vcftimm wnt$. 7-—SUCJOSH^ AUGUST g5, 1899. SIX F&GHK8...

'vi ?1 i; vcftimm J wnt$. 7-—SUCJOSH^ EDitfioiff. srruHoi IN, MIU. USH- CMRESPONDENTV . ha 0»bl«*3LhSt •( State ol AMIC&I Ex- ist!, Tli»t ;lh» drew of The Satu*nu» W e r e W a r d e r e d MMX T f c a t t h e A m e r i c a n Now tt<jiia : «i|t V*ifer t i t t l e T e r r i t o r y . LoNjDOW, AjtgT 3 S ^ T b o fcabnanrcor- res pondeiiit"olTthe Kenter %legrainCom- pany cablea that ajreport direct from Manila Saw an Indescribable state of anarchy * preTftilB.- -The AmerlcansTafr hands df?tfe^|wloBi; The correspondent also sa^^^h^^^QJpinojII&IVer^dSrM Hie crow^f "Ihe eteaMw SaturatiB. ~ A d J a i ^ h - toHthe;<rAflstioiated' Press froni Manila, Aug; 5; said the Saturhus had heenibSaoled^uhder theinsurgent trenohes-at ,San Fernando, and had been burned Aug. 2.; --*-'- •* pORQtAR 8HO¥, the , AUGUST g5,_ 1899. SIX F&GHK8. Tfwo eajj^rjs. THAT ANTI-UYNCH1NG fcrLLTT: $n4oraed b y t h e Bieoutlve Committee of _* Afro^Aniertoau Council; tbf%^i n 5: 35 '~ John E Bruce of *£V^^^^ ra ^-* 0lmo ,& announce* that the executive committee at its ineet- lug has endorsed the bill drawnby E, E Brown of Boston, making lynching a crime against .the general .government, and nrges that the counciluse its', endeavor to secure its He Bf quired a Squad cf Soldiers to Carry His ; Papers and Consumed Sevexaf Hours With Hts.^fostlmowy, Which Ap- peared to Have But Xlttle Weight. Ky con- - ' 1 ." gross, when approved of the%aislative -Rw<*ra"i> Aug. 25,M?J!h& court martial bureau. The endorsement issianed b v of CwtatiS T)re^«8~0)3«niBd , at6-.35-arn1. Bishop A* Walters^ D. D., preBldeut&fro- •*?&* #ko_ut MF «tSaotdInary *ucl- Amerioan eouncil, New Jersey Isaiah T $*»'• * ne £!•** °* tbftcourt read a nSed- Moatgomery, mayor of M t Bayou, Mite- »*** «»r^ft«««% signed- by two doctors* 3LK^C5Uflo«d3?ABtJ\rirjdniA-!«iahonX^ whose nam*, were unknown,to the audi* cr TT„,„_ «.—i. , B *^ , -^^ a JW*-hBnWae^^^ U u Paty de"CIam to leave his bed to come to Renhes and testify, M. Labor,! asked the president of the" court, ColrJouausV to" instruct two. well khown ineclicftr mentoexamine Dn-"Bai"y de Ctem, but Col. Jauaust refused. RowlandStrong, ah English newspaper man, Was then called to the witness bar and deposed to the fact thai Major Cdnut Esterhazy confessedtohim that he wrote the famous bordereau. *" *•'-'•' ! The nejxt witness was M, (Sobert, an' expert' of-the -Bank of "France, who can claim the honor* 1 ot peing'tErfttst uiajyta a •••-«, Carey, Illinois; Bishop &**&• W. Clinton, North Cajoling Bishop H, M. Turner, Georgia. ' •',' KILLED A Oattleman'a BY COWBOY8, 1c Woman Melcom Mix or TXtloa Interrupts OperaUona of a Visitor. UTIOA,—Aug* 25. — Barly—yeaterday morning an attempt was made to bur- glarize thSjeBTa^nWoiriPpr.^. : «. Mix at 4 Bajising-Btreefc t *Birtfot~tne prompt 1 discovery" of the intruder by Mr. Mix's Bon Malcom considerable booty might have been taken. The young man heard a noise In the parlor down stairs, "and upbnlnvestiga.ting found-a man hid- ing theW,bWthe~Tatter soon made his eaeapo through tf^window^ 'Sxiung M4x followed him, to the Btreet and fired his Bhot^uas-at-J^^evldently-strlkiDg-hinv iu the arm as the fleeing burglar dropped a caneBe™^*™^—-^-^ ' 4»ianlt o s a Promptiy AvenKed.. ' EsqLR, N. M„ Aug. 25.^W. J, Sprad- Ung,, a wealthy* cattleman, controlling -• iteekHtatereBts-in^hJoriderwtfH^ed^ •cowboys near Fairvlew in revenge fpr hia tgurderoua flsgamr upon Miss Nellie McKinstry of Marion, Ind. Spradling Tnet the woman as she was riding by, and CHANGED .tO WEDNESDAY. * Date o r t h e KeborJ»l of the Comrade* of . Johm TSrowm . PLiTTSBDiRQV A t i g . 25.»-The ^date for the rebarJal of the bodies of the comrades of Jonrr "BHOTh ^ N o r t h Elba,,Essex" county, has been cnanged to Wednesday, A^g.^OrT^e^remonles-wllLbegin-at-2- , . p. inj and James it-HolmesxSTNSwToflr bottom btttte packageto-yeH6w : iak--and city, w^rflretrthw%BtTBhoHrrthe-battie- -in-TOry ^analt letteHL. -The dep^rtinenj ot Q-iawaJanile. is fee Eansas raldain 1866,, will make the chief 'address. This battle was fought on Aug. 80*,-1856, and on that day. John Brown was seriously wounded and his son Fred was' killed. Oloie of Aiienbljr. CfiAOTAdqgA, A u g . 25.—The Ohautan-" (|ita agB^^!qr^o*r-i899-cloBea-la8trnighfe There were no formal closing exercises. The program was kept up t o its high Its last number. The crowd began. tHj|hlnKotit the first of the week and •noimor*ffiaa^1)00 or^tlOO persona vceraJeIiLfltt_IILe gfOTxad f o r t h e closing meetlffpr^The attendance thfuugTiuuif haa been^theJLMgi^UiiJtoejaatorTof the movement and, the season wooea wjth the* brlghteatpt^ect><iyer jjad bytheasBO- "''"" •' ;-'. l '* l - i V"V". 'v TAcas H»a'n Ooitly Northern Visit. MOOT?* VJBSKOK, Ahg, 25.—Edward Lcwb?^ a prominent merchant of Austin, Texas, was robbed by bunco men of tl.COG at *PiBlham on Wednesday. well dressed man who clairn.ed, to have met Lewis In New Orleanstoducedhim to g%-to—an-alleged club house. iffXbe QOTernment Forors ^ LOUHBI. CAP*HATTIBN, Aug. 2&—Severenght- ing took plao&yetterday-in the neighbor- hood of. Monte Christi, Santa Domingo, between. th,e government forces and the rovolutioniBta. It is said the former lost •heavily, whije the latter, owing to the Sal night" whlTo he slept all of hte moneyNwas taken and'in the morning when he In- quired where he cotfd find the police he was set upon and beaten. * There is no clue to the robbers. Soei fox "v7iafffivroWfr~Aligr-^.- & AL~ suit for $1,000,000 damages has been, brought by the New York AitfBrake Company,whose plant is located in" this city, against the Westlnghouss Air Brake Company, and -another battleJbetween these giant cor- porationB is to be fought ont in the su- preme court of .this state. It la alleged that pending an appeal' on a previous case stories wexfr circulated which pre- vented. th»\Neiir-Sor.k Air Brake Com- pany from obtaining contracts. ' A Qa**r A*eld#Bt. Nnw SftfiKj .J*gJ ^5,«Q«0stge Kelpy, an iron: workSr^dr^^.Bl^sayn hospital astoeresult of arather peculiar accident He feTl7*l^r#iioni:the;r6^f>o*arbuu'a- lng^^^uok;olPa#he;board. .Hlslesr warbrokenf and? 0 6 * -of the^bonesipehe^ trated the skin and imbedded iteelf,in the WTm3jm4Hcbraad-a-qn»Tt«r.» Hatwiwted arottnd--and the bone Broke_agatnr ft waaneceisaiy to pry the piece-of hone uutW)ih»iroW^th-Trnhiwfil will probably be crlpplea for life: . Volunteer Office**. - N*wYOBSi.Ang. 25-iSoV. Booeevelt ha«^rIl^ttk*ftcers^no*ha,vehi plications for appointment in the volun- teer s?ryice ( 'stating t h a t ^ e command- ing, officers "of each regiment had fur- nished/hlrn with, the names of three mem- bers' of thai commands -they- considered best«{J^tt't6*erVeinthenew regJmeiitB', and th» from this list he nad made hte raccmabn^latlonB to Secretly Rooi;. - SA^ffilsdisco, Aiig. y 25.--The steamer Poriaand»rrltecllaste*vehing from Alaska w i t h (WJrefttrningptoflpectorsand $1,500,- Wrar;^g5ild7 ieohBlgned to the' Alaska Oornn^efolaiconlpray'.; Thobulk Of the treaanrellBifroni the Cape Home fired a- Tevolvgr-st ier. The^ahVAookU*^S5|Dreyf^ in her,neck; Cowboys neMhyl - ? wltlBtBS °P™» atted afte.r Spradling, who eftiptted his revolver at them.. A InBlladefrom "Win- chesters in the ihands of the pursuers brought Spradling to the ground with six bullets in his body and head! .He died almost instantly. Miss McKinstry will recover. No cause for The r ""fifpibleis known. RENOVATED BUTTER. An Alleged Attempt to K»ade~the" Eaw^ Bcgnrding Hi Baft. >LBANY,Aug. 25 —The state agricul- tural department ^as received evidence of what it regards as an attempt to evade the law_ireaniring renovated butter to be stamped as such. One. of Its agents in Rochester found butter offered for sale hi pachages, with "Anchor "Brand Butter,' Blgin r Jll4' , -printed4n bine ink on the top of the. package, and ^renovated butter^ BterilizeAnrocess'^rintlBd on the believes that this is a violation of the spirltof the law and wm taker proceed- ings to prevent the sale .Of. the butjterin this state, •• FIGHTING AT 8AN DOMINGO. Suttain Heavy human ., ness, M. Bertillon requested the court to permit his diagrams and papers t o be brought In and retired for a moment. He returnedat the head of a squad 00m- posed'of an infantry sergeant and four privates, all Btaggerlng under the weight of the Immense leather satchels, bulging wttbrdocnmente,-eha'rts r etc^ wiicb,they deposited on the stage as a roar Of laugh- ter echoed throughout the court. Even the judges were unable to suppress a smile as they -gazed- on M. BertiUon's stage! properties strewn over half the plat- Sotau A table was brought In, upon fettonlstfraTfrreiiortea:t5 be-oohtlhually receiving retatoroetrieuts. ^.-^*^*t.h^-t^T^ " VictoryftwflondayBall Blaye?« BuFPAld, Aug. 25.—JnstioB Laughlln of the supreme court has denied the peti; tlon asking that Police Commissioners Eupp and Curtis be required to show cause why they should not be 'removed from office for alleged neglect of duty and nftftfenhance In office in notstopplpg Sun- iolatlo - - - day violations of the liquor laws^TaaSe ball playing, gambling, etc The law which was enacted at the recent session of the legislature is declared unconstitu- tional. created what might be called a new court composed of the su- preme court justices of Erie county, to whom such applications as this might be Tnado; is supported by Justices Kenefick, Hatch, Titus and White, with whom he had a consultation, and he gives an'exhaustive opinion to sustain his action. Pre*. MoKlnley at t o n * B.ranoh. tiOHO BRANCH, Aug. 25,—President McKinley and party arrived here this morning at 7:45 o'clock from Plattsburg on a special train- The president and Mrs. McKinley looked in excellent-health and bowed their«5fcaawl«dgmss& fjeatedlyto,the great crowd* They were driven to Vice President Hobart's cottssge^ Normanhursfc, at Norwood Park. The prfsltfenfc-breakfasted at Norwood and remained there quietly until 2:80 p. m, when, he reviewed the military tourna- ment*t the Horseshoe Grounds. . NBW 'S'OBK, Aug.25.—The Ifi S.4tuxlli- ary-cruIaerrScorpionv^atsed-autolrguar^ atsttoB r thia--mornIhgi- Sh& -is- -to lie' off Long Branchjrhllejbe president is there, e-Soorpion-w*»^ornierl^ the yacht^Saxeielgii." VICINITY. —A new suspension bridge is to be placed over the Salmon Biver near the Ogdensburg & Lake Champhiinl>assen- eer depot in Maioap, : ^ JW * 4 - - i ' ^mm$)ky Aug- 25.—The ice cream aociaargs'largely ^tended last evening and th^aoolety; realized over $10,, The people W$ML#M^ "^y aaJhaulb^^iMioilOwlnKl^graWK Soagr Prienai«f^rigAgO;^itatiott,,K'sslng a Wti&fflltf&Wb WHeoleti didogafc FahK»|fea6li , tt#it''-7Hi^eB i :.J)oUy»a MamMmtnelDbotor, Which ym *ery w e l l , gtveljiBidhgJ Wha^ Shall I Say? Het WMg&m -TheLH*&Schoolm_atm reci^#lMa. ..'MlbsSle,; -WhOjlW-^igi he«li^ep6^|^cuhnm|^ W*L Sev#^l»e«u^d.itt ».«te«4SifB»5 wIth,ttieiiIIo1isnf^m| k apW^ sani'«*fi6ip»a^«'1ife. ^M*®* Btrohg%mfe ; b*liotti8' » * W »«« «er the ym Whloh^l,- Wtthoiift^P^tor* -, _ , „.- Atm-^Mi!mmmMi eft- fbeyottn. ;t«BH*n€lt|ed.?the' , ! ^ «anil^On»taW^; ^Krhich vras --Patrick Phillips of Watertown his offered'to furnish alt i'^ material and to construct .the foundation for the. Gov. Flower monument' The fund now amounts to |18,000. —Major"Cayanaugh has been ordered to recruit at Syracuse for the new volmv teer regiments. About 100 volunteers were received at the Syracuse station for the first volunteer regiments. —The 11th annual encampment of the St.. Lawrence Veterans' Association la being neld-at Terrace Park, Ogdensburg, this week. The association^ Includes -nfembera of the 16th, 60th,> 92d, lttCth and 142d reginctents, the 14th and 16th heavy*artlllery and the first New York light artillery. - • " - Swaucott'e >tlll*.' 0TJBT THE THEATRICALS PERFORMAHCS -OF M. BERTILLON. ~. -'':',' .QAliPi^^pviN $a,600. A B » i i t i n ^ % a i i |iJMm.lzed at Alexan- ' : i •."••.•^•'..:-SS|I^' ' ' •WA5»t(.ij(>^^AlfiErif5.—A special to the,Standa^; ; f^iai«lfxandria Bay, N,' XTl»ay^d^W^|%SR.U. -ot -Baltimore^ Jjld.,;#bO>^i'Ji#Ji|(i;#opping at Thou- sandIsland"Hous^iiat since July'2g r S^te'l|ifwi!p victimized out of t2i(^rby?a ^^"ipftiarperB. vAblouKtw^eew^jlo a party came to -thto'-pjs^e/^lln^i^nft^Qoma to use. as a, g ambling reBO»tf|ST«e« have done a fair nsthet*JBW^JIft%!l# !ast night they made their great coup. The j^ty gave their names as Louis luJBlett<a, John Beok^ Al. Henry and a J&ancfi to have declared in favoripf Drisy- fus. He reported, on examffiing documents in the case, enticed to draw the Money from the bank anddepjsi Me >, that Eaterhazy, the bordereau. v deposition with - a brief, personal statement, protesting against being characterized .as a "doubt- ful expert," ^themtaissiy party.:*^"" "But," he adeed, in tones of profound pity and turning toward Dreyfus, "I have no right to complain and am silent when I see: before ine the unfortunate man who sits there." M. Gobert then repeated the evidence he had given before the court of-cassa- tton. He gave hte testimony In a clear convincing manner v anu was must- eut-- phatic in attributing the bordereau to Esterhazyi. - Answering questions of the judges, M. Gobert declared his conviction that the bordereau was written in a running nat^ uralhand and said there was no tracing or other trickery. Gen. Gonse asked to be confronted with _ ... . M, Gobert and put a number of ques- ably save them. Bafrthe dangerpoint tions, over-one or-twoof^Uohae'^wit-plm OB *-ath|nd i _• ness stumbled, to the Inflinite satisfac exchanged for.another, and' a!terTEe~two crooks had a falr= start the old man dls- xjovered^aialLtliffi&jffiW nothing in. the box that he hadi-~,The crooks came to Preecott. and then across to Ogdensburg on the 4 o'olock boat. The last seen of them was on the road >to LlBbon about 6 In the 4Lvenmgw-JI*fie^ofllclal8 have been notified in thejnrxpjahding towns. ^••niW^l OftOPS J»«"t)ANG6R. . tlqtt-of the-mllltary witnesses. M. Befailon, the noted anthropemeter *due^to-ajeomblnaHon^f poor land and (specMist-in- the mea8uirenient_iif_jBe: ^ d M ^ b u - O o r t t l W d B («• the southern human body), was called as the next wit- "£i|g^rexount^look- as though they f .._> .... .. TJ.-. 1.- ^d^twenr swept by. #»« hot winds that often devastate aectlocB of the west. St&lka and leaves are scorched and the grain 1B underslized and of Inferior qual- ity. Tomatoes ax« suffering from« dry rot. Onions are -Umall and only half a orop. Apples, plums and pears are drop- ping in great quantities. Pastures are giving oWandrstcKjk; is being fed on grain. Many cisterns and wells are dry. ady^ta««Hi^stoohswnIclLth%3KSn=. '^iJL^l^SJ^^L^L^^ " IgTBertlllou uummenced his depoeltion jiiiim^^^-w^p 164 ^ 8 ***** ja - good Part of tomor^w-s s e ^ i o n r * - ^ ^ - ^ ^ majority of the public, utterly unable to comprehend M. fiertillon's theories, left the court room. In the meanwhile M. Bertillon, with gestures and In the shrill-pltohed voice of a quack at a country fair, continued his monologue, producing every minute some ireeh paper covered withwouderf ul ldero glyphics, copies of which he presented to the judges, who, with an expression of owl-like wisdom, carefully examined them. Dreyfus gazed at the scene with a look of stupefaction. The clearest utterance of M. Bertillon, . . . _ during the course of hte demonstration, to-this-rnllng^ustioftljaughlin, -waatbat'iMJilffid^niMng.of the border- reau "obeys a geometrlcanrly"Enm*, of of which I discovered the equation in the prisoner's blotting padi" The witness finally announced he would give a practical demonstration -of the writing of the bordereau, accoidingto his system. Then he theatrically cleared the desk attached to the witness bar, drew his chair nearer, deposited bis high hat on thefloor,and, sitting down; be* gan copying the bordereau. The auai- enoe watched him, bent over the desks busily drawing letters, the judge* gazis# ^asheaV at him, until at the end often minutes the people and the judges lessly .impatient sid CoL Jouanst re- marked that it was not necessary to copy the whole bordereau and that a few lines would suffice. 1 ; .„*'" " A few minutes later M. Bertillon arose, strode to the judges' table and laid before taenrhtt^ofi government oomnlisTsaryj Majot"<3arrIerfr and the clerk; ot the conrfc. otofered "around in one gfuttU) cagei' to~ iee the re Puiriaed by ltlirortuBa. NEW VipB-Kj Aug,.26L—Syivesttr Q'Bul- llvan, president of theMaryland Casualty company was struck' by a train in Plain- field, N. J;,-this morning and badly, in- jured. Oneot his arms was broken and his iace. ahd, bodybadlybrtdsed* Tte doctors say he will not b^ able to leave hte house for several weeks. Mr&< O'Sul- livan was burned to death In a dry goods store in Plalnfield a fow weeks ago wieh • _,„. . .v«,- .- Mm^ai^v, tt-crn her dr^a^aug^fir..from ^ m ^ p A ^ % ^ i i ^ ^ & A suit. The audience watched this strange spectacle uhtH Col. Jouaust shrugged his shoulders and then the spectators knew that, M. Bertillon had failed to satisfy them. "--. '.- ,T -•-—*'7'." ' '. '• . M. Bertillon noticed this and apologet- ically said; "I was" too badly^placed." . OoL Jouaust th*h tft 11:45.a. m. ad- journed the court and M.Bertalon packed up hte belongings and the soldiers carried them out. .Looks Like a Hoax. Blyer Ehone^thereVcontalnlag-arnaper 1 with this pencUed'inscrlptlonJ .^^aborij- to "Loriiner, Basle. *tTotbingJ»*illbedbUei Dreyfus is innocent. Voluntary suicide. Ofders ex,eou<p.s' 1 Tne bag w«^andedj) to tM . ;_. but^o-^xbiMai!onJhUh^&atter-Jiaa; be^aforTEhobmltig* There teap^lbiltty it i s a hjjax. -Krimler (hot liorfiner) was the late Lieutenant Colonel Henry's sec- retary, who committed suicide at Basle, Switzerland. More Blotlng in Farla. _, Nfw YOBK, Aug. 25.—The Evening Jejunal has a cable from Parte that riot- ingbetweenDreyfusardB and antl-Drey- fusards has resulted in troops charging the mob and twelve persons being Injured. SwANCOirr's MILLS, 35T.—Pblllp S*aflccffct|'ha> his new hoijw barn nearly ; Site* Katie Brlst of TJtlca has beeCvte 1 *- Itlng her cousin, Mrs. Henry Kirk. Farmers are harvesting their oats. ID* BV f hutston was tolled to Quaker Hill on Prlday,by the death of his brother, G*«rgeT/Tnm!aton. .^ !l ,r , ^ Clropa ar^ much improved bJLtne recent "SSU Hehty Ktik Is sgehdliig a few d«ys%ltfc^ pareuta atl%.0r»*k. Oat by a Plee* of Olart and Sled, OGMtBSBUBGj Aug. 25—A large mir- ror was broken at the residence of Alfred Mermia last night,»nd the jagged pieces were thrown from a window t o the lawn. This morning .Mr. Mermia's seven-year oldson, while at play, fell upon a piece oltheglass^Itrenteredbetween-thejtibs and passed Ithrongh the lnngs^D>ath followed from hemorrhage In aOjalnntes. Serlona Jlineoe of H. Waater^ffebb^— PiATTSBUBG, Aug, 25. — NewaTias reached here thatH. Walter Webb, vice president of the New York Central road, ig critically411 at A; McK. TwonAley's camp on TJpp*r Sfc B«gl«( Lake. The dte- pateh states that Mr. "Webb la suffering from a complication of diseases. /Mrs; Iwsbb^hHei^usbahd.- - f m W n a l n e d ^ m W ^ ^ from~*^W^Yorkv : Mjh§F' iniWif^ijlt^iisuH'k'' iBto their ijoihtlwCeVMmgl^iby filevei 1 ihanipu: lationsT of the pasteboards succeeded in getM% t h e ab%VeisStin'from him. V TBiB wmfefrdnrfih#:;ilratboat for- Can- aadaM'naye hotfibeisitfleen since.- FARMER-LgaT $10,Q50. a Victim to' /Three-Card Moate fell » Oan«JlsbtJBftj. ^&,tig r : ,• 25, —James Con- flellyj. a farmer reajdlng in Augusta, GaufiaV-'/was.- o»i ^ J u n e i a a y Tgwindjed outjd4^|lfl»fl5iLb^S|aiSld time game of IT BISABMS"13BTrrCISir. THE OFFER OF CENTRAL THE NEW YORK RAILROAD. It Amreeito KgerT^tir^nve-IieaM-of-the- boiton Si Albany Olanee Which Bhall Afford Ample Protection to the Stock- holders of That Railroad. > Naw YORK, Aug. ,25—It was an- nonnced offloially here today that the New York Central, to meet the criticism that, under the terms of its lease, it might, strip the Boston. & Albany Ratl- foad and take and use all its, earnings, !?§? off®**!toinsert ill the lease a clause providing that" It s¥aTl nottaTeany of the learnings of the Boston &* Albany system to lteelf unless it Shall have-paid over to the Boston & Albany stockhold- ers for their own use another 14,000,000. Proper provisions' and safeguards will be made concerning rate division, ac- counting and inspection ot accounts by Boston & Albany-directors PRISONERS TO WORK, . Twenty-Five t o B e Bent to Vernon Stone Qesrry—.The Cora CJrop. *• . . __ VKBKON, Aug. 25—Sheriff' Reese ar- three-Jcard'mqnte^-sTh> old man" 'wastrived"tH"town- on Thursday andrin com- Oonsal at Canton Saipended. WASIIISGTOH, Aug. 25,—Consul Ed- ward Bedloe of Pennsylvania, who has been-stationed. at-fianton^ China, by T^esldent^IcKiniey^Mi^ee^BBpOTdea' by the state flepaftment and grantedper- imiBBtontoreturBtotherSnited-states; It is alleged that he granted, a certificate of American ownership tn a vefi'aei which carried supplies and miinltions of war to the Filipinos. FINANCE' AND pany with Supervisor Dprn, drove to'the Tne-box-wasitown B tone quarry where the steaml' cruBberis to beiocated. arrangemfictg with J.'B. CushmanJEor his vacant house that,stands near the quarry to lodge and board h i s prisoners in. Next week he tntendtrtb send twenty- flve prisoners to the quarry. They will be guarded and cared for by the county. The crusher Is not all here as there has been some delay. * There baa for some time been an im- pression here that the corn crop would Mr. Keese made-} marketTfereinBtttuted after H o=e»oete ~ " " was elected as the most vulnerable point and was forced aewu 'over three" pomta from last night's level. American Tobacco anil Consoll- corn crop be a failure, owing to the prolonged dry ,„. Wayne Uounty Farnwrr «^fw^-yr»«»-«.»n^|apAll r». wM"b haa bflPiTfbmngbttJr) I doiiari4i%. Governinent boaila easy " jjronth. the factory is much better than was ex- CLYDE, Aug. 25^Tbe situation In ffi a - ^f*** are,not 8hort aHa Wayne' county as a result of the long con-' flUed outwe11 - 1B; tinned drouth te one of grave apprehen-1 , J f » ™ J * S S ? Tam th ^ Aground Is sion. The fate of rn?ny crops, which are ^ ^ ^ / T , . fc ,„ In pretty bad shape, i s not sealed," as a4 ^^.Q. W. Salmon has been calling good ram wlthlu *f,W days would prob- i 0n ^ t r ! s w ^ l T a n d wife have returned Lfrom Cortland. Somefleid8*QfMmi!bnokwheat andpo-' ,-B«»mAng. 1 up to 83 tfes^rtioe Can- ^Ar^vn^^mntl^.hnfcihffr H o»g Company shipped 28,000- cas« of peas. The rest of their pack is sold and will b e Bfijpried In a^hort time, Clarence PBtrielost night announced his marriage to—Mlsa. Maggla JEOnck_4, Both bride and groom are residents ot this villagesand • their many friends ex- tend congratulations, ' _ NO RAIN IN 37 DAYS. tatoes are'beyond redemption, but W s Is NARROW^ESCAPE. Tiro A»a LadUa Thrown From a Oarrlige -_ Av^lr-gicnlo^ _ AVA, Aug, 25.—"W)iat might have been aserlouB accident happened on Wednes- *day lUTMr* Henry'HnVibntTWd dangnter Amer Bxpre«..,.Hl Canada 80 ........ 0, 0. O. * 8t. L... V,% Del. it Hudson...125. Del. L.&W., 174Hi Lake 8 h 0 » 301 Hi Manhattan .... 11SVS N. J. -Central 11014" Nori Paolflo ptA.- 17 N. V. Central VH<4 Paolflo Mall «H 8t. Pail 4 0in 111- fleri. Bliotilo new.lgtJl •Beao3«i'.V.V.iii'.v to% -Hev-Txmr^JLug i ._i!JLr=i4>^.jaL = -ailgar .did ,.-nrthr recovery lon(», as tbo-price, 153, prov«(l teiuining to the bear faction and (hoy •jmnnred-ltnlown-to-tihe lawosuajcaln SlOKularlj enough the geneml ranrket proved Indltferen ing'bome from the picnic, but started to drive past & team the rear wheel of the carriage collided with the rear wheel of the other rig and the car- KfTecta of t h e Drouth In North AnnxTllle —Social Party, etc. 6EKBMOB*V Augr25i-^It ia thlrl^«seven- days since we halve had any rain to speak of in this place. There has been only one shower, Just enough to settle the dust, and crops of all kinds are nearly Tuined. Corn has wilted and turned brown. Late potatoes are going to be a failure. The 1 farmers In genera} ar^ Wearmg-pber faces. - Daniel Ck)lllnB.hjLs-.palnters-pnttlng.on his new barn ha imnmiy do preferred .... erf_ Canada Souther*. Mv4 Obee A Ohio ...... 20M 0B*y 13«« DelftBudaon 124*4 liel L*W...^.i.-lM Lake Shore 901U Loulaft NMh ..... 8II4 MaixbattHn h US Met at BaUwwr™**-. HlMourl Paolflo.. &% MOj^JSan* TexpfflL40 * N J QenSr*U .... „»« N Y ,Cetitr*l .... „188J4 ment to the place News has been received here of the very severe illness of Mrs. Powers, rlage'was turned over, throwing the ocou- a former resident of Mils place. She is rSTSiSJiU 'TOrirri^ffitvWi nTm ^-^P*-* 000 !*! -residence--of-her-Bon,. pants to the ground. Fortunately no 3H6" was.afiriouflly hurt. The horse was caught before It got away. Nearly 4U0 people from Ava and vicinity attended the farmers' picnic yesterday. J. P. Edgerton and family of Oneida are visiting Mr. Edgerton*s mother, Mrs. Julia Edgerton, Albert Traxel of Rome, "Who haa been Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Traxel, for the past two weeks, has re- turnedVhomft. .-• _ " . COL/ 8HEPARD WILL RESIGN. Rev. Father Thomas Powers of Elgin, Ohio. There te no hope of her recovery. Mr. and Mrs^ Mnllin have tor their Charges Against Head of Bath Soldier*' . Hbme Will Not Be Pn»hed. CoKKiHO, Aug. 25;—At a meeting of the board of trustees of the New York "State Soldiers and Sailors' Home held at Bath today^CommandantShepard agreed to resign at the February meeting pro- vided the charges against him were 1 not Tbe board agteed to this. The board looked into the matter of the disposition oftheliO^OO fond now being distributed and decided that the proceedings were regular and In accordance with the law. DIED'WHILE BICYCLING. Bfndleon. MADISON, Aug. 25.—Mr. and Mrs. Burt Cleveland and daughter Florence of Roch- ester are visiting at H. I. Taylor's. Hop picking Is close at hand. Several of the farmers are-to commence picking Tuesday. I judge, by the amount of travel, they will have no trouble in pro- curing pickers. Miss Charlotte Cushman of this place has a position in the Sherburne High School. The work of putting the memorial win- dow in the M, E. Church has been com- menced by workmen from out of town, assisted by O. 2. Rice of this place. Clyde Lewis will be professor of math- ematics in Belleville Academy -the coin- ing year. This is one of the oldest insti- ff 9t wn'H— p. [tntionB In northern New. York. AfH^r^Kenueiis-ano^iaB-Msttaaiif liew. -~*Bfafla T "-£gfc Davig of Vtlea. S5.-~"While riding bis bt market" firm; bniuoS, 14.36; exchanire prlee»-lti.fl0O1^6. Potatoee. market dull; York, who have spent the summer with WffllamiC. DaviiLof 84 Lafayette street vlB { t at rB> R 0We > s ^ Norwich. prime, *1.2i>Ol4B: fan«sy. fr.bOXIi.ob} comm elfebef fell or was thrown from hte wheel j , ^ Morgan and nephew, Earl Bice, *"""' "*— """' ~" and died immediately. Whether death ^^ returned from De Rnyter, where W8*.djtte to .heart Jfailure ortoan Injury tne y have been vtelting friends and rela- tives. • .' receivedby^fctaer faU' has hotbeen ascerj talnedi*-'M?, Daviswasborn in Wales 3d years'ago andliad resided iii TJtlca about six years, He iaanrvived by his wife and t w o children. raTorltei Win at Aabnrn. AtJBTJBiij Atig. 25.—In yesterday's Cen- tral New York circuit races the favorite Tyrm irttaamn' ftHihft f o n x e v e h t s : Thefln- ijgb in the last heat of the Ionrth.racewas the most exclting^event of the day. All hones rounded, the stretch In a bunch '^'•"^^'"Tyjtna^tb^ wasriot^morathan iw/ienty feet behind the wihher coming in under -the wire, Stolney yrthning by a 3|pfl||l^nt^|irFelix McSMgori-^Sum- i^iaji~,. •• .',•'», T, SaBipice, Time Piece lst,. JJJBU^eSlbarp- er 2d, Dora "Hfghwood 8d. Time, 2d3-, 2:14i, 2:16*. i - 2:20 trot, Dot Miller 1st, Millard San- ders 2d, Lou y, 8dT Time, 2-.20& 2:191, 2:20i. " , - 2:16 pace, Strath Belle 1st, Y. Wilkes 2d, Neil Alcyoner U. Time,2.16J, 2:15£, 2:15J. , ; , 2i37 trot, Stplney 1st, Saricenegca 2d, Felix McGregor 3d. Time, 2:22i, 2 24, 8:261. patarlo Beaeh. «xenr»lon Sailday, Aug. 27 . The New YOrk Central w*U run their last "Sunday excursion this season to Ontario Beach on Aug. '27. V A special fast train; will leave Rome at 8:30 a. nx, jffrlvlng _at.jC)ntarla Beach (Charlotte) abourW" " ~" " lott* tl.5Q t ^ -Bewhy-Roller-Goasterj-Sail-Boata-and guests for a few days Capt. u. Mctjlll and wlfo of Chicago. The captain is an old army friend of Mr. MuHin. A few of the farmers have begun draw- ing sweet the Taberg factory. The young men of North Annsville are to give a party at the town hall,* Glen- more, Aug. 20, in honor of the n imerous strangers that are visiting!'in this place. ^S^r^^^l^-^^^mm^^^ ^^^ ment for all, Liberatt's Military Baiid gives a concert on the above'mentioned date in Ontario Beach Parity Holders of New Y6rk Central excursion tickets are admitted to the concert and ateo to the vaudeville free of charge. Secure tickets and furthe* information from agents. 1 \ < * ^ .,. . Maranan. D'ASSBOBO, Aug. 25,—The long con- tinued drouth was broken by alight rain- fall on Monday but not enough rain fell to wet the ground to much depth. There is great scarcity of water In this vicinity., wells and cisterns being dry. Hop picking will commence next week. TaTsBTBdnaiNorthcup to ffi. .- - Miss BerthaJlodge_p! Oakland, CaL, who is quite ill hereteslowly recovering. EarlW. Stafford, who was seriously hurt in a runaway accident last week, te recovering although still confined to the house. Mrs. G. A.. Buckley, accompanied by her granddaughter, Clarlbel Stafford, left yesterday for a trip .to Lake Placid in the Adirondacka. " Low Bate* to Washington Via t h e O . Se W. The G-. A,. R. national encampment will be held, this year at Philadelphia, Pa. Sept 4 to 9. The New York, Ontario & Western will sell tickets to Philadelphia and return, via their line to New" York, and either the Pennsylvania railroad or Royal Blue line between New York and Philadelphia, at one fare for the round trip; or, in other words, at half "ratesi These reduced rate tickets will be sold and good going Sept. 2 to 5 inclusive^and will be good for return passage any tiihe up to arid lnoMihg~Sept. 12.. However! if- parties desire to remain longer in Phil -tOST- -$-t-2'6r— '•-" Mlafortune o f a Clayvllle Man In Cttoa —Other People's Money, CLAYVILLB, Aug. 25—Charles Lindsay had the misfortune to lose or have taken from his pocket, while in Utica, the sum fifJlM bjeJoBgjng to Qulnn & Sammens, which he wasfiaEIhgthere to~depositrin- the bank. No trace of it has yet been MOBE EA0E -TfiOCSi* Mrs. Robert Wllliama, who has been ill for some time past, is very low. No hopes are entertained for her recovery. ' Btooki, Bond* and Honev. •NrWVowE, Aug, jja.-rDfeenlnp.—London sent lower jjrltea thla mornlnR and thla IntUience was apparent at"The r^BnTa|S;tiBTe.' ^raottanat declines were, the rule'in, the leading ralh\'ijy StiScftB: "ft trtnntrar of- ttttnor—stootea- showed- - fractional pains and they were advanced In ope or two prominent stocks. ' Noon—Renewed efforts to break the general Swffat AT1ABTA, Ga., Aug. 25.—There is a re- newal of the race trouble at Darien, Ga , and Gov. Candler has again been asked to send troops there t o . prevent an out- break. A few days ago Henry Dalegal was. arreflted'at Darielff on a charge of assault, and a lynching was prevented by fche-aotlon ©f4h&gp"*er»ox^ members of the, ;flrst regiment, who brought the prisoner to Atlanta and left .. a de^hnrent on guard at Darien; -^ —- .* ..--- Today Joseph Townsend was killed and Octavlna Hopkins* waa wounded in the shoulder by John Dalegal,, whom they; were trying to arrest. . Sheriff Blount of , Mcintosh county, wired Gov. Cahdler to? > COM M ERCE. fH^iiTglng *thar~n*i^e"^i^ps^b^fsenrtrtor- - Darien as the, situation is critical. Col. Lawton r who is In command at, Darien, wired for tarbihes and- ammunition", Which where sent to him. Gov., 'Candler- haB-referred Sheriff Blount's- messafetttii * Col^ Ijftwton ai}d ordeted. ,the Liberty In- dependent troop to be i n reauines»-te—— move. ••'".; date^<5as-drepped-*b©ut thFeapointafrcut bBsfe™and the Flower SfMcinLles, Cftntlnental Tobacco, Burlington. Louisville. B. & O. and Jersey Central 1@2. Dullness set in when the movenient exhausted itself with the market in- clined to hardvn. Sales 10 noon £49,522. Money steady at BHr- Paper 4M@6- Ei- ohange nteaoy at 4gi"4fe485H for demand and at iSSWiau tor 60 daya. PoRted rates. 484 and 487M- OommerclftlbulBv4SiH83i<;. BUrer cer- tiflcates, 60060)4. Bar surer, 50 11-10. Mexlo»D WeBtem Union.. 88Ji Am. Sugar .... lMJfi Tenn. O. * 1 05 Ont. A West .... : . k7>i Atchison 21 U. 8. Leather 10% TJ. 8. teather pfd 70 U. 8.6 s «reg U U6 O. 8. 5'e coup IIIH EIrlo aecondfl 78^ -mstlhdre f.t-.-lHH •uTSTTTreg naw.i^SOM rj. 8..4'» oonpne*-i30>i KOOXD BOA*D. owtrto-tibe lawosuagain SlnKularJy goneml market proved Indlu^erenT to the maneuver and rWe. Outald* of aomo ni inor properties, there wan not much change In values Stocks closed dull and easy. AtohUon.-- . 23kj -amer; Kxproie... 140 Am Tobaooo ...... 128^6 do preferrod .... l44 Oontolldnted 8at.l8i)4 Gen Electric, newlW «»cinalUiU.^„^7 PoOple't Qaa "OTJS Buliman Paiaoa 15Tv» Bugar BeOnory.-.lSJJi Tenn Coal A Iron. WAi W U Telegraph,. 88M NeiP»»a4«1 rer-"'* 1 Mew U B 4JI- coup.130 -do4'« reg, l\SH J do:*»«onp..;...ltS: ' doS's. reg ...If OntAWatt..^,.,, Reading .......... Rockmand ....... lit<)i< a wfto i8i St Paul 183% 8t Paul ft Omaha. 118 80 Hallway pfd... M% Ualon Peo pfd 'mi WabMh— ....... 8 ..„. 87fc KKA-T-aai ...... to " •» " 4'i WM Bt L ft I M Gen 6'ltuU Tex Pao Sndi ; 50; West Shore' Federal Steel '' - - do-pretenedra. Am Air Power bid. 05 do, asked .... ;.. T H E GOVERNOR A8KED TO SEND TROOPS TO DARIEN,' GA. An Outbreak li Feared—An Officer Killed ~~S^£^Witsr*R» Waa TryiDa^ _Arrj»iit— Tba Sheriff TVlrei Th»t the Situation la Orltleal—One Lynolilngr la Prevented, FIHE CHIi^S AT SYRACUSE. New York Produce Market. .Aug, SB^-Flout, receipts,TB,S lOffpi " " Naw TOM, . . . barreli: sale" 8.100 packngei! state and western quiet and about steady. Muraeeota' patents, %t 8504.05; Minnesota Bakers, |8 05Q8 20; Win- ter patents, t3.60O8.S0; winter straights, $3 35 Q8.4S; winter extras, }S 4SO2.80: whiter low (trades, $2,85^2.40. Bye flour, firm; sales 800 barrola; good to fair, $i 0503.15; rKoftieto fancy, J3.aoa3 85. Wheat, receipts, 72,110 bushels; sales, l.CO) 000 bushels. Options steadier oh ca- bles and small northwest receipts, to eiisp oa later because TIB>r^7Di{t!ntliiOBh1pments; 5I«y< 8iHOf2Jicf Sept., 7CJ»©70Mc; Dec., 79^© 79 11-lOc. Bye, Ann; state, 60J; No. S western, SOHo f. o. b. afloat and spot: Corn, receipts, IK2,j25 hushelsLialee, 26,000 bushels. Optfons strong, advnnctng on Uie cash situation with a midday reaction following wheats- "8ept.,'88}*fB- 88?^c; D*c, 85205^. Uatt; receipt, iMfim buHhels. Market slow and dull; track bite, state, t0O83c; track, white wette<-n. SOaa.Sj Beef, quiet and steady; family, tv.6(Qil 01; extra meat; 19.00; packet, |9.26« 10.00., Pork, steady; newmeaa, f8.7GQ9.S0: ram. By, »11.0Or»12.O0; s h o r t dear, 110 &3U.75. u«Vd, quiet; prima western, iteam, $5.55 nom- inal. Several Amendment* to the Constitution Considered. SrRieusHj Aug. 25..—At -the. convent.-., tlon of-fire chiefs this morning several of the constitutional amendments' were con- sidered. It Was decided beginning with next year, to elect a president and two vice presidents irrespective of'the vice presidents from the dill'erent stateB by a majority, vote of delegates. Section -fcwo-v^ef-i-arfcljste—two,—la. .changprt so _ as to provide for a board of directors to consist' of the president, secretary and three other members to be elected for three years. TheWlary of the secretary ia made $000 Instead of $300 a year. A resolution was adopted restraining the di- rectors, from changing the place of meet- ing of the association. Mayor McGulre was elected an honorary member of the organization as were also G. H. Renna- gei; editor of the Firemeni? Herald,'and fey^TtotierttRoberWorBurlington,Vt,, William -Exallnf Kewari^ N. J.^ was elected-rHle tnember. Charleston was > chosen as the place of meeting for ~the next-convention on the fourth ballot. Indianapolis was aecoml and Houston, Tex., third. Chief J. P. Quigley of Syracuse was chosen preside! t of the association, Secretary Hills anil Treasurer Larkin- being re-elected. Tho convention then adjourned. O. ft W. Niagara falla and Toronto B-x- . . ouralon. Have you seen the excursion bills got- ten out by the New York, Ontario & Western Railway Company, covering their excursion to Niagara Fans and To- tonto^ where the far tamed Toronto ex- position, will be fe progresst. ffi .eassty Septemb^Klt-yoabaTej3.oJli,.je:cnre one, peruie it*i anfta«e what low raU«-are ot- feredforthe trip to the "WbrtdVGreat- " *wfc-3Cand*fct; and the fffeat Canadian .event. The rate is one fare lor the round trip, and tickets will be sold and good going Sept. 1, 3'Or 8, good to return leaving the Falls any time up to and in- imdiinrBerrt.^-TJ*ig^ls-an-«xr-4i>lIent op^_ portunity to yourself of the low rates offered. If there is anything relat-. to-thla excnrsi .u that you would JJke to know T communicate with the nearest O. & W. agent, or address J. C. Ander- * '•3 BKiw, receipts, B.B33 paekaxaa: market steady; ita e and P^nosylvanla, HOIS' ?ossoff;*e»rri>a, ungraded, 12515o at mark. Sugar, o>w, quiet, and steady: (air refining. 31516c. rtenttltugm, SB tsft 4$$o; best mnlamee sugar, 8%c. Bedned quiet;. om«tted, 518-I60; uowderaa, Sffo; graau- taied, * 6-I69. uoffe* dull; No. 7, Wo. '''al- low, firm; city, 4^®lMo; country, 4Jio. Oar. flrm; shipping, sooecc- good to chose*, 7B077VaC. Hope, market dull; state, eomtapa 60; 189J -crori, nominal; 1898 h-ISMt«»Pr "" _ , 'conunun, steady; long rye,_40a45a: abort BOOfSc. BtraWL .. .„ . . _ rye, SJO^i" "»* •rt.raw.JOOoon Bearur.ateady; marrow St.60^1.59; medium, $1 87Kf»1.40; ,«*>•, fl.86®137Mi "«*d Wdney, 116541.70. Woo?, market steady but quiet; domeatio neeoe, VHu «lo; Texas dry, 18||lbo,' Son, General Passenger Agent, 56 Beaver street, New York. Borne Market Quotations. ROHK, Aug 25.—The principal change In tho market quotations today 1B a slight advance In prices paid for'Iamb pelts and shearling*.' Butter—CreameryJB» S». retail !H®aB,' dairy ftalS, retail 1&3J20. C&sew V* W> retail 19014. _ - - * - retains astry $-i.0oa4.25, Corn and oats $ ' 1 0 0 if)«. OOQrfttf.'Bcreeatags- •- WOJl.OO^ craokod corn 90, shlpe V0, bran 90, flax seed oil meal fTM, Indian meat, fine, $1.00, coarne W, mtadnnp, c<!WW,90 Unwl»i BBylMotrtWJO- #.00, baled hay <$ 100 ftaTtO, rye straw 48, oat straw 40. corn, state "$ bush 55, western 60. oats 88, retail 88, buckwheat ¥ bush 55, retail CO, rye ' 45, retail 60. Hides, trimitted. bulla ^ tt> 8, cows 7, steers 7, murrain and grubby 4S5> trimmed veal skins up to 10 I>s, ^ lb 10. untrfmxned 10 to 15 lb*, each 90 aiUJ^prime No. 1 deacon skins 35340, cut and "HSalt deacon gkfor36i2s2$. woot; WMh«4--1?-5"> 1SS1- W, unwaabed 1*^18, l a m b palls, each SOQuO, 10®85, tallow in rough, * i}& ren- dfred 8. Biwns, medium and pea, ?! bush $1.45, retail Gc f quart, marrows $170, retell 8c ¥ quait, potatoes 4&®55 ^ bush, retail 50070. Wew cab- bage Sc, retail &^8. Apples, retail, ^ bush., 50 OTO.- MeatarrPdrk ^ bbL HOC. $t2.porkf B^TaSr hoga. dreased. $ cwt. fS.SOQB 00, hams $ tb 11U, retail 14. ahoulqers7. retaillo»l2, bacon 10, retail — i^Jar3Z3iffBm- r*ndsredy-frer1iMt> tetaq 8, B«sf, dreasedfhbwfc $&00Q«WJ, wwlara 8 50. beefsteak ^to12HQ24, best roasta 1 porkiteaWoaWM,noxJtK»*tl^tmiitton .^^ Tnmtf V\W n , "MiT'TiTM 18. roasteiggSH. itews ijogr Bntter" and Onset*. NIWTOBK, Aug. 25-Butter, receipts, 2,449 S aokages; steady; state dairy, ISO 9JJ 0, creamery, vr®81o; western ereamerr, 8 i21o; Imitation, do., 18OIS0; factory, current prices, 12ney5c.' - Cheese, receipt*. 8,887 pacK- ages; very firm; Urge white, W®0%s; small wnlte lOOlOMid; large colored, %o; small col- ored, 1PJ40, ' dalves—Receipts. 84 head; veals glow at $4.00 -qpJZK^-gmgnAra an.! ^nttwmlllrii, S3 60ffl8 00. Western Harkate. _ Aug. 35—Opening Wheat, tembet, tWiWiW ~ * " OBIOAOO. Her- c; December, 73%o; May.TTc Oora, Be^t.78Jft')2«e; Dec., B9^c. Oats, May, 9I9S6T Sept.,- 8d%d- Dec, 19jgc. Pork, Sept, [email protected]. Card, Sept .-JS.&X. Bibs, Sept., $5.16. . CHICAGO, Aug. 25 —Hogs—Estimated receipts of hogs, todav, 25,000 head; tomorrow, 12,000; left over, I'.fiOS head; choice, steady: commdn, dull to lower; mixed and butchers, **$4.40®4 60; •good heavy, 4.50Q4.74£: rough heavy, $4.00® 1.40; light. $4.6O©4.10. Cattle, receipts, 1,000 head; marketJateady;. Beeves, f4.40Oo.E9: cows arid heifers, f!i.00O5 OOfTexas steers, $ 3 25 O3.90; stackers and, feeders, f3.5033 85. OniOAao, Aug. 85. - Closing Wheat, Atlg., -— c\ tww„ n$Mt\%<i\ Dee.^3%oj May, 76«o, Corn, AUgs, amc, Sept., 3&a32Wu; Deo., 289^® 28KC; May, 2IM\ Oats, Aug,, aoMc; Sept., 20}|@ SOMc; Dec.,. 19Ke; May, 2l#<a2i%c. Pork, Aug., ffoO Sent., $880; Oct., $8^7*4; Dee., 58.47*. 3an.,*?.60. I*M,A!ik.. fd.28«; Sept., J&22H; Oet.;$&80: Dec,, S587k; Jan., fS.4% Bibs, Au«eLf5.20; Sett.. tS 20; Oct., *5.22>«; Decemoer, f4.04«', January, f5.00. Ootton. Naw Yowc, Atig.25-OottoB«-apol eottea oloaed quiet: nMddllnf uplands, 6M0; middling gulf,6Ho. Bales, 175 bale*. Cotton .futures cloned "Steady; Aug., B.%; - 005o; t>«tS, Wares. TK333t ,33c. these low ratesshould communicate with nearest O. & W. station agent, or J* C. Anderson, General Passenger Agent, 56 Beaver street, New York, who w i l l tife pleased to furnish any information per- taining thereto. i \.' Buffalo Market*. aaaoyATnyHSs^prtB^wheat, *», T ajirttiULbM^ U- " TVKu> urhaat Hn. 9. r»A. tin PMMii ™^SJ«^ XaiO, veal, live weight, first quality f£> bU, c*rcA«s - S7.0O38.OO f QWt. - —~r- Honey In comb f lb 14, retail 16, beeawax 16® 18 retail 20. vtn*gitr, pure c l d « ¥' g*t- 18H, re- tall 80, salt $ bbl. 95, retail $1.05, neadUght oU f gal.8@10. Pouiey-Chlokens <& lb 10(^12, retail 16@18,- fowls 10, retalliH. ducks 10, rettdl 14ai8. Wood»hard,f cordj*ft,$B@6, soft, 1 ft,$1.75 not split, $315 spilt. Coal, grate, delivered, toil, ".75, egg $5.00, s t o v e $8«, chestnut $5.85, pea CTtlca Prices Paid to Frodaoarsi UTICA, Aug. 24.—Dairy^Produots—Butter,. d«l. ry, lb, 17©18, creamery, ldftSO. Eggs, treahv.db»., I&ai4, Obeese; 9U©10. Poultry—Live, fowls, lb, 8, turkeys 11, ducks 9, broilers, eaoh. 25OS0; dreeted, fowls 10, turkeys 18K, duckRia. ~ -~~ —^-^-^— Fruits and Vegetables—Apples, bush, 80076; potatoes 40®45, peas 90@$1, beans, marrow, $1.60, medium $i.85©1.45. Dressed Ho»-Heayy,tttEOBJi, HghtCK. T«l' low, tried, % rough 1«®2. >. Hay—Loose ¥ ton, $M»18; .-•'-• Hops—16fi8 m e d i u m s 8®10, do. c h o i c e 10O12, 1897 crop' SjjW. # HldeevSkTns and Pedf*-Green trtaimed .hides, No. 1, 7 c do. No. 2 and bulla 6e, hone hid««. No. 1. each, $2 2SO2.E0, do. No. *« and spMtCfl.WlO l.t0. veal skins, No. 1,18 lbs. and tinder 1 , lMc, do No a, l**37per a k i n less, dairy skins. No. 1, each, 43950,-do. No. 8, each, 2po8^.|amb pelts, each, freshly taken off, each, 60065,. shearlings, 10ffl25c. , WHPLEBAiaS QUOTATIONS, Dairy Products"— Butter, ualry v ttt, iSOl9» creamery, 20®2,1. Eggs, fresh, do?, 15, ch«*o, "O^IOS*. ' > t try lonr, per bbvlsest No. 1 pat. i4.2S«4»i«J, p**> *S 6038.60. graaiatti$8.BOf5itOO,- ry?|8.7B. Beans, perbush^Limasi $8 78©» 00, mediums S1.60©1.(», marrows $175, pea Jl.50Ol.60. Honey and*y>ap^-*ei<Jver. ^to,mbuckwheat 8$9, maple sytup, gal, 65Q7t|, maple sugar; toi v6tk and'larftMLard, pti^e leaf, fcarrekeia m, tabs 6J4a««?<!omp, «»v, 5ft5«.. PorJti.sltoH eul, eteartWeitw*, $12lo, city: packed, $1% » Fresh Meata-Dreeeed steers, lb, 9©8W, foiSB- quarters 70734 66wj|vftna heifers tjatt* ttreiaed hogaeisevt, porkloins ]U, hindquarters-HOtti yearlings 10,Bpringlambe 10>i®ll,sauaage ?08. BtoSkedMeatt^JHafflsi lb, ll@l% skihaedhani*. 11 f^TGalif6rni» hams % smokm mt^mtt, telde*. and knuc^ealCiS, bacon 7}<08><, shoul- Fruits—Apples, bush, 75c, Bartlettpears, * 1% t 3 r -^ ' "I ' T"L *" *"*" if etonaufferlngl tqr&q^'^Mtfm? ' ©osetl at'|1JW. Vegeta^ies>^Onliins, bush, |1,», tomatonr „>-:... • ^t.60vcabMB8, head, 8®6, cucumbers, 100, $1,00, Canal rrelghtr.-Steady; wheat, ; Mfaf ^jwtatoefi husb^MiaSo, egi?• plant, each, WOl3 8«40; oaf. U6« barley. ^ to ^e* tSSWt "-'•"---«"*- " - »*- » —- lTumber^-'« , ol!ew york.fl.Wf to Albany^lisr, PairDianas. ? t t w | u w , Aug.'25-OU opened at ivifi: BaledHavandSttaw-Uay, No. 1, cwt,! v Qridat*hlleec>-pa^bush,s^»^ 60, cornmeal. fine, ton, $18, do.cofMefl7,ihorta v - ~ -16oUcoraaadcats$,^0Q V Ofle*. fie O0«J17, shipstuffs ^9.00Tmiddllngsft6j > r *? -Mflf^'SS'f'"!:: •.•!•. , ,v ••••• . .-- ,t " •'• J ..,'. • . •'• - , . % J- '"..•,. "Jiwliii.'** '' C*'— . '.'- tS'S^ 1 ''* '' VrM V, r«!

Transcript of vcftimm wnt$. 7-—SUCJOSH^ AUGUST g5, 1899. SIX F&GHK8...

Page 1: vcftimm wnt$. 7-—SUCJOSH^ AUGUST g5, 1899. SIX F&GHK8 · LoNjDOW, AjtgT 3S^Tbo fcabnanrcor-res pondeiiit"olTthe

' v i


i ;

vcftimmJwnt$. 7-—SUCJOSH^ EDitfioiff.

srruHoi IN, M I U . USH- C M R E S P O N D E N T V .

ha 0 » b l « * 3 L h S t •( S t a t e o l A M I C & I E x ­ist!, T l i » t ; l h » d r e w o f T h e Satu*nu» W e r e W a r d e r e d MMX Tfcat t h e A m e r i c a n Now tt<jiia:«i|t V*ifer t i t t l e T e r r i t o r y .

LoNjDOW, AjtgT 3 S ^ T b o fcabnanrcor-res pondeiiit"olTthe Kenter %legrainCom­pany cablea that ajreport direct from Manila Saw an Indescribable state of anarchy * preTftilB.- -The AmerlcansTafr

hands df?tfe^|wloBi; The correspondent also sa^^^h^^^QJpinojII&IVer^dSrM Hie crow^f "Ihe eteaMw SaturatiB. ~

A d J a i ^ h - toHthe;<rAflstioiated' Press froni Manila, Aug; 5; said the Saturhus had heenibSaoled^uhder theinsurgent trenohes-at ,San Fernando, and had been burned Aug. 2.; --*-'-

•* pORQtAR 8HO¥,

t h e ,

AUGUST g5,_ 1899. SIX F&GHK8. Tfwo eajj rjs. THAT ANTI-UYNCH1NG fcrLLTT:

$ n 4 o r a e d b y t h e B i e o u t l v e C o m m i t t e e o f

— _ * Afro^Aniertoau C o u n c i l ;

tbf%^in5: 3 5 ' ~ J o h n E Bruce of * £ V ^ ^ ^ ^ r a ^ - * 0 l m o , & announce* that the executive committee at its ineet-lug has endorsed the bill drawnby E, E Brown of Boston, making lynching a crime against .the general .government, and nrges that the counciluse its', endeavor to secure its

H e B f q u i r e d a S q u a d c f S o l d i e r s t o C a r r y H i s ; P a p e r s a n d C o n s u m e d S e v e x a f H o u r s W i t h Hts .^fost lmowy, W h i c h A p ­p e a r e d to H a v e B u t X l t t l e W e i g h t .

Ky c o n - - ' 1 ." gross, when approved of the%aislative -Rw<*ra"i> Aug. 25,M?J!h& court martial bureau. The endorsement issianed b v o f CwtatiS T)re^«8~0)3«niBd,at6-.35-arn1. Bishop A* Walters^ D. D., preBldeut&fro- •*?&* #ko_ut MF «tSaotdInary *ucl-Amerioan eouncil, New Jersey Isaiah T $*»'• * n e £!•** °* tbftcourt read a nSed-Moatgomery, mayor of Mt Bayou, Mite- »*** «»r^ft«««% signed- by two doctors* 3LK^C5Uflo«d3?ABtJ\rirjdniA-!«iahonX^ whose nam*, were unknown,to the audi* cr TT„,„_ « . — i . , B * ^ , - ^ ^ a J W * - h B n W a e ^ ^ ^

U u Paty de"CIam to leave his bed to come to Renhes and testify,

M. Labor,! asked the president of the" court, ColrJouausV to" instruct two. well khown ineclicftr mentoexamine Dn-"Bai"y de Ctem, but Col. Jauaust refused.

RowlandStrong, ah English newspaper man, Was then called to the witness bar and deposed to the fact thai Major Cdnut Esterhazy confessed to him that he wrote the famous bordereau. *" * • ' - ' • '

! The nejxt witness was M, (Sobert, an' expert' of-the -Bank of "France, who can claim the honor*1 ot peing'tErfttst uiajyta

a •••-«, Carey, Illinois; Bishop &**&• W. Clinton, North Cajoling Bishop H, M. Turner, Georgia. • ' •','


A O a t t l e m a n ' a

BY COWBOY8, 1 c W o m a n

M e l c o m M i x or TXtloa I n t e r r u p t s O p e r a U o n a o f a V i s i t o r .

UTIOA,—Aug* 25. — Barly—yeaterday morning an attempt was made to bur­glarize thSjeBTa^nWoiriPpr.^. :«. Mix at 4 Bajising-Btreefc t*Birtfot~tne prompt1

discovery" of the intruder by Mr. Mix's Bon Malcom considerable booty might have been taken. The young man heard a noise In the parlor down stairs,

"and upbnlnvestiga.ting found-a man hid­ing theW,bWthe~Tatter soon made his eaeapo through tf^window^ 'Sxiung M4x followed him, to the Btreet and fired his Bhot^uas-at-J^^evldently-strlkiDg-hinv iu the arm as the fleeing burglar dropped a caneBe™^*™^—-^-^ '

4 » i a n l t o s a P r o m p t i y A v e n K e d . .

' EsqLR, N. M„ Aug. 25.^W. J, Sprad-Ung,, a wealthy* cattleman, controlling

-• iteekHtatereBts-in^hJoriderwtfH^ed^ •cowboys near Fairvlew in revenge fpr hia tgurderoua flsgamr upon Miss Nellie McKinstry of Marion, Ind. Spradling Tnet the woman as she was riding by, and


Date o r t h e K e b o r J » l o f the C o m r a d e * of . J o h m TSrowm

. PLiTTSBDiRQV Atig. 25.»-The ^date for the rebarJal of the bodies of the comrades of Jonrr "BHOTh ^ N o r t h Elba,,Essex" county, has been cnanged to Wednesday, A^g.^OrT^e^remonles-wllLbegin-at-2- , . p. inj and James it-HolmesxSTNSwToflr bottom btttte packageto-yeH6w:iak--and city, w^rflretrthw%BtTBhoHrrthe-battie- -in-TOry ^analt letteHL. -The dep^rtinenj ot Q-iawaJanile. i s fee Eansas raldain 1866,, will make the chief 'address. This battle was fought on Aug. 80*,-1856, and on that day. John Brown was seriously wounded and his son Fred was' killed.

O l o i e o f C h a u t a u o . u a A i i e n b l j r . CfiAOTAdqgA, Aug. 25.—The Ohautan-"

(|ita agB^^!qr^o*r-i899-cloBea-la8trnighfe There were no formal closing exercises. The program was kept up t o its high Its last number. The crowd began. tHj|hlnKotit the first of the week and •noimor*ffiaa^1)00 or^tlOO persona vceraJeIiLfltt_IILe gfOTxad forthe closing meetlffpr^The attendance thfuugTiuuif haa been^theJLMgi^UiiJtoejaatorTof the movement and, the season wooea wjth the* brlghteatpt^ect><iyer jjad bytheasBO-

"''"" •' ;-'.l'*l-iV"V". ' v TAcas H » a ' n O o i t l y N o r t h e r n V i s i t .

MOOT?* VJBSKOK, Ahg, 25.—Edward Lcwb? a prominent merchant of Austin, Texas, was robbed by bunco men of tl.COG at *PiBlham on Wednesday. A° well dressed man who clairn.ed, to have met Lewis In New Orleans toduced him to g%-to—an-alleged club house.

iffXbe QOTernment Forors ^ • LOUHBI.

CAP*HATTIBN, Aug. 2&—Severenght-ing took plao&yetterday-in the neighbor­hood of. Monte Christi, Santa Domingo, between. th,e government forces and the rovolutioniBta. It is said the former lost •heavily, whije the latter, owing to the

Sal night" whlTo he slept all of hte moneyNwas taken and'in the morning when he In­quired where he cotfd find the police he was s e t upon and beaten. * There is no clue t o the robbers.

Soei fox "v7iafffivroWfr~Aligr-^.-&AL~ suit for

$1,000,000 damages has been, brought by the New York AitfBrake Company,whose plant is located in" this city, against the Westlnghouss Air Brake Company, and

-another battleJbetween these giant cor-porationB is to be fought ont in the su-preme court of .this state. It la alleged that pending a n appeal' o n a previous case stories wexfr circulated which pre­vented. th»\Neiir-Sor.k Air Brake Com­pany from obtaining contracts.

' A Qa**r A*eld#Bt. Nnw SftfiKj .J*gJ ^5,«Q«0stge Kelpy,

an iron: workSr^dr^^.Bl^sayn hospital as toe result of arather peculiar accident He feTl7*l^r#iioni:the;r6^f>o*arbuu'a-lng^^^uok;o lPa#he;board . .Hlslesr warbrokenf and? 0 6 * -of the^bonesipehe^ trated the skin and imbedded iteelf ,in the WTm3jm4Hcbraad-a-qn»Tt«r.» Hatwiwted arottnd--and the bone Broke_agatnr—ft waaneceisaiy t o pry the piece-of hone uutW)ih»iroW^th-Trnhiwfil will probably be crlpplea for life:

. • Volunteer Office**. -N*wYOBSi.Ang. 25-iSoV. Booeevelt

ha«^rIl^ttk*ftcers^no*ha,vehi plications for appointment in the volun­teer s?ryice( 'stating t h a t ^ e command­ing, officers "of each regiment had fur-nished/hlrn with, the names of three mem­bers' of tha i commands -they- considered best«{J^tt't6*erVeinthenew regJmeiitB', and t h » from this list he nad made hte raccmabn^latlonB to Secretly Rooi;. •

- SA^ffi lsdisco, Aiig.y25.--The steamer Poriaand»rrltecllaste*vehing from Alaska with (WJrefttrningptoflpectorsand $1,500,-Wrar;^g5ild7 ieohBlgned to the' Alaska Oornn^efolaiconlpray'.; Thobulk Of the treaanrellBifroni the Cape Home

fired a- Tevolvgr-st ier . The^ahVAookU*^S5|Dreyf^ in her,neck; Cowboys neMhyl - ? w l t l B t B S ° P ™ »

atted afte.r Spradling, who eftiptted his revolver at them.. A InBlladefrom "Win­chesters in the ihands of the pursuers brought Spradling to the ground with six bullets in his body and head! .He died almost instantly. Miss McKinstry will recover. No cause for Ther""fifpibleis known.


A n A l l e g e d A t t e m p t t o K » a d e ~ t h e " Eaw^ B c g n r d i n g H i B a f t .

>LBANY,Aug. 25 —The state agricul­tural department ^as received evidence of what it regards as an attempt to evade the law_ireaniring renovated butter to be stamped as such. One. of Its agents in Rochester found butter offered for sale hi pachages, with "Anchor "Brand Butter,' BlginrJll4' ,-printed4n bine ink on the top of the. package, and ^renovated butter^ BterilizeAnrocess'^rintlBd on the

believes that this is a violation of the spirltof the law and w m taker proceed­ings to prevent the sale .Of. the butjterin this state, • ••


Suttain Heavy

human . , ness, M. Bertillon requested the court to permit his diagrams and papers to be brought In and retired for a moment. He returnedat the head of a squad 00m-posed'of an infantry sergeant and four privates, all Btaggerlng under the weight of the Immense leather satchels, bulging wttbrdocnmente,-eha'rtsr etc^ wiicb,they deposited on the stage as a roar Of laugh­ter echoed throughout the court. Even the judges were unable to suppress a smile as they -gazed- on M. BertiUon's stage! properties strewn over half the plat-Sotau A table was brought In, upon

fettonlstfraTfrreiiortea:t5 be-oohtlhually receiving retatoroetrieuts.

^ . -^*^* t .h^- t^T^

" • Victory ftw flonday Ball Blaye?« BuFPAld, Aug. 25.—JnstioB Laughlln

of the supreme court has denied the peti; tlon asking that Police Commissioners Eupp and Curtis be required to show cause why they should not be 'removed from office for alleged neglect of duty and nftftfenhance In office in notstopplpg Sun-

iolatlo - - -day violations of the liquor laws^TaaSe ball playing, gambling, etc The law which was enacted at the recent session of the legislature is declared unconstitu­tional. created what might be called a new court composed of the su­preme court justices of Erie county, to whom such applications as this might be Tnado; is supported by Justices Kenefick, Hatch, Titus and White, with whom he had a consultation, and he gives an'exhaustive opinion to sustain his action.

P r e * . M o K l n l e y a t t o n * B.ranoh. tiOHO BRANCH, Aug. 25,—President

McKinley and party arrived here this morning at 7:45 o'clock from Plattsburg on a special train- The president and Mrs. McKinley looked in excellent-health and bowed their«5fcaawl«dgmss& fjeatedly to ,the great crowd* They were driven to Vice President Hobart's cottssge^ Normanhursfc, a t Norwood Park. The prfsltfenfc-breakfasted at Norwood and remained there quietly until 2:80 p. m , when, he reviewed the military tourna-ment*t the Horseshoe Grounds. . NBW 'S'OBK, Aug.25.—The If i S.4tuxlli-

ary-cruIaerrScorpionv^atsed-autolrguar^ atsttoBrthia--mornIhgi- Sh& -is- -to lie' off Long Branch jrhllejbe president is there,

e-Soorpion-w*»^ornierl^ the yacht^Saxeielgii."

VICINITY. —A new suspension bridge is to be

placed over the Salmon Biver near the Ogdensburg & Lake Champhiinl>assen-eer depot in Maioap, : ^ J W*4 - - i '

^mm$)ky Aug- 25.—The ice cream aociaargs'largely ^tended last evening and th^aoolety; realized over $10,, The people W $ M L # M ^ " ^ y aaJhaulb^^iMioilOwlnKl^graWK Soagr Prienai«f^rigAgO;^itatiott , ,K'sslng a Wti&fflltf&Wb WHeoleti didogafc FahK»|fea6li ,tt#it' '-7Hi^eB i :.J)oUy»a MamMmtne lDbotor , Which ym *ery well , gtveljiBidhgJ Wha^ Shall I Say? H e t W M g & m -TheLH*&Schoolm_atm r e c i ^ # l M a . ..'MlbsSle,; -WhOjlW-^igi h e « l i ^ e p 6 ^ | ^ c u h n m | ^ W*L

S e v # ^ l » e « u ^ d . i t t » . « t e « 4 S i f B » 5

w I t h , t t i e i i I I o 1 i s n f ^ m | k a p W ^ s a n i ' « * f i 6 i p » a ^ « ' 1 i f e . ^M*®*

Btrohg%mfe ;b*liotti8' » * W »««

«er the ym Whloh^l,-Wtthoi i f t^P^tor* - , _ , „.-Atm-^Mi!mmmMi eft- fbeyottn.

;t«BH*n€lt|ed.?the' , !^ «anil^On»taW^;

^Krhich vras

--Patrick Phillips of Watertown his offered'to furnish alt i'^ material and to construct .the foundation for the. Gov. Flower monument' The fund now amounts to |18,000.

—Major"Cayanaugh has been ordered to recruit at Syracuse for the new volmv teer regiments. About 100 volunteers were received at the Syracuse station for the first volunteer regiments.

—The 11th annual encampment of the St.. Lawrence Veterans' Association la being neld-at Terrace Park, Ogdensburg, this week. The association^ Includes -nfembera of the 16th, 60th,> 92d, lttCth and 142d reginctents, the 14th and 16th heavy*artlllery and the first New York light artillery. - •

" - Swaucott'e >tlll*.'



-'':',' .QAliPi^^pviN $a,600.

A B » i i t i n ^ % a i i | i J M m . l z e d a t A l e x a n -

' : i •."••.•^•'..:-SS|I^' ' ' •WA5»t(.ij(>^^AlfiErif5.—A special to the,Standa^;;f^iai«lfxandria Bay, N,' XTl»ay^d^W^|%SR.U. -ot -Baltimore^ Jjld.,;#bO>^i'Ji#Ji|(i;#opping at Thou-sandIsland"Hous^iiat since July'2grS^te'l|ifwi!p victimized out of t2i(^rby?a ^^"ipftiarperB. vAblouKtw^eew^jlo a party came to

-thto'-pjs^e/^lln^i^nft^Qoma to use. as a, gambling reBO»tf|ST«e« have done a fair nsthet*JBW^JIft%!l# !ast night they

made their great coup. The j ^ t y gave their names as Louis

luJBlett<a, John Beok^ Al. Henry and a

J&ancfi to have declared in favoripf Drisy-fus. He reported, on examffiing documents in the case, enticed to draw the Money from the bank


Me >, that Eaterhazy, the bordereau. v

deposition with-

a brief, personal statement, protesting against being characterized .as a "doubt­ful expert," t h e m t a i s s i y party.:*^""

"But," he adeed, in tones of profound pity and turning toward Dreyfus, "I have no right to complain and am silent when I see: before ine the unfortunate man who sits there."

M. Gobert then repeated the evidence he had given before the court of-cassa-tton. He gave hte testimony In a clear convincing mannervanu was must- eut--phatic i n attributing the bordereau to Esterhazyi. - Answering questions of the judges, M. Gobert declared his conviction that the bordereau was written in a running nat^ uralhand and said there was no tracing or other trickery.

Gen. Gonse asked to be confronted with _ ... . M, Gobert and put a number of ques- ably save them. Bafrthe dangerpoint tions, over-one or-twoof^Uohae'^wit-plmO B*-ath|nd i _• ness stumbled, to the Inflinite satisfac

exchanged for.another, and' a!terTEe~two crooks had a falr= start the old man dls-xjovered^aialLtliffi&jffiW nothing in. the box t h a t he hadi-~,The crooks came to Preecott. and then across to Ogdensburg on the 4 o'olock boat. The last seen of them was on the road >to LlBbon about 6 In the 4Lvenmgw-JI*fie^ofllclal8 have been notified in thejnrxpjahding towns.

^••niW^l OftOPS J»«"t)ANG6R. .

tlqtt-of the-mllltary witnesses. • M. Befailon, the noted anthropemeter *due^to-ajeomblnaHon^f poor land and

(specMist-in- the mea8uirenient_iif_jBe: ^ d M ^ b u - O o r t t l W d B («• the southern human body), was called as the next wit- "£ i |g^rexount^look- as though they f

. . _ > . . . . .. TJ.-. 1.- d^twenr swept by. #»« hot winds that often devastate aectlocB of the west. St&lka and leaves are scorched and the grain 1B underslized and of Inferior qual­ity. Tomatoes ax« suffering from« dry rot. Onions are -Umall and only half a orop. Apples, plums and pears are drop­ping in great quantities. Pastures are giving oWandrstcKjk; is being fed on grain. Many cisterns and wells are dry.

ady^ta««Hi^stoohswnIclLth%3KSn=. '^iJL^l^SJ^^L^L^^ •

" IgTBertlllou uummenced his depoeltion j i i i i m ^ ^ ^ - w ^ p 1 6 4 ^ 8 *****ja-good Part of tomor^w-s s e ^ i o n r * - ^ ^ - ^ ^ majority of the public, utterly unable to comprehend M. fiertillon's theories, left the court room.

In the meanwhile M. Bertillon, with gestures and In the shrill-pltohed voice of a quack at a country fair, continued his monologue, producing every minute some ireeh paper covered withwouderf ul ldero glyphics, copies of which he presented to the judges, who, with an expression of owl-like wisdom, carefully examined them. Dreyfus gazed at the scene with a look of stupefaction.

The clearest utterance of M. Bertillon, . . . _ during the course of hte demonstration,

to-this-rnllng^ustioftljaughlin, -waatbat'iMJilffid^niMng.of the border-reau "obeys a geometrlcanrly"Enm*, of of which I discovered the equation in the prisoner's blotting padi"

The witness finally announced he would give a practical demonstration -of the writing of the bordereau, accoidingto his system. Then he theatrically cleared the desk attached to the witness bar, drew his chair nearer, deposited bis high hat on the floor, and, sitting down; be* gan copying the bordereau. The auai-enoe watched him, bent over the desks busily drawing letters, the judge* gazis# ^asheaV at him, until a t the end often minutes the people and the judges­lessly .impatient s i d CoL Jouanst re­marked that i t was not necessary to copy the whole bordereau and that a few lines would suffice.1 ; .„*'" "

A few minutes later M. Bertillon arose, strode to the judges' table and laid before taenrhtt^ofi government oomnlisTsaryj Majot"<3arrIerfr and the clerk; o t the conrfc. otofered "around in one gfuttU) cagei' to~ iee the re

Puiriaed by ltlirortuBa. NEW VipB-Kj Aug,.26L—Syivesttr Q'Bul-

llvan, president of theMaryland Casualty company was struck' by a train in Plain-field, N. J;,-this morning and badly, in­jured. Oneot his arms was broken and his iace. ahd, bodybadlybrtdsed* Tte doctors say he will not b^ able to leave hte house for several weeks. Mr&< O'Sul-livan was burned to death In a dry goods store in Plalnfield a fow weeks ago w i e h • _ , „ . . . v « , - .- Mm^ai^v, tt-crn her dr^a^aug^fir..from ^ m ^ p A ^ % ^ i i ^ ^ & A

suit. The audience watched this strange spectacle uhtH Col. Jouaust shrugged his shoulders and then the spectators knew that, M. Bertillon had failed to satisfy t h e m . • "--. ' . - , T - • - — * ' 7 ' . " ' '. '• . M. Bertillon noticed this and apologet­ically said; "I was" too badly^placed." . OoL Jouaust th*h tft 11:45.a. m. ad­journed the court and M.Bertalon packed up hte belongings and the soldiers carried them out.

.Looks Like a Hoax.

Blyer Ehone^thereVcontalnlag-arnaper1

with this pencUed'inscrlptlonJ .^^aborij-to "Loriiner, Basle. *tTotbingJ»*illbedbUei Dreyfus is innocent. Voluntary suicide. Ofders ex,eou<p.s'1

Tne bag w«^andedj) to tM . ;_. but^o-^xbiMai!onJhUh^&atter-Jiaa; be^aforTEhobmltig* There teap^lbiltty it i s a hjjax. -Krimler (hot liorfiner) was the late Lieutenant Colonel Henry's sec­retary, who committed suicide at Basle, Switzerland.

More Blotlng in Farla. _, Nfw YOBK, Aug. 25.—The Evening

Jejunal has a cable from Parte that riot-ingbetweenDreyfusardB and antl-Drey-fusards has resulted in troops charging the mob and twelve persons being Injured.

SwANCOirr's MILLS, 35T.—Pblllp S*aflccffct|'ha> his new hoijw barn nearly

; Site* Katie Brlst of TJtlca has beeCvte1*-Itlng her cousin, Mrs. Henry Kirk.

Farmers are harvesting their oats. ID* BV f hutston was tolled to Quaker

Hill on Prlday,by the death of his brother, G*«rgeT/Tnm!aton. . ^ !l ,r , ^ Clropa ar^ much improved bJLtne recent

" S S U Hehty Ktik Is sgehdliig a few d « y s % l t f c ^ pareuta a t l%.0r»*k.

Oat by a Plee* of Olart and Sled, OGMtBSBUBGj Aug. 25—A large mir­

ror was broken at the residence of Alfred Mermia last night,»nd the jagged pieces were thrown from a window t o the lawn. This morning .Mr. Mermia's seven-year oldson, while at play, fell upon a piece oltheglass^Itrenteredbetween-thejtibs and passed Ithrongh the lnngs^D>ath followed from hemorrhage In aOjalnntes.

Serlona Jlineoe of H. Waater^ffebb^— PiATTSBUBG, Aug, 25. — NewaTias

reached here thatH. Walter Webb, vice president of the New York Central road, ig critically411 a t A; McK. TwonAley's camp on TJpp*r Sfc B«gl«( Lake. The dte-pateh states that Mr. "Webb la suffering from a complication of diseases. /Mrs;

I w s b b ^ h H e i ^ u s b a h d . - - f

m W n a l n e d ^ m W ^ ^ from~*^W^Yorkv :Mjh§F'iniWif^ijlt^iisuH'k''iBto their ijoihtlwCeVMmgl^iby filevei1 ihanipu: lationsT of the pasteboards succeeded in getM% the ab%VeisStin'from him. V TBiB wm fefrdnrfih#:;ilrat boat for- Can-aadaM'naye hotfibeisitfleen since.-

FARMER-LgaT $10,Q50.

a V i c t i m t o ' /Three -Card M o a t e f e l l

» Oan«JlsbtJBftj. &,tigr: ,• 25, —James Con-flellyj. a farmer reajdlng in Augusta, GaufiaV-'/was.- o»i Juneiaay Tgwindjed outjd4^|lfl»fl5iLb^S|aiSld time game of



I t A m r e e i t o K g e r T ^ t i r ^ n v e - I i e a M - o f - t h e -b o i t o n Si A l b a n y • Olanee W h i c h Bha l l A f f o r d A m p l e P r o t e c t i o n t o t h e S t o c k ­h o l d e r s of T h a t R a i l r o a d . >

Naw YORK, Aug. ,25—It was an-nonnced offloially here today that the New York Central, to meet the criticism that, under the terms of its lease, it might, strip the Boston. & Albany Ratl-foad and take and use all its, earnings, !?§? off®**! to insert ill the lease a clause providing that" I t s¥aTl nottaTeany of the learnings of the Boston &* Albany system to lteelf unless i t Shall have-paid over to the Boston & Albany stockhold­ers for their own use another 14,000,000.

Proper provisions' and safeguards will be made concerning rate division, ac­counting and inspection ot accounts by Boston & Albany-directors


T w e n t y - F i v e t o B e Bent t o Vernon S t o n e Qesrry—.The C o r a CJrop. * •

. . __ VKBKON, Aug. 25—Sheriff' Reese ar-three-Jcard'mqnte^-sTh> old man" 'wastrived"tH"town- on Thursday andrin com-

O o n s a l a t C a n t o n S a i p e n d e d .

WASIIISGTOH, Aug. 25,—Consul Ed­ward Bedloe of Pennsylvania, who has been-stationed. at-fianton^ China, by T^esldent^IcKiniey^Mi^ee^BBpOTdea' by the state flepaftment and grantedper-

imiBBtontoreturBtotherSnited-states; It is alleged that he granted, a certificate of American ownership tn a vefi'aei which carried supplies and miinltions of war to the Filipinos.


pany with Supervisor Dprn, drove to'the Tne-box-wasitown Btone quarry where the steaml'

cruBberis to beiocated. arrangemfictg with J . 'B. CushmanJEor his vacant house that,stands near the quarry to lodge and board his prisoners in. Next week he tntendtrtb send twenty-flve prisoners to the quarry. They will be guarded and cared for by the county. The crusher Is not all here a s there has been some delay. *

There baa for some time been an im­pression here that the corn crop would

Mr. K e e s e m a d e - } marketTfereinBtttuted after H o=e»oete ~ " " was elected as the most vulnerable point and

was forced aewu 'over three" pomta from last night's level. American Tobacco anil Consoll-

corn crop be a failure, owing to the prolonged dry ,„.

W a y n e Uounty F a r n w r r «^fw^-yr»«»-«.»n^|». w M " b haa bflPiTfbmngbttJr) I doiiari4i%. Governinent boaila easy " jjronth. the factory is much better than was ex-

CLYDE, Aug. 25^Tbe situation In ffia- ^f*** a r e , n o t 8 h o r t a H a 9 » Wayne' county as a result of the long con- ' f l U e d o u t w e 1 1 -


tinned drouth te one of grave apprehen-1 , J f »™J* S S ? T a m t h ^ A g r o u n d Is sion. The fate of rn?ny crops, which are ^ ^ ^ / T , • . fc ,„ In pretty bad shape, i s not sealed," as a4 ^ ^ . Q . W. Salmon has been calling good ram wlthlu * f ,W days would prob- i 0 n ^ t r ! s w ^ l T a n d wife have returned

Lfrom Cortland. Somefleid8*QfMmi!bnokwheat andpo-' ,-B«»mAng. 1 up to 83 tfes^rtioe Can-^ A r ^ v n ^ ^ m n t l ^ . h n f c i h f f r H o » g Company shipped 28,000- cas« of

peas. The rest of their pack is sold and will be Bfijpried In a^hort time,

Clarence PBtrielost night announced his marriage to—Mlsa. Maggla JEOnck_4, Both bride and groom are residents ot this villagesand • their many friends ex­tend congratulations, '


tatoes are'beyond redemption, but W s Is


T i r o A » a LadUa T h r o w n F r o m a O a r r l i g e

-_ A v ^ l r - g i c n l o ^ _

A V A , Aug, 25.—"W)iat might have been aserlouB accident happened on Wednes-*day lUTMr* Henry'HnVibntTWd dangnter

Amer B x p r e « . . , . H l Canada 8 0 . . . . . . . . t « 0, 0 . O. * 8 t . L . . . V,% Del. it Hudson.. .125. Del. L . & W . , 174Hi Lake 8 h 0 » 301 Hi Manhattan . . . . 11SVS N. J. -Central 11014" Nori Paolflo ptA.- 17 N. V. Central VH<4 Paolflo Mall « H 8t. P a i l 4 0 in 111-fleri. B l io t i lo new. lgtJ l

•Beao3«i'.V.V.iii'.v to% -Hev-Txmr^JLugi._i!JLr=i4>^.jaL=-ailgar .did ,.-nrthr recovery lon(», a s tbo-price, 153, prov«(l teiuining to the bear faction and (hoy

•jmnnred-ltnlown-to-tihe lawosuajcaln SlOKularlj enough the geneml ranrket proved Indltferen

ing'bome from the picnic, but started to drive past & team the rear wheel of the carriage collided with the rear wheel of the other rig and the car-

KfTecta of t h e D r o u t h In N o r t h AnnxTl l le — S o c i a l P a r t y , e t c .

6EKBMOB*V Augr25i-^It ia thlrl^«seven-days since we halve had any rain to speak of in this place. There has been only one shower, Just enough to settle the dust, and crops of all kinds are nearly Tuined. Corn has wilted and turned brown. Late potatoes are going to be a failure. The

1 farmers In genera} ar^ Wearmg-pber faces. - Daniel Ck)lllnB.hjLs-.palnters-pnttlng.on

his new barn ha i m n m i y

do preferred. . . . erf_ Canada Souther*. Mv4 Obee A O h i o . . . . . . 20M 0 B * y 13««

Del f tBudaon 124*4 l iel L * W . . . ^ . i . - l M Lake Shore 901U Loulaft N M h . . . . . 8II4 MaixbattHn h US Met at B a U w w r ™ * * - . HlMourl Paolflo.. &% MOj^JSan* Texpf flL 40 * N J Q e n S r * U . . . . „ » « N Y ,Cetitr*l... .„188J4

ment to the place News has been received here of the

very severe illness of Mrs. Powers, rlage'was turned over, throwing the ocou- a former resident of Mils place. She is r S T S i S J i U 'TOrirri^ffitvWi nTm ^ - ^ P * - * 0 0 0 ! * ! -residence--of-her-Bon,. pants to the ground. Fortunately no 3H6" was.afiriouflly hurt. The horse was caught before It got away.

Nearly 4U0 people from Ava and vicinity attended the farmers' picnic yesterday.

J. P. Edgerton and family of Oneida are visiting Mr. Edgerton*s mother, Mrs. Julia Edgerton,

Albert Traxel of Rome, "Who haa been Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Traxel, for the past two weeks, has re-turnedVhomft. .-• _ " .


Rev. Father Thomas Powers of Elgin, Ohio. There te no hope of her recovery.

Mr. and Mrs^ Mnllin have tor their

C h a r g e s A g a i n s t H e a d of B a t h Soldier*' . H b m e W i l l N o t Be P n » h e d .

CoKKiHO, Aug. 25;—At a meeting of the board of trustees of the New York "State Soldiers and Sailors' Home held at Bath today^CommandantShepard agreed to resign at the February meeting pro­vided the charges against him were1 not

Tbe board agteed to this. The board looked into the matter of the disposition oftheliO^OO fond now being distributed and decided that the proceedings were regular and In accordance with the law.


Bfndleon. MADISON, Aug. 25.—Mr. and Mrs. Burt

Cleveland and daughter Florence of Roch­ester are visiting at H. I. Taylor's.

Hop picking Is close at hand. Several of the farmers are-to commence picking Tuesday. I judge, by the amount of travel, they will have no trouble in pro­curing pickers.

Miss Charlotte Cushman of this place has a position in the Sherburne High School.

The work of putting the memorial win­dow in the M, E. Church has been com­menced by workmen from out of town, assisted by O. 2 . Rice of this place.

Clyde Lewis will be professor of math­ematics i n Belleville Academy -the coin­ing year. This is one of the oldest insti-

ff 9t wn'H— p. [tntionB In northern New. York. AfH^r^Kenueiis-ano^iaB-Msttaaiif liew.


D a v i g o f V t l e a .

S5.-~"While riding bis bt market" firm; bniuoS, 14.36; exchanire prlee»-lti.fl0O1^6. Potatoee. market dull;

York, who have spent the summer with

WffllamiC. DaviiLof 84 Lafayette street v l B { t a t j£rB> R0We>s ^ Norwich. prime, *1.2i>Ol4B: fan«sy. fr.bOXIi.ob} comm elfebef fell or was thrown from hte wheel j , ^ Morgan and nephew, Earl Bice, *"""' "*— """' ~ " and died immediately. Whether death ^ ^ returned from De Rnyter, where W8*.djtte to .heart Jfailure or to an Injury t n e y have been vtelting friends and rela­

tives. • .' receivedby^fctaer faU' has hotbeen ascerj talnedi*-'M?, Daviswasborn in Wales 3d years'ago andliad resided iii TJtlca about s ix years, He iaanrvived by his wife and two children. •

r a T o r l t e i W i n a t A a b n r n .

AtJBTJBiij Atig. 25.—In yesterday's Cen­tral New York circuit races the favorite Tyrm irttaamn' ftHihft f o n x e v e h t s : T h e f l n -ijgb in the last heat of the Ionrth.racewas the most exclting^event of the day. All hones rounded, the stretch In a bunch

'^'•"^^'"Tyjtna^tb^ was riot^mora than iw/ienty feet behind the wihher coming in under -the wire, Stolney yrthning b y a 3 | p f l | | l ^ n t ^ | i r F e l i x McSMgori-^Sum-i^iaji~,. •• . ' , • ' » , T, SaBipice, Time Piece lst,. JJJBU eSlbarp-er 2d, Dora "Hfghwood 8d. Time, 2d3-, 2:14i, 2:16*. i - 2:20 trot, Dot Miller 1st, Millard San­ders 2d, Lou y , 8dT Time, 2-.20& 2:191, 2:20i. " , - 2:16 pace, Strath Belle 1st, Y. Wilkes 2d, Neil Alcyoner U. Time,2.16J, 2:15£, 2:15J. , ; ,

2i37 trot, Stplney 1st, Saricenegca 2d, Felix McGregor 3d. Time, 2:22i, 2 24, 8:261.

patarlo Beaeh. «xenr»lon Sailday, Aug. 27

. The New YOrk Central w*U run their last "Sunday excursion this season to Ontario Beach on Aug. '27. VA special fast train; wi l l leave Rome at 8:30 a. nx, jffrlvlng _at.jC)ntarla Beach (Charlotte) a b o u r W " " ~" " lott* tl.5Qt ^ -Bewhy-Roller-Goasterj-Sail-Boata-and

guests for a few days Capt. u. Mctjlll and wlfo of Chicago. The captain is an old army friend of Mr. MuHin.

A few of the farmers have begun draw­ing sweet the Taberg factory.

The young men of North Annsville are to give a party at the town hall,* Glen-more, Aug. 20, in honor of the n imerous strangers that are visiting!'in this place.

^S^r^^^l^-^^^mm^^^ ^ ^ ^ ment for all, Liberatt's Military Baiid gives a concert on the above'mentioned date in Ontario Beach Parity Holders of New Y6rk Central excursion tickets are admitted to the concert and ateo to the vaudeville free of charge. Secure tickets and furthe* information from agents.

1 \ < * ^

.,. . Maranan. D'ASSBOBO, Aug. 25,—The long con­

tinued drouth was broken by alight rain­fall on Monday but not enough rain fell to wet the ground to much depth. There is great scarcity of water In this vicinity., wells and cisterns being dry.

Hop picking will commence next week. TaTsBTBdnaiNorthcup to ffi. .- -

Miss BerthaJlodge_p! Oakland, CaL, who is quite ill here te slowly recovering.

EarlW. Stafford, who was seriously hurt in a runaway accident last week, te recovering although still confined to the house.

Mrs. G. A.. Buckley, accompanied by her granddaughter, Clarlbel Stafford, left yesterday for a trip .to Lake Placid in the Adirondacka. "

L o w B a t e * t o W a s h i n g t o n Via t h e O. Se W .

The G-. A,. R. national encampment will be held, this year at Philadelphia, Pa. Sept 4 to 9. The New York, Ontario & Western will sell tickets to Philadelphia and return, via their line to New" York, and either the Pennsylvania railroad or Royal Blue line between New York and Philadelphia, at one fare for the round trip; or, in other words, at half "ratesi These reduced rate tickets will be sold and good going Sept. 2 to 5 inclusive^and will be good for return passage any tiihe up to arid lnoMihg~Sept. 12.. However! if- parties desire to remain longer in Phil

- tOST- -$ - t -2 '6r— '•-"

Mlafortune o f a C l a y v l l l e M a n In Cttoa —Other P e o p l e ' s M o n e y ,

CLAYVILLB, Aug. 25—Charles Lindsay had the misfortune to lose or have taken from his pocket, while in Utica, the sum fifJlM bjeJoBgjng to Qulnn & Sammens, which he was fiaEIhg there to~depositrin-the bank. No trace of it has yet been


Mrs. Robert Wllliama, who has been ill for some time past, is very low. No hopes are entertained for her recovery.

' • B took i , B o n d * a n d H o n e v .

•NrWVowE, Aug, jja.-rDfeenlnp.—London sent lower jjrltea thla mornlnR and thla IntUience was apparent at "The r^BnTa|S;tiBTe.' ^raottanat declines were , the rule'in, the leading ralh\'ijy StiScftB: "ft trtnntrar of- ttttnor—stootea- showed- -fractional pains and they were advanced In ope or two prominent stocks. '

Noon—Renewed efforts t o break the general Swffat

AT1ABTA, Ga., Aug. 25.—There is a re­newal of the race trouble at Darien, Ga , and Gov. Candler has again been asked to send troops there t o . prevent an out­break. A few days ago Henry Dalegal was. arreflted'at Darielff on a charge of assault, and a lynching was prevented by fche-aotlon ©f4h&gp"*er»ox^ members of the, ;flrst regiment, who brought the prisoner to Atlanta and left .. a de^hnrent on guard at Darien; - —- .* ..---

Today Joseph Townsend was killed and Octavlna Hopkins* waa wounded in the shoulder by John Dalegal,, whom they; were trying to arrest. . Sheriff Blount of

, Mcintosh county, wired Gov. Cahdler to? > COM M ERCE. fH^iiTglng *thar~n*i^e"^i^ps^b^fsenrtrtor- -

Darien as the, situation is critical. Col. Lawtonr who is In command at, Darien, wired for tarbihes and- ammunition", Which where sent to him. Gov., 'Candler-haB-referred Sheriff Blount's- messafetttii * Col^ Ijftwton ai}d ordeted. ,the Liberty In-dependent troop to be i n reauines»-te—— move. ••'".;

date^<5as-drepped-*b©ut thFeapointafrcut bBsfe™and the Flower SfMcinLles, Cftntlnental Tobacco, Burlington. Louisville. B. & O. and Jersey Central 1@2. Dullness set in when the movenient exhausted itself with the market in­clined to hardvn. Sales 10 noon £49,522.

Money s teady at BHr- Paper 4M@6- Ei-ohange nteaoy a t 4gi"4fe485H for demand and at iSSWiau tor 60 daya. PoRted rates. 484 and 487M- OommerclftlbulBv4SiH83i<;. BUrer cer-tiflcates, 60060)4. Bar surer, 50 11-10. Mexlo»D

WeBtem U n i o n . . 88Ji Am. Sugar ....lMJfi Tenn. O. * 1 05 Ont. A W e s t . . . . : . k7>i Atchison 21 U. 8. Leather 10% TJ. 8. t e a t h e r pfd 70 U. 8 .6 s «reg U U6 O. 8. 5'e coup I I I H EIrlo aecondfl 78^ - m s t l h d r e f . t - . - l H H •uTSTTTreg naw.i^SOM rj. 8..4'» oonpne*-i30>i


owtrto-tibe lawosuagain SlnKularJy „ goneml market proved Indlu^erenT

to the maneuver and emayro . to rWe. Outald* of aomo ni inor properties, there wan not much change In values

Stocks closed dull and easy. AtohUon.-- . 23kj -amer; Kxproie . . . 140

Am Tobaooo......128^6 do preferrod. . . . l44

Oontolldnted 8at . l8 i )4 Gen Electric, newlW « » c i n a l U i U . ^ „ ^ 7 PoOple't Qaa "OTJS Buliman Paiaoa 15Tv» Bugar BeOnory.-.lSJJi Tenn Coal A Iron. WAi W U Telegraph, . 88M NeiP»»a4«1 r e r - " ' * 1

Mew U B 4JI- coup.130 -do4'« reg, l\SH

J do:*»«onp. . ; . . . l tS: ' doS's. reg . . .If

O n t A W a t t . . ^ , . , , Reading . . . . . . . . . . Rockmand. . . . . . . l i t<) i< a w ft o i8i St Paul 183% 8t Paul ft Omaha. 118 80 Hallway p f d . . . M% Ualon Peo pfd 'mi W a b M h — . . . . . . . 8

. . „ . 87fc K K A - T - a a i . . . . . . to •

" •» " 4'i WM Bt L ft I M Gen 6 ' l tuU Tex Pao Sndi ; 50; West Shore fonn . i l ' Federal Steel ''

- - do -pre tenedra . Am Air Power bid. 05

do, a sked . . . . ; . .



A n O u t b r e a k l i F e a r e d — A n Officer K i l l e d ~~S^£^Witsr*R» Waa TryiDa^ t « _Arrj»iit—

Tba Sheriff TVlrei T h » t t h e S i t u a t i o n la Orl t lea l—One Lynolilngr la P r e v e n t e d ,


N e w Y o r k P r o d u c e M a r k e t .

.Aug , SB^-Flout, receipts,TB,S lOffpi " "

Naw T O M , . . . barreli: sale" 8.100 packngei! state and western quiet and about steady. Muraeeota' patents, %t 8504.05; Minnesota Bakers, | 8 05Q8 20; Win­ter patents, t3.60O8.S0; winter straights, $3 35 Q8.4S; winter extras , }S 4SO2.80: whiter l ow (trades, $2,85^2.40. B y e flour, firm; sales 800 barrola; good to fair, $ i 0503.15; rKoftieto fancy, J3.aoa3 85. Wheat, receipts, 72,110 bushels; sales, l.CO) 000 bushels. Options steadier oh ca­bles and small northwest receipts, to eiisp o a later because TIB>r^7Di{t!ntliiOBh1pments; 5I«y< 8iHOf2Jicf Sept., 7CJ»©70Mc; Dec., 7 9 ^ © 79 11-lOc. Bye, Ann; state, 60J; No. S western, SOHo f. o. b. afloat and spot: Corn, receipts, IK2,j25 hushelsLialee, 26,000 bushels. Optfons strong, advnnctng on Uie cash situation with a midday reaction following wheats- "8ept.,'88}*fB-88?^c; D * c , 8 5 2 0 5 ^ . Uatt; r e c e i p t , iMfim buHhels. Market slow and dull; track

bite, state, t0O83c; track, white wette<-n. SOaa.Sj Beef, quiet and steady; family, tv.6(Qil 01; extra meat; 19.00; packet, | 9 . 2 6 « 10.00., Pork, steady; newmeaa, f8.7GQ9.S0: ram. By, »11.0Or»12.O0; short d e a r , 110 &3U.75 . u«Vd, quiet; prima western, i t eam, $5.55 n o m ­inal.

S e v e r a l A m e n d m e n t * t o t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n C o n s i d e r e d .

SrRieusHj Aug. 25..—At -the. convent.-., tlon of-fire chiefs this morning several of the constitutional amendments' were con­sidered. It Was decided beginning with next year, to elect a president and two vice presidents irrespective of'the vice presidents from the dill'erent stateB by a majority, vote of delegates. Section -fcwo-v^ef-i-arfcljste—two,—la. .changprt so _ as to provide for a board of directors to consist' of the president, secretary and three other members to be elected for three years. TheWlary of the secretary ia made $000 Instead of $300 a year. A resolution was adopted restraining the di­rectors, from changing the place of meet­ing of the association. Mayor McGulre was elected an honorary member of the organization as were also G. H. Renna-gei; editor of the Firemeni? Herald,'and fey^TtotierttRoberWorBurlington,Vt,, William -Exallnf Kewari^ N. J.^ was elected-rHle tnember.

Charleston was > chosen as the place of meeting for ~the next-convention on the fourth ballot. Indianapolis was aecoml and Houston, Tex., third. Chief J. P. Quigley of Syracuse was chosen preside! t of the association, Secretary Hills anil Treasurer Larkin- being re-elected. Tho convention then adjourned.

O. ft W. N i a g a r a f a l l a a n d T o r o n t o B-x-. . o u r a l o n .

Have you seen the excursion bills got­ten out by the New York, Ontario & Western Railway Company, covering their excursion to Niagara Fans and To-tonto^ where the far tamed Toronto ex­position, will be fe progresst. ffi .eassty Septemb^Klt-yoabaTej3.oJli,.je:cnre one, peruie it*i anfta«e what low raU«-are ot-feredforthe trip to the "WbrtdVGreat- "

*wfc-3Cand*fct; and t h e fffeat C a n a d i a n .event. The rate is one fare lor the round trip, and tickets wi l l be sold and good going Sept. 1, 3'Or 8, good to return leaving the Falls any time up to and in-imdiinrBerrt.^-TJ*ig^ls-an-«xr-4i>lIent op^_

portunity to yourself of the low rates offered. If there is anything relat-.

to-thla excnrsi .u that you would JJke to knowT communicate with the nearest O. & W. agent, or address J. C. Ander-



BKiw, receipts, B.B33 paekaxaa: market s teady; ita e and P^nosylvanla, HOIS' ?ossoff;*e»rri>a, ungraded, 12515o a t mark. Sugar, o>w, quiet , and steady: (air refining. 31516c. rtenttltugm, SB t s f t 4$$o; best mnlamee sugar, 8%c. Bedned quiet;. om«tted, 518-I60; uowderaa, Sffo; graau-taied, * 6-I69. uoffe* dull; No. 7, W o . '''al­low, firm; city, 4^®lMo; country, 4Jio. Oar. flrm; shipping, sooecc- good to chose*, 7B077VaC. Hope, market dull; state, eomtapa

— 60; 189J -crori, nominal; 1898 h - I S M t « » P r ""

_ , 'conunun, steady; long rye,_40a45a: abort BOOfSc. BtraWL . . .„ . . _

rye, SJO^i" "»* •rt.raw.JOOoon Bearur.ateady; marrow St.60^1.59; medium, $1 87Kf»1.40; ,«*>•, fl.86®137Mi "«*d Wdney, 116541.70. Woo?, market steady but quiet; domeatio neeoe, VHu «lo; Texas dry, 18| | lbo, '

Son, General Passenger Agent, 56 Beaver street, New York.

Borne M a r k e t Q u o t a t i o n s . ROHK, A u g 25.—The principal change In tho

market quotations today 1B a slight advance In prices paid for'Iamb pe l t s and shearling*.'

Butter—CreameryJB» S». retail !H®aB,' dairy ftalS, retail 1&3J20. C&sew V* W> retai l 19014. _ - • - * — • - re ta ins

astry $-i.0oa4.25,

Corn and oats $ ' 1 0 0 if)«. OOQrfttf.'Bcreeatags- •-WOJl.OO^ craokod corn 90, shlpe V0, bran 90, flax seed oil meal fTM, Indian meat, fine, $1.00, coarne W, mtadnnp, c<!WW,90 Unwl»i BBylMotrtWJO-# . 0 0 , baled hay <$ 100 ftaTtO, rye straw 48, oat straw 40. corn, state "$ bush 55, western 60. oats 88, retail 88, buckwheat ¥ bush 55, retail CO, rye ' 45, retail 60.

Hides, trimitted. bulla ^ tt> 8, cows 7, s teers 7, murrain and grubby 4S5> trimmed veal skins up to 10 I>s, ^ lb 10. untrfmxned 10 to 15 lb*, e a c h 90 a i U J ^ p r i m e No. 1 deacon skins 35340, c u t and "HSalt deacon gkfor36i2s2$. woot; WMh«4--1?-5"> 1SS1-W, unwaabed 1*^18, l a m b palls, each SOQuO,

10®85, tallow in rough, * t» i}& ren-df red 8.

Biwns, medium and pea, ?! bush $1.45, retail Gc f quart, marrows $170, retell 8 c ¥ quait , potatoes 4&®55 bush , retail 50070. Wew cab­bage Sc, retail &^8. Apples, retail, ^ bush. , 50 OTO.-

MeatarrPdrk ^ bbL H O C . $ t 2 . p o r k f B^TaSr hoga. dreased. $ cwt. fS.SOQB 00, hams $ tb 11U, retail 14. ahoulqers7. r e t a i l l o » l 2 , bacon 10, retail — i^Jar3Z3iffBm- r*ndsredy-frer1iMt> te taq 8, B«sf, dreasedfhbwfc $&00Q«WJ, w w l a r a 8 50. beefsteak to 12HQ24, best roasta 1 pork i t eaWoaWM,noxJtK»*t l^ tmi i t ton . ^ ^ Tnmtf V\Wn, "MiT'TiTM 18. roasteiggSH. i tews


Bntter" a n d O n s e t * .

N I W T O B K , Aug. 2 5 - B u t t e r , receipts, 2,449

Saokages; s teady; state dairy, ISO 9JJ 0 , creamery, vr®81o; • western ereamerr, 8 i21o; Imitation, do. , 18OIS0; factory, current

prices, 12ney5c.' - Cheese, receipt*. 8,887 pacK-ages; very firm; U r g e white, W®0%s; s m a l l wnlte lOOlOMid; large colored, % o ; small col­ored, 1PJ40, ' dalves—Receipts. 84 head; veals glow at $4.00

-qpJZK^-gmgnAra an.! ^nttwmlllrii, S3 60ffl8 00.

W e s t e r n H a r k a t e .

_ Aug. 35—Opening Wheat, tembet, tWiWiW ~ * — "

OBIOAOO. Her-c ; December, 73%o; May.TTc

Oora, Be^t.78Jft')2«e; Dec., B9^c. Oats, M a y , 9I9S6T Sept.,- 8d%d- D e c , 19jgc. Pork, S e p t , [email protected]. Card, Sept .-JS.&X. Bibs, S e p t . , $5.16. .

CHICAGO, Aug. 25 —Hogs—Estimated receipts of hogs , todav, 25,000 head; tomorrow, 12,000; left over, I'.fiOS head; choice, steady: commdn, dull t o lower; mixed and butchers, **$4.40®4 60; •good heavy, 4.50Q4.74£: rough heavy, $4.00® 1.40; light. $4.6O©4.10. Cattle, receipts , 1,000 head; marketJateady;. Beeves, f4.40Oo.E9: cows arid heifers, f!i.00O5 OOfTexas steers, $3 25 O3.90; stackers and, feeders, f3.5033 85.

OniOAao, Aug. 85. - Closing Wheat, Atlg. , - — c \ tww„ n$Mt\%<i\ Dee.^3%oj May, 7 6 « o , Corn, AUgs, a m c , Sept., 3&a32Wu; Deo., 289^® 28KC; May, 2IM\ Oats, Aug,, aoMc; Sept., 20} |@ SOMc; Dec.,. 19Ke; May, 2l#<a2i%c. Pork, Aug. , ffoO Sent., $880; Oct., $8^7*4; Dee., 58 .47* . 3an.,*?.60. I*M,A! ik . . fd.28«; Sept., J&22H; Oet.;$&80: Dec,, S587k; Jan. , f S . 4 % B i b s , Au«eLf5.20; Se t t . . tS 20; Oct., *5.22>«; Decemoer, f4.04«', January, f5.00.

O o t t o n . N a w Yowc, Atig.25-OottoB«-apol e o t t e a

oloaed quiet: nMddllnf uplands, 6M0; middling gulf ,6Ho. Bales, 175 bale*.

Cotton . fu tures cloned "Steady; Aug., B . % ; — - 005o; t>«tS,

Wares. TK333t ,33c.

these low ratesshould communicate with nearest O. & W. station agent, or J* C. Anderson, General Passenger Agent, 56 Beaver street, New York, who will tife pleased to furnish any information per­taining thereto. i\.'

B u f f a l o M a r k e t * .

aaaoyATnyHSs prtB^wheat, *», T ajirttiULbM^ U- " T V K u > urhaat H n . 9. r»A. tin PMMii ™^SJ«^

XaiO, veal, live weight, first quality f£> bU, c*rcA«s -S7.0O38.OO f QWt. - —~r-

Honey In comb f lb 14, retail 16, beeawax 16® 18 retail 20. vtn*gitr, pure c l d « ¥ ' g*t- 1 8 H , re-tall 80, sa l t $ bbl. 95, retail $1.05, neadUght oU f gal.8@10.

Pouiey-Chlokens <& lb 10(^12, retail 16@18,-fowls 10, retalliH. ducks 10, rettdl 14a i8 .

Wood»hard,f cordj*ft,$B@6, soft, 1 ft,$1.75 not split, $315 spilt. Coal, grate, delivered, toil, ".75, e g g $5.00, s tove $ 8 « , chestnut $5.85, pea

CTtlca P r i c e s P a i d t o F r o d a o a r s i UTICA, Aug. 24.—Dairy^Produots—Butter,. d«l.

ry, lb, 17©18, creamery, ldftSO. Eggs, treahv.db»., I&ai4, Obeese; 9U©10.

Poultry—Live, fowls , lb, 8, turkeys 11, ducks 9, broilers, eaoh. 25OS0; dreeted, fowls 10, turkeys 18K, duckRia. ~ -~~ — ^ - ^ - ^ —

Fruits and Vegetables—Apples, bush , 80076; potatoes 40®45, peas 90@$1, beans, marrow, $1.60, medium $i.85©1.45.

Dressed H o » - H e a y y , ttt EOBJi, HghtCK. T«l' low, tried, % rough 1 « ® 2 . >.

Hay—Loose ¥ ton, $M»18; . - • ' - • Hops—16fi8 m e d i u m s 8®10, do. cho ice 10O12,

1897 crop' SjjW. # HldeevSkTns and Pedf*-Green trtaimed .hides,

No. 1, 7 c do. No. 2 a n d bulla 6e, h o n e hid««. No. 1. each, $2 2SO2.E0, do . No. *« and spMtCfl.WlO l.t0. veal skins, No . 1,18 lbs. and tinder1, l M c , do No a, l**37per akin less, dairy skins . No. 1, each, 43950,-do. N o . 8, each, 2po8^. |amb pelts, each, freshly taken off, each, 60065,. shearlings, 10ffl25c.

, WHPLEBAiaS QUOTATIONS, Dairy Products"— Butter, ualryv ttt, iSOl9»

creamery, 20®2,1. Eggs , fresh, do?, 15, ch«*o, "O IOS*. '

> t

try lonr, per bbvlsest No. 1 pat. i4.2S«4»i«J, p**> *S 6038.60. graaiatti$8.BOf5itOO,- ry?|8.7B.

Beans, perbush^Limasi $8 78©» 00, mediums S1.60©1.(», marrows $175, pea Jl.50Ol.60.

Honey and*y>ap -*ei<Jver. to, mbuckwheat 8$9, maple sytup, gal, 65Q7t|, maple sugar; toi

v6tk and'larftMLard, pti e leaf, fcarrekeia m, tabs 6J4a««?<!omp, «»v, 5ft5«.. PorJti.sltoH eul, eteartWeitw*, $12lo, city: packed, $1% » Fresh Meata-Dreeeed steers, lb, 9©8W, foiSB-quarters 70734 66wj|vftna heifers tjatt* ttreiaed hogaeisevt, porkloins ]U, hindquarters-HOtti yearlings 10,Bpringlambe 10>i®ll,sauaage ?08.

BtoSkedMeatt JHafflsi lb, ll@l% skihaedhani*. 11 f TGalif 6rni» hams % smokm mt^mtt, telde*. and knuc^ealCiS, bacon 7}<08><, shoul-

Fruits—Apples, bush, 75c, Bartlett pears,

* 1% t 3

r - ^ '

"I ' T"L

*" *"*"


etonaufferlngl tqr&q^'^Mtfm? ' ©osetl at'|1JW.

Vegeta^ies>^Onliins, bush, |1 ,», tomatonr „>-:... • t.60vcabMB8, head, 8®6, cucumbers, 100, $1,00,

Canal rrelghtr.-Steady; wheat, >« ; Mfaf jwtatoefi husb^MiaSo, egi?• plant, each, WOl3 8«40; oaf. U6« barley. ^ to ^ e * tSSWt " - ' • " - - - « " * - " - »*- » — — -lTumber -'«,ol!ew york.fl.Wf to Albany^lisr,

Pair Dianas. ?ttw|uw, Aug.'25-OU opened at ivifi:

BaledHavandSttaw-Uay, No. 1, cwt,!

v Qridat*hlleec>-pa^bush,s^»^ 60, cornmeal. fine, ton, $18, do.cofMefl7,ihorta v- ~ -16oUcoraaadcats$,^0QV


f i e O0«J17, shipstuffs ^9.00Tmiddllngsft6j

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