Style Junky

Paper Manipula,on Experiment Experiment 1 To achieve this assignment I have been commissioned by a leading fashion magazine to produce a 6 page eco friendly editorial spread based on the theme ‘style Junky’, I will be responsible for crea,ng a conceptually engaging set and fashion made from up cycled materials. During Last weeks lesson we created Fashion Manipula,ons using paper. We deconstructed large pieces of paper and recut different shapes as sizes to completely transform an ordinary piece of paper into an ouLit of sustainable material to fit a mannequin. The first design I created was a contrast of a black and beige theme made from cartridge paper. The durability of the paper allowed me to bend and manipulate the paper to create shapes suitable for a fashion based ouLit, this paper manipula,on was successful due to its light weight. For example the twist around the neck was created by simply bending the paper slightly to fit around the neck of the mannequin. We decided on a flower embellishment which was created by bending the pieces of paper and stapling to create the flower shape.



Transcript of Style Junky

Page 1: Style Junky

Paper  Manipula,on  Experiment  Experiment  1  

To  achieve  this  assignment  I  have  been  commissioned  by  a  leading  fashion  magazine  to  produce  a  6  page  eco  friendly  editorial  spread  based  on  the  theme  ‘style  Junky’,  I  will  be  responsible  for  crea,ng  a  conceptually  engaging  set  and  fashion  made  from  up-­‐  cycled  materials.  During  Last  weeks  lesson  we  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  paper.  We  deconstructed  large  pieces  of  paper  and  recut  different  shapes  as  sizes  to  completely  transform  an  ordinary  piece  of  paper  into  an  ouLit  of  sustainable  material  to  fit  a  mannequin.    The  first  design  I  created  was  a  contrast  of  a  black  and  beige  theme  made  from  cartridge  paper.  The  durability  of  the  paper  allowed  me  to  bend  and  manipulate  the  paper  to  create  shapes  suitable  for  a  fashion  based  ouLit,  this  paper  manipula,on  was  successful  due  to  its  light  weight.  For  example  the  twist  around  the  neck  was  created  by  simply  bending  the  paper  slightly  to  fit  around  the  neck  of  the  mannequin.    We  decided  on  a  flower  embellishment  which  was  created  by  bending  the  pieces  of  paper  and  stapling  to  create  the  flower  shape.    

Page 2: Style Junky

Paper  Manipula,on  Experiment  Experiment  2  

During  Last  weeks  lesson  we  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  paper  and  fabric.  We  deconstructed  large  pieces  of  paper  and  recut  different  shapes  as  sizes  to  completely  transform  an  ordinary  piece  of  paper  into  an  ouLit  of  sustainable  material  to  fit  a  mannequin,  we  where  then  given  a  large  amounts  strands  of  fabric  which  I  grouped  into  three  strands  and  plaited  to  add  individuality  to  my  designs.    I  firstly  created  a  design  of  a  black  and  beige  theme  made  from  cartridge  paper.  The  durability  of  the  paper  allowed  me  to  bend  and  manipulate  the  paper  to  create  shapes  suitable  for  a  fashion  based  ouLit,  this  paper  manipula,on  was  successful  due  to  its  light  weight.  For  example  I  rolled  up  separate  pieces  of  paper  and  mounted  them  together  to  make  the  skirt.    

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Leaf  Manipula,on  Experiment  Experiment  3  

To  achieve  this  assignment  I  have  been  commissioned  by  a  leading  fashion  magazine  to  produce  a  6  page  eco  friendly  editorial  spread  based  on  the  theme  ‘style  Junky’,  I  will  be  responsible  for  crea,ng  a  conceptually  engaging  set  and  fashion  made  from  up-­‐  cycled  materials.  During  Last  weeks  lesson  we  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  paper.  We  deconstructed  large  pieces  of  paper  and  recut  different  shapes  as  sizes  to  completely  transform  an  ordinary  piece  of  paper  into  an  ouLit  of  sustainable  material  to  fit  a  mannequin.    The  first  design  I  created  was  a  contrast  of  a  black  and  beige  theme  made  from  cartridge  paper.  The  durability  of  the  paper  allowed  me  to  bend  and  manipulate  the  paper  to  create  shapes  suitable  for  a  fashion  based  ouLit,  this  paper  manipula,on  was  successful  due  to  its  light  weight.  For  example  the  twist  around  the  neck  was  created  by  simply  bending  the  paper  slightly  to  fit  around  the  neck  of  the  mannequin.    We  decided  on  a  flower  embellishment  which  was  created  by  bending  the  pieces  of  paper  and  stapling  to  create  the  flower  shape.    

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Clothing  Manipula,on  Experiment  Experiment  4  

During  Last  weeks  lesson  we  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  old  and  recyclable  garments.  Firstly  I  used  ,es  to  create  a  bodice  for  my  garment,  I  simple  used  the  ,es  to  rap  around  the  mannequin.  I  then  deconstructed  a  jumper  and  experimented  in  different  ways  it  could  be  styled.  The  durability  of  the  jumper  allowed  me  to  rap  it  around  the  mannequins  neck  crea,ng  a  type  of  neck  piece  to  add  individuality.    The  durability  of  both  the  jumper  and  ,es  allowed  me  to  rap  the  fabrics  around  the  mannequin  to  fit  properly  and  look  interes,ng.  For  example  the  twist  around  the  centre  of  the  bodice  was  created  simply  by  bending  the  ,es  around  the  body  to  fit  the  mannequin.    

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Clothing  Manipula,on  Experiment  Experiment  5  

During  Last  weeks  lesson  I  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  ,es.  I  experimented  in  different  ways  the  ,es  could  be  fiRed  to  the  model  to  look  interes,ng.  I  decided  not  to  deconstruct  the  ,es,  and  created  a  body  fiRed  top  by  simply  rapping  the  ,es  around  the  mannequin.    The  durability  of  the  ,es  allowed  me  to  bend  and  manipulate  the  fabric  to  create  shapes  suitable  for  a  fashion  based  ouLit.    

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Clothing  Manipula,on  Experiment  Experiment  6  

During  Last  weeks  lesson  I  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  ,es  and  other  bits  of  recyclable  material.  I  experimented  in  different  ways  the  ,es  could  be  fiRed  to  the  model  to  look  interes,ng.  I  decided  not  to  deconstruct  the  ,es,  and  created  a  body  fiRed  top  by  simply  rapping  the  ,es  around  the  mannequin.  I  then  added  a  neck  piece  using  a  ,e  which  consisted  of  two  bows  as  the  shoulder  pieces.  I  then  took  an  old  pair  of  jeans  and  simply  cut  them  into  shorts  to  finish  the  final  product.    The  durability  of  the  ,es  allowed  me  to  bend  and  manipulate  the  fabric  to  create  shapes  suitable  for  a  fashion  based  ouLit.  The  durability  of  the  jeans  allowed  me  to  cut  them  without  a  problem  to  the  size  of  my  decision.    

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Paper  Manipula,on  Experiment    Experiment  7  

During  Last  weeks  lesson  we  created  Fashion  Manipula,ons  using  paper.  We  deconstructed  large  pieces  of  paper  and  recut  different  shapes  as  sizes  to  completely  transform  an  ordinary  piece  of  paper  into  an  ouLit  of  sustainable  material  to  fit  a  mannequin.    This  design  was  created  using  a  contrast  of  a  black  and  beige  cartridge  paper.  The  durability  of  the  paper  allowed  me  to  bend  and  manipulate  the  paper  to  create  shapes  suitable  for  a  fashion  based  ouLit,  this  paper  manipula,on  was  successful  due  to  its  light  weight.  For  example  large  tube  used  for  the  ouLit  where  created  by  simply  rolling  the  paper  to  create  a  tube.  ATer  id  created  a  large  amount  of  different  sized  tubes  I  aRached  them  together  using  staples  and  masking  tape  and  aRached  it  onto  the  mannequin.  We  decided  to  add  another  area  of  paper  manipula,on  to  the  experiment  on  the  other  shoulder  of  the  mannequin.  This  was  created  by  making  square  like  shapes  out  of  the  paper  and  aRaching  them  to  the  garment.    

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Final  design  drawn  Ideas    

During  Last  weeks  lesson  I  did  a  number  of  different  drawings  to  give  me  some  ideas  as  to  what  my  final  piece  would  be  based  around.    ATer  experimen,ng  with  a  number  of  drawings  I  decided  my  final  piece  would  be  a  neck  piece.  ATer  deciding  what  my  final  piece  would  be  I  began  looking  on  line  for  more  inspira,on  into  neck  wear,  finding  images  which  could  inspire  my  final  piece.    

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Final  Piece    

During  the  last  few  lessons  I  have  been  crea,ng  my  final  piece.  I  decided  I  was  to  create  my  final  piece  out  of  paper  Mache,  therefore  I  needed  to  protect  the  mannequin  I  was  using  as  a  guide  line  with  cling  film  so  that  that  the  mannequin  would  be  touched  by  the  paper  Mache.    Once  I  had  prepared  my  mannequin,  I  began  to  past  the  paper  Mache  on  my  mannequin,  which  needed  a  whole  lesson  to  dry  before  I  could  begin  pain,ng  and  cuVng  into  it.    ATer  my  paper  Mache  was  dry,  I  painted  the  dry  model  using  black  paint.        ATer  my  piece  had  dried,  I  began  to  cut  out  leaf  like  shapes  from  black  cartridge  paper,  and  aRached  them  to  my  piece  using  the  hot  glue  gun.  Once  all  the  leaves  where  aRached  I  cut  out  small  pieces  of  bendable  metal  and  using  the  glue  gun  aRached  the  to  a  few  pieces  of  the  black  paper,  I  then  bent  the  leaves  outwards  and  upwards  to  create  a  more  dimensional  piece.    

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Inspira,on  for  final  piece    

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6  Page  Editorial    

PAGE  1   PAGE  2   PAGE  3   PAGE  4   PAGE  5   PAGE  6  

During  last  weeks  lesson  I  edited  the  pictures  I  had  previously  taken  of  my  final  piece.    I  found  a  background  of  the  internet  for  each  page  of  my  editorial  and  changed  the  colour  balance  for  each  page.    Page  One  –  I  took  one  of  the  images  I  had  taken  myself  of  my  product  on  a  mannequin,  I  then  cut  out  the  image  using  the  magic  wand.  Once  I  had  the  image  I  needed  I  duplicated  the  layer,  and  using  the  ‘shiT  key  and  +  key’  I  found  the  most  appropriate  shade  of  image.  I  then  put  each  image  back  to  back  so  it  looked  almost  mirror  like.    Page  two  -­‐    Doing  the  same  as  I  had  previously  done  I  cut  out  an  image  I  had  taken  myself  and  duplicated  the  layer  three  ,mes,  I  then  placed  the  images  on  top  of  one  another  un,l  I  found  the  correct  paRern.  Again  using  ‘shiT  and  +’  I  found  the  most  appropriate  image  shade  so  it  blended  with  the  background.    Page  three  –  The  third  page  was  done  in  the  same  way  as  the  first,  I  cut  out  an  image  I  had  take  myself  using  the  magic  wand,  and  duplicated  the  layer,  I  then  transformed  the  second  image  using  the  flip  horizontal  op,on  to  create  a  mirror  like  affect,  then  using  ‘shiT  and  +’  I  found  the  correct  shade  to  blend  the  image  into  the  background.    

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Page  Four  –  The  same  as  the  first  and  third  page  I  cut  out  an  image  I  had  taken  myself  and  duplicated  the  layer,  I  then  flipped  the  second  image  horizontally  and  using  ‘shiT  and  +’  I  found  the  correct  image  shade,  so  that  the  image  blended  with  the  background.    Page  Five  –  For  my  fiTh  page  I  cut  out  an  image  I  had  taken  myself  using  the  magne,c  lasso  tool,  then  using  ‘shiT  and  +’  I  found  the  appropriate  shade  so  that  the  image  blended  with  the  background.    Page  Six  –  For  the  final  page,  I  found  an  image  I  had  taken  myself  and  duplicated  the  layer,  I  then  flipped  the  second  image  ver,cally  and  placed  it  underneath  the  first  image,  then  using  ‘shiT  and  +’  I  found  the  correct  shade  for  the  image  to  blend  with  the  background.    For  each  of  the  pages  in  my  editorial  I  took  an  image  of  a  magazine  spread  and  cut  the  image  so  I  had  only  the  word  ‘please’,  then  using  the  magic  wand  it  removed  the  white  background  so  it  could  be  pasted  onto  my  image  professionally.  I  then  used  ‘shiT  and  +’  to  blend  the  ,tles  on  each  page.    

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6  Page  Editorial    

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