Step-By-step Methodology of Solar Reactor Design for Emission-free Generation of Hydrogen

Step-by-step methodology of developing a solar reactor for emission-free generation of hydrogen Nesrin Ozalp*, Vidyasagar Shilapuram Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University at Qatar, P.O. Box 23874, Doha, Qatar article info Article history: Received 10 November 2009 Received in revised form 30 January 2010 Accepted 6 February 2010 Available online 25 March 2010 Keywords: Solar reactor Solar cracking Methane decomposition Hydrogen Thermodynamics Kinetics abstract This study presents a methodology to develop a solar reactor based on the thermody- namics and kinetics of methane decomposition to produce hydrogen with no emissions. The kinetic parameters were obtained in the literature for two cases; methane laden with carbon particles and methane without carbon particles. Results show that there is signif- icant difference in experimentally obtained and theoretically predicted methane conver- sion. The paper also presents a parametric study on the effects of temperature, pressure and the influence of inert gas composition, which is fed along with methane, on the thermodynamics of methane decomposition. Results show that there is significant effect of the inert gas presence in the feeding gas mixture on the equilibrium of methane conver- sion and product gas composition. Results also show that higher conversions are obtained when the carbon particles laden with methane. The step-by-step reactor design method- ology for homogenous methane decomposition and the parametric study results presented in this paper can provide a very useful tool in guiding a solar reactor design and optimi- zation of process operating conditions. ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Natural gas, which is mainly composed of methane, is an excellent source of hydrogen because of its high ratio of hydrogen to carbon [1]. One of the other good aspects of using natural gas as a feedstock is that it can be thermally decom- posed into its components without any toxic or greenhouse gas emissions once the solar energy is used as a process heat. Hydrogen production via solar direct thermal decomposition of natural gas is referred as ‘‘solar cracking’’, where carbon black comes as a byproduct. Although solar cracking of natural gas has a lower endothermicity compared to that of steam reforming of methane, non-catalytic methane decom- position requires higher temperatures (1500–2000 K) in order to obtain reasonable hydrogen yield [2]. Therefore, catalytic decomposition of methane has recently attracted attention of researchers because of its potential to lead to the development of a CO 2 free hydrogen production process and higher hydrogen yield [3]. Catalytic decomposition of methane can be achieved via steam reforming [4] or without introducing water into the media [5]. Once methane is solar thermally split using carbon particles as catalyst, the process efficiency enhances reason- ably [6–11], because, carbon particles provide nucleation sites for heterogeneous decomposition reactions, and serve as a radiant absorbent [12,13]. Muradov et al. [11] studied the characteristics of catalytic effects of an expanded range of carbon materials on the methane decomposition, and sug- gested a fluidized bed reactor configuration for thermocata- lytic decomposition of methane. On the other hand, Hirsch and Steinfeld [14] solar thermally cracked methane by intro- ducing carbon particles into their vortex flow reactor, where * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ974 686 2832; fax: þ974 423 0066. E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Ozalp). Available at journal homepage: international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4484–4495 0360-3199/$ – see front matter ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.02.032



Transcript of Step-By-step Methodology of Solar Reactor Design for Emission-free Generation of Hydrogen

  • Step-by-step methodology of developing a solar reactor foremission-free generation of hydrogen

    Nesrin Ozalp*, Vidyasagar Shilapuram

    Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University at Qatar, P.O. Box 23874, Doha, Qatar

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 10 November 2009

    Received in revised form

    30 January 2010

    Accepted 6 February 2010

    Available online 25 March 2010


    Solar reactor

    Solar cracking

    Methane decomposition




    a b s t r a c t

    This study presents a methodology to develop a solar reactor based on the thermody-

    namics and kinetics of methane decomposition to produce hydrogen with no emissions.

    The kinetic parameters were obtained in the literature for two cases; methane laden with

    carbon particles and methane without carbon particles. Results show that there is signif-

    icant difference in experimentally obtained and theoretically predicted methane conver-

    sion. The paper also presents a parametric study on the effects of temperature, pressure

    and the inuence of inert gas composition, which is fed along with methane, on the

    thermodynamics of methane decomposition. Results show that there is signicant effect of

    the inert gas presence in the feeding gas mixture on the equilibrium of methane conver-

    sion and product gas composition. Results also show that higher conversions are obtained

    when the carbon particles laden with methane. The step-by-step reactor design method-

    ology for homogenous methane decomposition and the parametric study results presented

    in this paper can provide a very useful tool in guiding a solar reactor design and optimi-

    zation of process operating conditions.

    2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Natural gas, which is mainly composed of methane, is an

    excellent source of hydrogen because of its high ratio of

    hydrogen to carbon [1]. One of the other good aspects of using

    natural gas as a feedstock is that it can be thermally decom-

    posed into its components without any toxic or greenhouse

    gas emissions once the solar energy is used as a process heat.

    Hydrogen production via solar direct thermal decomposition

    of natural gas is referred as solar cracking, where carbon

    black comes as a byproduct. Although solar cracking of

    natural gas has a lower endothermicity compared to that of

    steam reforming of methane, non-catalytic methane decom-

    position requires higher temperatures (15002000 K) in order

    to obtain reasonable hydrogen yield [2]. Therefore, catalytic

    decomposition of methane has recently attracted attention of

    researchers because of its potential to lead to the development

    of a CO2 free hydrogen production process and higher

    hydrogen yield [3].

    Catalytic decomposition of methane can be achieved via

    steam reforming [4] or without introducing water into the

    media [5]. Once methane is solar thermally split using carbon

    particles as catalyst, the process efciency enhances reason-

    ably [611], because, carbon particles provide nucleation sites

    for heterogeneous decomposition reactions, and serve as

    a radiant absorbent [12,13]. Muradov et al. [11] studied the

    characteristics of catalytic effects of an expanded range of

    carbon materials on the methane decomposition, and sug-

    gested a uidized bed reactor conguration for thermocata-

    lytic decomposition of methane. On the other hand, Hirsch

    and Steinfeld [14] solar thermally cracked methane by intro-

    ducing carbon particles into their vortex ow reactor, where

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 974 686 2832; fax: 974 423 0066.E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Ozalp).

    Avai lab le at iencedi rect .com

    journa l homepage : www.e lsev ie r . com/ loca te /he

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 5

    0360-3199/$ see front matter 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.02.032

  • carbon particles enhanced the heat transfer in the reaction

    chamber. Therefore, one of the key factors to achieve higher

    conversion efciencies in methane cracking solar reactor is

    the presence and transport of carbon particles.

    Reactor volume and the operating parameters of a solar

    reactor aredecidedbasedon the thermodynamics andkinetics

    of the chemical reaction system to achievemaximumpossible

    conversion/product yield [15]. There have been few studies on

    the design of hydrogen producing solar reactors for two step

    water splitting cycle [16,17], gasicationof petroleumcoke [18],

    solar reformingofnatural gas [4], zincproductionfromthermal

    dissociation of zinc oxide [15,1922] and for solar cracking of

    natural gas [5,14]. However, the above literature mostly focus

    on the mechanical design instead of giving details on the

    process design, which comes from thermodynamics and

    kinetics, e.g. although they provide the kinetics and thermo-

    dynamics of the process, there are few details on linking

    kinetics with the reactor design. Besides, since the reactor

    concepts and process engineering are different for liquid

    phase, gas phase and solid phase reactions, a solar reactor

    design for hydrogen generation from methane cracking is

    different from the solar reactors design for zinc oxide decom-

    position, gasication of petroleum coke, solar reforming of

    natural gas, and two step water splitting [23]. Therefore, this

    study provides a step-by-step methodology for the design and

    development of a solar thermal reactor for methane decom-

    position based on the thermodynamics and kinetics of this

    process. The paper also gives the optimum conguration for

    the highest possible methane conversion by providing

    a comparison of methane decomposition with and without

    carbon particles. Finally, the main issues associated with the

    development of a solar reactor for methane decomposition

    from the kinetics found in literature are discussed in detail.

    2. Previous studies on the thermodynamicsand kinetics of solar methane decomposition

    Kogan andKogan [24] usedNASACET-85 computer program to

    run the thermochemical equilibrium calculations, where they

    plotted themole fractionofunreactedmethaneasa functionof

    temperature and pressure when methane is used as a feeding

    gas. On the other hand, Sinaki et al. [25] gave the thermody-

    namic equilibrium based on the NASA-Lewis Thermodynamic

    data in terms of hydrogen mole fraction for various tempera-

    tures andpressures. However, they did not include the particle

    inception and particle phase processes of the solid carbon in

    their thermodynamic calculations. Other studies on the ther-

    modynamic equilibrium composition are done by Hirsch et al.

    [2] using the HSC Outokumpu code, and Abanades et al. [26] by

    using Gemini software. A thermodynamic study done by Dahl

    et al. [27] shows that methane decomposition starts above

    600K, and the temperatures greater than1500Kare required to

    achieve nearly complete decomposition. All of the above

    thermodynamic studies were done formethane as the feeding

    gas, e.g. there is no study giving thermodynamic calculations

    when an inert gas is mixed with methane in the feeding gas.

    Furthermore, the above thermodynamic studies in literature

    do not state whether carbon is assumed as solid phase or as

    a uid in the calculations.

    As for the studies done on the kinetics of methane decom-

    position, they can be categorized into two groups: (1) when

    there is no carbon particles in the feed gas [25,28,29], and (2)

    when the feed gas is laden with carbon particles [611,13]. For

    example, Sinaki et al. [25] modied the mechanism of soot

    formation in combustion of hydrocarbons to develop a kinetic

    model for homogenous thermal decomposition of methane.

    Rodat et al. [28] studied the kinetics ofmethanedecomposition

    in a tubular solar reactor using Dsmoke software. They

    obtained a kinetic expression for the overall dissociation

    reaction fromthe reactormodel assumingaplugowandnon-

    catalytical reaction. On the other hand, Wyss et al. [29]

    obtained the best t kinetic parameters by minimizing the

    sum of squares of the residuals for methane conversions

    determined experimentally and theoretically. Most of the

    literature available on the kinetics of methane decomposition

    using carbon particles states that reaction order is 0.5 and it is

    the same for different carbon samples as well. It is also stated

    that the activation energies of the carbon particles and the

    reaction mechanism are all the same for activated carbon

    samples regardless of the type and the supplier [611].

    Conversely, Trommer et al. [13] assumed methane decompo-

    sition as a rst order and estimated the kinetic parameters

    accordingly. Table 1 summarizes the kinetic parameters

    available in literature for methane decomposition when

    carbon particles are laden with methane, and when there is

    only methane in the feed gas.

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Thermodynamics

    We can see from Table 2 that in most of the studies on solar

    cracking of methane, inert gas at different mole fractions is

    used along with the methane feeding gas. As stated earlier,

    there is no information on the literature regarding the equi-

    librium product gas composition when an inert gas is mixed

    withmethane feed. Since the thermodynamics changes when

    pure methane is used as feeding gas vs. when methane is fed

    with an inert gas, it is important to study the effect of inert gas

    to methane ratio in the feeding gas to estimate the equilib-

    rium product gas composition accordingly. Furthermore,

    thermodynamic studies of the above literature do not

    mention whether carbon is assumed as a solid or as a uid in

    their thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. The chemical

    reaction equilibrium is different for uid phase reactions and

    for the reactions with solid components [30]. Hence, in the

    present thermodynamic calculations, reaction coordinate of

    carbon is not considered for the estimation of product gas

    composition. Because; the fugacity of carbon is roughly equal

    to the vapor pressure, which would be extremely negligible,

    and besides, the amount of solid carbon cannot inuence the

    extent of this reaction [31]. Therefore, the calculations are

    performed for solid carbon assuming that it does not occupy

    signicant volume. Furthermore, we also studied the effect of

    inert gas at different mole fractions in the methane feeding to

    see what would be the product gas composition. To calculate

    the thermodynamic equilibrium compositions, the following

    methodology was used:

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 5 4485

  • Step 1: Calculate the standard heat of reaction and standard

    Gibbs energy change of reaction.

    Step 2: Estimate the heat of reaction for the assumed reaction

    temperature or obtain the heat of reaction as a func-

    tion of temperature with the standard heat of reaction

    and from thermodynamic tables of heat capacity data.

    Step 3: Calculate the equilibrium constant at the reaction

    temperature as follows:

    (i) From standard Gibbs energy change of reaction, nd

    the factor, K0, represents equilibrium constant at

    reference temperature.

    (ii) Find the factor,K1, thathas themajor temperatureeffect.

    (iii) Find the factor, K2, accounts for small temperature

    inuence resulting from the enthalpy change with


    (iv) Calculate the, K, equilibrium constant at the reaction

    temperature from the above factors.







    1 T



    The temperature dependency of heat capacity is given by

    CP=R A BT CT2 DT2; where the constants A, B, C, D arethe characteristics of the particular substances involved in the





    s 1



    s 12s


    s 12s 2s



    s 12s2


    KhK0K1K2 (4)

    Step 4 Estimate the reaction coordinate from the equilibrium

    constant relation involving composition, pressure and


    Step 5 Calculate themole fraction of the species present in the

    product gas from the relation of reaction coordinate

    involving mole fraction of the species and stoichio-

    metric numbers.

    Formethane decomposition, i.e. CH4g/Cs 2H2g, thestoichiometric numbers for methane, carbon and hydrogen

    are 1, 1 and 2 respectively. Therefore, the mole fractions ofthe species are related to the reaction coordinate and the

    stoichiometric numbers by the following equations:

    yCH4 hCH34;0

    h0 e


    yH2 hH2;0 23h0 3


    yinerts h0 hCH4;0 hH2;o

    h0 3




    ( hH2;0 23

    2h0 3

    hCH4;0 3



    With the increase in temperature, equilibrium constant (K )

    estimated from the thermodynamic data of pure species

    shows that K 1. This indicates that complete conversion is

    practically possible and that the reaction can be considered as


    Fig. 1 shows the effect of temperature and the inert gas

    mole fraction in the methane feeding on the equilibrium

    product gas composition. We can see from the gure that the

    product gas is composed of unreacted methane, inert gas and

    hydrogen. Since the reaction is endothermic, equilibrium

    methane conversion is increased with an increase in

    Table 1 Kinetic parameters of methane decomposition with carbon and without carbon presence in the feed gas.

    Without carbon With carbon

    Rodat et al. [28] Wyss et al. [29] Trommer et al. [13] Muradov et al. [9]

    K0 (s1) Ea (KJ/mol) n K0 (s

    1) Ea (KJ/mol) n K0 (s1) Ea (KJ/mol) n K0 (mol/m

    3 s Pa0.5) Ea (KJ/mol) n

    6.6 1013 370 1 5.8 108 156 7.2 1.07 106 147 1 1.6812 108 201 0.5

    Table 2 Summary of the range of operating conditions and the experimental ndings available in literature.

    Flamant group[5,26,28,3235,50,51]

    Weimer group[27,29,3740]

    Kogan group[25,4449]

    Steinfeld group[14,4143]

    Reactor volume, liter 0.005 & 0.23 0.035 & 4.166 2.514 & 4.33 0.45 & 1.57

    Reactor temperature, K 11802073 15332173 10001550 10001600

    Inert used Ar H2 and/or Ar Ar and/or He Ar and/or N2Total inlet ow rate, liter/min 0.930 3.024 8.620

    Methane inlet mole fraction 0.0760.3 0.030.8

    Residence time, s 0.0130.244 0.061.6 0.9110

    Conversion 0.1160.98 0.541.00 0.0680.988

    H2 yield 0.20.9 0.3840.925

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 54486

  • temperature. Hence, decrease in methane mole fraction

    results with an increase in hydrogen mole fraction.

    Figs. 2 and 3 show the effect of pressure and temperature

    on equilibrium mole fraction of methane and hydrogen. To

    see the inuence of pressure on product gas composition,

    pressure ratios (P/P0) of 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 were tested. For the

    same temperature, it was observed that when the pressure is

    decreased, methane mole fraction is decreased while

    hydrogen mole fraction is increased. This is because; when

    the pressure is decreased, higher methane conversion is

    achieved resulting with an increase in hydrogenmole fraction

    in the product gas composition. Furthermore, we know that

    duringmethane decomposition, 1 mol of methane gives 2mol

    of hydrogen, and 1 mol of solid carbon. According to the Le

    Chateliers principle, since the product gas mole numbers are

    higher than the mole numbers of the reactant, maximum

    hydrogen yield is obtained at low pressures. This theoretical

    explanation has been experimentally observed by Flamant

    group of CNRS [32].

    Figs. 4 and 5 show the effect of inert gas composition in the

    methane feeding gas on the product gas equilibrium mole

    fraction of methane and hydrogen. A wide range of mole

    Fig. 1 Estimation of equilibrium product gas composition.

    Fig. 2 Effect of temperature and pressure on the mole

    fraction of methane in product gas.

    Fig. 3 Effect of temperature and pressure on the mole

    fraction of hydrogen in product gas.

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 5 4487

  • fractions of methane, e.g. from 0.1 to 1, in the feeding gas was

    studied. It can be seen from the gures that the effect of inert

    gas in the methane feeding signicantly changes the equilib-

    rium composition. Basically, by increasing the inert gas

    content in the feeding gas, methane decomposition is

    increasing. Since the inert gas has signicant effect, methane

    and hydrogen mole fraction in the product gas decreases in

    spite of an increase in hydrogen mole fraction. It is also

    observed that when the temperature is above 1000 K, the

    effect on the hydrogen mole fraction is signicant. All these

    results are consistent with the fundamental principles of

    thermodynamics [30,31].

    3.2. Kinetic study

    Table 2 summarizes the literature on solar hydrogen genera-

    tion from methane decomposition with and without carbon

    laden ows with respect to range of operating conditions, and

    experimentally obtained performance parameters, such as

    conversion and hydrogen yield [5,14,2629,3151]. There have

    been various solar reactor congurations tested by different

    groups to investigate the effects of carbon seeding in a nozzle

    type reactor [26,3436], tubular reactor [28,32,50,51], uid-wall

    aerosol ow reactor [27,29,3740], tornado ow reactor

    [24,25,4449], and vortex ow reactor [2,1214,4143]. All these

    studies have tried to solve the carbon blockage problem,

    enhance the heat transfer, reduce kinetic limitations, obtain

    uniform temperature, and effectively utilize the solar radia-

    tion. For example, Abanades and Flamant [33] states that

    indirect heating provides a major advantage because the

    reacting ow is separated from the solar irradiation zone, and

    therefore, particles do not deposit on the window.

    Alternatively, Trommer et al. [13] states that direct solar

    irradiation of the reactants enhances the heat transfer and

    reaction kinetics, which cannot be achieved by indirect heat

    transport. However, in real situation, reaction kinetics does

    not depend on the reactor conguration and direct or indirect

    heating, but, on the presence or absence of carbon particles in

    the methane feeding. On the other hand, since reactor

    conguration and direct/indirect heating alters the tempera-

    ture inside the reactor, it may have indirect effect on the

    kinetics of the methane decomposition because of the

    temperature dependent term.

    For the non-catalytic/with no carbon particles part of this

    present study, experimental data of Rodat et al. [32], and

    Abanades et al. [35] were used. Theoretical methane conver-

    sions were calculated using the kinetic parameters given in

    Table 1 of Rodat et al. [28]. As for the catalytic/with carbon

    laden ows part of this present study, experimental data was

    taken from Hirsh et al. [14] and Maag et al. [42]. On the other

    hand, kinetics data of Trommer et al. [13] was used for the

    theoretical methane conversion predictions, where a plug

    ow reactor model was assumed. In both no carbon and

    carbon laden ows, experimental data and kinetic parameters

    are chosen from their same respective research group for

    theoretical and experimental comparison. This shows how

    much their kinetic parameter agrees with their experimental

    results. The comparisons of the theoretical and experimental

    methane conversions are given in Fig. 6. These results show

    Fig. 4 Effect of inert gas on the mole fraction of methane

    in products.

    Fig. 5 Effect of inert gas on the mole fraction of hydrogen

    in products.

    Fig. 6 Experimental vs. theoretically obtained conversions

    using kinetic parameters.

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 54488

  • that there is a signicant difference in experimentally

    observed and theoretically predicted methane conversion

    for case with no carbon and for the case with carbon

    laden ow.

    Furthermore, experimental conversion data for methane

    decomposition without carbon seeding are taken from Rodat

    et al. [32] and Dahl et al. [40] to make a comparison. Experi-

    mental data from these research groups [32,40] are chosen for

    the same operating conditions of temperature and residence

    time (s z 0.010.012) as shown in Table 3. Theoretical

    conversions are predicted by using the kinetic parameters of

    Rodat et al. [28] andWyss et al. [29]. Since it is a non-catalytical

    reaction, it is expected that the kinetics and the methane

    conversion should be the same for experimental results and

    theoretical predictions made by both the groups. However, as

    shown in Table 3, experimentally obtained conversion does

    not match with the theoretically predicted conversion.

    Therefore, it is not very clear which kinetic parameters from

    the literature should be selected for reactor design. As it is

    stated by Wyss et al. [29] and Dahl et al. [40], we have no

    control over the estimation errors since the kinetic data was

    taken from the literature of another work. However, probably

    the error in the experimentally obtained data might be

    because of the large sensitivity of k0. Furthermore, the indi-

    vidual condence intervals on the activation energy, Ea, and

    the pre-exponential factor, k0, are often deceiving because the

    joint condence region is quite narrow and asymmetric.

    Trommer et al. [13] says that the conversion predictions with

    temperature and residence time from their kinetic parameters

    have not been experimentally validated because the vortex

    ow reactor used in their study did not allow for stable oper-

    ation with variable mass ow rates. Therefore, predictions

    may be invalid for very small residence times and at very high


    The above results show that methane conversions found

    from theory vs. through experiments show large variation. If

    we refer to Table 1 to compare the activation energies found

    through the kinetics studies by these groups, there is

    a signicant difference. It can be also observed that there is

    a scatter in the values of the pre-exponential term. Therefore,

    these discussions suggest that further research may be

    needed to the nd what would be the most accurate kinetics

    for this reaction. Our use of the kinetic data from these above

    sources during the subsequent design of our solar reactor

    geometry should be viewed as a rst approximation.

    The performance parameters, such as; methane conver-

    sion and hydrogen production, changes with temperature,

    residence time and feed ow rates. In this study, the following

    methodology was used to test the solar reactor performance

    under different reaction conditions found in literature.

    (1) Presume a rector volume V, temperature T, and methane

    feed rate nCH4;0 (ln/min).

    (2) Calculate the residence time s and methane molar feed

    rate, FCH4;0 .

    (3) Find the kinetic rate constant, k, from literature.

    (4) Calculate theXCH4 fromplug owperformance equation by

    solving equation (5) using MATLAB or from analytical

    expression. The performance equation for plug ow is

    given as in equation (5).




    Z XCH40



    (5) Calculate the hydrogen production rate, FH2 , from the

    stoichiometry balance i.e.,

    FH2 2$FCH4;0$XCH4 (10)

    Total number of moles varies with reaction during the

    methane decomposition especially if inert gases are used

    along with methane feeding. Hence, for the case of ow

    systemswith variable volume ow, such as; plug ow reactors

    and mixed ow reactors, concentration must be expressed

    appropriately in terms of the expansion factor (a) in the rate

    expressionrCH4 [30,52]. The calculation of expansion factor toincorporate the effect of inert gas composition in themethane

    feed and the volume change during the reaction is explained

    in the next section.

    The design expression, e.g. Equation (9), relates the reactor

    volume, feed rate, and the mole fraction of methane in the

    feeding gas to the kinetics of the reaction. Hence, the Equation

    (5) can be used either for reactor design or for the analysis of

    design variables to see the effects of chosen reactor volume on

    the reactor performance. Our objectives are (1) to conduct the

    reaction at lower temperatures with maximum methane

    conversion, and (2) to use the kinetics found in literature to

    calculate methane conversion for methane feed with carbon

    and without carbon cases. To achieve these objectives, we

    chose different reactor volumes to study the effects of resi-

    dence time, temperature, and methane feed gas composition

    on methane conversion and hydrogen production. For reactor

    volume of 2.26 L, effects ofmethane feed rate and temperature

    on methane conversion and hydrogen production were

    calculated and tabulated in Table 4 using Wyss et al. [29]

    kinetics. Similarly, calculations were also made based on

    plug ow reactor assumption for pure methane as feeding

    gas using the kinetics given in Table 1.

    The volumetric feed rate ofmethane is normally calculated

    from the net power absorbed by the solar reactor. Given the

    desired total solar power in a solar furnace, net power

    absorbed by the reactor can be estimated by accounting the

    power loss by re-radiation. The volumetric ow rate of the

    reactant was estimated by matching the net power absorbed

    by the solar reactor with the enthalpy of the reaction [53]. On

    the other hand, methane conversion was obtained by using

    different kinetics found in literature for the same set of

    operating conditions, such as temperature and residence

    time. Wide range of methane conversion was observed due to

    Table 3 Comparison of methane conversions found bytheoretical prediction and experimentally observation fornon-catalytical decomposition.

    T (K) Experimental conversion Predicted conversion

    Dahlet al. [40]

    Rodatet al. [32]

    Wysset al. [29]

    Rodatet al. [28]

    17101723 0 0.67 0.65 0.96

    17401773 00.07 0.62 0.66 1

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 5 4489

  • Table 4 Methane conversion and hydrogen production estimations usingWyss et al. [29] kineticswithout carbon seeding.

    T k vCH4;0 s FCH4;0 XCH4 FH2

    900 0.5 1 135.72 0.045 0.624182 0.056

    2 67.86 0.090 0.579885 0.104

    3 45.24 0.134 0.551659 0.148

    4 33.93 0.179 0.53054 0.190

    10 13.572 0.448 0.456972 0.410

    1000 4.1 1 135.72 0.045 0.731415 0.066

    2 67.86 0.090 0.699659 0.125

    3 45.24 0.134 0.679375 0.183

    4 33.93 0.179 0.664163 0.238

    10 13.572 0.448 0.610784 0.547

    1100 22.7 1 135.72 0.045 0.796008 0.071

    2 67.86 0.090 0.77188 0.138

    3 45.24 0.134 0.756465 0.203

    4 33.93 0.179 0.744901 0.267

    10 13.572 0.448 0.704287 0.631

    1200 93.9 1 135.72 0.045 0.837802 0.075

    2 67.86 0.090 0.818617 0.147

    3 45.24 0.134 0.806359 0.217

    4 33.93 0.179 0.797162 0.286

    10 13.572 0.448 0.76486 0.685

    1300 312.6 1 135.72 0.045 0.866404 0.078

    2 67.86 0.090 0.850602 0.152

    3 45.24 0.134 0.840505 0.226

    4 33.93 0.179 0.83293 0.299

    10 13.572 0.448 0.806322 0.723

    1400 876.6 1 135.72 0.045 0.88687 0.079

    2 67.86 0.090 0.873488 0.157

    3 45.24 0.134 0.864938 0.233

    4 33.93 0.179 0.858524 0.308

    10 13.572 0.448 0.835991 0.749

    1500 2142.0 1 135.72 0.045 0.902053 0.081

    2 67.86 0.090 0.890468 0.160

    3 45.24 0.134 0.883065 0.237

    4 33.93 0.179 0.877511 0.315

    10 13.572 0.448 0.858003 0.769

    1600 4681.3 1 135.72 0.045 0.913657 0.082

    2 67.86 0.090 0.903444 0.162

    3 45.24 0.134 0.896919 0.241

    4 33.93 0.179 0.892023 0.320

    10 13.572 0.448 0.874826 0.784

    1700 9331.7 1 135.72 0.045 0.922749 0.083

    2 67.86 0.090 0.913611 0.164

    3 45.24 0.134 0.907773 0.244

    4 33.93 0.179 0.903393 0.324

    10 13.572 0.448 0.888006 0.796

    1800 17 229.1 1 135.72 0.045 0.930024 0.083

    2 67.86 0.090 0.921746 0.165

    3 45.24 0.134 0.916458 0.246

    4 33.93 0.179 0.91249 0.327

    10 13.572 0.448 0.898552 0.805

    1900 29 821.8 1 135.72 0.045 0.93595 0.084

    2 67.86 0.090 0.928373 0.166

    3 45.24 0.134 0.923533 0.248

    4 33.93 0.179 0.919901 0.330

    10 13.572 0.448 0.907144 0.813

    2000 48 862.9 1 135.72 0.045 0.940853 0.084

    2 67.86 0.090 0.933857 0.167

    3 45.24 0.134 0.929386 0.250

    4 33.93 0.179 0.926033 0.332

    10 13.572 0.448 0.914252 0.819

    2100 76 383.6 1 135.72 0.045 0.944965 0.085

    2 67.86 0.090 0.938455 0.168

    3 45.24 0.134 0.934296 0.251

    4 33.93 0.179 0.931175 0.334

    10 13.572 0.448 0.920213 0.825

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 54490

  • the difference in the kinetic parameters. Hence, a better

    understanding and accurate estimation of the kinetics of

    methane decomposition reaction is needed to accurately

    predict the methane conversion and hydrogen production.

    Otherwise, it leads to the wrong design specications and


    Fig. 7 shows the effects of carbon seeding and no seeding on

    solar hydrogen reactor performance by assuming the plug ow

    andmixedowreactormodel forwiderangeofresidencetimes.

    From this study, it is seen thatwhen there is nocarbonparticles

    seedingwithmethane feed, higher residence time is required in

    order to achieve the same methane conversion as in the case

    where carbon particles are seeded into the reactor. At lower

    temperatures, the necessary residence time is almost ve

    orders of magnitude higher and it decreases by the increase in

    reaction temperature. This is basically due to the increase in

    reaction rate with temperature. It is observed that higher the

    temperature, higher the rate constant. Once higher reaction

    rate is observed, it leads tomore decomposition ofmethane. By

    comparing the plots, we can see that mixed ow reactor

    requires higher residence time than the plug ow reactor.

    Figs. 8 and 9 show methane conversion and hydrogen

    production at selected operating conditions and reactor

    geometry using different kinetics found in literature. It can be

    observed that methane conversion is always higher when

    carbon particles are used as catalyst. Trommer et al. [13] states

    that the reason for increased methane conversion is because

    the carbon particles provide larger specic surface for

    reactions and more efcient radiation heat transfer to the

    reaction site, which increases the frequency factor by six

    orders of magnitude. Furthermore, carbon seeding has

    a signicant effect on the methane conversion and hydrogen

    production even at lower residence time as well, which can be

    seen in Fig. 7.

    As for the methane conversion with no carbon particle

    seeding, there is a difference in methane conversion and

    hydrogen production found in literature. The reason for this is

    mainly because of the difference in kinetic parameters

    obtained by the Wyss et al. [29] and Rodat et al. [28]. Kinetic

    data, such as reaction mechanism, activation energies, rate

    constants and reaction orders for solar methane decomposi-

    tion, must be correlated well with the experiments, because;

    the optimum operating temperature for maximum chemical

    conversion is determined from the kinetic calculations.

    Therefore, kinetic data is very important in reactor design,

    scale up and optimization [54].

    As explained in the thermodynamics and kinetic study

    sections, mole fraction of methane in the feed gas has an

    impact on methane conversion and hydrogen production.

    Fig. 10 shows this fact using Trommer et al. [13] kinetics for

    chosen reactor geometry. As it is seen in the gure, conversion

    increases with the decrease in methane mole fraction in the

    feed gas. For smaller residence time, methane composition in

    the feed gas has signicant effect on the conversion.Whenwe

    compare the effect of methane mole fraction vs. residence

    time on the conversion, we see that the effect of methane

    Table 4 (continued )

    T k vCH4;0 s FCH4;0 XCH4 FH2

    2200 114 652.5 1 135.72 0.045 0.948455 0.085

    2 67.86 0.090 0.942357 0.169

    3 45.24 0.134 0.938462 0.252

    4 33.93 0.179 0.935539 0.335

    10 13.572 0.448 0.925272 0.829

    2300 166 122.6 1 135.72 0.045 0.951447 0.085

    2 67.86 0.090 0.945704 0.170

    3 45.24 0.134 0.942034 0.253

    4 33.93 0.179 0.939281 0.337

    10 13.572 0.448 0.929611 0.833

    a b

    Fig. 7 Effect of carbon particle feeding.

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 5 4491

  • mole fraction in the feed gas is negligible compared to the

    effect of residence time.

    3.3. Solar reactor design methodology for homogenousmethane cracking

    In this section, we present a reactor design methodology for

    solar cracking of methane. Previous parametric study shows

    that a good understanding of the thermodynamics and

    chemical kinetics of the process is prerequisite for reactor

    design. Next step is to develop models relating the chemistry

    of our reaction to the conservation of mass. Subsequent steps

    can be listed as follows:

    (1) Estimate the methane conversion and hydrogen produc-

    tion from thermodynamics for various temperature,

    pressure and inert gas amount present in the methane


    (2) Find kinetics data either experimentally or obtain it from

    the literature.

    (3) Estimate the total throughput of the feed gas going to

    process or the amount of hydrogen production.

    (4) Assume the contacting pattern of the methane either by

    plug owormixed ow, and estimate the residence time to

    nd the required reactor volume for the given operating


    Kinetics data is found by running experiment at constant

    temperature, and then, concentration of the reactant species

    orproductsaremeasuredandplottedasa functionof time.The

    concentration dependent kinetic parameter is determined

    either by using the integral or the differential method. Same

    experiment is repeated for the same concentration at different

    temperatures. The temperature dependent kinetic parameters

    are found by tting the reaction rate with the experimentally

    obtained concentration data in the Arrhenius form. If the

    reaction is elementary, rate expression follows the stoichi-

    ometry, hence rate vs. concentration relationship is directly

    found from the stoichiometric equation. If the reaction is non-

    elementary, assume the reaction kinetic mechanism and

    derive the rate vs. concentration relationship. The above

    experimental procedure is repeated to nd out the kinetics of

    the reaction.

    Once the kinetics of the reaction are available, reactor

    volume for the given operating conditions for plug ow and

    mixed ow can be estimated for homogenous thermal

    decomposition of methane as follows. The general form of

    rate expression is found from

    rCH4 dCdt

    k CnCH4 where k k0exp Ea8:31 T


    whereas the performance equation for plug ow is obtained





    Z XCH40



    On the other hand, the performance equation for mixed

    ow is found from





    Fig. 8 Methane conversion estimated from the kinetics

    found in literature.

    Fig. 9 Hydrogen production estimated from the kinetics

    found in literature.

    Fig. 10 Effect of methane feed composition on methane


    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 54492

  • Therefore, the volume of the reactor is determined from

    V (volumetric feed ow rate of gas) (s). For example,assuming that the methane decomposition occurs as a rst

    order reaction, [1,4], then the rate expression is written as


    rCH4 kCCH4 kCCH4;01 XCH4 1 aXCH4


    where by denition expansion factor is

    a Change in number of moles for complete conversionTotal moles fed [30,52].Estimation of expansion factor from the reaction stoichi-

    ometry and inert gas presence in the methane feed is given



    CH4 (g) / C (s) 2H2 (g) Totalmoles

    At t 0 (in moles) x y 0 0 x yAt t s (in moles) x 0 2y x 2y

    a Nts Nt0=Nt0 x 2y x yx y y

    x y YCH4;0mole fraction of methane in the feed gas

    The reactor volume calculation for plug ow reactor

    assumption is made by substituting equation (14) in equation


    s 1 aln1 XCH4 aXCH4k


    Alternatively, the reactor volume can be calculated for

    mixed ow reactor by substituting Equation (14) in Equation

    (13), which gives Equation (16).

    s VyCH4;0


    XCH4 1 aXCH4 k$1 XCH4


    4. Conclusions

    We have presented the thermodynamics of methane decom-

    position reaction and given a parametric study showing the

    effects of temperature, pressure, and initial inert gas compo-

    sition presence in the methane feeding gas on methane

    conversion. Thermodynamic results show that methane

    conversions and hydrogen production decrease with

    increasing pressure. On the other hand, inert gas presence in

    the feed gas increases the methane conversion. For our

    chosen reactor geometry, we used the kinetics found in liter-

    ature for methane feed with carbon particles and methane

    feed with no carbon particles. It was observed that there are

    differences in experimental conversions and theoretical

    conversions obtained by different research groups. Results

    show that higher conversions are obtained when the carbon

    particles laden with methane. Higher residence time is

    required to achieve the same conversion under the same

    operating conditions for methane decomposition in the case

    of methane feed with no carbon particles. The kinetic study

    also shows that the methane conversion increases with

    decrease in the methane mole fraction in the feed gas. Finally

    we presented a reactor design methodology for homogenous

    methane decomposition.


    CCH4;0 Methane feed concentration, mol/m3

    Ea Activation energy, J/mol

    FCH4;0 Methane feed rate, mol/min

    FH2 Hydrogen molar ow rate, mol/min

    k Kinetic constant, s1

    k0 Frequency factor, s1

    K Equilibrium constant

    ln Liters at normal conditions of temperature and


    n Order of reactionPP0

    Pressure ratio

    rCH4 Methane reaction rate, mol/m3 s

    T Temperature, K

    V Volume of the reactor, l

    yCH4;0 Methane volumetric feed rate, l/min

    XCH4 Methane conversion

    y Mole fraction

    yCH4 Mole fraction of methane

    yCH4;0 Mole fraction of methane in feed

    yH2 Mole fraction of hydrogen

    yinerts Mole fraction of inert gases

    Greek letters

    3 Reaction coordinate

    h0 Initial total number of moles of inert, methane and

    hydrogen, mol

    hH2;0 Initial hydrogen moles, mol

    hCH4;0 Initial methane moles, mol

    a Expansion factor

    s Residence time of methane, s

    nCH4 Methane stoichiometric coefcient

    nC Carbon stoichiometric coefcient

    nH2 Hydrogen stoichiometric coefcient


    MFR Mixed ow reactor

    PFR Plug ow reactor

    r e f e r e n c e s

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