Stone Sour - Hesitate Music Video Analysis


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Stone Sour- Hesitate

Video Analysis

Page 2: Stone Sour - Hesitate Music Video Analysis

According to Diane Railton, and Paul Watson’s book Music Video And The Politics Of Representation’, Stone Sour’s Hesitate is a narrative music video, as it tells the story of a breakdown of a marriage between a couple (Page 55). However, in my opinion it could also be classed as a Hybrid music video, as it also includes staged performance within the location that the video is set in (Page 61).

Within this video there has been a lot of post production editing all the way through to create the fire in the house. As Andrew Goodwin identifies in his book ‘Dancing In The Distraction Factory’, there is a link between the lyrics and the visuals in this video. The fire is used illustrate the lyrics: ‘You were my fire, so I burned, now there’s nothing left of me’, but may also be used to signify the couples relationship in the video burning out and coming to an end.

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Corey Taylor, Stone Sour’s frontman, stars in the video’s narrative as the partner to the woman. As a fan of the band, I am aware that the frontman has been previously married, and had children with his now ex-wife. This video gives fans insight into this time in his life, and the breakdown of his personal relationship because of him being on the road with his band, and being away from his family. It also shows that having the rock and roll lifestyle isn't all that it’s cracked up to be, and can often be very emotional.

Both these shots represent the interference of the band with the singers relationship with his family. In the first you are able to see him punching a Stone Sour disk hanging from the wall. The second is a more powerful statement, as it shows the frontman’s dilemma- being torn between his family, or his band. In this shot you are able to see the family leaving the house, and the band entering. When I first saw this shot it reminded me of the old fashioned cowboy standoffs that you would see in western movies – signifying the bitterness between the two groups of people.

Picture from Red Dead Redemption

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Throughout the video you are introduced to the narrative , and shown the couples life as it progresses through the years. At the start of the video we are shown a happy couple celebrating with a new born baby. However, in the background of all this is what looks to be a photographer- maybe used to represent Corey Taylor’s fame, and how he is unable to get away from the paparazzi etc.

We are then shown another shot of the couple, this time with the child older and aware of his fighting parents. This is used to represent the passing of time, and how the couples relationship is getting worse. Again, the phone may be used to show Corey’s tie to his band, and how he is constantly busy because of it.

The last shot I believe is the most powerful as it shows the disappointment on Corey’s sons face. Now a teenager he is able to fully understand the problems in his parents relationship, and his facial expressions show a lack of love for his father. Corey Taylors body language says a lot in this shot, as he is not directly facing his son, and has his hands on his head in despair of failing him by not being there for him.

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Many of the shots throughout the video have Corey Taylor framed in the centre, standing alone with wide open space to either side. This again shows to the fans the emotional stage in his life of his wife and children leaving, and him being left alone. He is also shot singing on his own and not with the band, again signifying his desire to have time away from his work life. However, it also gives the appearance of him being vulnerable and hurt by the experience.

Again, Andrew Goodwin’s identified characteristic of a relationship between lyrics and visuals is used here through body language. In the lower shot Corey is reaching out towards the camera, with the lyrics in the music video at this point being ‘I need you’. His body language is also used to show how upset and ultimately how crushing the experience has been for him, as he is shot with his head in his hands.

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Lastly, there is also a stage performance element. In the video the band are shot playing in the roof of Corey’s family home. This is again used to represent the feeling that Corey Taylor is unable to escape his work with the band to spend quality time with his family.

As Andrew Goodwin identifies, there is a link between the particular music genre and video style. Stone Sour are a heavy rock band, and have dressed according to the genre they fit in with. The band are either dressed in black or white- colours that are linked with this type of music. There is also the live performance aspect, including close up shots of guitars being played, drums being hit, and the band ‘moshing’.