Barrons GRE High Frequency Words


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Enlighten, explain, solve, clear up, clarify.

60. Connoisseur 


The old gentleman was a connoisseur of fine wines:  expert, judge, authority, mavin, person ofgood taste, cognoscente; epicure, gourmet.

61. Contention 


1 Border raiding led to even more contention:  struggle, strife, conflict, combat, altercation, feud,wrangle, rivalry, contest; argument, debate, dispute, disagreement, controversy, dispute,dissension, falling out, opposition, discord.

2 It was his contention that she was lazy:  allegation, charge, assertion, claim, position, point.


1 peace; accord, agreement.


Contentious (k*n ten"sh*s), adj. 

1. tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome: a contentious crew. 

2. causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy: contentious issues. 

3. pertaining to causes between contending parties involved in litigation.

con•ten"tious•ly, adv. 

con•ten"tious•ness, n. 

63. Contrite 


His contrite manner made us forgives him: conscience-stricken, sorrowful, regretful, repentant,

rueful, penitent, remorseful, apologetic, chastened, humbled.


proud, pleased, uncontrite, unrepentant, unapologetic.

64. Conundrum 


No one in the room could find the answer to the conundrum:  puzzle, riddle, enigma, mystery,poser, puzzler, paradox, arcanum, brain-teaser, stumper, stopper, Chinese puzzle, rebus,problem.

65. Converge 


The Mississippi and Missouri rivers converge at St. Louis. A lens converges light rays: cometogether, meet, approach; focus, concentrate, bring together.


Diverge, separate, part, scatter, disperse.

66. Convolution 


The children were fascinated by the convolutions of the snake: coiling, coil, twisting, twist,winding, undulation, contortion; sinuosity, sinuousness, tortuousness; maze, labyrinth.


Uncoiling, unwinding.

67. Craven 


Refusing to stand and fight was a craven thing to do:  cowardly, dastardly, pusillanimous; timid,timorous, fearful, frightened, scared; Slang  yellow, lily-livered, chicken-hearted; mean-spirited,base, low, lowdown.


Brave, courageous, heroic, fearless, valorous, valiant, dauntless; bold, daring, audacious.

68. Daunt 


Crossing the country in wagons did not daunt the early pioneers:  intimidate, dismay, faze,discourage, dishearten, deject, depress, dash, unnerve, subdue, browbeat, cow, abash, menace,threaten; frighten, scare, alarm, affright.


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Embolden, encourage, cheer, animate, enliven.

69. Decorum 


Jennifer always acts with decorum:  propriety, politeness; tact, gentility, respectability, dignity,taste; good form.


Impropriety, inappropriate behavior, bad manners.

70. default 


1 If the team doesn't show up, they will lose by default: failure to appear or act.

2 His car was repossessed because of default of the monthly installment: nonpayment; failure topay.

71. Deference 


Out of deference to her age and position, the committee followed her suggestions:  consideration,respect, reverence, honor, esteem, regard; obedience, capitulation.


Disrespect, contempt; defiance, disobedience.


de•lin•e•ate (di lin"e at'), v.t., -at•ed, -at•ing. 

1. to trace the outline of; represent pictorially.

2. to portray in words; describe with precision.

de•lin"e•a•ble (-* b*l), adj. 

de•lin"e•a'tor, n. 

73. Denigrate 


He has a mentality that denigrates everything it doesn't understand:  defame, malign, slander, teardown, abuse, stigmatize, tra-duce, disparage, run down, besmirch, downgrade, blacken, callnames, calumniate, backbite, smear, vilify, revile, asperse, soil, sully; Slang give a black eye,

drag through the mud, stab in the back, badmouth, dump on.


Praise, commend, acclaim, exalt, boost.

75. Deride 


They derided the new music:  ridicule, mock, scoff, scorn, sneer at.

76. Derivative 


1 The derivative essay received low marks: derived, unoriginal, borrowed, copied, evolved,imitative, inferred, not original, obtained, plagiarized, rehashed, secondhand.


2 offshoot, outgrowth, byproduct, derivation, descendant, product, spinoff.


1 original, archetypal, authentic, genuine, seminal.

77. Desiccate 

des•ic•cate (des"i kat'), v., -cat•ed, -cat•ing. 


1. to dry thoroughly; dry up.

2. to preserve (food) by removing moisture; dehydrate.


3. to become thoroughly dried.

[1565–75; < L d esicc atus dried up, ptp. of d esicc are = d e- + sicc are, der. of siccus dry]

des'ic•ca"tion, n. 

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85. Disabuse 


Someone ought to disabuse him of those star-struck notions: enlighten about, free from error,clear the mind of, disillusion, disenchant, rid of deception, relieve of, set straight, set right, openthe eyes of, free of a mistaken belief.

86. Discerning 


The mediator was discerning in his analysis of the problem:  perceptive, acute, perspicacious,sharp, astute, penetrating, keen-sighted, sensitive, piercing, discriminating, shrewd, intelligent,wise, judicious, sage, sagacious, clear-sighted, sharp-sighted; showing discernment, quick todiscern, having keen insight.


Undiscerning, unperceptive, indiscriminate.


dis•cord•ant (dis kôr"dnt), adj. 

1. being at variance; disagreeing; incongruous.

2. disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh.

[1250–1300; ME discordaunt < AF < L]

dis•cord"ant•ly, adv. 

88. discredit 


1 She discredited his good name with ugly gossip:  defame, abuse, dishonor, impair the reputationof, disgrace, vilify, disparage, smirch, smear, debase, degrade, demean, vitiate, tarnish, taint,undermine, slur, sully, stigmatize, drag through the mud.

2 The insurance investigator discredited his false claim: prove false, deny, disallow, disprove,reject; destroy confidence in, shake one's faith in, undermine belief in; dispute, challenge,question.


1 credit, praise, laud.

2 credit, prove, support, accept, verify.

89. discrepancy 


There is a great discrepancy between his version of the accident and yours:  difference,inconsistency, variance, disagreement, discordance, lack of correspondence, disparity,dissimilarity, divergence, incongruity, gap.

 —Antonyms  correspondence, accord.



The Liberal Arts College has been reorganized into six discrete departments:  separate, distinct,different, detached, disconnected, discontinuous, disjunctive, unattached, independent,unassociated; several, various.


Merged, combined, interdependent, united, linked, connected.



Their disingenuous protests irritated us:  dishonest, insincere, artful, cunning, designing,duplicitous, false, feigned, guileful, shifty, sly, wily, two-faced, tricky.



92. Disinterested 


We need a disinterested party to settle the argument:  impartial, unbiased, neutral, free from bias,unprejudiced, impersonal, outside, uninvolved, dispassionate, free from self-interest.


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division, divorce, hostility, incongruity, inconsistency, rift, rupture, schism, variance.

101. distend 


The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition:  swell, bloat, swell out, expand, bulge,inflate, billow, puff out.

102. distill 


1 The liquid distills when heated:  evaporate, condense, vaporize.

2 Whiskey is distilled from a fermented mash of grain. Impurities are removed by distilling water:  separate by evaporation, produce by vaporization and condensation, purify by distillation; extract,draw out, draw forth.

103. diverge 


1 The path diverges right after the pond:  separate, deviate, split off, swerve, deflect.

2 Her politics and mine diverge greatly:  differ, conflict, disagree, be at odds.


1 converges, agree, concur.

103. divest 


1 He divested himself of his clothing: strip or remove (clothing), disrobe; take off, get out of, peeloff.

2 During the Depression, the family was divested of its home:  deprive, dispossess; rid, strip, free.


1 clothe, dress, cover.

104. document 


1 There are many documents containing the king's signature: official paper, record, instrument,legal form.


2 The lawyer gathered evidence to document the charges:  support, back up, give weight to,verify, certify, substantiate.

105. dogmatic 


1 She's so dogmatic you can't tell her anything:  opinionated, arbitrary, biased, prejudiced;imperious, dictatorial, domineering; stubborn, obstinate.

2 The Nicene Creed is one of the most important dogmatic statements of the Christian faith:  doctrinal, expressing dogma.


1 diffident, vacillating, uncertain; docile, complaisant.

106. dormant 


The geyser has been dormant for five years:  inactive, quiescent, idle; sleeping, somnolent;hibernating.


active, operative, moving, awake.

107. dupe 


1 He was the dupe of the racketeers and may go to prison: pawn, patsy, fall guy, cat's paw, Slang  sucker.


2 The agency duped her into signing up for $200 worth of lessons:  trick, fool, mislead, deceive;humbug, bamboozle, hoodwink.

108. ebullience 

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Her ebullience could not be denied:  enthusiasm, exuberance, animation, buoyancy,

effervescence, effusiveness, elation, excitement, exhilaration, vitality, vivaciousness, vivacity,liveliness, high spirits.


apathy, lifelessness.

109. eclectic 


The disc jockey played an eclectic selection of music:  mixed, assorted, catholic, diverse,heterogeneous, multifarious, wide-ranging, varied, general.

110. efficacious 


None of the prescriptions were efficacious:  effective, capable, successful, serviceable, effectual,efficient.



111. effrontery 


What effrontery to barge in uninvited!: shamelessness, brazenness, brashness, impertinence,insolence, impudence, presumption, arrogance, audacity, temerity, cheek, nerve, gall, brass,Yiddish  chutzpah.


modesty, reserve, shyness, timidity, bashfulness; respect, diffidence.

112. Elegy 


The poet laureate composed an elegy upon the death of the king:  poem of lamentation, lamentfor the dead, melancholy poem, sad poem; requiem, funeral song, song of lamentation,melancholy piece of music.


Paean, jubilee, hallelujah, anthem.

113. elicit 


The mayor's remark elicited a flood of letters: bring forth, draw forth, draw out, call forth, evoke,extract, exact, extort, derive, wrest, fetch, cause, educe, bring to light.


repress, discourage.

114. Embellish 


He embellished his signature with a series of curlicues:  enhance, elaborate, exaggerate,ornament, decorate, adorn, beautify, garnish, gild, color, embroider, dress up, fancy up, set off,Slang gussy up.


Simplify, strip bare.

115. empirical 


The old sailor had never studied navigation, but he had a good empirical knowledge of it:  practical, experiential, pragmatic; experimental, firsthand.


theoretical, secondhand.

116. emulate 


Politicians would do well to emulate Abraham Lincoln: take as a model, follow the example of,pattern oneself after, follow, copy, imitate; try to equal, rival; mimic, ape.



1. A disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certainclass or in people living in a particular location


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1 obvious, clear, plain, simple.

2 public, open, exoteric.

126. eulogy 


Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is a great eulogy: oration of praise, praise of the dead, encomium,

panegyric; high praise, tribute, homage, hosanna, acclamation, laudation, citation, paean, plaudit.


condemnation, criticism; vilification, defamation, aspersion, calumny, slander, libel.

127. euphemism 


"Maiden lady" is a euphemism for "old maid": mild expression, restrained expression, inoffensiveexpression, delicate term, refined term; prudish phrase, overdelicacy, overrefinement,prudishness.

128. Exacerbate 


Offering your opinion will only exacerbate the situation:  aggravate, exaggerate, intensify, inflame,heighten, worsen, magnify, sharpen, deepen, fan the flames, pour oil on the fire, add fuel to theflames, rub salt into the wound, add insult to injury.


relieve, soothe, comfort, alleviate, assuage, mollify.



Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges: acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate.



1 A ship's captain must be able to cope with any exigency:  emergency, contingency, crisis,circumstance, predicament, quandary, plight, strait, extremity, difficulty, hardship; Slang  pickle,pinch, scrape, fix, jam.

2 We have to cope with the exigencies of daily living: requirements, necessities, demands, needs,constraints, urgencies.

131. extrapolate 

ex•trap•o•late (ik strap"* lat'), v., -lat•ed, -lat•ing. 


1. to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.

2. to estimate (the value of a statistical variable) outside the tabulated or observed range.

3. Math. to estimate (a function that is known over a range of values of its independent variable)to values outside the known range.


4. to perform extrapolation.

[1825–35; EXTRA- + (INTER)POLATE]

ex•trap'o•la"tion, n. 

ex•trap"o•la'tive, adj. 

ex•trap"o•la'tor, n. 

132. facetious 


He kept us laughing with his facetious remarks:  humorous, funny, amusing, jocular, joking, jovial, jesting, witty, clever, jocose, droll, comic, comical, playful, wisecracking.


solemn, serious, sober, lugubrious, grave, sedate, staid, sad, dull.

133. facilitate 


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1. a chisel having a partly cylindrical blade with the bevel on either the concave or the convexside.

2. an act of gouging.

3. a hole made by gouging.

4. an act of extortion; swindle.

5. a. a layer of decomposed rocks or minerals found along the walls of a vein.

b. fragments of rock that have accumulated between or along the walls of a fault.


6. to scoop out or turn with or as if with a gouge.

7. to dig or force out with or as if with a gouge (often fol. by out ).

8. to make a gouge in: to gouge one's leg. 

9. to extort from or overcharge.


10. to engage in extortion or swindling.

[1300–50; < MF < LL gu(l)bia, perh. < Celtic; cf. OIr gulba sting, Welsh gylf beak, Cornish gilb  borer]

goug"er, n. 

150. Grandiloquent 


The grandiloquent speech went on for over an hour:  high-flown, high-sounding, flowery, florid,grandiose, pompous, pretentious, bombastic, inflated, turgid, swollen, stilted; magniloquent, lofty,rhetorical; Slang highfalutin.


Simple, direct, unaffected, plain-spoken, matter-of-fact, low-keyed; base, lowly.

151. gregarious 


A gregarious person loves parties:  sociable, social, genial, outgoing, convivial, extroverted,companionable, affable, friendly; vivacious, lively, talkative.


unsociable, solitary, reclusive, introverted, retiring, shy.

152. guileless 


The child gave a guileless answer to the question:  straightforward, candid, frank, open, natural,honest, sincere, truthful, aboveboard; artless, undesigning; ingenuous, naive, unsophisticated,innocent, simple, unaffected, unselfconscious; harmless, innocuous, unoffending.


sly, cunning, deceitful, crafty, tricky, deceptive, artful; treacherous, fraudulent 

153. Gullible 


The youth was so gullible he bought the Brooklyn Bridge from a con man!: easily fooled, easilydeceived, easily cheated, easily duped; overtrusting, unsuspicious, credulous, trusting, trustful;naive, innocent, unsophisticated, inexperienced, green, simple.


Cynical, suspicious, untrusting, hard to convince; sophisticated, worldly.

154. harangue 

ha•rangue (h* rang"), n., v., -rangued, -rangu•ing. 


1. a scolding or a verbal attack; diatribe.

2. a long, passionate, and vehement speech, esp. one delivered before a public gathering.

3. any long, pompous speech or writing of a tediously hortatory or didactic nature; sermonizingdiscourse.


4. to address in a harangue.

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5. to deliver a harangue.

[1530–40; < MF < It ar(r)inga speech, oration, n. der. of ar(r)ingare to speak in public, v. der. ofaringo public square < Go *hriggs  RING




155. homogeneous 


It was a homogeneous crowd of teenage girls, all wearing jeans and sweaters: of the same kind,all alike, of a piece; uniform, unmixed, unvarying, unadulterated; consistent, constant, pure; akin,kindred, similar, identical.


heterogeneous, mixed, varied, varying, variegated, different, diverse, divers, various, divergent.

156. hyperbole 


"She's as big as a house" is an example of hyperbole: overstatement, exaggeration, enlargement,magnification, extravagant statement, figurative statement, stretch of the imagination; figure ofspeech, metaphor.



157. iconoclast 


He's an iconoclast who will have nothing to do with organized religion: dissenter, rebel,nonconformist, upstart, radical, revolutionary.


conformist, assenter.

158. idolatry 


1 Idolatry was commonplace in many early pagan religions: worship of an object, image-worship,reverence of idols, idolization.

2 Only a millionaire could satisfy that woman's idolatry of jewels:  inordinate love, worship,adoration, obsession, preoccupation, excessive fondness, passion, devotion, veneration, single-minded attention, infatuation, senseless attachment, madness, mania.



Platinum is one of the most immutable of metals:  unchanging, unchangeable, changeless,unvarying, unaltered, unalterable, incontrovertible, unmodifiable, intransmutable; permanent,lasting, enduring, stable; firm, fixed, solid, constant, inflexible.


Changeable, unstable, alterable, flexible, variable.

.160. impair 


The water shortage impaired the city's fire-fighting capacity:  hinder, damage, mar, hurt, vitiate,harm, cripple, subvert, injure, lessen, weaken, enfeeble, decrease, undercut, detract from,reduce; enervate, debilitate, worsen.


improve, amend; repair; better, ameliorate, enhance, facilitate, increase.

161. impassive 


The moderator maintained an impassive manner throughout the furious debate:  emotionless,unemotional, unmoved, imperturbable, dispassionate, aloof, stoical, untouched, stony, calm, cool,sedate, reserved, unperturbed, unimpressible, inscrutable, impervious, stolid, apathetic,phlegmatic, unimpressionable, insensible, indifferent.

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responsive, emotional, passionate, excited, perturbed.

162. impede 


A lumber shortage impeded construction on the house:  delay, slow down, block, interfere with,interrupt, check, retard, obstruct, hinder, thwart, frustrate, inhibit, arrest, sidetrack, stall, stymie,deter, hamper, hold back, halter, disrupt.


assist, promote, advance, further, forward; help, aid.

163. impermeable 

im•per•me•a•ble (im pûr"me * b*l), adj. 

1. not permeable; impassable.

2. (of porous substances, rocks, etc.) not permitting the passage of a fluid.

[1690–1700; < LL]

im•per'me•a•bil"i•ty, im•per"me•a•ble•ness, n. 

im•per"me•a•bly, adv. 

164. imperturbable 


The usually imperturbable man showed signs of fear: unexcitable, calm, collected, cool, serene,undisturbed, unruffled, dispassionate, unflustered, levelheaded, sedate, composed;unsusceptible, impervious, impassive, unanxious, unfazable; Slang  unflappable.


perturbable, choleric, touchy.

165. impervious 


1 The firemen wore masks that were impervious to the acrid smoke:  impenetrable, impermeable,inaccessible, allowing no passage to, unapproachable; sealed or closed against; invulnerable.

2 The beautiful actress seemed impervious to the usual ravages of age:  immune to, protectedagainst; untouched by, unmarked by.

3 The stubborn man seemed impervious to reason: unmoved by, unaffected by, untouched by,invulnerable, closed.


1 susceptible, vulnerable.

2 open, exposed, susceptible, sensitive, liable, prone.

166. implacable 


It was impossible to negotiate with such an implacable enemy:  irreconcilable, unappeasable,inexorable, unamenable, inflexible, intractable, unpacifiable, uncompromising, relentless,unrelenting.


reconcilable, appeasable, yielding, lenient, relenting, forbearing, indulgent, tolerant, flexible.

167. implicit 


1 Victory was implicit in the early election returns:  implied, hinted, suggested, tacitly expressed;inferred, deducible, understood.

2 The crew had implicit faith in the captain's judgment: innate, inherent, unquestioning,

absolute, complete, profound, certain, resolute, unshakable, unreserved, total, unshakable,steadfast, staunch.

168. implode 

im•plode (im plod"), v., -plod•ed, -plod•ing. 


1. to burst inward (opposed to explode ).

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impiety, sacrilege, ungodliness, blasphemy, irreverence; disrespect, disloyalty, infidelity.

241. placate 


No one can placate him when he's angry:  calm, soothe, pacify, quiet, lull, mollify, assuage,alleviate; appease, propitiate, win over, conciliate.


plas•tic•i•ty (pla stis"i te), n. 

1. the quality or state of being plastic.

2. the capability of being molded: the plasticity of clay. 


243. platitude 


The speech was dull and full of platitudes: trite remark, stereotyped expression, cliché, banality,commonplace, truism, hackneyed saying, old saw, saw, threadbare phrase, Slang chestnut,bromide, old familiar tune, same old thing.

244. plethora 


The potluck supper had a plethora of desserts but no meat dishes:  excess, surplus, superfluity,surplusage, surfeit, overabundance, superabundance, glut, overage, redundancy.


shortage, lack, scarcity, deficiency.

245. plummet 


The hawk plummeted toward the earth:  plunge, fall, fall headlong, drop straight down, dive,tumble, descend abruptly, nosedive.


rise, ascend, shoot upward, soar.

246. porous 


Sponges are porous:  absorbent, permeable, penetrable, pervious; honeycombed. sievelike,cellular, riddled, lacy; spongy.

247. pragmatic 


The problem requires a pragmatic solution, not theories:  down-to-earth, matter-of-fact, practical,utilitarian, hardheaded, sober, businesslike, hard-boiled, sensible, realistic, unidealistic, hard-nosed, materialistic, unsentimental.


idealistic, theoretical; romantic, dreamy, sentimental.

248. preamble 

pre•am•ble (pre"am'b*l, pre am"-),  n. 

1. an introductory statement; preface.

2. the introductory part of a statute, deed, constitution, or other document, stating the intent ofwhat follows.

3. a preliminary or introductory fact or circumstance.

[1350–1400; ME < ML praeambulum, n. use of neut. of LL praeambulus walking before. SeePRE-, AMBLE]

pre"am'bled, adj. 

249. precarious 


1 The situation was precarious politically:  vulnerable, uncertain, problematical, ticklish,uncontrolled, critical, insecure, touch-and-go, not to be depended upon, unreliable,undependable, doubtful, dubious, questionable.

2 Free-lance work can be a precarious occupation:  hazardous, risky, perilous, unsafe, chancy,unsteady, unstable, shaky; alarming, sinister.


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 300. stipulate 


Our contract with the decorator stipulates the maximum amount he can charge us:  specify, setforth, insist upon, state, designate, indicate, name, cite, make a point of, make provision; promise,pledge, guarantee, insure, grant, provide, allow, assure, agree, warrant.

301. stolid 


He's too stolid to show excitement about anything:  impassive, unemotional, apathetic, sluggish,lethargic, phlegmatic, dull, obtuse, lumpish, bovine, dense; insensitive.


excitable, emotional, passionate, energetic, lively, active, animated, acute.

302. strait (strat), n. 

1. Often, straits. (used with a sing. v.) a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies ofwater.

2. Often, straits. a position of difficulty, distress, or need.

3. Archaic. a narrow passage or area.


adj. Archaic. 

5. narrow.

6. confined in area.

7. strict, as in requirements or principles.



He strutted into the restaurant as though he owned it:  swagger, walk pompously, parade, sail,sashay, peacock, promenade.


cringe, cower, slink, sneak.

304. subpoena 

sub•poe•na or sub•pe•na (s* pe"n*, s*b-), n., pl. -nas, v., -naed, -na•ing. Law. 


1. a writ to summon witnesses or evidence before a court.


2. to serve with a subpoena



1 As the land subsides, the sea advances:  settle, sink; drop, cave in, sag, descend.

2 My nervousness subsided when the plane landed. The crowds subsided:  diminish, lessen,abate, decrease, wane, moderate, level off, ebb, calm, recede, melt away, let up, ease, shrink,dwindle.


1,2 rise; increase, swell.

2 grow, heighten, intensify.



You haven't substantiated your argument at all:  verify, corroborate, prove, demonstrate, show tobe true, confirm, authenticate, sustain, support.


disprove, refute, discredit, undermine, tear to shreds, explode 



This new drug will supersede all others in the treatment of the disease:  supplant, replace, takethe place of, substitute for, displace, succeed; discard, set aside.



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