Standard 7.3 Evidence PDF

Tuesday 18th November 2014 Reflective Journal Today I had the opportunity to attend parent-teacher interviews. This was an extremely beneficial opportunity as it allowed me to meet each of the students parents and form collaborative relationships with them, however, it also provided me with valuable experience to take when I have parent-teacher interviews for my own classroom. During these parent teacher interviews, I was able to witness the questions and strategies my associate teacher approached the parents, including; - Initially making the parent feel comfortable, asking how things have been going at home. Ensuring that you do not make them feel uncomfortable, providing a safe, secure and confidential space. - Ask parents if they have any questions/concerns they would like to raise. This ensures that you give the parents an opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have, before you discuss any areas of further development or issues students may have. - Continue to ensure that parents feel at ease and know that they are in a safe and confidential space, especially if there are any sensitive issues to discuss. - Important to discuss students strengths, areas of further development, strategies to support the student to succeed in their learning in the home environment and any areas the parent may also want to discuss. - Organisation skills; have students books and work samples ready to discuss if parents want any evidence. I found that it was extremely important to have open, positive communication between the teacher and the parent to form collaborative relationships. Promoting home-school collaboration is vital in not only a students learning achievements, but also in promoting a healthy and holistic wellbeing. I feel that I have been extremely lucky to attend these parent-teacher interviews to gain a deeper understanding of what these involve as the teacher, and how you can work with the parents/carers to both support the child in the home and school environment. Mary Buffon S00134651


Standard 7.3

Transcript of Standard 7.3 Evidence PDF

  • Tuesday 18th November 2014 Reflective Journal Today I had the opportunity to attend parent-teacher interviews. This was an extremely beneficial opportunity as it allowed me to meet each of the students parents and form collaborative relationships with them, however, it also provided me with valuable experience to take when I have parent-teacher interviews for my own classroom. During these parent teacher interviews, I was able to witness the questions and strategies my associate teacher approached the parents, including; - Initially making the parent feel comfortable, asking how things have been going at home.

    Ensuring that you do not make them feel uncomfortable, providing a safe, secure and confidential space.

    - Ask parents if they have any questions/concerns they would like to raise. This ensures that you give the parents an opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have, before you discuss any areas of further development or issues students may have.

    - Continue to ensure that parents feel at ease and know that they are in a safe and confidential space, especially if there are any sensitive issues to discuss.

    - Important to discuss students strengths, areas of further development, strategies to support the student to succeed in their learning in the home environment and any areas the parent may also want to discuss.

    - Organisation skills; have students books and work samples ready to discuss if parents want any evidence.

    I found that it was extremely important to have open, positive communication between the teacher and the parent to form collaborative relationships. Promoting home-school collaboration is vital in not only a students learning achievements, but also in promoting a healthy and holistic wellbeing.I feel that I have been extremely lucky to attend these parent-teacher interviews to gain a deeper understanding of what these involve as the teacher, and how you can work with the parents/carers to both support the child in the home and school environment.

    Mary Buffon S00134651