» stirptiod with a new t>l. < of Offenbwh'a, will doubtlea«*...

bein» stirptiod with a new t>l. < of Offenbwh'a, will doubtlea«* make a iiroatw-rni. -¡.«»i. Whet lu r a ijeiiulin' «»ai* K.r alvie of b1« rUlwiaeot, howerer, oan Be prrmaui'i.tit revived m New-Votk la an interesting and doabtful <|u'e»tion. A *e«ft»on of English «»pera is to oj»en at Xiblo'i on the Mth of OcU>ber The company I* the one fonaed t-T HI brnm* from the I-arepa and Blchiiiga troupes, and though it lack» the gi« at alnger and the **:¦ cempUobe«! eonduetor who »nive an« h stnngth the former of those org»niiati-t.« Ii«.«t Winter, it la. never- thfieas« a Ui «re and attractive combination from which *.(. .av reaaouably exi««« I a great (lea ,»f »rood un »a le Twa^onntii.'» *r< Mr».. »rou, Ri< Mugs lt-i i. ird. Mi*« ¿' and Mia«« Fannie <0«>,\*\,r the .-«inimité*, LrTzeLia Harrtaon Set-tun and Mr- Nn-okhoiii* lioirv.w; ,h?t,«n,.r« Mr C-iatlc. Mr. Bowl :. ami Mr John Chat- î.n^nTahf Mr I...i.» .,« ; the I'»»«.-. V r.mtVtVll Mr. Henri l»ravt.»u, Mi Edward Be.guln.ati4 ilr V .w. ii «awl II"' "»»'" ¦"'. -»' v,"0,". f^opem- pn.uit.ed dun.»* tn.- m *¦» ona wa Bl lui« ritan weil«, uau y, Mr. B B o Tall WlBUe." ______....-..-. POLITIC li. NKWbH.'K. __mn_Ta TO Till, lil ft HI l.'W STATK CON- VIM I"V Wavne C<>..\<*. Dist..M. Thornton. Sodus; j,,tu.\..i«-ut.urg. -«t.-.v. P. H.r. ol'. iiiivi*. and samuel Imnaliaii.. AlUoofik '«..-Hamilton Bard, Alfred bockart, Win. VaniMraiirt. Unt BOH «B* Th« \ -¦.:.-¦¦ t «>f lJ()I)r.. -, .'..n.. titi >u aie Ii. 0, Iiriiwii. iel,. oma Jm-innan. S. pt. ..«-Tho Don. Akron IVrry v . ii.Mua.'iit'.ii JOOtOttea bv Hi« BefBhUBM I'tm»! «-*- «bMMOMbMM« "f Mt 1«. 0 .«> l»'.-tri'-t. lie tis-nut .tMXWpted, '"U i '";; '" " >''. '<!_.', ...\ t in.,« of tie I-'t ..,i ii i ti: i l> «tri. itii'i tn- 11 um t «n Cottntj Con¬ nut ti. mon»*.-. Fruí..« rj lioua wert W *' M.'.v-.n The I«! 1'¡« RepahUeu CongiaMiaMd Conrent: I WM Ik- ti.-'.'l Bl V ne'.and "ti Wednesday next. Juhu W. Cain has lieen nominated tor County K. icii.'.i. «ii« ot CbbMbbObbMJ I ¦ »'".- i:.--1 >-,-K.-» The Hon. William A. Newell is the Repub- 1,« .«ii caiiitidüti f,,i ( ..i,ct. «« In tin- II.i I»i»trnt of ><¦«- '.--.\ I1. Tin,I-,', '.«?.'" n- -, hi»« Ititi,'U. Charle«. Hiiiiitii. Dem., la Un pu m ni i The publican», of Kui tin township have 'iiniait«nuit«» t,, tin- lll.l « «i«t:: i;\ itioni li- legal« "1 raartc-ll Houghton,John M. l:-.arit, Henri Watton, j. Wim. Crowell. Alternat«.A. W. Bil. 0 W. I iv. V. K. W. aloa, .1. K li .rib it, t W. ,Matri nfleld, to the name Convention, *»rt « I, U:, H MeMahon,, J. Hu..- í.»r'¡. M E. K. y.\H-. l'oI.ITK'AI. NOTES. The II« publican nominations for CeOfTOM 1n Michigan, m far heard from, are as folio» s : Hld MM Au-t!' li'.atr: IVlti Mata Bit, 1__M W. Ferry ; V'tJ D Vît ti D..»lrii t. J 1 »«. oiitlciiicii utt all mtWtmJÍt i'f Iii« present H'iij«. c\c j«t Mr. I>nggg. The lion. Oliver J. Ilnkey has been noini- for reelection to Congress by the Rf pnMtfiBBl vi t:.- I1 n' I', iiii-;- Irai The lion. Daniel J. Morrell has been nomi- v f «ji:« ¡niiiücana for nt'lection t«» Oaagn -.«- Mi mik l»i«tri'f of Pennsylvania, coinpo»ed of the < .'initioot r.lair.canibria. Huntingdon, and MiÖUn. LOCAL POLITICS. Till: RKPt'BLICAN STATK CONVENTION. lu the H AaMeiubly Districts of this County, T«riinary eleetiona were held by the Republicans last -i ni-'.'-ot delegates and alternate* to the State Con- '¦HtllM.MM held at Saratoga on Wednesday next, the i Til.- f '.¡owing Is a full list of the delegate.« und i. t.'tnat^ elected. '..«Thi.T.-Dtltpat«».llfBrr Smith Aluti«Ki B. Cornell. Aik»- i -n».Kai),ai Kid«!«"/ »r N»n,-,. S I ."; ¦» «OirraicT..ïMaaataa.Baarj 0. Lraak, Morn» yr.i%itt~. -t Im-wr aJtab» I Pirra in Pilaa.ia» Iilnriiih. Jame« TfrwnlliT»r Alter- I \ M i... A r Kin i,!-TKHT..ItYie/at«».Jame« McLaren, Wübatin McK.nn«-». . K K S»«aia» HrorT B.o.htr. ir» l..»Tii'«"T.l)Vl»iat«»^-J«m«»> Wn'»r' i.ttoir R- '»rt Filwird», i Walka! Aiierbatm.Ai-ttii'i:» Icjuisl JcLl J h.J-.-nek. WiUiaan. « Maa-,. «i«TH luaTRicr..I»»l«M»t».J»» M MrCatrtin. Hofib Kubitt. Al- r ar« .1«« H Aulenoa. «¦«.aatu PutaiCI ln-lti al Jrlfrrivn A»«ratl.lT Biv-."o«1 .D«-l«-a7«t»*. !.,»¦¦. (>»l Alfw»! Pl>a^>titoo. J ,n.«a A lai-Utiio.. Aitcnjai«:. I HIIUII 1>i«tk»«tt (hrM »t Sn.rni Kr,,aJw»yi-1-. Vi H ,«r A J li l'tia-auaa- limrj TLaaipwu. AlntttttO. ¡in'Uiia* K. 6.. »art. J aniaMGi*aa u ..««, Ii- i i«.H-it Ii ti. -t Iw!»iai»a. A'ur./«. B. CrrtU Joha J. O Drn>n. n»«u All»ru»le».llenr.' C. Al.nud, Samuti A. Bolnrl« Ja». A. I uraa. "...«.TH Dtrrt.K-r .IVI'-e»!«*. 1 D«-.«ir To«t»r, J.m«-« W P.rr J S-..I- h: S ritaViin. ft la-ri.ataja.JuLu U. Jaa. U B.«.tb Ir, II . art r,~, h M.r,lf. a.TH I'liiKirr .liVleg.Mt^-Xlarti'j B Br wt 8t*pt,*i II. Knajit,, i ¦-. Bl B< .. A Iiu.-r. I... I .. |.licii-gau».Lewa J. K rk Jtv».l. MI AJt»«-». Vi I.,- i,- i, VI .itali t. .»ma .cr. arra ;>i«t»i«-t.-Dtl-irat**-Ma.r«ha' O K-'»-rt« «I Ja ra» L. liaatie. Aluruair*.Jui.ii V. i.n.... « Lia .«. lui- I*«!.«-.-« Iii'THier.H«-l»ir't"».Thom»» H»«a« WlHi.i. II' t«- !taU-a>~ THitrtr'iH Ih«tkiit..I«, «-trat»».< u.-I»» I SifM-«»- Ilo^h 0«rl- rr. Alt»ina«>- J'I-M.,T Aad . I -ngari« I>!«trict .Merv«!»..'obn CoehrM«¡, F. C. Wajjutr. A i-roata».- .' Kimaai r»- H»m«..r. Baad, Baaaji W I»t » L 1, 1 »1 l.- l.. | lia,;. Mantf tri t.. Dtl-rav »-li«-: rr L'i;i»'ii.L bl. Alri»n.!»r -'«-(»;¦.. ri.,;.,-. J Park] I>r lim «a , .Tla.1 ir.K« Dil k t .I«rl»f»1«»i>.tVis Atkiinon, C,»n. John A. Alkmalaw-W-m. L. Ka matt, Ac» ( UnrJa Ttioa Marr». nelfnatw.Miftl«. Crvnan tt ,- II»,»- fan,tia, mp. Alt»rti«t«rw.j.uieaM. 1 buuian« jr Wm. 11. Uali J«,bn U wl «,tuK .«.?N-K »T« 1h«ih t-!i-,i':,i--(.«-'-r.r !'. Brtvlford. Itatñai B. ..iimi-r. A utua:«?t.VViiiiani I. draff. biatilM* .,,..¦¦ M.. t> HUagcr. Iiuaiaa « ia lillian f PriMali.( he»fr A. Ar-.knr Rnftu« P ia! HiaiL-.Bire Alt»ni»t«M.Sp»D'*r K rl» Joa.aL W. '1 boutpai'ti ¦'¦¦ «'¦ B Ufa*» \.»*T«».sTH Ui-TKitt .DwleftaW.iMaM O liant («*;. AMOHéM M Harri" t r-- ai-.TV»».» H».»i Latfaa waaTiKT.i H-ti.,,1 -1'. .-a».-- Vt aii«-L A I'»rl rm (i,.rr» 0*. ...n». AltTLat»-«.Uiivl tv lrf-c Tkomai B it «an»** It '.« n (' H-..WU .1 ,- Il V s»liii,.a. Al;«ni»tc*-M.fh»irl A ke««i J.i^bï» M K1'.' » « 01 M I Y riiiviw.iL«. The pi 1 i laflee»!»»» ll-ti.« I. Il .»cn CI,»-!«, R 1- ¡HiatfrataB. B.lijalu.» 1 1^«- W'iri. S .-i Hiai« l'-T :.-. T. I>*l»yat»« JatT"-. T I.-tl PC W I' l'i li IT« D.r-TUl. I.- lH I«-,-«-'» A-iiL'.r«. ".»,1 «til K B I.atiailid, E a ri. Kiata I»' mit T..I.rk-jg.1«. Iuar CatLn K.iiiod (ioiw-n R. J it«* ftaïaucl T. Maddox. B.nj.mis F Kt..HTH liiTKtt.1 I>*l««r»t« aaslfi (' B*in«rtt A. M Bli» Wm. 1 J«taaova. -> m c II V. VaD.icrt.-fr. S. la. Blachford 1 ' noom A-.-1.MM.V Manner. At a Meeting ti Um BcpabHean Aoeorlotlnn t.l Hie Bei nil A»i«iir'!.t Im-Iih t. li« l«l at No. 'U Diiaue- t»t m, I «. int.', MM. b, IBM pnr«ii..tit Mi «ali ,,. ,»,. «,..,., r-- , mim,itt,-, th.- le.'-clutHiii'«, ofliif.i > Maaot lu«««», e*<|-, »ere uiianiinously «vl«>i'U-'i : i:, nui ru!. Tbbt i;«-ti. (iraiit- adiiutiir.triitii.ti lnti« n.'tn aaeaéetfItaelfta Um <-iiti!u»...-ti' taytforl "f ttepeople «i-» an«! «nfrir.-tii in« ii«ni«"i« ¡iii'i'ttd. not "B-> '(' t*- lu««- t N.'.rloiiitl lit, out ««!»<> to ditulniath Tax itl'il. «lilli » iltij lilli,« I.ri' ll.l'p^' «11« t"ftllltllt t, mure tar I,fui a<ltiiiiii-4rat¡< --¦ "f plllili« aft.uio. Baaalai J, That thl« ..- »itl» «-.mflilen«* oí. U«, ai.,, u and m te tri il« ..; im- il..h. Tuoniai. Murplu . :'«.f tin- l'i-rt. bein In« tlmt ii. tniti of at! nr- »iii en . l *ll! tlii l.eartv aii|i!««.iil n' tilt- Bien-haut, t \..u York, m4 that he anil, bj Map Linal tfliou. m i. inn! «tr- n f.-1 '¦¦ Iii l'iil'.icii, p.tit\. audtBiu "i-nfy tlic .-licl tiiiit lie .'i» tlie rieht mai. lu 11.'- r\g\. Ketotr.ii T'iat w.-t.i)(< t( i- opportunity to erpreta onr ¦: tlii HOD It'- .'. 1 i.» ai:- il Iii«- »'al. ni Nett Torfc j i«taira. t. d iron tli. I I..MIH : I«. Iii. »Mate l «uiti-ulnil. Io in 11 ht riata- », aa tbey «to. to artaadt i n, tu«- iut.-i-.-«i «. tin- Natiaaal Ailinuii«tin i renden anj foi ' -'at.-,, .,., thia Aaaocla Ion In Uta) re*pect uni to a m'- renarfca of Dr, .«aaWfel t <»f a *t tt ment .«r a'i diti-1 . H" a:;.- , I..« I'.' ¡«niiliaaii» ofllie lii-lliet, mljoiin «1 with huila liuiif» for iii« au. .--<,:ii,i pal ti in t lie «oiu- At iii«- third m«'« dag d the m tv Matthew '-'f«' ;>. i<> ali. i «-¡ii tal A--.* lalion. Ia»l cm ii- Vtai »nn ¦pie», i tel Si .fl.oiit .-. dill, Afta-r i..ii.'.-.,-i.,i,i, luiiv «UaeaaaitMi II »u» de« i(l««l tuai -.,. n.ittii ^t T. r.i.-iiii.iu AaaofUtton «ii ipili.« m Hi« ( utr.n A. aud taro d«-l. ttiittoiia fimn Ibe Vit h W.u.I and two lumi ." tlltli v., n- rt, .ulii.^lv diiuntl. I:, Imo ia«tioll «'l"pt««1 M foil»! Util I,li Mill li» laWS k, , «|,Ia al Mi. Uro oí. ..i,«i <.,. ,i«.i un ..,,, *,i,,.., .in.. roi "¦¦ .«un, war l'i -«.I. -ut. Wtu li II, ,n- VI« IT. «i .l'iit«. l'a. Ii.;,l « «Aiilat., Jam.-. E. Ilnaroii. «,erali..i, N n*-iiii»u, j.Mritii \t. i,mi, ktud AiiM-n k üruwlat M m M I^»»i«, l'ali i. V Mi-drain, and J.Meph A. S* I'...' il« i, Juin, y Naitli-; h ,.-. mu it Ann», »"ii )...... ..i H\lwhlfr K'"tli A «iniuiilif, «t, «l'i»-nil «i lo .«¦. urn a inor* «-«-»ilrMl ni.-.t'iii i.h.ii, .nul '¦.. A-*.,jiu,u iavtlj«.i,rn«-«l t.. met at tlic call ,,i tbi TI,. Patriot k Ai'l Bodotj of the N«»rth ^ll«»re [tla.i.l, K.«aili»i,l Palier, ir-»ilini, m,,l V "".' («t, v , i. i ,i .. i.¦¦ t. 1 W2..0 lu Aiixual, «nil puni 11. imu'.uiii th«-Treafin« r of tin S. v. \,,r> taaoeUUon 'îr.itlier John t k>L, f«»r t.n m ai - TnaOBIM ... «i i^.ii,,. 1 .«u i a. i ,i i- ; «i u.« *0. t-jiii, t unmet. Tin ; wera held but evening bImíh rnaai THK WAR IN EUROPE. ( nntlnscd frowi -.rsl I'b«c. servie«. The Americans In Paris have subscribed more than liii.i-io fr«nc« for these purjH.«.»s. The ('«-ntrai « .nu mlttee of the Interuational R"lief «'«unmlttee have estsbllBhed a Chief Central Agency at Iíanle In Switzer, land, whence thejre are both German and French rall way«. Funds are needed by this agency, and circulars have already t»eeii distributed, asking for contribution« to Ix» u««»d, not by either of the belltgi-renta but by this muitral seK-lety, which organized under the Int«»nia- iional trenty and has a sister «ociety In this country. The lTesitlent of the Ontral («einmittee, (Justare M"i7. er, and the venerable «ieii. Dufour will receive _fH_0i ¦»'. Usaie, In the name of the Iut«»r_atir,ual Society, and a«-« «mm «tot them. TITH GERMAN DEMOCRATS AND THE WAR. The Anteigcr den Wetten«, «if St. Louis, one of the few Influential German pai»crs in the Western M it««- win. h ha\e remained faithful to the Democratic party, lins the foloiving «ignifle».ant article-: Willi the-ixe ption of The Mitsoun Kttiubliran and a few other rather nisi gin flea tit papata. MS entire ¡temo- rratit ¡tress in America has taken side in the prêtent *ar, Thi« a fait which e-aiiimt lie ________ and which »h«iu!il not be eom salad from Um Qanaaa Amen rail«. In vain one se-eks lor reason« to explain this sym¬ pathy of the American I)-niue-rae-r with Boiiapartisin and it« victlin. the iiilsgiii,le-el French people. As the traditional predilection fur France- on a*-count of the «up- l»or! it gave to the t'nited Htate« in the war of lmle- a____aooo, as nativistic dislike for the unloved '.«mian ile nient lu America, .s, finally, Ignorance and iirej'-.eine» with regar«! to B-Topeaa 'feintions are « itliizi the hepablloan party at leant a* strong ,as in the ;, Jtarti, one inight assume, thai the- sympathy for «leriuaiiy of France in both partie« must Is- Bfeoal (.eui,»1!\ annie!. Hut this is not so. The «iverwhenniiiiT majority of Heiuiblii ¡in ]eap-r« r.e'ee»fiii7e-s the Hi-tie-«' M ti»«- cause e,f (iermany ami bring« urtu»!.-!», on the war and «t.tte of ______ in (.cimaiiv pad Frame win, li In-token a thorough knowledge e.f the, suliject and Independent .'it'igini-nt. while a majority just ax overwheliniiig of the iie-inoe-iiitic papara of the Engiirh laaaaaaa, no1 onlv m mpiithbi « with Franc-, tent is fllli-d witli the iim-t \e iioinitii« lies and the gre-a test alni«»» with regal «1 t.« (.e-rmany. It ignorant AmeriTin scribbler« «till indulge the hallu- « m,it i«,ti the Preach pe "pi«, of which «6 per cent pan- not read and w rite, OTC mar, alna at UM load of i h iliza- tion, one Might atinl'iite this t'i tlicir lgiioraiice- of truth. Hut it spite, if we um«; read In Amerli an paix-r« thal Butupartutlc Ftanee enioy« min-« fkeadoa tiuui Oar» many, while ever» reader «>i newaMpanaagM tekaaw that to« i-itietr.iiv is tin' ia«»'- that fier inany y ear« Kie¬ lli «ri-riuauy has been to.ere (ree than la tint tin- departments of administration huí tnarttn -re asatt how -t aal batleSt, and thal Oataaaay na« a mon efficient repreaentatlüa «»f tiee people tnah «¿e-rmain. Tiint lorniai.y during the last d«-ceuntai lins H«lvail(«'l With glk'UIltii' step« lil Its M,entitle .,» its political life ; that in u«' country of tin- W( r! I popular education atandi higher, and family Ufa p ¡r- r ami better.ail ethla leeoaa to entirely: nnkiiowii to our Amci-.i a-; I> nocr.its. It equally ii'i- kiiown to tin in that uieei.-r Hie rule of the Baaaparte tin «1« -iiinlie.¡/..»Heil, ed Frame- ill pt.lit lea well in fatally lil. ti atada glaanl f (trogreaa, ami thal iii«- Iroa pr« »-ure of «"«-sHiis'ii has pañüyaQd all minds, .yen ni til«- preeVellCC» of lill 1*1 ..' t tri y'd-Scnss ¡» .-iibji-t t wliie-h in fu« t has only one «»ide «mi w Hh rcguid tee'w loch a.l iiiiprejud,ie«l t-tlin at« «1 asea, among them even a tarn nnanber of Frenchmen, have unit .ni* e.pill!.,li | \i «. MT. at tent icely «read the Democratic paper* of the English tongue which da] for (lay ¡lave givt-n «-.Tpie-«»l«eii to Ilie-ir Fnglisli «yuiplltli i ». but fount! in them .tí';«- di <m i r lag a 11 -putatmu. Hut we al»«' iiini «i.iily lathe I'e-m-ee i-.iiic English pr»«.s article¬ 's tu, h til! us with arti'ii-liiiii-iit, ami, lo ix- frunk, with Lu* il.t.-na'.i«eie am! «hiiine. What-foi ¡listan« e, an w«-Tn ..f articles like the one la Tat Wem-Yark Morid, under th«' Be -li -sil (in 1-," m win. ti the liuist disgraceful iii«iiiiiiitiee!is are made at-iiinst Prussia. insult« whit h Democratic pipon now heaaapoa the- «¿,-riieaii peopli »t.« «I« «p. aiiel w iii n«'t toon i-e fnr».-'it- ten. Ami it aaowo lot bo forgot* f««r it show« Cll'Urlv tin- »Iii'it Willi li uti.¡Hate« t l_li«.»lisll DOOBO- cratic jKiiK-ir«. .liiil what wc ii,,i\ e Ipi irmii Until. Tin -Jon .¦mil ol Sr* York, «'iii' of tin lau] I>« ino«T »tie pap«r«, coine« ¡ind fully approves the akara art.« la. -TOTCfl on THE WAR. The Iron and Cool ¡rude fflH-irir.ptlhliallil«- in Eii|T|^ml, stat«-« in Ngari tee the« iron trade on the conti¬ nent and the cxu-lit to which it is affected hy the wari "The Ilelgiau Iran trade Is naturally a (ead «leal «!'¦- ranged i«y the war, but tiniOoTe___D__d appeal to be helping the ironmasters by «¡-.vug out extensive order« for ra'l« M iicii'Uiit of the Htate- railway». We I,«ve no very detinue information to what iiuiuImt of iin-n hare been takoa away tram the work», bat we oader- «tarni that the prodaetton ol Iroa In Belgium baaeer- tainlv l'<»«-n ver) linn h dm m:«lie<l of tata, Ia i.enii.'ir-J ai.el Frain-e, «>f ceeurse-, the war ha« cituscel an alm««st complete «lispt'iisie.n eef niai.ufaetui i *_r e,|x-rat ion», .mi ae _B_Jiy er»f the establishment« wen- laiv-iy eii_-,i_-«-1 In mimifá. türm»; t. «li 11 t_--.-«t »« k am! mute-i .al for tin- Bu«sian ami Austrian railway «, it la highly probable that many of tha-se ««entrait« will nene to this country 1" enteil, lind that for a elong time» l«e e-ouu- tile protluctioi. of Iron ta those two.intrlee, and sape-laQj m (»iruiany. will lie i erv inui-h diminished, Em»ii should iH-a-e io I verv qun-kiv r««ti>ie«l, it w11 lu- imprai ti, aliii- for the lriiiinaste-is of Prussia te) gol their w. .rks m full eepert ri««ii for a l"tig time to come, and England will i «sr:iy-liai«- t«e »uppiv the t: isbi iron vhloha ii. telll.-rWlsl- |X- JeruilllCl-el 'It! ill.Iltlllfllt." The iron t»ri«I_ru at K»»hl, wliich wa» blown up at the «¦etninii-i.i-i'tti' ni of t'¡«' a «r, co»t the Basti ra lu»..way (.ompany Fran« .. tl,!««>i,"vu. WHERE TO WOE Foi* WAH NEW'-*». fel.M.l.ul S Tlllli! IK« Ht«).M ALI. <¿t ililli.'-. ii .:t.- .1 «:»r. TlIK NBW-TOBI TlMP.l NI lliUS (lisjeliiil el el .1- war oaterpiise hitherto nner-qnak- in the- lenna!» of the Aiiuii an pi«»s I In«.,tile tolls alone on the dispate-fa published li, thi .»'¦". j c-te-r,l ey, desertptive of tin- battle of «¿rai lotte, amounted t«, ».'..'««i, »r«¦ «l linier the maiiagi-'iii t,i ol Mt. tVhitalaa held, lu«. Taranna bids 'mr t.. t.. .Hy. sa it ha« h en editorially, the tir-t papel In America, pe-ihap« ni lu- Vollll. From Th* St, I no » Ti ut I Tri New-Yob* Tbibi ni Iim»*-. f.iirlv d »- taaoad all ona pt -tn«>r« In the» pmmptneso, i \i«-t¡t, ml- m», u'-'l a«-i-iir;i«'y e.f its telegraphic wai Erery considerable city and army on either alda ¦«-' te i,.' n pre-eea-iite «i by II ..t'i pr'.-ilig rcpeirt.Tn lill 1 if one is ;.ri «ted di away, hi« placa ¦opear« b be Immediatelyrappllad. Putland «nsptiie-ain artttoi ra- p.ert- of all nrmv taoTetuenti uni rattle« are sptaad ba- lore Its readers ta _f« «--Yorli nrfon brief notleesof theaa itplessr m tiie- I. iTiilem loomaU. It- reports of thi bat¬ tles are so vivid ai u a diriiiei-t p_> tare of the whole r-« ¦... and, adtli the aid of t atap, to tue tli« whole ..ut Me'hal v. ..ti:l lia\.- bee u thought twenty reara ago of n the New-York] eight eoiomos of detail« ighttatha beartof i.erman.i serea days after the battles took place ( Yet thi- i- 's ne almost daeiv in the eoluai-uiol Hu. Hi sr- Vl.llK lUil.tM. Prom Til«- K»'aiti»i,aa, !-_¦> Tlie enterprise' of THE Kew-YoBS TBIBI i. la getting the fuli«-»t and um»; ;. i-t-'. :'y i- ..-i^tini tin- «eat ol war, willio;.; pt-.-¦-. .lent In jó, STn! i«ui» tte^t paiM-r at tue bead of all others, la thla country urlnEñrope. .»bedearriptleenoftbe ttle« rarelott« alone, telegraphed t«> Tin. Tim ink, rjoel it IJ.MO In i.- "id, w lin»- ita ai erage tlaiiy .-». e»-:,»t. fur vmr newi la tiefte It har «ix corrí-«).,.luientes with th Bl my t wo at Paris, another al London, wini«- ii employe ee_-____rsto run to and free freim the battle lii-l-1-, how« \'e-r rec Inaceeaaible, Tiie- Ann neun preaa lia» t«« ackaowl<edge tin newsthns«¡-Attainedth« nie«-r detailed ariit it:-"-n.r thy to be had Tbe «llspatch with which it« Intel Is gathered and forwarded pat« the London \ tit« «huele, iiml some- svmp.ttit zing friend of the praaatoKea Yorkpnipoees to tace cha;., ol Um m-.-- of reporting t»ach to the London papers by lele- graptl what In «lauv in Hie iti.iimtiSie! TUS Tulli- t'ii Tm Tumi NK «itiiee l- the radiating center ta the world for Prussian ami Frene li war new«. Krom Tli« I'...;«...;, M.nrn J.nri.ul The «merg? ami eoterpria. «ii The New-Tobe Tkhii m iii j'l'ee i»riiig Iii!« tul!, aie trustworthy m-w«, an i-cogiiued bj the prosa and peoylo of the eonntry. i rince the cejmroeneement of boatllltle« Is tv\«-en Krame and f*niBsls hoTSthoss qnaHUeeol (hat I'-ueling tournai been ozhlnlted. It» apaeial dispatches treas the aaat of ararhara been more rolland eomplete t In« ti tin «m« r.-.-ehed y any other d.eily journal in Se w- Yerk, la fa<'t it ha« «-.a«uple»«-iy dtotanoed all the other ieaiier» in that fitv in tin« aiiitter. This loabowab) the arge ii.ii.iiie-riet ni »i Din» -i- lalsh legrapli« ti tram thai city to the pr« «- Um agh___ taeeoanlry, Tue l/uiite«li papers, w!ii"_ a;»- Da»«- mi!»-- marer ihr s.-eiii- eef co,fl.«t. «lo ned publiati it lit IS ot tin n_rwS4__U_r which TllK Ti: hi :st laye before Its iea-ni>. There Is another point Which render« tile lilt, .e H. eif Tilt TKIi'VK a pi'W'I ¡II tin lañe! The e ari,e'«; -n .»- al id ability With which ti ad .rescatesth« truth n all ¦<¦ t*..¡ national and local iii)«>rt«ii« e, make It«ni«n,i««i:» nepaoletl even by ii»»«««- Vil.e dO ieett teiil l«if .1' Jet ."III «.-» or ioTI,' Willi It- 11,11- i u-ioiir. Ve noria the eni*rpti_e ot Tin: Nbw-Yobb rilHt'NI .i» e 'li ..I'ii IO Aliierii eli joiirii ill«-: worth, "f Uw highe«! owmmeudatlon frais Us ealaiapo- railes. Fr. eu Tir il Iw-BSM K. »Ornai (tele-Ting tin- eui.)' »iii !u ti,.- li'iu' sju-c ii Cable dixpat« n t«. 1 IK 1 IIB - detall« oíihe great luittli . , w.reiu rke-dlhat it eeuld not li.«\« «'. ' " «¦ * ' from Lb» ««le,ii.n» «>f i..: H. UM M- I will le» _-«-n that ii «i re m inn« h m«.ii- ' Iii».; m »h'edel not 1m «.1,10.1.1-1 li kaaaTOsy gt-Si rtghi t.. baaatj aaa« ti,« ¡i uin.»t uaeea. l-r'.in Ti)» ».:-:» «'-'.tilr (Pinn.) It.' 'Iii. eii('i>'v and « ut« rjii ir*«» TlIB Tlt-Bl M. In ol.'all;,leg ti.'« «-al .' -t ti. ..--t ¡i< .eilitis of lue War lu Lur.'p« an- universally ite know leilged by the i.ol the .anti. !.¦ We-dne-day'apanor appe^sured t dUpaU-h ..r columna, by «able from Leonnoa, (pvlng full nartle u lar« «it the ilc»iK-r.ite- liatteof «.rait-lott.-, neal Met-, in which the PruBBlana g.nneil ai.e.tb« r important victory 'in,s «. t.nul e.f the hall!»- w11- pnnU-d m New _.,rk t.. ioi« any details were hn'.wu la Paris, Barlla,or Um- «lou Ti'."-! "t ». n ung the diapalib fioiii lamdou to Ni w Ve.rk bj the Allanflc «able wa» ...ii* in geeiel. Kreioi Tli« d.«'|te I'rr«». 'lin- «sur iriiing THE TbíEOBE an M>por<- tlllil'». te. billet« Hie .-vi ellen, e of It» lee Ws gat ll'l lug lil ___il__»t)< ee .).«iiiieali«fr hive lou- Im-i-ii »ware at the tlie.ioiigiiiuss and U_*-_-lty ol Its For« i.n Bureaa.ibut ti», gem ri»l public weir mmn-what a»te{|ili»nedto flml THK lliie»>> ' «mil aa « --Irani elmar» bael em the war newr It wa* like th»-ii« tory of the yu. ht America in l»-,l-llr»t, the Ameiiia. «e«e.nd, neethiug. The greatest tal of THE TlllHI'*»»: « aiui'Blgii. tbu« far, lia», l»»>-u li»«' ti ..,»m«s-l<.i,, li} euble, for Vee! nc«<lay'« paper, of a four i....ii.iia »ketch of ti»» ______ of «iraielutte. Yrnm Ik» psil. [Ians) SBepBrral It i- Iii» \enli.t «if the prei-ithat TheNew- YukK TidiiiM. ha» fairly duuueed all !U gr« st rival» In the fuline«-. and eic.Hence of Its war new«, rim great «Bt te»! of Til». TBIB-Ha was that of Wedne««i«y lan!. «i,,, | i, .neil by cable a four nulaaaa «kel« li of the battl» «.'.! ivelotte. It iras «u-lTaeaali. pMUiium «I the uit>_t graphe and d^ouotiou ot a «reat i-*-it.»)l that ever appeared tn a newspaper. Tht» d!«apatch the heaviest one iver tranwnltte«! through the cable an American journal. The cable tariff wa* 12,*«, indd; there were, be.ldea, the oost of a .perlai courier from the bat- tle-tield through Alsace, Rheulsh PniiVia. Melgiuin. and tht'tice to I-indon, the pay of the rorre.poudent himself, and of five assistants in that army alone-all Involved In the printing (,f th i g «Initie dispatch. The public always appreciate euterpriee, and Tut Ta_t.SE «ale« are lut eely lncreaaing. Fro» Th» a_n*«nrlll«> (Otil*) Co*ri*r. Tite N. Y. Tumi ne ixcel.t in war now«. One of It« latent «eln.-t ementa waa the telegraphing a "IwHlal noi-respondcnt's account of the grot balli«' ««f («rat«.lette, or««,i]iyi>i(; rtotne four column.. Th« enter- priaeof Tub TniHt'BK not only leavea all Ita New-York ('.»temporaries In Ma ah,uti-, but atnkea the ,*!"ii J"tir- nala with despair. They haveu't iviuyil Ik «un to thlifk of c-owpetlng. . Prr* Tb»*t« « Cbnmt-»». Ihm valuable journal Iihh nlwnyt uti«!.ii ned ItapoaMon m em .«f Ma nu-t MBBlwaalBj »r ti»«-«great Am« ri'-an «lailli-, It li ia n«-v. r attempted to ria with ita <-otein|Mirari'-a In dealing O«! m iikiIIoii new-. What it lia« furnihhed hiv. |MH-n the inith and nothing EM Ma truth," und given m au iii a form aa to pie..-* the most faatidloua. It la no womb r, Ikaiefen, iBBl The Thib- rHB's large corps of oornepoadenta in I'mm« nianv dally furnish the fulle.-t, moat mt« r.-attng. and truatWi.rthy new» from the scat of war. In Mia eut« r- prlse Tim BBW-YoBS Tkiuibi. is ahead of its toiui*'ll- tore. GENERAL FOREIGN AF.WS. TI'HKEY. CBUUHI n-ffrt mauTlftW flBTIT lUffffBIM AMON(¿ TIIK INHAHITtM». Ix»si>o>, Thursday, Sept. 2.1*T0. A teli-pram from Constantinople brings news that th. »eiij.ort town of ."..íiiisouii in Asia Minor, a ata- tion .»f the Austrian «..«.am Navigation Company'» puck¬ et««, haa lK-«-n destroycil bj lire. Tweuty-flve hundod hoiiiU'g an«! six i hunbea an- in arbes. Many li tea were l"-t. Tlie liiluli.t.u,:- m, ..i;;;, riiitr terribly fr «m v, _& tt food and shelter Another «'«uitlaifratlon occurred in Ycnidge, Marmion, which destroyed <v, houses; and still another at Mondauia, where uno houses were couauiued. GKKMAM. OrVOMTKM to tim; im aiiiiulity dogma. Ft LIU, .Hep!. 1, \ l.l LOBDOB, MR. 2, UM The Conference ot tile Jlisliops lins beti cl"»cil, am! iti.-y will IMMBUl "ii the Ommtbtjt liiahop Hi fel or Bishop Kottennurg. It waa iiiiaiiltnoualy re- M'lwd never t" sui.ant to the action of the (Ecumenical ("um 11 on the Infallibility question. The Faculty at Tübingen, Wurtemberg, are In areord At a meeting of the I'rof. «mu a al tt, it wa» n-so'.vid to j.rote-t f,«rtn:illv i»i:.i|i,»t Mt do« trio of MBBMM «MIMI power and r.ij.a.i,ty. M'AIN. lins» .\(,\i\»r the C.tUfia, MtLKll'. Thur-.liii. Sept. 1. ti.i I'Akiit, id, l-TTO. The Carlist bund of Ogtttt hal been reduced to coman. It rumored that the «taff of lion Carlos haa entered (;,iipu«i >.». T.i- li.uni» in Navarre lui\« disap- IM-ared from the provin, e. Mai baa !,<¦« n se« n in the MBTMM of Malaga «CUBA. \'AI.M \«1 I>v'» OFFICIAL KKl'i'KT of I. \TK "ITKA- llOira. « ANHII» ,\1'MIS-I«i\ 01 »TAM»!) BAB- ¦ till II«. AM' Till lit. 11 KM! Nil» BMUOTAjTl I OK r||E d BAN». Havana, Auk. '-'<>..Tho following report, on tin- ntl nt "¡m r.itioii«,-;fi'oiii Count Vulni.i». da, i.» i>ui>- Uabed ii- the "Iii' li |,«,iri,.,l "The force« itl«..iiiii¡irked at in, Batta* tM onh ««f iiuzal. killed in Insurgent«, who "tt' red but alight reaistanre. The* likewiee (teatrojred and took Into .,on, f ir their own use, tarif.- de¡K.«itaof »alt, and alao capturad the Bnb Secretar* ,,t War, r.-.iro Flgawiéa, .«ud Bodrlgo T.iin.iyi. »ti«l tn« toa, who were «hot al b.m- liit¡.-«i da iil'ii. iifiei Im mg tne«l bj oiirt martial. -. lol. faalial hopea t.« irtrtala gnat r«-«uit« from Ins az- ]H>ditioii, «in r,.ti,s a- iii. »i:. eeeea just incail toned look |, i.i, «* :t ti ii« .'I boora u't« r In- departan from hire. The fun, i lee of i lo Inaargenta whaee ii.-nn«.» Mae bl «"i, gi. cn. w«re like« i-e cu|itni'.-i|. Gen. i;ii.-hi|h went out from Miiial. wii.-t« li« li .«i«ty operating, to Holgóla und Las Tun.i», and killed In quartet a Inaurgenta, aaatong them the »o-t.ilt'd (¡eil. r.m.lii!,«. «uni Hie Ii« I«. eonsplraton Jeana Mu Ki« Mat ami tu« con i.-r- nuiitlo: the two foituei' wen- owior» of e»ti«l«s. ( ,,i j lime Moreno «,- al i d, and lu« fiiiiiily eai'iiirel. In Um Mlgadler «Bagel F.i.'ur'i do. ( ol. ll'Tli indi/, and Cit¡it». (iinmiicho and i.-.irro were made prl onera. Tin-two formel were ibol at li.ii Mino, aiid a Collin ii of War ia co'let Ung proofs uj.oii wini I, t" tri the oil, r«. '. I. ut < ol. Bom, he. with hi« battalion,aided Of forcea fioin Hie liattitlion of Alitii|iiera. lui« I.¡«m1 a Unlit with the m imi.iiit of. Hu- torcer« of Max,mo (louiez, who wire sheltered on th.- alopea of th« -.-lena Ma«tra. The lotto r «ttstaiiie«! « i«»»oi n kiii.d, .tuiouif whom ven ('iipt- I a n ,i iiiul I',itii li" Venn. Ainoni.'tie w.iuiuleii were CBpta, lilli iiini linlio. At Hoüpiin a leading eoneplraiot Bad catate owner, .lor*«' Meito v.!.:, from!, w-,i« Ulled. At Lit« Turnia the for« «» of l.i.-ut. ( «,1. .Munn killed th«- li.i-f, Oran, mid U of his party. (»lHTaiioua Bit .i.t it ely ciiiiiiiiiii-il, and wit ¦ t.." MKXb'o. TIIK MOan «M UM. MKJIA. Bab FittMi-io, Bofjt, 2..Meato advice» from MaZaitlan, Autt. ii, state that (»en. MoJIa had .-. mfOt li "tn Ma I'owei of i'lii« i,l«. V«-»,'!«, and had urn veil there. (lie <f I/'/mhr« eonitii.tii'li «, bribed t" r-hj-e lum, ¡cid r. d tabre* aaaaaalna, a M uiudeied -'¦¦ -, ¦ ra la charge ot btefin, bbmbb whom wa« an, pMrB X' "' «». THF. REH 1 >()MINIoN. THE »'ANAHIAN H-IIKIHI.-. Ottawa. Sei»t. '-'..Tlic Hon. A. CMenhcD*! iiii««ii«ii lo England, in regard to tin fl-fnne Ima ter iniinit««! Knu'l.iiiil BMBM t'nit in the ev, -it of a Joint r«>inin;»-i.«n. ciu.nln shall 1^> representi-d, nnd that the jireaent nrruti(renient la-tweeu I.-uuIod and Waaiiinirton shall be t''inp«ir.«ri, jil future ;irritiiir.-m«-iita MMf based on the enforcement of the rights of Cm.ula, to », cured tiv tri-,.tu«. Kurland will ni|«jM.rt a squitdron iu tim li«hlnn water» to aid tli«- ('.nui«liaii jh.Iíc«. HhBOBHB No lien»' » B ill M irratit.,1. W00§A und' r (' iiiadiini K'-l- lati"i,M, and the water boondan la be lettie! by a .I,, nt oma 1- n. «The raealt cr tin- that ¿merle ina ure \iit.i, exclndod from lin- ino»t \ ailualile of the ii«i-'iiur grounds With Ptiti'd to Fenian n.idj, l.iitrl.-tml ia to giTC ('¬ da full (¦..iiipcnaation for her aetnal war expendítuna and ..-' Uined loss«-», took elaUn to Ik- mifle ani.ject ta ...-i-.ii; it n England will alala frmn Ma Dnltad Mat« n forthwith Indemnity, and pla«-e ker elaima katheaame n :t- tin- Alabama alalma Dapata tt tot Bed River loin- t" i" »t;iii!>»!i> «t in ( .iii.ii ia, .uni private intimations ure iriwii to portions of the artillen to be read] f«»rgarrisondnt* in Ma forte vaeated bj Brtttak troopa, for thre« mouths, nendliir the lettlement of the colonial defena -,ue»'i.iii »>> l-iu-iainl. THF. AI.ARAMA CLAIMS. Tin- loHening letter, toncliini: the «lep.-irtnr« of tin i«t iv.,1. er Al,ib.nn.. from I.iveriH>..I, ha» not. we lielie.e, hi!!)! tia bott putilieh« d. The Amcri, an Minister at I^'iuloii lind ni» iitedlv «-¡«lied tin- attention of tin- liritisti (.o\ eminent to the preparation» for di-pati lim« iii.« \i-«m-1 «n luirrniul of d'-«truction and had atriti-d tiu-ir iiiterf« leine, but lie Wita uniformly met with the ¡111».'. c-r tli it tin oftl, .-r-of the Crown had no et idence ut lie:'pui'm-e sillfleielit to justify tlM'Ui in taBMf iiitlon. (in tin «»th "f MF, UM M.»»r«. Inin. mi, Siiuriy A Illatiiliiore.»"-!'-itors to the I'niTeil MMmOMB.M I.iver- 1..,1, wai" d the Hourd of Ctti-ti.ina that the Alabama (then .tB'-'l Th« .'."'i wa« about to sail, in conse«iueiice of whiih warning the Governinent teletrraphed next day t«. th«- autln. Maaa at crtiiin liniihh |h«iu t«. arreat har if »he t-h'iuld enter.which, of course, sin- n.ier did. for havinc gio aifely away from Liver- «poot, Mhe t«»ok caret» keep ln-nt. If out of reach. Fr«nu tin- i.l Mjc bin riMM'l »«iliriton« it will be aaen Uni Hi, l',i,ti»h (loieraui'iit had ample warning of the pttriKiai-s «if tbe " 2'JO," iiiul the notice whicli tlM-y issued «m the liiitli ml,.-!»! Jual well have Ik-cu lMtied at an 1 1 I. Wh.-ll If Wollhl h:i\c 1m,.. iff tllnl, ]f U,, y lint '. .. .1 .1. » red it to hiive an> eff.H-:. The letter nina «t» f> i. lllWtTI.K -r.. I U'll;l(Hl|.,Jllh ia, l.-al-i. .tf I(isa!» Ir. in further nibil illation winch we have believe ilia' tin« gun- «.-i .in-- 1 Ih'- Ooufe «,.,v..riiiiii-nt of Ainei- I, :i Ho li |jt ,t. \lt ||. 1 \,,Xl¡ : oner« of Hei >i..|i-t, 's Ti .1. ii |h,|. to take any aetl »n iu the mattar, it eMwnilal thal ti,« v abo ild du so torta* iii. ...., Mr, ««'..r r-, oi~ di« ."it -. iv.ii.t-. Di a «va, Bqi mar __m k»».,ki.. 1 I, '. 1" 11 '. -1. »' r> tari t" lier .M«|e« 11 a i umiula- hi ni ra al ' uetome, C istou Botue, Loudon. MI»( FI.i.ANFoi s CABLE «DnpATOHBS. _The cliolem h;w BH0a4oi Hito Sontb- Baaiari PibbMb ....Tbe Britkh lli-et at Sjiitliead «»n Tbtirn- da\ honored the inetuory of A' Farragut. _The ('.»nut do Cheeta and the other SlMtnisb otlh-er-. exiled lo the tanai;.-, lia\e I«. 1 ailed («. .Madrid. _A «irreat Meeting wuk held in Dublin on TluirMlay eveulnit, in 'avor of ti., n «ta.iatu.u of the seat 1,1 j,» al government to Ireland. _liaron Yunnbiilct. Minitter of Foreign AMutro te Waitaeabsag. Baa raaagaaa. t «.lint rmiiu liw be« n apisiiiitctl to suicced him. _The Time», in its money article VOOBM" day, aat« the reduction in the rate of diWount by the i.juk »f Ki.tiUii'l m lallat hase f.,ne safeli to thra'e per i.ut. The rate of money In the open market sectus to strt-UKtkeu the idea._ Hill IN Uni.uki.\ A larire fire ocTtirnHi in Hoboken on Thun¬ da} night Flames wert» drat dla-oven-d In Kamena's kliidli'iK w*.al factor/, dar Jen-*t au«l spread rapldlr. »ud lu a «hot I ti'iii Di;muiuiilc*V«*d iv livtacu s hla«k smith «hop. R-w, carpenter shop, and Oobel'a saloon ÍÍ. t!1'.'.'*' Th* »""'H"g wood factory and the black- BaiKBMap.»a totally «leatroyed, an-1 the «aalaoB ami ah, Vi au.,»".. p ..".¦-.¦--«'¦.«-blr damaged. The total loa« entumo,«!«), covered by lnaurance. PROSPECT PARK FAIR. The monilKTH of the Prosprvt Park Fair «.rounds Association are engaged lu preparing for the llrstofasirlesof «agricultural and horticultural MMI I- tlon.. to |>e held on their grounda near Prosp«ct Park, lirooklyn, that I. expected to rival anything of the k: 1 yet given. A Une display of oattle is p.*rticuiarly antici¬ pated, while the programme will be enllvene«l hy two Um trots dally; the deeerum that ia observed in all the meeting, at th.- iToajiect (iroirnds will be maintained, nid the attendance is exp«.ri»Ml to be very large. The exhibition will ta-divided Int«) fifteen departmenia, the drat of which will ta. devot»! to boree«, the preuduuis for which are aa follows: B*at Hiatlioa. » yn. aad apwd.^jn ti h.t hl.atd Bu» (*lth f««l>..t» ni , . "' S Jtt- ¦*- ¦>.. *' Bt** »'iB-l'satt '«.«» Cta-TlalfM) M oe-t maa 4 «ra. »ad on .... 2:, Î4 halt t-is-huai (cor. or goa). 25 {¡Va ,, '"">.-'r- lap V Urti .aal« h<v| »pa. (««ot mm.. 40 __ ¡*¡ l",lt' « '¦"». »a«l up ... 2J ¿ti ba-at inal«-lias.i »pan ico», rar ) M *' I""-' "'«li«", irrt aoil an lu B**t m»i«-h«i «[..¦ r-ad H«>rae«. «Bl B-rt,.. i ,r ..« ,.p. *' Al »tMt taaK-bad «pa» C4 Uotsas Bl Be»l Mal Hur (au!, __y .. 25 . . . «»Lui»«.« .m naas». r,*.,'-**' 0,,,"T.o» B»aM.i.ii» no-»»......«am w '.« .m. «r «wtf. M'BlhaaaaMaanaee.. I H»*t * rn. uai aaaawr 7. i. (Oat »pa» H.-ni-. un rt II ». .'«. IO Itrtt » in. iiIolItS.. W I««« au.» Pom»« uti. -i 1-' I. . 1" «*.( « »r». »a, .a-Wi. M Ür*\ «»»I» P..m. i «_¿.»r». »ii at. i«-r I. t' II. »I »|un .Muir, . pi lt«t » rr*. »ni qn-W 3. V ki or* tym »a\r». » l*«tlr«_ 14 ^~ _ .. I'SfakTIIBST BO 2..«HÖHT BOK.t. B'rt Boll oTi-r t taan »M.$.1) U leal Hull I leal M. #5 2.. li-at II, !.,», ,..,.ulj_ . Bett C.'w orari »«Wii.1. 1*. Batt Bul. o«»r i «rai. old li Jd l^.t ..»..»<-» J .o»r» «ti i' I -ir» oki... 10 Bitt llriii-r un.>r a! «.»r, ..I Be «I Huh 1 Tt-.roll . li iii«« ll.u'rr uifltri )«ar» ,.1.1 4 iicrtauid«, am, rni ) -. ,v ., ¦-. i- Basilar pre un mun. _ _ . »»TIT« I'tTTI «. Beat ( ow *r»r 3 irtr, old.gil Bm ski work Ot«T ,1 t »ii an 11 '.'-'-«» . I MbseU k»w'k«»i«wi 5T«a.«p. S I-f 1 >.-»«..Id. 1 Bntt pair work.»« steam 3 in '--i i«-, a h«.,*»..... ri'-Wksaa. *ii*gWar», 1 ya I BMaaakOaa . li j iii awHag mum», 1 ja l" UEI-AKTaiVT v. 1. MBOf -1*-- ¦""» B'"-k.«,]. K,.t l.i,r «,»'1*1 B'K-k.*!'« ..» .. I' ,.,«m,i U Beek. D ¡ Ima bmWotttmn I> ,-ma. Heit |iair i»f Liait«!. 10 Department Bo. feonalata of swine, tin- pr.-miuuia for th.- rariooa rorU i..-» ra tina fr »ni r i -i.a tot». I'«'|, llllilelit No. 1 ,(, \,,t, «I to IKIIIItlV, the tw.t «<l! lection «f which takes a preuiluin of »io, nul the beal SJie« Un. -,« of .., >, cm, tv I», Department Nu. ti »ill «mitain att s of domestic manufa« ture, prim tpelij broad |m-ttee ft-uita, th.- premium, ranging fn m t-tt«. »v Department No. : will raeoiv-a bbbbIm of grain, fie preui nina for the diir.ieiit gradi - Bad vanetica ranging ti« tu H M to M i«..nun m Ha I win be r lerrM f..r \. ¡,-. t.«tile»; tin will bi Bwarded for the b«-.»i variettoa of putatoee, no1 I«¦«» th m t. n. ,«ii,i tin- ii-.t ,,f ii,,, pramjutua Ogurtag at ^i for th«- la «t ot avery sp. tun n exhibit« «1 Departmenl No.9will in- retained for f:irni Imple« nt«, the i.irg. «t and !ie»t exhibitor «if no1 li ia th m .5 pli nea trill be entltk d to ,m ewart of ISO, and tn- ». und eel exhibitor I »-jo. Departmenl No. II will eontala « hi« loq Hu- i««tdia- n i-, ««r r-i:r ig.« receiving iBO.andtbi secondIx f.irm tt.igon and can for farm bbb,M each, and a top road wagoe lu. Oalkejr« for «d »ml tn. k,»:.« n b: th.-iM-t f.'i geaeral u»<-, r.'ti, and the s.« oud I«. «' tm. I»« i«ai tin« 11 No. ii wlD be oonapicnooa fur the pa -1 of fruit, and the beat display of anpt>a,and foreign and Battre ftoptt »iii !". Bwardae l¡«i i "ti,and peaches, i| lim « -, |i um«, «ranges, lemon«, water and musk mclous and citron«, H u. Depart. nt No. 13 allí i «. f,,r th.- r- <-. ¡>ti«m of mus,«al Instrumenta and furniture, Tia beatdleplayof li«,u».- bold flinn tut. , |ll¡ pi d war«-, tiu. and ptaaea, |M li« I'.irtiinm No. IB will in. foi hardware, atovaa, not toola; the i«eat eollectlon of BtoaoB w10 MawarBad 110. a,,d tin- .-hine« »t iporlamaa ef cooking, awtor, and of liri «tote-, li i-.,, h t-i.r leñera ind meehanii »' toole, cut lery, aawi and plumbing work, tin ctcl». i>. i«.iiiiu.-nt tncludea linne.»«. Ma pr« rai King from Ulalu 1>. ;.iiiiu« .,t N .iii« ri-.erv.-d for tloacr«, the prenu- lllns on the Hu, «t «¡* o' e,.,h \atlety ranging fron« im io diplomas, »I««-' i.»l I'liti«.urns will t«; given for articles iiait in« !u,le«l iii the aboVi- list, which in.iy I,.- «I« em«- «orlllt of silt h premium, anti th<- trotting matches will be accompli nie«! by n¡iprOBI ali ;.r,-lt,infii-> AMKRK'AN IUIII.E «(»( ORT. At the l.i.»t i tiii>,' of ike Beard ti Koa- ait;« -r« of the \iu, -uni Iii'1.« .-t'.i'ietv, the «I- ;tT Ii ,f I. «IT II.line«. ea«i., «»te- of the oldest member«, «if tin- Board,waa hbobbmí. IMfMn n.-w huiiii.hi.s «ora n « ogaloBi, of wok h "tie vat ¡n aai h "f ti" M i- Ot Wool Virginia, North Carolina, Ai.i-nii.i. Ai!iaiL«as, M i --«»ai i, Idaho Territory, three in KanMo, «tnd t^,, in Ti mi». < oiiiinuiiii atiom were r<i « iv.-.l from the Bair. \^ - Boner! un. Tallahaeetin Mlnlnn. In n aard in print lug ti.«- N'-v. T'«mun i:t In ttie language of the Crook It iiiiu«: from the Ber. J. B Piwan ol Honolulu. In regard to (irinting eiiiiioii.« of hlatthea and and M.irk ¡n thi- llouo,,,- .align ige tot Ma \«eeiisi,,ii I-..nula in ti.« Mu ro,.e«i.tii group; fn.ui Hie Be**, Dr. Bergne, Lond. »t,tn,g that th« British and Foreign Bible Hiiclety hare tiik.-n effectual nieaatirea '., ili«!ri''Ule Hie .«¦¦ !|.ture« in the K: «-ii« ti au«! ... i- m.m .ii n..i-, n l trim th« u, \ iir obv, Bremen, showing be la aaptd/iag the Oermaa kokUari in u-iiiiif of th«- Soeiotr, Bad regrtttlag Umi lu¬ ll... :," Kuli' h Te«taiiieli'«"f' I Kl.-h. li ¡«i -o',, r«. loti resting totten wore reeetvad um Mr. AndBOO M Mi ne, Montevideo, thowlng inereaalag demand for the «eripturea an lils field, and tlie progresa of taha warfe of liitrodiiciug the New «taiucnt .i« « aehaol kool into the niitional schools. IiuiN.rtatit romma- ni,,»lions tier,- al»o reti-iied from Me K<-\. Mr. Bool, tin- Boetotv'i Agent la Cal fornla, and Ma I.''. Mr. I»n\«r. na t<« supplying the Chlneoe oo tbe PaciBe, ami from the v Mr. Beaaom r, ao to the work In Utah «.; mt- of booka wen atada t- the Am. 11'.in «Bibil Union, to the fmndUy-ecbool lioar.l of tin- BoutbarB Baptlal Oonreatton, to the Koo \otk .«.tid «iilfi,./.it,, :i .-, i, tv. to the !t<«tril of Koi-eiirn Mlssioni of tie IT -Mut Bplaropal CBaiah, lo the Km «I- i-re.-d'u- n'i A»-««« ation, ami tij.iiiy granta to feebta Baxiltoariea, e.peci««lli at the South. A eonaiderabto giant mid.- foi Coba,.aad 11 vol- nun « la raised totten f r tlie bUad, The aamto of \,u umeagrauted i- 10,10, beoala othera ¦" the ralaoaf |y.'* is. It v «s r«-«"is««t to add the boakaf Paa4mato the i.'w Da iii pocket T --t.»m«-iit ii:« tdy anthorited, A m«mon:,I ii«i|mt wa« read and adopted In regari to the de« «'..««. of Mi. Itali.«-», ami the meetings». aiM prayer TIIK BBOOCLTV, E. P.. KIKE-W.V-» IT AN OCT_ III ARM TIk fire on Wedut'Hd.iy niclit in tin* _ftr> « r sal,sin of Jos«-].h .Nelson, nt (iraham ave. and lioeruin-at., which causeil the death of Mrs. Kh-me... liiuinl.l, h and te r tv <i chllill.-ii. w.i« the «ulije« t of mv .».-- tigiti"ii litot eti'iiiiiL- hy Coro'ii r Whit« hill. Two « .t Iit-aaes «>;il\ w.-re « atililied. John WtofBad, BWBI r of Uu' i,u. in«, boat .. dWI UmSnk. SCr.'lTtogand teatlfled ttitt Nelaofl '"'iii'leil the saloon for titree ui«,nth«, Unit li« l'uni bia rent for two mont li«, inn waa unable to poy tbe third, alleging tn it li» bnaineaawas ron MB; tia poM«ma>r the »ai....ti and tried Bi sell It tot HJm__twao Insure t for II,»is» be t.itel v w:«iite«l to imriuw |vo<» from the « ttneea, ililli offered a mortKagi on Uta mlooa .is loearlty Nelson ,i a ¦ H- d goa ii 'i'- mlooa : wlMooa oevec awi ma, m iii iinji in It- Ison Mated li«- ft ii .,.ne lamp iniriiiiik in th' r« of Ma Bkloon, anti that be «,i(,]....«.I hi« do| km» kid it off M* table.and tims ,i :-,-«' tin Hr.-. Mr. Dnk testified thai he heard an exphmiuii in the m].,ii<, uu- r port of a )iL«tol, ¡mil iumu'diatily juil «l'oirti.' tanti* ra, ami ma a n rv doaat vo nine of link siiioke and flame thal uimost Immedlalelj til d the whole liiiil'liiii.'; I"' neter saw a fire npread wit li such rapidity he cleared op Me ulpabiity of the dog, charged alta npeetttag a teroaene i»unp. by iweartng j'oaitn.h thatneaaa Nelaon take the «aalmal ant of tin- cellar s. ..-ru. boora aftel ih« tu. ted ',«.. uextinnlahod. Ti,, i .«nu.«i her«- adjotinted the kaqneol anta nooda* evening oaxt, and ordi-itel KalBBfl under arrest. KZGWIOa OP l'.AM»ALL'«t l-IAXD CBHDBD AUiut 180 boyo and Ml ml*, lin«It-r tlie care nt the Coniiuisaiont-r». of C'haiitj and Correction, on ltUa.ii dall'» I-latid, left their i|uart«-r«. yesterday morning, in lurg«-of t«juimis«*t"uers IU-11 and XW'bu.aon. and Win 11. HI, ¡lu ii», the »ii|i« nut. ndeiit. Th«-j embarked on' board the MoaOMf Muiuahanoiu-k, and aailed for <iri«n- wich Couii at UM invu.ition of Ma Hon. Win. M. Tweed, (»u arrivi-ig at the pleaauie grounds of the Amernna (tub at Indian Point, a «taint«- «ita tired in honoi of Mate ti»it' TI.' i-hii<lren were regal. «1 witti refr« sbmeut, .md were MOB fe-e to ramble tiver the granada. Tluv i-e t.. m eoaTa/od la ..image«, paBoaBod bv the Beventh Bi-gltueiit Baml. t«> tit«- real- of Mi To Pad. Otoo the gut« lea«llng lo in«- ground \»a» the word " Wileam« " After the I II dn-n h«ad been formed in line in front of Hie mansion « ummlsaloucr Bell addreeeed Mr. Twsed on beb^f of tb ( omnilaaionersaa well aa the rhlklron, and u¡" the pleasure It afforded th« m t.. ..may bia hospitality. ( ni Mclaughlin al»«» mad«- u f.-w remarks. Mr. IwhwI .. ..,!, ., m, ., .Nut adit.- s Tlie children then nor t..ol.«f if'r.»liui.nln. ititi, -ifter n-i.l;ii hour»' i- UBS, rellim« «1 home. -a. 11 jeeaw*«! with th.-ii tiij>- TI,* M i mr* -hutmill ti I'oltsvillr. I'cnii,. e*le- iTiitedoii Tluir>'ia> the Aral annlvemary of it« c vate nee ..a., <liul> pui-ei. In na tte.kiy form The Ji.ii'umi has hit.1 a long and bouorable career m a sturdy s.ij.-H»rt. r of Republic»!! principles, and a re.ognued auUu^ty on miniug matteis, and we are granito«! to l««>iN«4itve that the enterprise of its owiiers. Me»srs. ltaumui* Rama«-y. in eil.r.u.g MM MU "f tiM met with due reward The ¡Haly Hinert J-menai m . handsome and ajirightly pa|**r, Ortmt » f**" -- ._ -»-. »«-<- ?bowing lot* of pluck. lu hirth day aa* calebrated by a hiiniju. t given by the owners !.. (1- odilaio, refriera, and typ*-« tiers, and th. pieseutatiiMJ of - *ooa portrait of K iK' WOMB to ev. rt suiMu-riher. The same t*sue ef The Journal contained a careful map af Hie recent bat tlea oa the Moselle sud the Metter. _ UM CW-vt-lanil pai»cre aunttuac« tia» d<-ath of Mr Ikavi.tH. Hear.laie>.agedaly»»i»r». Mr. waa one «,f tlie pioneer resident»of th»» « "y- -»''«- wa« J|iai«-r.aUy «¡OOpaoG «tud eateemed for hU Integrity and _»«_eas of chavra« 1er. _ ^^ _ Cbdí. Iitaiah Rviidero hoo had a h»>Bvy "hor»« case' In the Roraen "county Court at the present term, in th.- trial of which be waa ron-etilted ).>-».""-*/ __ -h«; t tu. »f June. MOO, he waa driving over the rfarkensa« k Maa-wMaa uaa __?__ *?f**k.K",*;<* ;"", paul'with m One bl. Haled three year-old colt, that bad _uuvï tUo Ualí talle ui lip, Bud l«t *bK* «VBUW»! U»c a Marshal had been eeffered |10,«W The roll rangtit his lo.el in ii hole in the hrldge, «tim.bled, bOOOaSO frlghteued, and ran awav Tue eaplalB wit« thn»wn «mt and wa« « The colt ran Inte» the open elraw and *.».» drown««! . «. c-iptalu «ned the Plank Road Com pan. fin ||0OBI, tail t!i«' ian«» came bofore Jnilge Ikslli« and was ended as OBI era »tai««!. THE DIAMOXD WEMU Si, ASH ITS SEQUEL. PKNORA rBAKCM BARTI.KTT I>K OVtYTnY. El cr «nie«- th«r* niarri*!.«', ia 1859, of Misa Bnrt'ett of this city *o de Oviedo of H«>_n«, go« «lp has been rife m eg.»ni to their marifal relatl»*-«, and the wippo««-! lamentable fate of the young lady. The He flor, «o riport said, was » humbug, an impostor, an «_tc, ,. neerol His millions had dwindled Into hiuidrede ; lu« fumou. Jewels giving rise to i-tt.-dui_.ii'* poem «ef the " Mia mon.I Wedding," were one half paste and the other half hired for the occasion. The bride was neglect««!, ¡ibi,M».i. and unhappy, and at one time it was industri¬ ously n |K»rteel that she wa« residing in one of the rooms of !.. r mother's -rideui ein Brooklyn, broken- hearted, her pride ami «pint alike cru«hed. Again It wa« widely cir- culated, with a triumphant " I told you so)" air, and copied by the city and provincial Journale, that she wa« gtiiiinga «c.vnty Living by her needle In New-Ye>rk. Hie death of rV-fietr de Oviedo, and the fact of hi« having ia.led t.. make a will, has given fresh Impetus to the nny-a liner.-. The writer of thin wa« ¡in intima:.' friend'of ("apt. Hart tt end his family, r«»sleling at the ««.me hotel at the time of theil tion to tie tv -nor. Mi«» ael.led to rare- blond«- lieauty a meist stotoly form anel gri-rtoM pte«ence, infinite gra .«- and charm of manner, and a mind highly eui hal« «I she siso «poke pam« li and Kr«-m h with gieat fin» ney. That the millionaire wa« fairly enslaved en at«-e| no surpn«e, even among ttV en riana, F.'oin ti,«« day of their introduction the rarest Bowers were dally o_btod at hal tiir.un until, as time ),ism,i,,n allel tiie i,gag« in« lit wa« anuouiiceel, nth. r gift« f tin- mei.t le-'.'aiii ,i,«I coally nature were udiled. ,\:t« i the man nure, which .ci«¡iiri-d a notori» ty painful ti the- r. ti ie-ei naturi' of t ti*- young lad«, the nor dwell happily in «Cuba, Imme being to leim the hepple* apel sa earth. That holm .in Unr m Havana or upon one of bia p:, wa« tendered m, i-nrthiy aaiadlaa « fair] land m it» »ni r.ui inlin gs, brightened by it« !>eailtiful .uni compllshed pn ding -. inn*. All Anierlcan« who have been w.,.-«i t. the family circle of the «i>- Orle «I'--. an tf-tlf) to the warm, large-hem ted ho»pit ii it» of rue« nor, ami the winnlag graceol th« h<««t- i ««. At oin lime during ti,e «i. kly BSaaoa an Am« man gentleman was «elaed n. Um itreei wit h that terrible i terna w l:it-li pi« .i« « an nt'.i. k o' y ellow- fever. at¬ tendant« were relime bim to the" hospital. BeOor da Dried») imns eli,ile 1> aeat f. ,r one e,f lu» rai-lagca pil¬ li ew -, 11.., and bad tin uncoil»« mus »uffiTer conn yea to lu» plan!.»li«.ti ,et Triiii'liied; tin n. after the lana fever I lad ." « it «ii« «.« »sfidl» Uitlled wl.h, one can lam y the surprise and gratitude ol the stranaer oa neea-staai hie r arsui to hi ei hlmaeU in a her_-e«. airy room, exqaMte in all of It« apple,letllie l,t«. Willi neil otirle«. I',,- Nnnül ele Oviedo lee rself, whee was leli«'veil ley the- "it ñ«ir an«! «'V]m r.« «1 leiei «i -. .N««r was Hie gentleman permitted to leave till home im!:. perfooll] n-» «n. red. one iii-ta-c«' amona many In the wt.t,-i ige ol tin- ii«-11 lodo'i « banty un.l dJalataraetod ».neir had lieiii.i imirty r to iii« um.itisin for many y ii - bia wife'» attention was as derated aa un« raelair. iililii di ¡»til .«nelliei,,y ,.imied lum. Sehorade Oh leda had the misfortune to wee bei f.itIi« r. mother, ami ««ii >- brother a few yeera ago Tin- latter \isu.«l lit» iteter. v ith lu« venin* m i.l«-. Imping to tim! In «lib in t'tat eil mate, bul he elie el ,it the' holeee- plant .it loll at Triunia«!, of rapiel coi.sumption, ami h:s yoittu. willow, daughter Of a »i-i, kin,'.« i, Nui link tarni;'-, w .1 « at eel,«, 1 |it«:l as a hu. el »¡-ter by tin de '«.:.«.'¦« Bettors '!'¦ (i\;«'lo linn been appointé-! admlnletnatrix of ker haehaad. eatate in tin i.oM'i timi nt. aaanch, has giren perfect «atlsiac tie,m Hhe has always enjoyed a haudenme j«i : v.»:. [er- tODe,. settled upon Ml lu li« r liiiobaml, and «in will re selves m ry l.iiK-'-¡i'1'lit'i'ii from tin i-Mafe. Sin- .-.>n- ttnues Urina in the same elegant luxury dunn, lu-r bueband's life, her iiiorninir« 1 !oM-!y ele aoi«»«lio ¡>u«ii,..».«. hi r tie nings to re «.«.:ung m r rric-nels. Her peeeeat m nlioii is to lemiiin diiriliir eaeli Winter in 1 uba until distracted eountn bt-oomea settle«-, passtag in-r Summers either at the North or In Europe Bo strong is her Iowa tot the " Pearl of Um Antilles" thal a_o lia« n«> ii. »ii« ! .1»' it pi tu.m,-ntiy. TROHARLE DEATH FHo.M eSTAITAHOH At a late Lour bat »-vening the ¡iitentioii eif eifTluef Fall, of the Tenth I'r« baot, w i ailed Ut some je-rseuis living on his ¡Mist who We re sait! to lie «nile ring for the necessaries of lue. 1'poii investigating the mat¬ ter lie fourni i.ernther, aged «W years, and hi» w.fe, C'hre.«tii. 1, ak't ti "', Mai-, both of whom are Dative« id tltrmany. on lue seceuid fliMir of the rear b-lbUag al Ko. M «'i«i>-ti«..t. in in en... li ii, ,»:.ti,ii oiiditioii, and .>>,th at UK Doini of death ttoat rtarvaäon. ile» reportad the case «it the -tuiieeii-iioii-.. .uni l'oiii a -m¡»''-on» -a. Ula sad lint« hiu- son at 'im» attended, and, afteradsalaleterlng prupor ra« -t...,!.-.-. had the two old people conveyed io 1; li..-, ita It is elouutfill wherle«-r eltlier eau rtcove-l. Aunt lu r mini has be« u kil1.«»!. in Cliic.go, und. i the iiiii,'« «ins limul«, by the administration of chloroform. Nothing is better settled than that nrnl« r gisi'll el;.tin. lie .li Coueiitioll«, the Use» of tbU agent is pretty «.ure to prieve fatal; but what these » niitlitlcna are. remain» t«) be «<! v «leti rndm-d. We- trust that e\»- r y patten! wh-> U kUloel adds something to the »ie«tk of professional kneiwledg«-upon th« suhje«.-, bat aaeh a method of se itlgatioa apm-ar» t«i to be a little I.-e..»iiy Hi» »ino a m it 1er for vomi« r that «ur- ireoii« Will ceeiitinm- to aae rhloreeforni liisteae! of ether. The former isdo-bUee the n,"«t elegant preparation, nut al! the fa, ts gee te« -ho--« it Ison e-xtr, in« 1\ tr.-a« h- « rem., agent; while if there has ever been a fatal naas hota thean of other we hare yet to hear of it. Not t«> Ik* lie-hind the- n-, ¦_ iiiiiiikiiid, "the spiritualist»" of M¡i«i»acliUes«it have lie-en holding a .iinp-inie-tiiig mar Vyiililen I'm el, « ¡.»-alify rendered eli lirated !)i ttM hermit life wlilth Thon au le«! there. (maat lha apoohaaa, iast tsaturelay, announced that he bael just been bathing in tin- p-nd. having thus '-coin pin,! with oin- of Hi« essential« of tim-religion." He then proceeded to define " Sptritaallsm " _oaaa-hlng opposed to "Materialism," s_do_ nobody can «lenv only we should lik«- f" kmiw what, in tim opin.on of the ¦peaker, rapping ami table-tipping ate if they are Lot .piit'n.i." [he onb '.splrita'1 mrared at the meeting wen- m two kega ana eighteen ><-ttl«-.- ami theaowaca liumedlatel] confia« ii«-«i and deatro) ed bj _M.»ie « .«n-ta- ble, "In!«- Mr Mi (¿milis, their medium, waa ignomiii- i.iutiy aoodaetai t«> JalL IUluR M0VI.M1.N1>. For tin- t hu «I time this ooOjMI the rolling-mill at .«*¦_»««»¦ V I, » rlnarel anel t, r aauriiurn -bu lanir fniiu Maaurka- .- a,-|¡: -te.-t.r. tee gsl leeett.r TTl» l»«HAr| e,f nilli «rr Mr. ii ll.ain at l',evi r »uel Ut. li»iuilt«,L «I Ii. -_..ii. Karl« iu tba asaaua Herr risasl fi>ru»;.t at tanja. Tb«; »Qliarqntntly r»«murj. .n. lalla am I t<>r « -im.itr l-M a Aa'.in '>i»r»tiuui «ere euumctinl, a.-«al oom tb« miel bia lerrn finally »lint up. At the Hinting <>f the WorKiri-rnienV I'niem lui tiih« » «iniful »t»«-üirimtbTMSSMi-«hnlia asain»« «4i« p»r»e>rit.tin in_ul»r»ü in in tb» aammt ni li»oei_»ion« i i.v Hmieient Petrel» ,«r«i£_«_. twe, »«.».«!-,-.-..-.: t..a is»e» iel «4--SI »rrr -nt.-ed fnr » irr t. ptr tier urrajiari elite». Mr Ü «I.h «a» tbra rl«-ru»t a i ce- . _: Mr Broarsisg lai.i» ratnrne«l Irniu tb» Cbtraso I'uo- rri.ueeo a.ljrr«»r.! lb« 's.t> ..ti n«r weer!« anel petrpaaaea e,f that «ert-aneia tot, He «aa i,-;;,,»¦«! le» Me nar«. J.aaup ami ( asattlr «hi« rhar-rb-ntft longs Mi .Natta w»a nu« anil tnje.r « «|errrh. nr. 'el 11.«: e-«n tu .o »il in Ui'ir puitir to Jacucn^e that,tag tf'rr 1 | u.. ¦-iii«'«» the eiriraniziitton <»f tin' Workingwomen's P-..trent » l Liein :n 1st,, e»»-lu April 1, lefTD, ii ha» ru|lrct«J i',.lt I 36 evillibeM «oa.l-a|«l1l«. « trr Jan 1. UfTIi, It baa e.,;'«-t.«l l-l 115 ft, Tbii eu-.rr-itr »tnii»ut «a« tr«.irer»sl up.ui lettvri «ral citII .um tiiH.u tilt Dun.,» «ii i.«i |>er»«in». auii tut samt »«rnng fra,« 50 r.ti» ».e +-«' 1 Lr littrr »tim «al n «-. r._ uu Muiniay trwu eau« .s- i «te.« »«««la man n fartn rrr n e'ana!-«t lu» hail 19 euiupiaint« . , :,«t tin») te r tbe a«Kn>»-a_-»un» eef ill* he. erf «I.e. h éOÚ b«a l«Usr, til b. »uti«. a_0 juilirtaril» tar Ok«' mon- are li 1, iii tri*, tiltia- mai tleet re ctr rra-el, mj. In baa aata.^nrj h i «a«. HIS «ulta «re t.e i«r !-eaigb« isainat «.ne br t«r I ¦-,,ti «h. ««-r it-r »t«.i« sus e-.ii .. ¡mci .ueragaomgoat (Tiri mimi ->¦> bun ti.el liefif-l fur tV^ to tag bf«et_. lie r-fuan«. «oJ left uitb b.« faiuil.. ueit el»r lor a »«tr«_-i( plac«. There .vas an inf.inuüJ ___.___¦ at I>m_-t Hall, Te»rria, aft, ru«e..u of ¡»<»«r («.neon» urn e,f eeu; i.ne_s-ot J W. K II »I . Prpije» Hill, aiej Mfctttenii Be» lutu,ti« wrr. leiopi«- elerla-i- tra« a lil_>r ei«-b». ^e "_>ul.l le« es¬ tán:,«lire-, ti Ibu 'ita for ti .. --.I .el .l.la_-«_eel «n»lllllr.l lab«.rrr» tba« U-»..'aier »li.eel.! .-.eil '.' till ptllT »lea. elet.rr te. rt. tile tO Ut ii »t ant tb ii _ee -1 our uri,-. b.>u»-a «hiMilii "firt««! » pl.aev of tin . bicli »a» t elisejr-cr u, ti.» nirtru|eoli«. A r«u,i_KU-a. mtu-aiu» o .it «pan tbe sr* i-utv-at Uiai tMAir u. |_slsl in tu» thora samaattas ___»«____ li »*_- SIm .*.#..!»e«; tlir tam» Mr««'» gatek Ti II t_J VVtren-r. «at a¡po:_«ae. tu «ait «pan tbe 1 ,r». iririita A»«e»««-i-ütea. to« rruarat ib«t Ihaí. :. a~.i«t in rarrrtns «. -Jim I".'. «.>« upaen Uie Mereliaota aa»! HUimfaeuiren Kirbtm;.- rratH-t Ilia', tara» lo atd rat»Mud)in? i National I_»l_>r Kir««)... 1*. lí¿ r.aenen! Hw» Ile- Krr» L-ilnar Kirliaritr «Ireaili iaatitiK«»! ii ten. nt» at» u.eil-ir Ue are-oti.pliaii tbe rn.1» lor -bidi it «m (ie»iHTM_t. ou arroiiat .g iit!»i_ana.rnar- 1 <-r from «.eme »thrr tr-at_). 1_-i»- «ill lae mrrt-nc» al I an.. I Hal! ni a euee«» .imilar to Uiai «kieh amflle ii ll_trr ; MM liai een '»"r. ntmaama a I awl on in.« Vrdar rrrumj tLere «ill be a aiá»- »relie«! of poa.r | ..«pie la anarrb ..f enap.ea, »irkL The population of Mon-¡it own, N. J., i-> A.o.^. Mi. Hugh .»inith hil« rc__pe_el hin po»,iiioii um «.'ommis-ioiii-c of Publie Daeka, that he aa) iii- laaea attention to his jintst«- ^usines«. Mr. lleury A. Suiltli Ma leen i»i'i»ointed to till the vacauey. The re-port re*eeivvel from F«»u_:hk«»epfiie s i««« k ago. Anio-li. Ia Iman, ho was kille»! on the Hudson lüiet tj-Hin ut Aimi Seng, wa* oecaoinaakMl at __e time I'i a girl »llh vvlmm he Inul doped) Btavao i-u iiitestigaUon lo I»- uj-louiidetl. The Newark Common Council laut night refuiuH'. to «auctlou the actsuitlie Fire LK-tt&rlmvut in »uri» ndimr a miuilittr of euioloye*. An ortllnauitj- |»i iieiitlng tilt) e-n-i Uuu of »a iiissnie liu_pi__l on the gtouuds of th_ Cltj- _lo»l«l«^ »vita _<lo|«4t-d. TUE STATE OF TEA DE. Ha.»» ««-«x .' .e ..tUHi.Nee»-Of___» ir_» enlUa.rv lu 'ran-, tales al »rrl.-.illl -ATI«.* ..SOPfc-U MARKET«. Pim« »-»pt Ï. Kre_i_e|. Bourse el_Ö Restes. * fr .< «ett-D.Nev-IJ»lMU trs» «tMlM, MS««. 11Ve_»l»^_L DOMBaSTU: MABI-BTS. »Ii« CtaLli.t, S«pl 1.,V»a«r Irawr isd deua«.. ««pel«-«, 0. il| l>o^tajr Etira »>'. *», Tr.i.le Kiu«, ,i- tor« dall. Muted a¦¦/._. l'lia» titJ »1.1. esojliie. Oa-a.Oil., tirer in» bee. «-». iiCitr linn, la.-. «iel. Ikr. Ottto tbrrr. eûtes SfiM. KLUssia Pe.rk Amil. Mr«. 0«L BaeM li-». HA-uM ene. l_)k e*Var Klb ISr eiVatr «We». Heir., Ha__, i«A_«». Uri- Tlirr. liiiW. eV... iMO-tor «...r 4 «Jj, .mu« ria-ila«. M«lai»«aei-I'. »-»aUti-o lit pria» r.«____t. tor. Wbeal«. _«_ . 01 Jo. l«,m»-Pns» tlldlV. -iclut^».«tcittsf, U>, 9«« Yerik s-.a-i |rr-ai_a. i ...ii I l«d WILaiMbTu». N I Sri«. J-S|vvS» TiisB-t ()«*«4 it 111«. KtnlMd R.«t) « 01 tb I re*.-» *Krv_._«« sM Tar a»ciia»a«_» « .__¦ it-tal« Meoillia-* l'.ili|e Ate,'.-« l-y. i.ejotio» »n»sf -Bá«M_____Me-__ell MeAefl-ar^ I"«..-l-iK -tira l«xi lal»! n»re.j», uti i_U» LeiittilL« Sato«. 1-Bani-al.» sal .««-._««»«.«¦ ._*_.. " *__' Mi»-t»_a la. Floar Oral», «St Pram« su. »otn*»gsi * t»-",, a. «T .li. 1 el.»«T«, aa. _.»|«i U_¿ «I b«»i». âI.BA.*T râTTLIl MABIKT-S««" I «'.lr ia« .««Mt. Hre.« »U rlU,»U»air»^ lai|U-«J 1ml .e-«'-1'*"' -***.»_! ._L !_! u, *M*i be«! I »1 m Pm it»: ««*. AmUt, mots sit SC_É._ft «BP-K 55- ¦ "-., -BBÎ -«'¦ ."» f1"» ¦** *. tt¿fj_^..^-.r' ií-*-* r1*- N* for o.«*-» Br.tuek, ,u., ^?jy«*Mfroo.»i,-«,K u ¡, ,.w,i ...»i.i» .Vrp «I "i-- l.r.» U/.f"'!' -?1- 4r-: ."**«» I»»1"' «««-'I k*»ll*lo»4i. ^^ -l'/***- N.<_H':i» iVsiarseilur hat» là« «r là. sata"! r?_!*y...jy, -'f-- ¦_> ¦' » ¦'-*¦- at k. r-.Wrat - . ""' T~>'"(O'»*1 «I a «larris rf ^OuTKtofL«!*; cha«, t_mT____í-_i* :¦"_""!_***¦>¦ mom »Un »i»» fail, «p f. _, ~_£t *Z ££ »».M V Wea-J 15,441 tasa Usp-suitaiw 4a a, ,^ ¡,u »p u, .Wt*-*,,T.aT S -¦i TEST SHIP SEW\ ARBIVF.I). Bark Br»T*. abarata. T»k"luraa Af ni : Ha DOaVaeraj khdb, gB'»T"V iVr* t.Arn««»! hark a"*»«»»-». from aaadrrlata. Wi au to«, B. 4 «-,-( «tv.tisana! Uaamé »I r n-al« fas Basto.. tmtttá «Uaiinbip Pla:,«« Bola Piulad«-)). ii. B_« '.. » I-Amrad. Carlitàr, from NawaaaUr. B. «. W. ttalad, bark UturB» lar l«|ui<|B». KdKKKiN l*)RTS. Besawrrowi» fttayt, Ï .Th» snokip TV (Jar*» tram Heat Ter» «a* f.i»«ftm,] urisl tuda;. TV iteaiuJu«». lil» of laah4M ata 1 ana», fr«a» Sea Turk for Li««Wpo*l arriiod rntrnta; .furaana. Oraytnt, ftrapea, lil-ape«.-Tt.r B»>1 K«ak<-t»»»«l maaCaatao Ulta art tit i hoir» (inpr, aiart-il R. T. I (aov.« P "»T »»» la l««t. Da t BBUBIU i arVsfeMSla drap« aad Pal» Win« Di-pat it remvet t* ílo. ia K. Bif-hth-*., aaar Brota**?. Dr. fege's Catarrh Hemrtj. O'iOu r^trd for sa (nasilla ttt* Hold Drs»«ri»U. «r br »tail. Oh cala. A paatuLlat ft**. Ai ¿tarnt V Pisses. M. I) ii -imaet »t Balala ti. I. .*r*acre<M>aB4 Fatplre »pria* la.', Hepal for loisas, Bmpir» «tad ollar Minmi Si.nn* «A .trr« * (ki »bru *t .rta Bk«.-»D*ai. Fra» «labrar.«*daily ( ,t«/aud, a. «.tiara. aOBBO oatt. Weddin« kart Vlsltls« Carws, MM aMMM Kotar»MB Wa. BlBOBMt I »os» 104 Kilto» *r ore iii d Dm« at a«, a. MARRIED. (iuMPKHTS-PKRFf'Rn.On Tlinrta»«. Heot I. ti toa rratdwN» » r,.re..« I.r th» Rr» Mr Klirr (I H. lo Uara B, «. i««t dauphin of A. ti. «Harford «v«q all ol tbia it.« AU Notice" of Mat.age» mutt be tndorted untk full name and aeUiint. DIED BAIKTIN un T'o-aitrrrr«! -,. v ; i 1 r.'rUrf, llald»,. ia ti.« r*f «if L a »tr ..,:, i.f li). ,tr Kona Ba.dwin. TI «- -, 'au.» a i.« «u.-ul tb» fanrrtl. ob Son«!»/ ifirrt no., at ;'| s'StaaB from Li» lal« «_lrt.,r .'ii Vt «a. Twrlfth-«t., without furtbrr mt,latios. (»lX-At L r:uf»t.ii Manor n«-ar ll-uW« on An«r. 11 Mr*, rapta B* i «i.lo» of tbr late ll»nrt Y Cut M Ha«- or. Wia. aa.1 iauikwv of «hr lat» Wm. R. Pnn«* of Pfnahln» Relato«»» aa.1 frtrn.1» of thr« at» r-«j- -tfallr inriu«! to attrwd lb* tanrral »I hrr lit» NaBs at Una' i.g ,m s«tnr.'.a« Srpi. lui o c1«., k p. ni. without fartbri nonce. Boau Ira»- Jaaca ade or Tbirtr- l-oar L-»t. at 1 oclock. (alliiVKS.ila Tuead.r »..rniaa; A.« 30. «Ara Letltl» Ororra, 1. th» «M4 roar uf bar «if» T: . ir.roilt of ihr f»Biity tr» ii»|-»d «oittr»! thr faorr» «M-eraa oa .«««uri»' u..«r:.,l.ii .V;l. j ttlUoci<<t. al bri lair rr.ij.aer ¿»St« r M KKN/IK-On Indar Srpt. ? it thr Pre»hrtrri»B Hub«» Ataiul M.Krnrr . II. r ian-: ji* t»»(ia-rtf l'v mrttard to attend tV fusrr.1 ft« -a tV K.iartfc Prr>l« (¡o:«h li. t. I.r. TI" u,¡ -«li hir'T..,.ur.L at.. l-rt»««ra HUtb sod Srrrntli »rra. .a Satuniar. li icat. at 1 in MÏEU.In tl.i. .-it- on Friar rrr»,n' M ri.t M«rr Br»T«^rt. will* of Kraüa-l» M M «¦«. ati.I «.ti.» ala ,e:.u-. H U'irr. Soiii-r of fui.rral li. rraflrr IM KI'i ail ttr.t fOtnt, nOBBBH K»pt. 1 (a .1« jr. oaí j mat a.l thr lion :,. ,- M ita 1. ¦ .22 ,Ktn t bio..Ula and TVr rratirr« »r,,| fri-ad. .r» inr1t<->t tai »ttrn-4 th» fcnrr.1 on Snud»r. lib, al M .'.lasas, bl, Baa» Ita - irruís it Writ t'trta, Oaaaaaaa *-n t* «i ima«.at nuio.o Bsrlsa Maaoi R.1FKLÏK.On »i.l"»4iit th. a\ :D«t , at It «wrrr Hi« «Irwu,**, I.. Mariitrrt 1'o.lirui,«. wid«,w of lb. lat» lula «Hapcl..». lu lb» rj4tfe rott of hrr aay R-ianrr. «i«l f rn«'.i »r«- in« t>l In »t-rn,l ti,» ftinrral «in Sundar tV «ti, li »I a', har lair rr.« i.-nrr it ¿| .V. <l, aa«] al Rri«,ltL»4 Iluii t. I'Lun li. N. *;...,: Bl --| ¦« « t p. ia ¦BOOB.Bl BaaBaaBB >'- ¦ IMBI "I biliou. diajrbr. M.r» »if* > W. Kuoaton. int. riiirr.t fnm iiart-r .«u*jt».bj»a». fiwl .I Fr»iikliD-»t. tabú 'Hsta(ti»<r| morr,iü¿ at J o co» I. «i iit.M K.' m hat .' ia R«o«H n. Jan» s.-Vni-k in M 'vltb ratof irr lara- rr.K-t <«i J- toiiuut ao.1 laat «tarnriL«; tiatia¡bi«r jal Mima Srtirr,, a, aaf ihr Wallal«.ot. Thr re!«« rr» »n I frirnU» of tb* faoiilr ar» mara-et/bllr inrttitd to ittro-1 tbr funrr.1 on Sarunijt ti :n»*. it .' p. in. iroia toa rraidatMr of Lar kui. Alinéalo«. IT" Mon.-.» M.. brtwrcn Bodfuel and Suairaod ara. , Itr.otlru. «KI l.Y.«in Tbnnd»» mortiinr <r[t. 1 J.,w 11, Ni-Ir. airr' B. Kunrr»! «rr»!'*« on BaadST sftialBO««* l-htii«- »ti 'e'«» t it hi» lau) rrai.ienrr. .No. *M loll .-. I . » li u». l.ttiv«"» «:,] fri.'ii«I< are i-»*[r< ti,. 1 ibruxi la ttirrjal »iikoat furtbar UiTltatlon. Tt.lTINti-Os Frid.r Hrnt 2. IT" Ph'tir r, Jr ro.ftat ekiW «T ! '1,1 ii ii. ..1 II« «.rr A. Toppmr. «eal 1 NO >n«l S BuiBtha. l!i-*.,ir. au.1 Irru.l« «r» it,. Uta ti« atttta tV fimerai fro« lb» r»« iaaoa ¦ ,pl'« Ra -- i-'.r»t-«t. oL Sun,lay »apt 4 »I Ijurluckp. BL Special Notuce. I'halbu'a .lilBlUí'' Or, balvation far Ik« Hair. FuR BBSToBlHOTOGRAT HUB ITS .»BKilBAL OLOt. FEALdB S 'VITALIA dií.n utt.rlr fto« .11 th* tit* . «al¬ oran »ad ntaorari li; :s ate Ii .«its oa » '. lauf 1 «t«t»«l fra- «pla. It is l:»pid, fn^riot. and parfart« iiaucu «a» pr«t» ulai, a* -jtadJr or floualtct Biitur raquira» uo »baking np, »ad t.r»iaa».aaa«w ttais to lb« »ki» ur th. lu« Vo pnotr otrt^a ia «wKnatr- w .I ita t.rbid »pc»»r-»na» for ti.» »imp., raason it it nulli ««rbut. It ii I* «til :iitiu «»al parpo..» a as* ducutbbt id Tollal ttaiarf. For lal» bj ali dmjfuts._PIIA1 US k MB, M"«w Ta.lL A ii«.i r ef I h ¦peal»Mc is s DfaTapapcr. ».'I :t u tharrf..r* propuMd ia thu <t4- r.rtiwaint to «¦«.uditOe a Tirirtr «,f fart» lir-purtaiat to thr pat.lir (ato s »mil! ooBipus. TL'«*e facts refrr to H«j»tbttbb « Hthh'h Bit- TlaU.what (bat «-.lebratcd twaiii^cc tau atitt n ». I la lu th» tra! pla«-», then, »be artu-lr a «rtinala-it tnnlr ud allrlat.r* roaslatiaf *l a romhintttioB of »u »bMlatclr par. »p«irttaMS »cent »nth ti.« wtoaA ««la- .bl« «oelidnsl »»(»Ubi. »uiXiBrri that botanic r»av?iirrb btv pifad al thr diat-po»«! of the cVnust »od the rhj-I«aar. TF-»»« IngrrdirEU ar» eumr<>un«1rj »iili gntt 'trr, tzi in «sc-H prnportioa. uiopnalua** prrpar.tion whreb in.u7. r»U'. «ti!.ob: «ii'-Hiai thr ^«jritl ij»k«. «tai tone», rr.nlitr«, ita costroU tho itoBuwh tb. bowrh, tV lir»r tad ita nun,-r «tscretiTe o-içta.« What iii« great r-atort-JTe »ill «^o »oat V «r»thrr~l fnm «hil :t '-at done Ths ca^ of djap»; «ia, or ««y ,tVr ï»njj o! ,adofr»ij. mirk ii baa bee« J»er»iit«nllr ^tniutt. r.Ù »u^uti iíwljiI I r».iic»l oir», ia «at to V heird ft-jin ita tbe«_e tar br «nil ..' b.HoBf dil «r-ltn. 'Sire mittent ferer, r,«rt«M« ifMUooa «'i»»»J debiiitr, .-.mtiipBlUa. ask heatdatclir. iBCutai d'il ocde.c<r, iivl lh« u, isa it: conplatista ata tlittabill. tit. to «Lib th« frl- a in to »til.r.t. It t!in£i, ali 'V. tania of tV bod.r lncladiag the |..o>!. sad '.to «rrntle »tian'ua whi« : uxparta to lh« aerroor i'itern li not tcfleedial by tbe ittgh rt-i rra tus This U s chaptrr of fen »'¦ 'it rinltr* tot tla-ir oa uk**, ih. i I mara tail prarmiarr_ Oulnina Hn.i. . M.SM.U hlfl'S. IS« ],..-.-» tJ" W I.F I'MI.KY Q.iittins Realaeaa. Uiii «al*, i1. TÍA OkTb, ti faam, t$» .«0. «A J .' '. li Li \ t. I.',.. Kit Ur<»d«ar Quittin« II..-.»«."«.«. «....! ita c, k1 « I II » «I half prie» Vi J. Y. A11. ti a. So. «al B.otawar. linntm« Mii-iu. «-. -NF.a .»rrii", «¦è: »ad tii«t»r«l W J V. l)Mi.Y.\ 4 ( «. Ra H Br aVaia.r._ Oullliu« Ku.iue»-..s r ; tr-l tal KK« aa* «til« li Cat Boult» *.. Ml ft J I ÜL ...'.'¦ ,..«. Quilliaa Hu».ne»«. -.» r latr.l K I. ITl, IIKK.t porrriais .inrti. *>xv«V J h UAIjU-I t. « " S.«1 Br.«.lwaf Qi.ittina Huwintw» «. Sl'tJONS, Omuri »v 0* '.a- dowr vt I Ï f'Ul.Kl I i. Ko. C3! bt.*.l»v OiaiHin« Bname«.-«>»*. .1 DIM"NKK KBIvM Tur. h«».!Íí Rnrrr»'» Otar. ««SS JO Ha aa* a. W i Y HA ILK' a. la, '.»! Bro«,'»«» __^______^____^^ t>.ii'tiiiM 1*11-1 «»..». ' . IABI.K«ll.AriaH.»b*ta haK pnrr. W J Y U.MLKT «V I o v. , ,i liroa-iwa« Oulilla« UvtaettB.-lTHSKlLIKIt.« HAU Lr.HT-í, IHM ». :,'-..;. «,ai> lli.ri.BLH. W J. BOAalLBYfcC«, Ba. hJl Bruailwar. _____^ Oailtiu« Hafetaewx.-r- «¦ -«u -j- marirl n plaiu la-afwa. Is- »nui-efcii t.-ar-elr. , Uli l.l/lll lo (ftl lirvailwa. The B*»e»i B-Ptremae* *C ia«- ««*«»«.¦. ¦eel ». co.» I'ATBT- niB'-KP^ KI. I.IMK Jl U | FBMABBTJO. e-ntaiouiuaj-aarkat «i.:a;"' -a' "Ij erre f* ia «jtril. with kifSlf »alu.l ».' li J -r PRKPAI'-.r. U«K .«.lUJrak LIMK li j H . .'kl'ltl. Amor ¿r'« Betrra»*. LIMh JLU.1l . IIAMPK.M .IV »j_i V»«raa» .«( JJ +*am, ;.,¦¦. ...I L. dnuk tot V»l biota« *»¦* S«itdb)ila-..«i» tt ii- Mr.1 .»¦¦ »bd «¦. rai ».* Vt Ft,KBIJI»J. «liap.*t* N.'rnlofB lie» 1 VE 1.1 C. tt »rraa-at Till..««, lie.aer *4:,j'"f« _ .T*a .HA EL tYKIl TI.«.O . ï^-..(¦|.'l4*7., i u «. i.-..- Baaaaa»» mtm tv rmntOtm ato» Hut «CMaJMBB of »v m o- "-J** A- prey.^ - Omm IV Otttagr -O-XV- ?f,Ai!»»T wee Bl FIRS Whil. ran-ialet « -V V4.1- - i^-'ta M IV "Orr «a* »«a Ha«el Ic«ia.|»-«'w*V .- ¦-' .t.- mllfâ^iam, »Ui Vita at ItadOBUBaBBB IUp^..ll. *^-'--'.^'....."rtSir V^ata.1 lb»«s«fII.U .«.Pill«.«. « "..*., ,*.-v^k «aa at tV ti** «ral»«raa »f Throat. .'"'«.'¦'¿.terÄ'i» «WS-» -"-."- -1 Sf_» L«,. *^r!__\_t_, u a.-ro *r*- ?____!» ~ * .*..* .*2*ÍLl_V «Twwtaa. Co«i«|r«*» Hall tV »»r*lU*l lu«»l opaa "" '.** *i_wl .«»I!'»« ita "-""«H. t. r*tue~mv* tau- "-i.**** 7rM^o,oa*tam^iU m kWuttrtZ a (Tk, t abi.IM a ata was» WOO p*'«**»'«/ - «-.«»«»»» Hall KVMas V^ -3- -*r.T-T.TJaaaa. tV B^ 8BBLBT . tTTiTSrBBBBTBtÄ ¦.'«« optare» shaal». Hg* sa* -S ata r*aOatUt*» laiaUltaaKBt, B». J atas**. _, -' Hala. WâBaiXS a o».. «**.* tas 'all ítylbb Til-BAÏ, «aft. 1. »10 BROADWar_ .ill ¦^_J_*imr+ KMks.-IV avail» le» Ba.- *t» rum tata ^fia-tMTTt. u \Zo. - mt sav_?ïr«r» i'; .,.. ».. A .ta B.i a». «a., «. sta . » __J£iJ£_£ * llialUI.*»'-. * «*. *»"T'--- r^UBBBt...

Transcript of» stirptiod with a new t>l. < of Offenbwh'a, will doubtlea«*...

bein» stirptiod with a new t>l. < of Offenbwh'a, willdoubtlea«* make a iiroatw-rni. -¡.«»i. Whet lu r a ijeiiulin'«»ai* K.r alvie of b1« rUlwiaeot, howerer, oan Be

prrmaui'i.tit revived m New-Votk la an interesting anddoabtful <|u'e»tion.A *e«ft»on of English «»pera is to oj»en at

Xiblo'i on the Mth of OcU>ber The company I* the one

fonaed t-T HI brnm* from the I-arepa and Blchiiiga

troupes, and though it lack» the gi« at alnger and the **:¦

cempUobe«! eonduetor who »nive an« h stnngth t» the

former of those org»niiati-t.« Ii«.«t Winter, it la. never-

thfieas« a Ui «re and attractive combination from which

*.(. .av reaaouably exi««« I a great (lea ,»f »rood un »a le

Twa^onntii.'» *r< Mr».. »rou, Ri< Mugs lt-i i. ird. Mi*«

¿' and Mia«« Fannie <0«>,\*\,r the .-«inimité*,LrTzeLia Harrtaon Set-tun and Mr- Nn-okhoiii* lioirv.w;,h?t,«n,.r« Mr C-iatlc. Mr. Bowl :. ami Mr John Chat-

î.n^nTahf Mr I...i.» .,« ; the I'»»«.-. V

r.mtVtVll Mr. Henri l»ravt.»u, Mi Edward Be.guln.ati4ilr V .w. ii «awl II"' "»»'" ¦"'. -»' v,"0,".

f^opem- pn.uit.ed dun.»* tn.- m *¦» ona wa Bl

lui« ritan weil«, uau y, Mr. B B o

Tall WlBUe." ______....-..-.


NKWbH.'K.__mn_Ta TO Till, lil ft HI l.'W STATK CON-


Wavne C<>..\<*. Dist..M. Thornton. Sodus;j,,tu.\..i«-ut.urg. -«t.-.v. P. H.r. ol'.

iiiivi*. and samuel Imnaliaii..AlUoofik '«..-Hamilton Bard, Alfred bockart, Win.

VaniMraiirt. Unt BOH «B*Th«

\ -¦.:.-¦¦ t «>f

lJ()I)r.. -, .'..n.. titi >u aie Ii. I» 0, Iiriiwii.iel,.

omaJm-innan. S. pt. ..«-Tho Don. Akron IVrry

v . ii.Mua.'iit'.ii JOOtOttea bv Hi« BefBhUBM I'tm»! «-*-

«bMMOMbMM« "f Mt 1«. 0 .«> l»'.-tri'-t. lie tis-nut

.tMXWpted, '"Ui '";; '" " >''.'<!_.', ...\ t in.,« of tie I-'t

..,i ii i ti: i l> «tri. tí itii'i tn- 11 um t «n Cottntj Con¬nut ti. mon»*.-. Fruí..« rj lioua wert

W *'

M.'.v-.nThe I«! 1'¡« RepahUeu CongiaMiaMd

Conrent: I WM Ik- ti.-'.'l Bl V ne'.and "ti Wednesday next.

Juhu W. Cain has lieen nominated tor CountyK. icii.'.i. «ii« ot CbbMbbObbMJ I ¦ »'".-

i:.--1 >-,-K.-» i«

The Hon. William A. Newell is the Repub-1,« .«ii caiiitidüti f,,i ( ..i,ct. «« In tin- II.i I»i»trnt of ><¦«-

'.--.\ I1. Tin,I-,', '.«?.'" n- -, i« hi»« Ititi,'U. Charle«.Hiiiiitii. Dem., la Un pu m ni i

The K« publican», of Kui tin township have'iiniait«nuit«» t,, tin- lll.l

« «i«t:: i;\ >¦ itioni li- legal« "1raartc-ll Houghton,John M. l:-.arit, Henri Watton,

j. Wim. Crowell. Alternat«.A. W.Bil. 0 W. I iv. V. K. W. aloa, .1. K li .rib it,

t W. ,Matri nfleld, to the name Convention,*»rt « I, ,« U:, H MeMahon,, J. Hu..-í.»r'¡. M E. K. y.\H-.

l'oI.ITK'AI. NOTES.The II« publican nominations for CeOfTOM

1n Michigan, m far a» heard from, are as folio» s : HldMM Au-t!' li'.atr: IVlti Mata Bit, 1__M W. Ferry ;

V'tJ DVît ti D..»lrii t. J1 !¡ »«. oiitlciiicii utt all mtWtmJÍt i'f Iii« present

H'iij«. c\c j«t Mr. I>nggg.The lion. Oliver J. Ilnkey has been noini-

for reelection to Congress by the RfpnMtfiBBl vit:.- In« 1 n' I', iiii-;- Irai

The lion. Daniel J. Morrell has been nomi-v f «ji:« ¡niiiücana for nt'lection t«» Oaagn -.«- Mimik l»i«tri'f of Pennsylvania, coinpo»ed of the

< .'initioot r.lair.canibria. Huntingdon, and MiÖUn.


lu the H AaMeiubly Districts of this County,T«riinary eleetiona were held by the Republicans last

-i ni-'.'-ot delegates and alternate* to the State Con-

'¦HtllM.MM held at Saratoga on Wednesday next, thei Til.- f '.¡owing Is a full list of the delegate.« und

i. t.'tnat^ elected.'..«Thi.T.-Dtltpat«».llfBrr Smith Aluti«Ki B. Cornell. Aik»-

i -n».Kai),ai Kid«!«"/ »r N»n,-,. S I ."; !»

¦» «OirraicT..ïMaaataa.Baarj 0. Lraak, Morn» yr.i%itt~.-t Im-wr aJtab» I

Pirra in Pilaa.ia» Iilnriiih. Jame« TfrwnlliT»r Alter-I \ M i... A

r Kin i,!-TKHT..ItYie/at«».Jame« McLaren, Wübatin McK.nn«-».. K K S»«aia» HrorT B.o.htr.

ir» l..»Tii'«"T.l)Vl»iat«»^-J«m«»> Wn'»r' i.ttoir R- '»rt Filwird»,i Walka! Aiierbatm.Ai-ttii'i:» Icjuisl JcLl J h.J-.-nek. WiUiaan.« Maa-,.

«i«TH luaTRicr..I»»l«M»t».J»» M MrCatrtin. Hofib Kubitt. Al-r ar« .1«« H Aulenoa.

«¦«.aatu PutaiCI ln-lti al Jrlfrrivn A»«ratl.lT Biv-."o«1 .D«-l«-a7«t»*.!.,»¦¦. (>»l Alfw»! Pl>a^>titoo. J ,n.«a A lai-Utiio.. Aitcnjai«:.

IHIIUII 1>i«tk»«tt (hrM »t Sn.rni Kr,,aJw»yi-1-.

Vi H ,«r A J li l'tia-auaa- limrj TLaaipwu. AlntttttO. ¡in'Uiia* K.6.. »art. J aniaMGi*aa u ..««, Ii-

i i«.H-it Ii ti. -t Iw!»iai»a. A'ur./«. B. CrrtU Joha J. O Drn>n.n»«u All»ru»le».llenr.' C. Al.nud, Samuti A. Bolnrl« Ja».

A. I uraa."...«.TH Dtrrt.K-r .IVI'-e»!«*.1 D«-.«ir To«t»r, J.m«-« W P.rr J

S-..I- h: S a¦ ritaViin. ft la-ri.ataja.JuLu U. Jaa.U B.«.tb Ir, II . art r,~, h M.r,lf.

a.TH I'liiKirr .liVleg.Mt^-Xlarti'j B Br wt 8t*pt,*i II. Knajit,,i¦-. Bl B< .. A Iiu.-r. I... I

.. |.licii-gau».Lewa J.K rk Jtv».l. MI AJt»«-». Vi

I.,- i,- i, VI .itali t. .»ma .cr.

arra ;>i«t»i«-t.-Dtl-irat**-Ma.r«ha' O K-'»-rt««I Ja ra» L. liaatie. Aluruair*.Jui.ii V. i.n.... « J« Lia .«. lui-

I*«!.«-.-« Iii'THier.H«-l»ir't"».Thom»» H»«a« WlHi.i. II't«- !taU-a>~THitrtr'iH Ih«tkiit..I«, «-trat»».< u.-I»» I SifM-«»- Ilo^h 0«rl-

rr. Alt»ina«>- J'I-M.,T Aad . I

-ngari« I>!«trict .Merv«!»..'obn CoehrM«¡, F. C. Wajjutr.A i-roata».- .'Kimaai r»- H»m«..r. Baad, Baaaji W I»t

» L 1, 1 »1 l.- l.. | lia,;.Mantftri t..Dtl-rav »-li«-: rr 1« L'i;i»'ii.L bl. Alri»n.!»r

-'«-(»;¦.. ri.,;.,-. J Park] I>r lim «a

, .Tla.1ir.K« Dil k t .I«rl»f»1«»i>.tVis Atkiinon, C,»n. John A.

Alkmalaw-W-m. L. Ka matt, Ac» ( UnrJaTtioa Marr». nelfnatw.Miftl«. Crvnan tt ,- II»,»- fan,tia,

mp. Alt»rti«t«rw.j.uieaM. 1 buuian« jr Wm. 11. Uali J«,bnU wl «,tuK.«.?N-K »T« 1h«ih t-!i-,i':,i--(.«-'-r.r !'. Brtvlford. Itatñai B.

..iimi-r. A utua:«?t.VViiiiani I. draff. biatilM*.,,..¦¦ M.. t> HUagcr.

Iiuaiaa « ia lillian f PriMali.( he»fr A. Ar-.knr Rnftu« Pia! HiaiL-.Bire Alt»ni»t«M.Sp»D'*r K rl» Joa.aL W.

'1 boutpai'ti ¦'¦¦ «'¦ B Ufa*»\.»*T«».sTH Ui-TKitt .DwleftaW.iMaM O liant («*;. AMOHéM

M Harri" t r-- ai-.TV»».» H».»i LatfaawaaTiKT.i H-ti.,,1 -1'. .-a».-- Vt aii«-L A I'»rl rm (i,.rr» 0*.

...n». AltTLat»-«.Uiivl tv lrf-c Tkomai Bit «an»**

It '.« n (' H-..WU .1 ,- IlV s»liii,.a. Al;«ni»tc*-M.fh»irl A ke««i J.i^bï» M

K1'.' » « 01 M I Y riiiviw.iL«.The pi

1i laflee»!»»» ll-ti.« I. Il .»cn CI,»-!«, R 1-

¡HiatfrataB. B.lijalu.» 1 1^«- W'iri.S .-i

Hiai« l'-T :.-. T. I>*l»yat»« JatT"-. T I.-tl .« PC W I' l'ili IT« D.r-TUl. I.- lH I«-,-«-'» A-iiL'.r«. ".»,1 «til K B I.atiailid, E

a ri.

Kiata I»' mit T..I.rk-jg.1«. Iuar CatLn K.iiiod (ioiw-n R. J

it«* ftaïaucl T. Maddox. B.nj.mis F

Kt..HTH liiTKtt.1 I>*l««r»t« aaslfi (' B*in«rtt A. M Bli» Wm.1 J «taaova.

-> m c II V. VaD.icrt.-fr. S. la. Blachford1 '

noom A-.-1.MM.V Manner.At a Meeting ti Um BcpabHean Aoeorlotlnn

t.l Hie Bei nil A»i«iir'!.t Im-Iih t. li« l«l at No. 'U Diiaue-t»t m, I «. int.', MM. b, IBM pnr«ii..tit t» Mi «ali,,. ,»,. «,..,., r-- , mim,itt,-, th.- le.'-clutHiii'«,ofliif.i > Maaot lu«««», e*<|-, »ere uiianiinously«vl«>i'U-'i :

i:, nui ru!. Tbbt i;«-ti. (iraiit- adiiutiir.triitii.ti lnti« n.'tnaaeaéetfItaelfta Um <-iiti!u»...-ti' taytforl "f ttepeople

«i-» an«! «nfrir.-tii in« ii«ni«"i« ¡iii'i'ttd. not "B-> '('

t*- lu««- t N.'.rloiiitl d« lit, out ««!»<> to ditulniath Tax itl'il.«lilli » iltij lilli,« I.ri' ll.l'p^' «11« I« t"ftllltllt

t, mure tar I,fui a<ltiiiiii-4rat¡< --¦ "f plllili« aft.uio.Baaalai J, That thl« ..- »itl» «-.mflilen«*

oí. U«, ai.,, u and mte tri il« ..; im- il..h. Tuoniai. Murplu. :'«.f tin- l'i-rt. bein In« tlmt ii.

tniti of at! nr- »iii en . l *ll! tlii l.eartv aii|i!««.iil n' tilt-Bien-haut, t \..u York, m4 that he anil, bj Map Linaltfliou. m i. inn! «tr- n f.-1'¦¦ Iii l'iil'.icii, p.tit\.audtBiu "i-nfy tlic .-licl tiiiit lie .'i» tlie rieht mai. lu11.'- r\g\.

Ketotr.ii T'iat w.-t.i)(< t( i- opportunity to erpreta onr¦: tlii HOD It'- .'. 1 i.» ai:-

il Iii«- »'al. ni Nett Torfc ji«taira.

t. d iron tli. II..MIH : I«. Iii. »Mate l «uiti-ulnil. Io I» in 11 ht riata-

», aa tbey «to. toartaadt i n, tu«- iut.-i-.-«i «. tin- Natiaaal Ailinuii«tin

i renden anj foi' -'at.-,, .,., thia Aaaocla Ion In Uta) re*pect uni

to a m'- renarfca of Dr,.«aaWfel t <»f a *t tt ment .«r a'i diti-1. H" a:;.- , I..« I'.' ¡«niiliaaii» ofllie lii-lliet, mljoiin «1with huila liuiif» for iii« au. .--<,:ii,i pal ti in t lie «oiu-

At iii«- third m«'« dag d the m tv Matthew'-'f«' ;>. i<> ali. i «-¡ii tal A--.* lalion. Ia»l cm ii-

Vtai '» »nn r«¦pie», i tel Si .fl.oiit .-. dill,Afta-r i..ii.'.-.,-i.,i,i, luiiv «UaeaaaitMi II »u» de« i(l««l tuai

-.,. n.ittii ^t T. r.i.-iiii.iu AaaofUtton«ii ,« ipili.« m Hi« ( utr.n A.

aud taro d«-l. ttiittoiia fimn Ibe Vith W.u.I and two lumi." tlltli v., n- rt, .ulii.^lv diiuntl. I:, Imo ia«tioll

«'l"pt««1 M foil»! Util I,li Mill li» laWS k, , «|,Ia al Mi. Urooí. ..i,«i <.,. ,i«.i un ..,,, *,i,,.., .in.. roi

"¦¦ .«un, war l'i -«.I. -ut. Wtu li II, ,n- VI« IT. «i.l'iit«. l'a. Ii.;,l « «Aiilat., Jam.-. E. Ilnaroii. «,erali..i, Nn*-iiii»u, j.Mritii \t. i,mi, ktud AiiM-n k üruwlat

M m M I^»»i«, l'ali i. V Mi-drain, and J.Meph A.S* I'...' il« i, Juin, y Naitli-; h ,.-. mu it Ann»,»"ii )...... ..i H\lwhlfr K'"tli A «iniuiilif, «t,«l'i»-nil «i lo .«¦. urn a inor* «-«-»ilrMl ni.-.t'iii i.h.ii, .nul'¦.. A-*.,jiu,u iavtlj«.i,rn«-«l t.. met at tlic call ,,i tbi

TI,. Patriot k Ai'l Bodotj of the N«»rth ^ll«»re[tla.i.l, K.«aili»i,l Palier, ir-»ilini, m,,l V

"".' («t, v , i. i ,i .. i.¦¦ t. 1 W2..0 lu Aiixual, «nil puni 11.imu'.uiii th«-Treafin« r of tin S. v. \,,r> taaoeUUon

'îr.itlier John t k>L, f«»r t.n m ai - TnaOBIM... «i i^.ii,,. 1 .«u i a. i ,i i- ; t« «i u.«

*0. t-jiii, t unmet.

Tin ; wera held but evening bImíhrnaai I«

THK WAR IN EUROPE.( nntlnscd frowi -.rsl I'b«c.

servie«. The Americans In Paris have subscribed more

than liii.i-io fr«nc« for these purjH.«.»s. The ('«-ntrai « .nu

mlttee of the Interuational R"lief «'«unmlttee haveestsbllBhed a Chief Central Agency at Iíanle In Switzer,land, whence thejre are both German and French rallway«. Funds are needed by this agency, and circularshave already t»eeii distributed, asking for contribution«to Ix» u««»d, not by either of the belltgi-renta but by thismuitral seK-lety, which 1« organized under the Int«»nia-iional trenty and has a sister «ociety In this country.The lTesitlent of the Ontral («einmittee, (Justare

M"i7. er, and the venerable «ieii. Dufour will receive_fH_0i ¦»'. Usaie, In the name of the Iut«»r_atir,ual Society,and a«-« «mm «tot them.

TITH GERMAN DEMOCRATS AND THE WAR.The Anteigcr den Wetten«, «if St. Louis, one

of the few Influential German pai»crs in the WesternM it««- win. h ha\e remained faithful to the Democraticparty, lins the foloiving «ignifle».ant article-:

Willi the-ixe ption of The Mitsoun Kttiubliran and afew other rather nisi gin flea tit papata. MS entire ¡temo-rratit ¡tress in America has taken side in the prêtent *, Thi« !» a fait which e-aiiimt lie ________ andwhich »h«iu!il not be eom salad from Um Qanaaa Amenrail«. In vain one se-eks lor reason« to explain this sym¬pathy of the American I)-niue-rae-r with Boiiapartisinand it« victlin. the iiilsgiii,le-el French people. As thetraditional predilection fur France- on a*-count of the «up-l»or! it gave to the t'nited Htate« in the war of lmle-a____aooo, as nativistic dislike for the unloved'.«mian ile nient lu America, .s, finally, Ignoranceand iirej'-.eine» with regar«! to B-Topeaa 'feintions are« itliizi the hepablloan party at leant a* strong ,as in ;, Jtarti, one inight assume, thai the- sympathyfor «leriuaiiy of France in both partie« must Is- Bfeoal(.eui,»1!\ annie!. Hut this is not so. The «iverwhenniiiiTmajority of Heiuiblii ¡in ]eap-r« r.e'ee»fiii7e-s the Hi-tie-«' Mti»«- cause e,f (iermany ami bring« urtu»!.-!», on the war and«t.tte of ______ in (.cimaiiv pad Frame win, li In-token a

thorough knowledge e.f the, suliject and Independent.'it'igini-nt. while a majority just ax overwheliniiig of theiie-inoe-iiitic papara of the Engiirh laaaaaaa, no1 onlvm mpiithbi « with Franc-, tent is fllli-d witli the iim-t\e iioinitii« lies and the gre-atest alni«»» with regal «1 t.«(.e-rmany.

It ignorant AmeriTin scribbler« «till indulge the hallu-« m,it i«,ti the Preach pe "pi«, of which «6 per cent pan-not read and w rite, OTC mar, alna at UM load of i h iliza-tion, one Might atinl'iite this t'i tlicir lgiioraiice- of truth.Hut it n» spite, if we um«; read In Amerli an paix-r« thalButupartutlc Ftanee enioy« min-« fkeadoa tiuui Oar»many, while ever» reader «>i newaMpanaagM tekaawthat to« i-itietr.iiv is tin' ia«»'- that fier inany y ear« Kie¬

lli «ri-riuauy has been to.ere (ree than latint tin- departments of administration huí

tnarttn -re asatt how -t aal batleSt, and thal Oataaaayna« a mon efficient repreaentatlüa «»f tiee people tnah«¿e-rmain. Tiint lorniai.y during the last d«-ceuntai linsH«lvail(«'l With glk'UIltii' step« lil Its M,entitle .,»

its political life ; that in u«' country of tin- W( r! I populareducation atandi higher, and family Ufa i« p ¡r- rami better.ail ethla leeoaa to u» entirely:nnkiiowii to our Amci-.i a-; I> nocr.its. It 1« equally ii'i-

kiiown to tin in that uieei.-r Hie rule of the Baaapartetin «1« -iiinlie.¡/..»Heil, ed Frame- ill pt.lit lea a« well a« in

fatally lil. ti atada glaanl f (trogreaa, ami thal iii«- Iroapr« »-ure of «"«-sHiis'ii has pañüyaQd all minds, .yen nitil«- preeVellCC» of lill 1*1 ..'

Y« t tri y'd-Scnss ¡» .-iibji-t t wliie-h in fu« t has only one

«»ide «mi w Hh rcguid tee'w loch a.l iiiiprejud,ie«l t-tlin at« «1asea, among them even a tarn nnanber of Frenchmen,have unit .ni* e.pill!.,li | \i «. MT. at tent icely «read theDemocratic paper* of the English tongue which da] for(lay ¡lave givt-n «-.Tpie-«»l«eii to Ilie-ir Fnglisli «yuiplltli i ».

but fount! in them .tí';«- di <m i r lag a 11 -putatmu. Hut weal»«' iiini «i.iily lathe I'e-m-ee i-.iiic English pr»«.s article¬'s tu, h til! us with arti'ii-liiiii-iit, ami, lo ix- frunk, with Lu*il.t.-na'.i«eie am! «hiiine. What-foi ¡listan« e, an w«-Tn ..farticles like the one la Tat Wem-Yark Morid, under th«'

Be -li -sil (in 1-," m win. ti the liuist disgracefuliii«iiiiiiitiee!is are made at-iiinst Prussia.

insult« whit h Democratic pipon now heaaapoathe- «¿,-riieaii peopli »t.« «I« «p. aiiel w iii n«'t toon i-e fnr».-'it-ten. Ami it aaowo lot bo forgot* f««r it show«Cll'Urlv tin- »Iii'it Willi li uti.¡Hate« t l_li«.»lisll DOOBO-cratic jKiiK-ir«. .liiil what wc ii,,i\ e Ipi irmii Until.Tin -Jon .¦mil ol Sr* York, «'iii' of tin lau] I>« ino«T »tie

pap«r«, coine« ¡ind fully approves the akara art.« la.

-TOTCfl on THE WAR.The Iron and Cool ¡rude fflH-irir.ptlhliallil«- in

Eii|T|^ml, stat«-« in Ngari tee the« iron trade on the conti¬nent and the cxu-lit to which it is affected hy the wari

"The Ilelgiau Iran trade Is naturally a (ead «leal «!'¦-ranged i«y the war, but tiniOoTe___D__d appeal to behelping the ironmasters by «¡-.vug out extensive order«for ra'l«M iicii'Uiit of the Htate- railway». We I,«ve no

very detinue information a« to what iiuiuImt of iin-n

hare been takoa away tram the work», bat we oader-«tarni that the prodaetton ol Iroa In Belgium baaeer-tainlv l'<»«-n ver) linn h dm m:«lie<l of tata, Ia i.enii.'ir-Jai.el Frain-e, «>f ceeurse-, the war ha« cituscel an alm««stcomplete «lispt'iisie.n eef niai.ufaetui i *_r e,|x-rat ion», .miae _B_Jiy er»f the establishment« wen- laiv-iy eii_-,i_-«-1 Inmimifá. türm»; t. «li 11 t_--.-«t »« k am! mute-i .al for tin- Bu«sianami Austrian railway «, it la highly probable that manyof tha-se ««entrait« will nene to this country 1" t«

enteil, lind that for a elong time» l«e e-ouu- tile protluctioi. ofIron ta those two.intrlee, and sape-laQj m (»iruiany.will lie i erv inui-h diminished, Em»ii should iH-a-e io Iverv qun-kiv r««ti>ie«l, it w11 lu- imprai ti, aliii- for thelriiiinaste-is of Prussia te) gol their w. .rks m full eepertri««ii for a l"tig time to come, and England will i

«sr:iy-liai«- t«e »uppiv the t: isbi iron vhloha ii.telll.-rWlsl- |X- JeruilllCl-el 'It! ill.Iltlllfllt."

The iron t»ri«I_ru at K»»hl, wliich wa» blownup at the «¦etninii-i.i-i'tti' ni of t'¡«' a «r, co»t the Basti ralu»..way (.ompany oí Fran« .. tl,!««>i,"vu.

WHERE TO WOE Foi* WAH NEW'-*».fel.M.l.ul S Tlllli! IK« Ht«).M ALI. <¿t ililli.'-.

ii .:t.- .1 «:»r.

TlIK NBW-TOBI TlMP.l NI lliUS (lisjeliiil el el .1-

!» war oaterpiise hitherto nner-qnak- in the-lenna!» of the Aiiuii an pi«»s I In«.,tile tolls alone onthe dispate-fa published li, thi .»'¦". j c-te-r,l ey, desertptiveof tin- battle of «¿rai lotte, amounted t«, ».'..'««i, »r«¦ «llinier the maiiagi-'iii t,i ol Mt. tVhitalaa held, lu«.Taranna bids 'mr t.. t.. .Hy. sa it ha« h en

editorially, the tir-t papel In America, pe-ihap« ni lu-Vollll.

From Th* St, I no » Ti ut ITri New-Yob* Tbibi ni Iim»*-. f.iirlv d »-

taaoad all ona pt -tn«>r« In the» pmmptneso, i \i«-t¡t, ml-m», u'-'l a«-i-iir;i«'y e.f its telegraphic wai

Erery considerable city and army on either alda ¦«-' m«

te i,.' n pre-eea-iite «i by II ..t'i pr'.-ilig rcpeirt.Tn lill 1 ifone is ;.ri «ted di away, hi« placa ¦opear« b beImmediatelyrappllad. Putland «nsptiie-ain artttoi ra-p.ert- of all nrmv taoTetuenti uni rattle« are sptaad ba-lore Its readers ta _f« «--Yorli nrfon brief notleesof theaaitplessr m tiie- I. iTiilem loomaU. It- reports of thi bat¬tles are so vivid ai u a diriiiei-t p_>tare of the whole r-« ¦... and, adtli the aid of t atap, totue tli« whole ..ut Me'hal v. ..ti:l lia\.- bee u thoughttwenty reara ago of n the New-York]eight eoiomos of detail« ighttatha beartofi.erman.i serea days after the battles took place ( Yetthi- i- 's ne almost daeiv in the eoluai-uiol Hu. Hi sr-Vl.llK lUil.tM.

Prom Til«- K»'aiti»i,aa, !-_¦>Tlie enterprise' of THE Kew-YoBS TBIBI i.

la getting the fuli«-»t and um»; ;. i-t-'. :'y i- ..-i^tinitin- «eat ol war, i» willio;.; pt-.-¦-. .lent In jó, STn!i«ui» tte^t paiM-r at tue bead of all others, la thla countryurlnEñrope. .»bedearriptleenoftbe ttle« rarelott«alone, telegraphed t«> Tin. Tim ink, rjoel it IJ.MO In i.-"id,w lin»- itaai erage tlaiiy .-». e»-:,»t. fur vmr newi la tiefte Ithar «ix corrí-«).,.luientes with th Bl my t wo atParis, another al London, wini«- ii employe ee_-____rstorun to and free freim the battle lii-l-1-, how« \'e-r recInaceeaaible, Tiie- Ann neun preaa lia» t«« ackaowl<edgetin newsthns«¡-Attainedth« nie«-r detailed ariit it:-"-n.r

thy to be had Tbe «llspatch with which it« IntelIs gathered and forwarded pat« the London \tit« «huele, iiml some- svmp.ttit zing friend of thepraaatoKea Yorkpnipoees to tace cha;., ol Umm-.-- of reporting t»ach to the London papers by lele-graptl what In «lauv in Hie iti.iimtiSie! TUS Tulli-t'ii Tm Tumi NK «itiiee l- the radiating center ta theworld for Prussian ami Frene li war new«.

Krom Tli« I'...;«...;, M.nrn J.nri.ulThe «merg? ami eoterpria. «ii The New-Tobe

Tkhii m iii j'l'ee i»riiig Iii!« tul!, aie trustworthy m-w«,

an i-cogiiued bj the prosa and peoylo of the eonntry.i i» rince the cejmroeneement of boatllltle« Istv\«-en Krame and f*niBsls hoTSthoss qnaHUeeol (hatI'-ueling tournai been ozhlnlted. It» apaeial dispatchestreas the aaat of ararhara been more rolland eompletet In« ti tin «m« r.-.-ehed y any other d.eily journal in Se w-

Yerk, la fa<'t it ha« «-.a«uple»«-iy dtotanoed all the other

ieaiier» in that fitv in tin« aiiitter. This loabowab) thearge ii.ii.iiie-riet ni »i Din» -i- lalsh legrapli« titram thai city to the pr« «- Um agh___ taeeoanlry, Tuel/uiite«li papers, w!ii"_ a;»- Da»«- mi!»-- marer ihr s.-eiii- eefco,fl.«t. «lo ned publiati it lit IS ot tin n_rwS4__U_rwhich TllKTi: hi :st laye before Its iea-ni>. There Is another pointWhich render« tile lilt, .e H. e» eif Tilt TKIi'VK a pi'W'I ¡II

tin lañe! The e ari,e'«; -n .»- al id ability With which ti ad.rescatesth« truth n all ¦<¦ t*..¡ national and localiii)«>rt«ii« e, make It«ni«n,i««i:» nepaoletl even by ii»»«««-Vil.e dO ieett teiil l«if .1' Jet ."III «.-» or ioTI,' Willi It- 11,11-

i u-ioiir. Ve noria the eni*rpti_e ot Tin: Nbw-YobbrilHt'NI .i» e 'li ..I'ii IO Aliierii eli joiirii ill«-:

worth, "f Uw highe«! owmmeudatlon frais Us ealaiapo-railes.

Fr. eu Tir il Iw-BSM K. »Ornai(tele-Ting tin- eui.)' »iii !u ti,.- li'iu' sju-c ii

Cable dixpat« n t«. 1 IK 1 IIB -

detall« oíihe great luittli . , w.reiu rke-dlhatit eeuld not li.«\« «'. ' " «¦ * '

from Lb» ««le,ii.n» «>f i..: H. UM M- I will le» _-«-n that ii«i re m inn« h m«.ii-

' Iii».; m »h'edel not1m «.1,10.1.1-1 li kaaaTOsy gt-Si rtghi t.. baaatj aaa«ti,« ¡i uin.»t uaeea.

l-r'.in Ti)» ».:-:» «'-'.tilr (Pinn.) It.'

'Iii. eii('i>'v and «ut« rjii ir*«» oí TlIB Tlt-Bl M.

In ol.'all;,leg ti.'« «-al .' -t ti. ..--t ¡i< .eilitis of lue War

lu Lur.'p« an- universally ite know leilged by the i.olthe .anti. !.¦ We-dne-day'apanor appe^sured t dUpaU-h..r i« columna, by «able from Leonnoa, (pvlng full nartle u

lar« «it the ilc»iK-r.ite- liatteof «.rait-lott.-, neal Met-, in

which the PruBBlana g.nneil ai.e.tb« r important victory'in,s «. t.nul e.f the hall!»- w11- pnnU-d m New _.,rk

t.. ioi« any details were hn'.wu la Paris, Barlla,or Um-«lou Ti'."-! "t ». nung the diapalib fioiii lamdou to

Ni w Ve.rk bj the Allanflc «able wa» ...ii* in geeiel.Kreioi Tli« d.«'|te I'rr«».

'lin- «sur i« iriiing THE TbíEOBE an M>por<-tlllil'». te. billet« Hie .-vi ellen, e of It» lee Ws gat ll'l lug lil

___il__»t)< ee .).«iiiieali«fr hive lou- Im-i-ii »ware at the

tlie.ioiigiiiuss and U_*-_-lty ol Its For« i.n Bureaa.ibutti», gem ri»l public weir mmn-what a»te{|ili»nedto flml THK

lliie»>> ' «mil aa «--Irani elmar» bael em the war

newr It wa* like th»-ii« tory of the yu. ht America in

l»-,l-llr»t, the Ameiiia. «e«e.nd, neethiug. The greatestf« tal of THE TlllHI'*»»: « aiui'Blgii. tbu« far, lia», l»»>-u li»«'

ti ..,»m«s-l<.i,, li} euble, for Vee! nc«<lay'« paper, of a four

i....ii.iia »ketch of ti»» ______ of «iraielutte.Yrnm Ik» psil. [Ians) SBepBrral

It i- Iii» \enli.t «if the prei-ithat TheNew-YukK TidiiiM. ha» fairly duuueed all !U gr« st rival» In

the fuline«-. and eic.Hence of Its war new«, rim great«Bt te»! of Til». TBIB-Ha was that of Wedne««i«y lan!.«i,,, | i, .neil by cable a four nulaaaa «kel« li of the

battl» «.'.! ivelotte. It iras «u-lTaeaali. pMUiium «I theuit>_t graphe and d^ouotiou ot a «reat i-*-it.»)l

that ever appeared tn a newspaper. Tht» d!«apatch 1» theheaviest one iver tranwnltte«! through the cable 1« anAmerican journal. The cable tariffwa* 12,*«, indd; therewere, be.ldea, the oost of a .perlai courier from the bat-tle-tield through Alsace, Rheulsh PniiVia. Melgiuin. andtht'tice to I-indon, the pay of the rorre.poudent himself,and of five assistants in that army alone-all Involved Inthe printing (,f th i g «Initie dispatch. The public alwaysappreciate euterpriee, and Tut Ta_t.SE «ale« are lut eelylncreaaing.

Fro» Th» a_n*«nrlll«> (Otil*) Co*ri*r.Tite N. Y. Tumi ne ixcel.t in war now«.

One of It« latent «eln.-t ementa waa the telegraphing a

"IwHlal noi-respondcnt's account of the grot balli«' ««f(«rat«.lette, or««,i]iyi>i(; rtotne four column.. Th« enter-priaeof Tub TniHt'BK not only leavea all Ita New-York('.»temporaries In Ma ah,uti-, but atnkea the ,*!"ii J"tir-nala with despair. They haveu't iviuyil Ik «un to thlifkof c-owpetlng.

.Prr* Tb»*t« « Cbnmt-»».

Ihm valuable journal Iihh nlwnyt uti«!.iinedItapoaMonm em .«f Ma nu-t MBBlwaalBj »r ti»«-«greatAm« ri'-an «lailli-, It li ia n«-v. r attempted to ria with ita<-otein|Mirari'-a In dealing O«! m iikiIIoii new-. What itlia« furnihhed hiv. |MH-n the inith and nothing EMMatruth," und given m au iii a form aa to pie..-* the mostfaatidloua. It la no womb r, Ikaiefen, iBBl The Thib-rHB's large corps of oornepoadenta in I'mm« dally furnish the fulle.-t, moat mt« r.-attng. andtruatWi.rthy new» from the scat of war. In Mia eut« r-

prlse Tim BBW-YoBS Tkiuibi. is ahead of its toiui*'ll-tore.


TI'HKEY.CBUUHI n-ffrt mauTlftW flBTIT lUffffBIM

AMON(¿ TIIK INHAHITtM».Ix»si>o>, Thursday, Sept. 2.1*T0.

A teli-pram from Constantinople brings newsthat th. »eiij.ort town of ."..íiiisouii in Asia Minor, a ata-tion .»f the Austrian «..«.am Navigation Company'» puck¬et««, haa lK-«-n destroycil bj lire. Tweuty-flve hundodhoiiiU'g an«! six i hunbea an- in arbes. Many litea werel"-t. Tlie liiluli.t.u,:- m, ..i;;;, riiitr terribly fr «m v, _& ttfood and shelter Another «'«uitlaifratlon occurred in

Ycnidge, Marmion, which destroyed <v, houses; and stillanother at Mondauia, where uno houses were couauiued.

GKKMAM.OrVOMTKM to tim; im aiiiiulity dogma.

Ft LIU, .Hep!. 1, \ l.l LOBDOB, MR. 2, UMThe Conference ot tile Jlisliops lins beti

cl"»cil, am! iti.-y will IMMBUl "ii the Ommtbtjt liiahopHi fel or Bishop Kottennurg. It waa iiiiaiiltnoualy re-

M'lwd never t" sui.ant to the action of the (Ecumenical("um 11 on the Infallibility question. The Faculty at

Tübingen, Wurtemberg, are In areord At a meeting ofthe I'rof. «mu a al tt, it wa» n-so'.vid to j.rote-tf,«rtn:illv i»i:.i|i,»t Mt do« trio of MBBMM «MIMI powerand r.ij.a.i,ty.

M' lins» .\(,\i\»r the C.tUfia,MtLKll'. Thur-.liii. Sept. 1. ti.i I'Akiit, id, l-TTO.

The Carlist bund of Ogtttt hal been reducedto coman. It i« rumored that the «taff of lion Carlos haaentered (;,iipu«i >.». T.i- li.uni» in Navarre lui\« disap-IM-ared from the provin, e. Mai baa !,<¦« n se« n in the

MBTMM of Malaga

«CUBA.\'AI.M \«1 I>v'» OFFICIAL KKl'i'KT of I. \TK "ITKA-

llOira. « ANHII» ,\1'MIS-I«i\ 01 »TAM»!) BAB-¦ till II«. AM' Till lit. 11 KM! Nil» BMUOTAjTl IOK r||E d BAN».

Havana, Auk. '-'<>..Tho following report, on

tin- ntl nt "¡m r.itioii«,-;fi'oiii Count Vulni.i». da, i.» i>ui>-Uabed ii- the "Iii' li |,«,iri,.,l"The force« itl«..iiiii¡irked at in, Batta* tM

onh i» ««f iiuzal. killed in Insurgent«, who "tt' red butalight reaistanre. The* likewiee (teatrojred and took Into.,on, f ir their own use, tarif.- de¡K.«itaof »alt, and

alao capturad the Bnb Secretar* ,,t War, r.-.iro Flgawiéa,.«ud Bodrlgo T.iin.iyi. »ti«l tn« toa, who were «hot al b.m-liit¡.-«i da iil'ii. iifiei Im mg tne«l bj oiirt martial.

-. lol. faalial hopea t.« irtrtala gnat r«-«uit« from Ins az-]H>ditioii, «in r,.ti,s a- iii. »i:. eeeea just incailtoned look|, i.i, «* :t ti ii« .'I boora u't« r In- departan from hire. Thefun, i lee of i lo Inaargenta whaee ii.-nn«.» Mae bl «"i, gi. cn.w«re like« i-e cu|itni'.-i|. Gen. i;ii.-hi|h went out fromMiiial. wii.-t« li« li t« .«i«ty operating, to Holgóla und LasTun.i», and killed In quartet a Inaurgenta, aaatongthem the »o-t.ilt'd (¡eil. r.m.lii!,«. «uni Hie Ii« I«.

eonsplraton Jeana Mu Ki« Mat ami tu« con i.-r-nuiitlo: the two foituei' wen- owior» of e»ti«l«s.( ,,i j lime Moreno «,- al i d, and lu«fiiiiiily eai'iiirel. In Um Mlgadler «BagelF.i.'ur'i do. ( ol. ll'Tli indi/, and Cit¡it». (iinmiicho andi.-.irro were made prl onera. Tin-two formel were ibolat li.ii Mino, aiid a Collin ii of War ia co'letUng proofsuj.oii wini I, t" tri the oil, r«.

'. I. ut < ol. Bom, he. with hi« battalion,aided Of forceafioin Hie liattitlion of Alitii|iiera. lui« I.¡«m1 a Unlit with them imi.iiit of. Hu- torcer« of Max,mo (louiez, who wire

sheltered on th.- alopea of th« -.-lena Ma«tra. The lotto r

«ttstaiiie«! « i«»»oi n kiii.d, .tuiouif whom ven ('iipt- I an ,i iiiul I',itii li" Venn. Ainoni.'tie w.iuiuleii were CBpta,lilli iiini linlio. At Hoüpiin a leading eoneplraiot Badcatate owner, I» .lor*«' Meito v.!.:, from!, w-,i«

Ulled. At Lit« Turnia the for« «» of l.i.-ut. ( «,1. .Munnkilled th«- li.i-f, Oran, mid U of his party. (»lHTaiiouaBit .i.t it ely ciiiiiiiiiii-il, and wit ¦ t.."


Bab FittMi-io, Bofjt, 2..Meato advice»from MaZaitlan, Autt. ii, state that (»en. MoJIa had .-.

mfOt li "tn Ma I'owei of i'lii« i,l«. V«-»,'!«, and had urn veil

there. (lie <f I/'/mhr« eonitii.tii'li «, bribed t" r-hj-elum, ¡cid I« r. d tabre* aaaaaalna, a M uiudeied -'¦¦ -, ¦

ra la charge ot btefin, bbmbb whom wa« an, pMrBX' "'



Ottawa. Sei»t. '-'..Tlic Hon. A. CMenhcD*!iiii««ii«ii lo England, in regard to tin fl-fnne Ima ter

iniinit««! Knu'l.iiiil BMBM t'nit in the ev, -it of a Joint

r«>inin;»-i.«n. ciu.nln shall 1^> representi-d, nnd that the

jireaent nrruti(renient la-tweeu I.-uuIod and Waaiiinirtonshall be t''inp«ir.«ri, jil future ;irritiiir.-m«-iita MMf basedon the enforcement of the rights of Cm.ula, to », cured

tiv tri-,.tu«. Kurland will ni|«jM.rt a squitdron iu tim

li«hlnn water» to aid tli«- ('.nui«liaii jh.Iíc«. HhBOBHBNo lien»' » B ill M irratit.,1. W00§A und' r (' iiiadiini r« K'-l-lati"i,M, and the water boondan .« la be lettie! by a

.I,, nt oma 1- n. «The raealt cr tin- i« that ¿merle inaure \iit.i, exclndod from lin- ino»t \ ailualile of theii«i-'iiur groundsWith Ptiti'd to Fenian n.idj, l.iitrl.-tml ia to giTC ('¬

da full (¦..iiipcnaation for her aetnal war expendítunaand ..-' Uined loss«-», took elaUn to Ik- mifle ani.ject ta...-i-.ii; it n England will alala frmn Ma Dnltad Mat« n

forthwith Indemnity, and pla«-e ker elaima katheaamen :t- tin- Alabama alalma Dapata tt tot Bed

River loin- t" i" »t;iii!>»!i> «t in ( .iii.ii ia, .uni privateintimations ure iriwii to portions of the artillen to beread] f«»rgarrisondnt* in Ma forte vaeated bj Brtttaktroopa, for thre« mouths, nendliir the lettlement of thecolonial defena -,ue»'i.iii »>> l-iu-iainl.

THF. AI.ARAMA CLAIMS.Tin- loHening letter, toncliini: the «lep.-irtnr«

of tin i«t iv.,1. er Al,ib.nn.. from I.iveriH>..I, ha» not. we

lielie.e, hi!!)! tia bott putilieh« d. The Amcri, an Ministerat I^'iuloii lind ni» iitedlv «-¡«lied tin- attention of tin-

liritisti (.o\ eminent to the preparation» for di-pati lim«iii.« \i-«m-1 «n lui'« rrniul of d'-«truction and had atriti-d

tiu-ir iiiterf« leine, but lie Wita uniformly met with the¡111».'. c-r tli it tin oftl, .-r-of the Crown had no et idence utlie:'pui'm-e sillfleielit to justify tlM'Ui in taBMf iiitlon.

(in tin «»th "f MF, UM M.»»r«. Inin. mi, Siiuriy A

Illatiiliiore.»"-!'-itors to the I'niTeil MMmOMB.M I.iver-

1..,1, wai" d the Hourd of Ctti-ti.ina that the Alabama(then .tB'-'l Th« .'."'i wa« about to sail, in conse«iueiice of

whiih warning the Governinent teletrraphed next dayt«. th«- autln. Maaa at crtiiin liniihh |h«iu t«. arreat

har if »he t-h'iuld enter.which, of course, sin-

n.ier did. for havinc gio aifely away from Liver-

«poot, Mhe t«»ok caret» keep ln-nt. If out of reach. Fr«nutin- i.l Mjc bin riMM'l »«iliriton« it will be aaen

Uni Hi, l',i,ti»h (loieraui'iit had ample warning of the

pttriKiai-s «if tbe " 2'JO," iiiul the notice whicli tlM-y issued«m the liiitli ml,.-!»! Jual a» well have Ik-cu lMtied at an

1 1 I. Wh.-ll If Wollhl h:i\c 1m,.. iff tllnl, ]f U,, y

lint '. .. .1 .1. » red it to hiive an> eff.H-:. The letter nina«t» f> i.

lllWtTI.K -r.. I U'll;l(Hl|.,Jllh ia, I(isa!»

Ir. in further nibil illation winch we have r«believe ilia' tin« gun-

«.-i .in-- 1 Ih'- Ooufe «,.,v..riiiiii-nt of Ainei-I, :i Ho li |jt I« ,t. \lt ||. 1 \,,Xl¡

: oner« of Hei >i..|i-t, 's Ti .1. ii

|h,|. to take any aetl »n iu the mattar, it i» eMwnilal thalti,« v abo ild du so torta* iii. W« ...., Mr, ««'..r r« r-, oi~

di« ."it -. iv.ii.t-. Di a «va, Bqi mar __m k»».,ki..1 I, '. 1" 11 '. -1. »' r> tari t" lier .M«|e« 11 a i umiula-

hi ni ra al ' uetome, C istou Botue, Loudon.

MI»( FI.i.ANFoi s CABLE «DnpATOHBS._The cliolem h;w BH0a4oi Hito Sontb-

Baaiari PibbMb....Tbe Britkh lli-et at Sjiitliead «»n Tbtirn-

da\ honored the inetuory of A' Farragut._The ('.»nut do Cheeta and the other

SlMtnisb otlh-er-. exiled lo the tanai;.-, lia\e I«.1 ailed («. .Madrid._A «irreat Meeting wuk held in Dublin on

TluirMlay eveulnit, in 'avor of ti., n «ta.iatu.u of the seat1,1 j,» al government to Ireland.

_liaron Yunnbiilct. Minitter of ForeignAMutro te Waitaeabsag. Baa raaagaaa. t «.lint rmiiu liwbe« n apisiiiitctl to suicced him.

_The Time», in its money article VOOBM"day, aat« the reduction in the rate of diWount by thei.juk »f Ki.tiUii'l m lallat hase f.,ne safeli to thra'e peri.ut. The rate of money In the open market sectus tostrt-UKtkeu the idea._

Hill IN Uni.uki.\

A larire fire ocTtirnHi in Hoboken on Thun¬da} night Flames wert» drat dla-oven-d In Kamena'skliidli'iK w*.al factor/, dar Jen-*t au«l spread rapldlr.»ud lu a «hot I ti'iii Di;muiuiilc*V«*d iv livtacu s hla«k

smith «hop. R-w, carpenter shop, and Oobel'a saloon

ÍÍ. i« t!1'.'.'*' Th* »""'H"g wood factory and the black-BaiKBMap.»a totally «leatroyed, an-1 the «aalaoB amiah, Vi au.,»".. p ..".¦-.¦--«'¦.«-blr damaged. The total loa« 1«entumo,«!«), covered by lnaurance.


The monilKTH of the Prosprvt Park Fair«.rounds Association are engaged lu preparing for thellrstofasirlesof «agricultural and horticultural MMI I-tlon.. to |>e held on their grounda near Prosp«ct Park,lirooklyn, that I. expected to rival anything of the k: 1yet given. A Une display of oattle is p.*rticuiarly antici¬pated, while the programme will be enllvene«l hy twoUm trots dally; the deeerum that ia observed in all themeeting, at th.- iToajiect (iroirnds will be maintained,nid the attendance is exp«.ri»Ml to be very large. Theexhibition will ta-divided Int«) fifteen departmenia, thedrat of which will ta. devot»! to boree«, the preuduuisfor which are aa follows:B*at Hiatlioa. » yn. aad apwd.^jn ti h.t hl.atd Bu» (*lth f««l>..t»ni , .

"' S Jtt- ¦*- ¦>.. *' Bt** »'iB-l'satt '«.«» Cta-TlalfM) Moe-t maa a» 4 «ra. »ad on .... 2:, Î4 halt t-is-huai (cor. or goa). 25

{¡Va ,,'"">.-'r- m«lap V Urti .aal« h<v| »pa. (««ot mm.. 40

__ ¡*¡ l",lt' « '¦"». »a«l up ... 2J ¿ti ba-at inal«-lias.i »pan ico», rar ) M*' I""-' "'«li«", irrt aoil an lu B**t m»i«-h«i «[..¦ r-ad H«>rae«. «BlB-rt,.. i ,r ..« ,.p. *' Al »tMt taaK-bad «pa» C4 Uotsas BlBe»l Mal Hur (au!, __y .. 25

. . .«»Lui»«.« .m naas».

r,*.,'-**' 0,,,"T.o» B»aM.i.ii» no-»»......«amw '.« .m. «r «wtf. M'BlhaaaaMaanaee..IH»*t * rn. uai aaaawr7. i. (Oat »pa» H.-ni-. un rt II ». .'«. IOItrtt » in. iiIolItS.. W I««« au.» Pom»« uti. -i 1-' I. . 1"«*.( « »r». »a,.a-Wi. M Ür*\ «»»I» P..m.i

«_¿.»r». »ii at. i«-rI. t' II. »I »|un .Muir, . pilt«t » rr*. »ni qn-W3. V ki or* tym »a\r».»l*«tlr«_ 14


_ ..I'SfakTIIBST BO 2..«HÖHT BOK.t.

B'rt Boll oTi-r t taan »M.$.1) U leal Hull I leal M.#52.. li-at II, !.,», ,..,.ulj_ . Bett C.'w orari »«Wii.1. 1*.Batt Bul. o«»r i «rai. old li Jd l^.t ..»..»<-» J .o»r» «ti i'

I -ir» oki... 10 Bitt llriii-r un.>r a! «.»r, ..IBe «I Huh 1 Tt-.roll . li iii«« ll.u'rr uifltri )«ar» ,.1.1 4

iicrtauid«, am, rni ) -. ,v ., i« ¦-. i- Basilar preunmun._ _ .

»»TIT« I'tTTI «.Beat ( ow *r»r 3 irtr, old.gil Bm ski work Ot«T ,1 t »ii an 11

'.'-'-«» . I MbseU k»w'k«»i«wi 5T«a.«p. SI-f 1 >.-»«..Id. 1 Bntt pair work.»« steam 3 in 1»

'--i i«-, a h«.,*»..... ri'-Wksaa. *ii*gWar», 1 ya IBMaaakOaa . li j iii awHag mum», 1 ja l"

UEI-AKTaiVT v. 1. MBOf-1*-- ¦""» B'"-k.«,]. K,.t l.i,r «,»'1*1 B'K-k.*!'«

..» .. I' ,.,«m,i U Beek. D ¡ ImabmWotttmn I> ,-ma. Heit |iair i»f Liait«!. 10

Department Bo. feonalata of swine, tin- pr.-miuuia forth.- rariooa rorU i..-» ra tina fr »ni r i -i.a tot».

I'«'|, llllilelit No. 1 t« ,(, \,,t, «I to IKIIIItlV, the tw.t «<l!lection «f which takes a preuiluin of »io, nul the bealSJie« Un. -,« of .., >, cm, tv I»,Department Nu. ti »ill «mitain att s of domestic

manufa« ture, prim tpelij broad |m-ttee ft-uita, th.-premium, ranging fn m t-tt«. »vDepartment No. : will raeoiv-a bbbbIm of grain, fie

preui nina for the diir.ieiit gradi - Bad vanetica rangingti« tu H M toMi» i«..nun m Ha I win be r lerrM f..r \. ¡,-. t.«tile»; tin

will bi Bwarded for the b«-.»i variettoa of putatoee, no1I«¦«» th m t. n. ,«ii,i tin- ii-.t ,,f ii,,, pramjutua Ogurtag at^i for th«- la «t ot avery sp. tun n exhibit« «1Departmenl No.9will in- retained for f:irni Imple«

m« nt«, the i.irg. «t and !ie»t exhibitor «if no1 li ia th m .5

pli nea trill be entltk d to ,m ewart of ISO, and tn- ». undeel exhibitor I »-jo.Departmenl No. II will eontala « hi« loq Hu- i««tdia-

n i-, ««r r-i:r ig.« receiving iBO.andtbi secondIxf.irm tt.igon and can for farm bbb,M each, and a toproad wagoe lu. Oalkejr« for «d »ml tn. k,»:.« n b:th.-iM-t f.'i geaeral u»<-, r.'ti, and the s.« oudI«. «' tm.

I»« i«ai tin« 11 No. ii wlD be oonapicnooa fur the pa -¦ -1of fruit, and the beat display of anpt>a,and foreign andBattre ftoptt »iii !". Bwardae l¡«i i "ti,and peaches,i| lim « -, |i um«, «ranges, lemon«, water and musk mclousand citron«, H a« u.

Depart. nt No. 13 allí i «. f,,r th.- r- <-. ¡>ti«m of mus,«alInstrumenta and furniture, Tia beatdleplayof li«,u».-bold flinn tut. , |ll¡ pi I« d war«-, tiu. and ptaaea, |M

li« I'.irtiinm No. IB will in. foi hardware, atovaa, nottoola; the i«eat eollectlon of BtoaoB w10 MawarBad 110.a,,d tin- .-hine« »t iporlamaa ef cooking, awtor, and ofliri «tote-, li i-.,, h t-i.r leñera ind meehanii »' toole, cutlery, aawi and plumbing work, tin ctcl».

i>. i«.iiiiu.-nt tncludea linne.»«. Ma pr«rai King from Ulalu

1>. ;.iiiiu« .,t N .iii« ri-.erv.-d for tloacr«, the prenu-lllns on the Hu, «t «¡* o' e,.,h \atlety rangingfron« im io diplomas,

»I««-' i.»l I'liti«.urns will t«; given for articles iiait in« !u,le«liii the aboVi- list, which in.iy I,.- «I« em«- «orlllt of silt hpremium, anti th<- trotting matches will be accomplinie«! by n¡iprOBI ali ;.r,-lt,infii->

AMKRK'AN IUIII.E «(»( ORT.At the l.i.»t m« i tiii>,' of ike Beard ti Koa-

ait;« -r« of the \iu, -uni Iii'1.« .-t'.i'ietv, the «I- ;tT Ii ,f

I. «IT II.line«. ea«i., «»te- of the oldest member«, «iftin- Board,waa hbobbmí. IMfMn n.-w huiiii.hi.s

«ora n « ogaloBi, of wok h "tie vat ¡n aai h "f ti" M i-

Ot Wool Virginia, North Carolina, Ai.i-nii.i. Ai!iaiL«as,M i --«»ai i, Idaho Territory, three in KanMo, «tnd t^,,

in Ti mi». < oiiiinuiiii atiom were r<i « iv.-.l from the Bair.\^ - Boner! un. Tallahaeetin Mlnlnn. In n aard in printlug ti.«- N'-v. T'«mun i:t In ttie language of the Crook Itiiiiu«: from the Ber. J. B Piwan ol Honolulu. In regardto (irinting eiiiiioii.« of hlatthea and and M.irk ¡n thi-llouo,,,- .align ige tot Ma \«eeiisi,,ii I-..nula in

ti.« Mu ro,.e«i.tii group; fn.ui Hie Be**, Dr.Bergne, Lond. »t,tn,g that th« British andForeign Bible Hiiclety hare tiik.-n effectual nieaatirea'., ili«!ri''Ule Hie .«¦¦ !|.ture« in the K: «-ii« ti au«! ... i-

m.m .ii n..i-, n l trim th« u, \ iir J« obv, Bremen,showing be la aaptd/iag the Oermaa kokUariin u-iiiiif of th«- Soeiotr, Bad regrtttlag Umi lu¬ll... :," Kuli' h Te«taiiieli'«"f' I Kl.-h. li ¡«i -o',, r«.

loti resting totten wore reeetvad um Mr. AndBOO MMi ne, Montevideo, thowlng inereaalag demand for the«eripturea an lils field, and tlie progresa of taha warfe ofliitrodiiciug the New T« «taiucnt .i« « aehaol koolinto the niitional schools. IiuiN.rtatit romma-ni,,»lions tier,- al»o reti-iied from Me K<-\. Mr.Bool, tin- Boetotv'i Agent la Cal fornla, Ma I.''. Mr. I»n\«r. na t<« supplying theChlneoe oo tbe PaciBe, ami from the H« v Mr. Beaaom r,ao to the work In Utah «.; mt- of booka wen atada t-

the Am. 11'.in «Bibil Union, to the fmndUy-ecbool lioar.lof tin- BoutbarB Baptlal Oonreatton, to the Koo \otk.«.tid «iilfi,./.it,, :i .-, i, tv. to the !t<«tril of Koi-eiirnMlssioni of tie IT I« -Mut Bplaropal CBaiah, lothe Km «I- i-re.-d'u- n'i A»-««« ation, ami tij.iiiygranta to feebta Baxiltoariea, e.peci««lli at the South.A eonaiderabto giant mid.- foi Coba,.aad 11 vol-

nun « la raised totten f r tlie bUad, The aamto of \,u

umeagrauted i- 10,10, beoala othera ¦" the ralaoaf|y.'* is. It v «s r«-«"is««t to add the boakaf Paa4matothe i.'w Da iii pocket T --t.»m«-iit ii:« tdy anthorited,A m«mon:,I ii«i|mt wa« read and adopted In regari to thede« «'..««. of Mi. Itali.«-», ami the meetings».aiM prayer


TIk fire on Wedut'Hd.iy niclit in tin* _ftr>1» « r sal,sin of Jos«-].h .Nelson, nt (iraham ave. andlioeruin-at., which causeil the death of Mrs. Kh-me...

liiuinl.l, h and te r tv <i chllill.-ii. w.i« the «ulije« t of mv .».--

tigiti"ii litot eti'iiiiiL- hy Coro'ii r Whit« hill. Two « .t

Iit-aaes «>;il\ w.-re « atililied. John WtofBad, BWBI r of Uu'i,u. in«, boat .. dWI UmSnk. SCr.'lTtogand teatlfledttitt Nelaofl '"'iii'leil the saloon for titree ui«,nth«,Unit li« l'uni bia rent for two mont li«,inn waa unable to poy tbe third, allegingtn it li» bnaineaawas ron MB; tia poM«ma>r the»ai....ti and tried Bi sell It tot HJm__twao Insure t for

II,»is» be t.itel v w:«iite«l to imriuw |vo<» from the « ttneea,ililli offered a mortKagi on Uta mlooa .is loearlty Nelson,i a a« ¦ H- d goa ii 'i'- mlooa : wlMooa oevec awima, m iii iinji in It- N« Ison Mated li«- 1« ft ii

.,.ne lamp iniriiiiik in th' r« of Ma Bkloon, anti thatbe «,i(,]....«.I hi« do| km» kid it off M* table.and tims

,i :-,-«' tin Hr.-.Mr. Dnk testified thai he heard an exphmiuii in the

m].,ii<, uu- r port of a )iL«tol, ¡mil h« iumu'diatilyjuil «l'oirti.' tanti* ra, ami ma a n rv doaat vo nine oflink siiioke and flame thal uimost Immedlalelj til d

the whole liiiil'liiii.'; I"' neter saw a fire npread wit li

such rapidity he cleared op Me ulpabiity of the dog,charged alta npeetttag a teroaene i»unp. by iweartngj'oaitn.h thatneaaa Nelaon take the «aalmalant of tin-

cellar s. ..-ru. boora aftel ih« tu. ted ',«.. uextinnlahod.Ti,, i .«nu.«i her«- adjotinted the kaqneol anta nooda*evening oaxt, and ordi-itel KalBBfl under arrest.

KZGWIOa OP l'.AM»ALL'«t l-IAXD CBHDBDAUiut 180 boyo and Ml ml*, lin«It-r tlie care

nt the Coniiuisaiont-r». of C'haiitj and Correction, on ltUa.ii

dall'» I-latid, left their i|uart«-r«. yesterday morning, in

lurg«-of t«juimis«*t"uers IU-11 and XW'bu.aon. and Win

11. HI, ¡lu ii», the »ii|i«nut. ndeiit. Th«-j embarked on'

board the MoaOMf Muiuahanoiu-k, and aailed for <iri«n-

wich Couii at UM invu.ition of Ma Hon. Win. M. Tweed,(»u arrivi-ig at the pleaauie grounds of the Amernna

(tub at Indian Point, a «taint«- «ita tired in honoi of Mateti»it' TI.' i-hii<lren were regal. «1 witti refr« sbmeut, .md

were MOB fe-e to ramble tiver the granada.Tluv w« i-e t.. m eoaTa/od la ..image«, paBoaBodbv the Beventh Bi-gltueiit Baml. t«> tit«- of Mi To Pad. Otoo the gut« lea«llng lo

in«- ground \»a» the word " Wileam« " After the I II

dn-n h«ad been formed in line in front of Hie mansion« ummlsaloucr Bell addreeeed Mr. Twsed on beb^f of tb( omnilaaionersaa well aa the rhlklron, and u¡"

the pleasure It afforded th« m t.. ..may bia hospitality.( ni Mclaughlin al»«» mad«- u f.-w remarks. Mr. IwhwI

.. ..,!, ., m, ., .Nut adit.- s Tlie children then nor

t..ol.«f if'r.»liui.nln. ititi, -ifter n-i.l;ii hour»' i-

UBS, rellim« «1 home. -a. 11 jeeaw*«! with th.-ii tiij>-

TI,* M i mr* -hutmill ti I'oltsvillr. I'cnii,. e*le-iTiitedoii Tluir>'ia> the Aral annlvemary of it« c vatenee

..a., <liul> pui-ei. In na tte.kiy form The Ji.ii'umi has

hit.1 a long and bouorable career m a sturdy s.ij.-H»rt. r of

Republic»!! principles, and a re.ognued auUu^ty on

miniug matteis, and we are granito«! to l««>iN«4itve that

the enterprise of its owiiers. Me»srs. ltaumui* Rama« eil.r.u.g MM MU "f tiM met with

due reward The ¡Haly Hinert J-menai m . handsome

and ajirightly pa|**r, Ortmt » f**" -- ._ -»-. »«-<-

?bowing lot* of pluck. lu hirth day aa* calebrated by

a hiiniju. t given by the owners !.. (1- odilaio, refriera,and typ*-« tiers, and th. pieseutatiiMJ of - *ooa portraitof K iK' WOMB to ev. rt suiMu-riher. The same t*sue ef

The Journal contained a careful map af Hie recent bat

tlea oa the Moselle sud the Metter._

UM CW-vt-lanil pai»cre aunttuac« tia» d<-ath of

Mr Ikavi.tH. Hear.laie>.agedaly»»i»r». Mr. waa one

«,f tlie pioneer resident»of th»» « "y- -»''«- wa« J|iai«-r.aUy«¡OOpaoG «tud eateemed for hU Integrity and _»«_eas of

chavra« 1er._ ^^_

Cbdí. Iitaiah Rviidero hoo had a h»>Bvy "hor»«case' In the Roraen "county Court at the present term, in

th.- trial of which be waa ron-etilted ).>-».""-*/ __ -h«;t tu. »f June. MOO, he waa driving over the rfarkensa« k

Maa-wMaa uaa __?__ *?f**k.K",*;<* ;"",paul'with m One bl. Haled three year-old colt, that bad

_uuvï tUo Ualí talle ui lip, Bud l«t *bK* «VBUW»! U»c a

Marshal had been eeffered |10,«W The roll rangtit hislo.el in ii hole in the hrldge, «tim.bled, bOOOaSO frlghteued,and ran awav Tue eaplalB wit« thn»wn «mt and wa«

« The colt ran Inte» the open elraw and*.».» drown««! .

«. c-iptalu «ned the Plank Road Compan. fin ||0OBI, tail t!i«' ian«» came bofore Jnilge Ikslli«and was ended as OBI era »tai««!.


PKNORA rBAKCM BARTI.KTT I>K OVtYTnY.El cr «nie«- th«r* niarri*!.«', ia 1859, of Misa

Bnrt'ett of this city *o de Oviedo of H«>_n«, go««lp has been rife m eg.»ni to their marifal relatl»*-«, andthe wippo««-! lamentable fate of the young lady. TheHe flor, «o riport said, was » humbug, an impostor, an«_tc, ,. neerol His millions had dwindled Into hiuidrede ;lu« fumou. Jewels giving rise to i-tt.-dui_.ii'* poem «ef the" Mia mon.I Wedding," were one half paste and the otherhalf hired for the occasion. The bride was neglect««!,¡ibi,M».i. and unhappy, and at one time it was industri¬ously n |K»rteel that she wa« residing in one of the rooms

of !.. r mother's r«-rideui ein Brooklyn, broken- hearted, herpride ami «pint alike cru«hed. Again It wa« widely cir-culated, with a triumphant " I told you so)" air, andcopied by the city and provincial Journale, that she wa«

gtiiiinga «c.vnty Living by her needle In New-Ye>rk. Hiedeath of rV-fietr de Oviedo, and the fact of hi« havingia.led t.. make a will, has given fresh Impetus to the1» nny-a liner.-.The writer of thin wa« ¡in intima:.' friend'of ("apt. Hart

1« tt end his family, r«»sleling at the ««.me hotel at the timeof theil tion to tie tv -nor. Mi«» ael.ledto rare- blond«- lieauty a meist stotoly form anel gri-rtoMpte«ence, infinite gra .«- and charm of manner, and amind highly eui hal« «I she siso «poke t»pam« li andKr«-m h with gieat fin» ney. That the millionaire wa«

fairly enslaved en at«-e| no surpn«e, even among ttV en

riana, F.'oin ti,«« day of their introduction the rarestBowers were dally o_btod at hal tiir.un until, as time),ism,i,,n allel tiie i,gag« in« lit wa« anuouiiceel, nth. r

gift« f tin- mei.t le-'.'aiii ,i,«I coally nature were udiled.,\:t« i the man nure, which .ci«¡iiri-d a notori» ty painful

ti the- r. ti ie-ei naturi' of t ti*- young lad«, the S« nor dwellhappily in «Cuba, Imme being to leim the hepple* apel saearth. That holm .in Unr m Havana or upon one ofbia p:, wa« tendered m, i-nrthiy aaiadlaa «

fair] land m it» »ni r.ui inlin gs, brightened by it« !>eailtiful.uni a« compllshed pn ding -. inn*. All Anierlcan« whohave been w.,.-«i t. the family circle of the «i>-Orle «I'--. an tf-tlf) to the warm, large-hem ted ho»pit iiit» of rue« M» nor, ami the winnlag graceol th« h<««t-i ««. At oin lime during ti,e «i. kly BSaaoa an Am« mangentleman was «elaed n. Um itreei wit h that terriblei terna w l:it-li pi« e« .i« « an nt'.i. k o' y ellow- fever. A« at¬tendant« were relime bim to the" hospital. BeOor daDried») imns eli,ile 1> aeat f. ,r one e,f lu» rai-lagca pil¬li ew -, 11.., and bad tin uncoil»« mus »uffiTer conn yea tolu» plan!.»li«.ti ,et Triiii'liied; tin n. after the lana feverI lad ." « it «ii« «.« »sfidl» Uitlled wl.h, one can lam y thesurprise and gratitude ol the stranaer oa neea-staai hier arsui to hi ei hlmaeU in a her_-e«. airy room, exqaMte inall of It« apple,letllie l,t«. Willi neil otirle«. I',,- Nnnül eleOviedo lee rself, whee was leli«'veil ley the- "it ñ«ir an«! «'V]mr.« «1 leiei «i -. .N««r was Hie gentleman permitted to

leave till home im!:. perfooll] n-» «n. iii-ta-c«' amona many In the wt.t,-i .»

ige ol tin- ii«-11 lodo'i « banty un.l dJalataraetod

».neir had lieiii.i imirty r to iii« um.itisin for manyy ii - bia wife'» attention was as derated aa un« raelair.iililii di ¡»til .«nelliei,,y ,.imied lum. Sehorade Oh leda hadthe misfortune to wee bei f.itIi« r. mother, ami ««ii >-brother a few yeera ago Tin- latter \isu.«l lit» iteter.v ith lu« venin* m i.l«-. Imping to tim! In «lib in t'tat eilmate, bul he elie el ,it the' holeee- plant .it loll at Triunia«!, of

rapiel coi.sumption, ami h:s yoittu. willow, daughter Of a

»i-i, kin,'.« i, Nui link tarni;'-, w .1 « at eel,«, a« 1 |it«:l as a

hu. el »¡-ter by tin de '«.:.«.'¦« Bettors '!'¦ (i\;«'lo linnbeen appointé-! admlnletnatrix of ker haehaad. eatatein tin i.oM'i timi nt. aaanch, has giren perfect «atlsiactie,m Hhe has always enjoyed a haudenme j«i : v.»:. [er-tODe,. settled upon Ml lu li« r liiiobaml, and «in will re

selves m ry l.iiK-'-¡i'1'lit'i'ii from tin i-Mafe. Sin- .-.>n-

ttnues Urina in the same elegant luxury a« dunn, lu-rbueband's life, her iiiorninir« 1 !oM-!y ele aoi«»«lio ¡>u«ii,..».«.

hi r tie nings to re «.«.:ung m r rric-nels. Her peeeeat m

t« nlioii is to lemiiin diiriliir eaeli Winter in 1 uba distracted eountn bt-oomea settle«-, passtag in-rSummers either at the North or In Europe Bo strong is

her Iowa tot the " Pearl of Um Antilles" thal a_o lia« n«>

ii. »ii« ! .1»' it pi tu.m,-ntiy.

TROHARLE DEATH FHo.M eSTAITAHOHAt a late Lour bat »-vening the ¡iitentioii eif

eifTluef M« Fall, of the Tenth I'r« baot, w 1« i ailed Ut some

je-rseuis living on his ¡Mist who We re sait! to lie «nile ringfor the necessaries of lue. 1'poii investigating the mat¬

ter lie fourni i.ernther, aged «W years, and hi»

w.fe, C'hre.«tii. 1, ak't ti "', Mai-, both of whom

are Dative« id tltrmany. on lue seceuid fliMir ofthe rear b-lbUag al Ko. M «'i«i>-ti« in en... li ii, ,»:.ti,ii oiiditioii, and .>>,th at UK Doiniof death ttoat rtarvaäon. ile» reportad the case «it the-tuiieeii-iioii-.. .uni l'oiii a -m¡»''-on» -a. Ula sad lint« hiu-son at 'im» attended, and, afteradsalaleterlng prupor ra«-t...,!.-.-. had the two old people conveyed io 1;li..-, ita It is elouutfill wherle«-r eltlier eau rtcove-l.

Aunt lu r mini has be« u kil1.«»!. in Cliic.go,und. i the iiiii,'« «ins limul«, by the administration of

chloroform. Nothing is better settled than that nrnl« r

gisi'll el;.tin. lie .li Coueiitioll«, the Use» of tbU agent is

pretty «.ure to prieve fatal; but what these » niitlitlcna are.

remain» t«) be «<! v «leti rndm-d. We- trust thate\»- ry patten! wh-> U kUloel adds something to the »ie«tkof professional kneiwledg«-upon th« suhje«.-, bat aaeh amethod of se itlgatioa apm-ar» t«i i» to be alittle I.-e..»iiy Hi» »ino a m it 1er for vomi« r that «ur-

ireoii« Will ceeiitinm- to aae rhloreeforni liisteae! of ether.The former isdo-bUee the n,"«t elegant preparation,nut al! the fa, ts gee te« -ho--« it Ison e-xtr, in« 1\ tr.-a« h-« rem., agent; while if there has ever been a fatal naashota thean of other we hare yet to hear of it.Not t«> Ik* lie-hind the- n-, ¦_ iiiiiiikiiid, "the

spiritualist»" of M¡i«i»acliUes«it have lie-en holding a

.iinp-inie-tiiig mar Vyiililen I'm el, « ¡.»-alify renderedeli lirated !)i ttM hermit life wlilth Thon au le«! there.

(maat lha apoohaaa, iast tsaturelay, announced that hebael just been bathing in tin- p-nd. having thus '-coin

pin,! with oin- of Hi« essential« of tim-religion." Hethen proceeded to define " Sptritaallsm " a« _oaaa-hlngopposed to "Materialism," s_do_ nobody can «lenvonly we should lik«- f" kmiw what, in tim opin.on of the¦peaker, rapping ami table-tipping ate if they are Lot.piit'n.i." [he onb '.splrita'1 mrared at the meetingwen- m two kega ana eighteen ><-ttl«-.- ami theaowacaliumedlatel] confia« ii«-«i and deatro) ed bj _M.»ie « .«n-ta-

ble, "In!«- Mr Mi (¿milis, their medium, waa ignomiii-i.iutiy aoodaetai t«> JalL

IUluR M0VI.M1.N1>.For tin- thu «I time this ooOjMI the rolling-mill at

.«*¦_»««»¦ V I, » rlnarel anel t, r aauriiurn -bu lanir fniiu Maaurka-.- a,-|¡: -te.-t.r. tee gsl leeett.r TTl» l»«HAr| e,f nilli «rr Mr.

ii ll.ain at l',evi r »uel Ut. li»iuilt«,L «I Ii. -_.. ii. Karl« iu tba asaaua Herr

risasl fi>ru»;.t at tanja. Tb«; »Qliarqntntly r»«murj. .n. lalla am It<>r « -im.itr l-M a Aa'.in '>i»r»tiuui «ere euumctinl, a.-«al oom tb«

miel bia lerrn finally »lint up.

At the Hinting <>f the WorKiri-rnienV I'niem luitiih« » «iniful »t»«-üirimtbTMSSMi-«hnlia asain»« «4i« p»r»e>rit.tinin_ul»r»ü in in tb» aammt ni li»oei_»ion« i i.v Hmieient Petrel» ,«r«i£_«_.twe, »«.».«!-,-.-..-.: t..a is»e» iel «4--SI »rrr -nt.-ed fnr »

f» irr t. ptr tier urrajiari elite». Mr Ü «I.h «a» tbra rl«-ru»t a i ce-

. _: Mr Broarsisg lai.i» ratnrne«l Irniu tb» Cbtraso I'uo-rri.ueeo a.ljrr«»r.! lb« 's.t> ..ti n«r weer!« anel petrpaaaea e,f that «ert-aneiatot, He «aa i,-;;,,»¦«! le» Me nar«. J.aaup ami ( asattlr «hi« rhar-rb-ntft

longs Mi .Natta w»a nu« anil

tnje.r « «|errrh. nr. 'el 11.«: e-«n tu .o »il in Ui'ir puitir to Jacucn^ethat,tag tf'rr 1 | u..

¦-iii«'«» the eiriraniziitton <»f tin' Workingwomen'sP-..trent » l Liein :n 1st,, e»»-lu April 1, lefTD, ii ha» ru|lrct«J i',.lt I 36

evillibeM «oa.l-a|«l1l«. « trr Jan 1. UfTIi, It baa e.,;'«-t.«l

l-l 115 ft, Tbii eu-.rr-itr »tnii»ut «a« tr«.irer»sl up.ui lettvri «ral tiiH.u tilt Dun.,» «ii i.«i |>er»«in». auii tut samt »«rnng fra,« 50

r.ti» ».e +-«' 1 Lr littrr »tim «al n «-. r._ uu Muiniay trwu eau« .s-

i «te.« »«««la man n fartn rrr n e'ana!-«t lu» hail 19 euiupiaint«. , :,«t tin») te r tbe a«Kn>»-a_-»un» eef ill* he. erf «I.e. h éOÚ b«a

l«Usr, til b. »uti«. a_0 juilirtaril» tar Ok«' mon- are

li 1, iii tri*, tiltia- mai tleet -¦ re ctr rra-el, mj. In baa aata.^nrjh i «a«. HIS «ulta «re t.e i«r !-eaigb« isainat «.ne br t«r I ¦-,,ti

«h. ««-r it-r »t«.i« sus e-.ii .. ¡mci .ueragaomgoat(Tiri mimi ->¦> bun ti.el liefif-l fur tV^ to tag bf«et_. lie r-fuan«. «oJ leftuitb b.« faiuil.. ueit el»r lor a »«tr«_-i( plac«.There .vas an inf.inuüJ ___.___¦ at I>m_-t Hall,

Te»rria, aft, ru«e..u of ¡»<»«r («.neon» urn e,f eeu; i.ne_s-ot J W. K II»I . Prpije» Hill, aiej Mfctttenii

Be» lutu,ti« wrr. leiopi«- elerla-i- tra« a lil_>r ei«-b». ^e "_>ul.l le« es¬

tán:, «lire-, ti Ibu 'ita for ti .. --.I .el .l.la_-«_eel «n»lllllr.l lab«.rrr» tba«U-»..'aier »li.eel.! .-.eil '.' till ptllT »lea. elet.rr te. rt. tile tO Ut

ii »t ant tb ii _ee -1 our uri,-. b.>u»-a «hiMilii b» "firt««! » pl.aev of tin. bicli »a» t elisejr-cr u, ti.» nirtru|eoli«. A r«u,i_KU-a. mtu-aiu» o

.it «pan tbe sr*i-utv-at Uiai tMAir u. |_slsl in

tu» thora samaattas ___»«____ li »*_- SIm .*.#..!»e«; tlir tam»

Mr««'» gatek Ti II t_J VVtren-r. «at a¡po:_«ae. tu «ait «pan tbe1 ,r». iririita A»«e»««-i-ütea. to« rruarat ib«t Ihaí. :. a~.i«t in rarrrtns

«. -Jim I".'. «.>« upaen Uie Mereliaota aa»! HUimfaeuiren Kirbtm;.-rratH-t Ilia', tara» lo atd i» rat»Mud)in? i National I_»l_>r Kir««)... 1*.

lí¿ r.aenen! Hw» Ile- Krr» L-ilnar Kirliaritr «Ireaili iaatitiK«»! ii ten. nt»

at» u.eil-ir Ue are-oti.pliaii tbe rn.1» lor -bidi it «m (ie»iHTM_t. ou arroiiat

.g iit!»i_ana.rnar- 1 <-r from «.eme »thrr tr-at_). 1_-i»- «ill lae mrrt-nc»al I an.. I Hal! ni a euee«» .imilar to Uiai «kieh amflle ii ll_trr ; MMliai een '»"r. ntmaama a I awl on in.« Vrdar rrrumj tLere «ill be a

aiá»- »relie«! of poa.r | ..«pie la anarrb ..f enap.ea, »irkL

The population of Mon-¡itown, N. J., i-> A.o.^.Mi. Hugh .»inith hil« rc__pe_el hin po»,iiioii um

«.'ommis-ioiii-c of Publie Daeka, that he aa) iii- laaeaattention to his jintst«- ^usines«. Mr. lleury A. SuiltliMa leen i»i'i»ointed to till the vacauey.

The re-port re*eeivvel from F«»u_:hk«»epfiie si««« k ago. Anio-li. Ia Iman, ho was kille»! on the

Hudson lüiet tj-Hin ut Aimi Seng, wa* oecaoinaakMl at __etime I'i a girl »llh vvlmm he Inul doped) Btavao i-u

iiitestigaUon lo I»- uj-louiidetl.The Newark Common Council laut night

refuiuH'. to «auctlou the actsuitlie Fire LK-tt&rlmvut in

»uri» ndimr a miuilittr of euioloye*. An ortllnauitj- |»iiieiitlng tilt) e-n-i Uuu of »a iiissnie liu_pi__l on the gtouudsof th_ Cltj- _lo»l«l«^ »vita _<lo|«4t-d.


Ha.»» ««-«x .' .e ..tUHi.Nee»-Of___» ir_» enlUa.rv lu 'ran-, talesal a« »rrl.-.illl

-ATI«.* ..SOPfc-U MARKET«.

Pim« »-»pt Ï. Kre_i_e|. Bourse el_Ö Restes. * fr.< «ett-D.Nev-IJ»lMU trs»«tMlM, MS««. 11Ve_»l»^_L

DOMBaSTU: MABI-BTS.»Ii« CtaLli.t, S«pl 1.,V»a«r Irawr isd i» deua«.. ««pel«-«,

0. il| l>o^tajr Etira »>'. *», Tr.i.le Kiu«, a» ,i- tor« dall.Muted a¦¦/._. l'lia» titJ »1.1. esojliie. Oa-a.Oil., tirer in»bee. «-». iiCitr linn, la. -. «iel. Ikr. Ottto tbrrr. eûtesSfiM. KLUssia Pe.rk Amil. Mr«. 0«L BaeM li-». HA-uMene. l_)k e*Var Klb ISr eiVatr «We». Heir., Ha__, i«A_«». Uri-Tlirr. liiiW. eV... iMO-tor «...r 4«Jj, .mu« ria-ila«. U«M«lai»«aei-I'. »-»aUti-o lit pria» r.«____t. tor. Wbeal«. _«_ .01 Jo. l«,m»-Pns» tlldlV. -iclut^».«tcittsf, U>, 9«« Yeriks-.a-i |rr-ai_a. i ...ii I l«dWILaiMbTu». N I Sri«. J-S|vvS» TiisB-t ()«*«4 it 111«.

KtnlMd R.«t) « a« 01 tb I re*.-» *Krv_._«« sM Tar a»ciia»a«_»« .__¦ it-tal« Meoillia-* l'.ili|e

Ate,'.-« G» l-y. i.ejotio» »n»sf -Bá«M_____Me-__ell MeAefl-ar^I"«..-l-iK -tira l«xi lal»! n»re.j», uti i_U»LeiittilL« Sato«. 1-Bani-al.» sal .««-._««»«.«¦ ._*_.. " *__'

Mi»-t»_a la. Floar Oral», «St Pram« su. »otn*»gsi * t»-",, a. «T

.li. 1 el.»«T«, aa. _.»|«i U_¿ «I b«»i».

âI.BA.*T râTTLIl MABIKT-S««" *¦

I «'.lr ia«.««Mt. Hre.« »U

rlU,»U»air»^ lai|U-«J 1ml .e-«'-1'*"' -***.»_! ._L !_!u, *M*i be«! I »1 m Pm it»: ««*. AmUt, mots sit

SC_É._ft «BP-K 55- ¦ "-., -BBÎ -«'¦ ."» f1"» ¦** *.tt¿fj_^..^-.r' ií-*-* r1*- N* for o.«*-» Br.tuek, ,u.,^?jy«*Mfroo.»i,-«,K u ¡, ,.w,i ...»i.i»

.Vrp «I "i-- l.r.» U/.f"'!' -?1- 4r-: ."**«» I»»1"' «««-'Ik*»ll*lo»4i. ^^ -l'/***- N.<_H':i» iVsiarseilur hat» là«

«r là. sata"! r?_!*y...jy, -'f-- ¦_> ¦' » ¦'-*¦- atk. r-.Wrat -.

""' T~>'"(O'»*1 «I a «larris rf

^OuTKtofL«!*; cha«, t_mT____í-_i* :¦"_""!_***¦>¦mom »Un »i»» fail, «p f. _, ~_£t *Z ££ »».MV Wea-J15,441 tasa Usp-suitaiw 4a a, ,^ ¡,u »p u, .Wt*-*,,T.aTS


ARBIVF.I).Bark Br»T*. abarata. T»k"luraa Af ni : Ha

DOaVaeraj khdb,gB'»T"V iVr* t.Arn««»! hark a"*»«»»-». from aaadrrlata.Wi au to«, B. 4 «-,-( «tv.tisana! Uaamé »I r n-al« fas

Basto.. tmtttá «Uaiinbip Pla:,«« Bola Piulad«-)). ii.

B_« '.. » I-Amrad. Carlitàr, from NawaaaUr. B. «. W.ttalad, bark UturB» lar l«|ui<|B».

KdKKKiN l*)RTS.Besawrrowi» fttayt, Ï .Th» snokip TV (Jar*» tram Heat Ter» «a*

f.i»«ftm,] urisl tuda;. TV iteaiuJu«». lil» of laah4M ata 1 ana»,fr«a» Sea Turk for Li««Wpo*l arriiod rntrnta; .furaana.

Oraytnt, ftrapea, lil-ape«.-Tt.r B»>1 K«ak<-t»»»«l maaCaataoUlta art tit i hoir» (inpr, aiart-il R. T. I (aov.« P "»T »»» la l««t.Da t BBUBIU i arVsfeMSla drap« aad Pal» Win« Di-pat it remvet t*ílo. ia K. Bif-hth-*., aaar Brota**?.

Dr. fege's Catarrh Hemrtj. O'iOu r^trd for sa (nasillattt* Hold h» Drs»«ri»U. «r br »tail. Oh cala. A paatuLlat ft**. Ai¿tarnt V Pisses. M. I) ii -imaet »t Balala ti. I.

.*r*acre<M>aB4 Fatplre »pria* la.', Hepal for loisas,Bmpir» «tad ollar Minmi Si.nn* «A .trr« * (ki »bru *t .rtaBk«.-»D*ai. Fra» «labrar.«*daily ( ,t«/aud, a. «.tiara. aOBBO oatt.

Weddin« kart Vlsltls« Carws, MM aMMM Kotar»MBWa. BlBOBMt I »os» 104 Kilto» *r ore iii d Dm« at a«, a.

MARRIED.(iuMPKHTS-PKRFf'Rn.On Tlinrta»«. Heot I. ti toa rratdwN» » r,.re..« I.r th» Rr» Mr Klirr (I H. lo UaraB, «. i««t dauphin of A. ti. «Harford «v«q all ol tbia it.«

AU Notice" of Mat.age» mutt be tndorted untk fullname and aeUiint.

DIEDBAIKTIN un T'o-aitrrrr«! -,. v ; i 1 r.'rUrf, llald»,. ia ti.«

r*f «if L a »tr ..,:, i.f li). ,tr Kona Ba.dwin.TI «- -, 'au.» a i.« «u.-ul tb» fanrrtl. ob

Son«!»/ ifirrt no., at ;'| s'StaaB from Li» lal« «_lrt.,r .'ii Vt «a.Twrlfth-«t., without furtbrr mt,latios.

(»lX-At L r:uf»t.ii Manor n«-ar ll-uW« on An«r. 11 Mr*, d« raptaB*i «i.lo» of tbr late ll»nrt Y CutM Ha«- or. Wia. aa.1 iauikwv

of «hr lat» Wm. R. Pnn«* of Pfnahln»Relato«»» aa.1 frtrn.1» of thr« at» r-«j- -tfallr inriu«! to attrwd lb*

tanrral »I hrr lit» NaBs r» at Una' i.g ,m s«tnr.'.a« Srpi. luio c1«., k p. ni. without fartbri nonce. Boau Ira»- Jaaca ade or Tbirtr-l-oar L-»t. at 1 oclock.

(alliiVKS.ila Tuead.r »..rniaa; A.« 30. «Ara Letltl» Ororra, 1. th» «M4roar uf bar «if»

T: . ir.roilt of ihr f»Biity tr» ii»|-»d «oittr»! thr faorr» «M-eraa oa.«««uri»' u..«r:.,l.ii .V;l. j ttlUoci<<t. al bri lair rr.ij.aer ¿»« r

M KKN/IK-On Indar Srpt. ? it thr Pre»hrtrri»B Hub«» AtaiulM.Krnrr

. II. r ian-: !¦ ji* t»»(ia-rtf l'v mrttard to attend tV fusrr.1 ft« -a tV K.iartfcPrr>l« (¡o:«h li. t. I.r. TI" u,¡ -«li hir'T..,.ur.L at.. l-rt»««raHUtb sod Srrrntli »rra. .a Satuniar. li icat. at 1 in

MÏEU.In tl.i. .-it- on Friar rrr»,n' M ri.t M«rr Br»T«^rt. will*of Kraüa-l» M M «¦«. ati.I «.ti.» ala ,e:.u-. H U'irr.

Soiii-r of fui.rral li. rraflrrIM KI'i ail ttr.t fOtnt, nOBBBH K»pt. 1 (a .1« jr. oaíj mat

a.l thr lion .» :,. ,- M ita 1. ¦ .22 ,Ktn t bio..Ula and

TVr rratirr« »r,,| fri-ad. .r» inr1t<->t tai »ttrn-4 th» fcnrr.1 on Snud»r. lib,al M .'.lasas, bl, Baa» Ita - irruís it Writ t'trta,Oaaaaaaa *-n t* «i ima«.at nuio.o Bsrlsa Maaoi

R.1FKLÏK.On »i.l"»4iit th. a\ :D«t , at It «wrrr Hi« «Irwu,**,1« I.. Mariitrrt 1'o.lirui,«. wid«,w of lb. lat» lula «Hapcl..». lu lb» rj4tferott of hrr aay

R-ianrr. «i«l f rn«'.i »r«- in« t>l In »t-rn,l ti,» ftinrral «in Sundar tV«ti, li »I a', har lair rr.« i.-nrr it ¿| .V. <l, aa«] al a« Rri«,ltL»4Iluii t. I'Lun li. N. *;...,: Bl --| ¦« « t p. ia

¦BOOB.Bl BaaBaaBB >'- ¦ IMBI "I biliou. diajrbr. M.r» »if*> W. Kuoaton.

int. riiirr.t fnm iiart-r .«u*jt».bj»a». fiwl .I Fr»iikliD-»t. tabú 'Hsta(ti»<r|morr,iü¿ at J o co» I.

«i iit.M K.' m hat .' ia R«o«H n. Jan» s.-Vni-k inM 'vltb ratofirr lara- rr.K-t <«i J- toiiuut ao.1 laat «tarnriL«; tiatia¡bi«r jal MimaSrtirr,, a, aaf ihr Wallal«.ot.

Thr re!«« rr» »n I frirnU» of tb* faoiilr ar» mara-et/bllr inrttitd to ittro-1tbr funrr.1 on Sarunijt ti :n»*. it .' p. in. iroia toa rraidatMr of Larkui. Alinéalo«. IT" Mon.-.» M.. brtwrcn Bodfuel and Suairaod ara. ,

Itr.otlru.«KI l.Y.«in Tbnnd»» mortiinr <r[t. 1 J.,w 11, Ni-Ir. airr' B.Kunrr»! «rr»!'*« on BaadST sftialBO««* l-htii«- »ti 'e'«» t it hi» lau)

rrai.ienrr. .No. *M loll .-. I . » li u».l.ttiv«"» «:,] fri.'ii«I< are i-»*[r< ti,. 1 ibruxi la ttirrjal »iikoat furtbarUiTltatlon.

Tt.lTINti-Os Frid.r Hrnt 2. IT" Ph'tir r, Jr ro.ftat ekiW «T! '1,1 ii ii. ..1 II« «.rr A. Toppmr. «eal 1 NO >n«l S BuiBtha.

l!i-*.,ir. au.1 Irru.l« «r» it,. Uta ti« atttta tV fimerai fro« lb» r»« iaaoa¦ ,pl'« Ra -- i-'.r»t-«t. oL Sun,lay »apt 4 »I Ijurluckp. BL

Special Notuce.I'halbu'a .lilBlUí'' Or, balvation far Ik« Hair.


FEALdB S 'VITALIA dií.n utt.rlr fto« .11 th* tit* . «al¬

oran »ad ntaorari li; :s ate Ii .«its oa » '. lauf 1 «t«t»«l fra-

«pla. It is l:»pid, fn^riot. and parfart« iiaucu «a» pr«t» ulai, a*

-jtadJr or floualtct Biitur raquira» uo »baking np, »ad t.r»iaa».aaa«w a«

ttais to lb« »ki» ur th. lu« Vo pnotr otrt^a ia «wKnatr- w.Iita t.rbid »pc»»r-»na» for ti.» »imp., raason it it nulli ««rbut. It ii I*

«til :iitiu «»al parpo..» a as* ducutbbt id Tollal ttaiarf.

For lal» bj ali dmjfuts._PIIA1 US k MB, M"«w Ta.lL

A ii«.i i¦ r ef I h i»

¦peal i»»Mc is s DfaTapapcr. ».'I :t u tharrf..r* propuMd ia thu <t4-

r.rtiwaint to «¦«.uditOe a Tirirtr «,f fart» lir-purtaiat to thr pat.lir (ato

s »mil! ooBipus. TL'«*e facts refrr to H«j»tbttbb « Hthh'h Bit-

TlaU.what (bat «-.lebratcd twaiii^cc .» tau atitt n ». I la lu th» tra!

pla«-», then, »be artu-lr i» a «rtinala-it tnnlr ud allrlat.r* roaslatiaf *l

a romhintttioB of »u »bMlatclr par. »p«irttaMS »cent »nth ti.« wtoaA ««la-

.bl« «oelidnsl »»(»Ubi. »uiXiBrri that botanic r»av?iirrb btv pifad al

thr diat-po»«! of the cVnust »od the rhj-I«aar. TF-»»« IngrrdirEU ar»

eumr<>un«1rj »iili gntt 'trr, tzi in «sc-H prnportioa. uiopnalua**

prrpar.tion whreb in.u7. r»U'. «ti!.ob: «ii'-Hiai thr ^«jritl ij»k«. «tai

tone», rr.nlitr«, ita costroU tho itoBuwh tb. bowrh, tV lir»r tad ita

nun,-r «tscretiTe o-içta.«

What iii« great r-atort-JTe »ill «^o »oat V «r»thrr~l fnm «hil :t '-at

done Ths ca^ of djap»; «ia, or ««y ,tVr ï»njj o! ,adofr»ij. mirk ii

baa bee« J»er»iit«nllr ^tniutt. r.Ù »u^uti iíwljiI I r».iic»l oir», ia «at

to V heird ft-jin ita tbe«_e tar br «nil ..' b.HoBf dil «r-ltn. 'Sire

mittent ferer, r,«rt«M« ifMUooa «'i»»»J debiiitr, .-.mtiipBlUa. ask

heatdatclir. iBCutai d'il ocde.c<r, iivl lh« u, isa it: conplatista ata tlittabill.

tit. to «Lib th« frl- a in to »til.r.t. It t!in£i, ali 'V. tania of

tV bod.r lncladiag the |..o>!. sad '.to «rrntle »tian'ua whi« : uxparta

to lh« aerroor i'itern li not tcfleedial by tbe ittgh rt-i rra tus This

U s chaptrr of fen »'¦ 'it rinltr* tot tla-ir oa uk**, ih. i I mara tail

prarmiarr_Oulnina Hn.i. . M.SM.U hlfl'S. IS«

],..-.-» tJ" W I.F I'MI.KY

Q.iittins Realaeaa. Uiii «al*, i1. TÍA OkTb, ti faam,t$» .«0. «A J .' '. li Li \ t. I.',.. Kit Ur<»d«ar

Quittin« II..-.»«."«.«. «....! ita c, '« k1 « I II » «I halfprie» Vi J. Y. A11. ti a. So. «al B.otawar.linntm« Mii-iu. «-. -NF.a .»rrii",

«¦è: »ad tii«t»r«l W J V. l)Mi.Y.\ 4 ( «. Ra H Br aVaia.r._Oullliu« Ku.iue»-..s U« r ; tr-l tal KK« aa* «til« li Cat

Boult» *.. Ml ft J I ÜL ...'.'¦ ,..«.

Quilliaa Hu».ne»«. -.» r latr.l K I. ITl, IIKK.t porrriais.inrti. *>xv«V J h UAIjU-I t. « " S.«1 Br.«.lwafQi.ittina Huwintw» k« «. Sl'tJONS, Omuri

»v 0* '.a- dowr vt I Ï f'Ul.Kl I i. Ko. C3! bt.*.l»vOiaiHin« Bname«.-«>»*. .1 DIM"NKK KBIvM Tur. h«».!Íí

Rnrrr»'» Otar. ««SS JO Ha aa* a. W i Y HA ILK' a. la, t» '.»!Bro«,'»«» __^______^____^^

t>.ii'tiiiM 1*11-1 «»..». ' . IABI.K«ll.AriaH.»b*tahaK pnrr. W J Y U.MLKT «V I o v. , ,i liroa-iwa«

Oulilla« UvtaettB.-lTHSKlLIKIt.« HAU Lr.HT-í,IHM ». :,'-..;. «,ai> lli.ri.BLH. W J. BOAalLBYfcC«, Ba.hJl Bruailwar. _____^

Oailtiu« Hafetaewx.-r- «¦ -«u -j- marirl n plaiu la-afwa. Is-»nui-efcii t.-ar-elr. , Uli l.l/lll lo (ftl lirvailwa.

The B*»e»i B-Ptremae* *C ia«- ««*«»«.¦.

¦eel ». co.»I'ATBT- niB'-KP^ KI. I.IMK Jl U | FBMABBTJO.

e-ntaiouiuaj-aarkat «i.:a;"' -a' "Ij erre f* ia «jtril. with kifSlf»alu.l ».' li .« J -r

PRKPAI'-.r. U«K .«.lUJrakLIMK li j H . .'kl'ltl. Amor ¿r'« Betrra»*.LIMh JLU.1l . IIAMPK.M .IV »j_i V»«raa» .«( JJ +*am,

;.,¦¦. ...I L. dnuk tot V»l i« biota« *»¦*

S«itdb)ila-..«i» tt ii- Mr.1 .»¦¦ »bd «¦. rai ».*Vt Ft,KBIJI»J. «liap.*t*

N.'rnlofB lie»1 VE 1.1

C. tt »rraa-at

Till..««, lie.aer *4:,j'"f« _ .T*a.HA EL tYKIl TI.«.O . ï^-..(¦|.'l4*7.,

i u «. i.-..- Baaaaa»» mtmtv rmntOtm ato»

Hut«CMaJMBB of »vm o- "-J**A- prey.^ - Omm IV Otttagr -O-XV-

?f,Ai!»»T wee Bl FIRS

Whil. ran-ialet « -V V4.1-- i^-'ta M IV "Orr «a* »«a Ha«el

Ic«ia.|»-«'w*V .- ¦-'

.t.- mllfâ^iam, »Ui Vita at ItadOBUBaBBBIUp^..ll. *^-'--'.^'....."rtSir V^ata.1 lb»«s«fII.U.«.Pill«.«. « "..*., ,*.-v^k «aa at tV ti** «ral»«raa »f Throat..'"'«.'¦'¿.terÄ'i» «WS-» -"-."- -1 Sf_»L«,. *^r!__\_t_, u a.-ro *r*- ?____!» ~* .*..* .*2*ÍLl_V «Twwtaa. Co«i«|r«*» Hall tV »»r*lU*l lu«»l opaa"" '.** *i_wl .«»I!'»« ita "-""«H. t. r*tue~mv* tau-

"-i.**** 7rM^o,oa*tam^iU m kWuttrtZ a (Tk, t abi.IM aata was» WOO p*'«**»'«/ -

«-.«»«»»» Hall KVMas V^

-3--*r.T-T.TJaaaa. tV B^ 8BBLBT .

tTTiTSrBBBBTBtÄ ¦.'«« optare» shaal». Hg* sa* -S

ata r*aOatUt*» laiaUltaaKBt, B». J atas**. _,-' Hala.

WâBaiXS a o».. «**.* tas 'all ítylbbTil-BAÏ, «aft. 1. »10 BROADWar_

.ill¦^_J_*imr+ KMks.-IV avail» le» Ba.- *t» rum a« tata

^fia-tMTTt. u \Zo. - mt sav_?ïr«r» i';.,.. ».. A .ta B.i a». «a., «. sta l» . » __J£iJ£_£ *

llialUI.*»'-. * «*. *»"T'--- r^UBBBt...