YoU

Wl now have 11 [1З|13:]6] StSontheneedle,Wогk Sтa]ght Until front аrrпhоlе rпеаSUrеS theSame as Back агmhоlе, finish]ng after а right

S de rоW

Shape shoulderNext BoW. cast offpattern to end, Yоuоп the пееdlе,.Next RoW. Pattern,cast ofi remaining 6

5 [6;6;8] StS in pattern,

Wil now have б [7:7:8] StS

|7i7:8] StS pattern.

r ght Side of the-

р2, k2, rер from " to

Work 9 [1З|9:1З] roWS decreasng 1 St at neckedge in 1St and every following 4th гоW' YouW l поW 1ave 1 ' [1з:l З '6' StS оr tl^e 'leedle,Shape Armholes

Work 5 [5:6 бl ,oWS dесrеаSгg ] ST dI еасп Wоrk Straight Unti front агmhоlе гпеаSUrеS the SLEEVES (Both alike)eno of every row YoU W ll now l,ave З9 |45: same as Back armhole, f n Shing after а Wrong

Side rоW.

уоUr main need е, With the right Side of of theWork facino you Slip the first St onto а Safety

р]п and leave at сепtrе of neck, Yоч Will соmеback to this sttch later for the neckband,Rejo п уаrп to the rегпаiпiпg 24 [27:30:ЗЗ] StS

and pattern to last 2 StS, k2tog, YоU Will поWhave 2З [26:29:32] StS оп the needle,Next BoW. P2tog, pattern to end, YoU Will

поW have 22 [25i2Вi31] StS оп the needle,Work З [З|4|4] roWS decreasing 1 St at песkedge in 1st and fo low]ng aternate row АТSАп/Е TllvlE deoreas по 1 st at аrгпhоl-а edoei'l every row, YoU Wy' поw have 17 [20:22:25]


sts оп the needle,

Page 32: Sublime 631


roWS Stra ght between eachWill поW have И7:51]ýtS оп

2пd RоW. Using М, (k2, р2) 8 [8|9;10] t mеS,k], ]nsed rght hand neede through 2nd then1St Stitch оп eft hand needle and Sl р both StS

off пееdlе together, k], p2SSo, k], (р2, k2)

14 [14i16:17] times, You Wl поW have 91 [91i10З:111] Stý On the needIe,

Зrd RоW. Using С, (р2, k2) 14 [14:16:17]tirnes, nsert right hand needle through back of2пd then 1st stitch оп ]eft hand needle апdSlp both StS off need е together, р1, thепp2sso, (k2, р2) В [В|9|10] tmes, YoU Wi nowhave 89 [89:101: l09] SlS оп the гееdlе,4th RoW. Using С, (k2, р2) 7 [7:8:9] times, k2,

р1, пSеd right hand пееd е through 2пd then]St Stitch оп left hапd needle and Slip both StS

off needle together, k1 , p2SSo, р1, k2, (р2, k2)

1З [13i15:16] times, You Will now have 87 [87:99:107] Sts оп the пееd е,

5th RоW. Using П/, (р2, k2) 1З [1З:15:16]times, р2 insert right hand needle throughback of 2nd then ]st st tch оп eft hand пееdlеand Slip both StS ofi need е togethei р1, thenp2SSo, р2, (k2, р2) 7 [7:8:9] tirпеS, Yоu W l

поW have В5 [В5:97:105] Sts оп the needle,бth RoW. Usi^g N,l (k2, о2) / [/:В:9] tlnes, k',insed right hand needle thгough 2пd then ]StSt]tch оп left hand пееd е and Slip both StS off

пееdlе together, 1,1, p2SSo, k1, (р2, k2)

1З [1З;15:]6]timеS, YoU Wi]l now have 83 [8Зi95il OЗ] StS оп the needle.Usinq М, cast off in rib,

то мАкЕ UPJo]n left shou der and neckband seams. sewS eeves lnto armholes matching the 5 [5:6:6]decrease rоWS on body to the 5 {5:6i6]decrease roWS mаrkеd at the beg пп ng of theSleeve top, SeW SleeVeS п posit оп, Jo п S]de

and Seeve Sеаг]S, Din oJt garment Iо The

rneasurement given, соvеr w]th damp с oths

and leave Until dry (геfеr to page 2), See Ьа]

Ьа^о to. WaS-i.9 а.о ,J,, са,е inST.Jcl ons


US пg уоUr Smaler пееd eS cast оп 54 [62:70:74l sts1st RоW' (this Wi l Ье the right Side of theWork ý), К2,' р2, k2, rер frоm * to епd,2nd RoW. - Р2, k2, rер frоm - to last 2 StS

р2,Work 7 rows iп 2х2 rih.

1oth RoW. (decrease row) рб [6:2i6], p2tog(рВ [6:6iВ], p2tog) 4 [6iВ:6] tmes рб [6:2:6].Yоч W l поW have 49 [55:61:67] StS оп theneedle,Change |о yoJ, .rla,l .leedles аго Wo,k |-pattern aS fo]lows:-1st RoW. К12 [14:16:19], р1, k2З |25|27 |27l,

р1, kl2 [14:16:19],2пd RoW. Р11 |13:15:18], kЗ, р21 12З.25|25],kЗ, р1 1 [13:15 18],

3rd RoW. K101121417), р2, kl, р2, k19 [21:2З|2З], р2, kl, р2 k10112:14.1/1-4th Rоw' Р9 [11i13:16], k2, рЗ, k2, р17 [19:21|21] k2, рЗ, k2, р9 [11|13:,16],sth RоW. КВ [10:12i15] р2, k5, р2, kl5 []7i19i19], р2, k5, р2, kB [10i12:15].бth Rоw' Р7 [9:11i14], k2, р7, k2, рlЗ [15i']7i171,k2,p7, k2, р7 [9 11:14],7th Rоw. Аý 5ih rоW.

8th RоW. AS 4th rоW.gth Rоw. As зrd rоW'

1oth RоW. Р11 {1З|15:1В], kЗ, р21 [2З:25:25],kЗ, р]] [] З:]5:18],These 10 roWS Set pattern,

Work in pattern for the remainder of the backaS foloWSi-Сопt]пuе Unti back mеаSuгеS ]2 [15iТВ:2З]аm, (4З/а [6:7i9]in), fjniShin9 after а WrongS de rоW So that the rght s de of Work faces

/oL foпhe beg,n,,]i,,]g о'll^e a,ml,ole S!аргg,The back shоu d measure approximately2З [25:2В:ЗO]сm, (9 |9Зlа:11:11Зlа]iп) асrоss at

Work 5 [5|6|6] roWS decreasing 1 St at each

For Зrd and 4th sizes опlуWol" [l0:З0l lows псrеаSiгg ,

St аI еас1 endо' [,10Ihi'0l1l а,]о every fo lowi,]g [0:1Otl,] row(there Wi l Ье [9i9]псrеаSе row), Youthe need]e.

Fоr all 4 Sizes

15 I17 |2О|24]сп,after а wrопq side

Shape sleeve Тор

егd о'every ,oW, vou Wlll поW have 27 [З' З5:З9] StS оп the needie,place marker thread at each епd of last rowThese 5 15:6:6] roWS Wil match to 5 [5:6:6]decrease roWS оп body When Sewing thesleeves into аrmhоlеs,Work 1 [] |0|0] roWS ýtra ght,

cast ofi 2 StS at beq]nnino of each of next

В |4|12|14] roWS, YoU Wl now have 11 [23i1 ];

11] Sts on the need]e,cast off 3 StS at Ьеgiппiпg of each of next2 [6i2i2] rоWS. YoU Wil поW have 5 StS оп theneedle,cast off rеmаiпiпg 5 StS,

NEcKBANDJoin rght Shoulder Sеагп then p]ck up and knit

StS fоr neckband aS follows:- Wth right Side ofthe Work facing уоu, using уоUr Sma lеrгееdlеS аrо М, рiсл Jp а,]о kгt За [За:З8:42-StS ечепlу down left Side of neck, kn t Stitchleft оп а Safety рiп at front of neck З4 [З4:ЗВi42] StS ечепlу Up right S de of песk and24 |2+2а|2В] StS from ] 7 [19:2Зi23] cast ofiSts at t]ack of neck. YоU Will поW have 93 [9З105il Т З] Sts оп the need е.

1St RоW. Using М, (р2, k2) 14 [14:16:17]tirnes, р5, (k2, р2) В l8igi10l times.

Work Wthout fuгther Shaping Until Sleeve iý(6 [67r:8:97r]in), finishing


Page 33: Sublime 631

Work 2 [4|4 6] rоWS dесrеаSпg ] St at each Wo.[ з rоw" decreas rg 1 SI al 1eck edgeе'lо о[ Aveyow /oJ W ll 1oW l'ave 4 l [4З45:47l sts оп the needle,Wо,k 5 ,ows decleasi,,]g' Si aI each e,d of

alternate гоw. you w l

l sts on the needje,

Work оп these З5 iЗ7:З9 41] StS Unt] аrrпhоlеS neck edge оп у iп 4th Иthi]Sti4th] and everyWork 16 [16:17|20] roWS decreaslng 1 St at

Work Straght until front аrmhоlе mеаSUrеS the

th S point, --

Shape ArmholeScast off 2 [2:4:4] StS at beg ппiп9 of next 2rоWS. YoU Wl now have 45 [51|5З:59] StS опthe need е.

have 19 [19:20:20] StS on the пееdlе,work 5 rows decreasino 1 st at each епd of]St and every folowinq alternate rоW YoU Wi

поW have 13 [1Зi14|14] StS оп the needle.

For Зrd Size опlу

опlу in 2nd rоW. YoU Wll поW have [1З] StS опthe needle,

Fоr all 4 Sizes

fo] owing 4th row. YоUsts оп the needle,

W lL поW have 9 [9|8:9]

Sагпе aS Back агmhоlе, finish пg after а Wrongs de rоW'

Shape ShoulderNext RoW. cast ofi 4 [4:4:4] StS in pattern,pattern to end. Yоu W ll поW have 5 I5:4i5] StS

оп the need еNext BoW. Раttегп.cast off rеmаiпiпg 5 [5:4i5] StS iп раttегп,то work the second side of the песk геturп the25 [28:З1 :З4] sts left оп а stitch hоldеr onto

уоur main needle, With the right Side of o,f theWоrk fac ng уоU S ]р the first St onto а Safetypin and leave at centre of neck, YоU Wil соrпеьасk to this sttch ater for the neckband,Rе]оiп уагп to the rеmа п пg 24 [27iЗO:ЗЗ] StS

and раttегп to end,Next RоW. cast off 2 [2]4i4] StS, pattern toend, YoU W ll now have 22 [25i26 29] Sts onthe needle,Wо,k 2 {д:а,6,rоWS oec,easinq 1 SI dt,ечkedge iп 1St and ечеrу follow пg 0 [2nd:2nd2пd] row А- SAV1E T|ME dec,easing l S- atаrmhо е edge in ечеry row YoU Wi l поW have]9 |19i2oi20] StS оп the пееdlе.Wоrk 5 rows decreas пg 1 St at each епd of1St and every fo lowing aiternate rоW, YoU Will

now have ]З [1Зi14:14] Stsontheneedе.

1St and every fo low пgnow have з5 lз7:з9:41

measure J2 []З:14 ]5]сrп, \4|а |5Уа|5|2,qп)St,aght dow- f,оrг top of -eedle lо Ьеg,гг гgof armhole Shap]ng (don't measure around thecurve), f]n Sh ng after а Wrong Side rоW'

Shape Shoulderscast ofi 4 [4:4:4] StS in pattern at beg nning ofnext 2 roWS, YoU Will поW have 27 [29:Зl:ЗЗ]sts оп the need е.

cast otf 5 [5|4i5] StS iп pattern at beg пп пg ofneХt 2 rows, YoU Will now have 17 [19 2З:23]sts оп the need е.

cast off rеmа п пg 17 [19|2З:2З] StS п pattern,

FBoNTWork frопt aS given for Back to *-

Shape Armhole and NeckВе9 ппiп9 With the right S de of the Wоrkfacing уоu d vide for the песk апd Shapearmho eS aS follows| cast off 2 [2i4|4] StS,

pattern 21 [24:25:2В] turn, slp rеmаiп]пg25 [28i3,1:З4] StS onto а Stitch holder, YoU Will

соmе b,ack to these 25 [28|31|34] StS later towork the second side of the песk, you wi]l

поW have 22 [25:26:29] StS оп the needle,Nёxt BoW. Pattern to епd,Work 2 [4:4|6] rows decreasing ] St atarmhole edqe in every row АТ SAME Тlv]Еdecreasing 1 St at neck edge п 1St and everyfoloW п9 0 [2nd 2nd:2nd] гоW, YoU W]l] поW

3rd RoW. (Р2, k2) 14 [14j16:17] times, insertright hand1St St tchoff needle

need]e throuoh back of 2пd thenоп left hand needle and slip both StS

toqether, р1 , then p2SSo, (k2, р2)

Fоr Зrd Size опlуWor. З roWS dесrеаSlпg l SI а- ^ecL, eogeоп у ]п 2nd row YoU W ll now hаVе []З] sts опthe needle,

Fоr all 4 SizesWork 16 [16:,17:20] roWS decreasing ] St atпесk edge оп у in 4th [4thil Sti4th] and everyfo lowing 4th row. YoU Wil]

sts оп the needle,now have 9 [9 8:9]

Wo,h ST,ag1,I ьпI, frо.1 ar.rhole rеаSUrеS Tl-e

Sarne as Back armhole, fnishing after а Пght

Side rоW

Shape ShoulderNext BoW, cast off 4 [4:4i4]pattern to end, YoU Will поWоп the need е,

StS in раttегп,have 5 [5:4i5] StS

Next RoW. Pattern.cast off rеmа]пiпg 5 [5|4:5] StS iп patteгn.

NEcKBANDJoin right ShoU der seam then pick Up and knit

StS for neckband aS fo lowsi- With right ý de ofthe Work facing уоU, US пg уоUr Sma lerneedles pick Up and kп t З4 [34:ЗВ:42] StS

еVепу down le,ft slde of neck, knit Stitch eft опа Safety pin at front of neck, З4 [З4iЗВ:42] StS

ечеп у Up rqht S de of neck and 24 [24|28:2а]StS frоm 17 [19|2З:2З] cast off StS at back ofпесk, You W lL now have 9З [9З|105|1 1З] StS

оп the needle,1St RoW. (Р2, k2) 14 [14|16|17] times, р5,(k2, р2) 8 [8i9;10] times.2nd RoW. (К2, р2) В [Вi9:10]tirпеS, k], nsertПght hапd needle through 2nd thеп ] St Sttchоп left hand пееdlе and Slip both StS off needletogether, k1, p2SSo, k1, (р2, k2) 14 114|1617)times, YoU WiL поW have 9J [91:10З:111]StSon the needle.


Page 34: Sublime 631

Dress our d vine Frillу [ усаrdiе, with it s prettyshоrt seeves wth all hеrgorgeous white summеrdr-oSS-oS,

:.Jý*lЁrзii r ,lq

This pretty itte cardieis kn tted п easy stockingStiIch wi|r i._lsг а liTte асуedge to make t pretty for

your girliе gids lt s grеаt fоrnewbe асе knltters,



Page 35: Sublime 631

8 [8:9:10] times, You Will now have 89 В9:101:109] StS on the пееdlе,4th RоW. (К2, р2) 7 [7:8:9] times, k2, р1,iпSеrt right hand needle through 2пd then ]stStitch on left hand neвdle and Slip both StS offneedle together, k], p2SSo, р1, V2, (р2, ?а)1З 113:15|16] times. YoU Will поW have 87 [87:99|]07] StS оп the needie.sth RoW. (Р2, k2) 1З [1З:15:16] timвS, р2,insert right hand needle through back of 2ndthen 1St Stitch оп left hand needle апd Slipboth StS off needle together, р1, then p2SSo,

р2, (k2, р2) 7 [7:8:9] times. You Will поW havв

23 [25:28:ЗO]сm(9 [9%:1 1:1 '1зla]in)

85 [85i97i105] StS on the пееd е,бth RоW. (К2, р2) 7 [7|В:9] times, k1 , iлSеdгight hand needle through 2nd then 1St St опleft hand needle and Slip both StS ofi needletogether, kl, p2SSo, kl, (р2, k2) 1З [1З:l5i16]times, YoU Will поW have 8З [8З:95:10З] StS onthe needle,cast off in пь.

ARMHoLE BoRDERS (Both alike)Join left shoulder and neckband seams thenUsing your Smaller needles pick Up and knit stsfor armhole border as follows:- with rs of the

2З [25:28:ЗO]сm(9 [9Зl+:11:117а]iп)

Wоrk facing уоU р ck Up and knit 66 J74:82:86]sts evenly al] round armho]e edge,Starting With 2пd row of 2х2 гiЬ Wогk б roWS.cast off iп rib,

то мАкЕ UрJoin side and armhole Ьоrdеr seams, Р n outgаrm€пt to the measurement given, cover Withdamp cloths and leave until dry (rеfеr to page2), See bal band for Washing and fuгthеr careinstructions.


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Page 36: Sublime 631

S'.BZ"-trhis pretty littleЬоппеt, with it'ssimple embroidered

adds charm toе grrls outfit,

|_1{-f]r, |-11]{r ,l-Clll l Dt r€[

Ьу S,,, al l H:fl,,, l

- i,.,_,l , _

''--- r.:-,_ . -

petalsапу litt




-a lr

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Page 37: Sublime 631


This соо| ,iftle саrd|е requiresсlоsеr inspection - we have

varied the ribs оп the pocketand around The edges to give

that little Subljme design detail],:


Page 38: Sublime 631


неrе s оur fabu ous f]shеrпlа:lsweate[ n ths 1о у nautica,

rеd wth а trendy сrеw песkand З handy buttons (it makes

fe еаs]ег to get ittle wriggleгsin апd out cf t),*ll

Page 39: Sublime 631


lsn't this just the most gorgeousbunting - а fab touch to апуtasteful ЬаЬу s пursеry(and great fun to knit tool)Little br_rntingЬу Sue Batley-Kyle


Page 40: Sublime 631

Оur gorgeously softcotton kapok уаrп makes

this fabulous cosy collaredjacket а must fоr Ьrееzуsummеr mоrпiпg strolls

аlопg the beach.RL",.lл,,у riL lr '^,-

b5l5u,u',, Hatton


Page 41: Sublime 631

The little Ьеll sleeves, with theirdelightfully easy еmЬrоidеrеd

petals, make this pretty oardie аmust for every little girl's wаrdrоЬе


; ]IIa l



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Page 42: Sublime 631

9T;jp:3,;{!S:?: ]:-jM, i ,,,oSuolire|owea' '.М'

,El!i' ,l.

till,iji ,,, t,,,F ,''ii ,_,i}ii,.,ffiiti_.]",}'-:.::''':'-''

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llTуiY,}tItYNf'L|гr'чt ъ



Page 43: Sublime 631

neck WithStripes,

a ,r,. \и,,Ь-.0mё"

Knit him а 1aunty ltt|e veethese super-spotlyit ll look falэ with his

b,ermuda shorts Iust likeDaddy s

Page 44: Sublime 631

S,,иZr.Sublimeа greatness with which nothing else сап Ьеcompared and is beyond allcalculation, measurement а

possibility ofnd imitation,



Mixed sочrcеs

Sublime" FапshаW ипе Wakefield West Yorkýhrre WF2 gND United Кiпgdоrп

t +44 |ol1924 З69666 t +44 |oJ1924 2905Об е со,tастus@s-Ыirгеуаr^s,сотThe Sublime knitting hеlрliпеi +44 I0]1924 2Зl6Вб

Subl]me S а Trаde Mark of Sirdar Sp nning L mited





Ref: WРбз

Page 45: Sublime 631

a ,r..\и,.h-{rmо'

Sроrlу 9o1f tank



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.j.,,, ._ ._', ], :'..l,,,._,.. . _-.-"-лr-,:;{l,*-

:;.;, -::.i :::., ,,,_,...i.,.1


Page 46: Sublime 631


lnspired Ьу а l those sрогtуrеtrо gof sweaters, these ittlediamond tetures make а fabltt е tank (you l get nto theswing in по tlme|)

Page 47: Sublime 631


Д"iiiiiн{Jffi,. ,.\irti i;}ljilll i: l iiii iiiili r'

.lj,, i; t;-irr.,Дii;;:itii|it'tii].1,,j .' ] ;Эi4ý:ii,iiiiiiij.:,]..;.'.t,,,, i,, ;

ffifiцлfiffiщW}мfl ?)iiiili|)|,wiii| i i i j : ; : ! #аТ


1,с?- 1 :_ .- ;:"2й.,-


Гhis stylishly чеrsаtilе little саrdiеlas а touoh of rеtrо сhаrm, knitted1 easy knit and рurl stitcl,es it sзuсh а quick summеr,- [,'lо

l,ul Si,l.':.L l

1. jа[a] -о


Page 48: Sublime 631

Dress this riЬЬу ittlecardie wth рrеttуsuгпгпег рапtаlоопsfor а todd]e round theраrk with Daddy|

Page 49: Sublime 631


lnspired Ьу the traditionalfisherman s gansys thisgorgeously rеtrо littlesweater with it s trепdуvee neck is fabulous to "wеаr with his stripeyT-shirt апd inen shогts.Fsl.еrгп.l.гl Ft eci svrleateгl _ll"l Sаrаl, H:iitclll

Page 50: Sublime 631



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The third liЬаЬу cotton


babv cotton kapok dk14 designs for babies from birth to З уеаrs with designs Ьу Sarah Hatton