Study words for the GRE

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  • 8/11/2019 Study words for the GRE


    Words I need to know for the GRE.

    1) Mendicant: Given to begging2) Manacled: To chain a person or a part of the body3) Malevolence: The condition of being malevolent (evil to others)4) Lugubrious: Looking or sounding sad and dismal5) Levity: treating a serious manner with humor, or a lack of due respect6) Languid: slow and relaxed. Disinclined to physical exertion7) Keen: Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm8) Jettison: throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship9) Inveterate: Having a habit or interest that is long established and unlikey to change.10) Mercurial: someone subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.11) Martinet: a strict disciplinarian12) Malignant: very virulent or infectious13) Lurid: presented in vividly shocking terms or sensational terms(ex: crime scenes or something


    14) Levy: impose or enlist15) Latitude: Scope for freedom of action or thought16) Lachrymose: tearful or given to weeping17) Jocular: fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful18) Invidious: an action or situation that is likely to arouse resentment or anger in others19) Inure: accustomed to something, especially something unpleasant.20) Interminable: endless (often used hyperbolically21) Inimical: tending to obstruct or harm22) Indolence: laziness not to be confused with languid23) Inchoate: rudimentitary, not fully formed24) Implacable: unable to be placated (calmed/made less angry)25) Imperceptible: impossible to perceive26) Imbue: inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality27) Humdrum: dull28) Heterogeneous: Diverse in character29) Hedonism: the pursuit of pleasure30) Halcyon: a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful31) Grandiloquent: Pompous or extravagant in a way that is meant to impress32) Gestation: The procession of carrying something in the womb between conception and birth33) Garrulous: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters34) Fractious: unruly, difficult to control

    35) Meticulous: very careful and precise36) Mendacity: untruthfulness37) Malleable: easily influenced38) Maladroit: clumsy39) Loquacious: talkative40) Lethargic: sluggish and apathetic41) Lampoon: publicly critize using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm42) Juxtapose: place next to each other for comparison

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    43) Jaundiced: bitterness, resentment, envy44) Inveigle: persuade thru flattery or deception45) Intransigent: unwilling to change ones v iews or agree about something (ot to be confused with

    inveterate)46) Innocuouse: not harmful or offsensive

    47) Ingenious: clever, original, inventive48) Incongruous: not in harmony49) Impugn: dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of something. Call into question.50) Imperturbable: unable to upset, calm.51) Immutable: Unchanging or time, cannot be changed.52) Iconoclasm: The action of acting or rejecting established values and practices53) Homogeneous: the same kind, alike54) Heretic: A person believing in or practing religious heresy55) Harbinger: a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another56) Grenadier: a soldier armed with grenades, a grenade launcher57) Gradation: A scale or series of successive changes, stages or degrees58) Gawky: nervously awkward and ungainly.59) Gainsay: deny or contradict60) Meretricious: Apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity61) Masticate: chew62) Malinger: exaggerate or feign illness to escape work or duty63) Magnanimity: generosity64) Lionize: treat as a celebrity65) Laudable: Deserving praise and commendation66) Laconic: (a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words67) Judicious: having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense

    68) Jargon: lingo used by a particular professional group.69) Invective: insulting, abusive, or highly critical language.70) Intractable: hard to control or deal with71) Injudicious: unwise, Showing poor judgement.72) Inexorable: impossible to stop73) Incipient: beginning to happen or develop74) Implicit: implied though not plainly expressed75) Imperious: arrogant and domineering76) Immured: to enclose or confine someone against their will.77) Hyperbole: exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally78) Histrionic: overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style79) Hegemony: leadership or dominance by one country (or thing) over a group of others80) Harangue: a lengthy and aggressive speech.81) Gregarious: Fond of company; sociable82) Glib: fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow83) Gauche: unsophisticated and socially awkward84) Fruition: point at which a plan or project is realized85) Intrinsic: belonging naturally

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    86) Insolence: rude and disrespectful behavior87) Inherent: exisiting in something as a permanent, sessntial or characteric attribute88) Indecorous: not keeping with good taste; improper89) Incantation: a magic spell or charm90) Impetuous: acting or done quickly without thought or care

    91) Impecunious: having little or no money92) Illiberal: opposed to liberal principles93) Hubris: excessive pride or self confidence94) Hermetic: complete amd airtight95) Haven: a place of safety; refuge96) Hackneyed: unoriginal and trite97) Graft: ???98) Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration99) Fortuitous: happening by accident or chance rather than design100) Gambol: run or jump around playfully101) Conundrum: a confusing problem102) Condone: accept and allow offensive behavior103) Collude: conspire104) Cloying: disgust or sicken with an excessive sweetness or sentinet105) Censure: express severe disapproval of something106) Caprice: a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior107) Cacophony: a harsh, discordant, mixture of sounds108) Brook: to tolerate or allow something, typically opposition109) Bombastic: inflated; high-sounding with little meaning110) Benign: gentle; kind111) Variegated: marked by variety

    112) Unseemly: not proper or appropriate (usually behavior or actions)113) Tyro: a beginner or novice114) Trifling: unimportant or trivial115) Tractable: easy to control or influence116) Tender: offer as a payment117) Taciturn: reserved; saying little.118) Supplication: asking or begging for something humbly119) Stoicism: endurance of pain/hardship without display of feelings or complaint120) Specious: superficially plausible121) Seminal: strongly influencing later developments122) Scrupulous: diligent, thorough, extremely attentive to detail123) Sartorial: relating to the style clothes or tailoring124) Salient: most noticeable or important125) Acme: the point at which something is the best, perfect, or most successful126) Accolade: an award or an acknowledgment of merit127) Abjure: to solemny renounce128) Cosset: to care for or proctect in an overindulgent way129) Conversely: introducing a statement or idea that reserves the one that was just made

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    130) Construe: to interpret in a certain way131) Ruminate: to think deeply about something132) Banal: lacking in originality, obvious and boring133) Demur: raise doubts, objections , or to show reluctance134) Derivative: imitative of the work of another ( usually disapproved of for that reason)

    135) Dictum: a formal pronouncement from an authoritative source136) Differentia: a distinguishing mark or characteristic137) Dilettante: a person who cultivates an area of interest, without real commitment or

    knowledge138) Disparate: especially different in kind139) Distend: swell or cause to swell by pressure inside140) Aver: to state or assert to be the case141) Attenuate: to reduce the force, effect, or value of.142) Sobriquet: a persons nickname 143) Sedulous: a person or action showing dedication or diligence144) Schism: a split between strongly opposed sections or parties.145) Sardonic: grimly mocking or cynical146) Salacious: treating sexual matters in an idecent way. Conveying undue interest in the

    matters147) Row: a noisy acrimonious (angry and bitter) quarrel148) Restive: unable to keep still and becoming increasing difficult to control because of

    impatience , dissatisfaction, or boredom149) Obtuse: annoying insensitive or slow to understand150) Redound: contribute greatly to151) Ardent: enthusiastic or passionate152) Affability: the quality of being friendly and cheerful

    153) Albumen: egg white154) Analogous: comparable in certain respects.155) Antithetical: directly opposed to or contrasted156) Apostate: a person who renounces a religious or political belief157) Reticent: not revealing o nes feelings readily 158) Refute: prove that something is wrong159) Arbitrary: based on a random choice rather than reason160) Arduous: difficult and tiring161) Asceticism: severe self-discipline, avoidance of all forms of indulgence162) Archaic: very old fashioned163) Apposite: germane to the situation164) Apathy: lack of interest or enthusiasm165) Dogma: a set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true166) Ebullience: beings cheerful and full of energy, exuberant167) Discomfiting: to make someone feel uneasy168) Dissonance: a tensionor clash resulting from the combination of disharmonious or

    unsuitable elements

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    169) Doctrinaire: a person who seeks to impose a doctrine without regard to practicalconsiderations

    170) Dubious: hesitating or doubting171) Approbation: approval or praise172) Aplomb: self confidence or assurance in a demanding situation

    173) Antipathy: a deepseated feeling of dislike, aversion; hatred174) Abrogate: to repeal or do away with.175) Accord: to be harmonious with; to give or grant someone176) Acumen: the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions177) Affectation: behavior, speech or writing that is artificial and meant to impress178) Ambivalence: that state of having mixed feelings about someone or something179) Quibble: a slight criticism or objection180) Anomaly: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected181) Assiduous: showing great care and perserverance182) August: respected and impressive183) Axiomatic: self-evident, unquestionable.184) Belies: disguise or contract185) Vaunt: boast about or praise (something), especially excessively186) Urbane: suave, courteous, and refined in nature187) Ubiquitous: found everywhere188) Trite: lacking originality due to overuse189) Transcend: be or go beyond the range or limits of something190) Blithe: showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be improper191) Fastidious: very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail192) Expatiate: to speak or writ in length or details193) Exacting: making great demands on ones skill, attention or other resources.

    194) Estimable: worthy of great respect195) Ersatz: made or used as a substitute for another thing, typically an inferior substitute196) Epicure: a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink197) Enigma: a person or thing that is mystery or difficult to understand198) Encomium: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly199) Elegy: a poem of serious reflection; typically to lament the dead200) Effigy: a sculpture or model of a person201) Winnow: blow202) Vituperate: to blame or insult someone in strong or violent language203) Obfuscates: to render obscure204) Normative: establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm205) Neologism: a new coined word or expression206) Munificent: a gift or amount of money larger or more generous than is usual or

    necessary207) Modicum: a small quantity of something considered valuable208) Misanthropy: a dislike of humankind209) Sate: satify a desire or apetite to the fullest.210) Salubrious: healthy!

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    211) Brevity: concise and exact ue of words in writing or speech212) Burgeon: flourish213) Calumnious: harmful and often untrue214) Eclectic: deriving ideas, style or taste from a board and diverse range of sources215) Castigated: reprimand someone severly

    216) Reprimand: a rebuke, especially an official one.217) Sacrosanct: regarded as too importnant or valuable to be interfered with