Sub: Board Meeting Intimation · 2020-02-06 · Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•=...

5 th February 2020 To, BSE LIMITED Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400001 Dear Sir, GlaxoSmithKline Ph armaceutic als Ltd . GSK House, Dr. Anni e Besant Road , Worl i, Mumbai - 400 030 Tel No: +022 2495 9595 Fax No: +022 2495 9494 Web: Email : asku[email protected] THE NATIONAL STOCK EXC HANGE OF IN DIA LIMITED Exchange Plaza, 5 th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400051 Sub: Board Meeting Intimation Pursuant to clause 47 of the Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2015 (LODR) we enclose advertisements given in Economic Times, Business Standard and Maharashtra Times relating publication of quarterly results. Thanking you, '\d} · adkarni Vice President - Administration, Real Estate & Company Secretary Encl: Public Notice CIN No. L24239MH1924PLC001151

Transcript of Sub: Board Meeting Intimation · 2020-02-06 · Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•=...

Page 1: Sub: Board Meeting Intimation · 2020-02-06 · Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•= ,oi::---.~ n~•.,uy--y,v.,,nqiu-pur.iuanno •tf8lJU1a11on l!"I or 1110 SE;BI

5th February 2020


BSE LIMITED Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400001

Dear Sir,

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd . GSK House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worl i, Mumbai - 400 030

Tel No: +022 2495 9595 Fax No: +022 2495 9494 Web: Email : [email protected]

THE NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400051

Sub: Board Meeting Intimation

Pursuant to clause 47 of the Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements Regulations,

2015 (LODR) we enclose advertisements given in Economic Times, Business Standard and

Maharashtra Times relating publication of quarterly results.

Thanking you,

'\d} · adkarni Vice President - Administration, Real Estate & Company Secretary

Encl: Public Notice

CIN No. L24239MH1924PLC001151

Page 2: Sub: Board Meeting Intimation · 2020-02-06 · Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•= ,oi::---.~ n~•.,uy--y,v.,,nqiu-pur.iuanno •tf8lJU1a11on l!"I or 1110 SE;BI

Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•= ,o i::---.~ n~•.,uy--y,v.,,nqiu- pur.iuanno •tf8lJU1a11on l!"I or 1110 SE;BI (Ll11llnjj Obi/gallons and Dlsclosure Rilqulrements} Aegula11ons, 2016 next meeUng of Ifie Board of Dlreoto{S ol the Company wlll be• held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Ill Mumbai to Inter al/a consl!ler a proposal to declace 2"" lnletlm Dividend, II any, for Iha llnancJal year 2019-20,20.

Nolfce fs also hereby given lhel a11 per the Company's COde of Condu~r ror Pre\/entlon of lnslder Trading, Iha "Trading Window· for d(1allng In !till e11euri\fes of the Co,rnpany Is closed for all the Qlroctora and designated employees of lh!f Company from February 5, 2020 to February 1S, 2020 end shell be re-,opehed on f'ebruary 14, 2020 i.e .. 48 hours alter the unpublished price sensitive lnformellc;,n are mode public.


fQf Adwllnf Hoi.ta a Rnaftl(l,\4fla)Ltmlltd


.NU•h.l1ln eom,,.i,ySecwlary

CJN, L2Wl~0PLCOOW I lh:jd. Oftice:Tboc.p!tal, 1802) }901, l'lol.No. C- '70, OB~

~~c-piu.Bmm(l!at);~4000Sl Td; 022 6693 :WOO Fu: O'l:i2~ 0174

Emmi ID; ClQllmllillundlt@plin!t.:om Webslre, www,pfhcrindla.oom

NOTICE Njlllee ~ hereby jlven PLllllUa,rt to ~" 29 read wttt1 Regulation liJ of the SEBI (1Jalln11 ~ and Dlsolosw8 ~ulremei,la) Regu111iions • .2015, ("LIii~ RegUjaliona") that ~Ung of th& Board .oJ Dlrectq,1 o( !he OomJ>Myl& &d)edllltd to

, ~ held on littday, F&bruary 14, -2020, filter lllfa, ID canaldar and talte on recx>ld Ille Unaudited f'lt)antiel --or Ille Company for lhp qua~enood ~ ,3'1, 2019. Tl)ls !riformalloo '5.0 avanable bn lhe-we~ lts or lbe Co111[)1!r;iY' atwww,gftmrindla;com and on lfle ~of.ft\eSloc;ll-~ ~e~ihllll!S of lh!t ~ are llat&d at WWW, and www.nH10UJa,com

~'1~1koP.,ar \Y'J.), Mumbal-400086 -· • emoll ID: lo1o@aSo!radlagnosucs com : website: wwvf ~olradlagnositcs com

ExtrJirtl Ill uoaudltld flhll)ofat Bt•ultt tor lhl D111d1c •nd Nina Month• andld Dtctntbtr iH. 201i (R I

• U~H n l.11(1\1)

Sr .. No

P• rtlcu(11re

I. Totnl income from 0f)6ra110ns 2, Net Pnilll / (l.o$j) for fhe penOd

(J>efore T&JC, Exceptional end /or Exlrso('(tina.ry lie~ )

3. N,et Prom 1.CLoss) for Iha perk>d before le>t (after l:lmep11onal an<l/or Extraor<finarv uemsJ)

4. Net Profft I (l.Dss) for Iha period etter rex (a11er ExcepllonaJ llllllfor Clllraordlnery Items#)

5. Total'Comprel\9nsh1e Income for lhe per!Od (CoJnprislng pro~!/(loss) tor the periO!l(efter l!UJ) and other CQmprebonslve lnaime(alier tax) ·

6. ~llltv Shara Capital 7. Reserves (exetlldlng Revaiuallon Fteserve).o sho~

fn the Au Balanoa- SIJ.891 of P,JlM0\18 yaef? 8, ~mlngs Per Shar8 (on• 10/· elld'i

Uon:ontlnulng end dlaconl!nlllld openitlons)­

~lc: Dllutecl:


Ollllrter Nino Mont Quarter Ended ended Endod

31/12/2019 31/12/20111 31/12/2018 (Uneud.lted) (Unaudited) (UnaUdlt&9)

221.98 ,644,84 20!!,06 C101.0I) (~67) (1.23.24)


(101 .91)







(3.15) (3.5'1)







a. The above Is an extract ol lhe detsJled IQm!IU of 011aue111ecs Fln\ntl,al Aetllltt t.Ot lhll a11art11J ended De<:ember 311 1!0111, filed WftlJ the &lock Exc:ltanges imdt,r, Regllfllt[Qn l43 ol the 81:BI (l,IJlfr,g alld ether DlsclDlluril R.eqi,llf~•) R8QU1att$ns, 2015, The hill to,mat ol the F'manciel •Resull,a for the Quitter and Nli\e Months -ended December 31 , 20.19 Is svnllal,le. on 11\Q websrte!l, of Ille stock Exdle/)Qe(s) and the 09(1Pel1Y'a ll(~te: • WWW,aapitadlogD!)llfi:s com.

b:. 'f-1\J above tnull tiu been ruvlew~ by the AYdit Committee al!li ar!Pl'Olled by Board or' !heir meelrng ~d gn feb~ 4.,•2@> L-&!- •• E-~

~rand on _...If of !'ff''~

,PU! .. Mumbil Dell: -~ 4, aozo

For bplnl I< DlqnUllP 8dl>

Dr. P•nll!J Shah, (Man1s,1n11 Dl~Or)


· • QlaxoSmlthKllne Ptumnaceullcaf• Lbtited R~~~·Dr.'Anllf& Besant Roed, Mtsrobal 400030 •"Wtbaffa: VflW(,gsk~oom

Emafl:[email protected] .,Corporate Identity Ntim~r..\.2423~Mli1924P(C()()l161 8t ~EHiOlf . , 8- ' . . .

· 1lQUARTER'ANDN - . - f - O.!CEMBER,2'019 Stlndalor1' Cb(IIOI~

UnaudlMd Ullllldltld Unalldltad Audlled Uoaudltld llna11dlfld Una1:1dlted Audlte\1 Partlculara l111'M. Nine = ThrN N"1e Ccptpondlno

~ f1IOfllhs- Yw~ montht monlfll thtNIIICllllllt YNt"~ lltdld ~ ll'!ild 31.0a.aD11 andld 1114-d ~ 31.03.2010

31.12.11 31.12.11 S1,12.18 31.12.19 31.12.11 31.12.18 ~ lrom epei.liJlls T,7888 2,448,jjQ 82535 312863 7.7Wi9 244868 82535 31281~

ll'rolf.1 1>er0(8 Exoepliilnal I~ 1111d ~ 11959 48186 14165 1151182 11958 4Bl9B 14164 66397 Ex~ llerns[~t/ (~argel) ~) • (a,578) 2813 489 (76390) ,(35278) 21184 211119 Profit I (i.oss) l)elore ~ (81731) 1~ 1'697a 88,371 (~) 12!!20 1.7048 .68286 ~t'PrufilJ (tllss) for lh& period / year .(644-1~} (2789), um 4253ll t66116) 1m1J 11367 44S39 Total comprelieil!iiV!l jt1Gorne for {he porlod (64.663) (3240) t0755 4-1987, (~) (4938} f()Q25 43990 Paid-up Equlty$hare~ f6941 16941 16941 100,41 16941 16941 16941 18941 ~ ~lue_per-lhill'Ei.l 10) Qlher~ 0.00 0.® 0.00 197301 O.o<i 0.00 OJJO 197042 • Eamlngs Per Shal9 (ER$) (of\' 10 eaoh)

8asic 11ip dlklllld EPS after ,(38,02) (1.65) 6.61 ~lllpls~

~.11 (39.Da) (2.65) 6.71 28:29

84Slqandtllf\lilklEPSbebe Ex.t:eJ!lli>nal llemi ~

4.25 :f.9.25 li,39 25.07 4.25 19-.25 fi.39 24.85

Nol·Ah!iuallsed No\Anow!llsed

Hmi!t 1. i!Ja apove 1s an e~lnlct of IM deU\fledifofl1)81 otthe Unaudited Financial Resuils for the quarlar end nine monlhs eoded 3111. D«em.blll'. 2019 filed with U1e Stock,Qea under Regulaljon 33 of \lie SEal (Us~og Pbllgallons and Oiscl!>sure Requlremel!~) RdgtilallOn~,' 2016. The fu~ f011T1Bt of the S!lld ~ Re$Ulls are avallablil .on Ille website di ll)e, Company aJ end oo tho we6s1le ofStoek Ex.ctiangas al www.nstll\dla.nom and WWW.baalndiuom.

2. The ·ebovo Results were ravle\0/9d by lhe Aud[I Committee and weJe lheteafter approved by lhe Board of l!llreclllls at their rnspeqjiye meetings Mid on

·~~~ I

Place: Mumbai Date:~ Ftlbrua • 2020

By Orderof lhe Board Annah/amy Valdhoesh

Managing Director DIN: 01444303

'mAHSeoe:r. EINAN.CE..COM~Y...UMll:E'.u-------------'----

Page 3: Sub: Board Meeting Intimation · 2020-02-06 · Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•= ,oi::---.~ n~•.,uy--y,v.,,nqiu-pur.iuanno •tf8lJU1a11on l!"I or 1110 SE;BI

Economic Times (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 9



ng r-;::_--=---=---=---=:...--=---=---=--=--=--=--=-~-=-=-=~z:.==========::::::::::===;;;::;-Push

, 2=Nefn11iNltax ~lllml[ciadl/(-)J Proffl I (Loulbefilrt w. Ne!Pniftlf(l.ale)fortht~/-

(EPS) (aft 10 eadl)

Blil6tnddMidEPSalllr~lllmfl') lllifcac,cldlulldEPSllefolf~llems~






(648631 16941



48185 (33578)






Audlld :W.,Encled , 1.Q&21111

8263li 8128&3 14t86 8li682 2813 489

18978 88371

11297 42536 107611 41987

18941 18941

0.00 1973111



u Tiu'Nmanlhl HIIIIIIIO!llba th 4!lldld 11.12.11 ,ndld11,1111

178511 11868 48198

(75890) (35278)

(6l4321 12129 (68118) ("'48n (68385) (4~

1811!41 111941

0.00 0.00

(38.113) (2.85) 6.71

4.26 18.25 5.39 Hot~

Kain. .


1, ThlabM ls 1!1:1 emtd of Iha detalell bnwl Ill Ole llnaudltad fllilndal Radl for the CMUlilrid'rinl marit. ll'ldtd 31•Jleiclnolr, 2019 flied wiUI lhe SlOCk El!Qlanges uncle{ ~ui.b33 of the SEBI il,ltiaig ObllptJona enc,~ Raqlnrnlnli) RiglJallo{ls, 2015.'llle M!ormatotlhi• fniildal Rllill1I 111ffllllblaon lhe Wlbsi1a oltie ~at www.111k-lndl&eo111 anclon llle~ot ~Ex,chll1gee at W'tWl,niMlndl~ end www.-tnd~.

2. Tht~R8'Ulfs"'819rwewedbytheAuditO>mmlltaeaod""'9~1!aralJIIIOY8dbyl!lt8llallldlll111clolUlllliltmpecOYemeelllgheldon3"'Febful,y,2020.

Page 4: Sub: Board Meeting Intimation · 2020-02-06 · Business Standard (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page 19 1•= ,oi::---.~ n~•.,uy--y,v.,,nqiu-pur.iuanno •tf8lJU1a11on l!"I or 1110 SE;BI

Maharashtra Times (Mumbai) 05.02.2020 Page g

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