STIA&B.:.. mw% WLk 60. -...

*+v 4 X' "ii ii ii i i inifii r" ~-n r i w***^-' '" ' ' ' . ' ' ' >' '.'i!'- 1 mmffl&wv^^ iant&W te -p;eftonality could fie thV-canai? * T^pdferj^i&S^JtoQftlsb'a/siSSli too jnahy^pepple whoso^" plitjtijy, *' hbQw^that fiiere Is ^pomiilgrijjaiji^ll^ wrong. - ••' -? "---• v v JS^bm?.;"t ~A -.-, ^'. \Wwant all of bttr fe1lo% Wlens*% and'bloM'maker W e iVfc-Fto "VUSot Vrhol, aS we .have befarg stated, is ,a~; i f, ,^'otiiains' 'if ^..'lii^i^^ffit'Kp-l: statQ_.tjiis„ l a^ive; <juraijiy.»i : Byincj.t>lgs.,y,, tak^lrom'thfaliVfera''6;f''-1i^e^oaBa^^-' same, elements that formerly v^ere. foundi n "cod-divter oil, and which miule _ it famous. ... Vinol ilocs noteohtain thegreaso or . ** fat iTiat^harffisterfzed^A^li^tOTRndtl • made4i,ij^mnm3P^ascsAvoc^aesi Vinol. acts^iipon. every' onto of; the | proat vital organs, and by, invigorat- ing-.and flying' them strength, enable:* them to properly perform their func- tions. '" - - Vinol's effect on the stomach is mar-' vclon^- -fa tones-iip~this, thegreatcst r,f the' organs of'the'-body, and enables it to pbtaih froih> tho,food Which is tnkenintojtthe nccfeary^elcments-to create, flesh tod. 'muscle tissue, bone btructure-ahd pure, rich', red .blood. We are in receiptor u-TCttcr from a Snvation Army wpmap Which r.cads as follows:— ^i--toolc^mol-^tei'-a-bad-a$tae55-ol p-rippp, and so nuien "good did* it do. me later procured from Justice George Bar* naidthe famous order, which enjoined Richard B. Connelly from acting as city comptroller, fcVom' that time until elect that I persuaded my. sister, tc» tans ItT-"chosen counsel and as such three days 1 She was all tired-out. Huatloappe- - ttte ^ind" her blood^ivas-vcry pporr—rtr did her as much good-as it did me."— ' BETSY HxnEKSHUtw, 71,8 fijver 84„JFall" - lUvePr-M^SK "-rr-,* * * » , • " " Won' please come i n a n d ' ' see us? Wt-im>4U/S^^Mi6i , extol the m$&ftffi68k\ '• ' W e >yill g i v e ypu back, your money If ybtt &M : M0 Vinol will d(fatf ^ ^ ^ f e f e t f t ; ffitfH sHy-ene^o-THiaMe^for y o a ^ - 3)ruggSi# Ariliigton v Block, B.P.BBV1LLARD Optician, iao-W. Dorilinlck St. Tertirnpoxtani, to have'just the blCw TfrlaMonfSfla th«-iQj3xtone 1«H be banaful father iSik 3iHpfBt\ TfionV saa^df g8d^el»^?fflta»fil^ »' < , '.'. 'SlipSS), t 180 W, Bpminiok St.* K o i % N. Y. MftK ffiffi ONl/lf'CANDIDATE SURE OPELECTtOfr IN GOTHAM' TritS Yfe\ J«**«$ t»M*ke c. Barrett, Wfeo W** 1 «j^Fvre«d Actlvttle«-1L Jud«, Tjtriil^ -^gine-Bieeoyd. \ K^wYbRK r Oct 30^_[Special ]—Theie Ifeffilg^gj??^ for office here'this fnlf f»RIZE- BfeAUfY OF PAWS. 1 I^^P^a^otiie^iojur^elsT^Bf^ by 3?ammany. Ifl^tgW au the various interests in New* .Sb« at this time, and the supposition prjfh^egard to Judge Barrett isotiite cot- O; Barrett Was born in IJubiln Iy28, 1838, His father-tftjiilg"the f^S- > i \ | only 6 t Key* Mr. JBay^ett «if?TO-a^-wissjonary to^ the Oaeida~|a-.* ||pn?;W'Canada; and,"George'Q.'lived as' JflMb%y.4n "a inodest home on .f^b' .bank of rtay^l^iadiah nvev ThaiHeJ. uB$U;he was' 5 WSi IherL theiathetdied* and soo'n>alter~ ward the futub' ju'dge enm'e t o S^ew *«fe^i r gfero he was prepared for Cohim- ^JftaMlggSL ia ,the lio1un)hia-j@ramniar, •^hlbof; enteriifg the higher institution, fbtifletving it for lack of means before he . hjtd'Becured his degi-ee. In order to sup- poii himself he wrote tor the newspapers ftfeyeraryjeaTs after'leavirigi college, Jhean-' Trw^fle. stndyinfe iawj. %ie of_his_begt; SMMaJs-Hi those days was T CJtiarles Qy "Hplp'iue, fbeh know'n thfoughout the' , country, as ''Private Miles O'Seil^" ; 1^ Chief Justice at lWenty-»aTe. r In 1863 t ._whea orily 25, Mi\ Barrett was"Tnade a civij^ Justice by his" fellow cit- izens. That was'36 yearB ago, and, \Vith the exception of three yearstiie has serv- ed ,the public in a jitaielSFcapacity ever 3inw„ "His terni^ as r cml- Jusffee 1 ^expired'- in 1807, when he was chogen to ^11 a va- cancy on the common pleas.bench. Th'r.o'e ' years later he was elected to the supreme' qourt and has now served nearly two full terms. * Justice Barrett had already w'oh ah enviable reputation' as ah able lawyer' anil a fair judge in^lSC^, but between that yedr und the year of his eteVatiml to the supreme bench he did more than evet- to* deserve well of his fellow citizens,' for he -*as"most active in'tlic movement to overthrow the Tweed ring in 1871.. His name was among those appended to the call for the great mass' meeting' of Sept. 4 whiclTappointed the committee seventy. By that committee he was OKSMAia-E. GAH-OJIJU: ' "'.•••. S»3E.-|lgiit , e: is; ^e^feotj; attdlii'er. heftdplii most giacefully 'ppTiei. Stie has long treeiit a great favorite .as a Beauty i'o E&rlSf and she yttiii uy a gceat^niaiQEl*- ty. i t ie Intet-egting to no>te liet-e that two years, ago' an AioterlcjOji, Sflss ISioyi santiSfsMj "WiEtHe Veauty "pllel W !Paris^^(5toernna«l!lft^tiiret. - V imp^fterSP "Bif|lffa •-vithin'tt few diiyk^.OOO $'f them out of 5,000 Imported.', ^|hey ar« sold to deal- ers a ln varipu^ parts of the country, some of tlxem|9![ng as far away as SanjFraneisco.--Michlgan Mirror A Hetolo. Nun. ••• K i n g Leopold- has just bestowed on ^Sister Teresa Hiclcey, an ^Sngifsh ntfh of the Apostofine community establish- ietMnrBelffratnr^e-civi(rifnedni^f-tiuv|^ > . flratdasHa decoralloBdHostit tt fed •']&$,,h3Simms:m^^tr^;^k New_ggr| reward of conspicuous civic merit), in recognition of her heroic services to t h e people djuring' the outbreak of a terrible epidemic which ravaglja the district of Oordegem, in Flanders. So great was the consternation of habitants that no one would venture to approach the houses - tn which the victims lay dying. DuringJtho panic Sister Teresa volunteered^ to -go-and tend the unfortunate sufferers, for wbohi nurses' could not b e found. For several weeks she devoted herself day -and-nlgltt-to. the noble wnrti of mlnffi- ,tering to the sick and dying, receiving no other assistance tlian" that given by the clergy of the parish. With un- 4iajggihg "devbtldn 'tjio] brave woman re- "euTo'the sTlprem¥T3enclfBnri-etrwTJsTeSf ceedingly active in the legal proceedings against the Tweed crowd. His nomuia-. tioh was^-made by tne long since disband- ed Apollo Hall Bemoeraey and was in- dorsed by the committee of seventy, .fee Muniaipad Council of. Reform,_and botu wjh'gs of the Hepnbllcan party. The op- position .candidate was Thomas A-. lied- .with. He wag^tffeated % a clear ma- jorifi-_of "44,000 VMes^, W-ronTthat time tg this Jfi?tjce Bairett hff£-iialntained it xiqaftatiisn lot niilnT- p^fiChnbie integrity and ^profound fenowl- edgfrof the law. Early in his career on ti^? supreme btnen he was chosen to pre- side over Jts'crlmraai hrfincjh, the court of • Oyer, and terminer, t&°ugh ue has tritfd B a b y ' " Corny P o v c l i , « ••-_ __ Bagging the baby—if It is too' ybuhg t o realize the possible? ignoujiny—has ... ,- * , ... .. , .. be*en found a practical device fpr a n many-CLVd cases-^wa-tos-won &*:&*&, -enrergencyontlng, it there is no time est repntauw with the profession ^ ^ gg f tf ^ ^ ^ ^ aod m % m and coat sleeves or tho -flttlo criiuturo therein; > JMdmo Barrett'*,tf!amdn» .*-«*«)•. It is doubtful whether any other New Y6rk"-tB3ge-has'satin judgment-nnpn as; many noteworthy criminals as Barrejt. He was- |he' presiding justice -w^eh the notoridus boodle aldennen jverei-"brdught fo trial, And Tie sentenced tlfjlife w^fffOTpu up And tookjtheir medicine. Se wl^lnc justice also before whom .Ja..cdb Sh'arpt, who bribed the' aldermen, -Was tried. 4t .will be rttnejnbered that the verdict of guilty ren3ere&in the Sharp case was got Sailoe by ttie fcourt of appeal^. It wasthc first and. almost the only instance in wldch^a" judgment obtained before Bar-; ref^resT-flfedin-rieversah ' #erdins-nd Wttrut the gliji-lfin^tocl-et- Jike "rfapjolejon *of Finance," wrts. also tried before Barfett, and so wfls 3?lac'k, the Bherifi whos;etrandUleat ftrlttordk, ^voTfce "attracted attention uTrougfiouttiiei ehtire cotnltry, and it was in 'Efhrrett's; court that tne election cases t cpnvictlljn ifi whieh sectired the downifaR 0t Tajh- Jhany in 1894, c|tnie up. Nottvitlistaiia-i 4ng ^e lact th|t partisan feeling hiiS; Been intense ifi many of these cases, ho one nag ever been found to impute any-: ! i byljfferlniRjtfi'ihi ;. : --foiQ$iBgf .-;• Break^ti?fi»».u,^^ ..... pp I Soup Bij^^. i^.:.. ki^a-.^ JfeS 4 "Cups andBancers „ „ ! . ; t j6c' Platters, 11-lttch lite Efattert, fir-Inch ?! ltto Platter*, 14-lnoh^, 20c Platters, 16-inch ...2Se "Vegetable »&li«(, 9 icch .w..i0c Veg&Me JJKhw, lOlncli 4'6o Vegetable B-iab«,ll-&$i 25c Largo fitchew = .. =L .*..u. r «49c -- ^ -OticaV : NrY^ si saiA pAilL cfdrips ' " i May be"«p#ctvl *^oBtthli ttow, and It is the part of wi»dom to httVi* i b*ttleot _ u HALSTEAD^S-OOIJ^ftfeXlilJP 1 * j alwnt the htmie t o n i e into ent-agetey. Itto» «w<cttre. /' Made and «oM by -j.u^A.wn«Au:, pABST MILWAtjiOEil EAGte on >imtimtn AT ffiinf Batthj^pttr^H?IBotlvef^ua the fWH est rttlin)^ to « « htah wno is sflje tm nbg undlp^itett'idf his thti'3 term tipoh the snpire^eheni;hiinLthjB greatest city trf the country. * , H is suggestive that 'Francis Ii. "Well corfflucted th'e^p^cntion a^ttihgt tUe ac- ctrsed men -ni8V4* has dropped conF pletely o*nt,-so far afe public life is con- ceried, *thotf^h he is nnderStpod to'?enjt)y a v^ry isatisf fic%y prlvarte pi'acttee. Alilieratr-r Judie. :> It mjgnt be su^ppstid thftt suebjBpldh-. drd-s'ticeess as "a member.of We ludiciary ^ould -entir-siy slflsfy Mite 'M&®®> anthitioh, but tfie i a d t i s hot In accoi?a' ahce with the s^pp6srtioti,-tor-iie'Bas al" -ways burned to make for himself a litei- aiy name. Undoubtedly his literary lOhgiHgs date f roih the" time lie was engaged in. writing fbi the neWspaperSi'L niorc iavoi able circrimstances he could have made a ttfpntatibh ih the -wolld tf letters is, of couise, nnansueiejl ques- tion Bnt while he has contributed sev- eral papers of great current worth t o the magazines' and reviews )ie has -never yet given to the public anythihg Of •pteiina' 1 ttent literary value Those whej kno#, -iinfT^t"Say^tTiarte™wouta ASthet ~be~ l^nown as the authdx of a suceessflil dia- nin than anything else, and this is boinc out*by the fact thai "He has written se.v eial playsrohe'ot wliicli f -"A n Anjeilcan Ma^ufige," *as shown to the public on JtfallafcVs ^taife m_18&L As ajuatKl «L fact, he has keen fctccd to put"aU Irtslit eiary vitality into his legal opini0|w They ^are ol extiaordihaiy lucidity, the language in wiiich they nre_w]Ateu being simpldi direct ahel fiee from, the involved verfmge so cohunpn m such documents, * Judge Barrett is a social favonte He, is exceptionally well posteu- in FLelith, andJEughSli Hteratm e He JH a^good eto ly trlier, a.keen observet 4m5l1tia*^ep tionilty gifted nftei dinner speaker, . msxffli 'ffl-A'BBtefc'CE. . . ,) III *• , Mrs. Tfelggle&i-t: ^iaw, the,-strangest thing this nfamfbg on TEJignland avenue 2J*r Wpig«l«-K[ov-you -didn't, Wl»?)il wis down in^Ento/*£»0"are «ys after noon, * s sa\v a #tTftn«tir.i*--fedWerviih) <Mns*<l_^oiiMj«l! L ft ,. Kwi, l J„-B i Pn*K», TM.^mS^immim^ fU*> BiMtiim* 'maicr Who Capture* v Th|« fn»mr*'a P r i s e . Gerhialno^Galiois took tbejtlze this yea¥""hi tnTanntial beauty contest lfela In Pails Slye is a singei and was born m-^olandrthat-land -of lov«ly~womea- 8be has a creamy complexion, deep gray eyes.nha_shk>|ng tedJbra^nJaahv _ v _^ . WEAtrffeft FROGS. ;> !•• '^ -ma TpffieF13Cltd*rMtmai» Th»« serve mjt ^iiWlOJlueterB — Atta^he^to-ftiln*''* ?We.d_bp^se6n in a bltd store wjudow was a placard mailed, X'Wenibet rrogpl' Within the bos, perched on two long wooden rodd r placed Ten^tt^ ise of lt and a ^'- f&'jjjif Wp ^ p | g t h e - bottom,-ltke-tbe~ btgher perelipllCa birdcage, were, a fltfm$e» of fhe5|^ather frogs them- sely,ejj S p i s i t ' i ^ then were brown &»a : '.bao it&wdmW ' T] iey weie ilt^le In tfferfbrma;tiohhe WopltH oif'cottrse, be given the. position pf honor, but it is not expected that an admiral would be much $pdh ilie sea. Fnrraght was al- lowed to choose for hiniseif, iipd.he went upon an.extended cruise. Admiral Por- those in^thev^Sli&Jv having been im ®ioj*iia i i^>ni ,,; iGl*li|p»y. ""^Eet-fbia^^Ph, these>tfcy tree ?4|og8' , f|[ui^ i ^e^^" i moi;e > , taB!n an inch fn lengtlu.aai!B|ipe the color of whatr, ia&fodtijeef ^li^fl^ay be resting,pn- _brq^n'.forr %,pod|^reen if on a jettf, . Plac^^af^tuM|Ms-^ai*-tti^y-wH^ ;come blue." jT|||f'may be.beard, but: not seen, so jefes|||^n color do they, fe- ^IJfuTe w"hBt%\^f^ey may'liaye pereR- * eu. ~- upon;." 'BnW^tre called w'eatner ?epei- =ter-elecred-to^take-ishore d^uty, and -h* : f,ro:gs-'beca'u^o.AtMe approach of r&lny^ ..Qivcliange^e:y»her theyjumfanto^ l .tbe" water. *"At,^e-*'appi*oahh of dear. ' weftth6ftbs^^:^>ui- agalm - **-•**-- • Jtilcapav^.ilfe5veather frog Is kept m^a glass jdror, gfobe. which'is co^er.- ' e d at the t q p wftb|a w ire screen. Wa- fer hfpHt jWnth^%Cfttom 6i^the jar,\and ttt'ff eoayeii;iittt1iV|lght is placed some^ thing for. the^lt'tfelisg^Oi-jump-'ttp-onv- The^v^BSiTffio^^captiV'ity is fed off flies Jn sunarnqr,|iid in winter on meal worntS. Its fbbftmust be alive. They.-fjell h^at retail at 20 cents A gteftiiJinany of them- are inained unflinching at her post of duty dntiljljb gftbremfc 'abated, 'although, almost broken down by heir Untiring ef- forts. —- - - Ptibjic nianifestatibnB or gratitude for* her inestimable Ber#ieefr wore Ten- dered by the people^ and her-conduct hawing come ifcdor. tfie Jiotlce- of the goVerfnttent, the king* has rewarded her* self sacrifice oy bestowal. of the BdnoE-ineotioned. Sister TQEesai has been In Belgium for nearly 30 yearsj- tiond.on Westminster Gaaette. was connected with the nnvy departUiottt to an advisory capacity. ' ; After the popular enthusiasm oyer.-.Jh>- return of Admiral Dewey has receded to SotnfethYhg like, sensible, bound's and he is allowed to hd-ve a few moments t)f spbel' reflection he will be the one to decide what are .the duties of an ndhi.ii-al. •HfX^ choice -vy-iil of course be to some extent ihSpeTlTlby the egtaplisTredr regulatlons'or the navy depjartment.' 1-E he should de- sire'Jo (' duty, his wishes' wil| Jia respected; In <Jase he feel's that he wquidj, prefer shore duty he - will in'al'j'probubll}- fy be given any, berth he wauts. ' S o cannot be retired unless he fjesil'es toTie, and even" fbun tnrwjtf refelw full: pay as an.admiral.-. The.Qffl£a.w1»ich he holds is practically without -precedeut.' as only two have" held, it before him, and conditions have changed to some extent ,sjhco, the days of Admirals ITaiTagut and "Porter.—Washington Post.' \ ••' a s a W l ' a ^ bri » h > Tills thrush has e)ic){' n happy l)dm« Ilo.!loes_n<*t wMM'iPIiM' to room. Ho lovca t i i a .nilnficMI— yes. so well That near her he prefers to dwell. On sunny-days Jli^li'itB Him frco Beneath a fine j>)(j_obcstiuit tree, but mcii be never takes ms iiiiflie - Beyond the HttlojnaWcn's sight. ' is tbo nervous! or ill. 1'or at best get- ting a,child ready Is a trying ordeal. A big bag of eider cloth or other soft, ivMrin 'material is supplied with draw- ing -SfJlpgs-of- ribbon, explains an ex- bbsdfgc. Into this cozy pouch the smaft" pinrsori Is pStjped, arms, body, legs, ev- erytHiflg but .the head. The ribbons afe dritwh'sbugly uader-the chln^ A b a p "with a IriU to protect the eyes Is, capped on, and baby in a trice is equip- ped lor a s u d d e n driv"o w i t h J Ws father before that, impatient pjeisorfsgo has b a d occasion to call but n. sslngle tlmei - " W i l l yoil <neve,r get thttfcbildteady?"' —P'hilaaelpMa jBnquiter. * titles For Vlvei. TB I3erniany a cputroversy hag arisen irJtij regard„to the stilo' which should, b e adopted in nddre^ihg married la : ] dies. There af e fourhajmes by wnlcli .iu inan'B better half aiay* be described In the language of the TsterlSnd—viz; jfj^malilln (cansorty. feaitih' (sponseK Imtt^auWi &M& mW4Mfe). "To Cafe fflip trroqu^ut iSiBpute3;ftttd^lleartUutn> ings arising from ignorance orin\perti- nesce ih 4he u s e Of ahV ;bne trf 1 these ^ forms, tt is proposed that there-sfial^ jBin, : "who"a.s alsistant disfriet-^ttbrBey^lfb^-onleltfily a t t a c h ^ d t p t h e m recdgfliiSedr; A »OT'» 0(ta -<JolIecftton. M odd fancy tliatyBbprovebf great value In a n edttcathjb^tj sense has been 'thkltig-the ^eirtlro.Tisp^fe^^tee olTa schoolboy of Milwaukee, Edward B. bright, the 14-ycnr'oTd*Joh of. William ^aTo^Wr^ht, vlcef^roiildent of lire StateHoTtrculwraisOqifety. Thls'ooy r 8 fan^y is t h e . collec.fl6n of newsp#t!r -beadllnes from all oyejrf&e world. -A^t- e r several Tuonthi' ihstd work in pur- sulng. his fad systematically- the boy finds himself In possession of- a "valu- SsMe "Collection of he#spaper beadlines. .graduaticjha of thft, socla,! fecaje,. $hus. *a ;geHekl'8 wife woWd be adflressieil ias:.**iiis cdnsdrtj^iliB pariaer'Of art offl^^ clSt of a •cerWfiaT'aSM^^ tiie'njlddio claaB.Wife w"o_id ib> i d - ' ' ;dreS|M,!_»"«er : hflsbflna f a r "*'lttp , 'y," ahd" 'tba-workrhanTs helpmate ^Hfoutd &'*un<» Iply his "wite^' "Wotaert talk a lot about equality of t h e sexes, but when we treat them as we would our fellow/ men they don't like it ahd-say we have.4egener;ated. T n e truth is'that they want at one and t h e same t i m e to be both <b_r equals and out superJois, to-iiave our rights a s "Wjell as their Own.' ^fba-Fis their Idea of equality,!' "said \ a disgusted jman. .But the, above quoted speaker mhde a little fault of omissidn_ln tile begiu- ning oJT his renttaiks^'lnsteaajoi wom' 4 e n - h e o'ugfiFto^Tiave BnTdP ,r some worn-" tfn*' The'otlierritre quite content ix> r e m a i n wlie^e thfey*Tvefce Jn tae!n r s opin-: ion and resiiect and ha\e^»dt the glight-I est desire to^-step aown tb the le^el plain of J ^$^tch < ;, i Sophie TorittS, tlie ^JoagttrittB ar- /-CbaeoldgtBt, b a s b e e h glvjeti the degree of doctor of pbilosophy by the "Uniyet- sifcy.of Klansenbuig She Is 'the 'secohd woman in Jtungarv to receive this de- cree, tlte first bavfpg been Carmtm Sfyl- fT^/thBTibeeiDt. of BWiffiafila. Jtye, Tor- ^matls labohf e o ^ r g of agland IJas ifor j!eafs been a< leoaMbul^r-ltr-fbff' |lea%ilig.arcba*bIo«icaI pap^M. bt Eu- croper' ' v f o r halfaoBn&ory^liWOtJuredlUnianM^ _„„ B_itf Infelpient ^nsnln^biri^or ? r«4tfbuofet ar«^Mtfaift^^(*Ute«M-ltBwe will retort JovamoMtr. Prioe 86 «;. ( .I50 cte. anllil.OO., BoUby BrOn«ht»n* We* otLA^WUKmim. J_tiei %b___it And when *ho c»llif|'*Conle"ti«dc,.dc*t.3Iml" He instantly obeys filr Word. . ^ lie Is Indeed a clunhhyf bird.' ^.j,^ .JUt pet* MM tamo n. Jim we find "> ' Belong'to peohle wfib ire kind itld Bontlto in tliclr **6ta» and wajfi '. And never slow to gtfcr praise. Hough ipccch and ifl'tlom always mako The hearts of "timid creatures nuaka, And they tvill only trusttul he To those who treat thorn tenderly. - —Chatterbox. aSnlQ.Of "wnlcli hffvf.'^fa^* {lie &stTC8 jo|._tefl(_-l<9l8 ln_lf|^fc, ,an,d iittlo known lands. In describing bis rJo!fee- t&n, young Wright sifldi "It is a cOHec- flop^oTneadlUies of^ewspapers, Saiiy, trf^Ukl^. semlweefelS drU wee^iyr yh^tijeriiQw publishing or tlefundt, t&o bbje;ct bpiiBg to appjr^ih^te^^T|efrIy Sisf#giBie a complete Hsi of all ^telvs- rpi?##ifforelgn of dolcrleBtlcrpublliit^d.^ ; # foftfte. i;hl8 Is a'^eat; uaaert4kn|,. ^ItdrMtti&Jflfancy.wltb m'e, a s I ii&fr 'm^gtf«ii|:agedln'i.t Ojtly: ab1mfc^he^*ffr,> 4p^Va"be.en occupied with my sclfooi duties,. * - v -^^y'x'afe-nl coun#r^St'54tisja|arTl jfthd that I have ^SSS^ferfapaper aiBS.\. Jrige, of which 149 ilre ;«r iewspaperis ptiblished outside ; -of' £$ie'', D#ifea. States."- "Where 'Water Him * CrniHijiiC 1. Weljrti*., perhaps the greati^fli|©f ji[e&t:^l% 1899. w j -, * .. r- •;• V'"./^-L ; 'V'' 1;''"i' 1 "' ' t TV T$$*jr* ! f~'^ r ** T 1 -'"^ilfei"-. i p WHAT AN ADMIRAL DOES. j l » m r Wlll^-Ste. 'ffftfrW^loittfe HI, The ofllce dj ftdmlra;o^li|e^ a rare one that many people, wohlervwhat are the duties Connected With, it. $hat is a ques- tion whieh no one- can apswer- until Ad- mit al iDewcy hMes nis^cfip|c0r- The na- val legulatiopB do pot pr^ti'ibe the-du? ties of-an adjrjjr^J^Tjie^^^ commander ip #ief are full-y-set forth, but this-might apply-to a 7 rejar admiral Or-»^ttiia'odoro ns Wel|-asr4ee4o admiralr HAD FUN Wif H TMM PORTER. A Joke Th*t Spiiufewliat Re«embled »'" « # a^K ~WiLW$ Stvord. "Tiie fWfStuig men i>nTptoycd by a cer- tain cracker- factory, of-.thia City." said a New Orleans drummer, "have all their grips labeled in big* black letters, 'Dynn- -TBite^HmnHe Vrtfit ^arer 1 Wherever- they- go the inscrlptiop makes more or .less-talk, awl^it^is^ajpCqtty/good 'nd' for *th<rhouse. ^Otie day a large sample ease arrived by express-at a hotel in a littbi town not-fav-np-tho country, afl'" • . -I—,„OC\Krlct*U~Ijimowince 'Talking aboirt .'Turkey, says a writer in the Washington Post, 1 hear niost amusing stories of the difficulties expe. •rienced even by ©ttonian pi;iijces of the blood" in getting through the sultan's custom, house such nneanny things.' as I ttntompblias ajid olceti-ic launches^ tlie antnials lias "sbTd^dTlnculfy "being .raEgels?, dire"to fhV'tnn- biilty of .the revenue "officers to. appre- ciate'the distinction between the word dynamo aud dynamite. There are several electric launches now flitting about on the waters of the Bos- porous. But they are cach.provided with a purely ornamental smokestack, with the object-of allaying 'the' foafs Of tho ctistom house officials, wlio only.consent- ed to .pass, them after, ft haij, been- ex- plained to them ttmt'if the boats in qucs- '.tlon hnd bo.eiv sent out'from fciirglnnd without smoke'stneks it wn^ because they were in an incomplete condition. In the .saSie- way It was impressed upon them that the automobiles were a new kind of water cart, for tho purpose of watering the paths and roads in the grounds of th'e4»r4n^s andTdignitaries-hy wWin-tbey b'ad been purchased, and tl)at the accu- mulators were merely a now species of .tank-for tho-water. ,— . . ROW the JSnellnhmnn Tola Tt. Here is n joke which comes from tho Erin, Sir Thbmris Lipton'sjynchC It leaked oUtj-'eccntlj'* Name^tt-<a-e given to ^tEv writer, liuTthey^nre suppressed for obvious reasons:.'*" A young woman on the Erin, while ev- was waiting tor a w.lnd, asked: 'What slang- expression which you have in America pleases-a pussy cat?" - The listeners all gave It \jp. of course. "Why, rubberneck." wits the^ reply, One of Sir Thomas' British friends heard lt and thought it wasso good that 4ie called a friend Up to hear the conun- drum. The one summoned eanuv all os- pec'nncjv The enthusiastic nduiirer .of tbr story could not wait for the young woman who had originally sprung tho joke to I'uituul Tt, - trtr|. stnrted to t^tl it liimRClf. ^*Whnt slang expression which yon have in America pleases a pussy cat?" he asked. The new man also ga-vp It up. "Why. smooth her bnck," was the re- ply, and the answer bVought out a great- er roar than lind" ^rooted the original story.-^-Now York Tribune. side was the familiar dynamite lettering; The lusgage had been sent ahead of a traveler who was expected nest, day, and, being on to the craeker&factory gag, the clerk thought he would have abate fun with a green porter who had just -been^ engaged. Calling the man into the office;'he pointed out the. ease and. told him to carry it'up stairs. The porto* : read--the inscription and turned pale as death. " 'Scuse me, sir, but I'd rather n °t touch" that thing,' he said. * \ "*Oh,,bos,h!' replied the clerk. 'What are you- ijuCrakl of?' and walking over to the grip he gave it a Ricfiffhot sent it lialf across tlre~6tMcer^ The "potRfrlet out TT yell like a Comanche and started for tiro dopiv .There's no daiiger In dynamite,' said the clerk, givTug the thing'a few more jolts, 'and l? you don't take It up stairs right away I'll certainly have ypu .fired-' - .'.'.'" "' "The B.otrr ~pniterTncked^iriT the case~ very gingerly nnd^ holding it at arm's length, began to mount the stairs. Sev- leral employees m'ade^t.point, of bumplfig into Kini on t h e way, and when he return- ed he was . bathed. in cold sweat. Of eofarse eveiybptry lrt«} a' big- hrugh, - and the inntter was forgotten" until next '^otwinj^-vvl»wv-a^ael^vkisk€^ed.--gentle»-, man walked in a«d wrote his' name oh th^ register. " 'I had my grip sent,oh ahead,' he re- marked as he laid down the pen. 'Hatfit arrived yet ?' "•Yes, sir?* said the-clerk. It's here all right. How "Is the crncker^bnsiness?' ~-"'Cracker birstticssP" exclirfmed —flie- stranger, looking surprised. 'I'm Jiot in the cracker business.' _- "'What do you do then?' asked the clerk, gelling white about the gills. ".'I'm on my way* to the salt mines,* said the Ulack bearded man, 'to sell 'em some explosives.' ,"The clerk held on tot the counter with both hands. 'Hero,, hoy!' ho yelled, 'bring me some water quick! I'm afraid I'm golug to faint.' "—New Orleans Tins'es-Democrnt. " ds_-—^.» HIB I'nlncUy Day. "Out on niy wheel the other day I lost r^y dliiinoild sosirfprn." *" "Ah! And some beautiful maiden pick- el it up with her rubber tire?" ' ___"^°J_ff whs fiieked* un"~l)y~a M i to^ f iom I owe $15."—Detroit Free Pntajj^ - 'aHJNCf POTtTTUBSDAY. , *& If* tho [>ast is notJ,o bind us, where can duty Ik'?—Eliot. BREAKFAST. " & Boiled Rice. ,' . Tripe. Potatoes. W », Coffee. Bolls. , . 1 .DINNER.- - Oysters on Shell. Chieklin Soup. _ Springf=iamb, SlintS*uoe. Cel?ry. Olives." Radialies. Mashed ^ota-. » tftes, Carrots^ Cliarlotto Russo. BEIOSETS AU VIS.—Take a tumbler o{ j 1 wUlte wine or din»tr», two erttire'ent, an ( i ottnee ol fresh butter -and enough flour to i ' roll. Cut this paste into oire,lci wittt.*") 1 wineglass, fry a golden brown, powder with, | 1 One sugar and serve hot with lemon. •4M**^tftfrV«N^^ «« HELPED MRS. 000DEN. ""ft*>•»>••••< ••"- 4 > tt»iT«* to-'itf. hutaiu no. uiMi' " I ahy^^igyjgrAfeful to yon; fer; kindness and the fnlerest yotf"-m>e taken in me, and_ truly believe ydttr , medicines andr advicVare w9rth7^ore=:— to a woman than all' the doctors bpufb? —,-*= ^oryearslha^-femaletrobDtes and did nothing for them. Of course I became no better and finally brbfce down entire!|y. My troubles began with inflammation and hemorrhages from the kidneys, then inflammation, congestion" and falling of the womb arid inflammation ^[ovaries. " I underwent iocal treatment every- day for.some time; then after nearly two months the doctor gave me permis- sion to go back to work. I went back, but in less^than a week was com- pelled to give up and go to bed. On breaking down the. second tiroe,lde- tjided-to^etdeetors-ffipd-feebr-niedisine - aloos and try your remedies. Before ^the first bottle was gone I felt, the ef- fects of it. Three bottles of Lydia E( Plnkham's Vegetable Compound "and a pacliage of her Sanative Wash did. me mora good than all the-doctors' treat- , ^ntranTlrTnBdiciner ,——flfl < -Ol too* J^i "The firstxemark that greets me now is 'How much better you look!' and you may be sure I never hesitate to teU the cause*of my health'."—MflB. E. Jv STIA&B.:.. For household Goods, Fnr- nltnre, Bo-0B8j BarrelB; $ufe- liteSl QPJ??£^&^-4svery- tbrngjajidWythlbg^Btsrediit reasonable rates, except' per- ishable goodf. Wo'fhen and Charity. "burlug' the past eight years, out of the ten and n Jinlf millions of personalty over wbl^h. .150. ladies in England hnve rricrcised, testntneiitnry powers, they have lieqpenthed loss tlian ^£GOKO00 for religious or charitable objects, or more thair25 per cent. Within the same period. _810'rtien. who left behind them £65.489,000 in cash, distributed ohly £7,- l^S.ObO in charity, or llyj per cent of the total sum. - Women are therefore, jf judged by their wijls, more.than.tvvjee, s"charitable as inen.—Spectator. IU» Oiily tove. Queen Victoria is saiti to have asked fjord Kiteb^ger wh'ea U& was=4a St^ land* If what she had hoard of him was true—that lie did .not care for any wmn- in, 5e replied that it was true witii pne exception. The queen aBkW^for the name of that exception anu^waa much eratfiicd when the sirdar replied? .""Your Bajesty." _ ' .* ' • TOnncction with the %Qrf!a!aWer. Sani- "ed Hooper descendl®nM^ieJiS|effo" \ depth of 200 feet, i ^^ifie Mtte-. thaihetTutiaer wate^iKnijniilisj 'ile pressure of the waterSon^ltMurlfa^etof' the body Ut this d^itn'!l^||$r|iila|. to-the sqanre ^teeh-^&^M^.-^^^ 1 tba?pf"the^mosphe|p^i0^er' ; w,o|t{8'", .the diver bad a. weilwp&-ai^;p'oMas' ojt eVery W«a%jncbii^hillSo^y alllne tiale t W t " b e \v*fis W 0 ^ t t | | | | t h b ^ b i t ^ iom of t h e sea. @fe**'* "*"' > niie ^a»:?js^k»ii"'/-«>«" ;•';#- .....r-....... , ' .. as^- asri-unnlrig Nature makes the cures after all. - * 'Now^aiid .then _shc gets" into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check' disease and'ftafOhe: system in the right direction toward health. Scott T s EiTiulsidii of Cod- _iiyer..Oil with hypophos- pfrites can do jtist this. It strengthens the nepes, ree(fcikmi^ed ^issttev^liA makes rich hlood; ' Soc. and Sr.oo; all flrugeiiLi. SCOTT & BOWKE, ChetnUls, NewYorlf. Sanitary Plumbing Hot Water Heating, CHAS.H.JACKSON 3l"c«rri«i-a lwge B t ^ t of firBt, ttuality goods and can fit you up at prloel which will he) satisfactory. He also put* tn sewer coiii|ec(tibh«. " , x : 118 North Washington St. If anything yon have is In the way, we'll store it fotyon for the winter a t a Baviug of worry and trouble. mw% WLk 60. '.COAL-AND' WOOD, _.,— i _ _ 126 FRONT STREET. JSanfcs. T HK' EOHpi vfiAtlNQS "BANK —105 Boom JAMS* BT^XKT. > (p. m., eroept Bnnd»yi andlOfyHolIdfty*. A««tt, market viUne, July 1, it LlabnltlM, amount duo depofiKO) J..*i,97S,970tt , 1,671,7QS.M Barpins with itooka at market valha 'Wr,a«.»4 Bdrprai with itooica at par Talue.;.. S01.8I9.19 ovnniiu. WILLIAM B. HDNTINaTON, Pr«ildeat, A WHIELBB ARM6TBOHQ. l»t Vioe Pr^Uwit- Aa8XKYP.TUr.LEB l SdVIcePw«lde»t» v 0HABLK8 r. BAK.NABD. Boc. and Tnaa, Samuel Ward well, "WlllUm B. Haattt|Mif HarreyD. Spencer, John G. Bltael), AcMsy P. Tuu«r, Henry Barnard, Wheeler Armitronc, JonathiO 8, Baaeltoi, Jarae* H. 8«ftfloa, - John D. Oxner, Jame* B. Dyett, * rnwklla A. Xtbrtdge, - Samuel O. Beach. rvNEIDA €»HNTY' S&ViStC(S BANK * Now la Its New Banking Houae. 173 W*«t Dotal- nick Street, Hem©,. N. Y. P«ya 8>i^ar:o«at. Xataraiat .tot t»tS>A*«*h. OWW B. OWKN8, Pmidenfc , r. P. ROBERTS, lit Ploe Prealdaat. ~% liOUis atm'Hi-Sia vloipr*tia>Bfc- r. JA^UIO iioittj »a vie*rrwiaaab JQHN B. IDWAJRDe, Secretary and TrMiarar. TADaTTJCXS* ** . A. O. Keaatager, John 8. Wardw#lL P. Louis Bofib, Thomaa D. RoUirta, r.W. Orton. George P. aodttkt, D. L. Qr*«iifleld, John B. Edward*, Hojrard a WH-glna, J.-P. Hlnrini, T T HE FABUEBS NATIONAL BANK ' or BOM*, Paid Up Capital of •10#,#f0. 8urplni aad ancUvided proflt«..........|75,«00 00 omoiu, W. J. P. EtHGBLXY, PrealdMt, CDWABD CK)l»3T^K 1 .VIo« Pretfdemt, BAMU I L WABDWELL, Oaahter. snuoTOiu. W.J. P. Klainlar, Loato-QlaamaaBV— Surt01a«y, , ' John H. Skiwardav C L. stavaaf, _ OharJarKlrthfcmir- - - A.P. Tnllar, . T. D. Koberti, , . JohhD. Oxaar, Bamnal Wardwall, tdwardOomafodk, John B. Wardwall, W. W. WardwaU, H. J. HKchooot HomarT.rowlar. . ^ _, •p. nPHK FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF JL ..•*-- BOMK, ft- OMltal - - « - » M-UfiVMT omoxst, J. q. BIBBILL, FreaMent, . . W. 8. HOBTll^TOy^fe^^^^ oraacroita, Oahla jpatrW, Tbomaa O. Nook, J. D. Hlwtai. KdwaratJaraard, lohaQ.miSll, Johnn-Mckanon, W. B. EnnUagtoa, . F. JCShelley, J.LoTreHWaiiaaa. . 108 W.' DOICHICX StBXR. An Old fashioned Hold-Up, Little 4-year!-old down hill*btolding h e f p ^ t f e h l l ^ ' : ' ; [ yBe bavef til,!* calleft^lffiolhefe% you tf111 MM » : ^MBMj-rMs- "01/ no, I'^ont^^lllBdi'^Slii, lj 'cause Uxu holdfhgJ^gllfblnfseH^ i IIKI'I litlVi—' -•ffT-<tTff'T' •tsyvti . .,' which a d h e « #^Dl^eiw|l§ol^- troubTetlbAn^eoruinraforffirofi Ai<m sir 4imWsB®mS^ -wh>* ete»m«,'sootheaj :and heals.'. cure c*t«r»h or cOld fii the hww and t!^afatly All drngBi^^ell 1 $****» e ^•^,:i^.0;i^f*i; "y I ft.*. >ND UPHOLSTEftlNd ALBERT KAUFMLrVH. SINK'S OPERA HOU3I BLOCRT. A The modern rrieffiord Is to sell you soraething^that looks better iMn it is; imitation of better got>ds. Myoh buy of us you willfindit jusj; as represented or your money tek. You run no risk when'you buy of us\ Our prices are as low" as the lowest on equal quality of iWWBCOAIS. THIER. ROME. % —*-^\

Transcript of STIA&B.:.. mw% WLk 60. -...


X' " i i ii ii i i ini f i i r " ~-n r i w * * * ^ - ' '" ' ' ' . ' ' ' >' '.'i!'-1

mmffl&wv^^ iant&Wte-p;eftonality could fie thV-canai?

* T^pdferj^i&S^JtoQftlsb'a/siSSli

too jnahy^pepple whoso^" plitjtijy, *' hbQw^that fiiere I s ^pomiilgri j jai j i^l l^ wrong. - ••' -? "---• v v JS^bm?.;"t ~ A -.-, ^ ' .

\ W w a n t all of bttr fe1lo% W l e n s * %

and'bloM'maker We iVfc-Fto "VUSot Vrhol, aS we .have befarg stated, is ,a~;

i f, ,^'otiiains' ' i f ^ . . ' l i i ^ i ^ ^ f f i t ' K p - l : statQ_.tjiis„la^ive; <juraijiy.»i :Byincj.t>lgs.,y,, tak^lrom'thfaliVfera''6;f''-1i^e^oaBa^^-' same, elements tha t formerly v^ere. found i n "cod-divter oil, and which miule

_ it famous. ... Vinol ilocs n o t e o h t a i n t h e g r e a s o o r .

** fat iTiat^harffisterfzed^A^li^tOTRndtl • made4i,ij^mnm3P^ascsAvoc^aesi

Vinol. acts^iipon. every' onto of; t he | proat vital o rgans , and by, invigorat­ing-.and flying' t hem strength, enable:* them to properly perform the i r func­tions. '" • - - • •

Vinol's effect o n the stomach is mar-' vclon^- -fa tones-iip~this, t h e g r e a t c s t r,f the' organs of'the'-body, and enables it t o pbtaih froih> tho,food Which is t n k e n i n t o j t t h e nccfeary^elcments-to create, flesh tod. 'muscle t issue, bone btructure-ahd p u r e , rich', red .blood.

We are in rece ip tor u-TCttcr from a Snvation Army wpmap Which r.cads as follows:—

^i--toolc^mol-^tei'-a-bad-a$tae55-ol p-rippp, and so nuien "good did* it do. me

later procured from Justice George Bar* n a i d t h e famous order, which enjoined Richard B . Connelly from acting as city comptroller, fcVom' that time until elect

tha t I persuaded my . sister, tc» tans ItT-"chosen counsel and as such three days1

She was all t i red-out . H u a t l o a p p e - -ttte ind" her blood^ivas-vcry pporr—rtr did her as much good-as i t did me."—

' BETSY HxnEKSHUtw, 71,8 fijver 84„JFall" • - lUvePr-M^SK "-rr-,—

* * * » , • " "

Won' t .you- p l e a s e c o m e i n a n d

' ' see us? Wt-im>4U/S^^Mi6i

, extol the m$&ftffi68k\ '• '

W e >yill g i v e y p u b a c k , y o u r

m o n e y If y b t t &M:M0 V ino l w i l l d(fatf ^ ^ ^ f e f e t f t ; ffitfH

sHy-ene^o-THiaMe^for y o a ^ — -

3)ruggSi# Ariliigtonv Block,

B.P.BBV1LLARD Opt ic ian , i a o - W . Dor i l in lck S t .

Tertirnpoxtani, to have ' jus t t h e

b l C w TfrlaMonfSfla th«-iQj3xtone 1«H be banaful f a t h e r i S i k 3iHpfBt\ TfionV s a a ^ d f g 8 d ^ e l » ^ ? f f l t a » f i l ^ »' <

• , • '.'. 'SlipSS), t 180 W, Bpminiok St.* K o i % N. Y.


IN GOTHAM' TritS Y f e \

J«**«$ t»M*ke c . Bar re t t , Wfeo W**1

«j^Fvre«d Actlvttle«-1L J u d « , Tjtriil -^gine-Bieeoyd.

\ K^wYbRKrOct 30^_[Special ]—Theie I f e f f i l g ^ g j ? ? ^ for office here'this fnlf


I ^ ^ P ^ a ^ o t i i e ^ i o j u r ^ e l s T ^ B f ^

by 3?ammany.

Ifl^tgW au the various interests in New* . S b « at this time, and the supposition prjfh^egard to Judge Barrett isotiite cot-

O; Barrett Was born in IJubiln I y 2 8 , 1838, His father- tftjiilg "the

f ^ S - > i \ | only 6 t Key* Mr. JBay^ett «if? TO -a^-wissjonary to^ the Oaeida~|a-.* | |pn?;W'Canada; and,"George'Q.'lived as' JflMb%y.4n "a inodest home on .f^b' .bank of rtay^l^iadiah nvev ThaiHeJ. uB$U;he was'5

WSi IherL theiathetdied* and soo'n>alter~ ward the f u tub ' ju'dge enm'e t o S ew

*«fe^i r gfero he was prepared for Cohim-^JftaMlggSL i a ,the lio1un)hia-j@ramniar, •^hlbof; enteriifg the higher institution, fbtifletving it for lack of means before he . hjtd'Becured his degi-ee. In order to sup-poii himself he wrote tor the newspapers

ftfeyeraryjeaTs after'leavirigi college, Jhean-' Trw fle. stndyinfe iawj. % i e of_his_begt; SMMaJs-Hi those days wasTCJtiarles Qy "Hplp'iue, fbeh know'n • thfoughout • the' , country, a s ''Private Miles O ' S e i l ^ " ; 1^ Chief Justice a t lWenty-»aTe. r In 1863t._whea orily 25, Mi\ Barrett was"Tnade a civij Justice by his" fellow cit­izens. That was'36 yearB ago, and, \Vith the exception of three yearstiie has serv­ed ,the public in a jitaielSFcapacity ever 3inw„ "His terni^ as rcml- Jusffee1 ^expired'-in 1807, when he was chogen to 11 a va­

cancy on the common pleas.bench. Th'r.o'e ' years later he was elected to the supreme' qourt and has now served nearly two full terms. *

Justice Barrett had already w'oh ah enviable reputation' as ah able lawyer' anil a fair judge in^lSC^, but between that yedr und the year of his eteVatiml to the supreme bench he did more than evet- to* deserve well of his fellow citizens,' for he -*as"most active in'tlic movement to overthrow the Tweed ring in 1871.. His name was among those appended to the call for the great mass' meeting' of Sept. 4 whiclTappointed the committee Q£ seventy. By that committee he was

OKSMAia-E. GAH-OJIJU: ' "'. ••• . S»3E.-|lgiit,e: is; ^e^feotj; attdlii'er. heftdplii m o s t giacefully 'ppTiei. S t ie has long treeiit a great favorite .as a Beauty i'o E&rlSf and she yttiii uy a gceat^niaiQEl*-ty. i t ie Intet-egting to no>te liet-e that t w o years, a g o ' an AioterlcjOji, Sflss

ISioyi santiSfsMj "WiEtHe Veauty "p l l e l W !Paris^^(5toernna«l!lft^tiiret. - V

imp^fterSP "Bif|lffa •-vithin'tt f e w diiyk^.OOO $'f them out of 5,000 Imported.', ^|hey ar« sold to deal-ers a ln va r ipu^ parts of the country, some of tlxem|9![ng a s far away as SanjFraneisco.--Michlgan Mirror

A Heto lo . Nun . ••• K i n g Leopold- has just bestowed on

^Sister Teresa Hiclcey, an ^Sngifsh ntfh of t h e Apostofine community establish-

ietMnrBelffratnr^e-civi(rifnedni^f-t iuv|^ > . flratdasHa d e c o r a l l o B d H o s t i t t t f e d • ' ] & $ , , h 3 S i m m s : m ^ ^ t r ^ ; ^ k N e w _ g g r | r eward of conspicuous civic merit), in recognition of her heroic services to t h e people djuring' the outbreak of a terr ible epidemic which ravaglja t he dis t r ic t of Oordegem, in Flanders. So g r e a t was the consternation of­habitants tha t no one would venture to approach t h e houses- t n which the vict ims lay dying. DuringJtho panic S i s t e r Teresa volunteered^ to -go-and t e n d the unfortunate sufferers, for wboh i nurses' could not b e found. Fo r several weeks she devoted herself day

-and-nlgltt-to. t h e noble wnrti of mlnffi-, tering to the sick and dying, receiving no other assistance tlian" that given by the clergy of the parish. With un-4iajggihg "devbtldn 'tjio] brave woman re-

"euTo'the sTlprem¥T3enclfBnri-etrwTJsTeSf ceedingly active in the legal proceedings against t he Tweed crowd. His nomuia-. tioh was^-made by tne long since disband­ed Apollo Hall Bemoeraey and was in­dorsed by the committee of seventy, .fee Muniaipad Council of. Reform,_and botu wjh'gs of the Hepnbllcan party. The op­position .candidate was Thomas A-. lied-.with. H e wag^tffeated % a clear ma-jorifi-_of "44,000 VMes^,

W-ronTthat time tg this Jfi?tjce Bairett hff£-iialntained it xiqaftatiisn l o t niilnT-p^fiChnbie integrity and ^profound fenowl-edgfrof t h e law. Ear ly in his career on ti^? supreme btnen he was chosen to pre­side over Jts'crlmraai hrfincjh, t h e court of • Oyer, and terminer, t&°ugh ue has tritfd

Baby ' " Corny Povcl i , « • ••-_ __ Bagging the baby—if I t i s too' ybuhg

t o realize the possible? ignoujiny—has . . . ,- * , ... .. t ¥ , . . be*en found a practical device fpr an

many-CLVd cases-^wa-tos-won &*:&*&, -enrergencyontlng, i t t h e r e is no t ime est r e p n t a u w with the profession ^ ^ g g f t f ^ ^ ^ ^ a o d m%m

a n d coat sleeves or tho -flttlo criiuturo therein; > JMdmo Barrett'*,tf!amdn» .*-«*«)•.

I t is doubtful whether any other New Y6rk"-tB3ge-has'satin judgment-nnpn as; many noteworthy criminals as Barrejt. He was- |he' presiding justice -w^eh the notoridus boodle aldennen jverei-"brdught fo trial, And Tie sentenced tlfjlife w fffOTpu up And tookjtheir medicine. S e w l ^ l n c justice also before whom .Ja..cdb Sh'arpt, who bribed the' aldermen, -Was tried. 4t

.will be rttnejnbered that the verdict of guilty ren3ere&in the Sharp case was got Sailoe by ttie fcourt of appeal^. I t wasthc first and. almost the only instance in wldch^a" judgment obtained before Bar-; ref^resT-flfedin-rieversah '

#erdins-nd Wttrut the gliji-lfin^tocl-et-Jike "rfapjolejon *of Finance," wrts. also tried before Barfett, and so wfls 3?lac'k, the Bherifi whos;etrandUleat f t r l t to rdk ,

^voTfce "attracted attention uTrougfiouttiiei ehtire cotnltry, and it was in 'Efhrrett's; court t ha t tne election casest cpnvictlljn ifi whieh sectired the downifaR 0t Tajh-Jhany in 1894, c|tnie up. Nottvitlistaiia-i 4ng ^ e l a c t t h | t partisan feeling hiiS; Been intense ifi many of these cases, ho one nag ever been found to impute any-:



byljfferlniRjtfi'ihi ; . :--foiQ$iBgf .-;•

B r e a k ^ t i ? f i » » . u , ^ ^ . . . . . p p I Soup B i j ^ ^ . i^.:.. k i ^ a - . ^ J f e S


"Cups andBancers „ „ ! . ; „ t j 6c ' Platters, 11-lttch lite Efattert, fir-Inch ?! ltto Platter*, 14-lnoh^, 20c Platters, 16-inch ...2Se "Vegetable »&li«(, 9 icch .w..i0c Veg&Me JJKhw, lOlncli 4'6o Vegetable B- iab«, l l -&$i 25c Largo f i tchew = . . = L .* . .u . r «49c

- - ^ -OticaV :NrY^


saiA pAilL cfdrips ' " i

May be"«p#ctvl *^oBtthl i t tow, and I t i s the part of wi»dom t o ht tVi* ib*t t leot _ u


alwnt t h e htmie t o n i e i n t o ent-agetey. It to » «w<cttre.

/ ' Made and «oM by


pABST MILWAtjiOEil EAGte on >imtimtn AT

ffiinf Batthj^pttr^H? IBotlvef^ua the fWH est rttlin)^ to « « htah wno is sflje tm n b g undlp^itett'idf his thti'3 term tipoh the snpire^eheni;hiinLthjB greatest city trf the country. * ,

H is suggestive tha t 'Francis Ii . "Well

corfflucted th 'e^p^cntion a^ttihgt tUe ac-ctrsed men -ni8V4* has dropped conF pletely o*nt,-so far afe public life is con-ceried, *thotf^h he i s nnderStpod to'?enjt)y a v^ry isatisf fic%y prlvarte pi'acttee.

Alilieratr-r J u d i e . :> It mjgnt be su^ppstid thftt suebjBpldh-.

drd-s'ticeess as "a member.of We ludiciary ^ould -entir-siy slflsfy Mite 'M&®®> anthitioh, but tfie i a d t i s hot In accoi?a' ahce with the s^pp6srtioti,-tor-iie'Bas al" -ways burned to make for himself a litei-aiy name.

Undoubtedly his literary lOhgiHgs date f roih the" time lie was engaged in. writing fbi the neWspaperSi'L niorc iavoi able circrimstances he could have made a ttfpntatibh ih the -wolld t f letters is, of couise, nnansueiejl ques­tion B n t while he has contributed sev­eral papers of great current worth t o the magazines' and reviews )ie has -never yet given to the public anythihg Of •pteiina'1

ttent literary value Those whej kno#, -iinfT^t"Say^tTiarte™wouta ASthet ~be~ l nown as the authdx of a suceessflil dia-nin than anything else, and this is boinc out*by the fact thai "He has written se.v eial playsrohe'ot wliiclif-"An Anjeilcan Ma^ufige," *as shown to the public on JtfallafcVs ^taife m_18&L As a jua tKl «L fact, he has keen fctccd to put"aU Irtslit eiary vitality into his legal opini0|w They ^are ol extiaordihaiy lucidity, the language in wiiich they nre_w]Ateu being simpldi direct ahel fiee from, t h e involved verf mge so cohunpn m such documents, *

Judge Barrett is a social favonte He, is exceptionally well posteu- in FLelith, andJEughSli Hteratm e He JH a^good eto ly trlier, a.keen observet 4m5l1tia*^ep tionilty gifted nftei dinner speaker,

. msxffli 'ffl-A'BBtefc'CE. . . , ) I I I *•

, Mrs. Tfelggle&i-t: ^iaw, the,-strangest thing this nfamfbg on TEJignland avenue

2J*r Wpig«l«-K[ov-you -didn't, Wl»?)il wis down in^Ento/*£»0"are « y s after noon, * ssa\v a #tTftn«tir.i*--fedWerviih) <Mns*<l_^oiiMj«l!L


• ,. Kwi,lJ„-Bi Pn*K»,


fU*> B i M t i i m * 'maicr W h o Capture* v Th|« fn»mr*'a P r i s e .

Gerhialno^Galiois took t b e j t l z e this yea¥""hi tnTanntial beauty contest lfela In P a i l s Slye i s a singei a n d was born m-^o l and r tha t - l and -of lov«ly~womea-8be has a creamy complexion, deep g r a y eyes.nha_shk>|ng tedJbra^nJaahv

_v„ _ ^ .

WEAtrffeft FROGS. ;> ! • • ' ^

-ma TpffieF13Cltd*rMtmai» Th»« serve mjt iiWlOJlueterB

— Atta^he^to-ft i ln*' '* ?We.d_bp^se6n in a bltd s t o r e wjudow was a placard mai led, X 'Wenibet r rogp l ' Within the bos, perched on two long wooden roddr placed Ten^ t t ^ i s e o f lt a n d a^'-

f&'jjjif Wp ^ p | g t h e - bottom,-ltke-tbe~ btgher p e r e l i p l l C a birdcage, were, a fltfm$e» of fhe5 |^a the r frogs them-sely,ejj S p i s i t ' i ^ then were brown &»a:'.bao it&wdmW ' T ] i ey weie ilt^le

In tfferfbrma;tiohhe WopltH oif'cottrse, be given the. position pf honor, but it is not expected that an admiral would be much $pdh ilie sea. Fnrraght was al­lowed to choose for hiniseif, iipd.he went upon an.extended cruise. Admiral Por-

those in^thev^Sli&Jv having been im ®ioj*iiaii^>ni,,;iGl*li|p»y. " " ^ E e t - f b i a ^ ^ P h , these>tfcy tree

?4|og8' ,f|[ui^ i^e^^" imoi;e>,taB!n an inch

• fn lengtlu.aai!B|ipe the color of whatr, ia&fo• dtijeef ^ l i ^ f l ^ay be r e s t i n g , p n -_brq^n'.forr %,pod|^reen if on a jettf, . P l a c ^ ^ a f ^ t u M | M s - ^ a i * - t t i ^ y - w H ^ ;come blue." jT | | | f 'may be.beard, but: not seen, so jefes| | |^n color do they, fe-

^IJfuTe w"hBt%\^f^ey may'liaye pereR-* eu.~- upon;." 'BnW^tre called w'eatner

?epei- =ter-elecred-to^take-ishore d^uty, and -h*

: f,ro:gs-'beca'u^o.AtMe approach of r&lny^ . . Q i v c l i a n g e ^ e : y » h e r theyjumfanto^

l.tbe" water. *"At,^e-*'appi*oahh of dear. ' w e f t t h 6 f t b s ^ ^ : ^ > u i - agalm - **-•**-- •

J t i l capav^ . i l f e5vea the r frog Is kept m^a glass j d r o r , gfobe. which'is co^er.-

' ed at the t q p wftb|a w ire screen. Wa­fer hfpHt jWnth^%Cfttom 6i^the jar,\and ttt'ff eoayeii;iittt1iV|lght is placed some^ thing for. the^lt'tfelisg^Oi-jump-'ttp-onv-The^v^BSiTffio^^captiV'ity is fed off flies Jn sunarnqr,|iid in winter on meal worntS. I t s fbbftmust be alive.

They.-fjell h ^ a t retail at 20 cents A gteftiiJinany of them- a re

inained unflinching at her post of duty d n t i l j l j b gftbremfc 'abated, 'although, a lmos t broken down by heir Untiring ef-fo r t s . — - - -

Ptibjic nianifestatibnB o r gratitude for* her inestimable Ber#ieefr wore Ten­d e r e d by the people^ and her-conduct hawing come ifcdor. tfie Jiotlce- of t h e goVerfnttent, t h e king* h a s rewarded her* self sacrifice oy bestowal. of the BdnoE-ineotioned. Sister • TQEesai has b e e n In Belgium for near ly 30 yearsj-tiond.on Westminster Gaaette.

was connected with the nnvy departUiottt to an advisory capacity. ' ;

After the popular enthusiasm oyer.-.Jh>-return of Admiral Dewey has receded to SotnfethYhg like, sensible, bound's and he is allowed to hd-ve a few moments t)f spbel' reflection he will be the one to decide what are .the duties of an ndhi.ii-al. •HfX^ choice -vy-iil of course be to some extent ihSpeTlTlby the egtaplisTredr regulatlons'or the navy depjartment.' 1-E he should de-sire'Jo (' duty, his wishes' wil| Jia respected; In <Jase he feel's that he wquidj, prefer shore duty he-will in'al'j'probubll}-fy be given any, berth he wauts. '

S o cannot be retired unless he fjesil'es toTie, and even" fbun tnrwjtf refelw full: pay as an.admiral.-. The.Qffl£a.w1»ich he holds is practically without -precedeut.' as only two have" held, it before him, and conditions have changed to some extent

,sjhco, the days of Admirals ITaiTagut and "Porter.—Washington Post . '


••' a s a W l ' a ^ b r i » h > Tills thrush has e)ic){' n happy l)dm« Ilo.!loes_n<*t wMM'iPIiM' to room. Ho lovca tiia .nilnficMI— yes. so well That near her he prefers to dwell.

On sunny-days Jli li'itB Him frco Beneath a fine j>)(j_obcstiuit tree, but mcii b e never takes ms iiiiflie-

Beyond t h e HttlojnaWcn's sight. '

is tbo nervous! or ill. 1'or a t best get­t i n g a,child ready Is a t ry ing ordeal.

A big bag of eider cloth o r other soft, ivMrin 'material is supplied with draw­i n g -SfJlpgs-of- ribbon, explains an ex-bbsdfgc. Into t h i s cozy pouch the smaft" pinrsori Is pStjped, arms, body, legs, ev-erytHiflg but . the head. The ribbons a f e dritwh'sbugly uader- the chln^ A b a p "with a IriU to protect the eyes Is , capped on, a n d baby in a t r i ce is equip­p e d lor a sudden driv"o w i t h JWs father before that, impatient pjeisorfsgo h a s b a d occasion t o call but n. sslngle tlmei

-"Wil l yoil <neve,r get th t t fcb i ld teady?" ' —P'hilaaelpMa jBnquiter. *

t i t l e s For V l v e i . TB I3erniany a cputroversy hag arisen

i r J t i j regard„to the stilo' which should, b e adopted in nddre^ihg married l a : ] d i e s . There a f e fourhajmes by wnlcli .iu inan'B b e t t e r half aiay* b e described In the language of the TsterlSnd—viz; jfj^malilln (cansorty. feaitih' (sponseK I m t t ^ a u W i &M& mW4Mfe). "To Cafe fflip trroqu^ut iSiBpute3;ftttd^lleartUutn> i n g s arising from ignorance orin\perti-n e s c e ih 4he use Of ahV ;bne trf1 these

^ fo rms , t t is proposed t h a t there-sfial^ jBin,:"who"a.s alsistant disfriet-^ttbrBey^lfb^-onleltfily a t t a c h ^ d t p t h e m recdgfliiSedr;

A » O T ' » 0(ta -<JolIecftton.

M odd fancy t l ia tyBbprovebf great value In a n edttcathjb^tj sense has been

' t h k l t i g - t h e ^eirtlro.Tisp^fe^^tee o l T a schoolboy of Milwaukee, Edward B. b r igh t , t h e 14-ycnr'oTd*Joh of. William ^ a T o ^ W r ^ h t , vlcef^roiildent of lire StateHoTtrculwraisOqifety. Thls'ooy r8 fan^y is t h e . collec.fl6n of newsp#t!r

-beadllnes from all oyejrf&e world. -A^t-e r several Tuonthi' i h s t d work in pur-sulng. his fad systematically- t h e boy finds himself In possession of- a "valu-SsMe "Collection of he#spaper beadlines.

.graduaticjha of thft, socla,! fecaje,. $hus . *a ;geHekl'8 w i f e woWd b e adflressieil ias:.**iiis cdnsdrtj^iliB pariaer'Of art offl^^ c l S t of a •cerWfiaT'aSM^^ ti ie 'njlddio claaB.Wife w"o_id ib> id- ' '

;dreS|M,!_»"«er : hflsbflnafar"*'lttp,'y," ahd" 'tba-workrhanTs helpmate ^Hfoutd &'*un<» Iply his "wi te^ '

"Wotaert t a l k a lot abou t equality of t h e sexes, b u t when we t r ea t them a s w e would o u r fellow/ m e n they don't l i k e it ahd - say we have.4egener;ated. T n e truth i s ' t ha t they w a n t at one and t h e same t i m e to be b o t h <b_r equals a n d out superJois, to-i iave our rights a s "Wjell as t h e i r Own.' ^fba-Fis their Idea o f equality,!' "said \ a disgusted jman. . B u t the, above quoted speaker mhde a l i t t l e fault of omissidn_ln tile begiu-n i n g oJT his renttaiks^' lnsteaajoi wom'4

e n - h e o'ugfiFto^Tiave BnTdP,rsome worn-" tfn*' The 'ot l ierr i t re q u i t e content ix> remain wlie^e thfey*Tvefce J n tae!nrs opin-: i o n and resiiect and ha\e^»dt the glight-I e s t desire to^-step aown tb the le^el p l a i n of J^guall ty.-Pit$^tch< ; ,

i Sophie TorittS, tlie ^JoagttrittB a r -/-CbaeoldgtBt, b a s b e e h glvjeti the degree of doctor of pbilosophy b y the "Uniyet-sifcy.of Klansenbuig She I s 'the 'secohd woman in J t u n g a r v to receive this de­

c r e e , tlte first bavfpg been Carmtm Sfyl-fT^/thBTibeeiDt. of BWiffiafila. Jtye, Tor-^ m a t l s labohf e o ^ r g of a g l a n d IJas ifor j!eafs been a< leoaMbul^r-ltr-fbff' |lea%ilig.arcba*bIo«icaI pap^M. bt Eu-c r o p e r ' ' v

fo r halfaoBn&ory^liWOtJuredlUnianM^ _ „ „ B _ i t f Infelpient ^ n s n l n ^ b i r i ^ o r ? r « 4 t f b u o f e t

a r « ^ M t f a i f t ^ ^ ( * U t e « M - l t B w e wil l retort JovamoMtr. Prioe 86 «;.(.I50 cte. anllil .OO., BoUby BrOn«ht»n* W e * otLA^WUKmim.

J_tiei %b___it

And when *ho c»llif|'*Conle"ti«dc,.dc*t.3Iml"

He instantly obeys filr Word. . lie Is Indeed a clunhhyf bird.' ^ . j , ^

.JUt pet* MM tamo n . Jim w e find "> ' Belong'to peohle wfib i r e kind itld Bontlto in tliclr **6ta» and wajfi '. And never slow to gtfcr praise.

Hough ipccch and ifl'tlom always mako The hearts of "timid creatures nuaka, And they tvill only trusttul he To those who treat thorn tenderly. -


aSnlQ.Of "wnlcli hffvf. '^fa^* {lie &stTC8 jo|._tefl(_-l<9l8 l n _ l f | ^ f c , ,an,d iittlo known l ands . In describing bis rJo!fee-t&n, y o u n g Wright sifldi " I t is a cOHec-flop^oTneadlUies of^ewspapers , Saiiy, t r f^Ukl^ . semlweefelS drU wee^iyr yh^tijeriiQw publishing or tlefundt, t&o bbje;ct bpiiBg to app j r^ ih^ te^^T |e f r Iy Sisf#giBie a complete Hsi of all ^telvs-

rpi?##ifforelgn of dolcrleBtlcrpublliit^d.^ ; # foftfte. i;hl8 Is a ' ^ e a t ; uaae r t4kn | , . ^ItdrMtti&Jflfancy.wltb m'e, a s I ii&fr 'm^gtf«ii|:agedln'i.t Ojtly: ab1mfc^he^*ffr,> 4 p ^ V a " b e . e n occupied with my sclfooi duties,. * - v - ^ ^ y ' x ' a f e - n l coun#r^St '54tis ja |arTl jfthd that I have ^SSS^ferfapaper aiBS.\. Jrige, of wh ich 149 i l r e ;«r iewspaperis ptiblished outside ; -of' £$ie' ' , D#ifea. S t a t e s . " -

"Where 'Water Him * CrniHijiiC 1 . Weljrti*.,

perhaps t h e g r e a t i ^ f l i | © f ji[e&t:^l%

1899. w

j -,

* .. r- • •;• V '" . /^ -L ; 'V ' ' 1 ; ' ' " i ' 1 "' ' tTVT$$*jr*!f~'^r**T

1 -'" ilfei"-. i p

WHAT AN ADMIRAL DOES. j l » m r Wlll^-Ste.'ffftfrW^loittfe HI,

The ofllce dj ftdmlra;o^li|e^ a rare one that many people, wohlervwhat are the duties Connected With, it. $hat is a ques­tion whieh no one- can apswer- until Ad­mit al iDewcy h M e s nis^cfip|c0r- The na-val legulatiopB do pot pr^ti ' ibe the-du? ties of-an adjrjjr^J^Tjie^^^ commander ip # ief a re full-y-set forth, but this-might apply-to a7rejar admiral Or-»^ttiia'odoro ns Wel|-asr4ee4o admiralr


A J o k e Th*t Spiiufewliat Re«embled »'" « # a ^ K ~WiLW$ Stvord.

"Tiie fWfStuig men i>nTptoycd by a cer­tain cracker- factory, of-.thia City." said a New Orleans • drummer, "have all their grips labeled in big* black letters, 'Dynn-

-TBite^HmnHe Vrtfit ^arer1 Wherever-they- go the inscrlptiop makes more or .less-talk, awl^it^is^ajpCqtty/good 'nd' for *th<rhouse. ^Otie day a large sample ease arrived by express-at a hotel in a littbi town not-fav-np-tho country, afl'"

• . -I—,„OC\Krlct*U~Ijimowince 'Talking aboirt .'Turkey, says a writer

in the Washington Post, 1 hear niost amusing stories of the difficulties expe. •rienced even by ©ttonian pi;iijces of the blood" in getting through the sultan's custom, house such nneanny things.' as

I ttntompblias ajid olceti-ic launches^ tlie antnials lias "sbTd^dTlnculfy "being .raEgels?, dire"to fhV'tnn-

biilty of .the revenue "officers to. appre­ciate'the distinction between the word dynamo aud dynamite.

There are several electric launches now flitting about on the waters of the Bos-porous. But they are cach.provided with a purely ornamental smokestack, with the object-of allaying ' the' foafs Of tho ctistom house officials, wlio only.consent­ed to .pass, them after, ft haij, been- ex­plained to them ttmt'if the boats in qucs-

'.tlon hnd bo.eiv sent out'from fciirglnnd without smoke'stneks it wn^ because they were in an incomplete condition. In the .saSie- way I t was impressed upon them that the automobiles were a new kind of water cart, for tho purpose of watering the paths and roads in the grounds of th'e4»r4n^s andTdignitaries-hy wWin-tbey b'ad been purchased, and tl)at the accu­mulators were merely a now species of .tank-for tho-water. ,— .

. ROW the JSnellnhmnn Tola Tt. Here is n joke which comes from tho

Erin, Sir Thbmris Lipton'sjynchC It leaked oUtj-'eccntlj'* Name^tt-<a-e given to ^tEv writer, liuTthey^nre suppressed for obvious reasons:.'*"

A young woman on the Erin, while ev­ was waiting tor a w.lnd, asked:

'What slang- expression which you have in America pleases-a pussy cat?" - The listeners all gave It \jp. of course.

"Why, rubberneck." wits the^ reply, One of Sir Thomas' British friends

heard l t and thought it wasso good that 4ie called a friend Up to hear the conun­drum. The one summoned eanuv all os-pec'nncjv The enthusiastic nduiirer .of tbr story could not wait for the young woman who had originally sprung tho joke to I'uituul Tt,-trtr|. stnrted to t^tl it liimRClf.

^*Whnt slang expression which yon have in America pleases a pussy cat?" he asked.

The new man also ga-vp It up. "Why. smooth her bnck," was the re­

ply, and the answer bVought out a great­er roar than lind" ^rooted the original story.-^-Now York Tribune.

side was the familiar dynamite lettering; The lusgage had been sent ahead of a traveler who was expected nest, day, and, being on to the craeker&factory gag, the clerk thought he would have abate fun with a green porter who had just

-been^ engaged. Calling the man into the office;'he pointed out the. ease and. told him to carry i t ' up stairs. The porto*

:read--the inscription and turned pale as death.

" 'Scuse me, sir, but • I'd rather n°t touch" that thing,' he said. * \

"*Oh,,bos,h!' replied the clerk. 'What are you- ijuCrakl of?' and walking over to the grip he gave it a Ricfiffhot sent it lialf across tlre~6tMcer^ The "potRfrlet out TT yell like a Comanche and started for tiro dopiv .There 's no daiiger In dynamite,' said the clerk, givTug the thing'a few more jolts, 'and l? you don't take It up stairs right away I'll certainly have ypu .fired-' - .'.'.'" "' "The B.otrr ~pniterTncked^iriT the case~ very gingerly nnd^ holding it at arm's length, began to mount the stairs. Sev-

leral employees m'ade^t.point, of bumplfig into Kini on the way, and when he return­ed he was . bathed. in cold sweat. Of eofarse eveiybptry lrt«} a' big- hrugh, - and the inntter was forgotten" until next

'^otwinj^-vvl»wv-a^ael^vkisk€^ed.--gentle»-, man walked in a«d wrote his' name oh th^ register.

" 'I had my grip sent,oh ahead,' he re­marked as he laid down the pen. 'Hatfit arrived yet ?'

"•Yes, sir?* said the-clerk. I t ' s here all right. How "Is the crncker^bnsiness?' ~-"'Cracker birstticssP" exclirfmed —flie-stranger, looking surprised. 'I'm Jiot in the cracker business.' _ -

"'What do you do then?' asked the clerk, gelling white about the gills.

".'I'm on my way* to the salt mines,* said the Ulack bearded man, 'to sell 'em some explosives.'

,"The clerk held on tot the counter with both hands. 'Hero,, hoy!' ho yelled, 'bring me some water quick! I'm afraid I'm golug to • faint.' "—New Orleans Tins'es-Democrnt. "

d s _ - — — ^ . » H I B I'nlncUy Day.

"Out on niy wheel the other day I lost r y dliiinoild sosirfprn." *"

"Ah! And some beautiful maiden pick-el it up with her rubber tire?" '

___"^°J_ff whs fiieked* un"~l)y~a M i to^ f iom I owe $15."—Detroit Free Pnta j j^


If* tho [>ast is notJ,o bind us, where can duty Ik'?—Eliot.

BREAKFAST. " & Boiled Rice. ,' f»

. Tripe. Potatoes. W », Coffee. Bolls. , .

1 .DINNER.-- Oysters on Shell.

Chieklin Soup. _ Springf=iamb, SlintS*uoe.

Cel?ry. Olives." Radialies. Mashed ^ota-. » tftes, Carrots^

— Cliarlotto Russo.

BEIOSETS AU VIS.—Take a tumbler o{ j 1 wUlte wine or din»tr», two erttire'ent, an ( i ottnee ol fresh butter -and enough flour to i ' roll. Cut this paste into oire,lci wittt.*") 1 wineglass, fry a golden brown, powder with, | 1 One sugar and serve hot with lemon.

•4M**^tftfrV«N^^ « «

HELPED MRS. 000DEN. " " f t * > • » > • • • • < • • • " -

4 >

tt»iT«* to-'itf. hutaiu no. uiMi' " I ahy^^igyjgrAfeful t o yon; fer;

kindness and t h e fnlerest yotf"-m>e taken in me, and_ t ruly believe ydttr , medicines andr advicVare w9r th7^ore=:— to a woman t h a n all' the doctors bpufb? —,-*=

^oryears lha^- female t robDtes and did nothing for them. Of course I became no bet ter and finally brbfce down entire!|y. My troubles began wi th inflammation and hemorrhages from the kidneys, then inflammation, congestion" and falling of the womb arid inflammation ^ [ovar i e s .

" I underwent iocal t reatment every­d a y for.some t ime ; then after nearly two months t h e doctor gave me permis­sion to go back to work. I went back, bu t in less^ than a week was com­pelled to give up and go to bed. On breaking down the. second t i r oe , l de -tjided-to^etdeetors-ffipd-feebr-niedisine -aloos and t ry your remedies. Before ^the first bo t t le was gone I felt, the ef­fects of it . Three bott les of Lydia E( Plnkham's Vegetable Compound "and a pacliage of h e r Sanative Wash did. me mora good t han a l l the-doctors' t reat- , ^ntranTlrTnBdiciner

, — — f l f l <

-Ol too*

J ^ i

" T h e firstxemark t h a t greets me now is 'How much bet ter you look!' and you may be sure I never hesitate to teU the cause*of my health'."—MflB. E. Jv

STIA&B.:.. For household Goods, Fnr-nltnre, Bo-0B8j BarrelB; $ufe-

liteSl Q P J ? ? £ ^ & ^ - 4 s v e r y -tbrngjajidWythlbg^Btsrediit reasonable rates, except' per­ishable goodf.

Wo'fhen and Charity. "burlug' the past eight years, out of

the ten and n Jinlf millions of personalty over wbl^h. .150. ladies in England hnve rricrcised, testntneiitnry powers, they have lieqpenthed n« loss tlian ^£GOKO00 for religious or charitable objects, or more thair25 per cent. Within the same period. _810'rtien. who left behind them £65.489,000 in cash, distributed ohly £7,-l S.ObO in charity, or l ly j per cent of the total sum. - Women are therefore, jf judged by their wijls, more.than.tvvjee, s"charitable as inen.—Spectator.

IU» Oiily t o v e . Queen Victoria is saiti to have asked

fjord Kiteb^ger wh'ea U& was=4a S t ^ land* If what she had hoard of him was true—that lie did .not care for any wmn-in, 5 e replied that it was true witii pne exception. The queen aBkW^for the name of that exception anu^waa much eratfiicd when the sirdar replied? .""Your Bajesty." _ ' .* ' •

TOnncction with the %Qrf!a!aWer. Sani-"ed Hooper de scend l®nM^ieJ iS | e f fo" \ depth of 200 feet, i ^ ^ i f i e Mtte-. thaihetTutiaer wate^iKnijni i l is j ' i l e pressure o f the waterSon^ltMurlfa^etof' the body U t this d ^ i t n ' ! l ^ | | $ r | i i l a | . to-the s q a n r e ^ t e e h - ^ & ^ M ^ . - ^ ^ ^ 1

tba?pf"the^mosphe|p^i0^er ' ;w,o|t{8'", .the diver b a d a. wei lwp&-ai^ ;p 'oMas ' ojt eVery W«a%jncb i i ^h i l lSo^y a l l lne tiale t W t "be \v*fis W 0 ^ t t | | | | t h b ^ b i t ^

i o m of t h e sea. @ f e * * ' * "*"' >

niie ^a»:?js^k»ii"'/-«>«" ;•';#-.....r-....... , ' .. as^-asri-unnlrig

Nature makes the cures after all. - *

'Now^aiid .then _shc gets" into a tight place and needs helping out.

Things get started in the wrong direction.

Something is needed to check' disease and'ftafOhe: system in the right direction toward health.

ScottTs EiTiulsidii of Cod-_iiyer..Oil with hypophos-pfrites can do jtist this.

It strengthens the nepes, ree(fcikmi^ed ^issttev^liA makes rich hlood; '

Soc. and Sr.oo; all flrugeiiLi. SCOTT & BOWKE, ChetnUls, NewYorlf.

Sanitary Plumbing

Hot Water Heating,

CHAS.H.JACKSON 3l"c«rri«i-a lwge B t ^ t of firBt, ttuality

goods and c a n fit you up a t prloel which will he) satisfactory. He also put* t n sewer coiii|ec(tibh«. " , x

: 118 North Washington St.

If anything yon have is In the way, we'll store it fotyon for the winter a t a Baviug of worry and trouble.

mw% WLk 60. '.COAL-AND' WOOD, _ . , — i _ _


JSanfcs. THK' EOHpi vfiAtlNQS "BANK —105

Boom JAMS* BT^XKT. >

(p. m., eroept Bnnd»yi andlOfyHolIdfty*. A««tt, market viUne, July 1, it LlabnltlM, amount duo depofiKO)

J..*i,97S,970tt , 1,671,7QS.M

Barpins with itooka at market valha 'Wr,a«.»4 Bdrprai with itooica at par Talue.;.. S01.8I9.19

ovnniiu. WILLIAM B. HDNTINaTON, Pr«ildeat,A

WHIELBB ARM6TBOHQ. l»t Vioe Pr^Uwit-Aa8XKYP.TUr.LEBlSdVIcePw«lde»t» v 0HABLK8 r . BAK.NABD. Boc. and Tnaa,

Samuel Ward well, "WlllUm B. Haattt|Mif HarreyD. Spencer, John G. Bltael), AcMsy P. Tuu«r, Henry Barnard, — Wheeler Armitronc, JonathiO 8, Baaeltoi, Jarae* H. 8«ftfloa, - John D. Oxner, Jame* B. Dyett, * rnwklla A. Xtbrtdge, -

Samuel O. Beach. r v N E I D A €»HNTY' S&ViStC(S BANK *

Now la Its New Banking Houae. 173 W*«t Dotal-nick Street, Hem©,. N. Y.

P«ya 8>i^ar:o«at . Xataraiat .tot t»tS>A*«*h. OWW B. OWKN8, Pmidenfc , r. P. ROBERTS, l i t Ploe Prealdaat.

~% liOUis atm'Hi-Sia vloipr*tia>Bfc-r. JA^UIO i ioit t j »a vie*rrwiaaab JQHN B. IDWAJRDe, Secretary and TrMiarar.


A. O. Keaatager, John 8. Wardw#lL P. Louis Bofib, Thomaa D. RoUirta, r.W. Orton. George P. aodttkt, D. L. Qr*«iifleld, John B. Edward*, Hojrard a WH-glna, • J.-P. Hlnrini,


or BOM*, • Paid Up Capital of •10#,#f0.

8urplni aad ancUvided proflt«..........|75,«00 00 o m o i u ,

W. J. P. EtHGBLXY, PrealdMt, CDWABD CK)l»3T^K1.VIo« Pretfdemt,

BAM UIL WABDWELL, Oaahter. snuoTOiu.

W.J. P. Klainlar, Loato-QlaamaaBV— Surt01a«y, , ' John H. Skiwardav C L. stavaaf, _ OharJarKlrthfcmir- - -A.P. Tnllar, . T. D. Koberti, , . JohhD. Oxaar, Bamnal Wardwall, tdwardOomafodk, John B. Wardwall, W. W. WardwaU, H. J. HKchooot

HomarT.rowlar. . ^ _,


OMltal - - « - » M-UfiVMT

omoxst, J. q. BIBBILL, FreaMent, . .

W. 8 . H O B T l l ^ T O y ^ f e ^ ^ ^ ^ oraacroita,

Oahla jpatrW, Tbomaa O. Nook, J. D. Hlwtai. KdwaratJaraard, lohaQ.miSll, Johnn-Mckanon, W. B. EnnUagtoa, . F. JCShelley,

J.LoTreHWaiiaaa. . 108 W.' DOICHICX StBXR.

An Old fashioned Hold-Up,

Little 4-year!-old down hill*btolding h e f p ^ t f e h l l ^ ' : ' ;

[ yBe bavef til,!* c a l l e f t ^ l f f i o l h e f e % you tf111 MM » : ^MBMj-rMs-• "01/ n o , I ' ^ o n t ^ ^ l l l B d i ' ^ S l i i , l j 'cause Uxu holdfhgJ^gl l fb lnfseH^

i IIKI'I litlVi—' -•ffT-<tTff'T' •tsyvti . .,'

which a d h e « # ^ D l ^ e i w | l § o l ^ -


Ai<m sir 4imWsB®mS^ -wh>* ete»m«,'sootheaj :and heals.'. cure c*t«r»h or cOld fii the hww and t ! ^ a f a t l y All d r n g B i ^ ^ e l l

1 $****» e •^,:i^.0;i^f*i; "y

I ft.*.

• >ND




The modern rrieffiord Is to sell you soraething^that looks better iMn it is; imitation of better got>ds. My oh buy of us you will find it jusj; as represented or your money tek. You run no risk when'you buy of us\ Our prices are as low" as the lowest on equal quality of



—*- \