State of Social 2010

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Transcript of State of Social 2010

  • 8/8/2019 State of Social 2010






    I N C O R P O R A T I N G T H E E C O N S U L T A N C Y / B I G M O U T H M E D I A S O C I A L M E D I A S U R V E Y 2 0 1 0

    SOCIAL MED IA S U R V E Y 2 0 10

  • 8/8/2019 State of Social 2010


    Social media isnt even about marketing planners ticking a box

    next to an RFP for a strategic display or search campaign and

    ordering up a viral video.

    Bother, Im barely one paragraph into this introduction to our

    social media and online PR research and Ive used the word viral

    already. Its a loaded word and causes all sorts of trouble.

    Let me be clear; if someone is trying to sell you a viral then

    theyre trying to sell you a promise. Nothing is born viral. A witty

    video has the potential to go viral - I would describe it as a viral

    candidate - and social media is the channel that decides

    whether or not the candidate reaches its potential or not.

    Social media is about people interacting online. Social media is

    about people talking, sharing, making recommendations,

    making observations, and about people going online to be

    entertained. This is why social media can be so powerful but alsoso difficult to treat as a marketing opportunity.

    I think social media may be everything because it wraps

    everything we do online. It should also therefore wrap around all

    our online marketing activities. Ive talked to a lot of brands

    about social media and their marketing activities. Theres a

    common debate held by many marketing departments that is

    entirely flawed: you dont decide whether you want to do social

    media. Social media happens to you. The challenge brands face

    is how theyre going to cope with this rapidly evolving new

    world. How much money? How much time?

    Venturing on to Twitter, for example, opens up a host of

    customer relationship management issues. Not being on Twitter

    leaves brands open to further cries of dissent - cries that might

    sound out on blogs and start to rank on Google rather than

    vanish quickly in Twitters archives alongside hundreds of

    thousands of other tweets from that day.

    Once engaged in social media, brands tend to face the challenge

    of proving that their time is being spent wisely. This isnt always

    the case. Some progressive, and lucky, companies are able to

    commit to the importance of social media - perhaps as part of a

    CRM issue - without having to mutter darkly of acronyms like

    ROI or CTR.

    Andrew GirdwoodMedia Innovations Director, bigmouthmedia

    The heart of social media is aboutbuilding relationships. Relationships

    are at the heart of absolutely everything

    we do online. Social media is not about

    building websites or widgets.


    I thinksocial mediamay be everythingAn exclusive article by Andrew Girdwood

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    1 Listening Research is really the key and the starting point

    to find out who is talking about your brand and where they are.This is done by using a number of listening tools and an added

    layer of focus groups to gather attitudinal and anecdotal evidence.

    These techniques identify the behaviour and output of your audience

    and then allow you to meld and test your insights with them.

    2 StrategyBy reviewing and analysing learnings, acoherent picture will start appear and allow you to create a useful

    strategy. There will be some signposts to take note of. Perhaps you

    have found customers who ask for help on Twitter, there may be

    communities on facebook which have been set up or forums and

    boards with ongoing conversations - and you may be lucky enough

    to discover some great brand advocates who have influential blogs.

    3Branded channel creation You may find youraudiences clustered around a number of social media channels

    which it uses and that it is influenced by some key players in social

    media. Now is the time to invest in building branded channels and

    this could mean a Facebook page or a blog hub.

    4Content & credibility The Listening and Strategypieces will inform the tone and style of content which needs to be

    developed and this can be an exciting departure from the

    directional messaging of pure play advertising.

    5Community acquisition There are a number of

    routes which assist in building a strong and engaged social mediacommunity. Financial investment in Facebook engagement can

    accelerate the growth of a fan page and this has to be incentivised

    as people need a reason to get involved. Beneath this sits a strategic

    framework of earned credibility which takes time. Social media

    partnerships are a great entree into this.

    6Reputation and monetisation The longterm goals for a brand in social media are to gain insights and

    understanding which are useful to the business process and strategy.

    The need to maintain a robust and credible reputation and open

    up new channels of revenue are very much part of the mix. The

    next logical step is continue with the listening efforts and draw up

    a reactive response strategy and then to add in measurement and

    tracking tools to capture the results of your efforts.

    Things change rapidly in social media and many of the barriers to

    entry are dissolving. The uncomfortable feelings of fear and

    paranoia at a corporate level have been replaced by openness and

    transparency, even to the point that companies have changed their

    language from the formal to the vernacular. Theres also a new

    layer of skill required as social media becomes a stand alone

    marketing discipline in which everyone is a stakeholder. This skill is

    by definition a new wave of empathy which runs happily alongside

    the traditional advertising-led directional messaging which has

    dominated brand culture for so long and may soon eclipse it.

    Eva KeoganHead of Social Media, LBi

    By 2007 there were 6580 daily newspapers in the world (including

    1456 in the U.S.) selling 395 million copies a day (55 million in the

    U.S). That same year blog search engine Technorati was tracking

    more than 112,000,000 blogs. The latest figures from Facebook lay

    claim to 500 million active users, and 25 million are in the UK.

    Added to these stunning figures is the fact that people are

    watching 2 billion videos a day on YouTube and uploading

    hundreds of thousands of videos daily. In fact, every minute, 24

    hours of video are uploaded to YouTube. Twitter recently

    published a post on its blog claiming it has 100 million users.

    How can brands harness the potential of social media and make

    sense of this vast array of information?

    To begin with, this complex and varied collection of conversations

    and discussions, which are sometimes referred to as the virtual

    watercooler, has people at the heart of them.

    While theres no rule book for social media, there are

    some key stepswhich can help you formulate a strategyand implementation plan.



    social media

    Making sense of this new

    and dynamic environment

    An exclusive article by Eva Keogan

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    A lot has happened since we sponsored the very first Social Media and

    Online PR report with Econsultancy in 2009. The channels emergence as

    one of the most keenly discussed marketing mediums in business today

    has continued apace, and as we launch the 2010 report were proud that it

    is now fulfilling an important role helping businesses to track a complex,

    rapidly changing and increasingly important promotional conduit.


    Social Media


    Welcome to the Econsultancy

    [in conjunction withbigmouthmedia]

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    Channel consolidation: winning channels, like Facebook and

    Twitter, are emerging, with marketers beginning to focus

    their efforts on them while disregarding minority platforms

    Senior executive attention is high, with 41% of senior

    management more interested in social media issues than

    other marketing issues

    High expectations and big plans, with 83% of companies

    expecting further social media budget increases in the

    coming 12 months

    Resourcing poor, with 29% of firms not dedicating any

    employees to social media

    Claims from 49% of companies that a lack of resources is

    preventing progress

    Some 42% of companies are still failing to measure ROI on

    any of their social spend

    These results confirm the bifurcated approach to the channel

    that we have observed developing over the past 12 months.

    While on one hand clients ready to wholeheartedly embrace

    social media are demanding innovative, challenging and radical

    strategies, other operations are requesting a more judicious,

    pilot-led approach. At bigmouthmedia our expert team has

    been able to deliver positive results from both approaches.

    If youd like to see a video presentation of the results, or an

    exclusive infographic, then go to our website

    The report starts here, we hope you enjoy it

    The overall report card reveals that while

    clear evidence exists to show that the sector

    is maturing, there is still some distance to

    go before commerce can claim to be

    maximising the opportunities presented by

    this increasingly profitable new channel.


    Evidence of a maturing industry...

    ...but still a long way to go


    Social Media Survey 2010continued

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    Another key area for potential growth is in the planning and

    implementation of international social media campaigns. While the

    channels global nature would seem to lend itself to such

    strategies, a massive 74% of companies report that they do not as

    yet run them, indicating a key opportunity for the years ahead.

    In line with a year in which social media has become one of the

    hottest buzzwords in the world of marketing, some 73% of

    companies say that they currently spend more resources on

    social media than they did last year, with only 3% of businesses

    having decreased their spend since 2009.

    Yet despite across the board increases, our results show that

    todays spending on social media marketing represents just the tip

    of the iceberg. With only 18% of respondents currently

    categorising themselves as being heavily involved in the space, a

    mammoth 83% of companies are expecting to increase theirbudget for the channel over the next 12 months.

    Such optimistic figures reflect the increasing standing social media

    enjoys amongst senior executives. Some 41% of companies claim

    that their CxO community gives the channel high attention, with

    only 21% believing it is given less attention than other marketing




    How interested in social media is your organisationsmost senior management (c-level executives)?

    Given the levels of broad industry excitement that have surrounded social

    media for the past 12 months, it will surprise no one to discover that the overall

    picture surrounding the channel is one of ongoing growth and opportunity.

    Social Media Survey 2010continued

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    Limited outreach : Identifying and engaging key influencersseems a particular sore spot. With less company news being

    distributed using online press releases and traditional online media

    relations, this seems likely to be a major growth area next year.

    Dismal integration: Despite the proven benefits ofrunning integrated, cross platform campaigns, a mere 7% of

    companies integrate their social media channel with their television

    advertising. Bearing in mind the ROI synergy upsides of TV-social

    media integration this is a massive and pressing

    opportunity for CMOs.

    While the sector has matured over the course of the last 12 months,

    there is still massive room for improvement. Broadly speaking

    companies and their agencies remain self-critical about their social

    media tactics, with most acknowledging that they need to improve

    their approaches to the channel across the board.

    Amidst broad acceptance that the majority of businesses remain

    some distance from maximising the potential benefits of the

    channel, several key questions surrounding corporate social media

    tactics demand greater scrutiny:

    Missed opportunities : Some 19% of companies dontuse Facebook at all, while 71% of respondents do not use the

    platform for reacting to customer service issues and inquiries.

    Unheeded feedback: There are still a number of brands(46%) that dont systematically listen to or monitor what is being

    said about them in social media; 33% dont share comments /

    insights picked up from social media internally.


    How well does your organisation cover the followingareas of social media & online PR?

    to do

    Social Media Survey 2010continued


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    This lack of commitment surfaces again in terms of budget, 61%

    of companies are spending a miniscule amount (nothing or less

    than 5,000) on the channel. With so little being spent, its perhaps

    unsurprising that few place much emphasis on measurement,

    with 65% unable to quote a ROI for their social media spend.

    A question remains as to whether low spend is driving lack of

    ROI or whether lack of ROI is in fact responsible for driving low

    spending levels. Until such issues over tracking and measurement

    are solved, they will remain a barrier to wholesale take up.

    While all indications suggest that business is rapidly

    embracing social media there remains a dual approach, with

    some companies enthusiastically taking up the channel and

    investing while others seem content to sit on the fence and

    wait to see how the practice develops. This is underlined by

    results showing that while a surprisingly high 38% of

    companies have two or more employees dedicated to social

    media, the majority (62%) have one or none.


    The resourcing question

    For how much of the money you spend on social mediado you have an ROI figure?


    fenceon theSitting

    Social Media Survey 2010continued

    T HE S T A T E

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    ThemwordAlthough the industry has yet to develop a universally accepted set of metrics measuring

    the effectiveness of social media campaigns, some distinct trends are emerging. Marking

    a change from the 2009 survey, hard measures (such as direct traffic to websites and sales)

    appear to be gaining ground over softer measures (such as brand awareness, customer

    engagement and customer satisfaction).


    Change in importance of metrics used since 2009 surveyWhich are the most important metrics when assessingsocial media activity for your organisation?

    Social Media Survey 2010continuedF SOCIAL

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  • 8/8/2019 State of Social 2010





    Many thanks to all the companies and

    agencies that completed the survey this

    year. There were a lot of juicy comments in

    the free format fields and here are the

    most interesting, useful and controversial

    ones. The vast majority are from clients

    (anonymously, obviously) but we have included a

    small number of agency quotes too.

    Difficult to measure as it's all part of the integrated approach

    and does not work independent of other activity, although

    we are able to look at referrals from them to our sites, but

    that's the extent of the measure.

    We always put different urls/numbers or promo codes only

    for social media.

    Vital and instant feedback from the end users, via Facebook

    and Twitter, as well as click throughs to our website after apost on Facebook or Twitter.

    No hard figures other than increased blog traffic and

    increased visitation/subscriptions to our social profiles, but

    we're building a loyal network of followers and fans who

    we interact with regularly. We'll be able to leverage that

    network for marketing initiatives down the road.

    Really hard question. Social Media covers aspects of the

    business we're not used to focusing on so heavily so new

    metrics are being introduced. Therefore comparisons with

    things such as direct mail/ppc are difficult and often put SM

    in a bad light.

    Gut instinct.

    Traffic to sites, improved Google Page Rank, sales, delivery

    against KPIs. More definitive outputs/outcomes are expected

    in showing the value of social media activity than traditional

    PR but that is because the sector is at an earlier stage of

    evolution. Who really believes Advertising Value Equivalent

    (AVE) or Opportunities To See (OTS) are accurate measures of

    anything? But they're accepted as PR industry standards

    because they've been around for a long time, and because

    clients understand them in a way they don't always

    understand social media outcomes.

    Much of the benefit of social media is long-term and

    cumulative it is not an exact comparison to measure thevalue against other marketing activity.

    Value got from social media investment

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    Sound familiar?continued


    Use of social media insights

    A weekly report goes out to relevant parties.

    Honestly, it is shared more as a morale booster than

    anything else. :(It has raised top management awareness but also suspicion.

    We are not getting the results others seem to get from Social

    Media and lack top management buy-in to do things better.

    Reviewed Customer Care policy and guidelines. Updated

    all legal contracts with partners and distributors. Updated

    all HR contracts. Used feedback for case studies. Used crisis

    management of fallen brands as case studies.

    Segmentation and consumer insights.

    We have used them to make changes to the website that a

    number of customers have suggested.

    We often use comments and queries from social media sites

    to improve our FAQ/support service and monitor customer

    experience with our product.

    We use any and all insights from our engagement with

    social media to develop products, services and strategies.

    We don't do everything people suggest or change

    everything people moan about, but we try to listen to

    everything and think about it.

    We believe that our vertical isn't one which is easy to target

    via social media due to the customer target (30+).

    We've discovered that we have had success in the older

    demographic (45+) from social media, which was a realsurprise, and how to use it to target older clients.

    Reactions to paid-for buzz monitoring

    Could do better. Still gaps.

    Difficulty to track sentiment and non English sites.

    It is more costly than one would expect, and requires a

    significant investment in human analysis on top of the

    automated monitoring and reporting.


    They vary greatly in quality.

    Human interpretation and filtering is essential to obtain

    any kind of actionable insight. Tools that claim to assess

    sentiment are wholly unreliable for incisive comms/PR


    Only relevant if they have human analysis on top of data.


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    Sound familiar?continued


    Particular social media problemsand challenges

    Become increasingly monetised by advertising, and used

    increasingly as a commercial channel. This could influence its

    perception by users and potentially reduce its effectiveness.

    Become more important because everyone will be saying

    its more important.

    I hope that there will be more guidance on the measurement

    of the value of social media. This is the main issue for us in

    terms of justifying additional spend we really don't know how

    much value social media is providing at the moment.

    Facebook inactivity.

    I think Facebook will become more influential as it offers

    more features for more groups and types of people. Twitter

    will become a tool primarily for customer service and media

    announcements and will be regarded more and more as a bit

    of a fad, the next MySpace if you will. The importance of

    Bloggers as opinion leaders will continue to rise.

    It will become increasingly personalised, meaning that

    users will only be exposed to products and services that

    they already know that they will prefer, self-limiting their

    exposure to other products and services.

    It's going to move even more mobile with more people

    uploading pictures and video and companies interacting

    with customers in their stores.

    Less hype, more focus on measurement and delivering a real

    return to the bottom line.

    Tighter integration with purchase focussed functionality -i.e. embedded e-commerce.

    Further integration into search. Search engines becoming

    much cleverer in the ways it deals with social media links.

    Users will be pissed off by tons of marketing bullshit being

    forced into social media by companies.

    It will get worse before it gets better.

    Don't know!

    As a multinational company creating an appropriate balance

    of local interest material with overall company aims.

    Encouraging local markets to be involved rather than setting

    up their own initiatives which may not follow overall aims,

    best practice, branding or that simply wither and die because

    they are set up by individuals and don't have the resource to

    maintain on regular basis.

    As many other brands, we need to identify the value of our

    online influencers.

    As social media spans across so many disciplines it's become

    the new area for inter departmental conflict and like the web

    years ago, internal customers think it's something you can

    'knock up' in an afternoon & tag onto the end of a comms plan.

    Controlling spurious and inaccurate comments posted to

    social media and to the various blogs.

    Getting over the fear of not being in control is an issue for

    some senior decision makers. There's only so many times you

    can explain to senior people that you can't have total control

    over social media.

    Issue with understanding that social media takes time and

    is NOT a magic bullet.

    Keeping the conversation going with customers without a

    real 'conversation strategy' . Keeping users engaged and

    communicating over time is a real skill.

    Lack of strategy, how can we use social media to generate

    more revenues. Lack of technology to measure its success,

    lack of trained people.

    The thought that unless we do it brilliantly we shouldnt be

    doing it at all. Unfortunately no-one thinks they have the

    time to do it brilliantly.

    Weak leadership is a problem; stronger executive leadership

    would drive changes in staff and responsibilities.

    Not all of our products/brands naturally fit in the social space.

    Senior Managers form the various countries have different

    points of view on social media and top management haschosen a do-it-all approach that lacks real strategy.

    How do you think social media willchange over the next 12 months?

    The belief that social media is free,

    quick and easy. It is essentially

    none of those things and creating

    a valid third space for brands takes

    talent, time and proper funding.

    Bigger and bigger, foursq will die

    out and be replaced with something

    we don't know about today.

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    Buzz monitoring and online brand / product tracking -one off, weekly, or monthly. Using state of the art tools and(always) manual intervention.

    Social media audit- including share of voice, sentiment,conversation analysis (in blogs, forums, Facebook, Twitter,

    video), competitor analysis, key influencer identification, and


    Strategy setting - including consultancy, over-arching socialmedia strategy and internationally.

    Communityset up, participation, content creation andmanagement.

    Blogger outreach - key influencer identification, prioritisation,

    seeding, and ongoing outreach and relationship building.

    Online news distribution - including graphics and videos.

    Best practice consultancy and training - bespoke for yourneeds.

    Social media campaigns - creation, design, production,execution and media buy.

    Highly experienced- we work with over 50 clients in social media.

    Strength in numbers - 18-strong social media team.

    Expert- highly experienced leaders in Eva Keogan andLeanne Rinning.

    One stop shop - a special cross digital team (rare in the digitalagency world) enables realisation of synergies with other

    online service we run (SEO, PPC, affiliate, display, usability).

    International scope - offices in 15 countries.

    Leanne brings a dose of real-world savvy to your online PR, currently

    overseeing and executing online PR and social media campaigns for

    clients including Sky, Jumeirah, Nuffield Health, Philips, LV=, Molton

    Brown, RBS and Samsung. Before joining bigmouthmedia in 2008

    Leanne served as a Senior Account Manager at a major public affairs

    agency for 5 years.

    A recognised social media evangelist and corporate social media

    expert, Eva Keogan works on clients including Starwood, Barrett

    Homes and FSA. In addition to her background in social media and

    communications, she has also been running the successful blog

    Nixdminx and is an active member and contributor of a number of

    blogs and online publications.

    or contact us at:

    [email protected]

    Twitter: @bigmouthmedia

    Wed love to discuss what our social media and online PR service

    can do to help or improve your existing campaigns. For an

    informal chat about the options, please contact our people:


    Help!If you need help (a little or a lot) on social media please do get in touchHere are some of the most common services our clientsretain us to deliver and implement:

    Reasons to choose social media from bigmouthmedia / LBi:

    Leanne RinningHead of Online PR, bigmouthmedia UK

    [email protected]

    0131 561 2175


    Eva KeoganHead of Social Media, LBi

    [email protected]

    0207 063 6233



    dont miss

    For the full report:

    To see a video of the survey being presented and a survey infographic please visit:

  • 8/8/2019 State of Social 2010



    CMOtake outs


    Concentrated survey best bits, summarised for the busy CMO or head of ecommerce.

    Marketing Director, bigmouthmedia


    the surveys best bits in 60 seconds by David Hardy

    Do you plan on spendingmore money on social mediain the next 12 months?

    How much of your marketingbudget are you spending onsocial media?

    28% are spending nothing. The vastmajority of the rest are spending less than25,000.

    What is that as a % of your total marketingspend? Pretty small Id guess? Is this logicalwhen 22% of the average persons onlinetime is spent on social media?

    How many people in yourcompany are devoted tosocial media?

    38% of companies have 2 or more staffdedicated to social media.

    The kind of test and learn strategiesdemanded for successful social media atthis stage in its lifecycle require sufficientheadcount resourcing. Look at thecomments on page 13. Additionally, good

    social media people are already like golddust - dont leave recruitment too late.

    How much of your socialmedia spend have you got anROI for?

    Only 6% of marketing departments havegot ROI for all their social media spend. 42%

    have no ROI figure at all for social media.

    Its a young, evolving marketing discipline.Dont let lack of ROI stop you from testing(and so spending). If you do, it might beyears before you catch up with yourcompetitors.

    Are you using Facebook forresponding to customer service

    posts and also promotions?

    71% of companies are not responding tocustomer service issues and inquiries onFacebook. 40% of marketing departments

    are not using Facebook for productpromotion/marketing.

    Are you mad? Lay aside twitter and forgetyour highly expensive new iPhone app,focus on Facebook, generally its far more

    heavily used and so should be your priorityunless there is a good reason why not.

    Have you integrated your TVcampaigns with Social media?

    Only 7% of companies have integratedtheir TV campaign with social media.

    A massive synergy (i.e. revenue) upsidehere. And if you do integrate, when do youbrief the social media agency? Is it a lastminute rush job so you only get amediocre result?

    46% dont use any buzz monitoring tool(even free ones)

    The verbatim survey comments clearlyshow monitoring tools vary significantly inquality. To be useful to you, a human filter

    layer (within your social media team oragency) is needed before the findings worktheir way to you.

    Well start with an easy one.Only worry if you answered no. Only 0.8%of clients say that they will spend lessnext year on social media.

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    S E O P P C A F F I L I A T E S D I S P L A Y S O C I A L M E D I A I N T E R N A T I O N A L

    0845 130 0022 [email protected] @bigmouthmedia



    B IG M

    O U T H M E D IA. C


    This booklet was lovingly made from scratch by Andrew Girdwood, Eva Keogan, Stephen Connor, Alba Sort, Iain Bruce and David Hardy. Thanks again to our friends Linus and Alyia at Econsultancy. Lots of coffee was consumed in the making of this guide.

    This booklet (apart from the sur vey) is copyright of bigmouthmedia. We are very happy (and flattered, actually) for you to quote or reproduce the content as long as you source it to bigmouthmedia and you dont reproduce it for any commercial purposes.