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  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    ECS 1601

    Study Unit 2The Monetary Sector

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    Try to keep up thegood preparation. If

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    If the slide has a redspeech bubble thatsays READ section so-

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    section and watch theslide thereafter!

    'e"e"$er the

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  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps



    In this study unit you wi## #earn "ore a$out*The functions of "oney

    +i,erent kinds of "oney

    Money in South (frica

    -inancia# inter"ediaries

    The South (frican 'esere /ank S('/

    The supp#y of "oney

    The de"and for "oneyThe eui#i$riu" in the "oney "arket

    Instru"ents of "onetary po#icy

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.1 -unctions of "oney

    (#ternatie to an econo"y with "oney is a$arter syste"* peop#e wou#d e!change goodsfor other goods. -or e!a"p#e you cane!change app#es for "i#k.

    -or e!a"p#e if +aid has a #ot of app#es fro"the tree in his garden. /ut he needs "i#k.

    Then he can trade his app#es for "i#k.

    3ro$#e" is he needs to 4nds so"eone thathas a #ot of "i#k and5EE+S 7(5TS app#es.

    That is ca##ed dou$#e coincidence of wants

    'ead section18.1 in

    te!t$ook pg.91:;918

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    2.1 Continued

    +ue to the ine+ for"ore on "oney as unitof account and store of

    a#ue. (nd discuss withyour e;tutor

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.2. +i,erent kinds of"oney

    >arious things hae $een used as "oney inthe past* catt#e seashe##s and een cigarettes.

    5ot a## for"s of "oney were practica# it wasdi

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    ( cheueis not "oney a cheue si"p#ytransfers a de"and deposit fro" one personto another.

    Debit cards a#so si"p#y transfers a de"anddeposit fro" one person to another.

    redit cardsis a fast way to acuire a s"a###oan fro" the $ank in order to "ake a

    purchase. /ut you hae to pay the $ank $ack#ater.

    7ith a credit card you do not pay i""ediate#y the$ank does $ut you wi## hae to repay the $ankeentua##y. ?ou are postponing the pay"ent.

    Study $o!18;1 onpg. 91@/o! 18;1* .

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    2.9. Money in South (frica

    To "easure "oney three groups are used*M1 A The conentiona# "easure

    Coins and notes that is used by the public PLUSdemand deposits (cheque and transmission

    deposits). M= C+ DM2 A ( $roader de4nition of "oney

    M PLUS short and medium term deposits

    M9 A The "ost co"prehensie "easure of"oney

    M! PLUS all lon" term deposits

    Puts emphasis on #store o$ %alue& $unction o$ money

    'ead section18.9 in

    te!t$ook pg.916;91B

    7atch 1601+>+ for

    "ore on M1M2 and M9.

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.:. -inancia# inter"ediaries

    (n econo"y has a rea# and 4nancia#sector with rea# and 4nancia# transactions

    -inancia# transactions is when no goods or

    serices are e!changed -inancia# inter"ediaries A act as "idd#e

    "an $etween surp#us units peop#e thatsae and de4cit unit peop#e that $orrow

    If you #end "oney to a institutionpersonyou get paid) for the "oney interestrate

    'ead section18.: in

    te!t$ook pg.91B

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    2.8. S('/

    7hat is the pri"ary o$Dectie of theS('/

    See top of page 920 in the te!t $ook

    7hat is the four "aDor areas ofresponsi$i#ity of the S('/

    1-or"u#ation and i"p#e"entation of "onetarypo#icy

    2Serice to the goern"ent93roision of econo"ic and

    statistica# serices

    :Maintaining 4nancia# sta$i#ity

    'ead section18.8 in

    te!t$ook pg.91B ; 921

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    * or"u a on ani"p#e"entation of "onetary

    po#icy Main instru"ent of i"p#e"enting "onetary

    po#icy is the repo rate acco""odation po#icyre4nancing syste".

    -inancia# inter"ediaries #end "oney to thepu$#ic at interest rates.

    /ut the 4nancia# inter"ediaries so"eti"esneed to $orrow "oney fro" so"eone=

    -inancia# inter"ediaries $orrow fro" theS('/ at repo rates

    Thus the repo rate inFuences the interest rate S('/ can a#so set cash resere reuire"ents

    or use open "arket transactions.Interest

    'ate'epo 'ate

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2 S('/* serice to thegoern"ent

    The S('/ he#ps the goern"ent in 9ways*

    /anker and adisor* the goern"ent"ain#y $anks with the S('/. The S('/ can

    a#so gie the goern"ent 4nancia# adice Custodian of go#d and foreign e!change

    reseres* the S('/ stores a## the country)sgo#d and foreign e!change reseres. They

    a#so for"u#ate e!change rate po#icies. (d"inistration of e!change

    contro#* the S('/ keeps aneye on the a"ount of

    foreign e!change that#eaes the country

    9 S('/ i i f

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    9 S('/* proision ofecono"ic and statistica#

    sericesThe S('/ co##ectsprocesses interpretsand pu$#ishes econo"icstatistics and other

    infor"ation. The datathese pu$#icationscontain are "aDor sourceof infor"ation forpo#icy"akers ana#ysts

    and researchers.Go check it out on theS('/ we$site you wi##see a #ot of this*

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    : S('/* "aintaining 4nancia#sta$i#ity

    S('/ are dedicated to 4nancia# and price sta$i#ity.They do this $y== superising $anks in order to ensure a hea#thy$anking syste"= oerseeing the 5ationa# 3ay"ent Syste" 53S

    in order to "anage risks in the $anking syste"= $eing the on#y institution that can "ake ordestroy currency.= sering as a $ank for other $anks*

    They a#so set the cash resere reuire"ents the isthe #ega# a"ount of "oney a $ank are not a#oud to#end out.

    They sett#e o$#igations that one $ank has towardsanother thus they act as a clearin" ban#.

    The S('/ is a lender -of-last-resort. If a $ank is

    in trou$#e they can $orrow fro" the S('/.

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.6. Supp#y of "oney

    In order to e!a"ine uantity of "oney supp#ied*

    7e on#y work with M1

    7e assu"e that on#y $anks can ho#d deposits

    7e assu"e there is centra# $ank that contro#s theactiities of $anks.

    5ow we are going to #ook at three thingsregarding the supp#y of "oney*

    1The ro#e of $anks in the "oney creations process

    2The resere asset position and the credit"u#tip#ier

    9Hther factors that inFuence the "oney supp#y

    'ead section18.6 in

    te!t$ook pg.921;928

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    1 The ro#e of $anks in the"oney creating process

    /anks create "oney. /ut how (#so see $o! 18;: in the te!t$ook on page 92:

    /anks a##ow the pu$#ic to create de"anddeposits $y "eans of cheue accounts

    "eaning peop#e are now a$#e to transfer "oneyto so"eone $y writing a check a pro"ise thatthe $ank wi## pay the"

    +e"and deposits can $e created $y giing the

    $ank a certain a"ount of "oney and then youget a cheue $ook for the sa"e a"ount

    Hr a $ank wi## #end you sa"e a"ount of the"oney so"eone e#se saed if they are sure youwi## $e a$#e to pay it $ack.

    7atch 1601+>+ for "oreon $anks that


  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2 The resere asset positionand the credit "u#tip#ier

    +aid saed '1 000 at East /ank then Susan ca"e toEast/ank to $orrow '1 000. East /ank said to Susan* J7ewi## #end you +aid)s "oney $ut not a## of it he "ightwant so"e of it $ack. 7e wi## #end you ' @00. The S('/

    wi## not a##ow us to #end you "ore than that.K This is an e!a"p#e of the resere asset reuire"ent.

    The '900 East /ank ho#ds $ack is the cash resere theS('/ set.

    +aid has to trust East /ank otherwise +aid and a##the other East /ankers wi## withdraw a## their "oneyi""ediate#y ca##ed a run on the $ank and East /ankwi## co##apse.

    7atch 1601+>+ for "ore

    on resereasset


  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2 +o the fo##owing.

    7atch 1601+>+ for "ore

    on resereasset


  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    9 Hther factors that inFuencethe "oney supp#y

    The "oney supp#y can a#so $einFuenced due to transactions withother countries. -or e!a"p#e if South

    (fricans e!change 'and)s for Euro)sfor a trip to -rance. Hr if ("ericanse!change +o##ars for 'and)s in orderto $uy South (frican goods.

    -oreign transactions areinFuenced ia the go#d andforeign e!change reseres.

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.@. +e"and for "oney

    7hat can "ake a person wea#thy

    'ea# assets such as property

    >a#ua$#e assets such as paintings

    and Dewe#ry

    -inancia# assets "oney and $onds


    The demand for money is the amountthat people want in the form of money

    7atch 1601+>+ for "ore

    on thede"and for


    'ead section18.@ in

    te!t$ook pg.928;92B

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    7hy do we hae a de"and for cash If weinested a## our "oney we can earn

    "a!i"u" interest. Cash earns 5HI5TE'EST.

    -or e!a"p#e*

    +aid has '1 000 in his wa##et. If +aidinested the '1 000 at an interest rate of10 he wou#d hae had '1 100. /ut hedid not inest it he kept it in his wa##et.

    Thus +aid foregone the '100 interestand that is why we say the opportunitycosts of ho#ding "oney in your wa##et isthe interest rate.

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    If +aid cou#d hae earned an e!tra '100. 7hy did he choose toho#d the '1 000 in cash and not to inest it Nohn Maynard %eyneshas three reasons*

    1.Le has a transaction demand for money* "eaning he wantsto $uy goods and serices. +aid can on#y $uy goods and sericeswith "oney and not with a $ond or an inest"ent.

    2.+aid is unsure of the future he therefore has a precautionarydemand for money. If his car $reaks down or he ce##phone issto#en he has to hae "oney for unforeseen transactions.

    9.The speculative motive to ho#d "oney has to do with theopportunity cost of ho#ding "oney. Oet)s say +aid wou#d #ike toinest so"e "oney eery "onth. The 4rst "onth there is interestrate of 1. +aid rea#ises that if he inests with such a weakinterest rate he wi## hae a#"ost no return it is a weakinest"ent and the opportunity cost of haing cash is ery #ow&5e!t year howeer the interest rate is 20 and +aid rushes toinest a## the "oney he can $ecause this is a great inest"ent. Ledoes not want to hae "oney in his wa##et with such highopportunity costs

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    (ctie $a#ances

    The a"ount of cash youwou#d #ike to ho#d O isdeter"ined $y yourinco"e 5HT the interestrate&

    The interest rate has noinFuence on you activede"and to ho#d cash.The graph shows youractive de"and to ho#d

    cash. (s it is notinFuenced $y the interestrate it wi## $e the sa"euantity of "oneyde"anded at (5?interest rate

    'e"e"$er*this is on#y

    your (CTI>Ede"and for

    "oney notthe passiede"and&


    Puantity of "oney





    Meaning ifyour inco"eis ?1 your

    de"and for"oney wi## $e


    Interest rate

    is on the y;a!is& (O7(?Sre"e"$er to

    na"e youa!is&

    Puantity of"oney is onthe !;a!is&

    (O7(?Sre"e"$er to

    na"e youa!is&

    The activeuantity of

    "oneyde"anded is a

    straight #ine$ecause it is not

    inFuenced $ythe interest rate

    Study ta$#e 18;2 in the

    te!t$ook onpage 92@

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    3assie $a#ances specu#atie"otie

    'e"e"$er theopportunity cost of ho#ding"oney That inFuencesthe specu#atie "otie toho#d "oney.

    Un#ike the actie de"andfor "oney the passiede"and for "oney orspecu#atie "otie isdeter"ined $y the interestrate&

    ( high interest rate causesa #ow de"and for "oney

    ( #ow interest rate causesa high de"and for "oney

    Puantity of "oney





    The passiveuantity of

    "oneyde"anded is a

    negatie s#oping#ine $ecause itis inFuence $y

    the interest rateinversely

    'e"e"$er*this is on#y

    your 3(SSI>Ede"and for

    "oney notthe actiede"and&


  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    (ctie Q 3assie R Tota#de"and for "oney






    Puantity of "oney OM










    Puantity of "oney OM

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.B. Eui#i$riu" inthe "oney "arket

    Usua##y eui#i$riu" is foundwhere de"and and supp#y


    In the "oney "arket the supp#y

    cure is e!tre"e#y co"p#e! one"ight een say it does not e!ist.

    Therefore the eui#i$riu" in the"oney "arket is not deter"ined$y the intersection of the

    de"and and supp#y of "oney $ut$y the de"and for "oney andthe interest rate as indirect#y

    deter"ined $y the S('/.

    'ead section18.B in

    te!t$ook pg.92

    Puantity of "oney









  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    2.. Instru"entsof "onetary po#icy

    %ey "arket;orientated po#icy instru"ents are*(cco""odation po#icy

    The S('/ sets a cash resere reuire"ent a "ini"u"percentage of funds that a $ank "ay not #end out toso"eone e#se. If "ore "oney is drawn fro" the $ank than

    they hae aai#a$#e the $ank can #end fro" the S('/. TheS('/ can a#so inFuence the interest rate $y changing therepo rate.

    Hpen;"arket po#icyIf the S('/ wou#d #ike to decrease the a"ount of "oney inthe econo"y they can write out Treasury /i##s. This is a type

    of interest yie#ding inest"ent. The S('/ se## the $ond tothe pu$#ic and so they withdraw "oney fro" the pu$#ic.

    3u$#ic de$t "anage"entInterention of foreign e!change "arkets

    7atch 1601+>+ for "ore

    on thede"and for


    'ead section18.10 in

    te!t$ook pg.992;998

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    +o you= understand a $arter syste"

    know what "oney is and is not

    know di,erent types of "oney

    know a short history of "oney

    know the di,erence $etween M1 M2 and M9 understand the ro#e of 4nancia# inter"ediaries

    understand the pri"ary o$Dection of the S('/

    know the "aDor functions of the S('/

    understand supp#y of "oney understand de"and for "oney

    understand eui#i$riu" in the "oney "arket

    know the instru"ents of "onetary po#icy

  • 7/25/2019 Study+Unit+2 (1).pps


    unit 2.

    ( ui on this work wi##$e aai#a$#e soon "ake

    sure you do it and

    discuss itwith your e;tutor&

    Done anddusted.+reat
