Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A

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  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Universitas Mercu Buana

    Chapter Learning Objectives

    1. Understand the role of business strategies in moving a

    company in the intended direction, growing its business,and improving its financial and market performance.

    2. Develop an awareness of the four most reliable strategicapproaches for setting a company apart from rivals andwinning a sustainable competitive advantage.

    3. Learn that business strategies evolve over time becauseof changing circumstances and ongoing managementefforts to improve the companys strategy.

    !. Understand why a companys strategy must underpinnedby a business model that produces revenues sufficient tocover costs and earn a profit.

    ". #ain awareness of the three tests that distinguish awinning strategy from a so$so or flawed strategy.

    %. Learn why good strategy and good strategy e&ecution arethe most trustworthy signs of good management.

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Universitas Mercu Buana

    Chapter Roadmap

    'hat Do 'e (ean by )*trategy+  *trategy and the -uest for ompetitive /dvantage 0dentifying a ompanys *trategy 'hy a ompanys *trategy volves ver ime / ompanys *trategy 0s 4artly 4roactive and

    4artly 5eactive *trategy and thics6 4assing the est of (oral

    *crutiny he 5elationship 7etween a ompanys *trategy

    and 0ts 7usiness (odel 'hat (akes a *trategy a 'inner+ 'hy /re rafting and &ecuting *trategy


  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Universitas Mercu Buana

    “Strategy means makingclear-cut choices about

    how to compete.” 

    Jack Welchormer !"#$ %eneral "lectric

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Universitas Mercu Buana

    “Without a strategy the

    organi&ation is like a shipwithout a ru''er.”

    Joel (oss an' Michael )ami

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Universitas Mercu Buana

    Thinking Strategically: The Three

    Big Strategic Questions

    *.  Bagaimana kon'isi perusahaan saat ini+

    ,.  )emana perusahaan akan menuu+

     – Businesses/ to be in an' market positions to

    stake out

     – )ebutuhan pembeli yang akan 'ipenuhi

     – 0rah bisnis yang akan 'ituu

    1.  Bagaimana untuk mencapai tuuan+ – Jawabannya a'alah

    sebuah 2strategy”

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    7/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    hat !o e "ean By #Strategy$%

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A

    8/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    The &o's That !e(ine a )irm*s Strategy

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    9/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    +ey ,lements o( a Success(ul Strategy

    Copying competitive moves of other

    successful companies rarely works! 

    Strategi yang sukses bergantung kepa'a langkahkompetiti3 yang4- Mampu menarik  pembeli agar terpisah 'ari

    pesaingnya- Mencoba untuk menciptakan posisi pasar  


    Menciptakan kecirian / keunikan 'alam rangka4- Menarik pelanggan 'an- Memiliki pro'uk unggul yang kompetiti3 

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A

    10/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Starbucks: .isionary revolution

    As Director of Marketing in 1982 Founded in 191 ! sma"" co#ee $ean

    roaster and retai"er %no&"edgea$"e sta#' (rip to Mi"an ! centra" component of

    e)eryday Ita"ian "ife Within three years *o&ard Schu"t+ $ought

    Star$ucks from the origina""y o&ner 198 transformation from co#ee $ean

    importer to ca#eine infused cong"omerate ,et&een 198 and 2--. Star$ucksopened on a)erage t&o ne& stores e)eryday'

    /"anned to open a net of 9-- ne& stores

    outside of the 0nited States in 2--9

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    11/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Starbucks/ Strategy: The +ey ,lements

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A

    12/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Strategy and

    Competitive 0dvantage

    5uuan utama 'ari strategi a'alah untukmembuat perusahaan 'apat4 meningkatkan kinera keuangannya memperkuat posisi kompetiti3 pa'a pasar$ 'an

    mencapai competitive advantage atas pesaing Strategi yang tepat akan menghasilkan

    perusahaan yang memiliki competitiveadvantage, yang pa'a akhirnya akan

    menghasilkan keuntungan 'iatas rata-rata(above average returns)

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    13/25Universitas Mercu Buana

     0 1o'er(ul Strategy Leads to

    Sustainable  Competitive 0dvantage

    6erusahaan mencapai sustainablecompetitive advantage bila4 konsumen lebih memilih pro'uk perusahaan

    tsb 'iban'ingkan pro'uk 'ari pesaingnya )eunggulan tsb berlangsung pa'a kurun

    waktu yang panang

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A

    15/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Strategic 0pproaches to Building Sustainable

    Competitive 0dvantage• Be the industry/s low-cost provider 

     –  0chieve a cost2based competitive advantage

    • 3ncorporate differentiating features – Superior product4service keyed to higher 5uality6

    better per(ormance6 'ider selection6 value2added

    services6 or some other attribute• )ocus on a narrow market niche

     – in a competitive edge by doing a

    better job than rivals o( serving the

    needs and pre(erences o( buyers in the niche• !evelop expertise and resource strengths 

    not easily imitated or matched by rivals –  0chieve a capabilities2based competitive advantage

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    16/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Competitive 0dvantage ,7amples

    • Strive to be industry/s lo'2cost provider  – al-art 

     – "outhwest #irlines

    • Outcompete rivals on a key di((erentiating (eature

     – $ohnson % $ohnson 8 Reliability in baby products – &arley-'avidson 8 +ing2o(2the2road styling

     – olex  8 Top2o(2the2line prestige

     –   8 ,ngineering design and per(ormance

     –  #ma*on+com 8 ide selection and convenience

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    17/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Competitive 0dvantage ,7amples 9con/t 

    • )ocus on a narro' market niche

     – eay  8 Online auctions – est uy  8 &ome electronics

     – c#fee 8 .irus protection

     – "tarbucks 8 1remium co((ees and co((ee drinks

     –he eather Channel  8 3n(o about the 'eather 

    • !evelop e7pertise6 resource strengths6 and

    capabilities not easily imitated by rivals

     – alt 'isney  8 Theme park management and (amily


     – 'ell Computer  8 Build2to2order manu(acturing capabilities

     – it*-Carlton  8 1ersonali;ed customer service

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A

    18/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    igure *.*4 7'enti3ying a !ompany8s Strategy


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    19/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    hy !o Strategies ,volve$

    •  0 company/s strategy  is a work in progress

    • Changes may be necessary  to react  to

     – )inancial crisis

     – )resh moves o( competitors

     – ,volving customer pre(erences

     – Technological breakthroughs

     – ,merging market opportunities

     – Changing political or economic climate


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    20/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    hat 3s a Business "odel$

    • Business model adalah: &ow do we make money in

    this business.  –  0pakah strategi perusahaan mampu memberikan hasil yang

    memuaskan kepada pelanggan 9bottom-line results $

    •  0pakah revenue-cost-profit economics

    dari strategi memiliki =good business sense/$ – Berdasarkan revenue streams dari

    bisnis yang dijalankan

     – Berdasarkan cost structure dan profit

    margins yang diperkirakan akan diperoleh

     –  0pakah tingkat pendapatan dan RO3 meng2indikasikan

    adanya laba yang 'ajar$

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    21/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Relationship Bet'eenStrategy and Business "odel

    "trategy + + + !eals 'ith a company/s

    competitive initiatives and

    business approaches

    usiness odel + + + Concerns 'hether revenues

    and costs (lo'ing (rom the

    strategy  demonstrate a

    business can be pro(itableand viable


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    22/25Universitas Mercu Buana



    Business "odel

    )ey 6artners!ost Structures

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    23/25Universitas Mercu Buana

    Starbucks: .isionary revolution

    ,orn in 19. "i)e in 3anarsie ,rook"yn (he father &as a high schoo" dropped4out.

    $"ue co""ar 5o$ Foot$a"" scho"arship to 6orthern Michigan


    In 2--7 &as rank 9 in the ichest/eop"e in America 1988 pro)iding hea"th insurance for part4

    time emp"oyee : 2- hours a &eek; *appy emp"oyee means happy customers

  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Universitas Mercu Buana

    Starbucks: Business "odel

    )ey 6artners



  • 8/18/2019 Strat Mnjmn Lect 01 (2015)A


    Thank >ou