Student Manual Lesson 5- Quality Control Plan Manager/06 - Stu Lesson 5 (QC... · Student Manual...

Student Manual Lesson 5- Quality Control Plan Version 9.0 - 10/2013 5-1

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Student Manual Lesson 5- Quality Control Plan

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Student Manual Lesson 5- Quality Control Plan

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Student Manual Lesson 5- Quality Control Plan

A Contractor QC Plan is the documentation of the Contractor’s process for deliveringth l l f t ti lit i d b th t t Th QC Pl i f kthe level of construction quality required by the contract. The QC Plan is a frameworkfor the contractor’s process for delivering quality construction. The plans andspecifications define the expected results or outcome. The QC Plan outlines howthose results will be achieved. While it is not possible to determine from the QC Planwhether the level of construction quality will be acceptable, it is possible to verify thatthe Contractor, as an organization, has addressed the basic elements of its qualityprocess.p

Inspection of Construction is the foundation and basis for all contract requirementsdealing with quality control and quality assurance. The Department’s Qualityassurance Program incorporates the following:- the Contractor is to maintain an adequate inspection system and performinspections that will ensure contract compliance.

the Contractor is to maintain inspection records and make them available to the- the Contractor is to maintain inspection records and make them available to theDepartment- Allows the Department to do its own tests and inspections, which are for its’ benefitand do not take the place of the Contractor's Quality Control obligations.

The Department may order previously completed work torn apart for inspection, andif found out of compliance, the Contractor will pay for the inspection and thecorrection of the work. If the work is found to be in compliance, the Department willpay for the inspection and disruption to the work.

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105-3.1 Quality Control ProgramCertain operations require personnel with specific qualifications. Certain materialsrequire production under an approved QC Plan to ensure that these materials, meetthe requirements of the Contract documents. For all applicable materials included inthe Contract, submit a QC Plan prepared in accordance with the requirements ofthis Section to the Engineer. Do not incorporate any of these materials into the

j t i t th E i ’ l f th QC Plproject prior to the Engineer’s approval of the QC Plan.

Applicable materials include hot mix asphalt, Portland cement concrete (Structural),earthwork, cementitious materials, timber, steel and miscellaneous metals,galvanized metal products, prestressed and/or precast concrete products anddrainage products. For all applicable materials included in the Contract, submit a QCPlan prepared in accordance with the requirements of this Section to the Engineer.p p q gDo not incorporate any of these materials into the project prior to the Engineer’sapproval of the QC Plan.

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105-3.1 General: Applicable materials include hot mix asphalt, Portland cementconcrete (Structural), earthwork, cementitious materials, timber, steel andmiscellaneous metals, galvanized metal products, prestressed and/or precastconcrete products and drainage products. For all applicable materials included inthe Contract, submit a QC Plan prepared in accordance with the requirements ofthis Section to the Engineer. Do not incorporate any of these materials into theproject prior to the Engineer’s approval of the QC Planproject prior to the Engineer’s approval of the QC Plan.

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The Contractor is responsible for developing the QC Plan and submitting it to theFDOT for approval They must be prepared to make revisions to the Plan ifFDOT for approval. They must be prepared to make revisions to the Plan ifchanges are required and/or deviations are encountered.

The Contractor should continuously monitor the Plan requirements to make surethey remain in compliance. The Contractor should insure that an approved QCPlan is maintained for the duration of the project. The Contractor should, also,stay in contact with the FDOT regarding Quality issues.y g g y

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Construction Project Administration Manual (CPAM)3 3 4 Quality Control Manual3.3.4 Quality Control Manual3.3.4.1. Review and ApprovalThe Contractor can elect to submit a Quality Control Manual (QCM) to have it approved forstatewide use. In the event that the Contractor has an approved QCM, the Contractor is stillrequired to submit a contract specific QC plan but can include information from the Contractor’sQCM by reference.

The QCM is not required, but is provided as an option, to the Contractor as a vehicle to allowthe majority of the Quality Control information to be pre-approved once prior to any contractsbeginning. The QCM can be submitted to the State Construction Engineer (SCE) at any time.The Contractor does not need to have a contract to submit a QCM. The Contractor would not beallowed to submit a QCM for approval concurrently with a contract specific QC plan for aparticular project, but is encouraged to submit a QCM as early as possible.

The QC Manual is a statewide Quality Control document that is submitted to State ConstructionThe QC Manual is a statewide Quality Control document that is submitted to State ConstructionOffice for approval. Even though the SCO approves the QC Manual, this isn’t done without inputfrom the State Materials Office, District Materials Offices and District Construction Offices.

It is not required; it is an optional document that details company-wide Quality Controlprocesses. With the approval of a QC Manual, the majority of the QC information can bepreapproved at one time.

Whereas, the Quality Control Plan is specific to the contract/project. Portions of the QC Manual

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may be incorporated into the QC Plan by reference.

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Construction Project Administration Manual (CPAM)3 3 1 Purpose3.3.1 Purpose This procedure describes the review and approval of the Contractor’s Quality ControlPlan (QCP) when required per contract documents. This procedure also describesthe process of acceptance of a Contractor’s Quality Control Manual (QCM) on astatewide basis. When accepted by the Department, the QCM can be referenced ina project specific QCP, thereby reducing the amount of information submitted forreview and approval on a contract-by-contract basis.pp y

Certain materials require production under an approved QC Plan to ensure thatthese materials meet the requirements of a Contract. For all applicable materials thatare listed in 6-8 and that are included in the Contract, a QC Plan is prepared inaccordance with the requirements of Section 105. The QC Plan should not repeatthe specification requirements. It should explain how the Contractor intends to meetthose requirements and not be a regurgitation of the specificationsthose requirements and not be a regurgitation of the specifications.

Some articles/subarticles within 105 may not apply. While sections, other thanSection 105, may contain additional QC Plan requirements (eg. 330 & 346).

The QC Plan may reference information from a Producer’s accepted QC Programand the Contractor’s QC Manual. The QC Plan should also identify the qualified

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laboratories performing any of the testing.

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105-7 Quality Control Plan Submittal.105 7 Quality Control Plan Submittal.Submit the QC Plan to the Engineer for approval within 21 calendar days after theContract Award. The Engineer will review the QC Plan and respond to theContractor within 21 calendar days of receipt….

Even though the QC Plan is submitted to the Project Administrator for approval,the Resident Engineer is the one that gives the approval.

The QC Plan may reference information from a Producer’s accepted QC Programand the Contractor’s QC Manual. The QC Plan should also identify the qualifiedlaboratories performing any of the testing.

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105-7 Quality Control Plan Submittal.Q ySubmit the QC Plan to the Engineer for approval within 21 calendar days after theContract Award. The Engineer will review the QC Plan and respond to theContractor within 21 calendar days of receipt.

If at any time the Contractor is not in compliance with the approved QC Plan, or apart thereof, affected portions of the plan will be disapproved. Cease work in theaffected operation(s) and submit a revision to the Engineer If the QC Plan or aaffected operation(s) and submit a revision to the Engineer. If the QC Plan, or apart thereof, must be revised, submit the revision to the Engineer. The Engineerwill review the revision and respond within seven calendar days of receipt.

Continue to work on operations that are still in compliance with the approvedsections of the QC Plan.

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Producers providing materials to a Contractor on a project, must have an FDOTapproved QC Program for themselvesapproved QC Program for themselves.

Their programs and plans are incorporated into the Contractor’s QC Plan.

What is the difference between a Producer’s QC

Program and a Contractor’s QC Plan?

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105 3 Q lit C t l P105-3 Quality Control Program.105-3.1 General: Meet the requirements of the Department’s approved QualityControl Program for the production and construction of Asphalt Mix,Portland Cement Concrete (Structural), Earthwork, Cementitious Materials,Timber, Steel and Miscellaneous Metals, Galvanized Metal Products,Prestressed and/or Precast Concrete Products and Drainage Products.Also include transportation, storage, placement and other relatedso c ude a spo a o , s o age, p ace e a d o e e a edconstruction operations required by the Contract….

…..Obtain Department approval prior to beginning of production. Meet andmaintain the qualification requirements at all times. Production and constructionof these products without the Department’s prior approval of a Quality ControlProgram may result in rejection of the products. Continued Departmentapproval will be subject to satisfactory results from periodic evaluationsapproval will be subject to satisfactory results from periodic evaluations,including Independent Assurance program. In case of non-compliance with theapproved Quality Control Program, identify all affected material and do notincorporate or supply to the Department projects.

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6-8.2. Producers of Asphalt Mixes, Portland Cement Concrete (Structural),Earthwork Cementitious Materials Timber Steel and Miscellaneous MetalsEarthwork, Cementitious Materials, Timber, Steel and Miscellaneous Metals,Galvanized Metal Products, Prestressed and/or Precast Concrete Products andDrainage Products:Have an approved Quality Control Program, developed in accordance with theguidelines in Section 105, during the production of materials to be used on Departmentprojects. In addition to meeting the requirements of Section 105, the producers ofPortland Cement Concrete will meet the requirements Chapter 9.2, ConcreteProduction Facility Guidelines, of the Department’s Materials Manual.

6-8.3 Prestressed Concrete Plants: Ensure that prestressed concrete plantsparticipating in the Department’s Acceptance Program are qualified. Obtainingqualification will require a current Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)certification and an approved Quality Control Plan, developed in accordance with theguidelines specified in Section 105guidelines specified in Section 105.

Producers must meet the requirements of the FDOT approved Quality Control Programfor the production and construction of asphalt, portland cement concrete (structural),earthwork, cementitious materials, timber, prestressed concrete products, and drainageproducts.

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In developing the QC plan portion of the program most articles/subarticles within 105will apply, because they address the production of materials. While sections, other thanSection 105, may contain additional QC Plan requirements (eg. 330 & 450).

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6-8.4 Quality Control Program Approval: Producers of cementitious materials and aggregates must submittheir proposed Quality Control Program to the State Materials Office for approval.p p Q y g pp

Producers of Asphalt Mixes, Portland Cement Concrete (Structural), Earthwork, Timber, Steel andMiscellaneous Metals, Galvanized Metal Products, Prestressed and/or Precast Concrete Products andDrainage Products must submit their proposed Quality Control Program to the local District Materials Officefor acceptance. Producers located outside the State must contact the State Materials Office for addressinformation of the District Materials Office responsible for the review of the proposed Quality ControlProgram.

Steel and Miscellaneous Metal products are steel bridge components, movablebridge components, overheadcantilevered sign supports, ladders and platforms, bearings, end wall grates, roadway gratings, metaldrainage components, steel expansion joint and components, shear connectors, pipe handrails, galvanizedsteel woven wire farm fence, and guardrail.

The Department will respond to the producer within 21 calendar days of receipt of the proposed QualityControl Program. The Department may perform evaluation activities to verify compliance with submitteddocuments prior to acceptancedocuments prior to acceptance.

If the Quality Control Program must be revised for any reason, including noncompliance, submit the revisionto the Department. The Department will respond to the producer within 7 calendar days of receipt of therevised Quality Control Program.

FDOT acceptance is obtained prior to beginning production. Producers must meet and maintain thequalification requirements at all times. Production and construction of products without the FDOT’s prioracceptance of a QC Program may result in rejection of the products Continued FDOT acceptance will be

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acceptance of a QC Program may result in rejection of the products. Continued FDOT acceptance will besubject to satisfactory results from periodic evaluations, including IA program. In case of non-compliance, allaffected materials will not be incorporated by or supplied to the FDOT.

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The Contractor submits the QC Plan to the FDOT for approval within 21l d d f h C A d Th FDOT ill i h QC Plcalendar days after the Contract Award. The FDOT will review the QC Plan

and respond to the Contractor within 21 calendar days of receipt, usuallythrough the Project Administrator.

FDOT will continuously monitor the Contractor’s compliance with their QC plan.If at any time the Contractor is found to not be in compliance with the approvedQC Plan the affected portions of the plan may be disapproved and theQC Plan, the affected portions of the plan may be disapproved and theContractor asked to prepare and submit revisions, as applicable. The FDOTwill review any revisions and respond within seven calendar days of receipt.The Contractor can continue to work on operations that are still in compliancewith the approved sections of the QC Plan.

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Shown above are some of the tools available to you for preparing or reviewing aQC Plan for your projectQC Plan for your project.

The web addresses will take you to the following organizations’ (Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida) (Florida Transportation Builders’ Association)

On these sites you can find information and sample QC Plans.y

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105-3 General.

Certain operations require personnel with specific qualifications.Certain materials require production under an approved QC Plan toensure that these materials, whether manufactured or processed, orprocured from suppliers or subcontractors, meet the requirements ofthe Contract. Applicable materials are identified in 105-3. For allapplicable materials included in the Contract, submit a QC Planprepared in accordance with the requirements of this Section to theEngineer. Do not incorporate any of these materials into the projectprior to the Engineer’s approval of the QC Plan.

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In the Construction Project Administration Manual (CPAM), Chapter 3,Attachment 3 3 2 is a checklist used by the Department to determine theAttachment 3-3-2, is a checklist used by the Department to determine thecompleteness of the Contractor’s QC Plan.

Therefore, as a QC Manager, if we know what the Department wants in the plan(the checklist) then it would be wise to utilize this document as a guide in thepreparation of a QC Plan.

There is also a checklist (Attachment 3-3-1) for Quality Control Manuals.

For this lesson, a combination of this checklist and Section 105 of the SSRBCwill be used to review the contents of a typical QC Plan.

A copy of this checklist and the individual material QC Plan Checklists (Asphalt,Concrete, earthwork, etc.) are in the Appendix.

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105-5 Guidelines for Development of the Q C Plan.

105-5.1 General: Use the following guidelines for developing the QC Plan. Provide detailedpolicies, methods and procedures to ensure the specified quality of all applicable materialsand related production and field operations. Include other items in addition to these guidelinesas necessary.

105-5.2 Personnel:

105-5.2.1 Qualifications: Submit the Training Identification Numbers (TIN) for all technicians105 5.2.1 Qualifications: Submit the Training Identification Numbers (TIN) for all techniciansperforming sampling, testing and inspection for both field and laboratory tests. Includeemployed and subcontracted technicians.

105-5.2.2 Level of Responsibility: Identify the primary contact for the Department. Identifyroles and responsibilities of various personnel involved in the QC process.

The Contractor should use the guidelines listed in this section for developing their QC Plan.They are to respond to the items that are applicable to the material and any relatedThey are to respond to the items that are applicable to the material and any relatedoperations. They should also include other additional items as necessary.

The list of qualified technicians, including employed and subcontracted technicians, along withtheir Training Identification Numbers (TIN) should also be listed in the QC Plan. This includesall technicians performing sampling & testing for both field and laboratory. The roles andresponsibilities of the personnel must also be included.

Th lifi ti f th t h i i b h k d th C t ti T i i Q lifi tiThe qualifications of the technicians can be checked on the Construction Training QualificationProgram’s (CTQP) website.

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Organizational Structure- One of the first issues a contractor must face when designing its QCprocedures is how these systems will relate to and impact its organizational structureprocedures, is how these systems will relate to, and impact its organizational structure.

Separate Quality Staff - Testing is a very specialized function. A contractor may elect to hire aseparate staff or subcontractor to perform testing and to generate the documentation required. Butthe testing and documentation are only part of the inspection system required by the contract. If theentire inspection system is performed by personnel separate from production personnel, that wouldmirror the traditional relationship between contractor and agency organizations. If a contractor has aseparate quality staff, it is important to define the relationship between those personnel and the

d ti i tiproduction organization.

What will be the disposition of failing tests/inspections? Who will have authority to order production tocease? Under what circumstances? What will be the conditions of restarting production?

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Attachment 3-3-2Attachment 3 3 2What needs to be in the Contractor's Quality Control Plan?The Contractor should address the following items for all materials, identified in SpecificationsSection 105, applicable to the Contract. For the purposes of this checklist, it is assumed that theContractor has an approved Quality Control Manual. If the Contractor does not have anapproved QCM, all information required on the QCM would need to be included in the QCP[1].This checklist is to be used as a guide for review and should not be used for acceptance.

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105-5.3 Raw Materials:105-5 3 1 Source: Identify the sources of raw materials Provide locations and plant or mine105-5.3.1 Source: Identify the sources of raw materials. Provide locations and plant or minenumbers when applicable.105-5.3.2 Certification: Describe methods of verifying compliance of certification with thespecifications.105-5.3.3 Disposition of Failing Materials: Describe the system for controllingnonconforming materials, including procedures for identification, isolation and disposition.105-5.4 Storage Facilities for Raw Materials: Describe measures and methods, includingbedding details, for preventing segregation, contamination and degradation.bedding details, for preventing segregation, contamination and degradation.

Describe methods of identifying individual materials. Where applicable, submit a site planshowing the locations of various materials.

The QC Plan should identify the sources of raw materials, including locations and plant ormine numbers, when applicable. Describe methods of verifying compliance of certificationwith the specifications. Describe the system for controlling non-conforming materials,p y g g ,including procedures for identification, isolation and disposition.

The QC Plan should also describe the measures and methods of identifying individualmaterials and for preventing segregation; contamination; and degradation and, if needed,include any bedding details and a site plan showing the locations of various materials.

*Differences between “Raw Materials” and “Final Manufactured Product” is discussed in the“Frequently Asked Questions” Section of this Module.

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105-5.5 Production Equipment: Describe calibration frequencies, maintenanceh d l d d f d ti i tschedule and procedures for production equipment.

105-5.6 Plant Requirements:105-5.6.1 Plant Identification: Provide the mailing address, physical addressincluding county and X-Y (Latitude and Longitude) coordinates of the plant, telephoneand fax numbers, E-mail address, primary contact at the plant, responsible person incharge, approved facility number provided by the Department, Owner information andVendor Number and other information as required.q105-5.6.2 Process Control System: Describe the methods and measuresestablished to ensure Contract compliance for the produced materials that aresupplemental to the QC sampling and testing program described in the Contract.These methods and measures will include, but are not limited to, inspection schedule,additional sampling and testing, maintenance schedule, etc.105-5.6.3 Loading and Shipping Control: Describe the methods and measures forpreventing segregation contamination and degradation during loading and shippingpreventing segregation, contamination and degradation during loading and shippingoperations. Describe the methods established for materials to be in compliance withthe specifications at the point of use.105-5.6.4 Types of Products Generated: Describe the products the plant isapproved to produce under Department guidelines.

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Contracts contain a listing of mandatory contractor testing including sampling points, frequenciesand time limits for delivering results This testing is intended primarily for the Department’s use inand time limits for delivering results. This testing is intended primarily for the Department s use indocumenting quality assurance and accepting the work. Some contracts require additional testingidentified as process control testing which is intended to provide real time information during theconstruction and production of materials to allow the Contractor to adjust or control the processand ensure that quality assurance testing at the end of the process will indicate compliance. Forexample, taking moisture content readings with the nuclear gauge when placing embankmentmaterial. The moisture readings, though not acceptable for acceptance tests, are a means tomonitor the moisture of the material being placed in relation to Optimum Moisture. This enablesg p pthe Contractor to operate a more efficient compaction operation.

Whether or not the contract specifies process control testing, it is up to the Contractor to addresswhether or not it is needed in the Contractor QC Plan.

In addition to those tests specifically required by the contract, the Contractor is required totabulate in the Contractor QC Plan all process control testing which will be necessary to assurethat the work and material comply with the terms of the contract when they are ultimately

bj t d t lit t tisubjected to quality assurance testing.

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105-5.7 Other Requirements:

105-5.7.1 Copy of Certification: Attach examples of certifications issued by theplant/Contractor for the products approved by the Department.

105-5.7.2 Statement of Compliance: Include a statement of compliance with allquality requirements set forth by the Department including Contract Documentsand other Department manuals.

105-5.7.3 Information on Approved Producers: Identify the Producers All105 5.7.3 Information on Approved Producers: Identify the Producers. Allproducers must have accepted QC Programs and be listed on the Department'sApproved Producer List.

105-5.7.4 Describing Documentation Procedure: Identify location ofdocument storage to enable Department review. Include QC charts,qualification/accreditation records, inspection reports, and otherpertinent/supporting documents for an approved QC Plan.p pp g pp Q

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105-5.7 – Other Requirements

105-5.7.1 – Copy of CertificationsDoes the QCP incorporate this information from the QCM by reference and does it identify the individual who would provide these certifications?

Producer / Supplier

105-5.7.2 – Statement of ComplianceDoes the QCP incorporate this information from ContractorDoes the QCP incorporate this information from the QCM by reference and does the QCP identify the individual who would execute the Statement of Compliance?


QCP Item Y/N QCP Page # Required By

105-5.7.3 - Information on Approved Producer's Does the QCP incorporate Producer's QCP by Contractor / listing the producers of 105-3 materials, including FDOT Facility Number? The DME or designee should verify whether the Producer is on the list of Producers with an Accepted QC Program.

(May include Suppliers info)

105-5.7.4 – Describing Documentation ProcedureDoes the QCP incorporate this information from the QCM by reference1?

Contractor / (May include Suppliers / Sub info)

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105-5.8 Final Manufactured Product - Plant Operations: Describe inspectionh d l d th d f id tif i d f t d li ith thschedule and methods for identifying defects and non-compliance with the

specifications. Describe corrective actions and methods to resolve them.105-5.8.1 Storage: When storage of the produced materials is required and it isnot defined in the Contract Documents, describe the methods and duration forstorage. Include measures and methods for preventing segregation,contamination and degradation during storage.105-5.8.2 Disposition of Failing Materials: When not described in thep gspecifications, describe the methods and measures for identifying and controllingthe failing materials. Include preventive and corrective measures. Describedisposition of failing materials.

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105-5.9 Final Manufactured Product - Field Operations:105 5 9 1 T t ti D ib th th d f d li f th i t f105-5.9.1 Transportation: Describe the method of delivery from the point ofproduction/storage to the point of placement.105-5.9.2 Storage: When storage of the produced materials is required and it isnot defined in the Contract Documents, describe the methods and duration forstorage. Include measures and methods for preventing segregation,contamination and degradation during storage.105-5.9.3 Placement: Describe the methods and identify the type of equipmenty yp q pused in incorporation of the materials into the project.105-5.9.4 Disposition of Failing Materials: When not described in thespecifications, describe the methods and measures for identifying and controllingthe failing materials. Include preventive and corrective measures. Describedisposition of failing materials.

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105-5.10 Testing Laboratories: Identify the laboratories performing testing.E th t th t ti l b t i l ith th L b t Q lifi tiEnsure that the testing laboratories comply with the Laboratory QualificationProgram requirements of 105-6.

105-6 Lab Qualification Program.Testing Laboratories participating in the Department’s Acceptance Program havecurrent Department qualification when testing materials that are used onDepartment projects. In addition they must have one of the following:p p j y ga. Current AASHTO (AAP) accreditation.b. Inspected on a regular basis per ASTM D 3740 for earthwork, ASTM D 3666for asphalt and ASTM C 1077 for concrete for test methods used in theAcceptance Program, with all deficiencies corrected, and under the supervisionof a Specialty Engineer.c. Current Construction Materials Engineering Council (CMEC) programaccreditation or other independent inspection program accreditation acceptableaccreditation or other independent inspection program accreditation acceptableto the Engineer and equivalent to a. or b. above….

A listing of FDOT qualified Testing laboratories can be found on the Department’swebsite, within the Materials Office site.

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105-6 Laboratory Qualification Program.T ti L b t i ti i ti i th D t t’ A t P t bTesting Laboratories participating in the Department’s Acceptance Program must bequalified under one of the following and have current Department approval during testingof Department products:a. Current AASHTO (AAP) accreditation.b. Inspected on a regular basis per ASTM D 3740 for earthwork, ASTM D 3666 forasphalt and ASTM C 1077 for concrete for test methods used in the AcceptanceProgram, with all deficiencies corrected, and under the supervision of a Specialtyg , , p p yEngineer.c. Construction Materials Engineering Council (CMEC) program and other independentinspection programs acceptable to the Engineer and equivalent to a or b above.

Obtain Department approval prior to beginning testing. The application is availablefrom the Department’s

Meet and maintain the qualification requirements at all times Testing without theMeet and maintain the qualification requirements at all times. Testing without theDepartment’s prior approval may result in rejection of the test results. ContinuedDepartment approval will be subject to satisfactory results from periodic evaluations,including Independent Assurance program. In case of disapproval, resolve the issues tothe Department’s satisfaction and obtain approval prior to further testing.

It is prohibited as a conflict of interest for a non-Department laboratory to performContractor Quality Control testing and other Acceptance Program testing on the samey g p g gContract.

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105-8 Personnel Qualifications.105 8 1 General: Provide qualified personnel for sampling testing and inspection of materials105-8.1 General: Provide qualified personnel for sampling, testing and inspection of materialsand construction activities. Ensure that qualifications are maintained during the course ofsampling, testing and inspection.

Construction operations that require a qualified technician must not begin until theDepartment verifies that the technician is on the CTQP list of qualified technicians. The CTQPlists are subject to satisfactory results from periodic Independent Assurance evaluations.

105-8.2 QC Manager: Designate a QC Manager who has full authority to act as theContractor’s agent to institute any and all actions necessary for the successful implementationof the QC Plan. The QC Manager must speak and understand English. The QC Manager mustbe on-site at the project on a daily basis or always available upon four hours notice toadminister the QC Plan. This includes administering, implementing, monitoring, and asnecessary, adjusting the processes to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents.Ensure that the QC Manager is qualified as such through the ConstructionEnsure that the QC Manager is qualified as such through the ConstructionTraining/Qualification Program.

Under the direction of the QC Manager, and using Department’s standard formsprovided by the Engineer, summarize the daily QC activities including testing and materialsampling. Make copies of the completed forms available for the Department to review dailyunless otherwise required in the respective Sections of the Specifications. Ensure that the QCtest data is entered into the Department’s database on a daily basis. Maintain all QualityControl related reports and documentation for a period of three years from final acceptance ofthe project. Make copies available for review by the Department upon request.

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105-8.5 Earthwork QC Technicians:105-8.5.1 Earthwork Level I: Ensure the inspector who samples soil and earthworkmaterials from the roadway project, takes earthwork moisture and density readings,and records those data in the Density Log Book holds a Construction Training andQualification Program (CTQP) Earthwork Construction Inspection Level I qualification.

105-8.5.2 Earthwork Level II: Ensure the inspector responsible for determining thedisposition of soil and earthwork materials on the roadway and for interpreting anddisposition of soil and earthwork materials on the roadway, and for interpreting andmeeting Contract Document requirements holds a CTQP Earthwork ConstructionInspection Level II qualification.

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105-8.6 Asphalt QC Technicians:105 8 6 1 Pl t T h i i F h lt l t ti id QC t h i i105-8.6.1 Plant Technicians: For asphalt plant operations, provide a QC technician,qualified as a CTQP Asphalt Plant Level II technician, available at the asphalt plant atall times when producing mix for the Department. Perform all asphalt plant relatedtesting with a CTQP Asphalt Plant Level I technician.105-8.6.2 Paving Technicians: For paving operations, keep a qualified CTQPAsphalt Paving Level II technician on the roadway at all times when placing asphaltmix for the Department, and perform all testing with a CTQP Asphalt Paving Level Ip , p g Q p gtechnician. As an exception, measurements of cross-slope, temperature and yield(spread rate) can be performed by someone under the supervision of a CTQP PavingLevel II technician.105-8.6.3 Mix Designer: Ensure all mix designs are developed by individuals whoare CTQP qualified as an Asphalt Hot Mix Designer.105-8.6.4 Documentation: Document all QC procedures, inspection, and all testresults and make them available for review by the Engineer throughout the life of theresults and make them available for review by the Engineer throughout the life of theContract.

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105-8.7 Concrete QC Technicians:105 8 7 1 Concrete Field Technician Level I: Ensure technicians performing105-8.7.1 Concrete Field Technician - Level I: Ensure technicians performingplastic property testing on concrete for materials acceptance are qualified CTQPConcrete Field Technicians Level I. Plastic property testing will include but not belimited to slump, temperature, air content, water-to-cementitious materials ratiocalculation, and making and curing concrete cylinders. Duties will include initialsampling and testing to confirm specification compliance prior to beginning concreteplacements, ensuring timely placement of initial cure and providing for the transportof compressive strength samples to the designated laboratories. Technicians whotest concrete properties or perform Verification testing for the Department mustposses this qualification.

105-8.7.2 Concrete Field Technician - Level II: Ensure field technicians responsiblefor the quality of concrete being placed on major bridge projects are qualified CTQPConcrete Field Technicians Level II A Level II Technician must be present on theConcrete Field Technicians Level II. A Level II Technician must be present on thejobsite during all concrete placements. Prior to the placement of concrete, thetechnician will inspect the element to be cast to ensure compliance with ContractDocuments. A Level II Technician’s duties may include ensuring that concrete testing,inspection, and curing in the field is performed in accordance with applicable ContractDocuments. The QC Technician will inform the Verification Technician of anticipatedconcrete placements and LOT sizes.

Specification 5-1.4.1(e) provides the definition of major bridge projects

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105-8.7.3 Concrete Laboratory Technician - Level I: Ensure technicians testingcylinders and recording concrete strength for material acceptance are qualified CTQPcylinders and recording concrete strength for material acceptance are qualified CTQPConcrete Laboratory Technicians Level I. Duties include final curing, compressivestrength testing, and the recording/reporting of all test data.

105-8.7.4 Concrete Production Facility Manager of Quality Control: Ensure eachconcrete production facility has a Facility Manager for QC with the followingqualifications:1. CTQP Concrete Laboratory Technician Level I, Concrete Field Technician-Level I,and Batch Plant Operator. As alternatives to these qualifications, the Department willaccept:

Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Level III orNational Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) Concrete

Technologist Level II, as equivalent qualifications.2 Three years of QC experience directly related to cement concrete production2. Three years of QC experience directly related to cement concrete production.3. Demonstrated proficiency in implementing, supervising, andmaintaining surveillance over a QC Program.4. Experience and certification in performance of required QC tests and statisticalevaluation of quality control test results.

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105-8.8.7 Post Tensioning: Perform all post-tensioning field operations under105 8.8.7 Post Tensioning: Perform all post tensioning field operations underthe direct supervision of a Level II Qualified Post-Tensioning and GroutingTechnician qualified through the Department’s Construction TrainingQualification Program (CTQP). In addition, provide a minimum of twocrewmembers that are CTQP Level I Qualified Post-Tensioning and GroutingTechnicians. All personnel involved in grouting must attend a grouting trainingsession provided by the Department not less then seven days prior to the startsession provided by the Department not less then seven days prior to the startof the first stressing or grouting operation of the project.

Perform all vacuum grouting operations under the direct supervision of a crewforeman who has been trained and has experience in the use of vacuumgrouting equipment and procedures. Submit the crew foreman’s credentials tothe Engineer prior to performing any vacuum grouting operationsthe Engineer prior to performing any vacuum grouting operations.

Conduct all stressing and grouting operations in the presence of the Engineer.Coordinate and schedule all post-tensioning activities to facilitate inspection bythe Engineer.

Post Tensioning Qualification requirements are described in Chapter 8, Structures, of the Construction Training Qualification Manual (CTQM).

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On the following slides we will review some tips that may help you in preparing yourQC Plans.

These tips are not intended to represent everything that could be written about atopic but more to provide you some “food for thought”.

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Inspection/Control ProceduresThis is the narrative portion of the Contractor QC Plan and is often the hardest partThis is the narrative portion of the Contractor QC Plan, and is often the hardest partof the plan to develop and describe.

Most organizations are used to intuitive processes, or process which haveevolved over time to reflect the personalities and desires of supervisory personnel.Describing and documenting these processes concisely in writing is often difficult.There is almost no physical limit to the length and detail included in this section.Every requirement, every sentence in the contract could precipitate a paragraph ormore of detailed process control procedures to describe how that requirement will befulfilled. From a practical point though, this is excessive. For most typical constructionprojects the narrative covering inspection/control procedures should adequatelyaddress the quality process basics in two to four pages for each phase ofconstruction. This does not include testing schedules, certifications, personnelresumes and other attachments. In addition, if the narrative includes excessiveredundancies paraphrasing of the contract and other extraneous materials that willredundancies, paraphrasing of the contract and other extraneous materials, that willadd to the required length. The fact that many of the detailed requirements of thecontract are not specifically addressed in the Contractor QC Plan does not meanthey can be ignored. The contract itself is the foundation for the outcomes expectedfrom the Contractor QC Plan.

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Categories of Construction

A typical contract may be divided into three to five categories depending on the nature of the workand the organizations performing the work. These categories are referred to as phases or categories. Forexample stakeout, erosion control, clearing, excavation, embankment, drainage and slope protection mightbe grouped together as a single category of Grading and Drainage.

Sometimes how categories are defined is influenced by which subcontractors or crews do the work,since each may have its own organizational relationships. It should be left up to the contractor to group itemsof work in logical categories to facilitate the development of the Contractor QC Plan. Other typical categoriesof work in logical categories to facilitate the development of the Contractor QC Plan. Other typical categoriesare as follows.

Pavement Structure, Structures, Masonry, etc.

Preliminary, Startup and Production Phases

As these are each typically addressed separately, in the three sequential phases, a five by threematrix may be generated which constitutes the inspection/control part of the Contractor QC Plan.

The preliminary phase includes evaluation of equipment materials and other resources prior to workThe preliminary phase includes evaluation of equipment, materials and other resources prior to workbeing started. It also involves comparing contract requirements with training and other needs.

Startup includes the additional management, training and inspection resources usually needed whena new operation is started.

Production addresses the routine QC resources necessary after the process is established.

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For each category and phase of the operation, the QC plan should answer thesequestions as they relate to the category and phase:

Who will be responsible for QC during the operation? The Quality ControlTechnician may be assigned responsibility for testing and documentation andperhaps even training and monitoring of startup. As the operation moves towardproduction however, foremen or other supervisory personnel will probably beassigned increasing responsibility. If the management official is too high in theorganization - say the overall project superintendent - then it is less likely he/shewill have the time to perform detailed QC functions. In that case subordinatepersonnel should be specifically identified.

What will that person do to ensure contract compliance? What authority willthe person have over operations? What portion of the time the operation is inprogress will the identified person actually be present to perform QCp g p y p p Qresponsibilities? Testers and inspectors cannot control quality if theirresponsibilities are limited to testing, measuring and documentation. "What"should address not only personnel, but materials and equipment used in theconstruction. These items often have stated or implied contract requirements, andthe QC system must verify that those requirements are met.

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Where will these activities be performed? Will optional process control testing beperformed onsite, or at a commercial laboratory? Will manufactured materials beinspected at the plant, at the contractor’s facility or at the site of work? Will theequipment be inspected at the yard, or will inspections be performed at the site?

When will these activities be performed? The earlier QC activities are performed, themore latitude the contractor has in dealing with problems. However, when activitiesperformed too early there is a risk of unforeseen changes or glitches prior to actualconstruction When will test results be available? This is a key component of the QCconstruction. When will test results be available? This is a key component of the QCPlan which determines largely how responsive it can be to deficiencies.

How will inspections be performed? Using a standard checklist? Using thespecifications themselves [quality assurance criteria], etc.? The more generalized andvague the inspection procedures are, the more likely they will not be consistentlyeffective. However, not having a checklist, is not a cause for disapproving a QC plan,unless a checklist is specifically required.p y q

The Contractor QC Plan should minimize any parroting or paraphrasing of requirementsin the contract, and should avoid simply promising to comply with the contract. Thesekinds of statements and assurances are of essentially no added value. The ContractorQC Plan must go beyond the contract requirements and address the contractor’sorganizational process for consistently delivering those requirements.

For Checklists go to the Department’s website, more specifically;

State Construction Office/Publications/Guidelists

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Subcontractors and SuppliersWhen subcontractors and suppliers [other than suppliers of commercial items] provide part

of the work, then the QCP needs to be clear whether their QC responsibilities will be independent,or a part of the prime contractor’s responsibilities. If they are independent, then the subcontractorsor suppliers QCP must be developed and submitted for approval, through the prime. Otherwise,the prime must address how it will monitor and verify subcontractor/supplier quality as a part of itsplan.

In either case the prime is contractually responsible for all the work, but being contractuallyresponsible is not the same as having an active role in the quality delivery process.

Manufactured Materials -

An important part of the Contractor QC Plan is the process for verifying that manufacturedmaterials comply with the requirements of the contract.

Commercial Items - These are materials manufactured and sold to the general public, asopposed to materials made to the unique specifications of the agency. For most commercial items,the contractor’s responsibilities are limited to verification that the materials are as required orthe contractor s responsibilities are limited to verification that the materials are as required orpermitted in the contract, and that the delivered materials are in fact those approved materialsQualified Products List (QPL). Some materials which are arguably commercial are considered ofcritical importance, and have specific QC/QA requirements in the contract.

Non-commercial Items - These are materials manufactured offsite, but specifically to agencyspecifications for the project. QC plan coverage for non-commercial items should be a separatedocument from the manufacturer, or the manufacture of those items should be included in the QCplan of the contractor or a subcontractor Like critical commercial items critical non commercialplan of the contractor or a subcontractor. Like critical commercial items, critical non-commercialitems may have specific QC/QA requirements in the contract.

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The following page contain some examples of different ways to describet k ithi h Th f P t G da task within a phase. They range from Poor to Good.

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The following information is a list of some of the common mistakes that get QC Plans rejected.I t TIN b i QC Pl j ti T i ll thIncorrect TIN numbers- a very common error causing QC Plan rejection. Typically, the errors areattributed to typographical errors, which are common problems when typing numerous numbers.Review these for accuracy prior to submission.

Expired/Expiring Qualifications- Quite often, Technicians are submitted that have expiredqualifications. Some Department Districts will reject a QCP if the Technician Qualifications are dueto expire during the project. It is important prior to submission, that verification of the individualCTQP Qualifications be conducted (www ctqpflorida com) For those that would be expiring duringCTQP Qualifications be conducted ( For those that would be expiring duringthe course of the project, perhaps a brief statement, or section, detailing how these individuals willbe re-qualified prior to expiration, should be included. Don’t forget to describe how, during theirabsence, staffing will be managed toensure adequate qualified personnel resources will be available.

Non-FDOT Approved Plants- submittal of unapproved Plants is a common error made in QCPsubmission Just because the Plant was on the list on the last project it is no guarantee they aresubmission. Just because the Plant was on the list on the last project, it is no guarantee they arestill on the approved list. Plant approval status, both Asphalt and Concrete, should be checked(FDOTwebsite) before submitting.

Omitted/Non-FDOT Approved Sources of Materials- Limerock Pit information and numbers mustbe submitted. Just as discussed above, verify the fact that they are still on the Department’sapproved list.

Omitting Concrete Mix Designs- Not including mix designs in the plan is cause for rejection., Alsomake sure that the mix designs submitted are approved.

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Information on Raw material Suppliers- Raw material suppliers need to beli d i h dd h b li b dlisted with name, address, phone numbers, supplier numbers, and contact person.

Producer’s QC Plan Approval- as discussed on the previous slide for plants andpits, verification of the approval status of the Producer’s QC Plan must beperformed.

Primary and Secondary Laboratory Information- Make sure to list both primaryand secondary laboratories, providing their lab number, address, phone numbers,and contact information. Verify their approval status on the FDOT website.

Not detailing processes for material handling failures- Sketchy or incompletediscussion on the processes to be used in the case of material handling failureshas led to the rejection of QC Plans. Be sure to give sufficient details on how workis to be done, i.e. rolling patterns, density procedures, etc.

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Specification 105 lists all the FDOT required quals./certs., but not all that are listedare a requirement for the QA Program.are a requirement for the QA Program.

(Specifications 8-5 Qualifications of Contractor’s Personnel.)It is prohibited as a conflict of interest for a Contractor to subcontract with a

Consultant to perform Contractor Quality Control when the Consultant is undercontract with the Department to perform work on any project described in theContractor’s Contract with the Department. Prior to approving a Consultant forC t t Q lit C t l th C t t h ll b it t th D t tContractor Quality Control, the Contractor shall submit to the Department aCertificate from the proposed Consultant certifying that no conflict of interest exists.

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Revocation of Qualification

CTQM Sections

1.9.11 Qualification Revocation Based On Lack of Proficiency1.9.12 Qualification Revocation Based On Falsification of Records

Independent Assurance Evaluations

Section 5.5 of the Materials Manual, contains details on the INDEPENDENTASSURANCE PROGRAM.

It describes the Independent Assurance (IA) evaluation program. The IA programevaluates the performance of the qualified sampling and testing personnel andtesting equipment. The program covers sampling procedures, testing

d d i iprocedures, and testing equipment.

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Laboratory accreditation for those labs doing business with the FDOT is performed by AMRL,CMEC, or other approved programs. Laboratory qualification is performed by the FDOT oncepp p g y q p ythose labs are accredited.

WHICH LABS HAVE TO BE QUALIFIED?State Materials Office District Materials OfficesArea/Project Laboratories Materials Field LaboratoriesCommercial Laboratories Contractor LaboratoriesVendor Laboratories

WHAT ABOUT EQUIPMENT?Testing equipment will be certified according to their specific schedule.

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Student Manual Lesson 5- Quality Control Plan

Version 9.0 - 10/2013 5-71