Storyboard template complete

Shot No.1 ‘Talent’ in kitchen mopping and humming to a sad song Type of shot, movement and angle. Long shot. Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene. Ambient sounds/humming (dialogue) Kitchen Natural lighting Normal clothes/no makeup: dark colours/joggers/tracksuit or jeans. Frame durat ion 3s Editing notes Shot Type of shot, Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Frame

Transcript of Storyboard template complete

Page 1: Storyboard template complete

Shot No.1 ‘Talent’ in kitchen mopping and humming to a sad song

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Ambient sounds/humming (dialogue)KitchenNatural lightingNormal clothes/no makeup: dark colours/joggers/tracksuit or jeans.

Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No.2 Talent in kitchen, changing song – walks over to laptop and

places mop against side

Type of shot, movement and angle.

TrackingLong shot – whole body

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


Page 2: Storyboard template complete

on show

Editing notes

Page 3: Storyboard template complete

Shot No.3 Talent changes song on laptop to Me Too on spotify

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulder

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Music kicks inKitchenNatural lighting

Frame duration


Editing notesTry to cover artists name

Shot No.4 Show expression on talent’s face change to slightly more


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Side on, close up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Music playsKitchenNatural lighting

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.5 Reaches over

to mop

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.6 “Ow” in music, and the artist is in front of a black

background, with her hair and make-up done, and breaking the fourth wall.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Medium Close-Up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

High Key lightingMusicMise en scene: lots of makeup/neat hair/red lipstick/red or brightly coloured dress/glamour.

Frame duration


Editing notes:

Page 6: Storyboard template complete

Shot 6 into 7 cuts quickly into the next scene of the talent.

Shot No.7 Talent in kitchen, starting to sweep.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close-up of mop and her feet.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


Editing notes: Edit shot on the beat, 4th count. The screen is split into 4 sections that drop down.

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Shot No.8 Artist walking along, split screen-first section

Sparkly high heels shown

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No.9 Talent’s feet moving whilst mopping – slippers or basic


Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.10 Artist walking along, split screen-first section

Bottom of dress and legs shown

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.11 Talent’s hands shown mopping

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.12 Driver opens door for artist and artist walks towards car

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusicSetting: drive of pendrell hall – pull off here

Frame duration


Editing notes

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Shot No.13 Artist’s feet getting into the car

Type of shot, movement and angle.

mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No.14 Talent’s face shown whilst mopping/sweating – wipes


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.15 Talent places mop in cupboard

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.16 Lyrics begin here! (20 seconds) Artist looks at self in car

mirror – lip syncing Fixes hair and touches face/touching up

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Side on, over the shoulder shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.17 “That’s me” – lip sync words speaking to driver

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.18 Cut to driver nodding – pull car off

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.19 Cut back to artist – lip syncing in car

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.20 Cut back to talent – from POV grabs laptop – continuous

filming until reaches upstairs, time lapse.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

GoPro – POV

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes: Time lapse

Shot No.21 Places laptop down onto desk/chest of drawers.

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes: Regular speed

Shot No.22 Sits down onto bed, the viewer can see that she is really

listening to the lyrics, nodding head etc.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid Shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.23 Artist in performing in front of black backdrop, and

breaking the fourth wall.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

High key lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.24 “I wake up everyday”

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.25 Talent is sitting on bed, beginning to mouth the words

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.26 “And I can’t help...” Swivels around on bed

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Tracking shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.27 Shot reverse shot - “I don’t need” – close-up of the talent

with a confident expression and lip syncing.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Side on, close-up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.28 POV shot of the talent ripping a photo of her and an ex-


Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.29 Shot-reverse-shot – smiling expression on her face. This is

the first time that we see her smile.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Side on close-up

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.30 Selfie snapchat style video of artist miming along to that.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid Shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.31 Talent trying dresses on in the mirror

Lots of short snappy cuts of her holding up different dresses…

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.32 Shot slightly over the shoulder – see in mirror at a lower

angle. Holds up dress 1.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulderLong shot Low angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Shot No.33 Shot slightly over the shoulder – see in mirror at a lower

angle. Holds up dress 2.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulderLong shot Low angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Editing notes:Dissolve/fade into each new short shot.

Shot No.34 Shot slightly over the shoulder – see in mirror at a lower

angle. Holds up dress 3.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulderLong shot Low angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Shot No.35 Shot slightly over the shoulder – see in mirror at a lower

angle. Holds up dress 4.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulderLong shot Low angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Shot No.36 Slow motion; talent falls onto her bed (slumps) – hits bed on

“too”.Arms and legs spread in a star

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Birds eye

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingMusic

Frame duration


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Page 35: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes:Dissolve/fade into each new short shot.

Shot No.37 Shot of the artist posting it to her snapchat story.

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lightingAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No.38 Video of the artist strutting down the drive, and doing a slow

motion hair flick.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Slightly darker lighting

Frame duration


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Ambient sounds/footsteps

Editing notes: Do the slow motion on segments

Shot No.39 Decking

“I walked in like a dime piece….”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Tracking shot of her walking across.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Nearly DuskAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.40 “I go straight to VIP”

Waiter/VIP guard removing the barrier.

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Nearly DuskAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.41 “I never pay for my drinks”

The waiter hands her a glass of alcohol/cocktail.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Back to the same tracking shot.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Nearly duskAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.42 “My entourage behind me” – Make-up artists etc behind

her shown in the frame.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Camera stays stationary and shows her and entourage walking behind.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Nearly duskAmbient sounds/footsteps

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.43 Mid shot of artist on decking she is sitting down a clapper board

blocks the artist’s face on the “Tom Cruise” line

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of the artist camera is stationary and a slightly lower angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Nearly dusk, high key lighting on the decking

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.44

(continued shot from 37) One of the artist’s makeup people holds a tissue for her to sneeze.

Mid shot of the artist and the hand holding the tissue.

Nearly dusk, high key lighting on the decking. 3s

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Shot No. 45

(continued shot) Pan to a bunch of fans trying to copy her walk (strut) then the camera pans back to the artist who is shaking her finger

Type of shot, movement and angle.Long shot, pan

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Music- “and even if they try to, they can’t do it like I do.”

High key lighting

Frame duration


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Page 44: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes

Shot No.46

Black background women singing ‘I thank God everyday” doing a religious hand gesture.

Medium close up Music- “I thank God everyday”

High key lighting

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.47 The talent walks to her wardrobe opens it, wearing a dress

she is not comfortable in, and looking sad.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot, side angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting, music “I that I woke up feeling this way”

Frame duration


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Editing notes: Transition

Shot No.48 The talent walks back out of her wardrobe in a different

outfit, which is less dressy, however she shows a joyous countenance and the audience see how confident she is.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of the artist camera has been in the exact same place, and transitions

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting, music.

Frame duration


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Editing notes:

Shot No.49 “I can’t help”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame duration

Page 48: Storyboard template complete

Looks in the mirror, and looks really happy.Long shot Natural lighting, music. 4s

Editing notes

Shot No. 50 “Loving myself”

Close-up, of her smiling and admiring herself.

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting, music.

Frame duration


Editing notes

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Shot No.51 Artist in front of black screen

“I don’t need nobody else”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of the artist camera is stationary and a slightly lower angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

High key lighting, music.

Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No. 52 Rapid shot changes on the drum beats, 0.2 seconds per


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of the artist camera is stationary and a slightly lower angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Nearly dusk, high key lighting on the decking

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.53

Cut to an over the shoulder shot of the laptop on dressing table – artist shown on laptop performing/dancing

“if I was you”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulderStraight angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.Natural lighting. In bedroom, girly pink colours etc.

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.54

Cut to side on shot: laptop in front corner of screen and see talent copying the dance routine from the laptop

“I’d wanna be me too”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting. In bedroom, girly pink colours etc.

Frame duration


Editing notes

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Shot No.55

Mid shot of laptop on dressing table clearly showing dancers – see talent’s arm moving in the corner

“I’d wanna be me too, I’d wanna be me too”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural light, bedroom.

Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No.56

Long shot of talent dancing (improve) around bedroom – confidence and fun

“if I was you I’d wanna be me too, I’d wanna be me too, I’d wanna be me too.”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shots – side on

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting, bedroom.

Frame duration


Page 53: Storyboard template complete

Shot No.57

Long shot of talent dancing (improve) around bedroom – confidence and fun

“if I was you I’d wanna be me too, I’d wanna be me too, I’d wanna be me too.”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shots – front on

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting, bedroom.

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.58

Quick cuts of car leaving, wide shot of back of car, close up of wheels, etc.

Pull car off emma’s drive – round the corner


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural Lighting, music.

Frame duration


Editing notes: Quick cuts

Shot Type of shot, movement Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en- Frame

Page 55: Storyboard template complete


Close-ups of artist travelling in the car to the party.

and angle.

Mid shot


Natural lighting. Music



Editing notes

Shot No.60

Shot of Mercedes from behind, so that we see the artist’s hair and arms in the air.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting. Music

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.61

Walks out of car and into house, there are photographers either side walkway, and taking photos with the flash on.

Segment of slow motion bits of woman walking and the flashes going off.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Shot from behind

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Natural lighting. Foley sounds of flashes.

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.62

In one third of the screen we see the artist dancing slowly and clicking/miming to the words/beat. The other 2/3rds of the section of the screen shows the party moving and dancing - sped up time lapse.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.

Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.63

Talent continues to get ready, applying subtle make-up.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Bedroom, natural lighting.


Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.64

“And I can’t stop loving myself” – Talent takes selfies

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Over the shoulder

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Frame duration

Page 60: Storyboard template complete

Casual clothes etc.



Editing notes

Shot No.65

Wide angle of woman still taking photos.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Wide angle

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Bedroom, natural lighting.

Casual clothes etc.


Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.66

Party scene – Artist singing into mic to her own song having a good time.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Frame duration

Page 62: Storyboard template complete

Party clothes etc.



Editing notes

Shot No.67

“I’d wanna be me too” – High angle of crowd standing together holding phones above head with the strobe above head.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


Page 63: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes

Shot No.68

Close-up of artist singing into microphone again

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


Page 64: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes

Shot No.69

Talent puts on her shoes

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Bedroom, natural lighting.

Casual clothing etc.


Frame duration


Editing notes

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Shot No. 70

Looking at herself one last time in the mirror

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


Editing notes

Shot No.64

“Hey Hey Hey” – Hair flicks to each “hey”.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame duration

Page 66: Storyboard template complete

Mid shot Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.



Editing notes

Shot No.71

Talent puts on her coat

Type of shot, movement and angle.


Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


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Editing notes

Page 68: Storyboard template complete

Shot No.72

Party – everyone having fun

Security guard shaking his head

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


Page 69: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes

Shot No.73

Artist walks into shot

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


Page 70: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes

Shot No.74

Artists hand going towards talent

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


Page 71: Storyboard template complete

Editing notes

Shot No.75

Artist and talent hold hands

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.76

Walking through party Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


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Editing notes

Shot No.77

Shot from behind

Walking hand in hand

Turn round to break fourth wall

Say “too”

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Dark/night time lighting

Party clothes etc.


Frame duration


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Editing notes

Freeze frame on “too”

Vignette fade to black

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